« The Vanished Podcast

Sandy Rea


On September 19, 1984, 17-year-old Sandy Rea was last seen at the Windsor Bowling Alley in Shawnee, Oklahoma. At the time, Sandy’s cousin was working at the bowling alley and the two had a brief conversation. Sandy made a phone call but it’s unclear exactly who she called. She mentioned to her cousin that she was going to a party and asked if he wanted to join her. He declined, he couldn’t abandon his shift. Her cousin walked away to go clean a lane and around 8:30PM, when he looked up, he saw Sandy walking out of the bowling alley. This is the last confirmed sighting of Sandy Rea.  More than 35 years later, her family is still searching for answers.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Sandy Rea, please call the Shawnee Police Department at 405-273-2121.

You can follow Sandy's case on Facebook at: Remember what Really happened in Shawnee.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers. You can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music, download the today. the. I've never been followed february. Irresistibly different stories to one girls disappeared and we still do not know what happened to her made, a vow to my family did no What I was going to find him the to just what happened? I just got a second to europe didn't deserve to be gay, didn't give beach opt out, didn't deserve people know well or all of the drought he deserves some danger there with corruption and shiny shawnee police department, and that there is judicial corruption that contributed to all to the circumstances that she was involved. Then they didn't believe
that at the time in september, nineteen nineteen eighty four seventeen year old sandy re was last seen at the windsor bowling alley in shawnee Oklahoma. At the time sandy's cousin was working at the bowling alley and the two had a brief conversation cindy made a phone call but its unclear exactly who she called she mentioned to her cousin that she was going to a party and asked if you wanted to join her her cousin declined. He couldn't abandon his shift, her cousin walked away to go clean up. The lane and around eight thirty p m, when he looked up, he saw sandy walking out of the bowling alley she appeared. To be in quite a hurry. This is the last confirm, citing of sandy ray in the years following sandy's disappearance. Many people have come forward with tales of what happened to the teenager story.
Connected her to other young women in area who had disappeared or were murdered. Some of these stories seemed unbelievable tails. Local corruption at many levels. Several years ago, one of sandy's cousins, a classmate and a local reporter banded together to dig for answers. finally find the truth, I'm orissa and from wondering this is episode. Two hundred and nineteen of the vanished sandy raise story. I, The The.
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well see. Andy was known to be a good student outside School, she was also known to run with a tough crowd that like to party- before moving out at seventeen sandy lived a home with her mom carroll and her siblings. We were cut good, bye, sandy's cousin johnny, who asked us to cover her story when we spoke with Johnny. He told us more about sandy's life leading up to her disappearance, which disappeared. I would, they're. Probably or night Jane when she disappeared. She just turn seventeen at the time she was living with her friend christy morale and her mother, and it is bringing and I love my family, my dad cited I'm with you, I was around a whole lot of time is growing. As you know, carol was well, those kind of people did not to say she wasn't it as mothers acting she loved her care that they carol had her own issues and inhabited
sandy disappeared, Michel, who are always daughter, was already gone out of the house and Michel was, would have been brought my age eighteen nineteen at the time Fanny was living at home. You know that just as I had a convoluted situation that I just don't bigger, homeward was its good as it could have been worse. johnny. If you could tell us more about who sandy was and what her personality was like tat, I will tell her a butterfly free spirit. You does she was well. I'm gonna. Girls always had a smiley face, always one the b where the best parties were always wanted to have it. You live in a way that ended up Part of her downfall was because she trusted the wrong people. He always remember her just being free spirit, replied creature. You know that bob. You say she was in there. in class your popular people, because she she had a round table a rough bit.
They d get along with everybody, did actually just been voted out. Treasure vice president a few weeks, before the disappearance, so you don't shoot what I would say, I'm a girl who attended school did very well it's not even though she wasn't living at home. She still it and school make sure she went to school, make sure she kept her grades that, and I think she actually was somebody had aspirations for her life. You know, outsiders, maybe but she was hanging around at the moment the mayor your dad That was just a very drug induced air and the people that she hung around with party hard and there was probably a lot that they didn't do. You know I knew some of these people growing up and even though there might have been a couple of years, difference in an age. everybody and shoddy knew everybody to small community twenty four twenty five thousand, so everybody knew everybody and ivy
What does she now with? Then? They will not get people. She seemed to think that she had found a niche and in people that she could. I got out with an alpine weapon here that we should. It basically uppity disappearance, but he had a kid. She was funny smart, very pretty. Very cute and everybody, do our especially the guys but he wanted to go out with her. She was back any girl and he told us what he knows about the day- that sandy disappeared, varied with a grin christie when she disappeared. and she was at the local bowling alley on technical nineteen. Nineteen. Eighty four and shoe was seen inside the bowling alley. What a bird family members and whatever cousins actually was working. after bolivar at senior inside about alley and actually gets I'll be with her, and she said that she was gonna. Try and catch arrived from someone. She was there for a few minutes, left that
the last time she's ever been seen for story. We contacted the shawnee police department and ask them for an interview, but they declined wheels, put in a record request. They said, the two page document from nineteen, eighty, four: gives us a little more detail about the day that sandy disappeared, the rope it says that on september, twenty first nineteen, eighty four carol re filled out and filed a report of an unauthorized absence on her seventeen year old daughter sandy sandy was last seen by her family and friends on September nineteenth nineteen, eighty four Sandy had left her place of residence sometime after seven p m dressed in What pants and a t shirt She was in route to windsor ball and a convenience store to buy cigarettes sandiest leave to have reached the bowling alley. Just after eight p m and quite hurriedly around eight thirty p m, while
the bowling alley. Sandy made a phone call, but its unknown for sure as to who she called she also talked with her cousin, jerry jerry works at the alley and was working that night he the time to talk with sandy, approximately fifteen minutes during the course of the conversation sandy made, the statement danny's picking me up and made mention of a party asking jerry if he wanted to go jerry advised her. No, he had to work, He then left standing for a few minutes to go clean up alain when jerry, back to where he had left sandy. He saw her leaving in what appeared to be quite a hurry unknown as to whether sandy was leaving alone or if some one had arrived to pick her up. All to locate sandy, have been futile. She did have a reason to run from home and had taken no personal belongings with her. That report is the only document that the shawnee police department released to us back when this happened at
First johnny wasn't immediately aware that sandy was missing. He found in the weeks after, and he told us about his initial suspicions probably oh, maybe a week or two after over disappeared. The chief and then say well, the first but I thought that needed to be question. Was her boyfriend day the cloud daddy with my age, so he was a couple years older than sandy, and I knew me I was being a real right. Thank you. the guy did anybody he ran away with were where we consider that the weak, back, then we called him hurt, but they were they were there, the right guy when they were just a very. rob living died at it with those guys and always in trouble. You always heard stories about bad things, they the girls and what they did to girls. Party with getting things like that, so the first thing I thought I was what eddie the clouds involved.
There was a witness who believes they saw sandy days after she was last seen at the bowling alley. This the person who knew sandy, which makes it more legitimate, citing than just a stranger. However, Johnny told us that, as far as he knows, the police haven't taken seriously. We have one person, he gave us a ages from a journal from september twenty farce. Nineteen. Eighty four who said she saw her two days later the clock in the morning at a local convenience store in shoddy and ass. She was in the back seat of agreed. Impala gentlemen, holding her down and that she was straight in order to help The guy in the front seat was reaching back like he was trying to push your dad as well, and this new sandy. She knew who she was and recognized her and she said to me
never forget the look in her eyes. At that moment they made, I contacted. She knew that it was sandy. She said about that's how they get it. I pulled up It was said these boyfriend, at his best friend bearing the cloud and bled bird arabic compared with the two gentlemen, and they said at each other, like they buy in turn towards two camps but which is a small town. Just minutes, from shoddy she said you re inside fall below please try to explain to them what was going on and she acted like they were be reluctant to believe her. So she hung the phone gets in her car takes off to see if she can catch up with them and could not find them. That's that only person whose feet sandy September nineteen, more actor, her suppose it disappearance date. So I have
pages copies that she had given me that we gave copies that local law enforcement, but their religion the boy story for whatever reason now, if you know shoddy back in the eighties There were a lot of kids There is a very drug induced era in shoddy along these people that we are dealing with today party ears, like users and kind of all around this circle of people now related arkansas now tell them the main reason she let shoddy was because those Individual steady decline, glenn bird, which see her then it's because she is sandy that morning and solve in there with the two gentlemen settings in the car- and she had confided him about that- they had told her. That basically said was a bit. She would never be seen again and she didn't stop asking questions she would be. Next
that leading shoddy because she was fear her life is well, but we, happened. One crop is information these case went cold for several decades of rumours, whirled around the small town of shawnee. But nothing concrete, ever surfaced several years ago. Johnny and a couple of others decided to do their own investigation into sandy's disappearance. That's what began gathering all the information they could find about what happened to sandy, we created split page of the two years ago, Fine society would we decide, we were going to do, are out investigation. That's why did it? in twenty seven years. Nothing has really been done, and so We ve got a day. Let's see what we can do to find new information, that we can give the local authorities to help them Well, I really ended up becoming caravan. It's because every time we would take some new information to law enforcement. The first thing they would do is tell the people there.
He brought them not to talk to you any more. it's very because we felt like we would get getting better information, it boy information about fannys cases. What love was no more. When we were rejected gibson idea this was five or six years ago. my hope is bigger than the file that he had at first. information had been obtained over the years. The base that we gave them every bit of information that we had Basically, it out last six years, nay, along with We got a robin ring and another girl named mindy who visit investigator cut about freelance writer works for ups. I think she excited. You call a global now with the local newspaper there. We basically by doing this investigation on trying to come up with new evidence as Beware sandy and we had actually about relocations right now. Where were try
to coordinate with local law enforcement to see. If we can get him some digs done it safely. I can find out where she that anything we should not there. It was we're making progress. finding out where she's not but right now the path we had yesterday location, We think they should that. Since the start of their own investigation. They, piecing together, the different stories that they ve gotten from various people. In an attack to find answers. You would think that the start to clear things up, but in case. There are so many stories that it's made things more murky. Henderson, really weird things that took place: adversaries disappeared or, at the same time, if he had been dating a guy named danny to quite an off and on for a couple of years prior to her disappearance actually acted, invited her disappearance. She had been given that article four every bit of five it took place,
he injured his go on me in this altercation that they had done so It was the direct project based three right at me: I bet she'd, she disappeared. Wilderness Is she disappeared september by cheap, say these boys father ass to buy. my aunt carols vehicle, which was these matters, which we all to be very unusual. One night sandy disappears says, We read ex boyfriend, father bows carols car, he'll stated to eyes they when she got the car the next morning did. She found a lot of dark in the trap that she thought it was very unusual and this did the gradual. Instead, she saw baby too later said she saw a gentle an old gentleman driving care Can I get my did actually pick that daddy, clouding gray bird sends boyfriend his best friend,
last week that, like there might be a tie, the action the father had maybe tat. in part in the camera, and we heard that since then the daddy, the clouds bottle. Jim Macleod, he just passed away. It actually was the world they helped covered up, then disposed to buy. In some weird ties to that family and what their relationship the case may be well defined. in part fella who was daddy, the clouds best read their family your son, how related through marriage or sun. Because we had a young girl. But I thought you were years ago, five years getting jamie and J. These related both the birds. And the clouds. He told me that her mother told her that her grandfather, birds, deathbed, He told the family never to discuss fannys case some ice. You know when you're on your deathbed
Your family is all around. Why would you bring up a disappearance of some girl twenties Ten years ago, when there was some direct correlation between what happened, he sandy any family The. I want to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey. Everyone loves a good family mystery, especially one with, as many twists and turns has june's journey. into the role of june Parker and so four hitting clues to uncover the mystery of her sisters. Murder. One thing that I enjoyed about playing june's journey was that it clouded mine teasing puzzles, but also a really interesting story line. I found it a great way to just relax and play a game that also to my mind, engaged wanting to get it each new chapter to find more clues asked
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they all seem to be similar, but slightly different, its last thirty. Three years wasn't she was buried under their pawn shop about a man that was standing disappeared, maybe too much maximum. They feel that based then, as they the pawn shop with about twelve for the sand There was a rumour that they had palm created that in, but I dont know that they did not Still, there was anything but We were able to do a ground penetrating right are about four years ago on their property. They did not show up anything, so we will not disappoint because that was one of the main rumours over the years. But then we I struggled that came forward after that he said. Well, they actually didn't bury her under the clown shops lie. They bury her. I do the coop replied shop side which paul job next door, and they did so just in case any anybody ever lived. They wouldn't think too.
if the pawn shop next door adapted area. We have not investigated yeah we're happy police check, but we did have somebody come aboard. say that they knew some of the people back then, with the story was so again in addition to one of the other stories that we heard his luggage, checked out his family has had their suspicions about the connection between danny's, family and local law enforcement. From the very beginning, didn't charge was detected, charlie, Philips well. His wonted His best friend was Jim cloud and Julia cloud was Michael. boyfriend they had all the police officers heard out at the local partial answers. Well, I have a witness statements from a young lady at the time was sheep. She's older, now she's, probably in sixties now, and she, the secretary and worked for detecting challenge, village and
He told me that I did this occasion. She delivered packages, private detective, philips too, Jim the cloud now we first started doing this investigation. I discussed this case with detected, gets in food, charge at the time, and he told me that he found no direct correlation between or a relationship between, detected, charlie Phillips Jim Macleod tell me, if they knew each other, they were part of the same mind, large they pulled together. Those guys hung out. They use data. about working all the time, and so I became the believe that for whatever, but we actually had a witness, the action sad that she used to deliver packages to join The cloud if felt that there was a tie between charlie philips and the cloud. The fact it You know maybe, it was hiding
information that he did not want to be forthright about and about five months after my cousins disappearance, the carol, saw charlie felt that she was going to the police station one day and he was coming out. She stopped. instead, hey. What are you guys doing to try and find my daughter he's dead, there's things about this case, but I can't tell you there's is about each case that you'll never know what I can tell you, this woman. Finally, your daughter yeah said to a mother, these dollars missing and where you know something you know he still early interviewed the geisha she's been. You might like to says that show europe One always start with me to this. today has now. We're talking to let the boy force about anything that he made no days with you the question him because he was appointed after he was all if we start to me was the mouth is private. Detective,
she patrol answer, because he pistol with an individual, but he later regain his detect and status. That he's never been questioned. You still alive and surely this day one we that surfaced after sandy disappeared was that she was involved in something called suit parties, these pop these were allegedly going on in the local area and involved prominent members of the community having ex with under age teens in exchange for drugs and alcohol, the over the years. What we found out was there to pop was the area was we felt were very private ready the outer stories and I've never been in vain. in february was totally different stories to one girls disappearance. and what was the shaman They ve been killed because she was pregnant by maybe we have the community get back in the eighties pottawatomie pottawattamie county. There
ex parties back then, which judges lawyers, business people people in the community did it do locations, do out shoddy. Well, I'm really smart, because what they cater to basically were girls. You caper broken homes girl too, came up missing, might not be nervous right away, so there very smart about who they cater to weave, actually gotten statements from people who they can't these parties and what took place now the sandy had been to those that we actually fanny had either managers and people that she had stolen, potentially It's ok from a log which already made Gary J when these parties gary changes passed away and he was in prison for molesting boys was the juvenile a charter? in part of what be carrying head of all the juvenile cases over the years and years and years, maybe twenty or twenty five years, and so he actually was arrested into the very positive we had sex with these boys had ended
going to prison for inciting had said about it, but before her disappearance that, she thought she people were after her edge. Wouldn't have laboured long that we think there could have been a tie there, but other than regulation. I really don't have anything from that. You wanted shine and sometimes the waves these stories that may seem a little far fetched stories that six points, These are therefore being conspiracy theories in the wider journal I got to really good story several years ago about the seats in the expertise and things like that we certainly know they existed absolutely. We know we have enough information it. We know those took place whether somebody went as far as killings daddy without now, but we know that they definitely cater to a certain time. individual
Johnny told us that he learned that the police department had hired to private investigators to look into sandy's disappearance and that one of them seem to believe that sandy's disappearance was related to these alleged suit parties and had developed a potential suspect The other stories was there some one who attended some of these sex. Maybe she had taken something didn't belonged to her. They got or killed when the private checking toward worth investigating the case. They seem to think that might they ve been pregnant, bided, charlie added. Maybe he had something to do with her dad he's a very corrupt, in pottawatomie, danny and shoddy yokohama added. He had a reputation for doing away with people and hiring people to do that. We actually know scimitar about some bad actually got witness. Statements from you daughter cities a strange one, because they know something he's been capable of.
One thing that you learn about dealing with people like this is that everybody has everybody's back off, The authorities have been backed law enforcement had those bad. It's really hard. To pursue summit Those matters come this good ol boy. I got your back, you got, might that be It was nice to be able to hear his own daughters speak of something You ve got over the years Another theory that they ve heard involve sandy's boyfriend and several of those close to him. Well, the other main story that we ve heard over the years that I feel probably use the most prominent where's that shit picked up that not a word of friends potentially daddy was a boyfriend include burning issues. That's when she was, into a location and shoddy where they were part. Doing jobs that we two different versions of two different people who wanted to have sex with her and she refused We were told that she was marked, encourages shot up and had sex with
and then the over afterwards. Now we had, the two different versions as to how she was killed? One was that basically, actually I had sex with her they shot. Rapid over downstream she dies. Then they bury her under the house and the G8 Macleod daddy Macleod, other bought, affordable, shared put it in at the heart of this house in three days later, the middle, the back. They dug the body, a chapter of ends, They, then your body that looks But we do have stay there. Somebody said they saw something and he been willing to go to the police in. Donald duck, They were low, reluctant to believe his store, your wife, but he said he would catch fire out. We call in everything. Why was that? what was that in taking her to his Where are you staying at the time had said with her. She bore and then shut the debt and kill her and she's very kindly said they take.
on their property still about let's go, we had a girlfriend, someone who lives on their property and it may be a relative. He was working on that take it actually found human bones and a wallet now firstly told us that there said it wasn't sandy's Firstly, they found, but they don't with a balance in this person buried the bounds back there in the letter ro. Interesting about this blind bird fellow is that he had told him that's why we're ex girlfriend that not only has he killed standing, but he also killed a lady by the name of melody garden pages. here about three months before sending and she's never been found past? It was found tat. The death and he told her the actually killed. All of them. We also have written statements from one or two points.
he said, he'd actual be held hostage for up to more before they either escape or something came and found them in hell, can escape So potentially this bar this is, we think, actually could be a serial killer, he has caused enrichment by was sent to prison or fifty twenty years ago, because he overdose the girl and then through a body of doubt, and he actually went to prison for proper disposal of courts. So there is a very a new dynamic with this family displayed the bird family as well calvin shoddy. So you know It is just a very interesting story with a lot it with a lot of terms any use. What that annex with The different scenarios in this story. Some of them seem to wild. To be true, were these suit parties actually happening. Is there a large scale cover up spoke to a local reporter mandy would
been covering sandy's case for many years. She told us how she became interested in sandy story. I are doing investigative reporting for a news outlets and italy outlet called render report had completed a couple of investigative stories for them already. And I ran across this case, became interested in it, and I just debated me I I don't know it it still haven't. Let go of me despite changing. Changing clayton to go on terms of employment and such I'm no longer a freelance reporter. I I worked retreat three newspapers and canadian counting, but I do still continue to look into it. When again, I think things stood out to me were how old escape is to begin with. I just felt like an underdog case. I know that the new start always an ethically down a story on it every year, but I was
sure what was being done on the case. What what mark be done on the case, and the thing that set out to me as well is just standing her personality story. Here is this: the bright outgoing eight friendly young girl who just vanished and just especially in nineteen, eighty four shawnee at the time of the poor, more apparent. How does that happen? How do you just disappear, and nobody knows what happened to you. That's a little harder to accomplish. I think in a small town, and so I was concerned about corruption I was concerned about. I just couldn't them? How how this happened and continued to look into it? I found that well for smaller, for want of theories a k. It's all gonna have a lot of different. Stories and those story repeated in a little bit get added to it, but very difficult case to look into it
and there's no crime scene. There's no body is a hard case, but, as I did and to look into it more and more, a recurring story kept coming I recurring group of names tat coming up. Many told us that she's track down several people who claim to have been at these suit parties back in the eighties. I ended up finding first person victor people who claim to be victims the a scheme to two pair of young girls and and cases. Young boys are retained, a teenager than between thirteen to seventeen. Eighteen with, drugs, but they wanted a party that they wanted in exchange for flax either willingly unwillingly, under the influence of drugs being incapacitated, pass out further to two things that I was hearing,
to at least three people who said that they were victims at that time implicated. The same guys, a judge that attorney at least one police officer renounced very precisely to police officers, it's very disconcerting to think that this was going on and the victim dont know each other on finding them talking with them. At one of them was a male, a male prostitute at the time to disturbing These attorneys and the judge, and why again and far about a care and eleven year old little boy sitting next to the judge, was the judges license plate sitting next to the boy was at the time there, there was a judge in Shawnee who, I believe, had a license plate. That said, judge on the back of it. So if you're gonna show up then to commit a crime. You don't want to do that with a car that will stand out, so there was a
cocaine, cocaine with king in the eighties. I was a big. That's it! That's still the rich man strand, but that what was coming through, mostly with cocaine, marijuana flutter, drive against that cocaine, with the big then why are you telling me that you know The eventually caught abuse the minors that had been entrusted to his care as legal counsel and that's Gary J. But nobody else, nobody else went down with them and I to this day don't know. I don't know why he did try to make we'll get and try to make a deal. I don't know, but you were here, implicated in an incident between himself. and in a minor boys, cocaine. The table marijuana porno in applying, and why The boys actually testified against him for sexual abuse he's not dead. I spoke
You were a gentleman who used to run an organization to fight human trafficking is called economic oklahomans against trafficking humans, and I brought this investigate and before him, and said No, are you? Are you saying that that it places this is still something's going on, for me that it is going on in every major city in the united states, but this stuff is still happening or you have supply and demand and have a system of exchange, and it simply the nature of the nature of its abed We also spoke to one of sandy's classmates robin she an interest in the unsolved cases in their local community and has worked the johnny amended to gather information about sandy's disappearance. I was sandridge brendan height We were in a lotta of together. She went missing her junior year, never got it graduate with us several
Your girls also have gone. He drew the years robin told us more about Gary J, Gary J was a public attorney in shawnee and he went to prison. Finally, He had molested a ten year old boy and before he did that he made the voice. Of all hairs and everything off, and he was disposed none of them, while the little boy after he was molested told his parents, what have instead, I had my here that he shaped for me in the cabinet in his bathroom behind whatever and the cops one. And found the damn here and he threw tourism now if you go to big sunshiny about shawnee in fine gary gave name there. Two hundred victims if he has a grown man that are speaking for our you know, he's just there he's the only one that really got caught
We don't know for certain that these parties had anything to do with sandy's disappearance, but if they were in fact happening. It does seem to suggest that there was some sort of corruption going on locally because who was involved, you have somebody this attorney the time worked for the desert, leave office. I mean not, you know not very high on the total palestine, but but He truly was involved. Is forty fifty eight up as you have somebody in there and then you ve got a couple of butter drift journeys, a judge? Cops, I mean, you know you can't got your basic covered and so Who do you get it on your side? When you start to blow the whistle and how is it not gonna be covered up, the alarming, with well chatted, sophisticated men of means. They know how to come evidence. They know how to pick their victim. They know that these nobody's gonna, believe them to the credit of the shining this department, and I cannot stress us enough baker.
gary day they knew they had heard the stories for thirty years what he was doing, these kids at it took the right circumstances, place at the right time to get him what had a problem in the path trying to nail Gary day was they would get away, and the victim with a yeah I'll. Do it I'll talk and then the next thing you know they thought tat in a driving around a brand new red corps that I bought off. They had a pressure, there's so tough to deal which, when you were a kid, you may or may not have supported your parents behind you. You know you can completely alone. In that you know, there's probably a group heard that there were witnesses who were threatened and to keeping their mouths shut. So it's very hard to catch up It really is, but I will say, The acid either got very J I applaud, and for that we have different people in positions in positions of power. now that I think have a bit more courage or want connected to that corruption at the path is also more difficult.
because of the technology age to a cop, carefully from gps. They they have to check, and have to report their locations that location as it were, the attorneys that that's a different story so much more accountability The digital age, then than we had two wicked pepper and temple age, as it were wendy told us about some evidence save uncovered that ties sandy to these parties. The night before thirty that appeared, he went to a party skull that persists. Oh my gosh, another party, you won't believe whose here everybody here and she talking. everybody. Is anybody and shoddy your her? mother told me that that the kids call that suit parties, the mother tongue, now said he had told her about them and care Didn't want her doing now, but she couldn't stop her and there's just too many. People telling the same story for me to think that there that there wasn't something changes that it wasn't really happening. It's bad
No, that there will ever be justice. The night that sandy was last there was a party at the lake. It looks to me like that. they dress and who owned the poverty. At the time it looked like it was probably the supervisory- and this is on a wednesday night in september and nineteen eighty four so because they never had. I done I'm saying they never could identify which party she was actually at. There were several a party that night and people said oh yeah, she was here. I think I saw what you can kinda it all those parties that night in the times, to make come on. You know: where was she actually that that was the problem through identifying, precisely where he had been at issue up the bowling alley forward whose She was going away. That was the problem too, did run around with a crowd that was kind of around the edges. Wherever I believe someone in the circle of peers of friends, I may have been washed up of her death, but there is also a story that
on around fairly consistently that she had stolen cocaine from Gary J and gary they may have an enemy have forced her to retribution for that crime against him. I don't know, but I did speak to the detective in the shop. Department and she he didn't, make a good point. Don't you have a case like this? Am you're not a found the body all these years later? He said it is usually gonna, be one guy that did it and kept his mouth shut. If you had a good, the first who gangway ter or there a party and she passes out and they find but you ve actually done. They bury her, it's typically maritime. Before one of those guys comes forward, or they talk about it and tell somebody an ultimate, get the location of that body, which we ve heard that story many times greater than sort that yet nobody had come forward. He tell us where she's buried, so I don't know, I think it could have been a person
acting alone and it could be a good the people who are scared of each other and ere long? Don't wanna go to jail. More than a year before sandy disappeared a fourteen year old and of hers, died in a local motel room in what to be a botched abortion. She been injected with several nerve suppressing drugs. The had been stolen from a local medical center mending johnny and robin believe that their ties between those involved in the death of sandy's friend, cindy terry and those who some say are involved in sandy's disappearance. Sending carry and thirty were good friend and the night that cindy terry went to the to the motel for a party Andy told her, gotta, worry. I've got a bad feeling about that party and she went sure enough. She was shot up with nurse depressing drug. a mock abortion performed on her. She was pregnant with Glenn birds, child
Who are these? The tourists show of shoe gardening gagging the death on the bed. They don't do anything about it and this all come that court. I have the transcript. You know she was coming, the tears somebody people she knew what was going on around, but I felt She was enough in the hotel that night, Robin told us more about cindy terry and another young woman who died at one of these parties. Just cindy cherry fourteen and pregnant brought you a hotel breath to abort her child term. Salute and was induced bottle encode hangers in the hotel she was in actual, which bore different nerves, depressing drug what killed her. the guy that rented the really gotta at nine marked contributing to the joint could save a minor charge. She would These were in the river to deliver him? A forty two thousand dollar check for a civil rights. Violation that they did when they arrested him honor.
Burglary of pharmacy. Long story short that's the They used to shoot her up in future These were in that room at noon. She Have they have mood and gurgling they didn't. For assistance, they covered her with a blanket canadian think she'd one be exposed. in thirty at night they call for assistance into debt and sows her child, sir. her death certificate and autopsy red or different nerve, suppressing drugs within her system. Now, my point too, that is, after the first nerves depressing drawer, there's zero chance. She could have given herself the other three. Why did the death certificates? you don t You know she didn't do this to herself and then a year after the trial was over. For the boy you rented the room who had stolen those nerves, depressing drugs, from a pharmacist once that true,
I was over. The death certificate was changed from overdose to homicide. yeah, the transcripts, the one guy that we think had something do a sandy. He claims it's his baby. We all think it's the attorneys baby. Well, because those are the guys that did the suit party. So they would have these young guys get these young girls addicted to. They would get everybody addicted, and then the girls would come in for the party you know come in for the party to get the drug and then ex thing. There knocked up and that's when they go missing, that land pregnant and almost the catholic, aided and dump you have just done it's this guy,
and it's easy to look at similar situations and wonder if they're connected. Is there some sort of pattern robin told us about another woman who disappeared a month after the death of Cindy terry and before sandy ray went missing? Her name was melody jones. She was just nineteen years old. Robin says that there are some circumstances that could connect these cases. Circumstances that she simply cannot ignore, Indeed, carry the logo on the hotel room that I told you about nobody. ngos seen murdered. Husband worked at that. hotel, as cleaning lady two weeks later, she's mist and her husband step. So she needs. Did she know too much? Did you see everybody in the room? What china we did due diligence wasting the court transcripts three hundred pages. We know that attorneys wherein there we know they covered her with a blanket for. My next question is just one third.
who is the one around the room and had a human rights violation case that was being paid, the forty two thousand, when the attorney showed up his girlfriend and who are married during the trial, brought thinking harry to that location, She was never tried for the murder of india and the child who, in bird claims, His baby, we suspect he's the one that injected her with Josh his drugs no he was tried for that glenn wasn't. He was just once forgot the nine months for contributing contributing the delay, could save a minor okay, so two more actors that are quite important. Cindy cherry's death certificate, red overdose I'm a charge monster child asked the trial was completed. Mr snow in our snow, I think Snowden. He the death certificates, red homicide, which it currently red- and we actually have a copy of both of those, though, and so josh
forgets contributing delinquency that there was an overdose. She did it yourself so soon and you re She was known to frequent what we call suit party, the definition that our business man they always wore soon they were attorney, were judges they were police officers. They were all we had a suit. So that's why we coined the phrase suit part though said he had told her mother she'd been to somebody suit parties, we suspect which pregnant, but we do not know for sure. It kind of turns out that these girls going missing once they become pregnant, because all of these suits were married You can't have any little babies popping up and all these problems, so we have. Three that were pregnant and disappeared if sandy was pregnant we don't know about melodies condition if she was pregnant or not. We suspect that sandy was pray
due to a letter that her mother has it says it sandy comes back from a gun, did he with the baby, we're gonna. Have you know we're gonna have to tell somebody, so it was just a suspension on our part from a letter given to us by her mother? We think It was a lot of corruption within the town. We think there's all these cases are really connected through cup. Up through what have you we do now. There's missing evidence from the evidence remain shawnee pdf or melody garden jones, Paul joneses, there had located a pair of scissors with tissue that was crammed down in the couch they were handed over to to sheriff at the time paul able then I assume to the evidence room and they are no longer in the evidence room you're in These days they were doing some really horrific thing. They were doing man
they were doing heroin, never do and cracked irritant curved. They were doing everything you can imagine so now, we bring the people forward. Thirty. Five years later for standing disappearance and they discredit them because they were all drug, so now the problem is, if you are the gatekeeper with your dick I didn't everybody because of what they did in their past. We're never gonna move forward. You know it just seems, like everything it being blocked from the higher up the nothing like getting lost in a great story, but sometimes we just don't have the time or energy to read with the audible appy can take stories from across every genre with you wherever you go, they even offer guided wellness programmes, theatrical performances and a plethora of exciting original content.
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Johnny told us that he doesn't feel like local law enforcement has done enough to find sandy and bring those responsible for her disappearance to justice? Fortunately, we haven't been aggressive enough to find out where she stopped because still have always better to answered questions, because you re not being proactive, and then I understand it, you don't we to call cases, you might have limited resources with a lot of new things that figure tight, taking care of him process, but we what to make sure is not forgotten, because we feel that there are people that are responsible for her appearance. He was still walking its earth to very day. The problems. What do you want? computers at hearsay it every time we gave their new information hate. This person said they saw this. Well. If you hear say you don't. Unless they saw the bones, I was all they heard was the free status
all the bones, and so again their reluctance to act upon that bracelet they told us, we need to find a body in what we find a body that will stop making a worse. But you know we ve got to have the right to information from the right listen in order to guide the body. So it's not my story. Memorial guy now he said I plug it away and you just have to keep digging and digging and tried to. Finally as much information as you can, feel like over the years, but the biggest problem having from pottawatomie county is the reluctance of the local law enforcement to get involved point that we were already inside, to get and the child albert should always be. I need only the always be are the only way they can get involved is struggling attorney general. What the district attorney chief of police and knows what other wade bob regional, Did you know them I was the two handed over to their, because what you spell wacky was too close to home for them too, How then do it properly
but there are still in charge of its policy. Using new dejected needs in charge of it. Now we can help with their actively pursuing moors. Did you know they realize treated their people, that committed murder, in the streets of shoddy kid. Is there Today there are still alive and Israel it too. Pursued, is in a way that their- I certainly seeking information as to why? in the heart Mandy believes that possible corruption around the time of sandy's disappearance. Maybe why no one ever came forward with the information that could solve this case, even in cases where, you are absolutely terrified and the perpetrator, time and distance tends to he ate more courage and boldness to you're living ten states away. I'm not afraid that guy youth in prison anyway at other problems too, is that
particularly in the eighties and even all the way in through the nineties and early two thousand. A lot of these guys entrust the costs for the new com we can apply the problem, they knew they apart. The allowance, cocaine and the drugs come in. There were a couple. A cop spotted. It worries. Part so they're like doing me and I'm gonna going to where you can me thinking, happening in ada. Around that same time too, where there was a couple, a cops, who were dealing cocaine in ada around the same time, Monday also wrote about another theory in one of her pieces about sandy theory involved sandy step father, a friend of Sandy said that her stepfather Jim had an inappropriate sexual conversation with sandy. Sandy had also told a sibling that she had caught him peeping on her when she was in the shower beyond his alleged inappropriate sexual interest in sandy, unclear. If there's any further evidence. That would point to him one may,
that gets brought up a lot in this story is Glenn bird he was a friend of sandy's boyfriend and had actions to the suit parties, as well. Here who claims to be the father of Cindy terry's baby. I look, Glenn, birds, criminal record and to call an extensive would be an understatement. has been charged with drug related offences kidnapped arson, assault and assault with a dangerous weapon. The list just on and on and on Jonathan it's possible that glenn bird could be a serial killer, Johnny told us earlier that Glenn bird had allegedly admitted to killing melody jones and her husband, Robin told us more about glenn bird. I mean I have a guy, bird, that we think you get most of this he's been sentenced to over hundred years. Probably
protein, a hundred and twenty years at this point in pottawatomie county. Ok, so haven't said that a hundred plus years he's been sentenced to the last charge that he had with two counts of arson as he poured gasoline on two people and their vehicle, and it to Wendy, to keep his lighter, led to set them on fire. He got one years for that three and a half an hour He got out of prison christmas hundred plus years sentence he had approved. kidnapping charge hogan, something against their will. He's had the arson charges and multiple escape from jail, controlled substance. I mean his if is longer than my arm in doesn't even on show and now he's free. even though it's been more than thirty five years since sandy disappeared. Johnny remains hopeful that there's
The people out there who know what happened to her and they will eventually come forward with those answers, Maybe two or three Just where in the potter carry area, and maybe we can carry out the county jail. Counties where there have been some bones founded, you know some would say: hey they found somebody somewhere. You know we're always our ears parker taped it this be sandy, if ever transpired it's always been someone else and were certainly glad it some other family, his enclosure, that's what it's all about not knowing what happened in the dark. A moment what was done with her, where she had been so yeah. You always keep all right, I'm very optimistic, and then, even though we never thought we would be doing this six restricts the half years later. I'm very often They will find sandy still, I think, they're in that field. Whilst there
still alive and know what happened that we will the old back there I think a lot of people were afraid that these individuals, that are still alive- but they were young back then maybe more intimidating something people there are still alive or dead over their help. great. I think people are twice as might have been twenty years ago. I think fit. more people might be willing to talk as women. for that song, something that we hope for is that weaken if the right information- Maybe it was your child and people were willing to help out in he would ever likely to obtain information knows this could be anybody's child anybody You don't know. The worst part is not knowing or being on your death bed and not knowing what ever happened to your daughter. There have been so many stories about what may have happened to sandy and makes it The difficult to figure out what may have happened because each new story has added a layer of confusion and murky ness.
you know you don't wanna go out these conspiracy theories. That is probably just a more down to earth story Poverty is what happened to her in entirely you can't turn a cheat to some of these stories. Is you never know where the truth may be, and sometimes even though there may be a lot of lies or could be a little bit of truth in every one of these stories to a degree honestly I feel that she was killed by the people who knew her. I think the chief, was it somewhere that night she got kicked out, they were doing drugs, data, De panicked and dumped her body or they, they had sex with her. She, If you they knocked out shot her up had sex with her disposable bomb. So you it's just crazy, because you know you have all these people. I have people that reach out to me all the time we'll send me stuff, they hey or some stuff. I think you should know it's really
there's so many different stories floating around as to what potentially could have happened have happened to know my thinking. Only one can be true. The people just make this step up its manifested on their owner, or they that you're a story from somebody else. How stories can change can change over the years? Tell you a story. You could tell someone in a week later be completely different. So imagine we're thirty three years so Saturday, yes and his eyes, I were to take with the grain stocks as well. I give up. I had my heart. She needs they found my family's closure sandy. proper burial. Just like any other passionate disappeared. He told us what her hopes are for the future of sandy's case. I wish the public take a greater interest in justice. This is not the same, they re families problem. This is everybody's problem. This is the citizens of shawnee. This was there.
therefore, their problem that needed to be fixed in them, kennedy- and I think we ve, move ourselves too often from from these cases. We'll see them as one of our own got a lot of people who have been interested in this case. who knew sandy and would like to see a thought. Even people who don't know sanity, but I wish especially that that turkey would be put and for justice for these victims as much as they pray for the causes the poor, the missionaries that they support. Why are we all praying for justice for these victims and asking questions? of the police department and asking questions of those who are entrusted with will deliver justice if it was more than just stay with family coming forward and say in coin and calling in making itself all than asking these questions. I will kill you
gender offering any kind of assistance to help to put up pliers. I just wish there was more ownership of justice, it's our police officers are, are cast with doing this, but waste then at the community, in other ways, too, was sick, and another and other. Why not justice? Why? We feel that the ship when it comes to justice. but only when it affects us that we act and I think that's bad. So what happened to sandy re on September nineteenth nineteen, eighty four We know that she stopped in at the bowling alley and chatted with her cousin. She mentioned that she was going to a party that night, but it's clear exactly where she plan to go, If someone picked her up from the bowling alley, no one knows who gave her a ride in the police: report we were given, it does state that she told her cousin that danny would be picking her up and danny was her boyfriend because
The police department declined to speak with us. We don't know how much danny was investigated or end if the other shady characters surrounding sandy We also know that there was a citing of sandy a few days later in the witness new sandy he claims that she saw sandy being held down in a car. With all of these stories that have been told about what happened to sandy, some of them seem stranger than fiction. There seems to be so many shady characters who were part of sandy's life from danny to his friend glenn bird in the. People that she mentioned, that she had parted with was their large scale. Corruption, going on back then involving a judge, attorneys and police officers,
I consider myself a sceptic of conspiracy theories because the more people you involve the harder it is to keep quiet, Johnny robin and many- have uncover documents and spoken to many witnesses. The information that they found seems to suggest that there is something to these stories about the parties from the attorney gary J getting busted decades later to Cindy terry's death in the death of Joe Beth land. What remains unclear as if these parties had anything to do with sandy's disappearance,
johnny, robin and windy remain hopeful that someone will come forward with information that would solve sandy's case. It's been a long, thirty, five years with no answers, and so many horrific stories that keep adding to the confusion. If you have any information regarding the disappearance of sandy re, please call the shawnee police department at four zero. Five to seven three, two one to one day of the community on facebook you can follow, is called remember what really happened in shawnee, What does it take for the people of shawnee to believe- and I said apparently it takes the body give me a body show me where a body and that's all it's going to take the lead. Anybody That's what they want You know we don't want people to stop taking about which people for flights we just gotta, keep talking about it and keep bringing it up there, was a tiny nearby really what you're hurt
What are you doing it? How can I make a difference? Knit theirs every time. Someone like that you can. The different like this and help, please setting out her someone's life other burial. I really do studied it. You're gonna make a difference. Times like this. Did you Did the side willing to step up or not. well for me, it's one of those things that I will look and look and look till the day I die. If I don't find her and in the meantime, you just do what you gotta. Do you resource you obtain information, you do what you can and you don't stop the the I and
the brings us to the end of episode. Two hundred and nineteen I'd like to thank everyone who spoke with us for the story. If you have a missing loved one that you'd like to have featured on the show, there's the key submission form at the vanished podcast dot com. If you'd like to join in on the discussion, there's a page and a discussion group on facebook, I'm on twitter at the vanish pod and also on instagram, if you enjoy the show subscribe now and leave a five star review on apple podcasts, spotify, stitcher, reverie, you're, listening right now, you want to help support the show. There are a couple of things that you can do. One way to help the vanished is by supporting our sponsors. You can find links and promo codes and episode notes. Another way to support the show is by contributing on Patreon, where you can get early and ad free episodes join me next time, I'll be covering a case from florida. Thanks for listening, the
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Hi I'm lindsey, graham the host wonders pod cast american scandal. We bring to life some of the biggest controversies in. U S, history, presidential lies environmental disasters, corporate fraud. in our new a serious. We look at the kids for cash scandal, a story corruption inside america's system of juvenile justice in north In pennsylvania, residents had begun, noticing and alarming trend. Children we're being sent away to jail in high numbers and often. for committing only minor offences. The The I began looking at two local judges and wonderful picture emerged. It made national headlines. The judges were earning a fortune carrying out a brazen criminal scheme. One. would shatter the lives of countless children and for heated debate about punishment and america's criminal justice system following can scandal. Wherever you get your pont guests, you can listen free on the amazon, music or wondering app.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-19.