« The Vanished Podcast

Replay: Angela Mack and Thomas "Mikey" Rettew


This episode first aired on March 8, 2021. Angie and Mikey’s story was challenging to cobble together from bits of memories, letters, and tiny threads of verifiable information regarding when they were last seen and who they were with. When we published this story, we had no idea what was about to happen next, and that a case where we began with almost nothing would then turn into an entire series. We wanted to share their story again this week because they are still missing. However, law enforcement has since closed their case because they believe they know what happened to Angie and Mikey. We will drop one episode each day this week to help spread awareness about this young mother and son who vanished without a trace, and the world seemed to move on without ever noticing. 

In 2002, 20-year-old disappeared Angela Mack disappeared from the small northern Arkansas town of Salem. It may have been September, but some people say it was later in the year. She wouldn't be reported missing for many months, or maybe even years. Her four-year-old son, Thomas "Mikey" Rettew, also vanished, but missing persons flyers note that he disappeared from Missouri and the date he was last seen is uncertain. Supposedly, there is a photo of Mikey that is date stamped well after September 1, 2002, but nobody knows for sure. In fact, no one seems to know when or where Angela and Mikey were last seen, or who was the last to see them. Today's episode brings into focus the stories of two people who appeared to simply stop existing, and it seemed as though there were never any real search efforts put forth to find them. Their loved ones hope that a renewed interest in the case will help them find out what happened to Angie and Mikey.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Angela Mack or Thomas Rettew, you are asked to call The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST or 1-800-843-5678.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers. You can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music download the app today this: the sewed first aired on march eighteen, twenty twenty one Angie and mikey story was such a difficult episode to cobbled together from bits of memories, letters and tiny threads of verifiable information regarding when they were last seen and who they were with when we put the the story. We had no idea what was about to happen next and that a case where we began with almost nothing would turn into an entire series. We wanted to share their story with you again this week, because they're still missing, though, law enforcement has since closed their case, because they believe they know what happened to angie and mikey. We will be wrapping one episode each day this week to help spread awareness about this young, mother and son who vanished
without a trace in the world, seemed move on without ever noticing, I think begging people to listen to me. I've been literally begging, months prostrated that twenty year old, beautiful mom and our poor you're on time. and your vanish and nothing and nobody is directed nothing done. Nobody does researcher. The debate has been born. I want the key to He thought, though I want the whole world you know about it. Nobody's ever talk about them disappearing. I want to know what happened to them What you know why nobody in done anything, why nothing being done and why people say they know what happened, but don't fucking thing done
in two thousand to a young woman disappear from a small town in northern arkansas called sail? It may have been september, but some people say it was later in the year. She wouldn't be reported missing for many months or maybe even years, Her four year old son also vanished, but miss persons flyers note that he vanished from Missouri and the that he was last seen is uncertain. supposedly there's a photo of the child that is stamped well after september first, but nobody knows for sure. In fact, no one seems to know when or where mother or son were last seen or who was the last to see them We twenty years have passed since the young, mom and her son were last seen alive, and then they were seemingly forgotten today
episode, brings into focus the stories of two people who appeared to simply stop existing and it seemed like no one cared until now, I'm marisa in from wondering this is episode. Two hundred and seventy two of the vanished Angela mac and thomas mikey virtues story I I and, the.
Andy's list is now angie, and we have heard a lot of berries about why I thought it was an eagle feel worse bliss paper. It was so you could see it faster. No work needs to be more. I caught it must be, as acting by those are quite right. It's because now you can compare out from prices book service instantly and even get your project handled from start to finish the nomes easy and it makes us so much more than just a list get started at Angie dotcom, that's angie! I or download the act today. Twenty rolled Angela mac and her four year old son thomas were too or mine. as is loved ones, called him peered some time in two thousand to over the past five years and over two hundred and seventy episodes, we have learned that some stories are more difficult to cover than others. Some stories come our way with a detailed timeline to follow. This is not one of those cases trying to
together. Even the most basic information has been difficult. Angela MAC or angie wasn't born in salem arkansas, but she and there when she was a teenager, whirled away from the only life she had ever known in escudo. California life arkansas shared nothing in common with the coastal southern california city nestled, in a valley outside the busy metropolis of san diego escudo had a population of over one hundred and thirty thousand people in the year. Two thousand whilst- arkansas, had one percent of that estimated population of just about sixteen hundred people imagine how much young woman's life would change with such a drastic move, but no one could predict that it would alter the course of Angela's life forever. For this. Story. We talk to Angela's brother Joe. We asked him why the family made such a drastic move across the country, library or father
bought land while right outside of salem world town call my body, I came over, you delete. Seventy is maybe early because organs flaw Why is one of the poorest states in the union, My grandfather over his own company made we get money, so he decided since the cost of living and expenses. Well in arkansas, that's where he went retire fell, winning did retire. It all everybody in the family, you guys move out to arkansas. Give you an acre when are you gonna do? put a trailer whatever you want on it, build a house eager well and You go so we had quite a few family members that move back there. far as where we came from begin from California. At move, a dark and silent there twice
yeah there there's shell shock for me. Gregory and you were- will be younger, bird irene Oregon far too slowly. peaceful life then said ago were worth from I don't know. I was the other day where could explain its shell shock driving? I got back. The road like wow this is really flower and jobs war. They weren't very pay either where's california, making way better bunny than I did ever make an arkansas Father had the right plan retire back when you got all your money to use them pretty well for himself back there angela's, dad Phil told us more about Andy's early life. Three words alone. blonde girl and she was a joke stir and she just chips public as as depletion would would go, but he was a happy child. She was it a thank you.
Grateful child that she was never lonnie more than she had. She was never planning of anything she she was it. She was a good kid. She was even a good baby, You know everyone loved her, just low sweetheart burying dairy when she would meet somebody, and she knew she was just at present about her. That was super sweet younger days in school. She, ah, she would have get in trouble for just plain practical, jokes on people. I don't think she ever met that she didn't stripe of friendship with. She was just very outgoing in their full of life, who is the oldest of three siblings and told us what life was like at home with angie and their brother gregg growing in an environment that wasn't always stable family. Is there anyway. ok, but hard We have an hour mom bissing apparent for a long time, for my mom was married, a bunch of times panic
in and out of the house after she divorced her Angela's dad other nan. I mean she, she tried really hard. She was. Does the lonely, woman and I said a lot of that fell back on me to help raise her and my my other or other my responsibility was making sure they were. Ok, there were new, younger than I was and so I had to grow up really quick and what was the youngest and he was pretty outgoing person and really close everything's a child. I helped raise her. My my other brother, and mean, and Angela kind of form. The really tight bond other than that I mean he was known for being outgoing and you can like life for the party. Is yours She cheer you up. loved a thing dance she collected for
Lotta people referred to her as fraud. light, figurine stuff like that, collect frogs to keeping open a keeper memory going with me, When the family moved to arkansas Angela had not yet started high school and didn't anyone in her new town? She had left her. asked for and tiffany behind in California, we spoke with two. at length for this story and asked her to tell us about her friendship with angie, though and you and I were extremely close to round approximately nineteen. Ninety two, the ninety. Ninety six, when we were in junior high, we are extremely close. Best ran up until the time she moved, arkansas and late. Ninety thick, Angela away beautiful sarcastic super funny. he wanted to have been the one to make you laugh. She was the fun one person to be around great friend when you're in junior high that the big important time in July. We spent a lot of time together she move
went to salem arkansas in late. Ninety six, I believe it was school year was over. I know she's in the ninety ninety six year, but so do I. He shot was bought that summer they probably moved away, but I know that it was because her mothers gad lived in salem. I talk her over. We know we wrote each other letters over the time she moved normal was Angela moving to a completely different part of the country, but her It was changing in other ways to her dad phil had divorced, Angela's mom and remained in california, and he shared with us how his relationship with Angela changed after the move. My ex wife regard you Utah mosquito california, there was period there. I didn't see the kids for a few years. There was a period of it was at a contact with europe because of the way, in the city in and we would talk by phone, but within that period of time is when she went through all these things and argued son, a lot
different relationships she went through it. I never really knew was going on behind the scenes during that period. Angela was a team in a new place at that time. So wasn't strange that she fell out of regular contact with her dad back in california. Time seemed to pass quickly after the move and Eighteen. Ninety eight at just Sixteen years old Angela gave to a son named Thomas who everyone called mikey. When we speak to Joe he told us Andrews relationship with mikey dad Thomas were too not sure how they met? I was actually live in california when they met arkansas he lived with really small town, so but he kind they knew everybody. I think they went the high school together. If I remember rightly, I met him hung out with him like a sitter. He cannot do everybody there. So I knew tommy. Quite well. Tommy were kind know
guy in the up partying a throughout the Eu everybody was young back then. By and saw there wasn't a lot to do either: hunt fist world poverty and did there that I mean unless you go to church in our active in sports in your school every year. That aid there is nothing to. There is a worryingly small so am I mean everybody get together Friday night after you know, high school They ve been drink in smoke, part. They were, on and off again they they are split. I got back together and then I have the last time she split up after she had mighty bearing get back together, but You know they tend to remain friends to you.
after mikey was born. Angela gave birth to another son. Matthew Matthew was just too and Angela disappeared and was raised by his dad and his dad's family, who told us more about Andrews life after becoming a mother and her relationship with Matthews father jeremy factors. Here reiki. It was all about. She had a word din. I'll take care of mikey. So she never really having it. after that I e no getting pregnant was an accident there. She would mean to get prejudice, but once it happen. You know Angela wasn't going wasn't gonna get an abortion. She said, no, A baby- and this is what I gotta do- I get that She worked sassou jobs. I think she worked she store for awhile.
once she bad jeremy, germany work full time, and so she stated all would mighty. My actual, you lived with them, Angela for a while. After I moved out, the article is gone and there He was another local time, a guy greater. actually got to assist fight william, oh certainly do you're like he was here. We're bad. What not and then I didn't really seem him bad, but why did never physical but he had a temper, a really bad temper, he was another drug. It I mean Angela, never got it anything, but he was. He was doing a bunch of mass What else. Angela journeys relationship didn't last, and she eventually met a man named James who she would later mary in the months prior to her disappearance, Joe
fond memories of James dream, What kind of a gipsy guy now we'll intelligence. Pre we go, and I didn't really mine james all that much. She wasn't anything hard core that I knew about at the time running. He smoked it'll part, but other than that I mean he was just kind of easy, kind of The guy. I think she does Ladys wanted a relationship she'd been treated by by. You know the other two guys and he was terrible. We I we, We have much information about Andrews relationship or marriage to James Cox, but what we do know helps us establish a timeline of events. The year that Angie disappeared when we speak to Andrews for an tiffany. She told us about a horrible accident that james and angie were in. I have been told James where's driving angela to work.
I believe they were en route to mammoth on may thirtieth. Two thousand too a month after she's married her and james art in a car accident. That car accident working through the arkansas faithfully. The accident report says that cock fell to negotiate the curve any crime. Over and can be opposing traffic. He strike vehicle vehicle it was being driven by a woman for mammoths bring along, her nineteen year old, pregnant daughter, tragically, the driver as well as you. unborn baby did not make it and for that was made thirty two thousand and two annual I have been told that died. She fractured her feet during the accident and that I am not a hundred percent sure if it was both feet, but I know that she fractured her right but- and she did have
angry. She was taken to the hospital. The accident report that she was wearing a seatbelt but yeah she did the thing injury after this accident, James says he and Angela separated and stopped living together and that he only both to her one more time in june two thousand to over the phone when he called and she told him tat she was in California visiting her father. This is the last time. We were able to ascertain that someone spoke to Angela or claim to have spoken with her. from june two thousand to forward there is, confirmation or evidence that Angela was alive. We weren't able to speak with James. So how do we know that he actually spoke with her in june? Well, is just another hour twist in this case nearly sixteen years after Angie was last seen jane filed for divorce in two thousand and eighteen in his divorce petition, it states the following plaintive j
m Cox would state that defending Angela, Christine mac cox, left plain, in june two thousand to play have contacted her by phone in june, two thousand to ensure stated she was at her father's house in California. Plaintiff has not heard from her since that time, and father has not heard from her. Since that time petition goes on to say that james checked with the social security administration and they told him the Angela's social security number had not been used since two thousand too, however We were unable to verify this in the social security administration. Historically, does not give this information out. We do the Angela had gone to visit her father now just from james, a statement but from our an interview with her dad. However, when we to fill he told us that the visit was the year before Angie vanished in the he believed, and she returned to arkansas afterward and when she introduced
You know she was. She was with me shortly before that She was with me during the the tower attack the night fact. You're gonna get that right away. Wake Tell her that history is being made she she they sleep well. That change is what I believe that their burger king in an child, schiller, California. I was just getting ready to move to macular california. I left some regular. She stayed there churchill. It was the last time that I that I saw her she had come in that morning and when I was all packed up- and I told her that I would see her in a couple of weeks and she was status of prince. No not a quarter mile away. She said she said she can We wish you good luck in two weeks and that the very last time, but I suffer matter called her a week later. I call read her friends out that number she gave me and she excited that. I was coming up the following week and when I went up there, the bali we
to the address that that I knew we jobs with people. Their decision I hadn't about a week, and so I left chowchilla thinking you know what what just happened. Why isn't she here? She knew. I was We know it and I figure she was offered to do something with some friends and and check out. There is a lot of different activities do up there. as far as lights and mountains. She lives close to yosemite, so I just figure that to you know she may have taken off and just did some something with some other friends and I left and again let tumblr shopper seal told us and she was a free spirit who would travel. I she pleased so he wasn't concerned when he returned home and she was gone. Do you know that she did returned arkansas and later was in that tragic accident? Its clear why there is a discrepancy over when Angela was in California visiting her dad phil. Has
clear memory of that visit being in two thousand and one due to end being at his home during nine eleven, which is some, that wouldn't be easily mistaken. Phil says that she did not visit him in june of two thousand to when Anne husband claims he spoke to her while she was visiting her dad back into in too many of us had cell phones or we're just starting to get them, but that was the case for angie. She was living in a rural area that likely didn't have cell service and she also didn't have a computer to email. So she relied upon writing letters to keep in contact with her loved ones. By this time, her mother had moved away to Oklahoma. dad was across the country in California. They were asked him to Andrews letters coming in on a regular basis, but then they
I stopped. I just thought that she went to get something with some friends and then it was apparent early on that she was going to me because not that she hadn't we contacted me, but she had recount jack you her mom anymore, michel impact at her brother. She was always contract, which is, I got lucky she's she's missing, but is odd for him to be missing in with him messy immediately the worse, because just me that both would be missing at the same time with no trace, but she's young woman with a child. There's gotta be something someone know something something from somewhere at some time and is just just. It makes sense to me She had a habit of just traveling to pick it up and then just go if she had a really bad habit of hitchhiking across the country
it's what I've been told and what she's told me she's she's done that before and she's had the history of just take it up and doing things with other people. One thing that has been constant during all this time, is that it was so at a character for her to judge not stay in contact with somebody. This which troubleshoot for make us is restoring character. She always were staying contact with family somebody the family at all times, and this time she nourishes no contact by her to anybody. I would say by three months, your poor months, or so just I just said, I heard from her, and she just couldn't understand it, and I talked to her mom her mom would say I haven't heard from her and she would express concern that something happened to her course I didn't do it. and we waited. Meanwhile back in salem Angie had a friend brandy who had agreed watch mikey, while she visited her father in california in two thousand one we touched base
with brandy in she told us about how much she loved mikey and how the arrangement to care for him was made. Her mother lived beside me in salem n, she was my neighbouring. We got really really close. thanks. She had already had mikey, he was young she was younger than men, shall I took her the child or a sister. You know about that. Looked like it mother sister, you know my daughter had had drinking. At the time to it. She was my. Flower child, but she word in today. He be She was fun to be around sheila You saying We always stayed in the house and listen to music and play with our kids I just went home and talk. in that way, will we got all along when she died to that end. I'm lucky edge They were all the kids would always gonna have to play with their neighbours
he's became private, man- and I ve had can't you think he's there, they mikey in my youngest are pretty much damage. He was alive same was born in April when he was born July showed energy much apart english. Bernie. He hurried so young she had wanted to go to california. She visitor dad knew that she can take mackey whether shall sheep mikey with men. Get me guardianship, You know she can go in. She was be going through much in combat. We she was gone. most a year. The job done I was mad at her Can she gave him back? She didn't you and she told me she's gonna- do they get back in preschool in save a mark and John wayne he came back getting had done. That attached
and I told her if she d stay at my house, were we and then no problem? having bags extended me where she had lived, only got the ages and the card with an ever in salem, mid term new always taken here my dream. What I'm doing the cart work, and then they all knew and they really basically drug here, madam I earned became kicking and screaming for me to see you know he was young, he wrote it, she had come back and he wish you know You came to me, but you calling the white, but she was gone and then, after that you don't know me into it, bite dale allows it touched the baby in Like, I said, the cops gave him back to her and then I tried to block it out. I guess, because my mental You mean I'm right down there. I never going to see him after that angel
this may seem. Let me see mister bisbee. She and then thing I heard seen he was missing. We that Angie returned to salem from California after her fall, two thousand one visit to her dad because came and picked up. Mikey He couldn't recall exactly when it was the angelo returned from California and got mikey, but she says she never saw either of them again in didn't know that Angie had gotten married So we believe that angie came and got mikey prior to April, two thousand to as well to narrow down the timeline of events. We learn from Andrews family that they started to become concerned when Andy's letters and phone calls stopped coming This is what her brother, Joe told us about. The letters coming to a stop in his face is growing worry about her whereabouts. My mom told me: I mean you know she is my mom
I know anything more either. She just sold me a lower than a really bad car accident. You know her jeans, There were the injuries and she told me about a bundle of injuries. I was no longer in Oregon thought that point in time and shoe, wrote me a living near write, letters that right we ve got our He thought she might be a little. Then. Yes bad. I mean you don't If somebody had passed away, she didn't say it was anybody, salt or anything like that, but near she carried from guilt, whether she was riding me. letters probably once a week and odd for me, is the latter's just stopped. then we will really close and now what like her- and this is why, before cell phone and all that I may be they were out either they won't rope prevalent and for you do. You know I can't be. The higher end of me
money then eat almost poor people because they could afford a cell phone and at first I know I, my mom covered a lot of this. She said and like you quit talking to me, I'm in the letters just stopped. She also kept in good contact with my mom. My mom was really worried and she was like I have it hurts me Angela, I haven't heard from James and my mom was liberty. Oklahoma at the time she moved out arc and sign she said. Well, I mean she didn't drives you disable. She said I'm going to get a birthday it. I'm going to salem. She goes, I know all angeles friends and I'm going to go talk to people and she did- and there was a lot of rumors flying around about what happened to Angela and you know, Those rumours are still floating around today. Discuss some of these rumours later on, but first important to keep establishing the series of events in this story. You ve heard
Angela's brother and father- discuss at day along with Angela's mother, who has since passed away where we're for months when they didn't hear anything from her. We wanted to know who reported her missing and when, but even that simple question can't be answered annual. His friend tiffany has worked tirelessly to answer this question and find out what happened to her friend. even though she didn't know Angela was missing. For many years. We asked her how she learned that Angie had disappeared. For me, you have to realise that I did not find oh that they were missing until europe. Later, I can't even recall, What year was that I became aware of her disappearance. I know that I had personally gone on line was trying to find her, probably facebook, something that I couldn't find any trace of her nothing at all time, though I did locate opposed. It was by her
his brother, and I don't even know where was, I think, maybe I googled or name in this post popped up. He was an ad arkansas chat, room of the empire and he was look, before andrea whereabout. So I reached out to him and he confirm me at that time that Angela was in fact anything as along with her for your gun, I'm not one hundred percent sure the thing that I know about the days leading up to her disappear, and it's all here thing you might looking for wholesome convenient meals for gm pack days factor. Eric is number one ready to eat meal cat can help. You feel up fast with chef prepared, dietician approved, ready to eat meals, delivered straight cheer door ill, save time, eat well and stay on track with your healthy lifestyle, with factor.
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raises more questions for us about the timeline of their disappearances. For instance, the call published by local news outlets in northern arkansas says it? nike was reported missing on September first, two thousand to from salem arkansas, however, his flyer on the national centre for missing and exploited children website says he is missing from alton missouri the art It also says that mikey was last seen with a woman who was initially unidentified but later said to be Angela, however, there is no adult companion listed on his flyer law enforcement interviewed for that peace stated that mikey was last seen on September. First, two thousand to end fourteen missing the same day by his father, thomas. We're too. We were not people to determine how thomas who passed away in two thousand and nineteen new mikey was missing or what happened that day, though we and unravel this mystery entirely.
Did learn. My mikey may have been an alton missouri tiffany. explain this for us and also shared a theory about what may have happened to both angie and mikey. So I had left him in the care of a cop wore out of very and they were taking care of him. I believe my opinion that they wanted. It would be a long term. Angela was considering it, but in I opinion she was not gonna go through with letting them keep him. I believe to know them through work wherever she would work The time is where he became to know them, so we are not one hundred percent sure and angie ever picked up mikey and fight him back to salem with her or is he often we remained in Missouri. I go Your stand why mikey is not listed in Missouri? opinion you laughing in Missouri. So why would not with the girl missouri, I believe that might be was never return to Angie. I believe
is that she returned to salem without him. I believe that the couple that had him and a very me possibly positive move him? The reason that I am I feel this is. Cause. I have found media article where this has been quickly. in this way, marry him and his wife at that time. We taken guardianship over three. children isn't way before, when the pair went to get their children back. They move, they couldn't serve them find their children. The couple had disappeared. Why that man do the same thing and take mikey and disappear. I pray they kept him. I pray they gave him fast, like albert and that when we find out he's alive, he's gonna be well you created you know who now following a dream, but what I pray. I hope this couple confirmed that they had baby sat, mikey claimed to have no knowledge of what happened to him or Angela annual
clearly struggled with being a teen mom. Without a solid support system. She sought out relationships with men as a way to find stability and hopefully build a better life for herself and her children, but they, being abusive, being a single mom wasn't easy trying to work support herself, her children and pay for child care was clearly difficult for Angela and she and trusting others to care for mikey, Could someone she left mikey with have decided they wanted to keep him and harmed Angela per They thought they could give him a better life. It's impossible to know for sure, but that theory keep so searching hopeful that they may find mikey alive. We, tiffany why the news article says that Angela was not reported missing until two thousand for well. My He appears to have been reported missing in two thousand to but told us she's never been able to get a clear answer about that.
mikey, was reported missing by his vile, logical, father, tommy wreck too, but cumber two thousand and two. That kind of anti was reported missing at that time by her mother. Her mother Lorna had passed away, but it does make it a little difficult as far as that to them and then to day and having a copy of her report, or anything like that. I think I'd you were in two thousand and three Angelo was missing- was one hundred percent? Nothing, I think. Maybe some people had thought being mikey in september, family has letters from her mother in june, two thousand, three early, two thousand and three extremely upset trying to locate. Angela Fang she's contacted bolton counting So I dont understand where the EU two thousand and four day is coming in myself, her mom The time was living in oklahoma I, in my opinion, believe that her mom contacted the oklahoma
We department and filed milder missing, I'm not a hundred percent sure. I know that it was not and it was not two thousand and four that the family going bob. I believe that is the then time mikey was reported missing september. Two thousand and two annual author reported missing Tiffany has relied on hand, written notes from phone calls with relatives, friends and law enforcement to try to cobble together a timeline of her friends disappearance. These the only clues she has to confirm any information. She graciously shared with us. What she has learned and told us about one important date that helps us establish a timeframe for when Angela actually disappeared. Memories are foggy after so many years, and we don't have Angela's mom to help us pieced together. The dates Andy Other brother gregg has a clear memory from late september. Two thousand and two He called his mom to let her know that he had just had a daughter.
during this call that she told gregg that Angela was missing the birth of eggs daughter was a memorable life event that never got lost in the fog of time. So we, that by late september it had been long enough for andy's mom to be concerned that her daughter was missing letters. But I mean angelos relatives and family friends continued through the end of two thousand and two and into august two thousand and three, when Angela's mom wrote that she was going to salem to look for angie and talk to my keys dad, but even long after the letters and phone calls from Angela came to an end sometime in two thousand and two angel, parents were waiting to hear from her or from law enforcement that they were looking for, Angie Andrews. Phil told us about a very unexpected call that he got maybe a year after Angie vanished one day, an empty back. The mushroom afterwards worse, but maybe was a year so that an office
to make libido came about said that he had it message from its neighbour with a sergeant your robbery in bigger was shut, kansas city, Missouri and she told me that she was actively birthday. and use disappearance turkey's but she was as we made by any information regarding it. She told she had. No information It was obvious that wit in the timeline that I really have been aware of when she left me in chowchilla. Up to that point, I thought things were great. I thought she she was doing good and then she was just gone and I have no idea I mean I I just I dunno, I'm just so confused because she was just she just banished me. She's just dropped off the face of the earth.
All of these little pieces and questions led us to wonder what could have happened to Angie and mikey. There are so many rumours and so much gossip that its differ. what to untangle the web of small town lore from. May have actually happened when them crucial details are unknown. Andrews, had told us about some of the things that he's heard over the years, We're told me the story about this man and a woman which who wish angie agreed to let them adopt mikey she's? Supposedly in the timeline with me up the california Suppose you bleed couple: he was a man, s obey nobody likes him. Everybody fear them. Supposedly supposedly sheet and called out from California the advert bus fare they sent it off come from, We were then she called back supposedly so few data.
Reward, that she lost the money again. They showed her the bus, whereas I was troll. she went back to work wherever she went to and they picked her up and they were to drive, act wherever they wherever they were going to, but they stop about a motel and he said At the next morning, the girl, the wise, claimed that Angela got and like you got into a pickup truck and grow back and we were disputed the heat dispute, it doesn't mind thinking that the husband, what let make you go Usually. Does he really found the boy and then I saw what happened to the spot. He got so much shot and killed him. So and he was telling me he question the one story and that's the latest. I got from the river. This is another place where we run into some conflicting information when Andrew went to California and two thousand one and stayed with her dad mikey being cared for by Andy's friend brandy
and fill vividly remembers that this was in fact two thousand one, because she was there with him on nine eleven, And we also know that she was alive after this point angie have left mikey with this couple at a later date close, when they actually disappeared, and me Another trip to California then This whole scenario that the detective told Phil possibly occurred some time in or after september, two thousand and two annual friend from salem brandy, has also heard rumours about Angela being murdered because someone wanted to keep mikey as their own sheet upon herself to contact long foresman years ago and try to get answers shall I called their sheep it. Albert row. I m tell him the story than I had heard. They would do nothing about it. There tell me that
I think they might have Bam mackie bit because of that living situation that he would be in down here, which would be drugs and his dad was in and out of prison and all that that basically Not in these words, will be no more where she commanded need, but at european level a carte blanche. What adjectives so what about it So a me in her brother, her brother had tell me everything started asking around the same story from everybody, everybody in ideas, as I mentioned earlier, might use father passed away in two thousand nineteen, so we have him to help us fill in the blanks, but he I've been in contact with brandy over the years MIKE father, thomas or tommy, had many run in with the law and found himself in and out of jail. But this his struggles. He still seem to want to find his son brandy told us about the last time she heard from Tommy
if he was in and out of jail after he had got out. He contacted me in may. And finding and he called me I thank you. John and his team and tell me, I think, I've found our boy I'm on my way. Now. That's all had heard from him until you where he had died in an idaho jail cell. Let s it hardly do anything you do not legally family Making will always be my baby a family did. I did have you no garden how about a blowing away my family regarding whether blood or not and call me said he had heard the same story. Tommy died in an idaho jail in two thousand nineteen tom. had been arrested on an outstanding warrant. An unjust a large amount of drugs right before the arrest please so that he wouldn't get more charges for the drugs he had in his possession. He lay
became unresponsive and passed away. dont know what he may have known, but passing of mikey's father felt, like another door, had closed. That would make finding Angela and Mikey even harder. have been rumours pointing at the men who had been an Angela's life in the years before she disappeared. Some that might be his dad. Tommy could have done something, but at sea doubtful, based on how he continued to look for his son and seek answers other room. pointed at the father of Angela second son, Jeremy Jeremy has an extensive criminal history for drug offences, burglary theft and assault. Several people told us at Jeremy, has a violent temper in two thousand nineteen, he was arrested after a violent assaults against several family members here his mother and was arguing with family while holding a knife that he stabbed through a wall.
It's been rumoured that Angie may have wanted to take her sons and move out of the area, and this could have in a possible motive. Jeremy didn't wanna, give up matthew, but there's evidence to substantiate that claim so question the man that Angela had married shortly before she disappeared. Unfair in. We don't know a whole lot about their relationship or how it ended. But question he's remain about his story of the last time. He spoke to Angela and other things that he has said or done well fingers pointed at these men since Angie in mikey disappeared. We have no solid proof that they harmed angela or mikey, or they had any motive to make the to disappear forever. The room Angela was killed and mikey kidnapped, seems to be one of the most prevalent rumours about their disappearances certainly a possibility, but there other rumours I have seemed to surface over and over again as well.
one rumour circles around Angela having been killed in relation to drug use or by people. She knew that use drugs phil told us that he is not naive about angela experimenting with drugs, but believe she was heavily involved in that world. They always got sick and information. I had no first hand knowledge of answer doing any drugs, but I just heard that Did she get from gray but not allotted roger? He spoke part whether he would let her do this. He wouldn't letter you that you are sure not. I have no idea you. She was. The tonnage I'll bring chatting probably young girl good for anything training trying trying different things. If she sat alone, anything who knows I would imagine that she would be quite experimental everytime. I did see her, I would say it would be more recreational because the fire service age. I saw the effective alot of drugs on people. I never saw you because real evidence of it,
the times I did see her till she came to, is it me before I even moved to a child. Children do not with tommy were to spend a weaker here with me, and I, we spent a lot of time with her and I didn't see any inner complex or anything. I never saw any telltale signs. when we discuss the possibility of drugs or people associated with drugs being involved in angeles disappearance with tiffany. This what she shared with us There is rumoured salem that Angela was murdered and buried in tehran that the people involved in her life ended her eye it was the people involved in her life at that time and I believe, there's witnesses. In my opinion, that needs to be looked at very closely I believe there has been some interview. I not believe there has been any searches well in her life need to be looked at the people. She was hanging out hour, believe that people and bailum no. I happened to Angela and I believe
people that know where we can find her? I dont know why they won't come forward and talk, though- and that leaves me more question. I think that for some reason somebody but that was Angela. They murder and they buried her and salem arkansas, and I believe I actually nowhere her body could potentially be buried in the cemetery there and given that information, the fallen county and my acknowledgement Had been no searches today, I've been told that if they were two thirds, They could easily be able to locate remain the.
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The If that Angela's remains could easily be located is intriguing, it makes you wonder why she would have been found after nearly twenty years, maybe There is some truth to that tip and her remains have been found, not well concealed an unidentified in another state, tiffin, told us about a jane doe in illinois that has striking similarities to Angela. during their fur. Four angela, I joined a bunch of different groups on facebook. I join dell grew by joint all those groups, and I, in time and my evening, going through looking at jane, doe I think that I had rule everything out. Miss Jane doe is the thick jane go to be found in that area. They weren't percent sure, as this one, which will mean
To that end of killer out of illinois, be cries, was the only one on the outskirts of the area. Honestly, from Missouri it a straight line and information name had they wrong photo before but they had with action. Was information was nor her, though you have the wrong photo. You have the wrong description. They hundred lifted its work, but three she'd by put three. How are you ever go to crop preferences with a jane doe. If you have a higher wrong, Angela has distinguishing characteristic like her previously fractured build right. Put injury I wrote me a letter after the because I was extremely upset because october seven I located a jane doe out of brooklyn illinois, saint clair county. She now his Angela description, including the previously fractured right injury. The Jane doe was occasion I upturn and information.
Poland county, and I personally like for dna and cross reference on it. I realized have to rule out everything and when something pop up like there, you gotta look at it. You can't just have to by in those dna- has completed the sampling process and been added to the national dna database. However, law enforcement didn't obtain a sample from one of Angela's relatives until october. Two thousand twenty, the time this episode was recorded it. Unknown. If that sample had been sent into the lab for processing or where it was in the process. Some interesting information about this Jane doe is, I her remains were covered in two thousand and six and her estimated date of death is between two thousand and three and two thousand five her height, estimated to be between five foot and five foot. Five inches tall, most likely five foot three like angie and tiffany mentioned she had a healed fracture of the right foot,
with many different things lining up with this jane doe it will, interesting to see how things turn out when the dna testing is complete it in another bizarre twist in a case already full of twists and turns the photo that name has had on Andrews profile was not just some random mix up the photo was a relative of tommy were two's wife. Remember, Tommy is my keys father in was the woman he was married to when mikey and angie disappeared. It remains clear how they got this photo of her relative It's just another strange clue. Was this a mistake or someone trying to mislead the search for angie by giving them the wrong picture age his family has tried desperately over the years to connect with law enforcement, to obtain answers to their questions, including how to submit dna samples to the national database and to try
determine, what's been done in the search for angie and mikey, but they received little in the way of answers and. older brother, Joe, has teamed up with her friend tiffany for years. To keep up with the search in when we look with him. He told us that he hasn't been able to learn much from local law enforcement. They don't they ve been pretty tight, lipped with me they talked we may at present stan pretty close contact. So she's told me somebody the police had been more open with her than they have with me, which you know really canada. I wanted to know why we mean, investigative. She's really good. But may I ask We were for email with danish we're talking, I was driving edge. I said I'll give you my email me: if I had some letters about the tiny and will went missing to help, the current. While he had spoken me since then on the part of the family,
and then I found literacy they want from Angela, but my law talkin about We're going missing and you know they were having problems with the timeline, and I said well I got these letters they're dated you know I can. I can get them to you, I can email and he is you just got it. email me with your email, and I would have had no probably has a talk to me then, then, he's been out of the office would have called side I gave up just talking. The man began their night. I don't think they're too much anyway mikey, the data beacons- I may have got it. easy when he went there too, and if somebody get home I like that, I that's just a sterling Joe also shared with us- that he sometimes thinks that there's more to the story than a small town, sheriff's department who has overlooked the case all of these years. I definitely think they got it. not I had him what happen possibly, but they know what what's go.
You know in it. I think they'd covered up a lot of stuff, because family ties one deep there. You know the fact there David really care that Angela went missing and I think it's good she was. Local. They didn't like non local people and the fat baby. my family moved out their california. And, as is like, I think, It'S- the small town justice system, here. They could have made an effort to do more. They could ensure all their information was correct. People are really tight lipped in that town. We can't verify anything else. Can like good old boy is there. Everybody watches out for everybody here, they're all locals, the whole another story that shares ordinary. I mean they put up along picture. You love me The elder name, any They knew Angela five minutes.
Old town. Anybody came in there that town, if they didn't, they were going to figure it out, though Angela been there since I think the beginning I school when they moved out there. They knew who Angela was. They knew what she look like having struck out with the local police and used phil told us more about a time that he tried to reach some one with the arkansas state police hoping naked of more assistance than the local law enforcement being there. For me, the most roach was friends with germany's father and that work Suppose we have just found this investigation upward intentionally not done for that, and I get so concerned about it. State pleasure, I express explicit instructions. Please do not contact
the same placed button or cheap work. I wanna talk to somebody in the course of the two or three different hands. Before I go. somebody's. Now we won't contact next thing. I know I got a call from some captain. The state police w I talked to her, and he told me, Yeah that one I was so surprised that I may asked state police not to contact them first, they may did is contact them, and I thought ok, this, we're up against just been abortion group throughout. the obstacles, tiffany continued to spearhead the efforts to make progress in the search for angie and her son, but has also had many frustrating moments trying to connect with law enforcement. She told us about the first time she heard from the investigator assigned to the case my opinion. I believe there was never an investigation before I don't believe that it was ever active an ongoing and fill twenty twenty, what I are you and when I was contacted in august
the twenty twenty. I was asked for her date of birth and, if your social security number till I would contacted on August eighteen by investigator, go weaver with foreign county who he basin he told me that he had been contacted by adele com with missing and exploited children. He had received them information and It may have prompted him to reach out to me tell and back again We were when he reached out to me the very first time you were pretty intimidating. Basically, would like not playing games here. What do you know? You're gonna tell me he didn't like that, I had previously cast them light on it, the maybe they're department, or what they had not done in this case when I was requesting help from arkansas thing these and other people. What I was saying. If any was encouraged by law enforcement seemingly sudden interest in taking a look at Angela and my case, despite the passage of almost two decades? A few
after the investigator called her? She called the agency back with some questions of her own life. Never an early active investigation. Why is there never been any searches october? Twenty six, two thousand and eighteen, I personally contacted fulton counting at that time. I too am sheriff albert work in my pants He did not want to talk with me. I had to call him for five different time, even catch him that He told me that he believed that Angela was the thief he would not discuss might be. Faced with me, he did say that key recently received a new red but would not provide me with any detail at that time october. Twenty six, two thousand eighteen, I told him that name had be wrong. photo the photo that they had with Angela's information was not her the photo did not get changed. Till the media got involved that pemberton two thousand and twenty.
I would really like to be honest with you, somebody else to come in and look at this case. Somebody, oh command worker overseer or take over. I begged. I have asked I have pleaded. I don't know what you know at this point. We will watch wait. Where I went online, the social media, I would beg for them to look at the case of the report with the case of other followers would find out about the game. I contacted the arkansas thickly. I received a response back from their spokesperson built Were they simply telling me that if I have first hand evidence, I can turn it over the prosecutor. You know this is an ongoing investigation and I have not been a prize that any new information than is the case with open display. extensive research we have been unable to determine exactly when or to whom Angela was reported missing the detail. on my geese. Disappearance remain confusing and mixed up there. in detail in the news article we mentioned earlier that
Angela mikey were last seen in a truck believed to be owned by Angela's husband, James or one of his relatives, but we were never able to confirm this and when sure why this unsubstantiated detail is still included on missing persons websites. We hope that far. Link records request would yield the vital information missing from this case and give, insight to some of the unexplained details, so we filed an open records request with the foreign county sheriff's office in arkansas in early december of two thousand twenty We never received a response to our request, despite the business, stay response time requirement outlined in the arkansas freedom of information act. We did, however, speak to the investigator assigned to angie and monkeys case. We, just ass, the investigator about our records requests. Hope Even an initial missing persons report would clear up some of the uncertainty. This is he told us.
Was it a freedom of information act, not gonna answer that, as this things under investigation. You know that It's not gonna happen. As soon as it is, as you know, will be here. to give you anything and everything what the request everything with my bow gave it. It may be of the morning He really didn't know who you were, but that where he just said when he got it and tell me, he had it, they said we're not gonna answer this now, along with this, is under investigation and under I would have been myself, and so would it then the same thing and in his shoes, but what we'll wait. We will learn will answer anything we can, but Rather, he approved that
good ran through them. If, if it's something that, I think that's gonna compromise things, though I'm I'll. Tell you so when we asked about conducting an interview for this episode. The investigator told us that he could not agree to answer our interview questions but did share some information with us had given an interview or two about this in the past, and there's really not much dad at this time I mean still been investigated. We have other agencies involved in helping us we're trying to run down ever lead possible Absolutely nekabad. I've been pre open about this whole thing with them. anybody ever body and there have been before coming with the family about, everything that's going on there. I say they gregg type, one. Direction in this thing and
keep trying to tell him that the eighty he needs to broaden his vision. Their little get. I've tried to. Blinded him. Why that one? working on primarily right now that I have if the eye open me out on that about hundred eighty degrees from where the rat and them, but anyway, that's why we investigate Elk, because you just get home get to innovation, hung up on one thing: the go anywhere and and we ve tried to avoid that. Finally, Investigator. We spoke with reassured us. Their angela, unlike his case, is currently being worked on. I've been good staff for almost forty years and at work. you call cases past you just to follow ever absolutely ever lead and keep
when it out there in trying to find, makes up did happen and there and we have. We are so much further than we do we were three months ago. I feel pretty good about fattening. What happened search for Angela and mikey has been full of rumours and speculation as to what may have happened to them, but they lack hence pointing to anything concrete. Some suggested that Angela left on her own free will but if funny doesn't believe this to be true, What what makes you think she does learn away? What makes you think she didn't just go and like witness protection programme he's not, and we must prevent and she didn't leave her two year old son behind she would not have gone away and had her mom pass away and never reach out. She didn't just vanish. If something happened to her somebody made it happen, she's not in witness protection program. Everybody can take that off of their theory
The theory that you heard about in this case is that Angela was murdered because some one else or a couple wanted to raise mikey as their own. is there a chance at mikey could be out there somewhere alive and doesn't know his true identity brandy. Hopes that this is the case some day. She'll see mikey again, I do feel like, we're going to find him. He's gonna react in staff scares me I tell him what you was. but I do know the lab about thought of adding never stop thinking about it. I'd, give anything to give her a hunter. Ella were right now anything ass. She was my girl His family has spent many years searching for answers her mother Lorna passed away without ever knowing what happened to her daughter and grandson energies.
Their Joe told us about the toll that angie and its disappearance took on her as well as her father fill it forward. I know she's been allotted time trying to investigate this before she passed away talking to people. Not ever knowing she had a good. You don't eat with those people salem, because she'd lived there for quite a while, my mom house at that point in time is the place for ever made a cup hey out my mom and let anybody you don't come on it for you. The kids go, hang out I wouldn't want gregg baby, food, so she knew everybody quite well. She was pretty upset about it, My mom worried alot. My dad actually told me this last time, he told me a good job. bigger. I want you to be the family spokesperson. He got. I can handle any more disappointment. You know why I get it. I said yeah,
dad. he's getting older You know- and I understand the disappointment, but you know it's time for me to step up now. Everybody's had a little part of We have, I can easily mind. You know that that's great, he doesn't. She always emotions a lot, but I know is that really upset about? As is talked to me a little bit, you know ages, im crazy angie's, dad Phil, continues to search for his daughter and grandson and he holds out hope that one day they will be found- and I for years worked in a car business that I ran her credit every six months and there was never anything added after I played. the two thousand and two or two thousand and one and without always inquiries and there is nothing, not a single inquiry, and she was never the time.
I dont believe anyways to just drop off the grid, like that. I don't think she had the wherefore off training, nor the knowledge or anything you just live off the grid without feeling detected a young woman with a child. There's gotta be something someone or something something from somewhere at some time and is just just. It makes sense to me well, I think very grown up down and might be a train, the harder something some information make up over, what happened to Angela and mikey sometime in two thousand to did they appear together or separately. Why was there a couple in missouri watching mikey, and why does it seem as though they wanted to adopt him? Was there any truth to the story that Angela was considering letting them keep him? If she d allow that to happen. Why hasn't she ever resurfaced and what angeles husband James heeded
file for divorce for sixteen years after he says he last spoke to her in june of two thousand too How did he reach her when she didn't have a cell phone, and how did he know to call her in california where he says she was staying at the time? One mystery of this case is a day that mikey was reported missing. What tree spired that day that caused his father to go to the police, and why did it take so long for a real investigation to begin missing persons. Cases often seem to fall through the cracks or have delayed investigation. But we're wondering why it appears that no one looked for andean mikey at the time they disappeared. We Angela was an arkansas, may thirtieth, two thousand two when she fractured her foot in a terrible car accident. She and her husband were in after that We don't know what happened to her,
We know that by late september, when her brother gregg called their mother, she told him that Angie was missing, wins Angela, actually reported missing to law enforcement. We, even though one mikey was last physically. Seen only that Father reported him missing on september, first, two thousand two and said that he had been seen that day. We don't know where he was seen or with who through what our research into the story. We heard a rumor that there is a photo of mikey taken after september two thousand and two that has a date stamp on it other than these small traces left behind. We can only speculate about the rumors that have swirled over the last nineteen years in rural northern arkansas. At the time Angela mack disappeared. She was twenty years old, she's, approximately five foot, three inches tall and weighed around one hundred pounds. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Thomas mikey reto was four years old at the time he disappeared. He was
accidently three feet tall and wait around forty five pounds, his brown hair and brown eyes. If you have any information about the disappearance of Angela mac or thomas mikey were to your ass, to call the national centre for missing and exploited children at one eight hundred the lost or one eight hundred eight for three five, six, seven, eight I mean that an innocent child and an innocent girl that you know they had faintly that loved them a want to reconnect with them or scared. Nobody we're not going to get chg get this book because so many tourists, the tourists, it's just ridiculous. But then I scary, hearing wrapped about our failures of her in a dope deal was buried
I have been trapped in somebody else, cause she piss somebody off. It was just irish rumors going around that it just didn't sound right when it came back, I lose the creamy worried about her family because it had been eating here. They ve gone through. A lot is had conquered domino effect on many people like people, don't realize that when funding we could happen, liner acted down the road for years and years and years gambling on annex change, everything changes, so they ve been do a lot and her alive not knowing had been the hardest thing on my opinion and then the rumour. The winners are extremely hard to think that their you know they were rumour going around that your daughter than are funded from the martyr and You will know where he is, but not even done near that hard and knowing about, might be that extremely hard, knowing
that there is a four year old is the allied. Did he get to have the light the orioles should have had a lot of it has been. but things just don't add up. No, it wasn't like my sister detainee Nino just go missing. I think it's. A small town justice system but no way in or and you know the rumours don't help family just wants closure, and we hope for the best we oaks still alive, but personally, I had to come to terms with that. I don't think she is. It's not like her, so I If we get some resolve this time, you know my family, really kinder disappointed, How big is we hear things get your hopes up, I am about to be nothing and you know somebody knows what happened. Somebody out there, though
The brings us to the end of episode, two hundred and seventy two I'd like to thank everyone who spoke with us for the story. If you have a missing loved one that you'd like to have featured on the show, there's a case, submission form at the vanished, podcast dot com. If you'd like to join in on the discussion, there's a page and discussion group on facebook and on twitter at the vanished pod and also on instagram, if you enjoy the show subscribe now and leave a five star review on apple podcasts, spotify or wherever you're listening right now, do you wanna help support the show? There are a couple of things that you can do. One way to help the vanished is by supporting our sponsors. You can find links and promo codes in the episode notes. Another way to support the show is by contributing on patriotic rican get early and ad free episodes. Thanks for listening, the.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-05.