« The Vanished Podcast

Megan Gregory


27-year-old Megan Gregory was last seen in Augusta, Maine in June of 2017. She exited her friends car in the Sand Hill area of Augusta on June 5th but there were sightings of Megan on both the 5th and 6th. After that, Megan vanished. Rumors have circulated about what may have happened to Megan but no trace of her has been found. Megan's friend, Dan, has been searching for her since he found out she was missing. Dan joined me for this episode.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Megan Gregory, please call the Gardiner Police Department at 207-624-7076. You can follow Megan's case on Facebook at Friends of Megan Gregory.

UPDATE- Remains were located on April 7, 2019 and later identified as Megan Gregory.

The episode was co-researched and written by Marissa Jones and Anna Priestland.

Special thanks to Case Warriors for the Missing!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers. You can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music download the app today. These people don't kill people most of qualified immigrants to blame and look after the Malta, mostly on the side of the last five years, or does the man had been pulled off by discussion earlier in the police? Do not have it under control, they murder people, they might have in plain sight daylight warmer parking lot rotary, is in the middle of the city. These people will kill the on the afternoon. june. Fifth, two thousand seventeen twin seven year old, making Gregory was in a car with her boyfriend, sam and another friend. megan and SAM had an argument and megan asked her friend to pull over.
So she could get out of the car megan eggs. did her friends vehicle in the sand. Hill area of Augusta mean when she left the cars was wearing black yoga pants, a blue sweatshirt and flip flops. She didn't her bag or her phone. The area sand hill is notorious for drug activity, in fact police had been working on a big drug bust in the area at the time. This was an area that making frequented leading up to her disappearance making got out of the car. Neither her friend or her boyfriend ever saw her again people since come forward and said that they saw making getting in and out of different vehicles the following day, but after that megan was never seen again.
Amerika and from wondering this episode. One hundred and twenty seven of the vanished, megan gregory story, one of the Closest friends Dan has been looking for her ever since he heard that she was missing, He saw megan on the morning of the fifth as he was helping her pay for her car, which was being repaired at a local shop, but before we, Went to the lead up to maidens disappearance, we're gonna go back a number of years act when mega moved a gardener mean and began working at a local pub. This is one again and dan became close friends.
I met megan in september of two thousand and twelve. I met her the first day she interviewed at king eiders, pub and down with scott at where I am a bartender. We just liked each other right away. She was an incredibly nurturing person. She had found out that I not too much time before that had a heart attack from a drowning incident and even though I wasn't exactly old at that time, she just wouldn't. Let me do anything. She was so kind. I couldn't go upstairs if she was around, I couldn't make a drink if she was around. She would do every I think she could for me and that's how we became friends. I just saw her as a just a really a naturally a nurturing person in a in a sweet, sweet person, but again no pushover. She she was. She was pretty tough too, but she had a. She had a core sweetness to her, so back in two thousand and twelve, five years before she disappeared mega a to gardener main from Jacksonville florida to live with her mom
We plan to get herself together. She packed up her hundreds of full of her belongings, along with her two dogs and her toward us. She made the twelve hundred mile trip from Florida, two main to stay with her mom and stepped out before that You ve been bouncing back and forth between Jacksonville Florida and Savannah georgia, and his day, describes she had some roots in addiction since she was a teenager, she had come to me to start over again. She was married to the stud. When she came. She was separated from her husband, they admit both of them. She was nineteen. When she married him but she was separated when she moved to me- and I think she was trying to put herself back together in the plan- was to salvage her marriage after she got herself back together. She had a cocaine problem at that
so obviously there were some roots in addiction and there were some problems that had developed. While she was a teenager. I think in that fall of two thousand and twelve. She did very well. The people at the pub are they're good people and it was a decent crowd. It wasn't the kind of place she was going to get any trouble in that fall. She did. She did very, very well. Things fell apart. The follow the following year in the early spring late winter of two thousand and thirteen she she has introduced to heroin means she could not have come to a worse place to recover together
illustrate, especially at the time the timing was right. When Harold was exploding in the catholic valley, there weren't all the overdose deaths yet, but they were coming, they would be coming within the next two years. I have some experience with people. I knew with them alcohol problems. I'd never seen anything like this. I mean, after after she got involved with them. Heroin, which happened in the winter of two thousand. Late winter, early spring. Two thousand. Thirteen in right around the time she meets in sandra boyfriend after leaving her job at the pub in two thousand fourteen megan, began working as a waitress at a local chain. Restaurant named ninety nine. She work, therefore, was two years in october. of two thousand sixteen megan and her boyfriend sam moved staten island to live with her father. Her plan was to seek treatment, but things didn't go as planned.
When making came back from new york, she came alone and sam remained in new york for awhile. Her mom didn't allow her to move back in because she was worried that megan lifestyle would begin to negatively affect thirteen each son Dan spoke about this time. but we did make sure she had a really say place to stay when she came here which she did not play, she stayed on water. But she didn't couldn't find a job. So she came back here in early january, a mass broken at the worst of all. She was, she looked horrible. She looked just she looked aged should like she was forty and she was only twenty seven. She just just looked horrible and she was broken hearted about leaving SAM. She could never lose sight of one three days. However, it should go dependency thinks she can never really be away from sand from one to three she's gonna do it
So religion, she left him there and she thought you lost of for d. Just she totally broke down, I'd, never fear to erect. She would just almost every day just cry the ball at a couch enterprise has weak. We got her friends house in, you just cry to exchange. Try it. I mean we didn't Take her out. Try to get her to do things. I took it to five different job of using. I kept lining up job I took her to the doctors checked her out because she looks terrible. I tried to get her into a rehab. That was that was that I wish to hell that'd work, but it didn't. I kept. I mean I'd got everything I started working with reducing the states, I wouldn't have cost or anything, and it was all setup for her to do. Rehab begin at this point, but she shouldn't do it anyway. She begs him to come back and sam came back toward the end of January
and he lived with her at this friend's house, but she still couldn't find a job. So he's worked forty hours a week. This is we're talking january february, nine, two thousand and seventeen. She is on the streets of augusta, getting involved with these drug dealers because she's on the streets and she just she knew how to find trouble and she did and she sunk and she sunk and she got involved with worse the worst element she could have in that part of the state. Things only continued to get worse for megan, but when she left the apartment that things started to really get bad when she started couch surfing. In places where there would be ten people sleeping on the floor and she she sent me pictures and was horrible, she was broken. She was sad. She did. She had to get rid of her dog because she couldn't take the dog to this knew her place where she was couch surfing, I mean she was miserable. She was absolutely miserable. What meg was doing at this time was lying
to everybody. I don't think she's trying to get clean at all, because for one she was. She started working getting involved with the newer killers at this point, so though, I don't think there is any any attempt to, Why did I think she was doing here with? No, she told me she did such an incredible job. Befallen me so much you smoke, I thought she was taking pills every now and then, but because of the deaths with three or four for good friends in two thousand and sixteen that she would never ever touch heroin again, I believed her. It was stupid of me, but I leading up to maidens disappearance. She was approached by the local police. They were working on a big drug bust. It's not clear This was a casual chat, seeing as Hagen was obviously involved with the local drug crowd or whether was more to this was. Can under surveillance, because her dealers were part of their operation had megan upset people. She purchase drugs from when the police spoke with her
Maybe there were people wondering what megan might say. Why do you need a third or fourth jude asked if she could use my home address to get her male It's not a big problem. Yeah sure go ahead because she didn't have a mailing address and she needed to. I dunno exactly what she needed, something for banking. She said, and I said, okay, if I get anything whatever you need senator, but the only thing I received were two invoices for rented cars from enterprise rental in augusta. I think it was two or three that she rented cars, and this was because her car had broken down and she still was renting cars for these dealers. This is what our job as this is how I think she went in for being a customer. These guys deal out of three or four different motels in downtown augusta For sure the augusta in the edward in an hotel, sick, motel, six rather guessing that megan had been getting her her parents from,
places all winter long, maybe even before that I don't know, but at least that winter, while she she SAM, was working a forty hour week and megan had nothing to do during the day, and I think she literally just started hanging out with these dealers. Oh, I don't think it was gotcha. Well, I think that groomed her somewhat, they knew she had a car. They knew she had a clean licence with a clean record had never been arrested. That made her a commodity that made her something that really needed. These guys come into town on buses, unconquered buses in there. The way they operate is they will hire local young ladies to drive them around and help them. You know to sell their product wherever they have to go in making got involved with it We don't. I dont know the specifics. I do know for sure she did get involved with the police will confirm this till she was under surveillance for some time in the time on and if I'm not sure of the three march last february march, she gets involved these drug dealers from new york. She picked them up the bus station she drives,
around and whatever else they groomed her. For that that comes in that period in may, where no one knows what's going out with her, we didn't talk for three week period in may, which is the longest time we didn't talk since we've known each other. We did start talking Well, she disappeared or three days before she disappeared, and I know she wanted to tell me she was she was in overhead. I know she did because we talk for hours on sunday, night and saturday hours And I know- and I know there were something she had to tell me in- to save it for the next time we got together, but what didn't happen? Dan had always looked out for megan. If she needed money for food or to get our car fixed, he would be there for her, but megan knew she could never asked dan for money for drugs. He would never support her habit. Although they had made up by the day she disappeared in the weeks beforehand. They either first real argument, something
It has never happened before regularly. We would have our fights about little things like. I was always there for her too for big things like she needed someone to bridge the ranch. She need food, she needed it, she could make a car payment or she had to bail sam out of jail or whatever it was. It was important. I would help her with right but every now and then she would deaths were stupid thing that I would say no in a way one time she wanted a ski trip to go with some people on a ski trip. She had no money. Of course you have no money to no job I said: no megan, I'm lucky that I don't do ski trips, korea, I'm korean, so many other things. How could you possibly ask to cover you know and then at the last flight we had was? On me, I was right around me ace of the the month before she disappeared. She um called me and she wanted money for jewelry. She wanted to buy a piece of jewelry from the printers, and I said no nomad that's sucking, you know, I don't do that, I'm not going to you need help with grant. You need to cut whatever
know the law that will help you with that, but I'm not gonna help you with anything stupid like that when we, whenever we would fight- and we were best friends for four years- have our texts, but they would only usually left a day. You know one of us would apologise for taking something like it. Right, but all you realize today, but this time we played with each other, and we both got very irish, and we went for three weeks has done. I was very mad at him for asking for the money for the jewelry, but all she had to do was call me back at all would have been forgiven While Dan now knows about maidens involvement with the new york dealers back before megan disappeared, he was in the dark. When someone goes missing. Those left behind searching have to piece together all of the clues dirt this time period when Dan and megan mega worth speaking. Something happened, something the suggested.
Megan, may have been in more trouble than anyone had realized. This is a this is a rough story to tell friday the second of june two thousand and seventeen. I was at work that I was working with a girl who was best friends with megan, and this was a girl. Who'd always told me that you know you can't be helping her she's got to take care of herself whatever, but we'd always thought she was. The tough love argument- I was the I'm not going to let her fall argument. You know- and we always argued about this, but we were having the at the bar after work and leave. The discussion was what he thinks she's doing. What are you to help her she's made a joke things? Probably selling yourself. and then another girl who was with us said well, let's check and she grabbed her phone and she looked up escorts and in a in a domain and lo and behold we found a picture that looked a lot like her in the description with that picture. Was
right on the money, but we couldn't be sure it was her and we all decided that. Well, it can't be her, let's just let's just forget about it and that next night, which would be the third june megan- and I made up she- she called me and she reached out and said this stupid, and we talked for this and now this is where it gets. Weird too, I didn't. Certainly I didn't ask her about that. We just made up I wasn't if you're about something as big as that, then I don't even know who I was ever been approaches subject by what I would have or she would have, but nice this first night when she called me back. I was after her. She just got. A new job was afterward
I heard on late at night. For me, there was something wrong with her. I could tell right away. Something was really wrong. She stayed on the phone with me for hours and we always talked and talked every day, but we never talked for like the soulful talks for three or four hours. We did that night when she would want me off the phone, so we talked and we talked- and I knew something was really really wrong and the same thing happened to fall on a sunday same thing. On Sunday night after work, she talked to me for hours and hours, something so couldn't put my finger on and I kept asking what's wrong. I can tell you, there's something really buggy and she wanted me to take the day off from work on the following day, and I didn't I said I can meet you in the morning till she needed her. Car was in the shop and she in life apart, but she really did. I called the mechanic to make sure what the exact price of the bill was and said. Yeah. This is what shells mean, so I gave him the mine and we met them
in the morning she disappeared and I gave them money. But but again, the point is that story from the second: we couldn't confirm it was her, so we all we all can just let it go then never got a chance to hear of megan really wanted to talk about because she disappeared, that could happen then spoke about what has been able to gather about the day. Megan disappeared morning at the holster she'd needed she didn't want it to your car, fixed it to one in four hours of exact. That's why murphy at our store. I was heading to work and she, and sam and Aaron, were supposedly to go to the garage and and get the car paid off. That's what I was told. He only talked briefly that morning Davis has probably been between nine and nine thirty on monday morning, the fifth they took off back to augusta and then that's where the story comes in at salmon and meg how to fight.
Mega jumped out of the car at the corner of a water street in washington and started heading straight up the hill toward the sand hill neighbourhood, which is when the worst neighbour the main deftly. Were the dealers hanging and she just she headed up toward the hill in that is less sam's armor. I certainly never saw or heard from her again, but I didn't know she was miss until about a little over twenty four hours. On this point,. Didn't have her phone with her. I didn't have her bag with her didn't have anything with her just the clothes on her back. She left all these things at at the person's apartment, where she had stayed safely in the early part of the winter She had stayed there that saturday and sunday night and left her belongings or with her everything else she owned was in the trunk of a car. I think at that point, mrs, were stories, conflict and overlap. While she met up with some friends up there that she knew, we think she went straight to the dealers. The police have always said that somehow she ended up at the gas. Then
after the fifth or early on the sixth by heroin. They've never said that right out, but they've certainly hinted broadly at that, and she purchased her when that Monday night or monday afternoon, sure that at all, then there is this one feature at the street corner. This wants you to getting into a brand new truck. This one feature getting it when I'll drop. This one sees are getting into a car she seen getting in and out of vehicles for like twenty four hours, but no one seems to know who's vehicles are so that is how she seems to us. and the rest of the fifth and sixth. I guess there was a party somewhere in washington street that afternoon of the six some people saw getting into an old this time, an old, broken down truck and for any group of people or any group of friends seeing her. This is right. The last time she was seen to pm tuesday, six, but the police
to know who she was with the evening of june fix their effect, the caterpillar various tommy. He knows who she was well, but you wouldn't say I'd like I said I don't even know she's missing, till six p m on tuesday. I could just work, and I remember she says I sat down turned on the news and the phone rang it was SAM sam, says, Megan's missing. Of course. Ok. What do you mean next thing? I know these guys had fights for years and she'll disappear, for a couple of hours at a time or something was wrong for he would never have called me in any of those times this time he called so something was obviously very wrong. He knew something he still didn't tell me what he knew. He just told me meg was missing, so this is what I told him to do. I should sam is what you gotta. Do you gotta get on facebook, you've gotta put out, but all points
it sick. So I should give it three hours. If you do not hear anything about making the next three hours, you have to go to a megan's mother's house, which was right probably a quarter mile from the floor. She and he were sleeping on, even though she was estranged from her mother at this time, the We finally almost made it a summer and for all of those events, speech weakens weddings and everything in between my go to shop. destination is always the real real dot com, the real is the largest and most trusted destination for authenticated luxury resale. You find everything from gucci, prada arrest, ganny stored in so much more offer up to now. Two percent off retail, whether you're looking for an outfit for that upcoming wedding, a perfect summers and all were vacation, ready, beached, hope, you're bound to find exactly what looking for on the real real dot com without delay
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June's journey for free today on I'll s, an android soon had become concerned. When megan had returned to the place that they ve been couch surfing. That's when he called down at six p m. He followed dances, actions and went to maidens moms when he still couldn't find her by nine p m, while His mom was calling the police to report her missing dan also got on the phone, anytime. I'm here calling the jails. I think I call the augusta police department. They had to report it to the gardner police department's missing, but I was on the phone with the augusta police department right away. Now I am pretty sure I'd call some of the hospitals too. So that's what I'm doing during this where something starts to go off
the track. A little bit is so I'm told that when the gardener police talked to SAM, they convinced sam to say, oh, it was just a tiff and that she'd probably be back soon, so she wasn't listed as a missing person. At this point, I didn't notice. I had no idea of this. I thought when he called the police that she was immediately list is missing and I'm on record on phone for three nights, calling the police going. Are you looking for? Having done anything,
I didn't know that neither of these police departments had listed as missing until the ninth, which is really really important, and if she was under surveillance by the police- and she was alive on the evening of the sex which she most likely was and sounds like she was, they could have found her august. Isn't new york and august isn't philadelphia? It's a very small town in the places where she could have purchased drugs or got herself into trouble were three or four different places. It's not a big town, it really they if she was under surveillance and they've already admitted to me that they knew where she was. They didn't see her in any danger and, like I said they did not mister for three days is missing. They didn't do anything to look. They didn't do anything to look for nothing. There were those searched and from Allen, gregory, and that week she disappeared between the fifth and ninth. As far as I know, there has never been a
search for megan Gregory, never anywhere. You want effect on sunday, the eleventh I heard that she had been killed out behind the edwards in and I found out that they had never even been behind the origin. To look for evidence that I was, I think, the first one to go back their luck on sunday, the eleventh. Because megan had no fixed address and was considered transient, it made it more difficult for the police to deter and if she was really missing or not, megan may have on somewhere temporarily and could show up at any time, though, who were closer megan were scrambling to see if anyone else have seen or heard from her a woman Megan knew from the sand. Hill area said that making it hung out with her on tuesday morning, which would have been the morning after she left sam and her friend in the car, but they were also rumours that make any been seen by others on tuesday as well. Getting in of a number of vehicles, and the rumour was that she was in the company of the drug dealers from new york city. But
no one could or would say what megan was doing going in and out of different vehicles. The thing was, the photos on the escort website the ones of the woman that damned truly hoped was not megan. Now in hindsight its clear they were actually her. Indeed, strongly believes that in the weeks preceding her disappearance, she was pulled into it, probably by the men she was driving for whether willingly or not. We just don't know we going to search for her in the sand, pits behind federal neighborhood and in the woods behind sandal neighborhood. There had been a rumor that she hadn't seen them. So I'm myself and another woman a started looking for her that morning and start looking for about eight thirty that morning, call noise and start with pets. Are we were joy,
around ten o clock by sam and charlotte her mother, and about three or four other of make its friends they met us. We organised a, not search a more thorough search of the pit, the woods in down by the river banks we split into two It is in the middle, the river bank and that one until about noon, when night wraps up we go back of this girl's house showed a kind of says to me: I'm very comfortable with this crowd. You know they're all, wearing their relaxing recovery action? She was very uncomfortable with these people and she said she was going so she did and soon she leaves this crowd of her friends in samples not there. He left to go talk to someone so save has left this party and left me with a bunch of her friends who I'd never met before and as soon as Shauna leaves they do sort of a half moon around me kind of get in my face. They said she's with the new york dealers. That's what she's, when we know that, if she's with russia, why has no one told me this? Then they just spill
She's been driving for them. She's been hanging out with them. Just a story started coming out of his kids about how she been involved with these new dealers forbidden of six weeks to two months. This is how maidens friends and family began to learn that megan had been involved, not just in taking drugs, but also a very high chance she was helping to move drugs to the friends had confirmed what Dan was hoping wasn true. That megan was using her car to help these dealers when and returned home. work and turn on his computer. He saw facebook post from a friend of megan's, the posting, mention any names but said something like did anyone here. Disturbance behind the edwards in early on wednesday morning, someone was being beat up very badly when dad got in touch
this friend she admitted that she believed the person she heard was. Megan then goes on to tell me that it was big was the window to the bitter to death. I saw them throw her body into back with a black ass. You re, she's gone Dan took this information to the police. He was told that they believe that megan had likely going to new york city with the dealers that she may have greed do sex work for them to pay off a debt. She may have old, meccans, family and friends. Told that she might reappear, possibly in two to three weeks after she repaid her debt. The police felt we're looking at a drug crime, but some of maidens friends. Felt that it wasn't just a drug crime but a murder, the bay his worry was that if the police spoke to megan in the lead up to her disappearance, possibly she been harmed in retaliation for the drug bus. They were working on deck. talk to me about his theories and what he believed. The police already knew.
But they never share, but she had been under surveillance, and I know I think they know exactly which dealers she was with and they were from the city. There seems to be three different grew three or four different groups. Rival groups at work I too suffer from rochester seller from lawless. The bulk of them seem to be coming right out of new york city, the other lead an officer, and this is christopher. He is a drug enforcement officer for augusta gay city, wa right away had that information that she was with ones from new york city that she was a dealers from new york city. When Dan was telling me this, I couldn't help, but wonder if having megan under surveillance could have put her at risk was a dangerous to approach. Her in a public place we don't have any evidence to suggest that megan was working as an informant, but what, Someone merely thought she was because he had seen her speaking to the police, and this could suggest motive.
The series unloaded at least the series I'm giving you right, because I don't again they don't share. These are just theories yeah a gay admitted to talking to her. He said. Yes, I talked to her one day at mcdonald's and SAM was with her happen, to have been with her at that time. and he said we do what we knew she was moving product will, indeed even to answer you. Holding in personnel course makes no in the snow, that's the one, he's admit. I think you ve talked to a more than that. Why does it's got a motive for weeks and weeks and why the capital, ideal, achieving killed up on the the was was they couldn't come up with a motive. If she had got involved in prostitution, they were going to kill someone who make money for them so they kept him out, didn't happen and other stories they do. You know that if she owed money, they even said that the state police in the gardener, augusta police have agreed. whether she owed money. She would have gotten in touch with me and I would have got her out of it, which is true. That probably would have happened. So they dismissed that
tourism one. This may not be the stronger alone, but this is one of them. Is that one gay talk to her a compromise here I know Megan. She would not have gone back to the dealers and to pay the drug enforcement car from augusta, just quartered mean and to me, and I'm sure, eventually from a second or third party. It came back to these dealers that she was had either once or several times talk to a policeman. Now that happened, there's your motive what is their reason for killing over there about a week after making disappeared, there was a big drug bust augusta. Three men were arrested, one was local and to or from new york local man had rented a room at an augusta motel and they were dealing drugs out of that room officers cocaine, heroin and several thousand dollars in cash from the motel room remit how dare mention these dealers will come from new york on a bus and pay young women like megan to drive them around
they also had bus tickets in their possession when they were arrested, police of state, that these men were alternating between two motels in augusta for at least a month before they were busted just a week after Megan van last and making had been approached by the police at least once prior to her disappearance. It I'll always maintain that regular sacrificed to the spot, and that's why, most three days they did not go looking for. They were ready to spring the trap on the budget which we did on thirteenth. It's been totally mishandled exactly what I think, since the police believe that making a gone to new york with her dealers, there was no official search for makin, the police wealth. Had nothing concrete to suggest that megan had been harmed just stories. from people who they believed to be unreliable because they use drugs as the weeks
The months wore on dan continued to chase leads and look for Megan JD. What was so certain of what happened to her? The first words he said to both her mother and myself will say. I was there too, what I know more about megan than you do. The new dan knew her mother. I know more about me than you possibly could could now- ok good to. When he took over the meeting, the meeting had been going, it had started without him said: nope. She definitely new york city, she's, working off a debt which saying she's a prostitute and she were going to fear and two or three weeks will probably a restaurant. Ninety five one of these days bringing product back into me and that's how it was going to go. Then she said that these drug dealers were now her new family and for a while she would consider them are family and that's why we wouldn't see her.
The thing is known to actually make it again. You know no one's ever heard from egg. It again megan call me every morning to tell me she was carried megan almost call me every night to tell me she was of tat. She knew she knew how much I worry about her swallow son started under the fifth. I dont care for mega. Never again not a word throughout the summer I kept getting tip Some people said they saw her working a street corner in lewiston or bangor or portland, and the police didn't check these out. I did I would get my car and go right there and ask everyone. I saw some. I know boy at this point, I'm an expert on where that business.
His name, I'm in and I would walk, and I would ask questions and it didn't seem. The police ever followed up on any of these tips unless they were pestered. I mean, if I said you heard about this step, and did you check this out when you'd have to call back two or three times to make sure they had the chances? Are they hadn't? The do you want a straighter smile without ever needing to enter a dental office? It sounds impossible, but with bide you can transform your teeth entirely from the comfort of your own home bite offers clear liners that are doctor, directed and delivered straight to your doorstep? Prep time for your smile journey is minimal. Just take an impression mould of your mouth preview, your three d smile and order your all day or at night aligners. That's it you'll even get to track your smile's progress. Every step of the way with the bite, app plus you'll have access to your clinical team seven days a week. Best of all is
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began, re looking at what had happened and who had seen Megan the day she disappeared. Everything I've always possible boys always never scripted. Shop get kept asking for two days. I don't hear from them. Finally, I keep email Doesn't this important? Isn't this development They say it is an end I got a little hopeful here because they asked to revisit those conversations early in the morning of the night before what that meeting, and I sent them all the pages of the compensation. so so in my mind, the picking finally learn, you know we're all gonna be on the same page about this. I do believe and get a sense that everything is going in wonder why I have no way of knowing that for certain it's just what I believe right now. There is no other story. There is no other citing making gregory they're. All of you, stories going around. That suggests that megan was murdered, but I wondered if,
We have these stories ever gave Dan a good idea of where they should be looking for her in the first few weeks, there's a flood of rumors and breathing problems. She was taken up the sand pit and thoroughly execute by what the deal is. So that start, then, the following week is another star that starts floating around sand hill. In this one, it comes to me that she had been thrown in a well analysis and police with didn't, have not had a search for megan, not a canine certain, search of the river. I'm the edwards is right on the bank of the banks of the kennebec river. They have never once tried to look at the river, the river banks. They have never taken a canine unit up to the sandhill where it was rumored. She was. She had been, dan is very clear that he believes megan had gone from being useful for drug trafficking to being useful for sex trafficking. When I first interview dan,
have been something he had suspected based upon rumours and the profile that he had seen before she disappeared. Well, in the process of creating this episode. Dan was able to confirm that it was true. Alright. This is the other theory of why made it to do over here and because confirmation by fear on monday that she was in fact an escort in working for these men from new york. As a network, it takes the whole focus off of drugs, it puts the focus on sex What happened? I really believe this was the groomed her over the but to me when I was talking to her tonight. The greyfriars, make a little extra money. This way, I'm you know wanted to try doing this for us and they got her to a point where she did it and if you talked to people about those three weeks when I wasn't talking to her, she would just disappear, should have a fight with salmon.
two or three hours at a time then come back and then maybe have another five linden leave for a couple of hours and we've now figured out that it's because she was working and if you go to june fifth and six when people were still seeing around augusta, the reports are always that she was getting into a different car or different truck. So now we put connected the dots on that to what she was doing those days when she had the flag, faggot sam. I don't even think they really. I think she caused the fight on purpose cause. She knew she had jobs that she had johns. She had to seat for these guys and I think she faked the fight to get some of these. Some of the work done. That's what I believe now so for, like I said for the olive June fifth in until two o'clock in the afternoon on june, six people keep seeing her getting into a series of vehicles and that's what everyone's last sighting of her was. She was dying. We don't know who she was getting the car with that she was getting the pirates on and, of course, she disappears for good at around two o'clock on june six, something here, here's what I think happened and I've told the police this till yesterday.
In one really really important aspect of meghan's personality and she was tough. She was as tough as they come. I have a video of her fighting with sam and literally having him on the ground and on top of him in a second she she knew what she was doing. She was one very tough girl and you didn't ever tell Megan what to do This is gonna go along with existing rumours up there, but this is what I think happened. I think she were to these guys on the fifth insects. And she made them a lot of money. But what I think happened, that's when they take these girls, they will sell them for two thousand five thousand and four thousand. I think one of these people that, while she was out working her in the next room working- so I know she was take new york to make some money, and the rumor has always been that a lot of money exchanged hands for five hundred four thousand lever. Two thousand and one of these
and sold her to another new york dealer. But you have to understand that megan is a fighter. I know Megan. She probably should know I've been working here for two days. I'm tired! I want to go back to SAM. You know I have one. I have got lunch plan with Dan on Wednesday you're gonna. Take me out of my life. I didn't like what I said. I'd do for you, here's the money, you know, and they said that they I think they tried to take her to new york
I think they tried to take her or do something whether there is no anyone who knows or knows that she would fight as hard as she could and I think, even though she was a commodity to them, she fought hard enough with a killer. I really believe that, with all my heart, when I told the cops there were like that, could very well be true too. I don't think this was a drug overdose. I don't think she owed them money. I think she had been sold and she was like there's no way you take me to new york, city or anywhere else. I'm going back samsonite. She did love SAM there's. No doubt in this rumor has been up there. I've been hearing this from people for months, but I never really, but until I heard the confirmation from sam that she was actually an escort
Then it made real sense. She might have understood that that happen other girls, but there was no way she was gonna accept that for her, and I sure these guys lied right to wishing oh, no, you still do. What do you want here will make money, and it was always planned to take her new york or somewhere else, but there was a bigger market where they can make more money offer. And dan isn't giving up he's, determine Someone knows what happened to megan that the last week She was seen alive, hold the crucial key to finding her. I don't stop shoot the girls. What the girl, my best friend, truly truly like the only daughter I've ever had. I've got three sons, they've all done really really well, so you know I I've. I've got a pretty good touch with kids. I thought I could pull it off with megan. I didn't I didn't she really really. I really had so much hope for her and that's why I can't stop, because I do see her as my kid. I really do I just have to know what happened to her. She was under. She was under it. She was there. She was
So what's more chicken handle in the last six weeks of her life, it it just went way out of control and so fast the things that she's got herself involved in. I don't think she had any india, any idea that it would lead to what it led to out of all the bad things that happened to. I don't think she ever thought here in maine. That's always been considered a very safe place, but drugs and sex trafficking are a they state in the timing? Would maidens? Moving here was just could not have been worse when wanna dance, straightens has been the lack of media attention when I, did the show. I wanted to focus on cases that you weren't hearing about on the news: it's always In frustrating to me to see that only a small amount of cases get the coverage when we have so many missing people. Often when I have covered lesser known cases, those of you sitting from that local area either. Tell me that you hadn't even known the person, was missing or thought they'd been found
because you saw something initially and then nothing awareness. Is so important. Someone could know, sir, thing and not even realise its relevant because they, even aware that there is a missing person heard. That was the first time since september. Third that there had been either a media or police update on nine september. Third, that an article in the paper not any as a matter of fact, detective gay on one of the local television, came out on September third and said the man mind you, who knows He's driving for drug dealers comes out on tv and says we have no reason to suspect foul play. There's nothing but foul play in the story. As the year has gone on since megan disappeared, Dan has continued to look on his own for her. He, searches himself and calls people who might be able to help him with any information.
Explained in his time off from work. He puts up posters of megan all over the state, hoping that someone might come forward dan. Has so become frustrated with how the police have treated megan. There's no doubt that the very she's been marginalized she's, not a real person, because of your part, just I've seen. How many examples are this one of the three or four people missing in this it all year and they're not putting anything into it. The other woman tina who disappeared like two weeks before megan did the same thing. She had problems with drugs and this and that so it's just not on the front burner yeah. This is happening all over the country. If you are a certain person involved in certain situations, good luck, getting justice. You are going to be neglected. You are not going to have a lot of resources used on you. the boys at a case here, it's horrible, I mean she was a great did. No one, no one deserve, but
on a personal level, I know this person was. I know what our aspirations were. I know she would be would have beat us. She was tough kid didn't she had wanted a few. and you want to children and she wanted to get over the horrible, a dictionary, none that never was going to be easy for, but I but pulled for it. I believed in her point I totally believed in her. I just really thought she could do it, but she's a person to me in getting her to be. Send to these guy to be rude comments about also, along its been pretty frustrating. Right now Dan continues to hand over to police any leads that he gets he's waiting for breaking the case and keeps in touch with maidens boyfriend sam. Even though sam is not vocal in the media, he to hold them hope that answers will come. I did change messages were SAM and he told me that he loved megan more than anything, but that has been too difficult for him to speak publicly about her disappearance. I attempted to come
tat, maidens family, but received no response dan, explain that maidens parents hold our hope that the police are right that maybe after our own accord, so can with her addiction that she can't get out of the cycle she's in, but their hopeful that she's go out there alive so what happened to begging Gregory after she got out of her friends car on june. Fifth, two thousand: seventeen. no, there were sightings of her on the six and then it all start I believe that she went to new york with the dealers and she's working off a debt. Has she been trafficked orgy the stories about her being murdered did her contact with the police shortly before her disappearance. Put her at risk, If you have any information about the disappearance of making Gregory, please call the gardener police at two zero: seven, sixty four seven zero, seven six! You can follow in this case on facebook, at friends of making Gregory. That brings us to the end
episode, one hundred and twenty seven I'd like to thank dan for speaking to me for this episode. If you have a missing love, one that you'd like to have featured on the show, there's a case emission form at the vanish podcast out com. If you like to contact me, is a page, any discussion group on facebook I'm on twitter at, finish part and also on instagram If you enjoy the shown subscribe now on apple podcast, sticker, spotify, wondering dot com or wherever you're listening right now, do you wanna help support the vanished? There are, but things that you can do In my view, an apple pie casts your five star, refuse help others finally shown in other ways port. The vanished is, by supporting our sponsors, even find links to special deals mentioned in this episode in the show nuts I'll be taken next week off.
go on vacation with my family, but I'll be back the following week with a case from texas. Thanks for listening, I can't let you skull I never out of my head. I am never not ten minutes without being staggered by some are hurting her just bringing make crushingly I just I can never. I chant adjusted and I believe that there are others were just what he's got Like it's gonna be ok, she makes a really bad choices. You pay the consequences, that's it never gonna, be there
I've never gonna happen under the push. Until his resolution should review its budget, we ran out of time. I think she would have there. She was. She got a lotta light life. She hadn t call me too: I would have you drugs, like the rest of my life from venus. She wanted children, she wanted a real life. Truthfully. She had a lot of undiagnosed mental. She knew it
Does she know she's very aware of it, and she knew would that be addressed? And I just ran out of time.
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-22.