« The Vanished Podcast

Katherine and Sheila Lyon


On March 25, 1975, Katherine and Sheila Lyon walked to a shopping mall to look at Easter exhibits and eat lunch. They were last seen on the route home that afternoon. 

Update- In 2017, Lloyd Lee Welch pleaded guilty to the kidnapping and murder of Katherine and Sheila Lyon. He was sentenced to 48 years in prison.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers. You can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music, download the AP today good afternoon. My name is John Mccarthy state's attorney for Montgomery county maryland on march, the twenty fifth nineteen. Seventy five, Katherine Lyon aged ten and Sheila Lyon, age twelve, walked from their home. Only a few blocks
away from where we now stand at the time. There was a strip shopping center that existed at that location. The two girls went to the mall to see the easter decorations and to eat lunch. The girls were both seen by multiple people, while at the shopping centre, including one of their brothers, neither catherine nor Sheila ever returned home, Katherine and Sheila were reported missing to the Montgomery county police department that evening by their parents, the
the into their disappearance, is currently into its forty first year. This case has never left the collective consciousness of this police department nor our community. We always special debt of gratitude to the chief of police, tom, major and the men and women of montgomery canny police force. Further leadership. This investigation continues today and it will go beyond the events that we are about to outline. His investigation has gone beyond the boundaries of montgomery counting and it possesses the challenges of a forty year old case. I wish to acknowledge john and Mary line. We join us here today, along with three generations of the lion family.
Hello and welcome to episode twenty eight of the vanished tonight, I'll be covering the disappearance of catherine in sheer, will lion before we started and wanted to thank everyone for their continued support of the show. This past weekend, I wish deceived. The show made it to number ten on the itunes history chart. I made him. to go with this episode. So if you would like to check it out to follow along, it is on the vanished pakistan com. The disappearance of the wine sisters, was a case that rock the region of his country in the nineteen seventys the cat received a lot of news coverage at the time, because it was unbelievable that these two people, her sisters could go missing and also their father. was a famous radio personality on march twenty four nineteen. Seventy five ten year old, Catherine twelve year old sheila left their home in washington maryland between
eleven am in noon to walk about a half miles. The employer to see easter exhibits. We impose it was a shopping mall that today is called west wheaten before they left there I told them to be home by four p m that day around one p m a boy from the name He saw them talking to a man outside of a pizza shop called the orange ball, He described the man as being between fifty and sixty years old about six feet tall, and he was brown suit. He was carrying brief pace with a tape recorder inside there were other children with them as well, and they were talking into the microphone around two p m there, older brother, J, solemn eating pizza at the orange fall between two thirty and three p m. A friend of their southern walking down the street near them all the street that there are and would have been a direct route to their home. This is the ass, confirm, citing of catherine in Sheila, their mother
came concerned when they did not come home at four p m and called police at seven the aim that night a massive urgent suit, volunteer groups, help search for the girls, and the national guard was called in man with the tape recorder initially became the prime suspect in the case police. These two composite sketches of man. Several people came forward and said tat, a man matching that description had been seen a few weeks before the this judgment missing at the morgue. I hate shopping center and the iverson mall these malls, or both thirty five to forty minutes away from wheaten plaza the man broached young girls and asked them to record in answering machine message that was taken on an index card. The family received several phone calls from people claiming to have the girls. These people were trying to collect ransom money on April
nineteen seventy five, a man called and demanded that sheila and Catherine father leave a brief case with ten thousand dollars inside a bathroom in a court house In annapolis, maryland. The money was left, but no one ever came for it. The man old John lion back and said he did not pick it up. Because police were at the courthouse watching told the man that he would have to show them some proof that he had the sisters in order to get the ransom money. The man said that he would call back, but he never did. About two weeks after Sheila and Catherine disappeared. A witness came forward and reported seeing two girls who looked just like the sister a monastic virginia. The witnesses He saw them bound and gagged. In the back of a beach nineteen, sixty eight ford station wagon and the driver looked like the man in the sketch that had been released The driver noticed the witness was following him and proceeded to run a red light and speed off on route to thirty four, towards interstate sixty six.
Vehicle, had a marilyn license plate which read dm t six, but the witness did not see the last two numbers, because the license plate was bent. Combination had been issued in cumberland hagerstown baltimore maryland around that time. That night people in the yeah. He would see the radio's scoured area looking for the station wagon, but found nothing police try to find a vehicle that match the description with that license. Plate number, but Lead nowhere, the lead was thought credible at the time, but the police event we considered it to be questionable. Several suspects, looked out over the years. The first aspect is fred, howard coffee, He is currently serving a life sentence for the nineteen. Seventy nine murder of ten year old, amanda marie ray. He invited her to go fishing with him, and several of friends saw her within that day. She had called her mother and told her that she was going fishing with a nice gray, haired man and her mother
Hold her not to go, he didn't. the one trial until nineteen eighty six, he was convicted and sentenced to death. His deaths and was overturned by the north carolina supreme court in ninety ninety one, three sentenced to death for a second time, but in my view, Ninety five, due to a technicality he was raised and to life in prison. The state of north korea. Line. I did not have life without parole at the time, so he came for parole Two thousand and twelve and two thousand and fifteen, it was denied both times. Men. His mother has a website about this, and she asked that people write letters to the parole board. They have to Read every single letter they receive. If you would like to help with this in the future, please go to jail just for amanda dot, tripod dot com for more information. Coffee has minute. Molesting one hundred children all over the east coast in eighteen? Eighty, seven, the police begin
to investigate his possible connection to the lions sisters, authorities. said that he was in the area of wheaten plaza when they vanished. He found other here job interview in silver spring maryland, six days after they disappeared, and they think that was in the area looking for jobs at the time they were ever able to link him to the line sisters, but he is acted in many other cases. From around that time,. He was known to lord children with fishing, poles or metal detectors policing. but be interesting and wondered if maybe he could have been the man with with tape recorder and was using that to lure Sheila and and the next next is raymond raymond molest muskie senior in seventy five. He lived in suitable maryland, which is not far from the malls where the man with the recorder was seen in nineteen. Seventy seven. He got into an argument with his wife and murdered her their son and injured there other son authority search
his former home in nineteen. Eighty two, because prison informants had come forward with information Also, leslie himself said that he knew something about the lion sisters and one or two. changing information for better prison conditions during the search Doug about a dozen test holes in the yard, but they did not find anything. molesey he died while prison in two thousand and four another suspect is John crutch, also known as the vampire rapist he was convicted best, but it is believed that he may have been a serial killer as well and is a suspect in about thirty cases. He got the vampire rapists nickname after a brutal rape and nineteen. Eighty five, it was thanksgiving and his wife was away visiting family for the holiday crucially picked up a hitchhiker and told her that he would take her where she needed.
to go but that he had to stop at his house first when they got to his house. He invited her in, but she declined the invitation. He then proceeded to get into the back of the vehicle and choke her unconscious. Now. The story goes from bad to worse. Here she woke up tied to a kitchen countertop and he had set up lights and a camera. He raped Her and then he put a needle in her arm to extract blood, and then he drank it crucially, handcuffed her to a bathtub only to return multiple times for more rounds of sexual assault and blood extraction and one point he left and she was able to kick out a bathroom no and escape. She was found crawling down the street. Both her hands and ankles were handcuffed. A passer by and she asked the man not to take her back to that house and pointed it out to him. She was taken. We hospital and they were able to deter in that she was missing. Forty to forty five percent of her blood had
not escaped when she did. She made have survived another round of him extracting more blood when they serve His home investigators took pictures of a stack of credit cards that was several inches thick and also a collection of women's necklaces that was hidden in a closet For some unknown reason, they did not collect this evidence and when went back a second time. It was all gone. It is thought that those items may have linked two other missing and murdered women. I found a quote in my research that really bothered me crutch. Liese wife commented on the rate that he was convicted of and said that it was a gentle rape, devoid of overt brutality, who says something like that. He has been suspected in lyon case, but all I could find to link them to the area was at his wife's family lived near by crucially died in prison in two thousand and two he was found with a plastic bag over his head.
And it was determined that he had died of auto erotic asphyxiation, good riddance. I want to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey. Everyone loves a good family mystery, especially one with as many twists and turns as june's journey step into the role of june parker and search for hidden clues to uncover the mystery of her sisters. Murder. One thing that I enjoyed about playing june's journey was that it included mind, teasing, puzzles, but also a really interesting story line. I found it a great way to just relax and play a game that also To my mind, engaged wanting to go to each new chapter to find more clues reality and immerse yourself in the world of june parker. Can you cry, The case download june's journey for free today on I o s, an android we ve
we almost made it to summer and for all of those events, beach, weekends, weddings and everything in between my go to shopping destination is always the real real dot com. The real real is the largest and most trusted destination for authenticated luxury resale. You find everything from gucci, prada or mez to gani start and so much more offer up to ninety percent off retail, whether you're looking for an outfit for that upcoming wedding, a perfect summer sandal or a vacation ready beach tote, you're bound to find exactly what you're. Looking for on the real real dot com with up to ten thousand new arrivals every single day in deals, you won't find anywhere else, there's truly nothing like the real rio for easy shopping. Download. The app and use code vanished for twenty percent off your next order. That's the real real dot com and code vanished for twenty percent off at checkout terms, apply in two thousand, and fourteen authorities announced a break in the case and a new person of interest.
This case shocked or community nineteen seventy five and has never been forgotten by the police department or anyone who followed the case thirty nine years ago,
Our cold case squad has been able to identify a man who is currently incarcerated as a convicted child sex offender and we've established that this man was at lincoln, plaza on that day and may have had contact with the lion girls. The person of interest is lloyd. Lee Welch also known as Michael or Michael welch. I want to tell you what we know and after I finish some of telling you when, on on the details we've been able to establish of, I want. I'm then going to ask for the public's help, anyone's help who may be able to fill in some of the blanks that we're dealing with investigators have established the fact that Welch was at wheaton plaza on march twenty fifth nineteen. Seventy five we've also established well,
was observed. Paying attention to the wine sisters, while at weaken, plaza welsh now has multiple convictions for sexual offences against young girls and has been incarcerated since nineteen. Ninety seven misstated delaware. For one of these offences, welsh has criminal convictions involving young female victims in the states of virginia delaware and south carolina, although he is originally from the washington DC area, who else has travelled extensively throughout the united states during the making seventies eighties and early nineties, he was employed by a carnival company which travel to various locations throughout the united states. Often setting up at shopping malls, wealth was right operator for the carnival. He also was accompanied in his travels was often accompany his travels by
our friend Helen Kramer, was also implied by the carnival company, then pulled case detectives decided to take a fresh look at the case in two thousand and thirteen they found a stir meant me by widely welsh back and nineteen. Seventy five He had inserted himself into the investigation by going to war plaza about a week after the sisters disappeared. He found security guard and asked about the girls. The secure. regard was suspicious enough to contact. The police. Welsh told Please that he was at wheaten plaza the day they vanished and saw them get into a vehicle with a man. They gave him a polygraph and determined that he was being untruthful, but didn't recognizes importance to the case. At the time. During the two thousand and thirteen investigation police found a statement from a friend of the sisters saying that a man had been staring at sheila and catherine. That day, She found the behaviour to be so odd that she even confronted the man about it. A composite
catch was made of this man, but it was not widely distributed. Text has found a mug shot of welsh from an arrest for burglary in the mid nineteen seventies. That view closely match the sketch of the man who kept staring at the girls, the burglary taken place just blocks from wheaten plaza. They looked into his back Ground and found that he had been incarcerated in delaware since nineteen. Ninety seven for sexual, using a ten year old girl, welsh pleaded. He too first green unlawful sexual intercourse than unlawful sexual penetration. In that case,. they also found that he had convictions for sexually salting young girls in south carolina and virginia detected. Went to delaware to question welsh, They interviewed him several times, and these interviews, led to several searches of properties, are owned by welsh family members. I had from actual innocence read. One of the search warrants for me includes a lot of
important facts about the case. On october sixteenth, twenty thirteen, I got my colleague police detectives interviewed, welsh and a delaware police facility Was immediately acknowledge that he knew the detectives from Montgomery county were there to discuss. The disappearance of two young girls watch further explained that he had corresponded with his sister and he knew why detectives wanted to speak during the eight hour interview, it became apparent detectives that, whilst was being deceptive, whilst did acknowledge that he was in wheaten plus on the day the lion sisters were reported missing. When detectives asked welsh what happened the lion sisters, he stated that he believed they were abducted, raped and burned up, Well, it's eventually till the detectives that he no longer wanted to cooperate by answering questions and that detective to charged with murder and taken back to prison. Since the initial interview detectives has spoken to watch on several different occasion,
to include an interview after a media released identifying lloyd, welsh as a personal interest, in this case, after speaking with wild here, When the rider that he had lied about most of the information he has provided in the past interviews and wanted to start over while signal, said he was in the modern day. He followed the lion sisters around them mall. He recalled seeing them in their food court prior to them, leaving and was able to accurately described the flowered sure worn by one of the lion. Girls was also stated that he was behind the lion sisters as the exit at the store. He further explained. He witnessed his cousin, thomas teddy welsh and an unknown mail with their arms around the lion sisters according to welsh. He then got on a bus and lost sight of thomas welsh and the lion sisters, Angela fourteenth twenty fourteen detectives with the Montgomery county police interview, boyd wild again about the abduction and disappearance of the lion sisters. Lloyd, welts, provide detectives
the details about his involvement, as well as his cousin thomas welch, and his uncle richard welch lloyd, stated that he and Thomas were in the mall that day. At some point, thomas met him with the lyon sisters He informed the writer all left them altogether and got into Richard Welch's ford station wagon I returned to richard, while just residents and hides fell maryland, The next day, lloyd, went back to the residents and witness richard while engaging in sexual activity with one of the lion sisters in a room in the basement. He further explained the room in the basement was kept secure with a lock and could only be accessed by dick welsh detectors, located several parcels of land on taylor, mountain thaxton, but for accounting
Virginia that are either currently are previously on by members of the welsh family. One of these properties is currently on by richard welsh adjacent to the property on by richard welsh is a parcel of land that was previously owned by Elizabeth and alan Parker Elisabeth Parker. Now deceased was the sister of richard welsh and the aunt of lloyd, welsh and thomas welsh, junior and september eighteen, two thousand and fourteen conny acres, the daughter of Elizabeth was interviewed by investigators. Acres lived on the family property on taylor, mountain and nineteen. Seventy five acres reported that in or about the spring of nineteen, seventy five lloyd, welsh and a female companion arrived at her families residents unexpectedly
Acre stated that lloyd, welsh had a duffel bag containing bloody clothing. Lloyd, welsh asked acres to wash the clothes for him, but she refused lloyd, welsh, told acres that he had been carrying ground beef in the duffel bag, which had gone bad and causes clothing to become bloody. This investigation has revealed that in march nineteen, seventy five when alliances are missing, lloyd, welsh was dating Helen kramer and that Kramer was pregnant in an interview with police henry part corroborate this statement of a sister Conny acres, specifically that lloyd welsh showed up on the property on taylor, mountain road and nineteen. Seventy five with two green army style, duffel bag that way between sixty and seventy pounds he further described the duffel bag, is having reddish brown stains and the odor of decomposition parker stated that he had heard through family conversations that lloyd, welsh was running from law enforcement,
and the maryland area and was supposed to have two girls with them whose parents were searching for them in maryland. Progress stated that his sister his cousin, lloyd, welsh and throwing the aforementioned duffel bags into a fire on the tailor mountain road property where they were burned up, several day period? Henry perker statements are some or to that of other witnesses who lived in the area during the same timeframe who remembered affair Which lasted several days on the parker property and nineteen seventy five and had the odor of cremation. when ass. If she had spoken to anyone about the case, Conny acres stated that she has contacted family members and the virginia and maryland area. Other witnesses have stated that conny acres, husband, communicating frequently with other family members and persons of interests in the case, Deborah AMOS hunter stated that Conny acres corresponded with the lead, suspect, lloyd, welsh, who was
is incarcerated in delaware, prison. The status of lloyd welsh was confirmed by marilyn investigators due to the threats lloyd, whilst received while incarcerated due to the press release naming him as a person of interest and the disappearance of a lion sisters. based on her own emissions? Conny acres was a witness to the arrival of lloyd waltz with the duffel bag that she described as containing bloody content and having a foul smile. A search of residence is requested to locate photographs of the tailor mountain property and nineteen. Seventy five correspondence with other family members and associates, which relates details of the investigation and any and all correspondence between Conny acres and lloyd, welsh. First of all, has anyone ever carried ground beef in a duffel bag before that is probably the most ready
It was excuse that I've ever heard. Also now. I to be a family affair, with multiple family members, possibly being involved in the abduction, murder and disposal of Sheila and catherine. I would like to point out here that widely welsh was only eighteen. When the sisters disappeared, it seems like a reason first time crime for him to commit alone. It is interesting that in future known crimes that he committed, he d escalated, did not murder the girls. He assaulted to be responsible for other murders shore. We don't know. There are many other family members mentioned in that warrant, but the most players to remember our blade. His uncle richard also mention as dick in that document, Henry parker who is lloyd's cousin. he is, the one they helped dispose of the devil, bags and thomas junior who was other cousin, that lloyd says was there the day the girls disappeared thomas, has also stated that he saw two long girls at the home of rich
the uncle on Easter nineteen. Seventy five anybody so they were the lion sisters. He also said that lloyd and lloyd's girlfriend Helen graver were also at the residence at the time along foresman official anonymously stated to the washington post in two thousand and fifteen that a nephew of True welsh told authorities that richard recently admitted to him that he and and Their family members had raped and killed line, sisters and disposed. Their bodies on tailors mountain. I did a little more research on this and found that this nephew was west justice. He claims she told him that he and several other family members raped, murdered, chopped up and burned. Sheila and catherine line. The sexual assaults were said to have happened on a pool table in Richard welch's hon. more recently lloyd, has stated that he saw his own father also named loyally, welsh and his go. Richard kill one of the lion sisters,
Wade's father is deceased, in january, two thousand and fifteen several jurisdictions worked together to complete searches of multiple properties, by members of the welsh family, we as evidence response team region stay police, montgomery county police. They ve garnish ourselves, as we spent many painstaking hours in very rough terrain and very heavy heavy co. snowy, whether up on the mountains. Looking for forensic, but in this particular case, doing investigative efforts in charges made. I or why are? Woe is me with her for many of the investigators they are born. At and achieve injustice. For the large family in their profits allows, never wavered, and it never will.
Authorities have released a list of items that were found on one of the properties. This list includes Double possible bone, fragments fibres, earned wire, charcoal melted And a burn plastic bag. It is unknown at this point what relevant evidence they were able to recover at the sight, during a search of richards home now and a hatchet were seized, lesson another family members whom the searched in salem Virginia county acre. Who broke mention was the cousin of wait and needs of richard is one that was asked to wash the body clothes and refused Brother Henry is the one that help lloyd put the duffel bag in the fire. And they searched your home police letters to cell phones. One laptop one tablet, one. See the case with twelve desks and one notepad style journal from her home. Another search warrant was served at the home of Aimee welsh johnson, who was
granddaughter of richard. It is alive that she was communicating via text message and facebook with other family members. Regarding the case and italy deleting the conversations her computer and phone were both seized authorities leave that there is an ongoing conspiracy to cover up what really happened to Sheila Catherine. She is fine My real all right how long, while at that nets that remains part of the ongoing investigation that we we believe that their there are people that have had information that new about what was occurring and dumb that that would that was criminal behaviour on their part, not coming forward in and not dumb sitting with his investigation, and so that now continues to be a part of investigation. Several
We members have been charged with perjury and other related offences. After testifying before grand jury, they include richards wife your welsh was charged with perjury in December two thousand and fourteen. Leslie angle king, who was rich his brother in law was also charge with perjury in two thousand and fifteen amy johnson richards grand her was charged with obstruction of justice. Last year which is not as serious as perjury rich. Welch's sister, gladys stani was all no charge in two thousand and fifteen with obstruction of justice. It's humans, lot of stinky and Amy Walter Johnson are charged with obstruction of justice, but facing different. Sending the commerce attorney tells me are different levels of obstruction, stinky he pled no contest and is sentenced to thirty days in jail with all of that suspended if she cooperates with the commonwealth moving forward. Whilst. had entered an outward plea and incentives to twelve.
In jail with all that. But ninety days and jill suspended aid like sinking cooperates with the commonwealth, moving forward, It's almost attorney said the judge didn't have to suspend any part of the sentences but believes giving that incentive could help them with the investigation to finding out what happened to the Lyon sisters, which are conditioned her case is to get to the truth. It's not about a misdemeanor conviction, but it's about. To the truth and protecting the integrity of the grand jury system. The angel king is charged with felony perjury if convicted he could face up to ten years in prison and court. Today. Ingleton acknowledge there is probable cause to find him guilty or that he had committed the offense. He waived his right to a preliminary hearing today. His case will go before a regular grand jury in circuit court in december for indictment upon his indictment. A trial date will be set for his perjury charge, for whom the following quote and porter
Investigators have also discovered that, on the day of the press conference, naming boyd welsh as a suspect in the line sisters, investigation, richard welsh, and thomas welsh junior had a lengthy telephone call. with one another and also met in person for several hours, when interview investigators regarding this activity. Richard Welsh, and thomas whilst junior eve, conflicting stew mrs? As did patricia welsh, who was So present for this meeting, additionally richer, Welsh, told investigators that it was unusual for thomas, whilst junior to call him or visit him at home, and this is, Where did by analysis of their phone records regarding the tellers mountain property. Several it is of richard welsh, have told investigators that it was common. For family members to visit and stay with. The sister elizabeth Parker in through The time she lived on his property and that it was a location were family members would partake in excessive drug and alcohol use lightly.
welsh is set to stand trial in october of this year, Here are some more information on his charges, in a random grants, began presenting evidence relating this case to a better gown in Malta, jurisdictional grand jury. Grand jury was, it has remained in session continuously, since it was impossible and so today. As a result, so. The evidence presented before the grand jury indictment were handed dial. in this case, on Friday July, the two point: fifteen and begged for county Virginia he- and I were sealed at that time- but now. being unsealed. Today, I am honoured to report, then my commonwealth turning randy grants obtained and
Image charging lloyd lee Michael welsh, junior with first degree felon, in the days of Sheila and catherine land based upon based upon the totality of the evidence revealed by the. to date of effort of law enforcement and sworn witness testimony as brave I mentioned the investigator remains very active and invested. Investigative actions will continue with gusto my veins. He's now my pleasure to introduce the commonwealth attorney for bedford, county virginia randy grants. Ladies and gentlemen,. Sometimes it momentous occasion joint milestones that it's not the end of the year. this is highly
the beginning of the end of the process, but it may be the end of the beginning. If we in bedford, county have obtained a diamond says we have done And we seem at this point to have a view in going forward in the trial of lloyd, welsh. She's a little farther down the road. At this precise moment. It is only because we stand on the shoulders of the giants in law enforcement and prosecution here in montgomery, counting. It got us to this point and continue to work with us. The indictment state were sealed were to charging lloyd, welsh junior with first degree felony martyr during an abduction with the intent to the file, Sheila and catherine lie in the next. Have been, the process will be beginning the trial process in it
our duty, and it is our intent tax every process that is due to ensure that Mr Welsh receives a fair trial on the murder charge at night. We have to apply the charge that was in place in nineteen. Seventy five in nineteen, seventy five first degree farrell murder chaired the penalty of twenty years to life or death, it is under the motto, George. What first degree felony murder is, is the allegation that the commission of the abduction of Sheila in line with the intent to defiled, intend to the file means to sexual abuse, exploit molest during that abduction and as a natural consequence of that abduction, lloyd, welsh, also committed the first degree martyr of those
old, so the words and the allegation in the charge that this was a martyr during an abduction, two counts one for each of them. authorities believe that he may be involved in other unsolved crimes. You think the boy wealth disappearance of other tools somewhere else and what we need well, I'm not going to speculate at other than the fact that we know that MR elles is in incarcerated on sexual offences against children Serving time now, so I'm not speculate down on the threerd anybody what we notice in jail for me, that's been part of our investigation, all along is to is to try and track his track of welch's activities from the time that that that this abduction occurred through to when he was incarcerated, so yeah it it. Some were our investigators that says part of of what they've been doing,
all over the country he had worked with a traveling carnival and has been all over the united states. They will a list of places that they know he visited somehow exact dates, and some do not the map that I made this episode has, as dates and places marked and black just click on them. more information, the The eye is asking for anyone who knew loyally welsh over the years to please call one eight hundred call fbi. moving on to theories authorities, stated that they believe the girls were murdered in virginia sometime between march twenty fifth and April. First. I do believe that loyally, welsh is involved and we will have to see what information comes out. A trial as far as the other family members go, I have a couple of theories. They could be fleetly, uninvolved and lloyd is trying to throw some responsibility onto others. Maybe as a grudge against certain family members. I have
seen other family members call him the black sheep of the family. I think lloyd. Acting alone in this crime is unlikely, to the amount of suspicious behaviour that many family members have exhibited. Richard welsh is such a person of interest, and I personally believe that he was most likely involved. I think that What a family members either knew what was going on during the time or found out after I do not know why they kept this information for so long. I know that if I knew something about the abduction, rape and murder of children, I would not be able to sleep at night. I think some family members may have had a larger role than their admitting to and are trying. Who appear, as innocent witnesses cousin Michael who said he the girls at richards house at easter was just a child. At the time he you ve been to intimidated to say anything. One thing I keep going back. To my mind is whether This was done by one person or several taking
You girls, like this seems like a brazen first crime. If laws did this alone was. This is time. We know that he molested other girls later, but did he. any other victims. If this was by several family members, as a group did they just go, up with the idea one day and decide to go out and find some kids to rape and murder. Were they involved in other crimes before this. What about after was this kind of behaviour normal for this family authorities. would you be pushing the family really hard to get them to talk And that is why they have charge several with perjury unrelated charges. I think they must a pretty good idea of what happened and need to get some of these people to say more. I hope that they are able hold those involved accountable. This This has been really hard to cover because the details are so second disturbing imagining Beautiful little girls being held in assaulted by these sick people for days is really too much. If you
any information about the disappearance of Sheila and catherine lion or information regarding the welsh family, please call them memory county police department at two four zero, seven, seven, three five, zero, seven zero. That brings us under this episode I would like to Thank everyone for listening. I would also like to thank brook for helping me up. Her podcast is key: actual innocence, and she shares the stories of those who have been wrongfully convicted and eventually exonerated. I hide recommend her show if you're interested in the justice system will be posed in pictures related to the case on the vanished podcast outcome and on twitter The vanish part. There is a clear discussion group on facebook just asked to join and someone will prove you as soon as possible. Who plays that. I would like you to send topic suggestions. Go to the vanished pakistan com. There is a new page cod. Big suggestions: please submit your suggestions there, because it automatically puts them in a spreadsheet. For me, which is helping me, keep them are organised.
Call common line and the number is eight one for vanish. Nine, if you later contributes to the show you can do that. I'm patriarch come forward, slash the vanished podcast. Your donations are greatly appreciated, since they helped afraid some of the production costs of the show. I also like to thank everyone who has left me a kind of you on itunes. It helps you we'll find a show in here these stories The goal is to hopefully Sunday reach some one. Who knows something about one of these cases. Tuna sweet for a new episode of the vanished family, I wish to make is following state Twenty fifth work: thirty nine said. Kate were taken from our man. Throughout these years. Our hopes for
History at its neighbour and efforts of countless enforcement media the community, so many people still care about this case means a great deal to us. We really we especially appreciate the towers Recounting police department, beyond all agencies that work to solve this case, we are grateful Information, the public for why to help bring the story and asked
we respect the star.
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-24.