« The Vanished Podcast

Judith Geurin


Judith Geurin was last seen in Sodus Point, NY in late January of 1991. Her boyfriend said that Judith had left to move to Florida but the only thing missing was Judith. She had left behind all of her belongings, even her car. The police did not have any reason to suspect foul play so Judith's case went cold for many years. There is no record of Judith accessing her finances or using her social security number after January of 1991. Years later, police began to suspect that Judith had been the victim of foul play.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Judith Guerin please call the Wayne County Sheriff's Office at 315-946-5773 or 315-946-9771.

This episode was co-researched and written by Marissa Jones and Erika Gwynn. To find more of Erika's work, please check out her podcast at https://www.apexandabyss.com.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey. Prime numbers. You can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music download. The app today. the. Every piece of official documentation with my mother and nineteen ninety one there she never renewed her driver's license. She never taxes again he you know more recently, now, a few years ago, she would have been able to file for security here it basically disappeared in that winter of ninety. Ninety one I know we'll probably never know, but I also in my heart. No something bad happened to her. You know something
rebel happen by you, really one whit, sap that something horrible happens so you and then story scenarios in your head I mean I span significant portion of my childhood thinking that he was ok, some trade off women. Your life somewhere, I didn't want to accept the fact that she will go on her back something horrible, had happened to her needing to believe that she was alive, Judas. Guerin was last seen in late january of nights. Ninety one in sodas point new york, Judas had unexpectedly lost her husband in nineteen eighty eight and she was left to care for their five children by herself.
after her husband son death, something shifted within Judith, the way stoning mother was overwhelmed by grief and began drinking heavily to ease her pain. This caused her to drift away from her children emotionally and physically at one point, Judas left her children to seemingly fend for themselves. Her daughter Amy eventually got custody of her younger siblings. While Judas, lived with her boyfriend Curtis. The relationship between Curtis and Judith was toxic. According to those who knew her at the time, Curtis was significantly younger than her and was only with her due to the money she had obtained after her husband staff, Curtis was abusive towards Judith Judith had sporadic contact with their children while living with Curtis. However, during her last contact with her children, she seemed to be embarrassed about her recent actions and indicated that she wanted to come home and be with her kids.
after this conversation, Judith children never heard from her again. All of her belongings were left behind. The only thing missing was Judith. When asked in regards to her whereabouts, Curtis claim that Judith had left him to move to florida, the police with no reason at the time to suspect foul play, believed this story do Scarron seem to disappear without a trace, She has never reached out to her family or friends and has never access to finances or used. Her social security number at police began to investigate Judith case and attempted to question the only person of interest, in her case, her former my friend curtis, but he has refused to cooperate so happened Judith guerin in nineteen. Ninety one did she does I d leave her life of grief behind and start over somewhere else, or did she folded? to a horrible act of violence.
I'm resigned from wondering this episode. Two hundred and seven of the vanished jude guarantee story the and- and the. I want to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey. Everyone loves a good family mystery, especially one with as many twists and turns as june's journey. Into the role of june parker and so four hitting clues to uncover the mystery of her sisters. Murder, one thing that I enjoyed about playing june's journey was that
klute mine, teasing puzzles, but also a really interesting story line. I found a great way to just relax and play a game that also to my mind, engaged wanting to get to new chapter to find more clues reality and immerse yourself in the world of june parker. Can you crack the cave download june's journey for free today on ios and android, This story we were able to speak to numerous people who knew Judith three of those people were her children. Here's starter amy speaking about her mother. Prior to her disappearance, the kid you know there were five kid. My father was a little bit older than my mother, based to have you know a good marriage. She was mostly a stay at home mother, but then adult looking deeper into
learning about yourself and you know growing up. I think my mother always had some self esteem. You- and I think he may have had I mean she- that I have like a compulsive personality. She with a heavy smoker a bit of an over either and I think that after my father passed that turns into that turned into the problem alcohol that she developed after the death Judith husband, everything changed. The lost seem to be too much for Judith to handle her behaviour and the way she interacted with her children shifted drastically It was as if she had become a different person. Here's Amy, discussing what life was like, leading up to Judith disappearance here it was easily- I guess you know, let us try after the passing of my father and that's where The problems came in, but my mother really never drank not even like the wine of a holiday is anything
more than her routine or have a funny thing and after father pathway, away pretty quickly started drinking might die She always had a drink em. Came home drunk a few times. She fell down one time and broke her wrist. Then you know she did started. I then she just was using it as a mechanism to deal with her grief for her. The beer, being alone in having these kids in it. The figure out what to do so. Nothing alien quickly started using alcohol excessively. I think it was just She stopped really functioning as apparent began to really develop a life outside the home and outside of our family unit. She had that we didn't know end deemed out a you know. Quite often before he was kind of lake. I don't It's whole body that her really her only circle
Friends, one my father and you know some neighbours that had kids the they made her, but she just definitely for a whole, really routine you now she started to go out. She stopped getting groceries and you know stepped into the. I assumed apparent role you now I got out of the house. All that's really. And we spoke one of Judith sons, Jeff and he has similar feelings about what happened leading up to Judith disappearance. He was, Eleven years old, when his mom went missing here, Jeff sharing his point of view on the situation when The child. When I was very little, she was areas focus It's us on her kids. And I Remember why the sand
Her of her universe. And it was a really good feeling that, changed after my dad died. She started to drink and she started to stay out. and she started to not come home, which was now characteristic of her. I remember just being a little kid, not really understanding what was going on. being laughed very confused the personality sheriff was great so. never again that
You know it was very much like doktor jacqueline, MR hide kind of experience. I never remember experience being selfish. I never remembered her, be yang, fell senate but I really think that a lot of it had to do with alcohol and drugs. The shift in personality and grief, After her husband passed away, Judith inherited some money money. Supposed to help her and her children make ends meet, however, Judith used it for other things. He inherited some firm for ninety ninety one weekend.
Fuck it exactly. But you know the police were involved in tat. My grandmother had died here, but the first we should have some money from sale of her house and then from now on, my father had quite a bit of insurance, so she got probably between two hundred and two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. So in ninety one. That was a significant amount of money he just unfortunately, I gas couldn't really the old, the reality. Is I'm having five kids? You know my brother mark is six years older than I am so he was He was married and an early twenty, but myself mice There are three younger brother force. Finally need of parental guidance that she just couldn't provide by herself, so she kind of really performing like the duties the house then fade away all the time. What sort of just emotionally traumatic for a kid, because you know
and never even really got a babysitter across from we were younger than I had a bunch of kids a mile distant stuff around the house then were always all together. So the trauma of my father, passing away somewhat unexpectedly and then you know the way that my mother dealt with. There was just about his only describe it as it was kind of like living in a tornado events Lee Judith began dating a man named Curtis, pitchy and thing began to spiral further. He I met this younger guy around the kitchen restaurant area in Albany. She just- seeing herman drinking really, she felt our how then she bought a down in another city, where my brother love, but the house would like in shambles and she put very minimal money into it and she left us there and she was moved with him from like
albany area to up kind of I'm lake ontario, the three and a half hour drive though baby in our we were like in a band, and you know what I mean we didn't have really mean to get up there or anything like that, though I did go. for a copy of my younger brother than I maintain contact with my mother pretty regularly in trying to almost like wake her off. You know we were like what are you doing you gotta come home. We spoke regularly and then in the winter of ninety nine. You apply. I think it was certainly end of december. She called and she had said that you know she had been the victim of like a domestic violence incident and she was realising the big mistake that she had made by leaving the area the live up there with him and that she was there and there she would think coming home, but she was embarrassed, but she was going to
ultimately, the end of the conversation that she was gonna out, start to wrap things up and come back. and that would go man. I ever spoke with my mother I have a colleague hi line at times january. I am in earlier in february when they made to her home, because she was she had written, bob shops out there and she had gotten a dwi we're trying to serve her with wines are not some. They encountered her boyfriend, who pull them just randomly that she had been moved florida, which I just know that didn't, and so all the police tried to make contact with her two or three times the last time the police tried to make contact with her. It was in february of ninety one. It didn't matter, we the mafia, believe hand, even though he was a queer criminal. Ah here he said the king of dried sitting on a face. Her charges
and they ended up believing hand when he ended up selling my mother's possessed her trailer, basically all the thing but she had out there and when he ended up, you know moving on end, so living of crime, the next, and then he went on to live within rochester. He beat them. those who believe that the judge when he set himself said that had that other people, within the building intervene. He would probably be something sentencing him to murder and that of an assault charges, so unfortunately, the things that happen war about, I had a baby. Ninety ninety one two and I were nineteen twenty years old in our life our fellow Dr fallen. There was no money and I don't want to stay
I forgot about our mother because we never did, but we really had limited resources to try to find her. We made several contact the sheriffs apartment on their appalling. the parliament that no longer exists, because the very small town, but you have got invitation about calling in trying to get missing persons for smiled and trying to get them to go in question kurt and really at that time, unfortunately, Davis all were under the assumption that she did go to evade the charges, but- the two thousand and three. When I met my husband who was a sheriff in Albany, I asked him, we out the sheriff's department up in winning county where she went missing, famine, maybe mania. the feeling was: You know one her driver's licence will look into it somewhat more professionally than they had before. And are they actually did and we? Finally,
the file on missing persons are for the things that happen. A proposal, every pizza, They saw documentation If my mother and ninety ninety one there she never renewed driver life, then she never filed again he you no more recently now a few years ago. She would have been able to file for something security he's just mason. He disappeared in that winter of ninety. Ninety one quip the makers of the elect toothbrush want. You know the one single discovery that matters most for your dental care, it's lee this: if you have good habits, your good, that means by for two minutes twice a day and flashing regularly, no matter, brand you use quit, makes it so.
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speaking Amy. It was clear that Curtis has a history of violence. appear seem like an oddly matched couple, so we amy to tell us more about the relationship between Curtis and Judith. He brought him around us very infrequently because we were pretty vote. about not wanting him around in. We probably tell that you had no good intention Oh you know my father was out. There were a share of phenomena, county area, a new kind of way, so that we no longer foresman suspicion. I guess if you want to call it that, even though the mouse, though you know, none of us ever trusted him and we putting it tell them: he had no good intentions, so the few They didn't need him I've studied with a jerk bag? I guess he did have a lengthy career as a criminal here, you know before meeting another and after meeting my mother, I did it
like he was using area. Now there there was no one. There were no commonality in their relationship. I dislike he was using them, When the girl you waiting at the time at home in my mother, started dating he's sending a very violent with her has a history of violence, I'm that sure all domestic violence, but also you know in mentioning after I'm a disappeared supposedly than he told everyone he moved away. Finding hamley connected and she took a couple tripped up to soda too seen him, because their relationship had ended really abruptly and badly, and he had a lot of her position, and up to where my mother lived with him. I found it very odd that my mother would leave and leave all her position when he actually also- and these coupled with that way you had. her a p. The worry. That was pretty significant that my mother. Always there was a network.
That meant was eventually made its way back to me. But I have that now it was appended that had been. My grandmother is that my mother, down after my grandmother, pathway, adjusting if my mother would never be leaving someone that significant piece of jewelry behind wilson with Amy and her siblings. They all mentioned a woman that Curtis was dating before he got involved with Judith. We were able to speak with this woman, she still lives in fear of curtis and asked that we not use her real name, so we will just refer to her as michel Here is michel courtesies, former girlfriend speaking about their relationship. How I heard her like a year. I would naturally
living with him and had gone away for a month for training for a job when he and Judy left and moved away together and then about. He had taken the ice, so weird situation I have found out a friend had a boat together and and then the boat stolen or whatever happened? I remembered with the police found and they had contacted me You have an immense at last. They knew he was living and noted I lake ontario, so I went out a friend of mine one day and with this happened binder traveller part and I saw one that would like all tape not up, and I'm like. Thank you we were knocking on the door and somebody here out next door and that other they're born you know winner, who are looking for a week
He said: oh, they live over there, so it was probably like a month or two later that he called me, and he told me that she had left that shit written bad checks and there was a warrant out for her arrest and she left town No, I never really thought you much of it until about you're later now, I can tell you that I knew was honey. he was really nice, my bread, he never. I never saw him angry like enough I mean he never really got mad. This dream, like this, really mellow you going now. I'm here together along fine line. I never we didn't. I. I was stunned when he laughed
According to Michel, Curtis was good to her in the sense that he had never physically harmed her or got upset with her courtesy. Roughly leaving her was strange, could it be? because he saw that Judith was in a fragile state and he could eat lee prey upon her told us how she found out about Judith, disappearing and her suspicions, like a year after he had told me that she laughs, because they were after her friend of mine, told me that you know nobody ever heard from her again, not her children, Nobody has ever heard again and I Why? But I would say: oh my god, he killed her based on the person. I knew I don't know what made me think that, but there was just no reason that she would to hear and never like, I don't care. If you had to drive, I wonder miles or pay phone call your dead, though they couldn't.
around where you are right about where the true story, she would have at some point reach out to her children, so I just knew. I knew that had there been what happened? No laugh because she had insurance money. When I ask you why you know- and I think he thought like an easy way out. I dunno how much money she had, but clearly it wasn't enough because they ran out of money And like after I had gone out there, we were in charge again there's no proof that you killed or been killed, and then, when years later, the state police finally decided to investigate
even on their younger, I used to be their favorite seriously. The shoes you know a teenager. I found out like this huge, huge record that he had with pretty serious crime and at the time he was also in prison again from the faux living is romaine, like I said, well, I just knew candy and some jewelry have heard you know, and at the time you know I was young and stupid, and I didn't really think too much about it. George, that she always wore If she had really love you, I don't think she wouldn't let that jewelry, I don't have much information now. We asked michel based on the record that Curtis has. If she will,
if there was a reason why he was so different with her than he was with others from the record that he had, he really hadn't changed, I think was with maybe like, I think being he truthfully was in love with me and Joe money to have a better idea. You know and there's a lot of drinks and stuff going on back then, but I mean It's not all this stuff. The troopers come in here, and he was never a really nice guy. He just wasn't a really nice guy with me, they've been in jail a bunch of time. Like short, but I never knew any of that. When I met him, he was working two jobs. He was nice guy. Then he broke his back and then into her turkey. So I dunno from the person that I knew he always like you wanted to be. A tough guy.
You know yeah. I remember you like he had a nine millimeter pistol, but he never carried it, but he had taken out, and I mean it would never even loaded badly, but I thought Finally, we ask Michel what she thinks happened to Judith. I guess he took her out and probably shorter and dumped her overboard in lake ontario yeah. It just seems to me that way, because there would be no evidence As previously stated, Judith has five children eldest son had already moved out, was married and had two children of his own, so he wasn't around with his other siblings, as their mother began to spiral, the children who were with Judith and eventually with amy once she obtained custody. All to deal with a lot of emotional stress at a young age not only did they lose their father, but they also lost their mother long before she disappeared
for this story. We were also able to speak with David Guerin, one of Judith sons, who was on teenager, when his mom went missing, here's david speaking about Judith behaviour and lack of involvement in our children's lives after she became involved with and moved in with Curtis. we didn't know where she was a lot of the time and by winter like the he had broken in the house and she didn't even care to get it fixed so like like we are a bunch of children living in a house with no heat in the winter and where an update, new york, it was there's more unity, not that we work well with them. Like there was always food in the house most now for the most part, as I remember in, but it was just we were a bunch of young children with no power to guide spray. Let you down
man that you really care what was going on what else in school my baby, but like. I, like you know, she started letting things go at the house and then getting angry at us for being angry at her about these things not being taken care of is that when you look back going through things She was obviously not in a good place, either emotionally or in our like, like an I'm sure amy, that aid which, in order to become obvious to us all, I was the one who kinda chaplet together maybe, but she was very young when she had my older brother, you know, I think she she got to the point that you know but whether it was the substance abuse or what are you know she she felt like she had He used her children and this was now her time. They told us about something that happened that forever changed his relationship with his mother.
Turn a boiled that wouldn't he was refusing to be fixed. For me, this was like a big moment. and like all this happening, was she like she was refusing to like fix things at the house, and she was home alive and- We didn't know like where she necessarily was, and all this you know tat. We were close. You know in talking, we have remembered a summer camp not too far away, from like, maybe a twenty minute dry from where we were living that she had loved as a possibility to buy and I remember we got, you know any got us together and we just went and drove to this place and it turned out. Had bought this camp. It was kind of having their like their work. from the house that were missing that we had found was a tv missing from one of our rooms. There was a radio rest missing from somebody's room like she had taken this thing. So this new house that she was there. Sickly,
pumping out in coming home, and when she needed, though, like that was kind of very hard for a thing to me, that she did. That's all it might sticking I crossed a little more clearly its feelings of anger and resentment, would only deepen during the holidays. For me, It terminated in that first christmas. She This came in through each of us two hundred dollars on christmas morning and then took then turning to went into her own thing at age. You don't know any better. You don't know what to do. You know what I like, so you could even with like, like, I said, I was number four or five, and I was kind like mom and dad both little one, who kinder told him what's going on with everybody else and stuff like I was usually by the time was say. Nine Ten was the one who was kind of fishing, what people needed for christmas and then going out christmas shopping on the sky, with mom and stuff and yet
that was kind of you know it was just could not. caring about the holidays any more and again, like I said like like. no, how sharp the dates on it are but yeah it's just over. where's that whole year, really issue it's kind of a missing parent and when she was home, she was kinder than the eddie parent, who, like let us, have our friends over and let people drink wine coworkers- and you know what I mean she was the court. Go to the other kids coma add to you, know, was kind of embarrassing to you. Not I mean that people tend to think it's cool. When you want to warm meal, and you just need a have yourself. That's not there. I guess the year when I like your dinner, since we're all pretty strong in, but I think at that age to you'd gone through,
they're trying to trauma- you're just kind of an automatic going through things too, so she excited she didn't want to live in we are in any markets. Have it reminded her of dad and We have gone around and started looking at new houses and stuff. My eldest brother, at this point, was arm married with you, young children, and he lived in the neck. it'd over. We lived in cohoes. This was lancing bird, which is like right over a bridge and she had looked at a tuesday. Like apartment building. That was not so with two very. small apartments, two to three bedroom and she looked at this house as a possibility and no none of us were really. interested in because it was very run down, not the nicest a place That all really there was very, to my oldest brothers house, she had ended up buying it
only when we actually physically had everything past and were beginning to move. It. She did not move her things and when us, like you, then put into a storage unit in the garage behind the house and that's kind of when we learned she was taking off what this guy. Her who had you? Ok, ben around. But at that, and like. I had no interest in this guy at all. Like I just something I didn't like about me was not here my dad it was he was murdered. Person he was united, biker drinker You know that every time we saw they were around drinking, that's in that I think I remember us even talking to her about we their stand. You might move on and see. People. This is little too soon, This is not the right person and that's terrible when it came out there
we were moving in this house in she was moving off the soul s where this guy, if told us about the last time he remembers speaking with his mother before she went missing and how long it four Judith family and the police, to realise that she had actually disappeared, I really was in interested in talking to her, but there was one phone call where I guess Amy was talking to her and they were both very upset and you know like Amy dogmas, he's just get on the phone and ask her to come home, and so I did and like that would be the last time. I remember talking to her. She was I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what the any known it was. I just I said whatever mob. Just come home just him home again that was the last time I remember talking to her. As far her being missing
it was Amy- was the one who kind enough has held the torch for, So any was the one who kind of started getting worried that she had spoken to her in action at the time- and I know like you, I dont know exactly when he started getting in touch with, like the soldiers area, police department, but I, her initial speech to them was when she spoken to her a while. I can't put an exact date on it. I know she is open to them and, like the shortest pleased about, I was aware she had balanced check. And had some like. p, w eyes up in that area. So they were they working. Maybe she had just disappear to avoid any lawful repercussions from that kind of stuff- I guess I just went kind of quiet for a few years- Then they really wasn't me no one other than she probably took off,
then I know, like I said I m- is the one who is really like us. I carried the torch for her about their so Maybe when I was in my mentor, twenty years, when Amy finally got her declared missing this. Was there eighties early nineties when technology was not as readily available as it is now. Seven You know this is like our phone calls were stolen landlines with her when she was calling us the internet, what in it extremely early days, if at all so like that, you know, communication with people who see mail or phone calls at that time. Domino my forties and and can look back on things ever everybody's, a some of their own upbringing, they had her own issues. I understand that I dont think that excuses her tree toward us or anything like that, but I think the aim roughly the same age ass her. I can understand that
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that any vital information or evidence is long gone. Despite their Authorities are still doing what they can to find answers as to what happened to Judith for Story we had the opportunity to speak with sergeant Matthew hilcrest about the car status of Judas case. My Matt hill, Kurt a and the surgeon assigned to our detective division at the wayne county, sheriff's office and local law enforcement for the last eighteen years, we were curious as to what background information sergeant hilcrest had in regards to the time leading up to Judith disappearance. Was her daughter, Amy. Their first call it's my understanding was she. They had been strange for awhile, because the to the care of a and know their father had been deceased and she again from money from that and her own. It hooked up with burn them from other innovative and came down the soldiers pointy oregon
really have not had anything to do with the family until the daughter, I believe, had some grandchildren and wanted to and introduce them to their grandmother always try to have some sort of relationship which put us behind the eight ball. By quite a few years, because nobody had been looking for her until then. So I think we're down true within the gay. as she had some court appearances here and we had, some deputies had dropped her off from unrelated stuff, and she also admits court Very shortly thereafter, through Ebay will window in there and between that and her work at all shift or shifter shippers didn't show up for you're not going to stop. We narrow it down. sergeant hell was not the first investigator on the case. We asked him how long he's been investigating Judith disappearance first, I laid eyes on this case for six years ago and dried
if you allow the previous detector it had worked out. A review would have looked at other outside agencies. Just look better and offered her advice and stuff like that. So, since I been on the case, I set up a couple of grounds: just around near where she still later we had there could ever dogs out there we try to review our way. They were still living or even area. Unfortunately, ip quotation, medical reasons why your memory's shot from people decision, but we were are not know, I'm an area that has been difficult. as previously stated, Curtis preachy has been the only person of interest in this case We inquired if sergeant healthcare has ever been able to get any conclusive information from Curtis or, if you- ever been able to confirm Curtis a story about Judith leaving him almost thirty years ago. Now that cooperated story. He don't lay person venture to continue talking through the issues still missing
He has not been cooperative with us or us census released from prison when he is basketball to us other than the talisman of the. You know that your lawyer, Finally, we asked sergeant hilcrest. Would he things happen to judith fish stocks? rob crowding, didn't know how to respond to wreck the actor. That name be disappointed Living off her money that she had acquired after the death for up- and you know- there's no doubt about that- but you know for the better ground it together or detects, is done prior to me, getting occasionally go sound for all intents and purposes that you know he was. He was a violent guy and aggressive guy and they had a lot of disputes in public. So you know, you think about something that I am due to. yeah. Just a buyer nature there. Their relationship appear to have had that. That's throughout outwitted. when it comes to what happened to Judith. Her family believes that there is only one person to blame Curtis luigi. They believe he holds the answer to everything, but his
fuel to cooperate with police, has put up roadblocks in their search for answers. Huge his son Jeff, with more on that, I believe you? She was the victim of domestic violence,. I believe she was to be a flash of alcoholism. And I really think that. she had no by laughed in her and honestly, I think Just thinking about how much I tear were Children in my life. How much of a motivator they would be for me to take action? I mean better to take action for them their children. She couldn't she was paralyzed. I don't think that she
was able to leave voluntarily I I just know that. one of the truly things in all of this is that it one in eight years, for people wake up to the fact that was the victim of a crime, the local ones as of the municipality where she was were equipped to write her off For whatever reasons, and I think that that is unfortunate- and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that she was a woman I think that. She was a woman. She was a person like no mean She was a person
mother substance, abuse problem- we agreed with her brother Jeff. All roads led back to Curtis preachy. I really don't believe or any other possibilities. I mean, I suppose there is always the cream. We won't be the thing and though she didn't like like her car like eight, he still had her car for time after she disappeared. So how did she get some Well! You know I mean I mean, I suppose As always they. Why can't that some national disaster happened here, and by that I mean you know Maybe she was hit by a car or maybe she was in an accident, and you know either her body wasn't found or her body or wasn't identified. You know, there's. I know, there's always a slight chance of that, but I just I I believe that she ever back that trailer. I think he killed her and you know she's out there.
I think that he pretty much quickly went you know all the money and when all the money right now the guy didn't, have a use for her any more in probably wanted whatever with a bit of jewelry or he wanted to sell her trailer in just wanted to basically profit as much as possible and Probably in an argument killed. My mother left, lively happened and I believe that you know she's pretty well. They sure, though her way, maybe too in forty pounds, either guinea. Guy was probably a bad back, I believe. She's, probably I believe He probably there's would by where they live their lives in a pretty whirl area. I don't think he's some you know where they love, that's my personal belief, Judith. Children believed that she's gone, but that doesn't make it.
Any easier to deal with, no matter how many years have passed. Where The majority of my life without my mother, and so I knew at this stage of life. I now there you know she's gone she not coming back and that it was at the hands of foul play yeah. Hard to accept, but it in some ways makes sense here too, though, on, because there's not that stance is she alive? Isn't she alive? however, I guess there's is they all that shit. Like wish somewhere then find that you now
she's alive and everything Ok, the real pain and the real torment of having any sort of. Closure were finality were disposition, and you know I have said this to people before I mean people. in society are trained in certain ways why how to deal with that? I'm off Nobody trains view how to deal with something like that There is no finding there is no preparation like work in the hospital. I work for that at that time the psychiatry about and I was talking with coworkers today about losing
parents at an early age- and they were asking me high- was my parents, one share with people that my dad died. When I was ten, I always say I lost my mother when I was eleven. Some people try deeper. and I will be on my comfort level with that person. You now go into detail, but people can't believe struggle of what you deal with when we deal with the loss of some what ones once been pulled from your wife and some of the missing person, because most people experience and saw that were reality of that has to do with show like law and order csi, where this horrible happens, and within forty five minutes furs arrival some day?
the bad guy, You know. One thing I realized is that five people- Can be in a room and witness the same. A ban and you'll get five dear friends stories about how those events code yeah, and that is just the meter. I've been here being I think that I have been able to realize that good people, you bad things and still be good. People my mother was someone who was as we are flawed in these because she was human. She was one who was holding nah anxiously not in time
suddenly a more direct way. She was I'm hurting people people with now. Sure what she set out to do, but I think so road to her self destruction- It lies in the fact that he was lost in trying to either So what in a duty of back in january of nineteen ninety one, We know that she had spoken to her daughter, Amy and expressed gill and embarrassment over her actions and told her that she wanted to come back home, the police, have been able to narrow down the timeframe. That Judith was last seen by speaking with her employer and cross referencing. Her court dates. when she didn't show up for court, her boyfriend, Curtis pooty, told police that she had left to move to florida to run from her charges. The police had no reason to think that Curtis wasn't telling the truth.
People, run from charges all the time Problem is that it would be years before Judith disappearance was thoroughly investigated as a missing persons case. Lot was lost with the passage of time when you went missing. She left behind everything, including her car and jewelry, that she was known to where all the time, in fact her dispute, she gave his ex girlfriend one of europe's most prized pieces of jewelry. There is, record of judith after january of nineteen. Ninety one, who had the motive and opportunity to harm Judith family believes there is only one person and that's curtis. Pitchy did Judas express a desire to return to her children in kurdish stopped her, so he could keep the last of her possessions and sell them. Did he get angry with her, and things went too far,
was a using judith for her money and had no use for her after the funds dried up or did Judith go to florida as Curtis cleaned and has been living under another identity for nearly thirty years. Judith children don't believe that she's alive today there still searching for answers as to what happened to their mother. The past. The time has not made their loss any easier. Judith Guerin was last seen in late january of ninety ninety one enceladus point new york. At the time of her disappearance. She was around two hundred pounds had blonde hair and hazel eyes. If you have any information regarding the disappearance of judith gear and please call the wing county sheriff's office at three one, five, nine, for six five, seven, seven, three or three one: five: nine for six, nine, seven, seven one it makes you
one comment about the thing at any moment, somebody and were close to de ganis yeah What would you do? How would you go on because people can't imagine how you would go on and get those questions too? How do you go on how people love nurse was by about one and a bad girl ball. You guys good day, and you have my day. The only choice you have is to move forward. Without that person unfortunate. and I think she was fully different size those empowered. How sad that is that, You don't have the same
when was that Gave me were the life of some one because they are deemed viewed as laughter I believe that my mother's story, protests. And I believe that worrying. He owning ensure, I believe that, if people oh come on, There are resources out there. There are resources out there for victims of domestic violence. In other know, resources out there for substance, abuse that kid don't have to suffer alone and in silence gap oh, don't have to just accept or take a deal,
I can be taken away from my mother story than I'm happy, I and and The.
The princess to the end of episode, two hundred and seven I'd like to thank everyone who spoke with us for this story. If you have missing loved one that you'd like to have featured on the show, there's the case: submission form as the vanished podcast dot com. If you'd like to join in on the discussion, there's a page and a discussion group on facebook and on twitter at the vanish pod and also on instagram, if you enjoy the show subscribe now and leave a five star review on apple podcasts, spotify cashbox or wherever you're listening right now, do you want to help support the show? There are a couple of things that you can do. One way to help the vanished is by supporting our sponsors. You can find links and promo codes in the episode notes. Another way to support the show is by contributing on patriotic, where you can get early and ad free episodes join me next time, I'll be covering a case from washington. Thanks for listening, the.
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-20.