« The Vanished Podcast

Jamison Lemons


28-year-old Jamison Lemons disappeared from Savannah, Georgia on May 7th, 2017. After he finished his shift at work, Jamison went to his grandmother’s house for Sunday dinner. He then returned to his home that he shared with his girlfriend, Brittani. That evening, Brittani saw Jamison leave in a truck with a man that she only knew by a nickname. That was the last time that anyone saw Jamison.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Jamison Lemons, please call CrimeStoppers at (912) 234-2020 or Captain Dailey at 912-663-4138. If you would like to contact Jamison’s family directly, please call 912-631-9759. To follow his case on social media, please follow Let’s Find Jamison D Lemons on Facebook. You can also submit information to his family on Facebook.

UPDATE- The results came back from DNA testing that was mentioned in this episode and it determined to match Jamison. Justin Jammison has been arrested and charged with murder and concealing a death.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers, you can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music download the app today during its search on the path to day Detective coddling thought he had found carpool bones from the hand in one way and day he took them to an anthropologist who determines the bones, want we were not human. My so there that I was flushed again because I still don't have closure. All I have is theirs:
And that's burnt beyond being able to be kept for dna. One too. Twenty eight year old, jamieson lemons disappeared from savannah georgia or may seventh, two thousand seventeen on that day, missing had gone to his grandmothers house for sunday dinner after he finished work after that listen returned to his home that he shared with his girlfriend brittany that evening, brittany, sol jamieson, leaving a truck with a man that she only knew by his nickname. There was. last time. Anyone sol jamieson when he did, Return by the following morning, brittany alerted his family. Ever and they received that car they ve been desperately searching for jamieson
amerika and from wondering this is episode. One hundred and twenty two of the vanished jamieson lemon story The. Jamieson mom Jamie contacted me back in january, asking if I would cover his story on the show, I see so many missing persons cases every day on social media that I hadn't heard about jamieson disappearance to me That's always a sign that a case could use more coverage. Jim has for sons, but she and Jamieson were particularly close Jamie tommy, about Jamieson myself, John Lennon was a hot working young man he had his own play.
His own car. He had a job, he never missed water. He was very dependable He was dependable cannibal at work, and he was also dependable for his loved ones. I needed him. He was here for me and I didn't have to ask twice jamieson. My son. There. yeah mom, while he, while. Now I dont have any more. I have for something must force dawn, the sun was the one that was here The mouth Jonah son was my third oldest son. Jamieson disappeared. On may seven, which was a sunday he had spent
with his family that day and nothing seemed out of the ordinary on the day, their jane the disappeared. He had just completed an indoor hour shift of work. After clocking out at work, what's a my mom's for dinner, and that was them last time that he was seen or heard from. he left. Around the reuse three thirty years. On Sunday night, seven, something when a person goes missing. There are warning signs, they confide in someone close to them that something is going on that their concerned about during you're with his family. On that fateful sunday they didn't get the idea that anything was wrong nothin
san while his ship, smiling lasting cell phone. That day, we didn't appear as if he. Would be a meaning aiming in any trouble on later on that evening. He showed no I love him be in trouble, Nothing out of the ordinary after thing. Is grandmothers house Jamieson went back to the home that he shared with his girlfriend brittany she saw him leave a truck with a man that she didn't know very well. only knew him by his nickname. When Jamieson didn't return by the following morning, brittany was concerned enough that she called jamesons grandmother. his grandmother immediately alerted jamie. They were all very concerned about jamieson and two days later, Jamie filed a missing persons report with the savanna police department. Initially,
detectives assume that Jamieson had just taken off and would return. This is a very common assumption and missing persons cases, especially younger men, some people are reported missing every day and most are found. Jamie news thing was wrong now because she and Jamieson were so close. She felt no heart that something terrible had happened. Jamie It was also a very dedicated employee and it wasn't like him to be a no call, no show we once concerns continued to grow with each day and even more so when his paycheck went unclaimed, it as until just a day shy of the one month anniversary of jamieson disappearance that his case started to heat up after another, unfair Can turn of events We now know that one person is dead and another is a critical condition. After a shooting last night, a local family says I believe this is connected to another investigation. New four year ten
twenty eight shelby robards is live in the newsroom did show us why some believe that shooting is related to an ongoing missing persons case there are multiple families in mourning tonight today marks a month since twenty eight year old jamieson lemons disappeared, and it was his girlfriend and roommate that will gun down yesterday near west. Forty second in borough street tonight lemons of one say: the cases are connected brain savannah skies mirror Jamie young stream of tears. It's been exactly a month since, or twenty eight year old son, jamieson lemons, disappeared, young in our family hosted a prayer vigil ones they afternoon in lemons, honor, but now Young says one of the last links to finding her son is gone tuesday, lemons girlfriend twenty six year old, brittany brown was gunned down near west. Forty second and borough streets, three three year old, miss stevens was also shot and said. China measurably say he's in critical condition for months.
And round both lived with lemons and their marjorie street home. That is, until lemons, vanished, family member. they, just yesterday, stevens and brown, moved into their new forty second street home. That's when they were shot. It flew up and get appeal is not a game. in love grandmother merry young says she believes grounds. Death is related to the disappearance of her grandson. I her and I hope it No more that guy now that the toilet, the air wade have than that we want to know now what loved one say they're not here, to point any blame and that their hearts do mourn for all. Families involved in these series of tragedies. When mrs girlfriend and his friend, were both shot. Everyone immediately thought that this must be connected. How could it not be
They have not really been able to establish that, but in the beginning it was thought that they were connected because of the fact that everybody that was involved new genius, the girl that was shot was his girlfriend, the guy that gas shot with her. his friend? Everyone was wondering if britney was targeted, because she was the last person to see Jamieson leave in that truck on the night that he disappeared. I believe that she was tired because She knew what happened to him and they didn't want her to town, She knew who he had gone where who left the house,
let me and after she didn't know anything now. The only thing she was able to tell the sector is the power to block the make up the tree, The model and the guy he's nickname, should she didn't have any person given name for them for this that they were able to catch the man who murdered jamesons girlfriend and shot his friend for black nations against the man linked to a double shooting. Last month a hearing and brown was indicted on Charges of murder, possession of firearms are committing a felony and aggravated assault. The shooting happened on june six that west forty seconds borough street. The shooting was also connected to the jamieson lemons case.
What was so shocking was, after they identified the shooter. They realise that it was someone who was very close to Jamieson and lead guy. There did the shooting what my son best friend I have not. Heard anything in regard to his plea or anything I'm not really sure how they young has he done come on mission of the crime. He accidentally shot himself in the foot and heads and sneak medical attendant and that's how they were able to detect himself there today. Of Jamieson girlfriend was potentially devastating to his missing persons case, because she could have had more information. She was there.
ass person to see Jamieson leave or someone on the night that he disappeared. Her death also left men, Questions were meaning Why would she targeted, along with his other friend and roommate? Why would james his best friend murder, his girlfriend. This may jamie question everyone who was closer jamieson and what their possible involvement could be in his disappearance. Who had a motive to make Jamieson disappear. Is it possible that this is all connected J since best friend is currently awaiting trial, for both the murder of brittany, brown and the shooting of tony stevens, but the mode it is still unclear was he somehow involved in jamesons disappearance or could he have thought brittany and tony were behind it and acted out of anger over the situation. after jamieson disappearance and prior to the shooting. Brittany and tony had become very close. Could Jamieson friend have suspected that they were behind his disappearance. I,
we all know the reason behind the shooting, but I care hell. You beers, everyone at one point for my son in the boy friend they lived together in a roominghouse, the guy that got shot with the planned. My son helped him to england, costa all human him girlfriend somehow friend and actual girlfriend Became really close one from a month after my son witnessing the girlfriend was killed and two days before she got killed the friend
at my son help get the ring and my girlfriend you didn't through a different roominghouse, together, they moved out of? Were all of them live together into a meaning house, a separate warming roominghouse, just the two of them together. In this way, they had just moved out for two days before they both were shot We finally almost made it this summer and for all of those events, speech weakens weddings and everything in between my go to shopping destination is always the real real dot com. The real it, the largest and most trusted destination for authenticated luxury resale. You find everything from gucci, prada arrest, ganny stored in so much more of to ninety percent off retail, whether europe for an outfit for that upcoming wedding
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cape reality and immerse yourself in the world of june parker. Can you crack the case and though june's journey for free today on, I s an android, early on in the investigation. They were getting tips that led them to conduct multiple searches even sending them to another state. Looking for answers, because in the beginning, just friends different people and in their scenario they were saying that my son's body was dumped in south carolina instead to allegations. Which turned out not to be true. They focus here in the banana any beginning. They searched three lakes located in
Diana because someone said that my son's body was dumped in one of those three lakes. They searched all relate to come up with nothing, they search too areas in south carolina now to come up with nothing A combination of tips and the pigs from jamieson cellphone eventually led them to a property about forty five minutes away in effing ham, county georgia them like Jamieson girlfriend, had seen him leave with on the night of his disappearance? Well He lives on this property, that's how they were able to block, his last whereabouts by yourself cell phone pinging. They were able to locate the glass ceiling at
one sixty seven lanier white road in springfield georgian? It's right what we would call the country there's nothing there on that property. The properties hugh There's only three home small home and the rest of the world surrounding the three home phone, like both sides of the row, nothing but words, and he was taken to this properly, by the last person that he was seen with their person The guy is one of the three home on their property. The combination of tips and the cellphone pings was enough for the police department to obtain a search warrant for this property. They execute
this morning on june fifteenth two thousand seventeen I'm made, out here and having him county off Lanier white road. That's where a death investigation is going on right now, involving both savannah police and ever, I'm county sheriff. in here and show you exactly what's happening. You can't see much way back in the woods there. There are multiple cars from effingham county and multiple deputies from both the effingham county, sheriff's office and savannah police, What having him county shirts do tell me is that this is a death. Investigation of body was found in the woods back here. They do not believe that it they died of natural causes. They are saying natural causes not the issue, in this case multiple detect. sir out here there's also a scene over here? If I point this way for you back there, you can see some of the tape, and that some of the situation there there's also seen they found a bloody piece of bedding. They believe over there and right now we're looking at it as a some sort of
investigation. Possibly a homicide. Investigation savannah actually call them. Him county to give them the tipp on this one to bring them out here. Since this having him counting area in springfield, question that many have at this point could this be the body jamieson lemons, who has been missing for multiple weeks and from our area. This was when the last places that he has been seen so far I cannot confirm or deny that in any form. So far, all we can tell you is that there is a body in the woods that is being investigated by effingham county sheriff's by the savannah police department, who was also out here in springfield off of Lanier white road, and they are continuing this investigation. The coroner is also out here: determine exactly what happened. We have will have more for you throughout the afternoon and tonight on new three at and six. as you heard in that news clip it sounded like they had found a body
and that was also what jamie was told by detectives when they came knocking at our door to notify her on the day of the gay, the good the first search and getting home county and found that he and then the two everything knock at my door between nine and nine thirty, eight young from china. Candidates the county were rather than I are notifying me that they had found a body only some of whose last look It was in a body at all. It was just a hand in the two that they actually work, digging the human body parts. they found was a hand and to one of their body parts.
According to gb, I could not be tested for dna because it was too badly burned. In the other you men remain was just one single true that had been set off to taxes and the detectives is still awaiting the result. From the two it's been six june, but the detect them is leaning towards the fact that my son, my son, They were dismembered, possibly bar, but the sun successful light burning, sobering dump to dump this body's somewhere else all of this, and that
bert, beyond being able to be kept for dna, one to undine their father. Tat. They were able to find during their first search. since the hand that they were covered with so badly burned, the only but they have at this point, is to get a dna profile from that single tooth that was recovered. interview, Jamie back at the end of january, and they were still waiting for dna results just this past week, they like Jamie know that there were able to determine that the two had belonged to a mail, but the dna results are still pending their other items that were located during that search that have been sent off protesting its believe these items may have been used during the commission of the crime. These I was included, two machetes, a short blade sword, a shovel rubber, gloves, concrete and symbolic casings.
back in january. Investigators returned to the wooded area where the hand and the two had been found, with the hope that they might, possibly be able to recover more remains. They just recently did a second search of this same property. This past, to face just searched again to come up with nothing and I'm doing a search on this path to day. The detective coddling thought he had found. Harpole bones from my hand. And on we'll day he took them to an anthropologist who determine their bones were or were not? Human bombs will bear that. I was crushed again because I still don't have closed.
one thing that continues to remain a mystery in this case is the why what could pass Be the motive behind this, according to the detective, the guy but he was left with I had only known my son for about two weeks or less. The only information that the person of interest have given do tat that he picked my son out from the day I he drove my son to spring. I told him that my son was on his property on the day that he went missing, but after that he he doesn't admit to anything else we have had Many different
scenarios come our way acquire into the detective. He doesn't think there goes motives that I was given has anything to do with my son. Disappear, he's not sure about the cause of the disappeared. but he still working hard on it. Detectives have Viewed this man, but they haven't been able to get him to open up about what may have happened, has interrogated then incarcerated, He has actually about three weeks have gone up three weeks ago, oh god, admitted into on to I'm institution. There are still on him.
Being that he has an attorney in talk, they can't really interrogate him anymore. When Jimmy was telling me about this, I thought for sure this guy would have had some kind of violent criminal history he did not his record was clean. His record was I even as a juvenile, he had no blacker one startling piece of information is that this man was incarcerated, but is now free. How did they find a bird hand? on your property and you just go free, he were they. Carson raided the do that they did the search of the property and sound The two remaining he stolen for over ninety day, but he had to be reached stolen bond, because the
they result had not come back here. And they could only hold them for up to ninety days without and then after there he was could be bonded out so mom bonded him out after the ninety ninety days, knowing his release. This man has struggled with some mental health issues. Three weeks ago, he was admitted to a site is the to be correctly with gold. couldn't be men and the beginning. The detective said he died as having to do the search. The guy was sleeping in the woods. he caught the words that he had been sleeping on.
That's fine that my son disappeared. It was he and his brother live. new, the mom had moved out and the two brothers there together do you want a stranger smile without ever needing to enter a dental office, it sounds impossible, but with bide you can transform your teeth entirely from the comfort of your own home bite off. clear liners that are doctor directed and delivered straight to your doorstep. Prep time for your smile journey is minimal, just take an impression mould of your mouth preview, your three d smile and order your all day or at night aligners. That's it you'll even get to track your smile's progress. Every step of the way with the bite app plus you'll have access to your clinical team seven days a week. Best of all.
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the only thing he was unable to tell me as if they were persons, adventure which I ve tried again But he would share that information. Currently, they ve sent the items recovered from the property and effing ham county to a couple different crime labs, but there Still waiting for the results of all of this testing hopeful, There will be some answer soon. If the youth and the hand, don't belong to Jamieson, they belong to someone Jamie worries that, even if the results show that the tooth belongs to Jamieson that they may never recover more than the hand in the tooth and shall be left to wonder, jameson is and what exactly happened to him. Even though it Here's that there may be some answers in this case. There still many questions. They haven't been People to establish a motive, still a lot of speculation regarding the murder of his girlfriend? Some people believe that she was killed because she knew too much and they didn't want her to talk while
there's believe that she was killed because she had Jamieson set up, but the possibility remains that there's no connection at all. Maybe this Other person acted alone for some reason that no one else has figured out no that, in the months following jamieson disappearance, this man was sleeping on a caught in the woods and later spent time in a mental health facility because he was experiencing psychosis which caused him now? have hallucinations of ghosts and demons. If the show being of jamieson. Girlfriend in roommate are not connected to his disappearance. Is it possible that All the speculation early on about Jamieson girlfriend setting him up could have led his best friend to shoot her any Where that you look at it, Jamieson disappearance has had a domino effect, and now several families are struggling with loss jamie. It is missing his girlfriend his deceased and his best. and will likely spend many many years behind bars, but the person that the
Police believe is responsible for the event that started all of this. The disappearance of jamieson lemons, is still free. If you of any information about the disappearance of jamieson lemons, you can cook I'm stoppers at nine one to two three four two zero to zero also call captain daily at nine one to six six, three, four one, three eight we would like to contact jamesons family directly. Please call nine one to six. Thirty, one, nine, seven, five, nine. If you'd like to follow his, he's on social media look up. Let's find jamieson de lemons on facebook. and also submit information to his family through that page. Before it, I wanted to give you a quick update on a case that I cover more than a year ago in episode. Fifty six, if you haven't into the episode about illegal ones. Forget you may want to fast forward through this update three, leah months, furred, was reported missing by her mother, Lena back in two thousand, and eleven
in november of two thousand sixteen lena was charged with the murder of a leah, although she's never been found Lena finally had her dear in court and as suspected it was a lee as older siblings, who are now teenagers who came forward with information that lead to her arrest. Her too old, sisters testified that they saw Lena hit elites in the back of the head with a wooden slat from their bunk bats. They That lena was more harsh on a leah compared to the other children, because Lee his mom, had had custody of LEO while she was imprisoned lena came jealous of the relationship between a leah and her grandmother when Lee ITALY, on the head. She fell to the floor and couldn't get up lena left. Little three year old there and didn't allow anyone to help her or call nine one one. The older sister eventually took away at a bed, and this when she noticed at the back of his head, felt squishy her sister
who was only a child herself gave away ass a medicine and vitamins, but by the next morning she was no longer breathing Lena apparent attempted to revive her. But when that failed, she put her in a larger basket, covered her with clothes. They got all the kids in the car and went driving around until she found a place on a dirt road to dump her the children. we're threatened to keep silent, which they did for many years lena ass custody of her remaining children who were adopted. another family and eventually confided in them. Sadly, there lived in fear even after being adopted, they were pray that lena what track them down and kill them to justice past week, No one's for conway was convicted of murder of a child by apparent by failure to provide necessities death of a child by parent by child abuse. old abuse, resulting in injury and concealment of a dead body. The jury had the option,
of recommending mercy which would have allowed her to be eligible for pearl in fifteen years, This family had a chance to address the jury and they ask them not to show mercy because Lena had shown a leah, no mercy. Lena's former turning requested that they show leniency because lean to was a victim of abuse. She had been raped by her father starting at the age of six, they elected not to recommend mercy. Selina will likely spend the rest of her life in prison. She will be formally sentence. At a later date. That brings us to the end of beside one hundred and twenty two I'd like to think Jane for helping you with this episode. If you have a missing bugged, one that you like to have featured on the show, there's a case informed at the various podcast dot com. If you like it contact me there's a page. Any discussion group on facebook, I'm on twitter at the vanished and also on instagram. If you enjoy this podcast
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-22.