« The Vanished Podcast

Dona Mae Bayerl Part 2: Cycles of Abuse


38-year-old Dona Mae Bayerl disappeared from Muskego, Wisconsin on May 6, 1979 after and argument with her husband, John. Dona Mae was the devoted mother of two young girls, 7-year-old Jodie and 4-year-old Jackie. Dona Mae has now been missing for 39 years. For this series, I spoke to Dona Mae's sister, Joan, her daughter's Jodie and Jackie, and Detective Westphal who is currently investigating her disappearance. In this second part of the story, we are going to look deeper at the relationships related to the case and some leads that were chased down over the years.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Dona Mae Bayerl, please contact Detective Westphal at 262-679-5652. You can follow Dona Mae's case on social media at Dona Mae Bayerl -Missing since May 1979.

With a case this old, many witnesses are now deceased. A few podcast hosts lent their voices to help bring these statements to life. Mo Blackwell read statements from Estelle, Dona Mae's mom. You can find her show here: Targeted: True Crime Domestic Violence. The voice of Dona Mae's best friend, Betty, was Haley Gray who hosts Murder Road Trip. The voice of Dona Mae's neighbor was Charlie from Impact Statement .

February 2019 UPDATE: John Bayerl has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder. Dona Mae remains missing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers: you can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music download. The app today. The money I understand my mom was the only independent before she met. My can t happen on a partner, and he had a good here. very happy with her where she lived, but she was doing and then once you The team penguins first make after he had quit working after her my son, that work anymore. So then he became area. kinda guy and her very little to Don't tell me, I know Certainly
doing outside the house. And I would argue that the vast majority of citizens and people. in this general area. Even aware of dynamite. Cases is the reason why I'd like to keep every soul as part of our social media plan, keep her information current and relevant. Thirty year old donna may barrel, disappeared from her home and mosquito wisconsin may, sixth, nineteen. Seventy nine, as you in part. One. The two had an argument that evening and Donna may left in her car. John claims that he went to bed at night, but awoke later when he heard JOR slamming inside the house, and someone rushing about he assumed This was done in may John then heard a car turn around in the gravel parking lot across the street and slowly drive away
He later got up to investigate and found dynamite car parked in the garage, but Donna may was gone part, one we examined the events unfolded right before dynamite disappearance and in the months that followed in this second part, morgan Take a deeper look at the relationships that are relevant to this case. Amerika and from wondering this is episode. One hundred and twenty five of the vanished part two of dynamite story, the I The the.
Finally, almost made it this summer and for all of those events, speech weakens weddings and everything in between my go to shopping destination is always the real real dot com. The real Is the largest and most trusted destination for authenticated luxury resale? You find everything from gucci, prada arrest, ganny stored in so much more off. To ninety percent off retail, whether europe For an outfit for that upcoming wedding summer, sandal or vacation, ready, beached, hope, you're bound to find exam What you're! Looking for on the real real dot com with up to ten thousand new arrivals every single day and deals, you won't find anywhere else there truly nothing like the real real for easy. Having download the app and use code vanished for twenty percent off your next order. That's a real real dot com and code vanished for twenty percent off a check out term supply with a case that's over thirty nine years old. You really to transport yourself to a different time to fully grasped the situation. This was
an era where domestic violence was spoken about like it is today, you also Look at this case from the perspective of investigators. Back then they didn't have dna, cellphone, pigs or video surveillance to help build a case. So when you look act through dynamite case file. You can see that there were trying to build a case with more circumstantial evidence. This Google today is to take what was collected over the years and translate that into a case that would be strong enough for a jury in two thousand and eighteen. One thing have about dynamite case is how isolated she was. It makes a pool of potential witnesses very small. When I spoke to detective west fall, tell me what he's been able to establish about donna circle of relationships. All the evidence indicates that data may was a housewife, but she did not. a lot of social interactions in the neighborhood
want any kind of clubs or anything like that. She was, you know a housewife, basically in charges, I was and then also raising her two children and did not have a lot of at least what I can find relationships outside the home. When examining the circumstances leading up to Donna may's disappearance. You have to take a step back from where we are today in terms of how society views domestic violence and try to put yourself where we were in nineteen, seventy nine report from a nineteen or two thousand and eighteen perspective to think about even cultural differences. Terms of very very of tipping typical relationship in the thousand sick behaviour when it comes to hug. and wife relationships back in the seventies, from the way it was described to me is that you know things that occur between husband and wife were kept. Very private
It appears that data may really only can fight. not even with her sister family, she confided in her front betty in Michigan. It's us away things. I don't wanna over generalise when it comes to these things, but obviously that that's a cultural issue You know that I'm doing within this particular case that you know, at least from my perspective. You know a lot of this. At least we can do and there were some type of abusive relationship that occur between job. Donna me and you know that that something that certain, Some think that were investigating in terms of domestic violence. Domestic issues coup this. more thankfully a lot more attention. I guess you could say in twenty eighteen bit versus you know why, occurs and resources available for women.
or man that are involved in domestic abuse type situations that they have an outlet and to move forward and a lot of times, again over generalizing dynamite. We have had access to leave the particular relationship. We know of only one person that Donna had confided in about the abuse that she endoored and we John later admitted to the police that he had abused her in donner MES police file. There's a twelve page letter from Betty. details what she had been told and when she asked behaviour that she personally witnessed while visiting as I engine in part, one betty was meticulous with her record keeping and had very detailed notes down to the day and time that she spoke to someone as we go the story here, I'm going to end We need some short sections from betty's letter that apply to specific things that happened here is discussing how often she was in contact with data may, although
we lived six hours apart, we were like next door neighbours. I have every exact date, rico did. I wrote her saw her or two with her over the phone our letters amounted to thirty five to forty each way per year. We see their two to four times per year and converse over the phone eight thirteen times per year, both we and John had previously been married. John had to children with his first wife. while they were married. John kept us first wife on a very strict budget for family necessities. He became equally abusive, and one incident was so severe that she left and filed for divorce. John didn't the court order. Child support for his first to children and eventually sign papers allowing his former wife's new husband to adopt them when this we began in part. One Donna may was trapped in an abusive relationship. She too was controlled and kept on a tight budget. She didn't
see any way that she could just leave, but life wasn't always like this for data may It started her career at a place called Allen. Bradley back in nineteen, sixty she later married a man and continued working during that marriage. Her for husband was abusive and didn't want to have any kids, so Donna may laughed He walked away with hardly anything after that divorce and had to start over. She got her an apartment and a new car it was around this time that Donna may and Betty became close, while Donna may was training betty at work they had worked same place for several years. But it was during that training that they really struck up a close friendship, down, may wasn't one he was fond of the dating scene. She read just wanted to settle down and have a family. Then met John in nineteen sixty nine at a birthday party and they eloped the following year accords
to betty they chose to elope because Don amazement didn't want her. Marrying John since he didn't, support his children from his first marriage. Betty so cautioned honor, because she hadn't dated any other people in betty's work. John was the second guy. The donner had ever gone with. The first be her abusive ex husband Donovan explain to betty that she just wasn't interested in dating a lot of different guys. This how betty described the early days of their relationship. Dial John got along. Ok when they were dating. That's usually actual couples. Is he got an extremely drunk once trying crawl into her bedroom window, claiming shed some one else in there. Donna may dreamed of being a mom and was excited when she learned that she was pregnant. She worked through It's her pregnancy with jody, but eventually left her job on bradley when she
that position she received several thousand dollars that she had earned from profit. Sharing she used those funds, along with some money she borrowed from parents, to purchase a house that was solely in dynamite, name into Betty. This was done because of Johns child support issues. They eventually sold that first home to move to a bigger house. This is how sad donna maybe later disappear from its and this time that it appears that much of the controlling behaviour began dynamite? was put on a really strict budget for things like bills and food Donna may told Betty her allowance. There is very little money left for anything other than himself. He for eighty dollars, weekly allowance for food and whatever utility boat was do then the remainder, if any she could use for the children or herself. You're telling me how afraid she was ass, John for a larger allowance. When prices went up,
he did eventually increase it to a hundred dollars shit. Absolutely no outside activities. there was no money for them. Now We did Donna may like the funds to participate in social activities. I noticed and dynamism file that when she did try to socialize with other minds they buy, away when they realise that there were problems within the home, jack spend years poring over every detail on her moms file, and she noticed this too is very averted. It can also whereby those who she did reach out to once they found out there was trouble in the house. They really don't want to be involved and thing was that? Please please Then in the late seven these days wanna be involved with abuse alcohol abuse. That was made them feel that was their job at the time.
Over time. Donna may began to tell betty more and more about her relationship with John. She first opening up about the smaller things that were very hurtful to her. John didn't believe in buying gifts for each other. He go forty dollars to on the kids told him to buy him anything if you wanted something he get it himself. I can remember, but one give tee ever bought for her. It was attacked, bottle of cologne about forty five dollars. She was so her By nineteen solely for he quit ever buying her a card even. As time. Moron Betty began to see dynamite deteriorating, during one of their visits. She broke down when she talked The tears flowed, I consent her but John, had begun his work of warping, her brain sure. The person who would admit when wrong, but he insisted she was always wrong and all was her fault. I've never known another headstrong person like John. This is
absolutely no giving in. from my research, I dont believe that dynamite was ever told the full story of why johns first marriage ended, but she it began to wonder if his first wife had been abused as well when on adonis problems were bad donna, often told me if he treated his first wife like he was treating her. She don't blame her for getting a divorce how little she knew nor I believe his first wife got. Everything is john, always puts it for the abuse she had put up. With I'm sure you saw the police reports where he had tried to choke her to death. The such data may spoke to betty about, wasn't only focused on her, but she spoke of ro behaviour aimed at her beloved dog and even sometimes the girls shadow white, poodle pepper, she got in and sixty seven later, she was to learn how John hates animals sheep. and said how we'd kick the dog it was jealousy. He
really contested when she take the dog to the vat when he got older. He had to be put to leap at ten years old donna had him cremated John. Only put it to sleep cheaper, I remember her saying she had to mourn alone. John, get angry if he saw her crying over a dog, much less a dead one. She told me then no more pets. However, the girl, talked her into two goldfish and seventy eight, the girls, then betty and Bob while she Girls- and I were down south John some down the toilet, my ghosts of nineteen. Seventy seven, the abuse to be escalating when Betty about this time, she illustrated how even she had a lack of understanding regarding domestic violence. Six days author, that august of seventy seven, we her I and the girls went to whitehall park to look at the flowers
while sitting there. She began telling me about john beating her and how he knocked her down the basement stairs when she was almost up coming back from washing clothes. Can believe it. I've we felt no woman would stay with a man a head, sir, but I ve I heard a lot different from talk shows even on wife abuse wives are, to stay and afraid to leave looking back I now realize honor was one of them. That day is when I offered her five hundred dollars. If she wanted to get out of her marriage, if it was that bad, How little I knew how bout it really was. She said to me: After a long thought, I could Take your money buddy, I dont know I could ever pay you back. Now I wish you would have just taken it. it have mentioned any paying back. But as low as she must have felt. She had too much pride, though The first day I ever heard her say she thought charm of china killer shit.
Me she told her mother. If anything ever happened to me, I want you to promise me you'll raise jody and Jackie shock. such a statement. I said what your mother say she said she Oh donna, don't talk that way, nothing! gonna happen to you. I then asked her: does your mother, father or joanne know of your marital problems? She answered, I think, so, but they dont know how bad it really is. I am saddened to think how long donna feared for life. I Under the august. Seventy seven visit with her she was, deteriorated by then John had made her believe she was dumb, could never find a job, etc, from those times on until her death. I never left her without telling her love you I knew she needed to hear someone really cared for her, and I was sincere, should have we crying and saying she wish I didn't have to go. He tell her she, become too liberated.
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We look at an abusive relationship such as the one between dynamite and John people, often wonder, Why didn't she leave the answer? that question is typically very complex. There are many reasons that people stain of user relationships sometimes are afraid to leave afraid of the consequences. Maybe they're embarrassed to admit that things have gotten this bad after broken down by the emotional abuse made to feel stupid or that they couldn't make it on their own Donna was so financially dependent on John. Maybe she way, she couldn't just go and start over with the girls without any money dynamite confided in betty about her worries regarding into force. It used to be that one party had to prove fault to be granted a divorce. These began changing around the country in the nineteen seventies, but this was of dynamite, concerns. went on to talk to our getting a divorce. She honestly thought she would never get one anyhow
she once told me, she had nothing to use us fault to get. One was once in law. Is my fault. Remember: white abuse. Always been hard to make any court believe and even in domestic quarrels, many times the police don't like to get involved. Luckily, That's changing a lot here in michigan, but it takes murders to change things, always though not just walk out. He get you and desertion as a relationship continued to deteriorate over the years betty set the both joy on and on whom had their own coping mechanisms. Donna was I feel, seven inches tall. She told me in sixty seven through sixty eight, when I met her shoe eight hundred twenty six pounds at the time of her death. She was a hundred fifty three two hundred fifty eight pounds trying to diet her nerves, become so bad with their problems should become a con also Peter John. Strength more.
but he's writing. She discuss the last time that she saw down. I may. I only once recalled donna being very bruised up on both arms. That was the last time I saw her alive september. Fourth, through the six. I remember asking her what happened to her arms should say anything in the subject changed I dont if John was in the same room at the time or not when we talk the cycles of abuse when children witnessing abuse within the household without or intervention, they can grow up to repeat that violence dynamite. Betty that John had been raised in an abuse of household himself job was raised, an atmosphere where the father was extremely abusive to the mother. I couldn't understand how his mother would take it. She, told me John, didn't, have much respect for his mother. He called her dumb betty had mentioned that dynamite had told her about a conversation that she had with her mom.
The one where she asked her if she would take her the girls? If anything ever happened to her. Donna me mom Estelle also mentioned this conversation in her statement. The police one day down with visit, ass and she asked me if something what happened to her if our care for the children. I said, why are you talking to me like that, You are a young woman. Yes, yes, I would take care of the girls, but him forget John ass, a father. After all, It all depends, if you would, let me have them ma I do not want johns parents to take care of them. If you take care of the girls, I knew they will have the real care and plenty to eat. Then the subject was dropped, but peter she said ma. You know john likes to use people to his advantage. Watch him. I do not always believe him at the time. I thought it was funny. To talk that way down the main new. That John was seeing other women matters
friend, better, very close person to him others figured. This was only a flying and sing. He would come back to his senses Looking at the alleged patterns of abuse, in this case they, well, beyond just donna. May Over the years detectives have spoken to many women who have dated or been married to John detective, what asked me not to identify these women or give out too many details of what they have endured in order to protect their privacy and basically, no without getting into specific, because you know I really don't want to share absolute specifics with the former but they're there. There is a pattern of domestic abuse with John in women in his life John, obviously was involved. abuse of relationships, both previous and
after dawn. According to the information I have obtained. One thing that stands out about John is that while he allegedly abused many women over the years, some women have come forward, saying that they were treated well. Jackie We the patterns that she has noticed why Mary prior to my mother and he was to do at european level, We will bury the third time in here is a beautiful to that life, but it's funny it's not funny by dangerous because he's here, Violence and terror than abusive to his wise but in many girls, when it had completely different perspective than what type of person dubai
you know that he was so kind and nice to them and he'd have never heard of fly or you or the girlfriend that after the dating back. You did so over all violence, but it seemed like there was some sugar in his mind about being married to that person? living there that turned him again. His wife it seemed like the marriages. What triggered the violence. I do agree that my dad's kim My grandfather was abusive to my grandmother, so I do if that were not behaviour growing up, so to be clear. There are women who have been spoken too, who say that they didn't experience any abuse. Other women said that their relationships started out great, but over time things would change
John remarried a little over one year after dynamite, disappeared and went well for several months, but later started to fall apart. When he's donna me sister Joanne. She told me how johns third wife contact at her for advice, John married again, woman head, the very before she had too little girls jack enjoyed. It did not like this one day. She called and wanted to talk to me, the police. That call me- and they said you am johns. New wife would like to talk to you, but she doesn't know. That would be a good thing to do and I said sure, let us call, and then she was telling me about different things. He was doing and that she feared for her life
then her children, I told her get out of here now. I said, don't take any of your furniture or talking just get in the car, with your two little girls and go and as far as I know she paid back. I said. get out if you value your life and your two girls life you'll leave now for should get. Beyond wives and girlfriends John several different, housekeepers and babysitters to help around the house over the years they ve tracked me these women down, but one has remained elusive. I have further stated that was how very early on after the happen, you're not hidden, those along, he locked the door, then
My grandmother used weather and said I doesn't come that's how you ever and so my grandma said her ok, well rather than on the upper phone, but get together and talk well after that bomb. Conversely, Diane disappeared off to a good start and though my grandma another. Never ever food like we had to pay its belief that women's name, was Diane and I could see you dynamite file that many attempts have been made to identify her but she's never been found is it possible that she has some important information. other baby sitter sash housekeeper, who came shortly after diane, said that she went to the library to researched economies disappearance she, And asked John some questions so that she would feel more comfortable in the house. She
the John initially answered all of her questions and that his answers matched what was in the newspapers. So she wasn't too concerned. She knew sir John drawing to relax and felt like he used it as a tranquilizer. She the john- had become violently upset over minor things. She told active about one instance where he came home to find the garage door open about one inch stormed into the house to scold her about this. According to her, he was ranting and raving. She asked him ever felt like hitting her, and he said many times asked why and he answered you have too many faults. You can't do anything right. She stopped for John and said there is a real problem in that house and I dont want to be the next victim concern, the dynamite had such a small circle of people who were close to her information that we have relating to her case specifically is coming from a handful of people. You
be thinking, maybe betty just didn't like John or We gotta make family didn't like him. Either I've tried to some statements from others who back up some of what they have said, I found it letter from one of donna and johns neighbours. She next door to them at their first house is the letter that she wrote regarding interactions that she had with both John and Donna may as a neighbour Friend of Donna's, she was a very devoted mother to her daughters. She, Her girls almost every place she went and no, she told at different times. She wasn't talking to her husband, John and many times, she'd pack the car and take the girls by her, and betty in Detroit she'd, stay close to a week shows it her poodle because she said John didn't like him, sir. She wouldn't leave the dog home. She also broke down in chicago coming home. One time and she called us John- did drink quite a bit and come home late hours. He had very strange
Moods, he could be nice and quiet one minute and mean the next. As an example, we pay, new fence and our yard, and my husband had just come home from having open heart surgery enjoying telling us the fence was in his yard, so after moving the fence three times We finally got her surveyor and showed him. We were cracked the first time he did things to aggravated He built in addition onto his garage that came right up to ours. Down always too tell him to try to get along with people, but it ignore her she'd say to me what Can I do he won't? Listen to me, even though we had problems, john Donna and us remained friends. She said she, don't talk to him chosen, came to see us after she moved, but we didn't go, her house because of johns attitude. He just didn't get along with others too well window
by us. She was a beautiful person and a wonderful friend joanne. I hope this helps some p. Ass John did not get along with his neighbors here neighbor had mentioned police that Donna may seem to be under constant supervision. She didn't talk to anyone and she would only see her march to and from the mailbox the other neighbours described anime as quiet and meek. She that the neighbourhood was very socially active because there were so many kids growing up there in the nineteen seventies she had heard. Rumors autonomy had been abused, but never saw anything with our own eyes after hearing part one of dynamite story. Many of you asked about those rose, bushes Has anyone ever looked under where they were planted one woman who had lived with John told the police at while she was gardening, he allow her to tend to that area. She told police about
this and they went back to speak with John again and this time They brought an agent from the. U s secret service because It also told them that he had counterfeit social security cards that he was using. There was all when agent from the wisconsin department of justice that age, sat down and one on one with John during this interview John admitted that he had a problem with aggressive behaviour toward women. The special agent, ass john, about an injury to his hand, that was bandaged. John didn't want talk about it at the end of the interview. He admitted that the injury was self inflicted and the heat intentionally stabbed himself with a pair of scissors. He said that he hence to self abuse, while they, Speaking John gave them consent to search the area of the yard with the rose bushes, but nothing was found there
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other john hired various housekeepers and babysitters, but they never lasted long. He hadn't arrangement with this neighbour to watch them when he didn't have any other help, whilst watching the girls four year old, Jackie said some things that concerned her, including me miss gone now will never see her again and mommy, might be dead. Jackie also brought up a trip that she went on with her father. She said they went up north looking for mommy and Jackie said. I saw a lot of blood up north. be clues. Hidden in these statements of the girls had made to different people around this time. Or can they I'll just be explained away, as may be something they saw in television or an active imagination its to tell, but those little details do make you wonder fast, for or to nineteen. Eighty five and another miss tipster called and said that she had been somewhere when she passed a group of people who were talking about a woman who disappeared from mosquito. She said that the
we'll stated that John was capable of doing this and that her body was buried under some pillars that were used for construction on silver spring road for a highway or overpass. She the john had buried the body imports cement over it. The collar, also overheard them mentioned that dirt was taken from a flower bed and used to bury his wife. These people also stated that John had two little girls investigators, looked into this lead, and they found that there were two bridges on silver spring derive, but they were built in nineteen sixty four, and there were no repairs made in eighteen. Seventy nine there was worked on a bridge just to block south of silver spring drive. They spoke to the contractor who did the work- and he said that it would have been possible for someone to bury a body prior to the construction process, Workers wouldn't have noticed if there wasn't a high spot left behind John employer was contacted and he said they only installed. Acoustical ceilings they,
do roadwork. It sounds like, false led, except for this one other thing a few months later, They tracked down a woman who had been a bartender at the bar that John hung out at before Donna may disappeared. When he's went knocking at our door, she answered and said you must be here about johns wife. She then the john was a daily customer at the bar in the late nineteenth seventies. Instant him- he disappeared. He never showed up again while the police, about johns interactions with others at the bar thing two out of the ordinary one she over her John say. If anyone wanted to get rid of a body, they could put the body into a concrete pillar and no one would ever find it again. you're dynamite disappeared. Other bar patrons would bring up johns comments from time to time. The bar, hundred denied that she was the one who called in that tipp. Could it have been someone else from the bar. Had this car
Crete story been told and re told so many times that it became more than just his original comment or is there something to it? One thing question is why John stopped going to that bar right after dynamite disappeared. Often your families, on the shell voice, their frustrations with law enforcement, wealth, understandable that everyone is frustrated. That dynamite case has never been solved. This and appear to be a case for law enforcement hasn't tried. We see detective well today trying to do everything he can, but I can also see in the file that a lot of work was done over the years. When I was in Joanne. She told me about one police officer who was her favorite. He was even assigned to dynamite case, but worked with some other officers during their time off to try to find her my favorite. He was really really nice and he would talk to me and then we will talk about different things.
And he said you should join. You have to be very careful because John will probably try to get rid of you too, and then he would tell me things that the other police officers would not because he was not considered on the case, but he would investigate different things. So, during the weekend, he and some of his other friends would go and check the mosquito lake or any place where there was water at because some of them were very good swimmers yellow. They could put them down you're going to look around and he always checked on the girls at school. He told her
the teachers, but those go on and on, and he said if you ever see anything like a cruise or a black guy, whoever he says. You'll call me right away so that the school kitchens were working with him and he doesn't even have a case. But of course he didn't tell them that Jackie told me what it was like for her growing up with rumours circulating about our moms disappearance growing up ever rumours and every someone years ago are the call might come out and local newspaper. and then all the rumors were started again. It may be like oh great, going to school. The kids were talking again, but it wasn't until probably my senior year of
My dad was dating a woman who I assume to that point in a relationship or um. She was going to move in to help and I had talked to her and at that and like you know, how much do you know of my mom story? You know and it's like Well, you know your dad told me close to that, and you know I. Then with him all these years. I trust them nice. I really think you should probably just talk to the police stuff. This apartment, and here the story, the then before you decide to move in with us and there the end when you read the pile well, her attitude has changed too
my maybe you guys used to go in with us at some point, jackie also Tommy, a bit more about her relationship with her father growing up growing up. He you always down. I mean I didn't get great marks at school, but he never current stuff to do things in life. When I wanted to try out, I thought I'd do something for a quiet and he never encourage you to do that. You would say: oh author for boys, let her go and then I was on track and I was intended for a little while they come. I any of them know you're not likely to get very needy self centered. the first thing in the make people feel very awful about and power.
So I dont understand how he had somebody there: her life and how some of unstable them for taiwan. And even knowing you, after speaking, to the police and finding out what was that revived, and some of them got to read some of the case and then maybe kind of threatening our relationship and say hey guy, don't, come forward and tell them what happens then are released, the ships on the line and we're breaking out again I'm staying with them, as I made call the police station in size stop calling me now. You know and then gun monsters. As well as I find one out about the key per call yeah, and so even after talking till the place and finding out about the case, Malta. These girlfriend could stay with him.
the one girl that I read about in the case. I do remember, because I was in the hospital my dad at the time, and they had some function for the weekend that they were away. Though my sister nice data, grandma town and with an eye having always a damp abdominal pain. They took me to if the hospital and I needed surgery- but I have my appendix out, so they are trying to reach my dad to get Let me do that. Oh no, you he'll, be ok Ok, I know seriously and we need your consent to do the surgery and attack mainly phone call for him to find means day. Ok A bang girlfriends realizing how much he does not care about his children.
And then when they did finally come to the hospital. The assuming she realized that feeds had no love at all could not be known that I feel at them all the other I was always so surprised. I respect around with them even knowing their number one such that, to my mind, the signal, Although John may have been emotionally abusive to Jackie, she explained that she didn't experienced physical violence, you know: I was there to him: but once in a while I would certainly put my foot down about things and growing up, because I felt also the same thing. I think my answer was you know what, if he doesn't
they will now they will definitely no what happened back in, nineteen thirty, nine Maybe the here and now is the time for you. I don't know, maybe I'm a to me was when he is very wise. maybe they ended up having to think up and use the door, gunnar. When win, we. other than man, ever hurt, I I I. As I remember now, I believe that here too, we could have done something. And show no emotion towards doing something that bad, growing up yeah the timid, intimidated by him a guy
my dad was fixed for waiting, Hundred fifty pounds and his in the name of the gun, and my mother was six when I learned already powering fellow, almost the foot charter, a hundred pounds, glass. You know how easy it would be too mistakenly knocked her too hard. It striker the wrong way, so I have always felt that at time I could be a little more stubborn stand up for myself, because if you did do anything to me, they were What happened to my mom join advocated for Donna may for many years as she got an older she's pass the reins every jackie, jackie tone, about how what she thought was a simple traffic stop got her more involved in your mom's case.
At the end of my good man here, and I remember pull over find a nice leaving the house, then how do you know somewhere and I pulled over by a place like. Oh my god. Yeah, and he walked up to my car and he's like lol. I was having a kid or how talk, your dad, and I see that you, going away and You know my current captain Sally tat is in itself anytime, you want you come with the report, and I like I've always wanted to know why you can besides the while I'm about two miles. I now invite, after that I were going to come in them life gets baby Some of them were required.
For all these years went by and above it. I feel- and I think that one point I think going about the path and they thought there. How do you want file and, oh evident from the table, overwhelming you're gonna be like that however, allow me neither here nor there something that I worked with my hawaii thing, kind of like my norm knowing what happened to my mom go. Then. the guy's when the file a that's. What I thought then in contact with the detective is at the time I've taken my time, he willingly
going on my own and that the basic calling people that my mom and favour old neighbour I talked to some of my friends, parents. You know what kind of story, yeah I, like your daughter, come over to my heart: the play land potentially my dad. What do we got? from another, the one thing that he's been trying to do of the years its track. People down tracked down all the teams that showed up in the case file and also any one else who may have known something each year that goes by this gets harder as more people pass away. I then trying to search for a few I myself am one person who I really wanted to talk to you with my money to spend the time I think I tried incorrect years ago, and I was unsuccessful
I'm not a detectives, but I do I keep kind and keep trying to train. Two years ago,. In two thousand sixteen. I believe that, while I found finally found her Unfortunately, I found her obituary em, there's favourable other people who wanted to talk to analyse them, maybe two years to six months so every time I hear of a person that passes away, hence my mom's. Why? I feel like it? their particles guy Jackie she wants to know what happened to him mom, but she also desperately wants to know more about who her mom was now. I think
I was a young woman in my mom disappeared, incites imported protein supply answer I won't happen, then, the king, but to find out what kind of person she wanted and what kind of a man. And so are you people that new? My mom is vitally important to me, and so, when all these people were passing away, get me into the age were more and more time my mom's closest cousin had passed away my grandparents had passed away over years ago. There is more
are people I keep finding that are dc now and every time I see that breaks my heart, but I have found a cure. My mom's friend that knew her when she was young into adulthood and I just feel like that so important. They have them in my life because there is a big problem for life we have no need friends and so my friends that help each other more importantly, the herman report that brings us to the end part two of dynamite story. You ve, the case against John next we're going to discuss the two other theories, it down and may walk away, or did she fall victim to someone who hasn't yet been identified? You all
good to hear more from detective west, fall about the physical evidence that they have today and what they ve been able to do with modern technology. so going to take a step away from where this case was back in the seventies, eightys and ninetys, and look at it from It stands today, you all get to hear from John himself, if you have Any information regarding the disappearance of Donna may barrel. Please contact! detective west, while I to six too Seven, nine, five, six, five too, if you like dynamite case and social media just search on facebook for dynamite, barrow missing since may nineteen, seventy nine- I would to again thank everyone who helped me put this together, including Jackie, jody Joanne and detective west fall in this episode, three other had castors help me out, including charlie, from impact statement hayley from murder, road trip and move from targeted, true crime, domestic violence. You convey,
links to their great shows in episode notes. if you ever missing, live one that you like to have featured on the show, there's a key submission form at the vanished podcast outcome. If you to contact me there's a page and a discussion group on facebook. I'm on twitter at the vanished pod and also instagram if you enjoy the shell subscribed. Now an apple pie casts spotify, wondering dot com or wherever you're listening right now. Do you want help support the vanished. There are a couple things that you can do right. In my view, on apple pie casts you're fired, reviews, help other people find the shell another way to show. Your support is by filling out of short survey of wonder he dot com. Slash survey join me next week, for them Third and final instalment of dynamite story thing for listening
I can only say so much Ernie advise me not to go about their details at this time, because I say could be taken a wrong when called me a brother, I am very concerned. Also. I've wondered all these years. What happened to her? and I would also like to know so. I have no problem with my daughters and Other family, looking into the situation, because I
I like to know the answers myself, the the and the the eu
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-22.