« The Vanished Podcast

Benjamin Redfearn


On July 20, 2017, 30-year-old Benjamin Redfearn left his home in Farmington, New Mexico to attend his daughter’s 6th birthday party. Ben and his daughter’s mother were no longer together but they were committed to co-parenting their child together and Ben was known to be a loving father. By this time, Ben was in another relationship and his current girlfriend was unhappy about him attending the party. On the way to the party, an argument ensued and his girlfriend stopped the car and let Ben out far from the party. Ben ended up walking the rest of the way and was three hours late. Everyone at the party noticed that Ben seemed upset and had a black eye. Ben’s dad gave him a ride home after the party ended. In the car, his dad pleaded with Ben to come back to California with him, he feared for his son’s safety. Ben declined the offer but stated that he didn’t want to go back into the apartment he shared with his girlfriend. Ben got out of the car and that was the last time his dad saw him. It was after this time that Ben dropped off radar. Months later, there was a sighting of Ben but it is unclear what happened to him and his family is desperate for answers.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Benjamin Redfearn, please contact Detective Chavez with the Farmington Police Department at 505-566-2370. You can also call their tip line at 505-599-1068. If you would like to remain anonymous, you can call the San Juan County Crimestoppers at 505-334-8477.

June 5, 2020 UPDATE: Today we learned that some of Ben’s friends listened to the podcast last week and felt compelled to contact law enforcement to disclose his location in another state. Detective Chavez asked local law enforcement in that location to reach out to Ben and they confirmed that Ben is alive. At this point, Ben has not spoken to his family. That is all the information we have at this time. Thank you all for listening and sharing!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers. You can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music, download the today. I guess all of us would like some closure, and I dont know really closer- would be nice and still having an open, ended. Question mark for the rest of our lives This was unfamiliar territory, never been here before you're like he would have come back. If this was on his terms, he would have come backer reached out or something to see or hear about cuba. Did he loved her. I mean he was a good dad
care about kaja a lot and that that, with my name factor in turning it in is just the fact that you know he hasn't even reached out or anything about her. it's just kind of crazy when people just band is either like one of two. then we will be very somebody, did thing in their not coming back or they just come. We brought been changed their lives in guide on, though I have no idea about then in July twenty is two thousand seventeen thirty red benjamin rid fern was pleading to travel from his whom informing to new mexico to attend his daughter, sixth birthday party in the nearby town of aztec, a little under a half an hour away and his daughters. Mother were no longer together, but they were committed to co parenting, their daughter and then was known to be a loving father,
By this time, Ben was in another relationship in his current girlfriend was unhappy about him attending the party on the way to the party, an argument ensued and his girlfriend stop the car and let Ben out far from the party Ben ended up walking the rest of the way and finally made it there three hours late, everyone the party notice. That Ben seemed upset and had a black eye since he didn't have a vehicle to drive home due to what had happened earlier. Bends dad gave him a ride home in the car. His dead pleaded with Ben to come back to california with him. He said. for his son safety declined the offer, but stated that he didn't want to go back to the apartment he shared with his girlfriend after his dad dropped him off. This was when Ben dropped off the radar, which was of character for him here,
go long periods of time without contact with his daughter months later there was a citing of Ben, but it unclear what happened to him and his family is desperate for answers. I'm marissa and from wondering this episode, two hundred and twenty six of the vanished benjamin redford's story. I and the. I want to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey. Everyone loves a good family mystery, especially one with as many twists and turns as june's journey into the role of june parker and so
four hitting clues to uncover the mystery of her sisters. Murder. One thing that I enjoyed about playing june's journey was that it polluted mine, teasing puzzles, but also a really interesting story line. I found it a great way to just relax and play a game that also to my mind, engaged wanting to get it each new chapter, to find more clues asked reality and immerse yourself in the world of june parker. Can you crack the cave, download june's journey for free today on ios and android. For this story. We spoke with bends father mark He told us about how he and his ex wife adopted benjamin. He was lost you're old. When turn than I After him, we'd already adopted one baby from korea the airport was called their dead J f k. We were living in tents away at the time. So we went to new york. Picking up
we had brought along snowshoe, we were trying to get him into the snow suit and he just simply refuse to eat, different. His arms he's different his legs and he would not go so that we could do with just turkey in the lower the body of the snow soon and zip it up very precarious child. Any even a charmer. He you loved to talk to people. You talk easily to people Nothing shy! about them at all people just gravitated word him: they they loved him thinking. He was six. Their seventh grade Why is teachers he approached movement as a yeah you're, your son, just wait far beyond everybody else in this class
it's your permission to have him tested and, I said sure, go ahead. Man he tested in the eye to test in genius range We also spoke to bends mom Karen. She was able to give us some insight into benjamin's childhood and who he is as a person, top at him when he was, I believe, for and a half months old, and so he did really doesn't know any other life than life about brother was eleven months old and he he was a lot more aware of what was going on on a a foreign capital. We pray at homestead it when we were when he was little until we moved out here. He was like tat. I thought or so neither can only moved to new mexico. We always done farm them. moved out here that five years, where we live in town, and I moved back out here. So I've had a little farm again, so he is, he said, town, life and country life, probably more
country life and town life growing up, I home school, the kids It was just John and then we had a couple foster children here and there I had fallen, and before they came along and an after they came along. We had too little boys that be fostered for a while, so they part of that he was always really easy going. He loved children he he just got on with everybody all seemed to be happy. They loved with the animals. I know that I, my mom, would say the boy to sit on the out in the barn and then and we go out there and their ride in the sheep and goats and they're playing the babies in so without what's life before new mexico and then in mexico. We moved out here and marks marriage began to deteriorate and shortly after their move from pennsylvania to new mexico, they split up We were not there very long, let's say a year our marriage fell apart there was the one do
when I told the boys what was going on because by time their mother had moved out about them. The one who burst into tears, and just wept, inconsolably, his older brother seemed to not, he affected at all, so it was very odd the boys were with me for two years. I was single parenting. At that time I had to put them into a private school, I didn't have to, but I chose to, and then got to the point where I could no longer stage wishes at a public school. When I re married, then mother, though I had custody about the boys pilot She would not allow the boys to go out of state after mark moved out of the state. The boys remained with care and in new mexico care, told us that things were hard for them at the time he dad
got divorced and then things all really fell apart his interest he became a team. Major was skateboarding he law scape we're was gonna, be his life. It's really hard. Single parent mark the two california shortly afterward divorced and pretty much donna ban, and I were here by ourselves and that was really difficult, and so I working minimum wage trying to raise two. age boys and it was not good thing: they needed what more supervision and they got court to ban once he started public school. That's when things start changing for him. I think before he was around the kid, but not a whole lot. He feel like. I had prepared him for public school which I have made intended on home school in the whole way, but we had a home schooling group of that three hundred kids we get together with on a regular basis, so it's not like
wasn't around other children, but and he fell. He didn't fit in on one hand, that's that's probably true, so I think you know what I it's hard for everybody anyway and I feel like I wish I could have been more, therefore them, but given the circumstances. I don't I how I could, if I didn't the best they could it would seem to be. You know happy relatively you goin kid he's never mean never hateful. He to be like a kind of a piece or a kinder than now a bully that I saw in hindsight, karen believes that her divorce was harder on her sons than she realized at the time the divorce, Factors I'm sure it affects all kids. I know oh that for me personally before moved out here? I was emotionally really falling apart. I was yet I was not good bye,
I moved out here I fell apart I had times when I was I need a really professional help and I did not get it. So I know that person I did not help them. All because I was I was a rack I was very broken and after moved out here I was I really broke. So in my room, bad broken spot. I made some really poor choices, trying to work out, trying to be a mom and I was barely surviving. But you know we made it through, but I know that that probably was harder on them, then some other things, because I was such a basket case I don't know if it was seventh eighth grade and I leave. He said he might start smoking part of that oh he's told me, never admitted to doing anything else, but I believe It started out to smoke in part and heat the ever that I remember mentioned
to me once and he's never Will we ever what he's ever done? I've heard, but he's done, that and drinking he was drinking. I don't know what he was drinking, and struggled financially after the divorce and worked long hours to keep the bills paid and put food on the table for her sons. She feel This was the perfect storm for her boys. Being teens at the time they began partying. While she was working. I was trying to work, are trying to put much food on the table for my kids. They would go stay with me as for the weekend, I'm assuming they were doing at the weekend If they were doing it at school, timing hit, junior and seeing a high school senior year was hell. I could not keep him in school and he want to quit. The absolutely not he'd make it to school, but disappear. So you know what kids do when they party in their parting, every minute they can party, so
you know I had to work every day. Sometimes I didn't get home for to work till seven o clock at night and Usually they knew to be there. I know there is a point where I was born to jobs, and I come home night, at the second job, by ten o clock at night. They there waitin for me and I would be exhausted that they would just take. My shoes often cover me about the blanket anna, it could like almost guarantee they went out. Then after I was passed out because I was so exhausted. I couldn't even accordingly I did see to dry home, and I know that poverty. at night when I was sleeping. When Ben was in his early twenties. He began dating a woman named Sarah and the two. having a daughter together, they named her kyar, we also both to Sarah for this story. She, told us how she met Ben and more about their relationship, that ban through, mutual friend cannibal a party scene
beer pong and I was just getting over a different relationship, then very metro sexual. He cared the way he I mean he was wearing like versace, sweaters and whatnot, and so he he very pride for I'm about his appearance. We talking and started dating and about a month, the dating I found out that I was pregnant and I told them you know we're not getting married, but he moved into my mom's house He had a room there and I had my own room could remain with like you guys are sharing around. You know I was pregnant. She was weird, but you nine hours, he hardly really bad insomnia, and he word digital media art stuff where gay, mirth and their kill thought he would like render too.
for music and whatnot and they would he would get paid through pay pal for you, you tube people So that's what he was doing for a while, while we were dating well, hi. I was born in like a year later we decided to break up this thing's weren't really work now and then we like you know we had the child, and that was about the only thing that we had in common anymore, but we stayed pretty good co. Parents and friends. I mean we ve Well, we didn't talk for maybe like six weeks while we were doing frahm that break up, but he was still a co parent after the break up then, and Sarah stayed in contact and continued to co parent kyar together he still came If I try and spend time and then I ended up moving to you, ta when our daughter would like eighteen months we would me in my lab and do the drop.
and we would do every two weeks with each other fell. and after I moved away, he still kept in touch with me. One in the feed. His daughter and I ended up moving back like two years later. Sarah told us that, prior to ban disappearing in July of two thousand seventeen, he seemed to be struggling. He was dealing with feelings of failure about where he was in life and all We started dating a woman that many describe as abusive. thinking really dealing with depression, rail bad like the last year that he was around because he was turning thirty he words Della server red lobster and barely know gettin by an than an abusive relationship with the girl and name dueling hookers you're ends.
Like may before he went missing, should be the ever living crap out at him. He said that it was triggered jump them, but we All got the virus that she did it, but he had to guys a broken. I saw a busted ear. Dram fractured jaw and he didn't press any charges. The relationship that ban had with jewel seem to be tumultuous from the very beginning and Ben. the only man who was in jewels life who reported abuse shit still around and I happen to know who she is dating now, because farming, tin, small and that Poor individual is getting beaten up on the regulars issues very abusive, and so I was wondering, if maybe Something didn't happen there, because before
ban started dating drew all. She was engaged to this guy eduardo and joy. cheated on Eduardo with ban and Eduardo showed up said Ben how, for he was staying with dual with a gun and threaten Ben and then he never came out of the house like his His roommates came out and made eduardo go away, but then never showed his face, but continued to date, you're, an ass then went missing or we lost contact you're with back with Eduardo, and so that I have always kind have robbed me the wrong way. anybody can take a gun and threaten somebody, you know and never with them or whatever, but just the fact. But that has happened, and then then enjoy have this.
Falling out between may in July, where it's just extreme The abusive he's super depressed. When he came to my daughter's birthday party, he had his guys, hi. Am ali raisman Ivan with migraine for awhile as an athlete and gymnast. I was taught to just power through the pain. Now I use you row the or you bro Japan to treat my migraine attacks as soon as I feel a migraine attack. I take you ralphie, which provides you with quick relief. Once I get relief, I go on with my day. I am partnering Morality to share my migraine story, you brevity
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more than once I saw bruises on my son. I, together with proven from all, I was breaking up a fight when I went to pick a jewel from work. and thinking. Ah, he doesn't break up street fights with its three guys and forward. He doesn't do that by. Let that would go well, then, one day, a fairer collins, said Ben the emergency room. He got jumped Annie this big long story about I dont member exactly what it was: he enjoy, were doing something in the guise next door. Something happened with the guy next door and Sarah sent me a picture, looks like he'd been sliced ear to ear we'll come to find out, wasn't with blood. If I left, I thought it was broken in his ear dramas, busted well. I know that they had a big mac light, but they kept by the door and
I believe, like ninety nine percent, sure that jewel went on one of her rampages and just slug them and She got him to the hospital and the reason I am like night. That, surely, is the one that she did. It was how, when I walked into emergency room. She panic when she saw me As you know, you ve got it all scared, lookin and I'm thinking instantly new. I said Oh, my gosh, you did it. I just had that feeling that she did it. I just and then, when Ben came back in the room they had gone to take x rays never said a word. I'm thinking this is bizarre. This is not something is not right here. I, How do you feel safe, going back? What happened and Ben never said a word? What happened I am like ninety nine percent sure she went on a rampage. Andrews beat the crap out of them you know how you you just know
certain things I never said did you do it because What good without gonna do that wasn't gonna do anything I just said you feel safe going home Ben, never said a word. He wouldn't even look at me and from the stories from Sarah from an from other people. She was an extremely volatile person and being around her head, had to do what she said. Otherwise you could tell hell it's gonna break loose as soon as they got involved with joel he cut him off from all his friends. They had no contact with him at all anymore. So there had been something. Do with that woman? At the very least of sea him sinking into this big hole, and I could never. To him because she was always around and he would. talk to me anyway. You know, he would just say everything's, fine, I've never physically seen her. I've never actually seen her be violent. But I
in her blow up, and often you see things hindsight more than when you're there. I often get a tribute to all his party he's drinking he's. Drunk he's come over, you know, but I could definitely, the entire time he was with her tat. He was now. In a good place, any and really good place for a long time then, I seem to be spiralling care told us about one of the last time that she saw ban. He appeared be distraught. Leaving care and concern for her son had money. Human side have been, where the last time that with him. I knew with just really struggling. He was just the basket case. He was just felt so open and I couldn't tell if he was broken. If he was afraid, I couldn't really tell It was really going on, but I say we hope- and you do you feel, like some of your issue
these are an adoption issue. You know, I said, because often people have real issues with this and as they were becoming team, if we talk about adoption- and I told them wendy, This is after market moved to california we always be always knew that they were adopted. We had a homecoming gave a we celebrated the day. They came to be with our family. So- we knew that We never really talked about what that meant there, little kids, but once they become teenagers made you dislike. You know we need to talk about this. I told him I said it's not a right or wrong answer is, however, you is the right answer. You ever feel like you would like to find your birth parents, and if you two that's fine. If you dont want that's fine and then spread of was no. Why should I be deserted me that help helpless infant, so that was his? he he denied that later, but he did say that, but when I asked him just like you said
at the end of him. Being here you steal away. The adoption is an issue with you. Are you really struggling with that, and I said kay videos- and he said this- ignores that isa- you ve always been my mom. You know that that's not an issue that that's not what my problem is a simple. What is the problem and He would never say so sure that there may be part of it is an adult? something I dont, think room that he was so little and we were, I think, open enough him and gave him options that I don't think the adoption, is the major cause of his distress. I think there is that jackson feeling it me. How can I I'll pay. You know because any cause he said it. I think he was thirteen he said it. He said those words He only said at once, but of course, the feelings there
could not be there. You know, no matter how much you loved is that feeling that some dumped, you sera, told us that she also knew that Ben struggled with feelings he had about being adopted. I think about very firm iep Mental emotional damage from being adopted too he's never wanted to reach out and find out who, with parents are he's always been like. didn't want me ask them. I don't need them. No I mean I know he's got like a lot of baggage going on where he was also medicating. For that. I twentieth. Two thousand seventeen is the day that ban disappeared. It was also the day of his daughters, birthday, party and Ben had plans to attend. The last we saw him July. you're had they were posted, driving from farming tend to aztec it's about like thirteen miles maiming and
dropped him off in the middle of nowhere and was like figure it out and so Ben showed up to party. Eventually he had walked to his mom's house. He was just completely depleted like you could just he was so depressed. He didn't have any fight lesson him and It was like that was the last time that we saw him. instead mark was also at the party that day with his wife, he told us more about what he observed at the party my wife and I went to the birthday party and twenty seventeen when she was sick and then was there, I, him aside and had a heart for talk with him. Quite apart from everybody else, And it became obvious afternoon at the birthday party were on that he was apprehensive scared.
I knew that just a brief period fine preceding the birthday party he had been eager badly I had ended up in hospital care inside there. like I thought yet who sent me the photograph hounded pretty badly, and I heard the strange things about them woman. He was living like at the time. We think afraid didn't know what do you want to do with his wife? He ended did that he needed to be out of their mark Wife became concerned about Ben's safety and decide. To ask if he wanted to go back home with them. My wife, and I talk Had little huddle and our car was totally fact, ass we were, we were on a trip we made Bremen We could accept owed to bend downtown charlatan bought coffee and war
everything the coffee in the car said. We will take you back with us to california home is open to you. You can come now. We can go by your house. We can pick up your close if you're afraid to go back to your house. Forget your clothes, let's just go, and Seemed almost enticed by the offer and then he wanted taken back to the place where he was living. So we took him back and she got out of the car, and these were the last word. did I ever heard from him. He said I don't to go in there. He did not go into the house. Treatment side of the house and he weighted by the side of the house until pulled away and that's the last I saw Ivan. It was after his dad dropped him off the Ben dropped off the radar
but it wasn't totally out of character for Ben to lose contact for periods of time time went on. Sarah became more and more concerned because did make sure he kept in contact with kyar. Even Ben was missing from their lives. He wasn't reported missing until two thousand and nineteen in the month, after Sarah had last seen ben acquires birthday party she received. the call from jaw Joe they had contact with me about three months after and would like, I think then doing mass in a trailer in bloom filled, and I don't think he's gonna, be ok, I think he's gonna die. That was weird, because we then even consider him missing at that point for her they're kind of justice Ok, you then bloomed or doing math, but nothing back in no way to get a hold of his hand
I never saw a ban or new ben to do math. I knew then to do cocaine. to do envy I may, which is fee that would like his favorite and the smoke marijuana. But never mass- and Like I don't know, maybe he did follow the rabbit. Damn you know the whole, and maybe he is just all mass dow homeless somewhere, it's just that see my ban because then had a lot of pride like I did. never would have put down as a bum. Would have figured it out his way into anything or out of any like you're, really good with words he was extremely summer, could manipulate the situation like. If he was around he would have been around, he would have figured out a way to come back to the entire life. To do something like that it is my belief- and so that's where
I finally was like ok. Now I need it. That's over to the police so we haven't had any contact with him. Then July. Why two thousand and seventeen It's been a while. He would find him oh, go often do his own things or maybe like six weeks to two months. At a time where He wouldn't have a cell phone because he would be in between job there. What everywhere. You wouldn't be contactable, but I mean then he would be no heed shall I ever he'd make contact and so the fact it's been two and a half years mark back California was not aware that anything was a mess. It was until Sarah contacted him to see if he had heard from ban them was supposed to be saying child support Sarah let it go for
oh, let's say three months and she got in touch with me and she said We're ban is and then the months strike, dawn and Sarah said You heard anything from him. now no nobody's heard anything it made. No. to me that you just simply abandoned his daughter, because I watched him over the years interact with her em the love between the two is just. The strong bond there's no way to deny that, and so how could this be but he just simply walk away from her. I might A child support undiscovered disappear knew no. I don't think so. So that sort leave me. I guess not. That leads me to say somebody has had very soon all over this life. Perhaps it was. you owe me x, number of
thousands of dollars for the drugs I supplied you were an I'm gonna, get that one way or the other, and then for you will and then telling the boy you will come with me. You will do as for me, I don't know. in february of two thousand nineteen Sarah decided it was time to get bends. Family involved and report been missing. We turn. Then we started this. I want to say like around stub, you worry over the last year, my mental break I'm kind of pretty much where my daughter's asking me. You know like where's, my dad is he okay and got to the point where it is like you know, I I do need answers for her. He had had any contact with any friends and they Actually, wouldn't let me turn it over and I am not related and I am the baby mamma. It could be. That he's just avoiding me, I
they have Karen talk to the detective, but I called those attacks, first and then gave carrying them formation, so I bought he's been the one of the friends of the earth, encourages kind and wants to think that he is just off living I don't know someplace, where there's no cellular you, gotta oil in colorado, in the mountains where he doesn't have service or something, and I just think that, but you totally would have crept in contact with kyar at some point within these last two years. No, that if he was go, he would have been like Harry. Too bad? I don't have a phone, I'm just borrowing this mind like I haven't changed my number and his mom hasn't changed her phone number and she still has the home phone. So I mean even the he couldn't get a hold of anybody else. He knows his home phone number and they still have a land mine, the whole
phone number has been the same phone number for, like the last ten to fifteen years, the. If you are struggling with stress, burn, outings anxiety or have trouble sleeping cerebral rural can help cerebral offers the one hundred per cent online personalized mental health care plans that include thereby and medication management. You can choose your clinician from cereals, vetted and train team of experts and attend to all your sessions from the comforting convenience of your own home. It started with or without insurance, and only pay, one flap monthly rate and for mental health awareness meant this. May you can get an exclusive fifty percent off your first month with cerebral dot com, slash wondering that's: cerebral dot com, slash wondering for food percent off your first month. They show is spawn,
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reported missing. They become Beware of a siting of Ben months. After the july two thousand seventeen birthday party it was in march of two thousand and eighteen, when Ben was seen working at a local red lobster, The person who saw Ben said that he was emotional and crying and that he stated that he was going to leave town but wouldn't say where or why This citing has been confirmed, but they learn that shortly after he was seen, he was no longer working there. Unfortunately, that's all that's been released about this citing further story. We contacted the farming to police department and requested an interview granted our request and we spoke with detective heather Travis and also the public information officer. Nicole brown, mine, miss heather travis and I'm a detective with the foreign police department. I've been here just almost nineteen years. I am
currently the cold case missing persons detective. However, I have worked patrol under cover narcotics training division and predominantly instigations cause. That's my passion. How I got into this line of work. It was just an interest, it fascinates me and obviously at the onset. Can I make a difference? Can I help people a job that ways on you, birds over the years there's a few people here and there that you do make a difference in their lives in a makes it worthwhile. So I we'll brown I and that public information officer poorer for meeting police department adds mice I did my career in dispatch a rich there for thirteen years and recently this year transition to their kyoto position and just a lover public safety in general can a joke and states that family doesn't it make grandpa?
with this deeply felt there are made out of the fire cheap and my may significant other than officer. I just really get ready to help community and be an active participant community give travers told us how Ben's case landed on her desk so Sarah actually call to report him missing base Actually, it was look Benjamin's missing. He's the father of young daughter? They share child together, and seen him for over eighteen months stir? Well, it starts with the patrol level so troll after will respond now either meet the individual in person or over the phone they'll take the report, but the officer usually determines at that time, while they're doing report is this endangered person. Are they at risk or endangered in it wasn't deemed that time. It didn't meet the criteria, sir. basically the report was taken, the
these, are usually notified, but then they have to wait for the narrative portion to come so that we can do any follow up was pretty cold by this. I was actually report in so we were behind the occur there. We got information that sir was able to provide us with data with ma. Am we too? where some coworkers and then what we did was put out a flyer post on the farm eaten. Please parliament s page and also salmon county crime. Stoppers. To elicit tips. If anybody had seen him her for him or maybe had information about him unfortunate, Those really lead dead ends summoned. Jewels did call in, but it was basically reiterating that benjamin had had some issues in his life with substance abuse with the knowledge that Ben was seen in march of two thousand eight eighteen and allegedly was upset and said he was leaving the area. Where would you have gone. If you will farming, ten on a map
It's only about an hour away from the four corners with where new mexico, colorado arizona and you taught me- could bend left the state Active travers also explain how they are also surrounded by reservations can cause some jurisdictional issues while searching for missing person in it. Into the states. We are also surrounded by three different native american reservations, so those are different countries in an up themselves: local stable Officers are cross commission to where they can do some things on the reservation. We are not but we have a lot of contacts and really good working relationship with the navigation. Pity criminal investigators so and the same with southern colorado, and you tasso were pretty good with that. We all work together because we have the same Yes, the borders are just invisible lines. We're pretty lucky. The new chief for than ever
nation police department is one of our former police officers, sir. Things are communication and efforts and cooperation is getting a lot better has been some suspicion about the woman that Ben was dating back in July of two thousand seventeen. Those, were close to ban were concerned because he had been beaten up on more than one occasion when he was dating jewel, detail, If china has told us that she has been in contact with her, I've been basically playing contact with her she's it. She is cooperative and wants to talk with me. She still lives at the same place, so she's not trying to hide from law enforcement, so I would say that that girl, that that relationship with she's definite cooperating with law enforcement. We see a lot, it's just that that bad, if relationship with drugs and alcohol kind of difficulties Keep it but On the same now I mean she's
returned my halls? She's, never moved since gosh. I think actually benjamin used to live in the same apartment with her when they together and she still on that some apartment, so she's not taking any To hide from us, I wouldn't that her behaviour suspect anyway sera told us about one theory she's considered about what may have happened to Ben. I know you didn't good decisions. I know using to drugs, and I know he was a rest. a couple of times, and so I am not sure if he flip, I might have gave permission up and that could lead to why he kind of vanished, because he'd did keep some not so great company for friends he got arrested. in arizona and like two thousand. They want to save fifteen or sixteen, and he had, ok in on him
an marijuana and a whole bunch of staff, and he got let out of it without anything happening I mean he didn't, then he time and J o you didn't send anyone. going the core like nothing. So I kind of thing tat he might have given emperor he stood up, and so that kind of where I think, what happened to him. Maybe is he he spoke Somebody about the wrong person can I I feeling that he is dead and I know that there is no proof or anything, but the fact that nobody is talk. Social hasn't been ran, and I mean he was a good person with bad surgeons, but he was a decent dad. I feel like, even if he was still around. He would, made contact by now about our daughter. So I feel like you
not coming back. I know people get into things, now they lose sight of what some poor aunt, but keeping guy for two years we thought he come back by now, but here we are On the other hand, Karen remains hopeful that Ben is out there somewhere alive, there's lots of different, harry floating around what happened to him and the thing that I think is that he's on run and he's on the run for several reasons I can tell you three reasons I think he's on the run. A fairer thinks it, someone kill them, and I said sara, I just don't feel bad I don't feel that all I feel that he's on the run, he had some drugs, and I dont know if someone's after him, sir, there. He knocked on somebody I don't know he did or not. I know but he has some open warrants out for him- on drugs, drug issues
in arizona. So it either is he's running from somebody in the drug world- or he is, running from himself and I've, always told him. He said you can run. You can't run from yourself. It could be that this thing with jewel was like the final straw of feeling. so emasculated by her. That's the right word here: couldn't handle it anymore, and I really feel that she did that to him jewel and her ex fiance who, and became a fiance again right after them gone from what I heard it was really violent that her ex came and for Ben Gunn s house he was staying out. There is violence, all surrounding duel between her ex fiance
and you'll herself. It was very violent, so I dont know if he was trying to escape the violence of that whole situation or if he was so broken. He had to leave the fact that he has No contact with us at all makes me think maybe he disappeared and didn't anybody because he's protecting us from who might come after. Ass. If we knew where he was I go back and forth between think Oh, maybe I'm just delusional thinking the best possible thing. You know Sarah thinks that he's dead, Mark told us have he's concern that Ben could be a john doe somewhere on, to be identified since he's adopted, and they don't have a dna samples to compare. I mean my worst moments I suspect foul play. I would be surprised what data get call telling me that these days,
the ban, on the other hand, if he's just a random dead person, some he and I share no dna. He said Dna with Karen how are they? Gonna identified is random dead body. I have no idea, I mean I it it frightens me to think. I just don't know the charges brought up a good point about dna, in this case their hope to be able to get a sample from bends daughter I've. Just that was Sarah and how we can do that without upsetting their daughter. I kind of feel like once that's done and submitted to name us crossing fingers that that might help us Ben is out there somewhere alive Sarah explained, one distinguishing feature that he has that could possibly help identify him, I hand he got
you, a car accident when he was in high school in his arm, went through the windshield and it tor tendons and his and they when they he'll, do they caused like this huge ball of tissue and oh here can started carrier aiding he lost all the muscle. In his right hand, right handed very much, smaller and decrepit like you, can tell that there's something wrong with his hands. If you cup ends name or mine. You won't find much information. The media hasn't picked up Ben story, detect Travis is hopeful that by getting Ben story out there to the public may be some new leads, will filterin. Truly, we tried to generate tips off of sharing this information with the public, Reviewing the family members and I've been here what name us as well, they tried
for some resources. It's just not really lead anywhere and true We want when it's this cold, the only thing that were able to do it, proactive. We, yes, we can always. We share information to spark the public's interest again. So I reckon focus on kind of like you're, doing humanizing individual that that's gone missing and to bob benjamin has love once and he s got a daughter and they want some. Of closure, whether its finding him, maybe he just needed a break or unfortunately, if you spend deceased. If anyone has information about bends, disappearance detect Travis gave us several different avenues for submitting tips, even anonymously. If that makes you feel more comfortable, we have a chip line just area code, fibre or five. Nine nine one zero six eight or they
call someone county crime stoppers if they want to be anonymous and that's bible. Five. Three three four eight four, seven seven or They can also leave a message on my direct line: five o five, five, six, six three seven zero. If they go through I'm stoppers. I think crime stoppers offers some type of minimum aboard if it. leads chill his whereabouts benjamin he was a brother. He was a son and he was a dad, even if they its insignificant, could be all the difference. Share, whatever information that they may have some happened to benjamin red fern after he left his daughters party back in July of two thousand seventeen. We I've been had a lot of struggles in his life. He said depressed and had recently been assaulted on more than one occasion. appeared to be in fear of his girlfriend and those around her could bend
I have fallen off the radar intentionally to get away from that toxic relationship perhaps to try to get himself clean and whatever that citing of Ben in march of two thousand eight eighteen, if he was the area months later. Where did he go after that he's been around and working within the community? Someone must have seen him.
where did something happen to Ben after that? Two thousand and eighteen citing or is it as Karen suggested that he could have intentionally disappeared and hasn't contacted his family in order to protect them? Sarah is worried that he's no longer alive, while Karen remains hopeful that he's out there somewhere. One part of this case that has made investigating difficult was the amount of time that went by from when he was last seen in July of two thousand and seventeen and when he was reported missing in february of two thousand and nineteen, the gap of time made it. So the detective was essentially handed a cold case on day one there. Hopefully, by getting his story out to the public that someone will come forward with information that they may not even realize, is important since bends cases really got no media attention. If you
if any information about the disappearance of Benjamin Redfern, please contact detective travers at the farmington police department by calling five zero five five six six, two three seven zero. You can also call their tip line at five: zero. Five: five: nine nine one, zero six, eight! If you'd like to remain anonymous, you can call the San Juan county crimestoppers at five zero. Five, three three, four, eight four, seven seven, but I told the detective that I really think that that where he is why he gets appear, but I don't want to know where my money I want to know where he I want his daughter to know more. For me. I'm a big girl. I can deal with it. I can handle that what he's doing his little daughter she's got a really good life
her mamma got married and the man she married runoff kyar. We went to the wedding. You know where we were close, the really weird how fair and I have met Our life together is such a blessing because ok: I was even born here: and her mother, and I got together, we decided we are always we are forever connected because of this child. We will, we each other with kindness and love and respect no matter what settings Some comes along and Jason Farrah married, and I told you and I said you are always welcome in our house. You are part of their life, we of you and we care about you, then we met jason's, his parents. and at the wedding, is a constant with us. Your part of family and. Off and if that happened at all for kyar, I'm in so kyar has a really well. A group of people
around her. In this whole thing is really not. not me finding my son to me, the whole thing is key needs her daddy. Am she needs? No, where her daddy is met, her daddy's, ok,. I I and The.
That brings us to the end of episode, two hundred and twenty six I'd like to thank everyone who spoke with us for the story. If you have a missing loved one that you'd like to have featured on the show, there's the case: submission form at the vanished podcast dot com. If you'd like to join in on the discussion, there's a page and discussion group on facebook on twitter at the vanish pod and also on instagram, if you enjoy the show subscribe now and leave a five star review on apple podcasts, spotify stitcher or wherever you're listening right now, do you wanna help support the show? There are a couple of things that you can do. One way to help the vanished is by supporting our sponsors. You can find links and promo codes in the episode notes. Another way to support the show is by contributing on Patreon, where you can get early and ad free episodes join me next time, I'll be covering a case from alaska. Thanks for listening the
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-19.