« The Vanished Podcast

Angelica Longoria


15-year-old Angelica Longoria, or Angel as she was known to family and friends, disappeared from El Monte, California on November 23, 1985. At the time, Angel was living at home with her father, stepmother, her brothers, and step-siblings. The household was very strict and when Angel was caught with a boy, she was punished physically. According to her father and stepmother, Angel ran away that night, never to be seen again. Over the years, some family members have begun to wonder if there is more to the story of what happened to Angel Longoria back in November of 1985.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Angelica Longoria, please contact the El Monte Police Department at 626-580-2100 of The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers, you can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music, download. The. today the. Hopefully this store they can get out and someone praying would now, maybe remember, story I mean how to someone vanish just like that. But each I'm just However, as a kid like yesterday like when, we were laughing- and I remember the pain that she would share with me like when her dad got married and and happy moment that we share with my grandmother- for we would go to church and the dumping three. Would you take my grandmother high time it? I could hear my grandmother tobakcre it's in there
five years, it's been thirty five mm. I want justice for her. You know I'd be want to know what happened to her demeanor and her personality. She was also loving kind. Hearted girl, I've always had this soul. My heart know that not knowing all these just hurts for the long. As you know, someone has passed, you know how to cope with debt and detail that a person has is living under different lights somewhere else and live in weld, and that's ok, too. Fifteen year old, angelica long gloria or angel ass, she was known to those close to her disappeared from our money. California, on november twenty third nineteen. Eighty five at the time angel was living at home with her father, stepmother, brothers and step siblings. The household was very strict and when angel was caught with a boy, she was punished physically, according
to angels. Father and stepmother angel ran away that night. Never to be seen or heard from again over the years. Some family members have begun to wonder if there is more to this story of what happened to angel long Gloria back in november of nineteen. Eighty five I'm reset and from wondering this is episode. Two hundred and thirty, nine of the vanished, Angelica, long, glorious story, The The.
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for a handful of family members who continue seeking answers. If you look through a newspaper archives, you won't find any mention of angel for please she was just a fifteen year old girl who ran away in the eighties in order to piece together angel story. We had to talk to as many people as we could find since there isn't any archival information available at the time. of her disappearance, much of angels family, was fragmented due to geographical distance or family issues. What her various family members were told about her disappearance and when can vary, but it's important to listen for those variations throughout the interviews in nineteen, eighty five angels living at home and l money, California, with her father stepmom and siblings, in order to understand angels life at the time we have to go several years twin angels, parents got divorced waste.
to angels aunt irma angel in her siblings had lived with irma for a period of time. Growing up, irma told us about the breakdown of the relationship between angels parents and how she stepped up to help the children. My city there has been. It was a rocky marriage. You know that was physical abuse. you know. Verbal abuse up getting divorced, I'm in up for taxes when my sister and her husband, which is angels parents? she's my eldest sister, they living upon him in east, los angeles, and then they came back backdrop has and after a while and then they went back california, and they had four kids angel- has siblings. One older sibling boy and then it's it's angel her brother, Gabriel and then her brother gus, who lives in El Monte california, and saw when that's got divorced. My sister will be here for a while and I live the time when my parents- and I was studying, give him education and the teacher to become a teacher.
so I lived with my parents with my two daughters at the time and I sister one day what she had come over here to EL paso. She was trying to get her right. I guess could ever since her whole marriage and see her mind wasn't right whatever so she, had given me not cause because they don't ask custody of the kids, but I like returning a form of all for them in this is in eighty one- and I was twenty four at the time, and I was studying based with me. I want to say about six months and she was like in california and then back in EL paso and cheated just everywhere. One day my mom told- Hey, you know. What are you doing? You know your sisters studying here. The school and year running around doing out an electronic it. You got together but she's over here taking care of your kids course. My parents helped me with them when she just gotta that's what I'm taking the kids, my kids to their father like children
Can it be a burden to anyone and better also Sheila went back to california? and she left the kids with their father, This is nineteen. Eighty who came her demeanour and her personality. She was such a docile lovey kind hearted. Girl. She was just quiet and just really loving a loving, loving, adorable little girl, so the last I saw her. She was what nine maybe almost ten she was just kind hearted quiet can a shy, but she was just adorable. We also spoke to angels cousin, rebecca angel, and rebecca were born only about four months apart. So I grew up with a very close bond I tell us more about angels childhood. My cousin was
on february, twenty fourth of nineteen seventy, so she reached her marker of these fifty years old You have been gone at fifteen as a teenager. That's a very, very, very long time. I know that we had a pretty rough bringing by both. appearance and family from I remember growing up with with my cousin angel. We were more like sisters than anything because I didn't have any sisters growing up, so Her immediate brothers were my brothers. She was my sister because we spent a lot of time together. My uncle, and his wife divorced and then they asked at a very young age then I remembered them coming back to allay to live here after the divorce, with my uncle during that time of our upbringing, grandmother was very much involved.
She really was the one that really really took care of all of us, really to ensure that you know we had things to eat. We have t just bringing up like a different. household devalue different. There what at least I was brought up and then angel as well growing it I was a tough time, sir. I think the most she had a difference in it. You're going on in her life, verses, mine, her scenario. I remember it sometimes because my uncle lived with my grandmother and so were always there. My grandmother's house enduring the time of my grandmother. How do you know who does not want to go to the grandmother? Tell strike always so fine and we were able to almost do almost anything back in those days were to table. Go outside run around run on our skateboards gates and stuff, like then my uncle met somebody at that time, where
the angel and her brothers, they all lived and my uncle lived with my grandmother at the time my uncle had dated a few women and for the most part they were all pretty much very accepted And there are very fun to be with, and they were very accepting of all of us. was always included in that it was time during those times Then he met another woman, but of margaret uncle sam is gilbert by the way, which is my dad's younger brother and they got together. They think seeing each other for a while, and then he married her he was. Ok, she had to say but her own, that she was raising It's ok with me. In major special alleys least to us kids back then, casinos, Kivu, talk about it and we will talk about like which how did we like that? My uncle data more and there was one that always stood out more more than
She had stood out, but you know as a kid you just go with the flow and the angel of getting married, an angel and the brothers. There were part of the wedding, but then they Added to this religious thing, about being christians, which you know we were brought up for him At least I was brought up and, along with my cousin, grandmother is believed the panic hostile and you know they were pretty out. The her now reaches the vendor coastal. But at this, in time when Uncle got me tomorrow. They, I guess my uncle he was, The lord and started living a different way and he didn't live, may be the wild life anymore. Whatever he was doing as a child, Rebecca, didn't quite understand what was going on with the changes in her family after
uncles religious transformation, but she was seeing new restrictions that angel had to live by weight. We think. Of course we were kids. This just became I was a little bit not nor more to us, because at that point, all of us, then my cousin angel was allowed to. Where can we come I thought that was kind of weird and were like cake, cower pants. Why till then a bible, sal this and tat she had. You were only trusted and the truth is that she wore look like a little house in the prairie, so she had to dress like that. Go instead. Going from a child like a kid at that age and your life in gene bans can isn t shirts in a cute little top, so I went from all of that to wearing dresses. And she was mortified, so she
call me- and I will tell tat at the time you know. Oh, my god angel has to worthy stresses the ridiculous for aid, being forced to dress way was embarrassing and she began to get ridiculed at school because of her clothing. of remembers times when she secretly brought angel closed before school to help her voice being teased by that was just like they got that ridiculous that the time and we just like what is going on and like all these being started, changing in their household. It was like beyond They were kind of like he locked spoke is somewhat. Reality was any thought it focusing only on the shore. The things that were just kind of absurd. So I would do. I would take the path from oil and I will take it all the way to our money to meet her early in the morning, just together stuff.
in a t, shirt that stuff like that. It is sometimes my dad or drive me in the morning, a man who which close to her, so that in a shake their work, though my clothes, it was embarrassing. Kid would start making fun of her good, because she would you know like. Why are you trust that which was the only one dress like that in our money She felt it having a conflict with everything how she was growing up in the stuff there she was wearing. having those issues Rebecca told us that, as a young teen angel stepped into a mother role for her younger brothers because they weren't being treated the same as their stepmother's. Children angel was a nurturing girl and tried to fill the void for her brothers. heard another and by that also had a live, which was really sad because to raise both her younger siblings, which both gas and Gabriel and
it was a mother to them because could start writ in. eyes. Of the kid to me was not a mother. She was there as a step mother, but she wasn't there as you know, like a mom mom like a mom, a lot of trains. What I see and what I remember is that part which two kids, would be separated from my cousin aim. my cousin, gus and Gabriel they had, I would say a better life, because at times As I recall one time my dad getting really upset and they have done that they all went to a restaurant and left the kids behind left my couldn't behind angel and Gabriel, while Margaret and hurt you boys and gilbert my uncle they all went you to eat, felt. There was a separation of that kind of stuff, goin on
and the reason why we would know is because the kid you know at that time, my dad and my grandmother and think you know what they're doing They left us at home thing for easy for rebecca at this time either, but all of the kids relied on each other in their grandmother. For support I done at the time of night in very sounds mind because he had it this you? He darted drinking a lot and doing drugs a lot, so it became really difficult offer for me in the london condition go that far my grandmother was involved a lot and we turn my grandmother a lot color everything that was going on at our house, because she there- is no safe haven or fill the kids would call me or call my dad, regardless of my dad they'll being the way he had started drinking and stuff getting into drugs. They still had like a com. Level with. My dad told them
my grandmother would call my dad and say: hey. You know. The kids are left alone stuff like that angels having to cook and clean the house for them. It was like that kind of atlas here, where they were, they were a family, but there were still kind of copyright Ass time went on these changes that they were seeing and angels family started to appear to be more called like sorry buddy knew it, but of course they would never admitted it. It just became more and more obvious. Like you know, it was all my god that, like fade and stuff like that, just kinda was devils. That I mean it was It's becoming more to us as like a call, then first, you know really turning your life around here. Going to church and trying to be that good percentages. he was just turned around and the crazy part parties affected
My cousin angel a lot her appearance, her. She didn't like she could be like a regular fifteen year old teenager like a lot of mental gains in that household that went on to the point where I was I would add that letter, but there was a a letter that I believe market. I wrote to my dad apologizing. way. She acted in the way she was. I really wish. I would have thought better, because it would have been proof of how ridiculous she acted towards my cousin being the other female in the house. We always said that Margaret always had this type of jealousy toward my cut The issue is the other female Life at home was not a healthy environment for angel and her siblings, but didn't have much of a choice because their mother had her own issues as well. My ad witches there mom
as related by blood but by marriage, because she married my uncle she was. The us inches unfortunately, just an absent parent in a she got involved, into drugs and involved into a whole lot of other stuff. She was in jail. She married her first cousin and I know for a fact because I was there too, and the mom will show up in our with some crazy biker guy and She had just gotten out j on should come to the kids. Not only they have it pretty crappy at home because how to deal with the stepmother and their father. was going along with the little game that the stepmother was doing, then they had a deal with the absent mother, you know had her own life and shovel and that totally affects some women each. Can I remember it affecting me yesterday, brain all that I think, a lot
People would understand in know there was just pretty side and confusing, and the good thing is that Grandmother always turn things around to give us. I give us some type of laughter and peace to all everything that is going on here. we didn't have a mean born in her body and their region. An came out of my grandmother's inner was always positive, then tried it the positive and everybody, like literally in everybody, but the caring, your growing up in you're. Seeing all these things all these changes You know it's not right in and when you hear your cousins crying and alien fuss, Read it because they were they felt abandoned, then I never I saw going through you know what they're going through as well I have in my own issues because of my father's drug abuse and alcoholism them just killing with that was really difficult and they had to offer
when they would come over my house. They also hatchet my father, going through changes as well, but it is in time. He still tried his best to love all of us and care for us to the best of his ability that wasn't the case all the time, because again he had his own issue. He was going to do that made it just really it's a cold or for everybody. Then I know that I made it difficult for my cousin had, to move out of my grandmother's house and now having to inertia a home with show other kids than a threat. Mom. I mean, I'm sure you know it's not the easiest thing in the household. I know its not having to go through. All that is brought up a lot of issues where the for really unhappy. Like I said just now, inspiration in the house alone. Just about aged. It's just really hurt foreign
meaning to the kids at that point the mean, like an angel, was always clean and cooking and doing things or the boy for a younger brothers and- and we always you know my guy the angel issue, sleeve she's, not there mate in a way. Always say things like that. the. I want to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey. Everyone loves a good family mystery, especially one with as many twists and turns as june's journey.
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Rebecca remembers that as a teen, she would overhear conversations between the adults and her family regarding their concerns for angel and her brothers, but they were limited in what they could do to changed circumstances. I would here that my grandmother had. I would hear that concern them other uncle had and then I Here the concerns about my father, how he was concerned for the kid no. My father would say that my go made at the worst decision in marrying this woman, and then I remembered the kids also saying growing up. Thank god. I wish my dad what a merry his the friend that he had in her name was backing and she was just the finest person ever, we would always say, as kids were growing up, even one my cousin disappeared. We would save my uncle what stood with that woman Becky probably wouldn't have been a perfect marriage.
for sure we would have had my cousin angel, because you it's more realistic when came to life I mean who wants a dress their child up in clothing, like that, like literally, it would her neck and then all the way up to four ankles. She would have to wear a dress. would run away from home honestly I had to dress like that. I mean there was no way that I was gonna go to school, like that in kids would make fun of me Don't we always had a height around and get her claws? I would have liked rapture I made in london role to ensure that in our hands, I talk about so they were always me to do things hind their backs because they felt that they could live like that normal life It's already not normal, because of course, They went from living to my grandma s, house, let me end with uniform you set up and then the set up was in exactly what grandma had for them.
having those issues and then issues of you know. One year at fifteen years old, you start recognised boy. The boys, like you and stuff, like that. You know you're typical young teenage. Here right. For her disappearance angel introduced to a boy in that case, did conflict within their strict religious household. I that margaret had a niece by the name of Ruby and she's had come in around the law to Margarets house visiting her aunt. She was about the same as we were like fourteen fifteen years old, around that age and shit the common round, but he was a little more sure way more advanced than any of us. She had already lost her virginity already being with different boy it'll, stop that we like- we hear about at all, like our friends that had more made up us minds
I believe she's, the one that brought over a guy and this guy started I can't angel. I don't even know who this guy was to be honest with you. and even give you a name or remember what even look like Remember. My cousin telling me that ruby boyfriend was either a brother or a close friend. Came around the house because Ruby was coming around the house, because that was markets, nice and, of course, that was okay, Ruby came along the housing, got, hurt scandal were because that was markedly, it was all That kind of, like a double standard, is I came around like by myself or just to say, for example, I came around with friends and stuff like that. I would probably be considered the worst person, but because that was margarets face. It was more except it till then. came around with the with the guy, and then we have heard that angel of hanging out with Ruby and the two guys
and she was hanging out with them, and I guess there was a kiss that happened, and I get the kids that happen. Then Margaret had I that that had happened and then I went in and told my uncle gilbert hey. This is going on five and then it gets the uncle went outside, and you know god forbid someone his angel and I do not think was on the lights on the cheek. I don't know what happened, I guess she's laughter and then I guess so. big argument that when went on and then when in the house there was another argument that went on all we know is that angel left some time. In the middle of the night she was gone. hearing, the news that fifteen year old angel had just left in the middle of the night after his altercation with her father over a kiss, and other family members were immediately concerned, but they will
if the angel would contact them since they were so close, but as days and weeks passed with no sign of angel. They did what they could to try to track her down. Wait. That's for sure Like my grandmother myself and my dad, and even my mom without oh eight gonna call it because she knows that we were protected. we would it her to go back over there? All we received were a bunch, from someone was on the other line and hanging up in future with the it angel and then I don't know my uncle getting my dad dad. Did you call the authority in everything where the conversation again him. Why didn't you call you need to call them He goes. Oh she. You know, I don't know what went on on the other line. I just remember my dad taking unique to you know. Fucking call, and I remember I'm getting in the car. no problem in training
look we're really live at the time china angel and we did tat gave way my grandmother and nothing could back? Then he didn't, have cell phones, We ve been like that we drove around Ruby and her family kept getting these calls to their house, and they were. With silence on the other end, they, that it was ancient calling and that she would let them know that she was ok or tell them where she was so that they could go, get her and keep her safe. I brought my child. We're receiving a lotta crank call. You know like people on the phone, hanging up and we would say, angel with you. It's ok, don't be scared. You talking to. Back to your desktop. Is this you ain't john The car with die. Did I read, cause, is it me because I was really praying that power my cousin coming home. We were,
the hoping that she ran away and just needed some time, but are being even before. grandmother died. We can never under good. Why? By uncle never called the authorities immediately I know that I mean I have to my own, and I know that is like I see it Everybody knows that I get her night well, why were you gonna what're you doing in army like the screaming at them, but I quit you're not copy authorities right away like you would think, really it is only gonna to could I read the statement. Uncle put out at dateline. Then it said that He wanted her to cool down it. You know givers, in times of poverty out of france? Have really you dont verify that, like that a good? Does that? Obviously he did, and I just don't understand we on it. In our heart. I could tell you right now that we thought that those kind cause where my cousin and and we could carry it.
Person at the other night angel. If this is u you notice sir. You know just answer worry, you're, not gonna, go back to your dad's house, my god he's gonna protect. You You can't do anything you that you was out there too So don't worry, we're gonna be ok with our grandma janey dont worry you're gonna be fine. You're, not gonna, go back your dad house, you don't have to deal with them, who ever What could? It was just kind of weird that She ran away, we started getting old cars, but nobody. Beyond the other line, we would hear people hang up the sewing really knew what course you know we're. Never gonna know if that was really her purchase. By coincidence, some kind collar. we weren't able to reach gilbert and margaret for an interview, but Two thousand a eighteen interview with date line. Stated that they thought angel was out of friends house and would return home after she had cooled off
their delay in reporting angel missing has always bugged, rebecca we've had detectives come to the house and ask what do you think happens? They ve already has the floor. And I gave her my story. set out an hour in also followed them. Why a father would wait two days before calling the authority and why is it that mother? Why wouldn't you have reached out to the authorities, your south and talk to your husband with a waiting for some miracle. I don't get it. Why would it should be the wife and say hey, you need a call the authority in a she's, if only fifteen years, all you have to call. This is not why specially he stated on the date line. State man. If you look at its base, their danger, I never in trouble at school, which is correct. She now got in trouble knowing that knowing because she kissed the boy
you're gonna, allow her to run away and not call the authorities to me be tracked down any sooner, knowing that you said yourself, Your daughter was good I told the authorities when our money detectors came to talk to me. My house, at one time in a one, You guys investigate my uncle her dad and the stepmom. Why don't you start there because once you find a kind of weird that they would not call the authorities right away and then she just disappeared, I think no she's not under under their house buried, I mean. hold. They say that they, get rid of that house because their praying and hoping that angel would one day come back. I just fine, very hard to believe in that. I've always seen it as a child. As a young dog,
And now you know at my age I just think, like you know, you start going back and it trying to put public together, but it for many years. Anything How do we get closure? angels. Aunt Irma was not immediately made aware that angel was missing irma told us about a call. They got from angel shortly before she disappeared and how she learned that her niece was missing a month to her miss disappearance sheikh. Angel called my mom and you to back. Then it was light, landlines and he had called my mom and sit grandma, and can I come and stay with you. You know my dad we're having What problems can I come stay with you? My mom told her. Of course you can, but you gotta make sure it's okay with your dad, but you know have you dad? No one wants to talk to him united know I the problems and so on when I said well, we need to come down and get you or whatever we do. We will help you so that with that well reading
now that anger was missing two months later. At the time my sister was running off. She was in arizona where my sister was time. But we do come to find that angel was missing. To months later, my sister called, until the page has been missing. she ran away from home with him with a boyfriend. So when they told us that angel had disappeared or had left her father had conquered you seen her boyfriend and he had been the pick out to her that gus in her little but that's what he said, he beat a pretty bad and that that even made a wash dishes that night and that she went over at like midnight, went to his bedroom and seek a guess who does he was like nine at the time and she was fifteen there. when she went into his room and told him hey brother, I'm leaving, but just remember that I love you okay and then she walked out and that's the last time we've ever heard or seen of her with very little to go on and angels case rebecca,
has been left to wander about all of the possible theories over the years. The biggest fear that shades guy. I dont know if she got picked up. We always talk about it. The sheep picked up in the middle of the night by some guy that did child trafficking or this visual that literally the guy that she may I hooked up with, was really that bad and took her to another country and maybe something happened there are she's living another life, but you know I thought I mean don't you want to come back and say hello, just find out how your family is, because you are an adult now now you don't have to see your your father, you don't have to see your your evil stepmother. You know now you You come back in a your brothers and your cousin in know. We were very close. I mean I don't understand why, and everybody thought for sure she would contact me because we were that close, you don't know, show contact. I keep first, the matter why?
and you know we always- but that was the case at one time. My uncle gilbert contact my dad because they went down to identify a fire that was very similar to angel, though my dad I remember he went with him, if that was her, and it was not her. It was not angel body angel. aunt irma voiced some regrets to us for not doing more at the time to find her niece, but in hindsight the whole situation seems fishy to her at the time. You know I just got I degree my first year teaching, I had my own two girls. I had. Let me my pretty much. You know I'm saying- and I so I was very proactive what, but what could happen? Why didn't? I tell you for her doing something you know- and I thought well beaten. They it seemed like you did run over the boyfriend. You know they weren't looking for her to see. This is where I sit
it's all fishy, and to this and today I mean I'm, I'm sixty two years old and Her father asked to know her whereabouts. Because you know what he never once called ask about her over here? No pestle, don't you That is your daughter's missing. You know you would you know what you ve got your hiding her from me. You know where she, why do eyes have? That's me I think he knows her, about. I dont know what ensure her or she could have just vanished off the face of the desert she couldn't have. They were not worried about looking for her. I don't know what to think and every time we try to broach the subject that I talked him about it. for ten years and then you know I'll bring it up, and I think what you know have you ever tried this? Where have you been as I have been taught detective from our money and I did you know what I and I kept calling him him in everyday able? Parliament call him, and I said you know what I have learned: it Jane DOE. Did you think you know? Don't don't wanna union vesta gator find out what's happened, but what,
into her work where you she couldn't just disappeared. Finally, Just tell me, you know what man appreciate if you stop calling me, because if I do find out anything your nephew gus. no, if I find out anything answer like well muky, so I just up pestering the guy you know but courting to my sister, which she's not all there ever since she was in that marriages the totally different person in she's a machine appear not here in EL she's living in doing now, elderly housing, and so she tried, in the police, you tried contacting them, you just gave her the run around and we never. We haven't, heard anything ma'am. You know we'll get in touch with you, it'll be here. She anything about her and just brushed her off and it gets dismissed her, and so supposedly they they questioned, they questioned by my brother, mama extra there mom I haven t rely detector and that they didn't find anything but I think its official. Why did my nephew
want to talk about it every time I ask him, you know like he will have you ever tried to ask your dad cause your dad has to know. I tell him you're dead, you know what happened to her. the. If your struggling with stress, burn, outings zaire have trouble sleeping saree. Rural can help cerebral offers the one hundred per cent online personalized mental health care plans that include thereby and medication manage that you can choose Zere clinician from sir reveals that it in train team of experts and attend to all your sessions from the comforting convenience of your own home. It started with or without insurance, and only pay, one flap monthly rate and for mental health awareness meant this. May you can get an exclusive fifty percent off your first month with several dot com, slash wondering that's cerebral dot com, slash wondering for fear
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jewels brother gus, grew up and got married, his wife vivian. I took an interest in finding answers as to what happened to the sister in law. She never met, we to vienna and she told us how she became interested in digging into this family mystery fervor may I first got married. We first had a daughter- and I just think that in children and then to me it s. Just it just bothers me, was not there and I was not a part of the family and really. I only know my had been side of the story because was the only one that was present, it seems like nobody really like to talk about it, nobody seems to talk about the incident or, about her sofa What I know is that she had been caught by Mom outside with the boy.
I'm not sure she was cassini nor you norman found out by talking to somebody which was not allowed to be talking to boys. I guess at that time. from what I understand? She called the husband from work and he came home and I to an argument and from my understanding she was disappointed physically further, and then from what as has pull me even though does she was beat. They stole me, her the kitchen up? and then from there doesn't remember seeing her again. They just told him that he ran away over dying or something like that, this has been set up painful topic for him because like little by little, he is opened up because I think he's always been scared to
maybe realise that she's not with this anymore. So for a long time. It would like yeah she ran away and were you We hope that aids and then never Thank you know. Now he's been a little bit more open and he'll. Tell me He might that went too far. The worst have been got cross, his mind for sure they don't really about her. Let me put it to you this way. my husband would have never mention that she existed and if I would have, then to my love I would have never known she existed there nothing in that household that speaks ass. She existed not even a picture or you some can schriner nothing, nothing and the very little tying them father in law has mentioned her
bothers me, because I can. I remember one time it was years ago. He just said something I remember him making a comment saying why not let everybody thought there and we are job lit up the chain. get a private investigator. I don't know is there a my daughter, I would have been there would be no no stone left unturned. It's almost like ray adult at that. Time really feel that child, because there was nothing more than for her you know, and if she was missing, I dont think that they pushed the police. Department to really look for her. I remember there was it the day report in love that the letter, cool laugh at some. Well, I have friends house at the allowed it to spend. their whatever. What understanding is that they didn't really let the kids spend the night anywhere.
So that was a little bit like news to me too then said that that wherever she was that the family was gone, I remembered like. Why didn't you ask the landlord or whoever lived at the house waited thick I've been neighbours too many unanswered questions, but I don't wanna baleen somebody I just feel like some I know some thin and then come forward with it. I believe that she's disappeared and ran away and to live in her life. I don't believe that viviani explained what this has been like for her husband losing big sister at such a young age. My husband was a red ones. He was eighteen one of his work, First tattooed was angel over his check his heart because that's his sister protector when they were young because
if she were light there mom once the mom laughed, and He worked like his mommy So when she disappeared, like you have a heartbreak of, senior mom as a child and then now now you're sick, of which your second mom disappears. It's it's very heartbreaking and they don't. A new to remember her. We named our first foreign daughter, angelica after her but that would be very important for him. So remained mean. Border up there, and astronomer I mean I have a daughter. and see what I went missing at that age. You know you look everywhere. You start looking. You start asking, you start you push answers and I mean It's much easier cause. You could check people with social media and fallen than what now
and they know it wasn't the same. But I the worries of paris, better active under they become these. the kid like john washing, to mean that I see it seemed like it's like but he failed her Will we make an effort? Why, wouldn't you make. A big effort or a big deal by there is evidently more questions than answers and that doesn't make sense. to know what has happened to her and if she is alive somewhere to hopefully finder, that's something that has always said like I was a baby is, with anybody there she would reach out to. It would be me, no, I just listen to him and, unlike like you're yeah, true, you know she reach out to you. She could finally on social media. because you are there and
If she wouldn't want anything to do with your father, then we would let him know like do not contact her, because she doesn't want anything to do with you and we can definitely do that, but yours and it's nothing. Nothing. Research social media we ve got but her name we try to share. When we see I seize on the missing unexploited, they didn't for her? We ve shared that then other stuff that have mappen. You know another social media accounting we share, it fell from me, you it's more because I see the opinion that he's He has. and I would want him to have his sister back.
Initially angels brother gas was hesitant to speak with us because when he has spoken out about angel in the past, some family members became upset with him. As I'm sure you can understand. This is a tricky situation to navigate for him because he still maintains a relationship with his father and stepmother. But while we were speaking to vienna, gus gone on the line and decided to speak with us or were begun proper before this dual. Secondly, always I had my elder brother, you she cannibals a girl The older sister that protected me, my older about Israel, the little juxtaposing always picking on me draw the youngest. So she always protect me from them down with life offer would be watching tv. I remember her play with my year. There was a little thing that you would do to me and I would like I'd love it. I thought he was so company, but yet
It was there and she was definitely my older sister. I loved it so much you know like I always remember me to. Be around her, so ass. We get older fortunately are household change, that dynamic the warehouse. Cheats dramatically What's my diary marry my stepmom, we from mom play down the streets live in any stairway in our lungs as before, dark really certainly certain like my dad was always working. I haven't My grandma janey, my dad Islam, without our baby sitter for some time but What's he got buried the move to were it's a to spare brothers my mom margaret, was sir my stepmom rosea hard. christian. but I am exchange was I now make my sisters had us stop worrying hansen. t shirts and knew where dresses and we need it They clean and we could apply on the street like we were used to european house. We want
church every sunday when they friday it good luck. restrictions on the policeman. The brother. She really gotten into a lot arguments when my parents, because you know they put a lot of restrictions on him that he used to and obviously all my sister sisters low. They put a lot of restrictions on her that she obviously didn't agree with, but that's the way we just had to kind of cope with. the situation where put put in you now So yeah just remember I mean I was relieved when makes us to run away. I was small. I want to say I was accepted their grave. You know nothing about eight nine years old. when she heard the situation happen were from what I was some like there is an argument between dad and my sister for my guess she was the outside with the boys. Because it's from my step side, my apparently not upset in I just see he spanker centre inside when everyone
then is that night he seemed to this was gone It was really hard on me because I was used to her. I was used to see her in You know she was always my comfort zone in the family. I knew she loved me a lot because of how she and her interactive all the time so took me along. I'm too to really get get off. Or to put it because I just needed that I felt like I lost that their comfort than she would give me start to when people say you know it's just a runaway shoot with a change change, your name by the new family, but I mean I know how much each toward me and It's hard for me to be actually accept that, because I know he can do stay away from me. There's no way she would we Not me eventually down the line she would reach out. She would definitely have to rekindle with me is what I've always thought but a part of my heart to sites as well. If that's the case, as we see just a little while she is somewhere else and she is doing
for and she did eventually just get over us better. Has been very difficult as I get older, I'm so kind of yours about it, the situation of special but my to collate think about her every day. As you get older, you tell a times is: can you get a figure the situation in know and be thinking about her every day and thinking about her, maybe now what's a week You don't really want to man. it'll be a whole year like, I can't believe it. I haven't thought about my. Stereotypes, her birthday. Now it's just that go to the family. Before they don't forget her birthday I try to remember her. Would you ask me you know. You're hurting could get brought up. Why may make my daughter, I always told myself when I was growing up. If I ever have a daughter up, that's my daughter. S name is I wanna know want to forget her. You know gus told us if he's gone back and forth about what he thinks happened to his sister angel,
He was just a child when this happened and only knew what he had been told about. The situation, however, he got older and had conversations with the police, his thoughts began to shift over time opinions because I'd never thought my parents, you know my step mom and my dad would be involved until I spoke to police officers. Here at Amani, because he would ask me what your parents are a basis and I said well, They did speakers really a lot. My step was really she loved to punish us, go to your room, you're grounded for a week. That was easy for her to do You know my dad when he something he didn't like he would definitely. You know you a paddle illegally had a wooden paddle, in an engraved all of our names on it and every time we would get in trouble. Two speakers with his paddle My dad was never here. She never knew about time out. You never knew about talking something out. She was his first suggests. Spanks is to sit so I mean
The officer said: would it be possible that your daddy got out of hand because he got so admiration? He made a hit her and they said yeah. It is possible and I really think of it. It they actually asked me a part of me, those kind of maybe yeah. Maybe my dad got out of hand maybe when my stepmom assisted with what opinion something they have between them and they never want to stay in their telling us. She went away. when yeah. Maybe she did it. Maybe something happened there, just covering it up, yeah for that that, from That crossed my mind now in myanmar, We watch the know, forensic files and all these other show us that whenever a mother and a father. the child, labour If the flyers make a little book you may police department said you know, your sister was gone for two days and your parents didn't reach out, and he's thinking. Why would they do that? see you would have him about the moral picture or something in your house of your daughter. Knowing that you, Mr Joseph
A picture of my sister in it? My parents house If the national we never put up a picture of angel, it's too hard to see, that's one scenario and then, the scenario that you know- maybe maybe she differently, and maybe she did Change your name and ginger. I gave it to you is live in another life, so between the two biggest, but it's hard to prove its hard to know, We know what exactly did happen, so I don't want to jump to conclusions wound. Eating hating, my dad and my stepmom credit that it does not really true. Now we also to angels mom maria. She told us that she's hopeful that her daughter is out there somewhere alive, maybe did just take off and could be alive with a family of her own mind, you, don't want a very good little girl. She can come to a new kind of trouble you out of there johnny personality and
These issues have been very well for you to your salary in, like that. You are a very happy little girl and one will be the ones who said that We were thinking an older man and that she was against it that she didn't want him. She didn't want her to see this older boyfriend of hers and he says that he slapped her. I think he didn't want I'm not sure I might first born son said that he up sixty five sport, her beauty, she ever needed it, but she could take it with her and you said that should get tickets I don't know how he knows that No, I don't know, I don't know her state of mind. Wasn't she ran away? She was not happened but she was strong enough to mean a situation. She was not happy, that's what I think you just wasn't happy, I'm cold blue praying
she took out with her boyfriend happen very there. That's what I'm hoping. I feel that you know that I'm gonna find her, because I see some twenty things on even where they have where they flow round was knocking, I've been missing for fifty years since you like hold hurry. My arm she was there but you're not angel by the time she was five years old. You could get breakfast, she could quite He was very, very dependent and she took care of me pulling out, so she would not give them back the issue. Then let them lunch. She shivered programme adopted by the country with ten eleven. do everything on our own seems very independent. That's why I'm proud of it. She did this month and- and the situation where she was unhappy report This brings me to her after we,
both to angels cousin, rebecca the first time she with your mom about angel and how we were working on covering her story, that's when her mom brought up something that Rebecca had forgotten. I was dying out here. train. I knew there were made the problem as a child that age. Are you really don't get into other adult conversation that you know unless Their listening and stuff like that I am in a thousand, I think back and you know you start putting pieces and paused together. A lot just doesn't make sense, and you car I'll go back to the first time. she ran away. I was speaking with my mother. She reminded me of something that she's never really understood many pieces that are missing but she does remember she just as you does remember, when your cousin burst left. her home and
Mom doesn't recall a year anything like that. She, just as that she members angel running. From home and she came to our house actually when she ran away and came to our house and boil height we lived employer boyle at the time, If then, our money, we don't know how she got there. My mom just doesn't remember how she got there. We caught, my father and mother, saying They were already making room for an angel when she got, though they said you know we're. Not we're not gonna. Send you back will want to send you back. We are working. The problems. We know the issues that the kids are having your having there, a very welcome in the home there the period room, sir, my cousin to stay, but what my It is what I think any of us would do. Hopefully he my uncle his brother and my father called were to tell him hey. Jewels here
the problems you obey was conversation. Everybody knew the problems that they were happy as she said, she's gonna stay here with her, but I'm letting you know that she doesn't want go back. You'll burn with that said, mama except said that she was really upset at the fact that monk lafitte said no, I'm gonna go pick her up eminent, bring her back home because your daughter is not a good influence on my daughter. So here For that reason, I you know I was to rock me, sick, disco, music. You know your regular kid so my mother was like how stupid what do you mean? I mean come on the ship. Would be care for loved, for you don't have to worry about all the drama that shows already experiencing and her home. If I was such a bad kit than you know that, As time angel ran away, she got taken back home the second time that she ran away because she was doing some
not even a monk who said he didn't think it was right. then she ran away, but they didn't for her for two days later and I read own word that I didn't look for her, because, we wanted her to cool off more first of all with this family. She ran away to cause. There's no means given that cause the family, if no name in the interview that she ran away with thoughtful family, They know this family it and if you know, he was applying to my man. It's like you would allow her to run away for two days with the family and not allow her to with her own family that he would have more control love he would be able to. Check on her. He would be able to stop by at any time the first, with some strange you're, an you. Let her cool off at a stranger towns were almost anything can happen to that. Doesn't make sense to me and that's never makes sense to me
this one key piece of the initial story about angel running away and staying with a friend has stuck out to rebecca especial. as she's got older it just add up to her that they said that she was with a friend and then, when they went to this alleged friends house it was vacant. Did this friend even exist I've got a name, no ever known the name of a neighbor. I don't even know what street what address, apparently, when they went, when I say they on the sunni, I'm assuming it was law enforcement and my dad's brother gilbert, that they weren't in that there was nobody there. It was like that got enough, and then they move, though You know that to me I had of that kind of trust a little bit weird? I don't know about that I know that that didn't make sense to a lot of us.
so even now me as an adult. I just you know, I think back and I'm like how does it make sense How does somebody just get up and move like? I get it this? They got up their move within those two days, I'm about that was geared, but another question How does my father's There now that there were other she was out of and cooling off. Told him that we did contact the EL mani police department in order to enquire about what was done to look for angel back and nineteen eighty five and what continuing to do today, but they declined or request for an interview and also declined, are records request at this point? the assumption is that they probably labelled angel as a run away and not much investigative work was done and naturally, I think to me. They may have failed in reviewing and pushing it, but like everybody, you tell me why
Don't have an active parent to then. How do you expect law enforcement to also push my dad ass away did he ever get interviewed. I d even recall him you have ever getting interviewed. Then my ground they get interviewed? I don't ever recall that ever happening. I don't ever remember any of that. Did my mom get interviewed. I don't remember her. She would have told me how we got interviewed how money in the eighties. Probably like, ok, what she's a runaway to the runaway teenager and that's it. So you didn't push the issue because she became a runaway, but at one point one does not become a runaway situation as you, years passed with no sign of angel. Her family members began to pass away without ever knowing what happened to her for rebecca This only added to her resolved to find out what happened to her cousin angel, my
had died due to him being on drug and Ah, you have any more liver, so he ended up passing from that here The time at forty, three very young, but I know when I would go visit my dad when he would be high drunk. He had always say what happened and my angel a jewel. Why? brother, marry that stupid one in the world thing that happened to this family were dysfunctional, but we were still the family. Before my grandmother pestilent before she got dementia. She all, sadly, now whatever do try to find out what ever happened to angel and shoe pray, pray and we would sit term pray and shameful back home to texas So when I would go visit, my grandmother all the time you know that was that one of the first topic that come up do you know and you know that you have been here something and was always something. no before she passed on. She want.
Closure pertaining to my cousin and she didn't you. A closer. This is a very, very old case, Unfortunately, it is a very cold case at that I mean, there's never been any real real. real lee I mean, there's been like a leaf. Here leave their but nothing to say? that she was actually seen so I mean that makes it for me even uphold your case because you talk. Thought not even seen her and your hearing about rumours that she could and work claude is well, she could be there. No one seen her there Knowing you see someone bearings, there's the siting of somebody or her. It makes a world of difference two, I believe any case. So what happened to angel back in november of nineteen? Eighty five
We have this story that she was caught kissing a boy but were lacking a lot of details in this case. Who was the boy? What was his name? the police ever questioned him. we also have this information that her dad says she went to cool off at a friends house but when the friends home was checked, it was vacant wheels. I don't know the name of this friend or if it's been established that they existed
the angel run away because her home life was so unhappy. If she did, why didn't she ever contact her other family members that she was so close to like her cousin, Rebecca or her baby brother gus? Could she have run away and some harm came to her after she left home? We know she did run away one time prior and went to Rebecca home. They plan d. Let her stay there, but her dad came and got her. Could she have expected this to happen a second time if she went to their house and what about those phone calls at rebecca s? Family got after she disappeared. Could that have possibly been angel, or maybe someone else who wanted them to think it was her? Why didn't angels father ever contact angels, family members in EL paso to see if maybe she had gone there after she ran away?
Could the physical punishment from her father gone too far? That night was the runaway story, just a story. After all, angel has been absent from the lives of her family for so long, but they aren't giving up their quest for answers. They believe someone out. There must know something if you have any information regarding the disappearance of angelica long gloria, please contact the o money police department at sixty six, five, eight zero, twenty one hundred or the national centre for missing and exploited children at one eight hundred the lost I'm just going faced by like what I remember and when I see how I feel and in a how angry it feel like. I can't find any closure for my had been like. I just want some miracle, a hat
where even a gardener pact on- and I stood here some time at night when I think of K angel. Exactly happen to you when you left the door. What evil sheep came across to you that if something happened to you so bad know, we watch how the movie, then all these things about kidnapping- and I just think, like my mind, just just goes and it's so vivid- and I just try to think like what would happen shoe that night was the that night that led you to get or was it months later? I just think of the scenario. Then I asked god to see help us, but do you not come forward, nothing I know what happened to her. He knows and enough nfc that till the day I die that he knows what happened to her.
the the.
The brings us to the end of episode, two hundred and thirty nine I'd like to thank everyone who spoke with us for this story. If you have a missing loved one that you'd like to feature on the show, there's a case, submission form at the vanished podcast dot com. If you'd like to join in on the discussion, there's a page and discussion group on facebook, I'm on twitter at the vanished, too hot and also on instagram, if you enjoy this, show subscribe now and leave a five star review on apple podcasts, spotify or wherever you're listening right now. Do you want to help support the show? There are a couple of things that you can do. One way to help the vanished is by supporting our sponsors. You can find links and promo codes in the episode notes. Another way you can support the show is by filling out a short survey at quandary: dot com. Slash survey join me next time, I'll be covering a case from texas. Thanks for listening, the.
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-18.