« The Vanished Podcast

Angela Whalen Hudson


On the morning of September 20, 2001, 33-year-old Angela Whalen Hudson walked her two children to the bus stop in Pelham, North Carolina. When her children returned home that day, Angela wasn’t home and they were told by their stepfather that she had said she had to go “do something” and just walked off. Angela never returned and was never seen again.

In the months leading up to Angela's disappearance, her marriage had broken down and Angela had started to move forward with a divorce. Angela had gotten a restraining order against her husband just a month before she went missing.

Even though there was a history of abuse in her marriage, since there was never any evidence of a crime, not much has been done by law enforcement to find Angela.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Angela Whalen Hudson, please call the Rockingham County Sheriff's Office at (336) 634-3232. 

Currently, there is a $1000 dollar reward from Crime Stoppers for any information leading to an arrest. You can reach Crime Stoppers at 336 349-9683.

There is also another $1000 dollars which has been personally donated to the cause. This reward is for any information leading to Angela's whereabouts.

Angela’s family has a Facebook page for her and that’s called Bring Angie Home. They also have an email if you’d like to submit a tip, that is [email protected].

The episode was co-researched and written by Marissa Jones and Anna Priestland.

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 Lantana Hummus. Visit https://lantanafoods.com and use their product locator to find it at a store near you.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
He prime numbers, you can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music download the app today. As a detective asked me about medications and staff, and I swear medications, are sitting at the house. That's when I told them that shit barber, my algeria and that you, bipolar literally take this data, so precious me for saying now because he literally closed his notebook and shook another note, the whole time or attack to him- and he said- oh- she probably just ran off
on the morning of September twentieth, two thousand one Angela waylon hudson- walked her two children to the bus. Stop impelling north carolina when ritual and returned home from school. Later that day, Angela was gone. There hold by their stepfather that she said she had to go. Do something and just walked off in the weeks. leading up to Angela's disappearance. She and her husband, Robert, had begun divorce proceedings, and Angela had gotten a restraining order against him. She children remained living in the house, but he was permit to remain on the property to carry out its work as a carpenter and cabinet maker in a shop located on the property that Ning Angela's aunt arrived at the house for dinner that they had arranged you ve been trying to call Angela deceive. She needed her to bring anything for dinner, but after being able to reach Angela. She decided that she would just make the twenty minute journey over to her house when she arrived. She found a meal half prepared and Angela was nowhere to be seen
that was almost seventeen years ago and in those seventeen years no trace of Angela has ever been found. amerika and from wondering this is episode. One hundred and thirty, six of the vanished angela wailing. Hudson story, the The the. We finally almost made it this summer and for all of those events, speech weakens weddings and everything in between my go to having destination is always the real real dot com, the real. As the largest and most trusted destination for authenticated luxury resale. You'll find everything from gucci, prada arrest, ganny stored in so much more offer. Up to now two percent off retail, whether europe for an outfit for that upcoming wedding
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Angela sister melissa. For this episode, here's mila talking about angeles, childhood and the time leading up to her disappearance. She was born therein and over virginia and then, when she was about to, My family moved to calibre Your per year and then to arizona we in arizona. Probably twelve years moved back to virginia for three years and then back to arizona till. She then went over to. I moved back to virginia, probably three and a half to four years before she disappeared moved out of the house at the age of sixteen and she
really love to do, take care, work and baby sitting. So when she was sixteen and she moved out, he did manny service and the sitting for a few families and then, when she was eighteen, she ass. She did training and went for a programme so that you could actually working day care at they care centres. Shimmer babies cooked up a similar babies, that was the majority of her work tat. She did. You know through different parry. The time in her adult life was working with children and working day care centres. She had lived with me temporarily in california for about three months after an additional felt relationship that she had and then she decided. I need a fresh start, I'm gonna to move to virginia because we do have family in virginia.
And then, while she was back there, that's when she met robert and robert hudson, who was her husband when she disappeared According to Angela's family, she had a pattern of abusive relationships over the years because of that and her health editions. Everyone kept tabs on her and supported her when she needed it, but her as a person. She was a very sweet person. She was a loving person. She liked to have fun shy liked to be with the kid she was a good her son, that always seem to wind up in really crappy circumstances, and I know that there's always like that pattern behind their that makes them choose who they choose. You know there's reasons, but I always felt bad that she never had anybody to just loved her and appreciate who she was
just because she was her. My answer told me that she was doing well a girl, and you know she seemed to have that vast again much used to have. Then you know she seemed to be on a really good path and Then she met robert and got married a move to north carolina, which is actually just right across the border and only takes about fifteen minutes to get somewhere she loved to worse. He loved and then she got married in. this kind of one arrived from there nearly two years into their marriage and around a month before she disappeared. Angela way. Were an and confided in her that she wanted a divorce from Robert. She and bothered or two sisters with her troubles about it. But her aunt was there for her helping her through the process. And you had a thing were when she would Jim me, my younger sister. She would only tell us in know positive thing
happening in her life. Like you know thing you're going well or you know, one of our kids got good grades or she got to go. Do something that she wanted to do where she was going to go on a picnic you know stuff like that she tried to keep the the bad side of things going on the last time I spoke with her was approximately three weeks before she disappeared and that's when she told me that issue is gonna get a divorce, because Robert wasn't the person that she saw, he was my sister, unfortunately most of her relationship said she ever had ended up being with abuse of people, but the beauty of men, so I kind of took on my own when she said that he's not the person she thought he was that he was probably of controlling abusive man. She had gone on
but believe the beginning of august and obtained an attorney and started an actual filed divorce paper first started. You know, with her attorney the day that she disappeared. She had an appointment, her second employment with her divorce attorney that day that she never showed up for. So you heard correctly Angela had begun the divorce process and her second employment with the attorney was set for the day that she ended up disappearing. She never made it meeting left meeting with her divorce attorney. For the first time, with the help of her aunt you'll also filed a restraining order. The judge gary to that order and allowed Angela and her two children a stay at the residence for one year, so she would time to get her finances, sorted and find a new home, but the judge also granted something unusual robert, who was a cabinet maker,
the shop on site at their home. Just about to hunt feet from the house. The judge allow Robert to work in the shop from ten a m to four p m each day. As long as he stayed clear of the house, after Angela and robert split. He moved in with us dont son, close by, but every time he came and went to the property he had to pass the home to get to the shop, because my aunt went with her to court said that Robert had attacked her and taken the phones away. he had hit her men. He had taken the phones out of the house and she was afraid because he did have a fire stop here in a rural area. Everybody else firearms right, so she was afraid she went And now my am actually took her to file a restart
in order. So domestic violence was the reason they granted it for one year. He supposed to be spain with his son, who, at the time I believe it was an old like maybe ten minutes down the road, my hand, the day that she took my sister to the court should house the restraining they had their restraining order hearing when they were looking out of the court room because their time judge granted that angie and the children could today in the house for one year until in our she found a job and found a place to live as they were walking out the court worm. My I am told me that he looked at Angie and said you all for your be out before the end of the month or something something to that attract. The original detectives had been told that a hundred times
but never thought that was reason to ever search or talk to him or you no other than idle. Chit chat after this you told her aunt that if anything ever happened to her, she must find her journals, because she was documenting everything her husband did to her sixteen after Angela's disappearance. The divorce was granted on the day Angela disappeared? She waved her kids off at the bus, stop and the elderly Recent live near the end of the driveway witnessed her walk back home. The only other person Neighbor saw come or go. That day was her husband and, was only known plans for that day were to attend the second divorce meeting with her attorney and then prepared dinner for her aunt, who would becoming for that evening. Her aunt in trying to reach her for a couple days and that day was wanting to know if she could bring anything over for dinner, but the phone wasn't working. So she decided to drive over when she was
into the house, the kids were saying they couldn't find Angela and that they couldn't call out because the phone was broken. There was food on the table and counter that was half prepared meet invention. both that had been cut up. One of my am back there. She was supposed to go out and have dinner with damaging the kids and she hadn't heard from them and she had been trying to call them for apparently a couple of days and the phone wasn't working, she ended up driving out there and she found it. Than the house and found my nephew S. Five and my niece was fifteen at the time, and she asked them Where are my sister was, and there like? We don't know she didn't come home in can't fight her and Robert was out in the shop and his workshop, and she asked- and he goes. Oh, she told me she had to go somewhere and I haven't seen her sands
when it came to finding out what had actually occurred. That day, according to robert, he had been, looking in a shop and Angela came to tell him that she had to go and do something and then she just walked off. She didn't get into a carbon. would have been the only means of getting to her appointment or into town or anywhere that wasn't a small convenience store up the road she just walked away from the past. Pretty and never came back. Little is known about what Angela was wearing on the day. She went missing, but at the time of her disappearance Julia was thirty three years old and described as having shorter length blonde hair and blue eyes. She was five foot seven just tall wing, approximately one hundred and twenty pounds Angelo several tattoos, including a chinese dragon on a right up, her shoulder a red scorpion on her back and some hieroglyphics on her right ankle, I also had a surgical scar on her abdomen engine. was known to go by angie or angel, and the last confirms
of her was earlier that morning by the neighbour after she got her two children after school, her husband. bert claims that he last saw her at or residence at approximately ten, a m when she allegedly said that she needed to go somewhere. She left behind it. The children whom she adored and she had never left before without making prior arrangements with someone she asked, left behind her car and oliver possessions, including her purse cell phone. occasion, jewelry her glasses. It was restrained for Angela to leave those classes behind because she had an eye condition. It was difficult her to be out in the sunlight without her glasses. She was known to take them everywhere, the property She was last seen was located on a road in a whirl and isolated location. so that more in a little bit.
After Angela's aunt realise at something wasn't right. She used her cell phone to call the police and had them come out to the property, so my aunt then called the sheriffs department and ask them if they could do a welfare check. and so when they got out there is a kind of glanced around. They too robert and they carried on and went back to their station sums, that was pretty much the gist of any and all searches. That has ever been down to the home of property If the deputies arrived, they wrote down all the information about Angela glanced around the kitchen and living room then walked around outside of the house before they left one of the deputies told Angeles aunt that the phone line had been disabled. they spoke to Robert. They got the same story. He had told the sheriffs deputy that around ten o clock is when she said that,
She had to go somewhere and walked off and he said we just want a can his shop even with the restraining order he could be in the shop he just couldn't be in the house. There seem to be no sense of urgency from the police to look into angeles disappearance and no amount of explaining by her aunt seem to help either. Two days later, timber. Twenty second, two thousand one, an official missing persons report was filed. I was told the day when the case was then assigned to the detectives to the two initial original detectives, tat, they had gone out and they do said. Hey do you know where she could be an. He was I know I don't know where she is. He apparently trying to make it sound like dead. This is like a common trade of hers, but running the running off part, which is completely now
true the only times that she ever left her children. She would contact my husband, and I could you know she was by poor and she didn't have those times where she was in a dark place. She would contact my husband and I she would make prior arrangements for the children to come and temporary stay with us. She would do the mineral parental locusts, the paperwork and stuff. So we could, you know if they needed to go to the doctor or anything like that. She would bring them to her. You know her and he shoot you have a friend or somebody come by sir. They would bring the kids in their belongings. She called them once a week. If they were ever us during our holiday or a birthday. She would come up and spend that that couple of days with them for that in our holiday or birthday, and then when she fell,
She had herself back together, nay, she felt like they adjusted or medication correctly, and she was in the good again. She come get am I we were drives them down, and this happened probably four times over their lifetime. So I I believe that she wouldn't even make arrangements like with my aunt who was in twenty minutes away and was there, but the kids all the time. I can't believe that she would make arrangements if she was having one of those moments, but she was According to my family and my niece and my aunt, she wasn't in one of those times after the police went out me the shirt
farmer had gone out and they, you know, took the statement from Robert to hadn't seen her in a couple of days. She said she had to go somewhere and walked off, which is odd, because her car was there the I am to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey, everyone a good family, mystery ass, we won with as many twists and turns, has june's journey step into the role of june parker and search hitting clues to uncover the mystery of her sisters. Murder. One thing that I enjoyed about playing june's journey was that an increase did mine, teasing puzzles, but also a really interesting story line. I found it a great. aid or just relax and play a game that also to my mind, engaged wanting to get to each new chapter to find more clues
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made no sense to anyone. He could not stand my knees. He actually told us when we were all talking that she was the whole reason that their marriage didn't work, So why would you leave your children there with the man thought that and his biggest objective one I went back. There was me sign up saying, I don't want anything to do with these kids, I'm not responsible for them, I'm not paying for him, and he got me the paper he gave it to son. To give to me and it'd be a. He didn't want any responsibility within those kids. He was her kids, so why would you leave your children in that situation and then why we were having a conversation? He also contradicted him. So he also contradicted his initial report by
and, oh, she left in the car. We were like wait a minute. The car was here when they came to look for her. He goes. Oh, that's what he said. Oh so here we go with that or method. Their home was located along highway, seven hundred, a rural highway with home, spread out and interspersed with farmland, forested areas enlarge fields there are winding creeks, large ponds and north of the property, the Dan river their driveway was long winding and surrounded by trees. from there. It was still a decent marked. The one store in the area, but generally angelo, never walked anywhere, except for occasional to that little store to get ice cream with our kids get to some of the nearby towns by car. It was fifteen or twenty minutes north across state lines to danville, as well as about fifteen minutes,
to both eaten and reads fell. There was a little convenience store that her and the kids. What some time watching get like ice cream or something like tat. But I know we went over there. It was little mom and pop store and when I made my younger sister went back there. We went and asked again because my aunt had already driven over there the day that you know she called the sheriff, she drove over there and they and asked have you seen her and they're like? Oh, we saw her and the kids last weekend when they came in for ice cream, but that was it. Out of state militia and her younger sister felt completely helpless. They arranged to make the trip to north carolina and see what what's going on for themselves, I believe that we can have the two weeks later, as when myself,
younger sister arrived in damn bulwark and a pick up. My nephew, who was five. My niece was gonna, stay there and finish schooling. She had somebody to stay with me. When you know to the home to get the belongings, we went to speak with the detectives and one is the detective Seemed very I just the junior detective same. He seemed interested in is currently studying. You know alternatives, religions- and you know things like this, so he goes I'd in our heard that she was a weekend- and I was like ass, she was weak and then any so here is often now. Sometimes they say tat ass, you know, kidnapped them during certain periods in the years to do rituals, and it was like on this kick about this and then the other detective asked me about medications and staff, and I so warm medications are sitting at the house
That's when I told them that you shit, barber milder and that she was bipolar and literally, should this data guilt still crushes me for saying now because he literally closed his notebook and shook I know the note, the whole time we're talking to him, and he said. Oh, she probably just ran off after that. Their whole search was braun, her social security number he now once every month to whatever, and that was that, until two thousand and eight, when the current detectives took over but by then I have seven years of lost time and lost probably evidence. To this day. There has never been any sort of targeted search conducted by police for Angela, just a cursory check, neither the property or any land around. It has ever been searched, as Has any investigation goes the police,
found, no reason to suspect foul play so was no reason for them to do a search the day after visited the sheriffs department, they went to the house to collect angelus things, as well as the kids belongings, when they arrived roberts, adult son, whom he was living with nearby, was there to let them in apparently robert out of town they went around the house gathering everyone stuff, including a large journal that belong to Angela. It was full of poetry, in some drawings, but it also has. Some of the pages worked out. Melissa. Recalls that there was post to be another journal, though Angela had referred to when she was speaking to her aunt, the one that was using to document everything that Robert was doing. But why? they were out at the house, they were unable to find. It according to melissa, there was a sun room, offer the kitchen that had a large deep freezer bert son stop the women from entering that room. He too
Then the Angela didn't have any of her stuff in there. They felt that this was very suspect that he wouldn't let them in that room, stand in front of the doorway the whole time they were there, but it Let them go into roberts office They were also allowed access to robert shop out back putting the room where he was growing marijuana plants, but here I stood guard in the doorway to the broom that contained large saws. Melissa felt so uncomfortable about the visit that she called the detective at the time and she was told that they would look into it. The problem was: every time. Alyssa called the police department and ask him about it. I felt as though they were constantly blowing her off and all of these years later. The detective, who is now on the case is unable to locate any evidence that she made that call the feeling of being word continued over the years so many times over. hold a search, would happen, but it never did. I went back in
look in an old emails and I only have them back to two thousand and ten because my other email, I got an act and went away, and I was looking at these emails. I have literally been told every year since two thousand again, and I know before that, they're gonna do a search of the property. It still has not happened. He still him and my sisters. what I'm quote best friend had never been actually taken into a police station and been question. It's been chit chatting on the porch, occasionally on his porch, hoping as we have somebody new helping us it's been me and my best friend doing this for all these years on our own. It's too hard- and I think emotionally near my other family members- have helped here and there, which I'm so
for four and am I do have one and its aid. And I mean I'm in virginia that they go on pass outside irish and may keep and then another cousin, they keep. Everything goes, back there, but I'm hoping it may be now, because we did have somebody contact us. Just yesterday on the facebook page saying hey, I knew her. My kids used to play with her son at their house and told us about an incident. There had happened one day when she was bringing the ladys children back home, that my sister had her about robert taking out the phones out of the house, so she had to go, get a phoning home phone and keep it in her purse, so should be able to call- and this was approximately two weeks before she died appeared. So we immediately put her in contact with the detective on we're hoping may be by you know. I have made a fuss as much as I could.
I have made a stink I didn't realize allotted these options were available and out there for us to try. I tried to things that I knew to try over the years. But you know now there are. We are lucky to have things like podcast and hopefully will get some media behind the media attention. Finally, that somebody will actually do. what they should have done in the beginning, you know I know, evidence is lost their houses. Remodelled the shops burned down, twice, searched land have a cadet without your search. The land like I've been told, that's gonna happen for all these years and it's never been done. Can we take robber in four key janine and not act like you. Would there be a fact, should Mama front porch, Angela's cases never received much media attention and that's been a constant issue for her family. Without any publicity it always
as other wasn't enough pressure put on the police to actually do something. It's affected their ability to get both clothes. and justice for Angela well we'd. Never and had anybody contact us they knew and at that time until yesterday, after all this time, she's, my brain, I knew I knew her. I didn't know she was she. She just assumed a thing had already founder and people had does, and that was that an she moved seven minutes down the brook, because she's never forget publicized A month to six weeks after Angela's disappearance, Melissa was hold that Robert had either sold or given Angela's car away to her best friend at the time. What militia and the rest of her family cannot reconcile is why, if angelus husband and her best friend assume that she had just walked away and might come back at The time why would Robert give your car way that car has never been tested for evidence.
Least in even attempt to speak to Angela's best friend for years around that of angels disappearance. Her best friend did something strange a week, or so for the missing persons report was filed. The best friend called angeles. He needs daughter and told her that she had talked Angela and that everything was fine so. Tell me more about her interactions with this friend. She lives in danville and she was never like. We tried to go over to speak to her, We were back door to pick up my nephew. We tried to go over to speak to her and we could hear her side and we bang bang bang down the door. She wouldn't come to the door. We ve tried over the years to talk her and untrue. Until recently, she hadn't even ever talk to the police, the sheriffs. I think she doesn't really knows what happened to her, because she is the one that contact my niece like away
later and said. Oh, I talked to mom. Don't worry, she's, fine, don't worry about it and then last year, when I spoke to Robert, he said you know with the detective. He said the saint, that she told him the same thing. I know I believe that she has My niece down, I dont, know if I believe, Robert, that she told him map it was told to them multiple times over the years. Multiple multiple times you know telling me original detectives and then tell him the other detectives and then, when the new detectives took it over in two thousand eight, they actually sent one of the biggest junior detectives to wear my niece was living in
She did an interview with her and she stated the same thing again and she knew him before my sister did. They all like you know, hung out together and you know, partied together went to parties together or whatever, and robert did admit to me that they had before my sister that they had gone on on a few dates together, but she wasn't his type, a lady, the ready for your best hair color ever meet madison reed. You deserve better than at home or drugstore haircolor that smells awful
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melissa has been told that detectives have interviewed Robert twice and each time he was ass to take a lie: detector test, but each time he refused the current detective on the case, whom it feels of good sense of support from has been true to arrange an interview with roberts, adult son, but she's been that every time they have scheduled something he cancels or doesn't show up. She's also tried to speak with. Friend again, but she doesn't want to talk still lives in nearby danville and Robert still lives on the poverty that Angela supposedly walked away from last year, in two thousand seventeen militia and her husband went back to north carolina to see the detectives and also to see robert and to make another attempt to try to talk to that best friend. You know husband, I saved some money were made a special trip back there just to see What is going on in that case, what we could do, perhaps the jaw I felt very motivated by the things I was told. I had a time that all we should
hopefully be able to do. A search may be why you're here in here we go with the search again. You know we can do this, that and the other thing- and I'm like okay, so I'm really motivated so me and my husband drive all the way to virginia, and I told her I said I would be willing to speak to him if he would be willing to speak with us- and I said I won't go, of course by myself, because I don't want to disappear too so said, detect I made the arrangements or when I spoke to him and he goes all girls. She brought me coffee out to the shop them warning and she told me, should go somewhere and then he said, maybe she was suicidal. She could. I went bushes somewhere, and you killed yourselves, sir. I'm like what the hell are you talking about he's much older. Nobody still seen berry and control of the mind, and now I'm like okay. This is because
Now everybody is constantly asking questions so now now we're gonna throw that into the mix but nobody else there had any. To do with her family members are friends. Nobody else thought per second, that she was depressed or sewers, during that meeting with robert, he seemed to want a point fingers at that best friend, when my husband and I did talk to Robert washed, her with the detective he kept, making very vague comments that if we wanted to know the truth that that you were needed to talk to the inspector was right. There is recorded on the detective phone and still nobody has called for an and talk to her like an actual interrogation, not chit chat over the telephone. That seems to be the thing there are just go had tea on somebody's torture. I walked chit chat on the telephone after the disappearance of their mother and
Daughter, Stephen north carolina to finish school when the list and her husband raised Angela son. It's been a tough road for them, and for that reason, Melissa has chosen the keeper names out of the podcast ml. So just once answers- and she just wants to know what happened to her sister, in two thousand. A local paper did a story on Melissa's quest to find Angela militias pushing at the rockingham county sheriff's office to agree to take a fresh look at Angela's disappearance, but they still Can you to state that there is no indication of foul play, something Everyone who knew Angela has a lot of trouble accepting in. in two thousand and eight article sheriff's detective one to Haider stated that the vast majority of adult disappearances in the county were a result of the person deciding to up and leave that same year, a friend of the Emily who had begun, helping with the case had encouraged family members to have their dna put into the system. That way a match might be.
To a jane doe sometime in the future, and I'm hoping, maybe that now because robber for twenty years older than my sister, so he's in the seventies. Now, and not doing well, but maybe now Get older, maybe somebody why are we face something in our battle made that this has gone on this long and nobody has really in all ever, Don't do anything in the beginning. Now you have detectors trying to catch up ten years worth of miss thorpe, and this isn't the un. It's not the only one There was also another lady that disappeared. She lived about twenty miles away. She disappeared two and a half months after my sister and she Children that were left behind she went was going. Someplace
go when go christmas shopping she disappeared into. Number two thousand one and apparently the rock, home county, serves department at that time treated her case exact same way, nothing worse airport on. I thought they don't know how to, the lad. I do feel like you, don't maybe the one detective I don't know if he cannot hold the things that could have been done because she was bipolar or for just because you know you have small department, any huge counties, huge counties you now you have like three detectives taking care of a whole entire county. I still think that You know this is a almost seventeen year old case and you have detectives that are on detectives that are ok. Do you still have the rest of the things going on in your county that you have to take care of. I just
hoping that we can get the information out there and get a huge force behind it that maybe somebody will finally get tired of keeping secret and say what needs to be said. I just at this point I dont even care if there's a prosecution at this, why I just want to bring my sister home properly lay her aroused my mother, some peace both for she dies. I don't want my mom to die, not knowing where her baby is. That's that's all I want somebody wants to call crimes, shoppers and tell them where she is where we can find her? I'm ok with that. I'm ok. We never prosecute anybody, because it's my belief that karma we'll take care of you and your after life. So
happened to Angela on September twentieth, two thousand one Angela's. This is one where the real mystery seems to be why nothing has been done to try to solve it. The police of that there's no evidence of foul play, but they ever really look for any evidence, why was? the home and surrounding property, searched the story that she just walked. doesn't seem very plausible if you, get the area on a map, it's very isolated. Where would she have walked to the date disappeared. Just so happened to be your second appointment with her divorce attorney. Is that just Incidents no stranger friend contacted Angelus daughter and said that she had spoken her and that she was fine. Why hasn't This friend in question more about that, then this friend ended up with angelos car. If you really believe but she just walked away and was fine. Wouldn't you expect to come back. This friend had all So previously dated Angela's husband,
Does she know more about what happened? Angela, I can't, you stand by robert hasn't been looked at further sensors, a history of abuse and Angela just gotten a restraining order. The month before she disappeared, it appears that case may have been overlooked because of misconceptions about the wiccan religion and the fact that Angela had bipolar disorder, even though he struggled at times in the past. She had always set up arrangements with her sister to keep the kids during those tough times her history of being a responsible parent, even during the toughest times, makes me think She didn't just walk away that day and remain hidden for almost seventeen years, for it it, family, they're hopeful that one day they will see justice. That brings asleep and of episode. One hundred and thirty six I'd like to think this effort, sharing angie story. If you of the information about the disappearance of Angela Willin hudson. Please call rockingham county sheriff's office at three three six, six, three, four, three, two three too,
Currently, there is a one thousand dollar reward from crime stoppers for any information leading to an arrest. You can reach kind stoppers at three three, six, three, four nights: nine six eight three There is also another one thousand dollar reward. There has been personally donated to the cause this report is for any information which might help in locating Angela and his family has a facebook page set up for her and that's called bring angie home. They also an email. If you'd like to submit a tip, that's bread angie home now at gmail com. What contribution daddy, but if it leads to a day of rest. But at this point just leads to a close the case today, be willing to do the one thousand dollars for the tip line. We also have the person that has been help. We know as
So what happened? One thousand dollar reward for any info. Nation leading to her whereabouts. It doesn't even have to be to have anybody arrested or prosecuted it's a thousand dollars for where she is, and then people accountable calling crimes, doctors passing information on the open source from media page. We do an email sat up and if they honouring the remain anonymous, they can tell us, we will pass the information to the police and we will get rid of the email and that spring gee home now, at gmail, dot, com or pages have little thing that they think might not be important and they just want to send them to us and we can go from there. My hope is that may be
You know we can pull some people when interrogate them. Let them feel like there's some pressure like day. No stop that in all. Maybe we don't have, but maybe that'll be enough. If you have a missing, but one that you like to have featured on the show, there is a case of mission form at the vanish podcast dot com. If you like that tell me, there's a page, any discussion group on facebook. Amongst there at the vanished pod and also on instagram,
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-22.