« The Vanished Podcast

Aaron Watkins

Aaron Watkins was just 18 years-old when he vanished from New Jersey on November 11, 2007. Aaron had a tough childhood going from a home with his mother and siblings into foster care and eventually being adopted by a very strict, religious family. Before he disappeared, he was struggling to figure out where he fit in this world and who he belonged with. On November 11, 2007, he made a series of phone calls to those close to him and then the Jeep he was driving was found abandoned on the Driscoll Bridge. What happened to Aaron? Did he jump that day? Did take off and start over somewhere else? Did someone make his disappearance look like a suicide? See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, prime numbers. You can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music download the app today. I only care that Aaron's pound and I don't even care of aaron- doesn't ever want to doctor. I care about, is it he's, ok or not, and if he is ok, hidden alone about life. However, each use it would you want to know the he's alive, If he's not alive, then he needs to be found and put to rest. That's all I'm asking you know if you just need someone to talk to, he was there to listen. They're. Very warm hearted person. I don't think they get anything. I think the they concluded that he probably jumped in that with the end of it. hello and welcome to episode sixty one of the vanished eighteen
rolled aaron walkin disappeared on november, eleventh two thousand and seven the view. he was driving was located abandoned on the driscoll bridge, which stands written river and connects would bring new jersey to cervia new jersey, the war There's below were extensively searched, but no trace of Erin has ever been found. Unfortunately, many people have jumped to their deaths of the dress. Culprit but their bodies have been found, did bring, kill himself on november eleven, two thousand and seven and his body just wasn't located? Did he fake his own death order to start a new life, or did someone went to make it look like Erin committed suicide? We will explore these questions and much more this.
is Aaron story. I want to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey. Everyone loves, good family mystery, especially with as many twists and turns has june's journey step into the role of june parker and search for heating clues to uncover the mystery of her sisters. Murder. One thing that I enjoyed about playing june's journey was that an increase did mine teasing puzzles, but also a really interesting story line? I found it a great way, just relax and play a game that also to my mind, engaged wanting to get to each new chapter to find more clues
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when his mother was unable to care for him and his siblings, due to a medical crisis, Aaron eventually adopted by a family and moved to new jersey. Unfortunately, this happily ever after type of ending for Erin. I want to tell you The story came to us because it presented us with a unique set of challenges that we hadn't yet faced in the years following Aaron's disappearance, no one was really looking for him, his adoptive mother, passed away and is adopted father scene, You have come to the conclusion that Aaron either took off or committed suicide. He is considered a missing person, but his cases hold and until some leads commend, the police are doing anything either. So Aaron's case sat in a file for years and at one point some of his file was even lost. this is: one aaron's, biological, mother, Barbara, comes back into the story. She had contact The service called emergency medical locators for adoptees. This is
on profit group that connects biological parents to their children for the purpose? of sharing important hereditary medical information? They were either. to locate aaron sister, but this is when they The errand was missing and notified barbara, as you can imagine. barber was very upset when she learned the errand was missing, She was even more upset when she realized tat. No one was putting in any effort to find him since then, She has devoted her time to finding out what happened. Erin barbara, the one who reached out to me about covering areas case. But since her last count, with errand was at the age of nine. We do unique set of challenges here, she gave us all the information that she has gathered over the years. But we wanted to talk to the people. We're close to him leading up to his disappearance, because that is most likely the answers lie he's gotten what I would call stories from those close to air and at the time, but they can be conflicting. It's hard to tell what
it's true and what may be a lie, and if it is a lie, why are these people lying so we it to find out more about who errand was at the time of his disappearance from the inference. Should that Barbara was able to gather, we know the air and struggled with adhd and had reportedly been diagnosed with a mental illness, but we can't confirm this. We also know that he was unhappy and his adoptive home, because his parents were very religious and strict in europe. Two thousand and six, which was almost a year before he disappeared, erin stall. His adoptive mothers, car and drove to florida with a friend they were gone for about a month, but they got caught because they had park the car in an alley where they would sleep in the car they were throwing their true. Over a fence, but a law enforcement officer happen to live on the other side of that fence. The two were caught and sent back to new jersey after this errand. reportedly, grounded and very unhappy. He told us.
Out, mother that he had gone to a train station with the intention of throwing himself in front of the train, but each he's just mind because he didn't want to risk a chance of surviving and dealing with the pain of the injuries. One of Iran's friends has stated that he was hospitalized after this incident and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. But again we can't confer that information errands adopted other had also told the police about one other incident where Aaron had attempted to take his own life by taking a bunch of pills so de, as I mentioned previously, mrs want and has since passed away. So you don't have any more information about that incident. A few weeks before aaron turn. Eighteen, he met a man named scott on craigslist, while responding to an advertisement for a job. Scott is the owner of a construction business Erin ended up moving in with skype at the time, scott forty seven years old, an errand was just seventeen. The two took it
to boston shortly after they moved and together, but apparently before Erin turned eighteen. Erin, eventually moved out of scots home and moved in with andrea who has been described as a friend by some as a girlfriend by others. He stayed with Andrea for a short time, but move back in was scott right before he disappeared the day before errands disappearance he supposed We took a large quantity of the medications, annex XVII, annexes medication that is used to treat things like anxiety in panic attacks, but is often abused and has the potential for addiction the exact number of the errand took that day varies based on her. You ask the pills were supposedly scots prescription and he claim that he called a family physician ask what he should do and was too the air and would be fine later that day scott. claims that he in Erin went out for drinks to talk and that everything again seem fine. The next day day november, eleventh sky,
story is that he in Erin went to work and when they got back era, nasty scots cheap to go to Andrea's house to get some of his clothes after you of scots residents. He made a series of phone calls to Andrea his adoptive mother. Another friend also name aaron and Scott. All these people part of the errand was upset and made statements that led them to believe he was suicidal at six thirty p m scott, called the police port Aaron s missing person in the jeep that and was driving was found abandoned on the south side of the driscoll bridge at six. Fifty two p m the key. then the ignition and Erin cellphone was inside. They begin, searching the waters below but didn't find aaron they located. fishermen, who said that he had heard a thump but did See anyone jump or enter the water? The search was caught off around midnight, but resumed the next day, you're, probably thinking that most likely jumped and just has never been found- well
Did some research on the bridge and many people have committed suicide there? I even went to the I myself to check it out. If you look up the driscoll bridge and soon Side, you will see many many reports of suicides that have taken place there. They all sound about the same. someone called nine want report that they had seen some one jumping and then the persons found in the water a short time later. No one any one jump that day and no trace of erin was found. I don't live very far from new jersey. So I made a little day trip to check out the driscoll bridge. It's a gigantic bridge. In fact it's the widest bridge in the country, fifteen lanes wide and I drove on the far right lane of the south downside since a jeep was left, a band On that side of the bridge now In two thousand and seven it was being widened, but the cell phone side had already been completed the room to pull over is very narrow and there's no walking area there is conscious
traffic going over the bridge if he had jumped. I believe that someone would have seen something honestly I would be too If fight pull over on that bridge, a fire car trouble, I would have stopped to take pictures for you guys, but it just wasn't safe. So those are your basics of this story. When you dig deeper into this, you can see how the circumstances and aaron's life, which are often out of his control, shape the person that he be. and the struggles that he was facing as a young adults we spoke with, Iran's biological, mother, Barbara and three people who were those two errand leading up to his disappearance. I would urge you to use a critical ear when listening to how those who were closest him speak about him, Aaron's logical mother, Barbara, is the one person that is really pushing a look for Erin. You earlier that she had been in a situation where she was facing a medical crisis which left her in a place where she needed help to care for children. But was a single mother who didn't have any one to step up to help her three children.
Had to go and foster care which she thought would be temporary. She found that when she was ready to have them come home, it was not so easy to get them back. Barbara explained to me the difficult citizens that she was forced to make. I fought and violence, I would not find the papers on air, and I did on the dark because she had moved on would be adopted. Europe therefore bear it and they agreed to a doctor. So I said well you know as young as you while you were kind a hard on her to come to visit even- and I can tell that it was affecting her so I thought you know well. If she It really doesn't want to be your. Should I push the issue and I wish they and let her go erin I held out I'll be out in your ninety. Ninety eight and my dirty gone to me and said I did not relinquish gum, they pay we're gonna, come and take crystal which, with my other son in my arm, but but in my home
arnie arm in arm dependency, meaning you can hear me back button we still independent of ass gay, so she flickering jackson as well. Either you sign these papers or they're going to come. Take him nope, no questions asked and they can do that. They don't have to have a reason. Thing just come and get him because he's their dependent. No, I was born in designing papers on early may only have left in my own, and when you get points tat. You know when your other jobs being used as a hammer, you have to hide do I let go all of them. They were. You know that are there or why keep this one in you know and let go of them or do I not let go of me and lose the one that is in my own nathan spoke with Aaron's friend, andrea, whom he had lived with for a period of time shortly before he does. appeared she gave us some insight into errand was leading up to his disappearance and
So what he was struggling with, or just trying to get a sense of you know who arab was he really? He didn't have many people in his life or or how did you guys meet yeah, I'm? Actually we had met at our community college, so we had both attended. Ok over in cranford union county, college. We all used to hang out in between classes and the common yeah we'll go with you, I'm very talented, I would say very into music he's saying very often plays his guitar very, very well, I'm very talkative-
and he's kind of a social butterfly. He always had a bunch of people kind of hanging around him at school, chit chatting yeah, yeah, so really easy for them to get jobs. Yeah yeah, there's always going to think I was jealous of with him. What made them special to you. Does that that outgoing personality, and just I guess the way he cared for everybody? Oh you know, there's always that shoulder to cry on for everyone and anyone. And you know, if you just need someone to talk to you- is there to listen to there's a very warm hearted person, you're you're, a creative person or software you're, a photographer I am actually I can thank him for that, those he had. He encouraged me to enter a photocopy path and I had actually had won it and
I said. Well, maybe this is what I should be doing and he said well, why don't you go apply to school? They actually had sat there with me and researched a photography schools that had dance classes as well, so he he sat there with me on the computer for hours. So we can research colleges, all those crazy, so you're going to turn your course and destiny. Yet you know you two were romantically involved right we did it a little bit? We were more friends than anything other than our own. Did you go home before you on this. that a year vulgar okay, so I only had a lot of stuff going on in his life has been resolved.
There are no issues with the parents and other people in his life. You know, or did he handle? How did he cope with that? And I know that he wasn't so fond of his adoptive parents. They were very strict and religious, I'm aaron was bisexual and they denied care for that very much all already about this. The way you have laid up a room and His music is always playing his guitar like a tire, went, listen everywhere. Really it was just music. All the time is always staying in I mean when you live. This means he used to sit on my counter and saying hey. I was that jason
the artists that banana pancakes on as a making pancake on my kitchen counter strumming his. He is always a thing in Yeah, you any recordings automotive now aware that our labour for the time, of course, cell phone right did he did you write his own music at all. Did he or he did write a letter that I didn't really hear anything that he wrote? He kept it very personal, there's more poems and songs erin- had an ex girlfriend, also name Erin. I know this has come. using, but I will refer to her as ex girlfriend errand to try to minimize the confusion, even though were broken up. They were still friends and captain contact nathan got in touch with her too.
well, I guess how did you know and he went to my boyfriend jesse and we met through my cousin? What kind of guy was he your boyfriend? I'm not really? No! No! I love you completely. Yeah uh he was cute, and that was pretty much it. I mean he pretty much took advantage of the, not ok, not in a negative way. Like Jesus DE right but I was young. I was seventeen and now eighteen nineteen, around there. I don't remember- and you know he showed me attention, so I did a lot for him. He was like my best friend we did date on and off. Wasn't
as a whole, find that I have been all that bad. It's no! No, no, don't get me wrong. I'm just very angry about the whole situation and experience anyway and nine years later, I'm still getting bothered about this because his mother insistent on finding him- and I don't think she's the one But I will tell you what I know he was not a horrible person. He just got into a lot of trouble and he was very manipulative. He made people do what he wanted them to do a I mean I didn't really. You know I dunno what you're really asking I see. Oh, you know we're just still like the duty of interest. Did he know he likes baseball and he loves it. He is actually like thing You get paid a guitar very loud,
around the time of his disappearance, use involved with sky homer you still here. At the time the andrea we want, I paid it now. We were friends because France such ass- I was here and I thought had come back to the fire like often I'm kinda. What was the state of mind during you know in the weeks and months leading up to I'm going away and he was definitely attract. He just found out that his adopted mother had breast cancer or well some kind of cancer. I don't remember now: the cats are very or peanut right, he'd just start out. You have cancer, I'm you know he was doing whatever he was doing
God only knows it s about happening there, so we have andrea, an ex girlfriend aaron, but then there's scott, who was a much much older man exe. well for an aaron gave nathan her take on Scott yeah. It's always got feel he really talked to you know kind of didn't, say it, but you know yeah, then there's some grooming, young boys, I dunno, keep it great, don't get me wrong and when he started hanging out with him, who saw romantically was that's what they claim tat. So I was told there was no physical anything until after aaron turning in so they met. They relate to the four areas heard it in a far. As I was told, there is nothing there until after
Our earned legal andrea's take on their relationship was a little bit different. The other person soldier pursuing star wars affected That relationship have an he wasn't: poor guy. I believe it was Aaron's first boyfriend and I for quite some time he was actually living with thought because his adoptive parents didn't approve of them to eat a m and then, after he had lived with god, he has come stay with me for a little bit. He was living with myself and my parents for a few months. Okay, so he does stuff prior to each meeting a
no scott. Yes, it goes and there's that one person go like the other person more. You know, and and was there anything like that in a relationship. I feel like aaron like scott, more really in a weird way, because I feel like it was, if everyone has their first love- and you have this weird, almost like a dick since he's the first person that you fall in love with and make love to, and I feel like he had this weird attraction to sky. I couldn't shake scott, didn't just like get over him. Yeah yeah yeah we've got a good influence. There was I'm I wouldn't say so he drank a lot and I know that he had.
Partied a lot. I didn't know too much about scott other than talk of parties and drinking. You guys are like all of the group of friends. Now All I'm saying kind of had like skye and Erin had their own group of friends. It was like their third group of gay friends gathered a little gay clique, so they would all go over to Scott's house I mean. Sometimes I would pick out from little house party using it here, everyone in their laughing and obviously there drinkin yeah that loud The relationship between a man in his late fortys and seventeen or even eighteen year old, does strike me as odd I'm in my I thoroughly use and seventeen and eighteen year old seem like kids to me when we think about era life and what you have been through with being in the foster care system and then ultimately being rejected by his adoptive parents? Does it make
sense that he would be drawn into a relationship with someone who was old enough to be his father. Nathan asked andrea if the aged orphan seemed to her at the time I did find it I'd buy it. I guess give in his errand of bringing it didn't, seem so I'd sky. Give em a car gave him a phone given clothes and here's this poor adopted care. Who is parents heat on because you bisexual thou? I mean a kind. I made sense at the time I mean I was only nineteen twenty, so here I'm like oh cool, like you're, dating the cool older guy- that, like I'd love for my boyfriend, to give me a you know it's strange, but it wasn't like that strange, yeah yeah, the only thing that seems strange was his weird like, like I said, like addictive ness to to scott
in fact that to him it was like it's just genuine infatuation huh, yeah yeah. It is weird you know He strikes me as somebody who just really genuinely just wanted to be loved. I mean you know daily yeah yeah, really Srebrenica is really just one is a further where'd. You get it in this world. It know yeah so that we have other piece of information about Scott Barbara found this news clipping from nineteen. Eighty three. I will read it to you, but I'm removing has last name policed Large man with sexual abuse is police everywhere said a local man and charged with five counts of aggravated criminal sexual contact three of aggravated sexual saw in connection with five incidents against a male juvenile. Please say: Scott twenty two
being held last night and mammoth county jail. Freehold township in lieu of sixty five thousand dollars bail. Scott was arrested for day after an investigation of a complaint receive thursday about incidents at scots address since January police said please would not give the asia the juvenile weakened find any other incidents since that time, and we don't know if he was ever convicted of this, but take them at what you will so You know that re before he disappeared he had been living with andrea and then moved out and move back in the sky. Andrea discussed how this came about. where was it ever having in life around their time of need. Some level. It seems, like thirty attic form. as a model for them to leave. Now, the nation that he wanted to get to for this, however,
free spirit on higher stay here, something bowed he has actually living with me at the time my parents understood and with living at home. They had invited him to live with us and he just like, went instead scott house that of nowhere. I dunno, if he has displayed, got in I don't know, but he D had ended up at scots, ok again and had moved back in with him, so he kind I was just all over the place Did that cause any attention in your friendship a little bit attention before taking off I'm I'm, I had encouraged him to get a job which she finally had, though, and ah we still kind of just doing nothing with himself
It's like again go get some fresh air. Oh, I think that's the had made them go over to Scott. She was actually his friend Aaron had kinda said the same thing to him. I'm too fond of it yeah. No one really likes to hear, though, didn't do that, and fit into his life character best friend she was his best friend yeah. They went to prom together and everything I believe On the day that Erin went missing, he made several phone calls andrea. At her last conversation with Erin How did you find out? He was he had called me out, as the last one to see was upset was day that I was I were, and he had.
me. He was very upset just called me out of nowhere, I'm just crying. He actually said that he just can't do this anymore and I said can't do what I said just come to my job. I can't leave shouldn't really even be on the phone right but I see you're upset just come here. Buddy, you know just get your ass to my job. He wouldn't um. Then that was the last night. I've talked to him. Thirty minutes later they had found the jeep on the driscoll bridge. he called my bed from murmur is absurd. At the very at least both were both very sensitive individuals. I guess that's also why we're able to get so close so quickly. I do have I suffer from anxiety and he did as well. We were able to relate on those things. So there's many
kinds of him, calling me in feeling frantic like that crying nothing new. Had ordinary by what he had said that really hit me in a weird way and I actually I'd called the authorities says he hung up the phone. You said that um he wants to jump, but there's cops so he's not going to do it. There's cops there and I was like what are you talking about just just come to my job just get here and he hung up the phone and I called them few times he wouldn't answer, so I called nine one one right away and they said that there was a suicide threat, an additional bruce. Yes, what's on the jeep? Thirty minutes later little sign of him, so so when, when was in
in the majority was that they were. What we're looking for tat said. The two hours were, the mad put him in that had space and casting over wound, I think, could be the wedding situation, not knowing what to do for were being so. I guess proud of his sexuality that usually I had. started his emotional state about the here. He also caught his ex girlfriend erin that day,
When was the last time you talked to or whatever in the day he disappeared, nov eleven, two thousand and seven. What was that conversation? What was the what was on his mind that wow? He had called me at first to tell me that he didn't know where he was and that he was apologizing. everything that he's done to me and that he was sorry and that he just couldn't do it anymore, and I asked where he was and he said why why? Why would ever- and I told you ok, we got all act somebody where you are and I'll come and get you in her new home or whatever, and he may. He hasn't, got off the phone zoo, mom of calling and got on with me. He puts his mouth
and then I called her right away because I wasn't sure if he was actually on the phone with her and she especially was on the phone with him and he was you know, apologizing to her and everything. And then he called me back and I'm he said, because if this is the best of my knowledge, and it's a long time ago, and something about is still, you know, being sorry and asking how he couldn't tell me where he was and that I'm you know he wouldn't be a problem anymore. You know precipitated all this honestly, I'm not sure. Like I said I need his mom. His mom had just gotten diagnosed with some kind of cancer. Within an hour. He was my best friend.
Okay, ooh! Yes, there was a classic stuff between us, but he was still my best friend and I did everything that I could for him to help him and he went his own way and you know he went over to his scott and did whatever he did with god. And I got this message from you insane or he calls me on message authority saying all of this stuff. I told him I was going to come, get him just like. I always would, and he said no, you can't do that and he thought I'll call you back. Gotta go. You hung up, he called him back and he just apologized but didn't know where he was and wasn't. You know didn't give me any idea what to do to help him. The show was sponsored by better help. They can be easy to get caught up in what everyone else needs from you. I never took a moment about what you need from yourself, that when we spend
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so call me from the council is in the air and water Karen lost him when he jumped off a bridge eight years ago. Maybe yeah yeah, that's yeah yeah. So I'm a co producer producer for a show called the and we feature a missing persons cases each week and are a rare feature there and a case in an upcoming episode, and so is calling her I'll such a basis with those who knew him you know who he was or whatnot and you know says you are, a pretty important person in his life to giving a call to see what you have to contribute to
ooh, probably nothing at all. Nothing, no, nothing at all. No kid! With a rough patch scrolling up- and that was it that's all you have to say about it. Ha ha, that's about it! Alright! Well, you have yourself a good night, you're cute, but. I know that the first time I heard that call my doll dropped. You heard andrea, talk about how air and felt about scott and now, almost ten years later, Scott has nothing to say about an eye for an eye. Self in Erin shoes and wondered if he felt this kind of rejection from Scott too. He must have had feelings of rejection that went back to childhood and then again from his adoptive parents, and then you have scot I just felt really bad.
Aaron and the place he must have been an emotionally at the time. So you ve heard the story. from the people who knew erin around the time of his disappearance, one entered Thing thing is that some of their stories don't match what they said in two thousand and seven scots. The one reported aaron missing- and this is what he said in the initial report taken that evening at a proxy six, thirty six p m on november eleven, two thousand and seven I was despatched on her report. of a missing person upon my rival. I was approached by the complainant, Scott, who related that. Mr aaron watkins, a friend of his and an employee of his broke up with his girl for andrea on november, if two thousand and seven and MR watkins did not seem upset Scotland related that, on november tenth, two thousand and seven at one p m aaron, took fourteen pills of xanax and Scott called a doctor and told the doktor
the doctor said he would be fine. So he went out for a couple of drinks was scott to talk everything seems fine On november, eleven two thousand and seven MR watkins went to work with start who's. The boss of the construction company and he got home from work. He asked if he could. Use is cheap to go to his ex girlfriend residents to pick up some of his clothing, but his ex girlfriend, dream was not home at the time for twenty p m at approximately five pm MR watkins cos. andrea and related that he was at a wall store and that he was. In a kill himself by jumping off of a bridge, and then I love. You then hung up the phone when sky or andrea, called the cell phone. Mr Watkins would not answer. A second report said this during the where's of this investigation? I spoke with scott on numerous occasions as well as several visits. Scott has shown great concern in attempting to locate erin Scott has kept me
breast aaron's, facebook and myspace accounts. Scott has expressed that he does Not think that Erin jumped off the bridge; instead, he feels that the watkins family has at him into a facility for medical treatment. A third report said this got related. The error has been in a very depressed mode lately and has left before for an extended period of time. He further. Related that he has been in a dating relationship with aaron for approximately two months he emphasis as the errand was confused in reference to whom he wanted to be with referred to himself and Aaron's ex girlfriend andrea We are starting to see that there appears to be more of a love triangle kind of situation going on here than we initially thought. After talking, andrea, the following police. report was written about a conversation with andrea and it's very different from what she said to Nathan. I spoke with andrea, who related that she had been dating erin for approximately three months and have recently broke up with them when she found out.
He was in a dating relationship with scott andrew a further related. The errand called her on november, eleventh two thousand and seven at approximately two p m, stating that he was on a drop off her shirt in what she knew too for work. Andrea advice tim that she was at work and could not meet him to retrieve the item. Erin then advised her that he would respond to our job to drop off the item several times during, de Aaron called her stating that he was extremely upset and needed to speak with her. However, she was, unavailable to speak with him and told him tat. She had to hang up the phone errand, then wild several more times subsequently leaving voice messages stating that he wanted to kill himself because his life was in disarray at approximately five p m. She spoke with air who related that he attempted to jump off the driscoll bridge. Earlier during the day, however, a police car was passing any decided not to? He then expressed his love for her. And so that everyone will be better off if he was not around
What time later, he ended the call an end it did not hear from him the rest of the evening? She tried answer, occasions to reach him, be telephone with negative results. I don't know why, but it seems like andrea, really downplayed her relationship with errand to Nathan on the phone. Also she said them. He spoke to him and then the jeep was found twenty minutes later, but the jeep was found at six fifty two, p m and the police report states that she last spoke with them at five p m. So that's almost two hours, not twenty minutes, great. If we had a cell phone records to compare these stories to see what is actually the truth. We dont know if these records were ever obtain and we also don't know if they are part of Aaron's file that has been lost. The road that the driscoll bridges on is the garden they parkway, and that road is a toll road you have to it all in the south foundling shortly before this bridge. We don't know if the cameras from the toll booth, wherever check to see if errand was driving the jeep that day barbara.
Worry changes on Aaron's facebook account after his disappearance, took a copy of his facebook wall, which I still have some way back when it often do down the ten I kept watching us but while change all the time after he disappeared pops up this little heart says that he, Have you seen a relationship It was like. Four days later, there was another posting in your life. Wait a minute this shell, he went into a relation our show these single euro by a guy. Now things are changing it try alerted be investigator, the you know, somebody with longing and obviously a went nowhere. I never get any answers on whether their following through its investigations on any a letter, what Nathan to get more information about the search for error in the water below the bridge, but wasn't it
To get a response from law enforcement, we know from the news report that they searched on the day of his disappear, and also the next, but beyond that we just don't have any concrete evidence in the police report. There's hope If a dive team going down on november thirteenth were told me about the information that she's been able to gather about the search. I don't know how long that search went on our slowly drew long boarded. How error it why that one newspaper article, but he demonstrate how long they searched. when he had given me closer how long they didn't extended s heart, other than the ex girlfriend had. She thought that they search for seven days after seven days, but that's here, her. The other issue that I had with daddy is the police report says it with the fishermen in the water did he heard a thump
does it mean water and was the year was fishermen. Your interviewed I he know from from the police, For they gave me, I think, none of that we would have loved to have spoken to that fishermen, but unfortunately No name or contact information appears to have been recorded, syria told Nathan about some searching that she an ex girlfriend errant, did together. Erin, and I actually we had when our round the surrounding exits on the park way with his pitcher and stopped in every business that we can see open and showed his photograph, we spent months of doing less of just driving around with his picture, trying to find a legally remember. She knew no one knows.
no one. So that brings us to wonder what the heck happened aaron on november eleven two thousand and seven for my trip to the bridge. I doubt anyone could have jumped without being seen, but beyond I'm not sure what happened? Aaron, Nathan, s, andrea, what she thought happen erin with all the yeah going on in his life. Some people are looking at me seems genuinely care about the people in his life and he certainly doesn't seem like he was the type to We now need a lot of solitude. You know like being around people,
does it seem plausible to you that you just took off but he's just he's been a all within an off the grid, no contact for ten minutes. Yeah I've got data that does not er per year and the only mean so many people have jumped off that bridge than an incidental finding his cheek and their bodies always get found there and there's always witnesses. So how come there's? No, no one! That knows anything. he just like disappeared, so something about that just seems very odd. No one saw him walking on the bridge, even it's almost as if someone just picked them up out of his jeep and just carried on in the direction that they were going. This is ex girlfriend
parents take on what happened. So what do you think happened to her? I honestly have no idea, I think I don't think he jumped off a bridge. I think he ran away, so I know where he went. No. He ran away to florida before, but I dunno where he could have gone now I mean do I think that Scott might have health, then yeah but I have no proof of that, because that makes sense, though, as he is he's concerned about islam and cancer and he's got the his relationships. all about that's the point in time drop off the radar. He doesn't like problems. I, I honestly don't know what you're trying to get out of me or I'm just some of those curious, I'm just trying to critically
essential. Gonna worry you. I now exactly the same thing when I called barbara and the same thing, I told the time and the same thing, but I thought the clean department in playing field. I really, though, understand why you people keep coming after me like I'm, not like I'm holding something. I have no idea where he is. If I did, I trust me, I will go there, but I would get in because he owes a lot of people at least the gratitude of having some kind of closure. But why should you, but also this is something that Barbara has thought about. Nonstop since the day she found her errand was missing. Barbara to me, that some of the many many scenarios that she thought of. people, they re run a trillion through their had. I browning run a trillion more arm scenario and what could have
but the one on the bridge. This is my thought process. After hearing that, from that state trooper, I was ok. Here's two different scenarios: here's one a car pulled up, puts on it's flashers, maybe not, but another car pulled up behind it puts on his flashers One gets out of the drivers in vehicle. Goes. It hasn't your side of another me home having his going by. They assume, there's par troubles me Iraq, europe at all, my? U go money itself, the vehicle opens. The dog is lit. Up Is it open your balls? I don't carried away, goes around me at all. I'm the bridge to jump marmalade. People are gonna. Note More so than they will another car stopped, beaks Maria any anything of the energy were walking on the bridge. Somebody would have noticed purposeful
HU, a detective from the new jersey state police, about the chances of some unseen aaron on the bridge tat day. And during the discussion I can read all yeah well How do we know for sure the errand was driving the gate? How do we know? Somebody didn't you know part to eat there, get out and get into another vehicle in here and was in it isabel somebody would have seen something my first response to vienna bought, I didn't say it doing, but first thought was will one day ass, he ate a baronet barked the geek there and got out from the drivers. I when a wound the passengers to jump on a bread. Wouldn't they assume that do never been to nurture these. While I have no clue what I'm dealing with that people from the areas date that even in two thousand and seven as six thirty onest. the evening that bridge would have been
not bumper, the bumper but very busy travelled neeson attend. To reach aaron's adopted father for comment, but he did not respond. We can gather from the police reports that they believe the errand could have committed suicide due to its history and that they didn't feel like scott was involved in his disappearance, but that he could have play part in the mental anguish the errand was experiencing? They also mentioned They did not approve of Aaron's relationship, a scott barbara, told me about a conversation that she had with Aaron's adopted father adoptive mother passed away in two thousand and nine which the poor I came on board, my first conversation with doktor, otherwise he was concerning down. There think conversation. I had with the adoptive already wouldn't give me any information about anything. They went on in the very short brief, when the very first time around second time around with even shorter, yet
Had been leaving a message is clear, my medium to call me any finally did, and I was on the road at the time driving out forget it here now he call me back he had. I don't know what you're needing he's has. As far as I'm concerned, Aaron he's gone. He did not hear it calmed my wife's funeral, so he. Go on and you need to back off that conversation leads me to believe that he thinks Aaron took off. Could errand the out their living on the street somewhere. Could started a new life? Did he feels oh, let down by the people in his life that he just said screw it and walked away as someone who knew about Aaron's fragile mental state decide to get rid of him, knowing that everyone would just assume that he killed himself. I wouldn't The thing that iran is on a beach somewhere in florida living it up, but
really no idea what to think. With this case, I am suspicious of all those who were close to him at the time. Andrea story was different from the police report, but is that just because memories- faded over the years. Could the police report be wrong? His ex girl, an errand seems really defensive, but She angry because she feels like Erin, abandon their friendship or is it something else scot. I just don't know what to think about scott Does he really believe that aaron jumped, or does he have more to hide when a hear what you guys think about this case. Barbara still has so many questions and hurt Only through this hasn't been easy, she's become wheelchair bound, and Oliver work from her home computer, like we got no response from one foresman she's had to call and call until she just happens to catch them one at their desk, but then he has a lot of excuses like Aaron's files and another building. We a hard time reaching those who were close to Erin in two thousand and seven and she's experience.
The same exact thing. IRAN's are very reluctant to open up anybody with you even the one they were. Rounding were very reluctant to open up to me. One thing that has, really bother barbara, with the lack of assistance from the watkins family is that they won't supplies dental records if you go on to name ass, his pro, only has a medium high strength level, because those records are missing. On top of that, in his police report from two thousand and seven, the watkins discouraged, the police from attempt in contact as biological family members to get a dna sample. It states that they will that is biological family would not cooperate. Obviously, Who was more than willing to supply dna sample, but because of that statement, It took them many more years to get his dna into the system. Barbara told me about her frustrations with how the cases being handled in called gay somebody desk and on while you know,
You be like the. First in your drawing to bind it not cared for not loved what disposable and even more so in here and the case. Given the circumstances you know of his earlier childhood, because you know when children are adopted out, they feel like their loved ones. Didn't care about and which wasn't case. Though everyone else seems to have moved on barbara, want, sat looking for a son until he sound. I only care that he earns pound and I don't even care of aaron doesn't ever won a doctor. I care about. Is it he's ok or not, and if he is hey heating alone, about he alive. However, each uses we just want to know that he's alive. If he's not alive, then he needs to be found and put the rest. That's all! I'm asking and I don't care if we adopt
if the father wants to put him to rest or whether I have to do it, let's just get it done at the time of aaron's disappearance, he was between five seven and five foot eight inches tall. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He was last seen, during a black hoodie genes, black shoes and a green baseball hat? He had a tongue piercing his ears were pierced and he had a mole under his right eye, erin with it twenty seven years old today. If you have any information about Aaron's disappearance, please contact the plainfield his department at nine zero. Eight seven five three through zero to one? If you would like to discuss this case further, arose in the vanished podcast discussion group on facebook. That brings us to the end of episode. Sixty one. Thank you all for listening If you like to reach me, I'm on facebook, there is both a page in a group. My twitter handle is at the vanished pie, and I am also on instagram join me next week. I will be discussing this
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they probably never will be big has I was all his cold, I would never amount to anything I would never be able to do anything right? we fail in areas need. It was oh good and then give my child away. Do you think I can find you? I find out there betrayed him in the worst hate by me in there. And then it is down. I go, but I'm the only one left more and then I poland was trapped back up. Painful is very extreme. and, like I said, doesn't matter the background. What matters is that we find you
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-23.