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Klaus Schwab's Latest Speech Proves Conspiracy Theorists Right Again | Direct Message | Rubin Report

2023-02-15 | 🔗

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Klaus Schwab’s latest creepy speech to the World Government Summit; Greta Thunberg’s new book “The Climate Book”; European Parliament voting for a gas car ban in all European Union countries to promote the use of electric vehicles; Tucker Carlson’s interview with residents of East Palestine, Ohio who are being told by the EPA that there is nothing to worry about from the Ohio train derailment that put toxic chemicals into their air and water; Pete Buttigieg focusing on diversity equity and inclusion on infrastructure worksites; Joe Biden’s cluelessness on the shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon; Bill Gates using carbon offsets to justify his carbon emissions hypocrisy; Cathy McMorris Rodgers asking the CDC’s Rochelle Walensky why their mask mandate guidance for children isn’t changing despite the latest data from the Cochrane Review; CBS News discussing the sharp rise of deaths from heart attacks in young age individuals; Elon Musk warning the World Government Summit about the dangers of an actual one world government; and much more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Residential landscaping atlanta, wouldn't you like to know the internet, I'm Dave Rubin. This is the Rubin report on February fifteenth, twenty twenty three we're live driven on rumble youtube locals. Share subscribe tap that notification bell, if you have not- and we want to join us with post game- show where you can add comments. You can correct me if I'm guinea factual errors, and the whole much more. You can join us at reuben report, dot goals, dot com little bit of a shift. Today I want to talk about some of the weird you that's out there, not jake w j w jill june. There some weird energy out? There are a lot of bizarre things happening chemicals, spills balloons from china and senator having strokes, and we,
heard things happening. Are they coincidental pipelines blowing up, or is there some sort of script that we're all just reacting to constantly? I dont know answer to that, but we're gonna go through some of it because it does seem like the regular day to day political stuff has slow down just a little bit right. We rolled into the new year republicans took over congress. We had a couple hearings this last week or so fiercely. It's called off in terms of just like nitty gritty political republicans are doing. This Democrats are doing that. We got it the state of the union. Now it's just like a whole bunch of weird stuff I mentioned yesterday. This massive me the explosion and chemical spill in east palestine, ohio that the media has comp legally ignore not only the media, but our government has completely ignored it and finally, it happened. I believe twelve day we can show you how about your pictures, videos. Finally,
after the last two or three days of people online, sharing videos and it's one of the reasons that they don't want you to be able to share videos online so that they can control the narrative eventually, because enough people shared videos, kids were out there literally kids fifteen year that live in the area were out there on the streets, shown videos of dead fish and dead birds and chemical burns and all this stuff. Then history. Media finally comes round to it, and gay pete are transported, can secretary who only got the job because he's a homosexual. He had no qualifications other than doing homo things Finally, twelve days later commented on it with two tweets will get to that and the real question, I suppose, for the show. Today's who is responsible for all the weird stuff happening right now and who is going to do do something about it and what is their motive and are any things connected that's what We'll try to decipher today are the rule.
report before we get to. Let me talk to you guys, bout birch gold. You noticed the. U s: blowing through the thirty one point: four trillion dollar debt ceiling in january. The left is, white house still refuses to reduce spending, while our national leadership has buried their heads in the sand. When it comes to fiscal responsibility, it's time Pull yours out now would be a great time to diversify, into gold with birch gold in times of highest certainty and instability. Gold is king. Its dependable birch gold makes it easy to convert, nigh array or for a one k, and when I array and precious metals, here's what you need to do: visit birch gold, dot com, slash dave to claim your free info kit on gold and then talk to one of their precious metals specialists. Think about this to dig our country out of the mountain. Every single taxpayer in america would have to write a cheque for about two hundred fifty grand and it's only worse, protect yourself with gold by visiting brcko, dotcom, slash, dave, I ve gotten a plus rating with the better.
This bureau. Thousands are happy customers and countless five star reviews go to birch gold. Dad come slash, Dave back to me. Ok, so let's talk about all of this from the top down Joe Biden always says we want a bottom up economy. What does he say? River bottom up economy and so ways. It goes out like this this and this, but he's got everything backwards, but clearly clearly one thing that has been unearthed over these last couple years of coal with craziness and climate craziness and big tat craziness is that there are a series of groups- led by some pretty, I would say, terrible people who really want to control your life. They want to, side. When you can go outside what food you can eat and what stove you can cook on and what temperature you can keep your house and much more:
of course, the leader, the the pillar model war. This is world economic forms, Klaus schwab he is operating in rio. very well. We know we had the world economic forum summit this couple weeks ago now, they have another, it's happening right. It's called the world government summit, these people it's like right out of isn't the world governments of it is not but the other super friends were fighting that was a leading to do them are close enough guys. You got it, that's where Earl Bad guys hung out your member anyway. Here
is Klaus schwab at the world government summit and somehow he seems to know that we're going to have a black swan event and a black swan event by the way is something really really bad happens all over the world. They look so nice vector. I want to mention his resilience, the capability to bounce back, because so will be solely what he calls black swans, see endless surprises, which we ve come in our way certain will. We be endless, surprises of their end surprises? Then I don't think there. Certainly there black swan events, they're gonna, come sort of, like kobe, that kind of fit the now if that a one world government guy would like get
forces of western freedom and the defenders of liberal democracies, liberal in the right sense of the word liberal and the governments that defend individual freedoms, notably the united states of america, at the top of the list, get them to crush. their own laws get them to eliminate this. and in silence their own citizens. That's what this guy What's to do at something called the world government forum. There's no such thing. As the world government. They would like to create one. But no you as a citizen, if you're watching this from the united states, you only have to abide by the laws of the united its america, your state, your country, and when those laws are just, then you have to figure. How to change those laws within within the lies, because we are pretty good, I am obliged to go out, go out there and amend man, things change things and all that, but there happy about that because they want one government so whether you live in the united states where you live in Sweden or you live in Chad or you
in switzerland or gimme another one country, my friend, Austria, and in a way that were you're gonna go somewhere in asia, but the point is they want to control you whose, Other person that wants to control you and how does she want to do it? greta Thunberg greta who had no doubt flies all over the place in private jets. If you remember the video a couple of weeks ago, we played of her being arrested by german authorities, but the whole thing was staged. First, she took a bunch of pictures with them all smiling. They make sure the handcuffs are on nice and loose and then they carry her away and everyone's giggling she's got a new book out people. Here's a tweet from greta thunberg, I'm so pleased to share that why my book is now available in the? U s and Canada I have gathered, wisdom of over one hundred contributors to highlight the many different crises we face and equip us with the knowledge we need to avoid the climate disaster, this
is, I was there a little more there now it was just one tweet. I think she had to tweet. Originally, that's all right anyway, she's putting out a book to freak people out just like John Kerry, who became super rich on the climate griffin, AL gore, whose worth a couple hundred million dollars after being vp on the climate drift. This is what they do and they want to control you. Climate change is the next one, and would it surprise you, if the very people who proportion to be all about the environment and green technologies and they love the earth, but you evil, republicans aided because somehow you care about capitalism or something like that, would it surprise as you if they were actually the ones doing the most damage to the environment and now he doing the most damage the environment but doing the most damage to the people? Who live on this earth? Speaking of that, the EU parliament has just voted to ban petrol car sales by two
thirty five, how they're going to replace them? No idea, but here's some applauding after the vote vote is closed and it is dude and thereby the first reading parliament disclose. Thank you very exciting, guys, no more petrol cars in the eu by twenty thirty five. We don't know how we're going to you know, keep people on the roads or if any of this makes sense, but we just do things that sort of sound right, we'll deal with the consequences later speaking, consequences. There is let's get to this east palestinian story. This is wild, so east palestine is little town in ohio. You have probably never heard of it before this it is a little town as working to show some clips are tucker karlsson.
Explaining what's going on there in a moment, but as he notes a lot of white people, so this isn't doesn't really fit the narrative. You know if you know, because white people can't be victims according to the government, well on February. Third, twelve days ago there was an on believable I don't even know what the right adjective to use to describe. It is just an absolutely astoundingly horrific disaster, a train, that then released unbelievable amount of chemicals into the air fire explosions. The whole thing here, here's a little video about it that was making around online trade. The real writing, twenty of them carrying hazardous materials as flames lit up the sky and north eastern ohio view if you are in place for anyone within a mile away. Last sign these aren't These aren't storm clouds visit now.
Is it not a dark clouds? Why the the officials or claiming air and water are saying residents, saving and still smelled loreen I complained about their eyes watering when they go outside and one woman says the noxious air killed chickens out of nowhere. He just started coughing really hard and just shut down and went very fast, But all these fucking froze this is within ten miles of his house. The
not evacuated ok, so the images and the video we could go on and on with all that, I want to get into a little bit of the specifics now. First up, I just want to talk about the time line on this thing. This happen twelve days ago. I dont think I even heard about it until about three or four days ago, and I could be what's called. very online person, so this was making the rounds eventually, it started gaining traction online. Thus I'm talking about it today, but we did a quick scan of a virtually every cnn anchor that we could find on twitter and MSNBC ankara new york hunters. Nobody is talking about this, and certainly nobody was talking about effort and is putting aside. everything else if you see a massive explosion of that nature. not newsworthy relative to Adam. It's going on in america like just on the NBC nightly news, and today there was a train derailment and a crazy massive explosion
We don't know about all the chemicals yet, but this is worth challenge visually all the flames. It's it's something, but they all went. Salute. We dark on this and ask We often say one of the things that you now know about. The news is when they are not talking about something. That probably is the thing to be talking about right like that really is it anyway tucker cars. of course, Tucker is one of the few people that is doing anything roughly approximate honesty in corporate media. here. He is summarizing the conditions of these palestine palestine is overwhelmingly white and its politically conservative, more than seventy percent of the voters in the surrounding county supported donald trump in the last election. That shouldn't be relevant. But if you're about to hear it very much is eleven days Well, one hundred and fifty car train derailed in east palestine, and when it did, it spewed poisonous chemicals onto the ground and into the surface waters. After the crash, the ohio state e p a found evidence of
no, actually in the ohio river, as well as in the creeks and streams that feed it. This way concern for more than simply use palestine, given that the Ohio river supplies drinking water to about a tenth of the entire. U S, population, so this train derailment was an environmental disaster? Not an environmental disaster like climate changes but an actual environmental? faster. Ok, so this is serious, stopped ten percent of drinking water to americans right Look at all the videos of the dead fish in the dead frogs and the dead birds and other animals and the chickens dying on top of the fact that we already have National issue with chickens, not laying eggs. We haven't covered that yet, but that's another one right now, it's really bizarre, and then the Bp shows up now. You would think we have this whole movement in america, and seemingly a global movement that endlessly errors about the environment right you should not turn away
sign. You should not drive this car. You shouldn't cook your eggs on that stove and they're always screaming about it. for some reason. With this thing, these toxic chemicals in our water. This unbelievable, I mean these fires in the plume of smoking and show you another image on that level. An atom bomb was dropped, her there there be it off, the quiet on this, here's a little bit more from tucker, but we basically nuke to town with chemicals. so then, representatives from the p epa, the environmental protection agency, arrive to restore calm. Yes, an epa spokesman explained Chemicals from the derailed train did entered a local watershed and, yes, they did kill fish bought, The drinking water supply remains totally safe, the fisher dead, but go ahead. Failure, thermos and bruce some coffee, everything's, fine. No, we don't know if the locals and east palestine or drinking water tonight, but we can tell you that
administration doesn't seem too concerned about it, either way: donald trump, cut over seventy one percent of the vote in the county in the last presidential election. That's exactly democratic parties, cord demographic faint, no talk the way spill, whatever their, not our voters, one instance here. I don't want to be quite as cynical as tucker is being on the election side of this thing. So I don't know that the administration is ignoring this, because these are you know like white trump voters. They are. I don't know that much. I wouldn't put it past this administration. think they're pretty bad people, but I do know that much the point really is that there is a reason they are ignoring this ecological disaster. I dont know that we know that reason yet, but for the epa to show up there, the environmental protection agency, which is an extremely well funded agency that has gone well beyond the bounds of what it was originally founded to do,
that it is telling people drink the water drink, the water, with all the freaking dead fish in the dead frogs go ahead and drink that water, I have to say guys. I have always been leery of the the e p, a the environmental protection age, Because I'm a child of the eighties- and I remember this very import At the moment, I think this is around nineteen eighty six and this locked in my mind what a bunch of frauds the e p, a r private property shut, this city Zola, I'm warning you turning off. These machines would be extremely hazardous. I'll tell you what's hazardous you're facing federal prosecution for at least a happen, as an environmental violations- now that you shut up these beams, what we should do more for you, as you guys know, that was walter peck from the environmental protection agency, and what did he do? Phoenix? That's right. He shut off the echo, come plasma containment unit, the actor
the unit, something there was some plasma there too, and what happened all the ghosts escaped all hell broke loose throughout the city boy years later there you know fighter this pink slime thing you gotta guys, then they release a movie with all checks which was horrible. The social justice warriors go nuts. You see what I'm saying here. Let's get back to the serious stuff, here's! we'd from any johnson, with with an image of the plume of smoke over east How do you mean this is just absolutely while than I thought what I thought any sir commentary on this? Was quite good, he says in we're reminder that the city see vienna age, doktor fouch in every vaccine, mandate: iron, who screaming where a mask, so we can stay safe, hopefully silent as children. Breathing this black death. The currents we're cared about your safety. They only cared about power, evil frozen. We look at that image that in if you just saw that with no context, you would think a massive bar maybe an atom bomb, was dropped on a city
somewhere far across the world all that is in america, in the heartland of america, in ohio within the last week, or so that is absolutely just wild want to talk a little bit more about the yet failure not only of our media but of our politicians because August violence barely talking about it, gay pete, our transportation, sir terrorism has been busy do in some other stuff, mostly making sure why people dont get jobs at the federal government will talk like that. Just Second, but then one more odd ecological thing that happened. I believe This is yesterday here, this video of a truck filled with nitric acid that tipped over into in arizona. What is going on here? rose,
Ok, so I am not sitting here telling you that these things are connected. I am not sitting here telling you that these things are intentional, but at what I'm telling you is that something weird is going on here. The way the media does not react to these things. However, if Donald trump was president- and this had happened of course- they would be blaming him. They would be saying. Are you see why this train derailed and east palestine. It was because Donald trump doesn't fun the epa and we d funded the roads is about babo, but they do every four narrative. So now gay gaping, as you know, I call him gay pete because only got the job because he's gay, he was the mayor of south Ben, There is a tiny little city. What what about a hundred twenty thousand people? Can we check this before so like a hundred twenty thousand people say Ben indiana? He is a
sort of many obama clone cloning comes off as deeply inauthentic? He is completely unqualified for the job. So for ten, days about me. You might have been eleven level have days. He did I address this. This is the transportation secretary. I dont know what his job is other than to address massive disastrous train derailments that seems like it would be kind of at the top of the list. Here he is a day or two ago, not addressing what's goin on these palestine, but he
is concerned. The too many white people are working in the department transportation toward with your contractors to work with your community colleges on building a workforce that reflects the community. We have her way too many stories from generations pass of infrastructure where you got a neighborhood, often a neighbourhood, a color that finally sees the project comes down, but everyone in the hard hats on that project, looking, like you know, do with doing the good paying jobs. Don't look like they came from anywhere near the neighbour ray. You can build community wealth that will help clothes wealth gaps in this country if we can tear down those barriers, but that happens Delivery level see how whacked out that was going to say a bad word I'll be nice. Do you see how how really ridiculous these people are? So what peter saying there is that now, when jot, when projects- let's say road projects. Infrastructure projects come to largely
communities- that the people upset because the workers don't look like them walks around in that state of racial psychosis except amount, progressive oh, my god, they're here and they're fixing the roads. Can I get the color breakdown on those people that guy over there pouring in the tar is asian? Can we count the think how profoundly stupid it is, but speaking profoundly stupid. We just check some numbers, sir. South bend, indiana, where gay pete was the mayor, the unqualified transportation secretary, gay pete. Seventy five percent one Why did gay pete not put some white people on trains, its common put, some white people on trains and bus in some black people? I dont know why gaping you do that you're gonna have to bring that up with gaping. But pete finally did tweet about east policy. Finally, twelve days later, here's what he said,
I continue to be concerned about the impact of the February third train derailment near east policy in ohio and the effects on families. in the ten days, since their lives were up ended through no fault of their own funny. You didn't comment on it for ten days, it's important that families have access to useful and accurate information. U s, d o! he does department. Transportation has been supporting the investigation led by the national trade transportation safety board, our federal, Rail administration in pipelines and hazardous material teams were onsite within hours the initial incident and continue to be actively engaged. So he said nothing, that's just a bunch of nothing and he did ten days later and we are to believe that this guy is in charge of the department of trains. station. We have a massive environment.
the disaster, the environmentalists are being silent and we ve been completely unqualified. Head of the the transportation department is inside I did see. A few means of peat that I thought were worthy of showing tweeted these out. If you want them I'll, post them in the local community, so you could snag those images yourself very go. There's pete with his MC riding away from the giant ecological disaster bears its smiling his finger, the environmental disaster. There is pete with his open guard again. Today I solve racism at constructions. At the end of the day. You have to laugh about these people. It does that's diminish. What's going on there, but like these people are ab, salute lee ray gillis. How ridiculous are they well? Pete continue two days ago where he still at this point had not even tweeted about
the the incident in east palestine, and here he is making jokes about that chinese bible and and that's where our partnership comes in, we're providing again more funding, but you all are going to need to put together the local information and the localized inputs on the applications about where some of these chargers actually need to go right. So that's just one example of the partnership that that we are building up, but it couldn't be a more exciting time for transportation. It's had it's challenges right, I mean if you look at what the american transportation systems have faced in the last two or three years, partly because of the pandemic. We've faced issues from container shipping to airline cancellations, and now we've got balloons. That's right, the bus,
Also, the best time ever to be working transportation because of these resources- and we know ultimately it's in the hands of those who are on the ground, that the biggest difference is going to be made he's just nothing. What he is is a guy with a tight haircut and a well fitting suit, who sounds like obama, who knows nothing of what he speaks to joke about the chinese bible. I joke about everything, but it this guy's a joker right like so He dismisses it. What he wants is you'd miss it. He wants you to every time you hear chinese spy balloon or our airspace has been violated. He to just it's just kind of honey. That's just something republicans think about right. that's something real. We have no idea for of how many of these have come over. We blew up, went over canada we don't know what information they were getting from secret military sites, a nuclear sites that they were flying over, what they transmit it back to the chinese bath of balloons, it's kind of funny. It's got money by the way, as we were playing that clip my man Chris, working remote from
located not in florida. He's our boy, not in florida, he has his reasons He did a little googling. Fifty two percent construction workers are not white so that right, fifty two percent, not white or fifty two percent. Our way. Oh fifty two per there are white, but that's pretty close to fifty. So if you really care whether the guy, who is Painting the lines in the middle of the road is white or black you're. Pretty much got fifty percent chance that he's white or black or miscellaneous. Ok, these people our unserious ridiculous clowns, speaking of a serious ridiculous clowns, Joe might is the elderly man pretending to be president. He didn't interview here and you can see that the drugs were wearing off in the middle of a new start losing himself by which often happens he's also telling us not to worry about that balloon thingy. It wasn't even major pre security bridge for the united states, just a fact
The balloon came into the airspace flew over the country for some time now total amount intelligence gathering when on where every country around the world is overwhelming,. And the idea that a balloon could traverse break american airspace is anyway. This is not a Measure breach, you must understand, the Joe Biden has no idea what he sang and then you could see the thought sorted, just jumping away from him as he sang it. It is very we're that a violation of our airspace is a problem. We do not know what was being transmitted or perhaps we subsequently found it out and they're not telling us? I don't trust anything from his administration anyway, but his dismissal of this while the. Why did we blow the one up over China? Why did we
to blow this one up? Why don't we just send it back to member then centre of sternly written a strongly worded letter you chinese people stop. In europe alone. What do you think it is? I know you're no more, but he's just ridiculous, but this is just great because, as you know, it's not just Biden. That's incompetent! It's not just a that's in carbon in its entire administration, that's incompetent! But why? do they somehow get people to vote for them because they have an entire structure, a mainstream media powered by big tech. That goes out of its way to defend them. It not only does that, but it would do the complete reverse if it was a republican in charge. So here is a nice video compilation of the left is media. holding water carrying water fur joe by
republicans argued that the balloon, the size of three school buses should have been taken out over the pacific if you're Biden, you're kind of damned, if you do damned, if you don't, let's say he had shot this down somewhere over the country. All this metal and glass comes clinging to earth and could have hurt somebody and it lands on something hurt. Somebody three buses worth of metal will be falling down, potentially on hospitals, potentially on kindergartens. It had a kindergarten hospital. Heaven forbid, fall on a kindergarten or a hospital isn't defensible that, It would not want to take down something that could have had a school or a church, as a farmhouse, it's easy to start spinning in the absence of more concrete information. Obviously, this is serious, but I thought that producers had smelling salts off of that on the side of the set for republicans, who came on republicans practically tripped over themselves over the weekend to call out president Joe Biden. Oh my god, this is just hypervenom
thing about this. Is there a specific specific part of the country where they think or say specifically, this is where it should have been shot down. I mean What are they talking about? We shall shot down this balloon over the aleutians, what their theirs. They simply don't know. J D administration dead. What politicians usually said they wanted administrations to do, follow the advice of of the pentagon eyes. The shrapnel might fall on a hospital or on a kindergarten there, a million opportunities to blow this thing up, I'm not diminishing the fact that you don't want three buses bus words of of metal to fall on people. But you also don't why a enemy rival nation taken
pictures and video of say your nuclear sites or other top secret information. Now I know we're not that very good when it comes to protecting top secret or classified information. Often I'm told if you keep it near a corvette that somehow will keep you safe, but of course this is just the complete reverse. Imagine if trump was president, a chinese spy balloon went over and then trump didn't shoot it. and until it had traversed the whole country and everything else, the exact same fraud that you just watch. There would be saying this proves that China, is in charge and they have information on trump? And somehow this is related to russia and europe is weak and blah blah blah blah blah you get it But really the point of all of this really is that. Why is it that these people, three weeks ago, whatever was two and a half weeks ago, felt that the chinese spy balloon as it was traversing vary with the biggest breakin deal, no to man, but then they will.
bend, the guy who so nonchalantly dealt with it right clearly doesn't even know what he's doing try as satellite. That's by on us, we have satellite, that's by China. They don't need a balloon. So what type of provocation really was this? What real is going on here that I dont have the answer to, but I assure you you will not get the answer by watching corporate press trustingly. Here is video of from CBS news that the? U s intelligence knew the balloon was on its way before it even got here, so we could have blown it up when it would. fallen on a hospital, a kindergarten, a bowling alley or god forbid, an ice. Skater rank back here in washington. There is breaking news tonight on that chinese spy. Balloon CBS news has just learn that: u s intelligence watch the high flying airship as it lived
off near China south coast? That means a: u s: military had been tracking it for nearly a week before entered u s airspace longer than originally known, CBS. Nancy quarters is at the white house so Nancy. They were watching this from the beginning, they wore Nora and what they saw was this balloon heading east from china, towards guam and hawaii. But then it took a sharp northward a b line towards alive. sky. They also revealed today that the three subsequent objects they shot down- probable, were not involved in spying, the three objects shot down this weekend may have been harmless research balloons. That's now a leading theory for the intelligence community. Theirs consideration, that these objects are indeed benign. They won't for sure until they find the debris very difficult terrain. chairman of the joint use of staff described the challenge, one
It came down in the arctic circle where its minus forty degrees, the set and came down in a hard to reach part of the canadian rockies and the third plunged into lake huron couple hundred feet deep, we'll get him eventually, but it's gonna take some two hundred governors. Do you guys get what happened? here we knew the thing was coming and then its audits it was thought it. Why thought its way to alaska and we didn't do anything about it. I'm not a geologist, I don't have a map in front of me or even that. Well, I guess I've got a glow by me, but you know: what's between guam and hawaii and alaska water coup crisp. Refreshing water and we could have blown this thing up. We can a bloated up this it. Let's just say we were just with just a we don't know
they're, just sending out their little but nine balloon its voting. we don't know what's happening, it does seem like it's going in our direction, but ok, we don't want to hear we don't want You know intentionally provocative, have at the moment a cross. U s airspace, since, when do we let other countries just poyser shit in we don't know what it is. My pay benign go baby. I would always, let's just see what happens. It's so profoundly ridiculous, that it is well speaking, a profoundly ridiculous. I've got a clip adjusting trudeau, because is concerned, cause, u f, o's are flying over north america and you know we had to shoot one down over his country because he was probably busy. You know, buying new socks, nora this was the press this week and they have an idea of what this aircraft is an area that we need more information on. What the circuit is, our focus, right now is on recovering it. Obviously
if there is much analysis going on at the highest levels of norad, in both canada and the united states, to try and understand more to facilitate, getting the location of the object and to understand better that to answer the questions of canadians? Have them as soon as we have More clarity veterans is to give the canadians. We will be giving senses three I could have shut down this weekend or this past weekend. Do we have no idea whether this is a pattern or whether these are connected? Well, I think obvious. Thirdly, there is some sort of pattern in there and the fact that we are seeing this significant degree over the past week is a task for interest in close attention which is exactly what we are doing with employed signet deployed significant resources here to be able to work over the the object, as well as diplomatic
international engagements going on to find more information, we get solutions. Are you got it? It's just meaningless drivel also. Why was he reporting from hot the ice planet hoth you see the torrent on run by him back which was making. We think you remember at the beginning of empire strikes back. Do you know how the whole it begins, since trudeau was obviously standing on hot, remember the rep we have a base, invader he's pissed and he wants to take the rebels, especially that skywalker due to just blew up his big, yet without start the underwood. So what does he do He sends a bunch of satellites spies, they're, not balloons, but their electronic devices. He shoots them all over the galaxy one lands in hot they find The satellite there, the spy satellite and then what is hon solo and true, we do when their first they have to save luke from a whopper. We did that happen after two. They save me from a whopper first or after
a moot point. That's a sidebar, but what do they do? They don't wait to go with that thing benign or is it actually spying on us and they're, going to blow up our generator and we're not going to able to get the ships off hot they blow the fucking thing up. You see the point guys. governed by morons. I would much rather have labour was in charge of the rebel leader at heart would be a hell of a lot better than just rideau. Here's courage, I'd pierre and she don't know. What's goin on and the criticism coming from lawmakers that the president hasn't spoken out more on this up? Should we expect from him at some point or as part of the reason that we're not hearing from him, because, as you said, people shouldn't be panicking because they don't have a. I don't have any any spain or anything to preview and potential remarks by the president. Should people be bad, and you're a bunch of you oppose we're, shooting things down spy balloons over here channel at anything. She does how the hell am. I supposed to know what I just put all these colorful out.
Betsy, do my firm and get out there and just say I'm going to do with that's my job guys when there are so many bad actors here there are bad actors like across the board. Our political leaders are media leaders. Are tech leaders just so many like corrupt buffoons in charge of everything. Right now it is thank god. We live in florida, so right after the show, instead of punching a random person, as I used to do when we lived in California, I can just walk outside at sea lizard. That really is what's keeping me going at this point, They lied to you guys. They lie about everything and they will lie again and you must just keep going to the truth. You must not fear the mob judgment if you sable I'm curious about, balloon over there and I'm a little worried about that atom bomb. Looking explosion over there and all of that stuff. We have to focus what we can control that all of our local stuff right. That's what states rights
That is about because now to get us back to the beginning of the show. When we talk about this one world government, while Klaus schwab continued at the conference and tell me if this doesn't mean that the time is right, out of casting one or one give me them evil sounding guy possible with the most evil sounding script. Could you do that here we go and readjust now removed into the exponential face, and I agree of deficient intelligence, but not only artificial intelligence but also submit doubles, need space technologies and I could go on and on
biology. Our life in ten years from now we'd be completely different, very much affected and who vast or so stiff shoulder cheese in some way will be the most of the world. If you master those technologies, you'll be master of the world sort of godlike. Remember with John Kerry, said. Well, I got we're like gods here too, in our environmental thing were so great for such that I mean like script, you get it like who would say something like that, but there's just tons of them, their tons of them and their hypocrites and their liars and their buffoons and they would never live. The if they want you to live, so here is a guy who invented viruses, not not the first inventor or viruses, but invented viruses on computers. I'm pretty sure I can say that I'm sure some news guards going to fact
at me, but remember when computers came out like sort of ubiquitous LEO crow, america ladys early nineties, we started the apple computer was first then we are. These I b computers that all these knock off and they all windows and then suddenly, viruses you would go to, when upper window there be a virus. Five, more viruses, and mostly you, kids, don't know that but back in our day when we had computers and we'd sit at the desk with computer, mostly we're just closing windows, because viruses just kept Bobby We was just a lot. People's fingers were like they couldn't they had to do with the condition, because you were just all day long. Closing virus is on your computer. Of course, windows was created bill gates bill gates is the biggest climate hypocrite there is. He got asp a journalist about his climate, hypocrisy and what he tries to back out of it. But what would you say to the charge that if you are a climate change campaigner,
but you also travel around the world in a private jet you're a hypocrite. Well, I I buy the gold standard of funding. Climb works to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family's carbon footprint, and I spend billions of dollars on on climate innovation. So you know, should I stay at home and not come to kenya and learn about farming? malaria anyway, I mean I'm uncomfortable with the idea that not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my breakthrough energy group as spending that are part of the solution no you're, not part of the solution. And, yes, you should stay home. Much like you endorsed for us, please,
to stay at home and be locked out when you were, of course stay. Home during kobe, you have adamantly. Dunno he's probably got a dozen houses, you know billions of dollars where the real estate he's the number one. far bland owner and the united states. Should he not on his private plain and go to kenya, I'm pretty sure the people The bill gates, plane is landed, giving people a bill gates were so excited bill gates. Wazir bell dates. We just have to keep exposing these people because they will mandate more rules on your life and an awful lot of people are going to disappoint you. When they do, they will come back with masks whether it's cold with nine or environment related or whatever it might be. They will come back with more booster shots and all the stuff and and this one's gonna blow your mind. I saw this when I say this is just incredible: do you know this is true labels and jellies boons? This is totally drew. But the cdc the centre for disease control is still wreck.
mending masks on two year olds now and they refuse to reverse said so: rochelle will linsky who is in charge of the cdc she was define yesterday and for an economy is still defending? This cost I do want to mention one thing. I told you guys. We went to dc couple months back where I, with walking out you do they have the tunnel. I think that goes between what was it between the capital Emmy aware that, where congress it The congressional office is basically so is this underground tunnel were walking through the tunnel and I walked right. I will ask you like. We basically touch shoulders and there was something about her. I kid you not. We all looked at each other like she does not seem human. She might be some sort of lizard person news guard. You can check me on that one because I'm pretty sure he will find something varied
durbin and cold blooded anyway. Here's cdc is rochelle. Well, let's keep defending masks on two year olds. Yesterday, in fact, the cdc is currently the only national or international public health agency that recommends masking two year old children. Like you to explain in detail the process and the timeline by which evidence such as this is used by the cdc to update, modify or necessary would draw current guidance. Great. Thank you for the opportunity to clarify,
and those points I believe, you're referring to the cochrane review study. This is an important study, but the cochrane review only includes randomized clinical trials and, as you can imagine, many of the linked randomized clinical trials that were included in that were for other respiratory viruses, not covert nineteen. Some of them were for covert nineteen just to be clear, but it is very different for cover nineteen, because you have a pre a virus that is a different from flu, but potentially different from sars or mers transmits before you actually have symptoms. It's also the case that one of the limitations in that study was clearly stated that people were not actually engaged in the intervention, so you actually have to wear the mask for it to work. Okay, so there are lots of studies now in georgia Polanski. Why are we masking our kids today? You don't think you'll, also,
for guidance, I'm for school based masking, is related to our covert nineteen community levels. Unfortunately, we're in a place now in this country, where most of our country is in green or yellow. So what is your timeline for updating reevaluating? These guide guidance? You know our masking guidance doesn't really change with time what it changes with his disease. Your abject nonsense now. I hope- and I note your watching the show you are no longer listening to the cdc and you should not you don't. Listen to me, you should make whatever choices are right for you and your family and everything else. I can tell you. I got two kids downside as both of whom are actually a little under the weather right now, David's a little under the weather too. We're running an infirmary here right now and the I'm the only one operating at one hundred percent, so I'm gonna have a crazy day after I finish this there's gonna be a lot of split up. All over me is what it is. That's just fine! I am never putting mask under the idea that you would put a mask on a two year
because that crazy, dishonest blank fill in the bright yourself wants you to do it after all this time, after lying about everything lying about social, distancing and masking, we know now go to sea vs go to greens. Go to the pharmacy of your choice, pick up a box of masks, and you know what it says on the side does not pretty and called it crazy woman. Still, while not reverse telling you she's a lizard. We should have stopped her. We should have stopped her Had been like the end of a splinter mobility, and then you see the penis, ok, here's any sanders at I haven't, played a video. God knows how long it's been with Bernie sanders. I mean it's funny. The revolution just ate that guy he's completely irrelevant he's just this banning socialist before nobody cares about him anymore, but here is burning and suddenly he's very upset about what we
two kids. Now this is the guy who of course loves the teachers union will get to that just a second but he's very upset because they lockets down and of course he was for all the lock bound he left this government there's nothing. The Bernie sanders loves more. government and taking money, so government can do things and he loves middle management and bureaucracy and all that stuff. But now, I know three years later he's upset because yeah a couple of kids are there. Well, the kids are stupid. Now, basically, and then I talk to kids about the isolation they experienced in cope with the disruption, the first on modern history, this country, we all, went to school, so I'm going to go to school. These kids' lives have been disrupted, but didn't get the education that they needed. They didn't see their friends, they didn't play ball into theater and on top of that, the sending worrying about whether the planet is going to be here for them when they are
holder because of climate change, got all of these things on their minds, because they're worried, they're worried the coup was to write better through everybody, better we're all better library, but both go to school and put on the birth to make sure you're, vaccinated and Alberto call. The bathtub wall they're not going to the theater, and I don't I'm not sure, am I doing jackie mason or bernie sanders that trailer schmuck like me on a bullet rock on Bernie. Well, Bernie, this one's, for you here is a picture of you and teachers union. President randy wine garden. You love her yield socialist buffoon. Yes, he was in it with all of these people. What growth, what is the problem. Kids are also dying of heart attacks at increasing rate CBS covered that heart attack debts have become more common across all age groups since the start of the corona virus paint
but a recent study found that young people are actually most at risk in this case, according to cedar Sinai hospital, the number of heart attack deaths among twenty five to forty four year olds. In the u s over the first two years of the pandemic was thirty percent higher than predicted. What can I tell you? I hope to be inject, a whole bunch of young people with all sorts of weird stuff, but we do know what was going on there. We strap weird shit on kids faces, did. We scared the hell out of them about the environment. That was the other by the very moment about the law. Whether my bidding on Prager you about the bravery deficit spending was my third prager. You did oh that's all. We need guys just get over the bravery deficit so that, when woman like well lansky, says something you just laugh in their face and when a buffoon, like birdie, says you have in their base or when randy Weingarten or job
nor any of these people gave pete any of them when they say something. No, you are liars you. All around the lie and I will not participate in the. Why I will no longer participate in the live right. That's the great alexander solzhenitsyn quote like all you have to do to stop. This thing is stop participating in it. People participate in the library, because they're afraid, if you dont, participate in the lie, the thing will come get you in. That might be true to some degree, but you think playing that ever, never ending game of of shaven a little bit of truth off the top. You think that'll save you, I don't think so I don't think so and when you do the right thing. You were rewarded for it around us into it. In florida we do edge Patient, not indoctrination, and so that runs a foul of ours and urging you know many people agree with that and other states. We were just the only ones that had the backbone to stand up and do it because they call
names and they demagogue, you when you do it, but look I'm so sick of people not doing what's right, because their worry that people are going to call them names were doing. What's like you, what's right, but we ll call you names, but then you get results and you end up in this case this case living in a state that is free and flourishing, and in line with your values, bat are you do it to end today's show. I want a circle right back to the beginning. We started by showing you a video from this one world government conference with evil power protein talking about being a master of the euro earth, and all of the horrible things that he will do you people, but then they ugly,
escaped in elon, musk and elon musk was an addict. What they are sure to notice is called the world government summit, but I think we should be baby a little bit concerned about actually becoming too much of a single world government and if I may say that we want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having frankly, this may sound a little odd too much a cooperation between governments. Do you know if, if you look at paper at history and the rise and fall of civilizations, and that that really all throughout history civilizations have risen and fallen, but it hasn't meant the doom of humanity as a whole, because they've been given all the separate civilizations that were separated by great distances. So I think we want to be a little bit cautious about being too much of a work of a single civilization, because if we are too much
single civilization than if you were, if the whole the whole thing may collapse, it would not be good if the whole thing collapsed. Now, there's an awful lot of reasons that some of the people in charge right now are worthy of a collapse, but I don't want to deal with the residual fall out of that collapse, and elon is right when they want one world government. Well, if you have one structure above all of us, then some shit goes down over there, and it's gonna hurt you over here. So again we should be reverting back to the way humans lived for literally thousands of years where you depending on your family and your community and thing. Was local and that's not to say technology is all evil and it's not to say that there is no way for governments. Of other will certainly of states to work together on things and then countries to work together on things and all of that stuff. But some is very wrong about this thing, so it's quite beautiful that that conference ended with
elon, basically putting a poop on the entire thing, because he happens to be the richest guy in the world. Who is fighting for free speech and fighting for the ability for nations to exist, for purpose other than just giving our over to Klaus schwab and those other people. Folks, that's our show today I got a postponement, show coming on board. Now, I'm losing it now anyway, this posting We don't know. I would go with both by Joe it's just one thing we do will vaccinate. We both come in and learnt vital pilgrim deprive you could join us roma, the board that low go back and get out. in europe are a. America is a nation that can be defined in a single, were I was the foot
thanks, Into the reuben report you can work. The show live every week day at eleven, a m eastern and eight, a m pacific on rumble locals, and you too, don't worry at a rate review share and subscribe to this point ass. An you can join me for the post game wrap up every day after the show at reuben report that locals dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-18.