« The Rubin Report

Is Mark Wahlberg's Shocking Announcement About LA a Good Sign? | Direct Message | Rubin Report

2022-10-21 | 🔗

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg announcing that he and his production company are leaving California and moving to Nevada; why this is more proof that California is in trouble; how AOC’s town hall became a disaster as her supporters turned on her and began protesting while she responded by mocking them. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Chapter one. This isn't an audio books, but can be the start of a story. Yours every good story starts would be an delta, has a world full of places to start don't keep climbing great, so you're asking oil companies to lower gas prices. Let basically they are going to listen to and administration that is ultimately trying to put them as business. How is
administration trying to put them out of business while they produce fossil fuels, and this president says he wants to ban fossil fuels. The people are Dave Rubin. This is the Rubin report. It's october, twenty first in the year of twenty twenty two, it's a friday, I hope you're ready for a weekend of fun and pleasure and not so much politics. But we know a little bit of pilot speaking today. As always, we are live streaming on, rumble youtube and blaze. Tv subscribe to all of our channels. Why not like really think about it? Why not man kind of woman, whatever you are get to it? He she come on.
Alright do it. We gotta reuben report, local community q and a warrior today, but I do want to do to stories before we get to the questions, because there's some interest things happening in the world. There are moments that are markers that make you go on Maybe there really are trends that most people can't quite see it that are important trends. One of them would be a couple weeks ago, halsey gabert, leaving the democratic party, something the mainstream media. Obviously not gonna pay too much attention do because, because they run cover for the Democrats, hollywood well, hollywood, actor mark Wahlberg and of course you guys know mark wahlberg from while he was in some of the time. Former movies. He was in boogie nights. He was a calvin klein model gimme. Another mark, wahlberg movie, come on get me something what I said, farmers, you're, obviously not paying attention you max pain of the Gaza that one anyway he's an actor
he's leaving Kelly not only leaving Kelly but he's going to a place where he plans on recreating kelly will get to that in a little bit and then we showed you yesterday, just a little tiny bite of this protest at EO sees rally in her home district. The people have absolutely had it with her and she seems to be having some sort of mental breakdown so we'll get to that. It's a lotta fun. But let's start with this mark wahlberg situation so mark Wahlberg who's, a list actor, I'm pretty sure he's got some oscars. He also did that show on hbo. He did on derived you entourage. It was basically based on his life woke. He is getting the hell out of not only california but los angeles specifically, and he went on a tv show, oh to explain why. That is the biggest challenge right there cheryl. As you know, you know every free moment that I have I'm at home. You know, I'm literally, I moved to nevada where, where, after this gubernatorial election, hopefully go to legislation and get a bill passed, we can get tax credits for the state bill
state of the art studio here and make this hollywood to boil want to be able to work from home for many years, to pursue acting and have only made a couple of movies in the entire time that I was there so to be able give my kids a better life and follow or pursue their dreams, whether it be my daughter as an equestrian, my son, as a basketball player, my youngest son as a golfer. You know this. Made a lot more sense for us to go away and hopefully build a studio as well as your she factory and a factor for municipal. So we came here to you, know just kind of give ourselves a new look afresh for the kids and there's lots of opportunity here. Some excite really said about the future lots of opportune de in nevada, not lots of opportunity in los angeles. I love how at some point, when you am so rich and so influential. When he's talking about what his kids he's like yeah daughter, is going to be an equestrian, be a basketball player. What was
other one like baseball players. Are they just like there's something to be said for success and how that it can help the generation behind you? That's that's pretty sweet but in essence he's leaving and he went on to continue to talk about it because los angeles has become a dump. There are high taxes. There are no business opportunities that goes across California. It would be very hard not only to open a studio, which is what he wants to do, but imagine how would you open a brick and mortar store if you were just try to open a sneak restore if you were trying to open? Quite literally anything, you want open a barber shop. How would you do that in los angeles? knowing that they could just bus, three or windows know that you're gonna be taxed. I knowing that they have all the regulations relating to who you're gonna higher and how much you have to pay them in all of those things. So you,
No, when a guy he's gotta be worth, can I get a networth on mark Wahlberg? I know those networth things aren't totally. You know they're not totally on the money, no pun intended, but the guy's probably worth one hundred million bucks or something like that and he's saying hey the opportunities are not here for me and my family. I think that is a real marker of what is going on with probably a lot of hollywood. Celebs lot of people getting out a lot of them are going to Montana. By the way I've been just given some information he's worth roughly. This is just on an internet search, a cool four hundred million dollars
Where then I've got you guys know you're doing all right. Your boss is good. Do anyway. I just thought that was interesting and worth noting and then, of course, let's take it from California to new york, because eo see was given a speech and she's a pre election right now she actually has a contested election and who knows, maybe she won't be in our air much longer she is being protests did at
out of her events lately and she seems to be having some sort, a nervous breakdown bearing laughing at you sound. So people are very frustrated with the sea. I think her own stage, one through like wait, a minute wait a minute. You know you're supposed to help us here in this district, but you ve been for all of these big spending bills, our economies not doing so great to say across the country but right,
here at home you're into all this woke stuff, the woman who was yelling. There was in essence, saying: hey, there's only two gender is male and female, abc NBC, not all about that and people are not happy that she's been voting for all this money for ukraine and escalate the war and the rest of it, and it's like she does going to sit there and she's mocking these people. In the rest of It- and it's like you, know, lady, you have not felt any adversity your life, I I am really willing to put that out there any real adversity. She pretends she's a victim right, she's a progressive, so you have to be a victim, but she has not faced any adversity and certainly no adversity when it comes to defending her ideas right. The mainstream media absolutely loves her. She goes on cnn and you know they they basically hand her candy and just let her do her thing. That's in essence what they do everywhere. She gets on the cover of mademoiselle and cosmopolitan and everything else
if you are a Republican, that's new to the congress that might be thought of as a kind of cool new and find they treat you a little bit differently. Much like my refer as the republican who won the demo seed four hundred years in the border town in texas new york times basically said she was the leader of the new latino or latinx, far right, that's what's going on over there. So when people come and protest her now by the way I am not for protesters interrupting speeches I have been interrupted a gazillion times, there's many videos. I bet if you haven't seen the video that I think it's got millions and millions of views on youtube. Google, reuben university at and of new Hampshire and watch these crazy lunatic students coordinate screaming at me in all of this, and bringing noise makers and everything else. I'm not. For that. I, like peaceful protest. You respect the speaker. Hopefully the speaker will respect you it's why, at every event that I do, I let people who disagree with me come up first, but putting putting aside the sort of the tactics of
These people were doing. I think people have had it and- and it is a o c herself who many times has tweeted- that the point of protests is to make people uncomfortable get in their face right. What did maxine waters say? Get the get in their face, don't find out where they are eating. Dont give them a moment: safety, blah blah blah is what democrat rhetoric has done it now. Common home, the chickens. we are coming home to roost, lady, and I think I I think, there's a chance we're not going to have much much more with her. I think she could lose this election. I think anything is possible. That is how frustrated and sick of the woke people are on that note. Let's get to the Rubin report. Dot local, stockholm, community, curae, hey Boston, better, interrupt this podcast with things that make you go with an me out, better vat affair. service. Mobile veterinary practice brings best in class of at care right to your doorstep. They provide check up,
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but maybe I can find a little more room to expand my life in different ways. So to directly answer your question. Yes, my life feels denser, I guess is the way I would describe it. You know, since you mentioned Jordan, when I was on tour with Jordan, when he would have a particularly good show- and I would always have the best seat in the house right, so I'm just sitting right behind that curtain. So I can not only watch jordan kind of from the side and behind, but I can see the thousand the people at Jordan would walk off stage, we'd, give them a high five or something- and I on a good night, and they were almost they were almost all great, but I just you know on a good night, I would say dirt, Jordan, that show was dense. It felt thick, it felt like you've, gotta kind of move through it and use it effort to get through it as opposed to a thin show. You know like put your finger through a wet paper bag in short, a how my life. You know it feels more dance. I am waken up in the middle of the night. Sometimes there's feedings, there's diaper changes, there's just sitting moments, a certain with the baby smile and knowing that the idea
Is that I'm fighting for, but I really mean the political ideas like trying to be a good person so that this kid, I think of it more in terms glucose now he's of almost ten weeks, so he's really mature? Now? Are you ve, just in but luke as well. It's like I want them to be able to look at me and think there's a good dude, the guy that brought me into the world. One of the guys he's he's a pretty good dude and he's mapped out a way that I can be a good dude. So yeah, I would say my life does feel I feel bigger and more important. I suppose snow says since Stacey abrams is saying abortion is a solution to inflation. What outrageous thing do you think the dems might say next, so in case you missed the show yesterday yeah, this is a thing. It's an actual thing. Stacey Abrams went on television and basically said thing. Women to give birth in essence, is a drain on their pocket book, and this is then causing inflation. I mean it's just so like on,
believable e insane what she sang- and it's just so like. Aren't you truly a death? Call you people that you think how a boarding babies would be a solution to a recession nor it or to make the inflation less like its gross. What's next, with these people, there's almost nothing you can take off the table. What would what could they possibly do that you'd be low boy, really surprised that Democrats did that, there's also nothing, they are endorsing, drag, shows for kids. This is out there. All the time There are videos every day of drag shows with are grown, adult men who dress up like slutty women and say wildly breathings and grab their crotch and a whole bunch of other stuff. Somehow they ve got them. Reading children's book to kids, I'm fairly certain. If you would have said to somebody seven years ago, you know that pretty much every Democrat would be for dread. Shows kids you'd be liked, while you're nuts, and now it's here, so there is almost
nothing that they wouldn't. That would be too crazy for them and that's why they must be stopped and that's why this election is so important, he says. I see your hiring. What are the most important qualities you look for in a candidate. What impresses you the most in a potential job can So yes, right now we're hiring a social media manager and affix designer and and work with things are good here, so we're going to keep hiring and keep bringing on more people first off. If you are social media manager. If you are a graphic designer, if you got some of those skills and you think you want to be part of a team, you can email us jobs at reuben report dot com. The way we do the hiring here is, I have my guys look through the initial batch of resumes. We we already got it. We posted it on instagram locals, obviously, in a couple, so we have to terrorism is already so I have my guys. Look through the initial port make sure these people are roughly qualified and then once we have that sort of rough qualification. I have David
ass near now, Phoenix will or take zoom call with people just shut him up a little bit kind to see how they, if they feel like they fit world for deciding. Does this Person have to be here in miami. Are we willing to do allow this job to be remote? My personal preferences I like having people around, but I'm actually kind open on on this one, because it's not somebody that has to necessarily be in studio with me. But once they clear that round, then they get to me and when, once there with me almost everyone that we hired it's like I just kind want to feel you ride? I just want to feel like. Oh, like the are you really passionate about this? The strike me as somebody that's honest. Decent. Are you going to work hard? Are you going to be reliable? I've said it a couple of times, but I think the best thing that I've done hiring is that everyone that I have around me right now. Nobody screws up anything and if Conor you screw up something on a showed that would be pretty messed up nobody screws up anything like if I ask for something to get done, it gets done nothing Paul's through the cracks like we,
We are. We are tight and airtight tight if someone is in feel and well or someone's gotta go somewhere for copyright. Everyone picks up the slack and we ve been. Something really kind of cohesive here. So I want to make sure whoever we bring in will fit within it, and I also wouldn't want them to be a crazed, woke net job. That's also important usa, you said Dave did you know, you're running a cult, my friend Simply accused me of being consumed by a call for stating opinions, contradictory, darker road, you're my primary new source. I believe that makes you the called leader boy. We should we drink some cool laid today that Very that's very exciting! I what I'm a cult leader! Well, you know the it's a cult of freedom, then I can get on board that call it so weird, isn't it so weird you tell people your basic opinions. I oughta want government involved than that.
Watch hey. I want to have choice for people, whether it's, whether they're going to get injected with things or what school their kids go to hey. I I'd like low taxes, so people could figure out what to do with their money as opposed to a bureaucrat figured out until you're at a cult. It's like we ironically they're the ones that have to be deprogrammed right. We're always talking about deprogramming cult members. Well, unfortunately, the the radical left, the the woke stirs, what the what is the driving force behind the democrat Democrat party has become cult like and we got some deprogramming. I do, since nineteen seventy nine at tire rack, dot com has been helping. People find the right tires for how what and where they drive they sell only the best like the a line of michelin, tyres, test, results, rate, then reviews are there to assist or try to take decision guide to get a personalized higher recommendation tyres too fast and free to you? one of over ten thousand recommended installers in many areas they offer mobile tire. Installation
michelin tyres at tyre rack dot com, Glenn says if Mr Putin gets to a point where he feels he's winning and you are where he feels winning in ukraine won't be possible without acceptable losses. What do you think are the chances of him feeling he has no choice but to order nukes on ukraine and possibly other countries, and if he does give the order, do you think there's a chance? It could be disobeyed and what should the us response be if the worst case happens so first off, I am going to interview, I think we're doing it later today. So it'll be up next week, I'm going to interview David sax, David Texas, tech guy, but he's become one of the most outspoken critics of our policy related to what's going on with russia and ukraine, and I think he's really hitting the right notes and one of the drives. in forces behind hey, let's not get to world war. Three on this, so so, hopefully you'll get some insight. From that interview, I would say to specifically answer your questions. Will first that, would they not listen to him part if he was to order nukes, I guess anything's possible, but
pretty much the way russia works like if you're the one guy who's following orders, your most likely gonna get killed. Let's remember when world war two ended and the nazi regime collapsed? and then they had the nuremberg trials and all these other trials with their putting nazis on trial and error. a I was just follow orders I was just fallen order so that sort of pressure when you know, you're, doing something wrong, but you still do it it's a pressure. We all feel like look at two years ago of it look old way. Man turned on man has been turned on life, like all of its citizens. Turn on citizens. Do I think he would launch nukes. I do. I think that if you pin this, I have been saying this from the beginning: I mean find whatever the First video? I did when this all started you if you take a guy who has nukes and even if he does a bunch, your back stuff, if you don't give him some way to get out of that, some way to save face
he knows what his regime will collapse and then he will be out on the streets where they will be hunting him down. Remember those last days of cadavers where literally people were hunting him down, he was in hiding and then finally, he died as one of the guys chasing literally took a knife and jammed up his ass. I am pretty sure that is not how Putin wants to go down, So would he has chosen this war against the west? He those to invade a sovereign nation. Now he had his reasons. He believes that ukraine should be part of mother. He didn't like NATO getting closer to his borders. Ok, fine, but at the end of the day, if he feels he is truly threatened and there have regime change in in russia which, by an accident he said very early on in any said, would have an armageddon, can't remain leader in all of these crazy things like there. I don't think there is anything he would.
I do in the name of self preservation which, by the way, is how most people would behave. Zionist says I recently saw your excellent interview with conservative israeli podcast. You got it I know you're busy with the babies, but when will you come to Israel? Shapiro has been here quite a bit lately, as has Jordan petersen. Please come for the boys bar mitzvah Y got about thirteen years, but that roughly so I think I can get before then Ben actually just got back. I think he was in israel for a month and half did a bunch of shows there. And Jordan and Ben. Actually they went to Jerusalem together and Jordan is taking a whole bunch of stuff. That's an extension of his biblical series, I'm I'm actually, excited to see that, and I know the georgians wanted to go to Israel for a long long time we were going to extend the turing go into is rather than some of the western european countries and then just things got a little bit messy and some health stuff so didn't happen. But I would love to get back to Israel. I've been invited several times to go to some conferences. I think and twenty
when he three we're gonna do I'm embroidery. I know worrying the plan stages of a european tour that will include Israel so stay tuned. It will probably have a couple of weeks on the road where we'll talk to political leaders and I'll speak at conferences and we'll do some some comedy stuff and all that good stuff and I'll eat. Hummus and baba ghanoush and the rest of ex house says: hey dave: did you play any on any sports teams growing up and do you think you'll encourage your sons to play on any sports teams? First off? Let me say I told the guys this week. I think one of the reasons I been in such a good mood all week. So you know I blew out my acl seven years ago, plan basketball and I just stop playing I need you felt weak and I just stop playing, and I still regret it because over the last couple weeks I met some guys down here. One of the guys has a full court at his house, and I'm play in every tuesday night couple hours and I were three braces. I wear freakin ace and if I were a sleeve- and I would like the metal like transformers, contraption armine, but on play in again
and I'm playing really well, I'm hit shots. I still. That the finger all like. I can't do everything I used do, but I still regret certain mistakes. If any of you the banged up, something that you should get that surgery on just go out and get it I'm actually getting p r p. I may need that surfing something you know about that. That's when they literally take your blood. They spin it in the centre of huge they inject. That, I think, is the plasma of your blood or the he mobile better something they inject it back into you and your own cells then can replicate and and strengthen the around and whatever part of your body, you put it back and that's what women do the women. I guess men do it to the vampire facial that the kardashians have done. Is that sort thing from gettin that mania can't replicate, may seal, but it can kind of put it together. as one of my main sport as you can tell, and yes, can't. We have a basketball court here. I cannot wait to get those guys out there and justin and luke and well, you know, teach them teach them some moves and how to shoot and all that stuff. I I just can't wait for that
Sherry says: what do you do when life is too crazy or stressful, or you find yourself in a panic or your frozen in the face? have some problem? You know, as you guys know, my my general temperament is kind of cool and I think a lot of stress related things come from your temperament. Some people burn real hot. Some people, kind of cool are some people in the middle, but people that run cool. You still you're still going to be faced with stress right, like I've had financial stresses in my life, I've had familial stresses all the stuff that everybody has and one thing that I try to do. If I, if I'm really stressed out, I really try the first time I tried to stay away from my phone for a little while because this thing, which was supposed to make us more social, has usually made us far more anti social anti anxiety written, but if I'm stressed or if I'm just trying to work through a problem like if I just if there's just something going on, I find just a simple walk. I know that
may sound corny or not that insightful, but I find it I'll just grab clyde. I usually do with clyde and I'll just take a walk for awhile, and you know it's funny, I'm I don't have a great sense of direction and if I don't have my phone, I can still get lost in my new neighborhood here, like it's kind of very a lot of trees everywhere at some of them, don't even know where I'm going. I just wander wander wander that that kind of works. For me, I think just taking a couple of breaths like little tiny, simple, simple things, work and yeah I'd be interested in hearing how you guys deal with stress, because this is a it's like a bizarrely stressful time, even though there's so much goodness and so many advancements that we have. But everyone feels stress, well, because the endless war that's going on in our pocket. Hippy says dave. I know how you feel about star wars, but I need know how you feel about the lord of the rings. I have never heard you mention it and I'm curious to know if you're a fan. I don't love lord of the rings,
you loved the wave. What's the thing with you love them, are you hate them or you think? What what is it? You love it so connor loves lord of the rings. I hold them in high regard when it comes to. Committee in and movies what it where's you where you stand on lord of the rings phoenix not into it to very dismiss it. The way you did that you don't care for it. What do you like you do you like the harbour, not lord, of the rings, whenever that's the same thing: man hobbit, you got a little guy with a hairy foot and a bunch of budgetary spreads just, never loved the movies I dont know. I am also one of these people where it's like to me. It's like you, gotta pick seinfeld or france likewise to I'm seinfeld. star wars, lord of the rings and star wars. Despite what they've done, you know what I mean, I can't I can't You know you could say to me you like. Do you like Joe me or chicago journey, obviously That's just how I operate. So very I don't I don't hate it, I don't love it.
Cable anymore, but I will say back in the day when I had cable and border it would be on t n t a lot. It was the type of thing that I could just stop. You know you're, always when you just like flipping over the old days flipping. the channel. I don't do it anymore cause I don't have cable, but back in the day for you, kids, you may not know this. We used to have cable tv that had commercials and during the commercials, you'd be flipping to find something else, because, god forbid, you sit there and not actually pay attention. Think for a moment, so I'd be flipping out. If I found lord of the rings, it was one of the things I could stop and also Shawshank Shawshank. on, and you always tab, I jus pennies, that's what he says with two daddy's with the same name. What will your boy boys call each of you so right now, although the kids are not talking yet, but I have a feeling: justin is going to be an early talker cause he's making all sorts of crazy Sounds already I'm going to be dead David we'll be back. I was Also we had many discussions about it
and we'll see I mean if they start calling us different things or opposite things. Whatever will we'll figure it out I could also go down as big daddy, because blanche is for during the golden girls was big daddy and what I've been doing. My georgian accent on the show its based a little bit on big daddy. I do declare, I could also could have also been pops I was really ok would be an pops because pops to me the old guy at the basketball and then there is it like nine kids playing and they need one guy. Then pops is sitting there under the tree, maybe we get a lemonade and then I give pops you ought to play and pops gets out their impact and still do some stuff. Then pops tells the stories of you know that kid's love to hear about old basketball players that they ve never heard of kids love here and that sort of thing. So I could have been pops, but I was told botz tool a new york times best seller in international sensation. Why we sleep preeminent neuroscientist and sleep expert. Matthew. Walker is a fast
and dive into the purpose and power of slumber bill gates calls it important in fascinating, it's your copy of this revolutionary exploration of sleep. Examining how affects every aspect of our physical and mental? Well, being why we sleep by Matthew on sale, now Michel's as Dave. My third grade catechism class talked about places on earth where we are in awe, yellowstone, guadalajara, colorado and about taking a moment to say thanks. Where was the last place? You went that left you in awe and wonder this when I know for sure a few times that we ve gone off the grid, we have been fortunate enough to go to bore a boar, is in french polynesia. It's these little islands. You ve all seen pictures of them that there is basically nothing there, but those huts over the water. It's not cheap. Like it's worth
saving up in trying to get there you most likely, depending on where you're coming from, have to take several flights and pass and definitely boat rides as well like it's an operation to get there, but we, who are sitting in one of these units above the water, and you can see all the fish these gorgeous huge, extraordinary, efficient shark, sometimes right below you could some of the sum of the units have glass bottom floors and when you wake up- and you know you- ve- got your glass and for new open those doors and you're on your porch. You got coffee maker in your room and you're having coffee just lay in there, and you might be naked just saying
and you're just lay there and all you see as the horizon. You just see water forever and then at the edge of the water. You see the sky and it is so peaceful. It is so wonderful. I miss it. I miss it. Obviously we didn't do it. This august we had we had a baby, but I do hope I can get there again at some point like it is just so magically like you feel, like you feel like you're, at the edge of the universe. You know like what is beyond that. What is beyond doubt over there? It's just this. Just awesome love says now that rumble has gone pub. do you think Joe rogan would consider switching his program to rumble. Please make him a deal or make him a deal. He can't refuse. Well, as you guys know, I was I was I offer him one hundred mill. I wrote that the press release to either the request that it's a him and and and he did not take it, he was he's still under a deal with spotify. You can't just walk and the spotify deal and told us, whereas probably two or three hundred million, when you add up a whole
two things look rumbles in the game. Now we are a public company. We got plenty a cash we'd love to have Joe. We would have any of his episode censored, you know. Spotify still has. I think it's about a hundred episodes of his show that are censored not on spotify. He could bring them all to rumble I think we just have to keep building good things. I am just a firm believer in that. If you build it, they will come and if you just do good work, you build good things and then you show people hey. We have a set of principles. We've got a good product. Are decent people come on down? I think people will will come so yeah. If I, if I connect with Joe again, I am happy to make the offer in person and- and we shall see, I think it would be a wise move for him. I dont think, although our podcast is also on spotify, like spotify, has made it clear that free speech is not be that The prime driver of what they do rumble as accompany free speech is the thing you are allowed to come on rumble and make videos, but I don't like Dave, reuben and say all sorts of meaning.
about me or whatever you want to do again. If you break the law as the united states. As I always say, you got a much bigger problem than us But beyond that we are. We are here to be neutral platform, which I think is exactly what everybody wants elisa says. Do you think that the trend of democrats refusing to debate there republican opponents was a plan strategic move by the democratic party power players to avoid having to address their horrible record on every issue. That's a good question because it is a common top or bottom up to the main example of what you're talking about is that katy hobbs in arizona, is refusing to debate, carry lake and carry lake really, I think if anyone has become the all star, the superstar politically during this election, season? I think it's her more than anyone else, she's getting the mainstream media. She used to a journalist, she's fact based she's, obviously very pretty she's, a great tb presence. She gets it. She gets it and she's there and she's fighting she's challenging her too
two debates and katy out is hiding katy ives like while we have thirty days left and I got some fun, razors and and she's just got nothing left to me. If a major critical party says: hey you're, our guy or your our meaning, a report if the party says it or a Democrat says it you should be tied into debating, you cannot duck a debate at that point. Right like it just should not be allowed. However, the system has to operate to make that so how embarrassing to like How dare katy hobbs, if you think about it. I am here to run this state, that's what I would like to do. You citizens. I would like you to vote for me, so I can run this states or I can figure out. I can be the chief executive and figure out the best way for hours oda go forward, but I won't ask or answer any questions that my opponent gives me and I won't just stand there.
And honestly come back this person's ideas. I just won't do that, but you should just trust that I'm going to do the right thing when I'm in power it's it's, it's really embarrassing, actually as to whether it's coming from her specifically or her campaign and or the top down it might be a little bit of both. It might depend on the race, it might depend on the state. I don't know exactly, but it should not surprise any of us and I suspect it will be a trend that will continue. Which, by the way was it, was a clever move in them? Always calling us all racists and nazis, because if there was a racist and a nazi, would you debate them and that's kinda? What she's trying to say here? I don't have to debate that person that person's an election denying crazy white supremacist blah blah blah- maybe not maybe not lynn, says since the cdc is going to add coated vac, to the list of required childhood shots. Will Florida buck the trend in refuse? Yes, I order. I saw a video this morning Nor can we lay in a little bit of it. I wouldn't lay in a little bit about right now, there's been a lot of questions
These are two our office about. the cdc protected for potentially adding cove iD vaccine. Into the childhood immunity. patient schedule and I know a lot a pair We are concerned about that because, if that's on the immunization schedule, the fear is that schools could potentially mandate your child to get a covert shot. Even at that It's something that you want to do so I just want to let everyone be, and as long as I'm around and all as long as I'm kicking and screaming will be no covert shot mandates for your kids. That is your decision. Then, does makes me proud to be a floridians or what god bless wrong to say that this is just absolutely fantastic.
What he is doing here and if that means we need to see more and more of a separation of red state and blue state, and these states just have to go their separate ways. I am actually completely fine with that. The idea that you would trust the cdc at this point to inject things into your children as a new father is so profoundly it's just off the charts. For me, it is off the charts. What are you gonna do you're gonna come get me now I live. I live in the free state of florida, I make decisions for myself and my family very proud to be a floridian, and in case you didn't know that I will I'll be going to the the florida debate in a couple days. There is war in the gubernatorial debate. It is ron de santis, verse, Charlie Crist, and it's going to be a bloodbath in santa's, his favor, so I will be there I'll see if I can do some live streaming and certainly will take some pictures and videos and that sorta
Elizabeth says at the end of your career, which is hopefully a long time from now, because your awesome, what are you hope, you'll be remembered, for? I think it would be something like he tried he tried to bring a little bit of sanity in a very insane world, like, as everyone went nuts and every, but he just made politics. Everything at people try to destroy each other and everything else for whatever MR eggs he made or predictions he made that were wrong or whatever that he tried to tell people that
there are good ideas out there and he tried to shine some light on those good ideas and help people understand you don't have to just rely on other people and governments for help. You have something within you that is special and worthwhile, and I think my life is an example of it. I just started saying what I thought and the next thing you know I have. I have virtually everything I want in my life like there's something there, as I discussed with bill Maher like that's the universe. The universe is out there and you can grab some pieces of it and put together something that is pretty close to what you want in life. I really believe that every single one of you watching this there's something you want to do in your life. Whatever that means does it mean you want to be a great parent? Does it mean you want to be a tech entrepreneur? Does it mean you want to be a soccer player? Well, you know what, if let's say whatever you want it to be. If you wanted to be a great basketball player, I would love to be in the nb and I don't really care
it'd be any more, but I would have loved to have been a professional basketball player like that was not in the cards, but I still love playing basketball. You gotta just find some stuff you like and go for it go for it and then you start building a family and a community around you and you can change the world. I really really really believe that you can. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you have a great weekend if you have not subscribed already. Please do at rumble dot com, slash rubin report and you can always join us for live chat and much more we report that locals dot com- and we leave you with that- I haven't said anything about- although I did say something about cali today and they put a cash in the jar cause. I ran out of cash, I got I got this whole thing. But I ran out of cancer. We gotta get some more cash, but we leave, with a cold closed. This is back in two thousand and seven when evil soul is lizard person who, at the time was the mayor of san Francisco, Gavin newsome had to apologize for an affair
who is having with his secretary, who is also the wife of his deputy chief of staff. We supposedly was friends with anyway he's a horrible person have a nice weekend. Thank you for coming here and short notice. What it make it clear that everything you ve heard and read. It is true, and I am deeply sorry about that? I have heard someone I care deeply about alex turk, his friends and family, and that is something that I have to live with and something that I am deeply sorry for I am also sorry that I've, let people in san francisco down. They expect lot of their mare and my personal lapse of judgment aside, I am committed to restoring their trust and confidence and we'll work very hard in the coming months
to make sure that the business of running the city is framed appropriately I also want to extend a personal apology everyone in our administration to mice that I just met with to my feet. and my family members. I am deeply sorry Thank you guys were turning into the reuben report. Direct message were alive on rumble blaze, tv and youtube. Every week day at eleven, a m eastern asia, pacific, don't yet to review, share and subscribe to this podcast and if you're lucky for early and exclusive content. You can join me on locals at reuben report that locals dhaka.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-19.