« The Rubin Report

Dave Chappelle Stuns Crowd by Giving His Honest Feelings About Trump | Direct Message | Rubin Report

2022-11-14 | 🔗

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Dave Chappelle’s honest assessment of Trump supporters, and Donald Trump during his stand-up monologue on SNL; Piers Morgan getting Jordan Peterson’s honest thoughts about Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis; Fox News’ Trey Gowdy talking about a potential Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott ticket in the 2024 Presidential election; “The View’s” Ana Navarro joining the election deniers by saying that Ron DeSantis cheated; NYU history professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat telling MSNBC’s Ali Velshi that Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are running laboratories for autocracy; ”Morning Joe’s” Joe Scarborough blaming “right wing” polls for why mainstream media got the 2022 midterm elections so wrong; Nancy Pelosi telling CNN’s Dana Bash how the midterm elections were connected to the attack on her husband Paul Pelosi; Joe Biden’s response to a reporter telling him how voters don’t want to see him run for reelection in the 2024 presidential election; White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre being convinced that midterm voters were mostly motivated by their support of the Inflation Reduction Act; Blake Masters telling Tucker Carlson how Mitch McConnell sabotaged many Republican candidates; Glenn Youngkin responding to Donald Trump’s mocking him: and much more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Chapter one, this isn't an audio books, but it can be the start of a story. Yours every good story starts with being, and delta has a world full of places to start dealt keep climate. What's the other thing we know about this population and its specific phase of life. Remember age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population? Eighteen through twenty four? They are stupid. The That is why we put them in dormitories and they have a resident assistant, really bad decisions, our people we are from the swamp. That's right! I'm in wash in d c,
still day reuben. This is still reuben report. It is november for it. Monday november fourteen twenty two too. We are lives, women, as always on rumble youtube and blue see they subscribe. If you have not, and yes, we got on a plane, I put the team plain from the free. state of florida this morning and we we actually just arrived last two hours or so here in d c, and we are doing a couple days worth of shows. So there were obviously respect time today, three p m by tomorrow, wednesday, will be back to our normal eleven a m time slot and we're gonna be doing some live. Shows I've got a couple meetings, we're gonna, be due in interviews which are still material. I think on the fly at the moment, but I know we have senator TED crew Senator ran Paul. We got congressmen, byron, Donald's. I think we might as marcia blackburn couple. Other people, I think, are on the way. Oh Jim Jordan, I'm gonna be sitting down with him a little bit later today, congressmen
Jordan a josh holly. We got. We got basically like an a list. All star team of people too, talk about what just happened. I mean everyone is still trying to make sense. What happened last week? Clearly wasn't the red wave does look like the report begins all at least get congress, although that's a little bit up in the air, in speaking of up in the air, we still don't even have results from Arizona which is riches banana republic type stuff like acceptable, no matter which weighed goes at this point. It's just unacceptable I'd, have results really within the day of the and we're gonna have to deal with all that, but The aim of the show today really is: let's make some sense of this thing, and what Do we do going forward- and you know, should we have fun, poles or not followed poles who got some stuff right, who got some stuff wrong and and what is the few sure of let's say them, as I would say, the sort of bread, conservative movement, because it Thriving in some places right, it is free,
Thriving in florence, right. It's doing really well in texas in tennessee and south dakota an eye, or there are places where this is working, but there places that seeming we want to go just bluer and blue, blue, or so we're gonna, get all that one little just sign up, I I saw on the way here as we were walking over and I was looking at the twitter first of all. I should tell you also there's no people in DC. I dunno where everyone is. I there are just it's like a what complete ghost town actually daphne and I were walking over to the studio, and we didn't see anybody and then finally, we were walking under a bridge, and there was this massive, like homeless, encampment under the bridge, so we were kind of like, as there are another way to go around, but we were like we gotta get there we're gonna walk by the cabinet this guy pops out of a tent, like we kind of jumped a little because it looked like he was like coming right out of things. I know no dude, I don't want your money. I just want your jacket. He just wanted. My jacket can have the jacket I have work to do.
anyway. We are here in DC the the split between the red and the blue is very, very obvious and we are in the swap, try and make some sense of it. Oh and also I will be on TIM pool's tim cass tonight, at at eight p m, Ok and the one thing I want to tell you what I saw something right before, which was that You work in the last couple years has lost around five hundred fifty thousand people. You take the last few years, but nevertheless, it hopeful only one the electrical release elden, who she was supposed to crash. I really do think we had a chance. He made it very close new york flipped, a bunch of Who congressional seats reds as XL did at the top and take it did a heck of a job? I think he's got a bright future, but he, only lost to her by about three hundred and fifty thousand votes? So if you fact, when the amount of people that fled the more people and then the margin of error, the margin of loss for lease. So it tells you how the the red in the blue perhaps are just can
yet further and further apart, that might be kay? Anyway, we got a whole bunch. You talk about. Let's start with. I can't believe it. I don't from that often savareen. I live, which used to be a comedy, show the not ready for prime time players used. comedy show on NBC for many years has been on for about maybe fifty years. At this point you stop some great star comedians anyway Dave Chapelle was the host this week. You guys know day chapels men fighting the woke. He is actually a politically incorrect comic. I don't agree with thing, the guy says, but he did interesting model where he tried to explain to a new york city, largely liberal, crowd, on a show where many of the writers boycott the show, because he was gonna, be the host he trying to explain what tromp was all about. It was really interesting. This is about a minute and a half. It's a couple parts that are clipped together and why should I lose their that declared the end of the term Beira? Now, ok, I could see our new york, you might believes than of zero.
Why do you don't understand why trump was so popular, but I I get it cause. I hear it every day. It's very loved. And the reason is loved is because people in ohio have never seen somebody like him that first, I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen a white man billion billionaire screaming at the top of his lungs, this whole system is rigged. He said and cross the stage was white woman. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama isn't a way of looking at him like no, it's not as now wait a minute broke is what it the matter is that well was drunk in fact the system is rigged as he suggests, but would be. Your evidence when we say said broke. He said. I know the system is rigged. Because I use it ass- a gun
Then, whenever someone says I'm ned drew out a bunch of text. This man doesn't pay his taxes. He sat right back. That makes me smart. The then said, if you want me to pay- taxes, didn t the tax code. but I know you won't because your friends in your donors, enjoy the same tax breaks, and I do and with that my friends star was born. Ok, so Chapelle goes on and on and word, as I said, we're just showing you a small portion of it. There's some interesting stuff there first at a later point. He says that I'm an I think on the democratic, I'm still a democrat. Now it's interesting, I dont know what makes someone who is Anti woke a Democrat at this point. But ok, he he says, he's a Democrat
I know a lot of you were watching on well Chapelle, your ear just late to the party or making these jokes now, but we saw it then back in two thousand fifteen when he was running against hilary, and he was talking now all of that stuff, in pulling that current back, we saw it while the entire machine, called tromp a racist and a big it, and all of that. So yes, he's he's late to the party, but he is saying that now. So it is worth giving him credit for, Again I don't know what would lead someone like that that gets it if he gets it and he gets how the system I don't know how you could then be with the party that is far more involved with the rigging, which is the Democrats but so be it It does have a strange way of racialized everything like when he makes a point of saying that donald trump was a white man and Hillary cleanse a white woman like I. I don't need any of that stuff it just it, It doesn't really matter, but I do think it is interesting that it is a sort of bursting into the main and there is nothing more main stream and sort of bland there
Sir. I live the idea that tromp was onto something over these past couple years, so why is it worth even mentioning any of this and talking about trump just a few days after the election and it's very unclear to me at least whether trumps endorsements actually helped or hurt people like you, argue. I suppose that he did help. He was in ohio the day before election J d vance, who is his guy? Who was not a trump supporter back into that? Sixteen? He did. We So that's good trumpet also in michigan, but two Dixon lost theres many examples of this doctor oz, big trump guy. He lost so, if a little hard to say what effect, I have actually had on the election. He always wants to take credit for all the good. Pardon and not be included when it comes to the best, but any event, I'm talking about all this, because they are saying it's out there. They are saying people that, I was gonna win out tomorrow night. That's what people say tuesday night this week. The Donald trump is going to announce that he is running
president, in twenty twenty four, it is this has got everybody talking? I don't even know if it's going to happen. It's like I sort of felt- and I mention this last- we like after the elect, and in trying to make some sense of it, like, I think everybody kind it needed a little bit of a break, but there are new fight to be had right. Now there really are like the republicans have to figure out. Which way did they want to go? Do they want to go the trump route? Is there a descent? This route is, can those things be combined? the old route that had nothing to do with either one of those guys and the demo are they bore emboldened now right, they simply no matter what happens with arizona. The Democrats did not get crushed in an off your election. That's rare, other talking about bringing Biden back, there's just like a lot of stuff right now, since nineteen, seventy nine tire rack dot com has been helping. People find the right tyres for how what and where they drive these only the best like the phone line of continental tyres. Testers. Ratings that our views are there to assist or try the tire decision guide to get a personalized higher recommendation. Tyres, shit
and free to you or to one of over ten thousand recommended installers in many areas they offer mobile tire installation shop, continental tie at tire, rack, dot, com doing cardio yesterday, flipping through the youtube and Jordan peterson was on yours morgan's show an peers asked jordan to give an assessment of donald trump, and I think this is worth watching. I thought it was very fair trot. What is he? Is he a narcissist, a sociopath, a psychopath. All of those things. None of them Don't think that he's a psychopath because he's been successful in repeated? prizes over long periods of time, and he has a variety of people who are remaining
hence loyal to him. It's very easy to demonize someone that you don't approve of, let's say and certainly trump has been subject. I would say to more demonization than any political leader in the west that I can remember in my entire lifetime, including richard Nixon. and so that's also setting back on his heels and made him somewhat embattled in defence of which I dont think did any great things for for his personality in some real sense good doctor, I very few analyze things burdening. Let me just reiterate a couple digs, so he said the doktor. Europe, is not a psychopath right. You watch mainstream media. The guy's a psychopath is hitler to blah blah ladys. It he's been accessible where there is no doubt that trump has been successful over long peace, The time in many different businesses he's at many businesses fail to, but he's still standing. The trump name means something right. That's true. He has loyalty, especially with the base? Obviously
what he said there, the other even more demonize than any one, and that that could then have an effect on trumps sort of attitude and behaviour. I thought was very interesting, so they continued to talk about this and then appears organ brought up if there was a better alternative than I'll will try that now, you'll see why I'm connecting all of this to the post election situation that were it? Would you like him to run again, would be good for america. Do that. No, I don't think it would be good for america. What would it be for him to run narrative, that's a difficult question, because it might be that it would be good for america to her. whether or not donald trump should be president's sorted out in the public sphere, debated, intensely subject to an election. So it might be very interesting to see him put him forward on the republican, take it. If I had my brothers- and I say this, I with due care. I would rather see someone like dissenters, step forward who
shares some of that forthright strength. Let's say that characterises try what his best but seems to be a more cautious administrator and less divisive figure. I think that would be better I carefully by toward with the guy that good. I still hear him now and I think that if I could just explain things, the way he doesn't mean. There's it there's a beauty to the way he described these things first off the way he cautions things right like maybe the battle should happen right, like, as opposed to just indicting trump pushing tromp off. The corner ignoring the base? All of those things demonizing half the country? Maybe the guy should run so that the battle could be had out in the open and people can see what the ideas, our seat. People could we see what the tactics are using. Maybe that would be best, but then he is
that there is another guy who, as seemingly much of the upside of tromp on the policies and the ideas and all that and doesn't have, outside is more disciplined, is more competent, etc. So, obviously that is What the scientists and Ronda said this right now is feeling pretty great, because if there was one winner, why don't you say there was one winter? millions of winners, because there's millions of floridians there was one winning state in my opinion last tuesday, and that was florida the guy, not only one by twenty percent, but he flipped districts like miami dade read that should not that no one I could ever go red. He won his last election in two thousand and eighteen by about thirty thousand votes, against the guy named Andrew gilliam, who is propped up by the machine who turned out to be a meth addict. He was arrested at a meth orgy like a year and a half ago de santis has been an app. Salute all star. You guys know my feelings about this at this and what he has done
Here I moved myself and my family and several companies to florida and everything is flourishing. I was about the scientists in florida on fox this will give us a sense because you're a newbie to deplored about how people there are reacting to this outcome. Oh man, it's off the charts. I was actually broadcasting that night about a hundred feet away from the stage the energy in that room was was unbelievable, but really what's happening here in florida. With this twenty point, when is that people have just said enough of that stuff enough of you and you know, encroaching on our children and taken more of our tax dollars and everything else, how bout competent governance- and that is what we have done here- every single level that there is such incredible energy in this state right now, their building houses everywhere there redoing roads. People obviously don't have state income tax. There is a feeling that our education system will work better because we're pushing the woke stuff out descent.
Is basically doing exactly what everyone asks. Politicians to do, give The room to live our lives as we see fit and then pick those those brief moments where the government has to do something he's doing it brilliantly well, and I think that was the best speech he has ever given he's he's. Deputy into the moment, and that's why he's getting so many attacks by the way at the moment, because people are realising this is this? Is the real deal going? So let me address a couple Is here so everyone in the media? The last couple of days is there that you can feel it. You can feel it and you can see it, and you certainly can hear it. They are salivating. They are chomping at the bit for this trump to scientists, fight right, because if you are part of the establishment, if you're a Democrat, if you're big tech, and your corporate press. What would you love to happen? You would love for the two guys that are the big to republicans to trash each other, destroy tat make everything so raw and so scorched and
earned and shrivelled and with nothing left that whoever makes it to twenty two? Twenty four is completely hampered with a broken base and everything else now. I hope that that does not happen. That being said, I do agree with jordan sentiment that it might be best if the fight happens publicly again, I don't know if dissenters wants run, I know the guy Freakin loves florida, but it does feel like it's going in that, erection a little bit and and again I voted for trump. I like trump, I like his children, I think he's he was a fantastic president, but they all have plus minus it's right. So, like one of trumps, major minuses, I think right now putting aside the personalities four indictments or anything else. One is that he has for sure is, can, bring in new voters, right, A look round. People know who trump is so: is trunk gonna, bring it whole bunch of new young voters that are first time. Voters.
Probably not. Maybe there could be some, but what does trump do for sure if trump jumps in a certain amount of people? who just wooden vote probably will vote against the rights of maybe five million people? I don't know what the number is right, so he has. May have already hit his ceiling and we don't know how low before can go so that the main issue around him de santis, me doesn't have many drawbacks. They have to have it out. I would hope and This is if anyone from the trunk campaign is watching this or that decide this campaign, but this is more to the trump people. It's like dissenters, has accomplished everything. The here covers everything here in florida that you wanted accomplish with a nation. He kept the place open. The account he is thriving. Everything is working and chugging along. He fought the woke in the most efficient possible way. Got it all out of our schools. Are elections are safe? He did all things so trump carefully beat him on power I see what trump can do and he any absolutely can do this and he is better than to santa set this in peace, probably better than anyone.
Because, in essence, is in some ways he's he's a sort of crowd working stand, a comic trump might be able to ring in all the dirt and me get really nasty and make it not about policy, but about a bunch, a whole bunch, other things so that he could ascend to the presidency. It is possible he could do that, I would hope he would not, and I think he would end up turning off a whole bunch of people. but we're going to really see people go into their two camps, and I was thinking you know so much of what we see in politics. I often described as K, bright k a why. If a b e google it. If you don't what it is. It is the idea of professional wrestling that we're we're all watching, prefer wrestling. We know it's scripted yet we're having honest human reactions to it. and that's in some ways where politics has become its. This seemingly scripted thing happening right in front of us. Well, I don't think the story. the script, for whoever is writing. The script has to be necessarily dissent, is destroys, tromp or trumped. Assert destroys decide this. You know it
If it would happen in the w w back in the day, I can only give you references from rustling in the round nineteen eighty six in Jake, the snake roberts and so I Jim Dugan killing each other in the ring? Sometimes they would team up and they fight andrade, the giant wrap ale santayana, how is that see you see what I did there, so maybe these guys can team up. I think anything is possible, we'll see what happens, but the other peace that sits with all of this is that, because the scientist has done things so well in florida, there there not really able to figure out what to pin on him right and and What I can tell you guys Florida is the blueprint. It is the blueprint I'm proud and happy to live in the place. Is the blueprint, and I know that the people in the other control room right now. Our are as well game track knows that you want to be the coolest mom ever in order to do that, you need to plan a memorable party experience for your kid here's what you have to do
quest to date and time on game trucked outcome book your party with one of their party experts, then they'll show up and get the kids playing the games they love together since stressing about finding the right party option and put your party today, a game truck dot com there is few people that live in Florida that are not happy with the blueprint. One of them is the views anna varro, who will the cnn contributor. Of course they can you on what our reservations on the view and see it, and it's a lot anyway. How did the same dissuaded because he did everything that floridians asked now it's not because that is because he games see, I told you what he was going to win bigley, mun, listen run santos, barely one in twenty eighteen by thirty five thousand votes by the skin, of his teeth against a black progressive little known may from tallahassee forward it didn't you Today he won by twenty percentage point. Why because he game the system, because here,
fr in florida into an on level playing field. They changed election loss, making it harder to vote by male. They paraded a bunch of people, black people that they arrest then, for about voting fraud and paraded them in front of national media. Created an election police. Okay through a nonsense. of all your literally basically, the only person saying that there were any shenanigans there. So many shenanigans to really talk about. If you want to talk about election irregularities and what's going on in arizona right now- and you want to talk about- of the early voting and you wanna talk about mail in ballot, and you want to talk about drop boxes and all these things, but no We know nobody serious in saying that there is anything wrong with the election here in florida So I am not even going to give her much of that, but he came the system. It's just not right
He did. Was he tighten the rules so that everyone actually had that an idea vote and most people did show up and then, by the way I mentioned it last week when the hurricane hid he did loose in some of the male imbalance stuff in early stuff, so the people would be able to vote because they were dealing with their own tragedies houses that were gone and all sorts of stuff nothing racist, they're not coming for the gaze here. It's all just nonsense, but what The mainstream media do, of course, of course. Of course they have to make you fear everything: here's a tweet from fox or maybe get a bother showing you, the as NBC panel, but this was great MSNBC had a panel where republican, controlled, texas and florida labelled laboratories of talk crazy by a worried, MSNBC panel, so that he's gonna be the new move that they aren't on mainstream media. They will constantly be telling you that floor is not free, it's an autocracy or its fascistic or that's. What's happening in texas
and some of these other red states- and it's like the proves in putting you- can come here- nobody's leaving an and of our lives in miami anna. I know it's like it, that in your twitter. By on that out in you, you live in miami that just got for bread. Why don't you leave like? Why don't you leave? I think we know why? Don't you are enjoying the taxes? And you know it's actually pretty good let's continue those lines. As I mentioned, the televised mental institution of MSNBC. Here's scarborough, explaining that it was right wing pulling that was off on all this stuff like This is propaganda. Why? you putting this, and I really think it threw off a lot of people in the media. They followed does right wing garbage faults. Ok, so. We followed right wing garbage paul's. Now, first off everybody was expecting the red wave. There were almost no counter voices that, and what did I tell you every time I too, I think every time like sometimes I repeat, myself entered into nausea everytime. I set a pole. I would say I dont, really trust poles,
hard to gauge, what's going on here with poles, but we somewhere right wing garbage poles, we did our best. Really really did our best to go with a cross section of polling, so we did make silver is five? Thirty, eight its lefty, like he's at obama guy? That's not a right wing garb! Paul real, clear politics that the I usually use. That's a centrist polling as you. Boss. We get we used pop pew. where's in these are the most reputable polling operation. Our outfits out there, so the question is where they are were they all wildly wildly wrong did Something really go on with all of these drop boxes and early voting in all of this stuff, like what the hell's going on in arizona or Is it really that a certain amount is what I said on the show? I think I was on friday, like a certain amount of people, no matter how bad it gets. No matter whether the economy's crashing and we're in this bizarre war in ukraine and the supply chain.
and and oh you were locked in your house and they forced you to inject stuff and you got fired from a job. They just want more. They just want more that the republican brand, the alternative brand is just so bad, and the question is, if that's true, does that have something to do with trump? These are all the things that we got a kind of figure out now right. We had a figure these things out, but them here has been reacting to the to the mid term elections and they trotted out house speaker, Nancy policy she's at least how speaker for now will have a better sense of that in a couple days to talk about a pray. and elections, or something like that again, the waste as a cloth and reaches, but that we don't For that reason, I was at grow up weapon. I got family, we don't pray for the victory, but you pray that god's will will be done on that sunday that we pray on this. What what
We don't pray for a victory, but would primarily by the little. Why can't Democrats speak? Why has it become sort of the mainstream democrat position to be unable to complete a sentence? Clearly, this is Joe by This is nancy policy with her dentures falling out. This is John fetterman, etc. So she doesn't pray, but she kind of praise political family, maybe she's, praying blah blah blah. then she made a very she had a very bizarre response. When she was asked a question about her husband Paul policy who was assaulted. You may remember: assaulted, naked guy hammer unclear who, got in how we got in the glass was broken, not inside the house but outside like nobody knows exactly what's going on, but everybody Hillary Clinton, it was right wing crazy.
People that did this in a omar, the rest s an use it for their own political percinet purposes. Energy policy was asked about Paul and well try to make some sense of this asking about your husband, Paul how's. He doing. well. Thank you for asking of mourning each day takes us closer to recovery, it's a long haul, but he's doing well comforted by the good wishes and especially the prayers of so many people throughout the country. We thank them all for that and again so many said, I'm I'm what be sure to vote, because this has gone too far. Ok So something to do with voting. This has gone too far. Ok, that's your husband are right, that's just fine then she was asked whether Biden should run again and now. This is the interesting one, because everyone knows Biden is breaking down he's at a climate summit. Right now in Egypt and his teller,
after stuff was a legendarily bad. I didn't even want to show it today. It was just like too much. I couldn't even deal with it, but the guy is breaking down. It will be a miracle if he gets to the end, but Nancy's all You think present binding sure on again. I guess I do of course have buying has been a great president for a country he has accomplished. So my youth, great president, look at the end of the day because we didn't get the red wave. A certain amount of people must believe that right, have, I always say we all have our blind spot where we're all sort of cordon off in our own little echo chain is, to some degree I do my best not to be in that, especially when I'm sure with you guys in the local community. I know a very proud of the fact that my audience tries to get counter information and find out some other things. We don't get all last night, but we do have to accept that certain amount of people, no matter how ridiculous we think Biden is
no matter how mentally compromises or bad his policies are or how radical. But the woke left her on that certain people again do want it that there are certain states, the idea, Someone could live in Michigan. having been locked down and told not to plant seeds in their yard and all of the stuff there gretchen Whittemore did and more than fifty percent of the people voted for again. to accept that these are realities we may not like them to be realities, but this this x chairman of the united states of america is splitting to a degree and, as you know, that is federalism in that it's okay, it makes it sound like all you want, is a session and you want civil war and all of those things. No, I want the states to operate the independently, in the end, the federal government to be neutered enough to not bother the states and I'm saying that hearing DC were embrasure. They can take me out when I walk outside usually they don't hit the guide to trying to take out a hit, the other guy so worth not great for that great, for you guys
anyway, Biden was asked if he is going to run again, twenty twenty four, obviously a lot of attention on twenty twenty. Four. Now that the votes have been cast in the mid terms, two thirds of americans and exit polls say that they don't think you should run for reelection. What is your message to them and how does that factor into your final decision about whether or not to run for reelection dozen? What your message to those Watch me yeah, we do what you do we do and from a big, an objective. Situation, you're not doing a very good job, but again I get believe you get it it's hard to track because of poles that make no sense and big tax, making us all crazy and all that stuff. I guess a certain amount of people do Why do you go my god? Joe Biden knows what he's doing it seems like. He really is due at good and it seems like they might think that their democrats,
are doing good. I guess maybe because people are taught basic, math and basic logic anymore they see their all their bank accounts going down. They see the value of the dollar going down and they somehow think that's kind of good. Here's, our black list, press secretary, green, jean Pierre, explaining why republicans loss than nonsense republican candidate said they have top. Priority was undoing inflation reduction act, which would raise purse crispin jobs which would raise energy costs and also health care costs, and so they were very clear on how they were going to lay out ways that it would hurt the economy, worsen inflation in order this lady look. The inflation reduction act was called the inflation reduction act because you have to call something: that's not good. You gotta give it a good name and what it was was a giant spending bill that did not reduce inflation, but it said reduction act. So a lot of people think so the republicans, though I'll get the devil is due.
The Democrats, the republicans, obviously didn't, communicate a better alternative right there obviously didn't because enough people somehow didn't think that if we could just get these People outta here who are endlessly spending if we could just maybe give the power to the other guys and just see what happens enough? just didn't want to do that. So what do you do? what do you do? Well, I like finding solutions right, it's how we always em they show we like to find so you shouldn't, even when I'm here in this house, not a place of tremendous solutions, although I do have to say the studio yours now, ass, dick and the people of all been great it's not a place of solutions, but I believe in sicily solution. So what would a couple solutions be? Well, one would be that we take back and crush the ins to change that have so manipulated us, so that so many of us are living in different worlds because we believe, while We wildly different things I thought marco Rubio my new, my ongoing senator right here, right back home in florida
had a great commentary on how remarkable it is actually that republicans doing despite everything But I think we also have to understand something I mean literally, every everything in our society and culture is aligned against republicans. It's a miracle republicans win anywhere. Every virtually every major tv and media outlet in america is against us all: the celebrities, all the movie actors. I mean you name it. It's just constant, the tech companies The list goes now major american corporations, so it's amazing, the republicans or even competitive, much less when they seats. Look, I think we're gonna win the house worth reiterating our first up. It does look like republicans going to win the house by a very, very slight majority, but the broader point there that all of the cultural norms have been against us big tech and tell him in and music and all of the staff movies. All of it and as andrew bribery said, politics is downstream from culture. So we have been fighting this massive thing in an just if you're paying any.
jim beyond what I do on the show to what's going on with you on twitter he's Supposing a lot of the nonsense and he's firing, people left and right, because we have been manipulated in crazy ways. So the idea that Europe, as as Ruby says the idea that republicans are competitive, that these three We are so close despite one side having everything against it, doing all the vote trickery beforehand as they do in democratic states, it's actually play remarkable and that should give you a lot of hope actually there are more of us than there are more freedom, loving people and people that are proud of the flag and to be americans, and all that saw case we have to take back some of these institutions, these cultural and tech. In but I would also see number two. We have to be a united, I could say party I want to say movement because it's not about a party right like I happened. Registered as a republican in florida, but I dont consider myself. I certainly don't consider myself like a standard republican or even a standard conservative, but a movement. A wide move
of all sorts of freedom, loving people who can our about, like a driver's licence, is at the libertarian end and can argue about saying, sex, marriage or whatever else, but all agree that we want to live in amerika. We believe in individual right. We believe the founding is good. That's what we must do and then, from a party perspective, you have to support good candidates. Blake masters, it does look like he's going to lose. I don't think he's officially conceded yet, but it does look. It's a damn. Shame cause he's a he's, a good man. He has a. He has a bright future in front of him for sure but it does look like he's: gonna lose in arizona. He was on tv talking about how the republican machine did not help them enough at best. Just incompetent. But you know what else. It's incompetent tucker the establishment right. The people who control noted the purse strings Senate leadership fund mitch. Otto Mcconnell decided to spend millions of dollars attacking a fellow republican in alaska. Instead of helping me defeat, senator mark Kelly,
had he chosen to spend money in arizona. This race would be over we'd, be celebrating a Senate majority right now to look at like to think it's all about money, but a lot of it is about money and we need an apparatus, let's say again broadly on the right: it's not about purely republican or something but an apparatus that is focused and efficient and all those things that is using money. Well, I don't think we have that at the moment and I think more where people are realising that after this election, so waits sorry with an excellent were, but the thing for us for justice ex article. for number. Three, though, on my list of how we're gonna fix this thing, we need measured and competent leaders who we can trust right. Ok and here's where I have to hit trump on something because trump sent out a couple post on truth, social and it's like he could comment on the election
say hey! This is what went wrong. This is what went right these with the ideas we stand for. This is what they stand for. People didn't come round. I would have liked the way I would have liked, but instead he's got back to some his old stuff, and I just don't think this is the stuff we need any more here's a post on truth from trump. He wrote young kin now he's talking about Glen young kim young kid now, that's an interesting take it's chinese, doesn't it in Virginia couldn't have won without me, trump wrote on truth, social, the social media platform he helped found. I endorsed him, did a very big trump rally for him. Telephonically got maga to vote for him or he couldn't have come close to winning, but he knows that and admits it besides, having a hard time with the dems in virginia, but he'll get they ve done? Look I don't know what is he tried to imply that somehow he's chinese or something young can like? We just don't need this? No one in their right mind, Donald trump, anyone that is associated associate of again, I voted for you. I, like you
we don't need these games anymore. If you're, do you think that glennie hulking is the enemy? If you think that run the said, this is the enemy than you gotta. Mirror right leg. You gotta! Look is on the. What am I really trying to do here? Am I tried to make this all about me or my trying to find the best possible people to put in these jobs. It's to lead to a country that is something like a country I want to live in. Glennie uncle basically is doing a good job in virginia and end up is using the pudding round. His head is absolutely crushing it in florida and the people see it. So I dont think these tricks work when young can actually had a nice response to two, the trunk post.
What's your reaction was first of all, I didn't see it and I have. I have to be honest, I've been busy all morning. I listen. I like you all know me. I do. I do not call people names. I I really work hard to bring people together and that's what we're working on. What I'm saying- and I just that's not in the way I roll and not the way I behave and- and I think again this is a moment for us to come together. Yeah, that's kind of right like we couldn't lick our chops. We can lick our wounds. Rather, we can lick our wounds and go all right. Well, what's going on here, what do we have to do to be better and is it better to throw out these bombs and young? Can the boy run the sanctimonious like this stuff or to lay out better policies like what actually do people want. I think word, the mature group, I think we're the side that actually wants.
already incompetency and we want leaders with spines who do the right thing. No matter, cost I was reminded of this video. This is from almost this is a year and a half ago, now, almost two years ago, when run dissent is decided to lift the ban on nursing homes here in florida and and just listen to this in case you forget, it They're not demanding a medical miracle, they're not having unrealistic expectations, they just what
to be able to say goodbye or to to hug somebody, so it was. You know. I think it's difficult to think that some of our actions may have pursued prevented. There's waited
this right. There's a way to do this with humility and humanity and again I am not attack and trump over this I'm tellin, you do you gotta be better at the moment. If you want people to come, I'm seeing a lot of people that are get off, that trump train a lot of people, and can we don't even know what to say if it wants to do mean genuinely do not know, but I think people had had it with the games like young kid doesn't. Oh you anything at this point to say this: doesn't, oh you are they did you help him likely? Probably maybe definitely, but that's not necessarily what this is all about and if you are going to try to take out or mock the guys that are doing the work there gettin in their doing all this stuff.
We want done. It's not. I think it's gonna be a major problem, but there is a winning strategy. It is florida, it is competency. It is clarity, it is doing what's right and it's showing people that if you stand up and you fight the woke and you fight the corporations and you fight the political machinery that people will back you because they're looking, for a leader. I job is to protect the education opportunities and the jobs of the people of my stay and, if doing so me I put my own job in jeopardy, we'll let the chips where they may leadership is about standing up for other people before you worry about your own high there. It's as simple as that it's as simple as that in that the battle that has the has to happen in just circle back to where we started with george peters and talk about this? Maybe it all has to happen out publicly right if they
with decide riding. Maybe it all happened. Maybe that's the best thing right, like you is either indicted or doesn't run, and it seems like it's just handed to decide this may be to send. This won't be refined enough when it gets into a general election like we, talk about all that kind of strategy stuff and that's interesting stuff, and I like talking about all that stuff and whatever, but I don't think the strategy have just. I will make it personal and burn it all down and destroy everything which seems to be more in line with what trump might do if you're going to have yet again in the sand. Is this way? I don't think that's the future. I just don't think you draw. This is not a future that I want to be part of an it. Certainly and again I say this as someone that likes him likes his kids voted for. And in certain situations would vote for him again, obviously, and would absolutely vote for him before voting for a Democrat. So that's my thoughts on Well that stick around for a cold clothes guys, and it is me Monday, over at the Rubin report locals community, and since I am in the swamp today, you can see what I posted right. There you'll never find a more wretched
of scum and villainy. Ironically, I can't find any people out on the street here. Indeed see but we'll keep looking. We will cover comments from the locals. Commune the uk says, if you say fascist three times, run descent appears and gives you a speech about freedom. So scared, that's good! That's good! tal way said. Sara live is showing its fifty years of age. It's just like your grandpa jokes were that jokes were funny at twenty votes are jokes that we're funny at twenty. Just make your eye role now? Yes, I live. I watch the fewer the other clips. I mean it's. It's absolutely terrible and again there were. There were moments in chapels, monologue that I didn't love. I think he said some things that probably should have been cleaned up a little bit or whatever, but better late than never when it comes to get to the party. So what makes dave chapels democratically? This is. This is the same thing that I'm doing with
with bill? More all the time and in some of these other peoples, I I don't know what makes you a democrat other than you only know yourself as a Democrat, but if you like, which chapelle saying there is hope shit here. Somebody saying all of the stuff that I've wanted to save for a long time. That, actually is true and he was doing it on stage in front of the world I dunno. Maybe you should have supported that guy, then maybe that guy's now the most evil person in the world and some of the others that the Jordan peterson's in buttercup says dems would vote for potato if they were told to look. I think that we have to come to that conclusion. At some level whether it's a potato or its better men like a certain of people in this country are going to vote Democrat no matter what that could be bad branding on the republic into could be bad education cause people, don't know what it's free them and what our history is and what? What is it pendants means or any of those things, but we have to learn how to fight better. I think and again that's why keep bringing everything back to florida because it's happening somewhere? So when it's happening in a place and its good? And it's just.
as despite what any viruses. Nobody is questioning the election results and people are thrilled to be here and hundreds of thousands of people have I'm here, while literally half a million people fled new york in the last couple years, and was four hundred thousand people I think have now left California. In the last two years, it's like that apple, is right, and maybe it can only be done at the state level right, maybe the best thing would be that it really just shouldn't care that much what a governor in another state is doing. You should care to some degree about senators and their congress, people cause their voting on giant spending packages and can vote into war and everything but at the end of the day, as for me as a flirt Does it matter that much whether carry lake is gonna win and arrows owner? Not do I think she's way, better than katy hobbs, and cares about american, more or less of yes but at the end of the day, she's the executive of arizona and how much is that affect my life? Actually, pretty much sooner I want us to be the united states of america, but we gotta get back to figure out what unite
That's right. I think this was a baby. This is a solid show from DC. I'm gonna sit down with I mean Jim Jordan in just a few minutes and then we'll be posting that this week, as I said, we've got ted cruz. We've got Marsha blackburn, we've got byron, Donald's we've got and Paul were going to try to add in a couple of other people. I think tomorrow afternoon maybe will wander around the mall. So maybe we'll see some of you, as out they're, going to monuments of that sort itself. As always, if you have not subscribe at rumble dot com, slash reuben report and join us during show, in July, the reuben report, our local com, my fall into with Michael shermer, is up my full interview. J pieces up, I've been doing talking. I really needs a water goodbye there are significant climb. Investment will quote, help turbo charge, emerge, the added or the shooting term turbo charge emerging global, clean energy, clean energy economy.
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Transcript generated on 2022-11-16.