« The Rubin Report

Anne Hathaway Seems Clueless About How Repulsive This Idea Really Is | Direct Message | Rubin Report

2022-11-03 | 🔗

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Anne Hathaway appearing on “The View," discussing the overturning of Roe V. Wade, and revealing how truly radical ideas can be hidden in terms like women's health care and reproductive rights; NBC News Now talking to reporter Jo Yurcaba about how voter ID laws are having a disproportionate impact on trans voters since their voter ID cards may not match their appearances. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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you know the same say guys: the internet is not always horrible. Occasionally it is a fun funny, irreverent place a place where means can spread ideas faster than ideas travelled in past days. It is november there twenty twenty two of debris, but this is the Rubin report. We are live streaming on. Rumble youtube the blaze tv, if you have not subscribed to our channels, go ahead and do it it's like how many times you have to tell you this. If you do it I'll just stop saying enough already with this genuine know. We are mostly today focusing on a reuben report locals community q and a got a bunch of great questions. All over the map politically personally, all over so we'll get to that just a moment. I wanted to start, though, today with disappearance. Yesterday, you don't try to limit the amount of stuff we do with the view, its constant
turn conflict here, like you know, on one hand, it's like the ladys. The viewer insane, the show is awful. We shouldn't pay much attend to them and then, on the other hand, because there is an influential set of people that do watch the programme, it's like we should be exposing this stuff. This is of course, how I feel about MSNBC, enjoy reed and a lot of the cnn stuff and everything else. What I would hope is that when we get other side of next week. So let's say tuesday goes pretty well and you know. Suddenly, the senate is looking pretty red new york. Maybe one read michigan and arizona, and things are really really turning. My hope is that, going forward. We can focus more on those constant positive stories related to freedom and economic prosperity and human flourishing and have to focus a little less on the lunacy, but as long as the lunacy is encroaching, which it still is, of course- and as I said yesterday, it's never going to go away, even if we defeated at the ballot box. For the most part, it's not going to fully go away, but
Think as we start winning more, and it feels like we're on the precipice of that we can kind of shifting, focus on the new horizon instead of just always dealing with lunatics but in any event, an hathaway actress, an app away from devil, where's prada. She interstellar get me one more. An hathaway movie princess died you got very excited on our geier. Euro lit up princess diaries. Ok, you have one you want as less miserable? No, you have to say that problem. Less miserable. Lay me lame, is less misery, no guacamole for you
anyway, Anne Hathaway, the actress she was on the view yesterday and, of course, what happens when an actress goes on the bill, we're going to do abortion and racism and chopping kids' genitals off at everything else, so we're going to hit a little bit of that and then we'll get to the questions real, quick guys. Let me talk about bullion max. You know, as inflation surpasses highs not seen in forty there's not they'll Joe Biden, the valley of the dollar, is decreasing with every passing day, you're paying more at the pump the grocery store for cars in housing face it paper money is worth less guys the limited. The timing couldn't be any better for my new sponsor bullion max bullion max is a direct to consumer, precious metals retailer who can help you diversify into gold and silver. It's a hedge against inflation. It's also security.
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it's dave, boyer, max dot, com, slash dave and now back to me. Alright actress Anna Hathaway was on the view sitting with the harpies yesterday and you'd think perhaps they could talk about movies or television or the craft of acting it's a very serious things are very serious people, but no mostly abortion or in the fight every minute, and you mentioned that wears prada turning sweet. Sixteen some sixteen year, old's life, has been irrevocably changed because of the current overturning roe v wade, say one other thing and just without going into too many details, my own personal experience with abortion- and I don't think we talk about this enough. Abortion can be another word for mercy and we don't know we don't know, and it's not a world in which we know that no two pregnancies are alike, and it follows that no two lives are like that follows that no two conception
as are alike, so how can we have a law? How can we have a point of view on this? That says, we must treat everything the same and where I come at it from is when you allow for choice you allow for flexibility, which is what we need in order to be human, so that anyway, I just wanted to show that art, especially for that it's not it's not set in stone. Just because you get pregnant, doesn't mean you get to keep that baby to health decision, and it can be a relation for god. It's so incredible. Almost everything she said right. There was completely backwards related to what just happened with roe v wade. So we'll do a quick one on one or this, and this is one of those moments where I know I have a bright audience. So it's like. Why do I have to explain it
We could get be getting some new people who don't know the score of roe v wade did not the reversal of roe v wade did not make abortion legal, it did not make abortion illegal. All it did was kick it back to the states, which is exactly how it was before the original decision. I think in nineteen was at nineteen. Seventy two. If I'm not mistaken, that's all it did so. The state then couldn't make choices for themselves, so interesting. She wants flexibility and she wants choice. That is actually the outcome roby way being flipped. Now each state is made choices and offering flexibility to their constituents. So here in Florida right very red, right wing dissenters stand florida. We have fifteen weak,
on abortion, and there is still some exceptions after that fifteen weeks. That's three and a half months, any of you who have been pregnant or know someone who's been pregnant or birth. From someone who was once pregnant understand the three weeks reed. How much months is it is a pre, reasonable compromise. I would argue that It is far more of a compromise, then say eight month abortions. That seems rather excessive. If you ask me, but the point is that each state, california, can have their eight and nine month and post birth abortions and if kentucky want something more strict bacon, do that. You also have the ability to go to different data do different things. You can have nonprofits that will allow people and bus people from one state. when other tighter have an abortion or do not have an abortion. This is freedoms are allowed to everything that she explained other than she's for abortion ever. The she explained was was completely, completely nonsensical, which is consistent,
two lives were like will, of course, no two eyes were like so, let's give as much choice as possible. Will not have the federal government say what everyone has to do. Let's leave it to the states. There was a bunch of guys who used to wear these white wigs and made where these funny jackets and all socks, and they were into this sort of Choice thing: it's very, very bizarre anyway, let's now shift because it wasn't just the view yesterday spouting general nonsense, NBC there's this thing called and be see. Now it's a little unclear to me what it is. I guess it's like rare, like they're, trying to be like young hip NBC or its their elegy bt, you plus NBC, something like that. They did a ground breaking little peace here. How trans people are struggling to vote? Your voters are concerned. They might be blocked from casting their bow. That's because a growing number of states are enforcing stricter voter identification. Was that
disproportionately impact the community- a museum rapporteur, JO your cable, joins us now, one this Jovan morning to use a first of all. How can voter idealized create obstacles for transgender people in work we see some of the strictest sputtering laws. Sure, yes, a voter idealized, disproportionately impact trans people, because tree if people are more likely to have ideas without the name that they go by and the gender marker that reflects how they present and recent research shows that just over two hundred thousand eligible trans voters in thirty one states that both conduct their elections, mostly in person and require, or Westphalia the poles don't have ideas that reflect their job,
the identities and the names they go by and you know the states that have the strictest voter id laws are mostly concentrated in the south and midwest so years. You know tennessee wisconsin, kansas, so looters their god. They have everybody. It's like there's all the problems over here and they have everybody looking over here constantly having an iD that reflects, who you actually are is a key part of securing a democracy. Every western democracy has this. We are basically the only country at this point in the civilized world who, for some reason, a certain set of our states have decided you do I need an idea to vote. When I voted last year in the california recall action, I've told you this many times. I tried to show the guy my idea and he kind of freaked out all day, wanted to know was your name and your address. It's very bizarre, I knew at the time my neighbors name and address and I suppose,
could have got in the very next day and said I am him or I am her and they would have had to let me vote and are these people implying that these trans people, that they are very worried about, can't get on planes because you need a plane. You need an id to get on a plane which is, of course the same thing that they're constantly saying about black people. Black people can't get ids. I can't find one black person has hasn't. I've got an idea, as I said yesterday, it's odd that cnn MSNBC have not run these videos of all of these black people being turned away. Often I have seen black people on planes. Have you go see black people aeroplanes? Every year we ve all seen black people on play. They seem to be figuring it out. They beast it's the soft bigotry of low expectations. These people are just absolutely ridiculous and if, if you are an adult who transitions, though euro biological I say: you're a thirty two year old dude and now you wish to live as a woman and you transition whatever that means and you'd go through whatever procedures.
Legally change your name and everything else. You get a new. I d, you get a new idea, so these people are just creating problems. It's like the whole house is burning down and they are worried about the dust money in the corner. It is just so silly south australia guys there's an election coming. The blaze wants to help you figure out. What's going on, as you know, it's right around quarter is this: coming tuesday in the stakes never been higher for the mid term. Several races across the country have got very interesting in the past couple weeks. Will the republicans when a senate is seat in washington state of all places? I think it's possible happy ogle, really in trouble in new york. Yes, we'll voters punish wretched whittemore for her kobe lot. on saturday and finally get pollute. I hope so there's locked to cover this election cycle and we ve got you come.
Stu Burs year guy to serves as please media's. First see it is taken. This word right, see through all the just see the ology still sound write to me. God supper set the largest, it's a fancy. Word that mean someone who studies elections we see biologist, see followed just that doesn't seem right. We're opening up the common section two doom today, Why do we see put together taught a comprehensive list to let you know exactly what you need to look out for an election I'd had gone over to the blaze dot com, slash election guide to receive a freak copy, ablaze, media's ultimate guide to the midterms, delivered straight to your inbox. That's please, go blaze, dotcom, slash election guide and we will send you every
think you need to know to be ready for the big election night and now back to me, I want to try to read that word one more time. I've got it right in front of me here. So if I have it right and let me whereas the word do I have it here- sep biologist does that sound right so follow just that. Doesn't sound like I worried to me anyway. Let's move on, we got a ruby report, local community q and a poor year. If you want, if you're in the chat right now, you can still submit questions. Maybe we'll do some on the fly. That's rubin report that locals dot com. Chris says my husband, who also happens to be gay. I see what you did there and I have been married for a year and a half and together for eight, we have both been fairly sure. We didn't want children, but I'm beginning to have thoughts about wanting to adopt. What changed your mind about fatherhood and what advice would you give a fellow gay couple? Bullock, united,
you guys many times, and you can watch my interview from what the three months ago, with Jordan petersen, we have some clips on this channel and and the full things on Jordan's chow about how he really when we were on tour, helped me move on children David, unwanted children for awhile David too little younger than me. I grew up in a time in the nineties. Or eightys and ninetys, where there was no such thing as gay marriage. I never really thought of my future. That way, I was putting everything ahead and to stand up and then what became this career, so I was just distracting myself all the time, and it was just. I was just leaving my life kind of day to day to day and I suppose in some ways that lead to success right because I put so much into it, but I never thought about that sort of long term stuff, David. Because he is a little bit younger. He grew up in a time where he knew he was gonna get married one day. It didn't seem crazy to have a family and all that, so he wanted kids
and we were married and then I'm listening to Jordan. Talking about you know how how most human beings, not everybody, but to live a fully actualized complete life that having kids and maybe eventually, if you're, lucky enough becoming a grandparent, is so fundamentally part of the human story that most people need that to live that complete life- and I was here and that and I'm hearing from David and then I just kind of moved on it, and I have to say, I m at the ripe old age of forty six years. All them, I'm not the youngest parent in the stable, but but actually my knees been feeling pretty good. we I'm an I'm enjoyed it. I've only posted pictures of the kids in the local community. I am not going to be put in it all over you. Tube instagram and everything else, but I thought we'd just show this quick. Thirty. Second video. This is what we did on halloween just a couple days ago and I think, you'll see why parenthood is pretty it's pretty good,
first time away- and we just started trick or treating here- is just an skeleton very excited little on the ciampi, cipher skeleton, but still pretty good, there's look a little more skeleton and there's daddy and dad climate, dressed up, as god help me out here, we were out there with all the other families, and I gotta tell you even here in florida. Nobody was weird that there were two dad's in any and think about it. If we didn't have kids and we were just two dudes out there- pushing strollers with no kids in them, that would have been weird. That was funny guys. Thank you. Connor get nothing out of these two. That was funny. You know what I mean just two dudes Patients trolleys. Why doesn't following every word of it would have felt the there anyway. It's been a it's been a joy so far. I I would say that if your husband is on the fence, you just gotta keep talking about it. You gotta talk it through. He, maybe he won't get to the other side.
but you gotta talk ratify what is what is the point of being in a long term, monogamy if you're into monogamous monogamous relation like what is really the point- and I think the point to build something: that's everlasting, that you can then hand to the next generation and the next generation will handed to the next generation and is a little more complex when the biology doesn't fully match up, and there are there are other issues related to this is ignored, we what I got into with Jordan petersen, it's not just as easy. You saying: ok, let's, let's just create a family, just like that and see how it goes like your changing the paradigm, a little bit you're changing what the traditional structure looks like your your little outside of that it doesn't mean I can't be as good. It doesn't mean you can't be better. It doesn't mean that the traditional structure is always great right. Plenty of people are born into all sorts of dysfunctional
families, but you really gotta. You really really gotta! Think about it. Smooth says what kind of an aggregate means do you think the lefty dams and establishment, dams and rhinos will be up to four? This mid term elections next week same old same older, something new and special? Will I dont know if you last night, I think we're gonna show some clips of tomorrow. Joe Biden gave her a really crazy speech last night, a warning people of the threats to the mark, see and that the elections, some elections might take a few days to figure out who the winners are, and this has been a trend that we've been seeing more and more and more where people don't concede on election night, things dragged out further. It's like This is why you need secure elections. This is why you need voter righty, because we need to know that night. We need to know that night. It's almost. It basically is as simple as that. You cannot prolong these things and give more credence to the idea that there should be of people dropping things off in the middle of the night, and then cameras go out. It's all the weird stuff that,
Nobody, regardless of your political alignment, we're all kind of seeing and feeling? And this idea that that both sides suddenly are never going to agree. who won or lost is a huge problem. Look this year by every estimation, the republic. Things are going to crush it. There is no momentum behind the Democrats right, even like whose really abiden supporter right now, who really is out there at a rally, excited fur bite and whose out their excited for charlie crest, who is out there excited for Cathy hotel who's out their excited for more government control and more mandate that I get it, a certain set of people. Let's a thirty percent of the electorate is always going to vote blue democrat, no matter what maybe it's more than that. Maybe it's forty percent, and then you this other marginal ten percent. They can push them over or or crush. Him
So there is a certain amount of em, pcs and people that are just you know completely just duped by the system, but this year it's like there is momentum. What is happening in new york, but the thing that that started here in Florida has now been exported and I'm telling you guys if we can just get through tuesday and tuesdays good look. Will they to directly as your question will they likely start violence in the streets again if they feel like they're, losing power, and they need to just like this the machine or them she needs to distract the people. Yeah they'll starts imbalance in the streets again. Will they claim? I mean suddenly it will go that you, wouldn't you aren't allowed to question elections before and then suddenly a lobby saying right. What's what is stacy? who already denied an election last, I what's she doing right now we pleaded the clip a couple days ago. Cnn is reporting record
The voting turn out at the same time as she saying there is going to be fraud. There's no evidence of it again, just you after we're. Just what do you see in front of your eyes, whereas the video of all of the black people being turned around? Where is any evidence that anyone that wants to vote about to keep saying it. Hilary says she literally. She said she literally has evidence about the mega robust. gains are going to steal the electrical ok lady about yet literally show it to me about that caesar says: what's your latest dad joke, you ve dropped on the people? Oh my god, what you guys are bludgeoned with these things all day. My main dad yoke is, you know, there's a lot of poop appear out here and now we have kids, it's a lot of what else? Do that's really by me Well, that's I mean I'm, I'm dropping that one to four seven times a day it it. It can be quite yeah daphne's like ready to vomit right now. It's it's pretty bad.
Delaney says Dave. How conflicted are you with the possible twenty twenty four presidential canada Well, look if you're, if you're, really asking you know about the trump de santis situation. First off, let me say one more time. I've said it many times. I have no idea whether I understand it, this one, to run for president. I know the guy freaking loves florida. I know that he is doing a bang up job here I cannot imagine anyone being a better chief executive of the state if think about how quickly the reconstruction of southwest Florida has gone after hurricane. He- and I mean just everything here- has been run so well. The apparatus of the state is tight, its exporting it the cities, guys like france, swore as mayor of miami who add on a couple weeks ago. It's like there is such a culture of freedom here and I'm meeting all sorts of people, all sorts of people who get it. Not only is it. Is it the new people who were here, but there were sort o like you, know, half kind of democrats, half republicans or,
The people who came from new york even years ago before covert, who come down here and then they kind of both are ate the wrong way. They're waking up to it. So it's like there's, there's some goodness but I dont know what it is intended that this year, but I dont know what to say this once knew. Would he make an excellent president obviously if there is a massive red wave. As I just said it was. It will be because it started here in Florida right. You guys saw that add we showed yet this year at the end of the show, yesterday's I would that's the thing that we want to export to america. what we want to export meridian americanism to america. If that makes sense- and I think we're doing it- but so if there is that would read way and it feels like boy, the culture is shifting and the plot the politics of all this are shifting and we sort of defeated the woke at the ballot box in many ways and culturally, like people have had it with the eight month abortions they ve had it, which operates
animals. Are they just add right? Then it's light. If dissenters could then come in and just be like eight on the president for everybody, I'm gonna do this in more of a reagan style way, there's going to be an aspirational, meaning to my prayers didn't see and I'm going to be competent. All of the things look. Will the media still try to destroy him? Of course, of course, of course, as I always keep saying, he'll he'll be they'll, say he's trump, but he's competent oh he's double here right? But there is a real argument that that, at that point, once the culture has shifted once the politics game has shifted that he's the most functional guy to go forward I think you can make a good argument for trump to the good argument for trump is he came in once he shook this thing up more than anybody and he could do it again and this time, hopefully he would have learned from his mistakes. I think the a counter to that in terms of just like the pure numbers of elections is how many new people could trump bring.
and there would be a certain amount of disaffected democrats, a certain amount of people that are just like bides, awful, the democrats or off. I guess I'll for trump, but there's also by trump running. You basically get a certain amount of people who would not vote vote just cause. They hate him. So it's a little more complex. I just think that's the reality. That being said, I liked them both. I think if I think they should do it the Earl whatever that arrangement needs to be, but if they have to do it on stage in battle it out, it's like that's, ok, that's about it is all about gal Arusha says, which would be easier, opening a one time, o o opening a time, Porto Allah ventures, endgame to travel back in time to keep the second star wars. Syria.
Is of movies from being made or getting the federal government to spend less than it takes it just for kicks to see what it feels like we're. First off, I think by the second set of movies. I actually think you might be the third set of movies if you know my feelings on this, because the second set of movies, the principles ass. I have been saying for years there actually pretty good and they are looking better overtime. If you're talking about these last three movies, which were horrible, ruin, star wars and all that stuff, I forget which would was question which would be more difficult, which would be more difficult to do right or which would I rather do when I got it. when I get this right, which would be easier, I mean get the federal government to spend less money, it's impossible I think it would be more worthy of getting out there finding some plutonium from libyans, building a flux capacitor and getting into a time machine and doing that, because the federal government is never going to get it's never going to tighten its belt. It's just not how it works next up. What do we have here, Alyssa
says. Besides the freedom, what's your favorite part of living in florida, let me try to come up with a different, because ok, there's this, freedom and then I always aids, like the people there. People are just great. Everyone is just great her people are happy and functional and decent and warm. nice, and you know down here in miami area. It's like there's so many cultures here and it's diversity, not just because it matters that this guy happens to be a cuban and this guy's white and this guy's whatever. But it's like just like all this different food and like all good. What else is great? I mean this is this is obvious the weather
like right now, first of the summer, wasn't bad, it really wasn't bad. My hair was a little lower, but now it's the fall, so it's getting higher again because of the humidity and that the weather is great, and you know what the lizards I, like, the lizards I become a reptile guy. You know there was always one kid in high school that had reptiles and you were, like you gotta, stay away from that kid. Nobody want you had, you know cause they were always up to something else, probably not so great. I like reptiles, okay, I like iguanas, I like frogs lizards. I don't care what you think there there you go says. Can the republicans stand up and ask the dams to pledge that they will accept the results of this election? We will win and they will try to overturn it. Yet you know interesting and you're getting to something from the previous question? Look look what happened right here in florida during the the republican senate debate, there's, a woman by the name of valve deming's. I think she was a police chief in orlando before this. If I'm not mistaken, she's running as the Democrat and she's running against marco
The EU now has every reason to believe that rubio when he's generally liked here, the states obviously going very red he's associated with the santa. So it's it's all looking good or for marco rubio, but again it's an election. You just never know what can happen at the debate it was about a week and a half ago the the moderator asked the two of them. Will you accept the results and rubio said? Yes, we have secure elections here, he said yeah, I'm gonna win, but yeah. We have secure election to your. Of course. I'm going to respect it. Deming's would not quite say that the recurrent in running around saying. She is evidence that their planning to steal an election except she won't show you the evidence, Stacy abrams, the four years that all of these people pretended that russia installed president trump and there were forty, two c, I f b. I cia agents, who had all signed on to say that something weird happened and their fake impeachment over the whole freaking thing: it's it's going to be tough, but again. This is why, at the very least you would what voter I d, you would want a
Actual signature match right. We want some cameras in some of these. if you'd want less mail in ballots, but they want more balance mail in ballots. It's like you, just gotta, see it man, you just gotta, see it sweetwater says: did you have a hard time finding a home you both liked when you moved to florida? So you know we moved it's just under a year ago we got to florida on December, seventeenth, twenty twenty one a day. I will never forget. As I've said you guys that moment when we were in the plane and the plane landed, and I was lucky enough. We had we had friends who hooked us up, and so we were able to fly private cars. I really didn't want to put clyde under the plane. You know, because every now and again
I heard these horror stories of dogs that are under the plane and the pressurized cabins and all sorts of bad stuff. So we had friends that that really helped us out. So I was sitting in the cockpit of the plane when atlanta did and we were getting to the landing strip and I'm telling you that the wheels hit the ground. I felt something lift off my chest. I wanted to get out so badly. We were so excited to be here, so we moved. I got here December seventeenth, we were found this house? It was halloween weekend so was literally a year ago, right now, about twenty places. You know the facts. thing is: we wanted a house that would be functional to have my team working here, so we needed so certain space, and we needed something this this room, that we're doing this in that our studio now actually was a movie theater the guy who owned the house. Previously it was a. It was a bedroom that he converted to a movie theater, so it was fully soundproofed. It worked for the lighting and all that stuff. That's why this all looks pretty good and we didn't have to do a tremendous amount of work to to to expand on the
I do and yes, we saw about twenty places. This was the only house that we, both we walked into this house and we were like this is the house. This is that was also they had in the house, we're not using it right now cause of the kids, but they have this. This sent stuff. What's that brand, you know the brand is that as the sense that run If the house you like, when you go to a hotel or you go to a casino when you walk in the air, just has a certain scent to it. There's, oh, I think it's called a roma. Three sixty is the company that does it, but we walk in this house and they just had this lovely scent going throughout the house, so you can get different, essential oils and put it in there, but we walked in it's a beautiful house. Also. It was nice because This is kind of a v. So the portion of the view that were in right now is a sort of our work portion. Although my bedroom is right downstairs the master bedroom, but it's
at all the work stuff going on over here all the life stuff going on over here. So it worked out nicely and we have some kind of similar taste and everything so it it wasn't it wasn't that big. Then there was a basketball court, so I was pretty much willing to buy it sight unseen. Some things are just better together, like smooth sweet. what and races peanut butter and no one does it quite like races, peanut buttercups, so when you are in need of a mid movie, munch tasty treat after lunch abided the ballgame or me you ve got his three p m slumped at him. Do it better, together with greece, has been a buttercups pick up. Greece has been buttercups at your local convene in store today roman says: did you find it amazing at how many celebrities don't appear to have, dollars a month to paper twitter. Verification of you have not seen this. As I always say You are not on twitter, don't get on twitter, but the big brouhaha last couple days is that you
musk originally said that he was going to charge people twenty dollars a month for the blue verification. That's just the little blue check next to your name, and he said that he wanted to ask people for because it would be a way of generating revenue that then they could perhaps give to creators. Also he's trying to get the company to be profitable. You know that's what you do when you buy, company anyway, you got a little push back on that, then it they somehow came up with eight dollars a month. That's over eight hours. but you could get a little blue check and that you might get some bonus features along with that. Like you're notification, might be organised a little bit differently. You my shop in search a little bit more, listen, I think, there's Well sorts of reasons that a sort of pay to play thing is not necessarily the best idea, especially when it comes to search and all that. That being said, I also think there's huge amounts of benefits to having a certain level of pay for play, which is exactly why we did locals the way. We did the fact that I only take questions right now from people who put in a couple of dollars a month it it,
makes things more mature. It makes everyone's behaviour better. When you have a little skin in it, you risk you act a little bit differently. We don't allow for a million burner accounts. So anyway, I think I think you have. some level of subscription some level of ads, like you can figure out how to mix these things altogether and that's what a mature internet, maybe on the other side of all this craziness will look like. But, yes, there was a huge the amount of celebrities and and journalists etc. That were basically like I'm, never going to pay you on musk, eight dollars, verbal, it's like men, you pay a box at starbucks for event thee cap achieve me. Mikey ADI thing with the ice there and have a things ice anyway. So yes, these people, just it's like, bit? Look, I would say one thing about the verification thing. Verification originally was set up, not as a money maker, but just to prove that you were who you were right there are. There are people who impersonate me steal my picture, pretend that their me they
well my name one letter off and then they confused people, so the verification was just really so that, oh, if you saw Dave Reuben at reuben report, you knew it was the day reuben. So the idea that you would start selling this, so anyone can be verified it changes a little bit of what verification is everyone is sort of verified, that is, anyone verified by being and he said that the other piece of this was that he wanted to get rid of bots and spam accounts, and it's like bots are not going to pay eight dollars a month to be bots or whoever is sending those bots right. That's not going to work for, and so yeah. These are all the things he has to work out, but watching people go crazy, eight dollars a month, I'm not gonna, come back. Lynn says: where are you having thanks? giving dinner and what's on the menu? So thanks, is the one major holiday that we host with David's family at his mom and and grandma sister and brother
and sister in law on, all sorts of people can do. We have some pictures of some of the food we we, I am very fortunate to have that is last year's turkey, which all my mummy I just perfect. We got some fresh cranberry sauce right there on its way to cranberry sauce, looks like some sweet potatoes over there. What else do we got anything else? Anything else and some butternut squash soup the little capote lay pepper and there I just absolutely perfect so yeah. We do hope that thanksgiving here this will be our first thanksgiving enflowered, obviously no yeah. No, it will be we're thanksgiving in florida, add we. very thankful for florida, so it should be a good one, and I I just love thanksgiving, like I just haven't one day And where it's a holiday, that's it's a purely. Secular american holiday. It's a celebration of america, nothing else, just hey! It's pretty freak in good here, be thankful for one of the things that I always think is interesting,
at thanksgiving is when you see the reaction online of certain people, because the the lefties, unfortunately in the works, there's they are always attacking thanksgiving now right there and that they're not thankful for anything, and I think, a little a little thankfulness a little humility, a little understanding of why you should be so freaking thankful to live in this. Country, it's pretty good, it's pretty good at always has now that your dad, who do you, think the deuce do you think You view the world, the culture wars and the political world any differently than you did before, your dad well differently, but I think it's it's kind of renewed or double down like, I really gotta make sure that the world is in good shape when I'm got right cause. Now I have kids that it is my
possibility in my duty to make sure that they live in the best world possible, and you know another part of just sort of this isn't exactly the way. Your question was what I I think I said something like this a couple of weeks ago. Another part of this whole experience and journey that we're just at the beginning of it's been really nice is so much of my life is about me right like I do this show people I go places. People say hi me. I am invited places so that I can speak it's a lot of it's a lot to me and that's great in one way and very rewarding and validating that I've done something I guess pretty decent here and that what I'm saying and what I care about actually matters. That's actually really wonderful, but it all it can be a little maddening to right. I think that's why so many celebrities go nazi twice mediates, go crazy! It's why you know public people do drugs and might lose their shit like. I think, there's some connection there between, like the endless ego, part of it. So you know just lay there this morning again this morning, I'm up at seven fifteen I'm take. I take the kids were the first hour and it's just me
Luke was pretty much out this morning, but just then is up here. You know he's rolling into month three now and he is or is not talking, but he's A lot of sounds now he's trying to talk like there's something going on maritime smiling me and I tell him Little bit I was at the same time I was emailing with phoenix going back and forth on how we're going to do the show- and I just kind of read it to justify what do you think about this? What are we going to do this Joe Biden thing you think, and it's like it's been good, been good. Kate, says: will you be doing any live streaming on election night? Well, I guess we can tell people our election plans so who on election night, so election day, which is next tuesday I'll be doing to show here. and then we are happen in a car and we are going to cross state up two northwestward are, which is where tampa is, and that is where the descent this campaign will be having their obvious victory event victory party that night, so
I at least booth from from fox news. You there's no lisa boot. We are co hosting the dissenters victory party, so that's gonna, be all will be honoured off stage? All night will be announced, results as they come in. Just just gonna be a fun celebration of freedom in america. that and I will also do a show from they so a little bit of that we have to do on the fly, but we will do is show at some point throughout the evening. Hopefully I can get governor dissent is to join me, You know, there's obviously, campaigns, arrogance and some of my my florida crew that you guys know will be there so we're going. In a bid on the place, I don't know exactly what time it is cause. I'm also going to have to jump off and and be on stage and do the show and then we're also that a try to simulcast some of that with the guys at the blaze. Gland whole crew over there, who I love they wanted me to go to dallas
election. I wish I thought would be great if we could do five hours a coverage together to be it will be fine and awesome. But obviously, once I got the the advice from the governor, I was going to do that. So yes, party, that night live stream and just bear with us we'll figure it out, but it is definitely to be a celebration of freedom that night lloyd, as we take the last of our seeming, seventeen thousand boxes for our escape from cos the collie to idaho. Congratulations, my wife, as we have a lot of stuff, not stuff but a lifetime of memories, when you move, did you downsize at all? Has it all fit into the new studio house? Instead, you were first congratulations on getting out and sure, you're gonna love it in idaho and it's good to get attic alley. Kali com.
He is the most sort of banged up state that we ve got. They have made their choice with gavin newsome, like he's about to be re elected again, there's just no doubt about it. It's a far gone conclusion. New york has its actually poles. The last two days are showing less elden in the lead, as I keep saying about hopeful. Nobody voted for her. She was installed, for she loses a little bit of that incumbency. No incumbents usually win because people are sort of mind when they go in and they just quick things all. I recognise that name but nobody's ever clicked. Cathy hopeful before nobody's ever take that swiped it you know checked it We want to say so I think, seldom really a chance. So congratulations. First off on leaving California, it's wonderful you're going to live in a new place with new people and you're gonna flourish and thrive. There's just no doubt about it, and I can tell you that, because now-
is that worked for me and everybody. Listen, that's the studio with me right now that we will all built better lives once we left, but then you start meeting other people that left and when you, when you're suddenly around some people who leave for a reason you find common cause in sustaining the thing that you came to, and that is a beautiful thing. That is really really beautiful thing. I think it's one of the reasons that law is going to read because people are like. Yes, I am going to save this freak and thing cause. You guys saved me so the question was about memories of and all the stuff that we had. You know we gave away a whole bunch of stuff. Actually I gave away, we had a whole bunch of outdoor. nature that we adjust god in kigali, but I couldn't move everything we had. Two trucks gone and it was just start The get not so I gave a whole bunch of our outdoor furniture to Patricia Heaton. You may remember Patricia heaton for, as the wife and everybody loves raymond hurt
her husband Dave became good friends of ours and they were having. We had a final dinner in los angeles. I think two nights before we left with Dennis Prager and his wife sue Larry elder in his girlfriend and and David Patricia came by, and I was there Hey? You guys want some stuff, so we just started given some stuff away, but here we get. I gave some clothes away and stuff like that. Fortunately, we ve got some it's a pretty decent size house. Here we ve got some storage, so we're still not impact. Would They will get impact. I suppose, right before we move again jab says dave. You keep asking everyone what their election predictions are, but Are your election predictions? United? Without a map that they're going to debut on election night for the blaze and but look, I really think Seldon is going to win in new york. That's the that's the one that I think is the big one. Ok, obviously, Florida will remain red. I think
oz has gotta wind pennsylvania. It is almost beyond imagination that fishermen could win okay, so I think, eyes will win their. I do think blake masters is gonna win in areas as well as carefully like. I really think the Senate could be end up. Fifty four republicans, I know that's bullish- and you know I know we're all in our own little bubbles and all that stuff, but I just think people have had it with the work there are no rallies for democrats. Everyone knows even the most ardent Biden supporter knows that something is not right which obeyed and that there's no momentum bear their prepping us for no momentum and ideas were bad. All they had to do was not be horrible. We were already shown here real clear politics is now predicting that new Hampshire will even get a reply. Looking senator said that there is real, real momentum here and again, I just think you know it's funny.
While the meme out there, if you listen to mainstream media, will be if the Republicans take over we'll have fascism and homophobia. Bigotry and all of these things is like how about we just end up like florida, is what a florida just exported americanism right and what, if we'll just started women their lives more. The way they wished. You know, like. I, don't see any bigotry down here. It's odd, I certainly don't see fascism, I see a government, the kind of gets out here. Way? And then you know what happens when a massive basely category five storm crushes part of the state within two or three weeks. Almost all the infrastructure is rebuilt that we do everything we can the government when necessary, comes in and does the right thing that's where we can get back to, and I think if we export that if we export that the wool
things could be, could go away pretty quickly. As I said, it's not gonna only go away and there will always be a set of of anti american hysterical lunatics. But if a couple of the state's flip and the Senate goes back and we stop spending money like crazy people- and we honestly start having some of these debates again and we get leaders in who are functional indecent, we could really get back to the dream of the nineties really could it was the dream of the eighteen. Ninety seven, ninety nine nineties actually guides the ground for the call quotas. As always, if you want to play along during our cue and aids and live chat during any that shows, you could join us at reuben report, dot, locals doc, We got a paddle for you tomorrow, it's our final panel before the big action. Michael malice women had malleson while website for that lawyer run comment. We're gonna talk a little bit about. You know the government and twitter and big tat coordinating to clamp down on your free speech. What is your ability to
get penalties from them, get money from them, sue the government etc and then be the fry, who also is a lawyer, former canadian, now proud floridians, so to be maoist common cry. tomorrow and viva was just suspended on twitter this week, post eli, so we're gonna have to talk about that. He had a theory about nancy policy that I guess the powers that be we like, and we leave you as we brought you in with the elderly pretending to be president see tomorrow. I just have one thing to say Well, I'll, tell you why the town where we want these people? I do I do like
president acclamation. Thank you guys were too into the reuben report. Direct message were lie: yvonne rumble, blaze, tv and youtube. Every week day at eleven, a m eastern atm pacific, don't forget to rule, You share and subscribe to this podcast and, if you're looking for early exclusive content. You can join me on locals at rubin report that locals dot com,
Transcript generated on 2022-11-17.