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Social Spending Vote, Execution Halted & Nike’s Virtual World- Friday, November 19th, 2021

2021-11-19 | 🔗

The news to know for Friday, November 19th, 2021!

We'll tell you about a new nonpartisan report into Democrats' $2 trillion social spending bill and how lawmakers are expected to vote on it today.

Also, a case that got the attention of celebrities, politicians, and spiritual leaders. What happened to a man on death row.

Plus, how American automakers are now dealing with a global chip shortage, the most and least reliable cars for 2022, and how Nike is joining the metaverse.

Those stories and more in around 10 minutes!

Head to www.theNewsWorthy.com/shownotes for sources and to read more about any of the stories mentioned today.

This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp.com/newsworthy and kiwico.com (Listen for the discount code)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is Friday november. Nineteen will tell you, but a new non partisan report into Democrats, two trillion dollar social spending bill and how lawmakers are expected to vote on. It today also a case that got the attention of celebrities, politicians and spiritual leaders. What happened to a man on death row plus how american automakers are now dealing with a global chip shortage, the most and least reliable cars for twenty twenty two. and how nike is joining the metaverse. Welcome. Welcome, But that is worthy of today's news. In around ten minutes, fast, fair fund and on the go. America Mandy thanks so much for being here, you're ready. Let's do this after months of negotiating. It looks like lawmakers The capitol hill are finally ready to vote on democrats, massive social spending and climate bill. This is the one that costs close to two trillion dollars and includes things like universal pre k, more affordable home care for seniors tax.
Tax breaks to encourage cleaner energy and electric vehicles and a lot more. If this passes, it would also raise taxes on some. genes and the richest americans. The house is finally scheduled to vote on it. This morning. Lawmakers were actually supposed to vote on the bill last night, but the top republican in the house made sure that did not happen. Minority leader, Kevin Mccarthy spoke on the house. Floor more than four hours until most lawmakers had cleared out of the chamber. That said, it might have given lawmakers more time to read a new influential report that could impact their votes. The non partisan congressional budget office just put out a report yesterday that found the Democrats bill would add three hundred and sixty seven billion dollars to the? U s deficit over the next ten years, but the white house still says this bill would actually lower the deficit That's because there's one thing the scipio did not take into account that the bill includes more money for the irs to crack down on tax cheats and the violent administration says the aid,
as the eighty billion extra dollars for the iris will end up bringing in another four hundred and eighty billion dollars in owed tax revenue. Democrats are accepting that explanation, calling the bill fully paid for are taken the ceo at its word, so they still say the bill is too expensive that will make inflation worse and slow. The economy is growth, and with that, today's vote is still expected to fall largely along party lines, with most democrats for it and most, if not all, republicans against it. Since democrats have a majority in the house is still expected to pass I did the pass and, if it does, it will then go to the senate. Their senators are likely to make changes to the bill and negotiate it for weeks, so stay tuned. for the first time five years the white house hold a summit for the leaders of north america. President Biden met with canadian prime minister oh and mexican president undress manuel lopez. Oberdoffer
they spoke about everything from trade to climate change, to cover nineteen to immigration. The leaders agreed to create a group to address supply chain issues and they promised to share vaccines. But tough questions like what to do about us of migrants. At the: u S, mexico border went unanswered Still, they promise to keep the dialogue open. A man who has been on death row for the past twenty years was just hours away from being executed when his sentence was changed. The change happened after a huge campaign that drew, and not only lawyers and advocacy groups, but celebrities, athletes, politicians and christian leaders so to explain how we got here. Let's start at the beginning, back and ninety ninety nine Julius jones was a nineteen year old student at the university of alma when he was arrested for murder, but he had alibi and always insisted he was innocent jones in his lawyers have raised a lot of issues with have raised a lot of issues with the case like alleged misconduct by prosecutors and a racial by us among his jury, plus they say new evidence. Confirms another man admitted to the murder. Jones got more attention. A few years
It's called the last offence featured his case. More than six and a half million people signed an online petition fine petition recently asking oklahoma governor to prevent his execution. Hundreds of students walked out of school to protest in support of jones. Several celebrities. Like reality, shark kim kardashian west actress, carry washington basketball. washington, basketball, player staff, curry and more publicly came to joneses defence and christian pastors called on people to boycott oklahoma. If the execution really happened well yesterday, just before Jones was set to be put to death, obama's governor did reduces sends to life in prison instead of the death penalty, many have joneses supporters supporters. Oh braided, but not everyone is happy about the decision of the homeless attorney general says the governor should have trusted the work of the investigators, prosecutors, jars and judges who all decided jones was guilty, plus there's the family of the man who was murdered all those years ago. They say they believe Jones did it and that all this attention has caused them even more pain. Meanwhile, joneses family says, though, keep fighting
until he has totally free to be continued. The irs is now focusing a lot of effort on cyber crimes, patience. He put out a report this week. That says it sees three and a half billion dollars worth of crypto currency in the last year. The money was all linked to scams. Tax fraud, money laundering and crypto currency made up. Ninety three percent of all the assets, the irs tracked down, one top iris, investigator, told Bloomberg. He expects this trend to continue next year and next year, in launching a new data centre in northern virginia to specialise in this. The irs also just got some new help from congress. The bipartisan infrastructure package, the just past, requires crypto trading platforms to report transactions to the ira. more news to the a or news in
just a moment, but let's take a quick break, because this episode is brought, you buy better help. A twenty twenty one pew research survey found many americans are still dealing with mental health difficulties in the second year of the pandemic. It shows about one. Third of u S, adults report at least occasional, sleeplessness or anxiety in the past week, and whether it's the pandemic or something else entirely. That's interfering with your happiness. You can do something about it. Better help will assess your needs and match you with your own licence, professional. There to our specialised in stress, anxiety, sleeping trauma, grief, anger relationships and so much more and everything stays confidential. You can send a message: cheer, counselor, anytime, plus schedule weekly video or phone sessions. If you want to, I want you to start living a happier life today and as a listener. You'll get ten percent off your first month by visiting better help. Dotcom such
Is it any better help? Dotcom slash newsworthy turn more than a million people have taken charge of their mental health? Again, that's better help. Hd Lp better help dotcom such newsworthy. Instead to be the first? U s city to do this, require all public bathrooms, provide sanitary products like tampons and ass in an arbour michigan unanimously earlier this week and in such a take effect on January first, the mayor said: menstrual products are a human necessity. Other cities have passed similar rules that only apply Their cities have passed similar rules that only apply to government buildings or schools. This one applies to every bathroom open to the public. The ordinance also requires toilet paper, so paper towels
A group of bipartisan state attorney general are investigating how instagram attracts and affects young people prosecutors from at least ten states are involved, including California, florida kentucky nebraska, new jersey and more. They want to look into whether instagram parent company mehta, previously known as facebook violated consumer protection laws and put the public a risk protection laws and put the public showed risk. Remember, leaked internal research, worse instagram, made body image issues worse for some said girls, but a is spokesman said. The misunderstanding. Investigation is based a misunderstanding of the issues that also affect other social media platform.
Detroit two biggest automakers are handling a global chip shortage by designing their own first ford says it has an agreement with computer chip, manufacture, global foundries that may lead to joint chip production here in the? U S, general motors also says it's working alongside some of the biggest names in the industry like qual com to co, develop and manufacture its own computer chips remembered the computer chips. Shortage has been going on for more than a year now, and it's especially taken at all on the auto industry, even if people want to by certain cars automakers are having a hard time producing as many as they want. Yet, the demand for these computer chips is only increasing. Cars are becoming more and more sophisticated, so they use chips for everything from touch screens to software. In fact, one for it executive, said
Peter power is the new horse power and a gm exec expects cars to use double the number of semi conductor chips in the next several years. Oh and one we're note, Bloomberg is reporting that apple wants to launch a self driving electric vehicle of its own in twenty twenty five and that it would use a custom chip designed by its teen. But at this point, apple is not saying anything about But at this point, apple is not saying anything about what is the most
according to the auto reliability, two put together by consumer reports, its toyota luxury brand lexus Mazda, which had the top spot for twenty twenty one came in second, this time and toyota rings third, but brands with a lot of the newest ranks. Third, but brands with a lot of the newest, specifically like tesla, landed near the bottom of the ten specifically consumer reports called twenty model, two one of the ten least reliable vehicles, rear halfback climate, twenty two citing issues with very paint spot stripping, rear, lincoln climate system and more but the very bottom spot categories using lincoln. You can check out that list and the different categories using the links in our episode, its stores, health is planning to close about ten percent of stores around the country. The drugstore chain said three hundred stores next spring each year for the next three years:
since one population changes or as one alice put it too many stores are overlapping with each other and to customers, buying habits or, in other words, more people buy online. Now the company wants to become more of a destination, so, while CBS is cutting back on the number of stores, it's actually expanding the types of healthcare services it offers. The stores that are staying put will eventually be grouped into three main models: traditional pharmacies that have some retail products, primary care services and, lastly, so called health hubs that offer a variety of things from therapy sessions. Two rooms for hot yoga, ports. Giant nike is the leaders company to enter the meadow verse. Nike is partnering with roadblocks to create a virtual world called now you land roadblocks, is a popular game, creating platform, but now it also have nike buildings, fields and arena where users can play a bunch of many gangs. One analyse, told CNBC. This could help nike introduce its brand young kids early and to test our products in the virtual world before bringing them to real life.
Therefore, the main news today, but now it's time for feel good friday when we were you, one extra, peel, good or positive news story before the weekend. But first this episode is brought to you by key. We co your search for a great holiday gift for a child in your life and right here. Q echo is the one stop shop for kids of every interest and of every age. Kids can discover the engineering and mechanics behind everyday objects: the science and chemistry of cooking new art and design techniques and more what kid would not love getting a package in the mail just for them. My son dax is a bit too young to know the package actually has his name on it, but he already loves everything: kiwi cosenza, it's all high quality and made just for his age, helping to both engage and educate him and for older kids. Cubicle projects can really help spark that creative competence for ongoing experimentation and give them a sense of accomplishment. This holiday do not just teach kids how to buy teach them. How
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interpreter appearing in a box in the corner of the screen using american sign language. Once the film starts playing parents of an eight year old boy who uses the app say it's amazing, to see their son light up like never before, while watching tv and movies on streaming channels. They say captions alone, just weren't enough for him to get much from the stories. A teacher at a school for deaf children also says the app creates a level playing field and allows children to understand what's happening like any hearing child does the sign up app is available in the us. I will be back tomorrow with our special edition Saturday episode, we're talking about the parts of the new by partisan infrastructure law that could impact you the most and when he might feel the effects of it. Then we'll be back on monday with your neck news round up for now. Thank you so much for listening and have a great deal for now. Thank you so much for listening and have a great day
Transcript generated on 2022-09-11.