« The NewsWorthy

Russia Pullback?, Gunmaker Liable & Hollywood Sign Makeover - Wednesday, February 16th, 2022

2022-02-16 | 🔗

The news to know for Wednesday, February 16th, 2022!

We'll talk about why the U.S. is not reassured, even as Russia says its troops are pulling back from Ukraine. 

Also, two high-profile settlements: one involving a member of the British royal family, the other involving America's oldest gunmaker.

Plus, another person is said to be cured of HIV, Los Angeles will be celebrating the Super Bowl win, and there's more support around the world for the four-day workweek.

Those stories and more in around 10 minutes!

Head to www.theNewsWorthy.com/shownotes for sources and to read more about any of the stories mentioned today.

This episode is brought to you by StitchFix.com/newsworthy and Masterworks.Art/newsworthy

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is Wednesday february. Sixteenth we'll talk about why the? U s is not that reassured, even as russia says, its troops are starting to pull back from ukraine also to high profile of settlements one involving a member of the british royal family. The other is the first of its kind, involving america's oldest gunmakers plus. Another person is, to be cured of hiv. How allay will be celebrating the superbowl win and more so for the around the world for a four day work week will explain. Welcome welcome too, that is worthy of the days news in around ten minutes, fast, fair fund and on the go? I'm erica Andy thanks. So much for being here, you're ready. Let's do that. Russia says some of its troops are backing off ukrainian border, but doesn't necessarily mean an invasion is off the table. Russia's president would not commit to
drawing all of its troops. He said russia's next moves will depend on how the situation evolves and so far the u s and its allies have not seen any evidence that russia has actually started to pull back groups at all some even say it looks like more. Russian troops are going closer to the ukrainian borders and are being put into attack positions. As of yesterday, the? U s at one hundred and fifty thousand russian forces were massed near you brain and president Biden says. An invasion is still a distinct possibility bite. It is promising to give russia every chance to resolve its conflict with talks, not violence, but he says if russia does invade, western nations will not have
potato respond biting is also warning. If the? U s does need to punish russia with sanctions, they might also impact the american economy could mean more price hikes in energy supply issues. Still he says these sacrifices could be necessary as bite and put it in his white house. Address quote: if we do not stand for freedom where it is at risk today will surely pay a steeper price tomorrow. Meanwhile, some analyse think russia might try to attack ukraine in other ways, besides a full on war. In fact, as yesterday, Ukraine was hit with a series of cyber attacks. They knocked out the websites of the ukrainian army, the defence ministry and major banks. So far, it's not fair, exactly who was behind the attacks by the Washington post sites, intelligence that says it was likely. Russian government hackers here in the united states White house is making sure american federal agencies are also prepared for russian cyber attacks and its encouraging critical businesses like those who work with electricity, gas and more to tighten up their security as well
talks are continuing. The white house is asking com. As for even more money to fight covered, nineteen, the health and human services department laid out in a call with lawmakers people on that all told several news outlets hs requested another thirty billion dollars the money. It would go to things antiviral drugs testing and nearly three billion dollars to fight future covered nineteen variants, but most republicans and some democrats are sceptical. They say the and how should spend all of the money from the last relief bill. First before asking for more money. On the other hand, supporters say the: u s needs to order soon to have supplies ready for later this year, even more out. A new bill. Congress has already approved five point. Eight trillion dollars to battle the pandemic for now themes prince andrew will not answer more questions about sexual abuse allegations. He settled the lawsuit against him. Ass we've reported
or an american woman has been suing the member of the british royal family saying he raped her when she was a teenager, and this dates back twenty years when Prince Andrew was friends with Jeffrey Epstein. Now the princess settled the suit, though its nuclear, exactly how much he's paying a statement is Andrew will also make a donation to a charity that supports victims rights. This deal comes just weeks before Andrew was scheduled to sit for asia. Position where he would have been questioned undergrowth by his accusers lawyers. Now that won't happen, Andrews still insist he's not guilty, and so far the prince has not been charged with a crime, but he could be still if there's enough evidence This point, the: u S, attorney's office is not commenting, it seems america's coastline and is going to look a lot different thirty years from now a new government report says sea levels could rise another foot by twenty, fifty that's as much as they rose in the entire twentieth century. The biggest rise is expected on the gulf and east coast, for example, waters in parts of texas in Louisiana.
It could go up by a foot and a half higher seas are especially a problem when storms like hurricanes hit the coast since they can cause a lot more damage, but they're also becoming a problem. Even on sunny days, cities like miami florida and annapolis Marilyn have been getting a few minor floods a year, just during high tides, researchers say by twenty four, de those will be more common and more severe and they could cause real property damage they the other areas along the east coast. Even highly populated cities will start a flood, even though they I've been considered flood zones, yet you can probably guess what scientists say is to blame climate change. They say the warming earth has cause ice sheets and glaciers to melt and that's why sea levels are rising to the researchers say, what's going to happen by twenty fifty likely and not be undone at this point. But if changes made now they say things might not have to get down much worse. The next thirty or fifty years
After that, alright stick around more news is coming up, but first a quick break from our sponsor want to refresh your wardrobe with seasonal pieces that actually feel like you. That's where stitch fix comes in. All you do to get started is take a style quiz, so stitch fix can learn your preferences, like your favorite colors, to wear your preferred, fits and price ranges from their stitch fix, gets to work either a stylist will send you. Five pieces chosen just for you, then you can try them on key. What you like and returned the rest, it's easy and find it really fun to see what comes in each fix or allow stage. To build an online store, customize your preferences. I appreciate that stitch fix freezing. I allowed me to shop one piece at a time when that's all I'm looking for its the easy way to get items, that are just right for you from brands. You know entrust without that endless browsing. I also really
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a feasible for all the millions of people living with hiv. All three of the patients cured actually got the transplant as part of cancer treatment. It's meant to replace a person's immune system with another person's to treat their cancer an than it would cure the hiv, but experts say doing this risky process to someone who does not have life threatening. Can there could be toxic and sometimes deadly, nearly thirty. Nine million people are living with hiv globally and about seventy. Three percent of them are getting some type of treatment, there's more evidence showing women who get vaccinated forgiven nineteen, while their pregnant may benefit their babies to researchers from children's hospitals and the cdc looked at hundreds of babies who were in the hospital over the past six months, since none of those babies were eligible to get their own vaccines. Yet the only ones who had some kind of protection or ones who got it while in the womb and not protection, did seem to help. The cdc now says the covert nineteen vaccines worse. Sixty one percent effective at protecting babies whose mom's got the shot while pregnant from going to the hospital there.
protection rose to eighty percent. When the women were vaccinated later in their pregnancy, though, the cdc does not recommend women who are pregnant, wait to get the shots since research shows they can help protect the mother as well and getting actual covered. Nineteen can cause pregnancy com patience for the first time a gun manufacture is being held liable for a mass shooting in united states, families of the victims and the sandy hook. Ellen country school shooting reached a seventy three million dollars settlement with a gun, manufacture, remember twenty first graders in six educators were killed nine years ago, when a shooter opened fire in the school using an eight hour, fifteen sour rifle designed by remington arms, so nine fail police and one survivor soothe the gun maker for its role in the tragedy saying the combination never sold a dangerous weapon to the public. The civil case also focused on how the rifle was marketed, saying remington is targeting younger at risk males and glorified violence in product placement like violent video games.
Clinton, which is in bankruptcy first pushed back and it appealed to the u s supreme court, but the high court declined here the. is now along with paying the millions of dollars remington agree. Families could release thousands of documents from the lawsuit showing how the company marketed Unfortunately, the long winning streak came to an end for team. You essays men's hockey team. They fought a close game against slovakia in the quarter finals. This morning it was tat all the way through over time, but the americans ended up losing in a shoot out. Now all eyes are on the american women they face. Rival can tomorrow to decide who takes home gold and who take some silver. A lot of other athletes already claimed their olympics hardware, though, earlier this morning, team, usa, freestyle skiers kept their olympic metal street going in men, slope, style, americans one gold and silver in the event earning team usa a spot on the podium in the event for the third consecutive olympics. So as of right now, Team usa is still sitting in third with nineteen metals, eight of them
the city of angels have become the city of champions. Los angeles will honour the rams for winning the super bowl with a parade. Today is the first big victory parade in los angeles. Since the start of the pandemic, no parades were held thereafter. The lakers and dodgers championship winds in twenty twenty. If you're in the area, you may notice that even the most famous part of tinsel town is giving the superbowl champs a nod. The hollywood sign workers put covers over the iconic hollywood. Letters to change them to read rams house also know from As you have all. The final numbers are in more than a hundred and twelve million people watched the championship game. That's up nearly thirteen percent from last year. In fact, it's the most watch since twenty thirteen super bowl and that's it for the main news today. So now it's time for work wednesday when we break down one interesting career or work related news story every wednesday, but first a message from our sponsor it's a new year, which means it's time for new ideas and turns out that women may be better
esters than men. That's right. According to research, women, investors outperform their male counterparts. So what some women investors an edge there more likely to be risk conscious with their investments. According to this research and one asset, they can up, diversify your portfolio and is not so Coralie. did to traditional stocks and bonds is bluechip contemporary art and typical, it's only. The julian airs like beyond, say and bays those who can afford a sheet picasso for their walls, but masterwork is changing. All of that master works is the start up giving everyday investors a piece of the art pie or palette to be metaphorical. They ve made bluechip art in vestibule so you can own a fraction of a multi million dollar piece of art. That way, one can add paintings by artists like monet, bosky out and bank, see to their portfolio without paying millions You can join them by going to master works, dot, art, slash newsworthy again, that's master works, dot. Art flash newsworthy,
see important disclosures master works, dot, io, slash, disclaimer, okay, now back to work wednesday, the four days week is catching on around the world. Belgium is the latest country to announce its employees can work a shorter work week and earn the same salaries. Their new reform package says the decision actually is up to the employee. They can request a work week for a trial six month period and if they like it, they can keep it or they can opt out, but companies there can still refuse the request as long as they put why in writing, if employed is do get that fifty off will have to work longer on the other four days to get the required thirty eight hours a week. That's different from other countries, though, that have just dropped. The fifth day of work completely But a lot of countries are doing this in some capacity, the uk started a trial programme. Last year that has about thirty companies taking part in it. Similar programmes are in place in canada, new, zealand and Australia, Spain, Japan
iceland are all taking the chance with a shorter working week as well, plus the? U n e started twenty twenty two as the first nation to adopt a four and a half day work week with just half days on fridays, probably one of the biggest. since is taking off around the world is because research suggests it makes people more efficient workers, but one come concern is whether a four day work week is really practical for all types of businesses. Are. I thank you so much for joining us as part of your daily routine. It will catch up on much more news to know tomorrow. Until then, I have a great day
Transcript generated on 2022-09-10.