« The NewsWorthy

GOP Stuns Dems, Pfizer for Kids Rollout & World Series Champs - Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

2021-11-03 | 🔗

The news to know for Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021!

We have new updates about some closely-watched state and local elections around the country and what they could mean for Democrats and Republicans. 

Also, a young NFL star is now facing serious criminal charges and was kicked off his team. 

Plus, another big shift for Facebook, Netflix launched a new gaming lineup, and an upset at the World Series: a team that wasn't expected to make it there won the championship.

Those stories and more in about 10 minutes! 

Head to www.theNewsWorthy.com/shownotes for sources and to read more about any of the stories mentioned today.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is Wednesday november. Third, we have new updates about some closely watched state and local elections around the country and what they could mean for both Democrats and republicans. Also, a young and of l star, is now facing a serious criminal charge and was just kicked off. The las vegas raters team will tell you what happened plus another big shift for facebook. The app is now promising to delete face. Can data for a bit the end users Netflix launched a new gaming line up and an upset at the world series. The two that wasn't even expected to make it their one at all welcome, welcome do it that is worthy of the days news in around ten minutes, fast, fair fund and on the go. America Mandy thanks so much for being here, you're ready. Let's do this with one year laughed until the crucial mid term elections. It looks like republicans, have some momentum and democrats have some lessons to learn in yesterday, state
I'd and local elections. The gnp secured big wins. The most notable one republican Glenn young can was elected governor of Virginia this, even though, for years now Virginia has been trending more and more blue. On top of that young king was a political newcomer and he was up against Democrat terry mcauliffe, who had already governor before, but young can also add. The asking of a lot of big name. Republicans around the country, including former president trap about three hundred miles north the race for new jersey, governor turned out to be a lot closer than analysts expected. The democratic incumbent, governor phil murphy had a comfortable lead in the polls, but as of this morning, he and his republican challenger jack cheerily, we're locked in a neck and neck battle. The race is still too close to call since election officials are still cunning, boats, mostly from male in ballots. Meanwhile, couple of new mayors are making history, democrat and retired police captain Eric Adams was elected as only the second black mayor in the history of new york city, another democrat and retired police officer at Gagne will be pittsburgh first
Black mare and a third Democrat Michel will was chosen as bastions next mayor, making her the first woman, an first person of color to ever be elected to the role new mayors were but chosen in major cities like seattle, Detroit cleveland, miami and more remember a lot of people, I have also been watching minneapolis since a test of the defined the police movement was on the ballot there. But voters decided not to overhaul policing in the city, define more election results. You can check your state. Or counties election website. A young nfl star is now facing felony criminal charges because of a deadly car crash, las vegas, raiders player, Henry rugs was arrested yesterday, for a d, why police say he slammed his corvette into back of a toyota at around three thirty in the morning, the toyota went up in flames a twenty three year old woman who is behind the wheel, was not able to get out. Sadly, she and her dog died rugs and woman who was in the car with him were hurt, but they are expected to be ok. Authorities say before the crash rugs was speeding and when they got there really say
He seemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, so now he's in jail and as such it go to his first court hearing this morning. If rugs is found guilty, he could spend up to twenty six years in prison, as for his nfl career, while the raiders tweeted last night that they released him from the team, meaning he was fired rugs lawyers say their investigating the crash as well, and they ask everyone to quote reserve judgement until all the facts are gathered to be continued world leaders. Making more big promises at the cop twenty six climate conference. For starters, more than a hundred countries signed onto the global, nothing pledge that says the lower methane emissions around the world by thirty percent in just the next nine years. Remember president, I didn't already promised the? U s would do its part by cracking down on oil and gas companies. There was also a commitment to reverse deforestation. More than a hundred worldly those who represent more than eighty five percent of the world's forests promised to protect and restore those forests. Twelve of those countries, including the u s, promise
to spend billions of dollars on that effort. That's key to addressing, climate change. Since conservation groups say forests absorb one third of carbon dioxide released from fossil fuels each year. Since the major goal of cop twenty six has not been reached gently, it's not yet. The united nations wants to see concrete plans for the world to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year two thousand and fifty or in other words by then Once the amount of greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere to equal. The amount taken out stated Elementary Gold children can start getting their covered. Nineteen shots this week. The cdc gave the thumbs up for a kid sized version of pfizer's vaccine for five to eleven year olds. Marked the final step in the authorization process, and it clears the way for the shots to be available as soon as today. That said, it may still take a few days before the kids vaccine is widely available. Member the pfizer vaccine is one third, the size of an dont dose, but like the? U dont one, it's given in two shots. Three weeks apart, the lower dose was picked as a way to minimize side effect,
then stop produce strong immunity for kids, cdc advisers, it s a unanimous decision to recommend the shots. Young kids, a lot of their discussion yesterday, was about rare heart, related side effects that have had and in teens and young adults who got adult sized doses of either the pfizer or madonna vaccines, a cardiologist, told cdc advisers that so far, no one who got there condition after getting vaccinated, has died from it. It usually clears up after a few weeks or months. He also said the risk is likely even lower for younger kids than tat in the end, the getting a covert nineteen infection is more likely to trigger the condition than the vaccine. The shots will be available in pediatricians and family doctors offices, as well as community centres, pharmacies and more some school districts of art. scheduled vaccination drives before thanksgiving holiday for news just had the first equipped break to thank our sponsor ritual. Do you think you're getting all the trans you need in your diet. Research shows probably not that's why I
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the? U s. Government does not want the world's largest book publisher to buy one of its biggest rivals, so the justice department is suing to try and block the merger. Penguin random house bought Simon ensue stir last year and a deal worth more than two billion dollars, but the justice department, new lawsuit, says the merger would give one company unprecedented control and influence over which books are published in the u s and how much authors are paid. Basically, it says less competition would lead to fewer works and a smaller variety of books and make it harder for authors to make a living. The publishing companies disagree that and they plan to fight the lawsuit in court. They say Their deal will actually make publishing more efficient, so books can become more widely available. Penguin random house is already the biggest publisher in the world and the ninety six year old, Simon in shoestore, which is currently owned by viacom CBS is the third largest in the eu
zero is quitting the home flipping business and laying off a quarter of its staff along the way. Of course, zero is a digital, real estate company, it's best known for people pushing real estate listings online and estimating home values, but a major part of its business is done quickly by renovate and then sell houses. While the wall street journal says hump whipping was billows largest source of revenue, it never actually turned a profit, in fact its cause. The company huge losses, villas ceo now says, quote the unpredict ability and forecasting home prices far exceeds what we anticipated. It's a big shift for one of the internets biggest based scanning systems. Facebook now says: it'll shut down its facial recognition system and not mean deleting the face scan data of more than one billion people, so, for example, people who
I have opted in will no longer be automatically recognized or tagged in photos and videos in the app it's been using face recognition since two thousand and ten and since then, this type of tech has been used in airport schools for police, instigations and more but remember some researchers and privacy advocates have worried about this technology. They say the facial recognition systems are less accurate for people with darker skin. So now facebook at its rebranded parent company mehta, don't think the technology is worthwhile anymore, pointing to what the company called growing societal concerns. It also says there aren't enough clear rules from government regulators just yet. Video games are now on netflix sort of netflix just released a games tab on its app for android, smart phones in tablets. You have to be a netflix subscriber to play, but you don't have. To pay any extra fees or buy anything within the app for now, there's only five,
games available and two of them are based on the popular netflix original series, stranger things, but more are expected to come out soon since netflix recently acquired the game developer night school studio. Netflix also says it plans to roll out games for apple devices in the next few months. Atlanta baseball fans have reason to celebrate this morning for the first time since nineteen. Ninety five, the braves, are world series champions. They beat the Houston astros, seven to zero last night in game. Six, a lot has changed since nineteen. Ninety five, though back then they had a collection of superstar pitchers and a hall of fame manager. This year, they weren't even expected to make the world series let alone when it they one just eighty eight games during the regular season, the fewest of all the play off teams. On top of that two of the braves best players were sidelined with injuries, but the rest of the team rallied together to secure the wind in Houston, and now they had
to atlanta a championship parade will happen soon and that therefore, the main news today, but now it's time for work wednesday. When we break down one interesting career or work related new story every wednesday- and today we are talking about the biggest change to microsoft office in decades, but first, a quick break for a sponsor better health before I started the newsworthy, I worked for more than a decade in traditional tv news, and I saw a lot of sad stuff in person every day. It's a big part of my left and started this podcast, not only for myself, but also for others who felt bombarded by too much sad alarming news, and I realized, if we're not careful. Any stress that we face in our lives repeatedly can lead to unnecessary anxiety, but thanks to therapy it doesn't have to and better help offers professional counselor that is both convenient and affordable. Better help will assess your needs and match you with your own licence, professional therapists in a safe and private online environment. So you can connect from the comfort of your home, but our helps counselor spell
lies in a variety of areas, including stress anxiety, relationship, sleeping trauma, anger, grief, self esteem and more. I want you to start living a happier life today and as a newsworthy listener. You'll get ten percent off your first month by visiting better help, dot com, slash news or the join more than a million people have taken charge of their mental health. Again, that's a better help. H e l p, better help dot com, slash newsworthy, now back to work wednesday. Microsoft announced a new program for it's microsoft office. You know how microsoft bundles word excel and more will soon. That will also come with something and called microsoft loop. It's meant to give people a way to collaborate in real time. As one company executives said. This is most important for hybrid workplaces workers are no longer in an office altogether and report say it's in response to other productivity. Software grew going in popularity like one called notion. Loop has three main elements. One components which are so
our documents that can be easily sheridan, updated in real time. Two pages the verge describes this as a modern day whiteboard, but even more powerful and three workspaces. Basically, the shared harbour project board loop features are coming to some of microsoft. Other programmes, including teams, outlook and one note this man than a preview of the full app is set to be available in the first half of next year, also from microsoft, it's getting into the meadow verse race as in virtual spaces and experiences. Yet this comes just days after facebook rebranded the corporate company to mehta microsoft teams will get nuth beady avatar, I so you can have an animated version of yourself on a video call. If you don't feel like turning the camera on its part of what microsoft calls mesh for teams. The company's mesh plot I will also have other shared experiences using virtual and augmented reality. Alright, thank you. So much for listening today for sharing the show and joining us right here as part of your daily routine will catch you up on more news to know tomorrow until the
and have a great day
Transcript generated on 2022-09-11.