« The Moth

Pet Stars: Scott Sanders and Noriko Rosted

2023-04-28 | 🔗

In honor of National Adopt a Shelter Pet day on April 30th, we’re sharing two Moth stories all about the special role pets play in our lives. This episode is hosted by the Moth’s Social Media Coordinator, Estee Daveed.


Scott Sanders deals with jealousy as his dog becomes a more successful actor than he is.

Noriko Rosted must find a pet sitter for her beloved cat before her trip to Italy.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, MA listeners. Do you want to tell your own stories? Have you ever wanted to host your own moth style event, but didn't know where to start pick up the new paper back edition of the moths new york times best selling book how to tell a story today, the paper back edition is filled with over sixteen pages of brand new content, including story prompts ideas for hosting your own moscow gathering a book club guide and powering easy to follow tips for crafting and sharing your own stories. You can even write your stuff ray ideas directly into the back of the book. This is a book you'll, never put down by the new paper back a dish. Of how to tell a story wherever books or sold, welcome to them off podcast, I'm asking to feed the moths social media coordinator and your house for this episode today we're going to be showing stories about the magic of patents,
and I know a little something about the links- will go to for a fairy friends in general, twenty twenty two I decide to send out, invites to my friends and family to my dog monkeys, zoom, bark mitzvah, a jew. celebration of his coming of age. Now, muky! Wasn't there, ten years old, but he had matured exponentially during the pandemic from the moment. Muky entered our family, I knew, I was going to throw him a bark mitzvah. The question was when and what would it look like, and I mean what even is a bark myths? but the invites we're out and I needed to just start building something. I chose a theme put together. original song and a sideshow, organise speakers, rode out a whole ceremony and even consulted with my rabbi on the eve of the apartments. I the minor melt down, because I was worried. Those forcing everybody to come to a frivolous party for twelve pound should supermodel.
I knew what I was doing was silly, but it was also my way of sharing my profound gratitude for muky and all of his support throughout quarantine. And it was about creating a space for the people of my life to share stories about had their pets had impacted them to now is apartment so kosher. I still I don't know. What I do know is that I felt connected to my spirituality, my community and, most importantly, mukhi on that momentous day. So well in honor of national, adopt a shelter pet day on April thirtieth we'll be sharing two stories all about how pets bring joy to our lives. First up is Scott sanders. Who told this at a san francisco story, slam in two thousand and thirteen The theme of the night was and drag them on. My tail of envy begins. Ends in the baby. Doll lounge, which was a topless bar.
try back to new york city around eighteen, eighty eight before people new where raw tobacco was. I had a daughter, I lived there are locked up blocks away and- the dog off the lesion. The dark eyes ran to baby daughter, lounge, the dancers the baby, don't lounge weren't your typical tablets dancers. They were all conceptual artists and painters and c, b, gb musician, so the mode like the ambulance, and there was the opposite of what you imagine a topless barbie alike but I would hang out there were the dog we get sacks and talk to the dance and on stay in nineteen. Eighty eight, I left the bar and me immediately a woman rushed up to us and said: oh, my god. I love that dog see the thing was. I was an actor, I was on soaps. I did off broadway a bunch of bad film.
it's and the thing about being an actor. Is you know it's like trying to play third base for the yankees, so on a whim? I took headshots with my dog and I set it to the top animal agent and obediently the dog out work first, it was worth print jobs with my wish for us temporary and that these movies, with mister t and he became we became The official ralston purina job campaign dog, but this is nothing. This is just the beginning, I go back to the loft and I get on my couch and we usually like shared a sandwich. Scatter Jake was a beautiful, doubly retriever, really beautiful when its turn only for his marilyn monroe, but not really that smart, turn on the tv and it's a commercial of these, If a women running in a meadow,
with long hair sort of slow motion in in perfect pre dusk crisply. My dog is running along with them and there's a voice over. In the course of that says, it's a cardiac commercial by dog went from rosson prima to being one of the involved in one of the most luxurious brands and The commercial theme was no diamonds, no love, Canada. We have no diamonds, no love The way jake's agent was calling all the time agent rarely called. I finally got a gig where I had to do a low budget commercial for cable tv was for drumming dog chow. I had to go to like a funky laughed and was twenty six street. I had aware a dalmatian costume within it.
battery operate. Detail have this guy in a got in an outlet mall golf shirt with stains on it. Yelling at me that I'm not saying the tagline Drummond, because I'm worth it well enough. I proceed to our slot. my way through it I'm having major envy. I mean I like them see that I'm getting from my dog doing all this stuff, but I was a serious actor, so I take a cab ride home and I pass a bus that has another air. Another display of no diamonds, no love with jake the golden retriever I get home because I was beginning to unravel. I've heard some major issues with this.
and I immediately slice up these- I I take a knife and I tear up these pillows huge billows and I shake them like crazy feathers go everywhere, it's quite lovely and then I sit down against the wall and I share a sandwich with Jake. My girlfriend comes home and I say you know I can't believe what jake did She says I need therapy. You have no idea how wrapped up the next step was near. Posted in article actors, dog turns ham, gets all the bow. then we were on the David letterman show not for stupid pet tricks, but to introduce an emerging dog star. My dog is so associated with wealth and and and luxury that donald trump, relish
if hires my dog, to be a ring bearer and one of his relatives wedding and you have to understand, there's a little gizmo that they put on as his tooth and there's a cartier box, and he goes down the aisle with with a ring the top was cartier, poured out arrival brand. They have the opportune, ring the bell at the new york stock exchange and my dog. I was chosen to ring the fucking bell after the epicenter of global power, and you have to imagine my dog shaking his head like he has a wild carcass in his mouth, and I am looking at him and this whole experience are unraveling. So when I decide to do
I don't like the way that cartier is, is marketing, love and invite twisted frame of mind. I decide to sabotage the campaign I print up. These dark tells like t shirts. I send amount to about several of the key decision makers. Turn sellers in new york. I from pearl paint I get paints and I get I make a stencil and over every ad I see for cartier, where it says no diamonds, no love. I spray paint dog tails lie. I saturday, a dietary diet tried to terry gross on fresh. You know I disguise my voice. Like I was who stephen hawking and top of its beginning in the korean people are wondering what's going on getting investigators and get more power
Roy cartier people invite us to a thereat agency because their redoing they can't pay jake, is allowed to shit in public changes name from jail. to all regard I faint sickness. I go. I say I have to leave. I go back to love girlfriend. We go to the house, a jig board for us in the cats and Jake gets hit by a raccoon, it's an anaerobic infection and three days later, he dies, but he had a really good life and we a really good memorial service at the baby, doll lounge and my son is named jake,
now a spot sanders. Scott is an ex actor ex new yorker who moved west twenty years ago. You still wrestling with cross cultural challenges. You never considers not yet. walking sky has told stories in multiple moth grand slams and moss main stage events his website is, grossly normal life dot com if you'd like to see pictures of scots dog and monkeys, bark mitzvah then had to our website them off dot. Org sash, straws in another life. I like to think that I would have been a really great agent to dog actors. Up next is a story from new rico, roasted She told us at a new york city, community showcase in twenty nineteen, where the theme of the night was across the divide. Here's no rico! I bet my game.
I saw my husband and I were very excited about our upcoming trip to ITALY, but we had a big issue which is of a cat spencer, he's a two year old male tubby cat. We adopted him from a local animal shit when he was a kitten. I really love him he's lying. Our child sylvia- I love you gonna, do with spencer, we just relocated from Japan to new york We don't have any family friends here yet saw, and it's only paso. We could think of furs. Fifteen year old american boy, whose living the same
apartment building. We see him here and there doing some errands for the residence to make some or many ah, but a he was he's a little bit. Cocky a typical teenage boy, but psych only thinking about gods and football Andy, his hes lose him. Closes this. His attitude is this not at all forget about it. We cannot be above us pen, said to the kid we have to fight indeed these and responsible out and do when passing crossed my mind since Japanese. Like me,.
I met hart through a library program and I remember she mentioned she loves cat and she used to be a vet and she always looking for an abort anti opportunity at animals shells to to take care of the cats. So one day I walked up to her at the library saying it was really awkward moment. But look I know this is a huge favor and definitely use can say no, but would you be interested in taking care of spencer while I'm away says that immediately off at the lab tier? This is gonna be grapes. I was generous person I saw. I went to Hannah pad named in upper west to drop off spencer,
and when I into the apartment, death for votes were picked just and paintings of cats all over, and on the shelves, a quite variety of funny cats figures. It was a bit of it too much but clearly see loves cats, which is good, and saw I expect and about food, which is only dry foot two times a day and a demand. It's one tab per meal nor snack This is an all that's quite simple and easy to know programme and I sank to ha fruit to each other. You with my husband day when I got text message from harm, saying spasm, doing great. He ate hood and he did but-
things his in his toilet. I've ever seen spread. Not no, are you please enjoy your vacation see evil attached a picture overspend said his lying on the cowards. He looked very comfortable. Andy too, I got another text I was like last. She is. She send a mission to redo part of spencer we even ask have. I know this is certificate of japanese. We then
detailed and hospitable people. I'm very happy that I asked hop, and I often text says that spencer is a little bit citron. He didn't eat food he's not coming out from under the bed. He's not moving. I didn't know what's going on saw I was trying to figure out. Ah, is has never happened before, but do you have any idea what the cause might be and she deprived? Actually he eight a tiny part of my socks, sir, to help digestion. I give him here: seed oil by his kiss shit oil
she continue the father by the way, the food, our man that you give spencer is too little saw. I give him food that I had at home. Why do sit there? I agreed with the instructions, so I said in its pride way: please don't give him anything, but what he usually and she responded by immediately. I know Cats needs. I am used to be a vet? I haven't experience than your eyes. What is wrong I, I since many texts on add to his rear. He is creating every text.
I'm mean she was reacting attacking man, but it like hostage negotiation, You still have to maintain certain level of operation will willingness that at one point it went out overcome it's and I was really really concerned about spencer safety, but I did what to do. I mean each year spent says in danger. My head was pumping cause. I was so this pilot that I had to reach out to the fore didn't you old american boy, and I, planned long story and said sir
hey. I know this is a lot to ask, but is there any chance that you could retrieve spencer and I'm used to? He he's still us at school I waited and an hour later my phone beeped. It was from him, I hope, and a text very nervous, see he said, Sure just give me address, I said You have no idea how much it means to me you're I hear all I can say to address his dissent. Is he texted me back with energy, a guy salary,
Putting gotta did he went up to upper west I'm retiree spencer from the lady. I'm brought him back to brook cream and stared with him. Until I came back home so that guy, who I sought were just wanna, be justin bieber save the day and he's my hero to this day thousand hours. Roadstead eureka was born and raised in Japan, but was always curious about the world at large. Moving to new york was a bit of a coincidence, but she enjoyed discovering the liberated nature of
new york and still carrying the many new yorker in sight or even now, living in germany. She works in the compliance field and lives with her danish husband and their rescue cat. We aired this story a few years ago and it touched a lot of people close to her now ricoh centre. reflection, unjust that some years ago, the more first they on my story when I came into my office. The next day I found out that my boss had heard my story he's a new york lawyer very soon ps and no nonsense sky of all people. I've never expect him to be a more fan ever since left the company and new york and move. to germany very recently, I to know by his too are a passing when I heard the news somehow. The first thing came into my mind when I thought about here was the moss connection. There was
shared and our little funny encountered at day in his office again you never know who the story reaches and about memory can create. That's offer this episode and remember if you want to some feathers of pets with mentioned, including a shot of my dogs, bark mitzvah, be sure to go to them boss, dot, org, sash extras or follow us on social media from all of us here at the mob. Have a story worthy weak in addition to her work on the mass marketing team, ST he D, visa performer writer and dogma, a fan of all things created in story related estes. Also, storytelling coach in graphic designer for the hum intention, monologues and any old. Jewish storytelling event. this episode of the mouth pot, gas was pretty space. Air ass, ingenious, Sergey Johnson in me, marks ollinger the rest of the mouse leadership
technically sera, haven, catherine burns jennifer, hickson, meg, bowls, Jennifer, Birmingham, kate tellers marine, equally, J, suzanne, rest, Brandon, grant Leon gully and all the casa alma stories are true as remembered by the storytellers for more about our podcast information on pitching your own story and everything else good or a website. The moth downward the mouth podcast is presented by pierre acts. The public radio exchange helping make public radio more public at pierre acts that work.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-08.