« The Mindset Mentor

The Secret of Taking Action: How to Build Lasting Habits

2023-09-08 | 🔗

Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's all about helping you achieve your goals and build habits that last.

I know you're here because you're on a journey of self-improvement, and I'm here to guide you through it. But hey, I'm not your typical motivational speaker. My goal is to help you truly understand yourself, your brain, and those sneaky ways you hold yourself back. And then, we'll talk about how to fall head over heels in love with the action-taking process.

You see, there are two ways to chase those dreams. First, you can go all-out, put your head down, and push yourself to the limit. It's what most of us do, right? But sometimes, that can lead to burnout.

The second approach? That's where the magic happens. It's about falling in love with the journey itself. We'll explore the dopamine reward system, a game-changer when it comes to motivating yourself and making those actions stick.

Dopamine is your buddy in this process, and you can learn to release it whenever you want. We'll chat about how to celebrate those small wins along the way, making your journey enjoyable and rewarding.

Successful people you admire? They're not just in it for the money. They're in love with the daily grind, the process, and that's what keeps them going. We'll break it all down for you.

So, if you're ready to level up your mindset and make your goals a reality, hit that play button and let's dive in.

And if you're hungry for more, don't forget to check out my book and that awesome free class over at robdial.com/book. Plus, you might just snag some cool cash and prizes!

Remember, your mission is to brighten someone else's day, and I appreciate you being part of our amazing community. Enjoy the episode! 🚀If you like this episode… 

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My first book that I’ve ever written is now available for pre-order. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.Within its pages, you'll discover powerful insights and practical steps that will revolutionize the way you approach your goals, personal motivation, and mental focus.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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welcome to today's episode of the mindset, mentor, podcast, Amy, hush, rob dial if you have not yet done so without subscribed, but instead you never miss another podcast episode and if you loved this podcast, please do me really quick favoured go to your phone. Take it out in you. However, you listening to me right now, without the apple spy, fi whatever might be and give this podcast reading it. You have you listen to us the reason. Why is because a more power in writing a reason we get the more those platforms actually present. This part tat people have never seen it before, never heard it before, which allows us to growth and allows pierre forward, so if you do, that would greatly greatly appreciated. Today I want to talk about how to fall in love with the process of taking the action that you need to in order hit your goals you're. Here, I'm assuming listening to this podcast, you clicked on this. You click play because you are, place in your life, where you want to get better. You want to improve and you have some sort of goals that you want to hit. Now I
don't like being called a move. It motivational speaker in the reason lies because I'm not trying to motivate you in any sort of way What I really want you to do is understand yourself understand your body understands, brain in how you normally hold yourself back, how to get past it and then how to actually fall in love with the process of taking action. Because of your to create the life that you want to, you're gonna need to fear some sort of way to take action you want to accomplish founded there's two ways it you can accomplish, and I've done both of them and I'll. Tell you about it. The first way as you can struggle your way to success, which is most people. This is me firm thirty years of my life is. I thought to myself in for me to succeed. I'm gonna have put my head down. I'm gonna have to bash through some walls on that, big into and serve
the stars in paying attention to wear the planet's on all that stuff. I do know that I am in areas and when you look at areas there you know for the symbol is a ram and their known to put their heads down and just bash through walls, so that this kind of my typical way of of operators as typical operating system and for the first thirty years of my life, thirty pry, two years of my life, it was the goal. I want I'm going to put my head down in a struggle. My way to success of force myself to get there, no matter what which is But when he struggle you way to success, eventually get to the point where you like. I can't do this anymore than usual. Were burnt out comes from, and I I have gotten to calling quote success by doing that, but then I've massively burnt out- and it's been tired of what I was doing- thus the first way that shooting at your goals. The second way is it. You can learn to fall in love with the process follow, the prices of who you need to become in what you need to do in order to achieve whatever it is. You're looking to achieve an
it goes back to the phrase the men who loves walking we'll go first than a man who's running for the goal. In so for me, First part of my life was very much like. I want to make x amount of dollars this year in that is that I need to do this. Many sales cause. I need to knock on this many doors and need to do this. Many called calls and whether I ll that, whether I hate it no matter what I'm in a force myself to do it, and that was me just running towards a goal. What finding out is that the men who love Walking will go further than the men who is running for the goal. I I'm going. You know what I have these goals that I have in life? How do I get myself to actually love the process of taking action to actually start to follow with it, and so ever gonna talk about something. That's called the dopamine reward system, and this is huge there's is actually entire section section my book book. Why go really really deep my book level up
the very last section of part three, which is towards the end. I talk about the dopamine reward system because I think it so important for people to understand how they actually no bs rewire their brain to fall in love with the action that they need to take. So many if the government towards this and what is dopamine, people think that dopamine is, I feel good chemical in the brain and economies but dopamine is really more than anything else. The chemical of motivation is the chemical that makes you, motivated when you are not motivated to do something that is actually called neurobiology a low dopamine state. So when you're sitting on a couch like man, I don't want to do anything you're actually in. What neurobiology call a low dopamine state, now, when you re very excited hell, This is amazing. I can't wait to go for this thing. That's called a high dopamine state in dopamine
thing about, is it is a very external chemical? It's not really internally base a lot of times. People put dopamine and serotonin in the same sentence, but serotonin is a chemical of here have now it's an internal chemical. It's it's gratitude, it's being grateful for what you have dopamine, is the chemical of more and if you look at like the most addicting drugs that somebody can do, there are always hide of me chemicals, and so I'm not saying that you need to do drugs. That's not what I'm saying at all! But if you look at cocaine, for instance, cocaine is a high dopamine. Can and so you start to look at you see, while someone who doesn't have cocaine but really wants cocaine There are really high doug mean state like I need to get it. I need to get any to get it in. Very motivated towards getting that chemical, but dopamine itself is the chemical of more and the chemical is released. ever you want it to be released. Thus crazies part about it is dopamine in the chemical can be released whenever you want it to be
which is awesome. You can celebrate yourself along the way alone, the process of trying to build a life that you want when you hit different milestones when you take different action in your brain will release a little bit adopt dopamine, what's cool about that is when your brain at least a little bit of dopamine, guess what it wants more of it once more dopamine, and so it wants to keep going and wants to keep pushing. You must keep going. Pushing when you celebrate yourself, vicious, a small little many celebration, the cool thing about that Not only do you want more, what the issue can be driven to actually take the action that you need to in your life, and so Really gonna dive into is how to use this chemical to take action when you need to integrate the life that you want,
and the best part about dope mean in releasing the dove means that this right here is very subjective, which means that you can decide when you want to feel good when you want released of mean and when you want to start motivating yourself, take more action. One of the things that I found of the most most common trade among the highest achievers like the greatest achievers in our lifetime. If you look at, for instance, Michael and if you look at kobe bryant, if you look at the greatest ceos, some might say that they're, the number one key to success is hard work. It's dedication. It's obsession in. I would say that that they are definitely hard workers. They are definitely obsessed. They are definitely dedicated, but most of them fell in love with the process of taking the action that they need. you, they fell in love with what it is it they're doing. This is why could see someone become worth a hundred million dollars in people
like men. They ve got all the money in the world. Why don't they stop like? They could just sit back and enjoy their life? It's because doing what got them to that end result is actually what they love. They love the feeling of waking up in building themselves to be the greatest athlete alive or they love the feeling of waking up in building the business that changes the world or making their perfecting the process of their sale system I actually truly enjoy it most people when they think about work and putting in hard work it's immediate resistance of, like I don't want to do that that doesn't sound fun. These people, though, fell in love with the process, and so I'm sure they probably didn't do it on purpose but most of them probably set up a dopamine ward system that they attach the process and so you look at a dopamine reward system. What exactly is that it is a way for your rain, to release some dopamine after you accomplish something, that's part of your press process. Now let me give you some examples. Ok
when I was first in my my sales company, and when I was nineteen twenty years old, I didn't know it and sure of my manager knew it, but he set up a dopamine reward system process for me and so we would sit down and we would make a lot of cold calls and if you ve ever done, coal calls four, it's one of the worst things to do. It sucks to sit down and they called calls, and so we would have these things called phone jams and we would make one hundred phone calls in like three or four hours. We'd sit down at a table with a phone, a bunch of numbers and we would just through all of them, and that is not fun. It's not motivating and so, the thing that my manager actually had me do was his. I came in, do you like candy, and I was like? Yes, I'm basically like a crackhead when it comes to sugar and that's why I keep it out of my house. He said: what's your favorite candy, I said skittles
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and support the show by saying you heard about it on this podcast. Indeed, dotcom, slash, dial terms and conditions apply need to hire. You need india sergeant and mrs smith you're going to love this house. Is that a tub in the kitchen there's no field manual for finding the right hold but when you do, usa, homeowners, insurance canal protected the widely restriction apply it, I want you to go and the forty come into to make your phone calls. I once you get a bag of skills. And what I want you to do as I want you to allow yourself to have three skittles after every ten calls, and so I would go, can inside put the skittles out on the table in front of me and I would have three of them right there and I'd say. Ok. When I get my first ten phone calls done, I get three skittles, so I'd make my phone calls. Could I was like crackhead what we get those skittles right and so make those ten phone calls. And then I get three skills and then
another ten phone calls and I'll get three signals. They don't make another ten phone calls and I'll get three skills, and by the time I finished, and I was doing my one hundred calls. I could finish the rest of the back and it wasn't the finishing of the one hundred phone calls that adam it was all along the way. The process of actually making the phone calls and so this what's really important amount this, where most people mess up- and I did this for years as we thought we think to ourselves. I will not be happy until I achieve X y. I will not be happy, and so I made a hundred thousand dollars this year. Yet you can do that, but you're talking about not releasing dopamine until you achieve the goal in so even if I sit there and say: ok, I've got skittles right here and I can have them I can only have my bag of skittles after I finished the one hundred phone calls well what happens is I'm I'm taking my goals and I'm all,
releasing dopamine in my brain and getting myself excited and more excited to want more after I finished the one hundred phone calls which could be for hours from now or you can, if you remember, e t for those guys that are older and remember iti when they are trying to get e t out and they they put like a reese's pieces and then another one. Like three feet later and another three feet later does like the as like the breadcrumbs that they're basically trying to get him to follow, but he's following recent pieces and he would come out and- one of them, and then he got it further and heat another one go a little bit further and eat another one. That's what you're, basically trying to for yourself you're, trying to pull yourself to where you want to go in giving herself a little bit of the reward along the way. A little bit of the word a long wait a little bit toward a long way until you have completed the task that you want to in some. That's one way that you could you in another way you could use it as well is visual progress, bars and trackers, and so you could create a progress bar or a tracker for tasks or habits that you're trying to establish
in what happens as this is actually something that jury seinfeld really famous for doing is years ago It was like in the nineteen nineties when he was just starting to become a really big comic. Another comic whose brand new one up to him and his I came in like I'm trying. I'm trying to get to your level I'm trying to become better on a new comic. What's the best tip that you give me? And he said what I do as I write jokes every single day, no matter what- and they sometimes are good jokes majority time, they're terrible jokes, but I'm trying to get myself into the habit of writing all day every, is many times I can and so what he would do as he actually set this exact thing same thing up a visual progress to track what he was doing and so I became known as the seinfeld calendar. He did. Was he had a month that was printed out and he put it up on his wall, so he had like those old school counters up on his wall and when he would accomplish his task of writing for say twenty it's for the day and that's just it twenty minutes every single day. If that's what it was, then what are you
do as he would walk up to that calendar and who had put a big red x over that counter, that that one day that he got that alone made him feel good. That is a dopamine amene, roared system for checking off the day in getting that thing accomplished, and then the next day he sat down, he do twenty minutes and he would put another red x next aids it twenty minutes put another red x it what happens as he started, to make a chain of red axis, and once you start to see that and guess what you don't wanna do need to break the chain. You want to continue the change. You want to keep going. no, you can use visual things like this. Tell yourself do it. Another thing you could do as well. Is this social accountability in praise in Let's say that you want to let stated
want to go to the gym every day. For the next thirty days, you're going to call up your best friend and say: hey, listen, I'm really trying to get in this habit of just going to the gym, no matter what I would like for you to hold me accountable to it, as I cool Of course. Ok, here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to. Let you know every single time I get done at the gym, I'm either going to call you or I'm going to text you just to make sure that I that I get my my day done. Then I get my workout, for the day, I don't need you to do anything else that suffer say great job or I'm proud of you or oh, yes or whatever it might be. I just some many form of celebration. Then what happens go to the gym? The next day you send an attack The message may be you at the gym all sweaty and I just got my workout done and they send you a text message back and they're like I'm so proud of. You amazing, find out one friend, that's like
A friend, that's just you. We all have those friends who are just like every time you're around them. You feel good cause. They're like oh, my god. I love your shirt. Oh my god. You look amazing today. Go for that friend find that the very positive affirmation friend that you have and what's good about his. Then you send the picture to them and they send you to think back and guess what they say: hate great job, I'm so proud of you and you like, shall feel good about myself. Yes, it does little help me. You can also do this exact same thing at the june for yourself, so you go to the german instead of celebrating yourself- and this is a thing you dont want to celebrate yourself when you lose twenty pounds you want to celebrate. After showing up at the gym cause? That makes you more likely to want to show up at the gym tomorrow, but what, if you were to make it even smaller increments? What if Not only do you celebrate yourself when you walk into the gym of like how you did it today, I'm so proud of you. What, if you also did after every single set? You look yourself in the eye at the gym in the mirror, because you are obviously all gems or
surrounded by mirrors, you look yourself in the eye and in your head you say: you're doing fucking, amazing, I'm so proud of you you're doing amazing. At this after every single set, you start to feel good and guess what you want you want to do more. You want to do more. You want to do more because all too often we set up what's called results. Based goals, instead of action based goals which I'll talk about in just a minute where we say oh well, I'm only going to be happy when I accomplish x Y Z, that's not the way to get successful the to that is to say I'm going to celebrate myself every single time. I do it I'm supposed to do that. If you go back and you Get us mention a minute ago, kobe, bryant copyrights, perfect but he was known for being like hard core, obsessive play, basketball and he would wake up in vietnam.
at almost every single morning at four am in what he did was he would celebrate himself. He was proud of himself knowing that he was at the gym when all of his competition was sleeping, and so he would be excited about himself being there when everyone else was sleeping and so throughout the entire two or three hour, workout he's singing to himself. This is amazing. I'm going to beat everybody, I'm going to be the best basketball player that ever existed, and so what happened? Was he set up a dopamine reward system? It's showing up at four o'clock in the morning and guess what he did showed up the next day at four o'clock in the morning and the next day and research shows that seller. in yourself be more motivated to do it again recent, also shows that having a small piece of chocolate, everybody small, piece of chocolate, not entire snickers bar, but a small piece of chocolate after a worker made somebody more likely to show up and do it again, the next day so start to think about this. How can you start to celebrate yourself? More often,
has all too often were own worst critic and that's gonna. She d motivate you from taking action that you need to How can you celebrate yourself for taking action? How can we celebrate yourself after every single set? It doesn't have to be candy. It can begin but it can just be literally a mini celebration inside of your head in the best part I did like I said earlier- is that a dopamine reward system is fully subjective, which means that you can decide. You know, after I finish, recording an episode, I changed my shirt and then I do a mini celebration and it's like dick. I try to fill myself up with the excitement in the accomplishment of creating an amazing I said, and instead of going. Oh man well, you should have said this, but you said you said this, which is what most of us do right. Oh damn, that was a good episode, but you did, you should have said destiny or shave forgot this one part, but it's like I try to fill myself up with. That was amazing, great job. I too so proud of you. So many people is gonna change your life, and it makes me want to come back into the next one.
It is what I did was attached to the process of finishing podcast episode. Not the end result, getting five million downloads, it's the process of just getting it done, which is what matters this way. You hear about kobe, bryant and Michael Jordan. Winning ambient ships in a waking up the next day and going to work out, When you listen to, I actually heard an interview with the guy who was Michael Jordan and kobe bryant trainer tim grover, and he said the hardest thing about kobe bryant was trying to get him to stop like he was that obsessed, but because he just loved the process of building himself into the best basketball player he become, it was about winning championships. It was about being the best that they could be living up to their full potential and what happened was winning. The championship was just a byproduct of them falling in love with the process. It was the byproduct of them putting in the work and falling in love with the
coming the best he could possibly be- and this is this is why people who are wildly successful, like I said earlier, just don't stop, because it was never about the money most people attach that they they think of their goals as the money to be made. Oh, I want to accomplish this I'll, be happy when I make this amount of money I'll be happy. When I get this house will be happier I can by myself this car money should just be a by product. your actions, not the actual, go that you're searching for, and so what you want to learn to do, as you ought to learn to attach reward systems to the effort, not the end result so attached to the effort, not the end result, so that would be the difference between an action, baseball, verses or results based call the action. His goal is getting it done. The results base goals like I'll, be happy when I make one hundred grand, so you want to attach it to getting things done, that need to be done, and then the byproduct will be hitting the goals that you would want to hit. So you would attach, for instance,
a reward system to the action based goal of making the calls not making the sale you'd attached. a reward system too. Action based goal of finishing a workout, not losing fifty pounds. You'd attach reward system to the action based goal of reading five pages every single morning, not fit, seeing the book. You'd attach reward system to the action based goal of eating healthy meal, not the way that you look in the mirror. You would attach a reward system to the action they school of practising for an hour at your sport, not winning the chin in ship. You would attach a reward system to the action they school of learning, one difficult bar of music, not playing the entire peace, and that's what you want to focus on its focus on the action based goals, not the results.
Goals, and so really what it comes down to is your listens. Podcast episode, as you need to ask yourself what do I want? What do I want to accomplish, then you find out that destination that you're searching for, and then from that you ask yourself what actions do I need to take? What are the daily actions and you take? What does the process look like that? I need to take in order to achieve that goal? And then how can set up a dope mean ward system to attach to that process? let's say you want to make a hundred thousand darcy for your that a couple times you're like a hundred thousand dollars a year. Ok, go what since you I need to take in order to get there, why did it make seventy five phone calls every single day? Will? Then you don't reward yourself when you make a hundred thousand dollars you reward yourself. Every seven phone calls it you make. and then what you do is you got seven phone call, seven, seven event: she gets a seventy five throughout the day and then he roared yourself again then
really start to ask yourself. How can I set up a doberman reward system to attach to the process not the end result to the action based goals, not the results based goals, because if you just focus. action in celebrate yourself for more likely show up, which then may she more likely to achieve whatever it is it you want in the future, success as a by product of the action based goals. So how can you set up your dump me toward system in farming the process. So that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this episode, please share it on instagram stories and tag me in at rob: dial, junior r, o b d. I a l jr once again. This is a part that is actually in my book. My new book, that's coming out October third called level up how to get focus, stop procrastinating and upgrade your life. If you want to preorder it, you can go to rob dial dot com, slash book right, now and when you pre order it you'll action
the delivered to your house the day that it comes out and you'll also get entered into twenty five thousand dollars in cash and prizes that were going to be giving out. That is just for preorders, and also you will get a free class on how to actually stop procrastinates once again. If you want to go ahead and preorder it get that free class and get entered into a pool of over twenty five thousand dollars in cash prizes. Go to rob. while dot com, slash book and without him leave the same way. Libi every single episode make it your mission to make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and hope that you have an amazing day Sergeant and mrs smith you're going to love this house is that a tub in the kitchen there's no field manual for finding the right home, but when you do, usa, homeowners, insurance canal protected the white restriction, supply
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.