« The Mindset Mentor

Seek Discomfort

2023-02-02 | 🔗

Seek Discomfort | The Mindset Mentor Podcast

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The welcome to today's episode of the mindset, mentor podcast. I am your host I have dial and if you have not yet done so hit that subscribe button so that you never ever miss another podcast episodes. They were going to be talking about your growth as becoming the person that who you want to be in all of the things that you must go through in life. All of the good things of the bad things all of the hardships and how they make you who you are and how they expand you with every hardship that you go through and to give you the example of what I'm talking about a man she going to talk about an animal, a talk about a lobster and if you know anything about love, she goes well seen lobsters and maybe you ve caught them before. Maybe you eat them before but you know, if I were to say, hey is Olaf's your hard or the lobster soft of you probably say what right a lobster is hard right, but what must be realized?
Is it a lobsters actually and extremely soft animal that has a heart shalt that hard shell is called an exoskeleton. Now the excess gelatin actually never grows, and that's it. same thing that a lot of people dont know about lobsters the exoskeleton doesn't grow. How does a lobster grow them? Will the actual inside the soft animal that is inside of the exoskeleton always grows, and it is one The few animals in the world that never stops growing until the day that it dies, but what happens, though, is it actually has to the way that it knows that it's getting to the point of growth is it gets really uncomfortable and it feels the stress of its actual internal soft body squeezing up against the hard shell but it has yet so Skelton, and it knows, through this stress, did as being uncomfortable that its growing than it actually has to into a rock in get away from all of the press, there is an all the animals it could eat it. It breaks show off it.
It was a new shell and once that new exoskeleton grows, it is now able to go back out into the wild. and when it grows a new shall the interesting thing about this? Is it the shop Actually it is harder than the last shouted had, so it gets harder and harder and harder. So if you see a massive lobster, those things have way harder shells than some of the young lots yours that are there so every single time that a regrows anew larger expos exoskeleton. It is a lot harder than the last one. So That makes it extremely stressful for lobster, because every single time that it needs to grow, it's actually going to it's going to be harder to break through the shell that it has in once again, this never stops until the data dies. This happens over and over and over and over again, but the stimulus for growth for a lobster is stress and discomfort, stress and discomfort. That's how it goes.
those now. If lobsters had doctors like humans, do they would go into the doktor, and you say: hey lot, you no doctor! I, MR lobster, I'm a feelin stress on feel uncomfortable, I'm having a record today you know, has been really hard on all this. I'm just so stress an uncomfortable lately than the doctorates a hate. No worries and here's some pills go head home. Take these and the lobster were never grow. This is how growth works for us is for us to grow. We must go through stress into. Comfort. Now do we want to go through stresses comfort, absolutely not, but sometimes in life. We have to go to stress in this conference. In order to grow, we have to literally get out of our comfort zone a k, a seek discomfort and that will break our show, our comfort zone that we had so that we can grow and become better. It's kind of like the phrase
one of my favorite phrases, which is the mind, is like a plastic bag, and what I mean by that. If you take a plastic bag and you pull it, it will never go back to the same size that it was before the mind is like plastic, not elapsed. So it's not like elastic like a rubber bay. We pull. It immediately goes back, but when you push yourself and push yourself- and you do- something that you ve never done before your mind is like the plastic bag. It will be pooled in once its pulled. It will never go back to the same size. That's the exact same way that you have to realise that you work but if you're going to sit in your comfort zone, acre your shell forever until the data to die, they'll never grow, you'll, never get bigger. You have to seek discomfort. You have to do things that push you to be better, because the only way to break through your shout is too literally push as hard as you possibly can towards whatever it is that you are working towards, so
just like the lobster. You have to seek discomfort when you know that you're getting uncomfortable. That means that it is actually a time of growth for you, it's not something to run from it's something to run towards and each time that you push yourself it's going to get harder and harder exactly like the exoskeleton, but here's the thing, that's interesting about it. Every time we become stronger every time we become more resilient, and if we get more discomfort and we fight through it. We're going to become better every single time on the other side. Think about the hardest things you ve ever done thing about the hardest things you ve ever gone through, that you can think about and what should bring it to the front of your mind right now and think about the hardest thing that you ve ever done, whether it was a death of a loved one, whether it was a sporting event that you had a push yourself or whether it was getting prepped. You speak in front of two hundred people, whatever it is think about how hard that time was for you and then think
how much you grew from it like, for instance, for me. I know that the very first in a really push me and challenged me. The most was my father passed away in. I was People as the worst day of my life, but it is also the best day of my life and it pushed me and pushed me in pushing. I dont think that, would be where I was had. I not gone through that and the reason why, because nero people can judge me online. They can judge me from my pike has had and judge me entire crap. They can do all these things, but nothing will be worse. They would have already been through. So if you ve been through crap in your life, your stronger because of it, nothing will be worse than the stuff tat you ve already gone through. You have to seek distress you have to seek did is if you're trying to grow yourself. this broad casts a sponsored by s letter greens. I take Agee one every single morning for increase energy immune support and because it just got tired of taking much appeals capsules. If you will assist, the cost for a long time. You know that I take age you one every single morning, because obviously it just makes me feel better. It has all
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I watched every single game from when I like six years old until he retired the second time. I guess you could say to reach the second time enough. The bulls I watched every no game when I was a kid, and you can see in this somebody who is absolutely focused- and he says it here, never push. Somebody do something. He had never done on his team and he was a hardcourt team and he was known as almost like a tyrant where he would push people and push people and push people, but through pushing he made them better. Nobody on the court, nobody in the n b, a finals any of that stuff in the playoffs, would push harder than he pushed then, and he said that he would never do something. Have them do something that he didn't do himself? is, he was always constantly push himself harder than anybody else. Why was he to raise its ever lived? Then? If you know, if you want to debate it out, debate with you and on whether the broader or Michael Jordan is better, but
imma go ahead and say Michael Jordan's, better because he was the first one to wear twenty three lebron not exist without Michael Jordan, but you know I digress will go back into what we are talking about, but you see somebody who was before everybody else. He derived two hours to practice before everybody else. He through the entire practice, leave an hour to two hours later at every single person as well? The way that you get better, he wasn't born with talent, which you give her the wage becoming credible at. What you do is by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone by seeking that discomfort, all of the time you can't sit back and just allow the world to happen to you. You can, if you want, but you're, not going to have the life that you want so next time. Something happens to you whether it's
she some, then you go and see or something that happens to you. You're like an event in life that you can't really get around somebody dies or somebody get sick or you may get fired or something like that next time that happens to you, don't think that's happening to you think that it's happening for you, it's pushing you because you have been to stagnate. One of the things that really interesting that I've taught with a lot of people have talked what is when something really kadesh I happens in their life a lot of the time, it's that they were just extremely stagnant that time they were growing. There were pushing their what reading themselves and in boom it's like the universe throws something at them to shift their minds the shift to life to make them move because they were moving. It's like about ducks just sitting on the water. You know that just be sitting there for the longest. But if you throw a rock in that water, there are going to scatter and that's kind of what happens with people's like the universe, those universal rock at you. It goes into the water goes all replacing my colleague crap. I can fly away in a fight
way to somewhere else. You go somewhere else outside of your comfort zone, not just that point that you ve been sitting in the past six months year, ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, whatever it is for you, you have to seek the discomfort, grow in you know. I was really taught this when I was back in my cuckoo days in which to do these things called pushes, literally we're in the middle of a push right now for my coaching course: right teach coach, it's how to grow and monetize their following and how to actually become professional coaches, and you make six figures doing it, and what we're doing right now is we're pushing them. We're in a fourteen day, push where they have six pillars that they have to hit every single day for fourteen days in their pillars that are required of them, or else they don't qualify going through it and it pushes them outside of their comfort zone and pushes him and pushes him and pushes them, and we literally have somebody that we've hired just to check on every single person every single day, so they have the hardcore accountability so that
They can't fail, like they literally have to push themself as hard as they possibly can in order to grow. That's all we call it a push. It's a fourteen day push- and I know the reason why we're doing this is because they will be different people on the other side of these fourteen days. You know, they're not used. growing, there is room the way teach people gather instrument following and they ve been signed, It will be named cyclamen psyching if they are required to push himself really hard for fourteen days will, on day, fifteen they're going to have a much higher standard of what their daily activities should be like of how many people they should reach out to how many people is she getting into conversations how many people should get onto phone calls. The mind is like plastic not elastic. So what can you take from it? Even if you're, not in my course, no big deal, what I'm trying to say is, can you push yourself really really hard for the next fourteen days for the next thirty days for the next sixty days? No, I do this thing twice a year,
the ironman sixty john innocent, and this is not me like promoting a bunch of shit that I do because his sister wasn't supposed to be this way. But I've realized that I built a lot of the stuff that I that I teach around pushing out of the For its so that they can mentally and physically break themselves out of who they are or who they used to be, then I do a thing called the iron rhine. Sixty challenge, sixty days in a row. They have to hit six pillars to push himself every single day for sixty day stuff, like no alcohol stuff, I've taken a cold shower don't like working out every single day stuff. Like sticking to a diet, a vague journaling in meditating visualizing. All of that, because I'm trying to make somebody out who they thought they were because who you think you are it's just a fabrication of your mind, you can wake up today and be a completely different person than you were yesterday. You just playing a character that you ve been playing for years, so you have to realise that the whole entire fabrication that you made
it is only to stick inside of your comfort zone that you're in, but you can either have the universe, throw that rocket. You just like that that duck that's on the pawn and make you fly out of your comfort zone or you can mentally go. You know what I'm going to be like the lobster. I'm going to push myself, I'm going to seek discomfort. I've been stuck in this comfort zone for and so long. I will no longer be here anymore, I'm going to push myself so that I can break mode of who I am so by the time I'm done pushing myself. The old me. Won't you could be recognisable I'll, be a completely different person, so you have to be like the lobster don't run from hard times. Embrace them break through then get more resilient from them, and until the day you die just like the lobster, never stop growing job does so I guess you for today's episode. If you love this episode, we share some of that. You know and love it for those you that have been sharing this on your instagram. I greatly appreciated and I'm going
the same way, leaving every single episode, make it your mission to make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-05.