« The Mindset Mentor

Living a Level 10 Life

2021-11-10 | 🔗

Are you living up to your full potential? Are you living your life at a level 10? In this episode, we are going to dive deep into what a level 10 life looks like and how to get there!


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to today's episode, the mindset, mentor podcast, I'm you host rob dialogue and, if you have not yet done so hit that subscribe buttons, it you never miss and other partners serbia and if you live in the united states or canada, and you want to receive motivational text messages for me, Quit yourself cellphone texting right now, one five, one to five: eight: zero, nine through zero, five. Once again, one five, once you five eighty or ninety three zero, five it. I will start taxi new motivational text messages immediately, so they were we are talking about. How to live up to your potential are not going to give you any big tips. It's not gonna, be something where I want to take a whole lot of notes on today's podcast today is going to be a lot of thinking in hopefully, I'm going to make you re think some of the most important parts of europe,
wife, then the reason why is because, when I look around, I see so much unused potential, not just everybody else, but I also seed and myself as well. I am not perfect here, We have so much unused potential, so many things that we could do in this war. So many things that we can to make people, though we could impact so many things that we could do to make, ourselves better to make the world better to make everything better. But a lot of times, instead of going in our she pushing ourselves to be better to get more out of ourselves to get more out of ourselves to create more opportunity. everything for the world instead of doing as things. What do we do? We just go through? The motions in life, just kind of happens, utter about because, with the order that I get the more that I notice that every A kind of seems, like the same end, starts to seem like a goes. A lot quicker like I get older damn this year has gone by so fast. I don't like what the hell was this you're? How is it
you're going by so fast. It seemed like last year when by so fast, is still feel like I'm in last year. in we go through the motions of what happens when we go through the motions. Is that your brain to store things that you do, over and over again I just one memory. So the next. then I'll? Give you is this? If you wake up today and do pretty much dear that same thing that you did yesterday in very close. the exact same thing that you did that it before that. Your brain is going to mostly store it as just one memory that kind of put. altogether. Consolidates them in. So what happens is because of that you're not doing anything different you're, not doing anything new. We don't do anything now your brain. Just kind of stores at all is one big memory in theirs many new experiences in the law. at times what happens as we just go through the motions, and we just do the same things that we have done before, and so we need to get better at push ourselves outside of our comfort zone, because
you know I was at the grocery store the other day in someone ass, I was doing my son. I do I'm doing great, I would say great: she might go to the fore instead. As said, how are you doing they surrounded trying to get by in say anything because I'm not the guy like hey, let me go ahead and give you a coaching session here, the grocery store, but I don't know about you. I don't want to just give by big. You just want to get by like this, this life that we have such a beautiful thing at such an amazing thing, you one shot at this thing. Why we just go through. The motions who wants to just get by and I want you to realize that if you ve been getting buyer just getting buying your life that the decision to just give by or a lap there. if you're listening to this, though you're, probably not somebody who wants just a mediocre life, you're not
you know what I'm willis into the minds of men to try to improve myself, because I want to get more mediocrity for my life. You listening to me because you want something more. You want something amazing. You want something different in your life might not be terrible right now, but you want more joy more happiness. You want more peace. you want more love. You want some more success. You want some more money, you want more freedom and we can agree that you can't get those things by living a mediocre life. I would say that a lot of people live mediocre. Last people get comfortable, they want to succeed. They want to have more joy in peace and happy it's, but it's easier to not do those things into night work. To get those things in your life and is to actually go out and work towards those things. Comfort is easier than working towards your goals. Comfort zone is where your dreams go to die and you,
hundreds of years ago, Benjamin Franklin knew this. He said most people die by twenty four but do not buried until seventy five don't get comfortable. That's not, what you want. You don't want to just live the same life the same day over and over and over again, what he means by that quote is that by the age of twenty five, most people have figured what it is it they're gonna do or they settled along the way. and they lived the same life. Your twenties It's the same as your twenty seven, so same as your twenty eight is the same as your thirty seven and then seventy five eighty years old, they die. That just sounds painful. It sounds painful. Doesn't it But I'm curious with you: how long have you been living the same life How long have you been stuck in your current comfort zone? Dont get comfortable, The reason why we stand or comfort zone because we know if we want to make something great of our life if we want to live up to our two true potential, there's gonna be
failure along the way and it's easier to do nothing then it is tat, should go out and feel people try to avoid failure, rejection, other people's opinions as much as they possibly can and it's not going to be easy, your change that you have to go through to create the life that you want to have the potential that you we want to re, enter the world, it's not going to be easy There is a need to be changed and that change it's gonna be hard. It's easier to not change, it's easier to not follow your dreams, it's easier to just sit on the couch and scroll through and remedies. Let life pass. You by its easy, it's physically easier but mentally ill. Ardor, it's so much harder mentally and herself to just get by, because you know deep down inside it. There's a part of you that she is dying its dying into wake up
in no way you're living a life that's lie you're living a life. That's not what you want: you're living a life that is not fully up to your potential that my friends that soul, crushing it's easier physically to not go after your goals but mentally in your soul, it's soul, crushing! I remember before I started this podcast before started my coaching business before I did did what I do now. I went through many depression. You know I had. I was making great money I was twenty seven year old. That was make an amazing money. I was working from home hardly work involving an ice as maybe working like fifteen hours a week as me great money. I was making more money than ever had, but my soul was slowly dying then I could feel it could feel that feeling of, if I don't do anything about it, I'm going to be here forever and I'm awake a bit forty five years old and I'm going to hate myself
My soul was slowly dying in a member being, like god, just help me figure out what I'm supposed to do with my life. I do I think I'll work as hard as I need to. I just can't keep doing what I'm doing now in people don't like change. We don't like change the brain. Your brain does not like chain. and the reason is because your brain is designed to keep you safe. In your brain knows that, if you're inside of your comfort zone, if you're doing the same things over and over again that you ve been doing for so long, you are safe, and so your brain tries to keep you inside of your comfort zone. Anything outside of that comfort zone is a threat to the brain. now. You know if you have a goal this year of making a hundred thousand dollars and you ve never pass sixty five. You know that by making a hundred thousand hours and putting in the work and making some extra called calls are knocking on more doors or whatever you know that you're not gonna die by putting the extra work needed to get two hundred thousand dollars this year, but mentally your brain, the
The tiny little bit of your brain, the middle of the fear, base part of your brain is night, no red flag, red flag red five. We ve never done that before we ve never worked at heart and that that is a threat to the brain. Our brain is used to doing. one way. You know you who here listening has ever driven home from somewhere like work or something You ve been a million times your parents house and you get to you as you know like how the hell did I just get here. It's auto pilot. Your brain wants to go onto autopilot to do something new, uses a lot of energy to do. Did you ve done before to go and autopilot auto pilot is an energy. even device at your brain creates. So we have to know that we have to embrace the change that we need in order to be uncomfortable, no, that we're not gonna be comfortable and everything that we do. I give you a quick example ready go ahead and do this for me fold. Your arms
a quick, just fold, your arms, if you're driving, don't fall germs. But if you listening to me in your at your house, so here you know inside of the the gym, or you're going on a run whatever it is fold your arms, your quick, I want you to do this for your arms the other way. So if your left hand was on top before now put your right hand on top douro, quit the fuels court. Doesn't it isn't it weird to realise that your brain has created a way to fold your arms exactly the same, every single time into do something print, even officious folding, Europe's arms, a different way feels awkward and we don't lie Awkward, your brain doesn't like awkward in doing things that are different, feels awkward. It puts us in uncomfortable situation. It's like trying to walk when you ve never walked before you're. Like a new born giraffe and you get these little wiggly legs. Its uncomfortable doesn't feel a hundred percent right, but we have to do those things we
to make the little changes so that we can become great. What could you look like? What could you look like if, if you tried to accomplish more. Could the world look like if they tried to accomplish more, and I got a question for it and what you think about this out of a level ten, I mean ten is absolute, perfection that you're living your life. If you could be a zero to ten zero means, like your life, is incomplete, shambles ten means your life is per there is literally nothing that can be done to make your life any better what level you living life out at a ten isis question, pretty often people when I get speeches like a five, a six, maybe a seven will, while you're at a seven? What is an eight look like What did you living your life at eight? Look like what you living life at nine. Look like what does your life look like if you live your life at a level ten.
And here's the thing each number that you go up so from seven to eight from eight to nine from nine to ten. Each number that you have life doesn't get ten percent better. It gets exponentially better. It gets ten times better. Could you imagine if you went out there and tried to live up to your potential every single day. If you woke up every single morning in your only intention, was I'm going tried to live this hour ninety to ten a m at a level ten from ten to eleven at a level ten in who's. Your intention was to live your life to one hundred percent, your full potential. Imagine what your life could be like if you did that in the next six months and that georgia life could be like. If you did that for the next year, you would be a different person in a different place with a different well said, instead of circumstances and happiness level enjoy level in bank account, then you currently are right now know me. I should this what if every single person tried to get one hundred percent of every single day
with the world look like instead of just coming home and watching tv getting on netflix. Do you know what we could accomplish as a species? Anything hatred is pie. Cases brought to you by ass, let it greens, the health in one, this company that makes comprehensive daily nutrition. Very, very simple aid. You won by a letter greens, the category leading super food product brains, comprehensive inconvenient, daily nutrition to everybody, keeping up with the research. Knowing what to do and taking much opposing capsules is hard on the stomach and hard to keep up with tell each of us be at our best. They simplify the path to better nutrition. By giving you the one thing, with all the best things I let you take eighty one every single morning, because it makes getting all the vitamins and minerals so darn easy one, tasty scoop of age. You one contains seventy five vitamins, minerals and whole food source ingredients
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that? Every single one of us can figure out a way if we had a team up to fix what we screwed up screwed up here on earth. If we just work together, what if every single person tried to accomplish more because you know what the average persons day looks like people, wake up dates and see, will they drink some coffee? They drive the same way to work. They always have they work at a place that doesn't fully light them up might be o k. It might be bad, they may work for someone that they hate they my work with other people they hate. Then they hang out the same before lunch, these same food, they drive home, they take a meal put in the microwave, they want the same, shows on netflix throughout the cup the day they take a couple of dumps and then they just go to bed and then they wake up and do the exact same thing over and over and over again, and they can't wait for the weekend, realizing that
we can just an arbitrary day like some some way along the way someone some undecided make up monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday saturday, sunday, and it means it they're waiting to get to the weekend, so they can feel free from this life. Did they created for cells, it means that are wasting five days of their life waiting for two days, and you want to know my opinion. I think the best thing that happened to humans. The best thing happened to life is death. Death is the best thing to happen to your life. Why? Because it gives your life urgency. Have you ever had somebody die that your close to. You start to rethink your life. What happens when they die? We forget how short life isn't like. Oh, my god, this persons are coming back and there will be a moment. That. This will happen to me and I will come back to realize life is so short. Life is so fragile. and we started looking man, maybe
can be doing what I'm doing with my life. Maybe I should try to live up to my maybe I should follow my dreams and we think that way for a day or two days or three days, and it was time to go back. We fall into old patterns, fall into old habits. And what do you think like? Are you living up to your full potential and if today was your last day, would you be proud of what you've done, or would you wish that you had done more? What is your full potential? Even look like? Have you ever plan that out with a pen and paper, have you ever thought about that? Sat down and said what could my life look like? What could I look like? What can my children's life look like? What can my family's life look like? What can my bank account look like what can my happiness? What can my joy look like if I stepped up, if I start living the same freaking day every freakin day, and I decided to step up and go. You know what I'm gonna live today at a level ten I'm going to live today, well, ten, I'm not going worry about tomorrow and that can work.
Yesterday on leaving it to worry about this afternoon. I'm no worry about making this morning a level ten morning and then when I get in afternoon? All I'm gonna worry about is how can I make it a level ten afternoon and I'm going to commit to my talk to my family to everyone that I love, I'm going to commit to making small steps to getting closer to the best version of myself every single day and that's all that you have to do you don't have to worry about tomorrow and here's the thing when you're looking at your goals, the thing boggles, I love them. I think they're great, I think they're a great way to set your your gps in what direction, going to. But when you look at it, you say my goal is to A million dollars in my bank account, and you look at your brain. Countless ten at seems like it's a really really far ways away and it can be deemed meaning that your goals are so big in where you're currently are is not where you want to be, and it looks so far away. Tumulty get
nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars in your bank account, if that's what you're shooting for. But if you just go, you know what today I want to take actions to get ten more dollars. My bank account, and then a little bit more. Whatever your goal is whether its money, whether its happiness, weathers joy with its love, withers peace. How can you just focus on committing to take small little teeny tiny steps to get you further into focus on living at a level? Ten take will psmith says, he's a picture life as a war. In each day you get to lay one brick just one, no more in all you have to do is not focus on building an entire wall is our focus on making his big massive beautiful walk. If he thing, about the massive wall that needs to be made man that can be demotivating to start thinking about how long that's going to take? How long into the future it's going to take for you to have to get there. Don't worry about building the entire wall. Just
because I'm taking the brick that you have today and laying it is perfectly, as you can perfectly that's getting the most out of every single day and when he was a kid his dad actually had him his brother do this. He had him build a wall for the shop that he had and he said I don't care about the entire watch care about each brick lay this brick, the best that you possibly can, and if you think about today, is how can I lay this brick? How can I get a level ten day out of today and you do it today and you do it tomorrow and you do it the next day in the end, you'll look at your
I didn't realize you built this amazing, beautiful, perfect wall not by focusing on the entire wall, but by focusing on one brick at a time. What is today look like what do you need to do today to make it a level ten take out your pen and paper. Ask yourself that question and focus on just bring a level ten into everything that you do just today and at the end of your life, you'll, look back and you'll. Have one amazing, big, beautiful life? So that's it! I got you for today's episode. If you love is ever so, please shared on an interim stores and tag mean, robbed I'll junior araby d. I m J R, if you're out there and you haven't had instagram anyone's extra motivation extra kicking me ass at least three times a day to try to fill your new stayed with as much positivity is possible Let me there are robbed our junior rb d, I J R, that's also The only place- and I talk to people who follow me. Sesame message say: what's message say: was up and I'll talk to you through instruments.
And I believe the same way I everything up said make it your mission, make someone else's day better. I appreciate you- and I hope that you have an amazing that
Transcript generated on 2023-04-08.