« The Mindset Mentor

How to Stop Your Self Sabotage

2021-11-03 | 🔗

The only thing holding you back is you. That's why in this episode, I am going to teach you how to stop subconsciously holding yourself back.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The welcome to today's episode of the mindset, mentor podcast rob dial and if you have not yet done so hit that subscribe? since you never miss another podcast episode, and if you love is pie, ass you ve ever got any value for money, five tacit I've ever put out. Please do me a favor give us a reading your view on apple pie, gas or on itunes, and helps the podcast rope in more people. Be able to find it. So if you ve ever gotten any dieting thirty seconds a minute whatever it is about, found, give us a rating of you are greatly greatly appreciate. It today and talk about programming and how to break free a little bit for an approach mean that we have I'm travelling round off my mom, I'm over in rome and I flew my mom out and were having coffee. This morning we were talking about her dog. Her dog has she's a arrest and the poor thing has a lot of issues from being a rescue
we are talking about how animals are programme through conditioning she's, like you know, I don't know why she just doesn't get out of it, and likewise she isn't just you know happier with me: I've never been I think we have to realise, like the innermost conditioned from a young age answer, not like. She doesn't trust you is set for some reason. She doesn't trust humans is one in that something that's programming into her. Then something needs to be programmed of her by some training and by working with her. going to somebody who's, actual dog train or to be able to help her out and It's just a programming and subconsciously something that happens inside of the dogs mind, and so there are certain my programme or dies or time a programme of humans by we are the way that we are. We start talking about how we accidently subconsciously, hold ourselves back, and you know it's not that way.
dont all want to have amazing lives like you want to have an amazing life. Don't you I want to have an amazing life, but we subconsciously self sabotage ourselves all the time. If we don't become aware of, what's going on We don't have a get past those until we become aware of those things and start to work past it and start to become very conscious of what is subconscious, which mean I'm taking what is in the subconscious under the conscious mind and bringing it into the conscious so that I can work through it and this kind of like the idea that the story may of her me talk about before you know? There's a man. That's walking through the forest, and he seizes elephants with these little tiny ropes that are tied to a small tree, and these are little. Honey, robes and little tiny treason and they could easily break them. And so this man's confuses like these mass animals? Why are they still? What are they to break free if they were two today easily could so we confuse.
about how these giant animals being held in place by such a small small rope, and he goes up to a guy, and he says you know what why is these massive animals that you have here? Why are the by extending take it easy break away and the guy as well when they were younger. We had these exact same rope. Then they learned when they worked strong enough to break the rope. Did they couldn't get away and as it older and as they get bigger, they still think that they take In a way, even though their older, their bigger and easily could they have been conditioned to believe that they cannot break away I needed a bigger rope and are never aware of how much larger or more powerful they are, and then try to actually break free and you know, one day they realized, they probably tried to break free and they realized that they were powerless and they weren't able to when they were younger, and they just gave up for the rest of our lives, and I don't mean to make you sad
it's a terrible storing. This is how people condition animals to do whatever they want them to do. But how common is it for humans to do the exact same thing its super caught him. Will you know why do I share the story? Will you know at some point in time The animals are trying to get away the shining away the orphans, retraining away and then said when the younger, so they just give up and they don't ever try again Was there a day or moment or vent in your life when you just simply gave up when you just decided, you know what I've had my maxim of what I can do as a human. I don't need to go any further and you're. Not consciously thing is, but it's subconsciously happen it's like the quote. Benjamin franklin says he says most people die by twenty five, but they're not buried until seventy five and just give up and they don't try anymore, the same way that these elephants becomes huge mass of animals, but they don't even try to break free anymore. They don't realize how much more powerful they are
you know, do you realize how much more Our for you are, then, the moment when you gave up subconsciously, gave up Do you want to be where you are until the day that you die? How many or how many of us are holding ourselves back basis of something? happened in the past, you know maybe really want to start a new business. Yes, making idea, but you failed before as an entrepreneur in the past and so you're not doing it. Thinking that the past not being able to break Rope when you are younger is going to dictate and be the exact same as the current moment of now that you're more power. for your wiser, you ve learned more that you're still, I can be able to break the rub. A k have a successful business. How many of us are holding us back just because of something we failed in the past. how many of us are holding ourselves back because of where we came from oh yeah? Nobody successful where I come from. There are so many people that think that if they have a successful
if they make money if they have happiness if they grow out of where they came from every they love will not love them anymore. They won't accept him anymore. So we would rather live a life that this meeting ochre miserable to them, then feel like the nine can be accepted by the people, what they love it was crazy. Is that never happens? Nobody ever gets excessive on the people they love like, we do want to hang out you anymore. How many of us are programmed to hold ourselves back because of a belief there was programmed into us at a young age. Maybe you want to make money, but your mommy to tell you that money too. grow on trees monies the root of all evil. If you want to become rich, you have to screw people over so you're, holding yourself back because subconsciously you're thinking that how many of us who are holding ourselves back simply because of what apparent or a teacher or a family member or friend, told us when we were young and impressionable when we were just a sponge, and we're holding ourselves back because of somebody else's programming, a belief that was
programmed into us at a young age. You know it's bad enough, we hold ourselves back because of beliefs, but it's even worse when you realise that you're holding yourself back because of someone else's belief that you latched onto child, and so you have to realise these things. It's like the disabled, goldfish right, the goldfish! If you look at a goldfish, aced, workin petsmart, when ass fifteen, I was a a bird and fish specialist petsmart for two and a half years. Thank you very much and in goldfish side of a tank there about an inch two inches Do you know how big goldfish get to the while fourteen inches in the wild? So it seven times the site in the wild. Then it is inside of a tank in they are restricted by the size.
The tank that therein, their body will not grow the size of the tank that therein well think about that. How many of us are restricting ourselves base off of where we came from oh yeah, the past Is your gold, fish, tank and you're never going to our grow that you gonna break through your goldfish? Think it doesn't she truly exist? How many of us are restricting ourselves by own minds by our past. I, where we came from by other people, programming that isn't even actually art by other people's beliefs that somehow got passed on to us. How many of us are holding ourselves back by the people? there we surround ourselves with those people are like a tank for a goldfish. If your Goldfish they're, the ones that are holding you back people around you are thinking small, people around? You are thinking that you have to screw people over to be successful,
People around you are saying that you can't do what you want to do. They are the tank and you are the goldfish think about that. For a second, the interesting thing about all this programming is that we're literally not allowing ourselves to grow to our natural sites like a goldfish, that's in the wild, we're not allowing ourselves to grow to our full potential. because of us holding onto other people's programmes because of the always surround ourselves with. Because of the thing, that we watch because of these that we listen to because of the things that we believe about ourselves, because a things We believe, because other people told us to believe them when we were young unimpressionable at some point in time is we're going to have the life. Did you want you ve got to wake up to the fact that you, the only one is in control of us in there are some things inside of you that have to be brought to the surface and gotten rid of the same way that is my mom once her dog to start hanging out with it
the couch and stop hiding inside of a closet. She's gonna have to do some training because the dog has been trained to be afraid of humans. It sad it's terrible that people can be so shitty. That that happens. But when my mom wooden rescued this dog, she has some programming that needs to be reprogrammed mammas, not a dog trainer at ashcombe. Very first dog, and so she doesn't know all of the training is be done. So if she were to bring her to a doctrine or start to work with her the doctrine or be able to help identify these things be able to to reprogram or be able to help to realise that she safe around my mom around my
infuse around my niece all of that stuff, so that, therefore the dog can start to reprogram everything. That's happened to it in the past. While there are things that could possibly still pop up every once in a while absolutely, but will it be better once the dog is retrained in sees that she's safe and doesn't have to worry absolutely, but you gotta start ask yourself how many of us are actually same as the dog? How many of us are exactly the same as the elephant? How many of us are exactly the same as the goldfish you're putting in the work to buy yourself? Why not put in the same effort for your hiring process at work? It doesn't take much it just takes, indeed, indeed, as your hiring partner, they give you what you really want, which is a shortlist of quality candidates as fast as possible, because you can do it all attract interview and higher all at indy. So don't struggle finding your own quality list of candidates. Indeed helps you find the right people right now. Indeed, partners with you on every step of the hiring process, so you can find tell him what the skills it you need
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it your future, but for some reason, because the past made us- we think the highest that I've hit in my past is the highest that I'll hit of my future. No, you have to realize the same way that an elephant continues to grow and gets bigger and bigger and bigger. You get wiser, you get smarter, you get more resources, you get better at what you do so to think that what happened to you in the past that failed business ass, tat filled. Relationship of the past is what's going to happen in your future. Is absolutely ridiculous, because you're not the same as you were back then you're completely different person. It's like the quote. You ve heard me say a few times before no man steps in the same river twice because he's not the same man sought the same river. The ring where is constantly changing and we are constantly changing as well. So there's a point in time, we have to realise
We ve all been any firm. You save millions of dollars, pike ass, we ve all been programmed, but the programmes is put inside that the programming that you want or would you prefer something different, instead of being scared and afraid of going out? and in growing that business, would you rather have confidence in yourself and know that, whatever it is, you gonna do you gonna be successful. I hope you will have it they had a home run with every business that they start, but there's a partners located Reason to that, because her so much confidence, they have a fail business avail business of your business. It doesn't stop and then they go, they started business and they Finally, a home run its strike out strike us strike out home run and because they hit that home run, they have more confidence going into the next one and then into the next went to the next one and they have three four or five successful businesses they don't start all of them at once. They start them all one at a time, but they have three four five successful businesses that they've grown. Simply
because they ve realized that the past of their failures to strike our businesses have nothing to do with the current business. They ve nothing do at the your business. But if you want to look at it and say you know what that is the reason why I am going to fail, then I guarantee this. You are going to fail. If you want to look at your last relationship where you are cheated on and you think that ever once a cheater will then you're going to fractures, your life. If you want to go out there and say well, you know what I'm not going to get into relationship, because I've had so many bad boyfriends or bad girlfriends. In the past, will then inured simply just holding yourself back from a future that you know you want at some point, you want I have a great relationship. You want to be around gray people, you oughta fallen whatever it is, but you're thinking. Oh because I've had a few shitty relationships. It must dictate that every single person of the opposite sex or same sex, depending on what you're into must mean that all of them are exactly same way as my ex boyfriends rex girlfriends. None of those things make any sense.
Oh you don't, then we have other people's programming on top of it. Relationships are hard. Marriage is hard. How many times you hear that marriage is hard. Marriage is a struggle. You've got to give yourself up for that. I know people that emerges and they look like they're fucking struggle up I'll, be right, I know people they re marriages though, and they redesign their marriage and they make it better every single month they have meetings with each other. They decide single anniversary of a friend you, every single anniversary him his wife get together and they decide if they be remarried between the two of them remit. themselves every single year and they decide ok. Well, how did the last year go? What do we like? What are we now like what do we want this year to look like and they redesign it every single year so that it becomes more effortless so that they become more or less they become more of the people they want to become. Now you could make marriage a struggle or you could make marriage like that. which one do you want, the choice is yours depending on what is it you believe that, depending on what is your programming is as well, so the simple
Did you have to realise no matter what you can't look at your programming and think that your programming is automatically going to dictate what your life, what your future, what's your presence is going to be, can be whatever it is it you want to be, and you also have to look at past and realise that your past does not dictate you turn any sort of way and that's a beautiful thing, your back literally has nothing to do with your future. That's crazy, you're pass has nothing to do at your future, but too many people living there lives looking into We have the mayor and seeing failures in seeing things were they screwed up verses? Looking for saying it doesn't matter, would have any impact. I'm gonna go ahead. I want to create a future that I want another thing that we do a lot of times too, as we look at the past and see things that we screwed up now we didn't do a right, how it could have done it better and we are dead or further ways that we mess up instead of looking into the pass and seeing how much you have grown, how different you are, how much better you are and how you are going to take all of that knowledge
all of that wisdom and make your future even better because of everything that she went through in your past. Just like the elephant, you can break through the ropes whenever you want the crazy part eyes at your subconscious with all those robes those rocks don't even exist. It's not like a physical rope like the rope, the tolling elephant back It's actually a mental rope that you're just deciding they you're going to keep him place, you're in a straitjacket of programming, and so just like that elephant, the elephant is bigger. They can break through that rob. You are wiser, you have more knowledge, you are better. You are more scheme You can either continue to hold yourself back from everything. That is it. You want, or you can look at your future and say I'm going to get it no matter what, in step into that confidently, we still feel fear. salute. You're so gonna feel fear, but you have to have this laser. Like focus of, I am going to
the future, that I want, no matter what in break that rope that silently holding you back break out of the strait jacket and create the life that you want to sell does. I got for four days episode. If you love this episode, please shared your instagram stories and tag mean rob dial, junior oro b d. I ale J R, a lovely. When I see it, it's always people s showed his pipe guess? Why greatly greatly pressure from the bottom of my heart and if you out there and you want some more inspiration mode ishan, to fill up your instagram I post three times a day, videos pictures all kinds of stuff to help. You guys grow and get better and create the life that you want to him. So it's our own, He d, I m J R and I believe it is we're, leaving everything I said make it your mission, make someone ass the day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you all have an amazing amazing day.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-08.