« The Mindset Mentor

Don't Be Wasted Potential

2021-09-22 | 🔗

Do you feel like you have more potential that you could bring out to the world? Well in this episode, I am going to try to push your mindset on what you think is possible for a human and for yourself.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On emission is powering once possible for businesses of every size in every industry, unlucky or potential had automate the largest showcase of robotics and automation and north america may twenty second through the twenty fifth in Detroit michigan, with over six hundred exhibitors, two hundred speakers and more than twenty five thousand registrants. There is no better way to power. Your business register for free at automate show dotcom. That's parliament showed dot com, welcome to today's episode of the mindset, mentor podcast I mean down if you have not yet done so that subscriber, since you never miss another podcast episode and if you're out there and you want receive motivational tax messages for me tax right now
We live in the united states and canada, one five one, two, five, eight: zero, nine three zero five. Once again, one five one: two: five: eight: zero: nine three zero five today we're going to be talking about How much potential is inside of you that doesn't get brought out and I want to talk about somebody who, I think is probably one of the most influential people that's alive nowadays in maputo first, it podcast ever sit on about five years ago. Nobody knew who we was because of recently. Past couple years, he just massively blown up in this guy's name is David goggins and I'm on when I first started listening to people talk about it goggins in reading about him and he was in a book where he was called living with the seal great book by Jesse. And I remember reading about this kind of like how is this guy a human? How is this house's physically possible for this guy to do all this I started researching him through the ultra
magazines and all this stuff that he did, and I was like. I didn't even know that people could do the things that this human is doing, and I think it's important to talk about him and to listen to this things because it starts to open up your mindsets like damn. Maybe I'm not do. Anywhere near as much as I thought I could do like nowhere near and so The funniest thing is is, as you started I wanted to give you a list of this guy's accomplishments. As I'm saying is accomplishments. I want you to think to yourself. Am I playing small like I have more inside of me that I haven't bringing to the surface. Do I have more inside of me that can bring the world do, have more potential that I could bring out I don't know, but you want to live there. My whole life not live up to my full potential. I do want to die with potential inside of me, and so the way David goggins got into pushing himself. Is googled once he reality is, was extremely overweight and he wasn't where he wanted to be. He google, the ten hardest things that you could do too.
money and he wanted to raise money for fallen soldiers because he was a navy seal than he Some fallen soldiers that he had him want to take care of their kids and so what he did was he found out. That there is a so called bad water, one thirty, five and he did know much about a huge nose, a hundred thirty from our race, the guys. Never marathon, his life and he's gonna. What I'll give it a shot? I tried out soon was a bad water, one! Thirty five in this I know you know you can't just jump into groundwater, one thirty five! You have to comply a hundred mile race in under twenty four hours. So he's ok, I'll go for it. I tried out so he train for four days. Yes, you heard me correctly: he train for four days to run a hundred mile race and he ran this item or race and Basically, a one mile attracted you had to run around a hundred times and when he was running it here, So there was something that felt a little bit wrong around miles. Seventy so mile seventy
he realized tat. He was only drinking water in crackers. Now is basically all that he was doing for his nutrition, of course, this race and mile seventy he sits down in realises that all of the small bones in his feet are broken all of them and he also has liver failure because only thing has been having is water and crackers, and then he starts pin, blood. No. At this point, some of you guys like this guy, sounds insane. I don't want to be anything like him, I get it. It makes sense. But just listen to what I am about to say: he's liver failure and mouths. Seventy. And all of a small bones as feed or broken and his wife comes up MRS honey you're not going to make it, because he's never run a marathon before so what did he do? He stood up and he walked the remainder of the seventy miles, the suez the remainder of the thirty miles, which is a hundred miles total with broken feet and liver failure.
Now you take a second you're like how's, it even possible. How is it possible for a human to be able to do that, and the answer that is were able to much more than we think not. I want you to push yourself that much, but just gives you an idea of where we're going with us. Get you it's after he ran that merits. The hunter ma marathon? He ran other hundred mile race, with his feet, tat taped up in the rear why he had to run and other races, because the purse who really bad water, one. Thirty five said that that wasn't enough for them to run that race. So two weeks after liver failure and all this model, Does he broken? He ran another hundred mile race with his feet. Taped up, then. He got it the bathwater one, thirty five in two thousand and six having never run hundred and thirty five miles before and he placed fifth place. as a novice runner liking novice. You never never done it before. He read a hundred be five miles in one hundred and twenty degree, whether in death valley now-
I'm telling you the things I realized physically. It sounds insane but mentally to build a push yourself. That's what I want your starting think of this as well, and only three months after completing bathwater, one thirty, five ultra marathon hundred and thirty five miles in two thousand six. He completed the ultra our third world championship, triathlon new in hawaii in play. Second, in the world in a three day, one is a three day. Three hundred and twenty mile ray cycling, two hundred sixty one miles in two days on a rented bicycle before training for race that day. He had never ridden a bike competitively. Not you hear this and you're like what, in the actual. Fuck. How is even possible right? He said, of course, record for the forty
our national championships running forty eight hours straight, beating the previous record by twenty miles. He ran two hundred and three point five miles in forty eight hours earning himself as one of the top ten the ultra marathon runners in the entire world he signed up for a forty eight hour race, where he's gonna run for forty eight hours, a different from this one. I was just talking about side of her for yr mile race, forty eight hour race. Excuse me in it at our twenty three. He tore his quad, so he walked up to the race officials and said: hey. You know we're about to be at our. Twenty four there's there's such thing as twenty four hour races. Can you just clock me in at a twenty four hour race cars? I just tore my quad. They said sorry David. We can't do that. He said roger that he taped up his quad in ref. He ran for another twenty four hours with a torn quad. Just think about that for a second, you think. How is it even
possible for someone to physically do that. How is it possible for someone to mentally do that and knew what he says is whatever I have going on someone else's, always going through much more pain, so I have to learn to fight through it. is the world record our she had. The world records gives me for the most polyps in one day and in seventeen hours he broke the guinness book of records and had four thousand and thirty pull ups in seventeen hours. Four thousand pull ups in seventeen hours, Hey if you're looking for some higher class accessories for your iphone injure ipad and all of your electronic check out nomad nomad started as a kickstarter project back in two thousand twelve, with the goal of building altered. rugged and minimalistic accessories for the twenty first century. That actually look, at the recent santa Barbara, california, and no man makes mobile accessories and not only look good, but they actually are there when you need them most.
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the promo code mindset, I know people? They can't do one pull up four thousand and seventeen hours. He ran a hundred in ten miles in twenty four hours and realise at mile. Ninety that he pneumonia, and so for the last sixty miles of the race or total of a hundred and forty miles. He ran and forty. hours through mountainous train, pulling himself up steep parts of it with rope, so you found out. He had pneumonia at mile sixty zero miles. mild. Ninety in red ran another sixty miles with pneumonia. Then he comes back. The next in wins that hundred and fifty mile race in thirty three hours sets, of course record, and the thing is funny about it, as he says he hates to run in bike, which is why he does it every single day. He does it because he hates doing it he's trying to prepare his mind for was the rule
might give him that could be much tougher, see ask yourself: what does somebody do this? Why would Would he do all this crazy stuff? Well, there's a reason why he runs for the fallen soldiers, kids to go to college. That's why he does it. So you ask yourself: why would somebody put themselves through so much pain? First off he's trying to see what he can put himself through and what he can overcome in order to is doing for something outside he's doing it for something outside of him. He's raised over two million dollars for sought, fallen soldiers, kids to go to college, he's doing it for people outside of him. That's why he's been doing it's? The way he's been doing it for so long here. Consistently discipline, and I not look at and be like man it sounds nice all the stuff that he does. You know he must be physically gifted and let me know as anybody out there listening I oh yeah will they must be nice and must be physically gifted no he's getting foot third place in getting fifth place must be physically gifted
well we're crazy part about its use, actually born with a heart defect about five years into his professional career of running and viking an ultra marathons. He realized that he has a heart defect where he has a hole in his heart and it only works at seventy five, the capacity of a normal person's heart. He also has asthma and sickle cell. Let me just take a step back real quick. This guy has asthma sickle cell and his heart works at seventy five percent of the capacity of a normal person and he's still able to do all of these thanks. If this guy can do this, what can you do? I don't I've never had my heart tested. I'm pretty sure have a normal heart. This guy's hard work. Seventy five The capacity of mine does it's crazy. He goes every night at midnight and the wakes up at three o clock in the morning. Yes, three hours of sleep, so they can run for twenty miles, men Anybody else feel like what am I do with my life
I feel, like I'm doing a lot with my life and then are you this This guy would makes me realise that there's a there's, a high or other level of human potential that we don't even get to ever see. in this guy, showing it to us now. I realize it sounds kind of sadistic for some people. Why would somebody ever do them out? So many pushed himself the much what's the point of it, Maybe when you find out, oh he's, doing it to raise money for fallen soldiers, children that starts make a little bit more sense right. He lives his life by something called the forty percent rule. The forty it's a rule means that when you are at your absolute, like you're done like you have worked out as hard as you possibly can and you're like you know what I've got nothing left in the tank. Will you argue your legs out so hard you're like wobbling out? He can look like a newborn giraffe. He says whenever you're you think that you're done one hundred percent done you're, actually only about forty percent done, because there's a part of your brain there's, a mechanism in your brain, that is, a safety,
can assume that tells you it's time to give up because it doesn't want you get hurt and he said if you can mentally override that safety mechanism you're gonna there's a whole new levels for you that you never thought was possible when you think you're done you're, not even close to done in guys. That's that's! What do you think you're? A hundred percent down like you feel you ve got nothing left in the tank. How often do you actually even get that? I don't know? I don't feel like I personally it Oh my god! I'm a hundred percent done and if I don't get too, oh, my god about two percent done, I'm not even hitting that forty percent mark So what are we leaving our lives it when we fully push ourselves, we think refilling, important, fully put yourselves twenty five percent. Thirty percent maybe and if you don't push yourself at all, when you living life at five percent capacity, five percent potential wholly crap how much human potential is wasted simply because people want
be comfortable. They want to sit on a couch in the air conditioning in watched network. In school, on interim in Tik tok and not get up and actually see what they could do in their life. How do you feel not that I dunno about you, but it makes me want to get up and go for iran and I hate running wholly crap how much human potential wasted. I'm obsessed getting all of my potential out and leaving it on the table, and when I hear some like this, I'm a man, I'm not even close to what I could possibly do whatever you are you close to what you could do, how much is left in the tank? How much more you bring it to the world in this, isn't just physically guys. This is mentally. This is with all of your relationships. This is with your business. This is with your friendships. This is with your bank account. This is with your company If you work at how much more do you have to give to the world that you're just not giving to the world of as with getting out all my potential there when I hear about them,
like this. I'm like I'm not even close to what I could do. The pain of hard work, the only thing the worst. Pain of hard work is a pain of regret. Man think about that. For a second, I need to push myself I need to inspire myself more so that I can spire you more says you Spire yourself said you conspired people around you as well, because when you think back and you think about a time in your life that change your life, usually Don't remember the easy types. What do you remember you remember the times that pushed you humor the times that were hard to hundred challenged you they pushed you pass. What you thought was A small d made you go to another level. We think about the times. It changed you it's never easy times when you were just sitting around and life was easy the time when life changes you is when things are hard. How can we create? more breakthroughs in our lives put ourselves more things that are hard mentally physically? Instead,
taking that warm shower, take the cold shower mentally push yourself. Is it fun to take a cold shower hell? No, nobody loves taking a cold shower, but what does it do for your mind when you wake up and you took a cold shower every single morning, if it strengthens your mind to go. You know what I woke up this morning. I did something I didn't want to do all it is a super simple you're, getting your physical body inside of something that's cold water, really, not that hard as it. Why is it so hard, though? It's more of a mental thing? That is a physical thing, so if we can conquer something like that, every single day and do stuff, we don't want to do What's the secret is to do things that you don't want to do, there's so much magic on the other side of it, there's so much magic on the other side of doing what it is that you don't want to do and feeling mental resistance in pushing pass it anyways, because if you look at your life,
You know what you need to do to create the life that you want to. Don't you know what's needed is pretty successful and happy and rich, and you know, create the business that you want or have a life that you want. You know what you need to do. so, the only problem is, are you actually doing it and that's the funny thing about it? Is that taking action part is the hard part, that's the mental side of it. Yeah. You know if you want to lose weight, what you gotta, do you gotta, eat, writing or show up to the gym, isn't not really hard. It's just. You have to be consistent with doing that. The problem is mentally. We don't want to go to the gym. We think all we can do other things. I'm really tired today, probably not, but when you push yourself to a point, that is not comfortable. That is not fund. That is where you truly live. Some us are not truly living on a day to day basis would just get
By what is surviving when I bring your greatness out into the world, like Benjamin franklin says, most people die by twenty five, but they're not buried until seventy five. Why? Because they get to a point where their comfortable and they give it a rest of life away you comfortable I'll, get fat and happy. Then then I'll just hang out, I don't push myself I'll, find a more potential. Is theirs much more inside of you are you bring it out to the world? How What are you leaving on the table? How much are we wasting our potential How much of our lives have we wasted when there's so much more, you don't have to go out there and be like David goggins would be a freak of nature and do four thousand ups and run one hundred thousand miles or whatever the fuck he does. You don't have- do all those things what you can do is go. You know what I'm going to do more than I think is possible for myself, I'm going to consistently push myself, not allow myself to come up short amateur push myself in, do what I do want to do and we push myself and do it as I do want to do. Then, if you
that, consistently day in day out day in day out, you're gonna have a different body. You'd have a different mind. You're going to have different nation ships. You'd have a different bank account. You can have a different business you're going to have different everything else around you simply because you did what was hard when other people did. What was easy, how do you grow a life that is amazing? You fucking pushed yourself that's how you do it to question is: have you been pushing herself the way that you truly deserve to push yourself? Not like? Oh my god, I have to push myself. No, I deserved a push myself because I deserve to see what this mind can do. I deserve issue at this body can do and I'm not going to go to my grave with waste potential. So if you are out there in this, inspires you there's so much more inside each you could bring out to the world. You ve gotta, stop wasting it. You ve gotta, get off of your ass. You ve got it. up and do the things that you don't wanna do mentally train yourself to be harder than you are, because if you do this every single day you wake up.
fears and you'll realize that you are so much further than everyone else around you. So what do you do? Wake up tomorrow? Do some that you don't want do as she screw. It turn off this podcast right now and do some that you don't want to do. Take a cold shower, take a call. Bath ice bath go for a run longer than you've ever gone, go workout harder than you've ever worked out, push yourself and feel that feeling of I did it there's very few feelings that are better than that. Ah, I didn't think I was going to be able to do it and I did it anyways. That is where you grow, is on the edge of your comfort zone outside of your comfort zone. bring out. Your full potential is in bringing about the world some I'm gonna in the same way, leaving every single episode me commission make someone else's day better? I appreciate you. Does you love this episode? Please shared on interim stories and tag meter abdel junior are a b d. I m J, r and major mish make someone else's d better. I appreciate you all that you have an amazing day.
The automation is powering, what's possible, for businesses of every size in every industry, unlucky or potential had automate the largest showcase of robotics and automation and north america may twenty second through the twenty fifth in Detroit michigan, with over six hundred exhibitors two hundred speakers and more than twenty five thousand registrants, there is no better way to power. Your business register for free at automate show dotcom. That's parliament show dot com
Transcript generated on 2023-04-12.