« The Mindset Mentor

5 Keys to Develop the Mindset of a Winner

2021-06-07 | 🔗

Don't you want to win in life? In this episode, I am going to teach you the 5 mental keys that I have found by studying some of the highest performers in the world.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The welcomes. Today's episode of the wives mentor podcast, I'm your host rob dial. If you have not yet done so hit that subscribe button, since you never miss another podcast episode, and If you want some more motivation, go ahead and follow me on instagram robbed a junior r, o b d. I a joy, so I can flood your news feed with all kinds of good shit. Today we're going to be talking about what it takes to get into, creating the mindset of a winner and I'm gonna go for specifically the five different pieces and you need in order to create the mindset of a winner and we're going to talk about two of the greatest athletes, some of the most cutthroat hard core winners that I've ever seen and we're going to talk about kobe bryant. We're going to talk about Michael
jordan today, and this isn't just the two of them. This translates, I think, to a lot of extremely high performers, whether that happens to be in athletes. There's a lot of hardcore athletes that have these exact same five pieces, but also, I see this exact same pieces and many different ways in some of the most successful entrepreneurs. In the worlds, while so not only will help you with sports at all so happy with life, athleticism whatever it is that you want to do becoming an entrepreneur all of those things. So we're going to talk about the five differences between a mindset of a winner and just the average person and at the animals are going to teach you how to use the chemicals inside of your brain to make you work harder for what you want and to make you more of a winner before we dive into those five pieces in the five things I want to cover with you, though, there's one thing, that's very apparent that I've come to realize and I've taught tens of
thousands of people over the years- and there is a big difference between someone who's a winner in someone who is not a winner right, wingers win losers, lose that's what I always say, and I don't mean losers in a bad way. I just mean some people just have the mindset that, as a losing mindset in internal going to make them loose, it's not something that you're born This is a mindset that can be shifted in if you're. If it's a mindset, you can shift a mindset at any point in time. It just depends on. If you have the right tools to do so, really more. They think us about the way that you look at things in the way that your life is so the five pieces to having the mindset of an absolute. Where are the first thing that I have found with you, who are just crazy winners as life number one, is that their are absolutely obsessed. like legitimately obsessed one a very
books that I have a red was called the five major pieces through life puzzled by Jim Rhone, and he calls this. He says when you figure out what it is that you want in life. It has to become your magnificent obsession and when you look at someone like Michael Jordan winning every single day it wasn't winning a championship, though, as is his obsession. It was winning every single game in a turn won a lot of shame. It's because championships because of kobe bryant, the exact same thing just hardcore had to win. Every single game had to win every single play and in that there is an interview, those watchword kobe bryant and he was talking about his hard work and how obsessed he was with playing a game of basque, more and he said, I just never wanted to say after I retired that I wish I could have done more right in how many go out there get to the end of their lives in just wish. They could have done more wish. They would have achieved more where
it would have impact and more people's lives, which they would have just brought more of themselves out to the world right in their whole, life has been built around how they can become better. So perfectly example and I'll give you more dimples as we go through this, but their whole life was built around how they can become better so there. If, if basketball for them, was the obsession right, then it's their fitness, it's their nutrition, it's their sleep. It's the the the bed. that they have it's the couches that they have is the amount of water that they drink. It's the trainers that they have. You know they say Lebron James says we spend one point: five million dollars a year. Specifically on his body, so their whole life is built around how to become better. You know, they're there systems of they still want to hang out their family, but their families built into. How can I use
my time wisely, when I'm with them, and how can I build in my basket schedule my practice schedule my work out and oliver into my family time to make sure that all of these pieces? support the number one goal of winning every single game that I go into in turn. Not only is it in people would think minors Now this can be, as some people will think, to themselves. This obsession would take time away from their children. Their children's would suffer from it and- and it could be that way, but if you look at at both of them and in their family life, you realize that, because of the way that they were and how obsessed they were with their craft, it actually made their family lives better, a lot of different ways as well and so Kobe bryant says one as listening to him. Talk about this is that when you decide that your life is built around this one thing, so his life was built around basketball. Your life can be built around. You know, impact in the world becoming a coach building, a business that you know, cheers hunger around the world. I dont know what it is for you when you build your entire life,
for on that in that, as your one mission in life, he says, if you think of it, that way your world literally becomes your library. So every single aspect of what it. did you do you pull from it so that she can become better in everything it do so. The first thing is: is there absolutely obsessed their end goal? Is their magnificent obsession? So my question to you that being said, as if you want to become a winner and step into having a winner's mindset. What is your magnificent obsession for your life? So that's the first thing. The second thing is they don't see any other option, except for winning they don't see any other option right, Michael door said I never lost. I just ran out of time and the thing that our ideas about myself is that I was obsessed with plainly. the basketball and trying to become better when I was a kid, but the thing that was messed up about me was my mindset right. So this is something that I grew up in learned about myself after I stopped playing basketball, so I play basketball all the way into high school, and then
got into sales when I was nineteen twenty years old and started reading a learning- and I realized in that process of self development, that my mindset when I played sports was actually messed up because it was always I was always more negative than I was positive as a kid, and I would think to myself when I was shooting a shot. I hope I don't miss right verses. I will make it now think about your life and how many times you hope that something doesn't happen. Verses I will do x y see. I will make sure it gets done right. So, where you live your life, do you live it more on the negative side of? I hope I don't. I hope this doesn't happen. I hope bob obama. Why or is it? I will make it happen on deposit. side right, winters, don't see any other option they're going to win. That's all that it is. I did an episode not too long ago on manifestation when I was talking about for me when I decide something. This is how I can show you what I said earlier that it's not that you're stuck in your mindset. You can shift your mindset
a point in time. For me, when I want something now there, is no other option. I will always get what I want. Am I gonna get it right away, but I will eventually get what I want if I want to grow up of multi million dollar business all grow multimillionaire business and I won't give up until I get it. That's the difference is that a lot of people who are winners, they make it their magnificent obsession, they become obsessed with it and they don't see any other option there just going to get it no matter. What in their on this road for his life, Is it takes to get it even if it's to the last day that they're alive they can be pushing through people who are on? I guess you could say to cortical loser side. Is they start going for something there excited and then they get a little bit of. I guess you could say that, a little bit of roadblocks and those roadblocks start to make them think that
This isn't for me. Maybe this is a wrong path. Maybe I'm not the right person for this? Maybe I'm not qualified. Yet maybe I should work harder and then try this again right. Winters don't see any other option, they will get what it is that they want. So my question to you is: which mindset do you have? Is it I hope I don't, or I hope this doesn't happen or I'm going to make it happen. Soap number two as winners, don't see any other option at supper, winning these days and be hard to sit down and find time to learn more. And it's not easy with social media which can be so addictive and so time consuming. So you may think to yourself that you don't have time to develop yourself, but there is an app that I've been using for over five years now and I highly recommend call blinkers link is this for anyone who cares about learning but doesn't have a whole lot of time in blinkers, takes the key ideas and insights river. Four thousand nonfiction best sellers in more than twenty seven categories in gathers them into fifteen minute text in audio explaining that help. You understand the core ideas of the book. The more than
Eighteen million people are already using blankets right now to broaden their knowledge and self improvement. Personal growth management leadership, mindfulness happiness in so much more. So try bleakest right now and you can try the special offer that they have for our audience. If you go to blinkers dot com, slash mindset, you can start your seven day free trial in a twenty five percent off blinkers premium membership. That's blinkers! Spell b, l, I and k: I s tea, dot com slush mindset to get twenty five percent off in your seven day, free trial number three winners know that they're gonna mess up. They understand that messing up as part of the process,
In no matter how many times they mess up their mindset never wavers. This is the biggest point. If you think about this, they can miss the game. Winning shot tonight and they'll still want to take the last shot tomorrow. Why? Because they know that they just missed a shot I miss tons of shots. It's like that. Famous Michael Jordan quote. He says I've missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I've lost almost three hundred games. Twenty six times. I've been trusted to take the game, winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over and over again in my life and that's why I succeed. They know they're gonna mess up, they know they're gonna, miss shots. no matter what they will not let their mindset waiver no matter how many shots, data hamish ass. They must give a terrible night tonight, it's not going to mess with their night tomorrow right. They know they won't be per but that won't change their minds about themselves, do you want to know why? Because they know
they ve put in more work than anybody else, so nobody else is more qualified to take that shot than them. That's the biggest difference. They know that there's no one else in the gymnast aims and that they are there, no noise putting in more work than them messing up as part of the process in. If you mess up your mind, such mindset should never waiver you're going to get whatever it is no matter how long it takes that. But the mindset needs to be around whatever it is it you want to succeed. What is it that you want to succeed at that? Some are three number four, as they surround himself with win, So a lot of people are another or didn't notice until Kobe bryant died and Michael Jordan started speaking about it, but Michael Jordan in cubby Brian talk about us. If you go back and look at some
there interviews. I looked a lot of different interviews, as I was researching through. This is Michael Jordan, considered kobe bryant, his little brother and kobe bryant, considered Michael Jordan, his older brother right and ah they would. You know, there's there's stories of how you know Michael joy, be woken up at three o'clock in the morning, because Kobe bryant would call him up and ask him questions about you during a turnaround, jump shot and fade away in a in how he's teaching daughter of how to do a fade away and he asked when he was. You know she was eleven at the time and he calls up Michael Jordan he's like hey. What were you doing at eleven years old to try to fix your jump? Shot right in kobe, bryant had something called goat. Mountain goat stands for greatest of all time, so we had something called goat mountain and those are. Those are the people that he considered the greatest of all I have to play basketball and he goes through any lesson he says. Michael Jordan was on it. Magic Johnson was on it. Larry bird was on the Oscar Robinson, doktor, J, a few other people in he only surrounded himself for those people.
in the person whose interviewing him asked him, what did some of your relationships? Waiver? as you join the nba, because you to hang out with you know these other people a lot more than you hang out there, but he s and he said yeah they did. But the people who knew me in the people who love me knew that this was my obsession and becoming the greatest that's ever played. It was my obsession and if they love me enough, they should love me enough to be able to go off and pursue this. For as I need to to make the greatest version myself that I possibly can write, so they surrounded themselves with winners in anybody else who didn't seem like a winner was automatically outside of their circle. So, if you think about that, whatever it is, it you're trying to win at whether its sports, whether its painting, withered sure music, whether it's you know your profession, becoming an entrepreneur or you surrounding yourself with people who are
when it's winters that people have the exact same mindset of you, have I'm going to do whatever it is that I need to do in order to get where I need to go or is it like on my mind since wavering- and you know I'm I'm doing one day and then the next week I've started his other business and into a site. I've started another business who are you surrounding yourself with because, if the greatest of all time are hanging out with other people that could be in contention for the greatest of all time shouldn't you start thinking about the people that you surround yourself with and if they're fostering your growth and trying to make you better or if they're, trying to you know not even on purpose, just kind of keep you in the exact same spot that you're in so they surround themselves with people who are absolute winners and number five. They have hardcore self discipline,
Now I told you I was going to teach you a trick about your brain and the chemicals inside of your brain, how to use those chemicals inside of your brain, to make you work harder and to get what you want. This is that point some. Have you ever heard the phrase it's about the journey? It's not about the destination, I'm sure you half right. It's a you know Corny cliche, right, but cliches are usually cliches, because our true- and it is true, it is about the journey not the destination, and then they play why that is so inside of your brain. Here's the trick, there's a chemical called dopamine indaba mean, is the chemical inside of your brain. It makes you feel good right, and you know that the problem with this is that if you don't understand how this works, your dope amene systems can be hijacked by anything else. It's around you, facebook and instagram, all social media they hi jack.
Your dopamine reward systems, are gambling. If you go into a a a you know, any any casino in the world, they are made to hijack your dopamine reward systems right, so dopamine is called the chemical of motivation and, and it is considered the the the chemical that makes you focus. Focus on the external world says Sarah tone in people always get serotonin and dopamine mixed serotonin is the internal one. That makes you feel pretty good makes you feel pretty happy, but you do have. Dopamine is the one that makes you motivated to go out and get more and most people, here's a secret. They only want to achieve a goal. Save winning a championship or becoming a millionaire and they're not happy until they get that goal, and that means what they're doing as are actually delaying the process of of actually delaying the dopamine release inside of their brain and, if you think about it, if I'm not happy until I hit the goal of
acts that I'm delaying myself from ever getting the dover mean that I want to until I get to my goal of acts, winning cambridge becoming a million or whatever it is right, but dopamine is the chemical of motivation. So why? What I wait until the end of the time were actually achieve that goal before I allow myself to get that dopamine? Wouldn't I want it to be during the process if it's the chemical of motivation, What am I want, dopamine to be released multiple times every single day throughout the time that I'm trying to get to that goal? Yes, so, instead of celebrating the champ, chip or becoming a millionaire. What you do is you celebrate the process of hitting whatever habits or routines that you need to in order to get you to that place. Sufferance its famous thing about kobe bryant is that he would wake up at four a m every single morning, since he was in high school to play basketball.
Every single morning, ripe and there's also something really famous about him when when they won a championship, one of the days so he has a TIM grover's was Michael Jordan's, trainer, physical trainer and also, and also kobe bryant's as well in one of the things that was famous about him is that kobe bryant won the championship after winning the championship. That night goes and sees tin and says all right, I'll see at the gym at four am right in terms like he just won the championship. Why would why? Would I see you at four am like go celebrate he's like nope, I'm going to see at the gym at four? Am why? Because, although he wanted to win the gmp, check, the championship was actually just a part of what was the end goal of the process and what happened was they fell in love with the process of working to become who they wanted to be in so I'm sure kobe, bryant, about him, knowing probably had dopamine reward systems built around being at the gym at knowing? You know him celebrating the fact that I know
there's no other basketball player in the entire world, that's up right now, working on their craft and not means that. I'm going to be better than every single person when you think that little bit it man gets released. That gives him more motivation and more drive to become even better. If you want to learn more about this, you can. I should go to my interview with injured doctrines. We remain, who is know neurobiologist out of Stanford, where we talk about these dopamine reward ward systems and how to lead dopamine be released throughout the process, not to the end goal, because what you want to do, as you ve heard winners and in a group some of the great athletes say you have to fall in love with a process. What they mean is that they don't even realize it most likely. Is it there celebrating waking up before anybody else, dinning? Don't the gym shooting a thousand shots, were they miss? Most of them are not shooting a thousand shots. Get done what they say, they wanted to get done, allowed their brain to release the dopamine, which then made them
even more motivated because that's what they were wanting to do and they attach to Dublin. We reward system to the process, not the end result. But when you, touch it to the process, you become more motivated to then go into the process, which then makes you more likely to then hit the angle, see how that works. So you can win a championship, but you still know that waking up at four a m the next day to practice is the thing that makes you the most excited because you're working at becoming who you want to be in a bit part of this, and I think a lot of people. Miss is positive. Self talk very rarely our shadowy vote, even though I can think of one person who is an extremely one of the greatest athletes ever there was a really good at talking to himself in when you talk really good to yourself. What happens your brain areas a little bit bit of doping?
it's like saying hey. You did good we're doing good we're on the right path. You know you showed up at four am you're here you do what you're supposed to he took one thousand shots. You do what you're supposed to you're at the office at five am before anybody was before the sun even came up that little bit of dopamine that you need to get you on what to say addicted to the process but kind of addicted to the process, which then makes it more likely that you are going to achieve the end result. So that is the five pieces that make up the winner's mindset. Number one is that they are absolutely obsessed. Number two: is that winners? Don't see any other option, but winning number three is that they understand messing up is part of the process, and before is that they surround themselves with more winners and number four. They have hardcore self discipline in hardcore positive self talk. So if you love this episode, please do me a favor. Please go to. However, you listen to us and go ahead and give us a positive rating, a review, the more that you can. The people don't realize how important this actually is for
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-19.