« The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 211: Hunting with Your Enemy

2020-03-09 | 🔗

Steven Rinella talks with Dan Ahdoot, Brody Henderson, Phil Taylor, Corinne Schneider, and Janis Putelis.

Topics discussed: Steve and Janis as the J-Lo and Shakira of the hunting world; merfolk and mermaid’s purses; Janis pushing past his limits on the dance floor; using a baby's umbilical cord as fishing bait; a tarantula rehabilitation program; how to make wild game kosher; an Iranian Jew and an Iraqi Muslim as hunting buddy BFFs; Long Island game wardens; having a bone to pick with duck hunting; pheasant ragu; how hunting has affected Dan's view of politics; Dan coming out of the closet as a hunter; going through TSA with a heart and liver in a styrofoam container; joining your local mycological society as a good way to find a date; the meanest gun store in the world; quotes about writing; hunter safety; and so much more.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The you show was severely beaten in my case, unaware of the meat eater podcast. You can't predict anything presented by an ex hunt creators of the most comprehensive digital mapping system for hunters download the hunt app from the itunes or google play store, nor stand with annex next it lays down were joined by dan duped, yes, you're, a good job right to the point and get it get in there now covers more stuff. Can a man a jewish man, who's who, as a muslim hunton partner.
Is a that is correct. I thought we could just edit the show that is going to be. Am I right that will be on my tombstone reader and the show, but what will return to that? Because you're you're super familiar you're, a comedian, you do stand up, you tv, you do podcasts Do you like a really you, like, very good entertainment, I I guess so yeah! That's that's! That's what I do, but I will say this: I you know I I work in new york and allay alot of famous people all over the place. I've never been a star struck, as I am in bozeman montana, with you two guys. Let's wild man. Ngos are good of entertaining. You are, as you know, how to play the know. Dude, I'm telling you I love you. I don't know how you re right. Beaming mean over. You, honest are like you guys are like the jailer and secure an hour I'll. Do I've been exercised so most onawandah. Look like about bright. Look like jane-
I've been essence since you're sure on what was a sportsmen's network sportsmen channel. Yes, sportsmen channel I've been watchin man, huge fan, thoughts, girls, huge van I'm very excited to be here. What I want to do is we're gonna talk about a couple things, and just so you can help us out because being such an experienced entertainer, you could just weigh in and tell us of what we're talking about entertaining or not. Okay. Ah, poor person yeah does like your back by accurately you'd like to co host anymore, to be but the answer the identity and take long? Because while we did you miss eda desk room our colleague on as a result, an assignment I think like that past. Maybe three so he's like a gas. Now your office euro, also in nashville, everyone can live with like a regulated gas like you know, a guy joins us now, that's right. I hadn't
don't talk about. I want to talk about janis as big insult that he gave me. Jata saw me, make a note about him. Insulting me. We were at a wedding and for a colleague of ours and it got to be like a part of a wedding remedy already a in those like dancing getting started, and I didn't form my wife that I was ready to go home. It was about eight forty. She thought I was kidding. She thought it was a joke, but I let her know it was in fact not joking and I was ready to go home and yeah and he was going out to the dance floor with his woman and he made a comment like aren't you planning on dancing or you're, not gonna dance, and I said janis and every man's got his limits and yannis left me with By saying I'm, I'm gonna go push pass mine her that I and went to the dance floor cause you're humiliate one hour
nine pm our land in my bed with my lady watching the movie by nine pm? Yeah, that's. What you told me wasn't just a movie is a doctor area about no no, I was there was every you watched dan. If he watched the lighthouse no, I haven't that's blithe turn well, there's two people in the kid from guy from other vampire movies. Rather patents like a lot now hit our and maintaining his accent through through the film and great movie. Wait. Why did you leave your buddy's wedding to go? Watch the lighthouse shouldn't you be celebrating this moment of joy now cause I don't like. I just have. I just have very hard time: socializing really small talk and socialize, really very wise, because people come up to you, they say annoying things like. I want to tell you their hunting stories and you're, like god, I just want to hang out
I just want to dance that man, I've been maritime miserly there. I saw a couple guy and must be our about their their homes stories. What I want to mention a lighthouse. It's great me with this New favorite word is in a murder folk. Meaning murderer men and mermaid. We want togethers murphy and they did. No, we're really talk about vigorous and over vigorous reproduction strategies and how sharks are you know we're like the egg develops
You do a shark or sorta, carry it's, it's exec will get bigger, bigger, bigger and it carries it externally. Yeah, you ever see this. I don't think I've seen it carried externally yeah. It's like it's like they'll, get to a point where they there's like an egg hanging out some kinds of sharks, and it's developing out of the ovum is that is that of something that's great. If you know you speak multiple languages, I do which ones I speak french span ash and farsi and english yeah and english. My english luka, you know so many didn't even list of all of us, sam longer, in our very own, say lomas. Tell me that there is a term for like one that exact you look it up. Yonder yeah, one egg sack on the other, the fish emerges and the exact is discarded and when it washes up on a beach, people will find it in its known
the mermaids purse, no we're talking about whether a mermaid will be vip like just curious. If how much people thought through. Do you know me like are made like I'm, someone has enough there's someone who has so do enough vessel So you know people that are into aliens rights another. Like their whole. Like life history, I have someone. So in the mermaids they got into the like when they reproduce by brighter it's gotta, fantasy writer fantasy like the leading voice on mermaid, yet production where they do, because I look at them and I don't see anything anything idols seen orifice yeah. I would think that their a sexual but they use their in reality to get stuff siren, gotta come from somewhere
I never worried adult dory daniel ways to trip we're going to get to take a dive. I love this man quick question. The guy was writing and wanted to get our thoughts on using a baby's umbilical cord as fishing bait. Oh god and he says, he's kept his kept one wise kept that he's cavern reza he's given his dress Oh no man, you know the rehydration, it What are your conversation, peace and lead to I saw that knows. You may have another email. We got from a guy who is saying that he catches fish. He takes no foam, earplugs yeah yeah. He takes lead that lead, jig heads and puts foam earplugs on her and says it slays orange puts an orange form, your blog and your led. Her jig does put some sand on those that need
sand girl. You he note about sent on it interesting. Man, just wonder if they are neutrally buoyant because it's got a lead head and the phone body he was sent. Pictures of fish is caught that way. He just read that right on there like a thought, plastic so yeah. He uses the form your and I dunno essay. I feel it sometimes people yank and our chain. He says he passes on and it makes it work better. if he's at home, cracking up that you've actually said yeah. He was like at work guys. I know I'm going to try it one final thing I a passion, is we're talkin, yahoos I'll, be gone, browsing there either for the justice schmidt. I was gone. miss now ass. I could only have like I don't have a person I can like reminisce with about or fill he's here. For
We warned you don't wanna reminisce with beef. I don't know that he really pays attention. You know feel. Okay, let me ask you this bill, your hotel. According to doctor, I going to go according to DR justin schmidt, who we had Founder of the schmidt pain index, Does he know about what are his have been his findings about rehab attaining a tranche law that has been comatose by A change lock, I do not remember. Statements have figured out it was. There is someone he news, like china drop feed that Angela as and and keep it hydrated, like. Yes all day, you talkin about dinner and between the little pincers. Yet The tarantula hawk is a predator tranche le predator and tranquil hawk.
paralyzed in jackson, tarantula paralyzed the tarantula and then uses like there's like a term. I can remember it is like a paris it. It's like a parasitic nestor that lays it's eggs. On the tranche, the so stays alive, he's alive, but doesn't move and the parasite, the egg It in the law however Israel, jake about how it consumes? The traveller wasn't aim. Is that zone episode? I heard so bad. You doctor schmidt on why it hurts a bad. So it eads legate aids, its non essential organs. First, just like it so dastardly like like aids is not essential organs and then like aids and aids, and eventually like k about use europe, and I would like to think that kills it. And they ve gone in.
see like war like how law, how lingering is the paralysis, and so they ve gone deal just this study can people uk- and it is the rabbits anymore, but would go and like keep it there trains or hydrated turd to see how large the wash here and it's so yeah pretty fucked up, so they they Keep it lay there dehydrated. I keep nursing, the things you get away with one of the tarantula but guy eroded and said that he's got a weird, crazy, aunt. In arizona and she has rescued asked, is had said nothing rescued tarantulas from tarantula hawk.
And she makes a little concoction of what she calls bug soup she gets crickets window flies and she mass them up with a little water until little mixture and puts it. driver and drips it into the mouth of the transfer He says it does call. It does seem to work on the tranquil first won't drink, usually confusion, paralysis, then, by a too three. It will start accepting it takes about three weeks get a trance look up and running I to submit this person is and yeah it gets, the you know usually able to get the change the back up and on his way,
the door or bad news, and I get a little jumble of gloom hold, do something missing a whisper added. She read the tranche of the the larvae, that's gonna eat it or is eating it years ago. I'm going to see plugs it off. Why am I here this morning, then now when she had the wrong guest here, No, you mean like workers, we could have this person that was just timing, yeah you're already in the air yeah or like man, this guy's common, and it's like the wrong person he's already connecting salt lake city. She said, if he goes on to say that when she takes so this before the egg land, because the tarantula heart gets upset when she takes the tarantula away, but you know when she starts the rehabilitation program. Great tell us about your PA.
Yes, like road running through all the things you do. yeah. First and foremost, I am comedian, I guess I'm a actor I'm gonna be on a new common james is new netflix show as an actor as an to do what is it like once a community noise comedian like that, like the thing that, if you, start out as a comedian, and you regard yourself as a comedian yeah, and then you start acting and then other stuff. Do you get? Do you guys you guys like to stick with comedian that has more cachet? You feel I think it's more. It's like a fraternity, it's kind of like a fraternity that we're all
and because everyone who is a comedian starts out in comedy somehow and then everyone branches off somehow, like the guy who wrote twelve years, a slave with a stand up, comic he's still a comedian in my eyes, still tells people he's committed. Yeah I mean so. It's like. I think that, there's it's a very cool umbrella to be able to do a lot of different things. Like I started with stand up now I do acting, I sell tv shows. I write. I just started this podcast, which is quickly becoming you know. I think the most listen to her watch thing that ever done, which is cool, green eggs and a green eggs and Dan simply going into celebrities fridges and getting in do edison in depth, conversation about their relationship to food and eating and and restaurants, and what not, but I think, there's this wire his dick aspect of I'm sure. A lot of people want to know what you're fridge looks like the and guess what they're going to find out? I know I know
but yeah. I think of you know I'd, do that, but stand up still remains like something that is like you know, I'll still do it on the weekends and it's just Very, very it's when you feel a hundred percent yourself denounced how many acts you cycle through in a year. the leg is like a one year's like an annual can't think I don't know I mean I had some some guys do, that bill deal do a new our every year. I think I'm branching up more into the writing in tv developing. So for me, it's more just like getting out there for fun, but yeah, it's just a walk on that. What do you do night near it the clubs in l, a or new york, wherever I am, I can usually walk into and they'll be they'll. Give me a spot. yeah I mean, but I use a tour, a ton and actually I was in bozeman Montana about fifteen years ago no shadow, diversity. Hold. Are you I'm forty one year and it was a way different place.
very like you. We just went to like a very hip cool bakery and had like artisanal sandwiches. Bozeman montana. I did not think that was going to happen when we guess which one you were the source of the f. Do you get next to it? While cram, I see yeah, it was delicious. more than fifteen years ago, indifferent and fifteen years ago. I was all what you I was giles better figures cast this out. What you was that I might have been living here. I was from probably two thousand and four or five thousand miles city yeah east. Here it was a different probably debated driving over to catch. The show really were unable to me. I believe, really. But that hour yeah I want to I'm going to ask you. I want to get into your get into your lineage a little bit, but first, when you're stand up, do people like I'm very, very tempted right now to say like telling me
fuck yeah. That's I'll! Tell you that the equipping of really not I'm really trying to say that is normal, tell me. I know that your your instinct to do. That is the same as when people come up to you and they need to tell you this hunting story. You're just show me that they wanted to show me a picture of their cousins, where's foreigners, the at a saving of vat Then. How does that make you feel? It makes me feel like yeah do Early do the show the gazillion with, Would you our properties
a parody of property show yeah, it's a parody of a thing, the other like on a schedule. You just kind of do it when you do, and we did it for five years. It's it's over now, but it's still it's still playing on a bunch of different platforms, but that's on pluto. It was on pluto. Now it's really. It was probably the most fun show I've ever done, because it was all improvised yeah. It was a completely improvised. yo and it was like a parody on million dollar listing, and it was just so much fun cause. We got the craziest like celebrities in to be like the house. Owners are people shopping for houses like Zach galifianakis was, I was crazy. It was really really fun and episodes are all out there. If you want to watch them, I dunno. So so that's dunno! That's done now! News at this net? This netflix show it's called the crew with Kevin James. It's about a nascar pit crew, oh really yeah, and it's a multi cam comedy it's going to be awesome, really yeah. What does multicam
comedy me, I'm so glad you asked the just like we planned before. A multi cam is like here we see accommodate, has like a laugh track. That's usually a multi care, because you laugh track like mad. Now we actually have a real lives duty audience that we film in front of I am not familiar with laugh track, philip phil. Can you play the some mash laughter, I wait hearing a matter of fact. I love that last detail that you remember with the laugh track is Matt the loop abused it a dead baby was almost. It was like a parody of the fucking korean war. They had to add okay, so I'm guessing the seinfeld seinfeld uses seinfeld that allows trans laugh track. Big bear
Is there even notice it right you're watching it when my kids watch it and you'll listen to my kids like a show that has a laugh track and when I tried to explain it to them they they looked at me like zero comprehend, like no, that's a recording, their point, listen! It's! The same Listen, it's the same people laughing like no, it's not yeah. We do actually it's just the people that you need to be told when to laugh. Why people that know, but we actually do film in front of a live audience like two hundred, people know I swear man, I swear I'll, show you a little video and get their laugh. Yeah yeah, it's wild, it's alive! in what why mouldy can just be theirs for cameras on you and it's almost without link was a single came, so
no cam has multiple locations and it's not just like kind of confined. If you think about, if you think about multi cams, you know the laugh track. He shows they usually have like three set pieces seinfeld go harm the diner and then like, usually a third one. That's like a new one. So, but if you think of I'm trying to think of a good thing, you know if you look at silicon valley, are these shows there kinda like run there like going around in the world and they're snaking in out of places curb your enthusiasm singled all over the damn place, yeah exactly it's like you're, just following your fly on the wall of of his life. So that's a that's the main difference, oh yeah, but big deal for it's a big deal, man, it's probably the biggest deal of my career so far it of its a prettier regret. I was very excited. I am
excited to be on the meat eater podcast here is dollars: dinars cool- if this is zero. Cam, that all these cameras that we don't use are using these cameras right now, right now he's here or canada today we're working on it. but we are to laughter at of that actually do have a giant bank of laughter. I have no idea by plead for her for me, please. I would like to pull from mash. specifically on the mass guy, got real great, don't tell me about you came to be in the world in the I love hunting know the world the world iranian, oh yeah, so my wife always corrects me cause she has friends who are from IRAN yeah and doesn't, like me to say IRAN, I ran. What are you how you run say you're on de correct people now no care, I don't really care. I think it's weird when people say persian,
so my gear? Their empire is gone wrong. That's right or law, like turkish people, are an odyssey. Don't screw, you noticed. I go. I don't know, I think persian is how they like to refer to the color, but I iranian Eric and a more american iranian. But where were you born? I was born in new york as borneo. My parents, though, are both from IRAN and I go back like my twenty three in me. While I get sent back just like a picture of like you know, it was like you're fucking persian. So when did they they moved here. Did they move here after the revolution or just before? They saw the writing on the wall a little bit and you don't bounce back and forth now man, but both of your parents or your I'm sorry, both migrants in our past warning bell, but we're iranian jews. So you know the islamic republic is now
not, as always saw the writing on the wall. This is like the getting out of germany, nineteen thirty nine yeah exactly so so iranian jews and they moved to new york, and there is a kind of a rare breed bud yeah. I grew up in a very, very, very jewish neighbourhood outside along island and guns, and hunting were leg. I mean kryptonite grow enough now. From the new york into things out. Nobody would that be true from the from the mother country under things as well. I don't I from the jewish and of things it is for sure hunting is, It's not a thing. I mean first of all, just kosher wise. It's not kosher to eat game know it's not true to eat, hunted game yeah, but you know, do you know the heart? You know the arm about her. If the auditors yeah ask
gotta about house one time how you could go about having kosher wild game and he kicked it around. Got back to me and he felt if you caught a deer in a net yeah and then slid, throw and then brought into the closure slaughter, and he slit his throat for tb and other diseases. He felt that they could be what's your wild game, but he could see another way of going about it, yeah that makes any run and all these regulatory issues, because you can't catch him in nets. drive him home and stuff. Now you gotta get like a net gun. You just get in trouble to have you tell I'm like well, I caught it in net yeah yeah, now I mean to automatic correctly there. Now, it's all good, I mean about a minute ago I got to as a guy is nosing before you get to this yeah. Just one. Last quick question lead before the hunting thing. At that time like when your parents emigrated, yeah was for people for for Jews from IRAN, Would it have been like? Should we go to Israel or the? U s,
Well, yeah, like a a toss up. That was absolutely the toss up and they actually went to Israel first, oh okay, and then they decided, I think, my mom told me they went to like it was like a circumcision of like one of their friends' kids and like this and like someone like raise the baby and was like this will be the next great general Well of our country, and my mom was like shit for my kids. I'm going to long island wanted to get away from the warriors yeah yeah yeah, so you know we were in sparta and we were all like hellenic. She was like yeah. Let's go back to the arts is great though we were, which is funded with. Another thing is interesting, though, because in america jews in general. I feel like our very anti gone current. Would you jump even though you told me, your dad was like a closet gun guy, yeah yeah you're right but you don't see it. You don't, I feel, like it's not very just living amongst my friend.
In new york or outlay and like the ones I find out that I have a gun, they lose their fuckin mines. New which is interesting because in Israel I think, there's more gunner ownership than like any other country yeah. I would think that I don't I don't I don't I don't. I shouldn't even speculate I bet, I could imagine, there's more of a an israel there's more of a you know, more of a culture of self defense, absolutely absolutely but yeah I mean we, I feel like the Jews lost that when they came to america so anyway, I grew up in that this. I've never seen a gun before never thought about having a gun before and then I basically I went to college and I'm I became friends with this guy mohammed Ali, who Mahdi haymow alamo, have the iraqi muslim guide where'd you go to college johns hopkins. Okay, where is it it's in baltimore, baltimore, off dude, it's a big metal
school it is. I was premature always year, yeah year by year so me and the me and I'll just going to say bye. He was a hunter. He was a hunter. He grew up in. He grew up upstate new york and only his parents emigrated from Iraq. There are like the iran, iraq war, so literally a war between my country and fifth country. He em His family emigrated. primarily by disease very aptly you couldn't guy to greater enemies like shakespearian and though we we became buds, it's funny. We we didn't, have a lot in common, but I think is I just feel like it was like yo yo. Do you smoke weed? I smoke, weed has friends, so, let's put our princes behind, but only with a hunter- and I was like that's fucking crazy. What do you do that? There's supermarkets
He was just tell me that in the end I still was not. There is no point in my. That was like I want to try this, but you want to talk to you about Secondly, what was his exposure was with him was his his parents, so his dad was a surgeon and he got a residency? You know when you came from overseas did to become a doctrine. America you go to whatever city takes you. And he got a residency in oleander york. Do you guys with only a new york spent an hour and a half south of buffalo, and it's it's like it's. It's hutton country dollars on far from where I grew up as you near the pennsylvania, but absolutely absolutely the first thing he said today, Brody thanks for joining us out,
or to give ned a word yeah. I haven't found that the experience I'll ask you once in a while what you think about about what we just said: yeah shaman brewery, is overwhelmed right now, because we're working on a book project and brodie's yeah just moved. Montana any desire to move a couple states really amber, Ambrose is moving right now, so carry on yeah, oh by the way. I just finished your book in the plane over oh yeah yeah, which was the mediator book. No fantastic, fantastic anyone who's listening. You got to get your hands on that book, give anyway your body mo dr mohammed lands and all your man, land, vanilla- and you know it's very hard to live there and not pick up hunting Gaia that but man they must have thought like they must have been to heal the logo on guys yeah, I'm assuming most ben did come again,
yeah she's about their character ass? He is correct that absolutely correct. Unless they literally a welcome home. I just think there would have been pause, but here cause. I was dead, you're from where ok, what has gone? Here's the interesting thing now as much as they probably were like what the fuck is this iraqi muslim guy doing in our town that muslim guy was one of the few surgeons in the town, so they had no choice like he was helping their grandmothers and grandfather now use. So as a result I mean his family, which is like, I think most of lives there we'll get to that in a minute, but they became these kind of ambassadors for islam. In this. In this little town, probably effective. Absolutely I mean they know they. They, I think they built. Are they donated to the to the?
called the Y there like a it's like the doktor ideal, I'll whom I have worked out like a real mindful, but they became we came hunters and they got really and he got really into it. Some mo grew up and was a hunter and played ice hockey and all the you know, all the things that you do over there was. He turned us into. You know they have more out. Sometime was among the sea into sir, like that that history in the cold, sure of american hunting resists. He doesn't like to go out it was so like a student of it. I think, while he's become one for sure, one has become one for sure. Down did eat fish to amend green lakes. Right there. I don't think you know he wasn't. He wasn't a fisherman. Was there was dear, oh dear a dire yeah yeah
they had a little. They is dad bought land in cuba, lake which is like right around there and it's like so he's good. They ve got like a little a little mountain, a little hill that we go to every year, taught their yeah yo, Yeah, it's awesome, casey meet them, so I meet him and I find it and he's a hunter. We became we become close friends but again keep the hunting away from me. He's like showing me these pictures. I want to vomit and then you know, there's naughty dear. his death and then we you know I I moved to new york to do comedy and I get into food. I become that I just really started loving the the food world in new york city, I became a big food nerd and- and I and I read
his book. The omnivore's dilemma yup this book michael polio, and he has a whole chapter about like. I think he was the first person who brought up he or you was first person who brought up like hey. You gotta start thinking about this animal's life. If you're going to eat it, and I was like man- I never cause he. He goes and hunts pigs in California yeah exactly and he gets disgusted by it. Well that, but he's like I had to do it, and so I had this real ethical dilemma of like shit. I think I need to kill an animal Mona, like I think I wanna, kill an animal and he's like I've been waiting. This phone calls an excuse to be alone with the jew and a gun. Now it's getting so at this point he was in medicine. Well in long island, and he was loudly in his followers but following five becoming a surgeon and he was like: let's go goose hunting to kill goose,
and I was like art, cool ya, wanna kill dear, it's a go for a smaller animal, so he's got the fuck Yeah he's got the canoe and he's got all the gear and everything and we're in long island, and I know I don't think you've ever done an episode in long island long island hunting, that's correct. We have not I'll tell you why not because we do not because we like haven't yeah, but it has happened. Also I've looked into a cup. It's a weird thing. I should I should say not because we have it not because we you know, decided not to well it's just we just have it I'll. Tell you it's a weird. Then it gets. I I understand I understand it is a strange thing, though, because you so weak. Out in his canoe to get to the sand bar where your lot to hunt. Ok, I need a little more ok, you We are in where the nor shore of law, island, ok or jefferson, because it later or foul refuge or does does normal. No, I don't. I don't think so
knew that we were allowed to hunt there and that's where we needed to god. I don't know other all the and all the right hunting terms is that you can now look like some deeds. You not deprive you're out worm, say you're, our able if you go on. Yes, yes, yes, absolutely absolutely, but you gotta lake, take your boat and go past all these homes to get to this area like theirs. your dear you're going passed his hand, and this is what you're up to where they are not friendly the hunters again and they suddenly see like a canoe going by and you know a jew women camera with fighting gum marilla in so we got. We got the fishermen, life is called on us all. The time we rita I still have them and it was always there because you know we're showing them our id. The hass, like mohamed Al Hammadi and minded like Dan attitudes like this weird native they're, like what do boys do now, yeah. So anyway, we go. We
he's blind, and everyone is theirs. Curzon, music. Also your heart! Now we'll tell me a little. Are there because it feels like fail the test, absolute dude. I don't even know I. By the way I had never shot a bird yeah. I don't know it's been one of the flies. I I not a gun like which is dumb on his part, I think than make my first shot. be an animal right, I don't know so get out there and he sets everything up and he's like you know just to relax. It's going to be fine this and that and these geese. You know a couple couple of geese come which, by the way this is my lad out yeah out the area because I have a bone to take with darkening induce hunting. Her market was going I love it, but I'm not gonna to ok, here's my thing: ok, turkey, hunting, I understand, here's an ethically and more into that cause. It's like! you're luring in like a horny dude. Somehow-
we do his leg. He does the legs on our four horny guy and you're. Doing the turkey call thing which like translate it would be like MR turkey and then you know, tailor the frat boy. Turkey is like sauntering, unlike home, happy bangs giving right deserves lifelike, but is shallow offers to bravado for his own good feeling but then I never knew why a load hunting turkey so much. But it's just like a form of justice that I exact hockey male turkey right exactly. It's like all the bullies that used to get the girls in front of me like the kind of people who would come and try to take my daughter out of school exactly but then, like. I I feel like duck. Hunting is like the opposite, because, like there does hungry and reviewed you're going further wayward like loser ducks, who don't have a crew and they feel he's got down there and the call to turn the duck call or whatever is translated as like hague community, one, it's funny you're going out and then you're killing
the nerdy like me, you're, killing the middle school version of me. Basically, so you waited use comes and raise the bonaparte bears. The bolshevik goose comes I get up pow pow pow. I I shoot and and there is like three them in a row and and one of them goes down and we, as our yeah during like during all the ceta yeah, are, are you getting the feeling from body. I, like man, this guy has this dialed and he's like is gonna, be good. Here's a theory guys like wow you're, going to do yeah I'm trying to get like you know what I mean. You know what what the expectations I'm going to tell you the little bit of both, because I don't think he'd ever done it either, but he had he's one of those gear guys, like he's, got all the gear he's very organized and he's also very like annoying lee, like guns safety guy now, which is good other. Doesn't that now I realize it's goodbye hated in the beginning. Now I'm like that,
people that I go hunting with by like he was very like do, don't make sure please do not realise that there is a lot to be shot. I know what a weird, but you very like you know, he's very by the book like that and we have it all out, but I dont think that he expected them to actually come in. You know and they come in and we get pretty fucking excited? And I you know my: I get pretty excited you're, not thinking to death. At this point, you're thinking, you know it's like your little reptile brain kicks in and you're like. Oh, this is going to be awesome. So big history, I take my three shots and the guy goes down an eye for Some reason thought you shoot them. They die in the air and that's it like. I didn't expect. You know you got you watch the mena. You ought to see vanilla and that's how he doesn't know Finally, I furthers the thing: people expect a binary dude. I
spectacles theirs. I didn't like unless there's like amiss at the first sight of my wife squirrel hunting. She wasn't, she had thought. Oh I'll, miss yeah or it'll die instantaneously and think about the middle ground. Ass the middle ramrod terrorism analogous so I knew that I had shot him in in the wing and in the foot. I think ok, because his wing. Looked like a fuckin open door of a delorean and, and then you couldn't swim in a straight line. So I figured one of his feet was the and I like almost vomited, it was so viscerally observer of it was awful, So then I shot him again and his you know his neck went down, his head went down, and then we take the canoe out to it. We didn't have a dog or anything, and I pick up this- the goose neck and the gooseneck
is like pulsating in my hand, didn't know, then have you grab mother when grab and by the neck they d than have you. I couldn't a man I was like, oh my god, due to still live it still alive, and then he took it and lie primarily in like he swung it like. There was nothing but a young man. It was so awful You know that I was like you know. Ok, I get to do this thing, if I'm guilt, I felt disgusted apsley discuss with yourself. I felt discuss it myself. I also like you knows when those things were you ever when you go hunting with a hunter and to them like he started like he was so excited Man good for you, I'm just not that I was not in that heads visit I was like I'm gonna like crying they maybe four hours away from that yeah honestly, not even dude. I this days away!
weeks? I went I saw we, we brought it in and I butchered it. First of all, I wanted to try the liver, because I was like foie gras. It's going to be like foie gras. It was not like, though, cause I guess, they're not force fed, and then I couldn't. This is going to sound awful, but you know I I the smell of the meat was so like. I couldn't eat it. It was the smell the gods. Smell the me now, the meat man? I think it was just I had this whole visceral. And going on where everything you just said: yeah it was the so everything reminded me of the experience and it just like made me so disgusted ago that I just couldn't: do it and then I feel guilty about how I can eat the food, I mean a real, awful awful experience. What happened to it? Honestly I put,
Well, I like it when you try to cook it, how I tried to while I brought it to new york city, I was living in the city and I had it in the freezer for a long time, and I just had to I had the breast he just press them out and I just I eventually also got on their produce. I smell and I do not like cooking just now man. Why? Wouldn't even I know it? I know it sounds like I found a little worse and don't worry I've I've. Even I read in the food since then, but I like, I felt guilty of a gross and I dislike. I put. I threw them into the I threw them into the the the hudson yeah yeah it was like. I can't do it. Hopefully someone some fish will or something I I it was. I just And do it is fucked up? Well, how did you know why they're not been the last time you went out like how did you recover from their enough to go? Try again
It was mind over matter. I I think that philosophically I still was like this is I I it has to be done. I have to be able to use honestly I and I and then, the next time you went out it was. We went hunting for pheasants and I gotta pheasant. And where'd you guys go there. We went in long island again and got the fucking baby. We got called Jay didn't know he made friends with the game wardens of the hate you guys again, but at that point I was like. Oh it's so this, so I get a pheasant kill the peasant and then mode takes it again, all excited and broadly I'm a little less on the wing. Yet now this time I gotta go, I I got a good time. Yeah was knocked it out of the sky. Thank god I was like please. I can't deal with dorian wing again, no nocturnal
guy and then mosaic good job. He takes it and, like just puts it in my in my vest game, pouch game pouch and you know thing is still in the throes of his death throes. It's still like twitching a little bit and having that little twitch on my back. Man was intense. I hated it so much very varied. Is everything seemed twitch and replace the heat yeah anyway, I was like okay, I'm going to I'm going to eat this guy. I'm going to give him a good life and I made a I made a pheasant ragu and go I. I took a recipe from the babbo cookbook, which is a great cookbook. I made a pheasant ragu I made gnocchi from scratch and dude it was unbeliever. And I was like ok now, we're talkin so loud enough, the same reaction to the meat they could just didn't nl. It didn't happen it was causes more like a chicken and egg is going to die.
Quit now. I think I think it was because it died quick. I think it was because it wasn't that it wasn't my first time right. You know It's like yeah battles, bring it back to sex. Your first time is like not it's not the most memorable experience and then it gets better and better bebo. That's batali! That is batali. You know, I see that you you worked for a time. You did something or another at the as bought a pig. Yeah just closed. I was an intern at the spotted pig yeah for for that for a whole summer. Yeah it did it just closed. Abo and I mean do you know batali, because he lives in michigan now, doesn't he he has a place to travel like he's quarantined to me again, never them, but we used I've been spot a pig for while nice to hang out with April bloomfield. I love her she's great. Yet bummer man. I know I couldn't believe when I saw the restaurant. It was such a. It was so depressing, but you know I mean they had a it's tough to bounce back from sure from that stuff.
I do, but yet it may ragu. I made a ragu a pheasant ragu and it was awesome and then eventually I thought I was you know ready for deer and that different experience too long on now, I'm no longer oriana photographer one hundred long anyway, yeah, there's dear and suffer county but now. This was up in Mohammed's land in cuba, leg, o orgasm mo ended up becoming a surgeon in the same hospital is dad. Wasn't he lives up there? Now in that thing, only a new york? So I went up to him and you know first and yeah. I I remember in your book. You talked about the first time. You missed a deer which my story was like it was. I was you know in the treestand, and I finally see this I'm so excited, and you know I finally see this book and I'm like excited to like prove myself.
So like my buddy and his buddies, his buddies are like it's like me, mo and like his state trooper buddy and the state trooper buddy's buddy. It's like the the ragtag group, and I see this big buck and he was priming me for just take a do to stay and I'm like. Oh, my god, I can do this I like aim- and I can't see the guy on like what the fuck was your hand on your aim, and why is your hand open, like that, was my hand open? You should at least do like a little trigger thing. No, I haven't the trigger until one hundred safety ma'am. This is not a convincing yeah. You know, I've got the gun, yeah and the I three to end the guys like this kind of sauntering off and eventually I realized that I can't find it in the scope. I forgot to take the fucking cover off of the scope and he just got away, but then the second time I went out hereafter. I I
So how's your season vows my season there that I missed opportunity here and then went back the next year and when with the with the shotgun with you know the slug and saw little guy come through, and my I mean your heart just beats like in sand. It still does. I mean I've killed, like probably sixty or not still, really yeah. but yeah man, I'd I'd, I shot him. He jumped and then you know ran a little ways and then we went and got him and do thou as a fucking eyes start crying and shared likely and again most like give me a moment yeah, but I went to town man, I started making so much food like a maze, lagging a warrior yeah. So, How are you handling the arm? You hear beginning the process.
where you are, you just bring a package meat back to your right for an apartment, yeah, quick question before we get to cooking dear me, but did you find it odd because you started hunting as an adult yeah? So did you find it odd that there was such emotion and like the excitement like the the buck fever? You know as as I know what I did. I did because heat he was explaining buck fever to me and unlike ok, I'm pretty good and hide stress situations, I'll be ok but I've my hands were shaking did I it was very, very hard to concentrate its really we heard. I am good in high stress situations, millay performing yeah, I'm good of April farming or, like I think, it'd be good at like if like. If I get into a car accident or something like I'm pretty relaxed, I'm not like. I don't get frantic, you know what I mean, but I got pretty fucking frantic when I saw this guy cause. There's a lot of things. I my biggest fear was like
again I don't want to enter the sky, and then I have to like watch them. You know you know or like a cake, I don't find. There was one time when I shot a deer and he and he went off into the woods and we couldn't find him for like twenty minutes, and it was. It was twenty minutes after we started coming down. No, I shot him why Is this a twenty minutes and I freaked the fuck out because the other ones that I've gotten we're like that? You know they didn't go very far in pretty good shot, Steve yeah? This is theirs. It can get allow worse than twenty men. I now I now now in a previous shot, but it was. and it was clearly he was close, but he just went into a bunch of thick brushing that's long enough for you to think the worst dude I was fucking. I was not in a good place again. It's like that was in its that's an it's an interesting thing, as I wonder if it's like, if it's a little bit of it, it is yes. Obviously, you don't want this, this guy to be in pain, but also I wonder if it's just a little bit
cave menace of like oh, my god, it is lost out on others. Food, oh yeah, I don't I don't nodded it, the of the cave This. I think there is a definite thing is that you wanted it yeah like you, wanted it bad enough to try to kill. And then it gets away. Besides the ol man, I'm causing suffering to something, there's deaf the, but I wanted it yeah There there was mine, yes, votes, be mine. I wanted my an absolute now this I thought I had and I don't have it yeah and that's a part of it, but the suffering part man, I that that's. Why I'm? Actually it's again in your book. I think it was one of your dad's buddies. Who was like anti? Do like using a bow yeah your anger order, yeah. I I've I sort of feel I've.
In the same way like either with a bow or like a muzzle loader like anything that makes it a little harder for us. I, unless you you should you should have to take a test that shows that you're extremely proficient in those tremendous some states. You do a deal. I can't leave any state that has a firearm proficiency, because there archery three hundred artery proficiency and the many a year. You know you people all riled up the many. You say that I know you asian regulates. Oh no, no, not that and all say the minute you get into like wall the animals most sophomore with our tree. You know, there's it's kind of thing where anyone driving? A point is gonna find some study that reinforces their prospects.
Listen about, what's painful was not painful, was fast was not fast humane. I also just think that well, look just accuracy wise a leopold. Scope is going to probably get you to the point you want to get. You know at a at the same distance, then you know just look Three, a beau! Is that a simple way? Is that an awful lot? Why was it not your old shoe and Adele was? It? Is turkey yemen, if you randomly selected ten americans yeah and they had to kill dear and near goal was to have these randomly selected. Individuals kill these dear quickly. The thing to do would be to give them a sculpt rifle ran over just theirs. There's a lot less. You need to know yeah yeah to perform man like a proficient level at short distance, yeah, absolutely no I've,
People should a firearm, only five or six times in their life. An unsuccessful kill kildare that calls distance right, you're not going to get that with a bow yeah. Absolutely you can get with the crossbow was a little bit harder, but yeah you're just not going to get with the bow yeah. It's so much more to learn, and so many more things that can go wrong. If you can more power to you, but I just think that the you should respect that. You know the skill level that you need to have for that thing, cause man. It must suck to be a deer that just gets winged by you know in the leg and then he's fucked for the whole game. It would seem so do I yeah, but then so I it's funny cause. Then I started really good. If the hunting and started looking for content on hunting, which is kind of when I discovered you, cause all the content search. Look like for you I'll tell you what it looks like. I would go on youtube, okay and I would
I ve been hunting videos or whatever, and those hook in really had it. Narrowed down is all just like these guys. We're just put a videos like death, all in the background, like shooting a deer and indeed show it again in slow motion like bad exploring and on my flock ma am, but why, there and then and then, and then a here, oh, comes along with your and then I started I was like. Oh, this is like a thoughtful dude who's, smart. He was talking about one hunting in the in the way that that I did this is the blue collar burden right here and there so it's a mammoth still also entered, but I m a kind of a gave him it was. It was a small Like ok cool, I there's a team out. or that I'm that I'm of it's not just mo young yelling over dead carcasses, meaning like small for the camera but yeah man. I I in general. I dont think that I would
never have met more people that I would never more people from different grounds from different political leanings. I probably it it's probably affected the way that I think about a lot of politics. You know than I ever did I it it's it's affected the way you think about politics, absolutely absolutely beyond the obvious yeah yeah. I think so. meetings, exposure to other people, I mean look, We go rather. The obvious I mean, like the obvious, are like political subjects or political issues that are directly related to hunting, Yes more than that, I went Mona, but yes, let's go. Let's look start there, though I mean, I think that there is a lot of people that see you know a school shooting and there like. No one should have guns and I'm like guys, it's it's a list, its difference, a little more complicated, not no fucking reason for anything.
I live in west hollywood, leisure, either. No idea, thursday. There's no reason for a you lived in brooklyn. So it's in the same shit. I mean it's just its. It's weird: how how you just realized how ignorant people are to the other side for sure in general. And both ways, absolutely both ways, and I think that it's funny cause. I end up getting into a lot of these conversations, because people assume oh jew from new york he's going to you, know he's going to have a certain way of thinking and in a way I have to say that if there is a lot of eta educate and needs to be done, especially in allay what, with environmentalists and stuff like how dear, how could you can make more money goes to my my hunting license pays for more. You know environmental preservation and then your little fucking clipboard that europe collecting name that's not a whole foods. Death, dairy farms have you found the de facto now now
Absolutely. I think I see what you mean. Brow totally right does being your vocal about hunting. here. Yeah I I haven't been, I haven't been very I've, never really posted any pictures. Any hunting pictures. Are you talking about right now, the cat's outta this this is me coming out of the closet right now. That's my coming out party or you're active on social media yeah. We don't put anything hundred young or any uncertainty now are rarely I I did some it's funny we've. I got a deer this year and I wanted to do. I wanted to cook up a bunch of the oregon's, so I did a video of that, but it was just like from the kitchen like cooking cooking up the organs. it's funny, I find I messed up. One europe recipes. I must have read it wrong. Yeah I was like cause. I I took the balls out, so here's the funny thing. I killed his deer this year and it's me mo and dean
does anyone besides know absolutely that if mi mo and d the state trooper, if the three of us ago, and which is little the holy trinity, like a muslim adieu and a christian locking in our public lands You know there both very like yeah, we did it on my car guy. I need the balls off of this offer this deer and they're like what what on like we're going to eat the balls and already introduced dean and a bunch of his like redneck friends to parts of the deer that they would never eat like the heart and which they fuckin love heart The heart is so easy to love. By the way, I think it's the most sung hero of the you know of the ori of the dear oregon. Thank my kids, love it it's delicious and they don't. I mean they. You know the laws of they don't like it's delicious? Now I think I, the organs for me. I, like my favorite part one. Org is getting him quickly, but once I was leaving
oh, isn't going to new york city, and I took the heart and the liver and put them in. You know like a little styrofoam thing and brought them to the tsc, went through security Unlike they take a lord bach added, look their order. Your heart and an aura looks like a human heart. Legged man, man? I gotta get my surgeon who actually not long after nine eleven and there's an iranian guy coming in with like human organs and like am on him oh and I got busted wants a j f k with my chalk on because I didn't know their knowledge have to bring long guns to I thought- don't know you license. I didn't know you to license to bring along until through JFK yeah Jeff jfk work Were you storing the gun? I was so now
My lawyer is my that's a question from moscow. Lazuli like now, mode, god bless my birthday present buys me a shotgun, a beautiful pinelli. Malta fell. True. and I'm taken this thing too. Who lives like I'll, bring it to my parents, house, my island and then I'll go in the city, but I landed j f k here and there like what is this a mike? It's my shot gun can I ve. No doubt I might go out and I'm like on the high and mighty, unlike actually you're allowed to have long guns, you need a licence for a long gone and the like. In now, for new york city, you do know and they bring these two cops over and they're like what the fuck going on you on my I'm sorry, I didn't know that you need a licence
with the way I look. I look like a fucking woody Allen character like what do you do with a fucking shotgun hunter like? What are you fucking? You are the only believes that old jewish lady oriented belt that she's like what are you doing this for? What's the point of marriage that I go through the ethics of hunting with the fucking two italian cops and the old jewish lady at belper of hilarious, I'm ever hear and about there being legal challenges to that, because a lot of people, it's very common for people to accidentally yeah, some guy lives in pennsylvania, right yeah and he buys a plane ticket out of the ok yeah connected as all day of life is like drove away report went off the idea of his uncles house absolutely and he shows up j f k dislike another day at the office and also on the agenda. Two thousand You got a problem. It is a really that's. Why,
then, I was like said because they just would never allowed you It never occurred to him that that would be the case yeah and it is not standardized. Now it's like there's three airports. It's like that: yeah yeah, yeah, newark, jfk and laguardia. It's tough traveling with a gun in, inner city. One. Are you worried about hunting screwing you over man like being in the know, and those in show business and everything like we'll find out that your honour not an end in the work of dry up. I dont punished. I don't know man. I think that I don't think so. I think that you know, god bless
rogan in some ways, because I think he opened it up a little and made it a little more acceptable, and I think that also since I've kind of had this like this food career, come at a you know come out of nowhere. I think I get a little bit more of a pass, but it's yeah. I definitely have some people who don't want to come to my house anymore, because they know that I have guns there hmm you know, and then after bring out the stats like, oh well, a house with a swimming pool is actually more data and I'm like a fucking, know, spitting up like an array talking points, but it's a It's weird man! Oh I get it, though, because I used to be that I used to be these guys. Like any time I hear someone had a gun out like this is a different human being from the type that out like to interact with what did your parents think about your whole transformation? Not thrilled yeah? Now, thrilled? Are they invariably eaten any of it anything you now and they wouldn't there also like they're. Still,
oh sure, so they re, but they just think it's they disk can understand like. I just can't believe it. A little boy. My little boy, we didn't escape romania for this to happen. To do day day like, like I Rowley, have joking, I rolly. Are they like legitimately pissed there, legitimately piss, but there. What we do want to hear about this. Just leave that party or life to yourself, one. What's their association and I mean in their mind, what's what's there like? I think they have shriek out every time that they can be imagined me out with a gun? What do you think about mau mau? What is more at this, the funny part them most pride is the first muslim friend that, as ever, entered our family.
For the euro, in bahrain and and on the first jewish guys entered his mount. His parents are my parents, and my parents are like his parents like where there is some. love between our families and home, so they like each other. My parents are like friends at most parents like other method. There there very similar, no they're they're very, there, but there are similar in that they're they're all middle eastern. But you know there is the jewish muslim divide, which you dont, fine old school. You know iranian jews, friends with any muslims and in any arab muslim. You just don't and you don't find many models. Muslims were friends with iranian jews and its
I know from the old school. I think second generation does so, but I'm you know I hate to get all like. You know. You know kumbaya about it, but I I'd seriously think that in a in a big way, hunting kind of brought us us to get was like such a common ground that that made us into best friends that there's something about a hunting. Buddy man, it's like you've, you know I'm not going to exaggerate and say you've been to war together, but man we've done some fucked up shit that I've never done with You now other people like getting a deer in the dark, and why are freezing and it's an accelerated courtship? Absolutely I live. I want, as your cover courses about arm. show, business and and career and sort of away. Yet personalized comes into
We all get someone you mentioned Joe rogan yeah, but he's an I don't want to say is untouchable, but everything he's done is organically built but he doesn't. He doesn't need the normal gatekeepers. Don't apply absolutely right leg. You look like like if someone's mad at him or someone's displeased something he's done. What are then they get here. and from publishing is podcast yeah, you have seizing on to mess with him right. He started a great stand up like he's in its not acts Oh he's he he he's like created a position for himself words like come come on. I don't give a shit yeah, like I'm doing my thing: a billion people like like a chris prayer
they pray, outspoken, honour someone, outspoken honor, but he is like he's, depends on studios wanting to engage with them yeah. So when I asked you like about that, You are, you fear, for, like a million serious way, dear think, like you, is it just sort of a very middle america perspective that hollywood would blacklist the hunting guy or is that? Is that ridiculous? I don't think that look if I walked into work with a maga hat that would probably have an effect. You know what I mean more so than a hunting. Absolutely I think you can get away with you can get away with hunting and, if you're, cooking, if you're a chef figure where the chefs get away with your hair. I think I I but I I don't think that it's as it is stigmatized, but it's not. I don't think it's enough of a to be a deal breaker and also to
Truth. Now that I'm on this new show that nascar show that hasn't nascar audience. I have feel that's why I think I'm a little, you know more willing to act out of the closet about us. Oh yeah, this not going to be judgmental! No, not at all I mean I'm sure it's going to be he'll, have a big hunting crowd that that watches. That show and what's your role in the show. So it's about a nascar. pet crew. Mme I who are you and, on the other hand, gentility, I am the the chief engineer of the pit crew. Are you like a nerd yeah? there is put it that way had not already nerdy like socially awkward chief engineer. It's like it's the best this year the learn a lot of terminology. You look. I went hopkins. I was pre med. I mean I I it's not it's not that out of my wheelhouse. You can do little to talk when I get a little tech talk. If I need to do some deck talk, I can do some titillating tech tech, docs
that's good see that I listened to your forecast for two thousand, and the words you are you know where we don't use was that a liberation really which is lady aria liberation for good, these our already, no, no by like it so how'd you become so so well read and all that stuff is just just yourself just being like. I feel like I'm just going to fuckin, learn everything. I can learn you're. What I did a lot I got to do. A lot of reading appreciate is asked me, a question not like I'm, not crazy about it. I'll tell you the answer milk. Is equality ray. I would agree when I went to graduate school. Its goals be to your programme to be three years get through and You already interviewed
in two years. It's like bass. Basically, you just go there and read it's like writing. It's a writing program. Yeah you just read and- and you get to read a lot and you're around people who are. about reading, and I I'd always read a lot and had good. You know like like somewhat good retention about it, but it was in that culture of you know just lakes. Several years of, like very intensive reading, yeah and I think I learned things from that leave to go to graduate school. I realized Never really! I never read anything approaching literature and a member dedicating a summer to trying to get through James Joyce's, dublin nurse. I sure, as hell was going to read what is where's. He was here you. Where are they so he's got little sherbert couldn't get through. It says I
Oh I'd ever read was like stuff about about nature. Nature, starve, three mountain man, history, stuff, davy, crockett, yeah stuff. I just read all that books about how to trap and- and I remember thinking like man I gotta bone up- so I really like tried very hard to get my way through dubliners to prepare for like a life of literature, okay, yeah yeah, but you know what it's like. I have friends who have gone to grad school and they don't become like what like how you've become and it's interesting reading. Your book was very interesting to me because I was like okay, I'm going to read that his dad was a professor or something and like this something that, like you know, even though they grew up around the words like you know he was always, and that was in the case I mean I didn't know that you were like trying to be like a professional trapper. I was like holy fuck man, this guy. He he you pete, you can't most people can't just reinvent themselves as a fucking good,
writer. Well, everything gets think about two. is in some ways the true of me in the eyes and brody here. In some ways right now. I'm like we effectively think about and talk about the stuff for living ran so That's your devoting a lot of time to it. Yeah, like that, the subjects That it's not so much for writing down, but just you wind up kind of getting where you want of getting where you eat. Is you the luxury of getting to immerse yeah into something yeah and really surround yourself surroundings of a people who were equally immersed and I did then I got and I was able to ever wild with when I want school for writing.
Coming out of their all. My friends are writers ears like immersed in a highly grey actually segued into you know I always had that focus in the outdoors, but then, when I'm becoming very immersive, the people who think about hunting all the time and think about fishing and write about it and made their fears about it and then it winds up. This has the snow. I feel it has. This like snowballing effect, yeah right, you're, just able to devote an enormous amount of time and attention to something yeah, absolutely which I'm sure is true. And in many other disciplines we had the other day we had a the inset guy on right. Yeah spent his whole career mess around with insects, and you can get. You can stray pretty far from his focus and ask him questions about bugs and he knows which docket and you're like how in the world. You know like oh yeah, because he like me, spent twenty years dealing with these
or like same sets of idea, the idea its awesome. I mean if I have a buddy Josh healed he's, he wrote the movie hot tub time, machine europe, and that is when the writers of cobra Kai the shell and he he always as I've writing. But I love being done with writing yet So there's a that's a that's a there's, many versions of that over there yeah yeah. He didn't come up with that, how he didn't you're you're on blast she'll. Do you feel the same way? All absolutely? I I think it's just like you. I hate I hate, writing put worth yeah? I hate right, but there's nothing like the donald. Do you know writer Ian Frazier? I don't think he is. New yorker writer, who wrote a book called great plains of history. The american great plains, okay, phenomenal book, okay, he was saying when he was young and he wanted to be a writer like he always goes reading the new yorker, he said like a normal kids draw like monster trucks and whenever he would draw like a person with a martini,
They are based he always imagined. Oh have my order. My shirt shout out I do, what I do, a joke about pay jesse Where are we If you ever go to Austin. This is where you ought to eat. Oh yeah, you should hang out with Jesse Griffiths, actually who's Jessie he's no mo he's number. he's one hundred and austin Texas, oh yeah, he has a restaurant, he teaches a lotta people. Actually you guys would be like nuts on a dog. I bet you guys just love each other and yeah. I think I remember Was he on here or he's been on the show you'd love that guy yeah, he seems interesting. You guys have hit it off. He's he's got a good cookbook for sure what was I getting at, though we were talking about.
writing and then we were talk. Oh girls, you take the good writing, quote yeah and how's it go. It's like I'm going. To paraphrase the writing quote, but it's somewhat like working on a book is like driving were at night, regionally see as far as you're headlights. Ah, but you just keep goin and go on and gone and gone and eventually get their yeah and its miserable there, and without without a gps, because I think it like there's so much potential for wasting fucking out and hours of hours and the amount of stuff. The right you just throw out is just like it's just wasted neurons, but I mean it's not wasted because you you have to get through that stuff to get to the good stuff. I work on lately
on a couple projects. I've worked with brodie here as a writing partner, oh cool and brodie's yeah. I mean it's fair to say, you're self taught sure, well, you're, not having ice yeah. I mean I studied. Writing it and undergrad does day, not like his hat near nowhere near approaching what you did but yeah little bit enough on the roads very like there, sir there's not a right now. Archie apple. I think no one! I can write better than anyone, They can write faster in me and I can write faster than anyone there right battered me? That's good! That's brodie little bit, Brody's just pass really doesn't have a lot of what he does like right. Whole pages, nimbly guy yeah wow, hey there Who plays right brain for keeps dad
like rewritten ship, while the various draft here that there is another quality that is actually not attributed to writing its attributed to napoleon? And you know how need once only wars but is basically, I think it was a quantity. Is equality unto itself think about oh yeah yeah and I think with writing that is so weren't you just have to fucking keep cracking stuff out road user. Writing quote from your Hayworth spin off, like as already growed are already clear from my tenth grade: mentor yeah if you're, counting the words you write we'd. How long does it need to be for the assignments yet for county words. You right, you not writing words account. I later Are there not necessarily true amazing? I really like hold you to word counts, yeah yeah, like what-
We should tell our teacher those who can't teach that alone Do you mean sorry, misery nearer and nearer everything off your shouted down. My careers over after this biogas comes out, in my the things I want to ask about. Why do I have down yeah giving gore? May game too hard core hunters who can't cash. I liked, as it is not even a sentence by I got out of bed of now, thou. As you know, dean dean as the state trooper Him in his buddies, get good. They can't cook at all. And I think that two years only this ain't there always are dear tat, horrible guys it doesn't. I'm telling you I made them the last time I took a bunch of ground dear and I made like I made a persian sausages per person. Kebab them powder, which is basically you guys
add up the meat you have to mix it like when you grind it, you grow. You grind the grind, the meat. You want a seventy thirty fat to lean right. So I got a bunch of beef tallow that in and then you you wanna, put about two onions ground grounded up onions in there and then some spices. And then you could get really low, so the onions caramelize within the kebab- a new skewer. These meatballs, I ate the item made them. Let you gonna make them look like little like long finger on food is right, you saw suggested, stick its yeah and then you can have your casing locating and then You know you puts into american at you put some sumac on it ass. You know, it has never had three rigorously reckoning on who should have had more than you. Can you ever have your life? Soon- and I dont know that is an old like sumac, you know poison, sumac lydia, so there's the berry.
yeah and you dry it out, and then you turn into a powder, zero yeah and it's used as an it's uses like if you go to like persian households. It's like salt, pepper, sumac. Reality out some at home, I'll bring it for you to my yeah out of rigid there. now are you sure that it's the same employees, don't wag the looters american roadways in the mid west? I dont know. Actually I don't think it's poisoned sumac having its is, I think, is justice. It's just sumac, as that is that am I think that will fly after man. I am guilty. Not I mean, I know like yeah I remember our su max I'd, never heard of someone eating them. Have you ever collected and dried your own to megan? No, I haven't. I do fennel pollen, though every it is bringing a school yeah. That's awesome, because this expensive felt yeah the journey that had already the foraging the foraging for I'd forage. Further real standards like out like what, like I like morales, yeah, oyster mushroom, bleeds ramps.
ramps. Oh man, I work, you know volume, I blackberries love you. I tend to focus on the stopped. It's just good. Like really good? you're excited to have. It need not laborious. Now that I have a problem with it about it, if I wasn't in hunting and fishing I'd, probably be whole hog into that now and we make an ape, enflowered yeah, but on itunes. focus on the the bounty us sam optionally, good, yeah thing, if you are in a story, be almost tempted by buy kind of items and easy to spot with mushrooms. I think anytime, you like this poisonous or not. You should just not My brother's fairly good he's a pretty good mushroom guy, and so I've kind of you know leached off him a little bit. I went last year for the first time I joined the l, a michael logical society and
now I ve welfare, and why did you meet here that, after you heard that I could be Ellie Michael, I die alone brow? No, are you serious tender not at the early? I gotta get pressures shrewd pictures through a single person joining their society with me it is other than mushroom just to be, like I wonder now, My girlfriend has a she's an actress in l, a she's in l, a actress will she eat? Dear me, she will. I mean she grew up in kentucky, so she's a hillbilly she's, a little hillbilly she's got some of that in her and so she's like she's, totally fine with the hunting she's fine with it yeah, which is cool man, because that's hard to find in a lady and allay was more thing about her mole loves her. Then mo the surgeon now in upstate new york, and he takes all of his fucking money and just goes on these sheep hunts that are like fifteen
thousand, but he's an international shipper. Yeah he's trying to get that thing. What's called slam their grands lamb, turkey, your turkey, grand slam, slam super singles super slam is better than grand. Well dude. If you were single that would bet that fun fact get you laid so hard. We had a guy send a picture of a tattoo or he had the country like he had like america dude on his arm yeah, and he had little turkey tracks tattooed, where he fulfilled his super slam. Okay and then he had the different feathers tattooed on his arm, and I, like you, know you as a jewel appreciate this. I am tattooed, ok, I thought I thought about. I have georgie, we have serious, he thought about getting something similar, really reduce the sheep grand slam thing
yeah one of the sheep. He said that there's like a world yada yada use it and he's usually pretty good about this, to tell everybody ani what the yeah the weather is the north american yeah, which is just for it, which is the forest sheet that you can kill here but he might be going all over. He's gone all over, he was just in like a of what's it called right next to ITALY, northeast of ITALY, the mediterranean. Yes, spain, now croatia, croatia, using chrome, to do this. He went to the alps, many alaska. I think he's doing one in texas there might know, or what I dunno, what your bodies are too, but it doesn't have anything to do with Texas hold on here's the texas one, and this one ought to ask you about because it seems ill, not legit. To me the texas dall sheep. One of these sheep is like a like a it's like an armenian sheep or some shit, it's like in iran and because it you can't go to iran to hunt or it'll it'll little nearer it's hard, some dude intact,
This apparently has these three and is still counts, with the further lamb, like a herald, feel counts for the grand probably through safari club does yeah yeah lawyer fell a brow. The half dozen house now I went down a more or less mau mau mau better, like you mau mau, is so well, isn't that I'm here right now he's like you, don't even know what hunting fixes man was. They were like give us your ten hunting tips dude that by the way you know since Steve asked come on and give us your top three hunting to top three hundred in depth. Oh, please, I'm not! Even joking! Are you serious? I would love to hear it's good idea, top three hunting tips: okay, here's a fun one clear the leaves out of the
tree stand before you get in there, because others rustled Russell the whole time. I thought of dance hot savior scope, I'll take the scope is number one. And I would say this really hot hot tippit use those organs. I made a patio, out of the heart and liver brow, it was so delicious. It was crazy, delicious technical chef, pray, I mean I'm pretty. I I dabble a dabble, yeah and- and also I I would say this don't be. so here is. This is five years our road and sensors hears owners no live. There's my pet peeve. Here's, my pet pillar, removing out from tipsy happy he's gonna turn into tat cause. Ok, whenever and wherever. There's no point in life a more anxiety that I'm gonna have to walk into, like a gun store or like a hunting store or like a
you can just gives you. I don't have any idea what I just feel like they love to make. You feel stupid, sir. If you say the right, if you referred to the to the shell as a bullet or a bullet a shell, and you know what the terminology of a mind there there's like there's gotta, be that we are all like napoleon dynamite, canna fucking. I hate it. And I'm like you, if you're trying to get people to you know be on your side about hunting or guns or would have been nice to be nicer to. Dont, know about them. It don't assume that everyone knows what the thirty odd sixty You know yeah, can t I hate it. I didn't I didn't. I welcome into the apple store, yeah well, but they're nice to you. There they're, not they're were in their shares like estonia, yeah, but listen next, when, when I go into these guns stores- and they give me I'm not like rubbing it,
her face that I know organic chemistry and they are not like what c h for methane you, but that's the best I get it. Those places man, so hot tipp be nicer to non gun. Can I give you a hot tip? Oh god, it's about walking into gun, store, please, okay. I have found I've talked about this before I have found a strategy in life of dealing is to start conversations like that with I'm just a total, dumb, ass right yeah, and they want to use it. When I talk with us before the context was having a plumber come over. Will having a problem was I couldn't figure something out yeah and the plumber comes over and instead of being in a swinging, dick contest, yeah, yeah, okay to his there'll, be like, I almost got at work, you know, but whoever plum this thing right, Instead of doing there, I think the soldering yeah, like you know a man, does well dumb ass,
take it apart on looking at all body. Let's take a look just ten iguana measure, everything here and if you come in, you go into your local bone store and you say just start now. total, dumb ass? Do it? I've been out a few times? I left my conceal carry at home, but you know: what can you tell now man, I walk in seattle asking dick swinging that call everyone chief give the good stuff chief, I think you should try that in your local gun store, yeah yeah, I think then they will take more of a paternal view. I do find that gun stores in cities are usually they're, even meaner than like guns. Like the one and only and that we all therein georgia, vinos gunshot now mean is guns. Darwin wrote you think, there's a gun store in manhattan in manhattan.
now. No, the one, the please use the byline by their weapons. You ever felt really have availed transverse you out of my way the very mean to you, yeah, very they are you're in there. I hate it like you lot different, that's why I feel it gets like us is: come exotic law enforcement v, civilian yeah is now I gotta do you know, but even then- law enforcement in you know only an or you know, upstate new york is totally for their civilians. Having guns like their final Only in that way I just mean the like prose is like prevent, We train, you know and is er service dealing moulting service weapons in india come in and you're like to your elmer fudd right right right it just it just is not cute. They don't think it's cute yeah oh man- is that yeah, it's not like you shouldn't be allowed to. If anything is the opposite of that pushes his condescending, I hate it. I hate it, but try
approach and guns stores, and also how well do you know. Do you live in a place where in sort of develop a relationship with some people that you can say you know, I don't here's the thing. I don't go. Shooting that much know that I need that. I don't think. like. I have a. I do, have a. I have a handgun at home for personal, for you know, but I got a revolver just because I didn't want to have to keep going to the range to exercise the spring. A on a semi automatic wow? You know your stuff man, yeah! That's why he winds up, gives the showdown when I lived in seattle, there was a there was a. I did most of my sport, like most by sporting goods purchases and my firearms transactions from a place called outdoor, emporiums and there was a guy there, Brian, that I like the lot. And I come in like be like where's Brian yeah and our text, Brian,
to be like. Are you at work, Brian? That liechtenstein rolling is an area? Where is our guy autonomous economic allows like deal with a guy, a broad view of brain, so fine, there I liked. I liked regret it. I get it there very actually, the very nice to me at white tail, which is the store and olaf, which is the one that logos do as he's the mayor of olivia, so I'd walk in there even without him, because he'd be a dirty little body like hey, I'm friends with doctor Al Hammadi and it's hilarious, because that is like super redneck gun store. They're, like oh, you know, the actual maddie red carpet exactly right. You mentioned the arab guy's name like tax year. I did my niece girl like they are now the rather thought there was something about you and now by the idea of a man. Never now be open minded.
As you are last question, those southern you'd mentioned wanta about maybe didn't gun safety conceived. Yes, this was a! U paranoid, you know very paranoid. Now I need accidental discharge ziyadi living by as a part of one you are, and it was you're, not gonna, believe whose lives I was, but you know I always give a shit for, like he's always make sure that everything is out of the chamber. Like me I'll all, you know you does it really? Satellite now and out, miss very educated, and you know dislike always pointing in the right direction and is not, which is obviously totally normal. But then, I might try to load low a gun. He like he didn't, have faith in me. So he was trying he's a he micromanaged. The situation so he had, we were going turkey hunting, which I've never I've, never gonna turn, not a couple thirty, I gotta insane.
you're a lot of land, yeah yeah, but We go it's like ramp season, so the first light comes out and I guess you, the rhapsode, I lose. My shows chosen arrived, look at all these risk, but yeah, So I put his hands run on the shock on my hands, were on it and bold and went off, who don't understand, you're both handling the same yup because he's instructing euins on some yeah, and I think I was a dude. I got it and was a little bit of pulling and pushing and bomb went and freeze I hears ought to do this safely. New like now is that I do not even know you don't know the combination of me. My ego and then his distrust of me. You know together and it was. It went off me we were in between and you know it shot in front of us, but Scary, very scared. You, oh I've, been witness to.
I mean in all honesty I private witness in a lifetime of of gun play. I four have been witness to an excess of a dozen counting lean kids agatha do we are kids? That's why, like muzzle control, if you know, is I remember walking with my mom, like the steps from my mom and dad house to the garage my body Brian in want to shell next summer I mean the grass cheese we're high schoolers boy. I mean fully the even up. He wouldn't have good trigger control. They had good muzzle control. I've never seen. I've never been love, never seen under a z scene. There are even called holes. Call right. Yeah, then, which is the test It's like a two tiered things like it shouldn't go off, but tenders, sort of. If it does, what are you doing when I review
the times. I've seen accidental discharge yeah, I look at I'm like. I don't want to see the system where I'm reluctant to say the system worked, but the system worked yeah and that people were conscious of what they were where the muzzle was yeah, I mean what they're doing all you do is combined those to slip up. So you combine the muzzle control you make that mistake, and then the handling mistaken as one those two things like in those in split seconds and all things line up yeah is when you have trouble but I can spend days- am I Ben days our hunting with a couple friends. In reviewing it my mind if their seasoned people reviewer, I might, there was never a moment when A gun had served like god I made a gun, go off, there's never moment when it would have struck somebody right, because people are being very conscious about what they're doing and where they're pointing yeah. So it's like like X,
negligent discharge acts they'll, just the marines like and thing like, there's no such thing as a negative discharge or has go no, The thing is accidental. Discharge is always a negative negligent discharge yeah. So this scary, as hell I do all think like you like that was close, but thankfully it was closed because the other components of safety, thankfully, where place I'm in no way excusing that happening by seen abbot yeah. Now, the army's as using the Heaven, not them anymore not a doesn't know I dunno. once I sides using lucy, it happen not rush I'd say for me. I bet you did it. I think I in the beginning, is very hard for me to understand when there was a a shell in the chamber like why, if you, if you ve cycles everything
we and once like an idiot, I was like. I think I got em all and I pointed up to shoot the shock on an bomb and other I didn't there is one In there you know mo lost his shit again, which he should have, but then, after that I took one hundred safety. Of course I was like I need to to learn to rein this shit and I'll. Tell you a hot tub yeah. What if, what this is from all the next time you start out. A person must give him a break open, gun oh, I, like a single judge, yeah my little boy. He now as his one for ten yeah he's nine? I'm gonna pretend like. I know it for tenants but yeah. So it's like the smallest shotgun. Okay got it so it'd take up their little tips. Tips here. You know gauges right, yes, okay, yes,
twelve gauge. We ve covered this extensive touch on nor dinner. I do yes, yes, yes, I I keep learning and then I could forget, but a kind of no bill you're asking for my. I want to target us as one of the ones they know, so I can tell it cause I like telling ok tell it now. No, I don't twelve gauge. If you take that diameter, the the the barrel diameter and twelve lead spheres that size make up a pound. Twelve leads spheres. That is a twelve gauge. Twenty gauge. It takes ten led spheres that size to make a pound. Ok, a four ten twenty twenty sorry, twenty twenty four tat is, the only is afore tat is an exception to this to the gauge system. Okay, so it be like you know, just twenty eight, not calm and with their twenty eight twenty, a gauge. Sixteen gauge twelve gauge when you buy shrimp from a grocery store,
at the same way to engage we'll tammany hall kind. Amity shrimp. Yes, count glaring like black, though you know that a great small number, the bigger the shrimp nager afore is like point or one of an inch diameter shock, I got it If someone were to say to you, I'm going to get a fifty gauge shotgun and shoot you that's a very small shotgun right right. That would be a bb gun and we should get mo on the phone and ask him why he didn't give me that guy but I'll, just just just the hot safety tip for listeners yeah I bought my nine year old, a four ten, it is breaks open. There's no like wondering, what's going on perfect when he approaches people, I'm like opening up put its open like anyone can see.
what's happening when you open it and look, there's no way to be confused about whether this thing's loaded and yeah, not loaded. Is there still one in there? It just is a great way to start people out yeah, Now my was a born you here and hinges open for the whole. World, to see what is happening the second part of it So finally, law as your email around their evil, I've gotta make a little bold action. Twenty two of the magazine in it yeah a very poor, annoyed about like what he's doing that. You know like he it caused them to stop what are doing nothing to look you like inadvertently, rack one. You know it's funny as someone who didn't grow up hunting I am a little like, like kids and guns. It still, I think, give me all over him levies. It should yeah
You know I was just sitting with my oldest this weekend and it's nerve wracking yeah. How old is he or she she's? Nine? Sorry, eight, a yeah. I tell my kid. I say like very like explicitly tell my you can mess up with that and kill your brother yeah. While you didn't break it down like thou I'll, try to make it look like the gravity of what word. I don't want them to be any confusion about what we're talking about. Yeah I mean that's. You should be good We know how their highly someone could get hurt. Five, seven, nine, five, seven and nine yeah you just paint a picture higher dislike you can various browser reaction is like is not like impact will, as you might when I say that I d like to do likewise
it is a growing thing that is as annoying yeah, yeah bad, but now come a hundred safety nazi, I'm like crazy about it, that's good, which is the way to be on board. I have glad to have you in the brotherhood. sisterhood yeah. It's a good way to put that grant the family yeah, it's good to be in the family, and it's got to be in the family. and have a conversation with the with the guy that that you are your big deal with me. Staying and it's really great to have more than the family mo is the fuck moment. This is about killing a fake sheep, so he could get a fake title and years of hard work to meet. One hundred yeah he's living it all and it's easy for him. I'm in west hollywood, man, I'm in the trenches so
run down, run down reforms. I wasn't was the best way out of you will go. Take you in science graham and stand up day at stand, a ban yeah, it's that no one can spell danny, It sounds like I need to shore this up. Is to grant an stand up. Dance waiters stand up, as well you're active on twitter, a pretty active and engaged did you do engage in like twitter outrage about someone's tweet. Now dude, I stay out of that. Okay, good. That to me, is more as media in life, seeing what The committee is, you know, don't host shows now, because they voted twenty years ago and they bring back? Unlike my twitter, is pretty anemic which again a bummer that has yeah you gotta control your impulse make like you lay like like that funny I'll just put it up then It's now I'll lose a job in everyone danced at that, while again testament to why rogan has paved such a great. You know path for himself because he doesn't. It doesn't matter to him because he's self generating no
It is an idea and he he gives all sides of everything a voice area are. all article all sides of everything in a way that makes everyone look like a jack s ranch. It's always unanalyzed. love him he's his leg he's like so curious he's so curious, but I think sometimes you can just be convinced of anything like. I feel like a flat durkin come on there and he's like really yeah, okay, I'll, look into that to open mind a little bit, but I think it's more, it's probably just his style of interview which gets people comfortable to open up and but yeah, and then pod gas maneuver its number one food by gas and america right now. It's called green eggs and dan and You can go long as anywhere. You get back ass. If, in our long so people like exhausted the library of the show yeah
That's it had to green eggs and then check it out. I really like had just listened like honest to god: listen to every episode, yeah twice they might go, find green eggs. yeah yeah. I may find it anywhere. We all did you know the places they left off. and a new brand new spaghetti. The tv show oh yeah, and on netflix parent network, we'll see what the netflix party steve when will when will the air it's gonna, be air If sometime in the fall they wanted to like correspond with nascar dates. I saw that I sold my first nascar race ever last week and it was intense. There was like a crazy car crash. Someone almost died about that yeah, but still filming yeah. We are. This is our hiatus week and everyone's like. What are you doing hate to see? Relaxing I'm, like yeah, I'm going to bowl
in montana baby. So you get them a bozeman, an eye and yeah, but green eggs and up, but it's called the crew. It's it's Kevin James is, is the leader that one? So it's gonna be a great show. It's very funny, and I think I think your listeners will love it. I'm gonna watch yeah. You should are they does? Would they be happy that you're plugging the show? I think, sir, I'm telling you manage now it's an harsher neuro, not our listeners, people, whatever the netflix people. Yet it. Is it good that you're are doing this? I think that you think that hunters, probably our of a scarlet letter than they are all I do not really talk about tat. Your title mean that what did you mean? Sorry that, like on in Well, there's always like embargoes, and you can't talk about shows. You know what I'm saying. Oh shit, I dunno yeah, like we do to a certain level of thing where everyone just gets all secretive
people coming out here, being all secretive about stuff, and I'm like why in the world, are you being secretive about the now now that I think I should probably more security like I'm going skiing tomorrow at big sky? I probably shouldn't be doing that since we're filming, but you know how often I'm going to be in bozeman know. Do you have a friend up there now, I'm Scott myself really yeah oh yeah, it's great man on the open. You drive out or go skiing earlier true outdoorsman. I love you. You spend like weeks alone out in the world with a whole crew. you don't have like, because act and body or somethin who's up there. Now The most bag and new york most backing the bunker america amounting to come so badly now moment I get now I'm just going to go by myself and then I have to go back of I'm pitching a show. bl on friday and then back to new york on saturday she's minutes great yeah man channel tunnel how do people? Why some you stand up?
google, my name down dude you in a h d, o o t and weird fun. Fact. If you have a kid who is somewhere between the ages of and I'd say, Nineteen I was on a disney show that bear obsessed with not taken it and if you were a child actor. Now I wasn't a child bro. This is like eight years ago, yeah your pervert yeah. If any kids are listening, I'm the guy, no, it was I played a is a super racist role. I played a character name falafel, phil oh there you are who makes yeah yeah eggs. This is pre. What do you like it s like looking? Do I, as I was gonna, have some fun. Let's go meet me at a really has backed up, but give run it yeah wow,
if people will find your act on youtube or whatever yeah yeah laugh factory post a lot of of great stan. What's the best thing, and what's the best bit like you during, like you know, tell us a joke It shows the main tells you the best job of doing this bro. What's up, but no someone's to go. Look at if they're, like the one thing they're going to do. They're like okay, I'm gonna check out some thing. This guy did, I think, he'd. enjoy my material about spin class going to Jim, so they I have been damned and it'll do in class, but in class yeah they'll get a good taste you'll get a hoot from danity, yeah when we were dog and that last this last question, when you were a kid, and people were dog now and what do they do with your last name, Dana douche? and I'm impervious is nothing new in our didn't. You lie here now: use our fella, there's nothing you can do in Allah renown,
smell salmonella. Your girls examine our that's good to go. if people really knew about and I I just wanna throw in a plug for bajillion dollar properties. Again, oh yeah, you can watch the whole the whole show on pluto. I forgot to plug bajillion dollar profit yeah. You can watch the whole thing on pluto or on amazon we were bowled. I was I shaved, my head, I shaved my head. I did not get hair plugs. Everyone thinks I got close. I just it should grow man, so I could add here the whole time, but the whole time I swear. I graduated college. I thought I was going bald. I started taking propecia and like I'm going to shave my head, because I don't want to deal with the new no being a gag on bald. now and then I went for a break up and I dislike turn into em. Like four years ago, I went through a break up and it turns out this mass just didn't get my haircut sorry dry out, another came and became back their looks kind of doing so. Would you gonna brody? I got nothing gone,
check this out. This is what I'm looking forward to having yeah. I can't wait and I love it just get just as good as you from head of hair. I feel I know it gets thinner up to forty six just turned forty so yeah. If you're forty six, you got that here, you're good thing, because it gets thinner up top happens. I'm looked just like brody yeah brody and I mean brody's, I'm gonna look like apocalypse now tat. Some people don't look good with it if that bro, let's go with it, I don't think yoni Jani would look good with a shaved head cause. You have like Well, his old man has a bunch of hairs and you've got like a rectangular unit like a round face for it. Shaved also, really about lay rarely alludes to hair his mouth shine so much here, I'm gonna cut it until he's. The ball is now in those areas. Horrible reference
no you're dying the good, bald reference. I think that still works. I give that the data do stained glass yeah take away from the whole episode and if you're in upstate new york- and you need to have your knee scoped, you can go to mo yeah, DR mohamed Al Hammadi. You can let them know no need to tell people how to spell at google arab doctor upstate new york yeah there. There is love, because so much for Adam is really been an honor the
Transcript generated on 2023-03-11.