« The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 143: Self-loathing and Guilt

2018-11-19 | 🔗

Kalamazoo, Michigan- Steven Rinella talks with Mark Kenyon of Wired to Hunt, Guy Zuck, Chris “Ridge Pounder” Gill, Loren Moulton, Seth Morris and Janis Putelis of the MeatEater crew. Subjects Discussed: The Golden Spruce and other essential reading; man-eating tigers and a seventeen-foot-long python; copper bullet efficacy; 12-hour mega sits; haikus, High Coues, and Huntin’ High; what makes a mature buck?; the significant benefits of hunting all day; early antler drops and Mark’s theory about the fate of Holyfield; getting screwed by big bucks; getting thrown off; adrenaline moments; mental fortitude, self-hatred, self-loathing, and discipline in hunting; MeatEater’s marital advice; and more.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Me you ha gas shoreless severely bout. My gaze underwear was cast predict. Anything is very what here region, If I haven't told you about a my body's brother, whose care the Dereck on his backpack. I have told you notice now no care raise your hand if I haven't told you about this, meaning Agora na this man eating tiger in india. Italy is all about a weirdo, and can you kid? Can we the other day, the Al Qaeda nobody's brother,
want me to say who it is, but it's got is bent on this podcast and I've met his brother. A fish purchase brother, kills colombia, blackmail in washington state And I was spoken him directly bought it, but it kills blackmail in washington, And he affixes fixes the rack, the skull and antlers to his backpack and this one off that you hear about it being a no. No, like a will. Even tie orange flagging urge tie of game. mr whatever around antlers, when you're doing it. For you, I mean what are the chances that would happen that being what are the chances of some
and mistake it for a live animal. Well, he got shot at so it was such a close call that the guy shot a hole through his backpack whoa. Do well to close. The game were hauled this dude off in handcuffs as he shirt, cheese. Shot a hole through his backpack with a high powered rifle thinking, not only thinking that it was alive buck, but also but he was aiming at its lungs or he didn't get that far into the thinking horrifying Why does every also story like themselves or someone? They know closely? That's haven't you, because someone shot
sound or I know people who got ya in pennsylvania, turkey on really. I know, there's three guys standing together talking after working a bird In all three of them got it: what what did the person think you shoot net? A turkey? Oh yes, mistook three months for a turk. A new owes a gambler, not ahead. That's what are you thinking, but that's right Did I don't. I don't think, there's a mistaking it's it's a there is movement. Sue ann and figured it out later. Is it that or is it like buck fever sort of thing we just like so keep in like any time you see like a rack or move you're, like all I got to that's what I'm here for us is to. In this case, you ve got a rack this pointed
the wrong direction. Yards moving too, if it's on a backpack walkin, where bark of lifetime in inverted is invert, it just still blows my mind. That's of this disgusting, where they thinking There's more lurid details about this individual, but I don't want to give them away, not learn details about the victim, butler details about the perpetrator. He had some other things going on. Hmm. What does the victim say? I've I've, only I'm friends with the victim's brother and I've fished with the victim, the near victim know the victim a fish with the victim, but I'm not tight with him and Qaeda man eating tiger. This is kind of amazing man if a bear, if a if a grizzly here scratches some one up as a dead bear,
this tiger in india killed for teen people before they were able to kill the tiger. Whittled away at thirteen people and they. Finally, late, they gotta to expose itself alluded in use an obsession clown, no thirteen people, yours first of all, yeah, the cologne old obsession had like an extract had some kind of like civet extract or something in it, and they find that it works really good. As a tiger lure obsession obsession. You tell me, you know more about this and we can take this want once that far I was just read about this. I've heard the tigers have like a vengeance for people they'll? Remember people sent they'll, remember like they'll, have it out and though there are speak up, yeah yeah I gotta get you guys. Gotta get tied round to share my. But where do the two finger thing you said
dude yelling eta up at a seminar. Well, I'm gonna get real annette admirably I was and tell you, then. I believe that what I've heard is that tigers hold vengeance against people. I think that comes from one book called tiger. The tiger yeah john gene velvet Who wrote one of the really you know you want to read a real but read his book, the golden spruce. I have not read as a right and some bitch right there. Man he's good, but there's some books that come out it's like Malcolm Gladwell rights book than for the next six months you gotta have people tell you said I tell you stuff. They. read there and act like that. They didn't read it there. Do you know what actually is. Think about that is, and you learn later like where it's all coming from. But since that book came out, I've had fifty people tell me that about tigers not take away from because he's a hell of a writer was his name again,
John Vaillant. I think yeah, we've emailed the a I l l anti, do the golden spruce is about a giant golden spruce in the man who sought it down in why he sought it down and he did not saw it down for the reasons you think he would have sought it down it's about an act of like eco. Terrorism is a good ass book in florida guy. You know about this, yeah. Seven. Seventeen for python do just got a one hundred and twenty pound seventeen forty five and long python they paid or take any that biting several times. When you rascal whether a mob little bit awesome, We wrap my head around a snake that big communion eager. Set around you cod. wrap my head around. Why you would want to catch it I catch it after I shouted head off was bound his arm.
there. I guess not alive. Oh, why he wanted to catch. Love is like cooler role and when the snake is alive when you put life that makes it more of a statement, mad yeah, to have a one hundred and twenty five lb, one hundred and twenty upon a live snake. Just giant pythons man, seventeen, These long kind of get sick of those pythons. Imagine the tree stands. You are sitting and dared yeah he'd go from the top of that tree. Instead of the bottom, That is everything that's so scary in way as much as route founder it just about what are they just anything small mammals, they've eliminated a size class of mammals in the everglades. Robert Abernathy, who worked on some python projects and whatnot he's a he's, a biologist couple of interesting things. Sounds basel, like eliminated, like the everything like reigners raccoons like a whole size, clay, like mid size mammal, the latest wiping out.
it's over their work and on his stuff to try to test how far north python can go in that they can't penetrate the frost line once so like you. If you live in, you know. Yeah because they're not going to be up the carolinas and I could be up in our squirrel populations in our caught until by lessons will be in danger. Grew there is no safe place to be a greener anymore deserve we changed after gruner last night. The way we did we didn't come all we gave slip deserving. Gunnar is: is it possible parson? That's a dog during calls. Gruner speaking again mauled up now. This is we don't know, we destroy fact jacket, but it seems like there's something here that we got it. We got mixed up with a guy with a brown bear on a fog neck by year ago, and I guess some guy just got me. that's pretty good. We ve been here and all kinds of rumours from one dude.
One of these rumors, don't know if it's true or not, as he was sporting, a stone, glacier backpack and that his backpack got mauled reading about that seth, you believe it cause. I tried to fact check, did not well yeah. We charge you. What do you feel safe, adding here. He was a hiker yeah. We don't know what that mean. We all know we don't know. If he's a scowling type hiker or an aria you what if he was hiking or hiking around hunt, yeah dissuade said I don't know either way we love em the same year. Ron, Beirut in all worked up about you, member there We're talking about dogs and, like now, some of the cake theory yeah yeah. They ve got a lot of people I've known today allow the latter's came in about the cake theory on the sand. Well, that was a bad analogy. One guy did you was talking when he smells shrimp scampi there. He smells all that, but he said
I saw the butter and shrimp, but it is easy to say scant saw my what are ok, we'll get his guy off ass. Yours, then we're because is yeah sure, shrimp scampi. If you can smell butter and shrimp all good on ya, you don't have a broken nose round. Emeralds were talking about what does like what does a dog But this is why RON wrote in the row was operate in conversations about the what hunting dog, like what dogs smell like. How is it different than what we smell and we got thinking about like different climatic, not climax, climactic, climatic pleasure and climactic yeah yeah. That's right!
damo mere climate, the event that the different situations can influence a dog and so run, who you might know from the hunting dog podcast, which is all about all things. The hunting dogs and he's been judged pointing dogs for the north american, versatile hunting dogs association for twenty years hung out with a guy who's spent twenty run and dogs from michigan the montana arizona. Here's these guys think he says for tracking ability doggie, he says humility, humidity, humility, low! it's humidity levels are a major factor. He thinks when you get below ten percent humidity. It becomes tough for a dog to detect game and you get much higher than sixty percent and it starts to have a negative.
fact. He says that wind speed is also a cripple or anything over, say. Fifteen miles per hour in the centres gives to deluded and spread out too thin too quickly. He says you get wins in the twenty to thirty range. It becomes very hard for dogs to sort it out. He somewhat primarily bored dogs because very hard from the sorted out. He says: barometric pressure matters too, but it matters for a weird reason. If a front is coming in, Burgess sit tight, they dont feed. So you don't have a lot of bird feet, one and all or replace leaving order. So you could, you could have this front come in and think that somehow affecting your dog, his ability to smell yours, what's going on as Burgess our out leading are out, leaving sent most birds walk to their food source when their feedin there.
even smell when you're leaving smell your dog and find any talks about when, when he talks about when your job in a dog or buying dog does a score card category called use of knows. He says this should not be confused with quality of knows. A dog has to have a desire to find game. He can't dislike to run around looking for it. You can have. He says he be wise. He says a lot like people needing to stay at the task at hand is compared to hunters that get tired are uncomfortable, say in the rain and their desire to continue starts a slip a bit. They get distracted thinking about things like hope, and the weather gets better instead of pushing through it and block out those thoughts. Dogs are very
much the same way. The knows that is tied or matched to a level of desire will produce the best results. Some skills can be taught, but desire will always win the day. This is about that remain Hot dog podcast never do real, quick wrote in saying my god. We get this allowed to say, like Hey does, does copper, ammo work and think about it. Good. I didn't have even add you just pete my ass interesting perked up perker listener. He picked up I e is the way out, put it more. I think the copper ammo is having a high rate of adoption because of efficacy.
like so many loaders use. It agree serious shooters, switching for no other reason than efficacy of filling the african accuracy accurately at will, africa, umber, unrolling net in open. I think, for a while what happened with infectious me on this, you vows of perhaps tired. I do. I think for while he was first start using monolithic or copper bullets. It was there his name because they are very accurate, but they had prof. There was like early on performance issues because there's a lot to get right where the thing has to expand but not break apart, and I think it took some years to get it developed. Yet it seemed like there were
early critiques of when the balls didn't hit born his man said they would. The term was used a pencil through animals, like yoking, an arrow with a fuel tip and is pushing it through the lungs and now getting the upset and the damage that you're. Looking for arab boy in I dunno, if that was coincidence, or if they did, make better technology. I know that federal with their new do no trouble. the copper line. I know that they have made like a deeper cavity up front. That is supposed to help. You know, initiate that expansion and make that those pedals come out more. You know, so you get the get the damage Yeah people try. Different tricks are even like Cottingham to try to give in to peddle and break into four pieces. Montoni me
I have we been shooting a bunch of the federal trophy copper and it comes out. Lookin like it comes out, look I give you had a magazine picture of like the perfectly expanded bullet like opens right up, turns a nice slug. I mean they advertise up the ninety nine percent weight retention, so like good penetration and it doesn't bust all up and they put like a tip, as I go like a cavity in there, but then it's got a polymer tip on it that helps it expand and the other problem with it would be that, like his thing to think about, when we talk the stuff is when people talk about a long range bullet. You might hear think like all. That means is like language is probably true prize, like like a good like a high ballistic. Was that word political efficiency pattern but there are other ways of a long range bullet would be that it will still mushroom.
still expand at a low velocity, sir it's coming out of your if it's coming out of your muzzle at let's say three hundred feet per second, if it were to hit something at that speed, if it's a poorly instructed bulletin, hit something that speedy might iraq to do a bunch of pieces, but then it slows down and it loses half of its velocity. And hit something in it doesn't have there's not enough. There's not enough force there to cause it to expand. So if you see a long range boil, what that means is that can still expand, worn things it means it can still expand at low velocities, and I think that these are all things Taken a while to get sorted out, which I feel like now they've, just gotten it sorted out where you have like solid, copper stuff that has a polymer tip and a boat tail design. It has. You know a good downrange velocity like it's still cooking.
opens up right. I just don't think you can really right now. I don't think there's really any for efficacy standpoint. I just widows too, there's any arguments that there's any argument against it now, with the risk of a specific question: about to say is always here in about a huge here's, different things about whether it works or not. This latest rawdon in I have yet to have a bad experience with them. I had a bad experience with a different kind a long time ago, and it was still in it's infancy. This is like, seven years ago, not in its infancy, but it was. I was using like an unproven manufacturers offerings and had a pencilling incident at a long range four hundred plus yards good marketing year
Tell me about sitting in the tree tommy what happens in your mind when you sit and when you do in twelve hours, its worth as if we were to finish up away till dear away till dear bo peep, rot, since in all dam day here for the last three days least how their twelve hour days it's a long haul. Me and Lauren were talking when we got to the tree every day, you wouldn't think after just sitting for twelve hours, that you'd be physically ill, acid, but when you get out of them you are worn down where you're in a saddle. Today I was in the saddle, the two days before that I was in the stand. He was in the saddle every day, but yeah yeah, I mean your look. In iowa you're searching a lot, but then not there. There's a lot of downtime, there's loud periods of time, where there's nothing going on in the biggest
for me, and all they sits is it is it's of course, partly physical by thank the mental side is the better part of You will stay mentally engaged as much as you possibly can, of course, though, they're in no knowing no that, even though things have been dead for two hours that at any time it could all change. So I've had my fair share. Takes over the years, where I lost focus in the middle of an all they said and it cost me. I told you as a store last year, behold field NOS eleven o clock in the afternoon and I've lost focus, and then there is a twenty yards. Your set and text messages. I was reading a book on my phone freed, the book on you Oh yeah you're sitting for twelve hours over what you need a little something to cut by the time, and so I would like Look if I look at the phone for twenty seconds scan all around me. Look at the phone for twice in scan our yeah. I got you reading haikus what or you.
Was reading a book called the name of the wind of adversity, Thought I've never heard of a book called high coups, dear Thus we thereby worryingly high courage, accuse deal darkened gilchrist africa, not duncans, bilge duncan gilchrist best bert, is best bird. as an unfortunate title of hot high and Have you read that latvia worry that we get the thing and one thing where he sat on the high country eel not on high go on yeah yeah sitting all day. Man, I think nothing of going out like if we're radio spots all contain anything. I want. You know I'll leave, knowing that there's no way, I'm coming back while to come back.
don't close. Take a big ol nap out where I am ill I'll eat my lunch ram. There you go but sitting in the damn tree it wears on you, The same seemed for twelve hours, the same trail trees, the same creek, it's all there. You don't get to do anything endeavouring gets worse. The tighter this space and the shore line yeah and you get a clearer view of Yeah region glass. As every five minutes. Yeah yeah I mean it's just it's just a matter of toughing it out. I haven't snacks, haven't water and then yes you'd. I I think that it is better to be in the tree. and be slightly to strike an occasion by your phone or booker's only that their not being in the tree at all.
Give me the main argument that guy poops pippa people can picture what it is, but tell me why is that all damn day? So the reason why you sit all day during the rut is because bucks specifically get up. Some number of them are relatively consistent basis in our cruising, those from let's say ten or eleven till one or two an afternoon specially alder dear now. Now not can see the same number of years you might in the typical early morning, you're late evening, hours right, dear corpuscular, so their most active at first light
last night, so that no matter what you're still the most activity then, but there is a disproportionate amount of activity, especially for mature bucks middle of the day during the rut, so people better tuck into crepuscular their little bit, yeah yeah, so corpuscular just it describes an animal that is most active at that dawn or dusk time period. So dear many many mammals rent are most active, the first hour to last hour or two But for the small time period these bucks know, where does will be in the middle of the day right there bedded down. So they have a great opportunity that team time period to go from doe bedding area to do bedding area to do bedding. Air define females that are ready to breed. So, if you're willing to tough it out, it's a-
trying to get those bucks on their feet and we thought you think he's going around to betting areas as a sniff of those out and see who's who's at exactly through. I want to say who's ripe. Yes, that's not the right word hot hot hot, though right. Some quite right sounds like some of my wife delay. Really he had little of it. I really used as it deserves Gabby another word for that ready, one don't know we're here and because there I really like the big come into our breeding cycle It is clear that: u s new! Yes, yes, because their normally so paranoid! yeah this time of year the throw caution to the wind to a degree. You know for love. I think we can all relate
I think we definitely witnessed it several times. You know your closest cargo Eleven thirty you called it out before that you said: is my favorite our eleven o clock in here comes the one that was the closest right yeah. There were several other opportunities during that time. He had two over last three days of doing the all day, since we saw potential shooters in the middle of the day and in lots of other bucks. Younger bucks, and I've seen at least every year now for a good number of years. I've had at least one mature buck and counter midair and, and the thing is, if you talked to guys who take this really seriously, I've got a buddy who always always hunts all day and he consistently killed mature bucks. And if you look at the number of mature bucks that he's killed, I think he's taken seventeen or eighteen or nineteen of them.
During the mill the day you look at the number of hours compared to ours, hunted across more bothered Right, there's many more hours spent the tree evening or morning, but there's a significant percentage killed mid day by the fewer people what are actually hunting that time period, yeah like no one's there, but they're getting them, but they're getting them, and but it's tough, I mean it's. It's not necessarily fun and alluring runner up film and mark kenyon being in a tree all day. What's your perception of what's going on? Are you like? Do this job sucks or do you feel like you're hunt I think any time you're out there you're kind of feeling, like your heart near part of the harm, it definitely is, and the greatest deals in a tree and all day are specially a slave. Era. Saddler, you know, is not. I have so, but here finally engaged looking for that one box.
any dear any movement the whole time, so it's kind of just like a necessity. Now that's how I feel about it. A periodic film and regular hours go by not filming. I think that ours went by without filming pressure. you know, you're stuck in one place, so shot options become pretty limited. You get as creative again, but you know yeah you're right in retrospect, you're always like. Oh, I should have done more. I should have done this or that. But you know you can only shoot the same angle same depth, same focal length so many times so and to look D, we had a lot of opportunities on on doses funds and not van and lots of getting pin down so there's only so much dough footage, you're gonna shoot, so only so Much of the interaction I got a close up, the fire
and eating you know. I think I've got twelve of those, so Do I need a more start? Sell me. Man. does an organ and not move. They argue relay What is more, I think I wonder why we are discussing. Did he say what that Are you doing when we review the footage any? He didn't say that he said what do you do it both and I will I do I think I moved or say you can't move like that route via new routes, powder we're like an old, really old couple. like an old, abusive husband delay, it's pretty gentle, he didn't really yell at me, but I get it. I think. It's definitely gets intense enough where you don't wanna, Screw anything up, especially if your honor, you know it pretty high end han, where you know you're the
and were guy. If you mess disguise, hung up hear about it? You know that the last thing you want to do is mess up somebody's heart, so you're definitely part of the hunt you're a hunter. At that point, zero look for the shot. I feel I felt Add a couple of days. I think I apologize to once and I was like I'm sorry. I think I get a little bossy from the tree. I I I have like hunting turrets were like. I can't help myself. I don't move, stop moving, are you moving? You can't move like that couple tacos are like. Are you selling? It regret your six o'clock? We had our system down for sure and, and that happens real quick. The first day was brutal. The wind was blowing, it was twenty five degrees, we're both shivering. At one point: your teeth are chattering. You're, like oh, my god, or we ever gonna- be done with this. But then time goes on and doping it down or whatever happens. I think we had,
You know we got lucky because there are a lot of deer and a lot of stuff going on the whole time, so it kind of kept us busy in that respect and then, after three days the third day flew by twelve hours. No big deal you. What time of the day when you do an attack. Our magus. It got his twelve hours, toots or maybe longer mars. Well, yacht anna given stand around six are not toolbars get out just after six. At what time of day, you hit rear, like all we made it three yeah, I mean there's that point where ten o clock roles round near like, oh god, is a double chef Oh yes, It was the first day we did it. I think we we sat and then we moved, we went to his new spot and there was bucks chasing does all over the place. I was like it was a good morning and it was probably around ten o'clock
and I look at Lauren, I'm like I've got good news and bad news for what you want, and then he guessed he is like is the bad news that we're sitting all day help we're said: no, they were the good news because, as long as there is time, the deer. We counted yesterday, I think we saw thirty five at last count after thirty five here yeah at least there's one here yesterday that keeps you busy and there was enough to do up there and though it is totally uncomfortable. I mean your feet. Go numb and I dunno it's not not the greatest deal, but this is my first time ever bow hunting for white tails or any kind of deer. Born, unlike of private private, managed property, where you have a chance to grow old,
and two like be there? No one could see one of these box come by its four years old keeps you, because you want to sit there because he's a things it is read about and no then, to be like that wait show up, you think is going to be easy, but it's not easy. It's still not easy. Still and there's still too many things that could Wrong but like no one they're out there is makes it intriguing man, when they could roll around the corner. How many opportunities did you have mark on two and a half year olds? Oh, we could have killed a lot two and a half year olds, a good handful of them lots of year and assholes couple three year olds, one three or maybe two three years. I can't remember dude, that's where you screwed up man
like to like explain the people of utah, but when you talk about a mature buck because you always use the word mature buck, you don't put like a number to it, yeah. So I I would typically cough four or older, mature. Some people will say three or older in Michigan three year olds, it's everything's relative right in michigan a three year old in most places is the most the most mature buck you might have around, but you don't mean sexually mature cause, they're more sexually, mature, sexually mature at one and a half correct, correct What is mature, you know what not to say big ass box. in the eyes of the holder mature right. It's in the abbey holds all relative, but when you get to four or five four plus you read that top per cent of age and most populations in it. May I state really
The you know, I think people will look at year and a half old bucks being like your. I know, like a ten year old, like a young child, the way they act The way I think the way they operate. You get a two year old, you ve gallagher, young teenage type dear oh yeah, you're fit. Here, oh boy, run around the crazy get took a three year old. That's stake your college. that dude on the bar yeah he's like they're hitting the bars but they're there. They can be like the big boy in town in some places like they, they can walk around their chest out. They were pretty good and strong, but they still don't quite have it, but when he reached for that's like your eye, for europe is like a thirty one near all these. In the peak of everything holding you mark, thirty, one yeah,
wow, wow, okay, yeah, so yeah, four, five, six you're getting two they've they've they've achieved one of the whatever bodies that are structurally skeletal. Even That's what I've missed! That's a good point! Yes they're getting here. They have a weird way. They look different when they get settled, know for sure. Every thing about him. You seem from Hundreds of yards way- and you know what you're looking at definite where they carry their head the neck, the chest: that's all it's almost differ animal and just how deliberate they almost like in their head. They're gone this. You might grow old men, ten
so they seem like organ all day. How old? Are you still forty four minutes, so I say a four year old, plus colleague of forty four, old earth. Permanent damage have to eighty eight, but here's the deal. Let's say he snapped both of sailors off wouldn't shoot him. Even though he's four and a half you know I had an interesting scenario like that two years ago with not to bring up the same dear again. Every time I ever talked to you, but holyfield broke off part of the main beam I like hearing about this year. And I thought him to be four years old that year and he snapped out half his antler, and I was faced with this question as well. It's the bucket been hunting forever he's mature. At that point, is I've been two years he's mature but he lost half his antler. What would I a lot of people are asking? What are you going to do what you gotta do? I say I'm still gonna shoot him, but if he had knocked
both of the sailors. My thought it would be if I were to take that dear. I won't take that deerlike as. I knew him if that makes sense at all so karma. It makes sense for coma a part of a part of that. How do I describe it? mental masturbation. You kill it utility here and you take it and you take me you can soon to me but then you also have some kind momentum to remember then, on biodiversity that ever so that antler his antlers the amount. That will be an important part of that hunt. For me to be a look at that. Remember that see that it would just feel It disappeared, it just be a bummer to kill him and not be able to see him in all its glory.
and while I wouldn't want to kill something and then feel like a bummer about it afterwards. Let me put this. Let me do this to you. Let's say you found it. Let's say you had them because you found where he snapped 'em off. I guess in that case, Then yeah cause you? U hagen baggages the tax there, s good could fix it. But here it's an interesting question. Now Hoy field was the you think that both dead, I think so. I found shouldn't February's. Thank you, sir. I found sailor so me ass. He made it into the winner fared you back this year, but have gotten zero. Sure zero. Sightings, none whereas I talked to have seen a word that picture so worthy is where it wordy. What do you think he's dead from? Well, we found I found his shed early
I found it like the very beginning of february or late january, so as an early drop lots of times. Early antler drop is indicative of health issues, nutrition, something like zara. I didn't know that so my theory is that maybe he got shot by some One in gun sees you're injured in some way, so he had an injury dropped. His adler early and peace to come to die off over the winter will kill, or something like that. I was bear hunt one time in may and saw a bull Elk still. Pac and his antlers around, while they're pretty unusual janis I've seen quite a few of her at some of my best elk. Don't do a lot of it, but Elk shed pigging days and late may, while my birthday still dry Well, just you know when you go there and they're all on top the grass dozens gone. Oh rum out his brow,
lay in there, you know like it. Just recently happened, yeah, I'm with you to what degree, if you liked it, if you're, if you're a guy that wants to kill mature whitetail bucks, I mean one, they gotta be there absolutely in many places, that's the biggest thing keeping people from killing them. Is that they're, not there yeah they didn't exist. When I was a kid- and I grew up ninety miles from here- They really did. I mean I, don't know what you think about what you find a point out. Ok, we honoured publicly and north of us a little bit and we hunted some large farms behind large farms very near our house. With an eight mile mill, all the hunting we did unless we were going up to baldwin to hunt.
atlanta, all the hunting reduced to eight eight mile radius for less than eight mile radius of our house k and haunt some large farms to farms about people. My my father knew from church families. My father church and let us on out there were. These were like three and four hundred acre dairy opera. asia, where they are run in dairy and they were gone, corn and raise now fell for to feed cows, and they had river bottoms thickets like the whole picture k and his two farms were virtually up against one another over the entirety of or over the entirety of my until I moved to Montana I. In a mile man's wanna shouted shot, whereas bow one time of all those years of everyone, hunting in the farmers, kids, hunting and of funding.
One hunting in the surrounding. Only one time did. That I now recognise to have been the three and a half your book ever come off anywhere I never laid eyes on one dead or alive. I do not think you could read that I do not think they could reach three and a half years of age unless they lived in some deep dark swamp. Paul, nobody went to ever the one my dad killed. He killed on the edge of a pine plantation small little thing called the pines. We didn't mark you think a twenty thirty years ago, Michigan had any big box, or are they just not around? I think that Steve's right for them to look to to the degree there are definitely fewer of them. There were. There were mature bucks around, but they are
far between and the number two. I do also think that twenty thirty years ago, people weren't as tuned into how to kill mature bucks to yup. So it's much people are much more savvy now and the things you need to be doing to see and kill mature bucks back then it was kinda had on the most people had out in the woods next to a tree trunk or something like that or get up and sell tree branch and shoot someone over care pile cause. You were run cameras either. so you didn't know why. If you didn't know, if you knew what was out there than you like change everything to go, get em, but you didn't know they were out there. The one mile man killed, he didn't know it exists to act under the tree here, but I do think walter, has changed so much that allows a lot more dear to to reach that a surprise. The biggest thing is just that. The number of mature bucks around is just higher now, I remember being in high school and one of the fires. We heard a ban in one of the kids tim who still be.
I'm honored today, and does it really good job he's, got a small property now, but does a very good job with while they have tat on this place, he was the first guy thousand high school and I heard tim's our lot had passed on multiple box, and another thing like sought must be wrong that do his head. For years, a resolute. He was like a pioneer man he's a rare illusionary at the time yeah non box. You crazy. Yeah. It was unheard of, and he had gotten good enough where he could do it. We used to think a big buck. A big buck was just a year and a half old book to put more tines on. danny shot with his bow one time he shot an eight point and got it stopped It's still hang my mom's house. It's a year and a half buck in our head. It was a giant. I remember he shot and put a hole right through it's heart. It took three steps and fell over it on itself and he got it mounted.
And we you wouldn't believe what we went through to drag, that deer out hawks last you'd ever do is cut a buck up in the woods cause you wanted to show everybody. danny, killed a point data calais point, but there is no perception, as is the same. Here's the same year and a half or but we thought that the points yeah exactly on those points It puts into perspective I ain't grown up. I was taught that, like spike or fog, horn was one year old and a fetus six point five. Two years old, points, three ten is ripe for years old, no uttered a size. You know ass, our family, we You talk what age it all. I was just two points. There is always a spike he's a six point. Never once they were sailors prior three or five oh yeah, it was the same winter. My first bug was an eight pointer and I got it mounted and I thought it was the biggest damn buck ever, but as well under a hundred inches
What why shouted thing I like in disbelief allows a giant knew a points. Someone get an eight pointer get everyone's attention. But now you look at me like yeah, it's just like a he just year and a half old yeah. So point being, I don't think they were round and in culture changed. I think that that a couple of things that led to it in a handful places like information about what it required to grow big box and I think, kind of changing people. This is like the oh man, shit here, but but, alas, changed round the way people handle permissions and stuff on their properties, and I think that at the leg one I was coming in the world. The world properties around us farms and stuff around us, where the farmer wasn't even exactly clear on who was huntin their people just hot. You know
is someone gave information years ago you just kept going until they told you not to go wrong, as I think that there is more. I think that later, when people started recognise the Van oh you have dear more, they is to kind of like one, to know who was out there and just it wasn't like such a free for all. You know I had a. Why would have hunting permission on farms where every person the asked, had hunting permission right. No rhyme reads to adjust. I just like that kind of stuff has just come to an end stuff come. I was sitting next to the the. the I was sitting at dinner with the eve you have met, heard of Jane mahoney everyone here to some extent, so he's kind of a preeminent expert on the north american model of wildlife, conservation and he's kind of, like a conservationist philosopher, type figure, said, describe Jani yeah like that huh,
about just the way it's become hard for new hunters always become hard for young hunters. Is those days are kind of done. When you could just wander around hunting, land a neighbor's land and know the farms where everyone just kind of go where you take your twenty two and ride out on your bike and go, and he said, there's all these programs now they are like meant to sorta like recreate. That was a you're not going to recreate it and and if there's an upside Add to this the upside to this is, I think, this law more big bucks running around now, as people like exercise, more control over their stuff, and I dunno what good big bucks really are. Besides, they look cool. They represent something they represent up an ecosystem while at least a a species, a population that is
in balance in a natural state. If you looked at the dear heard in michigan and nineteen seventy or something like that or nineteen these whenever you guys were hung around or whenever this was eighties yeah he's guy like that was a very askew dear herd. Heavy heavy on the dose very late on any type of mature. By It's just tons and tons of your natural bucks. That's not a natural heard of dear as as it would be in you know several hundred years ago, and it wasn't as impact bio, what we're doing. But now you are finding some places where you have a a more natural herd, which is which is beneficial not just for hunters that like to see big bucks but having a relatively balanced age structure,. after the whole herd in what way is that good for the herd? So, for example, if you have more mature bucks and you have a balanced kind of structure of the different ages and things in the back
As for the ddos you're going to have a more tight rut, if you have a tight rough, you have a well timed run happens consistently in a small window. You'll have a better fonder of your type. Font drop a well placed vendre that is conducive for the females and the fawns to be most healthy, grow up the next year. So, if you get Let me describe the opposite scenario. If you have a scenario where you ve got lots and lots of those not mature bushes, a bunch of your novel bucks, you're gonna get doze. Coming into heat and bread, it all different times of the year in the fall sort of, say, very spread out trickle run those and getting Breton mid october, all the way to mid december. Scattered all around so you've got fawns dropping in march. She fawns dropping and you may not march yet then dropping in late April. Mid may, really june. You wanna have a tight drop if you are fond dropping all the same time. Less coyote predation
You have them drop at the right time. That's not too early that their freezing and not having person available, but not so late, they're getting late start on being able to go gonna winter small, exactly so that mean there's a whole One thing is almost lines there lay a couple. Things in here were quick vm unravelling no no real at all, but a member in those in their era, there was common to hear that you had backed duration of twenty or thirty doze to every book. and I remember when I learned that they're born basically one to one ratio, is kind of shocking to see that that level of of harbison bucks, but as a thing that, like in I've, talked about this before. I don't know if we're talking about here, but when we had a like large, have eliminated dear really knocked dear back bad in oak
Bobby into the into the nineteen. Thirty nineteen forties is worth a media round. People became very let like. Ills became culturally taboo to shoot dose I remember like in this area were time, but when I was a kid there are a lot of old timers that that would like disparage someone who shot a and because you want to get a dear, you d shot the box and you shot every damn book. Anyone ever laid eyes on got shot. Indeed, wind up with these situations, where you had, like, I said twenty to thirty doze for every book in the box were all most box, we're not living in to see their second december. Even relatively recent
we there was still the case law states so, for example, in michigan, and I'm really at the numbers, not quite right, but some number of years, maybe ten years, go, give or take the percentage of the buck. Harbison Michigan. If our amber right, someone's going to email. Us am wrong, but it's somewhere in this ballpark yeah. They will something like seventy percent of all the blocks. Maybe more of all the bucks killed in Michigan, where your hassles, now it has dropped down to, is a significant improved, but still one of the highest in the country, something like fifty five per cent or fifty some per cent. Now I think, as the number of the bucks killed in michigan annually or year and a half old and and that still were like the top five in the country, but now across the entire country several years ago, for the first time
an age class different than a year and a half rules is a higher percentage of the bug. Harvests then near and have also known ass usual. Really. Yes, now bucks over three comprise over thirty percent of the harvest. If you look at across the country no way- and this has changed over the last fifteen or twenty years to spin dropping down, So why do why don't guys it or big away till management were I don't they let I know the answer to this fund is posing it. Why don't? If you want balance age structure, why don't they let what once they hit for, why don't they become hands off. Why be like all we want to make older box will make older box, but then systematically kill off every book to get to be that same threshold age. Wiser,
a movement to her, like a management strategy, be like to get to be like post trophy In say, like oh yeah man, if he hits four and a half. What one in one hundred box or whatever it is, will be for nasa this big as they're going to get. Then we let those go because we're going to create five year olds, six year old, seven year olds, but instead they get that big and people just get so lost. The forum They want him dead, so makes it hard to argue that you really trying to have these like age classes and place. It seems like you, just walk and what europe try to do is have big boxes. You might my big box and in trying to like act like there's, some biology, ears, ecology year conservation at work, one! It's like all! How convenient, I think, a meaning
I don't think anyone's and argue the fact that anyone who is managing deer also wants to hunt deer. They want to take some deer. So, yes, there's going to each person's going to set a different goal that is going to hopefully achieve something beneficial for the herb, but also they've got to have a goal as far as what they want to try to hunting and harvesting. If you start saying that you know, I want wait for six or seven or eight or nine year old bucks you're simply never going to shoot boxen cause. It's really really hard to get bucks over for lower five and even on big managed properties. It's just not an easy thing to do, because, even if you have a large property, these deer still go all over the place and so is no guaranteed thing. If you pass on the four year old he's going to make the five, whether you're on one hundred acre property or thousand acre property, that's not a guarantee! So that's just why is it being a bow? Is old like the new sophie?
were five year olds in four year olds, even as I dont know, if anyone, even the folks at that take management to the highest level, have greatly properties If they can control a lot of acreage, I dunno anyone that really looks at targeting anything over five. Five is kind of like that. If it's over five, it is fully mature, it has is kind of reached the pinnacle as far as body size, antler size, it's it's it's it's expressed whatever genetic potential there. It is what he's going to be as what he's going to be and that's a fully mature Dear that's going to do everything that a matured years I do and if you can get them older than that great, but that's hard to ask for so five year olds are what most people kind of set. As that top end, during this week, tell me about the I can start the encounters you had with with
clauses encounters you had with mature box and what? What went wrong yeah? Why had one eyed one in cairo, mature buck for share mature by Don't tell my story, you start with yours. You ahead now do what are you you decide mark? You should go for care They had it began and ended so fast, like they do so on perched up in a really shitty. tree powder. I don't think I'm going to talk about the one that you screwed up, because I don't think he was four and a half. I think he was like three and a half or something like that. What do you think he was Mart? So I that's not. The dearest of the dear I saw was that the one that you screwed up, the big one, the other one, that's a mature buck
I didn't see the big big one, but I'm done with the other one, no buttons you screw that are now I screwed up. Well, I in that I'm a person has in order to him. Not an unusual order that my wife, Immense harm, not smell, dogmatic, smelly person, what gay Can we talk about the one you screwed up, sir man? It's a store unless we do so, is it that we first of all I liked it Has the story by saying that this is never in the history of mediator ever happened to me before As far as I am here embarrassed about it, we don't know terror, so long saga about the pressure of time being a candidate on a hot like that to me that in action that happen is worse than like anything, either wanted the hunters
I would have done that. I tell none of you can tell now: okay, if killing, kill a mature buck mark, what percentage harder does become when you have a camera person, it is harder. I think it's it's half as likely something significant sure it's twice as hard. A little less into a lesson toy sir. But still this is a law. There is already a lot that can go wrong and use, may is it's not quantifiable cause, there's twice as much older twice the adders twice as much movement. There's no way so many there's twice as many weird blobs up in the tree, there's twice as much sound and and I've found that the the the best camera guys I dunno why this is, but the best camera guys don't have. This is not a fair statement. we have some phenomenal camera guys. You don't have a strong hunting background, which is a plus but they tend to not know
a reed critter. They don't know how to read a creator and they don't know. When is this fair powder? No, it's totally fair. I think I've been learning how to read a credit, a lot better taken its temperature. I can take it critters temperature. Now, I feel, maybe not to the extent of pro I'm close, I think, like our better land, is it appropriate to move yes taken, his temperature, a d. We're standing there, whose kind of like waving his nose through the air I have almost one in the leg: stomp is front: half don't move them, yeah, okay, so the other you take it average you're and you're like this is not an appropriate time for movement, because this deer is like. I don't like something I dunno what I don't like, but I don't like a deer sky his nose of the arts of another. Dear time.
yeah, just below it I'll tell slowly. So you get it s, get a turkey whose goddess fan up in his fan is between its head and you you can do it bad time to move the so we're sentner and in which we are in a weird set up were actually indifferent thanks I'm in a tree stand up in a shitty tree increases in like a little outhouse. What he calls ethical box blood, Presumably little manager plastic bad box by there was an less than desirable filming location, but was it that was the problem neuron was about ten. Am I get a text from Cresswell looking at Chris could hear his, so we were, I wear them because they were filming. So I have a mic and I can whisper to Chris. I can be like six o'clock d or whatever, but he can't communicate to me. One thing were: there's a stick.
He can hang out oversupply conveys an ambassador. Why did they convey that conveys? from where I got that conveys, I see a deer that I don't see and I'll tell you that this stick does not come into play very often that I did one time, but once I still came into play port authority, your mom loves you yeah yeah? We met pounders mom and that in this founder this is founders and she's, telling us what a great cook, so she made a bunch of cookies. So around ten I get a text. That will happen in either the go down because you had left ear camera battery at the back of the boy? So I have my backpack, but then I had like a little go back
it may- and I was stoked on it because I was going to have it all like folded in and silent and if I needed to like quickly change battery, I would just reach into this bag No zippers, no velcro, nothing grabbed the bad it's still a noisy ass bag. Yet well until it's until it's in it's right zone, then it's then it's it's! It's not the greatest bag, but I was stoked on the idea, but then I stupidly forgot to put the battery in that bag and left it in my bag. The bottom of this latter eighty didn't have a p bottle and I didn't have a p bottle and you can't really snake her up over the window led little too high and you could a snake drew out. The door or what you had to get a battery anyway? So he does. Is it ok a climb down. Ten a m. Is it ok? If I climbed down and get me a battery in dignity, I see it or open. I see him come down. I see him turn away from me. Presumably, dare you state her out
I look past and down the hill, and that can you may be sitting their dual morning and he hits the ground. Starts taken a wise and in the direction he's whizzing. I just like here's a balkan him and he's common. These close he's come it was light. You ever have a dream where, like you'd like we were, cut from the dream and you realize that it was a dream you, like so relieved that wasn't real life. Yes, that's what it was except it was real life. Now, there's like the worst scenario, and I'm saying to you like, I do my crass crass very less. He can't hear he had on hook such events turnaround. I give you a frantic like down on the ground and. see him get out his phone, but he's gonna film of this phone aim. It
that's my only instinct. It's a nice box. It's a nice guy and very, very interested in shooting his bug in his bot comes up and I think he's going to come right up the edge you're on it will be perfect, but he's going to pass him by ten feet away, but it's like he'd, probably like his product, see cause you're hunkered down in tall grass for any cuts and comes in and picks up your smell and here's the difference between like a older buck and a not older, but when he hits that smell, it's heater like like he. You watch deer hits smell all the time and a lot of your hits smell. They they hit human odor and they get this like. Oh my gosh. and he waved their nose in the air and the like they're gonna wrong. Maybe now they stopped there, for they did they take
Rebounds and stop again and blow and where they do, that. Drift off, raising all kind of fanfare tail in the air in all pissed off, and let there be no one, you know but ticket victim of a full moon, till I come to the conclusion this, where they might do this buckets that, like that wall of sent an he, he doesn't like his attitude. Doesn't change really, but he does stops turns around moors. His profile, like he sees like slink into the earth more and just go back. The same direction very often set
You described the that wall of scent I feel like gets. They hit a wall, they literally you can physically see it as this smash their head into it and then Bam all different after that and he's like nah, he doesn't desire to draw any attend. Into himself. Yeah no pause, it's like that's how they get that's how they live like that's, never seen a buck that dies in the bucket lives. it's like you bump a big meal, your buck, you don't like meals, you're famous for like you, bought a milder bach and wrong and they're gonna vanished, they're gonna, get where he's not going to be over here vanished or the edge, but he stopped and looked back like the big ones when you boss, a group, He doesn't go the way the dose go. He goes a different way. and he never stops. He doesn't.
Stop and do, though, what was it in this man? It was kind of magical to watch him just be like not kill. Me today sounds ambitious and just slunk out now that the other one oh good, I was going to ask this: wasn't the shortened one or was the short time he had a? He had one of his side's one of his sides had noticeably shorter times and the other side Okay, now the one that was my knock, the one that was not chronos is my fault, but the one that was not cruz's fault gas all day were washing here that, following a certain line of traffic, the common into our zone and they're like coming along the same edge in some break. Some go straight, some break left and come up past. Just eat, some dry leaves or laying atop the snow. They like that little spot, and it just was steered like doing this all along and there's one spot. I can't see really clearly and it's kind of like a ridge that
it's up to where we are in late in the morning like you're saying late in the morning. Here comes one and I look and it is an egg it is too is happening too fast, already coming against the flow of traffic walk in the ridge. Just has that dead on, like paranoid, look to him but travelling like with a sense of purpose, and it's a ten, it's nice ten, and he was up and I'm like. Oh my god, I'm like he's going to pass ten yards ways in passing yards way. I get my bow he's behind some brush. I'm not even done have a chance to start pulling back and his the wall of scent, and not even I mean he soul close to me and then I've been there for hours in the winds like now, The kind of wind flashes everything away, but just the kind of winners like very steady and interaction in egypt.
About how much stink at ten yards away and he hits it and just gone vanish. Was that when the bigger, why tell box you ve seen while bonniest yeah right, you, probably precisely super nice one. There was the kind of book and other a glass colleagues reviewed emma I rose colored glad to have time to dwell on ice. He was, but I find it. Everything better. When I have time, if I have time you see southern you get excited when you have time by mid goes down, and you start remembering the important things this would have been one of the great shots to screw up because they would have happened to fast. Do you think? Is there anything like if you I was tried to this list of any kind, mature button car that doesn't end the way I wanted to try self analyze low, but when you look back in that
anything you done differently. Is there any other pierre? I would be more. After all his time we ve been spending and trees in just haven't things like that happen and then not work out. I think did on its hard do it, but the balance of shooting lanes and cover now cause here, you have here here, I'm in a tree were twenty five percent of the stuff around me. There's no possible way to take shot. You also not that high. In a tree there, it's a pretty low stands a horrible. yeah that from that angle, you got plenty of cover yeah. I can't it's impossible to shoot twenty five percent of the like twenty five percent, your zone. You cannot shoot now, though, if we assume that we're stuck with that stand where it is, if the back had been
Now you know how much worse you we would have been like hung out to dry them. Thus they all because if you could like, I asked you sit near to night. Thinking about us actually sit there night thinking about this problem and the cover issue, and I think if I hunted up, if I hunted up spar rose really like putting a multiple years the hunting there. I would. I would probably like my contribution to whitetail hunting would be that I would become very detail focused around selecting spots, not just for their location, not just to take advantage of pinch points. travel routes, but I would put a lot of energy into places they had good cover and, and so If I looked around me and if I like, spawn in the three hundred and sixty degree, sorry, go away, go like cover, shooting land cover, shooting land cover, shooting lane
I had to have someone come out. If I had like Take my woman out give her always give her. A pole saw the thirty foot handle I'm sorry rub out in your brain the new here. I think that your explaining what most people go out there and try to achieve now. You're doing now in your running around making snap decisions about stuff you, I think you do we, when I, when I was younger, my old man put a ton of focus on it, not cover, but shooting lanes. If you have the the preset stands that you're putting up the four seasons and stuff yeah absolutely but not like. We were doing the run and gun hanging haunt exactly, and I think I think the issue here right. Both your situation and my situation. We ran into the same problem, but I think what I think what we have here is. We have got a property, that we are trying to get stands up this summer, a of stands up across a bunch of places and there simply wasn t
to get every single one? Perfect rigour, body hunted here, you guys were the first ones where so I think what we have this year now were given, first run through of like all the stands: we've we've hung all the spots who get trimmed out. I think now, this next spring and summer were to know okay, this one we gotta fix a b and c this one. We add trim out this this and this and in what time, to go back to those other stands that we just barely had time to get up this year. Now, as now, we can try to get things a little bit more fine tuned. You know I have a bad background as an arborist, there So this is especially sensitive subject. I I can. I can feel that you stood on it. I've stood on it as well, because it it hurt me too, but that's something I can talk about getting screwed by big bucks, getting screwed by big bucks. Yeah! anatomy of get screwed by big, but will this that same day that you had your big jammed by combine he stuck behind brush? I get this text message from you saying,
If the giant at ten yards couldn't get a shot cause brush, I told you I could have jumped on them. Yeah yeah. I should have jumped on them Why wasn't that europe? Your change you made so them warning, like I said me and Lauren had done, we'd been seeing handle not even a handful good number of bucks run through jason does a lot of activity, so I gave him the good news new speech homeward instead, all day and do as you the two around eleven o clock. I turned my eyes: hey learn. This is the beginning of what I think is the best stretched the day, oftentimes freely that one solo, mature baltic or just notorious leavin? The one big bucks, big, mature boxer outcome, frozen thorough, checking they'll barriers and the spot. Wearin was a really cool little bench on a ridge and has great betting behind us great buildings
in front of us a little ways and then around the corners ready to just seemed like a spot, that a mature buck would charisma do so even set a bet. Roy, okay, bedding leg. Let's put money! I've one dollar bill my wallet. I bet you that we will see a mature, but what a dear, I think, as was said, a deer about eleven thirty five, we see the first dear between level you walk around with a one dollar ability. While it eventually told me yes in this way. they haven't ever one dollar bill was. If I lost you, d lose and the wider redouble our roughened dead. I want again ah, but Actually, I wasn't quite right because we saw the dough eleven thirty the buck without one our letter, so twelve thirty rules around with scene. If you don't come in through midday,
twelve thirty I am looking off to my right- can do my skin and I notice a dark shape, moving along the side of this ridge and there's snow over everything it snowed overnight. So you could see these bodies are lost railway pull my binoculars get eyes on him and at first I saw the buck and I'm like Laurent buck coming at whatever six o'clock or whatever it was. And he gets turned around, I'm like usually the first. I say that as if it's a bucket do and then right away, there's usually quick snap judgment like little bucher shooter or something like that just so, he knows like a shooter and on yeah and at first I was like fuck big buck and then pausing. I looked out again and again trial his body in traffic. See come my way and for the first time this trip us. I think that's a should, I just remember, noticing, obviously bigger body and then when you looked up is antlers. I saw
heaviness. There is a heaviness to it, and I remembered looking at the main beam and seeing like something funky going on another thing of indicative, like you're not going to seek a year and a half older, two and a half your bucket is going to be some kind of unique funkiness to the rack, and so he's coming down the ridge and earlier maybe ten minutes before. the sun or outright, maybe five minutes before we had seen a couple of deer running or moving across the opposite ridges. So I grunted a couple times just on the off chance that one was a buck. We occasionally do like a hail mary grown, so I grunted now this book comes in, we didn't know if he was coming in just cause he's cruising or if he was coming into the but make you bought grunt noise, while our users, a grunt, tube, never just leave out a graduate without rock rock at rocks more like despair, yeah rock guys. Ok, you can probably do it or or do you
god. No turkey called check this out this guy with no turkey cosmos. Do the yeah, that's where he makes it the good. That's good man, yeah, that's real good, so there you are bat that my sister but we got on camera. I won't lawyers, you steal my thunder, so the next thing I know he is coming up? He can. He comes over the rise at this point like full blown. This is absolutely a buck. I'm going to shoot. I grabbed my bow. I turn and position his workers were crossed and at this point in an encounter, immature buck, I'm usually holding my bow and then I'm going to grab my release and have it clipped on and ready to go. So I go to clip on my release and I don't have a early somewhere and gives you change your clothes, because just a minute like ten
twenty thirty meant something before I'd. Add another layer put a vest on so I took everything off put the vest on and I'd take off my release. While I put my release in my pocket and forgot to put my release on the downfall of it, while our said yeah examine one I put at layer on take the layer up whenever yeah. So this is the most terrified I've. Probably ever been. My entire hunting life. When I've got this great big mature about coming. I don't have a release. I address. I set a bad word on camera I believe that it is working like scrambling. Trying my release. A foul and try to get them my hand he slowly walker crossed. Fortunately, the areas walking across all limbs. There's zero shot, anyways zero. Could you drawn back, I know because he was so far from being from being able to be in a shot like that'd, be holding back for
venice, so I remember getting the release on and my hands started to shake was trying to get it on so badly. I could not get the strap through the buckle like I've soon and, like all my gosh, this box shaky from books, no I was shaky from the release from freaking out about trying to get the release all that through Jan that's. What threw me off? Okay and like I was like I gotta, get this thing on and I couldn't and I'm just imagine He standing right in the open. I can't shoot him right now. He wasn't but I'm a minus thing as it, but finally, I maritime myself dont think about going fast justice just pull through this slightly slowed down and I got the release and when I look back up in his EL. Behind all these tree limbs slowly, workers I'm ok he's right. There is in areas like thirty yards he's twenty five yard question about the release deeper practice fingers, so they disengaged really. said the falling into the snow. Now you just agile, let him walk. I can't
fingers. I don't think I'll shoot finger. He should a short limbo with fingers That's why there's a certain there's, a minimum axle, the axle that you have to have, so you don't get like a real bad pinch from the bolstering. My grip is so strong. I can just grab the loop rapid pitch gmo regular thump at present. Do train while that your teeth more. Yes, I thought you know, no release, no go! No. Release now go, In this case, I was able to release on time and is a huge relief. He still there clicked on our great but then I'm looking at him and it's just no shoot, there's no holes, I get a shot. I can't thread it through anywhere, I'm looking at it like transit. These are new maneuvers way along kindest and sniffing around. walk along just perfect, I was twenty yards broadside lords film grave and he's a beautiful buck.
And then I look: okay, no shooting, there's no shoeless, I'm seeing your keys going to walk another ten yards or so, and then there's the there's, no reason for a box to be lingering around that long without hitting the shooting lane, but he's moving anyway. Yeah- and I agree there should have been shooting here there just there just wasn't: there are shooting lanes and the other three directions. This is just the one spot that we didn't get it and but he's moving. So it wouldn't do any good slowly moving And unfortunately, he slowly moved in the direction that are wind was blowing the wonder action. We don't want him to go and there was no one brings before he hit that wednesday. Just like you described, he's walking along and hits the wall and as soon as he hits the wall, it's like someone spanked him like he just jumped and bounced off is different than your buck. The slanket he hid it and split immediately jumped ran off ten fifteen yards stopped. Really here looked back one time and then,
Slunk away, and then after that I just melted down, because then I realized that was the big block they grab buck was the the fuck that I got on camera in september or august. The biggest year we've seen on the farm, really really really cool to hear. He has a he. He was the obviously most mature buck that we had seen yet huge body, and I remember we we got the picture, I'm like that's a no brainer, as the only real one, we got that wasn't he And he has this really unique like at least twelve and brow. Time does huge brow time. so really really really cool bulk and he was the one I was like man. If there's any deer, I could happen to get a chance that he was the one. I would really like to get a chance at in there
was it twenty yards and I couldn't shoot him and he bounces off, and that was it. So I was, you know you have that these moments, especially in michigan an opportunity mature buck, is so so so rare an opportunity, mature buck like that in Michigan, is, is infinitely more rare, that right there in your hands after hours, so many our mrs you, I'm gonna! quite a long time. Your michigan fer a thousand tenth day in a row or something like that that I've been hunting and in the rut and to have it right there and not have to come together, is a little frustrating even like it doesn't even need to be a big, huge giant. Man cause I had like a like. I loose. The narrow It was like a eight point. You know like a little like a two and a half year old type, eight point buck, but this trip like that, like a straw for me and it's like
industry is out of nowhere. No sound nothin like areas and it's gonna be gone. No time and I have a gun Shoot and window start and I go to draw back. So I'm ready when he hits the shooting window and if I need to honour, say something to stop them, even though you said that with these box, don't do that. We did have a phone call before the site. We talked about it right, how they jumped the string margaret saying, there's so like they're, too high strong and too nervous all the time, and when you stop them with a ba with a grunt these tense up, so bad that when they hear the string they're going to bolt they're going to jump the string. So you don't like to alert them. If you don't have to yeah. Well
I go to draw back and not go to draw back so that I'm ready for the lane when it's a nice big, soon lane, but he stopped shy. The lane and. As I'm looking, I realise our while there is actually like most of his ribcage is actually open, and I become so fixated on the fact that, like water chances, and can you do this and oh my gosh, you can and should you ensure its open. The end like running this in my head and in as unlike my brain is sending the signal to hit the release he steps, but I still like hit the release and I and unlike review you my head, I always had the desired like reach back and grab my error right now, but he still
in ones like stepped out was already like stepping like you scare. He saw me pull back like freak them lifted up instead and in his step as the as on releasing the movement has said, turns into a leap and was gone for air. It's amazing how quick. They can drop the dude. This is one of those old, crazy ones. Yeah. This is the teenager. So how did you feel after that missed opportunity like? How do you take that? Well, first, I felt pretty sick because I I'm afraid I hit yeah, but we have no more the luxury we have. We had two luxuries, one, a camera, so we can review and to snow So waited awhile and got down followed his tracks for long ways that draft blood and then I catch up to chase and adele really yeah. Whereby we watch the food is ten times more in europe is not there,
I couldn't find the air cause I when to snowy high grass, but, like I said I track, I tracked it for over one hundred yards. How based off the film? How much do you think he dropped? It feels because for exists already gone forward, but you know the way, down- and I know exactly we're talking about, but no he doesn't seem to go down. He seems to go forward. He was already good. He was already getting going and I even like, as my arrows leaving out like I'm saying, like what do you owe a christian, I reviewed it too. I would say for sure that he did. The classic doctors, the doktor strange guy, you went down more than forward here because when they before they can go forward to to make that it I've shoring up they have to lower their legs in the what looks like a dog is when they lowered their legs in their long learning. Other lowering two basic get their legs into us too, to a compressor, sharing and then pushed off cape
rather than you guys, sitting here, having like knowing glances hm. What we're talking about this. He was already stepping forward. No, he was he was walking so was walking forward as you release when he heard strange, your bogle off, he did what's called docking, the string worry crunches his legs underneath him his body drops, and then you and then he goes forward to where we remark. We were just talking about how we both had our opportunities slip through our fingers, like that. That can be frustrating.
It's super frustrating man yeah, so yeah. I spun the camera over to mark after that buck hit the wall and ran off oh yeah. It was a cold day, twenty five degrees and he's shaking like a leaf yeah, and I asked as tiger he called her what's going on, I'm like oh man that bug tore me up, it was G was shaking in his boots like full of emotion. Obviously Egg big opportunity slip through our fingers. You cry holding smilax right, but I wish I was absurd and excited nor that cast off. was the that would have, I mean well, he was the best buck on this property and, if we're talking I've, I've killed mature bucks in michigan, but that for sure would have been the biggest bucket ever would have gotten shot at michigan. So is the
really big deer for this day, so that was an opportunity that I would have loved to have seen it go a different way. So I was just I dunno, it's just it's something when so close. For some reason it just slips through your fingers. It hurts just a little bit more like and a new, and I knew it too in my hands, and that was my opportunity, like your your yeah there's a chance, but especially here in the state, you get me one opportunity mature buck, even if you aren't really smart, most places least most places. I hung out how this is an abnormally good property for me. But most years, you've got that one chance that that one chance doesn't go. The way you want to you can esa well sounds like that. Was it and he were so so close twenty yards to two observations. One was ridge, pounders it's interesting is that you know you're up here in ny right now, cause there's so much dear movie you're having all these like adrenaline moments in ridges,
edison, and at once he brought a sub area. That is true, adrenaline moments make it that you get cold on the calendar year. You feel your body tim sure drop in the minutes after adrenaline russia's legacy, which, if you'd asked Prior, if you would without thinking about it, if you'd have asked me I'd, be like I'm guessing that it makes you feel hotter. Now am I like when it's real cold and you're camping and you gotta go take a growler rebellious is called taking the heater, always mysteriously come wakefield warmer. Just the active. or something you know he be like called the relief he'd, go, dig a hole and come back and related and warmed up, I don't know why it doesn't make sense, but I got warmed up but having a buck encountered. dear god, or even to think something exciting happened. Five
this lady, you realize you got cold. I I'd shivering, now define before a big buckley come in close and then soon as he walks away, then I'd start shivering my weight. What but it's not exchanged feeling chill has as the adrenaline goes way. It leaves. You feel a chill mother observations, as mrs haug is harder to articulate, I spent a great many years, lusting for and trying to figure out and cracked the code on how to get huddle dislike. Locate big me, older, You know, and it took a long time, starting lobby location, but also to strategy like how to figure it out for four years we just walk hunted, walked likely territory. Thinking you'd kick him up.
with thy howie went about it. Psyche, kick him up right now, and over time I learn like did not just that. You need to sit and observe like where if you sit and observe and when you sit observe and while you're actually looking for and all that and it's you know gradually like finding nicer ones but the the years of, Strange and around it made me want to, More and more and more a weird thing that It's because I have a long background of of what we thought. We were serious deer hunters, but we didn't do the stuff that you do, but we felt like we were serious deer hunters all from the time you know for good decade. I did that between becoming old enough to legally hunt and then moving away
way from the mid west, like that's what we did and thought we were into it here, but I on animal, like I told you back them by just of like I'm not getting where I feel the lust form. And I dont know why I think they're so hard by this, don't feel the lust say. Thank you just Heaven. This is too much of your daughter, Do a thing you're, just kinda, along for the ride here right now. I think the least for me what gives me this like insatiable craving,
Keep learning about these animals and hunt them and try to figure him out is the chess match element of it, the the just the constant tinkering and rethinking and and observing and adjusting and learning more and that's something that, in this situation, you're sure to new property. We're kind of saying well, try this try this try this. I think that if you had to move back to michigan for year or something like that and you had to dive in and fear all the stuff out, you start I'd get lost in. I think you'd get lusty when you start dating that start. Putting that puzzle together for yourself That's when things start getting really really interesting, and this is an interesting scenario here, because I you know, I'm learning it too, and and and you're learning it and and guys.
If you're learning it into degree in this kind of the first year, this properties being hunted, and this kind of way says lots of new elements, we're kind of figuring things out as we go. I feel like we learned a lot just this week, All sorts of I already know. I want to do differently next time around and but all those mistakes that in the moment are like a painful mistake or something that just reinvigorates and re excites me for what I wanted this differently, and I will do this differently. Try that differently, I think now already I was telling you as the other night, I'm sitting in my bed at night for half hour to an hour looking at maps and thinking about how we should move the camera there. We should move or stand there. We should get it back in there because I think that these mature white
well dear and they don't live in the most rugged rough country. They don't get the biggest antlers of any angulo. They don't they're not going to put as much meat in the freezer as a moose they're not going to take you to a mountain peak like a mountain goat. But I don't think there is a more savvy wary. Tricky mark critter outer than a mature white tailed buck like they deal with a whole lot of humans, and these dear, that make it that age are just survivors and to consistently get on and and to learn them and be in a position to to sometimes get a shot at you like. That requires a lot of mind power like thinking, then that just gets me a c get you
beloved that it gets you in that and I'm not like downer it just like it. Just I dunno did you have a good time phenomenal time. I feel really bad a lot of stuff. Why do you feel bad? I feel really bad that, like it's didn't, if you didn't get a shot to get a shallower who cares, but I just know that it all felt like a let down. No, who cares? I had a phenomenal time, a great time and in loved every second of it, but I don't like a yeah man, an unjust that I just the the media and stuff like that. I together you know I get them. love it I'll. Do it all the time, but I I think for me it's I. I think for me that I've that that a thing that.
Like some kind of strength that I have in the hunting is just dumb, likened does go on, go on, go and sometimes hindrance was sometimes a sister, eggs is I go on go on. Go on. I like to sit and watch, watch a watch and be out and- and I said I think that I struck- all products. I think that I I I struggle little bit with the on the stationary. The very stationary aspect now, because even. sit near glass and familiar glass Vergoose year. What are you doing in here in one spot? There's there's like this kinetic energy that builds now because you know that all the sun there's gonna, be your chance and you're gonna go even wait all day. You might win all day, but there still this idea that, like go time now, we're gonna go and to be strapped into that tree.
Watching things, and it would never worked, go after him, there's not going to put up with that, but watching things and feeling the its goal in the wrong direction and you, like have that that Don't have that on that, autonomy, or you don't have that the lack of control you can't make it move the agents. You don't have the agents either and it like really we're. Gonna have to get better at. You know that to get better at I used to not have the ability, like alzheimer's, they try to learn how to kill me older. I didn't have the ability at the time
If you just said all the key to kill milder is sitting and observing, I wouldn't have had it in me. Yeah I developed it. I would have developed the ability to sit in his damn trees. I I wind up cursing the tree. I don't want love in the tree. I get that it's like it's like, I feel like I'm chained to it. You know that if you had sat in that same, tree, they you sat when you had those to encourage described. You would have another nice big by confirming this mornin. No, why he was there because you weren't they I wasn't exactly that's avoided. They like hunt this stuff I, like you'd, be like all a big buck passed by that tree, stand like a big but past that tree cause you're, not in there. It's not like it's not like. He would have been there anyway, yeah it can be frustrating yeah. I do feel like the interesting thing about or what
herself on. Is that allow the actual hunting is it? The hunt is happening right then right Issues you're making that are going to impact that hunt are happening right now. It's like do I go up that ridge or that ridge, or do we make the stock now or do we wait many times the actions that dictate the success or failure of a whitetail hunt are not the actions taken right now, as that deer's of funny? It's the actions you took two months ago or four months ago, when you made the decision to put a stand here when you thought, through all the things all the assumptions you have about a dear, you think, through all the behaviors that are going to happen on a none november. Eighth, all that stuff, that's leading to what you're seeing on november eighth. The reason that happened is because of decisions made on august first and what limbs to cut what
not to cut which trails coming through here. Why did I want to access the tree stand from this way and exit that way? So so much of the hunt actually takes place. Many many many weeks before him cause the hunt really isn't setting up the emp ambush location. We have the decisions we can make now in the moment are: do we hunt a or b or c or d which place for the what we have today and then how you actually conduct yourself in the tree, but a big piece of the haunt you missed out on and so that I could. I would imagine that maybe that might change experience a little bit to you or a reason I like to hunt turkeys. So much is because it's so responsive, physically responsive yeah. He does this. You do that he does this micro movements, little it just like. I, like yeah speaking of turkeys, we called in a lot of dear this week. There are very responsive call around your night. I didn't die too
in one of those they didn't want to leave. Why didn't you should do as didn't man? We had a lot of opportunities to shoot at those yeah lot of them. I dunno a good question. I wondered the same thing just because we were kind of like hunt box here and I'm not hurting for me. Yeah, I'm sitting pretty good, actually falls. Meat crisis would have been a whole different situation. He able to solve that problem quick now. Alright, man, thanks for coming jason white tells arkham. Do it again? I hope it. I hope it goes a little different. I agree to me: I don't care if I got one, I honestly don't care good. If you get like probe into my brain and see if I'm telling the truth, not I'd, be telling the truth. Alright, I really don't give a shit very good yeah thanks for sharing his fondest
Listen to your weak, learn and learn a lot from you. Well, thank you to the to guy and matt for allowing us to to hunters, location and sure what you guys to come back as a guitar. Do that turkey bergen We heard that a whole bunch of them. We found early hours at a restaurant. We had turkeys up close and that's the thing. I remember that you don't realize how much noise make yeah. There are a lot of us around they're all making noise all the time when you get that close to them. They're cool man getting in their winter flocks, yep returned twenty feet from him and they didn't care of all make a noise we moving. I was like filming a movie and they were like don't care, bro, we're eating corn any of you said something to them. They moved as a turks. Well, you guys need to get it.
He during next year put a man on his nails, really regret, and I have learned firefox man, just as for having me along, I learned a lot from mark sitting in tree stands for forty eight hours, it's good time. I was definitely a part of the hunt. Yeah not just here to take pictures, not just huh chasing dollars. He lost dollars. Actually the laughing fly like ours, though, is still wants to cut into the bottom line, yeah yeah it's cool obviously sittin in the tree. That long is not anyone's favorite thing, maybe it maybe it's marks favorite I admire the guy. I admire manson treelike there for that long, this tough
come of age to the already do not assume liability by to see justice downright appreciation of it and only comes with age of certain there for a long time and is now in the roses, and only it's worth a long a you know a unit you'll, never going to meet a twenty five year old. That's like Iowa! I disagree. You do yeah for sure. Do I, eighteen, whatever the cut off date, is to cut of aid. yeah does that there is an age. I just think it if he tore up with it enough you're set out there, he loved enough hilda so there's like right, we'll sit all day, but will you enjoy on that as different product? That is, and I think that even even thirty one year old me sometimes is like guy. Why are they and why is this happening exactly how this thing for me is a fool.
now. Have it just as the last few years have been like you know what the what else, what else is actually better now than you sitting here and and and what and waiting for the next word bagger to come by or the next chickadee to come by or whatever year. It is. opportunity, slow down and embrace almost non existent within these it to get caught up in everything else, my brother, by himself. His fears older me somewhat age, part he owns by himself any. He bought has been solved in the mountains born for Elk and he said that every day,
it's part of his day to talk himself out of going home, cause he hates it hates interest and has the every day talk himself adequate. What is he hating? The grind of it yeah I get that, but he likes getting the Elk so much that in the end, it's worth it freezes every day. I gotta just be like he can't just don't let yourself. can't go home. I have you dont give in don't let yourself go. I'm moments like that every day doing is all they said to it so much of of hunting. In particular, is like is mental its mental toughness. so every year Lydia's, why? I ethical self pep talk is all about mentally being in it. are you going to grind it out, or are you going to simply make the decision that no matter what goes around? No matter how tired you are every morning every morning you wake up at four four thirty, whatever you just like
Is all I wanna do is hits news and keeps livin, but you going to dedicate yourself to say no, we're not going to give in to that you're going to go out there you're going to do what you know you need to do you're in a tough it out year to you it's just every single year. When I look at the right, we can call. The white tail was quite the right marathon catholic. three weeks where everyone who really loves the stuff is used vacation time, whatever sitting in the tree all day for to extricate or wherever and that definitely wears on you, mentally and physically and and there's something said about coming out of that in you, look back and is it's not like climbing a mountain physically is not that of physical challenge, but it's a mental challenge in that. I learned, the daylight is long. I come out of a hunt like this. Knowing that I gave it everything, I could only anything on the field are left at all. I feel me, I'm not I'm not in any way sorted out sport, sport ball, analogy forest! You don't cutting corners if, if, as long as
I can know that my head, I can drive home tonight or to our morning, feel gave up thought. I think that One of the things that gives people discipline. In all aspects. This is just hunting advice, but one of the things that I've starting to think as people discipline is it comes as much from it. It comes as much from self hatred and self loathing, as it does any kind of love for something in particular, because, what you wanted, what you oftentimes wind up, getting driven by his hatred for the version of yourself that would quit. So it's not that you'd love the woodpeckers and chickadees. So much and you do I'm sure everyone does, or you know anyone that gets into this game. Does. but why is it being that you are like? I recognise that the smart thing to do would be able to
sit here all day or stay out overnight right now or like said about his heel and keep glassing or you name, it take one more cast I go over the next hill and do one more shot gobble. You like, I recognize that that's the way to be successful at this thing that I care about, and I hate myself for wanting to do. Otherwise than what I recognised to be the best thing, motivated by your your motivated by that as much as you are by the positive benda thing there. I hear this from a lot people I have it under my brother has it even though writing a book. You know that guy I hate the guy inside me that wouldn't finish this year to use point earlier about how this might change of age. Have you seen that
in the age, do you feel that way less than he used to? Or is this still just just not it's only different now cause. I recognize it more. I used to just be like driven to do some things, but I didn't really think about it very much. You know, like you, Is it here's an example when I was brought up my mother's who lives in the house? I was brought up in an I. My room is on the second floor of a house in the overlook the lake, and there is these large oaks still are large oaks in the backyard. Between my bedroom window lake and I knew a morning's we're supposed to go both wake up and go ball hunting early in the morning I needed It was super rain and rainy and super windy. We probably wouldn't go, and I would wake up and I would look out in would hope to see tons of rain in the limbs is going nuts, because
we didn't, have to go and how guilty? I would feel for hoping to see that this, the guilt, shit, man, the self loving in the guilt- is a powerful, powerful force in life. For me, he s really interesting, quit none quit quinton vision that kind of stuff there day, my daughter, my five year old daughter, we're darkened and she's crying She's laying in her waiters on the bank of a pond crying, and there was a real part of me that, like that there is a real part of me that want to push against that very heavily, and I let her major do that quite awhile, because in the end, when she's my
age, I think that's just going to do a lot more yeah. That's going to do a lot more for her than the other than anything else. You could have done. Not that I don't wanna be sound statistic and probably does. No, I understand he's. Definitely gonna love duck on yeah. You know what I spent most. My childhood cranks. Mophie recall man now most of it, but nudged dunno, etc. I spent a lot of days crying because I was cold. Then he ought to know one caring. I know man. I wonder about that. To those days too, were bare look back on it now. I know why Come on baby, I was yelled at for my nose running. Therefore, my nose ass, call geology this and the other and just stunning inside me that just like, like no matter how much that was shitty, there was some other part. The chicken easing the word backers
they're loved and it kept me out there. But I feel, like I've heard just as many stories now, because I pay attention to it about raising kids in the outdoors and the kids are like fuck. That. alright I just got pushed and and pushed not really into really into. I learned yet a weed em out those it once again read it out, maybe reggie any file, thoughts, yeah! I do well it's more If the question I had a bunch and then I kind of got that was a good little compliment man I got kind of caught up in it. One of the questions. had earlier was like. Do you think of masters the white word, but when you mark, when you say that You got all these ideas about like what to do next and the next hot and you're like a really good white tail hunter. Do you agree?
feel like you'll, ever get to a point where you like our mastering this kind of hunting and like that, can't that's not like others. There is so many variables when it comes to animals at the site. That's not really like a fair word, but didn't you get to the point where you dislike? Have it just like you know where, if something to be when I think that anyone who is really really good at white to hunting will always believe they have not yet mastered at all. Is ethics as good as it is? I think that this I think you're constantly learning is an always evolving deck using chest match, but it is
there's, so many new lessons learned, I get every single year. At I mean. Certainly people achieve levels of consistent, quote unquote, success that are on a different level than a lot of people do, but there's always more and that's the fun of it. That's why I think that we keep come back to your and your nero. Never it's never the same.
I love that yeah you're nineteen, more things you wanted to bring up. No, no! Ah, no, oh the age thing about sitting in a tree. I would say that I did have a thought today or past couple of days that, if the pressure of filming and not screwing up a haunt because of the filming presence like if, if I was just sitting in a tree for twelve hours, I think I I'd be into it like I wouldn't be bombed or stressed you'd like it. I like it. How old are you? Twenty nine? Will you take me
One the hunt invitation which was at your place, yeah, definitely dude, definitely or avenue, freezer that I don't have anything that's empty or I have a whole fridge that has nothing in it. Okay, then you gotta make a trip up to michigan I'll. Do it I'll do it stood Seth? Have you seen anything yet yeah early? Oh okay, I shot my first bucket twelve o'clock noon and I just remembered not wanting to be there. twelve years old, but now what's entity in you had been there since they re essence there was. It was an old lace it. So you were set until noon at twelve years of age, because my dad was like you're sitting all day. Yeah another look at you now you big time hundred- and that was the last very last day of the rifles.
and you are a hunter trapper yup I'll august. I love sitting all day now, twenty seven twenty seven yeah, so you had a lil little tough to do like First week of the season, I want me out an answer. thereby effective. So you are. You came from school, hard, knockers, you like it, love. You glad now and glad now do the same with my kids. If I ever That's what you want a struggle with man, khazars so much stuff, and I hated about my dad and the old. I get the more I'm like man, I kind of see now where he was coming from yeah, I kind of see where he's coming from One of the biggest things he had is. He was not interested in being friends what his kids and I used to be just baffled by that, and now my kind to see what you get that
Just kind of see because he's dead anyway he's like I'm, going to die and you're doing be good friends me to be friends with your friends. That's true yeah mark and he concludes, and you know I'm lacking in a cav, we pointed concluded today, except for a really glad yes get copy and do this on those funds to get to share my Ashley s little bit and in you did you ever sang control, which I appreciate the effort, but it was It was sub par still. If I assess yeah, you saw some moods and I saw some major infractions yeah well yeah. Can we bring this up next time? We start major infractions. You pay for them and you pay for them, and mark is mark, has a lot of things.
As in market meds. I don't know why what they all work, but if I do all of them- and it makes a ten percent chance I'll just keep dunmow yeah, it's a big enough, yeah exactly that's enough to help our skeptical beginning of the week. Now, after seeing all the. Dear hit that wall, I'm like. Oh, I get it did then we'll go out. I was going to say so we had a number of different incidents where we got winded, even though was doing a lot of things that I try to do, but it was definitely a compromise. Scent control, regimen, just it wasn't perfect, given all the different things going on twice as much smell twice as much smell and I'm just really smelly. I think that was Lauren might be a,
a guy where's very loud jackets. No, but you're not gonna, get away with with you. You sent all time, but Just last week I had a five and half her about go down window me and I had a water so sometimes taking all these precautions does help. Sometimes it doesn't sometimes. does, but I'm willing to do it all the time to get those few times. Where does I'm offered area nothing you do. This is often you're doing about sank and shoulders. That was like so that I hadn t heard for me, this all pretty much industries, not industry standard, but like you have light weren't you don't have, you'd like magical things. You think- and I wish it not me. Things like I did like very practical things you don't have like um. I find that defy. You know, eat seller
three days before and and do a cleanse or just good stuff, like it's very similar to what fur trappers would do via fox trap or how surprised, though, no sense of any sort that you're silly. It's like a cover san or a yeah or attractive scent. No, it's illegal, though now in michigan to use any kind of natural urine based sun or anything. So that's I never used them before, but really you can't by four as it takes things you can you can, you can buy it. I think, still he's always get a use it, because a crack wasting disease really tell you my concluding dot. Yes, please, my good thought is: if one wanted to go, find all kinds of arson, merchandise,.
Mediator, podcast of soon be wired to hunt merchandise, all kinds of tee shirts, your blount shirt. some amazing, neither new stuff common now in any, and if you can watch and the new episodes of the show on netflix- and you see like cool shit there. First, light apparel: we have all this stuff for sale I go to the meat, eater dot com going to the store and check it out. That's my first concluded that include was a thought that was pretty good, deep, fried turkey very good, deep, fried turkey deep, fried turkey nuggets, whereas the turkey from Larry that values or his areas far wild turkey to tourists to lobes like that man to lobes defrayed turkey chunks hard me skies borough sweets,
choice ass. I bet they got him birthing, organize your birthday enjoyed every day. How do you enter a hundred and seventy five? That's why you make them turkey. God, how old are you or do you know her? happy birthday halfway to ninety six half way, that's a rough with position, the oldest guy in the room. That's it does that turkey per game still got. My hair is heavy one more turkey per lover, Johnny thanks for asking I forget to me the big room of people, and I was thinking if you wanted to become a better way. So deer hunter, you should go check our hot cars,
anything anything you everyone know about white sales and more. It's all there. That's what I wanted to bring. I meant to bring that up. I'm glad you brought that up because mark talks about the shit all the time, yes and all that stuff now is actually on the meat, eater dot com website. I see you're the media that commandeer see all my new content with word parker is available where you find part of the way of the word. Podcast is available anywhere you find podcast. My video series is on the website and on our youtube channel, regular blog posts and the wired merchandise is not soon to be available on the store. It is actually on the store. As of right now It is oh sea, you wired on hats, weren, t shirts and the beast. Things come down or tomorrow have one of those is worthy ve, never give me one I didn't want. I present one to me what the hell
what unworthy podcast reward. You say that one percent of the time he has talked about like white tales of ninety seven percent, with the other three once one five zero a year ago, o connor somethin one observed a year will talk turkey's no marrow merits or advice Well, there's little bits of marital advice and family advice, sprinkled with each episode, usually you may piece of marital buys. gosh, how remarried. My one know you. I got married chosen. Thirteen so just over five years, I mean they want to. They went out yeah my best piece of mega rated alright, and I stole this from someone else. It is a piece before justice. You still have rarely newburgh yeah. I told her. I stole it from someone.
Yeah, but that's the best advice I ever got. I stole my piece from janis. Was that a good one? My best piece of marriage advice take when you're fighting with the missus are very early. Mister with a unified, say, you're, like you fighting over gimme some people fight about, whether they have allowed load the dishwasher, who fight to other steve yeah Well, not how the lord, but whether it be loaded at all, there's a book about marriage. It's called marriage. It's it's got a name. It's like it's about a it's a polemic. It's like it's about. Marriage his marriage worth it and is a lie in the book where the author says a marriage is an institution that makes a sea and not load the dishwasher in the way that makes the most sense to you. The cynical, however, look at us. They are fighting about. The dishwasher.
here's another example: the color of the paint that you're going to put in the newly remodeled bathroom yeah fighting about the car, the paint the bathroom, because you got you've, always pictured. You're here that this is good. Like guy white rarebit paints a bathroom. Why? Maybe is not necessarily a fight, but it's like a heated discussion and it's getting towards being a fight just because someone might be tired, someone else might be thinking about hunton. Yet I feel very fine fiery I do to remodel is tired of paint and you're gonna sit near like things to be white and cousin their managing your relationship do you wanna give the advice, gave it as nice
in a co host. This place is the color commentator like it should be white. You know cause that's what I that's. What I got my head is white and, and your partner is all I was thinking. It'd be blue and in pretty soon you're like you're in it, and you fighting about it. Yeah janis thing is, you then need to say, You break the fight for second and you re on a one to ten now much you care to win, but you re, and one to ten how much the issue actually matters to you. Is this a verbal like you just said to each other hey time out there. How much is actually married to your nearest your way, yeah? And you say how much matters to you you know if you ve got a number out before even at sea to save you just go or three. That's my wife right now we ve been using this to great effect,
I don't need to say I'll. Just say like this is this is a seven for me man. This is like this is a seven for you. This is like a three for me. That means you win, damn as here like any wind up, because I wind up being a niece, I wanna be analysed fights with my wife about things that once I stop and think about it, it's I'm fighting about things that are twos and threes, because you'd just get so wrapped up in, like you get so wrapped up and just like winning battles Very interesting- and I have in their day like there's this there's this rug that that doesn't all it does is like trick or does every kid that runs through the house gets laid up by the tripping on the road this,
inter crossed the floor and smash into the wall and one day like roll the raga mo as they have under the rug. I'm like I got the rugs gone and she wants the rug back and I'm like dude. This is like a way I've gone as far as to say this is the seven or eight. This is a seven or eight on me. is like is like a one. I'm annoyed that you took my rug, but really when I think about it, I really don't it's a one. I dunno why I'm arguing the baby have the ragi, eighth rugs cool wow. That's. Seems like a good to marriage advice. Man quite simple. I like their lot noted. it's gonna give me another five. More years of marriage, Can you do want more place? I wonders like a lot decision, the b that needs to be made and the decision is made up of a big, great, bundling of interests say by an house. I have found my wife
I have found that it works really good. If I say here's the parts of this that I care about. I care about this element of this and I care about this element. of this. You run the project or ever That meant you right now. It is you, but do not screw me on these two things and then you run and go. In assigning ownership of something in clarifying like bought, you own it, but here's the deal, and this is an instance where the other person wants as much. Ownership is possible yeah and you don't want to relinquish it cause. You don't want to get screwed on a couple of points. Right, clarify the points and then give the person autonomy to go. Do what they needed to do. Yeah.
It's a big old vacation vacation vacation be like listen man. I want to be able to spear fish, that's all of it. That's all over! That's all I need to have like relatively good access. This spirit fishing other now about Google walt disney world the two come together. that's good, so yeah gave you've a long time, twenty three years, gimme a hot marriage voice shut up and listen married to them, as woman on the planet and she's put up with a lot for me, but I to death
sure she dragged me in, but I wouldn't trader for nothing and the s. Marriage is work. Hard work side were bunni, truly work at it in own. We have kids with, and we love our kids it s, but are we really going to love each other to now? Women are also also you know my son I don't mean to jump on the rest of your advice. Shut up was it when, before my wife and I got married, she had. I can't remember I guess it's a bridal shower or something like that and everyone was asked to write down there like their best piece of advice and what marriage advice or something. On a note and put the note, and the thing and then, after yet marriage she had to open the box and in red everybody's marital vice, and I think I saw somewhere. She showed
well some of them, and she showed me what her grandma had wrote to her at the time what her grandma wrote was. It was very simple. It was just two words, three words and- and I thought oh like this- was like the laziest answer and at the touch I thought it was just really lazy answer, and then my wife, though, took that that little post a note and she put it on picture of her grandma and grandpa, and it's still in her bathroom, like sitting on the counter and now years later I see it like everytime, I happened to be in there see it. Think, about a little bit more each time and now, when I look at my feet, but I think about me what she meant by this through words, it's very poignant in its it just simply to her very best, marital vice was simply luxuriant box now. That would be good there. It was simply love each other
just love each other, and all that goes into that. I see that now every day and it just is colleague yeah. If you think about that with all the different decisions you make, that is kalkhi like just to remind yourself, too, yeah. You don't know what I did. This is marriage advice. You know what I did when my kids were born for all three of them, as I wrote them, A big long letter that explains our lives, where I think they were conceived. What circumstances. What our lives look like, what are my or the apprehensions about them coming into the world. What are my hopes and fears for them? What's going on? in general, what their parents were like. And then I
put my own address on them and then on the day they were born. I draft them, so they would get postmarked and then I took them in vacuum. Sealed them in my pro twenty three hundred, I think vacuum, seal them and are given to when they get married, probably at school. That's amazing, the legal, long ladders. I I I I almost would dread seeing what's in the letter from eight years ago. Well, that's what I was going to say that do you regret anything you wrote in his letters or where I don't want to know cause. I don't want to chicken out not give it to him yeah, because they're very telling it'd be a lot better. If I was dead, they're very telling. Interesting like I would want. It would be smart to read it by yourself. Where did you get this idea? This just came to you or I think I made it a man I care merits
I don't think I made it up. I feel like if I made it up, I'd, be pretty proud of having made it up, and I remember making it up it's good a wider chicken shit out about it ma am I gonna man. I got a lot of effort it with you and you ate years ago. So different noack is a really like the really real. Telling of what who are were eight years ago, yeah just like stuff like around we who had two kids, that was all we wanted at the time and we had a third telling someone that story, I wouldn't tell him that story. One is eight. Like what was going on. Our lives will lead us to the decision not to know just telling stuff bag. You gotta be smart enough to read it in the voice of you as a
a late thirty year as the late thirty year old and not the sixty year old you'll be when they read it now. I hope so. It feels good letter they're, pretty good letters. I don't doubt it put a lot of effort and write them down ladders that it. That's it man, the got one more guy thanks man for making a fantastic, a haunted spot man. I got to see a lot of deer activity in and what am I trying to say things that they do behavior behave. I that in all my years, wiser hon, I had never seen you all kinds of deer peanuts,
er, tarsal, glands and scrapes. Didn't senior rubs, have them, but no yeah. I saw scrapes no rubs the and branch. Seeing multiple times are you guys heard a fight yup I got to see a buck come up in robert's, orbital gland on the lincoln branch work is great piss down his leg. A couple minutes later made more newcomers later. Another bought came, didn't do his honourable gland but work this great piss down his leg and I got to Cotton is later watchdog: common camp out, annette spot nice death scenes and dear type, shit, gonna man grunting a better reason? Maybe twenty grants this week, fightin groton chase? squirrels everywhere, which will only when you see our care if it is november tenth in Michigan. We use here
if you're running you like god. Now, though, but here you are oh, it must be about code. You know the motherboard or other good. It's really cool. It's really cool, like the just the wildlife habitat work here and watch in it like bloom and take shape man we're just getting started. it's been a pleasure having your here No any and all things you guys think we might be able to do to make things better expert caught moors. shooting lanes. That's right, yeah, that's yeah! Yeah! That's how you get killed, but you're kind of focused on getting it alive. Yeah, don't don't worry the other german lines here my thanks for this
Transcript generated on 2023-04-02.