« The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 115: The Judas Hog

2018-05-07 | 🔗

The Ozarks, MO- Steven Rinella talks with wildlife biologist Parker Hall, Brandon Butler, Steve Jones, and Janis Putelis from the MeatEater crew.

Subjects Discussed: the Judas animal trapping method; saving sea turtles by shooting predators; ways of hunting and trapping feral swine; Hogzilla and other bullshit; swine as disease vectors; the thing about brucellosis; the upshot of banning hog hunting; Parker earns his lifetime membership to the Rocky Mountain Squirrel Foundation; ways of cooking up squirrel; squirrel dogs; and more.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Me show was severely my case unaware. It was anything ok where ruby diamond way deepen the in the wild pigs and we get tons of questions but Well, pigs not going to give like sorta the ends of the you know, I'm going to give two ends in the middle of the sorts of questions we get about, while pics question about wild pigs might be were somewhat right in an incentive. linked to an article b, how someone somewhere wild pigs, turned up and they are causing. There are wreaking ecological havoc in war.
Does one make that they make a type of thing be wise one about while pigs lobbies might be like, hey. What's over wild pigs good to eat, can you get sick from them or what is known as the middle part? The people on here, but wild pigs and another common course rigour, but while pigs would be Wild pigs are so bad and they're everywhere and they're going to kill everyone and destroy the whole universe. and everyone's overrun with wild pigs. Come normal? Let me go how well pigs on their property like when you think that of pigs. Are there bad. It wouldn't be so bad to have a stranger on your land hunting, but it seems that they're not quite that bad. So that's another question: and who's gonna walk as through all of this, not janis dummy there will be in part.
If the portions that he's comfortable with would be our gas harmed her home now, parker hall can are two things you can do, however, are three things you can do whatever order you want and what do at work. Who do you, work for, and I would like to get a little bit into how'd that happen. Ok what do I do our work? I'm a professional he may old, they were and meeting goer too yeah we're going to get a whole mess of those people. I work for the: u s: department of agriculture, aphis wildlife services, So our mission is to provide federal leadership, human wildlife conflict, so that can re from a ferris line, while pigs aft conferral, swine,
as the title yeah. That's what I call them. That's what they told me: wild pigs, feral, swine hogs, whatever it can range from that to protecting airports from collisions with birds too, beaver control in the deep south, flooding roads and bridges to cairo, to control when the wear, so it really depends on where you are in the end in the countries as the what the different states do. So while I services is non regular, that means we don't make any rules which is kind of a good good possess. to begin so anywhere we are were thereby by invitation world. Often times invited to help whatever land management agency be at a state agency and another federal agency, an invasive species and ferrous swans, one that that that would deal with all the for the country. So two thousand fourteen there was an initiative and eight this initiative that provided some funding I set up
And that a national programmes that are theirs of damage being gone home affairs. One would get on we're getting enough both are having trouble with em may at the egg in, being landowners, be it the to resources, people that we need to do something about it, so That's gonna how this programme got got, set up so now have thus thus to write. Was the third one how I got here you got here just as a person to be here, but I'm already creep group that I hold for miniature K. Cars already got a problem. It. Wild pigs were introduced here. in the fifteen hundred by the spanish right so late, so off across the ocean needed something to write the guys we're going out. We all know we're goin across oceans. It's far, we better bring some the so they float float flow float float They hit some land. The go ahead,
I was good were still alive. I were we're, still go and we all know we are. Let's put some pigs on because when we come back, we're gonna be hungry again, and so, though, repetitive introductions but from those explores all through the sky. From the islands going all the way down to you know down to the sea america and lesser antilles and the caribbean all through their in others, repetitive introductions. Finally, finally took hold native americans figured out that hey. This is better than eaten some stuff we're heaton right now, so they foster that in and those those pigs. Who in and they kept them round and they establish population so says the fifteen hundreds they ve been all up and down. So what happened during those hundreds of years when it didn't.
But there was a shift right because we have hundreds of years of it just being that there's some that there's wild pigs around as wild pigs around then all of a sudden in my lifetime and my it's like holy shit, yeah wild pigs yeah like like what what was that so Is it perception or is it real or is that is reality? So if you look at a unnatural expansion of any population, be it be it wild, pigs or or It's kind of like a balloon blown up right, you blown the balloon, gets bigger, bigger, bigger and end. The population spreads. Well hell, that's not been the case. Pharaoh pigs mean As for michigan right, there's feral pigs in michigan, they didn't get there from florida by chance. They got there in the back of a pickup truck so it became yeah. You know I grew up in georgia. Hunting hobbs. It was fun, it's
cultural thing in the deep south alot of people do it and you know, but it's been maintained politically in the deep south text, California, father well all year, my family, and I still do, of course they do, but I think it got cool or whatever for lack of a better term cool, too, hot pigs by television shows up on tv and people think that The only two hundred pound hogs awesome their view. a few laws regulating hogs in. Oh, it differs by state they're all they're, all a little bit confusing the oh. It's easy to catch pigs one. My good friend says it's. It takes very, very little energy to put pigs in the back of a truck and move em.
It takes tremendous energy to get him back from the wild and put it back into that pick up for you and that's a fact so I think there's there's a there's, probably a lot of ways for people to begin to understand that if you're not familiar with wild pigs would be just the, but you know what we often call bucket biology fisheries where you can have you can trace to sort of like a single introductory effort of a fish species into some lake and river system, and then pay soon. It becomes litter, the impossible to undo like impossible under the damage correct. So with the eggs. I remember well, you know but but your sign with specific. Does your expertise extend beyond where you're usher We do we do a lot of different different things and in the state, in the two states that wouldn't want to as well as I remember in Michigan. Wasn't that long ago, Michigan was,
up some trying to create some legislation around god is you can block people from transporting pigs because it's all the same species? Right, soo, strava, right kara, is the same thing you buy in a grocery store. Is it's all the same species, but they were trying to put some language around. What types of pigs can be moved into the state right? It can explain that what about when we talk about that people are moving. Pigs right there not move, barnyard varieties of pigs, or are there they're doing their due on all or all of the above. What documents all the same spaces they can all inner buried so spent pigs like we talk about before or the ones our interim introduced in the fifteen hundreds in the south. Those of there have been introduced since from the eurasian wild wild boar the big harry woolly ones that everybody thinks about another that came over from europe and those were introduced in the new.
Sure vermont area and in summoned in California moved around people liked him for sport. I know the new hampshire, vermont ones were four Brought in for a hunting purpose yeah right, but it is hard to can too hard to contain um yeah yeah, it's hard. dynamite- and you know, there's theirs, sales? Hey? You have some of those in our guy comes and goes well? What's a cost, you know. sell me some of those well, nobody cares. He loads them up, arizona or bucks or whatever it is, and and and moves them to idaho and turns of aloof. You know they're there credibly hardy their incredibly for cool. You know hundred fifteen days or so They have a litter, go go a few weeks. You're pregnant again. You know that can have a couple letters a year, so it there's we're hardy, oh yo, there there, the ultimate invasive species. Compare that you dear who puts off between yeah yeah. I wanted to hear or to hear now our
want to get back into the into the the the long term story. But first I want to ask if this is true. People like to say the least. This timeline around. If you take a domestic likud, domesticated domestic variety pig and you turn it out, that the meaning you turn it out. Also girls, big gigantic, tossing it's a woolly coat. You know that that's not on this basis or another species, but the whole of its is sub species or whatever you know, a pink pig that that's grown for in a in a pig parlor is a little different than you know. Some of these heritage, pigs or whatever so there's a bunch of different flavors. If you will, but if turned loose overtime, they do revert back pretty quick as not overnight it in a way lot of times when, when hogs you loose reports there. Some there's some feral swine over there and they get hungry and go back to the feed bucket in two days
in all those in between you know. Sometimes I go off and if they have litter than than those pay urgently pretty wary there deal with an urgently or those at first wild born generation. Yeah! That's right! Now you take a firearm. and put him in the pan in it, and take long for them time right down there I mean you know. In a couple of weeks you start shaking the food bucket. He knows it starts approaching a little bitten overtime. They'll came right down as well, so you can, you can read domesticate them. You can there are now ready to go back? Do we're gonna do a minute ago is a you kind of alluded to it now, so you grew up hunting pigs. I did yeah. I grew up hunting and fishing. My dad was a us to aphis wildlife services, employee. For his career yeah. So he grew up. That's why I was kind of wondering so you grow kind of knowing that this is a thing. A person could do yeah. Of course, yeah I did, but, but I didn't have the aspirations
a state director. I remember thinking as I was going through school, I graduated from the inverse you, george, barely gotta stellar, two point, two or three studied what mostly hog, hurt and at night and crop rotation, you get a did, get a degree in in and wildlife. So a member thanking the fact ever make about thirty five or forty thousand dollars year trap and I will have reached the pinnacle, so I started off as a beaver trapper and in alabama, and I went through I'm several years of that, and this and just do a private nuisance. No, I was working as a as a as a specialist for, u s da, so it's an entry level and in that, when all for several years and got into do some invasive species work. When I was down in the u S, virgin islands doing work down. There met my wife down there and how we you catch the
and when I was now alone that will you do barriers there photo so the whole game, though thing yeah, I know I know those hancock live traps. You guys, were you guys were getting after him for real yeah. That's the dudes from michigan use, those there, never two! So did some work in the end and islands and then went to I didn't kind of work in the islands offshore eradication kind of stuff yeah? We did the rat eradication goat eradication to protect threatening day was basing my little small offshore islands is really neat. Actually, when you remove, species like a rat or a goat with the island. Does no small islands? Many a blue, Michael flower?
You are right back, you know when you remove those invasives. Did you ever use the Judas strategy? Yes, and I still do, can you explain it yeah? So if you remember your your your bible stories, Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus And- and so that's where the Judas animal comes from, so you take that and will capture so and ferris feral will take want to put a radio transmitter on on its neck or in its ear capture. It turn it back: Nato run back to other no sounds which caliber ha go back to a sounder or or other other pigs in allegiance, though so it's real effective. It's really really effective, particularly in low densities. Okay, yeah, you know when, where we are right now, yeah it does good yeah. We use it a lot So you see you studied a ban wildlife when don't be working in your career gotta. Take off then it in one day some
springs on you the year jurisdiction is gonna, be So this is our hours. A state now is a district supervisor in in south florida and do invasive species I really enjoy working on the burmese python yeah. We did work on the burmese python a little bit yeah you hit all the big news story: animals, yeah, they're, they're, they're, difficult, that's a difficult problem. The snakes is it yeah. Do you think do that there will ever be solution is hard to predict in oh, they sent a man to the moon. So I don't know, but they know the thing about the vase of reptiles. Is let's face it there and I don't go past freeze line for the most part, so you know- there are confined to those habitats those areas that that our candle to how they evolved. Don't you know that so we
will someday be talking about burmese pythons in michigan like we're talking about. So I don't think so. Until wintertime, I've been to michigan in the wintertime and pythons won't do too well, okay yeah. so south florida, and what other? What you probably worked on pigs in south florida? I did with a lot of pig working in florida. This did iguanas, yup, sure did and I do I did we did some more rat eradication actually to protect next nesting. Shorebird birds, predator control, on beaches for for sea turtles was was a big one and what's something that gets after sea turtle eggs, man. Everything likes an egg right and are bad pharaoh, swan or or terrible on theirs we're feral, swine or on the beach saltwater, be there our guys who their job is to stay on the beach all night, long make sure furrows. One
come out there and dig up sea turtle nests and their seeing some men doing their due infective controller saving. Thousands and thousands thousands of slater. Meanwhile, nest is wrecked by hog, reinvent beaches down in south america, we ve been on beaches rather turtle eggs have been dug up by jaguars, got everything like a turtle, ghost cramps, raccoons, armadillos possums, boxes, so you you'll selector. You guys are selected, a beach is be like hands off. naw. Man now remember were or non regulatory sword, thereby the invitation of what ever The tea is research the vote will be taken. There call that's right, that's right We're entity has jurisdiction over that beach asks us to do that were absent yeah. So, as I come from
it's ok, it's a local. Ask any gas, provide the expertise to to execute their opened. A correct, accomplish, yeah, so from software. There will have to do so: from south florida opposition came open as a state director and new hampshire vermont now august eta. in georgia, had never been north denisov, hardly oz and south florida, and that position came open again talk to wife about us. It is an opportunity for us so severe that that fine was abc room she from Missouri and I'll get to that man. You can deduce, but we'd have to gas selected Position and had a wonderful experience in new Hampshire, vermont working on all all sorts of different, like what up there A lot of black bear stuff
going on higher non native right lot, Aslan natives. There did some moves were. We know it is a fur for george boys are really need experience and then the young and the libraries again trouble with orchards at all. Funnier don't ride down, and you know it's a big too economy in the summer time it's gorgeous new hampshire vermont. You know blackberries down, therefore two tour surrounding donors in the holding I do a lot of relocations. Yeah we'd ask them yeah a lot of relocations. There yeah, okay, yeah. What else you get involved any fish anywhere, no, not no fish guy, this other than I like other wildlife service people who massive fish. There are wildlife services, people that, yes, that do invasive His work, I think, there's one state out west. It does. I am not quite sure but
As a general rule, we don't do that stuff left to the fisheries biologists. Fish are a whole different thing. You know under the water and those guys can do math good yeah. Fisheries gallia. What was the common moose conflict. The common most conflict was I was walking through where they, you know they make the maple syrup and those guys have great big taps right when these tubes coming way down to their tap house. Sometimes they'd have thousands these tubes coming on and the mousse as well. right through rose, like you know, some ill middle if run into those guys are freaking out man, other tabs just got yanked off so Those interests in particular for maiden name about moves. So as educational experience I go. Mad is good time. So then, from air from their Missouri state director missouri, I won't stay director position, came very
bull and my wife said guesswork big boy, I liked royals, so we have put in for that position. Then them in our Is a good move for me as much that I have northeast, but it was a great experience in, but get to. Some thousand will be more familiar with it a lot more familiar sure sure, and so you as a stake, was they corners. They directorate state direct state, rector. Everything again here falls under year, purview so speak, but you guys are particularly focus, their pain, a lot of attention and wild pigs, or is that just a small part of the ets, it's more than a small part in Missouri, so we have was called the Missouri feral swan partnership and,
as eleven different land management agencies who were committed to suppressing or eliminating feral swine from from the state of Missouri. So it's it's a it's a pretty good chunk of our of our program. We I what does a lot of work- adam dairy farms for starlings in invasive, like like those stalling agent sparrows things. Now the meal can allow the ordeal airport staff runs out on on the airport, and you know it three in the morning and enshrine a land. You know we have with people there to help ceased, remove that you know lot airport workin in Missouri. Avian influenza, so disease component of opera, graham sampling, forearm diseases which goes hand in hand with a virus wine, stuff sampling. They are so
but everything now the Missouri department of conservation has pretty much driven this this programme, so where do unfair or swan work by. We know their invitation in their direction. now, you mentioned suppression. Or eradication. Doesn't that cause will mission, confusion cases pick one That was what we use. The word elimination The answer is no michigan vision now, there's no mission, confusion. Lay the lay the wild pigs situation like le gimme, a history on the wild pigs situation. Here in Missouri, yeah given the floor dragons afforded urge. However, they ve been underground for centuries right rising it's too early and the timing might be off, but I'd like to definitely know at some point. If it's legal to hunt pigs in this state and iowa sure things off, but you can ask, should have waited
so you you're the talent, you're detecting the flow out gone, not then, clearly define has those give my flow new flu, slow, hurt you jerk I will see what we can get into that right now, like her you here. Yes, so as completely legal to, however, a swan in Missouri where it is illegal to hunt feral swine is on partner of conservation lands. It's it's a legal on fort leonard wood, it's illegal on army core of engineers, land private land right now. The mark twain national forest, its legal to hunt pharaoh's. Why? What is the the dogs? Question comes up why if you'd want to get rid of them, so let's go back to the first part of of
start like. What's the lay at length and in georgia, when I grew up, there's no season, there's no limit there is really no restriction on how you can handle with what you can use. You can use guns, bows bazooka is what whatever and has been that way, and they only grow so hunting down not work too. Eliminate we use honey. as a as a tool to manage our our native species, not a limit it thus best way, tat s where we have limits. particularly if you can't or can't shoot female of end of any animal, because that that you know the rest, out of removal. Those is, is population control and so that something that Missouri, water conservation said? Look we're not going to reinvent the wheel. I mean
Guys all over the south is chased him for millennia and it's the stronghold of ferris. Why are there recreational hunting because of the because, like the fecundity in all these other fares, reg national honing, even one, it's unrestricted isn't doesn't do it right. right. So you know, recreational hundred goes out as a good time in any harvest haug and it comes back and they clean and I have a mail, but it did absolutely nothing for the population in. Oh, it's far, its great good record but it's an exotic invasive species that they removed their competing with our native now. So The thinking so extend that out and explained the thinking on on restricting hunting. Well, I don't know that
it doesnt work has been proven that hunting does not eliminate a species of of any species. Recreational sport does it so it all up, I don't know the java go ahead: man brain butler S, brain about their wants the body. Yet another big issue is creating the demand so that there is a demand for pharaoh hogs than there's gonna be a desired. and by eliminating the opportunity to hunnam you're your hopefully eliminating that incentive right. So if, if the department conservation, nor, even though their their certainties traps, that's another problem or set up these traps button a man hours into it. Parker and his team doing the same thing. They they worked really hard. the train. These sounds to come to these trap, so they can catch a mass of these pigs at one time. People those traps in those set up on my cotton spots and when the sun,
it comes in they'll, shoot one or maybe two, and then they scatter the rest and they'll runway off in those they'll set of new ranges. You saw any blow. As you blow the whole plan, you waste all that money, that not only on the staff that out workin, but on the the corner sour and all the other bade the materials it takes to make the traps. But, as you said, hog hunting is fun and a lot of people down in this part of the country. I mean they have dogs they're. You know they're really into it, so they're expecting there to be a supply of hogs on the landscape. Well I'll throw this in This is not like this aspect of it is of I'm with and in yonkers, and I have had discussions with an individual who was a haug trapper and at a time in the past, had even gone so far as to sell wild hogs to pee well, who he later learned were
using the wild hogs to establish populations of wild hogs and areas that did not have them in order to build a hunt for them. That's going on down here. There's there all over the country, others airspace as anybody ever getting prosecuted for this there's a case going on in the county north of us right now, or somebody is, is unknown violator who propagated yeah. Who actually raises these arms and then releases on trailers. Them in from other states keeps him in a pen when people I need to go hunting. Those people will pay this guy he'll release those hogs and they'll go chase him down an open lands, not penned lands on open land, yet so he'll keep them in a pen until he has clients once he has clients want to pay they'll release those hound or they'll release those hogs in the release. The hounds the hounds will chase him down. The one dog goes out and finds them the rest of the dogs come in and hold them. That person goes in and likely stabs the hugger or may shoot it, but a lot of them are
Genome with big billy knives, nea was chosen down that way so that there are not only creating a demand, for recreation of it. But there's a small group of people that are created no in industry around it, I can about doing so very economically depressed part of the country. So when these guys can cash on hand for letting you go out and kill some all. Why? Wouldn't you it's hard to convince them that that's not it a good deal? Do you mind real, quick, laying out a brand new mind, real, quick, laying out your affiliations, yeah, so I'm the executive director of the conservation federation of Missouri, we work honey angling all conservation, wildlife groups across the state, I've known parker for a few years there was a pharaoh hog. Symposium were state wildlife leaders came from, can all over the mid west? So we did a tour of a state park and then we went on some private property. Now is the first time hours have really exposed to the real destruction that these hogs do to the
I glance and why there's so much money being spent to eradicate them, because so much money has been lost by farmers down here as their pastures are destroyed and crop fields can be decimated, it was. It was really eye opening to me and I've kind of been studying with parker. Ever since note parker, when you look at up. The linking the voices that most want too. So I can understand the voice of their interests and haven't pigs is like isolated group, the people who want to- and they want to have a hunting up some honey opportunity. Ward Voices of the people here that sort to have the best argument against the pigs venier well understand those people to does like I said I grew up on it and its fallen, and in all right or wrong, live theyve and Senate past it and send a desert.
sent by since devised to point to J searches lounge earlier, so so, I understand that and but we're land managers right or or we were Stuart, said levison exotic invasive species, it's no different than bush honeysuckle. It shouldn't be here. It competes with their natives and I think it is difficult for for us wildlife people ago are competing with our natives and there still dear and turkey's around you know and that's that I hope you will have a hard time with, because I do there look be like ok, but texas is known for its white paper. Taxes has well books, that's right. Taxes has the most while pigs, but if you're, you know you look at the things that deer and turkey aren't the only things on the landscape and agricultural damage. Threatening endangered species, water quality,
These things are being calls from an exotic invasive species that shouldn't be here now So I mean it, you know where wildlife, biologists and in some in some instances you just want to be like Jesus. What we're supposed to do we're supposed to protect our our natives He sees it as knowledge. Is this not for foreigners flores, while in hawaii. They talk about. no in unknown quantity, but perhaps dozens of species of wild life were lost with the introduction of pigs and rat there are the hawaiian I'll sure because they had a whole sweet of you because of a lack of certain types predation. They had whole sweets of ground nesting. Birds like the vanished, gone
you look at the disease issues too, with the domestic industry we have here. You know the the the potential for a a disease to get in the domestic industry could be catastrophic, the state in one state, south of of the biggest port producing state in the countries is iowa. So you know fear there that wild things would would surely They have those diseases, they carry those diseases that the AG industry has done such a wonderful job of getting rid of, and has taken a long time and and now they're out in others. They ve got those domestic populations for lack of a better word clean and in a reintroducing. Some of those diseases could be a real set back. I may actually, as you know, for for consumers as well as producers was pointed out,
I expect you to comment on this unless you want to, but what's wrong, there is the have this idea of a bill of fare swine like the common vernacular. We have this idea of a wild pig energy using disease to a domestic counterpart is sort of the opposite of the fear around domestic dear. Introducing disease here too there old counterpart via. It is off thought, that's off topic We ve got a breeze overlay. The problems of the pigs. do and how and why? But can we just get into that little bit more, like you talk like you're like why water quality, but what exactly do they do to diminish water quality and order?
doing to you know, kill all these crops rallies. Farmers exactly will one of the creeks that we were hunting around down here and it looked better this year, Stephen. I walked past it, but last year this real lush. Little spring creek and the spring was really pomp, and yesterday, when we were down there, it was just absolutely decimated with rooting you go down there near expecting to be this real, serene natural valley and it looked like a monster truck- had been written up and down the spring greek. Now this is way back in a wilderness, so very few people are lay in their eyes on that. But if that was your private property, that would be infuriating to you. So you would call the governmental whoever your representative is and say something has to be done about this invasive
jeez, that's destroying in my landscape. That would be there in their feeding and his route it all up. It has turned into a mud and they're just why oh n and ruin, and now all that that, mud and sediment is running in to that stream, which runs into a larger stream which runs into a river. So it's sending all that that sediment downriver and the crop damage is hard to explain it's unbelievable. It looks like Somebody went in with a brush ogg fur area that they can. They can do a lot of damage in in a very short, about time that something that is more or common, maybe in in in the south- and it is in Zuri Missouri is more it might more in the ozarks. We do have some damage and the guys that have it, wouldn't that don't take it lightly, but you know we have a state and federally listed. Sees at her short hands emerald dragonfly. They have a
but they lay there larva in in specialised little africa name of it. Our notion ego her. You know, but the horse go through and were in rude up and the larva and, and they dont reproduce maids milkweed is, is another species of concern list of species that house go through and trample and and in eaten in destroying and they don't come back. So in hawaii you look at it's. It's not I always do I have dear and was to have turkey is in there. So my corn, but we're talking about the threatened and endangered species. As you know, there there's only very few of these left in the world there being. consumed or destroyed by an exotic invasive. That shouldn't be here now The? U it off. I m- will drag five this around this room out of I could identify, but I know that you know it's in its speed.
Is that what you're gone they're gone in an that's been in that's happening because of because these first one, and thus it is ever users whether seat rules or or shore birds or or whatever we haven't exam. doing damage and removing federally and stay listed listed species. So how many parties pharaoh pigs will, I think this way, how far back in time would you need to go to when they were probably know pharaoh, pigs and this in zuri, so I wasn't here them with a relatively new. Yet if you went back fifteen years, I don't know, that's you could find to many people. You guys my know this better than me, but but you can to me to be with a new, were were of a thorough hog. Was you got?
twenty years there are very, very rare, you know they were brought in and is like a sailor credibly for coonan I see the terrain were in many turns and pigs back here they go into texted fur forever gouges. So this is a pretty this. A fairly new issue here absolutely and how many, Is there an estimate on how many there are? No orders work or all on their now, but there is not an estimate. Well. How do you put it this way? How if you guys got killed the last year we caught and Oh just over six thousand five hundred and this day in the state? just in Missouri now other states to take. you know, numbers many many many more than that taxes oklahoma. guys, they take a look A lot of pigs, multiple thousands of hogs and in that time,
when you ve taken him. Have you guys got a sense of where exactly there come from. Well, we know we know where they are as much as is its a relatively new. We say: fifteen years is a relatively new problem: worry, department conservation, is really rolled up his sleeves and got to work and asked their biologists. There are people in the field and done a lot of work, and we know where we feel We have a pretty good handle on on where those population are in its if it looks like it's, it's not a blob, of course, like natural, looks like a zebra checkerboard or its midst patchwork and so cross. The entire state, grass and tyres are mostly in the southern half and mostly in the ozarks, and mostly on. black land rule. Or why do you think that is a naughty because people can hold it really so, if you were to turn, if you add a traveller pigs and
Your neighbour is a guy. You don't get along with. You know, he's not gonna. Let you hunt those taken away. your drugs on his brow. You you're turn loose on his place, of course, not you're going to go away and say? Yeah me know yeah right you're going to go where you can hunt them. If you lay, if you lay the map of Referral swann, are in missouri over public ground. It almost marries a perfectly kid yeah, I thought it was real interesting when I was shown parker yesterday pictures of the the feral hogs I got on my property he's like well, that's a springfield hog, and I'm in they ve got it drilled down. Your property is like up against the large chunk of public property, wonder the one of the largest contiguous pieces of public property in Missouri, so there definitely gettin released back in there, but he's able to tell you like distinctly where this hog
has been shipped in from and where this haug has black guy. I know that they look a little differently in different parts of the state, and so I don't know that I would go as far as I know, I know zactly, whether from but yeah, but they they are. They differ. Depending where you grab from from different parts of the state in different parts. the country? They look completely different? So you know it's salute that they're, not homogenized man is a different ones, have different background sure got of different places, moves sure and something that people do at times they introduce domestics, and to those wild or fair. populations to increase the size body size in also forever. Purple how hog zilla came around well, some of those our world giant pigs. It turns up like a auxiliary like the ills. Like that view,
regional one, but one of these giant pigs. It turns up where a guy exposes killed some stamper wild pig days later, the guy comes out with photographs of the thing standing in the back of the truck because he sold it to the guy, of course, yeah. That's that a wild, take, that's all stella yeah provides what the fuck you mutation about it. You get if you get two hundred and fifty three hundred pounds it's a serious wild hob, that's a big one. There is one that wild born right here right they're, not in their native corn, from from a bucket of their they're they're in and whatever else they get down and in out in the woods so to our two, fifty three, It is a great big another get bigger, but you know that's that's a great big adult, so I want to talking about the process of how it works, meaning you identify a.
here is a noose blip on the map. Ok, you identify population in these right. How does it come to your attention? Guy? How do you verify the presence, one of the steps that take as as you sort of walk through like wow. Now we got a new gang of pigs will deal with alright I have a that's a to poor question number one. How do we deal with the new populations? What do we do so like I said, the Missouri department conservation? toy national force? the core engineers. We have a group of eleven land management agencies that all out on this. On these public public lands. Now public lands in private lands we differentiate. We do now go on any bodies, land that does not and vida so people, so farmer,
or people who are who have feral swine or wild hogs? They want help. They give us a shout right, so so you can't go even you can't go on someone and lay in the same way, go on their land fer you no emergency per says or anything well away, no way really! No! No. We can't trust. as we have of whatever form that we have to give them the site that lets us beyond their proper yeah. I mean that that that's Obviously, obviously is thus surprise me by me. I know that there are certain things like the cooking up: some math annually, for instance. Now I'm gonna get that while reserves is carried through non regulatory, so and so we have to add tie we have now the amount. I know that you don't set the positive that that at times has be really problematic in it always will be so.
If you're trying to do and eradication there's three things that have happened right. You have to have a control that works right, you're you have to have something that gets of whatever you're trying to get rid of your do in rats. You have to have a toxic, and that kills them right and it has to be effective number two. every individual has to be exposed to said control, measure right number three. You to have one percent that was number two number two, everybody's gotta get exposed, which is the problem and in number You can't have any immigration in from from outside sources. So if we get rid of all the pigs and so the missouri and somebody brings and backing in well by god, we start over so low Those three things that I have any legal eradication can happen on small islands right ass. We re doesn't happen on large landmasses it
happens and large land masses when everybody gets united ends and recognizes. These are bad, but you were right in its it's a fact is going to be very problematic and in the future, yeah there's a fight going on right now legislatively over pharaoh hawks. You actually have legislators down in this part of the state in support of pharaoh hog hunting very upset with the department of conservation for trying to do the right thing and eliminate not only the desire to hunt them, but the entire population. So it's it's a political bothers. An actual political conversation about whether now you want Pigs are not the only reason you can hunt wild pigs on mark twain national force right now is because a certain politician has threatened. You know retribution if it were to be stopped. Gudgeon. So back to how does a problem?
come out like how does the new population become identified and then what steps are taken to just to go addressed the issue, so we mister tebrick elimination plan within Missouri with within our patchwork. We know where they are. We know the terrain, the habitat, the accessibility and then we, put those resources in that area. Elimination areas on one is our lois population. We have the most accessibility to it. The terrain is most conducive fur. emanation were being very, very successful. We are positively successful on. If you think about a fire and a loss, goes out your yard and starts that those are popping up and that's what talking about those pop up. We do. But we're doing, and we make sure those populations do not become established
We have like, I said, eleven partner agencies and all their people, or rather all the time on. All these public lands and win new sign or sidings happen? It gets to us pretty quick and we ve been very successful at suppressing those those new popular your way into a new blip on the map that takes priority over some established population, even struggle there does yeah What were you guys? Do they? How gone and even begin well is amiss its Once we get land access, it's it's no different than than any of the control work. Or do we set up cameras? Look at the sign, put out bait, get them on bait and trap them and remove them as quick as we can so use trail cameras to try to very further presence, yeah, we used rail cameras and, in all the same the pigs, as you kind of no wonder they're, you know they make such a mess and enter their rutan and tracks and rub it on trees. It is not hard
I have to figure out one of their and that's something we use to identify a population of like one, oh yeah, all all the time really, oh yeah you can come in, someone could be like hey, I saw a wild pig and you can go in and usually you like a good enough, accurate rode over the summer gonna be like yeah. That's true Now, I'm not that good there, it's a big dump out corn and they come to it does lay verifies her or that's a way to do it right, yeah, yeah and then one of the ways in which you guys cats kill him, we do mostly Probably ninety percent of our takers is trapping smaller percent is night shooting and then another person is aerial gunning so time, while the night shooting how's that night shooting is used and in specific situations, lot times. We have single or
We don't spend a lot of time trapping bores we target females because that's our population control, the sounds. The big groups so we're talking them. If we have some, some bores at her hanging around sometimes will do that if we're haven't crop damage, If you have a field of corn right, five hundred The corn is hard to go poor, poor article bucket of corn and get becoming your trap, had every night in other cords and in a dough stage in the hogs or reckon it you know, and in the landowner, though, the farmers just beside himself born his hair out. We use a lot of night shooting then to keep them, keep them out of the out of the corn and when we get the to the last few animals that is gin really how we remove him good night shooting. So I was able to go out on one of these night shooting excursion to some parkers people and not to diminish the noble work, but man that was pretty fun
like we actually or in the bed of a pickup truck, and I was the guy with the thermal imaging scope and workers in the corn fields on the outside of fort leonard wood army base. and you're just on farms that you have permission to be on driving their farms in the wind using thermal imaging to locate these hogs and the drive dr and were sitting in the back scope, and when you see I mean tap on the top of the truck they stop. The shooter gets out pal pal, how many amount into one field had thirty in it. Probably is the biggest one we saw and then once in a while working to assist a farmer who's trying to protect the crop. As a general rule, we own those big groups, we really try not to night shoot and we try not to shoot where we're trapping, because it really messes
our whole system makes it much more difficult trap. These situations are like we said when farmers just beside himself in, and you know his just getting so much damage that that's really one of our only option is to deny night work. Like the case of talk about trappin, so so like the however right right centres process and it varies how successful we are by by tom a year by location, The variables it can be very frustrating or very very effect We had a guy last year that works with his jason. They caught sixty to pigs in one trap, and then I think he had over a hundred just that weak. so when you, when their commandeer corn, were there not being pressured from outside sources being run with dogs, people shootin, Adam their pigs. There a pretty easy to catch
It has already held train him up on the corn with system that were used in right now, whenever they get the corn. We set crap and in a matter of two or three nights, we generally house, you not like pre baiting them for weeks to get. Sometimes we do and it depends on the type of trap and it depends on the time of year. So you know it varies. It's it's. It's a wild animal! You know a done read the same books that we do so You know you get em all the first night or could take a month it's kind of going by your you're. Going by how many you know to be in the area and how many you figure are hitting the bay riding regularly either hitting the time we use cameras a lot for that. So what we want to do is catch up. You know we're working for elimination, so we're on or catch the first two pigs are run. I run in the trap. You know we'll catch the twenty eight others that are outside, so we take they have to make sure that we get all of those animals
they are to remove the whole group. You know, one to one or two animals doesn't do us any good and educate the other ones they need It's a lot of investment for very little return, so so described the trap and how so it relates to the bait pile. Well, I'm gonna get in trouble for this, because each trapper is very specific about how he likes it, as you can imagine demands, but they, the long and short of it, is. We use are around corral trap with the with the drop door in the front ways around corral trap, this elevated off the ground Were you with a whole corrals whole corral, the diameter on thing of five six in four panels for sixteen for panels or whatever the math works out as pretty big. others are sixty by sixteen grow. There We use some commercially made once spending it on what its
it's a real hard to explain. Festers, there's a cardinal nepal that goes on in the middle and some arms I go out in the sly that goes up and down was kind of reverse, so little an umbrella holy year on umbrella type in his on the walk in under the bar of the suspended trap. It's really neat, you know the noble foundation developed trap called the boar. Buster and we use it a lot and it's it's really. effective- and I don't know but some I need there was study it's not- that hogs don't look up, but they if they can see through something, I think they they go they go in a lot faster than they do like a regular door. Six eight foot wide door- I don't know if they don't like and threw it or what. But the thing this, the guy They came up with, though, with that are taken. Ology man, they they revolutionized hog trapping is full getting hogs to go
underneath started, years ago, I think with the drop nets. You remember those same concept. This is just a just suggest: a hog trap and metal hard trap, the drop down in and so, you know I just varies: yes, sometimes a regular door, they'll run riot and you just in it is variable. So so the drop trap, are they monitoring it through some kind of camera right. So the Commercial ones, are monitored through some kind of camera. Ours or not, because, as you can tell this week by your cell phone they're, absolutely useless, you might as well throw it in the river. here, no cell service whatsoever, so hours are triggered manually. Ba ba hog and know as in it is interesting. We we came up with all different sort of rigour, mechanisms and and different ways of doing it. Trying to maximize are our catch. and how one of the guys it worked. Work with us now said, I guess
thea the trigger the height of the biggest pig we have on camera instead of ride down on the ground. There you go yeah and we kind of looked at each other like well. We hadn't been doing that for ten years. You know so first ones and dislike anything. You know the young dumb ones run right in you know the smaller animals and generally the light. Stand more, go in some of the biggest most mature, and so the goal is to have that animal inside and in generally, when that animals inside than all the rest of former caught yeah. So how many that someone get one trap sixty Do I think the two inside of acting by sixteen, but they were packed area. Did you get? Well said air every one of them it I was there and it might have been sixty eight, but I think it was sixty two yeah that was it gone. I mean stay too big gone in.
Weeknights one guy. What does what does? What would it take to do that with dogs with stand hunting with sport? Hunting? I mean it's, it's that's going to get there you're. Not you never see what you're saying now explain their kind of trap, the corral trip. I suspended travellers, charges trapdoor centres, all different different style. And in the end they all work. You know their own in their own way, and you know some are very effective and in some of them not so much that you know, there's a whole another discussion trapdoor. Some some guys are super state. First manner all got their own thing in so, but they're all effective You know you train that animal to go inside their effective, there's multi. Doors and than the ones you can trigger from you say, or phone or ones that are manually triggered in
variations in and through their windows ariel gunning, come into play, cause gub, expensive, well area real gunning, comes into play in missouri in in other areas. They do a lot more of it, but the terrains a lot better for it than than in the ozarks. You know, and you're gonna comes into play when we're trying to protect a? very remote area in owes you can imagine getting some traps way back and some of these areas. We also use aerial gunning for the last few animals, particularly after At ones are ones we can't find will use that helicopter to do that. Would we did it most recently down south east Missouri, when the when, though water came up and when the war comes up in a river floods and all the pigs get on the levy systems. You can be very, very fact law
So you pick a pick and choose and we also use aerial gunning, not just aerial gunning but aerial surveillance, so when thinking about elimination. You have to detect everybody, so we know we may have some pigs in this area were not sure, so you can go up and looked down in the winter time and see if their fresh rooting and or not like hey. We, we flew this whole area and there is no fresh. being taken as much scattered out by by grounds or by foot so its use for other things other than just aerial control somewhere like take place, like we're said right now right. Those takes up there now I think we are. We took a picture retract today. So where is it on the list right, like, whereas this spot how'd you get. How would you typify this location? We are in a big chunk of public lan right in
the ozarks or were eliminated an area is pretty heavily road. It up is lotta. Recreation goes on its bordered by small farms and recreational properties. and there's some number wild pigs out there, so Is this spot like on hold or is it like on monitoring or is it active control? It's active control, so this is elimination areas one for I, I think so, elimination, arizona, four calls for x, number of people. I'd have to look in the in the plan. Book there's guys in this zone that that our work in this area, nonstop This is one of our areas where we take them still iron and reynolds county. You have trappers at her work in here now: oh yeah, yeah off all thirty zero answer, yeah
And their use in all these different things you cleared out where we were, we were told that creek there's a draft on air or government trap, ok, when you talk some trap trapped, I thought when you mentioned there, I picture that someone want to catch that pig to bring it up to eat it or move it somewhere. Whatever I gotcha like a removal plan, because clean now you mentioned me, some work on some. Some work has been done on the disease, vector issue sure and how might apply to people. do. Can you sketch out some of the coast because the thing people say right: pigs of all diseases sure like what. prognosis! You mentioned. You got a dose of their rights in the lab trick analysis.
They have sooner rabies. People can get sitter rabies but sure your dog can guess rabies new here about that happening. Alot bruce allows people can get. Brussels is key can you bruce Lee cattle can giving us bruce losses movement, pig due account? You know, I think, there's brussel bristle offices, suicide in brussels, this for the bovine signs and I'm not sure the veterinarian, guys explain it to me in and I it so much but I know that you that the suicide- maybe the suez can go to the cows, but it can be passed on or something it could definitely go to the domestic pigs It's probably one sure they would like sure not to get into the right into the food society, and so those guys are all the ag industries always testing their their heard right and they're always clean, clean, clean clean, and if they get a positive, that the whole thing is quarantined and and transport- and you know, sir,
ups weathers einstein out a state with whatever the the rags are. No transport stop. So yes, a sulphur, less there's a view. If you follow her every year? You here story about people fighting over whether by in their leaving yellowstone national park. the issue there comes out to the thing: we're talking bruce losses, Depending on how you ass, I should lay the solving our acquits more second, so ones those pile up in the late winter, you'll have buffalo migrate out of you also national park in aachen,. In the various private lands national forest lands and go about their business. There is a fear that. These animals will re what will re entered use a eurasian cattle disease back to cattle, so cattle that
brought here to the? U s: had a disease called bruce losses bruce allows us was passed to buffalo, endures infections. In the park But then, in the meantime, they eradicated it from domestic cows. So now the cat producers and, while being in montana, enjoy was called bruce losses, free status, I don't need to do the constant, rigorous testing, because there's no cases- and they haven't had a case in a while- what they're very afraid of is the minute one of these buffalo comes out rubs noses or not. It's actually passed, they'll drop, a foetus and enamels will lick and eat each others. After birth, one of these things is gonna, pick the disease up and Suddenly cattlemen of these states will no longer enjoy bruce losses free status. And I think that is actually the summons we fixed, really it actually go state level. So, guy in the south, you're the guy
extreme south of mountain. The stream well could get bruce, losses in his cattle heard and it affects the guy miles away up with some other corner. The state some people say, that the bruce losses thing in terms of buffalo, some will say it's all bullshit and what it really comes down to is a conversation about grazing rights. So that's it! Then they say that this bruce losses thing is sort of a proxy in place of this other gimme about. Is this grass blonde cattle or is this grass belong to these wild ass animals and so people fight at all all the time, but it's sitting here with you right now, I had no idea that there's with wine pigs right in, and so there is the reservoir right. We can get it out domestics, but you cannot get it out while population. So it's all
ways there. It's always a threat, isn't always an he explained. These image is something yesterday that that there's like a closed system with domestic pork, sure yeah. So back in the day everybody raised. their hogs out in a pastor, woven wire, that's no hardware, we call it lecture fancy arena rather robbing the whole thing and you heard as a kid a cook, your good support for a good report go wherever cook it good cook it. We don't hear that so much anymore, because in order to meet the demand those pigs been brought in inside and in raising confinement there there it's it's much it's much easier. You don't have to worry about the disease you'll have to you know you could monitor it and measure it in of your animals threshold or die, of course, the whole thing so so
when their in there they they're not robin noses or whatever, with thorough swine. You not transmitted disease out there on the ground or picking up those different nematodes or whatever it is we can go. it out now kind of a movement to go back to more of free range pasture fed type of of pork, which is you know, kind of a kind of a neat thing afaik, but, but booze. But you know those diseases are going to start popping back up. You know what you're going to get trick a gnosis people are going to get those different things because they're not cooking their pork so an ever incentivize people, especially where the control, the wild turkey. The federal swine sure yeah. You know, increase chance of exposure. Yes, absolutely
you're in the? U s, not right now I came remember what ninety some percent of trick noses cases are transmitted through black. Bear me here yeah Zola me. It was a way to get it out of black wreckers. No, so that that those diseases are the reason why we often get thee get the key question: why don't you guys donate the meat I know, there's a number reasons. We don't donate donate the meat of the of the hogs that that we capture and a number one is is disease issue. You know we worked for the federal, could you imagine if we'd donated terminal as la be sure to somebody and varied up trick noses maned its that's it. That's a nightmare but you don't be given people trick analysis to you, Gee whiz, handling risks. The o. The aid each state game fish puts out hailing written oak, wear gloves.
You know if you have cuts on your hands and you know, wear gloves clean. It wash your hands good afterwards cook your cook, your pork thorough. If it's, if it's a wild hog and cook and kill most all this stuff, a hundred per cent of the people are not gonna. Hundred percent could put the pork. Another reason we don't like to donate em, so to speak as it is. It gives them value in n, what someone gave starts receiving free pork. What's the incentive to get rid of that fork or want it gone, you know north. I could see that it would create like a earlier talking about michigan fusion, create Confusion confused her. So do you feel that they are not, that this is going on around the country, but do feel that its plausible there that in ten years ago, wow turns out your Missouri France.
No longer haswell, pics yeah. So, in in ten years, awful have while pigs or not, but I will say its relatively new and, as you know, ten fifteen years, so there populations are not, as did since they are in other parts of the country Again the misheard, parma conservation, rode up their sleeves and say we're gonna fix this and they put the real sources in end fixing matt and I believe our population, even within this short infancy of the programme, is starting the shrink. So what's going on the ten years. I can't tell you, but I know that we're doing good in areas that were work and they're getting harder to find or were getting more opposition from the people who want em witches in my mind good thing because it gonna. Oh, you know this is harder for them to hunt they're. Not able to do
with the have and move on and transport omen and all those things they ve done fur in untouched. For the last ten years, so yeah I think I think in ten years are- are six elimination areas are going to or may be for elimination area to yeah. How much does all this cost and everybody I mean like these decisions by people to take these? the decision by people to break the law in cut loose, feral swine right ones, being serving enormous burden on people, so the starter, say the starter money was from the the avis ferris one initiative, and it was too tune of twenty million dollars, and so that has been like, I said seed, money or starter moderates, each state runs a little bit different
program depending on on how the state wants the panels or what they do. But so start morning was twenty million. Now people have developed, qualms relationships like we have in missouri in other mark twain national forward. puts in a lot of money and missouri state parks, like I said, Missouri department of conservation army, coercive engineers, they're all throw money, report for the: u s day: aphis wildlife services, the higher trappers, and in do that work. So you know all across the street. Just in a just governmental agencies, there's no tell us the multi multi multi millions of dollars, not mention private people who are doing those types of things. You know,
If a member years ago, look at a map of the? U s and showed where you can raise cattle without supplemental feeding in those surprising surprisingly the place we can't raise cattle about supplemental feeding. Have you ever seen a map that has they were drawn up a map of? Where is it possible that wild pigs could get established when you factor in climate issues, I have a hard time picture in that Northern wyoming wouldn't phases. the brutality of quebec. You know they there they're all in canada, doesn't phase and are tough as nails. That's why, whether such a bad invasive wouldn't phase them good. I've seen pictures of a man, and you know in Siberia sure in run around and snow whatever. It's crazy here before
I do otherwise bombings, Firstly, I am a member. Member. That colorado feels its plausible. They ve already have their dear, but there's there's a difference in in it. Maybe you can speak to this may parkersburg this there's a difference like the michigan ones, The michigan cases want to be in these like isolated cases where some guys run in some little fake haunted place where you go and pretend that you're hunting a pig right in some escape like, a dozen get away, So I was, they all got misusing erewhile pigs, but it's Very isolated gets mopped up pretty quickly. You know it's not sorted. This readers have these populations that are naturally reproducing going on for many generations spreading around yes, he's like isolated blips, and so.
Yeah I have. I dunno, I'm not like a pig, a wealthy guy I've. I've enjoyed hunting them in quite a number of locations, but yeah. So I've made a picture then wyoming, it's open country tells us extremely cold, its is high, We the picture that you would. That did it's possible that a sounder would get a foothold. naturally reproducing not just be worthwhile. I doubt it was the question: can you wipe amount could they live their younger. I condemn I asked you different, they sure sure also the northern wyoming I've never been there, I'm guessing its open.
La roy perry- I I don't know airy aerial gunning- would be extremely extremely effective, end and yeah that it would be so easy to eliminate ver but could live thereafter perfectly fine new yeah, as evidenced by the fact like I said that I come from Siberia right. You know I. I know they are my counterpart in north dakota and they do feral swine work coming in from canada, lord Dakota yeah from the north. Young women are the influx us from the north. North Dakota gets pharaoh. Pigs, common front, only over here really sure what are they doing up there? Some opponents there, no water they eat. Their bags allayed anything roots, tubers eggs,
No one ever wild pigs cry agitator national borders. You're. Here, then, is that question regular, so ass? Our going is montana to right next door. So you can t ok, what's going on in the whole country! Well now, Ok, I know, what's going on, you know just by my counterparts in the projects they are doing so in the state, I only know, one for sure. I think on the top of my head, but like indiana, has outlawed the hunting of the pigs, They feel over there like that's working form they do and it states that outlaw hunting have recognized that hunting is an eye a wish. There were two different word than hunting out and we would like to say hunting, but its pursuit of
barnyard animals. I don't know they recognise. That is what exacerbates the problem. That's whether there that's why people move on that's where they want to do now: those states that don't have that culture then go. is banned, wild hunter burgos, whatever we will know it all now So it's it's a very effective way. To get some. really important legislation introduced everyone? I know that used to move fish around late too late and river, the river, if you told them There was a legal decision that speed fish in that lake, even though they haven't yet there have been completely de incentivize course to dump men there would you do. Sure, unless someone's like under the rule breaker anyway, man and a rule breaker I'll break the rule of putting them there and then I'll break the rule of hunting. Them goes back to the public, glance. I have you got a bucket, fuller. Whatever
in that guy. Like don't ever come to my pond and this neighbour over here, says everybody can fish strident pond man, you know same thing we're You go next. Where am I gonna go next year, I'm going home to finish my turkey sees no Bobby. What's your neck, like what like in a career like yours. What happens next, you didn't you after the order. Yeah yeah yeah not dig in Missouri emma I'm pretty mad at the pigs right now, so stick out here while see what happens in how many guys have out right now that, right now by me, how many guys or work in the pig problem so light what we go back to the partnership we in its this being looked at nationally, as as a good model or on how to eliminate swine and in those days
agencies about half of them actively have people out on the ground. Dewan dewan hog, trap and end we worked together, seamlessly m d c r parma, The base usda for wildlife service, mark twain, national forest are mccoy engineers, all those trees, there's no each other. There all communication to work around. So I you know have twenty twenty five or are so go on and in in D c. Has, however, many they have in mark twain, so you know, as far as people do actual trapping in this state. There are quite a few of twenty five trappers right now, what's a good year for those guys a good or a bad, the higher the numbers be the worst year by limiting raise it there. So you got one guy, you got one guy, they killed three pigs there, there half I've and I'm going to get beers because hey they killed three is that a ten to thirty percent of the population other guy in the
cross to stay till six hundred He has no idea, you know he just he just working as hard as he can so yeah. It depends on where you are man, you know, hey, there's, there's legendary pigs, hey, we finally got her. We finally did the word spread. You know by some food. male ride? Like yes lay you? How long have you been alleged? My voting here come your ears. You know, and you know you you'd you'd kill offspring and she'd still be knock and around you know and can shooter they had travelled yeah super super smarten and finally get her. You know it's Once you get home, you know you got em an and that That's why so important not to disrupt move view because of the fecundity. Parkes man you gotta, get em all you gotta, be relentless in you. You gotta stay on them and you now
The percent of our effort goes into five percent of the population. Is that last five percent That's the same thing. Remember when Steve kendra was talking about getting rid of those nuccio yeah same thing, he's like man. It was easy to get the first ninety five percent, but made that last five percent man. They had to come up with all kinds of different techniques. Yeah yeah people are talking about off the wall, stuff, you're gonna! Try it try it yeah, we gotta get her. What's like one of the most off the wall strategies, you can think of someone used to get a pig, I don't there's been all sort of beit lure attracted concoctions made up. I the generally killed by night, shooting hold an end generally, it's the guys that make the decision, I'm goin doctor and I'm not I'm not
gonna see the light of day. In till I do and they stay up all night and they d come the night predator. She no ill, and those guys are the main becomes personal with them. You know, as I have been after this animal for sale and want to do a good job and in some of our for so super dedicated and generally that's gentle. That's what gets the nocturnal you know. Guy it's being able to scratch an off the map, scratch it off the map. There's something to be said for that. You know that that dot's gone now that blobs gone. The blobs shrinking and we're doing we're doing, statewide in in and the feedback you ve it from. law from the land owners? Man? It's just. It's awesome be able to help them with that problem. Yeah. Can I see something has nothing to do with pigs, yeah.
You're saying that you grew up of one a segue into it, because you grew up with pig dogs yeah, oh yeah, I did, I I go there. That does not add to this that an effective tool to even use in these situations. I say this hot dogs are the most efficient way to wake up in the morning in say, I'm gonna go catch, one pig Now, if you show me a pig dog back and get sixty, do it wants a guy I'm saying in the thing the song of the hog dogs, but but no, but even when you got down to that one it that's it. We're looking at like that's, not really the way to go about it in Missouri? That's that's somethin that that we decided not to do in in other areas. They do you realize that too, and it can be effective up when you got one. Winner down to the last one right. You can use it. So we also you grow squirrel dogs
and then you imported squirrel dog tags. I did. I knew a play. that, isn't using it right. In the end, it is I'm. I bring your school dogs in new Hampshire, no, I caught them by surprise and they have those. You probably know about the red squirrels man like yeah. Those things are no good, the red squirrels. I know those well in squirrel, yeah, pints gross. You wouldn't want to taint a good southern squirrel dog on a red squirrel. So we we stayed third, the you can eat people said it. The It tastes like turpentine or whatnot cause. He eats a lot of pine. It's it's just it's bases. The squirrel just happens. You very small yeah, it's just small. world out there. I do you have. There are guys in Alaska that go on the winner in hunt, pines, girls, thee, pines girls have at times had for market value, there's been ties were now
paintbrush another usages when you could get like a book for a pine squirrel and thereby guys you know in the old days the olden days, but now and during the night, your appraiser in the nineteen hundreds when they're worth a buck a piece and people go stack up, hundreds of them as good money and make money on buck a piece pine, squirrels, but food wise anymore. I grew up when you, if you were out, hunt squirrels, be hunted gray, squirrels and fox girls. You would when he saw a pious grieving. after they be intermixed, you know yeah yeah. I dunno the dogwood differentiate between those I dunno. How they'd respond to it. I dunno either, but you know the pines. It was feisty yeah, though they pray on snowshoe hair lever. It's o! that immortality, study, snowshoe, airs and I think they found it the twenty like they of the ones they laws they found? Twenty. Seven of them are some sorry, the dentist, tell historian of the ones they are able to put trade.
The voices on twenty seven percent of them turned up in snow in squirrel. Middens pines grow men. Really. The hammer did not know that near her bird egg, snowshoe, hair babies, all kinds of them under the car like a cry, think of as across and was like a mink in a squirrel yeah like in their sort of ferocity and then the in chirp and twitter they do yeah yeah they'll come to get right in your face. Yeah they do yeah they'll come right down and get your face and get in your house. Yeah there's a hole there, a different temperament yeah, but they're kind of like electric with energy. You know not as majestic as a grey squirrel that as we well know that was majestic, but tell me about bringing Sport saw you in georgia, everybody scroll down, you're, so georgia alabama, mississippi. You know ace tennessee, there's lots. You know a lot more squirrel hutton with dogs that goes on ethics.
and probably pretty common, all up and down the east coast it over the gray, squirrels, aryan and but now adopt now a dog so much more ring squirrel dogs yeah So you making a lot of friends man when you bring squirrel dogs in Missouri, because we want to go home of the oh, yes great fun, but the squirrels not used to it like does it did? Did you find it difference like man. These squirrels are just not expecting no there, the so low that the squirrels or respond to the dogs. The same as a year than they do or they ve had many many years of exposure yeah. I don't know that they know it's a dog or a fox or a coyote. They just know that it's something I could eat them and they want to get away from it. Okay, so it wasn't like the it wasn't like the land of milk and honey when he first showed up with your dogs. Well, I it's a land and milk of milk and honey and as much as there's a lot more fox squirrels in Missouri than than an hour by hour more or are georgie s early on.
Grace eight moussa yeah, some of those big southern fox girls. We call them cat squirrels, you know those great big ones. Our various colours of the fox grows mostly red and and they seem to be, I dunno if they are not as intelligent as the grey squirrels and they sit out where the dogs can see oh man and they hang their tail down like a flag and and easy. Repair drives the dogs nuts. They can see himself vienna. Five years out that, like a like a sort like a sort of less cayley genus difference between greece and box girls. I was the kid all that that there is a difference, there's a distinct difference of keeping of caging us now it. I know that, like the micro habitats, they like or different correct for sure Then there's areas, I've honeyed words all one. There's areas unaware worth all the other, but where I grew up there is intermixed.
might be that down in the ravine bottom or are we get down there and be lot agree: is down there, then up top in open them? Trees up to see you got a fox girls, but you I think of look it up currency and want to each year and I've never detected like the one was I used to think we, like the fox girls. Better cause are huge. Yeah and the gray sky was at times like the barracks are more of a novelty, but over my life, gray, squirrels became far more prevalent. You could I I have no idea what that's attributed to. Why just watch that shift happen too. If you come in in that area, where I grew up to become like not nearly the fox girls is weird grey squirrels right and I don't think it's just because people were selective pressure from hunting. some running has no and I don't think he's very negligible squirrel populations. If any, but up here, you huh where people are hit, the mark right, yeah.
you know I am. I hung in I've never seen and another squirrel hunter in there, and I don't know that I think part of the state to people behind him a little bit but raymond in central missouri. I've never seen another. squirrel hundred, let alone a dog square hundred. Now you have got it, europe, otherwise public land, both public and private, was a good day a good day. I think our best a this year was maybe eighteen or so. How do you go home I killed two hundred and eleven this year, and so I've got them every way I can. My wife is had it with me and squirrel meat, logic of she's done, and you know my was children- grow, some rotating at the twenty gauges, and they follow around the great job, but I get
you gotta, be no law lot shot this year. A lot you your way for the kids, the old enough. Was twenty two I I am. I am an owner and your wife bites down into the into the number. Six is not count when you do you buy Dan spit it out and got shot. You know she looks at you like kiss the cook. That's right. Yeah mama gives you the evil. Look so he ever lead. Is that bad? It's like you know, I know have people. I know, have lost teeth bosses teeth, steel, shot, lead you, you don't wanna, be it, but it's not that it's horrible for your teeth. Is it as a waterfall but what are you guys fry it here? We fry We'll take it or media would cook it down, and pickets man you name it might gumbo jammed elia. We make every You're does your private you own, oh sure, of course, barbecue yeah gift,
warner, squirrels into fraser you're, coming up with different ways, come and is what our kids feelings about it as far as eating it near scarf down, Taking my little girl grace. She she knox it now, but they love it. I think is one of the most underpaid meets in the woods there. It's delicious No, no one who eats it was properly prepare. Stylish people are blown away by sure. movie any now, my beyond some labour, so almost and barker honorary membership to the rock amounts. found foundation. Yeah, yeah yeah you had started eastern ranch. The rocky mountains were foundation, Do you know who the fuck squirrels like when you autonomy it issued a couple of ici like stoke the you got a few facts: grass out the gray school right outside the gracefully as they like the like that
squirrels, the dog's yeah, the dogs locked the fox squirrels home. If you think your grace each burn a fox were all year or for sure yeah, you know what, or do you eat them enough that you can't argue with the size man? What what are I know, but the flavor and the toughness issue? I think that's a no I should voice because without resorting to you as our china, graham, which I think will from I think our young squirrels, if I have a pile, have only have three and whatever their arguments going bag. The volga, ten I'll, be like alright, or like the for old, tough bastards, yeah, no nuts as big as your thumb roles are going into the crock pot right and then I'll try to be like I. Those are look younger and I'll cook them on the girl, and they can be in that way, I almost trade, you, a mess of head shot, long gray, squirrels for almost anything else in the minutes that those are the points
now. Those always lies you other stuff to receive, though for sure idea. What do you mean turkey breast We are probably torch: breast shaded turkey, breast furrow for a limit of headshot grey. I understand the other straw words tat. I ve learned with the sheriff you through this of Jamie Oliver, the english kid now kid I'll use waste got this marinated some rest. Book I had his he's, got his marinate, like lemon and time and popped up time and lemon juice and olive oil. Whereas our new has taken the squirrels and taken a fork so absorbed skin a squirrel right piece it out and then take a fork. Back leg, I will jab that fork. Yeah a jew internet, twenty thirty times that backlog purchase completely perforate can
You won't, you really never know. The leg is now is full of holes right, It comes back together, sure, perforated a bunch of times and then take the back, the back straps and prick them a ton of time. and then marinated. It is cook him on a grill, its unbeatable, so nothin like slow, organ is, could amount to grow and in an eat meat off was never to the fox grow like that'll. Do you need to and then report back, because I got to do that recipe, as only grey squirrel areas hm yeah cause. I was doing that when I was hunting in new york state and new york state lottery eastern grace yeah I am now western rays. Are you a step on the tail and now yank aloft sky? no no tales get no doubt from the americans I am, I know a lot of guys who do I Sure you he added a passenger, but I thank you
get older and my strength goes and will have to tail skiing. But I have pants and shirt. Am I under, I feel pretty good he's a feisty occurred on I use a curt of its size. Worker, just one dog- I just have one. now I have some friends who are introduced into that. We hope together. So there get dogs too, thou other its its total. I and tell my friends at the farm conservation. There's three world dog man. Now, I'm sure there's others. I just don't know me know in Missouri and I'm coming for them to extend the season in a little bit longer. So do you think. grow, to regret, introduce nappies. Technology and not as keep quiet about it. Of course not end. You know, I know it's the kids, it's great great kid! I mean you, don't have to be quiet, you can walk around
you can teach him gun, control, walk into the woods cross and fences safety. All of those things is in horrible they're not reason their pet is there so they get the pet their dog. I got my grow dog. I grew up, do when it in and I got it for the children and it is I regret that the house dog or outside dog whale ashamed to say in the people that know me are gonna argon it it gets in my wife's bed it follows her around, now, not my bed. We sleep in zambia, but on all claim, as our bed She like a dog on my bed. I got it. You know, and I am going to get a squirrel dog and went and picked it up from a buddy in our alabama that grows them. Has some nice squirrel dogs had a pin
they ought. No all fighting nice channel. I thought was good, even put it up off the ground, so wouldn't be on the gravel hey by allowed on business, not been in pan once our friend I have. A murphy is telling me that he recently heard of a squirrel dog selling for twenty thousand dollars must be good squirrel, though you'd like to think when you yeah, I don't know that I've seen one that good, so you've got yours. When you have a squirrel. Dog was the minimal, my? U can harness and still have no what's up so have not to do. It appears on the dog amber. You know the more you have any doubt the better. It is for sure Well, let's say you live in a state where you can't hunt squirrels for for five months out of the year. You can still put them up. Cancer does not shoot. Okay. the I entire that now
What's enemy knows like a retriever. He if that that dog land on the floor there. If you took a tennis ball by the throat, he'll bring it back to you till he died, he didn't know why. this life. They just want to do so, so you can train. You can run run squirrels and in if you dont sheets well out of the tree? The dog doesn't get mad. He still thinks he had a good time. I loved it. Yeah yeah, my dog, particularly doesn't care Some dogs really want to get the squirrel. My dog, you know: what's the squirrels day at it, you could care less it it. The drive is the tree, another squirrel yeah. Let me tell you something: graphic, Ok, my our friend gave a murphy. His world are one of them. If the head, They all that's very calm and I had a dog jack that only wanted with golden head juice. They only one of these two here I don't know what
what that is, that is runs in squirrel day, just want to crush their head yeah, alright, yeah of other dog sick. Now I think it's just a normal dog has come and then did it just come out of the box want to hunt squirrels or did you have to. Sure I'll teach something now that you don't have to teach it much. now you mess with it and show squirrels and and bring in along in in, but it's anime. You know like a retriever or a point or whatever you know, they're they're bred to want to be tree dogs, and so that's what they do. Hard thing for me is to four initiate between yard squirrels in woods, squirrels. So in a moment, kids I've, seen the girls in the yard get away, wait for the firm believed, then those
in those then over the the dog's looking out a you know, looking out the window, just quiver quivering. You know you know going crazy and you know so, but it's fun, and then you keep a dog for hunting dogs too. I don't know just a squirrel dog and a score pickup dox yourself yeah. If I'm, if I'm enough to hear you do you view your because you grew up hunting and grow brown, that Do you view your work now as like an extension of that? Or is it just feel like completely different? It's like sister's work and then there's what you do for fun. It's completely different, but The reason I have this job is because of my love for the outdoors and hunting fishing in and so what what? What I do now the enjoy.
I get is saying that my work is going to the benefits of of outdoors benefit. A native wilder ecosystems in those those sources is an extension of of or like an ado that do good trappers when you have trapped work for you do all the good travers have a hunting and fishing background, or can you just or do you find people can t get it figure it out, even though he didn't grow up doing that kind of stuff, both yeah yup yup, there's no a lot of times ass. He grew up in gaol. Grew up do neuro a bit more familiar with it, but you know we ve had some people with. oh background whatsoever, and we introduce them and train them and, if turned out really top notch du jour and then the eu. that's all you found it on.
You have men and women the work on the trapping teams right and then do the people that trap. Do they want to stay with the four years, Is it like summer technician kind of jobs, both it's a it's, it's kind of like you, love it or you've you after you get a belly full you kind of want to do. Something else people who have done their entire career and that's all they want to talk about in its it's totally consumerism. There's people who do job and say ok enough of cop enough hogs, or ever goes whatever it is in there honor they move up into in a more of a biologist role. You know, and they work on on different things, and you know it's just natural progression. Is it hard to fill the position It's the reason. I'm asking all these questions that I could picture a lot of people that listen to this would be like man as the job. For me, yeah yeah, it's it's not
it's hard to fill the position at all so that it's very hard people want that work. It's very hard to get people to stay. Everything turns into a job right and so so they think they're gonna be out is tat good time, and if you hundred, if you hunted, if you hunted we don't hunt. We do control work. If you hunted pigs every day You got up and you went to work eight o and almost five o clock and you honey it's all day. Long you're gonna get real tired that really need not nearly as phone no yeah you any more questions I did have one just now and sharks can come back to me. Yeah cause. That's isaac, a one, a I started trapping muskrats and my brothers were young. As ten.
When I called my first maschera and I that I got and all manner you know I a trapped everything for trapping and stuck with it's all. Twenty two was set. My last when I set my last travelling to make ammonia now and I'll go get some for making the know half or my wife whatever, but when I found out about that? There was such a thing as like animal damage, control work for awhile. I thought that that was the zhao I was going for, like I would have been, would have in some other version of events. I'd been one of the people sending an application right to check pigs trap eggs remain. Like immensely appealing to me, I got eyes you wants with what the goes private guy organ colorado and we It is ten hours work in retail. You know. The details to have peace are some night, there's a piece joint right next door, want a few days later now. Jacked up, like
as you. This sounds great in all, learn all about this and he's like yeah. As you know, most of it's during, like September october november, and I was like hold on that's hunting season. I can be doing that nosy after probably mostly a lot lot of beaver work. You know beavers masses of me no job and our peoples pretty aspens in their back yards along all the creeks and car out a lot of that price and what kind of retail we do so on retail closed door. Accordingly, but remember my question kyle's or a kind of a new animal here, Missouri right now, they ve been around for quite a while, like well, then, a couple decades knew the renewed tonnes other places. I dunno so they were they've had for a whole year for a long time been prefer for quite a while will our kids here in the sixties seventies there their guides yeah. I don't been
long time. One is actually interesting. Kind figures is part of the world, the eastern michael, nation, but I got so far that we d have many conflicts, will Kyle's egos ill? we do have some some conflicts, nodded not as many as some of the western states, the sheep growers and in some other cattle bases are a lot of ours are urban conflicts? Couple get casket no seen him run around and in you know, coyotes can live anywhere and, and they do pretty pretty good every anywhere they are so and so yeah most of ours were probably urban You know they liked her for, while our services anyway, they liked that the airport environment, so we take some off of airports and in those I've of things, but not as big of an issue in Missouri
as it is in other states. Sums are department conservation. Does some kind of work not really are arena yeah Brandon. He must have been hanging out. But do you have? Any concludes a final things you want to ask about nothing to ask about, I think, just as a conclude or a warning to just kind of emphasize how complicated conservation is and people always attribute hunting to conservation, but I think in the case of the feral hog, that's the opposite and I'd encourage people, especially here in Missouri, to to not embrace that culture, because it puts in jeopardy the cultures that we truly should embrace like deer hunting and turkey hunting and squirrel hunting our native species that belong here on the landscape, these hogs don't and if you participate in that your abiding by something that is having a negative reaction on those heritages that we hold so dear dear
you're throwing away or jeopardizing like some deep traditions here and a functioning landscape yeah. It's it's hard to manage these forests. You know we don't we don't just let the forest go any more, there's a lot of work that goes into keeping these habitats healthy and when these hogs come in and you know, route up spring, creeks and and destroy species like the dragonfly. You were talking about barker and ruin habitat for other game species. that we do not have such immense value, not only recreational in this area, but economically, it's a bad thing. All the way around it wishes we'll get better sense. What kind of dent they put into turkey's you as ground nesting bird,
yeah. We hear we hear the order, it'd be so hard, look at that, but making the claim that you know that they eat a lot of the eggs, but I dunno, if there's parker's, have been a study done on that you're. Well, I'm sure yeah, there's, probably several studies, but it is as face id. Is it's a hog? Isn't it ace of species that doesn't belong here. So if it needs one turkey nest, it's it's too many sure there in a negative impact on on all of our ground. Nesting birds. I mean they route on the ground. A you know they take those They told us not only yeah, you know you think about it, not only turkey's or or quail, for instance, sir or Some of those other small. You know, birds that that nest low in the lands you know in the forest and destroy understorey. You know hogs, are having an impact on those as well so
like I said, is an exotic invasive, so ones too many done belong here sets not from here. Yeah, what's funny is that the people that are true and bring pigs in and promote. Pigs as a hunting thing, usually sell it as how their helping with the big problem right in you see all diamond go online and be like places advertising taxes is overwhelmed with hogs come down come. many rises offence, a operation, and there are actually am pigs right yeah, but people like that narrative sure I think it's well. I think it's I I got a bunch of theories on a thing. I've found is that- and this is my concluding thought the thing I've found with people the people who become curious about hunting, that people who grow up in hunting, culture and hunting can use of people who didn't grow.
Brown and they become curious about hunting and they were, find a way to know it's. Ok, but they desperately. On a girl, but they need be told it's. Ok. Those people are drawn to pig hunting. Because they feel like. Oh, you mean I can do this in no, absolutely certain that doing right thing cuts are not there now already educated on the fact that, by participating in licensed hunting, you're contributing immense amounts of resource in the wildlife, habitat management enforcement you know disease control, they don't they don't get that right. They need to know that, like that they're going to go like by taking a life there hoping everyone out and so on, and in a gale of spoke with people who are like come on, go home thing about doing hog hans. I understand how there like a non native
he's here all the time in its really gotten there in my lifetime. As this like a thing, yeah yeah. in the first time I ever step foot for summer ever hunted into place that had the possibility of having a pig, we're hunt. Dear but, I said premonitory say the whole time, pray and a pig cave you're sure I was way we're interested and now that I wasn't a dear as they might go a pig around the woods before the atlanta. Heaven knows about the bigger picture right. right any you know you were or were help and we're help and were help on. But you know it's a go back to the tv deal and they passed up three thousand and fourteen little little showed to shoot one
mature boar, which does absolutely nothing as far as population control goes. You know it's it's just it's it's it's in some, it's it's just it's so the force you know in some instances. I think I have a friend whose family runs cattle in northern california and one day I was asking her other who left behind, while picks out there, and he complains. But one day I was asked her father, I said: you could wave a magic wand and having all begone. Would you wave he thought about four minute.
And he's like, no, not all of them yeah. It was that he wants it his way. He was just not quite so many yeah, but not all of them right right. what is the currency zone shows you where they are all hanging out and shows you what they did bad here and what they did bad there there's some part of on the just. You know We have a lot of people just comes down for like a net to do a natural empathy to animals right like he does and look at it and be like oh yeah, even though I know all this about how bad they are wipe them out. It'd be If they were on this continent anymore, the others Maybe some thing, maybe some little nugget of goodness, residual light like some kind of goodness and people the judges A thing we ve learned is that of wiping. he's out isn't just like industry in general, Speed is not a good idea.
would carry that in and they don't and they're not interested in the nuance of it both funny to watch them wrestle with it for a minute- and you know it's like you can't be greedy, but in Missouri the goals clear it is, it is gone and then The law was the most likely source. Let's say no one brought one in my last question. No one's truck in a man no one's talking to me, they're still walking from somewhere right from where We have them in Oklahoma, So we have have monarch and arkansas. They can walk in markets. Have men in tennessee illinois done a good job, so our southern.
Southern brethren before I was born. My man was one while pigs in arkansas monday, so never gonna, be that this is not a problem which is gonna be on. That requires constant monitoring right in euros in an some states, their burn, a gay man and Ivan bryce there. So you know it varies all man yeah, that's right, that's right! so the only they little loon army tags by the biotech, new zealand chances. or they're not ever going to be all the way gone from california, but you know: hey I'll, tell you what people there love them hunters and it's kind of like it's been going on a long time. Cuba hunt pigs, yeah. There's people that that's kind of their main thing. They hunt in some of the forest Can I say this to you, but some of the fund is big. Hearted have both been california spawning stock, while picture yeah exist
come on. It's it's fun and draw up a adds. Its there's, no arguing. Thank you very much for joining us. Gloriously, Steve jones zol here the whole time will area concluded since he had said anything. I know because you never really, whenever introduced and by thanking my email gave chef Steve Jones has been joining us listening in well, I had is that all by plugin you, you post materials about wild game yeah, I've got to say that is kept killer. Noms dot com is just kind of a small little hobby website and nothing monetized or professional, but I just started kind of recording the things that I was learning about cook and wild game and enjoy. I checked it out a vouch for some good information on their killer, killer, noms, dot, excellent work. Thank you very much. Food
you got an opportunity to come and sing karaoke for pavarotti here so yeah I pass at so ok yeah, yet the java thought or question for our for our yeah- I don't I don't know as much about the the problem is as parker and brandon, but I have been written about it and I write about it. I'm an outdoor writer also and I would say, even though I have enjoyed a few hog haunts of heads to mama actually best hunts. I've had my life had been arguments but there is no doubt in my mind that this is absolutely the only correct waited with a serious conservation problem, a few approach it from a councillor, conservation or land ethic perspective. There is no the choice but eradication and look at it in here. Both ideas and you had at once. Absolutely it's this nice, the haunt just just nice edam with them, where they gotta go absolutely I got to go, go home whether natural or there were there, not
produced exotic, but the I could change one thing because I talked to a lot of hunters, though the the everything that the usda Avis is doing a great everything that the Missouri department conservation, his great except they haven't so explain the idea about why they have banned hog hunting on their own NBC, lance missouri department conservation and that people that that aren't fully coached up on all the details it is kept, intuitive. They do not get it Brandon, and I talk to a pilot couple away. it's ago who was coming in for a landing over a couple of feral hogs on the runway and he was railing at us about. Why would the department of conservation say you can't shoot the pigs? You know that's just counter intuitive, even though it's the right thing I just wish they were doing a better job of explaining and selling it to the public. Because you know that they have had several these podcast and webcast in an call in type of thing, In the end, I think
getting the word out. I I I I did with the in as much as they there try and but to get, everybody educated in people have to educate themselves to some extent you know and in your right it is counter intuitive in its difficult the sale, but you know I I I think we're. the programmes in its infancy. If you think about it, you know we ve been try new to limit for us wine for really, three years we in a hard core think as time goes on net it. I think the word it out. Everything takes time and that messaging, you guys know this probably more more I do that the messaging is hammered over and over and finally it takes hold nose like Put your seatbelt on thank percy about on turkey. S say battle, perceval. Finally, burners about on in and you didn't tell on their journey. They put you see about on pay, hogs bad. How bout?
another euralia will eventually lead to a certain amount of garlic public. Shame like the more it gets out, the more that are engaged in other bodies might be like an old man which price cut it out. Yes, Tell him both ways, though there was just a proper, and a meeting down here led by a local stay representative bringing together people. You know talking about the arrogance of the department, conservation and the fact that they would ban hunting. Look at our depart The conservation is now siding with anti hunters mean the propaganda machine is, is another huge roadblock to making this happen, and now, of course, everybody with social media can spread just completed, half truths and miss truths, and you know it's it's fighting to battles its fight in the eagle, logical battle in its fight in the social battle and trying to get people to buy in to what needs to be done to protect the resources the good job steve. Thank you stirred up a whole bunch of you like.
pig. Why sunrise still mud. I mean very much for coming on that. A lot of those probably are taken away from your main thing, you'd like to be doing not too much now right. Now we can't turkey hunt after this right We've got to get that change yeah after one o'clock, and squirrel season should go on after february fifteenth for how long tail the day before turkey season okay. Well, that would mean it's only close. what right correct, etc? All your squirrels join it thanks.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-03.