« The MeatEater Podcast

Ep. 100: The Powerful Joe Rogan

2018-01-22 | 🔗

Los Angeles, CA- Steven Rinella talks with the powerful Joe Rogan, along with Janis Putelis of the MeatEater crew.

Subjects Discussed: Trees of questionable integrity; Joe's obsession with archery; open loop systems and managing a mindset; recreational outrage in America; vegans; throwing out false bait; sharing photos of dead animals online; moving the needle toward a pro-hunting place; predators and surplus killing; and more.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The shirtless severely wounded, in my case, unaware of the meat eater podcast. You can't predict the first. The first thing I want to talk about that has nothing to do with you, Joe rogan, but you might appreciate it. No, it does have to do with you and I'll get to that in a minute. A guy wrote in yesterday set as an email, do name rusty down and taxes and he's lit a id was dick in iran are on our website in realized, upon a Recent history, sambo Hon and you say, is a real shady tree like while a tree of questionable integrity, so I had in and
pakistan? The insured is like the sound of a generally knows. Well, the sound of a tree falling. Yeah but he thinks the trees born, Over the music, so you panics realise histories not fallen, but then he's looking for the treaty that is falling and is it going to fall on em, before you realise that the path guest intro- that's Larry's, another to our things that had to be last night. I read that in and out my brother calls me all body of ours that my brother's house in. This body of ours years ago. We were Cathy gale kind base out of the same house doing some hot and one day he leaves before it gets light out to go hunting, but then comes back, it is not even light out yet but he's got a dead deer.
And he said oh yeah I was driving now and the guy in front of me hit a deer this truck so rather than going hunting. I just took that deer and tagged it and brought it home. this guy this year is hunting and he's hunting. In a field by road and his? in a book. praying for the bark to come in bore range of em. At one point, the book walks the other direction. Steps on the road gets hit by truck while he's watching it. So he ate that book. Yeah watched it happen. I liked that some state agencies allow you to do that to tag a deer that got hit by a car, because you talked about that in the podcast. To like the I, the odds of someone purpose, driving around trying to hit dear, like the eyes of success, are so low. It's almost That goes thing to consider in the risks are high, and I don't want to go into too much detail. the tumor data cause I'm the total.
Not legal method, take. The auto. That's what does not like talkin to greater detail about where it has happened. There thinks I'm not sure I feel it he's got the moral right morally he's right when we used to we used to salvage roadkill in montana, when it was illegal to sell with roadkill, because I was It- was calicoes civil disobedience always wanted to go to court. an answer. Yes, your honor, I a dead dear. I found on the side of the road guilty as charge just as it all right. Just make viper then in any they corrected it in michigan, your is called the cops If he wanted you to hit one side of the road, you call the cops they just come out and give you a permit for it. You know you were talking about this earlier, but isn't it interesting that you see different states with, like educated and understanding hunters,
that are a part of the community versus like say, what's going on new jersey with a bear hunt thing with the governor comes along and says we're going to start new jersey, the highest population, a black bears per capita or per prager in the state, apparently is overrun with blackberries I've friends live. Then they go. It's crazy! I guess you ve, seen the videos them fighting a neighborhood yeah big one. The brown bears duking it out in the middle east, straightened car stop in the knocking over trash cans and they're everywhere, This governors just decided he's gonna, go full greeny and At the bear hunt we need to start like it actually ran on it yeah. It kills me. How are you going to control the population? Chris Christie's popularity level has gotten real bad towards the end they're just looking at polling data from new jersey, but like he had always stuck up for the you know, he'd always stuck up for the bear hunt, but you know it's like. I feel bad, for real bad for the guys new jersey in, and I would do anything to make that the governor how in two to suffer politically but
the the way that people go and stake out. The you know you gotta, like take your bear to a check station and people are going, protest. The czech stations near take I'll take a lot of fun out of it. The ants no fun here, there's something barbaric me. You said a best charismatic maid of honor, for what new jersey too, is had that the season went away because the other bears had been just in terrible shape, and so Well, they couldn't have. I mean like like many many places for a long time concert, couldn't support certain hunting seasons and then they eventually recovered bears to the point where they're like we, the a prominent haven't enough bears now, Problem of happened by many estimations to me, he bears but the minute you, The minute you lose it if you lose a season is harder to have come back for its for something like that. You know like even play. there do like elk recovery there some states who want to recover their l current bring new elegant.
But they don't want to do it until they can put in place absolute language around how the fact that this is gonna be a hunted population, but who knows in cases where you re established a herd of Elk and then get thing like. Ok, now, organ open hunting season in people flip because I wasn't that way before so now they want like make sure like- and I hope just so everybody understands oneness recovery happens and we reach a cover recovery objectives. There will be a hunting season, because it's difficult. sometimes is difficult for people to get used to the fact that you gonna be hunting, something that you didn't hunt before, because they can't picture it being sustainable if it used to be that there are enough of them, wasn't it thing with wolves like when they reintroduce walls to yellowstone, they had a number that they had sat. Where was a viable,
population right, yeah and anything above that that would open up a season and then they just kept moving the goalposts, and while they knew that anything, there was never. I dunno there was never. I don't think it was x. I don't think it was explicitly in the recovery plan. hunting with open, but it was in the recovery plan that they reach the recovery objective. It would or to state management. Now. May people know what then, is gonna mean, but it wasn't like enables our hutton, Stay rather more people join up the same with the reason crazy delisting in the greater yellowstone ecosystem is like one or not wonder, no longer eligible for federal protection was that population a bears is not because, they're gone far above recovery objectives. It will go to state madge people know what that's gonna me. So that's it. He also- and in that case their correct, though populations, but mostly or don't actually know that you're soon what is a thing when it got when we went to deliver the eagle,
the ball eagle. Everyone was real happy now was suing to keep the ball eagle. On the endangered, because no one hunts eagles, because there's no risk of human exploitation cause historically and culturally. There's just like people, don't want eagles the reason people that are fighting the the delisting decision walls or grizzlies they're, not argue, recovery. One summer But mostly they're trying to use that argument as a way to prevent the possibility of human exploitation of the resource, Jordan, german. Why do you? Why I know the answer I want to hear from you we've talked about bowen hunting, love love, it dear love, it dear and guns is like now
also do what is with you now I don't think you'd like an anti gunnar, but the talk to me like when you dipped into this We did a nun Gettin exposed like walk me You gotta you discovery of our dream, What I mean like what grabbed you? Well, I started, I started doing archery long before I ever started bowhunting. I bought a bow just on a whim me and my wife and my daughter went to archery shop just for a goof, because you were fired up about that movie where they all got to before that, though your hunger game now is before that. I bought a bow and I bought a target and a hat in the backyard and I shot at a couple of times didn't know what I was doing poor technique. You know the whole deal: okay, but but indulge what was it about bows just like something to do so you is it like cause. You like shooting pool
yeah, maybe there's a little bit of that just the archery just seems like something fun like it's fun, to hit a target, it's fun to go to the rifle range and shoot just shoot paid. Yeah, it's fun right, and so then I thought of it as a weapon. Now not really now now was more like for fun tar, and then I met campaigns, and I had mama gas and he brought me a hoyt and he can if my backyard and shown me how to do it and then I kind of got into it and then I really got into it and then I met John Dudley and John Dudley started. Give me like real serious, like archery advice and explaining the Britain's of structure and stance and technique, and then I got obsessed but if you are hunting yeah yeah, it became like martial arts. This is what it is and became like a a thing where you realize, like oh there's, like some serious levels to your ability, and it's all about how much time you put in and you could see the improvement with every. With this
but when it is a direct link between the amount of focus, the amount of energy put into it versus the amount proficiency that you observe in Egypt keep getting better and better at it and there's a long long long, road like it's, not sonny you think seems like it should be, but just the the act of releasing an arrow with away. You know, surprise release its very difficult thing to do at all. Became a girl sort of a mental mammals, meditation thing mental exercise, no one Add to the fact that you can tell something needed with that became very excited. Have you have you in your life? Have you moved into and out of passions obsessions obsession, yeah yeah, we're gonna one. Do you like used to you. The superbowl yeah still do don't do it very much balkan wars. Like do you. Imagine as archery different, or do you think
Is it plausible that in five years. We, like man, was I in Bonn now now real, Linda, no thrown darts No, no! No, no did it the arteries. The bovine thing is for life, the other ones deep, It's deepen the dna because you're getting food from it. It's like way more intense, like a ball going in a whole, doesn't mean shit must decide. It does in porn, like the all the money's on the nine look, you made a decision that all the monies on the night. If you are stand there and you know. two on edge? Mule? Dear comes Out of the trees and its thirty yards away and your centre in your parents files, you like holy shit, you gotta, try, keep it together, release that era, that's real and that's in tents. There's no is no added value to this. You know because you ve decided that you're playing in a torrent, a mentor
I like this is a big game. This is bragging rights. No, this is this. Is a life or death situation with this wild magician, take animal and you owe it to the animal to have a certain amount of proficiency. and also you use. We want to make sure that you pull it off. You know you could hit that target if it wishes to target. Can you, a target. If it's a deer of a lifetime standing right there can you do it and there's when you do do it and then you want of eating that thing. Like that's, I said to you when you first in montana, and we're we're eating that dear of the fire. In our annual like decent, can be home up with honour percent, unlike as soon as that dear hit the ground, and I was- doing us forever, You know I want to get back to the to the idea of. Why can you hit the target, but you can't hit the yeah animal I want to talk with. Actually, like you have like you'll, probably have helpful opinions about it.
Somehow I think, there's a link there between how many times you been hidden faced by people, but I haven't had his fantasy of the view. Could rewind human history just take it at some point and like let it run through again, just to see what things happened, what things were inevitable right and what things were like a freak, yeah We backed it all up. Ten thousand, seventy thousand are unjust let it go and be like I can realise kimberly, they want a flute. Broadmoor too, was right even come close to that on the second time through fishes, always reinhard right at the fidgit spinners air, so yo certain fashion things as they use. That is a no win the world over the hit again break is ready to consider kids. You know about the disbanding sure. I know, though, in my Spare me,
if people were going to see big animals walk by and want to put a projectile behind their shoulder blade. Yes, one hundred percent to eat them. That's why, like that, feels to me, like some kind of It was a nice about inevitable. There's, never there's an inevitability by hunting that are now how many times you rewinding it would we would. Finding ways to do it, you look a little different, but the the the basic groundwork would remain in tat. Well, it's almost unfair to use the hunting in that sort of model of liked redoing the world all over again, because human beings there's a lot of speculation. The reason why our brains doubled over a period of two million years, because we start eating meat because restarted hunting. We started figuring out ways to kill animals. We start- Looking these animals, we had more access to vitamins brains, grew larger for a variety of different reasons, but most of it is connected to the idea of us. Being hunters is impossible. That is impossible to soil,
to know the hours of answer, but I've even seen am I right, Well, there's someone I books, I think we're and anthropology partner. There are some anthropologists who speculated that even the idea of language was probably a meter. Their hypothesis was that language was an offshoot of coordinating hunting activities that it would happen five years is instrumental thing you need to figure out how to do is very difficult and we start to see than human Restart see these ideas of of plans of people coming together to do like collective work similar, like bulls or group on the design. that was sort of Do they have been an early impetus to be able to discuss? drag notions, your there I'll go here and that it be not really fourteen humans start to interact make long term plans I was signed in, This was my with Chris tabled yesterday, we're talking about fishing and that there's a thing that happens when you catch of fish or it triggers these ancient reward systems. In your body, like a seat of my kids, the first summit
insufficiently though, and you gotta you guy, it is There is a like a reward system because of you could catch a fish that means you're gonna eat like you, ve got one we ve got food, it's time to celebrate. Will we did it in theirs is huge Huge rush of euphoria and happiness, it happens. You mean like five year old kids. I remember my daughter was like for when she caught her first fish. couldn't believe it but our hold onto the rod. She's got this vision or eyes are white like like saucers too so happy knows this ok, this is like in your system yeah, whereas the acute it doesn't get excited about catching fish as, unlike parents are, you might like it that get checked out. Our may see how it, without any, provoking immediately or like how we could get. When are we going to cook eight yeah? When are we going to eat it? Like you, don't have to start ass,
the questions about that and provoking it. That's like the next thing out of their mouth. It's like holy shit. I kawa now a chinese art market and letting something go is yeah, but I'll talk about anti america. He catches, a cricket in cricket, goes into a bucket. I'm gonna kill us. Let the cricket go the cricket lives in atlanta. Now you think your kids have yours This is of this like a serious idea. I understand entirely where personalities come from. Stand like how much genetics get transferred the parents to the child, but there's certain trades that my middle daughter, my nine year old, has that are Undeniably, me invasion obsessed with things. I shall do She we were coming home from this, so we're staying resort and we had a maybe half a mile that too the place where we stand, she'd cartwheels the entire way cause she's with cartwheels like shit,
backhand springs in the middle of the house and you gotta tell him you gotta, stop doing that like stops like okay, okay, one more and she's she's fucking, nuts and mike That's me. That's me. If I was a nine year old girl not know that we are in a as my bow and arrow me, like I told her to be like this I've letter just be whoever she is in my young his daughter has none of that she's, not that at all, but when your son, is around you you know, and obviously your brain is an your dna is filled with hunting. your knowledge, your experiences, how much expect how much of like what gets transferred from your dna to your children is you experiences in your knowledge and what you have accumulated, all all the things that even counted in your life and how much does that transfer to be some, they don't really know dear. I wonder about all the time and in A second eighty mention is team forests.
friends, say to me like what are you gonna? Do your kid? Doesn't a lighter your heart as much as you do, I often point I will not many people. Do if you, nor the ones that do I by normal, so there open to the idea that that's true, that would happen. They won't be upsetting to me, but in the case of my older one he is fascinated by loves it. as what he wants to do. I don't know Maybe I subconsciously have treated my daughter, different lee, when we ve out our having a daughter, my wife made of encourages like this I'm gonna, be like a boy's club? the han invasion stuff is not a boy's club. Our daughter is
one hundred percent. Equally, there was no I'm I'm on the look out for you like favour our son in this world and it's not gonna fly ass. I have tried very hard, not you bye, bye, she's not as far as he is right and I don't know so subconsciously. Sending a message This she's not as fired up so yet there is different One thing me and my wife done really well- is his letter kids do whatever they wanted like? What do you like? just pretty that not try to push them into something that they like to try to figure out what you like, and I get em try explain to them what I do for a living that very few, I just do what I like- and you can do- that we have to pursue that like really early on, has to be a part of your brain. Give your your mindset has to be like. What do I like to do? I'm going to go? Do that now I will do the same thing that I don't really want to do, because I know that maybe that'll pan out better, but now, just figure out what it is you like to do pursue that and you'll be happier yonder severe night, you we're gonna, go britain
in my daughter bombed out were either and it made me you start, haven't feelings about my daughters, if you're like me, I'm real nervous, but one that happens to me or something like that. Yeah yeah, They do? No yeah there already doing about how you guys are yeah. She did bail out for no reason he bailed out on the trip to see my doing what is at last minute I'll go I got all the trends for yeah I mean that's: ok, sweetheart income. Next time, welcome anytime, you know it the idea that my boy would like bail know where I was like. Yeah, there's something I've thought about many times. I will get guilty conscience and not go. When I was a kid, I really felt bad. I felt like. I would feel a sense of shame Everyone was gone. hunting or fishing I didn't go with
again at even today point where we are wake up very early to go out and sit trees, dance for dear and my My bedroom is on the second floor and I'd be looking out on these. These old trees are just like so close to the window. Then almost like scrape the house and when you long ago off I would look, kind, kinda, hoping to see that the trees, but just weapon in the wind. I knew the old man would call it I can go to steal wage and wendy. and out wake up looking black ashes, not windy, Sunday gotta, I feel so bad for, haven't feeling it was a good deal thing I was put into me because if you got caught like if it be your ass. You get caught watching tv like the old man. I caught you watch tv. You absolutely can be put on a short list. Tour. He take like a legal pad and a name chores till he hit the bottom of the legal pad really
lot of george you couldn't wants tv. If you get well, the car watching tv you at the charter list, if you're out hot invasion, he was. That was the number one that, like that's good, every other thing I will make you go, do chores. Why? So that a good and still that I haven't tried to make it just seems a little bit like prone backfire my father, russia, but he raised, you will like the YAP work for him get too get to work The hard hit It is exactly like you sort of a student of the mind right. Why, the different that hit somethin. living than it is they had a target was bow his people there Consequently, you understand equality, its pressure. It's the same thing is fighting. There's a lot. people that can fight. in the gym.
Get him in a jam and their there there with people that they know and they spartan looked like a world beater within you put him in. It was a world beater, meaning they could beat everybody in the world. Gotcha world channels up fight expression. you get them in an actual competition with some stranger you know the pressure of it is too much the presently the they can't man's their mind. A lot of it is managing stress consequences possibilities, probabilities and then in managing the idea that there is going to be, consequences of a failure and did what what could go wrong. You could get knocked out, you could get be. You could get humiliated and all those things it is overwhelming. They dwell on the negative so much they can't handle. It is just a matter of being able to maintain a mindset under pressure think that all those things whatever you do whether its life performance, redo accent of comedy, show, or you know, archery or fighting it's like
The thing that they have in common is that there's expectations, there's there's, there's, there's a high levels of stress and adrenaline and nerves, and you, to be able to manage a mindset in the middle, those and that's a big thing when an animal comes out because one of things like theirs, parallel with shrimp playing pool when you paul. You should never think, If I don't miss a shot. You do you gonna fuckin, miss you just gonna it. You can't think that you can literally, cannot think that you mean like, let's see if I make it can do. You mean you might make it one out of a hundred but by really believe that the vast majority of times, if you go into a shot with that mindset, you will make and this is like taught this way- billiard academies, theirs a mindset, that's taught, I guess very similar to archery in
you have of fundamentals. You have technique in position, but then, when you imagine and visualize that shot you mustn't visualize that shot going in the perfect hit follow through and just go through with it, but that's all the god of factors that could screw screwed up is all these nerves had come in and you have to learn how to manage that mindset. It's this one thing with bow hunting go hunting. I remember the the first time I shot and animal with boats likes like did. The consequences are so grave. You know you Is razor sharp brought at your opponent? albert, just centering the pen you're looking at you like. When am I going to do this? I'm going to do this now? What? If I miss? What? If I fuck this up like what is this, these things, you have to go now, no known just go through your check. Last saturday, peep, make sure you have your anchor points and plays make sure your hands, not grip and death grip. Gotta go through this whole line of thing, there's a great webs
I called iron mine hunting with his guide, Joel turner, he's a sniping sniper instruct all you know my body mass elliot, Just tell me about this and trying and talking to me and yanni about going to meeting with this guy are going to do some of the sculptures to say it's gotta be the same. Gotta be the same. Guy used to a podcast with him is great. He does a lot of podcasts, but he's got one our website that'll take. Through like, because you know heat, He trains, people that are you no fucking clear in buildings and shit? He each He trains, people that are first responders. He trains. Police force people and its about being able to stay calm under pressure in the different train. Closed loop systems and open loop systems in the mind, meaning that you know you you could you gotta be able to stop it at any time. You can't like, like a bat, you start swaying and about the balls coming this you're, not a step in the right
when you draw back about you. It has to be conscious. You have to be able to go, you have to be let down you have today want to know like when the shot is bad ones, not breaking any gotta. Be able to execute said to the point where you really legitimately get an has opened eyes. Then which one it is I totally I get very the. I think It's open by angry that it's all into its open to the two to being in chain. Jasper, interrupts realities, open loop. I think that I hope I don't fuck this up. The sea jamie simulate fed up. Didn't you open loop and closed loop system, so the first I happened to you: were you able to maniacs? Luckily yet idea, but I recognise like whereby no tat is a lot block to think about here, how all of europe forty five right, so It has all been after that I was like gone through a lot of other shit before that was difficult. But then I,
I recognize. I go great welcome to my next obsession because now I'm fucking balls deep in this. I just get so obsessed with it. I remember getting like get it narrowed down to one side I was going to I felt a little bit like a luxury to do at all when you're older cause. You have more have over your my your mind when I should My first dear sugar not a bow ashes. A couple of days beforehand, I'd miss the dough with my bow, and it was, I mean the arrow had fallen off. My rest, I was shaking so bad, like literally it hit the ground. You know the leaves- and I put it back in, John DOE ever anything about that moment, usually like the nose like went over back to me in, but the same thing two days later, with much with the shotgun it was so dislike. Oh, my god. There's a dear bang, bang bang in that, while it the eight on the ground dead, like as a kid
I dunno I feel like I was probably closer to twenty five years later until I was finally like, oh starting to think like you are, you know when you're like oh here's the moment when shit starts get crazy, and I need to pull them again, rear and inserted think through the process. My early rig that I started. I miss my first deer with a bow when I was little. I remember I missed that one year before you are allowed to hunt. I miss my first year. The bow when I was eleven in the bow season was still there was a compound, but just had a stick on you flip. still like a little wire on add here the path that you would stick to the rise of the bone algae rest? We shot with finger tabs, nope So dislike shootin, instinctive with fingers but he basically was shooting like a week or perhaps we combine some guys still do that. Yeah! Oh yeah! It's! be like it's a great compromise yeah good argument for the guy was saying one thing about how much more flat,
combine both shoots, then a recurved I give you just have the same way as all the time and you get used to it a gear if you're going to have a pretty good sense of where that thing's going to go based on just eat like the same way. You have a feeling you throw a ball with eyeballs gonna, go yes a break. like now as a people, either they go to extremes. You know like okay, I'm done with all his tech. Don't technology, I'm goin stick bow, out in the district down compound, but I got to be where the one I would shoot at a deer with my bow after I got to be where I knew what was going to happen, but you talk about europe. on a platform in a tree in your shots, twenty yards less from the base, a treat by god be were wasn't. It. Will I wasn't hale marian but then, when I started encountering Elk with bow, everything came, undone and even not even to screen, and but even oh, really, just because they're, so big, just big and you're on the ground, I think, being on the ground with them and they're so big,
the meeting so much noise accommodating towards a noise. They may be with a hammer beyond the girl friend of mine and we're has an outcome, Not even then I retained out the shoes on these outcome enough in this ball eventually comes up the easy shot. Direction here screamin. She never. in polar bow back in the l stood there stood there and walked off and she looks at me. Look on her face like holy shit and never even thought to draw the bow wow but I had a similar thing and I remember I couldn't get the shot opportunism blown the first? envelope, a blonde blown and when I was reviewed my mama, I can't remember, shooting eventually force myself like our own Here's have what these stickers on the limb have on the riser by bowl. That said, stay calm, pick a spot. Now that you're going to remember to look at the sticker or you just like help get that you had?
again to be worth. If I can remember one thing: why pull back can get myself to think of one thing, and I got my head like lift your elbow, lift your elbow because I knew that if I thought to live my elbow all the other stuff, a ball in place, the first boy I killed. I was going down the hill and I could see a cow bed down in front of me and I'm well shit. Now, I'm stuck, I knew the bold thou lower, but could move bore, came up to her pulled I remember the first time ever had a mountain like lived, your just lifted, elbow and do thou art. Took two steps and fell over. I thought was hallucinating sounds like something must be wrong with me cause I swear. It has hit that bullet fell over dead like better, like check my vitals there's. It just took One conscious act in that. So the brig,
soon because that's a normal thing for you right! This hunting experience is a normal thing for you. Imagine the average person who works in a cubicle who drives in traffic who deals with nonsense. Corporate office bulls. and human resources. Imagine that experience how alien that is, the intense pressure of the moment. All the stuff running through your head, trying to manage the adrenaline securing the shot the average person has No connection to experience, but I will like if having no connection to it were. Could it be that if you don't care is not scary. Yes, well, it won't be as nerve racking if you don't care for sure I don't want it that's what my brother you're going to care my older brother, we what he dislikes about when he messes something up. As he's like I I'm so susceptible to lost.
Like I lost, but I want their both so they're here so bad that something like some weird like synopsis system falls apart, and I can't get it to control the lost he as you know it one a little less. You would do better. That's the same thing with fighting. Now you have to be able to to be able to be then in the moment and manage all the pressure. That's what it is, the privilege you want it. a bad that you're you're out of composure. You're, not you not come! oh do not together in that situation. So it is You feel it getting on your experience, fighting. Change how you look at it that you been hidden face much and had does dealt with saddam fear in an foremans, I think, hopes for sure. I'm used to be nervous I got the nervous at everything, so
why can't I know how to handle this and know what nerves are you still get nervous, walking out to do in front of big audience? Yeah yeah. I still get a little nervous Could you is another question I like them. I think about this. When you talk about the consequences thing, Can you stand firm immune to your act? Now I don't know because no consequence yeah well, it's just not not beneficial. Does nothing good or not. That is decided that fuels awkward issues gross staring at yourself talking just be to where it is too. Like I'd be too two aware of how goofy it is to stand firm front of you, gay The comedy is a weird thing that you kind of have to practice. It in front of an audience is really the only way it goes. I right during our rights hollow and then But basically the writing is almost like it. Just a framework scaffolding and then I go stage those ideas and I have to flesh mount freedom alive crowd when you, when you right comedy? Do you
writing how, when I imagine someone who deals written word right. but he's sitting there writing or is it just a year, always writings you it's in your head, nice sit down right. It down on a lot on laptop I have graham calling you right out. Like dialogue, yeah yeah, why most time a ride out like as a form of an extract bits from it, right room to know right, room now, pretty cool, it's a software that blocks out. Everything doesn't give you access to your. You don't have oh yeah, sorry, I didn't know about this. So it's black and then the the print is green. Like the terminator, like the matrix type shit and I like that, because it gives me this complete site, there's a version of a fur windows to which our occasionally is occasionally I windows, but what I do is I write everything as like. An essay
then, once I'm done riding it as an essay, then I go over it and I try to figure out. Ok, where are the poorest? where the, where the bits in here. Well you're running into yourself. I'm just writing. You know says what it looks like yeah and was program called alright room. how long how much time goes by between when you first have to drive around or ever an eagle eye cause funny thing that has passed through my mind. How much time does it take from that for that to become a joke, for that to be a good thing, that the law is delivered to an audience. Sometimes instant, sometimes I'll have an idea that it's almost like a done bit like I'll go on stage with it it requires very little tweaking so it gets there no, I have the idea had us all ebay scene. I bet that bit that I hope
It is to do about visions. Like how long bit about visions about a beat visions, always liked to say humans are the only animal drink milk of another animal miguel. You know what else only people do fly. planes, make movies college other than the foam tell each other. How awesome milk is like stupid, fuck and pointed at Bear all this: it was a long chunk and it all came out of like one conversational ahead with this one proselytizing vietnam's like this is such an annoying conversation d. Like you, haven't done both sides. This conversation, you haven't done the response account of the people. Look at this again. You ve just got this idea in your head that every things like you and you get to push this thought through and that bit came like literally, I wrote it on a plane and it led to went from the laptop too, being on commie central all in same form, but as always, have the pass through the laptop. The pill lapse,
is not required. Sometimes I have an idea that never hits the laptop and then I just bringing up on stage like our brain I'll start work and with it and then I'll tweak announced agent, and but I always have to write it out. On top of it too over the last three years of modern I've modified my technique in one things have realized, is that the best way to to really refine the beds is to do and then once I'm doing them. Even if they work on stage, then I take them. and I sit alone with dumb with the lab and a re write, em and every one of my two different angles. I'll I'll, say, ok y know become out from this way. Let's go from another way. What school you already got this bit? We got this the premises already lockdown in this form of her it's already functional, but we'll see what happens if we come at it from this way, let's see happens. If we come from that way and then
Sometimes I take a little piece of that and I'll take a piece away from the other one, and although this peace fits better there and its a constant, buddy struggle of light, editing and observing and just to be objective and gone back and try it again and trying to I've tried hard trying to slow, trying to fast gotta figure out where, where works the thing you do you gotta, be aware of it. Were you by your audience into little, let's just say Was it you decide for a minute ak are you're going to hack on, like the republicans and then other you know you don't do like republican bit, belichick say you're. Our republicans from it. get like a certain of segment of your crowd colleague, loving below here in the ship. And you're gonna turn around and quickly flip something and attacked zack opposite there.
Feel like I've seen you a couple times where I feel like he almost, Throw out like a false bait. when you used to have used to have the ether if the false bay and it gets like some guys in the crowd ready to go like they're like I can't wait for coming next he's going to attack, the thing that most annoying to me in life but then use like pounce And go the other direction and just annihilate the idea that year hope that their hoping you're gonna pursue you keep in mind the balance so yeah you have to buy wigan dies dog on lead when you gotta go first of all, because I'm a guy and because of the type of guy that I am, I have to go hard on guys, first, like over the top, It can be no doubt at all that of just how much you law every fucked
thing about being a man has to be just beaten down, expose even exaggerated, and then you can yvonne too late. Now, ladies, have it you have to have you see my news beset when I was in seattle, so I've got this whole chunk that I'm doing on that. You know this team thing. The people do or just only the people here I'll tribal, like women, want to stick, like there's a lot of women that I had conversations with women where they failed to wreck as the hillary Clinton was a terrible cannon. for president new. They failed to recognize because they wanted a woman in their so bad and like that is so tribal. Might this woman first about doesn't care about you? She didn't port gay marriage until two thousand and thirteen she's fucking politician she's, is dirty as they come. She did these speeches for bankers wish we hundreds thousands of dollars, won't release the transcripts, and you know that is like they're, so
The Clinton foundation is dirty to the core there's so much about her. That's compromised and people, don't care. I want a woman. I want a woman, tat woman, this one. This is a herbal one I got- I got the admission year after now the youth specific matter by got an admission like this out of a friend of mine, where About the russian meddling issue, and now and just how you know just what needs to happen this. You know on president s answer. let's look at this from it that they Hillary Clinton, one. And later merge that puma Aberdeen had got an email from some suspicious sore saying, hey, I got some real dope. Your opponent Would you like to hear it and she says all. We should like to hear that, and they got it. Would you now be saying that Hillary Clinton should resign while now
Yes, so you greeley you're using your your pretending to be outraged. Something as it serves your ends, but we just we live now in a pretend outrage: world everything as pretending to be me, upset about it than we actually are well, people get almost did today. People starting up sales trying do like I guess, I should try pretend to care more in order to frame the kind of argument that that people are after I'll do get upset, but I think one of the reasons why they get upset is because there's no real consequences in life. The real the actual data day struggle is so far removed from the prime a world in which we have all that our data, a differences about ideologies and about left versus right or man, verses, woman or whatever their. So they're almost me. It's like daddy, yeah, their petty, didn't
to carry any real weight. you know this man, verses woman thing. Look all presidents sock, we ve never had a single president that didn't suck two terrible job, so job will be great if there was a hundred of us. The idea one king monkey is gonna to run three hundred and twenty million people just bananas does again he says so whether its hillary Clinton, though whether its it and then the idea of two parties, that's ridiculous to enable does want agree that I come up, may not see a scam. Will First is a right that there is no room for new wants what about a third party of fourth? If no one takes, though seriously we just. We have a weird sort of monopoly between these two very how many parties? I think that the people they do get upset about this stuff and the people
I do get locked in. I don't even think they know what they're doing. I think they're acting on like ancient reward systems that, like tr, want to protect the veracity of their tribe and anything that's against their tribe. They dismiss all like what was going on with fox news when all the russia stuff was going on. All they wanted to talk about. Was Hillary Clinton's emails? It's all anybody wanted to talk about oil. Hillary Clinton deleted thirty thousand you when the grab the pussy tape came out. It was Hillary Clinton and our emails, like they didn't even spend a moment on the ideas that you are setting an example for all of the human beings and scattered the president sets the tone. Do we really want to say that we're ok with a prayer? of the united states, the commander of the military. That is the good It is the army the world's ever known. This guy is ok with saying you can grab him by a pussy. I was too I kissed this girl. I moved on her like a bitch. I always have gum on me because I always want to have my breath because I just kiss I just kiss. I can't help myself like celtic
fucking maniac, he would are you doing stand up. While he probably was really was now that is a really good, but there's a real good. The argument for having something like that being a massive violation of privacy and should be punishable by some sort of an extreme way yeah. I remember your joke and before that, why is everybody not super mad? At bob marley. For how's going to shut. She was shot the day of Sarah people are mad yeah yeah yeah. That was a those and other businesses. Do this these ideas, I think. people get so wrapped up in there. We have these weird patterns were very tribal. Defence of our patterns
I think that's what you see in with left versus right. I think you see that with hunters ursus begins to know me. I've got a bit of my act, or am I just regions that are vague, and can they really care, and they will know in animals dying in these regions, are really only vacancies. Scientology didn't find him first. These dumb motherfuckers can enjoy the taliban. If it took the wrong exit they're stupid, they did. They just found a group that'll take the man, and now they have vague in their screen name and though the do now they attack well. The thing I like most about regions or maybe at least I can't decide. I don't like the two to let you santayana like put them on the same box but if such a radical departure from norms yeah right, so it's like you engaged in is the others polices, and this is really a maze radical for many perspective. Air historically I like contemporaries is a really unusual,
statistically, like a really unusual way to eat, but then where the the soldiers just dumbfounded by the fact that there are people who aren't engaged in it. If you like it, just have you got in a resident deblock? You also get at present soon pool, and you just so angry everybody that doesn't we like, but most people, don't you pull yeah? Why have when you run into a non pool shooter? Why are you so pissed? Adam is a year you're talking about something that just like is kindly bran spank anew yeah and people are super selective, but their outrage like a venus drive down the street and almost every gas tasting look at, has slim gems every mcdonalds dead cows and everywhere you go you just. Looking at me, but then, find some guy with a rack. You know in his truck like some guy with a dead dear, and I just just as our fucking outrage yeah they don't. You know why. That is because they like when people like like people,
don't like hunting, but they eat me. I think that they The only way a response we eat me is that this vague sense of guilt now like it comes a shame, but the methods there's do is like I only I me in, I mean this thing right here in this thing makes me real happy, I'm glad I got, a not going to eat it. I love this animal. I love where it lived. I like everything about this whole. Damn thing this is very exciting to me. People are like well, I would appreciate it if you ve felt some sense of like not knowing news and the little girl a little more uneasiness like going. Gauges singing like it. That's why they're piss, because your ear Yet you sort of gone like everything about this picture feels right to me. And that is annoying to them. Yeah yeah, I get that like people are going to the mcdonalds and they got this guy and I really should eat mcdonald's so much and jeez. You know We know how are these animals anger,
that's like this thing, but then, when you get a real happy about the meat it's off, putting doesn't the thing that people do, that I've been talking about a lot lately in nets, all who have pets and they feeder as animal sauce is the is one of the best parts of your bit when you're the cat doing the cat who's looking out the window at the bird and remembering old, the old buried feelings, but that's there's something fucked up about people that can sort of departmentalize like that they can. They can compartmentalize their ideas and just like it's took, this is just cat food cat food. Just pour it in there, it's okay! No, it's a fucking chicken, a chicken in a cage, and it got shoved into the machine. Dozens of ground is now in its of dozens of dick and they made those stars out of it like this is not karma. Free like this is crazy yeah, but purely as you like all my gets legally, the private like
you could lock someone in a room to like you know, what's cool about that person, they never want to go outside yeah. it's true. I mean I think, there's and also there's initiated a lot of people have that aren't involved in hunting. I think when you look at the budget our population. What is the numbers like? Ninety seven percent eat meat, civilian. Those, I all manner, looked at odd thing. It's pretty crazy! I is something an arrangement. I've looked up. I can remember what I found what percent we are engaged in the death of that animal. Is it even ten, it's probably not even dance way less than five five percent, maybe framing anywhere lenoir research people, I guess exotic what percentage of people working suzanne Thus, the meat, the processing and agricultural sectors, even that yeah that or hunting or like say that what percentage of people involved in the actual death of the animal that they consume it. So insignificant, it so small. But if you
about the past. All of you in past connection was almost immediate, almost Ray person had some sort of an immediate connection to the fish that came out of the river or the cat. They slaughtered or the dear that they hunted all that I was like a media, and so it was natural and everybody understood by by separating people almost unanimously from the meat and from the death of the animal like The connection to it is is so vague. It doesn't make sense to people doesn't make sense. You shoot an animal me mother cut my wife was having dinner with some friends. one of the guys was english and I was on an eloquent and- and they were like origin. Husbands like oh he's, hunting and the guy's cutting into a stake he's like that's deplorable, That's deplorable shows your age, a fuckin stake language. What are you this growth estate tree like what are you talking about like ie.
It's that you're eating it again. Ok, you killed it with your credit card, but it's ok that someone does it with a bow and arrow. If you're out of your fucking mind like this, is you got some weird mental? Even if your ass there was a yes, I can't explain why. But that's what I'm saying? Yes, but that's not a tenable argument, not just not end with they ve. Let people love recreational outrage, they love to be able to be upset about that as long as steal that words, you may said- oh, I think so, I'm not sure recreation may have attributed to me. I might have heard it from somebody else, but I say it so much and almost on it now, but anybody haven't Recreational outrage is what it is. It's like they've decided this, instead of going also known as facebook yeah instead of saying yeah. This is kind of weird to eat steak and I have a problem with someone killing a wild animal. He tell me about it, but yeah another weird thing I've got people say
Why do you do with a bow and arrow? I think a rifle hunting is for pussies, but I liked the fact you deal with a bow and arrow. It seems to give the animal more of a chance and I go okay, honestly, better to deal with rifle get smarter. If you do with a rifle, you have a higher A percentage of kills the higher percentage of success more opportunities. We just gotta die a little quicker gap. You'll, do it ethically mean it's gonna it's got rifles a really good way to go why? Why does them? Why someone think it's too easy the gods to easy? I got you get a hunt thinking that, like I, I enjoy a more intense challenge. I got tired of tapping out blue belts. I only want to spar with black belts. Now I want to. I need a more intense challenge to excitement, which is weird for people like wait. A minute are you trying to hunt for food or you have play a game by god. Are you doing here which, which one of these was kind of both definitely
yeah. It's definitely both, but people don't want to hear that nobody wants to hear that when you get off on this, do you get off on this yeah it is because we do, I mean look when I was in utah. We did is under armor film. That's gonna be released this friday and I shot this giant heard ball. It was, it was amazing, it was crazy experience is bull like thirty forty cows, kid heard them all into one area and then one cow took off and he fell this cow and asia. here come on you're back issues like vacuum, find someone else you get too many women and shooting. Often here to follow after her, and so he brings all of his cows to follow after and we went and followed after two and so on. you were coming over the hill? There were some other balls at within, been behind us here, that we are those other balls. He came back around. That's how I got em and this house
thing was like ours. You guys get actually heard here is walk into. He came back and then he went around us, try to catch our wind and but I at full draw with like eight yards. It was like a buy a bunch of bushes and trees, but I was at full you're in these he's huge, I'm looking at his antlers he's standing there he's like he's like just looking around. I see him right there in the the thrill of it all. It's so insane and then have him, go down the hill and then come back around and then he's in a gap at like thirty. Two yards in between these two trees is like a two foot gap, and I punch that arrow straight through the heart. It was a perfect shot, he walked like fifteen twenty yards and just starts wobbling, just drops it fast as thrilling if you want to say that I enjoy that about going to I'm not gonna lie. I enjoy it was exciting, was crazy. I love the meat, he's the best ac me. I love the idea of getting meet that way. I love the fact that I'm not deal with
three farming or hormones or antibiotics are tortured animals. I'm dealing with a wild animal that thought some other wild animal was gonna, come and bang is checks, and it was like. Datum, clear, protect my girls and he came around and I gotta think if you took any vision, whoever, through that same experience and just held him by the hand and were just there, they didn't, have to try to shoot the animal but has held them by the hand and let him experience all that they'd have a very hard time. Looking you in the eye and saying that wasn't thrilling at all, will you aren't an l god for a long time and one of the things that I was saying to these people in utah, I was saying: have you guys ever thought about taking? people are that have no desire to hunt and just dressed mobile camel and sneak in him into the right just
you just get in there just while, while it's happening and watch how crazy it is just a little bit different there than if you watch it on blue blue planet, so much different, it's so much different mean we were. We were several week. We crawled, I mean by crawled, like tiptoed, like real, slow through the woods for about thirty five. five minutes till we got it? Is these trees? It were the edge of the creek, where These are these alga funnel and through, and we were super closely in. A twenty yards of some of these some of these cows. You know some of them were like look at us stare at us, we're totally frozen and we're not moving, and then they went back to their shit and started doing things and doing elk things, but we're in the heat of this smells like this so excited like, even if we only ever shootin AL. Could you surrounded by like twenty thirty in their world and I don't even know your there. He could to see them. The Elk like this would be of acts I didn't saying just take people
tell them how to white walk real, slow, we're gonna, get you in the middle of this crazy, activity. What we saw them rotting, we saw one pull out like literally tackle this cow. He gonna try over and hits or one time breeds are and like Funds are flyin, It sends her flying forward on her on her or her hind legs and we're like this rady. Are you right here watching a lot of people would come out of that experience and they wouldn't be like and now a longer run, an arrow through one. I agree with you there for I think I love he would have a real hard time watching that animal stumble watching the blood poor. Both sides at its body through its vitals and watch them drop over to me? I was like look he's not going to live forever, He's gonna get eaten by mount lions or wolves, or whatever else bears whatever else comes along catches and when is weak, he's probably eight and a half nine years old. If he's, relocked he's got two years as in the autumn of this year we super.
Fuck he's got years left, but that I wouldn't go on. Say that is like an old man walking on the side of the road. The boy doesn't matter. If you run him over, I mean this old guy. That's true! No! It's true it's, but the the old guy on the side of the road is not going to get attacked by a mount line anytime soon. Hopefully this animal for sure is that their demise, their demises freeze to death starve sean predatory. You know step three options is now is yet arrows or way better than all those other options is hard enough. I spent a lot of time trying to get into the the. it's a mental drab reach out again the animals mind does work where was be triggered talking to people who liked bow hunt also had a with a provoking where we're talking about bow hunting, JE just like she's more The golden ball on an arm
I'm a gorgeous wiser lately, you properly in italy, because from whose perspective veil was care at all I a like a animal rights. I interviewed an animal rights activist and have them explain he's like the able doesn't care It was a care. The these are high minded ideals about wild. conservation and preservation and the respect it and are going to utilise at all it's dead The same way that is almost going to come in ensure you you're. Probably really gonna like way out what were the motivations of the person the shot you. like all with all that considered, I'm glad I was murdered near. That's it. That's his way, lookin out. That's all we're looking at two, but did I say about species of them? Am I talking about? Oh, I know about that. I'm a species. This is a fucking thing that a meme that someone made words
It's got like Hitler is like a racist and all the, and then it comes to me, and I got a most like on my shoulder its species. Is this a good concept now have you had any, has anything Have you learned things are head thoughts or seen things in hunting that have gone and made their way and your stand up. What they want. You ve been exist if he had studied dabbling in hunting was an orderly, and I answered I told you before when on the trap that I was having some real concerns about factory farming I'd watch way too many those Peter videos I'd seen about to them, and I was What am I doing like how my eating this food that's being is like this guy, I think a gag laws that we have. The agricultural get people know those there's laws that prevent people from filming inside of these horrific factory farm. warehouses where they have these pigs, cows and chickens stuffed into these really
Confined areas mean illegal from to do it, vienna, so manager of the slaughter facility, one to let them know now thinks under cover filming it mostly involves activists releasing under cars so that you're not allowed to show people because it to harm the business, which is just crazy, so they could take harms the business, because most people are not aware of how horrific these conditions are, and I gotten down to many rabbit halls knights and watched him years. Videos like this. It is a crazy thing that people have accepted because there completely insulated from you just gotta. nortons new order, the rabbi and it comes out like Alex good new start digging in you, don't think about what happened. Animal up a point wide started thinking about its I'd made his sorted decision before I went with you that I was either going to be a vague in or a vegetarian or I was gonna become hunter. gotta figure out one of these things, because it's just I can't just
ignoring the fact that I know how these animals lip and then, when I told you when assumes that that dear dropped, I know what I'm doing outside This is just too exciting. This is amazing. Animal were eating. It were eating over the fire to this day. That's what my happiest memories again, cowan and tell her hand just cut not that meat and Dodi were eaten, the fire. Might this is one of my best memories: guilt, free eaten? It was a hundred percent godfrey. I mean I I didn't there was deafening essential loss mean you guys, capture that really good. You got my face. When I shot the dear now, as I will You know, he's one, my favorite meteor moments of all time zero reaction, their meals, beautiful young, no intense. When, when I really talk to you, years ago now about gone on a hunting trip, we're we're like kickin round various ideas you are reluctant to Europe.
To go on, bears the other later did a bare hunt. What What went on in your mind, or almost I like? What do you think it was Well, I didn't think that d, ye eight bears and then I realized you do in this. Are the idea of any eating a bear was kind of alien to me. It's like hm okay, but dear good. I liked venison, so you just you could just picture it really well yeah. Bears are just too much like dogs who canine is this too much about them and I have gone on bare hans, but the reality is. I do not enjoy the same land, joy, elk, hunting or dear because you like out, we yeah cause, I like Elk, mean- and I like the idea that they are there. You know there's predators and then there's pray and all oh bears are omnivorous there, there essentially predators, whereas the dear their prey.
You can, you can even eat m raw, like you got trick a gnosis so that that chicken assisting freaks me out. I got a weird surgeons in paris. In short, this bears can get that freaked me out to but I don't feel the same way about. They react differently when you hit em like when they give They literally try to attack the area that their god, like an arrow, goes when they go back and they try to. Let go back and get it and they mon they fight death in a different way. So you everything about them is different and there's just dumb. There too, close till I what we are all eat edam I mean don't get me wrong like if you have some bear sausage I'll deaf leader and if We know we're out on a bear on other, but the real action the people have to bear. To is another thing that keeps you: what can you put up? A picture of a dead bear people blow their fuckin gas gets yeager crazy people are real hard time with dead bears evil, But what that would you allow that influence here
I argue like oh you know, I would put this picture up on social media, but I'm not going to cause it's too upsetting to people. I can stop putting dead animals on social media, because as to the stolen yeah too confusing for people are put out pictures of me. Hunting put up meat I put up a united and, like some hunters are giving our time, like my friends, probably crucial public once put up to date, animal zone I feel, like, I think it's too confusing and our people look at it like. Oh trophy, trophy hunter, you're killing this animal, but if you just, have the me like. Nobody gets very few people get mad at me when I cook like some Can I put a picture, but on instagram legality have you one out above four. Five hundred comments be shitty, but those are like
Was proselytizing vegans with a vegan warrior princess in their screen, name and they're just going to attack anything that's just who they are. You know, but that that's a that's a there's, a notion out there about trophy hunting that I dislike I absolutely reject. Is this idea that if, if I'm out and and I'm hunting- and I kill a buck and I the bark- and I like the bottle. I m really Have you bought and I keep its antlers? the sum of the idea that it would have been more peer had I, started a portion of it. The atlas yeah and just to me, if they all. No, I'm sorry, I This whole thing yeah, I liked being able to eat. I also like to have these antlers around too, because it their cruel lookin- and I remember it by it and I d like em and this whole thing is
important to me and you enjoy, unless people like the some others that this symbolic gesture, that even like my motivations or so appear, I will discard these antlers, lest anyone think that I cared about antlers who yet time to explain what you just did every time like Joe sayings you'd has taken it out. You know said blow up into something, I think you do, it does help the greater good, I think just beekeeping do under the meat photos stuff. I daggers report probably been more but you're moving that needle too a pro hiding place, as opposed to that one gripping grew. is moon at the other directive. I don't think I don't think of every action I take as being engaged in some rhetorical battle now by paying for it, for joy is like a wasted time right. Eventually, you to slay insist at ease craze conflict. a friend of ours once.
Pass along an image: ion, thereby tabar confusing amounted to about the zimrud dying. That's about this more who you know, I love my was, you talk about a bears response like just bears the indifferent more. I believe in colombia. with some not indigenous hunters and aid, shoddy monkey with blood art messes up. I don't think I am He described the monkey region around grab at the dark. I think this motel yeah. I remember you told me this. I won't take the name our left, because I've amazing story, but that really struck him. I the thing that, like there is this sort of different, and I often try try to reject it. the idea that we should do that a sustainable population of blackbirds, and have. A team of wildlife professionals are biologists who are able to look.
have a Management objective for the bears and realise that there's a harvest double surplus of animals, meaning, Do you have a bare of an x number of bears, every year, you good harvest some percentage or kill some percentage. Those bears the next have the same number of bears again, because the and has a carrying capacity. gonna maintain and you can remove some animals net numbers. Probably gonna stay the same, because if you are to remove those numbers You would see a similar effect from starvation. tori reality. You know there's chilling other bears defend territory, and so there the video that the term like harvest surplus so like that? You agree with these concepts it should if we're talking about bears are dear ransom people's heads we're one time with one of the guys who work with we're looking at a wolverine scavenging, moose, carcass and
we didn't go after, but someone observe that in this unit wherein you're allowed a wolverine. And because the way the tag system works and that we I was going to legally gone after the wolverine and he'd say. Well, I hope we don't go. I hope you guys thinking you gonna go get that will remain as like, well or not, but why like what is it about that? Because, where are your hunting right in work hunting under guidelines that you're comfortable with, as laid out by the state while they ve agency, and they say the desire is well just because they travel so far and my no, the the we we're hunting caribou right now- and this is the largest. This is the longest migrating land mammal we have still not distance travelled. He's a travel hundreds of miles, is that while they lead to the old man, As you know, we got radio, collared Elk and other things that in early twenties,
and you're comfortable one knows well it's now do something different about. It will also isn't it you're not gonna eat it would it's boring while a friend with yeah. if I'd here's the thing, that's what I'd goes to my head die and a metric. Diane go, get a ballroom, not really interested in Eden. Ovary right. I work My friend bark A body has talked about sit near coming into box. Also in time unease boiling a wolverine because he wants to keep the skull and his friends and as I'm sitting there watching him clean skull with jackknife he's is picking the skull me in eating it. So here's legs more. Inflation is fine. You told me there was some famous trapper that really enjoyed wolf. Wolfe was like his favorite me. That was the arctic explore they'll, John or steffens stephenson, who ate
does the strict wild game die out of necessity while he was? travelling in the canadian high arctic in it actually made first contact with a lot of into a hunters and early even early nineties, hundreds he was making but there were aware of whites, but added met whites, but yet he would just like that- was his me- my warm: Didn't you easy, muskegs doll, sheep caribou, a preferred book, blood ties. Alright, I'm ilsa spare me, but take this. He, One time there was a dead whale on the beach that he writes about and it was like this, like this dried elegant, desiccated whale carcass on a beach. And they re hard up for foods, they wouldn't cut the tongue out of this whale, and he is about how they had to boil. It changed the water boil, it change the water boil a chain to. Why does he get the salt out? the pregnant it will solve the eventual eat. It
and later he hears. You think Alors honours and, and they explain, I think that they have lain or seven years. so you're strong, stomach, seven years, another really interesting things deference that you should read. You should read steavens in my life, what the eskimo my leg data frustrates stevenson is that when you he would go. I know I told you about those two step as it would go and impress the issue. With technology. but because it had this very elaborate, mystical belief some things were impressive to him. like he would say: He would bring up. Even our were icon found. We can open up here not do a surgery neighbouring area, we
guy comply your whole spine skull out, while you're sleeping and put a new one back in any sales, act is gone out? I can shoot solid, a hundred yards away like oh, we know a guy who can Egg is bowen, shoot it off. The air will fly over the mountains and kill someone on the other side of the mountains always be getting bent out of shape about his inability to impress them because they had, and everyone's talented, like he's talking about, is the us of a telescope the he can observed the craters on the moon, and we know got one hunts up. There, yeah that's awesome, but one day he was able to get them on board with a small stove. He had where I think it was a stove or they're like no that that's something I do that stuff man. Awesome, in january is
yeah man we've, you went wolf hunting. Would you be Indiana? Would you definitely take the the meat you know there's no way yeah just cause of me in my personal life, just how I like how I approach stuff and sort of the moral system that I have setup. This is the comment about what I think other peoples it uses like me personally, novel like my personal view of what awning is to me. In does for me the I would the actual precarious about, but here's the thing the house As ever, where a gama by buying wolf tax, but then I just don't have the icon. I see him. I dont have a bus yeah. Well, I don't have my problem abroad disguises lust, everyone's out we're hunting and we got a doll sheet. Then? A few days later, my friend got a blackbird and we're camp. Of gravel bar Here comes a wolf down there. I was
the stream from a river from us beauty do just lay low, but long white dusky lie. I mean it was kind of magical, just not destroy yeah. I always got like a sheet. We got a bear like a nice enough in one. It's like it doesn't go see and one stone? I don't feel it and it's not so, yeah I'll, probably still continue to go by wolves. I don't I don't like buying tags. I don't look at means the ways the money goes to fund rent in a wild live agencies, now you phone down the drain, but the I get home and then I don't. I don't walk round be. Unlike opened every corner. I come around. It'll, be a wolf standard range yeah. I just want to see them in the wild. I saw. I think I saw one in Alberta. I saw something very dog like run across the road late at night, like it was like at dusk or wait and get picked up it. And across a dirt road, I think, that's what
they got a lotta warms up there, but never seen one like real, close wakened defiling get up, get a look at it, but my instinct with Daphne nabil shoot it here? I don't have it, but it was fine with me is at the same time, various you know strong advocate of the idea that, while like that healthy, sustainable, while they resources should be managed fur. the shaggy man for people to do like extraction of renewable resources. So always support in, and continue to push for states that have stable populations of wolves to be able to manage them as the state sees fit, including if they have wolf seasons but the same waited meal someday live on, for all the time and keep wanna do there's other things and dislike does wanna, be not that interested in yours this conversation remy the other day, where
Well, you know, after long time, with no emperor goose seasons in in in western alaska they're going to have like an emperor, goose hunt we're chicken is around by, can apply for a tag for number goose and you shall make a general is now wanted, or whatever in time, bows like I just don't feel like not fired up, but I haven't had enough time to begin to think of it as a. do you remember about the about africa as well? Where idea, like idea, I think the. Why look a lot? That is the certainty that look at em, like that's a game and grant me like it appears to me. He has appealing to me as a thing to hunt and. Entire peoples, different. I think you it's hugely dependent on where you grew up like if you see a white tailed deer boom. That's food! That's a whitetail deer! If you see a nice guy, like oh look at that yeah. What's that again, It's guy huh so those are all over her. Yes, what's up
it develops over time yeah I'm curious about the walks. I kind of feel like what might happen is the same thing that happened with the mountain lion yeah if he tries Matt Leinart is delicious dude. I look at a mountain lion. I look at them online and I'm like that's a game animal yeah. About a year ago, before we went on that high before you shot that one before I ended up with whatever thirty pounds in my freezer I kind of had them and the wolves in the same category as kind of a tele goes like a eating thing or not, and then all of a sudden, I started eating mountain lion like ba Another matter line that december all I'm telling you once a comparable to port bork, What is really important fats good on it It's got a white fat but none of us can tat will not waxy fat like undulates. You know now Waxy fat, like members of the deer, not only like members of the deer family, it's got a fat on it, that looks like like a port fat than that
She is good man that play that to hone ranch place where you took me hunting, while pigs, they have a trail. Where that set up over a pond and they guts sixteen different mountain lines on the trail, camera do different ones California is overrun, it's overrun because they won't manage them. Well, no, but I heard they're killing just as many now as they ever did. They still killed just killing them killing them when they encroach on unsealed civilization, Kalen amount mike to hone ranch, but the killing em like instead cisco they They ve been doing this thing where they did a study on the the diet of these mount lines they want of killing wind up getting too going to cost or pets solved. In cats there eating people's dogs and cats. Like that's like fifty percent of their diet, it's gotta, be mostly dear, but the door That is why the public's ok like take I'm ok, we'll kill, em outlines the law. Is the person. Honnami doesn't have a good time if there be
aid by the government, to do it, that's cool european of their pay and money. To go out and do any enjoy it? They view the am with like a certain level of admiration and respect, and want to be like potentates skin in their house. To look out for the rest of the life does not ok with me. I want the guy who just pungent and ninety five clock and doing it does the respectable yeah, they don't want it to be a pleasurable thing. They want to be a necessity, spanish, but then dinners delicately, though the resources the The money goes the opposite way. Now you have to pay someone to do something that you get money from get someone to pay you, so they can go out and do it instead. To pay someone to god? Do it? Do you my mind, a coward, my line in the sand. mountains, stead fucked up this alpaca farm yeah. there, and this woman gotta depredation permanent, and she got so many death threats. Is this mount line killed?
eleven our pockets in a goat. Just one on a rampage thats it goes in new york is sorry in europe. Does your that's right guy, and so she got a depredation permit. This is her livelihoods. Cheap raises our pockets, indistinct, slaughter them and even though, this mount line is obviously just recreationally killing animals there killing that mount line was so it angered people that a person would do that. So there They start sending your death threats it. She panicked and she pulled out of interest. I cannot do anything she's sort of laughed in this terrible situation where no twelve or animals were murdered by this, Big asthma amount miami really murdered sarkozy medium in its wants. It, I killed an owl park and he ate it well to mount minds. Do you know it's going to be around or maybe she gets in dogs and bark or something? But now this one he's got in and just went on, a rampage he's surplus, killing.
People like really is people like the really argue, whether that's a reality or not. About my doing that people, egg to debate is like people who talk about surplus killing tend to be o k. With hunting was amount lions, and people who are very uncomfortable by the subject of surplus killing. tend to be not okay with it. like I dont want acknowledge that that's true because it messes up the the message I'm trying to send about how these animals behave. Basically, the same thing that you were talking about with like Hillary Clinton with the russians yeah like. If you were on that team, you would say well, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No, he would do find somewhere to wear, justify it gets it's tribal idea and the the tribal ideas? There's hunters, these terrible mean people like elmer, fudd and then there's people who don't believe in that want to protect wildlife at any cost.
I've run ain't they. My writing about bomb archaeological work at bison, kill sites. that sometimes you would have or that you talk about like articulated in this articulated carcasses, kill sites where you have the remains of hundreds of animals, hundreds of buffalo, bison and but doesn't have been processed and the rest. It is there that makes people uncomfortable because there's a tidy notion of their prey. european contact like like all killing was very purposeful and every part of the animal got used, which is like a prick. which is a helpful concept to understand hunting practices among native americans. But there are exceptions to the rule.
I don't really like that kind of like extra noise to be like. Oh there's, a kill site where eight hundred of them went off a cliff and it seems that maybe twenty or so were butchered and the rest was left to rot, probably because It was hot out. How did you ever get tumor nearly a thing that happened and it does in wines of it just like people. don't like that kind of stuff like No, what sometimes a mountain lion is chill a shit kind because it just it, enjoys the excitement of it we'll, never know what's really in his head, but he's Expanding energy right he's putting himself to risk which they understand so there's something he's getting out of this or else Why would it be? go on like us, expel, atomic energy and really be at risk
in a place. I know I shouldn't be replaced. It's like more scary than when I'm laying up in a tree in the middle of a thicket and do all that and kill a bunch of stuff he's got to get There's some thing? That's coming out of there Yeah we are talking about this the other day, those wild animal parks arusha that, while I m all park footage from beijing where this woman got an argument with it, the french out of the car. The tiger jacks are no yeah, it's it's crazy footage cause. She got it she's. She shut the passenger side door and she storms over to the my friends getting assign she's yell at him and then out of nowhere. This target is goes just grabs or enter like that's what it wants to do. That's what it does like you can't just feed it killed her yet killed her. Didn't you or killed. The person who tried to rescue her mom got out of the car and chased after the the lion or the tiger and the tiger killed her. Yeah mauled, her killer. Mom that's what they want to do and you can't just feed them. You just can't just
keep feeding. That's not good enough like their designed to killed thing. Their natures, cleanup system, meaning with a lamp, gets taken out. Everything slower gets taken out and then all of a sudden they're in this weird enclosure, where people stared at her glass. They never get to tell anything and like all these reward systems that are, prime all that are just their dna since the beginning of time they don't get exercised its kind what torture and a lot of ways. I want to point out to you, I don't why talk about like surplus killing among predators aren't anyway hold this against a rank that point our needs and they deserve to have bad things have to adjust the savages in understanding wildlife by I'm interested in it. Just a factor that, on that same as any other are not proposing any like thing there, I believe that I believe we should continue to try to recover and maintain
all our wildlife anywhere, anywhere that its plausible to do so. So I know that there are people within the hunting world who would like to see who normally welcome the return of, and pressures on landscapes, but I think that in june, speaking in places. Where were we? can recover law, carnivores and have let's a minimal risk or a limited risk of them having human conflict. I wish I'm not like a guy who wants to go, wiped off the face of the earth to some notion that you're gonna they have tons of more elegant around connection becomes while behind alaska. in alaska, you got there wars and grizzlies across our own. Ninety seven. Ninety eight percent of their historic range and also a great place to go hunting people
with people in lower. Forty eight are super anti predator and there are some how they want. One hundred alaska I was like are you in like bro, it's much predators up there must not any good right. Why I, like I like the idea of wild ride the wild and the wilds balanced, I think you're going to have everything you're going to have the walls you're going to have the predators you're going to have the prey it's going to be the whole wild experience. Everything else is just some sort of a weird artificial environment like you've, removed all the predators, and now you get to be the predator only and he had to drive in your truck and hop out and just pick what you like and just shoot it sought really wild. I love it looking over my shoulder man places where the little you ok, it's tough to really get while man does still feel that way after your experience and a fog, mac or body, my
that viewings have changed. That podcast will still be listening to my shoulder. That podcast was amazing. I remember his to you for breaking it up into two pieces that well you know I should come to a lot of our fans. I should come clean on that. I told everyone that's asked about it in the conversation I told him. I have here a little light on content, so we have, we won't even a broken up, This was a convenient that we were that where we have arranged like fill a spot I'll, take the blame as a producer, and I was like wow. He just talks about that so long. You could actually make that too, and then we wouldn't be needing to worry about our our low on release dates. People were pissed, why do you have a deal you have to release a certain amount of which is in our heads. Let them go I believe that, as I am with I'm like, like a rigid gas,
I got the advice. Show I like that yeah you gotta, let that go yeah! That's the beautiful thing about being your own content provider, write your own and do whatever you want. It's the only thing that makes me happy. I mean it's not the only thing, but one of the primary about this job that I love so much xenophobic boss. No one can tell me what to do. I know I do whatever I want. I again the people have and go tomorrow. They'll be there's gonna be too podcast next week, but we alleys adds tough shit by click. this is that it does doing I'm doing don't next week. I do five, taking taken we off after that I don't want amazon schedule. I don't think that's good for you when it comes to something? Always your question on that a change me to change my soul, but I'm sure there's more skittish now well there. definitely more a little more skittish. I dunno, maybe that'll go away, as is you know, time will just sort of smooth it out, but I tell you that I still
we saw a grisly. When I went to how your brother daughter with me There is the agreement on the ranch and forty years maybe longer we roll in their come to find out sound three calls it taken of deer away from some haunters the night before, but it is really didn't. Like click, there was like right in that general zone, next morning we wake up and at gray light we're crossing the big metal and glass into the north end of it I'm looking at them like any milk nanny dear those are big, bears upon their rear legs. You know look in our direction, thereby three hundred yards away, but I mean it is certainly have my daughter. There played a big part. All do you like a game. Now you have your daughter with you If your daughter wasn't with you and your bail, I would never talk to you again ass nice ass. It is, I would never talk to me. Will you You have a rifle on you here
can you right line when I heard the story I was like ours could deny even set out done the same thing. can't imagine every here end of it from my wife. Now but we had about going it alone and get on their means is not just like on a case by case basis. Now why do I feel I run into bears, but just sort of this, this bigger idea? You don't blow if on the landscape us living with them now as the july he bears population grows. No, my house, it's only a matter of time until one walks through my arm round me could be happened today. Be right, we'll be at all unusual montana, ex exploding with a man but good. I'm the same sort of like I'm just now having different feelings about how earlier I used to be like a great grizzly bears everywhere now anti grizzly. No, no! No! I'm just saying that, like my you know
some say inside of me: I'm thinking about it more worried about his come. No conclusion yet boots. This powerful experience I like what you said about it So you're saying you had all these ideas of what it would be like an unix False charges before you need experience all those that we have any idea. What an attack would be like, and it was so so beyond what you could have passed. We imagined yeah, like guys, I scratch niche. Because I had always wanted to get a little bit. Malda actor fucking claw marks across your chest like a long scar like a tattoo yeah. Now I'm like. Oh that's. What that's like nothing to do is ship, but one time I was sitting there trying to call a turkey and and no joke heard. An ax hale in my ear but I'm just gonna. Do it just a guess.
And with my head around and it's a bare feet, the guide called in a bare whose sneaking in combined me too. Not a grizzly a. they gave me the shakes for long time. What did it do just? just the exhaled. My word you do why. I flipped around like I was just just scared and stumbled backward, but- and I was have scared as he was once. You realize what I was. I think he makes his bit, I think, at that time of year he makes his business walking around listen for hens to go off and then goes ether. Eggs are easter, checks and probably kill someone I was calm, use come in and I think he got up to right where the power is where he like pounces, but had a bike. Both tell that out of symbols. Like a pro, I dunno why? I feel like the first thing. I thought was that as a person too so quiet as this crazy neighbor hurt- and he was just I mean I could have poked him. I god I is right there, they're, so big and yet
I can just silently move over twigs in his hand, it's weird way of articulating there, their paws and our bodies, our body, was calling turkey's inhumane ago, an Dixon does double check because he's out you sit alongside a two track and the grassy stripped down the middle. Is a lion belly to the grass using the grassy strip, was camouflage arguing whom, as he calls turkey's well in that thing, slackened kill. but it's probably get to where it gets in range, and it seems that movement and he's gonna pounds. I want my guy between about a guy who's imposed predator column and vodka came and took his hair right off, hit him so hard he's like making rabbit squeals in the bog as these have moving so that by
get came in and like threw off with his hat hit him on the head man crazy to wild world out there, a man it is a wild world, its most be don't experience it. I love I love the excitement of love the dangerous. part of it, the yard I love it too, and I love it in many ways. Thanks to you. Argument bring this up. This is our hundred episode. Brings out the being by got distracted by the guy who heard the show open about its tree was fallen on this hundred episode. The there is. I want to do with you exact when we do and if it, if it wasn't, for you, one inspiration into encouragement. I thank you for your very generous person.
Why they issue that has been found to do this one hundred times well selfishly happy that you do it because I love listenin to lanky love that won the other day with the writer thea. our fishing regime gear, whose great so there So this is a small token of my appreciation to have jan right now, because it was a it's been fun doing this and I wouldn't I honestly, would not be doing it. If I hadn't seen you do it so well and then have you say tat I ought to be doing to was a travesty. If you didn't do it because I think your voice is so important in this really can liquid world when it comes to wildlife in hunting and conservation and all of these different subjects. Your voices incredibly necessary and there's only so much you? Your voice is going to get on your television show. So much of your voice is going to get out through the articles that you write or the books or you're right. They didn't is to be more and
Your voice in the pod casserole you you're, designed for pod gas man. You could go forever. You have so many stories here, so you're sort taking it as a gets for you. This is like. perfect. Venue really is and when I first did podcast with you. I was like. Why does this guy have a fucking podcast like show podcast people get mad at me. When I tell people they should have a podcast like hey, bro, everybody who's new to podcasts. I used to get these comments and, like a lot we need a pod gassed, ended, Plenty of room for everybody, yeah, a user. You been for a long time now near I've done, denied that last week. John is one hundred. I can't let you leave without. I was calling last night and he was. He was grabbing the wind when we hunting. You can hang again because he hasn't been hunting, since that last trip that we did in. Was it scar was turkey. Hunting, turgid, turkey having was last one, those last how's it. How do you do with its citizens
taking my having your day of their dad didn't event in oregon and the guy came up and asked about the cashmere killer. Yeah we'll get one out of the books that I think we I think we should absolutely share cause now we're starting to get to that time of year, where we're looking ahead to next year. What do you think about going to lanai leads once again I would like to do is the great thing ever there soon four delicious and you're in Paradise. Its seems, surreal, bow hunting, and you look to your left as the pacific ocean and its gorgeous It's amazing and it's also unnecessary. When you talk about conservation me, the hire people, they are snipers, yeah, that's one of the places where the conservation goal is to get rid of the animals yeah, they literally told me, wouldn't go there because everything you want to shoot, shoot it everything, you'll, yup, there's, no number. No! No! No You have a license. Whatever licensing issues management, five sixty or if you want to marry.
dear for a year, in every other other news, yeah I've had them they're amazing one hundred one, a molar cotton is amazing. They're super tender too, like shoulder meat and and like hams, taste like back straps or a tenderloin. It's like super tender, they're delicious, and I had a old buck too and still like really tender me really good. I mean this is just a weird environment. I'm sold Let's do it and you can shoot with anything rifle not heard a boner on radio boner industrial dusted off, the kashmir kills got a really now bring him here. I have a testament range, will start start train. Another section cops on the indian zero road, and most of the jordan experience. Really good stand up.
The amazing mom piss, your pants orphans, though, color commentator? I do love thank you saw me, had three jobs yeah there are the more painful color counterfeiting of disease, denham kommeni podcasting ass, pretty much just those three, the tv and film at and those things to name or other Then you, Joe rogan, thank you thanks for introducing me to hunting, problems. Are you for real it's no problem at all yeah. It's super cool dating relationship here and it works out. Well for me and you it's to It is very hard for someone who's in their forties, To figure out how to hunt, and also for me to have you mentor me take me out- I can show me how to do. Then take me to Montana and like a real in missouri breaks. Real wild environment doesn't I have changing experience. said to this day that moment
cooking that deer over that fire after a successful hunt or callan counted, killed, I'd killed were sitting there and we're eating we're enjoying it. It tastes delicious and I was like this- is it This is the solution. I'll, do as a final thought is that's a national monument? Thanks for join us.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-03.