« The Jimmy Dore Show

Your Democracy Was Stolen Long Before January 6

2022-10-07 | 🔗

Chris Hedges is among the most incisive, trenchant analysts of the social, economic and political factors influencing the world for the past 30 years. And he’s here to tell you that the January 6th riots were not the great threat to American democracy they’re cracked up to be. American democracy has been steadily eroding since the Reagan administration, Hedges says, and if you think Donald Trump’s arrival on the political scene is what killed democracy you have not been paying attention. Jimmy and his panel of Hedges and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the myriad ways Wall Street, Big Pharma, weapons manufacturers, Big Ag and other powerful sectors snatched away the reins of power from the American people decades ago. Plus a segment on news that the Nord Stream 2 was not, in fact, permanenly disabled by the recent sabotage attempt, and may be operational again very soon. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Aaron Maté and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Alec Baldwin and Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Would you, instead of poverty and virginia beach, richmond virginia Arlington, virginia san jose, California. My end, florida, west palm beach, denver palm springs, austin Texas go to Jimmy Dore, comida comfort, link for all the tickets, while you there during our premium, programming to see when you stand up special coming up, hey. This is Gibby whose is jimmy where radio personality runner had cast her. I think nea. but, most importantly, family man, Alec Baldwin, hey mr Baldwin, those recall hi. How are you bout Jimmy I'm overcome at overwhelmed with domestic joy and familiar
Oh really. Why is that? On september, twenty my wife Gloria and I welcomed arson. no o o the fuck koreans hi lisa carolina and we are overjoyed how worried sizes there we're gonna go through this, while serving kids tell me about it. a larger kids arena alina that's a very spanish sounding name. Your irish, Obviously our your wife, a lawyer, she's latina zoom. He was more hilary heyward thomas in Boston, ah So what she
identifies as latina actually spanish accent. I believable, a walls is real IRA understand, bless. You bless you out something we are now my wife's suffers from one called childhood vacation disassociation disorder dvd in her gaze, her trips to spain confused her into thinking that she is herself spanning bizarre real, been absolutely not in that Then I made up to deflect from these sorts of inquiries, but don't let that this way you or your listeners for making a generous,
donation to the Alec Baldwin me me, dd foundation, while some day we'll find a cure wow. So, for the sake of peace sharia static. Maybe, as are other children, carmen but I also know leonardo. five, you know email, now one the YA one years old one, surrogate. What I'm not making any restructuring words? You will have it You have you have a daughter with capacity or to what's her name,
I see you must understand you're the sorts of things really we can bizarre jimmy. When you meet a woman. It was absolutely hot as shit and you fall in love. You commit, and sometimes that involves committing to a bit whatever bullshit she may be on. If she's, hot enough, you will be on it too,
committed to this bitch so hard that I now live in a house with seven small blond, puerto ricans, yeah. Ok, so it goes. You have many children yourself. I said! No, no kids! No children! Don't you worry about your line, going extinct, knives, thirteen roses? I have twelve brothers and sisters. My family has more doors than buckingham palace were good suit yourself. but let me tell you Jimmy: there is nothing quite like being in your bid, sixties and being surrounded by tiny, tiny children die. I would imagine so all with their little needs there.
Dietary restrictions that exist solely in their mother's mind and the diapers to me, the diapers they never stop all day and all night You don't sound very happy hour. Contrary homage static, it now another new born zoos. Just when I thought I'd be able to sleep through the night once again in my own home, I know that I will not in fact be able to do tat. If he only me like a siren forever, calling my name but forever. Just out of reach sounds like you need to sleep right now. What missiles this bliss the list waiting to kidnap list it was bathed in bliss
the okay that Jimmy I'm in ah ha ha it's going to be. Okay, Mr Baldwin know that she much more by god. Maybe you need to have a conversation with your wife that maybe your I haven't. Kids how'd, you back a much better idea was. We are soon going to be resumed production on my film rust. Big issues have recently been settled, so I personally will be secretly replacing planks five rounds of ammunition in a scene where I get shot past is prologue. Jimmy people will believe that my death was an accident. Don't do this alec know it is for the best, the way I am doing it for my family here. Instead of early
ain't vessel of rage looking after my brood, they will instead have my posthumously awarded best director academy award staring down on them from the mantle dishes bow. I wish it. This is grim honestly. I just need a drink. Sometimes it ratifies and it gets out of hand I'm going to hit the glint livered until all the screaming its drowned out achievable but you you should have children goodbye for that driving down the street and johnson media samir. Switching to show I'm here.
The americas comedian curb metzger and we have a special guest. It's cool heads the pulitzer prize, winning journalists, activism, best selling author of twelve books. I haven't even read twelve but including his latest, the greatest evil is war and there it is right there. That's his latest book, the greatest evils. War and don't you such a neo histories until recently hee. He he also host. The emmy nominated joe on contact for archie america, energy international, his work. Now We found that a substance that greece edges that subject outcome. Welcome back to the show chris edges, thanks to me so, You wrote this article and that's why I want to talk about it and its entitled Let's stop pretending. America is a functioning democracy, and let me just give muddle We'll take a bit! No we'll talk about. It says there is a fatal disconnect between a political system that problem This democratic equality and freedom, while carrying out
she'll economic injustices that result in grotesque income, inequality and political stagnation decades in the making. This disconnect has distinguished american democracy. The steady stripping away a vacuum. Economic and political power was ignored by hyper ventilating press that thundered again the barbarians at the gate of enlargements. About saying the taliban isis vladimir Putin, while ignoring the barbarians in our mists Slow motion coup is over corporation in the billionaire class. Have one there are no institution, including the press, an electoral system, that is little more than legalised bribery, the imperial presidency, the courts or the penal system that can be defined as democratic. People were about will were to offer so bad ass. I turned were carnage only the fiction of demand. we see remains the political philosophy.
For sheldon Wallen in democracy incorporated, he said, manage democracy and the spectre of inverted daughter terrorism. Calls our system inverted totalitarianism, sort of democratic institutions and the rhetoric, symbols and icon a of state power have not changed the constitution remains a sacred document, the? U s continues to post posit itself as a champion of up It's unity, freedom, human rights, civil rights, even as half the country struggles at substance, level, substance, level, military- Police gun down in prison, the poor with impunity in the primary business of the state is war, the cause of self delusion masks who we have become a nation where citizenry has been stripped of economic impact, local power and where the brutal militarism we practiced overseas is practised at home in classical
Hotel, darien regimes such as nazi germany or stolen soviet union economics was subordinate to politics, but under verde totalitarianism. The reverse is true. There is no attempt, unlike facet, there is no attempt, unlike fascism and state socialism, to address the needs of the poor. or rather the poorer and more vulnerable. You are the more you are exploited thrust into a hellish debt, peonage from which there is no escape social services from education. Health air to our health care, are anemic non, existent or privatized to gouge the impoverished further ravaged by the eight point five. Secondly, imp present inflation, wages have decelerated sharply since nineteen. Seventy nine and jobs often do not offer benefits or security hers. It is leading to add this today, the unlikely here for burnt out a second job would have thought
what curate from this week, that the article from this week employment sounds like more of the same old grind, but it's underlying philosophy is critical of work. So let me bring in Chris hedges to talk about this you're talking about that. I've had I've had friend my recently said to me jimmy I go along with a lot the stuff you say, but I'm sorry, that january. Sixth, the at undermined. Our democracy and I had to I want to say that's what you think did it, under my ability to pretend about our democracy. We don't we argued democracy was stolen from you old decades ago, my whole lifetime workers hadn't have heads and have a raised since nineteen eighty, coincidentally, so that's that is that the best delusion or speaking to Chris yeah, I'm in it and it's quite effect, if we perpetuated by a media who presents that kind of fictitious universe that
Somehow we live in a in a functioning democracy, one. Of course we need to protect. I and those I'm not defending what happened. Obviously on january sixth, but those figures are demonized as essentially assaulting our democracy and the real architects who internally disemboweled american democracy, began with reagan but probably accelerated. most stronger. The Clinton administration are essentially painted is wise. elder states, people abiding was part of all this anything just start taking off all sorts of love which your viewers,
We know very well. I really began right after world war, two with the taft, hardly act actor. Nineteen, forty seven, I was just as brutal anti union law and make it a very, very difficult to organise and strike and right work was in an that's because the most powerful weapon, the working class as ah to essentially a curb the rapacious greed. Corruption of a ruling oligarchy agreed and the business community is the strike, and so they destroyed unions and an even those all about ten percent of. U S, work forces unionized, that's only about six percent, I think in the public and the private sector, but public sector unions were about women. starting with the railroad strike it binding under the other, was a special kind of railroad act because there were strikes, nineteen, twenty two and in eighteen, seventy eight and they can cripple the country a railroads, constructive
in the country of then you know, Biden would instantly declared the strike illegal, which is empowered to do, and he doesn't like the optics of it. That's why he pressured the rank and file or is pressuring the rank and file to accept a pretty meager settlement, but yes, sir, so began then by accelerated the nineteen seventies. Ah, with the new yorker oh liberalism and and the slashing of social services and austerity and everything else. So, but it's it's. This is what John Ralston saw calls the corporate coup daytime slow motion,
began in the seventies or near it's. It's long been over and I studied classics. It's very much like the end of ancient rome is still at a senate. Ah, you still have the pretense of people being elected, but internally the oligarchy had seized complete power and that's the same in the united states. I mean every once in a while. It was just another case a week or two ago, where some senator will present legislation to pass and they forget to cross out the name of the lobbying firm that wrote it so yeah, it's a completely. It's a broken its system a dozen and that in essence it the system has been to form to serve the interests of this global oligarchy, billy to further their consolidation, wealth and power. We saw during the dammit, I'm, while everybody else was suffering these multi billion hours, Jeff basis and others made
the more and more money I mean we have to put in perspective, because if you go back and look at the old oligarchs like a rockefeller's anyone and David rockefeller john d rockefeller one of these John d, or something that they're worth about three billion dollars. We ve never seen people worth a hundred and eighty billion plus dollar certain social equality is just sto its, unlike anything, probably sent him since ancient egypt, and in that of any political philosopher, knowing all back to aristotle, makes it clear that when you have that kind of income, disparity in aristotle's word and see their cheerily a revolution, but yes, of course, they were very hard to maintain
the facade of the idea that we live in a functioning democracy, everybody should go. Watch the Al Jazeera. Four part documentary on the the leak of documents from labour to show how they sabotaged and destroyed the campaign of Jeremy corbyn. Because that's exactly the the these parties, like labour or the democratic party, they don't function as we. your political parties, the base, is utterly irrelevant. Ah they're they're brought out they're part of the spectacle, but they'd have absolutely no power so and yeah we don't and and that wince in system seize up like that, and then you create these political monstrosities like trump or pompeii or sadness and there's a long time Biden all Biden, while Biden Biden, is
It reminds me of the end of the weimar republic. So Biden comes out of the old austrian regime. He is not to part again, and I think the other thing that's I I know you've also pointed this out, but the fact that the establishment republican party, the Liz cheney's, the bushes, all these figures have fused with the democratic party to create one ruling party. I illustrates completely that there really was no difference of any major substance between the Democrats and republicans, something nadir said for years and years sister to party a duopoly, corporate do, I believe, but at the end of weimar, so you know the nazis. Nineteen twenty eight were pulling less than three percent, then you add the financial crash, the global financial crash of nineteen, twenty, nine and blooming, and the old aristocrats
even though you had massive unemployment or about forty percent of the insured workforce in germany, was unemployed six million people and that they they made it almost impossible or very, very difficult to get unemployment insurance because they wanted to pay the loans to the banks and and serve the interests of the wealthy elite. Well, then, you saw fascism explode, I mean so nineteenth. Do the nazis become the biggest party in the reichstag omitted a similar phenomena in the sense that you have a frightened, discredited, ah regime. Both republican and democrat that is worried about losing power to this call dish republican party, but every step that they take ensure where's the their own, essentially of their own demise? Ah, and and that's kind of tragic, good tragic for us
we as a country a has just been pathetic. I mean he can't it. You know the evening was tepid campaign promises, fifteen dollars, minimum wage bill back better or nothing, but got Biden was an architect. I mean Biden was selected. There was a night to remember him or early in the primaries and then they had their great savior Michael Bloomberg, or maybe just a pathetic kind of burlesque about a was anointed because he It has long been part of this project. He was a Clinton's bag. Man I mean I teach in a prison. I was there, a teacher was there last night, I teach every twice a week and half of my students wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Biden and Clinton. Yesterday, though, you know NAFTA, the deregulation of the fcc destroying glass steagall, but what put a firewall between
I spent commercial banks, all of that was Biden and Biden's been awful, but that's why they put him where he is and what they are in essence. Trying to do is what the the german aristocratic class was trying to do in the in the early night, the third is, and that is we create and also regime and nobody wants and that that is their sole purpose is so People don't realize the big con that happened, that they think that we got our democracy back with Joe Biden. in what they don't realize is that we got fascism back with Joe Biden, because, if you believe mussolini what fascism is it's the merger of corporations and the state that's what your Biden represents. He represents it more than trump and he's exploded the military budget it he's now trying did he's trying to start to nuclear wars, so we can sell more oil or gas to europe. Has there been any
is what what would you say to those people who think Joe Biden brought our democracy back? Well, they spend too much time in front of a screen. Weapon cable shows. I see an onerous but an hour minutes, sir. I don't even know where to begin to reach you're going out. Will you put that title that you have just before from wired magazine? Is one no the? What do the newspaper good wired magazine? Ok, because when you the world bubbling or my way of busier than this wired magazine, like a new tab gadget to improve your life magazine and they headlines, sickly says, or by mocked fry like it's a tiger it's basic design to auschwitz, unlike at down from another from your job, do some more work? You'll be free. Work makes you free, hey. Are you tired of being exploited and overworked at your job? Just go out and get another job like page twos, for the new count in june is going to make things really efficient. So Chris, a lot of the stuff you said, sounds like
why should remedy to me and then cause that's what they say to people down? Tell the truth about anything. Do fouch made four million dollars during covert or you say you don't think people of color should be hired three jobs. So and people don't realize that when they voted for bill Clinton, they did not vote for the lesser of two evils. In my opinion, they did not vote for the lesser of two evils because bill Clinton was able to get things done, that his predecessor, george bush, herbert walker bush, could not get done. What Jimmy like about pass? Nafta they tried to best nafta with a republican president and the Democrats in congress wouldn't go along with a bill. Clinton gave them cover to the corporal corporate democrat to do that, and then they cut the legs out from any labour for a generation and that's what did it bill Clinton did that he no friend of the working man and at the same time he was exploding the prison population as he decimated welfare and then a deregulated of the wall street which would come to decimate,
same brown, a black people, the worst in ten years, while at the same time, He consolidated the media took us from fifty giant called corporations that gave us a news down to six, and so that's why, everybody's walking around or a trance. Nobody actually knows what's going on, because their fishing being fed americans items propaganda as people in the world and they have no idea, and so what you want, You do when you write something like that is you're trying to de propagandizing I'm right here, and I want to make it clear that if you go back a few years writers such as myself, tv, Glenn green. While we were kind of mainstream, sir in terms of numbers, but they have effectively used, algorithms and ntb and greenwater. Also on substance, we ve just been poor so far the margins, because this argument, I think, are- or this critique so threatening because it's true and the weak or they become the more draconian may become in terms of of censorship. The response
Some of the liberal class. I mean the of the we gotta think of a new name, for you can probably think of a jimmy up for the republican and democratic establishment party. because they're, not one party may have robber right. Calling for this change. I know I saw a looking call me america's comedian. By now the I'll call me putin sporty glance he had so I saw their responses. Censorship, nay, at this very fast in deal with big tech companies. google, okay, we won't break your monopoly, but your work with the national security apparatus etc to essentially shot always people out on us. odd conjecture. Remember the last year that I was of trusting before we all went on strike because the publisher tried firebomb sheer,
I did. People did grass were so. These are impressions. I may have said this performance is worth repeating. So if you type and imperialism and global, and I had written something on imperialism or it would come with anything else. There was reason, while there were furrows by impressions, dropped from over seven hundred thousand in a twelve month period to below two hundred thousand. and I'm sure there are much lower than that. Now you look at the way they cut out join us Orange and and very overt censorship which you've spoken about but is frightening for those of us who come out of the press at the near post, is locked out of it's own twitter account because of the Joe Biden of the new york times was calling this information. I mean it was just terrified, so their response is not to a,
rest, the structural issues. That is tying us into a much more kind of naked protein, fascist country with you, no group like the proud boys always kind of stuff, but to essentially sensor their critics from the left and the right. I mean, let's be clear, so I was very opposed to removing trump from social media. I did a thing on Amy goodman show about it and that was it. So it was a debate you know, but anyway I saw that like do you agree. So have I, but the point is that the ah we're freezing then, of course they know everything about us and and they are being empowered or legitimized within this culture to impose censorship.
and I said you know you start with trump. It's always the left by the way that gets built, always historic. This is six weeks later. our t shut down, and then you to disappear. Six years on my archives, there was not one sean. Russia was much one showed violated whatever their guidelines, were but it was a way to array shows that darwin imperialism. Lotta shows We saw all the stuff. I don't wanna talk, well, that was an accident occurs. We were talking about before almost about, but do knows the thing of wealth like now. Is you just telling the truth is treated if you're swearing in front of children, like you told the truth, is like a moment's profanity. You know that you're budgets desert. Old. Well, meaning people told me that, like refined, told the truth about francis, at the nih, you're willing to ski at the cdc or fouch. If I pointed out the times he lied, people
get mad at me, like I swore in front of kids, even though it's wrong. Children in psychology agree that, if you're going to do that, it's going to make other people vaccine hesitant. I will I'm going to tell the truth. The american curse that I now know. So that's so that's the point, he's kind of making what was so frightening it is the biggest cheerleaders for the censorship is the establishment. Liberal class eyes is quite remarkable. They can't wait In also this whole fusion, like I has anybody ever read the history of the fbi, and these people are not our french, no I also no history of any kind for an hour that's right, it's the eternal present, while, as a kind of the visit of the spotless mind right, I honestly I'm starting to adapt the theory that George Carlin head towards the end of his life, where, like I'm, not gonna, part anticipate anymore. I'm just gonna sit and watch the horror show because there is no saving this. Where it's too were too far.
And I really do believe that now I just arc our government is, complete, could controlled by corporations military industrial complex and wall street- It has no interest in helping people, they look look how they consent four billion dollars to ukraine, but they can't send a billion dollars to a city to fix homelessness and they won't do it and there never going to do it and we are glad about clean water. I want the basics, basics, water but we did we did and we must do so story- the chicago eighty percent of the houses in Chicago have led in the water in Chicago here. So we just did that We discover that store. Yet we can. We get clean water, so this is the end of an empire. It is happening in a lot of people. Think. Well, if I get a third party, if I get this, if I get that there is nothing that's going to save this country other than full out revolution, which is that going to happen because the
propaganda is going to me. It is if the working class actually begins. Reno covered revolutions. It's the strike some doubt Emily, even if you look at the russian revolution, the it was yeah and Lenin was in switzerland and trotsky was in new york. Had no idea what was happening. Hundred and thirty thousand workers go out on the streets of ST petersburg. I guess it by then it was called petrograd and ah and it it snowballs into strikes that overthrow. The tsar. Same thing happened in cute cushion for the foco theory and all that, but they it took them four days to get to Havana. The baptists had already left same thing with a shaw and an you don't railroad strike, can cripple commerce if there was a real one, a national one? That's what do we do that then the ultra violet? Why was there nicer to yet that's what the brutal to their buddhism picked up till you, workers, organizing for sure wealth they will, whose we know. Historically, I mean we had the bloody as paper wars of any industrialized country. Hundreds
workers were murdered by company gun thugs and state police. Suddenly, the american, and which was a kind of cursor precursor for fascist movement Yet we know what the state will do better it is the mechanism and that's why they worked so hard to break the unions and, in particular, the radical unions. The wobbly is the old and the communist party which we have re out of american history, hugely important in the nineteen thirty. So it was the strikes that gm strikes all I gonna stop that forest roosevelt the push through the new deal. It wasn't because Roosevelt came from the oligarchy class. You know was said this benevolent father figure I and I have read his private correspondence to his brother- is quite open about fear revolution there, frightened and he was astute enough, unlike Biden too,
we'll eyes how to respond. To save capitalism. Any said is greatest. Achievement was any saved capitalism. You knew what he was doing. So these guys right now a wrecking it on purpose. It seems yeah they're very low wattage. Their intellectually varies right and then we gotta toys in dimension, probably on top of it, but look we surrounded with victims, for a new one fred king. I know Some of these people- I have always name Robert taken with a brother afraid as some kind of family enterprise here. and the tory anew mary. I think fran or robert robbing murder robber, anyways nutty, so who funds there think tank swell it's all the war industry you know: does how many times I wrong. I had to deal with kagan and abrams ellie Abraham sousa, while in central america
way back then, and it doesnt matter and they're just tobacco media, because why I wrote a chapter in this book that I just put I'll call the pimps of war, but that's who they are That's it! That's why they have a platform in ideal, as you know the hall call to invade iraq on by bush I was a middle east bureau for the new york times. I spent seven years in the Middle EAST. I speak arabic. I spend most of my life in Iraq. I didn't have I was allowed to say a word then was positive euro these theories on the middle EAST. People can find a rack on a map of the whole kind of system is now has just been said.
He's, and you know when I began there was a space away, was often an uncomfortable space and there was friction, but there was a space for journalists like myself or bob sheer run share post my columns on Scheer post every monday. We will see that's gone, I mean the the end that is so atrophied like the most of the democratic system, as the two chris were, how I apologize we're having no internet. ireland is dropping periodically site poligized. You know it is crazy. Were you like up you have their stand? We ought trees changing formats to more a top forty and you're gonna, more of a college station. Yeah hey. You know Here's another great where you can help support the show. Is you become a premium
where we give you a couple of hours of premium, bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show. You could do it by going to give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previous programme and the business, and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye, the bastards thanks for everybody who was already a premium member and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support. so we're here with the americas comedian, Kurt Metzler Eric it can be americans, comedian, Kurt metzger and candidates, journalist aaron matej, so you know the gas pipeline that was called nordstream two and nordstream one that's coming from Russia that was going to bring energy gas to germany. Well, the united states blew up and the reason why the united states blew up their gas pipeline was because, as the pain of not of these sanctions,
of not having energy from russia starts to be felt in germany and europe the united states didn't want them to be able to reverse this genes that they had on russia. They wanted do not have a choice. You understand what I'm saying, because the people are starting to protest in germany desiring to protest in europe against high gas prices, they wanted their governments to do something. So the united states, wanted to take the option away of them? Going kay, bring us the gas from russia during doubt via the Nord stream two pipeline, so the united states, his blue ups, and now we don't have that, but turns out. They actually didn't get all the pipelines. So when they bring the united states blew up, the pipeline, we didn't get all of it, and now since the russian energy company gazprom is ready to ship gas via shelved nord stream to pipeline? We know this dossier that russia bloke blow up their last pipeline with the united states as much I'd better yet ripe. So gazprom
told european gas customers that part of the damage Nord stream network could still transport fuel, but only on the new pipeline that germany ditched in february in protest at russia's aggression towards ukraine. Nord stream gas pipeline was set to go into operation earlier this year when germany pull the plug on the projects. Just before russia's invasion. The pipeline, which was set to double the capacity of Nord stream, had been sanctioned by the united states a strong opposition in parts of europe forcing germany to eventually give up on the project now trump even had put sanctions on this wine. They kept building it anyway and then what I've got elected. He realized they're gonna finish this pipeline, so they took the the the sanction. up and said you can go ahead and use this pipeline under the condition that if russia does invade ukraine. You have to stop. Germany said: okay will abide by that, so the It states then provokes russia to invite
they keep shelling the Dodd bass that happens. They have to stop that nord stream do pipeline. So this is what they're talking about there. That's the pipeline they shut off, so they could go back to using this. The pipeline, which was set to double above level of them after the suspected sabotage. Of the network. Last week in a series of explosions, gazprom set on Monday that three of them, lines were affected and wan wasn't the gas has lowered pressure. So what was so? What are you? Do you think we'll be bringing arid might say. So what do you think is going to happen? I think the united states is going to blow up that bucket last pipeline. What do you think's going to happen? Well, look, I'm not gonna predict, but I will say the: u s, every interest in stopping that pipeline and will have every interest in making sure that it cannot resist and the way they ve been doing it so far, at least in public is basically pressuring germany trying to bully them into cancer. In the pipeline trump did that but democrats in them,
ignored it because it undermines the narrative than he really was a russian agent, so they bear I attention to it, he was doing it. Even it was even ass. He was calling Nord stream a horrific tragedy in all this. Mr and then, as you say, Biden, Donna backhand way to continue the trunk policy. We came into office by saying that if invades. Then you have to cancel and even then Germany still resisted and said we're not gonna confirm that until. Finally, they caved in the end a right. Now, germany is in a very precarious situation. Shortly before the pipelines attacked. The head of the german steel association said that germany faces a winter of de industrialization. If it cannot get its cheap source of russian energy. Going again because already germany is facing high energy prices to factories being closed, jobs are being lost accordingly and things
scary in there is talk of germany. Haven't her ration energy this winter, because it's gonna be in such short supply amid temperature forecast of really call temperatures, so, as you say, germany had every and incentive to try to back off of this proxy war alliance and whoever blew up the pipeline took away russia and germany's best form of making a deal actually getting germany to back out of the others proxy war. So I think if there is a chance of gas flowing through that pipeline again, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody has to stop it. Just as I did last week, I think it's adorable that you say whoever bull up that pipeline. Atlanta cause. You have a reputation you have to protect. That Biden was lying and was wasn't going to do it when he said yeah it'll be before, ah so,
well. This throws a new wrinkle into the mix. Apparently Gazprom has confirmed that line b of nord stream to was not damaged by the sabotage operation, also that the damage to the airline. his repairable. So what will your they do now. Do you think they're gonna too, I think I can imagine that they hold the line against russia on this. HU, this winter. What do you think you have? I know, you're, not a predictor german Listen to me, these leaders are so weak and they ve completely crumbled to the. U s, they decided to commit economic suicide for what, just to deny russia a victory, and was basically means implementing the actual commitments that ukraine and you as a previously made. Yes, you ve talked about. There was an accord twenty fifty in minsk, cords frances we held broke read that was a deal to end the war in the dawn boss.
When you re in quebec, up between government and russian back rebels bad, there were peace talks earlier this year, as you talked about with russia and ukraine, pretty much It's the same agreement and also ukraine pledging to Why not join nato and we know that those were sabotaged by the west. Boris Johnson came over and told Zelensky we're not going to back you up. If you make a peace deal with russia or not in short, you have to keep fighting in this proxy war in germany and france have not set up to the u s yet so, even though there are destroying their own economies, even though their sent in saying their own citizens to a very tough and cold winter. I haven't had any evidence about a spine yet, and they will understand it to the. U s! So that's why I didn't know you know I can predict that there finally, going to wake up and relay this proxy war for their own narrow interests is suicide for them. So that's the thing these mine blowing to me, I didn't realize that the leaders of european countries were so mine was they really really are. I didn't know this, but what have you measure
enzo been around them for years. I blame you know like in new york. I sum austrian roommates, but they're, so whose I would sum it up seriously nationally speaking, they still this day, they feel so guilty about you're nazis back in the day that the literally knuckle under and freeze the help- nazis, because that's how little they don't have like national, like rah Rah page, they don't even have that, though that's a few crazies have that were that, were it was the last time I talk, but it's a very like, but they're. Also not you know america we're not big readers over there. They are so I don't owe them be quiet and not like warlike now, but they're smart, so they must know that's what's going on. I just can't believe I can't. Maybe that explains germany, but you know when Putin gave his speech last week or he really rip the western leaders for being such you know, of weaklings to the west
at an knuckling under and he's like. When you go to stand up there. Just did you see what they're doing that, He was telling them exactly what what is happening right now and was ass night, where he was he was. He was challenged him to stop being lackeys of the u s, but that the choice of day have made him look. You know this current chancellor of germany, short he's different than Angela Merkel. It was under Angela merkel that Nord stream was built. Germany decided then that this was in their interest. They knew the! U s would oppose it, but they decided against it. We're going to resist the? U s, no matter what but merkel left off. Is our recently and replaced by this guy. Shelton he's completely caved I don't know what it will take? You know the day before these attacks have been against the Nord stream pipeline. There were demonstration in germany across the country? here by them in the? U s, of course, but they happen. Lotta people different cities just calling for, nord stream to be reopened and calling for and these the sanctions because there are recognising that these sanctions are hurting them, that their raising energy bills early
to job losses and there are doing what that the german steel at present, warned about leading to a winter of de industrialization. He hears excellently hears it. Here's anthony blinking secretary will, what's he talking about what a tremendous opportunity was it that pipeline was? Was we still? We fully show this day yesterday he talks about what a tremendous business opportunity this is for the west. that those pipelines are not broken. It'll are now blown up, because now we can sell our liquefied natural gas to Europe is in their fantastic, of course, at a much higher price than was gonna, be from russia now, but you. You also noted this into twenty nineteen study by the: u s: government funding ran corporation examined the optimal means for all We accept this is all about us. Having an echo comic, moreover, energy with russia just again. No, this is not a didn't, doesn't take a genius to guess this cause. I did I guessed it
and here's from the ran report. A variety of options exists for diversifying european gas supplies and extending rush economically, although It's not clear how much control the united states has over them. A first step would involve stopping nord stream to sort this the end, I'm courtiers, your hair is very much a substance that talks all about it and nord stream attack. You sees a tremendous, are tunisia and they would planning the stuff right out in the open it it it just really, goes to show you I I mean, I guess, there's nobody that knows more about it, that you about how control the media is in the united states its like it's more control, then what the rush if the media used to be when I was a kid, it's like newton, nothing gets through that the establishment doesn't want, including all this nobody in america has any idea about this. Isn't that wild yeah I've looked
here by nord stream to their people. Like John Brennan, the former director, the cia, going on cnn in saying that russia is the most likely suspect and everyone just out. The anchors is not their heads and nobody plays the clip that you play. Of Joe Biden vowing back in February that no matter what we will stop the pipeline will be able to do that. No matter what germany says, nobody plays declared that you just play antony blinken saying that this is a tremendous strategic opportunity when he mentioned that environment putin speech now recently, he said what's already been reported in ukrainian meeting. Which is tat? The? U s sabotage the peace agreement back in april at an extraordinary charged to make right? You think if you? U s said that if that that was wrong, they want to rebut it. Instead, the? U s. Media is completely Nord putin statement, because it doesn't go along with the narrative and that ran corporation study in two thousand maintain? It says that the best way to extend Russia economically, is, as you read, to stop the Nord stream to because it points out
it is not a matter of like a russian gasping. Unreliable for europe with a brush has actually been a very reliable partner, problem is that russian gas very profitable for russia and if you take away Nord stream to you, will stress russia's budget. That's the goal of! U s planners it also points out that another way to extend russia is to increase arms to ukraine and get Russia dragged in more militarily was exactly what has happened is well boy what I talked to regular people and miss was up they just again. I was at a meeting yesterday and guide turned to me and he says you think who's. Gonna use a nuke have, unlike turn off cnn earlier or see- and I am surprised by actually saw cnn- the talking misinformation and are you His of the people. I talk. Usually they don't taken information.
You could just watch the the new york with your times and just remember it and you you go crazy. Are you crazy like what is good and my own? They live like what is happening there, waiting and then we all do the gimme some allergies, why, like they wouldn't listen to some day. Now you know of your file by my. when the scientists and if you want to be a comic I'd, said you have to take twelve years to learn how to be a comic that you do like they all like a separate them just told me, you don't follow anything or nobody greatest started with that. So your whole rest, your analogies, yeah, like I choose, It's not to know any information that way. I avoid misinformation. Well, let's, let's see what happens, I I hope, but they start pumping some gas through that pipeline and we forced a real crisis with germany and the united states was to see what happens. Ah, the german people after
rise up and they were starting to that's what scares them heinous jimmy who's. This Juventus president Joe Biden was the president. How you do today struck yelling me what. quit. Yelling questions, Jimmy jackass, I'm sick of the joint press corps and the world that does it. What are you talking? I said, how are you I know what's going on some footage of you recently leaked after a press conference with the philippine press That is where you complain about how the press corps yelled questions like they have always done. yeah, why? I have stop
yearly god, damn again, not yelling and the white house prescott or again has always raised their voice to get the questions out. It's not personal, MR president, Oppression of philippines general? Like it, I like it here, do you know what his name is? No, I don't. His name is bong bong marcos, yeah and that's that was okay was ok. what I don't if you joking or not now that might be the it is they Did you think I'm gonna write to sketch had not included from? Should I use up business
image is too much on the heels of the out ball car come to watch. This is too much I'll get started, tat was the name again. Ok right? Well, I don't think we need to beg for people's names to speak here. Are there? no, of course not no, no he's a great guy good man when he was running for president philippines, you known as the law and order candidate. You know why, though I don't. Actually
Jesus Christ got, it's okay, movie, god moving add it seems, like you, have developed a slightly antagonistic relationship with the press. Lately, nothing engage with the press on a regular basis and convey the intentions my administration who and succinctly is that so yeah. I really
they now my declared intention to run again in twenty twenty four twenty. She aimed member of the media, I'll have you know I didn't hear anything about this, which is deemed member the media. Oh sure turn more funds is not a journalist, He has a pundits Joe well used have upon the sure MSNBC. So I do remember hearing about you going on his programme. I get time and private. and nobody told other people. I know people now simple, as that is that other supposed to work. What's your eyesight go, and I am ashamed. That network is to lift a bad luck. Msnbc. Are you kidding me back, when they had at children, dylan rata, get out, but now all they have
it's Al Sharpton. For some reason they don't is that still on that network, it's what I read. It seemed like he's that he'd know he he got replaced. Oh well, fuck yeah, while the article I read, it's ok, I keep going or maybe rarely doing it had the foresight to have a history of anti semitic. Agitation like the good reverend they'd still be on NBC like he is or was yeah. I see I see a good point. Mister president, Oh Jim she's can I watch of approach? What do you know what I know? No complete transparency, fortune chaos and not evident, that doesn't sound like a very promising policy to the ordinary citizen or europe, ordinary shoes? Are you would you been.
Well, you're a shitty journalist yourself so and I am talking No irish. How can you, your mom when you are on the receiving end of a Joe Biden, information gravy train, you don't give me in for me Should you call and then used ramble aimlessly? What do you want me to be cogent? That's funny! I want you to be straightforward with the american people. Mr president, president, three in the my eyes I see, are you tending to be senile again. I told you I'm pretending to be fairy she now. I am a little bit she now why, ways, drugged, AL short interval, fuckin people that are mounted again dies. You boy.
so you just try I'll give you the scoop. When time me running dumping Kamala alien should area fifty one. Whatever I'll, tell you, but for now just I know gas is gonna. Go up again. It's not my fault. Opec, opec, plush disney plans. a man and a lay bay training, very norm. Gravy. You too. you just fires, still gay I wore Were you? Ok? I don't know ukraine wouldn't want. about in due time. When you talk to him any of your milk, ok, I'd kill, I'm when I go to sleep,
all right, MR president, that you will have it I hey become a premium member gotta, jimmied art dotcom, sign up. It's the most affordable premium programmer the business the voices before today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mccrae, you can be founded MIKE Mccrae, dot, com, that's it for this week you be the best you can be yeah I'll. Keep being me,
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.