« The Jimmy Dore Show

What Does It Mean To Be A “Brave” Comedian Today?

2023-06-09 | 🔗

Writer, actor, director and standup comedian Mike Binder recently penned an article asking the rhetorical question: why has the standup industry been so thoroughly de-fanged in recent years to become so thoroughly pro-establishment? Gone is the bravery of Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor and George Carlin, he says, as comedic voices of dissent today have become the exception and can be numbered on one hand. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Binder about the state of comedy, and the few truth-tellers who have been willing to push back against the COVID narrative in particular. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chris Christie and Vince Vaughn!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The everybody. Only ten dollars go see. My new state of special covered lies are funny jimmy door, dot, com and come see us do allied joe we're gonna be in co, host new york, hartford, connecticut, bakersfield, california, baltimore san francisco awning too rosemont in chicago las vegas, salt lake city and bore we're gonna, be a new york, Stamford, connecticut, potsdam, pennsylvania, san diego everywhere. Jimmy dore dot com for a link for arctic. Hmm, did Jimmy who's? This Jimmy georgie governor Chris, creating new ones, he mean people remain.
But what why are you calling after all, these years, curse about doordash by the hour? But again I made a faux good news over but your voice. What about my voice? what about your voice? You're right? What did Sopranos go off the air again, just remind me when the Sopranos went off the air again, what difference does it make whether it's still available on streaming services? The generations there's still a robust? my discussion about the show what it is like a bull mother. How do I started a reservation this day you fucker funnel gaze? hold down my heart?
governor governor christie, please maybe did if I talk give a bigger dad, but it's not though, maybe it should really get accurate impression. That sounds like the only other guy and a coincidence. Ok, baby! I don't wanna, take this idea, Is that how he really really really gay bi? Okay, good yeah? I don't want any gimme the cap would any beef. We could we're good governor christie, no beef,
ugly right now, roller a bad job, I can really do have a serious conversation about the twenty twenty four days. It's not what I mean I will talk about whatever you want. That's what I'm paying you for right! Paying me sorry! I got you confused with somebody else said. The republican field is getting pretty full as we speak. Sets you, apart from your competitors, the only one, sakharov, not going to tromp everyone Gonna pussyfoots they're, not gonna, beat up for everyone.
In actual fact, I see him forget are using Are you sure you're really in gray position to challenge germ after endorsing him twice war forum at being publicly tossed aside and you bailey, aided by him like way, because it's true I gotta be top of the agenda a bunch of shit about him, knowing full well I'll fold like a pool chair Challenges me a calls me chubby or whatever what about it well, then how are you gonna handle bigger debates stage with them?
beyond this? Probably you gotta get therefore Are you doing this attention, while really I mean mainly find out what it might be. The focus should be. They show that the other candidates so ones I got away with it. Maybe she regular citizens too, and I once again but I could write a book called tough talk by greece, Christie sub, shed retired a millionaire. How inspiring just a simple given georgie gonna had dream. absolutely fuck up traffic one day over a petty dispute and then run for president.
Successfully only to be humiliated by a shop. It believe me, I'm almost accomplished the more well. I certainly would buy your book. Rarely nab selina Chris, all right. I don't a dish. This don't need abuse, go on get this kind of abuse from com? If I was Chris you're, not tony soprano. I don't know who I had many more jimmy. I'm lost, I'm hungry all the falcon guys I need to do some soul searching for real this time. I mean it. maybe speak in your real voice, You don't know
call you every week I thought you were dead boy. Are you like that had shut top notch yeah chad yeah? Applause in so doing johnson meeting some of the chance to show we have a special guest with Us- MIKE biter. Is it american writer filmmaker stand up comedian, an actor he's directed film, starring, Kevin, costner, Adam sandler, ben applicant, Octavius spencer, is
Incredibly include Steven Spielberg minority report, any wrote the twenty sixteen novel entitled calm and he curly produces a common theme. Stub stack called stand up world policy, also did the comedy, store documentary series and showed diamond lots more things. Please welcome, might binder a hate thanks. Well, do the show it's great to have you on, api beyond the show. I I really enjoy it a lot. I watched a lot so we're going to talk about this today So you wrote this ain't. You wrote this article over at the stand up world. Its is what is it mean to be brave as a comedian in today's world, and so let me just read a little bit of it to the people will get a start. It says what what does it take to piss off the powers that be now days in the ways, Richard prior Letty bruce more sol george Carlin, joan rivers date in their day, who is bright, and bold today. In that way, in the world of stand up, is it
pushing the envelope to simply be raped. White women, even if it's funny does that, make a smart comic, brave. as crudely and indeed tail talking about sex. As a woman comic make you someone that immediately walks the edge today in yemen. He is innocent. ski as some of the other stuff price in Paul mooney or even eddie, murphy or chris rockerbilt lakes were adieu. As they were breaking through the best stand up is always counter culture. it always spanks the elites and those that have their hands on the wheel and in the till, it's telling us things were not supposed to be here didn't wanna hear through humor now, most comedian. Stop doing that during covert, I would say, covered, maybe even a little, but not always allow. Before that, I was ok, I would say before cover the risk. Some of the most successful and respected in so called edgy comics today are not brave in the slightest
least that in the last five or ten years they haven't been? They ve been fake, brave and we ve accepted they by and large, have been pretending to be willing to push the button to be telling the truth. Giving the crowd exactly what, no, they wanna hear yes, there tat it is held, but the wit talks with the wind at their backs They're playing the same game state sponsored media has been playing in the same time period. Wow that now might blow me bring you in our name names. First of all, our naming names no hand them. Now. I've known you as a comedian, you know before I was even a comedian, so, somebody who knows the ins and outs of the sand of game attic. It's obviously close to your heart. tell me what led you to write that and say those things. Oh just tired of it.
And he had tired of it in also inspired by a few people, you being one of them there that are telling the truth, and I just dumb you no actually I just you know it's just you. Do you get tired of it? You get tired of even you know. I just got back into doing stand up against last june. You know, and you just get tired of realizing. You know you just that You can't do you say armoured, try this joke out and you if in your kids, are your friends call? You can't do that. You can't say that you know. Why were you know- and you realize. You know any other writing this platform stand of world for a couple years and
as I wrote in there, you know I really love this jim brewer special rope called somebody had to say about that. maxine so you're here to see you wrote this article. That was then twenty twenty yeah it was February seven, twenty twenty two. It says Jim brewer, not your father's goat boy right so and you are alright, and it was really about this special that he had called somebody had to say it got someone's gotta say it: Yes, and he was mostly about blowing up the covert narrative. He was the first comedian I saw on film. I was for his special here. and he was. He was pushing back against the ridicule this around all of it all of it and it was a lot of it was very funny. I thought I thought it was brilliant. I thought it was brilliant and he was so physical and crazy, and I just I really
I was brave because a very but was deadly brave. It was at a time when nobody was pushing back at all and he was really talking about how just the fact that You know allowed to say anything, you know and- and I just wrote about- bad and in health. How he made me let this guy, you know in a boy, I got a lot of trouble. I had a lot of friends call me and tell me
knock it off and- and I was so surprised by it- and you know at the time I think I had and twitter just by being a comedian and having a tv show for a couple of years I hundred thousand or something me thousand twitter followers. It immediately just dropped down to nothing and and then and then it you know it. Just basically. Twitter just throws me out and then, when I, my buddy Bobby Kennedy, who was has been my friend for thirty years, more He came out with the book the forty book and I read it and it was great yeah, it's a great book. Let me before we get to that. Let me just show what you have to say about the Jim breuer. You said when you wrote that article a lot of my friends, god pissed off at me over it, I think twitter throttle of me. I thought I was safe. I've been a registered demo At my whole, life donated to the right causes: walk the walk,
I could write about whatever I wanted to thought. I was a knock you later nor vaccine bash. At that I was wrong. He says I mean I could, just ten years ago. I told everybody like ten years ago, lechner I might be, those guys you're an earlier. I really they tell everybody years ago he had. Everybody wanted still be called the industry. and one by one a homepage. They're all this. This is right. It'll be my. I know I've been watching this for a while was way before coven I mean, like this is not stand up. Its showbiz job is, we would like gets bigger conflated all the time, but you could always do stand up. Louis still doing stand up here. Ok, showbiz is the thing that you and that's world nonsense is going on, and yet you are to be a scientologist if you want to be good graces with the green. You know, scientology business state of the law is of of com,
can't get that that we get sent to as a punishment, etc. Satirists lowest lowering of show business showbiz until there when you wrote that article mike about Jim brewers special- and it was in his special- is all about pushing back against a covert narrative you a famous comedian. I'd say: I want to say it. Im knots, He called I'm here with that. We are you talking about and you had this and you had this conversation with them about jimbo. Special. He was upset at you for writing something nice about it and then you, ask him and I'll show it, and you ask comedian, you asked him, did he see it adopts? It says this he fuck. No, I didn't see it. I'm not gonna watch some anti science thing missing. nation like that, is just gonna get more people killed and the people that don't get the vat I going to prolong this damn thing and then screwed up for every one else. Oh please say who it is now it's time nuts
well. If everyone else has the vaccine, then you say what's but do what This is what they thought, so you can't as jill rogan says, that I find it. if Joe robin didn't have access to all the people in information that he does. He would have thought legs and I did think like this. At the beginning, I thought just like, joe and I used to think of me. I didn't because our friends with Bobby kidding and and- and I read actual I've been so I think I read a manuscript the book you know, but but even that I just also- and I we at least oh that's all good. Has I believe that all it's not good. Not only are we don't need no red, I'm a bad debt, but you know so what happened was
I would early on. I would say things to guys like this guy who was working with and they would get mad at me, and I was like I'm just listen. It doesn't matter. I look at. I had to get the vaccine cause, I'm working on a show, and I had to get it and bottom. I just said: there's some questions about it It's ok, you know, and an even now, listen even now, Everything that come out everything that's come out. You know they still deny it Don't you know it's a tie, science to attack someone's faith and they end they and they memory whole everything. They memory holes like the fact that they said it would stop contraction. It would stop the transmission and then it would end the pandemic of everybody got vaccinated. They have now memory hold that they pretend, like nobody ever said that when I say still say in a bunch of the biggest thing, their memory hole, the biggest thing the member who was. They said that this was a pandemic of the air
bags of the on back decided was about, and that was an end that that the people that are given their exit, it vaccine keeping this thing go. Yes, and, and then you know it was ok to lay them off into ashes eyes them into an they know now they were dead wrong about that and nobody. When I talk to my friends now and say, look you know that it just wrong and that's what Jim Jim grew you know from. So it was wrong to to get down. Jim Breuer, for having that special. No there's no yeah I was wrong they're just there's nothing and that to me what's going on here is, is it ok to be wrong? It's ok,
be wrong he, but about, but it because in you said so great in use in your special. That's what science is you that's what this this whole thing that we want We have we were. We were flying. Our way through the dark, it's ok if we made mistakes, what's not. Ok is second to none. to shame inquiry westerns along the way, yet to shame inquiry that you're not supposed to do that you're, not so what say in my special and I've talked about this on. The show is that this idea that you have to trust science, you dont trust science. That's not sign is a way of thinking and it's a way of thinking, sceptically and there's. Never something called settled science because That's why we know about black holes in the speed of light and emphases equals empty. Squared is because Einstein didn't, except the science of gravity that newton talked about. He questioned it and that's how you ve moved forward
Are you always moved boards of people say when they say I trust the science, what they mean as I have blind faith in what the guy who says he's the scientists on television says I a question what he says, and so you want to say something like a consensus at that. You know, consent consensus with what you guys for going it alone doktor ngo, something yelling and wash your hands yeah, because a doctor's yet The consensus at higher death of babies rally were work with corpses and in putting an end livery babies are he realised and then Oh great, now those big they re an amount of his job right. I guess insane asylum, that's right so decide he had so. Let me give. Let me go, before we move on. I tell you one funny thing: yes, one just money caviar to this conversations behind you. Yes, right before I got on with you today. Right now I got an email. from this guy who I dont want to say his name done. That's done nothing!
One of these play says sends me, email that I hadn't talked to in a couple of years does a great job, bad mouth and so and so and his way and you- and I said I didn't mention his name- he goes oh come on. He didn't have to win the way he was talking about the vax and all that you know that was him. Good. Is it okay? So, but I bet so but my point, is you can't? I can't blame those people here. I just want to get back to my point, so I I god I totally understood how people thought like that, that's I thought I thought like that. Not that if the people didn't were mass and they didn't get vaccinated there, the mother rockers that are going to keep this thing go, and I thought all that until I got vaccine injured, which was early in early twenty twenty one and then, when I looked at
but it turns out they were lying about everything. So my point is it. I've had conversations like in his very frustrating, but but I don't try to deem oh, I don't think you do either I wait. We want to be able to have conversations with people. I don't I don't. I don't want to demonize anybody. You know listen I also the same thing when they were all jumping down on Joe rogan and they are Well, they were all joe rogan friends in ireton mad at him, and I was like hey man, you should you know, I think you make a mistake being so mad at him, but er. I understood why they were so mad at him, but they were wrong. They were wrong and I knew something and also you know. I have a really good friend who works in nicaragua. He grows to guys in nicaragua. I think I told you this and they don't have. They didn't, have a covert breakout in nicaragua because they all take ivermectin regularly from the government.
malaria thing right now. I've got a push back any there. My guards young does not slow to spread. The hospital I ever met in is not your miracle horse drug. It hasn't. I have been approved by the fda to treat covered, so we can record recommend that whatsoever and have to push back on you and that suggests. tell them their people announced. I still don't push to are, Ok out, because I got a horse little kick you right in the head list here's the thing man I got the I gotta vaccine and then I got covered I happen to be somebody who had been made enough about it and- and I went over and got a dose of, I remake them from Bobby and I had covered for about a day and a half. So I was a I was
so prescribes. I remarked, and I was in a test. I was in a study where they were trying to figure out how to treat people like me That was there. There was treating people like you, there's no treaty but there was a lot of stuff. There was a lot of stuff, and then I took in imagine was one of them, but of course we have to tell you remind people at the fbi da does not approve ivermectin as a treatment for covert nineteen at all. So- and I like you, get to that, so I I let sits- I just want to get back to this. It's it's really an interesting article and you do you talk about chris rock and you talk about his. a journey when he was super edgy and then he stopped being entered edgy. But now you say is coming back: you talk about Dave Chapelle. You talk about a lot of people, Dave smith in this article, Sarah silver men. You talk about a lot of people
I was in. One of the things I talk about is your special, which I gotta say man. I really loved your special, so much anya, it's one I think to actually lose the thing that started me to write the article, because I thought your special was so brave and so brave but really funny I just you know I really am I got into a cause. I saw you do a few minutes of it at the theatre in them What's it called again the fear that we are the two it's theater and the theater, but you you really am the special you didn't do you did or didn't do so much of the special attack that night. But it's really it's really a waiter you've found a way to just find so much comedy gold in all of this, and it it's really one.
Favorite specials. In a long time ma, I'm really love it. I'm really flattered that use. Yes, he said that I really appreciate the compliments and I don't care for myself. I hope you don't but you yourself spreading around but damn well, you know you haven't you haven't on your site, you know, and so yeah. Well, I'm it to draw up a release it soon, but I How would you what? How are you do you have it? I knew you'd probably put it up on you too, but the lot of it. I don't know. I can't you can't say on youtube. Oh yeah I wonder if I wonder what I can say about january. Sixth, do I wonder whether I could say over those information bores under age. So I do not like If I talk about, I recommended that special. I talk about the facts, not being a bra. And talk about it, but let me go, back to your article in use. Let's be honest, no one trust me
If you have anything about authority anymore, The number one reason that stand up is so strong right now that stand up podcast, like Joe romans tim Dylan's jimmy doors are so popular that they're telling the truth about believing their hearing the truth. So when we feel like we're being lied about it. We tell the truth about it, but other people's its risky to tell the truth about it. So they don't look is that, if you work in a lot in showbiz, you had two or three or four shots mandatory and there was no getting out of it and you're like. Why do I lose my job? So imagine that is true and you just got punked out like the right for a job in showbiz, which is what everybody did so That's a load bearing narrative now on so many levels that you can't acknowledge not away. designs thinkers this election. I believe about it. That's fine yet puts I'd four shots. I wouldn't I put that a kid I wanna done out of it was dangerous. That's there's a lot right on this with and it has.
I'm not anti backs needle and dvd either. I think back to work was there at the right time and in theirs, but also a lot of people been heard by it because that's what happened here. We paid the price of Heaven and do a real, fast but don't lie that it did they had that we didn't have to pay them. Price, calling winded soon right wing like we can sue and we were lied to. We would they didn't get wrong, it wasn't because they were moving too fast. They hid, They didn't want the fda to want to release the bags drought data for seventy five years the bigger the not only now, what happened? The people physically? Oh great, that's that's another, but the top terminal. happened to us culturally when people did their mass came off and they became authoritarian nazis ends people like I've. I've said this on the show that people who were supposed to stand up and have a sense of history about informed consent and experimental medical treatments and turning us
each other modes in staying sceptical of big farmer in government, especially when they come together and that those people like Chomsky. He said that The unvaccinated should separate themselves from society and when asked how they will get food and water, he said that's their problem. Those are and he'll never apologize for it either. Chomsky is not apologize for it. So what? If he, it would go a long way to make people like me and you feel whole again and feel like we could maybe get a little bit of our reputations back peak, but they won't Chomsky is just as big a coward as the Well he's critique all his life. He jacko because what what we should have to go, listen to kneel yeah over and over again for the rest of his life.
it tells his stuff. His wife told him for an hour. Hey Neil young before Colvin was protesting g m o's in food and then all of a sudden, what an experimental mrm a vaccine came along. He had no questions and you're a jerk. If you didn't take it, it's the craziest thing. I've ever seen souls well the way I would rather them say listen. This is a vaccine. We'd rushed it through. It's not going to be perfect and and you're right, you're you're, absolutely right her. You know some people are going to have to sue the the dead, get get justice for the patient and that they should have. They still been ok with that the big pharmacy could have handled those lawsuits. You know and that's you that's the biggest problem Nobody believes anybody because everybody formed a circle and decided to lied. Everybody's
face and comedy, hold down on the job stand up comedians fell down, they became repeaters of propaganda, the most insidious evil Propaganda that turn people against each other instead of against a big lie, the debt, the virus. net was never is deadly as they said it was because they were areas. I think they weren't curious. They word nor the opposite. but what again I I've told you this before is that comedians. I know that are still think we landed on the moon and think Elvis is still alive, had no questions about covin and that now about any of the lock mass heard, immunity, natural immunity, the vaccine. No, no, and if you did have a question just like you experience in your conversation with your friend that they did they it was you they were impenetrable to facts and information? Even if you ask them where they at their information. Was they wouldn't tell you
didn't get it. They did their duty in war getting when they got here. This thing jimmy at the very beginning you said to me since covered this: is go on for a while now, and it has nothing to do with kobe deal. It's it's. You know limiter as soon as as soon as we left Afghanistan. We just jumped into this ukrainian thing and everybody in certain type of person put our ukrainian flag out under there, run at their house or on their instagram files of whatever profiles, and they didn't ask. they didn't dewey reading, didn't really that they were. There was no curiosity or why. Why is this so important? What what? What? What? What did is it
when you would ask people about it about the new green? What what is this really and why white? What it was a golden is hitler and were saving democracy, and I gotta go now. My dear it it was the same exact thing: it was it symptom of no curiosity and if you had any curiosity or if you had opinion any differing you. What, the problem, you know. Not only did you like from you liked it, you, like louis has dead body like his mother right. You know it just came out of nowhere at that you know, I would say cause I have the my best, the optoma my best friend, I would say what what what happened to you,
I do like hating the f b. I know they say yeah, but you know that was you know what that that was a different time and they know it the same time, the same fbi. Ria, let me get so, yeah yeah I did so, and you know we'll talk about John stuart mill quickly, is that we covered in on this show John Stewart went on steel. commercial, when he told the truth about the war had lab virus and came running out via the covert nineteen came from, which had led by who told you he's sorry for that. Achieving coherence in the end, the end, but Hillary Clinton, voters and the Joe Biden borders have not let him get about that. In fact, he got Ex excised from polite society. And he would they were telling him to go half himself and he's right, winger, all the things they say to anybody and which, by the way, this is all co behavior, all the can.
since I know, except for maybe two acted like they were in a cold during covert their acting like there in a cold during ukraine. They won't their knock and John Stewart. So ever since he did that ever since he told the truth about the war had come calvin. Nineteen virus he's been trying to get back into the good graces of those people who ostracised for telling the truth not for lying for telling the truth, and so what what has he been doing while he did an interview with condoleezza rice and Hillary Clinton, where he didn't lay a glove on him gave him a tongue bath. He did that then he pendant metal on the actual nazi at disney world He flew down there at the behest of the defence, the buck and Helen nazi, a metal on a nazi, and
Everybody knows he didn't cause Joe rogan talked about it on a show, so I'm very watch your rug brought it up on. Yet you brought it as much about ile de John knew, but he talked about it since it's been out and so then, after he did, they visited the congolese rice. Hillary Clinton interview Hung and not wait. You don't think that John knew that he did it. Oh god you covered is, is nazi tattoo, with like a red or banned, or so we had a nazi tattoo, but the guy's a well known nazi. It wasn't it. sky. To John didn't know it, and so will the download dosage. that's, why you don't do urea, and so now he knows any still and said anything, he hasn't apologize for your new crazy, so and then let the latest thing you did, he brought him up. He had of the show about vaccines, course he doesn't bring on anybody like our hour of K, junior or robert Malone or bring her doktor mccullough, anybody who is a leader in their field that would have counter narrative he brings on three bought and paid for by
big pharma liars and he pretends like he's doing a deep dive into the great work vaccines are turns out. They did have any questions there, problems and dumb. So that's what jobs to it, and so this is what we're talking about he's been. He was fake, brave you talk about it in the article n and it's it's it's disgusting it it's like. I John stewart. He was my hero eat. I had committed here she's deftly one of them that show he did was amazing and now he's not any more. Now it's like I'm doing better work than you. Shame on you, John Stewart, I'm ready when you are, and let me tell you the guy who really is fake brave and I I didn't know I didn't write it to name names, may mean the guy who is like the epitome of this is big. Brain is even colbert, it's horrible. What he's dead! It's like you, just wanna, go wait a minute. You rat! That's, I think, I'm run so far.
Whenever I go downhill. yes cause. It's it's exactly what you doing it of it's so easy to be brave when you're, when you're, who called him brave, you're, you're a felon that kind of been you know, and it's it's l a and my thing is it's not your, not your, not helping society by giving. Them. What you think everybody's supposed to hear and and and I love it- james Comey came out the other day haha. This was so amazing. Kimmel said you know the biggest problem with trump winning again is he would weaponize the the the systems of government? Yes, I am after five straight years of russiagate, by put which was invented by the f b. I had it
or twitter. I really on twitter that came out of the entire. Yet all the twitter files on the government in culture media colluding two sub got which trump he's the all evil? We have two always vote Biden. I saw though you know I understand it's like, though, any though there is no irony too that there's no April James call me to say that we have to be afraid. of letting someone else hands on the wheel could burger weapon eyes instruments of government. The fbi
killed martin luther king, and yet you know it is, but so I'm saying it's not just covert it is we don't trust anybody any more and and- and I I don't I- I didn't trust the trump administration- trust the obama administration all and it's a problem. So if you on top of it, you know, at least in the sixties and in an era you know, you'd have guys like lenny, bruce george Carlin and You know leaving a mod, so I don't think he ever really figured out how to be really funny. You know you know, but at least he don't or eat the head guys that want a review. Richard pryor was hysterical, but you know you had comedians, who you know these guys would go to jail if they had to get them to keep doing this bruce dead right, yeah
george carl- and did you just you just you know, so that's why by the way you know when I wrote this thing and then put it up lismore you, you see all these people giving me comments. He she's, not brave, he's, not brave. We get this guy, this guy, Joe rogan. You know what everybody has their different version of what brave, but to me, the only thing that matters is who who who's willing? Here's the biggest thing you said you wanted to be in with the jumpsuit with the elite crowd,
and can be invited to the right parties. That's what that's what they really want. At the end of the day, they don't want to lose their laser card, key up, yeah to go to the right to be in the right club. You know- and I remembered when louis c k got canceled. You know he had a great joke, arabic, a great joker. I actually heard him say it one night, just hanging out it to some friends. He said you know, I'm really fine and everything you know. If I
who my friends are everything, but at a certain point I go boy. Do I miss my friends, you know: do you want to know who my real friends on the way he said? I don't want to know. My real friends was while I got famous yeah yeah, but but but you know, yeah, that's the thing when you a lot of these guys. You know- and you know one thing you know Rogen he just he made his own pack, his own group in eating he doesn't. He doesn't want to go to the greek to write dinner party, but tablet I'm right there with the eye. Right there with you. You know. I run one as at the young turks junkie, use invited to the washington whitehouse course. on its dynamic. What you want to go to that he's? Wasn't it Kosovo there in fact make fun of those people, those people The problem. Let me let me just finish your article real here, a real quick. If it's you you go. What was true was that people who did Take the vaccine, didn't hurt anyone else. They didn't you
a possible roles and they were the people from the walking dead. They didn't spread we think that anyone they weren't ignoramus as they had questions, we were too something completely different way? Different, that's a big one! To get wrong! There were also good doc, good scientists, good writers that had done a hell of a lot of research. We had the right. to hear it and Joe rogan Jimmy door. Tim Dylan, dave, smith, Jim gibraltar and everywhere else had every right to ask questions and make jokes about it. Yet something goofy in our society, and suddenly we were all supposed to not collar outside the lines, no matter what I sensed smelled thought heard. had a hunch was off about Colvin elections, lockdowns the ukraine transgenders hunter Biden's russian bot, computer teaching. the gardeners how to give head? George George floyd sainted cleared thomas's defamation campaign that special need kid who wandered into its gods and with the shot guns or anything about anything?
her anywhere that wasn't banging donald trump from comedians. None of the above have been joe pebble subjects since twenty fifteen, that's a big! That's I've been at that time for me that we'll just if they want to make it and get on like a tv thing right. That's that's what it is. That's what it is did you all those you do it The stand up you can always do would have your own audience, which white smart rogan built that podcast up like that, yes, but all the people that wanted to be in showbiz buddy LISA to make them a wipe. I guess he doesn't want to be in showbiz we weren't talking about covered, but same as being a stand up a shape is dictates too, to the stand out. The stand up does not dead the children as I always want to be a stand up that was by those my problem in children is. Are you guys? I disagree at this point in two thousand twenty three, and maybe it
the more than I had been aroused. I think you guys doing showbiz. I think that I think the rest of its dead. What you think governed state, colbert dusty ass phony shown alone, I mean, did what's filled with the club that background whether the adsense that the advertisers? That's that's. What got manipulate ultimately was when all the Gee nonsense came out. The advertisers who's gonna advert, So why am everybody's hemorrhaging monies? They get up to these rules and then it's like when I years ago, pop towards a bunch of comics work. We do make a fake stand up bit for a pop tarts. campaign here, and I did you re right, my toothless pop towards meeting Over and over I like to jobs, because if yo, I would keep messing up the add four popped out,
not only are your peers, like none of that, was worth it to have to say everything that a corporate ad for pop tarts, no matter what talk corporate gigs now those used to be the gigs that suck. Yes, that's the beauty for now of social media. For me, in the youtube, is that I dont need. Could traditional legacy soup o business at all, your right and I, by what right past the gatekeepers and as soon as I started, my own showed it took off. So I shall take the cup and mike I am in show business but ass. You are I mean I don't know what kind of censorship you tube is giving you, but they better stop. if you are going to lose it yo, but I don't know that, but I do know that you are in and that to me and that's why I started stand up world and I write about people that I believe in it's not a political thing to me.
Is it I. I I really like to write. You know I've, I've left and Bien morgan. You know, do you know that is ah well she's a race comic started her own special than youtube and then eventually her fans kept writing netflix. So they gave her as they gave her a special, but she sells out huge concert halls. shouldn't made netflix should go back to you too, but she created around laying a rhyme while their own world. Am I right but her a lot. I write about people that their own world. They don't need. You know, and I believe me, I'm so proud. This writer strike it. But if you spend too much time complaining about it executives and how really they are, which they are you in that same time,
we're in an era. Let's create our own world. Let's do what you guys are doing. Let's let I'm going to create my own lane, I'm not going to let it executive make that much money off me boy. If they do I'm going to do it because I decided to at them yeah cause. It was a good deal from me who, MIKE you know now like when I first got his stand up. It was like all my writing everyday, those four via conflict, nine years. I never concept of final package. so doing. Your old thing was even up You don't mean that old. I am old debate or kids now come up all know that the most part is justice. No aside, a lure of like gotta, know the cool kid able in some way- and it's not anymore, all the people are cool. Guy kicked off the table, we're out while everybody is like on guard billion people I can fully with all time I can watch them. It every still train to think it's normal lake,
what like not have an opinion about any these things, just bringing it up to spring in it. I don't think we should be talking about this unless there's somebody percy new george floyd, just next to me talk about this korea topic. That's you, you have it provided you shall commissar yeah over just went along with that which, if you workin it's like a jerk off shore. You should do that. I got into this. Don't ever want to do that as well. It's really a great article. I will encourage everybody to go check it out at tell your sub stack stand up world knows I myself back and stand up world that ob sorry scent of world that come. Oh and dumb its grip it's really it's a weed. I mean, of course I I love reading about comedy I like talking comedy and it's really a great red and everything you said about Chris rocket that was right on in by the way I wasn't slamming press. I know no good luke, you compliment him highly very highly and everybody's, we're. You know, lots of people's careers goes like this and you know he's back
tops, will you famous and you get to talk to all these other faint. I keep. We were people I know is not really anything guy. I know a bunch of people who I can believe. I know that guy, when you're really famous, they are the biggest its are given them the inside track. Why would you go look up to see if there are like going to read? the guy at my friend from intelligence just told me all about drums colluding. That's I get a lot of that. I get a lot of guys go, I know a guy in the cia and he to people in it. I'm sure they know a guy in the cia and that guy guys, like you, told me, you don't read the historical too long enough. I did they repeat it.
I tell you one more thing: an are we running out of time now go ahead, you know it it's really. What were corseted right? You know, I think a new guy coming in understands it, but everyone there still so allured of you know a dying animal or something. You know that last night it was at the improv and set the improv, and I was talking to a buddy of mine who's, a hot. comedian any. He said something that was so funny and real and raw and great- and I said, are you doing that he goes no idea. I can't do it
at one stage on stage really, and I said what are you talking about, that he goes nah, okay, again, no and then afterwards we're talking about the morning. You can have it, you can run with it and I said, are you kidding me? You would get me there. Why wouldn't you do that and he said? No all you can do it. He goes. I might come back and take it from you. If you make it work as it will, then I wouldn't do it. You know, but, but how I was I was so blown away it could it's so smart. So he said if it doesn't work like it's cursed, you take it, but if I find out it did work out in my country he was getting. He was kidding honestly. The truth is, he was given. because he nodded and not at an aggravating, was data carbon No! No, it's easy. Is it.
Kate I gotta but buddy it, but it was like ie. Just really was like I don't wanna an egg I dont want. I give too much trouble with it No and- and I want, but he doesn't understand, annually, split up to throw away that. basic thing like that, you know I hope was like I got a movie deal, I might lose yeah, but what he doesn't understand is he's missing the ball. He does and I love the guy, but he just like you're wrong. You, don't you don't you're thinking wrong, you think thinking wrong. Yet yeah, it's real! It's raw! It's a it came out a year baby for a reason, but but that's okay, that that's just you know why you rat, I hear you're, pretty argue, philosophy epoch Michel ratios article again before we say goodbye there. It is what
mean to be a break, be brave as a comedian in the world today, of course, yours truly write them in our very flattered. Thank you very much for the night. Why you got that. You got the hate us all! by the way anybody lives in allay jimmy gonna, come out to up the ice house right with me, yeah july second correct, as our cell will lie second term. There's some really happy every what day is it july? First talk I first ok, they isolated as outside Saturday night I'll be doing a spot on on that show with you, there'd be a bunch of funny people on that joy under the reason is good. With the hockey glass room, you told me about yeah yeah with the hockey Last year we had money Their July first, I might binder show everybody come say: hi, ok, might binary Thank you thanks a lot hey guys, it's really nice to be on your show. I am a fan of both year. I I shit, you come out and gas,
fear my here about here. I can't see anybody, thing for me, I'm! Ok, it's a pleasure, see assume power hey, you know, here's another great way. You can help support the show you should be. The previous member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week. and it's a great way to help support to show you could do it. By going to do your company that cop click it got joined premium and supposed to fort. baby, a programme in the business and it's a great way to help put it come back in the eye? The bastards thanks, nobody was already a premium member and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, the the Jimmy who's, this his daughter of brittany, the shrill vince VON. How are you
jimmy. How are you doing great now that you ve called what's on your mind, hoping that big qaeda, Hang it out. You look consider grievance. That's great news. Man again, who was What do you want to talk about I have no idea how gave them let's go around here. What do you mean? You have no idea. I'm sorry, I don't have a script. I had I don't want to talk about. How is this possible
striking and solidarity with the dublin I refuse to. Why didn't happen? Is it the one doing your voice right now. Tat does not strike writers. Are we could do the boys but not actually write anything I've lost Jimmy, I'm not not a guy. I don't want to do here. Ok, just come down we'll get Do this you and me buddy? Ok, ok! Maybe we can just chat and get to know each other. Ok don't you have a usual segment that you do that that hollywood minute thing yeah. What's it called again, I I don't know,
yeah I mean usually trading down right in front of me. I just say whatever the worst shape, I'm an actor for christ sakes. I can't come up with this shit on my own. I I think it's Funds tinsel town show pinions got karabakh, but just right in your right You do some of those like on the fly. Why not god damnit, I hate to strike so widely spoken virtues. These people have to Carmody, always son, don't have something that they want, so everyone after supper. have to be out on a limb, dude pocket, improper bony on snobs treatise, I get a real job bids to calm down. get through this? Ok go to the entertainment tab in the Google news, that's where MIKE Mccrae
quiet, that's whereby The gray gets his entertainment stories. I signed. Ok, look any scrolling, ok, here's one! Ah taylor swift broke up with her boyfriend at a big thing. Apparently not that one! Ok, ok, there's this trial about phone Ok, what about it. ah I was gonna had awaited, founded sure, wouldn't be the slimy. Judges would be that lady for mad mad with the cash movements, Ok, not bad got anything else in africa, one is one actor. No skip skiff, ok,
good idea. J there is yet another transformers movie out. Did you hear about this jenny? you're about this new transformers road know. Well, release, regardless of you having knowledge boy. I tell you what Jimmy I wish. The transform into someone who gives a shit about, transforming too obvious fact. This is hard, is ok bids. You did your best, I'm sorry, I need a script and if so, what do I do? for me. What am I gonna? The commie friends could go back to work here, The coal miners went on strike. They would hire Pinkerton detectives to go mow down with goblin gun right. A cat tat take a bitch. You think we every television writers.
Why does gonna shoot back? Come on back gimme, a break apathy would have a savage, even saw a picture of a gone right so tell microcredit, get up his ass. It's all right, I'll get you started the union. No one gives a shit. What have you just briquetting is important. Joy. Don't have to do anything. Sounds nice. our real nice. ok. Well, we'll have Jimmy door management, negotiate with them or something I don't know Where did some straw package with them? Some tells me you're, pretty quick does exactly for me as your change jobs over here, you'll David's will do better next time. you call, I'm sure, we'll have a script for you guess placed you Jimmy.
I. I don't like to make up things to say: that's not my job. I don't like it it's below me. It's shameful yeah! I hate it I have to say goodbye I'll decide to go just now which, when I added script, I was hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business for the all the voices performed today are by the one, and only the inimitable, MIKE Mccray. He can be found at MIKE mcrae dot com, for this week, you be the best can be and I'll keep being made
Why don't I don't? Don't? Don't don't don't don't don't worry, gown tat, you do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.