« The Jimmy Dore Show

What Cornel West SHOULD’VE Said To Anderson Cooper About Ukraine!

2023-07-21 | 🔗

Green Party presidential candidate Cornel West recent appeared on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show and the two sparred over the Ukraine War. Specifically, Cooper rejected Dr. West’s comparison of the United States’ invasion of Iraq to what Russia has done in Ukraine and did in Chechnya.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss West’s handling of Anderson Cooper and whether Cornel is ready for prime time. Plus a segment on The Intercept's Ryan Grim's manipulative efforts to discourage third party voters. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Chuck Schumer!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey come see us onto or will be in san francisco huntington beach rosemont, an chicago las vegas, alek city, new york, city, potsdam, pennsylvania, Stamford, connecticut. and more at saint louis, go to Jimmy door, dot com for allowing for our tickets, for our shows this Jimmy who's. This Jimmy sen, chuck show of the great state of new york. I do you doing zoom woody up to Jimmy I am on the hill and we are getting things don really have passing important legislation better, believe it, MR we are tackling the important issue head on Yeah like what you were. You are classless extra terrestrial intelligence, I'm sick of it, I'm sick of all of it. What on what on earth are you talking about.
Were you me? What am I talking about it, but I'll tell you, mr white and higher. Jacques Charles shimmered, along with several other senators about bodies rate I introduced legislation that would create a bipartisan nine person agency to investigate all this us fo funny business mm and as to disclose its findings to the public immediately the people need to know Jimmy the people need to know what about the web file was silly and what are you talking about Jimmy? Have you been living under a crime? In a christmas in appearance Here's whistle blower after with flowers have come forward, is born vessels. about all the daily and she did. Our government has been keeping sacred crashed. You have fallen. Alien bodies, extra restaurant technologies, the whole kit
and yet are go and I'm tired of these little fuckers mother, playing off coming Eric getting away with it. Enough really gets really Jimmy. I'm so hopping mad about this. This guide space twigs flying down here and sit dancing around bothering our fighter Jed sober one particular part of the ocean, distinctly their honour countable well Our planet is not some sort of vacation for extra terrestrial looky louis mind your own space business, guys at our guard. Meant that I ate a pentagon, whoever shouldn't be hiding information from the public we deserve to know. Frankly, they should be trying to blows he's out of the sky. I've had it with evil alien shit, yeah very passing about
Oh, I am jimmy believe me. I've always hated aliens he's my favorite movie or my favorite moment at a movie theater ever was when eighty was dying. My guy stood up and cheered. I swear to god why such a creature no they're annoying and ugly leave us alone? I say: go back to your own stupid planet. I bet it sucks. There's god fucking shit, fuckers, alright, alright settled down SEN! Sorry is my partisan commission. What would you, what are you hoping is going to achieve, you get to the bottom of all is find out. Who knows wide and more importantly, who has what have any of these little fucker, where they storing them. What about crash spaceship senator? Do you really think the? U s? Military has crashed alien spacecraft. Well, that's what I heard really so an alien technology is so advanced
that it could travel millions of light years away. Maneuver in ways that seem to de defied physics as we understand it remain undetected, except when it apparently wants to be seen, but they can still rash. Just and I see well, why not because it makes no sense. That's why not dodge if they don't really think about it. You are you how right I now maybe they're not sending their top gun violence year here or maybe our planet his warm training mission for them for the new guys. I mean the new little fuckers. Are you vision in flying saucers with windows and alien pilots, controlling them with levers. Someone asked me: why senator. We have unmanned aircraft at this stage in our development. Well, maybe
I haven't developed that technology yet at or maybe they just love to fly damage in their blood or whatever, either way. Why would we have their bodies? storage- and where did you hear that the same guy, and who might that be get to the bottom of jimmy with this commission. Honestly, this whole thing sounds like you've been binging on the x files. Oh please, I'm honestly. Okay, maybe the first two seasons, but the point is they need to stop whatever is going on these phenomenons involving visible airborne should bags whoopee. Wouldn't we got to the bottom of it, as you say, Do we stop an alien race from coming to earth? if them no one's boss, that's if they exist they're kind of the boss,
Jimmy they realize you're talking to a sitting, you I'm the bush on earth. I say what goes on here and who is welcome, and I say these fuckers are not welcome. he's, not my god, damned goddamn shit here Cox labourers measures to counter this planet, abduct people prepared lay the same person overt over them and unmet always making sounds it sounded like laughing? I swear, they were laughing, I swear to god. Does little fuckers, I mean I mean I will have the last laugh. I can tell you that much my friend, okay, well thanks for colleagues under good to talk to your problem Do you see any these all shit box flying around California? You, let me know: ok, ok, good cause. I got my eye on the sky earth first
here I am his guide. Never glued cheese, jews himself fomenting johnson media. The chimney to show the corner west goes on cnn. Did you watch this video here now? It's infuriating to me. For many reasons, one is because Anderson cooper is, he has to be lying. You can't not know what
Going on with nato, he can't not know, he absolutely does know, there's no point to nato. Nato was supposed to be there. So in any way. Let me show you this thing it it. Nato was set up as a defense from the soviet union. There is no more soviet union. So there's no point to nato. Nato, as Chomsky has already taught us. Is there just to make sure there's one secure the energy transit the shipping lanes?
energy transfers. That's all it's there, it's for money, so we can be the hedge, a man in the world, but Jimmy we have to do. We have to protect those trade lanes bigger from russia because bill they wanna tug trade, yet so shut russia wanted to join nato. Did you know that russia did one? Russia doesn't want any of this. This is all american capitalists wanting to fight against who they see as their competitors, russian oil, russian natural resources and with china. So that's all this is this: is capitalist ginning up a war of and what is it always about? It's always about money and natural resources and money. That's it that's always, and so that the same thing and so Anderson cooper is going to push the establishment line, and I guess I'm sorry, I I I would like to have a meeting with Coronel west to help him. He should blow right through this
Guy! Will you tell me if he does? Maybe some people think he did? Let's watch together warner cranks. I saw you tweet it out. You said nato is an expanding instrument and u s global power that provoked russia into a criminal invasion and occupation of ukraine, which is true nato provoke what nato did was the equivalent of If russia started bombing toronto or of toronto, star regarding all the mere american speakers in toronto, and then they wonder, put military bases in canada to that we wouldn't stand for. It we wouldn't let russia or china or anybody do that. Look. What john of Kennedy did when they want to do when russia was put ascending missiles to cuba. Almost started world war. Three over eighty was willing to start wrinkly were to stop that. So we ve been doing that we think we ve encircled russia with military bases and nato on countries that are sworn enemies, russia is no longer an empire like they work. Does no soviet union there's no point
nato anymore. Nato is an offensive organization that invades other countries and steals their natural resources like we're doing in syria right now. He never brings up syria. He never brings up libya or afghanistan. So, let's watch you want to say something, but Jimmy is Does that we define russia militarily here, because the other bad in their vat and stuff? That's what we have to promote. You know how, in someone's bad, ok the best thing to do. Is they hit them for First, yes, for lie in bed. I wanted. You then hit them. First, ok! not illegal or a crime or a crime? Here we go. He said this proxy war between the american empire. The russian federation could lead to world, so he he he just doesn't explain what he he's correct in his tweet and tip of the hat to Cornell west, and I look forward to voting for him He does it not able to explain that. What what does he mean by how they provoked it? He doesn't tell you,
The cia in the united states did a coup in twenty fourteen in the ukraine and with the help of right wing nazi he's not overthrow the democratically elected president and and then the people and Eastern part of ukraine didn't want to go along with that. You have to explain to people how this all started, and you have to explain people at the minsk accord was a peace agreement that the ukraine people never found. ukraine, government and NATO never followed and that they used the he doesn't explain any of that and that we want. We wrapped up that that out the and nato wrapped up the bombing of the dumbass that the russian speakers and He didn't want to go along with the kood government. They ramped it up to double the double. They were bombing and shelling and killing people just citizens of their own country, ukraine, in the eastern part of ukraine, and that's why russia stepped in so nobody he and he's. He doesn't explain it. So we go. Do your resiliency
came in promising to edna insolence key, got elected promising to end that, and he got elected, promising unity. Now they ve outlawed russian language right, you're right it taken tweet, saying they gotta stop bombing the bar you to take his tweets down because the he got notice from a so. Why Anderson cooper just pretense, just like rachel maddow and everybody else on television pretends they don't know any that and for some reason cornell doesn't articulate that. So, let's watch as this is going to be painful. I think maybe you like it. Maybe in cornell did a great job where I really want him to be able to smash a guy like Anderson cooper when he's doing war propaganda and let's watch it through, we must stop the war and war crimes, including cluster bombs, used by all parties and embark on diplomatic talks that should lead to a just peace. Do you believe I mean how? How are you going to bring all sides of the table on on ukraine, and do you really believe that
nato provoked russia into invading ukraine risk cooper really not know that. Do you really not know the history of what's going on the encroachment of nato? Is he not know anything about the twenty fourteen bite on cool? I do not know anything that the cia does he not know about the victoria nuland got phone call that got recorded and released where she was picking out who's going to be the next leader of ukraine that this is completely instigated by the united states and nato and you're, not you dont know any. I don't believe that anderson cooper does know any of that, but what is add, is that cornel west? Let's see you tell me if you know where it is he's a wealthy socialite. So all these people are the same. They they don't know cause they make it their business to know are
important friends tell them yes like how mobi had dinner with the cia and the gate was real he's one of them. People tell them what you get here. We go well what, when russia was promised that they do not move one inch and then a few years later he got thirteen former soviet winter, but wait a minute. So first of all, Anderson keeps doing that. He'll ask this long, winded question and as soon as cornell starts to answer it, he talks over him and cornell leadsom, which is a mistake. Also he didn't he didn't scan. He doesn't expect start what? What what? Why did? What? Who said that nato wouldn't expand one inch to the east? When did they say that? Why did they say that so there was promise to gorbachev when an eastern and western,
germany came back together that united states would not the nato would not move one inch to the east while we've added like twelve or fourteen new countries, already countries now that are just on the border of russia. Can you imagine if, if canada entered into a military alliance with russia or china, we wouldn't allow it just like we wouldn't allow those missiles in cuba, and so that's what putin's doing And now at and also he stopping the shelling, he was he's actually on a rescue mission to stop the slaughter of the people in the don best. Ikey doesn't explain any of it. He doesn't explain any of this. and any loose and, in my opinion, he loses its took to a tool like anderson, cooper, coopers, lawyering loitering this, where this one got me like mad watch as a cover, because he's doing like a lawyer or yet we broke our word yeah, yeah and people. Do I know what you will do they go? We never signed it. Either like a man he appeases should, though, just you have waited
Anything always said we really screwed them all. So here we go every ray international scholar, his predicted that a few green gets taken into nato, it would provoke russia to act just like if cuba or mexico or canada went into a military alliance with china or russia. We would be provoked to act in they did that just to provoke rush to do this before the reason why they want this war is so they can bleed russia economically, but its backfiring, because now russia and china have come together even closer than ever everything he does. It explain Is this anyway? Here we go, you do tell me when you're dumber and ninety there was an agreement sign any just. Anderson cooper, interrupt him whenever Anderson cooper just completely controls this conversation. This is not good. Why certainly back it up and I'll give you a running starting? Nato provoked russia into invading ukraine well and what, when russia was promised
they do not move one inch and in a few years later, to get thirteen former soviet winter, but wait a but your german ninety ninety there was an agreed man signed that nato would not move into east germany, but the iraqi and nothing was said about further east and it was really big. You ass, you can. You can there's an organ here with formal and informal talks, but you know too great joy, canada's by fine as mines of the establishment of the foreign affairs. He said he didn't. I was there when they need to existing you any longer, because its defensive will the collapse of the soviet empire, men and fed. You know long even needed nato europe could come up with its own security, but extremely open hadn't. Seen my only concern of the american empire. Nobody that that you don't want to challenge. You don't believe, though, that the people ukraine right now need nato to defend against russian aggression. No nato provoke this whole problem in their using the people of ukraine
cannon fodder to bleed the russian military and their economy that no they don't need nato and he's. So that's what he should say: no, they don't If the nato wasn't involve right now, there would be peace in ukraine, peace, ok! Why? So let them join nato right right like people can't, you may not know you just keep dying, and we can. I know we area or the people of ukraine right now who are suffering and I'm a deep solidarity with their suffering. They are being caught between this proxy war between the american empire in the russian federation of that that the russian federate federation. Not, but what s really truly, but the doktor was made, so he just keeps letting him interrupt him. He had, he has, it? May he hasn't talked for twenty seconds in a row and he just keeps Letty him do this, so I don't always come
Jeanne corner west. Maybe nobody but I'd love to help. If I lived out, I've already offered in private communications to help right in help message help whatever, but you can't let this guy keep talking. He has. He hasn't. He has a seven minute narrow view about the ukraine war with touch with her innocent or he hasn't lay a glove on it would go. It wasn't yet early autumn euro, near farmer, you're than I am, but early on was Poland trickles in hungary who pressure who wanted to join nato. Warsaw pact countries suddenly free did not want to be under the EU. of the former soviet union any longer, and they are the ones who apply to join it. No, I don't even know what the hell they're talking about. Why are there talking about this, but he lets them. He just let some stir the conversation he said well hasn't explained how nato provoked this invasion. Still hasn't even told him about the the sea and that that the sea
I m getting in bed with nazis? He hasn't told him anything. He hasn't told them that the ran on to bring people yet nothing. He hasn't so here we go or it wasn't for you as pushing these countries. Why are they talking about this? In a you know, in an expansion play, it was with these countries. Suddenly, free the people in those countries saying we want to be in eu nato is the fastest way as a kind of a stepping stone to you. We want that. We want to turn to the west. Now. Would you have denied hungry taxes so, we want to be in the european union joining a military alliance that has no purpose anymore, because there is no, so is a quick way into being in the european union? That's why they should be hidden. I lay down what goes that you want to hear. The yoke of the soviet union collapsed collapsed
There is no soviet union, they weren't they were an independent country. So no one can be independent, he's saying it's implied yeah. Well, if they're not in nato, then that means they're going to be slaves of russia. So you can only pick one of the big powers like it's still the eighties, or do you see how easy it is for to pothead indians to completely debunk? What anderson cooper is saying without breaking a sweat? Let's watch the the choice. What may one I would have followed george cannon, that would abolish nato. What does he write after the collapse of soviet empire, and I would have tried to welcome russia into the nation that the community of nations, rather than trying to push them against a wall? We know that their impression of domination is one in which they're going to feel as if their backs are against the wall, and I think you'd probably agree that if russia or china had missiles in canada or mexico targeting Washington dc us government would blow them to smithereens. That's how empires behave,
You read the history. I know the history were critical of imperial activity, no matter who it is american russian, and what has what he needs to say is: what do you think the american, the united states government would do republican or democrat in charge of the military if russia and china put bases in mexico and canada? What do you think they would do get Anderson cooper to say because he says this, and then he diminishes his own argument. Writer at the end, but america, the most powerful employed in the world and the history of the world. My brother- and it seems to me if we can't dismantled at imply an order to empower poor working people here and abroad, We're gonna lose. Our democracy is almost like rome, you know, was cato the younger and cicero against Julius Caesar rubber there. What happens when you're empire begins taken over europe's democratic? Possibly I just spoke he's just he's just touching on these ideas he's doing to the broad strokes.
What why tell people? Why were in ukraine and so and watch anderson cooper? Just ignore everything he just said, because he said in a way that Anderson can ignore it and watch him. Do it he's gonna, do it watch and to the the foreign minister of uk he said he just got done talking to the foreign minister of Ukraine is what anderson cooper says: gonna have that interview later on thank you, said to him you're standing with the people of ukraine and solidarity, and you saying that they are just victims in this proxy war. He would say you're out here
I mean. Is they are thankful for nato? They are thankful for the? U s, you can call it the american empire, but I mean they were thankful for all these countries rallying to their side of midnight. I've been there. You've, probably you've, probably been there as well. I mean it is a horrible. It's an invasion. I mean of of killing of civilians, and no, it is so instead of pushing back on that. He confirms what are innocent cooper saying is true. So, instead of pushing back on that and explaining to the people who watch cnn and Anderson cooper, which we're going on in ukraine. He doesn't watch what he says: it's an invasion of, civilians and said we all know it is a criminal invasion. I'm not deny its criminal invasion. What I'm saying, if you go back to demand start you go back to march. One month after the war began, she doesnt tell people what the mint stocks are. No one watching Anderson cooper knows what the minsk stocks are. They dont know anything of what he saying
he's talking wet right past everyone watching cnn right now. There's nobody out his campaign notice that they did. Anybody said down and have a conversation with Hey. How do we message about the ukraine war when you're, when you're given an unbelievable opportunity like going in front of a corporate tool, like Anderson cooper, to explain it to the people who, what cnn nobody sat down and talked about this, because he just mention the mints accord. No one's explain to the people. What that is yet you're supposed to explain what that is supposed to explain to people how we got here what in school? What is so they just what he just was they eat. It is even though there was no strategy meeting about this at the very least: go. Listen! Coronel Henderson is not your brow there I mean column, add ons disarming, but don't forget at all
can t your real brother. You talk into a hollowed out. The soul. Is Google anderson cooper? Is not your brother he's your bother? So here we go and I'm rooting for you, I'm gonna, look for devoting for can know what this is. What I just this is what this is completely avoidable. He does should have been slammed dunk invisible. What I'm saying if you go back to the men start you go back to march one month after the war began, my brother, calling for a cease fire at all. What does he think that everything right? What do you mean you're going? What is what did you mean when you said I'm going back to a month after that? You not explaining that they had a peace agreement already that the linsky. An putin were ready to sign a peace deal a month after the war started.
and then NATO stepped in and stopped at. Why? Because this war is meant to be one that this war is meant to be continuous, so we can feed the military industrial complex and also try to bleed russia economic. Wiggly, because we feel like we're in an economic war with them in fruit for a week as we are even insane, either he's not seen anything he just glosses over it. Here we go What are your pudding isn't really listening to what you say, or I say or in it, and then he just let's anderson cooper, keep to interrupt him. Keep talking. Do you have a message disk does no must have a message he wants to get out? Then you should try to get it out in june. Let anderson cooper interrupt you. It doesn't sound like he has a message that he as ingested internalized and is flying off his tongue as it's not he's letting
skype completely boxes ears in and this guy's wrong and this guy's right, but he says I mean he's doing what he wants to do. Just like he slaughtered, I mean while he was, you saw what you saw, what he did to grozny in the nine days. I have gotten that city's civilians are trapped in that city note, the world didn't come to, the rest you have grown me. He did exactly what he wanted to do. I mean unchecked, he won't slaughter people. Well I mean and unchecked he will slaughter folk checked what we did in Iraq was slaughtering people on check what we ve done, the plane. I learned the dresser negus lets him interrupt him again. He just he hasn't even finished a sentence and corner wes, let's anderson cooper completely interrupt him and by the way doesn't it dimension libya? He does you mentioned syria. He doesn't mentioned twenty years of afghanistan and he doesn't mean
in that were occupying Syria right now, the oil part- and he doesn't say that, where the world's terrorists- and we have a thousand military bases around the world, and nobody else has he? Does it? Have a man he's not ready rather empire toward me, really Do that, though neither I know we all know when you're wrong. You have to put up yet the other pointed out Look I again. I respect you. You know, I love you bite, my nice. I do think I am in its inner Propria to compare the russian bombing of grozny and what we witness there with the war in iraq to say that in its enforcement mechanisms I killed another, don't download, honours and murder we tested. It is probably what we did is worse with you it's what we did is way worse.
Is inappropriate and what we did is way worse, Anderson, jellies and appropriated appropriate in the exact opposite way. You think. Ok, here horrible thing, half a million half romania rocky steal. My rather well yeah I'll, listen, I was there, I mean I I and that's it. That's the end of your push back. That's the end of your people. You don't take reins of the conversation back and then start to tell them pass the message you have because he doesn't have a message you wants to get out. Interesting was there? this is his days in nice, Adele's yeah henderson, he was innocent and he lets Anderson cooper. Just say that but hey. I was in Iraq, where you know. I'm right. Innocent does then sell me so because he was in a rack. Somehow that makes what he saying right. That Putin is a bigger murderer then somehow in the united states is it's like he's gotten together gives every vietnam and that you? How about any of the double multiple
its work way in more than a half a million people. We kill the half a million kids just with our sanction pro. Raymond? The nineties narrow year with our less I certainly understand. I also saw a lot of american getting killed and I saw you know that the horrors of saddam hussein- I'm just saying I don't. think it's accurate to compare the public. Is letting him to do this by russian artillery easily civilians inside is lighting ease, letting Anderson cooper talk for most of the interview without pointing that he's doing that the demanding that he let him have it had cooked complete a sentence he's not doing you just sitting. There is, and you saw, the cluster bombs are used that were given ukraine right the ones in a war crimes. I know where it's this is it its adoption,
I heard it every single day with with the intention you gotta be willing to bring this message to the people of cnn. That united states is the world's terrorists and you gotta, have it rough fall off your tongue like it's, your like you've, internalized it but he hasn't. He has even mention. Libya has mentioned. Twenty years of occupation has mentioned syria, the country right next door that were occupying rebuild, military bases in someone else's country right now is russia. Doing that. I would just like to the ukrainian for administered over the corrupt leader, yet the corral The current leader of the simple he cares about is incorrect or the group leaders of place that's right up, just destroying and flattening a city with actions in the. U s tub I mean we, I don't know, look you know
that wars, horrible things happening wars and absolutely absolute, but I mean you know, and I know any comparative analysis of levels of barbarity and cruelty is gonna, be lend itself to this ugly algebra blood that we don't want to get into. I dunno what he just said. I have no idea what are saying to be honest. We're comparative analysis of levels of barbarity and cruelty is going to lend itself to this ugly algebra blood that we don't want to get into. But all I'm saying is you can't just jump into a situation where people are being treated ball, bearings, there's! No doubt the ukrainian people are being treated in, while barrack way does the murderous way. There's no doubt about by NATO. The context is one in which, but that did not have to be if the expansion of nato in NATO is an arm of the american global
our network. Is that what you're saying, though, in ukraine, is that the ukrainians they're just going have to compromise and give up their land, because no, no, I'm not saying you said there have deny or on advertising on all sides You said there have to be. Our lot is you said there have to compromise on all sides, and you know compromise be so again. He's he's just letting Anderson cooper talk over him eat he's just sitting there, letting anderson cooper box punch him in the face and he sat down anything. Did he not know? Is a goop releases enemy from the many not know that anderson cooper is a pro war pig enemy of him. Brain means. Crimea means a whole parts of various. Is that fair? While I mean
I don't know. I just, and I don't want my god we're moving. Now. We've got devices when we're done. Vietnam, we're on the way to possible nuclear exchange, know how ugly hey we got trump pushing us toward a second civil war at home. You got Biden pushing toward a third world war abroad. We need an alternative, that's what this campaign is probably about my brother, DR west. I appreciate your time today and, as always know, the love love, you might peds look better, so he didn't have a. He didn't have a message that he wanted to get. It was obvious. He didn't have a message about the ukraine war that he wants to get out because he just sat there and let guiness goober completely control that interview you're supposed to control the interview you're supposed to have what you want to say, and it doesn't matter what question anderson cooper, So this is what I would have said had I had a meeting with cornell
or anybody from his campaign. It doesn't matter what question that the interview, especially someone paid by the military, industrial, complex and pfizer it doesn't matter what quest and they ask you it matters what you want to say, and you say it until they stop you. You must keep saying it until the you want to see what I mean. This is when I say that the united states is trying to provoke an sable rather with another nuclear power right. This is what we were supposed to be afraid of, what's going to happen with donald trump bright, couldn't have he's a crazy man was going to have his finger on the nuclear button, and now we have demanded Joe, who is saber rattling with two nuclear powers and they get the corporate media sponsored by the military industrial complex to get americans to cheer it on, and why do americans cheered on it because they have no idea what's actually happening with their foreign policy
and, what's worse, as they have no idea that they have no idea what that they don't have any idea what's happening with their foreign policy. We have four hundred military bases surrounding china's sense, the korean war. Do we really think that china, is getting ready to invade the united states, because I tell you there not they make everything we use in the united states. Why? Because the same people who want this war are the same people. the good jobs that are manufacturing jobs in america, turn them into low paying crappy jobs and then ship them to china? And then we get angry at them for the system that we set up if they're so corrupt? Because that's the thing americans have no idea how corrupt their government is, they think our government's just regular corrupt, like oh trump, gave his son a job or Biden, gave his kid, has no and no show job in the ukraine boy. That's
The whole thing is corrupt. The eight hundred billion dollar military budget is eight hundred billion dollars of corruption. Why do we have to have eight nine hundred military bases route where the ones provoking this war? Just like we provoke the war in ukraine? We are now. I'll get a war with china and one who, who benefits I'll, tell you right now. Their enemy is not china. Your enemy is not I share your enemy. Is the military industrial complex which has been fleecing this country to the tunes of hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars? How many times have we going to have a defense secretary, saying hey? We can't account for two trillion dollars in the pentagon. Again that which is what happened twice now in my lifetime. So again, people are being that the war machine cannot be stopped. Who's running this country, war machine. It certainly is an joe Biden making these decisions. I would like to know who is making the decisions, and I would like to remind everybody when the united states is the world's terrorists. We just set the middle east on fire in the last twenty years
and now we're doing a proxy war in ukraine, which we revolts. Nato provoked and was just admitted that we provoked by the former prime minister of germany and now we're trying to stable, rather with with china and their predicting a war, and china is not going to invade us. China's, not our enemy than we might have, economic, worn, that's what these are. These are economic war, as these are wars or in ukraine, is about liquefied natural gas and making sure germany and russia had never come together, because we fear russia's natural resources and manpower and we fear them sitting together with germany with their technology and their capital, and so that's why we blew up the Nord stream pipeline. That's why we're doing a ukraine war. This is all about. Had germany, imperialism and economics,
There is a marine somewhere, it's there, because they're about this deals of natural resources from another country, as everybody screaming about what a bad guy putin is for invading you create. The united states is currently occupying a third of syria, in which third is that it's the third that has the oil and how do I know where their steel, their oil, because the president of the united states said so and that's how you would get your message out if he actually had a message about the ukraine more that he wanted to get out. That's how you would do it. You would Why do people? Why were actually there? He never that. Why are we actually there? He never did that he never exceed the term what the mensa gorge was. He never explained to them. Nothing! So that's what you would do you keep talking when you go on a news show, especially when you're doing it, if he's due in an hour interview- that's different, he wasn't so he was doing. Short interview with Anderson cooper. You gotta have a mess You gotta have an agenda and then
you go on there. You use their platform like I used his platform, the fox news platform to talk to half the country, eight million people. I just got to tell them what actually happening, that the real terrorists are the united states. There were actually occupying syria country redneck store, because so we can steal their natural resources. That's all we do that's what we did in libya. That's what we didn't have gets. That's what we're doing right now, and indeed so. It's so frustrating is all get out to watch that for me because speak because corner west actually has the that is on the right side of the argument and its desperately needed for him to be able to articulate that when he goes on cnn, otherwise he makes his supporters. look like idiots, because he can't articulate and win an argument that he's right about with a tool like Anderson cooper, net
how people think that the anti war message is stupid. Your anti war needed even ever message. I don't know my given to upset about this stuff now. I think I think what we want is the very best for colonel and his horse tat. You will find him out there to get his the peace message out and we hope he does. Oh, my god is who is? Who is he talking to to get that message out? Look and nobody apparently fucking nobody. I don't expect him to go for the day because he said the greatest threat to america's wait. Supremacy I put that little down the list behind. You know
we war and that sounded like a dumpling. Now these the biggest the on the world of I didn't say that just now and the other beds is one of the sports clubs, the greatest right, ok in in this in this like, rather than like, I said I haven't plenty to say, he should have been able to say why this is the big like he's not much bigger thread. Yes, the military industrial complex is real diversity I wonder if you watch the commercials have diversified and it hasn't helped. Okay, so jimmy when you say my getting too heated over that you know, but the point of the matter is chat, saying the point is well, some people are saying you know I cornell could be better. Tornado should come on stronger holy shit and what you're offering lizzie better? Who do you think he won over it with that? Or do you think corner?
west won over anybody with that appearance it made it look like he was agreeing with the things that you Anderson cooper, one degree and he didn't have a point to counter any. It is really that is what a blown opportunity, what a blow opportunity! What blown opportunity would take an I've offered. I've offered to donate my time to their campaign every six ways sunday, And then he goes on and that happens you think Anderson cooper would be able to do that to fuckin a more on this guy's, a genius corner west I'm a moron and I wouldn't mode through Anderson cooper did net did. No one tell Coronel west. You have to have your message and you don't stop talking you. Don't let anderson cooper interrupt you until you get your message out, no one, no wonder everyone. Nobody ever ran a campaign over there.
No one ever won out an interview. No one knows how to do an interview, an adversarial interview, Jesus, I think, formed in Christ. I do will. I think he doesn't other Jesus Christ. What I mean that you're gonna win anyway. I don't think he need that's not about winning card, it's about detracting as big of an audience and while the words that you can so then you now have. You now have power in the electric. If he can pull at ten or fifteen percent, he was nobody can get elected without his supporters. we like bert. Let me talk unlike Bernie sanders, who didn't demand? Any thing when he had half the voting democratic party following him. He demanded nothing for his support of every Clinton or Joe Biden. Coronel west is not a democrat. He can do that road. He can then. So it's not about winning it's about
getting ten to fifteen percent of the american people to realise that were being screwed by both parties, no matter who wins, we're going to have more ukraine more and less healthcare and more homelessness, no matter who wins, and that's that's the point, so he has to become a kingmaker and if he can politics that is not going to get it done it. You look. Do that in the convince anybody who watches cnn with that kind of shit performance, but I didn't okay winnings wrong word. The thing you said he needs to do. That's what I meant and I didn't think he was going to because he doesn't know what an adversarial interview is. I've seen him for years. These are like people, these friendly with any he'll, say my brother and stuff, and I hope you don't think he went in there thinking using coopers his enemy. I think you didn't. I bet your hundred percent right about that. I dont use campaign that is misguided to think he's that go on making thrilling, misguide any mainstream old on and not come on with his own message.
So how do you do you wanna show without your own message. How do you know? How do you do this? How do you give us an opportunity? this and you don't have a message. You sit there and you just add answer questions at an ad hoc questions. Whatever stupid thing came an anderson, coopers brain, that's what you're gonna talk about whatever stupid thing, he's thinking of that's what you're gonna talk about his friend How do you know people don't know it's a minor one. Nowhere tomorrow have the Is there anybody in the campaign who's ever been around media ever will I think they have been around, but I don't like I said I'll until it happens, do you get the where you realize wow? What is it
hard to believe or a guy like me, who is really smart and knows a lot do not realise the peoples on talk shows with gratitude up our enemies, look. I know you had comedy special not now when I had an hour special uncommonly central. They hired a public relations person. That book me on radio shows your across the country for like a week, and I would have to delegate a good up and do like literally fifty three radio should stations a day. at that same person yet so end, and so you quickly realized. I did that you don't wait for a deed. yea that you never met. Gonna. Ask you a question to set up one of your jokes, or maybe you can do comedy with some morning dj? You never met some talent bliss dj in some other. That's not so you don't we
I knew what I wanted to say when I came on. I said what no matter what question they asked me right. I did my joke about faint tailors, no matter what joke they asked me. I did my joke about faith either that my joke about gay marriage. I get my joke about and they had by joke about george bush and being overrun afghanistan, no matter what question they asked me that's what I was doing, you're what I did and with a muttered and stumbled around my corner western and that's what I want. I my book. the same thing. I don't wait for them. Asked me a question. I know what I want to say about my book and I said it and they had to stop me just like Tucker have to stop you from getting your message out. He was sitting back in his rocking chair, you rocket He was literally rocking. Oh, my god. We're gonna have to do a lot better
We're going to have to do a lot better. If we're going to have some sway pay it all here's another great way, you can help support the show. Is you become a premium member? We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to Jimmy Dore comedy dot com click on join premium, it's the most affordable premium program. The business and it's a great way to help put a thumb back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everybody who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, Only people around in italy can or maybe thing other k compelling ailing will contain that visit them. At the end, the k or capable of oil means myself every kiss me tonight. The greatest penniless medical branding, ethical hidden camera is gonna, be that's how soon you will allow me to put the barriers they gonna locally, that so
well. Here we go if the inflatable pilot from airplane. I can't wait. He who said that and as great as our favorite guy, to make fun of he's a and now, if you remember the reason why we've originally had a problem with ryan grim is because he inserted himself into the forced to vote when we were trying to get the democrat progressives to to stand up to what they ran on and extract something for their vote from Nancy Pelosi. As speaker of the house, he came in and defend, it s, a sea and the politicians tried to muddy the waters and shit on healthcare activists. So that's who ryan grim is ryan, graham, is an establishment tool who will always stab activists in the back and the front while lying to protect politicians, and he works for appear only are whose one of the worst guys.
He's totally into the ukraine war, which is why they can't tell the truth about the ukraine, war or russia, eight or any that other stuff over there. You want to say something curs. I first heard of Reality, winner lay he's from him yeah about how they really crackdown down hard. Am it is that I not found a way late he's the reason that she got caught in the grip, the brute whatever they sent it all yeah he's the reason that you got caught with her nonsense thing. So here's what he had to say about the ride. Do I bring this up. Well now, he's a he's also a host on breaking points with crystal who did a horrible job. Without a junior and also for the ukraine war. They they're wrong a wrong about Colville they're wrong about the vaccines they're wrong about locked down the wrong about maritime cargo and his hair belong about now on that and now they hire this guy who's, an obvious tool of the establishment, because they want to be the new establishment and so that
why am I showing this here is here? He is talking about jewels, voters. Now again, if you're an establishment, fuck you can never allow someone to vote outside the two party duopoly. His job is to make sure people stay interested in the two party system. I spent my life getting entrenched in it you're just taken apart. He does just more grim. These are what we call grimm fairy tales and they're meant to scare. The children who we got ha trump was a potential at that point, rather than a reality by end, and people didn't think that he was actually going to win yeah. That's true, like Paul l polls had him down substance of now, massively right, post at polling units across the board. Giving up on mine over and often was getting like a ninety five percent chance, my god of losing the election and so people I think weren't taking him seriously
and I think I bet a bunch of those voters and has a manual cotton michigan about four stein. Afterwards, like whoops, I thought I was discussing a low protests. What I didn't actually want, so I think some of them were who didn't work. I think some were like. I think trump and cleaner, both awful, and I don't care that that I gave up my opportunity to vote against trump by voting for saint I'll, get like this. Also those, but I think I better a bunch who afterwards were like if I could do it over again, knowing that was caused in michigan pessimism close like the thought, those were blue states. Blue wall was secure, that they would go acts that they would have go back, and so there is. That is how the establishment get you to stop voting. Your conscience and to keep following people back into
The two party jalopy that is built to crush them and keeps crashing them, and so that save going. You thought you were being you would you voted for jails, thy midday sun? Then I voted for jewels dying. I don't regret that vote. I dont know anybody who regrets that vote and I wouldn't have voted if jill stein wasn't on the ballot. So that's the big thing: people real. and so what he should be upset his Jesus Christ, why wouldn't hilary lift a finger to try to get those jewels time? Voters she did nothing to try to get Jill stein, voters on her side, the descent and by the way, jill stein didn't have anything to do with the outcome of the election. Trump won by three million votes. I read trump lost by three million votes, but because we have a screwy system, he gets to be president. We want to blame that on Jill stein course, she's the puppet master and that's what he's doing he's blaming the powerless from the past.
if you're feeling now and you're in the economy, he's blaming the powerless instead of the powerful, because that's what ryan grim does that's what they do at the intercept. What do you want to say, while, besides a dc, people in DC media, are the most worthless people? I've ever seen in my life, where he, who are these people that oh, no I gave up my opera tune, is my opportunity to vote against trump. All. Thank you for the opportunity guys. I pass that up. That's unbelievable dude! So he's so he's really talking about the coastal elite. Yuppie twits try cause, I knew trump was going to win
was, I remember, a guy would be touring, may come back in their breed new york like iowa. He will never win like I dunno, it seems like people are kind of mad, because you know hilly was that's where they elected her. As a senator in new york cause it's really kind of people that would be like yeah she's, great, the kind of awful particular kind of yuppie woman. That is really inspired by her like the worst kind they face. very inspiring. Nowhere else does he say he's saying we were set for people who voted jill stein were surprised. We were surprised that, oh, my god, trump won. That's what the really I know, others. I know somebody's boyfriend, Tommy O'Malley has been my old joe. He was surprised by the insane reactions of his friends when they found out. He voted for Jill stein, like the amount of hysteria. Yes yeah. There are people who still won't talk to me because of it. I have after after the after the election, I went to a birthday party and there was a woman there, I've known all my life. She wouldn't even come on my side of the room, because you did
voting presided in both for hilary, I'm not kidding, yap would do so and so now ran grim. The breaking point sources is trying to say that people like me are shocked. Sh act when Hilary rube goldberg machine of an election strategy. Failing that's what I said ha. What do you know? They can actually read the whole thing as much as I thought that that up Cars there planning put him there. He asked whether surprised the whole. The reason why trot was a nominee was because pillory and bill Clinton called him and told him the run because they wanted to running. They were trying to rig as their election, so they could run against him. It worked, they got their people in the media to prop up tromp was called the pied pipers theory
so nobody's upset, so rang grimm's out upset at heel. I bet Hillary Clinton was upset when she laws that she did the pied piper theory and had trumps run run. This truck prop pride puppet strategy and had dropped runnin. Had everybody in the media prop trumped up, so he became the nominee. He may never say, never blamed powerful, he'll never blame the powerful than Hillary Clinton and bill Clinton. The Democrats actually hand picked donald trump to be dirk opponent and republican nominee because they got their friends in them in the the media to prop donald trump up, it's called the pied piper straight. Gte, because that's who they wanted to run against, but he is they'll, never tell you that he'll go. Oh eat blame someone with less power. Will she they were shocked as they were like cause. He was Hillary's turn yet obama when, for she was good and now she gets it,
heard, what an amazing dip got ya we want, so we just who's the one person more likeable than even hilary and their shocking port is that nobody would like banks, maybe even trump as more likeable than hillary Clinton, and you believe that and by the way, ryan what what amazing difference would there be between a hillary Clinton presidency and a donald trump presidency? What you're upset there wouldn't be more wars. You're upset that we wouldn't start a third world war. You telling me that you know of actual still jill stein, voters who are impatient for world war. Three, because that's what voting for will you think Hillary Clinton would a codified row on day one just like obama said he was gonna. Try and do you think you think she would have given everybody of minimum wage and click help help you do you think she would have done. She have started five more fuckin wars,
while making sure nobody got healthcare, because that's what Joe Biden's doing. Why would she be any different while she would look less senile? Probably while doing the bidding of the you know the complex, though I actually like Biden that rule, because it's really hilarious to watch them have to, I guess- charges her with a carbine reba reach interview, that's right. All of you, americans, who voted for jill stein. How dare you have a conscience while you're casting your vote and when they say cast thing. These days, it only means their hiring. An actor world is like recycling. You think it's going ahead, but the land villages to the lamp johnny grass, as those entitled clowns literally, can conceive of someone voting for the candidate who best reprehensible because he thinks he just can't. Imagine it it just kind of
in voting for someone who represents them. He doesn't stand like voting for someone represent you or how football works. Ryan grim thanks a lot of jill stein. Voters feel bad for helping to feed Hilary nah. I'm thankful every sing, a day that Hillary Clinton never became president the wise hawk. Are you kidding me a more moscow I've heard that phrase before Hillary Clinton is offering voters a more muscular version of president obama's foreign policy. That's what order is more world. You know obama dropped, more bombs and george w bush and she was off
ring a more muscular foreign policy than that. Wasn't me exploding children, muscular. Comrade Mr Putin says I dont know a single stein vote over regrets their vote. I don't but guess what savvy sab says this ryan. It may be that it may be best to talk to people who voted Virgil start up. If you didn't run third party, those voters would have stayed home. I know I would of those voters didn't want. Hillary Clinton. People should be able to vote for any candidate natural. The team, red or tina blue she's the lesser of two evils and again want to blame the candidate for not it used to be that used to a candid. The openness was on a candidate to attract enough votes to win. You have now it's on the voters who let down politicians for not voted for by the way accompanies posed to try to earn your money or bank arises now they get a sight of your good enough to having been. Are you
good enough to beat this? That's right, everything's flipped, so ryan grim did find somebody. He found this article. I voted for. Jill stein was a rug. He found somebody ah, but it doesn't even say that look what it says she. I voted for Jill stein, there's nothing I can do about that now. But if I could go back in time and change it, I'm not sure I what she says she's, not sure yeah was I wrong. These it's no one, you meet all my guy. Lots of people do not regret the vote. Some do, for instance, now she's saying she didn't actually so the one person he even found on further scrutiny turns out they. They don't regret it. it was the worst I mean this is news. This is him doing. This is big sleuth. He just found this great job right or you know what I but credit to him for, and a better guy to cut his hair, a woman. Whoever did it his hair is looking fantastic, sounds like a lot better than in that illustration, and his is that's the best. The most important thing still same personality from
Inflatable pilot was still the same personality of risk I have little really a sea student, a pot literally apart at night club comedian performing for this guy is supposed to be somebody a sky supposed to be. Somebody he's a fucking me. we're on their all. Do you know all around even be there? I couldn't tell you the truth about forced to vote. He couldn't tell you the truth about russia, gay. He can tell you the truth about ukraine. He can't tell the truth about colvin or vaccines, and now I can't tell you the truth about whose response well for losing an election to a game show host or we can, though, suggests that the drug or protesters we're not the drug and throw that up. That's right. The trumpet protests were nazis. Is there anything they don't get wrong at breaking point because they get everything wrong. It breaking point I guess you everything wrong obligatory about six months to a year later,
augur well, say a real thing. You know, there's an embargo on telling the truth until it too, you know you don't die in the wrong hill right. That's right! hey become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore gallery dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business for the all, the voices it's performed today are by the one and only the inimitable mike mccray. He can be found at MIKE mccray dot com. That's it for this week, you'd be the best you can be at all.
Keep me in me, don't don't don't don't don't bring down tat, you do not worry. Guy.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.