« The Jimmy Dore Show

Washington Post Reporter Freaks Out Over Disinformation Board’s Closure

2022-05-20 | 🔗

Washington Post reporter/mainstream media crybully Taylor Lorenz is upset at the announcement that the Department of Homeland Security would be shelving the so-called “Disinformation Governance Board” intended to police online speech.  Plus a segment on former Fox News political correspondent Carl Cameron calling for current Fox News hosts to be imprisoned for their "dangerous" speech. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Max Blumenthal and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Al Pacino!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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you see the results of last night primaries. Did you see Jimmy. Yes, I did senator I don't need it Joe. You nothin buster brown, who actually achieved in a K. Troop ism is still alive and well in the republican party. Put aside for the time being, madison one. was defeated by his primary opponent and he conceded his defeat. Well, yeah, that's probably the debt problem for the best. What I do know that means at american democracy itself is alive and well you pay you, I'm dying dies. It means that no naive, green horn in congress will ever again tat all about the coke fuelled orgies when real, not only american political process get hammered out ray what Jimmy I why he lost yes, because someone leaked lewd, pics videos of of themselves that he made some wine
yeah. Why? I always say if you want to try and expose our dirty old, gradual congressional you you better, not have footage of you gazed up, wouldn't you could cause or will find it a and luckily, for us, MR cot, on Mary, we made it very easy. He'd do is following this tiny little folder label just doing gay stuff with my car. It is this kind of hard to believe. My staff is really good at finding that. No, no! No! No! I mean the coke orgy thing. Jimmy AL gore, how things get done here is the only time we really all com to get a republic into and democrats of all stripes, okay and good work gets done. There believe you me,
cares, don't you! I came up with our bill to make it illegal to boycott. Israel and shall gradually sex wing. But can you imagine anything bore depraved and perverse than what we are doing right now? I had actually. Oh, my god, journey where weapons None of those of the american people in congress, Power hungry cycles the only time weakening homer bull and truly cooperate with each other is when we are being sexually debate. Ties ok, nice in first
I'll spare you the details, but when we were what we were doing to Joe Manchin a a few months ago, let's just say when we finally did take the ball gag out of his mouth. He agreed to approve of a much larger chunk of the infrastructure bill than he did before by god that everyone plays ball. Unfortunately, that sort of rankles rankles, the beyond cast in cinema is one of em she's, waiver. Even in maxine waters is sex dungeon. If you can believe that achieving just there for the cocaine and sex, and I find it a little gauche how rude and she is therefore, at my friend, the appetites of this woman I swear it a moloch. I have never seen a like embedded my days, nor even heard of it first up and last to leave devours.
men and women alike, indiscriminately in its entirety: evil man a case of unbridled plus snuff an extra table like a starving hobo? Nobody can keep up this woman even catering. fight, never, to be honest, is that so, yes, Few months ago she took Jim costa in a privacy, Jane for a few hours when he emerged, he was born catatonic. Like hell, anybody home A woman stood at the word for three days. She had to say he got cold with who- members of the press are their tommy. How come you ve never heard of any? This talked about on the news. There are included for insurance reasons
and they say they want to access. This is what they made. This is what a dog I can't. I can't believe this all for sure, one of the fund things I've ever seen was. Brian Stelter, standing around eating shrimp cocktail watching laurent boulevard and marjorie taylor green scissor, each other on top of a giant grant. He just slowly stopped chewing and an entire shrimp was hanging out of his mouth. For, like fifteen minutes, okay, this is the price you know what I don't want to hear about any of this anymore, I'm getting sort of Ila. To be honest, no, you don't have to call a thorn, is goin never to return in the message loud and clear. Don't talk about that shit dummy Well all right, I guess in politics as anything else, you don't want to see how the sausages made so to speak. Funny you should say that
because with china with praise is delightful but devilish, contraption called the sausage make another sliding down the street and jobs a medium term, switching to show max blue because with us, ladies and gentlemen, he's an award winning journalist as well as the editor in chief and founder of the independent investigative news website, grey zone, he's also Best selling author of several books, including goliath, fifty one day, war or the management of savagery. Please welcome to the show max balloon. Oh hi, back so area they jimmy I'm good good to see it. Not enough. You heard the big news backs what I bet you did the? U s did for this.
information governance board, which really was just there to approve this information that they said was okay and this was the head of it needed genk away when she's gone and now they could she resign. So that's the entered and their pausing the dish. Information, governance, bored? So that's the lead. I don't want to bury it what I want to show you how this was reported today? now, a lot of people were complaining about that. I'm a left of the day aquatic party way left of the democratic party. I was planning about it max. Blumenthal left the democratic party at the grey zone. They were all complaining about it. There are lots of left these complaining about a clean green wall was lefty complaining about it. I don't know what he would call himself like greenwash He certainly is a jerk have met, option I'm sure I was gonna- guess all the good people were were complaining about it, but they,
to make. It seem like it was just right. Wingers in this is Taylor lorenz. You know Never tail erentz write her. Job is to pretend that job she does journalism, and so what she does is searching. Targets, people of no money and power normally and try. Do humiliate them. What you just did with the lady fra, as that account lives of tiktok and she doc and so that's who taylor lorenz is. We know tailoresses. We ve covered her before. So she says scoop just three weeks you're its announcement. The formation governance board is being paused, I! What did you see this on her? It says my personality is better on instagram. That's because instagram I put on makeup and say bullshit, so I.
here she is, she says the yeah they paused it they pay as the disapprobation governance board and in truth, depart medea chess working groups focused on dis information have beds span dead needed Jake awaits is considering leaving now she actually deadly right to do so. Dana jaguars has officially resign from the disinformation governance, but that sounds like it. It sounds like ruined it's a cartoon, but this information governance board that they did not of they did not workshop. That name I'll tell you then focus group that name, but there it is the dream is dead, will never find another censorship jargon sing like that. That's all I'm saying we're now we're gonna vied with wheels. Nina.
the taylor lorenz of clucking hens under fifty years old we lost nina, I think, just froze good riddance. It wasn't there so and then they want to blame it on the far right, and casey ten drivers as good riddance. It wasn't the far right that stop this. It was sensible people from all sides who objected torn orwellian government apparatus. max where you surprised that they shut down so quickly. I to get to that that the arctic we're gonna get to how crazy this article is because it is insane mrs unaware washington, post and at no point did they talk about? This was about idea. At no point did they talk about why this is a bad idea or the concerns about the government, overreach and censorship. It was all about the the newspaper was defending the government from randal attacks on line. I'm not getting so back to you
Surprise they get rid of this so quickly that it disinformation governance bored. I. somewhat wasn't surprised, because thinking was actually under trump. There was a version of a disinformation governance, under this character, christopher crabs, and he was the kind The person you would expect to lead this he wore assume or khakis was. national security, bureaucrat and. then you bring in weird nina yank of eggs, No offense too weird out. I just just a complete freedom, just an absolute freak and flamboyant wannabe broadway singer, who does you no trial, like nursery rhymes on methamphetamines about disinformation and russian propaganda.
You bring her in there and she just becomes a perfect target. and obviously there was pressure on the binding administration from the that she represents within the democratic parties infrastructure to create this kind of office for her android, I'm sure think tanks behind it kind of, Think tanks we associate with censorship on social media like the atlantic council and peace, But like taylor, lorenz seem to have been involved in this network which is why she's griping about the and of his board, but what I think it was my argus alexander, my orders, the dangerous. across airy grilled by ran Paul another senators and admitted that he didn't know when a complete, not job, Nina jacobites was or how embarrassing and this fiasco had become ahead of the midterms. And what I think they're gonna do is. Do something more
rosa below the radar with another character like christopher crabs, he's just a grim, bureaucratic figure who exists behind the curtain, instead of a flamboyant wanna, be broadway. Singers will not actually surprised when I would say, though, is very pleased because, contrary to him, we'll talk about terrible tolerance. Is article country to her framing of this being a right wing campaign? This is actually a right left campaign. Yes, that involved, including civil lip libertarians as well. I mean, the asia you, which has been terrible over the past few years, actually condemned this board as an attack on civil liberties? And this is what we need is we need a cross party is in or non partisan alliance again, online censorship by people who seek to control reality. And shield out any
information or fax or journalism that contravene the objectives of a discredited establishment, and that's what happened here so everybody who had participated in this campaign should give themselves a hand left and right. We did it That's all you two here. Is this crazy article? I you I, I can't artists I've. There are fewer. Because the everyday it's hard to shock me any more, but it happened. This articles most unbelievable defence of the powerful that I've ever seen in my life they're doing it like they're they're, going to protecting. If you know a rape Damn, instead of what they're doing is it set of who they are protecting. Is us very, very powerful person who, to censor people and is a history of pushing misinformation. This is there, it is how the Biden administration, let right wing attacks, derail it's distant promotion efforts
I just want to go back good. It wasn't the far right that stop this. It was sensible people from all sides. You objected to an orwellian government apparatus. Now I just one. saying this. Is it this information? The irony here is that this should be labelled misinformation. If you're gonna do that sort of thing I don't want to do. I am against it But if you're going to be consistent, this exactly why you can have a disinformation government governance board because they're always lying and no one will ever agree on what is real or true or distant formation, or not, because this is this information, it wasn't right, wingers, it was everybody laughed centre libertarian far right far left. Everybody was against this. Here's a of vince conjugally aid, says this entire. your piece, meaning this article.
Is slobbering defence of power and by the way that was my. That was my name for my punk ban and hijacking slobbering defence of power. not a moment of concern about the way government bodies are used as a predicate for censorship. Well said: I don't write their wealth, not a single mention of genco, which is long record of credulous sleep, pushing blue or non conspiracy theories. None of that! That's Correct none of that was in this article. None of that Will you almost you right? Go she wrote a book of how called how to win the information warren. That's like step, one not mentioned here. How breaking up that boy? Don't bring it up I think it was actually I recalled how to lose the information yo right yeah. She was gonna, come in and tell people how to win and now last, and now she lost so This is from the article from the. Why should impose taylor lorenz maniac professional victor gas lighter.
Two of the oligarchs taylor rents wrote this just three weeks After its announcement, the disinformation governance board is being paused according to multiple employs blah blah on Monday de. I just decided to shut down the board According to modal, levelled by tuesday morning, genco had drafted a resignation letter in this response the board's resin look dissolution, I like how they say: paused they paused it. right, just just the leaves just to leave some hope for the world's biggest pieces of shit out there. That's what that is. Ok still have a jewish a bright eventually. Eventually, we might still have it we're just pausing it now. So don't get don't get to decide, but tuesday night jesuits was pulled into an urgent call with dhs officials who gave the choice to stay on, even as a department work workers put on hold because of a backlash that it faced accords, to baltimore people of knowledge of it, while the
one weapon they couldn't defend against a backlash. I working groups within the de jasper focused on miss dis. and now information have been. So now you her thou lighted do get the feeling that the book nineteen eighty four is taylor. Rents is star trek. You get that prevailing at its an optimistic view of a future utopia. Right can. Can you imagine a big brother, let a little back last. Stop him from creating the ministry of truth. He loses iron grip on oceana now, big big brother was too effective, and he didn't cry when he accidentally succeeded. A treorchy, Wednesday, boarding jacobites officially reside from a role within the department. Nina janka woods has been subjected to are justified and the thigh of personal attacks and visit
Oh brad idea, just spokesperson, told the post in a statement in between pudding, kids in cages, her for Well, this is like what coolio did a weirdo reforms? Paradise jack what's his experience as a prime example of this is real. This is an obvious israel Jacob. His experience is a prime example of how the right wing internet apparatus operates where far right influencers attempt to identify a target presented, narrative and then rip miss characterizations across social media and websites, with the aim of discrediting and attacking anyone who seeks to challenge them all. I got it sounds like the plague. From the red media right, racks, like projection to me. That's exactly. What they do. I you know, I know that's what they do, because they did that to me what I was doing forced the vote.
I challenge them, and so they had to discredit be. They wrote column, em article, a collector article, jimmy doors they headed the dirt back leaped jimmy where's all right Jimmy this jimmy doors that that's what they that's what they do, the watch it? Impose themselves spared me, that's what they had: discredit me because I was challenging the democratic party and so they did this to me. That's about what some fuckin new fair Yes go far right group that she can identify. Does that's what the wash washington post. Does that What taylor lorenz does that this is called projection. and this is why I study Karl you because he had That idea of you project near where it's the attributes of yourself onto other people. That's what this is it and then this she's writing this shit
as it also shows what happens when its by the way. Shit, what she's really pissed off as she's pissed off at the right wingers are doing this when it's really her job, that's her job, that's what she does and do you think she saw She says it also shows what happens when institutions when confronted with these attacks, don't respond effectively. What does that mean too? I don't you think he'll come up sheep. She means they will respond effectively by censoring enough. Is that what that means? I don't know what that means exactly what look, how it says: miss characterizations, the actual group. They didn't characterised them set like they asked him directly. What exactly you gonna be doing, never gave a straight answer like you we're all that up. Every was miss characterisation more easily. Also what yeah she's saying that their work, their bisque, miss characterizing, then what kurt
saying is: why did the d a gesture say what they were doing? They could never give a straight answer to what the hell they're job was. So if you're going safe other people are miss characterizing them across all. That's not what's that there was their own fault, wasn't characterized in my first answer. I said you have to first characterize something for it to be missed characterized ok just hours after Jacob tweeted about her new job. This is this a real story in a real newspaper, so this person a power four person inside government wanting to censor you at the department of homeland security, which puts kids in cages there after that person at that is that institution inside government tweeted about a new job. Far right, influence or jack pro sobek posted tweets. Using the bided administration of creating a ministry of truth process. We ex what proved too
presumably ex one point: seven million followers. They quickly sprung into action, Does this guy tweeted something by the way, how many How many millions of ours is the Washington post right now? How many, because they fuck inspired me in an article. How many millions of people subscribed to the washington both you guys pretending like this is what you do for a living, and it is true. That mean everyone. I know we were absolutely fine with data genco which that demand did theatre kid with a history of spreading this information? We were all Ok with her being in charge of policing disinformation. That was until this asshole po Sobek tweeted, something about it workers or what By the end of the day, there were at least fifty three thousand posts on twitter,
Should a disinformation governance board, many wrote you get that how twitter works. There's billions of people on this as every day. That's called trending topic. something inside the government. Trending is a good idea. That's a good thing people are aware of, what's is happening in the government to tailor lorenz. This is evidence of an areas right wing conspiracy, that people are talking about a new government body inside our government? That's good! That's bad people talking about the distant from governance, border, twitter and that's harassment, that's literal violence, in the days following that number skyrocketed word gun Well, word got out.
possibly will be tweets shaped the narrative and genco, which was up position as the primary target. Republican lawbreakers akard postal be ex framing and amplified it to their already. It says. Why are you representatives liking their job? Think about a thing happening in the government to people on you set it hopeful and Missouri attorney general Eric schmidt and representative andrew S, clyde of georgia. Both posted, similar tweets to post so be ex former congresswoman till she gabert also posted a video repealing personnel, be ex statements that are you say his name. I have to say it a million times I'd like to get a right ones. I think so. Ok Oh, my god. I It sounds like basically, taylor lorenz on the washington post are upset that dumb. Accuracy worked because that sounds like democracy, people,
speaking in their representative speaking to them and were all conversing and coming to an understanding about something week following the announcement approximately seventy percent of fox news, is one hour segments. Can you showed the. the week following the announcement. Approximately seventy percent of fox news is what our segments mentioned: either genco its or the board mentioned you read, a news show is going to mention this unbelievable orwellian brick and ministry of tooth truth that just got laid on us with no explanation of what they're really going to be doing and there talking about it on a new show their mentioning it supposed to be bad, She did she's making it seem like they spent seventy percent cent of their time. Talking about that's not what hand, by merely seventy percent of the one hour segments maybe mentioned it once. That's right,
because it was a running story which would be a whole lot less than chris christy edge gate, on MSNBC riah guys. I remember that there was constant that ninety nine percent I was glued to that coverage. I'll be honest, shut down the board the bridge for an hour by but did not listen, this is also in the washington post. The fox news cut It was referenced in some of the most popular posts on facebook and twitter. Criticising jake awaits, oh, my god. People are talking about a thing that's all does. Is people are talking about a thing that the government's doing at fox news. talking about it and that when people talk about it, they reference fox news talking about it. How do we stop people talking about a thing this debate. This is in the washington post.
Dozens of websites, including bright bart, the post, billennium the daily collar and the new europe posed, began mining genco. It's his passage. Media pose and publishing articles to generate perversity having they started doing reporting you mean they started looking into the person who was the head of this new agency inside the government, instead of being derelict in their duty and going in looking at tik tok videos, you be there actually doing fuckin journalism and that upsets taylor lorenz and the washington post, owned by jeff basis in bed with the cia, they did it to generate controversy. They did. It gets us Bastards or just out their generate that everything will be fine, people be happy with. She sounds like sparrow. Add new. I do know that might be you guys. be too young for that reference, but the nattering nabobs of negative. That's right! That's right! That's what he said what the news was and now she says that she's doctor smith, from lost in space. You are unable
in some of the people were simply mocking Making fun of her preparing a song from Mary poppins to talk about misinformation, so they were mining her past there. My guiding people do so you're saying that what taylor s mind someone's like personal information and any other name recently like? Yes, that's exactly what taylor runs doc. Somebody went to their relatives homes to try to get him to say things about her. They choose harassing everybody to do as somebody who had a tick tock out, so what What's taylor lorenzo saying is They gave the they gave the Nina genk awaits the old taylor lorenz treatment right oh, wait. They didn't try to destroy her children's lives. So I guess it's not the full taylor lorenz treatment because it's what taylor lorenz does I heard that there is more this. This is amazing,
in another instance a performer, were genco sings upon a performance were Jake what things a popular musical theatre song like up ok maniac about it. Persons desire to become rich and powerful? No, she The one the song I saw was her seeing a song about what to censor people for this information. To move on to the tune of super catch, a fragile as tax be audacious. I didn't see the other one. You look like some karaoke thing ok, why you pick? That's all they said it was misrepresented kurt that when she, her desire to be that song. That was me, represented to imply that Jacobs herself was after money and power, and would sleep with man tat gad acts. I mean it that doesn't misrepresented as much as her singing that sounded about that go ahead,
whose criticism was that, like iron, she sleeps with men for money, empowered knowing neighbors, are just making that where this make, while they just pay Gop brand does right, so one person with no followers on twitter says something they. They pretend like. Some one said that in it's important to pay attention to that's what taylor lorenz is doing right here. So here's me it was just a crazy video. I dunno. If you've seen it no, I didn't see it. I thought you deserve it. Underlines the correct approach of her as kind of an unhinged whacked job. I was really paying much attention to the content of it. Well, did you did you say I'm site before that meet the job maybe was kind. Built around mean a junk awaits like big. They were like. We need to make this new thing and put this new jack like What did you say that anyway, I'm bored I misunderstood, you ask is maxim right, but are well on the jungle with which she announced her position. She stated pretty clear.
If I remember right on twitter that she design she had been working with the dhs to design this position in the right. Ok, so this board is Nina yeah acts of hurt? So here's the next paragraph alone assured the it says. Experts say experts experts, a dissident information, what kind of experts experts say that right wing distant from Asia just say: exports that I'll tell you these acts. Does experts export? a the disinformation. You know those people are there. People like taylor, lorenz their people, like beilin cat people just give themselves of buck entitle. I'm an extra this information, it, doesn't even linked anybody there. No does it experts say that right wing disinformation and smear campaign regularly followed the same playbook the elect the way
that taylor lorenz and the washington post use on a regular basis. That's the first one, playbook airs the play her cup the play book, the playbook is an its crucial? This is what she's writing. She says it is crucial that public and leaders of institutions, especially in the government, the media and educational bodies under stand more fully how these cycles operate. Its rule shock that people understand how these twitter things work, because I'm getting my feelings are on twitter. This is real, that's good news tailor. The government definitely knows how the cycle of misinformation works. Fucking genius. Go ahead. Mac if you, if you go down a few paragraphs from the mention of experts, I think can find the expert that she's referring to
Its emerson t brooking a resident senior fellow at the atlantic councils. Digital forensic research laughed so we all know that it Lana council is, it is NATO's unofficial, think tank in washington or efficient semi official think taken washington funded by everyone from nato to these the. U s state department to raytheon to the turkish and saudi governments. Saudi aramco at which Joe Biden son a Grave contract was also a major donor to the atlantic council buying influence in washington and they as the experts, so it is essentially a cut out of the gun. and the intelligence services and all of these as vassal states. It is the government I need a drink who has been involved in several
who s intelligence, cut out, that put problem that push regime, change and anti. democratic campaigns. I can talk about it in a minute around the world with in western suppose it democracies Let's get to more this article, because it's crazy that on be honest of the most insane archive over centuries writing in defence of the disease. republic, security, head of censorship, by discrediting those made to represent institutions. They seek to bring down, they discredit the institution itself, harassment and harassment and reputational harm is core to the attack strategy. That's exactly what the media does to people like me. That mean that's what she does the people me. Institutions are often treat reputational harm and online attacks as a personal matter, one that lucky employees should simply endure quietly.
He said he was frustrated about so this is so then they they start to quote some guy. Who is supposed to be? information gap, roma university, but he's just an idiot. He said that he was frustrated by the bided administrations, lack of allowed in vocal response to what genco, which was going through. What will it do? What do you know, but We can have drum circles and say: its amateur hours cliche but its amateur, our he said of the administrations and action. Now, isn't this taylor, rents and the washington post now harassing trying to discredit the bided administrations and white is you're do humbly followers. Does the washed and both have and you're just going to insult and harassed these people like this in your newspaper, that's what you're arresting the people you saying that amateur our over The Biden administration. Now everybody's going gonna hate them. That's ok. According to data on roads, the washington post isn't that
Isn't she doing the exact being? Of course they are. When they may be just think she's going to the thing that they all have to go through to be in public life. What should I do? A tenth of anything Biden way, brood deserve them a hotchpotch. why? Why would even register I'd? I try I did all I try to do is get congress people to take up. on medicare for all the middle of a pandemic and people docks to my house, that's What I was trying to do. This woman in the government is trying to censor people and she's got power. No power have no power. Why wasn't amateur our it's the midday? What do I mean she's, an expert on Amateur our this is like amateur, our broadway amateur our dead formation why would we want lively, isn't hiring mean agenda with amateur out exactly that's the homage for yes exactly and so
now here's what taylor lorenz and a lot of maniacs who are sympathetic to be But like taylor and what they do, they print and like random comments on social media amount to something they don't they're, just random comments on twitter or wherever and This is how they do it in bonds to one post on gab, featuring a video of Tucker karlsson, discussing genk, a witch. Users commented time to kill them all users who We don't know it could have been taylor lorenz under a fake name. We don't know who did this? just users. So a randal, I'm gab, said something crazy and that makes it washington, post, here's another one, another Featuring carlson's coverage of genco, which was shared to a right wing forum with the captain. This is The point where we have to draw the line.
Sounds reasonable to me by the way, what is even worse than killing drawing what happened: draw a line. No line, drawing that is violence and here by the way, a jamal. Jameel jaffer, tweeted out the washington post piece should have acknowledged somewhere, perhaps even at the top that SAM the criticism of the bided administrations. Disinformation governance board came from civil liberties and human rights group. Yet maybe, the top you said before right there and here's what he's any links to this? He goes. Here's the letter that the protect democracy see at ear bath and night club colombia sent earlier this month in europe is so those are far left. That's far less, For at last was actually, I would say, mainstream. These are very you had agreed.
institutions. Ok, there you go corrected. I stand corrected. Things are these arbitrary last you so the point as these are the ones that I just I just wanna leave you I said you have asked you yeah I mean and the show has to have a response to an max. Does that mean damaging our jimmy, but then this guy, who did this who's this guy, oh and then he anyway so sky says there were plenty of good reasons to criticise the data suddenly initiative, but I The Biden administration just ignored those thoughtful criticisms. It seems the bad, conservative campaign against the sinful, this sinful board is the story, because that's what actually mattered? What what Who cares to first of all
The bad faith with it was easy and piled up against censorship saw apparently, apparently, though, the the the Nord thoughtful criticisms, so They came from the left, their thoughtful criticisms, but if they came from the right, their bad faith, even though both were saying the same thing that this is a bad idea, but its bed faith? When someone- I don't like, says it in that mental? I think what the right was saying with which the thoughtful critics that this guy's pointing out. What what the right was saying, which was actually more valuable and more salient in my view, was that need a jackal which is a prolific. Disseminate her of disinformation yeah, she has lied about major political events again and again, and we can't make this point enough, and that was really at the heart of the critique I saw on. Both the right and the left. It was it within them,
critique of the civil liberties groups, which are just concerned about what it means for a national security or law enforcement organization to police speech. which is also valid I guess I'll just right quote the guy earlier and discuss segment. This is the most slobbering defence of power. That was that just disgusting that that, if you can that article, about hebrew, stomach churn or your hair stand on fire or or something that is that is, that is in the washington post, that it's just, shocking that some that that that shouldn't be in glamour magazine that fuckin article defending What it's obvious that she has some relationship with her
like that their friends and associates or something it feels that way like she's. Just speaking on her behalf will mean a wrote how to be a woman on line which I'm sure went big circles of people who were obnoxious online Does your taylor Lorenz? I'm sure? That's like her. You know operable club thing for them. and she said that that these right I'd. I dont have this slide in there from the from the article, but she said in the article that they are then pick a most often pick a woman or a person of color to go after right. These, these conspiracies online You know has eight or over half the population is women. What the fuck after so dislike most of the time or half the time gap that you're half the population is women, you're a woman you're in power, your writing she's a woman she's in power who do you. I was this here: the guy's over a d ages- it just it anyway,
I can't get on board the reason they pick a woman is because I know you can't say anything about it, because a woman like that like they do that, then that that is exactly what they're doing I we got move on for anything. You want to say before we wrapped the sub max yeah well she's gone after us, the grey zone, and so the article by tailored, starts off by saying now genco its finds herself the target of the very people she has spent her her gown had its like yeah yeah you. The irony Looking wine ass, charlatan you it does of being a russian disinformation operation in public, with no evidence at all. How dare you like, of course, we're going to go after you and challenge you when you are given police powers to censor us, we are going to be very upset. You called us distro, active disinformation, which is kind of a compliment, is I'm happy to be destructive to your authoritarian sensors. The agenda, but
he openly stated that she wished to censor. So, of course, we're going to be upset, and why does she want to censor us because, as I mentioned before, she is involved with regime change. U s. Government cut out in eastern europe that I've tried to topple any government that the? U s doesn't want in power. she doesn't believe in democracy. So, of course we're going to be upset- and am I wasn't doing this because I wasn't criticising her cause. She's, a woman. I will I will. I never said anything about her until she started smearing us labeling us. spreading this information about the that I found it in that I run oh, but if a mandatory, You'd like it, I would if I would have felt much more like you know, lib, Read to you. after all, that? Well, that's
these people are this, is the world were living in and they want everyone to think that the people ended I'm a craddock administration are good people and everybody in any other political parties are bad people. That's what this is. A college is taken I want to say thank you for your service. Demagogic, pay it all here's another great way. You can help support the show you should be. a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week And it's a great way to help support the show you could do it. by going to give me your company that cop click it got joined, premium and support fordable previous programme and the business, it's a great way to help put them back in the eye the bastards, extra everybody who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, so it gets worse.
MSNBC now has an xbox guy who actually bumped into india in iowa bit of a douche bag. This guy Carl Cameron, since tweeted out by ryan grim. By the way, the dc bureau to friend to the show DC bureau treat of the egg intercept. So he caught this this even caught his detention he's. Tweeting a video from the washington free beacon, caught this a watch. What this guy says. So they're talking about oh, how whore Well things our fox news, there's only by the way is it as if the one cable station worse than in another. That's just amazing to me. I'll tell you. One cable station actually tells the truth about the ukraine once in awhile. Does that have happened at MSNBC? No is ever have But I'd cnn! No! So here we go a chance.
and by Tucker karlsson, what happens at fox news when something like this type so I guess she's asking what happens at box news when there's a shooting that people are trying to blame their political enemy for Tucker karlsson. That's the question what happens at box news when something like this happens. Ok I can't even imagine partly why I ended up getting out of it and it's probably partly why I've never had an original thought. My my life, no yes, really is kind of horrible. Think that Journalists with national and international capacity, putting together this type of nonsense, I present did a great job in which he had this. Guy was fox news, chief, political correspondent. Somehow he's a boy scout, cause. He doesn't like talker karlsson bill. O, wasn't. Euro gave a bill o europe, europe with roger ales. I think they are
I think, they're. Just not ok, would talker and they're saying fox to put pressure on fox the take off tat rank as Tucker once you know why? Because tuckered tells the truth about foreign policy and they can have that what I would call camera one call camera was at thoughts, deal o reilly, almost explicitly incited for the murder of jordan, tough, we're the tufts of Tom. It commands is don't you u price per second repeat that? Ok, yeah I want when Carl cameron was at fox news bill, O explicitly incited for all explicitly incited for the murder of joy. Tiller, who was the only women's health care provider who performed late term abortions in kansas, rightly said, he's a guess held to pay all that's right and a few days later, george till he was shot in the back in his church, as he prayed by it the abortion extremists. That was just you know,. before the Tucker era fox, and that was something
Carl cameron didn't really seem to alarm him at the time yet to come, that guided tiller the baby killer, that someone killed that guy in church riot and yet how camera didn't have a problem with that, but our while cameron is a he's, a he's, a boy scout. All of a sudden, the guy who was the biggest bullshit artist in the world always some always good to he's with another bushes with a person from the bushes illustration, a torturer, to talk about all bad someone else's. Ok, lot of this a lot sooner and we need a lot more problems. The left and the and We gotta watch out because the republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation just in time for the midterms. Far too I love how they see the news house blames democrats the blight blame shooting I dams and on
mental illness hooker and what an hour, two party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble, the president, We, that is true. To actually start building things and maybe taking some names and putting people jail. He said maybe it's time to start taking some names and start putting people in jail. So they're talking about Tucker Carl, and you're talking about putting news people in jail already whilst names that that have names And by the way, when the that that seems, crazy to me to say that I mean if you're going to blame you go to where you want to pin this on the dams, okay, but don't try to pin it on mental illness. The one thing we the one thing we know had nothing to do with this year that Gaza completely rational individual completely. I mean
obviously know who do sounds like the radical their max who sells like the extremists. Not job is. Is it Carl Cameron. Yes, it that suit selves like an extremist, not job. You start was start taken names and putting people in jail for opinions. Go head max. Well. This is the chatter. This is the water, cooler, chatter MSNBC You know we gotta jail these people, this what's being discussed, and now it sort of came out impromptu, but this is I've been saying- and I know it in- and discussions also it. their people and independent media. The people on the left to challenge you as foreign policy that we're pretty much prepared for. U s government to start trying to find ways and western allies to start trying to find ways of actually legislating speech so that they can do what they do to russian state
back media, for example, that canada just band archie completely. I think the uk is done. It was going to do it but they're gonna. Do it independent sites just on the basis of their speech, and so this is kind of the same mentality. You just people. We don't like find a justification, and just do it because we these people. The establishment I'm amazon, MSNBC me isn't even left, is just establishing That's why they have all these ex bush officials there with Democrats and they all circling the wagons because they have lost credibility. They have lost the in mines of normal american people and they see americans their frightened and they see americans as the enemy they ve seen. The pull that shows over fifty percent of voters would support it. independent candidate who is not binding war trump. There can feel the anger out there. They see Pause at your most americans are concerned about
inflation, rising food prices, nor matters hell, and they don't give a shit about ukraine, not frightened them. so they going start to legislate it and start and people up who have a dissenting opinions, hairs occupy Democrats tweets this out. This is this is disappointing. breaking former fox news reporter, Cameron says that the no former fuckin chief political correspondent her box for years and years, former fox, cheap political core. responded. Carl Cameron says that the buffalo match shooters ideology, mirror Is that of Tucker karlsson? An reply? lookin spreading misinformation is dangerous that it might be time to start putting people in jail retreat. If you agree with cameron. Whoa? Sir, what is just start putting people in jail first for words that they don't like.
here's another one, Glenn greenwell says in the late, sixties and seventies. The state of mississippi tried to hold local naacp leaders liable for violent acts of their followers, claiming they incited the violence through their angry rhetoric in niger. to the supreme court unanimously rule in favour of the underbelly c p. That would violate First, amendment now now look at this now they want a lock people up. This is amazing that rhetoric I thought click. My watch, the clip of chemicals in talking about As you know the ideology that I met, the Democrats I have been saying this stuff for years. We fully like when I showed that's what we're replacing you like. You don't think that prompt people to be, we are then, what the hell, you think, tat the girls. We showed out another video that I'd drop today, that bill
Clinton had this rid of rhetoric. Hillary Clinton. The Democrats talked like this up until about five minutes ago. Brocklebridge but deported more hispanics. Then the president's combined since eighteen? Ninety do you know that you know he built those cages? You'll know Barack Obama gassed immigrants at the border. It'll brought Iraq obama bombed. Muslim. Weddings need all this up. No I mean I've. I've covered the border since I began do in journalism like twenty years ago. I was constantly going down to the border in southern arizona. I saw the debt start, the bush era. I saw the minute men come down, in other words the right wing border vigilantes. I wrote profiles on them and it all bomber comes in and they are going to continue going to the border and it actually gets worse and the minute men become kind of soup. I mean it s awful as they were
and many of their work, their infant infested with white nationalists, as they were kind of like this side, peace to what the state you're obama, with the full support of obama and his de age ass. An ice was doing, and I was like You know I've been writing about the right and this transmission belt to the republican party. For years here the Democrats, so on the border and the amount of millet the amount of militarization of the border it just was out of control under obama. What what was always that was the ideological basis for that, while they never say what it was. Nevertheless, it was it was. It was the same programme that the trumpet illustration advanced. in many ways And- and we all know that the Democrats have preached basement theory, but just in different words and that the hispanics gonna come here and take our jobs come here and take our new are our resources. They're gonna come
take our government services, that's what built used to say all the time and ill Let's move that request you to say. and Bernie sanders just a few years ago, said that too. Open borders is a right wing conspiracy that what the coat brothers want to do so they can. Let us with cheap labour, that's exactly what tucker cross! It says that we have taken it go ahead back in the nineties when the porter was or open, and people would actually go, maybe some people would actually gonna cut, junior college on the tax assigning come back home to to war as or were at wherever their community was. There was a day its situation, but a group What protesters in san diego area, who are right, wing republican started, a movement called turn on the lights and they set up the cars along the border with their lights on all night instead Creating this pressure campaign that went all the way to washington, Wendell clayton president, and what it bill Clinton, do. How did he respond to this right wing?
anti immigrant pressure movement. He initiated operation gatekeeper, which saw the government for the first time, build militarized walls in san diego. keep people from tijuana out and el paso to keep people from war is always a democratic president. That start Did you to check off the boxes on the right wings wish list and there has been a steady progression ever instead it just at the Democrats, don't advance the ideological point of view that we, you know they are there Replacing widened americans they don't really. Explain why they're doing what they're doing well just remember when lock her up as a trump catchphrase. Now MSNBC is advocating the same thing prince political opponents, and those are all by the way. These are all one to those. Those are five right. Wingers! These are not left wing people on MSNBC these as a certified raw right winger. So the fbi hundred per cent
skies, former fox news, chief, political guy, this is daddy No, you said he'd vote for trump over Bernie sanders around who the fuck that is. Those are guided by right. Wingers think that maybe we should consider the all terrorists as a right wing. Don't they data represent anything except just authoritarian control, just establishment control. I don't think they're left right, there's nothing. There does hollow creature I'll be establishment who owed for they don't care about anything caught up in the constitution. they're like Brian Williams, therein institutionalists yeah, I'm an institutionalized here What black in the empire said you have. You have just watch. Former communications director for george bush led a panel talking about locking ever misinformation while our however, with tries to extradite assange, which is the biggest threat to journalism in our time they are talking. They are talking about trying to free him there.
Trying to jail. Somebody at the rival network, and if you want to start working people up for me information. Take there there is they hated it. Nicole Wallis on tuesday ripped her former so security adviser, Michael flint, for once encouraging a locker rubbed, janet Former second story: Bad when it's someone you like, but if someone you know like back up So they're all just like trump and that's what I've been saying since twenty sixteen there, all our trump they just hate, trumped doesn't hide it and by the waged I don't care. What we did Nicole wallace's rant, reveals what america's torture she's a care about towards. They were torturers. she died. She doesn't care. And you want to see if you want to lock somebody up for misinformation, russia
was one big evidence free conspiracy theory. The dossier was funded and put together by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Hillary Clinton delight and her campaign lied about that for a year straight. and then they had to pay a fine and then all about the dossier ready in member? They said the dossier was real. We all know it's all. Phony was all pay. For by Hillary Clinton, would she lied about and it's all made up and what and maybe a dirty, but it ain't fangs do anything in the dossier that has been disproven. No snow in the short answer. The question has anything been soundly disproven about the the
still does am, and I would agree with Jim clapper. I haven't seen anything because a lot of these facts have not been disproven has not been corroborated, but it hasn't been disproven either the dossier. In fact, this car from bogus the dossier is far from bogus. Most portion of the dossier hasn't been publicly proven or definitively disproven, but obviously word proven true. It would pretty definitively established extremely involve levels of collusion, I'm still waiting for the innocent narrative to come. Some elements of the dossier have been verified, but none. So far have been publicly disproven. Today, none of it has been disproven and whole big parts of it are holding up as it does that nicole walls herself by their none of it is banned, is proven and big parts, but are holding up the report that there was a dossier that iceland's Michael steel, clinical data were filled, his name out that part a holds up. Well now
that has been disproven. As you said, it's a fact that none of it not one word has been disproven. In fact, a lot of it turned out to be right on the money so But there's many videos like that put together. I could do that all day, so so those people be put in prison. If we I guy, would want those people put in prison Carl cabin want them. People put in prison there doing it. There are currently doing it julian assange. That's right in prison and Uk home secretary, pretty personnel is going to decide on whether he's extradited to the united states and vitamins attorney general is seeking to prosecute julian assange for the crime Journalism, So there you go, lays next who's next who's, next to anybody who discovers a war crime that that will they will be next and there's plenty our or eddie, was lying about by the way They do a right out in the open. Now they steal that Chris hedges says they lie. cheat and steal right out the open air even try to that
forty billion dollar griff that they just gave to the military industrial forty billion dollar forty billion dollars could do for you and your family. You could buy twitter the old forty billion dollars could do for every simple. Take it take a billion dollars for each forty hop cities in the country just give him a billion dollars each they had put it on your, but do got drops programme about clean up your hopeless problem how about make affordable housing? There's a million things we could do with forty billion dollars of the united states. They did it right at the aba bam they get you health care. They can get you a living wage. They can't get you a two thousand dollar fuckin check, but they did forty billion dollars like that to give to their friends at the military industrial complex. That would be taking a javelin missiles out of the hands of ukrainian nazis jimmy he asked at his crew.
you're a missile snatcher, okay, steak and missiles. Out of my kids mouth yeah, my kids name is javelin. My daughters Jimmy who's this, you mean pacino, oh hi, AL. How are you I'm going to get right to the point jimmy? What You fuckers us things out, I'm not really sure. To be honest,. Their strange aerial phenomena that have been picked up? I'm rate our? U S, military radar exclusively, I might add, but why I hope no l andrews just at a meagre back to a well aware, and not surprisingly, or mill, jerry? Why to see. These images is grave threats, I don't know l, but I
I of doubt it. So you don't know, we share your trust in me, but I can't know the unknowable. Anyone who is being honest about these things say they simply cannot be explained. Can you release tell me where their farms are now sorry sorry, I get scatter now I'll be alone in the universe at all. I know the green men about trade Who knows how this isn't really by area of expertise where you been junior and we real. Fifty one point Jimmy I do, the jury, who's? This does it hurt
Oh, are you journey What, because of red? Let me tell you baby these lady disdained man you're mad. The report, outlines the dude. It completely died down there like a regionally apprehended terror suspects. This is your word thought in response the roby wade, probably getting overturn to make. Is about your own love life What I do it this is about me. I said to me up: go bob. I can't believe this is happening today. This is a nightmare. magic. Despite happen, lots of people. That's how could the Democrats let us down? that's a good word words. Do you guys really think wait a minute? I thought you were. libertarian. I am
flag on my car everything we there's a flag designed it myself Trade on me, snake, wearing sunglasses, deal with it I have you know, there's a lot more to that phone call, but we don't have time in today's podcast. How do you hear the entire phone call? You've got to become a premium member go to jimmy Dore com. The dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business, the all the voices performed today by the one and the only the inimitable mike mccray can be found at MIKE mccray dot com. That's it This week you be the best. You can be I'll. Keep me in me
don't, don't don't you? Don't you don't? I don't worry, I'm not worried.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.