« The Jimmy Dore Show

War-Pig Rachel Maddow SMEARS Peace Rallygoers

2023-02-24 | 🔗

Unlike virtually everyone else in the mainstream media, Rachel Maddow opted to cover the recent anti-war rally in Washington DC. Except, as the inveterate warmonger and consent manufacturer she is, Maddow spread lie after lie and smeared participants as “pro-Russia” while showing none of the speakers except Tulsi Gabbard, whom she didn’t identify by name while describing her as a "occasional fill-in host for Tucker Carlson." Overall it was a disgusting display and a stark reminder of what a tool for the establishment Maddow is. Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, along with interloping Jimmy Dore, discuss Maddow’s rank dishonesty and knowing mischaracterization of the rally and its participants. Plus a segment on the "boutique" left's determined effort to undermine this anti-war rally and any prospect for uniting with those outside the left to pursue peace. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Do alive stead of comedy entebbe palm springs, Milwaukee Nashville, northampton massachusetts syracuse co, our new york and hartford connecticut go to jimmy georgia conflict for tickets Become a premium member get access to all our content. Is there a matter sitting for jimmy door? Who's. This spring did your wine president by index, recalling in a well I've been dead, used. Dickens I'd be remiss if I failed to make my weekly called Jimmy tour show something my age you been He made a stop doing well, we're glad you did. How do you feel about your recent state visit to ukraine? I am over, the moon where it is just a giant or that doesn't even provide what manners
My recent visit to ukraine, which I may say if I may say, was a success. Is that so? How exactly and my presidency sheep, Rain show the people of ukraine and of the world that our commitment very good, is a kurdish, strong and unwavering. We will stay with you. Praying until the bitter end. And when will that income your point and tunisia in europe alone, As I have said, he could end this war tomorrow, with a word I would, if it doesn't I will keep on fighting organ. I mean to ukrainian, I'm afraid I do so. What it sounds like to me is your describing another endless war,
No one knows how long a year is: gonna go on to dine jewish ended. Sometimes suddenly, do you think that, the usual god when it happened, the thirty years war now they did no one way if they know I want to sign up for them ass they. Thirty urge guy, I got shit to do right, same in Afghanistan. I soon, how enthusiastic would the american populous be in two thousand one if they knew that the war was going to be a tool? the year morass. exactly that's. Why pulled out? I figure, We need to stop that unless war and human about a year or so enjoy started another one. You are that these endless wars are extremely unpopular right, even these proxy, like the one in ukraine, haven't trash
wars or a time honoured american tradition. We wouldn't be here for one for proxy wars. The american revolution, was the definition of a proxy war against great britain. France is, came in our allies. The american. He job is your clashed largely from continental, appear nourish crash? That's why we are even a country So when we learn or military to others, we are paying a brave forward war after war analyse war, its bureau not sure. I agree with that with fish, get bad jack Well, all then shy guys. I go turkey when people question whether I'm doing the right thing with these endless wars and meticulous. Guph failures, sharpened my ass, proud, go
about how you went to address the citizens of another country when an eastern ohio there is massive ecological disaster unfolding in real time, gash exactly how'd. You know that because I'm giving you got about it, I thought you were just repeating. Some talking point europe from a lunatic, It's a very obvious amidst up for an american president to make the optics a bitter, unfathomable, bad, MR wise guy, I'm assuming you follow me on his. She cried what why. Because I made a post or maybe was a story anyway, you put your me on the phone with ohio and a catch Giving them everything game need you go, I don't need to physically be there. social me, your on helping that's what matters!
I am sure that will be very comforting to the people of ohio higher. Perhaps you could at least go there soon why? Chris tribe is going on now I can't go somewhere. Drop. It looks like we're competing. It makes me look bad. she's gonna be a now you now am. I hear you cried is my thing it's worth it. it's a fallen. My friend is there really how this works gap here, but you have to be pragmatic, that was troubled country anyway, was always gonna, be the girl, the big daughters, We are therefore a lot at stake. Daughters, fog in palestine now don't you pig support the war in ukraine fuck. Yes, de alike is forest,
money. I still win the jackpot, and trump is picking up crumbs a joint or worse, proud. You one term will regard this is additives hardening to hear can president say yeah, my age and therefore bigamy is called and said. Well, I appreciate you do exactly showing a so explicitly what a sham our political system really is my pleasure. you're, a good omen screw up your name once this entire phone call I wasn't gonna say thing, but yes, I am very impressed at you. Took every ouch cognitive abilities and forbidding cocktail, mind in antique drugs to pull that one off. So I need to Lie down now, what's yours If the guy comes back- and I have to relearn his name over again- I'm going to have a stroke, Jimmy Jimmy Dore, No,
my last stage going norm again- god dammit what's goin on here. Where are you saying I gotta go anthony No the the street and johnson media some had the chance to show I met a sitting in for Jimmy here with me upon and americans comedian kurt metzger and who has just recently a big anti were rally in washington dc rage against the war machine voices on the left and the right Dennis consented, Chelsea, gabert, jill stein ron Paul many others calling out the proxy war? Ukraine demanding peace? Well, it got some attention from
MSNBC is best ethically MSNBC most popular hosts, rachel meadow, the top russia gator incorporeal media for seven years and check out he pow she reported quota quote this rally. I mean truly random rally on the national mall in Washington dc a rally in support of russia. I guess without given all the russian flags there was like a few russian flags None of the organizers had anything to do with that, and that's what you focusing on to paint this as some sort of pro russian rally, even though you had many speakers, like David Swanson, condemned russia's invasion of you. It looks why they sent somebody sending someone with flags for that very reason, so the war. So whichever know what the trucker thing is, if there's even one nazi flag at the parade, then it's a naughty pirate. we'll see about ukraine but he'll say about truckers exactly exactly.
at least rally against the. U s supporting ukraine in it's a rally against the: u s, using ukraine, to fight to the last ukraine against russia, to use ukraine for a proxy weren't, a call for the thing that the by demonstration, been sabotaging since even before russia invaded, which is diplomacy. That israeli was forty funny devil Just a boy exactly trying to stand up against the russian invasion of their country. This was a tiny event. It was small. It was a weird assemblage of americans. There were proud boys there. There were some of White supremacist groups should recognize blue helm. Gentlemen. Those are probably okay, so I dunno what he's talking about here. I I there were. I think, a few people who'd been associated with some white supremacist groups, but they weren't invited by the speakers and I'm not even sure. If they were there to support the row and again, the irony of trying to call attention to a couple: people who might be a social with white supremacist groups went mad cow
is supporting the policy of arming ukrainian military that has a neo nazi militia, incorporated into it the appetite I'd, rather have a full nuclear war than even one proud boy. I feed of a thing I was having tonight right rally in charlottesville a few years ago at a peace rally, the richer we gotta. Think of we need n word or matter who I thought that was kind of a racist thing. In charlottesville, you had people there who were supporting the azov battalion inside ukraine because they're a neo nazi battalion. There was a brother, a brother, tiki march ukraine, at the same time that she just brought up also represented prominently. The remains of the bizarre lyndon larouche cult there were a lot of true lecturer. Then the Russiagate call exactly around, even where the blue- and I guess there are similar rich people there and some of the rich people have to say, although I'm not person. I agree with
ireland, in the russian, what they were moving into a machine tools society not yet, but still some some members of the lorries movement, done. Some really brave action. Standing up to all these warmer law is, as we all know, about the great what he had done. So it's like I'm is posted unto the distant because their apart, there remains the exactly where oh boy, russia, is, I don't and weird flags, also the occasional flag of the former soviet union. So at least one person who guess hosts for Tucker karlsson on the fox news channel was there as a previous speaker, so I totally defines, or about thirty try to totally gabert using someone who gets hosts and across him. and we're going show why that's so disingenuous because Rachel matter knows very well who tossed a governess because used to have her on back during a different era rachel, maddow and MSNBC. Their word anti vaccine conspiracy theorists a lot of them. There were crypto currents,
for not mine, she's, calling conspiracy theories. She the leading promoter of the conspiracy theory that Vladimir Putin, and donald trump had a secret conspiracy and the trump with blackmailing that's why she warned, for example, that putin gonna get trump to withdraw. U s: troops from europe, because the Peter there's no one must ride conspiracy theories more than this person, she's calling conspiracy theories and calling people Annie. baxter, when she's the one who spread misinformation, as you can now Bob are watching this show when she said that the vaccine stops transmission. That's a straight up falsehood, which is now actually retracted? We ve shown that clip club a million times on the show Jimmy has so she's com, she's she's, he's other people spreading this information and being conspiracy. There's when really corporate media, no one spread more conspiracy theories, more dangerous conspiracy theories than she had the promoters, it was a really weird group. It was a small rally and a weird one.
I would say that she said we're at some. It's weird to go like your piece like Only this many people want peace as weary like I gotta, be like air, but that's what it looks like. That's the assemblage of short straws and split ends and loose change unless electrons that's advocating in this country that russia is in the right in this war, and america should be on Putin side, keeps invading other countries, you craig you defend itself, you want. You couldn't themselves with a hundred billion of our dollars there advocating that you in the? U s should be on the side of peace rather than a proxy war and russia wants me, that's why you had many people condemning russia's invasion. Thought about supporting russia, but, of course this is
but it is just so distant. Every word, and here is basically I don't even like russia, but I like it better than rachel matter up like a generally good. I've never had feelings about it. What I like him, but rachel matter, I can say that without any reservation,. I mean no disrespect to the americans who turned out. As you may disrespect you mean. A lot is respected. Molly came over to the little exactly the sort of electrons, or should I mean in this respect, is so genuine of this small event this weekend, but it's not like. They represent a big constituency, is arguing for this pro russia point of view, so that the programme, the point of view to want peace in ukraine that, as you know it just real quick overton- takes me she's programming of yours. How to respond word for word. That's exactly what that is Every time I hear people say the same stupid, the same, dom ship Oh, that's a trickle depravity watch rachel meadow. The girl updating watch and told them, and then they say to making
here's. My door motto is a straight up, psychopathic warmongering, that's actually not hyperbole, she's, pretending that nato and the Eu S did not intentionally provoked this war, and she focuses on some random holding a russia flag to discredit the peace rally. Of course, you do Jimmy russia kit, invaders. Sovereign nations. That is a nation that sovereign, never the horror, jack's page dirt back left his says. No interviews, no on the ground reporting. Just a few shots hyper focused on a russian fly. enabling a pro russia rally to Oh talk about being anti war, no discussion about what endless war costs just lies, because Msnbc rachel is brought to you by balikh, because boeing believes in girls instead, so a twitter user. I didn't catch the eye,
your name? I apologise to you. I will credit you when I can't I've there was a grimes, I think in the nasal joke. This is aid. So what this person did you put together? How till matter would cover the anti och were rallies. Eupalium incident this is a truly random protest in the uk, a rally in support of a rack. I guess Saddam Hussein, judging by all the iraqi flags in the audience prose saddam hussein rally. Oh my god, you guys it's a random look at all the iraqi flags atmosphere. Molly, look at all the president people if we do so. Berwin rachel motto showed tossing gabert speaking at the rallying said, and also a guess it host on Tucker karlsson. She opt out there like, oh, my god,
girls or whatever so wouldn't even say, tossing gabert name. Well, that's all the more strange given the toxic ever used to be a guest on them. on the ritual matter show. This is from back when toss it ever was in congress. American gets our first. our asian american woman, senator from hawaii seat in the house, instant, I should note, gets filled by this woman, a democratic iraq, war veteran, I'm gonna, to tell you. Now that her name is tolstoy gabert, because she is on the fast track to being very famous someday, tossing gaubert the motto praising closer gabert on tracked me very famous, and of course, the reason. Why does it? regional on our welcome on shows like this anymore, because she not they called out the proxy wars first in syria and then in ukraine, and instead hence the cold war mania of russia, but also because she called out the Dnc, for getting the primary against Bernie sanders and that made
non grata places like emerson, because an aside totally says I have third vermeer major matter, but before all the shift happened, there was a time when matter would even let tulsa gabert onto criticise proxy wars here it tells you gabert, criticising the a proxy war in Syria. This is back, I think, twenty fourteen around the time twenty thirteen now is congresswoman tulsi gabbard she's, an army combat veteran from the iraq war she's. Also a member of the house armed services committee congressman governor thanks very much for joining us tonight, nice to have you here, thanks rachel. I laugh how? I guess how serious is a very general wide, ranging question, but how serious you think the situation is how concerned. Are you about these latest reports? I'm? We concerned rachel with what's happening there in syria, but It's it's reasons that go deeper even than all of the news reports that were hearing the real concern that I see here is that our leaders continue to lose sight of what our mission really is. What the united states mission really is- and this is something that we saw started after nine alone, with president bush when he,
into, rather than focusing on defeating Al Qaeda on this or on these other islamic extremist groups. Instead, he was destroyed. Did by removing secular dictators like Saddam Hussein. We saw this continued with president obama, then secretary Clinton in the removal of gaddafi and libya. both of those situations rachel, we have seen the results. The results are countries that are overrun with chaos and islamic extremists, and this is the danger that we are seeing now with this lack of focus on mission and who are enemy really is in syria and here's. The irony in All of this, and the thing that deeply concerning to me is that the united states is actual partnering with these islamic extremists on the ground, Al Qaeda AL, this rises and others in putting the removal of Assad rather than focusing on defeating our enemy, those who attacked us on nine eleven, because what happens is as the united aids and others are focused on saying. Aside- must go besides is overthrown. Tomorrow, these islamic, extremist groups who are united by one and that is to take overs. It scares me
over syria over run the country and present a greater threat not only to the middle east but to the world the what so that source again back when she was allowed on MSNBC. Laying out why she was opposed to the proxy war in Syria and she's carry that overnight. The proxy war in ukraine, so tossing gabert on this issue, has been consistent. Its rachel motto that strange. That would never allow this kind of point of view on a show anymore. Now pretends yes- and I even know- tells you gotta, oh yeah, subtlety cabbages has received principles referred, didn't change m along with twitter. That's, ladies: and now she would do says her to this being someone who guess host for tucker crossing mapping a family member. I guess she fought for russia in iraq eliciting she's in iraq, war better into, and people like rachel motto, talk him how much they respect the veterans can even also mention the tolls is an erotic russian, like trade area, when you call her member win, win trump dogma, John Mccain, as I like people who don't give captured me I'll. Could you say that John Mccain and then Hillary Clinton call tulsa russian asset and people like rachel motto, a plot because they support the kind mccarthy?
as ever doing now to be anti war rally, and I found ok the person who made that might clip of how rachel matter would now cover the iraq war, that is road. Grimes on twitter, so well done. Rod grant maybe lived it. That was a great little bit. They would arab, yeah and, and so so, Rachel maddow goes from interviewing people also gabert letting her critique proxy war, as in this case in syria, now mocking anti were activists like tolls. He gathered in saying things like this. This is reason Madame marking the idea of diplomacy inside of ukraine. not a meeting of two clashing forces. This was not ukraine. woking russia, when they knew they ought not to but love love, laying out like russian mice, like businesses, pushing to provoke russia, because we want them to do we need to facilitate peace talks here, really,
does, it kind of seems like Ukraine was mining. Its own business in russia came in and stamped into their house and started selling things on fire. Oh, my god, moreover, not using a homophobic slur about people who are peace is people they want peace. These you know so like she sounds like archie bunker whenever, like it said so, neeoka and, of course, is that either, Kramer's mining, its own business, well, ukraine with humanity basis and twenty fourteen when the? U S, came in and backed a coup, that new coup government encourage assaults on MC russians inside of ukraine. Dozens people in Odessa may twenty four team were burned alive, protesting that coup and events like that This war, in which the? U s and russia, run away, inside the russia back the people who rose up against the coup government, the? U s back the coup government that's been going on for eight years, completely ignores that from her rendering, because it coming into her narrative that we need to
not have any peace talks to keep pouring in weapons. It would be like if don lemon was up into checks, so that is not like a negotiation between the homeowner and the home invader at that point, so that the outcome has to be specific to russia and we Do our best to save and and just to save the ukrainian people, to the extent that they can be saved and bake it be saved, particularly those we gotta, be we all browsers, but if we can get I don't live. That would be great. What she means is is that we can save them to the extent we can as long as we're using them to fight russia. So that's that on priority qualify from Rachel Marianne. So, to the extent we can kill less of them or sacrificed less of them will do that, but not at expensive abandoning our proxy words russia's douche bag, nodding like young yell area and to help the ukrainian?
government and military stand up what they need to do to take care of their own people, but russia needs to lose. Because otherwise the lesson of this is that putin king. Wouldn't can keep doing. This is starting businesses most invasion, and I won't be his last. The women, What are his other invasions? The george georgia, he invaded georgia. After the. U s encourage georgia to attacks outlets azure outside his hemisphere, his whatever their monroe doctrine. S debate like that Did they did intervene in syria? data beaten, syria. After the? U s, spent billions of dollars, arming sectarian death squads and when Kerry explained, the reason russia came in is because isis was threatening to go to damascus. Take it over and the u s was city. Back in watching because they were trying to use ices advance as leverage against decide to force a side. To basically let in a u s back leader and negotiate his exit and so kidding says the recent russian came and they didn't want an icy government and
syria asked them to come in so technically rush intervention, there's, not a little cosette was done at the request of a government that was facing regime currently were backed by the: u s: how does the Lack of long term think I guess as long as you have any like. What's cool there'll be ice governmental avenue on Monday exactly and they're willing to risk that they were so committed to regime change inside that their willing to risk and isis government cause that's who, He was on his exactly present against Saddam Hussein to ices? Was the experts and the same thing now in ukraine are so committed to weakening russia may because of regime change inside Moscow that they're going to sacrifice you, you could to do and meadows lent, making a very clear there at the point where she mocks people who want to have peace talks now, she's like star is palestine. Oh, I should be grateful that it is the same kind of mentality that can produce comments like this, where, during the height of russia, a matter when called a alleged russian. all farm pudding. Posts,
on a Bernie sanders. Facebook page check how she described, but the important thing here Is that that Bernie Sanders lovers page run out of albania? It's still there still running still operating still turning this stuff out. Now this is not part of american politics. This is not. Now partisan warfare between republicans and democrats. This is it international warfare against our country, That's right! You're battle at some alleged russian trolls on a Bernie sanders. Facebook paid is international warfare limits on our borders on our electronic borders. So when you're enough, in the words of jimmy door, a psychopathic warmonger to believe that some means and trolls amount to international warfare. No doubt you're gonna want incur.
international warfare for real against russia and my anybody who tries to advocate for peace. Ok, do you think it psychopath were without no doubt we like most people edge. weed whatever the hell they gave him, but if they were like for some reason or like hey, we want pizza roger because we're making our money at a different conflict. She probably go along with that wholeheartedly. Right, I mean to say we have to say that she doesn't care. I just hate, russia that you can see it to get the best real hatred of russia. You know she got geraldo rivera by trump's tax, paying member that oh yeah, that's right and she's like she has a personal grudge and the russiagate wasn't real and she went to kuwait like an idiot, so she probably feels personal, the one that got away hey, you know there's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium, where we give you up
bull of ours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give it our company that cop clicking, I join dream, you suppose affordable previous programming, is this and its a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks everybody who was already a premium member and if you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support American I say sitting in for jimmy door here with americans, comedian, Kurt metzger and the miserable liberal stuffs on marano and Big rally, Washington dc this weekend, rage against the war machine voice. From the left and the right calling out the proxy war in ukraine and among the speakers, was our very own jimmy door. You know we can end this war today through diplomacy.
Our politicians want to enrich weapons manufacturers, so they keep donating to them to the tune of a hundred billion dollars. Chris hedges is called america mafia estate systems of governance that are seized by a tiny cabal, become mafia states, the military, industrial, complex and ukraine war represent an orgy of looting and corruption. Here's more from Jimmy America is so corrupt. Even our work, our privilege, our our peace. as winners are war criminals, rocco bomber, one of peace prize. It immediately wrap up the war in Afghanistan, starting bombing. Libya put a hit out at or some have been lauded drop. Twenty six thousand. By in Syria and that's the thing about those peace prizes. Nobody tries to win a second one.
Here is another speaker max Blumenthal. Editor of the grey zone. Here is a corporate media. Which is just a megaphone for our oligarch, ITALY is constantly telling us who are enemies are They said our enemy was in serbia. When I was a teenager, They said our enemy was in afghanistan. Then they said Let me was in Iraq and maybe our enemy. was down the street in the local, basque and we're. here today. We know who are real enemy is our he's got in russia. let me ask you the corporate media and they all argue that you speak for enemy, is the empire that robbed us of our rights. That's looted origin, three. Four. It's insane ariel regime change wars and that is hounded and jailed real journal. like julian assange,
very funny a better moves, big money go fly a russian flagged. We turn out ass. I gotta go away every says you were right about that. I mean like because the very next thing- your law, because it was rushing motion, floods, yeah, yeah, maybe people literally false flag, compelling literally. We need to fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them. Here we say Then we will fight the neo conservatives over here before they kill me. williamsburg over there. Can you dig it I the academic decades. That's not our war, whether in ukraine or the war, their planning over the straits of taiwan. Their war is not our war, Air war is for the hundreds of thousands of homeless people sleeping in the cold. Our war,
to clean up our rivers? Are wars to fix are crumbling schools and roads are wars to fight for the minds of our brothers and sisters, subjected to a non stop tidal wave of corporate media began. Our war starts here. Our war starts today. Can you dig? I can't you the biggest hegemonic. Without you say you are right about back home at all. To do with the waiving of luxury tommy's isn't gonna fix is about the roma juggled our roads biggest, let's bring in the himself max Blumenthal editor of the grey zone very involved in in this rally max fertile. Let let's addressed Those flags behind you. What did you think after watching them, you're back of seeing people waving the russian flag, as you were speaking for
I don't know if anyone watching saw warrior the warriors, he ain't gonna hurt besotted alone. Though you know cyrus from the warriors idea, mooted cyrus talking with them? I write on. I didn't hear car you have money. I was just doing what I was. That was my cyrus thing at another. great years ago. I did my mail gibson freedom at the end of a speech from brave heart mouse and hoping as hoping I could do without a russian flag. Wine me better, Well, that's why they would do it that every time you start a boy that would be a rallying boy, that no one would be able to disagree with blood. That's why we rush flag so yeah. I investigated this in two. to address this. I mean it's sad that we even have to start out addressing it. I don't think it's the right way to go, but yeah they ruin. My the visual of my speech for sure You know if you looked out on the rally were in the rally
where a lot of american flags- and there are some a few scattered handful of freaks alongside the outskirts, the periphery of the rally who were holding the kinds of flags that were, would be perfect for, like corporate media, your role, war propagandist photograph and use it to tarnish the entire rally. So this cat did everything he could to deliberately put that flag behind me. It is exactly the kind of look that, like the neo cons, we want and I looked into it. I have some pretty good intelligence and our people clearly retract this. If I'm wrong, but I've been told them pretty good authority that that was a senior member of Caleb Martens centre for political innovation, which you know they didn't participate in the rally like caleb didn't speak
an I dunno. What that guy was thinking. I but but they liked to do like this lopping cosplay staff, and they do it at their conferences and they, you know his credit themselves as much as they can in the eyes of anyone who doesn't already agree with them. So that's what they want to do. Fine, but just don't do it. On my time in my space and that's what they did, and I recall in that the address, like idiots, that's out of that. So much look like look at what is it, though weaken them in private, you know, like a t, it looks like some larping idiot, but it could be a I. I honestly. I thought it was a lincoln project thing then. My second guess would have been that this was some like russian guy who is actually russian. Who is just trying to throw the gauntlet down before america and washington because you know the russian symbols had been banned across the west and it turned out it's just some white dude from America who's in
like maybe got a few screws loose. Not I dunno what his problem is, but definitely played a destructive role, and you know in dissident movements it's a magnet for people who are like few cards short of a deck, and so that's that's what I think we got there at the same time when it again it sucks that I have to address this at the beginning of what I talk about. What was really, I think, a very successful event, but there is this character: matthew, heim, balked at all, the haters of the rally you're talking about I and ne he was a former neonazi was a very suspect character from a game called atom waffen which actually had people fighting in ukraine. At certain points I remember hearing about them, yeah yeah, and he so he was. He was like a a nazi who would show up dressed in nazi uniforms at rallies. You know not the perfect kind of person whose organization would be heavily infiltrated and he suddenly switched and declared himself some kind of patriotic communist, and he brought like five
of his the five members of his group to stand around on the periphery of the rally waving soviet flags and your homes, wonder what I was when russian imperial flags and soviet flags completely clash. If you know anything about russia anyway, they attracted the attention of people who wanted to discredit this rally, but they weren't you they weren't, even a part of the rally they were scarcely ever in the rally and they are doing everything they could to lap up media attention on the periphery and they were doing recruiting. And my understanding of these organizations the ones that these fret really fringe organizations that have very few members and know they show up all wearing donda masks at rallies is when they're doing the recruiting and they're. So infiltrated they're, basically collecting data on people for the feds, whether they know
whether they know it or not. So that was that was like this. The sad element, I told the organizers like the one way they're going to attack. This is they're going to send in some like fake nazis, who have on all, have masks on and then try to paint the rally as synonymous with them in that sort of what happened but really are? Then they mainly to ruin the that this is one character to ruin. The visual hasn't back to hide? It was re apps waving the flag is about that's life and if you're gonna do that, don't you gonna stick with one side, because if you have a bunch of like now the soviet flags and impure like now, your creating peace and now you're having like them all getting a lot. I think that's like that ratcheting distortion. Shaken every time you say who they are of a boy is right, The camera is a guy like that, so we don't on purpose, yeah. Look. I think we ve.
in them enough attention. Let's talk about what is rally was about was about bringing together people with all sorts of differences on economic socialist. Use, but who are in united to rage against the war machine and that's what this was and you had people from across the spectrum, you'd ron Paul you had died, Dennis consents to former of congress and very opposite sides of the spectrum. So much talk to us about it. You know what this rally was about and how went well, I went first, I was designated to go first in the organizers asked me to set the tone for the rally, and I try to do that, and I did that by invoking the bonus army which, in camp just a few blocks from where I live here in southeast washington d c on the banks of the anacostia river in nineteen ready to these were veterans had been betrayed and denied their benefits
there, a bender bonuses from world war, one at the dawn of the great depression, and they were massacred and brutalized. They were by douglas macarthur white, eisenhower and general george s patent, the future heroes of worldwide two. They set the: u s: army against these veterans of world war, one who they had fought along side in the trenches of europe kill. I think they killed hundreds of them and what macarthur set of them was that They pose a threat well beyond the demand for benefits. When the government is basically out of money because of the depression they pose, the they present of pacifism and behind it communism. and they also took it. Then they women some of them were influenced by communism, which was very popular at the time during the great depression as well as a kind of america, first isolationism, which was gaining popularity at that time.
They were coming from what we would consider the left and the right there. Also black and white men living together in these hoover bills, and they had fought in it. And a segregated army, but they were integrated, so they were seen as a threat to the Jim crow policies and policies or racial segregation, so the army killed veterans in the of washington d c I I invoke that In light of all the attacks on this rally, because its bringing together people who identify with left and right, it's bringing together people, who are defying these artificially imposed cultural barriers, and my and then the other point that I wanted to make in my speech was that the people I've met as a journalist, on the other side of the? U S, guns in the targets of them,
or whether its cuba, venezuela, nicaragua in the Gaza strip rise, sat with people in the rubble of their homes, for their families have been slaughtered by: u s supplied bonds by the israeli apart army, whether was in damascus, where their suffering so harsh. Under you have sanctions right now during an earthquake, nice the city surrounded by you, essen gulf, back death, jihadist death squads, those people dont care, What our political affiliation is here, they don't care for boosted and master on. vaccinated vaccinated. If we support trump or if we support Bernie sanders, they don't care about that all they want us to do is what we were doing there, which is to rage against the war machine. That's killing us to stop the bombs, stop the sanctions, So it should have been very simple for everyone to support that rally, and I think, despite all the attacks and other
nicholas side shows, the rally was very successful at a time when it really difficult to organise anti war activity specifically against the ukraine proxy war. I saw estimates of the crowd between one in five thousand. I have no way of estimating, but I would definitely say there were more than a thousand people, and that would mean one of the largest rallies since two thousand seven, which was when obama began to enter the fray and destroyed the anti war movement along with you know that the democratic, already nothing. It was a huge success. There is also is also numbers would have been higher. If anti war organizations are groups that fancy themselves as anti war. It actually participated instead of attacking and undermining this rally. Three important former presidential candidates run
Paul tells he gathered and denis percentage they were the last three presidential candidates who put opposition to: u S, imperial policy or interventionist policy at the frightened and centre, of their platforms and run pulls eighty seven years old. So this is really significant for him to actually come out to a public event when he rarely appears in public anymore. That's how important it was to him tells her. Gabert gave a great speech about how hawaiians were too aroused by a fake early warning of an incoming, believes, a choice these missile strike or at north korea. Sorry, a north korean missile strike. They are basically being prepared for a war psychologically and what it's like to live there in the pacific and to actually be on the front line of a response to a potential? U s attack on china over the taiwan strait, which is what could be next dentistry
in its talked about the Nord stream pipeline terror attacks carried out by the u S and the need to dress, Seymour, Hirsch's investigation and for congressional act in and to consider impeaching Joe Biden for the worst active industrial and environmental sabotage ever and on Paul, talked about means of defending the war state and then there were so many great speakers in between type There was, I thought it was a success, given all the obstacles we face, will. Among those obstacles, as you mentioned, is the fact that there are some leftist groups who were campaigning against. This rally didn't supported for many reasons, a clean that, unlike some of the speakers who's on economic concerns, issues use of retiring there and their voices on the right, and so there was an effort. I think by some people- and you were very vocal about this- to undermine this rally and overriding its
two on the left there's been a inability to challenges. Proxy were somewhat This have even been listed in supporting it. So just as an industry this. I want to show you max how democracy now, which for law time is to work there. It set the standard, I think for being progressive in the? U s and what it's about and whenever, but why was there whenever there was an anti war rally we be The cover and play clips element this out of her. democracy now covered rage against the war machine sunday in Washington? you see, there was also a rage against the war machine protest at the lincoln memorial, where former green any presidential candidate, chill stein and others spoke. Does its of cover for ten seconds that it did is to be good at one point when I was there: yes absent there was there was a committee covering action, This is why haven't we be showing clips of people like Dennis and just time all the time, because that's what people
being a progressive once was about. But in this era, lot progressed have been enlisted to support things like the ukraine proxy were so max it. I'm talkin, a bit about you traditionally come from. The left identify with the left. What this experience was like for you, and the attacks seeing the attacks that this rally face from people who identify with the left what so much to say say. First of all, all Amy goodman's segment news bit andy ukrainian children's chorus singing for peace and a no fly zone was allotted longer than and more in a passionate we delivered than that one so, we can see where Amy goodman is at an end, She heard a betrayal of the anti war movement is consistent with what worse being across the traditional professional activists left, which presents a lot of radical rhetoric, recruits a lot of you.
ellie alienated young people in college campuses, with the promise of radical action and even revolution, and at best only super visually challenges: the state. If anything, especially during pandemic. They reinforced the state, they were the left wing of the world economic forum, so I mean, let's into some of the details here I think we I'm gonna be providing as many details as I can. about the campaign against this rally from within left wing organizations and organizations that presented themselves as anti war, as I can going forward, because I think it's disgusting that they would get in the way like? Ronald Reagan? I talk about. The eleventh commandment is never attack of fellow republican, and I would say that the eleven members- should be never undermine and anti war rally. If you act, we care about stopping nuclear war and, as Jimmy said what they're saying is. I am I against nuclear minute. I want I don't want nuclear war, but not with them
jimmy conjured up this scenario in his speech, firemen arriving to his houses house is on fire and then he stands in the doorn says. Excuse me: are you all vaccinated, and what are you think about social security. I can't you, let let you in my house to stop the fire unless you free with me on social security and that's what certain organizations in personnel in certain organizations within what I call the professional sectarian left did with this rally. Now, first, I've got to talk to someone who actually was participate on the phone call that code, pink staffers had with medea Benjamin who basically is the face and spiritual leader of code pink, and I think one of the most heroic anti war activists of our time, she's backstage with us at the rally she was fully in support of it and I can can talk about this on background. I didn't get this from her, but one code- pink staffer after another kind of millennial, professional left eggs and geo types would say that they
and feel safe at the rally as a muslim or as a gay her. So she couldn't tippit I, medea like why couldn't you actually just sat mine she's. She doesn't actually have that power. I mean what I would have done as I would have gone to. They had them all go to the hr director how they charge at your fire them all and inspire the hr director, but why? Why did I vote, but it didn't feel safe? I mean that's, that's, of course, they're dead prerogative budget will enable them to go to the rally they can just not go well, they like held her hostage because she wanted to continue working with code pink and she couldn't do it. I would have done did you know, haven't. I would have had a mass purge. I would have had amassed purge and yeah, but she couldn't do that she's, a board member, I think she's actually retired from her previous role and she wants to continue working with them, so they held her hostage because of what's you know what we would call woke politics-
and you are being on stage I watched every speaker. I was around everybody there. If anything, There were denunciations of islamophobia, and you heard it from my speech and in others there there is. There is no, there are no attacks on gay people from the stage I mean and what they're talking about, but it shows that they, actually prioritize boutiques social issues to stopping war and that they in fact, these anti war organizations at basically infiltrated them and neutralizing them from within I'm. So that's what took place at code paint. That's really add the green party had a very contentious vote. We saw in past years. The green party fell after you, stein under the leadership of how he hawkins, who is a huge supporter of the ukraine proxy or, as a supporter active if supporter regime change in syria. I don't know how I got. control of that group is no longer the leader, but they based.
have no leadership as far as I can tell jill stein was there at the rally, also another four important former presidential candidate and of the green party. Said some of its membership about, but other members opposed this and then You have an answer. Answer coalition, which is like a front for the party socialism deliberation- and I think this group may have played one of the most important rules- attempting to undermine this rally from the left arm because they have their people on the board of veterans for peace. There close coalition partner with code pink either. I know they share funds. the code pink and answers a significant organization in the anti war movement because they played up around Well, in the major two thousand and three two thousand and four iraq war protests that got hundreds of thousands of people out, and you know they didn't. out. They don't have a hunt, hundreds of thousands of people they have maybe like hundreds and hundreds of people,
They are a marxist leninist organization and they got there really good at getting permits for protests. That's like their specialty, so they got the permits for the iraq we're protest and what it was really like. A lot of democratic organisations that you their massive mailing lists like move, dot org that brought out tons of people because they were organizing against bushes republican war. And so there's this fantasy of this liberal. You know left she was coalition, but they still seemed entertain, but the Democrats, especially since, The obama era have become the pro war party, but answer ps El still has this this fantasy of coalition. In with them, then, having this, you know, left endless, left right conflict, and so they I don't. I don't have they issued any official statement, but I saw their higher of all members.
Packing the rally. Some of these people are like obsessed with hating tarsi gabert. I like a very unhealthy obsessed, and it sounds like the russian upset. I mean it sounds exactly like culture. War profiteering is as every bit as good as regular war profiteering. It sounds like they don't dig peace What do I mean you just look at what they have been doing for the private I've been looking at what they were doing. I mean I work. with them on the venezuelan embassy protection collective. They did a good job out. There may because venezuela's like a socialist oriented government. their leadership was denounced russia's invasion and the rally, that they had were pretty small unforgettable honestly didn't seem like they put a lot of effort into it. In the past you they did. They did put a lot of effort into opposing reversing ro. There are heavily involved in that nationally. This was during the ukraine proxy war throughout the sun. I just saw very little activity from them on ukraine and the
had some pretty up a much smaller rally in new york like a few weeks ago, and I That's gonna be the end of their organizing until this rally came around and they were like we're we're in Can it be a part of it and we're gonna denounced it? And you know this: is fascism or whatever they wanted to say. But now there having an alternative rally a month, exactly a month later. It's like, we can't be a part of that, because those are the bad kids that we can't play with so we're going to have a rally and what I heard from people you are going to be involved in that rallies is this, is this? Is the map? more energetic effort by answer ps, l to actually bring in coalition partners, because they want to show up this rally based their actively competing with another anti war rally after trying to depress turn out for it. So it shows me two things: first, that they are threatened by the cold, action and the and the kind of political and cultural momentum that forming around raging
the war machine because they want to dictate the anti war movement and control it and also exclude lots of people from it just like they exclude on vaccinated people from activists centres, but may also but they also, they also are being forced to step up their own game by raging. The war machine, so it clearly shows how raging in the war machine is actually ray vigour, aiding anti war activity and ends forcing the issue with other groups, though I mean Have your alternative rally, but let the record reflect that answer ps l has actually elite through it and many of its members who I've seen on twitter and elsewhere. On there their little alarm, radio programmes or podcast have dinner at denounced and anti war rally attacked it and attempted to undermine it in that. Just really says everything about priorities, and they did so because of social issues. The debate, by the way on their rally or are different from the
man's that were on the rage against the war rally and with honour, as originating from where I was interesting. Rideth war was in the proxy war in ukraine and nato expansion for joint songs. That was the basics right. Well, also end. The cia abolish the cia, which is a real, concrete demand, and it's not something that hasn't been discussed even in congress during the golden era of intelligence reform our commission. It was none other than none other than signal senator Daniel, patrick Moynihan, who proposed breaking up the cia because of its excesses and extremist the assassination policies covered activity, drug dealing, etc. A morning and was no leftist, but I'm just saying the concrete demand and then you look at their demand. Some of them are pretty good, but one of them is end bigotry, like I, I I I oppose bigotry will oppose bigotry. Didn't I just I'll go with your rally out of bigotry fight, and nobody will get into that in a second but an bigger
I mean. That's us, the abstract concept. That is not a concrete demand. It's like and hate It is something that such a liberal conception there is nothing about ending the cia, so out of virtue signalling from them, and then you know you had people like jack look man from the black alliance for peace denounced. This rally is so white and call we won racist and I saw her on my friend jared balls radio programme and she was actually asked. Who are you talking about? Who are you refer? owing to when you call on the speakers racist and she called them latte leftists like one who had never done anything, and she said five minutes, refusing to name at an end and and you know, did this achieve. She was involved with the answer, pierre cells in half did tiny rallies stand said that those are the rallies that we should be. Having so I mean
just it just really shows you why the anti war movement is has been in such a sad state. Why continues to have problems getting going and it just because of the narcissism of the people who have couple it always does it's leadership and failed to deliver anything since the great anti war protests against bush's republican war and just being a pa being in this rally being in the you know, walk marching with people you're going to other, isn't otherness reception afterwards. So I got to meet a lot of the people and have extended conversations with them. I met someone from cardiac alaska who came from all, Ask her to the rally. I met a couple from rural vermont who drove down the rally I met, many people from ohio, many people from California, so many people came from out of town causes meant so much to them, and these are people- who are not only opposed this war, but they are opposed to what I call the tidal wave of corporate media propaganda, the hybrid war being fought,
on the american people through the media and they also saw through the canadian propaganda that the professional sector, and left opponents of this rally actually tried to reinforce. You know party for socialism, deliberations dc chapter actively called for a china style lockdown in Washington dc for ami kron earlier. What would during the army. Kron variant, which would have prevented any protest from ever even taking place could be we have been welded into their homes, so and you know that if there are, there are so many cultural divides, they're. So interesting people are the people that the the the the the the people who cohered around this rally are united by something that I think is so much deeper than a
Nicole ideology or a political party or a school of thought. Its actual is so is it was actually kind of a cultural, happy, and I think in that respect there is a new force emerging in american politics, that's being born out of the the post pandemic, error or what was born out of the pandemic and how people responded to it, and these are the people that really respond when Jimmy Dore started, challenging all the lies around the mandates. In the lock downs and pete I mean these. Are people were hard core grey zone readers, and these are people who actually turning out going off line there, not slacken lists, but they're, not being they haven't been fully organised and they re the come out in possible. thousands something that was under attack from all sides from within, and without I mean I didn't even talk about the haters from the you know, NEO conservative side have been attacked
This rally or the corporate media yeah Yet to that later, but try this positive note. This sounds a desert, very challenging thing to put together and attacks coming from all different sides, but I think you've given as like to think about here and overall. I think we can think about and overcome all the sectarian stuff which accomplices nothing In the meanwhile, it accomplishes are weakening the anti worker those was there would dispute that that thing, that weakens organizations that came through that door through comedy if the wrong attitude remember stupid game, a game, those upon the wall. Those watching- and they everybody implanted everybody's thing- that's amazing, to me, then, is to double it could ruin leftists and radical leftists like that, while there yeah I mean it is happening before our eyes, but yet yeah
Perhaps the nick brunner from the people's party, Angela Mcardle, from the libertarian party for putting this together and and and it's it, there's, there's no debate on the fact that it has breathed new life into the anti war movement and forced the its internal critics to step up their game, and I would also note that over one hundred local mainstream media, affiliates tv affiliates have this rally on some of the coverage I saw was kind of fair or straightforward. So take the rally actually broke through unity. Enough to organize just in and of itself, but then, when you have people who are ostensibly on your own site, try to undermine it, makes it even more difficult, so the organizers pulled supping pulled out something important here: you could go further hampton the nominees I will win. Yeah we're. Let's not talk about fred Hampton and you know what he did to cross cultural life
and transcend wax called a wedge issues and boutique social issues, actually fight for a serious and caused challenging the empire from inside the belly of the beast. Let's not! Let's not talk about that. Fred, Hampton I mean, there's sit they're just there I mean what would have in closing I mean They're just is a rich tradition of people. Oh, we're looking serious differences in. I had serious differences when many the speakers, especially on a lot of domestic issues. I would on prompt- I probably law- up more with the sir ps l rally on a lot of domestic issues, but the point to transcend that and maximize our numbers to send a message to the war state and theirs rich tradition of this I mean we had like even after the patriot act, Phyllis flatly eagle forum join together with the end of it. see against the patriot act.
can do million benjamin. I think that code pink as partners the heritage foundation to oppose the bombing of syria back in twenty thirteen. I might be getting the chronology wrong, but they ve had lots of left right. Partnerships echoed pink and code, pink, actual this is crazy. Code pink did a sister rally in san francisco with rage the war machine, their local chapter, but their nash, chapter, because it saw because its infested with professional, sectarian leftist ngo types. They refuse to support code pinks local chapters rally so Let them be divided and bite among themselves. We're gonna keep the momentum going forward. I really feel like this is going to snowball into something much bigger this summer, because the war still gonna be going on and hey, become a premium member, go to jimmied dore dotcom sign up, it's the most affordable premium program programme of the business.
all the voices work today are by the one, and only the inimitable, MIKE Mccrae. It can be found. It might look great dot com That's it for this week, you be the best you can be I'll keep being made, don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't gown tat, you do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.