« The Jimmy Dore Show

TWITTER Was The One Lying About Covid And Smearing Truth-Tellers!

2022-12-30 | 🔗

The latest release in the so-called “Twitter Files” information dump has revealed the incredibly close relationship between the United States government and the social media platform as the two worked together (at the government’s insistence) to censor not just misinformation about COVID but also pretty much any information that conflicted with the official state narrative, true or not. Among the many Twitter users to get caught up in this public-private web was Martin Kulldorff, a former professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Jimmy and Revolutionary Black Network’s Nick Cruse discuss all the ways the government and Twitter conspired to censor users who diverged from the party line on COVID.

Plus a segment on the outrageous lies of incoming GOP House Representative George Santos -- as well as increasingly demented Democratic President Joe Biden.

Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pardon me interruption. We know interruptions can be annoying like when you cars, oil change. Light comes on. When you have a million things to do. We call that oil change society but advance leniency. Oil change. We like making interruptions short so will make this vast oil changes in about fifteen minutes stay in your car. While you watch us work free eighteen point, safety check, included fight oil chain society at valve leniency in oil change, visit a location near you, You, instead of comedy in march fifth and tempi arizona march twenty fifth and palm springs April. Gonna Milwaukee, minneapolis, nashville tennessee go to jail, meteor, dot, com or league for all the tickets, This is Jimmy who's. This generous presidential. MR president, how you do it Jimmy I'm doing just fantastic drink, tragic,
my wife, doktor chilton dine and I are enjoying a relaxing and your holiday vacationed, saint croy, the birds in the virgin islands, where other market dyad much. Thinking about Chechnya! I see I gotcha we're here for years. It is our happy place, I said so Yeah, current. No! U s virgin islands! Originally shuttle by the dutch should nineteen eighty six and named after pornographic guy you're stephen shade, coy bird. I use charm, visitors and residents alike with it. Picturesque small towns, luxurious, beaches and warm hospitality due to commercial right, good day. The choice is yours. You know, I know their presidents take vacations, but do you know
It's really good optics to be lounging around in the caribbean. Well, so much is disarray Jimmy. It's very important. rising and occasionally totally checks the foreground just pause before sure you wouldn't want a beer, remind you and people who are not their dead and a deal? the day their problems on their own. To solve these hearings. I agree snowshoes, Don't don't stop relies I join each time to re shed I'm on vacation and the entire. I'd and client is here for a giant bow about what, what I'm going around twenty twenty four Each family decision had a momentous one still I've decided My point is that this topic in my bewildering refusal to provide a firm answer. This question is no accident,
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing di di nozze, so I thought ireland. Bridges. Decoy would only clear my had enough to understand what my family, join me to do. Are they living in any particular direction before you turn on running for relations between twenty four hour. I thanks for asking answering, but then I wish a cheeseburger Paradise for this type of victor myself got there but I just want you to stay down here. I really do joan vibes Jim. Yet changes in latitude changes and attitudes. Baby, I'm sounds like you're. Not totally committed to running kind of. I a lot of people at this point, probably Oh, is your challenge. It I'm twenty twenty four bridge. Because of what I just said.
I the reason dragging my usage on creating a call to como harris there's, no fucking way she's going to be on the ticket yeah. My only hope is I catch her when she's so high. She won't be bothered well, who'd. You choose to replace her anyone anything I therefore urge me bag would be an improvement. I oh for real. Actually I was thinking I might choose one of these. You know the island cats from around here from ST croix. Mad territory. People were chosen, so cheap labour and relaxed exactly sort of energy and want bag man there's just one guy came pico bunch of fishing charter, take yourself or marlins fungi. there's that qualify for the vice presidency, thou art or perhaps the presidency itself-
you are not, then I just look scotch charged me whatever decision or decisions I make good don't make will be in the best interests of the american people, and you have my word on that be down here, so I can make these decisions with a clear at all right. Ok, on the beach striking out of a coconut, just women at had life. Oh zero. You are big. Jimmy buttered bene: Really he had for her about burden. You wanna be apparent. Forbearance farther than Jimmy had appeared it where it at your jimmy wants it. Is your photos? Uptight, inland people are right right, I'm glad to see your dimensions taken out of the charming island to do it. Yeah me too.
Remembering injures where better, when you're somewhere were that's just ok, please remember when the waves are crash is ok. Let us know what you d definitely decided about: twenty twenty four, I I want but just you I don't want anybody just keep it yourself, ok, I'll game. I want to be a surprise for everyone to go. To the girl. We can't be gone now, really she were used about foreign policy. I think I may have a winner on my window: chicken the creation of jobs. Average meaningless death is life twenty four twenty eight.
sorta to guard the guess, driving down the street and johnson media Samir guest to with Assisi left is social journalists, journalist commentator nick crews, who also coast and co founder of the revolutionary blackout network. Please welcome back to the show nick crews, nikolai everybody was spot. My friend mother, We could be by Jimmy ok, great, to see you, let's get ready for that but if you all saw this, but they ve been drop in some more twitter files, and this time it was about how they suppress, coded and
how they, how they smear doctors and scientist who for telling the truth so we'll just go over briefly, I tried to so they gave it to this guy. The twitter thread went to this guy david Zweig. I dunno I never heard of him before, but good for him. We got a scoop. The twitter files, how twitter rigged the covert debate by sense, bring information that was true but inconvenient to the? U S, government policy, and what do you think the? U s gun policy was the? U S, government policy, you think it's because their bought by big pharma, yes by disk, editing, doctors and other experts who disagreed. That's exactly What they did to everybody was the great barrington dec duration. We had to those people on this show doktor, J but a charm and doktor Martin cooled off was on the show, I think, that's I say their names by suppressed ordinary users. That would be me, including some sharing the cdc zone data so we'll keep going.
The onset of the pandemic. According to meeting notes, the trump administration was especially concerned about panic buying. They came looking for help from tech companies to combat miss information about runs on grocery stores, so they did what that reported in sure media that there were runs on grocery stores, because they said it was information, the problem is, there were runs on grocery stores. That wasn't, information? That's so again said. The girl we're made what social media to lie to you, social media does It wasn't just twitter. The meetings with the trump white house were also attended by Google, facebook, microsoft and others. When the binding administration took over from trump on their first meeting request with twitter executives, it was uncovered the focus was on anti baxter accounts, especially this guy alex parents who, by the way,
got banned from twitter than he sued em in the summer only twenty one. President Biden said: social media companies were killing people. Ok, for allowing vaccine quote. Misinformation are the biggest provider of misinformation about that boxing was President Biden himself, we told you that we showed you that watson, was suspended hours after biting comments and kicked off the platform for the following months, but then harrison sued, twitter and they said with him. Why cause? He was right and he was gonna win in the lead. process twitter was compelled. So during that trial, or before it didn't, come to a trial, but the discovery part the twitter compelled to release certain internal communications, which showed direct whitehouse pressure on twitter to take action against that guy albert alex burdensome.
December twenty twenty two summary of meetings with the white house by Lauren culbertson twitters, head of: u S, public policy adds new Evidence of the white house is pressure campaign. And cement that it repeatedly attempted to directly influenced the platform so This is your own government property. And eyes you directly and clandestinely, and every boy what involved was lying as they did it and they were discrediting truth. Tellers third motion. port, so they talks about the three things that were wrong with the way twitter goes about. Determining whether a pose should be taken down or not, or if it's violating the rules. The first is that they use bots to do it. A artificial intelligence, trained bots, that's the first problem. The second problem is bunch of people in philippines were doing it.
And third is the ad, most importantly, the buck stop with higher level employees at twitter, who chose the inputs further botz so and for the decision, trees and subjectively decided escalate. the cases and suspensions, so they're saying, is that it was the people at the top of twitter who decided all this stuff they're the ones who gave the debt to the box they're the ones you send it to the people and philippines they're, the ones who decided what cases should be escalated and what should be suspended as it is with all people and institutions there was in visual and collective bias every one of those people voted for Joe Biden was workin at that fuckin place. Doing those sensitive, zips they're all of the same political stripe here the debt, and here is a doctor. Doktor Martin cooled off. We had him on the show so that somebody was talking about chow.
Vaccination. He says. No thinking that everyone must be vaccinated is scientifically flawed. As thinking that Nobody should covert vaccines. Are waiting for older high risk people and their caretakers. Those with prior natural infections do not need it, nor do children that got banned, that guy got banned for that lacroix. Everything he said is accurate. They banned him for that. Why? Because corruption. Big farmer owns the government, big farmer, own social media because they advertise on it and as soon as Iser took their money away from twitter, eaten Next day, you're allowed to say anything: you want about the vaccines and covered on twitter exists. but a doctor, martin cool door, fixed epidemiologist at harvard. He tweeted views at odds with the? U S, public health authorities and the imf,
can left it's not the american lefties. That's the dead, the democratic party. Which is not the american left. I hate when they do that shit there Political affiliation of nearly the entire staff at twitter was democrat. They're not lefties. Lefties are for free speech. Internal email show and intend to action, by a moderator, saying cohorts, tweet violated the company's kovac. Ninety misinformation policy and claimed he shared false information, but culture statement was an expert opinion, one which also happened, it'll be in line with vaccine policies in numerous other countries, yet it was deemed false. formation by twitter, moderators merely. because it deferred From cdc guidelines in eleven of our we ve shown you who's running the cdc, but she's a used car salesman, she's got less, integrity than a used car salesman she's constantly lying dislike,
She was constantly lying after We took action, cooled off, tweet was slap with a misleading label and all replies and likes were shut off, throttling that to its ability to be seen and shared by many people, the ostensible core function of the platform, so he tweets out a guy from harvard but it was just Alex Jones. We were worry about not now it went from Alex jones to present. of the united states too. Leading scientists and doctors from harvard the leading universities in our country. Now they now there's some asked wipe at fucking twitter, whose under the palm of the fbi or is the fbi they're going to tell you Did they know more about it than doctors from harvard, and these are the people that doctor fao chee and duct collins wanted you to think we're crazy. These were fringe. They this guy fringe, ah
a tweet by so here's another one, a total be bringin nick. We bring you in real, quick her. What will work. What? What? What do you make of all this? What would you like to say about it? This is extremely revealing and when I say this, it was extremely obvious to me and everyone who would also mean that this censorship, we offer the government would go on and on and disappointed, and so maybe who cortical progressed, progressive called, on the left, who would sharing this on? I see that Davis may who simply adjusted to the new age information when errand at first came out where people are spreading the truth about the george w bush junior administration. They were caught off guard efforts, but now, after a few years They know they can allow to told you told you don't look familiar platform, so they caught up becoming just rank. Antifreeze, page authoritarian and so many people what I call on the lab augustine role at this day.
Not only will lie with this. I thought on sensor people Who was clearly this barking debate on this issue and I was sizes both be about the bay but everything. Now there was a massive, the ship and this is extremely damaging to anyone with a ball. This is the opposite of what social media's promise is supposed to be. Social media is promises that now everybody has a voice and everybody gets to share ideas and opinions and that immediately no, we can have the believes we can and that's why they they got rid of the dislike. but net you tube tat. They thought they don't. Let you, vote down Joe Biden speeches anymore. They don't let your vote down their bullshit about the vaccines from mainstream news media. They don't let you voted down any more than bigger credit sort of people with blue check a set if you're, a blue tat doktor, who speaks out against the collie policies, and they often is a you. You guess and finished sensor. Nigga ban
I got him alone in the other people outside I didn't know that's right away. dr robert malone on this show- and I which is why I know everything about covered and it's that people are just waking up to now Oh really, the vaccine doesn't stop transmission and contraction. No, I knew that a year and a half ago, as doktor robber boulogne, explain to us what a leaky, accede is and that this one was soup leaky, meaning that even if you get vaccinated, you can still transmit and you can still contract of iris and that's what I got in trouble for saying on my show. Was that very thing just now, which is an absolute fact. Youtube said. I have to include the context when I say that they said yes, that's true, but I have to include the context that the vaccine slows transmission and interaction. So I've been saying that ever since they gave me a strike and So there it is Well, here's another one. So this is another
is a great example. So this woman actually tweets out a link, a graphic. Do the c d c's owned information because they were trying to so somebody had said that children, the leading cause of death from children was coven, and so this woman says her name was Kelly k g, a what a self proclaimed public health fact checker with eighteen thousand followers was flagged as misleading and replies and this likes and likes were disabled, and even though it displayed the CDC zone data, here's what she said. What an excellent example of cherry picking, if you narrow it down to only the specific months you specify, which includes the largest colbert wave, seen across the world and you nor all non disease debts and you ignore cancer. Heart disease sits there cold. It is the leading cause of death. So she was anxious legs to cdc
They put a warning on it. Twitter puts a warning on it, saying that this is misleading what it says. Internal record showed that a bought a bought had flagged tweet, and that a received many tackles frick, that's what they call them. They call them titles but the system a mutually calls report. words from users that triggers a manual review by a human who, despite the tweet, show actual cdc data. Nevertheless, label that Mr Libi is Jesus. Christ and were the crazies, I'm the pay, I'm the one still taken shit from every asshole and fuck in hollywood me still not the people who were lying constantly, not the people who are Third darien maniacs, who want to take away
you're really to speak freely on the internet. No, there. We had a comedian for tell him the truth: everything we ever set about covered in the vaccines, and the show was true. tellingly, the tweet by kelly was labeled. Misleading was a replied to so. This is quite the the she was replying to was actual misinformation, not what she was saying so winners now lying to you. There again, I told you the biggest purveyors of misinformation is the government and then the corporate media This is corporate media lying to you, they're doing it under the guise of protecting you from misinformation and what There really doing is propagandizing you and lying to you, while there too it that's what every dictator says that they have to keep out misinformed. from your enemies, because they're trying to infect you and-
to divide us in trying to that's exactly what twitters doing so covert has never been. The leading cause of death from disease in children, yet that tweet remains on the plea, form and without a misleading label. So here's the tweet- you was responding to this guy says since december of twenty twenty one covert has been the leading cause of death from The disease and children completely, but just a complete made up thing that still up and so why were you allowed to make certain by you to allowed to tell certain lies, but you weren't allowed to sell certain truths. big farmers, money, they bought twitter and they also bought government, which was giving directions to twitter, and they also had people from the fbi working at twitter, and they all work for big farmer is how this works and I have against again Every asshole in hollywood, whose
weird me over. This- doesn't have the integrity of the now tell the truth about it. they don't have to go here. We were wrong turns out the twitter file, reveal that jimmy door was right and now the people who are skeptics of vouchers in collins, ended official narrative. They were right. The people who were sceptics they were right I don't have the integrity of do that, so that's it. I've I've told you time and time again and the show your new never get in trouble for lying. You only get in trouble for telling the truth that upsets the apple card of these. doubtless, that's the only time you get in trouble, You could lie your head off. It would end they do while day look at this is proving it Is another there's another one, this guy? name. Andrew Boston is a rhode island. Physician was permanently suspended from twitter after receiving multiple strikes for misinformation. One of his strikes was for a tweet referring to the results from a peer reviewed study
I am already vaccines. A review of the twitter log files reveal that an internal audit conducted after bottoms attorney contacted twitter that only one of the vi. Relations were valid, so they said he had. I violations turns out only had one that were veil. To their own rules. The on Boston, tweet found to still in violation cited data that was gentlemen but inconvenient to the public health establishments narrative about the risks of flu verse covered in children. So five out of five, the guy was right. Five out of five, the guy was right. I've experience This having social media company take down five of your things and say they were incorrect and I know that they were correct. I've heard that act. Thing happened to me here at youtube. This is that this tweet, was not only flag by a bought, but is vital.
Elation manually, affirmed by a staff member, is telling of both the algorithmic, inhuman bias at play. Botz mecca was suspended for months and was fine, restored on christmas day. Twitter. made a decision via the political leanings of senior staff and government pressure that the public health authorities approach to the pandemic prioritizing mitigation over concern. Earned over other concerns were the science that wasn't the science that political position. information that challenge that view such as showing harms of vaccines or that or that could be perceived as tom playing the risks of covert, especially to children, was subject to my duration and even suppression, no matter whether such views were correct or adopted in other countries what might what might pandemic and its aftermath have look like if
had been a more open debate on twitter and other social media platforms, not to in the mainstream press above the origins of covert, about lack downs about the true risks of covert and kids, and much more yes or about the true are how about the of early treatments that ever talked about early treatments. They always they suppressed them and lied about them, and they d never told you about I am indeed three how important was vitamin through their study. Of course they had to do the studies later, as does that about just now a lot of money and zinc. There's not a lot of money in deb vitamin d, three and those two other things I can't even tell you about. They did lie about iver mexican at that but our lungs for almost two straight years and now finally admitting that they lied about it. So let me bring it again, nick away with it just overwhelming, and then I stuck my chin out here at this. I was an castigated by my closest work associates for doing so
people in comedy people in hollywood, people wagging their finger at me. Are you gonna make people vaccine hesitant even by telling the truth so go ahead? The whole point of science is the bay I'm a very fine thing we might in person the scientific method. If we feel provide information. and he paused to prove it to debate able to challenge your idea, but that was not allowed during the cobit narrative and that's when and it became shady because if you are not alone debate. What are you hiding and when you see this, what about coming out disappointing that there will be no cold reckoning. There are people who pay their entire career, here now only lying about kobe, by attacking you attacking anyone who told the truth about this, and they have made a career but I ve gained a lot of bolivar, liberal and big form a crowd for doing this as well an unimaginable regulated. What about especially it's been released, like people should be industries. There should be people calling for the abolishment of the cia,
the fbi, wife into other vision, ass before I remember our on twitter. We you have, people are Backing entered the big farmers to pay for that and I have left who often the defenders of big farmer We gotta stay with me saying the people They want to have now per second to compensate people, when they entered them, but because they were forced to take the vaccine, because the mandate which we spoke out against and decide huh, we lost a lot of friends. I was part of the bernie coalition. I worked on his campaign in light of the Liberal crowd was okay with me and then you come out against mandates. I can't wait to show- and I spoke up about why we got oppose minutes because that's the position of the working class and so many people after my disappointing to see so many people who consider himself on a love become big farmers? Have we gave in question a prophecy like I was. the the idea. I've never seen anything like this. In my lifetime rights. I've never seen anything like this. Where you weren't allowed the question you weren't
loud to ask a question of of who bit not not the church, not Some scientific organ is that you weren't allowed to question the government and big farmer to the most corrupt evil institutions that we all agree is evil: corrupt criminal, there's, no bigger criminals that big pharma and when they come together with government some other make beautiful babies this like? No, they their extra double. Corrupt, and this is what twitter files reveals is that You were being lied to at every turn, and they were suppressing people who were telling you the truth about Covin telling you the truth about the real risks of Colvin, telling you the truth about the vaccines. Tell me the truth about everything they were censuring them because it went against the official narrative. The official narrative that is bought, bought and paid for by big far hundred billion dollars, which is why found you. Was allowed to remain in that job for forty fucking years, because he does the bidding of big farmer. If you look at that
maybe, if you ve ever seen that movie the dallas buyers club, it was the same thing. People were sick with aids and the government wouldn't give them the drugs that was now. the syrian. Neither- and so then they had this guy Matthew Mikado had to go to do with the thing like the frontline doctors did during coven. He had to do his own thing and the bad guy in that movie is the same guy who's, the bad guy. Today, doctor Fogey people don't realize that doctor felt she was the bad guy in the dallas buyers club movie The same guy now lie to you at every turn about medicines, about treatments, about the origin of the vaccines, about test about everything he's a pathological admitted liar, I'm not saying here, Did he lied about mask, see it'll minute. He lied about, heard immunity. He, and we caught him lying to congress twice about funding the gain of function, research that most likely created this virus so and it is what you point you make nick is so now this happen. These twitter
reveals happened and nothing because cause, there's no leader on the left. Bernie Sanders isn't a leader. Bernie Sanders is a call to the establishment there. Is no leader on the left. Who is the leader on the left, who's gonna actually say something the only people who actually have been saying Things are people like you me max Blumenthal, people at the grave there's no one else saying anything at the bureau: the people with them, biggest, voices that are on the left were site. Look look. What chomsky did. Chomsky was the biggest MR of them all when it came to call it and he still has an apologise for that, but people still think I'm a worse person. calling him out then for him that unbelievably horrific monster, a shitty said and then for not apologizing for it. After he's, they ve been apologizing for it now, but people still think I what I did was worse. I calling him all those names which he deserved, because He's old, look at all the good work is done, I'm like he was saying monstrous shit and I called him
I doubt any doesn't have the character he doesn't. The job sky doesn't have the character to apologize for that shit. He said he also shit on the healthcare activists around forced to vote and he repeated corporate talking points so and m and it would be nice to see Chomsky actually get a fuckin good interview from the left. He won't. Let me ask them questions, but I would hope somebody brianna joy, gray, usually is able to dismantle these people. I would, but anyway, I'm getting off to get off topic there. that there should be people in the streets over this you're right neck and the fact that this isn't goes to show you that america is a failed state and it's gonna keep going that way and I'm starting to take the position that George Carlin had shortly before his death. As that I'd there, I'm just gonna watch right cause. It's. It said that the people who have control and the people who are supposed to stand up to these motherfuckers aren't gonna. Do it. They just won't. Do it to your point about the beggar. We have no left leaders. There was so maybe
work that are being because we will make an argument that Bernie alien squat are an effective left as leaders. If you look at the people on the ground, we look at people protesting line. Three yeah people corner the anti dumping anti war rallies the joint saws moving the mark for men of war that we add, there is a strong outside game there. You have rome as for me, the one mutual aid already does, or innovation. They had gone all right now. The problem is the: if a game hates thou say again: and then when Bernie Sanders is caught out by our protest as if they were paid out by blue entered it's like. Not only do we not have leaders, we have mislead If people were are to lead the lever, the live. We have people I propeller jaipur. We ve met to lose chief supposed to be a clown issues of supposed to be ineffective. The squad it will see in Bernie, they're supposed to immaculate in embarrassed, is moving and is what they have done in rbn. We had enough. We are enough for this. We are and we are one hundred percent posed to appley. We need a forum
working class movement outside of this fraud. And nobody knows it is well Jimmy, but you know the same people who was the lot dollar and the nato is like a complete circle. They dont channel establishment at all that same thing on call with on a year crime war on china, everything they repeat, tube to a t to tee and so does, though, there's no inside game on the left, if literally just rbn is due in a few a handful of us and there's activists on the streets, and we are trying our best to keep our head. About what to do. If no let his in congress parry. it their anti leaders that this could the squad. Not a squad, because a squad usually votes together. That's what that implies. They don't ever do that they don't ever use their leverage to get. anything, that's a progressive goal or avail they don't do that. Bernie sanders, exact same thing, he's not a fighter.
the progressives, he's a fighter and amiss, and a water muddier, further establishment that that's what he does and he's also a war pig of the highest order and he did shame anti war activists. hey now. Here's another great way you can help support the show. You should become a premium, Are we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you could do it by going to Jimmy Jupiter company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previous programme and the business and its agree way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards, thanks for everybody,
who was already a premium member and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, pardon the interruption. We know interruptions can be annoying like when your cars, oil change light comes on. When you have a million things to do, we call that oil change society, but it valve leniency oil change. We like making interruptions shorter so will make this vast oil changes it about. Fifteen minutes stay in your car Are you want just work? Free eighteen point: safety check include fight oil change society valve leanings into an oil change, visit location near you. Everybody is talking about this guy george santos. And how he's been lying about his past and his record and people are making a big deal out of it right see. You know the caesar republican representative right from worthy from nowhere
Where is he? Where did he gradually the toddlers classic Biden? That's what we're going to go over again, so he added so he's better but lying about, everything here, more more false claims from george santos about his work, education and family history. So here, He was we when I would tell see it didn't go well for him. You want to watch this from new york, new york, rap resentment. Lex integrity means yes carrying yourself with honour, but it means it means telling the truth a person of integrity and, if I were one of those in new york's third district right now that the election is over and finding out all of these lies that you ve told me just one little lie or one little embellishment. These are blatant. lies. My question is: do you
I've! No, shame no shame! He heard now you're asking rust you to go and be their voice for then it would have been better if you just said I do not know what was written in their families and their kids in washington policy. I can say the same thing about the Democrats and and Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Lynne's report. I see the president of the united states does that's what we're going to say that's not what I'm used to say: hey, look, we're all liar Joe bite is a liar that's not an actual defence, though he was there's no way every with there's other people. Just a shitty is me, that's not, it depends. I got it that's. What's all he has. I guess so he's gonna use it watch how he does keep common culture. This whole thing: what's this until seas, beating the shit out of me support him. Do they have no shame
what this is me this variously or not. This autonomy democratic party, though this is about your release, understated frankly, with the people who have entrusted you to go in and fight for them, and I think one The questions that that really probably hits home to a lot of people is is: are you? jewish matter that your campaign since vague each year is worried? follows as a proud amount in jew. I've been to Israel numerous times for educational business and leisurely trip will do that he's a Democrat. He should have said that he have said well, we'll be Goldberg endured. I could just bring up prison for all of these illegal? But you are quote a proud amount can do. How do you explain that my heritage is jewish? I've always identified as jewish was re as a practising cast like, I think, the question. What he's
he's he's trying to say is easy. Black he's just trying to look a chelsea space. He looks like just trying to say is used you just like these. Just doubling down on the lights identifies jeweller, I gotta my real careful hack, this practice in catholic, so the opposite, A jew click! Ok, not not being raised a practising jus, I've, always job with friends in circles. Even with in the campaign. I'd say guys, I'm jus ish remember. I was raised catholic, so look I endorse. And everybody wants in it picked out me, I'm I'm gonna pay reassure this once and for all, I'm not a facade, I'm not a persona. I have an extensive career that I worked really hard to achieve and I'm gonna deliver for my experience. I remain committed in delivering results for the american people. I campaigned on inflation. I campaigned on crime. I campaigned on education. I campaigned on
delivering resolve for the american people. That's what the people of the third congressional district heard me on a non as I campaign now, it's gonna be up incumbent upon me to deliver on those results. and I look forward to serve at your ear. Physiognomy right serving might be my district. I look forward to seeing It might be no district to make sure see that they are working for the results Blurred look: Angola are called into question when you tell blue lies not embellishments, and this is this, is I think that the pakistan sirens congressmen elect? Is that it also he's trying to pass it off is sure I bellows by by my resume, who does it? That's? Why he's trying to say but she's like this level. Bela's bees are blatant. Lies that you better wait too. We're going to chronicle all his lies, but the discovered I like you alike We may have a future if he doesn't crack he's out. He hasn't watch your book. I think he does as a feature here we go. You seem to be taking this seriously. You apologize, you said you ve made mistakes, but
outright. Why a lie is not an embellishment on a resonate usage. You worked at goldman sachs and city group, but they ve we ve got no reference impress. You said you ve gone to and graduated from these universities, but they said what we ve got. No These are the blatant lies and it calls into question how your constituents in the american people can believe if anything that you may say, when you are standing on the floor of the house of representatives supposedly fighting for them. That's the real issue here he's I agree with what you're saying, as I agree with what you say. What, but I get by the way, did good way out, actually not bad. I agree I'm going to do better and I'm going to do better. I let the fuck what else what else you have to say? Okay, you go either. Then I continue week. Debate? Might my reservation. We can debate by resume
the guy we had a real. Obviously good, though I think this guy's going to go really far. Is this guy's got a bright future? He he has a great straight face liar and we need to be yeah. He did the old it's like if, if needle was one bear like what is real chopin yeah, it would go from such as this debate a ball or is it just for this Another resented strangle. I know I know its not false at all. It's it's debatable. I can. I can sit down and explain to you what you can do private equity in capital intro via servicing limited partners in general, partners, and we can have this discussion. That's gonna go way above the american people's head, but that's not what I campaigned on. I campaigned on delivering results with me. I could. I gotta tell you how I'm not lying, but you're too dumb to understand it all a guy, that's basically what he just presented presented states at this guy's gonna go straight to the top he's good he's good at he desert
Without these girl and people, but by lorry inflation. I can sit down if you want to have that discussion. I'd be glad to tell us how to explain that to you and measures, and we hope that we we settled the score. It should it is not about settling scores. I think you just you just kind of highlighted. I think my concern that concern the people at home have you're saying that this discussion will go way above the heads of the american people. Basically in salting there and tell it so not only are you now that I've got that? What are my that you ve told about such you're, saying that you can not waiting, is a way that your constituents will actually be able to. I can again it in a way that gives you like he would. I can see the wording in the thing he goes. He was offered an exciting opportunity with goldman sachs goldman sachs goldman sachs goldman sachs. That's very that kind of language is like code
please, would you like me. I was gonna, invest with them that we are not until we could be anything anything yeah yeah. I gotta go to christmas body what time but bet, but tells he's really it's almost at fair. How amity not being unfair, but she tells me I like, while you're really going all the way, what does she kept biology is hampering the shit out of a man? I don't even know why I will do that hard anyone here we go to data, we the time I can easily give that. If you give me the time, I can easily explain it for you, as as in one investors, are looking for capital and I'm sick they're doing due diligence on that to sit on the appetite and what you're looking for right and we work alongside gps and l peace to help them place this cap, This is what I was doing and that's when I worked extensively with these firms and many other firms at my time as I was the vice president of linkage, investors. So this
this isn't a made up narrative, but I feel, like Nobody really wants to sit down and talk about it. Everybody just wants to push me call me a liar. Look younger, liar love, tomatoes, sized it congressmen, alexander, ass. We ve, given you a lot of time. I think the time that is owed it to the people of new york's. Third, it's hard to imagine how they could possibly trust your explanations, We are not really even willing to admit the depth of your deception through them. Thank you. So, much for being here s joining us. thank you tell say now he's great Is that all wages, the end that guy's gonna be ready is gonna, be president issue is, as he officially convertible judaism, three days ago, now your attacking a giant attacking digitally got seinfeld. The dentist damage for the joke was jealous, so this guy says George Santa pretending to be a gay afro, let's Zenos ukrainian brazilian catholic jus, whose
their died on nine eleven, whose ancestors survive the holocaust whose employees died in the past, club mass shooting and whose net worth row by millions overnight and my mozilla anything I believe as mother died twice. You say yes mother, so here Here's the eta the break it down. They, he each new team. You claim that he was forced to leave new york city private school. What his family's real estate assets took a downturn, and stating he represented goldman sachs at a top financial conference where he persuaded the company for investing in renewables. So this is all bullshit cnn also reviewed, more instances of santos providing additional false history. On his family's background, in one of he said his brothers family story: jewish name was zebra ski later appeared to go. Fuck me campaign for a pet charity which he falsely claiming the bible, one c three nonprofit under an alias geologists, see it
and previously spoke with found no evidence of jewish or ukrainian heritage. It is family tree in another he said his mother, whose family has lived in brazil since the late eighteen under was a white immigrant from belgium. ok, so he lied about both of his grandparents. Since report first surfaced about his false claims. Santos has played effort the doubly because them embellishments, but the previously unreported claims from santos illustrate a pattern of fabricate details about his life, often in service of presenting a more compelling and interesting personal narrative. Jimmy the man is a veteran. A jewish veteran have you, a jewish veteran is practised gotta barrages in catholic jewish veteran, whose parents are white from belgium anyway, in interviews over the past few days, santos admitted to lying about parts of his resume, including graduating from college, but here All the new york posts that he, the misrepresented
of his work. History of goldman sachs on air and sea group was a poor choice of words. Well with clubs and god there is no record. He worked at the top financial institutions in the country, as he had previously claimed. Other santos also expose richly include he falls. We claim to be jewish and that its grandparents had the holocaust and fled europe to escape. He falsely claim to have attended horace man prep school in the bronx. He falsely claimed looked at goldman sachs anti group. You falsely claimed as maternal grandparents change their last name from the jewish brom ski. He falls the claim that his mother fled socialism in europe at me, to the united states his mother, was born in the united states, he falls They claim his mother was in the south tower september, eleven two thousand and one but bolt but survive the terrorist attacks and passed away a few years later, when she lost her bare the cancer. His mother appears to have died. More than five Ten years later, in two thousand sixteen heed
ever graduated from college. Despite saying he had a diploma from barouche college in new york baruch it I was able to jewish college george santos. What about everything so Democrats are demanding he step aside. You can't do that to britain met democrats are demanding, you should probably very demanding yeah. First of all, Democrats are demanding he stepped aside because he's lie there. You gotta be kidding me. That's what this guy's pointing out, pay out all right, over the calls for lying about all that stuff too, but the last person to do that should be a Democrat, and this is what professors anchors is gonna point out: here's a hidden. He did a whole twitter thing threat about all the lies that you'll bided lied about when we just go to the good part. So here it is explaining to do they new question stem from a tape remarks inviting during an April campaign appearance in new Hampshire,
went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my in my class I'd have a full academic. Scholarship went back to law, school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and one hundred and sixty five credits. Only at one hundred and twenty three credit by now can change. He did not graduate in the top half of his law school class that he does not have three degrees from college and that he was not named outstanding political science student in college weeks, as Biden actually went to school on a half scholarship up near the bottom of his class and won only one degree, not three Joe Biden ranked seventy. Sixth, in a class of eighty five at the syracuse law school I mean this. Guy comes off his whole they as a fly, wait now Biden says we can write. His memory had failed What do they call out? Will you lies? Are your jews stolen hotspots
at least in vat isler. So There goes out. We you know we could go on. None with just sort of britain. The point then do you making professors egg is that the Democrats are the last people to tell republican resign for lying is true potential candidate Joseph Biden today faces a controversy, Weeks ago at a debate at the I was dead fair. He used phrases, identical, those delivered by british labour party leader, neil kinnock Biden. To be claiming kinnock's, vision and white ass, his own Why is it that my wife is sitting out there in the audience? Is the first time barely chemical, colonizers where's, the bird woman and her family. I was in general. At the university of applying such a word in the coal mines and or these beds, abandon, come up after twelve hours and play football. Eight hours on the ground
paper because they didn't have a platform upon which to stay. There was no platform, with the notion that every thought or notion or idea you have to go back and fine in tribute to someone, I think is frankly, a ludicrous. The problem here is that SEN Biden told his audience. He just been thinking about these things. He failed to give any credit at all to its famous british speech right thinking on the way over here now it's a little too much, because what behind the words what's there and a lot of people are radwan. Biden has always been at the just a service. I should have said, to paraphrase neil kinnock, the only time I didn t have used it, but CBS news found a tape. A second instance, reappeared in the new york times with a new charge. That Biden has appropriated a famous litany from the lake Robert Kennedy about what the gross national product
measure cannot measure the health of our children about the quality of higher education. The quality of their joy of their play. my joy widened if Kennedy no credit he's also quoted, or paraphrase John Kennedy, Hubert humphrey and british labour party leader, neil kinnock, all without credit Biden, today that he committed plagiarism when he was in law school, he said it was a mistake, but that it was unintentional. He quoted pages of someone else's work without proper, citing the dogs have done, things fell due done things, Bag was given an app. Ladies and gentlemen. I too dumb to the I'm working washington. It all seems of a piece of idealism at law. School plagiarism understand the great communicator strike that the great imitator
you don't steal verbatim or when you do as he did. Ninety nine percent of the time you give credit Biden critics. He sells himself as a man whose words and visions can inspire a new generation in politics, but if the thoughts phrases and genes really belong to. Others is a form of false advertising: is it a wise idea, though, to think something's up personal anyway from another politician, appropriately on campaign. I think it was a stupid thing to appropriated material. That was really very personal. There was someone else's most people didn't know who he was no job maiden and now they're gonna say: oh yeah he's a guy who plagiarize? I won't you collectively that death it's getting. These clips are devastating. He looks like a Joe Biden, windup door with somebody else is worth coming out. There went to do things that are stupid, as well as immoral, you're, probably to download the job of president well well. They like
idiots. Those guys are really Joe Biden proved wrong. You can live top of your lungs year at. president no problem, but it hasn't stopped by the way. Since you ve been president, they just stopped holding the president's lies at the watched imposed member. They started that thing. The president's lies tracker: will they stopped? It would Biden, they just did it for trump. That does so here. Biden falsely James January six riders killed two police officers in a speech at his alma mater. Imagine what you'd be thinking today if you had heard this morning before you got here that a group of one thousand people broke down the doors of the parliament of great britain, killed two police officers, semester and sake the up What would you think- and then down here is biting claimed in his speech and was godson in march? That writers killed by police officer will care they stop them. This would seriously so by way none of them were killed. They'd know, there's no they're, not no police officers were killed during the riot couple of police officer,
committed suicide after the riot that that saved a the couple fat merely republicans. In fact, I probably does it by heart attacks afterwards, seniors getting the biggest increase in their social security checks in ten years through President Biden's leadership, oh wait a minute we had, they fact checked it at buck and twitter twitter had the fact check the white out. So then they took down the tweet, that's how much the white house's like, but we all expect it. That's the whole thing. It's like this any would think that a politician should have degrees. For they all lie with weren't. So but he wasn't cherokee elizabeth wards, a jew is judged. Jaggi cookbook, yes, said was a native american thrown a cook. of our native american castles in such member. This fight and final pasty, georgie boy blue at two grand checks, will go out the door mediately. Those two thousand checks will go out the door and that's not
exaggeration, that's literally true. No I'm serious come on. I'm serious, no joke, I'm serious! No joke! For years, Joe Biden has been recounting a story of american heroism and heartbreak on the front. Lawn I recently telling a crowd in new hampshire how he traveled, afghanistan, divinest silver star on a young navy captain one of his buddies got shot fell down. a ravine about sixty feet, this guy climbed- a ravine carriages. Up in his back under fire. and the general wanna meet a pen. The silver star in in a moving moment, as Biden approached with the metal. Sir god's truth, my word is abide the attention I want to pin him. I said sure I don't want a damn thing: turn on me, sir. Please, sir, do not do that. He died.
Died, but the washington post, the story and determined Biden got the time period, the location of the heroic act, the type of metal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony hires Joe bite on neighbours abided by neighbours about I did on the blood by the blood of lace survive. I saw my word is abiding and then of course, Most recently Joe Biden says after he was elected. Vice president, he awarded his uncle frank with a purple heart. He earned at the battle of the bulge, no evidence any. That is true and Biden's uncle died in nineteen. Ninety nine, I believe he told the same exact story is the one would be asked about that by supporting third. You know he likes that he likes that story anyway. So till she was wicked that guide is gonna, be president because he really can like what great it's amazing. How you I mean, does Joe Santos
line about light about a vague model is what the light about being jewish nice. Like I, don't know that's funny to me, I know I hm, hey. This is Julia who's. This double real, you do it jimmy! I'm scared. Why what's wrong rids warrior, I am not completely assured the moment. An old turned around right now to be completely honest with you turn around. What is it I think I do knoxville tennessee. I can't be completely pretty sure about tat- have to find a this. Did you try to travel this week I'd south was their lives.
Please don't say that out loud, okay, vince worry trying to go Okay on saturday, I was trying to fly from burbank to palm springs. I was just trying to pull anything. I promise the city What you are experiencing now is called travellers guilt. You have you have to fight it. it was eight exchangeable hubris. My part, I level, I just knew this just comes out and tell me what happened. Like I said I was trying to fly out of burbank to palm springs, to spend christmas there, like I do every year, but for some reason we got re routed. What was the? their bad. We're not in southern california and, of course, that there was a blizzard in Denver. So weird,
you get re routed to tango what I know it's crazy, but they were able to explain it in a way that makes sense at the time like we had to go towards the bad weather, ok anyway. Whatever the reason was, I had a big deal with no luggage, where I can get out palm springs, ellie export back, nothin's violated and put on a flight, the phoenix which is like, ok pocket. At least I can drive There have been worded chicago, do it landed repeated, but by only way out so I take it, you need me right right. I mean
I just wanted your hire. The first leg of the flight was rerouted, because the weather in O'Hare is too bad to land, so we end up in shape, We cannot stop there, just like your denver again, no way out into space. Don't wait! No shower! No food, no food There was food around, but I just didn't have any. I don't get that part is probably on me, actually, ok, so that I'm stuck in the international for game until I finally decided to rent a car and just start driving back to l a, but there were none left, not a single rental car. I was stuck. Oh no! So, yes,. so then I figured I only want option left in that was to get hired as an employee software here like what's Jimmy, is the only way it was my best shouted actually getting on the south, but flight going literally anywhere joy.
I don't mind my first of millions of years. To my mind, I became pretty well it s like a hard betrayed and started it. It. The atlantic airport, the next day, say right away to get their say. Gradually. Software did every I'd go in here for me to start by job was training joy at the book, american airlines flight! On my own to atlanta. To start my training, I could fly back to delay as an employee. Goods was airtight planet right you don't get on american fight, but they had to make an emergency lady in nashville because of a major issue and no flights taken a dash failure, but they did of course only read it when I started drive me to atlanta. Oh, my god about three hours. I had to pull over on the side of the road and get some shut eye and I get woken up by an alert on my phone, out with their lines directed me to do to recent problems. They added a company that had the issue a round of lay off a new eyes were the first to get act. So you drive.
Ring to it later for nothing, apparently the topic you not worth the driver. You can that much my friend and then what did you do? I called you me. Why me straight now: good words You just need to get a hotel just rest for a few days and wait for this the blow over again. People around- I can be brief. Its asylum It gives added to our first stories today. By words will jacket with you later and then I hey become a premium member gotta, jimmied, origami dotcom sign up. It's the most affordable premium programme of the business, don't count on all the voices
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.