« The Jimmy Dore Show

Twitter Suppressing Jackson Hinkle & Jake Shields For Exposing Israel Propaganda!

2023-11-10 | 🔗
MMA fighter Jake Shields and political commentator Jackson Hinkle have both found themselves running afoul of the censors at Twitter, who have demonetized the two over their posted messages about the conflict in Gaza. Shields has learned, in fact, that he was “ghost banned” following a meeting of Twitter executives during which they discussed ways to reduce both Shields and Hinkle’s prominence on the site. Jimmy and his co-hosting duo of The Convo Couch’s Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Hinkle and Shields about why Elon Musk’s free speech platform would seek to block Twitter users from hearing their perspectives. Plus a segment on author and activist Norman Finkelstein's scathing takedown of an apologist for Israeli atrocities. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It would do a stand up comedy and convene a california burbank california, the day after thanksgiving oxnard, california, venice, california, palmdale calvary, lots of places in the south land. Oh behind nebraska gotta, be in omaha, we're gonna, be doin, Milwaukee lancing, bend oregon. portland oregon and seattle. Washington, plus we're gonna, be in Boston, the wilbur theatre in Boston, see there hey. This is Jimmy who's, this guy, Talk to me baby, oh hello. Mr president, jamming all my child the EU is the low light of my way. Showing a large she's, I'm currently being blamed for a genocide yeah, but today europe she's assuage familiar smooth jazz what type of music item,
Jane. I listen to a wiser pal nine. After me, Nigel lectures off Jimmy the forces of law, edward dollars, jerry's law by the forces of democracy. I see Oliver I'm sure initiatives by far republicans get rejected by voters but I was suffered to enshrine abortion right into war, projecting a woman's right to have complete control over his body, a true progressive victory, yes and ohio. Also voted to legalise recreational marijuana. Use there were some deflationary as well, but overall the picture is good leader. Wait a minute I dont, you just said: people have the right to have complete control over their body, not tat, much
They can do a general sense, a relaxation and overall ease and well being sure to combat the cruelties of existence. I mean not just going too far see. This is one of the many reasons why people people don't see was aggressive at all, MR president, Jimmy. My son is a fucking crackhead. He might I'm like most people, my age. I irrationally blame marijuana for that, but not alcohol or crack yeah turn around and be the weed president. Sorry, MR president, you're struggling in the polls, you desperately need young people to support you next year forty marijuana legalization would aid that immensely and we'll talk traditional for a job check, not worried about
as I said rather confusing, Lena tweed, Paul's, don't put people do other people are worried. Many democratic and that they would prefer you not run out here like what just recently David Axelrod seemed to tweet something to that effect, operators have never really got behind me back stammers encourage how is party Damn administration, I should have been obama golden boy, successor, we're not true a whole lot of yet another course. Hey this Jimmy David Axelrod, most of the axe files on cnn dot com. No political topic is off limits. Oh hey David. What a coincidence!
live stream gwine to call into question by milking holder, Why do you talk I guess prob ly were I sound like you're wobbling about the forever all the time yeah. I really have no idea what you're talking about whoa and voices your base to clarify I did not call for Joe to back out of the race shed was only he can take the decision. Iran, yeah. Ok, you sneak Of course, that's true, but we're picking up what you appoint down. You take action where nine don't give me that give me the straight dope acts like a jacket. Oh you can win if I
Your campaign manager, but are any more those you're behind me. I'm apart, aster now you know I could really use you if you could get a man named Brock Hussein obama elected. I bet you could get an old white guy reelected. Well, we didn't tax armada retirement for one more heist I made about I took it in all alone: Thirdly, your bike, gb tat, you want back here I can smell it. We both want dish. We both need this. We both to win. How about a consulting position for a free, and I still get to do my part gas sold
Jimmy. I got act now, my dear me, unstoppable toy, for we come here exciting up advice. fine job as treat Joe Jimmy, you have to drop your anti marijuana stance. No fuck, you, the deal's off. I know that this is riveting, but I'm gonna have to let you sort this out on your own. We got it. What get you ok? So goodbye? the sliding down the street and johnson media somewhere down the chimney to show. I have two special guests who are being currently set
third by twitter by elon, musk and acts and I'm never going to call it acts. I went to college twitter. I hears do not call it acts, I say Malcolm twitter. Now, that's instead of mount! That's how much minutes I got so much. I don't respect that transition, so our first guess who's being censored. demonetized. And what have you? Finally, finally on twitter is jake shields, he's american mix marshall This and submission grappler who won the you have see, strike force middleweight championship. In two thousand nine he's widely credited has pioneer in the world of miss martial arts and brazilian jujitsu shield. recently demonetized aunt on twitter over comments, critical of the israeli assault on Gaza. Also joining us is jackson here. All the hair. The founder of the independent media outlets, dive and host of the dive would jackson the her ankle his programme has.
permanently banned from youtube for alleged ukraine missing permission, but you know it's ukraine, information which ukraine I gave her a member that can remember that words to longer in his twitter account recently surpassed to miss in follower mark, so they kicked him off youtube and in three weeks he gave No we're like one point: seven million followers on twitter- and so here is the jackson edged jake. Thanks come on the show jake's I may. Finally, Jackson got kicked off not yet again Jake first, so We display this quick video of jackson and then will come and get your comments.
Look we're under tat, we are under attack. What else is new? Nothing we ve been under attack for a while for telling the truth about ukraine and russia and china now we're under attack for tell the truth about Israel. Ok, apparently there was a meeting at acts headquarters with good, formerly twitter headquarters just the other day, and this meeting was attended by ex executives, not including elon musk. At this meeting, there were two names that were thrown into the conversation about. How do we limit the reach of these accounts on our platform? Should we just ban them? So ex executives are meeting in san francisco and the discussion, I guess about whether or not they're going to ban- goes truly along with jake shields, who is in MM a veteran and five time champion about what
what they're going to ban us from. Let's think about this thing about these books. Sixty five percent of americans support a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Gaza will be sixty five per shift. That includes a majority of republicans, a majority of independents, a majority obviously of democrats, which takes the largest share of the vote. They're sixty five percent of americans across the board. All political parties say they want a cease fire you can get. Sixty five percent of americans agree agree on anything. You can't get sixty five percent of americans to tell you it's sunny outside. If this guy isn't clouded- and it's not raining- you can get sixty five percent of americans agree on anything, but they agree on this and keep in mind. While this is happening, we have zero votes for a cease fire in the senate, zero votes for a cease fire coming from the white house, Joe Biden of course, and we only have a few votes calling for a ceasefire in the house of representatives. Okay, that
in american politics. Sixty five percent of americans support something because we don't live in a democracy, because we we live in this world, where our government is captured by the military industrial complex and by lobbyists that apparently don't have to register as foreign agents. If they're working for israel, but if they're working for russia they do, then we get zero votes for a cease fire. Think about that. So that's that was a great video clip. Let me bring in Jake Jake. Now what the hell are you doing on twitter that made you focus of this meeting of twitter executives without elon musk in san francisco, and then they did demonetized your account. What what are you doing? Yeah makes no sense to me. I just up on this vital that sometimes reach my thoughts and it became recently by thoughts have not been not. I have never been wasn't approach anti war pro iraqi war pro any of these wars, but I've been at o is your third strike, or that strikes him out for some reason for opposing this one they're saying I'm an anti semitic, a terrorist sympathizer
The little a stranger to me. So I just think a political class, I think, is that a political or commentators are also pro israel. I think account in jackson's. We blew up cause, we're speaking our minds when our political class isn't. We really are like especially. My count is mostly for whatever reason was at maga people following me. I think they really don't want the maga people seeing a anti israel that they can have that man, because you know they're going to need those people to send their kids to fight for Israel. The bible, stupid trying to turn their kids gay, so it's inconvenient for you to compete in a further alienating them from our greatest ally, yeah cause. Most of my following is like majorly pro israel. I think they don't like. The fact that I had a different attitude. So that's cause I'd say I was talking to me to hear that you demonetized reside. Always in my head, you would always occupied a more of a right conservative political lane.
right, but we agreed on things like Colvin and other things that out, we agree on, and but I was prize to see that you actually went against the the the this down. my narrative on Israel, and so you have this big of magua following and you have a right wing can We have followed from other things and should they I want you to infect their brain with the truth about what is actually happening in so if they lose them, they lose everybody in. So that's why they have to shut you down right now, it occurs to me I can't say for certain, because I've actually not not gonna lie. Sometimes I can be a little controversial, so I spend a few times but everytime. I spend it. They give me exact violation that give me the tweet I violated, and they give me a process to appeal this time which read I violated or no process to kill. They decide to I've been democratized that you appeal and see how to appeals and see what you appeal. I still have an sitting europe, your great above opinions, public, think we're not in all honesty, I don't like want get taken away by our lighter,
I'd live, so I think you're trying to be white way sounds people at all. Your against us will take your money away, will take people that, and we will also pay pal about now. I think also allowed yeah it shows they wanted. They want to silence. Opposition didn't want war, especially israel. It shows the power of you know the apec lobbying. that the most definitely- and you know it if this doesn't work. You know they're good, muscle brand you right so that that they do, they will go into your past and now find any buddy you ever It's not! The ass, andrew global out of your eyes are now watch the uprisings in edinburgh. The past I'd I'd be shocking, yet not jackson. How did you- find out that there was a meeting at twitter about you and J caught it. How did you get in the whole of that information through Jake? actually he yeah Yeah as people inferences san francisco, who told me they they weren't enemy
but as someone, I trust so that you know it second hand, knowledge. I can't see one hundred per cent, how accurate is, but it's someone I trust they said they. He called me cause he hurt. My name was mentioned. I don't think he follows that closely, but he was kind of shocked. My name was mentioned and he called he said yet. Minor Jackson has puzzles other names, but those are the two names they mentioned to me. Now jackson woody, so you but you're your twitter account has this skyrocketed, so you're one of the leading voices talking about these, really palestinian. Well, the genocide. That's been take that taking right now in gaza, and so they're coming out. You too, have they demonetized you or they. What have they done to you exactly. As far as I know, my account has not been the like, Jake says yeah, but they did place to go spans on my account as we put your, I didn't even know what that man I'd. Look it up, but apparently That's a way for the twitter back in team to limit the reach of one's a cow, and you can check
I don't mind for free actually, so I went online. I was checking in place this week, right here with the go span twice: it was overturned by words to be very clear is at least for myself in Jake. They are worried about the reach of our towns state. They think it so silly. They think guess, taken by us off by the monetizing us two thousand dollars a week. I mean that, like who who's gonna be, who, if europe witnessing in condemning in calling out a genocide? Who's gonna be stopped by withholding a few thousand bucks per month. Instinctively most of the kids and going not be highly linsky, sable kolinsky and crystal ball yeah, probably probably not out of not just make it a joke, but you bit so they're so have as anybody I referred to you as being anti semitic by sharing the truths that thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands my whole my whole confident your jackson's jews common. Antisemitic call me nazi. Call me white, supremacists call me a terrorist
eyes are not just the is nonstop while they want you to know how to real people, because I doubt that if they do pulling the sixty five percent thing, that was a knight beg her most p. or not that bad. Yet that is full court press botz people that are hired to do that because of it AK is the main driver of this because and that's why their people get afraid. Like. Oh people, don't support, there's not that many people support this, that this is like the same nonsense. He would do for like a a disney where they crap up. spider man or some thinking to hire people. How this was great, all the feels you know how they do. Hollywood would stop that's what as is there's no way that many people would really becoming at you. You get some people, but the amount you talk I believe that those Roy middle budget, perils slides into my de aims, was browsing about twenty sought public accounts, and would you fight bench bureau jake in the arctic Had I showed you, sport? Actually, his count me bigger than my bob immigration guys like disappear,
all these guys, who showed you support is not reside, despite that, despite the munich yeah, then motherwit with some like really wrong and by way of saying quite foresees look. Can I do this? A knock EU ban. Jimmy I'm going ceasefire long enough to get these really hostages out yeah. How much is that about and then go back to killing all Is that symmetric of me? I want you to ban for that soul, so Jackson, for instance, your shadow bands, the like? So if you did it deputed hack, hashtag, jackson, hinkel you could get. I saw you talk about this. Had like sixty five thousand tweets with the hashtag jackson eagle in it, and it didn't show up the trending right. Tell me about that. Here so did two on my account to different hashtag campaigns this week the first was hashtag no oil for israel, because the turkish government is still supplying as by johnny oil to Israel, a great deal of it and now
trending on twitter within ninety minutes. Add fifteen thousand posts and then, when I got the ghost ban place on my account, I did another. I stag hashtag censored and he got sick five thousand posts excluding retweet, so that should bear tweets alone and it didn't come up once on the training page, so I think it's pretty cool that their censoring mining from the earth and the training page and it is why more to it than even that, I think there again try to figure out a limit. Our reach, an silence us even more. So being called anti semitic? Now There was a time when that term meant something it is meaningless now right just like when they call Bernie a sexist, and if what you say trumps us exists at Bernie this axis, then I guess everywhere this access, because that term doesn't mean anything areas or semites. Arabs are somewhat
that's another grants, annoying crazy thing. Tat like anti semitic, mediately bosnians do because arabs, their semitic people, that's what the means yes, how does nobody? No that that's weird but eat, but now the word only applies to Jews, it's actually kind of funny, because now the word is apartheid So in here is a great video clip of this guy eddie. As in who we all know is a paid liar does he is calling you and anti semite on your friend. Has it Joe and watch has tried to ask him, why do you keep calling? What is your evidence that Jackson hang? is it anti semite, meaning an area jewish parallelism, Assad toady? But let's see if so cute what this is kind. This is pretty remarkable here. We go, I think his post was the insight thematic. Yes, What what makes him anti semitic just to be clear? I think I think Jackson is an anti semite. I think it's quite obvious. Nothing.
I'm I'm actually not. So this is what the this is. What he had to say I mean they did they have nothing to say: ticklish, didn't you call jackson anti semitic, I felt his post was the entire thematic. Yes, and what what makes him anti semitic just to be clear, I think I think Jackson is an anti semites. It's quite obvious build on George PETE most tool. If people would consider that just like when I say why is it just like when I say if if a book of a black person accused me, a racist hold on before you use in exactly like you know, tell me you ve been what you ask me questions you don't know what I'm asking. Why can you just answer? Why why? Why do you think he's an anti semitic, wisely, anti semitic things he says is extremely anti jewish hold on. You rephrase the word anti semites s, aunt, ok, but why you can't just use a new word for the thing ask me why you're accusing can you tell me why he's anti semitic as a jewish person? I believe he is against Jews.
You set out ok, what am I to say as an error or as a muslim person. I think your mama phobic, without Are you a valid argument? I would them absolutely not. Why? Why would say you are because you are That's what I like to draw the logical do add that opinion is to be created to be clear. One last thing, so we will stop was that you accuse people of anti semitism. Just because their anti semitic, meaning there is no deeper reason for why this is it just because you say so and that's the end of it just to be clear, his eyes, a medic somebody. Do you have a camera? Please don't like trying to speak for a minute like this. but in europe have a reason I think cerebral really It goes on and I, like all question. What is a woman? listen to you, so that's so that did. He just says your anti semitic because I say he's anti semitic, so he does. Give you a reason why he knows exactly the question has is asking him and he
I so want to answer that question, because he can't point to anything you actually said or did or a tweet that you made. That is actually anti semitic. He actually did it's not a good answer, but to the best of his ability that it goes, I would think most jewish ppl would say that so that's his reason. He imagines some kind of voting, ITALY eyes and he's like the people, I'm with the good people. That would say that some of your judah say that then your bad yours, It is medic right cause a lot of Jews that are anti semitic to greg. You got anything you wanted asked. No. I was just kind of curious. What would the plan of action is for jackson now cause? I think he got the monetize too, as well as shut down on whatsapp as well. I mean you run out of avenues now so get land right. yeah, so what are we gonna do men if, in fact, yeah there? It is I'm sorry jumping the gun, but like do you have any power? as if teasley I mean damn
So you ve been easily you ve been banned from what's app, Jack's has been banned from what sap youtube. Tik tok twitch venerable pay pal represent and teasingly. I've never heard those last two. So what is to check to craigs question? What is your plan. The plan- I guess, is again you continue told the truth. as much as we can, without being so amid obviously important, to keep these platforms and continue the message going to the best of my ability, by like You know they don't we re two point down to the level of censorship where they don't even tell you why their censoring you would just be caught it because, because you're so viral, because whatever with what for example, I was somehow my number got leaked on a bunch of israeli designers telegram channels, my phone number, so I woke up to like thousands of phone calls from Israel and from brooklyn, and
then I went on what sap and does it on my what's at them. So that's what happened to answer questions. I don't know I mean hopefully in our acts. Twitter. They keep us in stated, that was the goal with EU law- must be paid forty four billion dollars, for it would be a shame to throw that out all out the window just because you're getting pressure from a certain. You know four, governments lobby, so jitsu Jake, these her will you one of the people I who had high hopes for elon musk, were you a fan of elon musk, and now it has. It changed. I think you ve done far better if you know how they got all too ready to be banned. In your view, demonetized me by at least you give me a voice in his all, he promises is brief. Speech is unfair and it is annoying frustrating, but at least he hasn't sounds me. I mean at least at least so. Can I can't be that mad and it's probably something that you are probably have no decision is probably rogue employ or a couple of, but don't I put up saying that trying to
That's me too yeah we'll see if that is a cause to pick him out or you have c fighter I could already invade, because I've got it isn't comedy diagonally envision. The wing night we blue hair tat thinks there the police rogan town or whatever. The hell again, I know, is a lie. The chugs like this guy, so we should after him and have the room never heard of embryo? Ok just feel safe, I'm sure. There's some by the way. The way you have found out about it that I have to do it. You have to know a guy. That knows a guy that works there. Yes, to tell you that the future you gonna have private eyes, do this the call Stu grammar lever to find out why you shot a bed. For, I would say me like he, fired that shit, that we did the story on the black. Now you get rid of her yes, so I don't know how long it takes me to figure out what they're doing, but I feel is a string of this stuff, panes, then somebody gets fired. I saw it sounds like he's not like personally involved
in like you sure, maybe be more involved in this since his goal is free speech, Yeah yeah, I mean where these run run up. The flagpole rogan is rising, I feel like I'm either, probably either the probably the reinstate me or the or those span. Everyone don't really think externally, big sense, just for poor monetization, I think, was probably a rogue boy that doesn't like me, thought you didn't realize how much attention it was going to get out of looking at it'd, be like oh crap. What am I going to do so? Am I but my bessie ass. I thought I was too would tattle. I would tattle on twitter to Joe rogue it. If I were you and that's a legal text, and that is that under the damsel, ok craig been Kurtz gonna checksum heights ape the text. For me I don't try to tax them for us all. Those jemadar bothered, you must know, he's got a big idea randomly like hey joe. You get this right for me. Checks! what you are he just everyone on it? Just I know you talking about the room.
Combined virus, ah right, gay, and so ok, a great you and you don't like that- mean either wisest. What why is this happening? Does he know I wonder you only know, that's why I just wanna know us get tax joe. We like you, talk to you think you won't even knows, because it sounds like couple people with vendetta on one guy because they don't like his type which, as you have said, fans who is a lot of that on law and also from San francisco, some guys and that's a yes and ok that really sorts of you're from portland. They feel like they own. You get some way san francisco anywhere these places. Where You know the real, the real found of crazy clay world is coming out of. That's where they drill for more clown groundwork, we'll know for years that that used to be code for I'm gay, I'm from San Francisco. I don't think that's the case in utah is that is that Japan's conservative there's there's still like a withered, was mostly just brackets. Now I moved I'm not there anymore, but most of the crackheads in the cheaper places, really an art, there's tech, people than homeless people,
yeah get textbook homeless. People is doubly so the area, but is not as bad as like some of the ngos more unlike miami in new york and stop now it is pretty bad. Not yet can't imagine what we could imagine what we get it done with sampling go in new york and all those places with the hundred- and a billion dollars we sent to Ukraine that just went right into could blow it up or rebuilding blow up again build it. That's right we can build it again and build it again. We could take a dump on every street corner than clean those dumps up and take it would dumps. plans. If you guys wanna vote for me, I would I would vote for you might have to get the politics of thanksgiving kick on where they are. So. I just put in here the kind of things that jackson you, but you tweeted this out. This is great ago breaking Israel has taken famous palestinian teenage activist. I had too many hostage in the west bank while Hamas is not in the west bank. Well, just Hamas surrenders jingo free. What road that Jimmy so will you
So this is the kind of stuff that year tweeting it blows up their narrative and you can't have that kind of stuff, correct jackson, exactly exactly in the level of propaganda war. Propaganda coming from his you, as you so eloquently put it. The war pigs right now is far worse than we saw from ukraine. I mean they're putting a eyes stars they're, putting out just added it fate, audio clippings that purport to show Hamas talking about certain things that I mean, and it's all regurgitating on CNN pierce morgan been shapiro, Jordan Petersen they're, all saying it like not even questioning it. It's really sad, but their audiences are turning on them and people are waking up what we check the member last time. I saw you person, we were, we went soldier petersen and since then, Jordan petersen, as now wearing suits of two different colors that he sewed together himself? It's the days, the gene,
the judge modern day Joseph I like you, because he's got a tunnel, holy dread. Do that? That's why he that's why he banned me. Why I'm blogging about why jordan blocked me, because you made fun of his soon, because I went to that event and you know We got to talk about the the malthusian their anti rose, anti human agenda, that the global is in the world economic forum or pushing- and he gave speech about how everyone needs to father now borne the father. Figure is life, and I tweeted at my said, george, you gave this great speech about stuff. We talked about this if you know backstage, why is it now that you're championing the israeli genocide, which is eradicating palestinian fathers in pushing this? Mobile is you know, policy of anti rose this malthusian agenda and It was a respectful tweet, but he didn't respond. He just blocked me. I know why, because he got sixty million from the daily wire when he went over there and that's why he's like was visiting jerusalem's hagley. He got paid, a lot of money to do it.
bloody well support Israel So that was also a you know. He talks a lot about Carl young yeah. And the unconscious, and how and then he just totally turns back on it and twisted inside out and warps it. So he could sum I'll, be on the wrong side on the down his suit yeah it's coming out- is bizarre. Split insides are now manifesting like a chick diner hair blue jordan. Peterson has a split, color suit. I you know it's just a yeah jordan pierce. I had hoped for him and he speaks He speaks sends out a lot of things and then just like with our a junior or I'll see even when it comes to this issue of is palestine, they just totally flip on the older printed. Walls and all the millions of dollars you need it? That's how you as even have mind, control ears the alter my control. Here's sixty million dollars like thirty eight.
Our of K is doing that were way more husband run for president in asia. Now campaign contribute, I think it's at first. I thought he was good any lobby, as did my guest What would you do, you think, is the roots of psychology behind our of K june, because he wants to be seen as the peace candidate and course he's not anymore, because now he's not only not only easy. He pro israel in this conflict into the answer to a also now come up with pro censorship. Around this issue and he now an take anti china anti ran in anti venezuela sounds like John Bolton showed in what way it must be switched and it could be. A couple of things could be. He needs that money from apac cause it's keys you gonna get some more he's flown with object you go yeah, Epstein's well known, intelligence agency. Are you going to and insider dealing offers from the start, allegedly while I taught and speaking that I
remind people that I'm going to be at the laugh factory in covina this sunday, so you can get the Epstein's. We want to come see a powerful show occurred. Are you going to be available sunday to come? Do so sometime to be in the funny bone and not the ST louis one, but the I said Charles St Charles, I guess it's also ST louis there was ST louis that location or maybe a night you're not going to be there sunday I'll, be flying home. Okay! Well, You get home come out to convene a watches. God do stand of comedy, show expense, ass, dick. What you're? What guess, honour of K, junior god, jackson. Well, I think god Jake made a great point with the fact that our key junior admitted to a flying on Jeffrey Epstein, slowly express, I think the only question that truly remains is how old was she, now, listen just gotta go wrong and he was on it just needs a just gotta massage
just like the actual content is always gotta sizes. did. Did he really fly on the Epstein command yuck, but he he admitted to it. It was well puppet. You can look it up. He admitted to himself but was right when I switched his stance on a hard court that came out when harcourt Israel like the next day. Not only recently did it come out. I didn't hear about it. Really. I just thought: maybe it's not for a while, but I just saw it like last week or something maybe it's maybe more recently, but I heard oh yeah I heard was that he heat they were going to some charity event and J of our of K actually brought his kids with about the black I'll. You unhappy, like the lady, was exempting splaining them internationally. Has neither contacts, design, rapid use, plain, obviously Taking borrow brilliantly I'll just say that you know all guys all they do is lie. They lie for war and are of key junior, as you just put it doesn't sound, indifferent and John Bolton nails.
For a war and if their willing to lie for genocide that just slaughtered ten thousand people, I don't think it would be all that surprised. That they would lie to cover their botz about flying alone. Potentially, who knows on Jeffrey EP scenes play. You know it's like Gateshead infamously lied about how many times he went on Jeffrey up scenes clean trees, everything he married he'll Clinton same thing. He lied about many times, so these guys are born. I'd liars and I dont trust a word. They say, even though our gay juniors been good on some issues, issues you can't trust what they say and been absolutely another. Let me explain any you guys. Do you blame me? I mean it's like the godfather to guide the centre. Goes you people come here with your greasy. The next thing you know he's got a dead hooker and his name is like I'd love the corleone family that they also like that. Does I Bertie always Bernie, suddenly and biggest suck up in the world, seems like some kind of blackmail to me every single time
there you can have my answer now offered to you is nothing but I'd like that appreciative. You put up the gambling Why just watched that movie yesterday? It's unbelievable. It shows how things work if there is That is how things work and that's how they control people. So so you think are of K, juniors being blue. mailed and that's why he so awful. I think all of them are little. Listen. What Jeffrey Epstein give his life for to get enough black Everybody has a right to save the tiny israel you know and if you're spitting on his sacrifice by, but but posting jackson hinkle things online. So not that not that way. Any of us here is a hug of nostradamus. Let me ask: am I to guess what do it is your prediction of how this is gonna play out? Do you think the united states will eventually stop funding this genocide and would it? What do you think
I think you're going to keep funny. I think they're pretty all and there's been no. No one's calling cease fire, no one's talking about cutting money, the first thing they did the congress they rushed in and might Israel mean the republic is to make every republican and really wants drop borders, that ain't gonna be for strong borders. They went into bankruptcy, beating for money, for israel said clear where their loyalty lie so are is very unfortunate I don't wanna go good for up for gaza. I think you're gonna keep. It accounted for mindset it down thousands more gonna die. I think the ultimate was the push monitor there in forging a positive way. As a part of their land or they'll. Take it all of it sent to either egypt or america Europe, I think it's a disease, situation, it's disgusting, the worst hit by us americans, allowing this is also going to create hate around the world for americans that he has no reason that christians and muslims hate each other and they hate america, but they're pushing it again. But why don't you I care so much. Let state your house, I think, to what we said on this show that your back
the ukraine war that this that war is gonna only going one way out for russia wanted to go, and we are all proven right about that it now. so. This there's only two ways that it can end It's not gonna end with Hamas being eradicated as men. Young puts it It's either gonna end with hamas being able to properly defends whatever positions they had the tunnels they have and prevent a full out. Israeli onslaughts of all their military positions or which the way these seem to be doing a pretty good job as of right. Now they taken out sixty one israeli tanks, hundreds israeli soldiers, not that I would applaud or or ever condone violence on the show, but it just goes to show that they're lying about the status of this war and if it does not end up like that is most does I up getting slaughtered in the in the heart of Gaza city? I? be very surprised if Hezbollah didn't rush in with their hundred thousand plus men and missiles and a broader war that will bring about the end
If you know this israeli military as we know it, I think those are only two ways. The since do you think IRAN we'll be dragged into this? I think they will ye. I think, you're fired. Is blood joins in its past is much more pause. Why think? That's what a lot of really naive and ignorant and dangerous people in the white house want. But I I you know we'll see we'll hasn't hasn't like people like isn't it Is it the? U s government official position, as the state department said. I know grandma said, but is it do Maybe you know and maybe dont, that the official position is if, if Iraq, and or and ran proxy. Kills and american soldiers that were sending now to the region. we're gonna look at that is their act out from IRAN and then we're gonna use that to attack ran because they belong to attack, ran since nine eleven
yeah I know is ever rank is involved and american attack ran. I don't know the exact in our mind with paid for that, but were dealt with big privilege every politician on us, I just stated that name, please is there signed a resolution in the house that they can give the president any means necessary to do whatever they need to doing around Thomas massey was the few to vote against it, but they said by any means necessary. So this is so. This is so you know if you listen to wesley clark, junior general wesley card junior, his famous, when he was on with the democracy. Now he said that after let any one to the pentagon guys and intelligent, showed till told him that they have a plan to take out seven countries. Radio was syria. Libya. It would Sir Leon, yemen in sudan,
Rack ran in lebanon, like how dizzy planned out marvel universe, movies and lay phase one to the latter, two countries that they have to go into lebanon and iran, and they could use this as a way so ended. Its also very suspicious that it took You know they didn't have a response to Hamas for hours an hour, a bunch of guys in flip flops, adidas, jerseys and hang gliders were able to pressing the west bank they're busy protecting the settlers in the west bank here and do justice to what's in the picture, you haven't israel to Israel, is tiny and there's military everywhere. There is no way that would make sense for what they say: six seven hours to military response- and I just dont- want to bring those then at it, but the borders with the most your borders in the world that was left wide, open egypt to give them intelligence. I believe the week before that are playing an attack. It seems also Netanyahu is extremely popular. The time there was a lot of civil law dismissed Israel, then we get a huge tat. We ve been.
it's Netanyahu and Israel, tragic land. So to me it seems like a set up the teams. It sits. I would like to say that our security would do that. Smells like a set up to me. Yet Netanyahu is on his way out forty weak straight of protests against his government. Then, all of a sudden he gets his own nine eleven, and so, though, cunt yes to rally round him. That's what it looks like to me. Jackson, s last words referred say goodbye. many lies. I say you brought up the iran point and I think if there was ever further justification for the the psychopaths in the white house along war against IRAN, as we all know, just drawing bricks. Russia, china, leading that up. I leave I believe in April of this year. I could be about the staff? But in april of this year iran was like the fourth or fifth largest oil producing nation in the world, so they they understand. What they're doing stand where their targeting in that the dollar is under threat and
A lot of people are not happy with this unipolar system. In that's what they're, trying to implode? Ok, right, jake shields, Jane in their harry. Good luck. staying uncensored in monetize. On eleven months, twitter and if I were you I would say mealy tattled joe rogan Jimmy. Can we just make sure Jacon jackson, you guys, are not feeling depressed in any way shape or form right, you're, you're, gonna do away. I don't I was worried. I write offs And only drugs anymore, we can I just better this jackson, Tell me of my with my prediction is wrong for the very end of ukraine, more I'm gonna end with once you behind a desk big by local game as we're all coming in the door. He says say hello to my little friend and sean penn comes out and tells him a long story that I think that's a pretty good ending, think that's a pretty good ending as a writer one by one words: well now even unproven. Nbc is
admitting that the ukraine war is unwinnable and that they better find peace deal and an exit strategy and exactly what we said: you're right jackson, what we ve been saying since the day one of this war, this war is going to end actually how russia wants it and Russia's gonna have their direct access to it. See and they're gonna have the down bass and that's exactly was, is ending and what we had to do with spend a couple hundred billion dollars first and get a couple. A hundred thousand ukrainian smashed for that I really appreciate you both making time jake shield Jackson hinkel pay it all here's another great way. You can help support the show. You should become a pretty a member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you do it by going to jimmy your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supports affordable previous programme in the business and its agree way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards, thanks for everyone,
who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support so this is into the show norman Finkelstein he's on rick sanchez show on r t, and this guy's name is Steve melbourne's and this guy is pr, is going to get spanked hard. by norman finkel stein. So he's gonna use a really bad argument. Let's watch- and this is all about palestine and israel. Here we go watch this. Why? Why does not one country in the entire arab world? Not I help their brothers and take them and spread them out. You don't want them in Egypt. You don't want them in Jordan. You don't want them in syria, you don't want them in saudi arabia was so. First of all, let me disappoint
That he's wrong about that in he's a pretty big moron figures. If that's your big strong point, there is over two million palestinians in Jordan, I over half a million in syria even after we bomb the shit out of it. So there's there. There are lots of places that, but which even worse about his argument, is that norman finkel said He's gonna. Take your legs right off from underneath and watch this billion patrick read about no body wants to help them why this is a difficult day. What looks let's pause for a moment for moment? Thank you. Excellent, on simple, sentenced. Make your point and make your point, but what we are going to europe, giving countries or the united states wanted jews, for the nazi holocaust. Indeed my jewels were like the palestinians. They were so horrible
they were so this is all there were. So please joe or, as the current israeli government caused in june the animals, that's why not only appear cars rigs. and the united states did want that. You think that's the reason this is not on. This is not easy, but we reject gentlemen that germany's in your smiling but you're stupid smart changed the fat. Very argument. You yours, you, sir, The damage did not going in thinking. Sleep is actually using the nazi argument that hitler used. Nobody wants to take the Jews and he does that thing where hogs, because I'm a jew, disguise names, norman thinkers,
Could you imagine, being this big of a moron? Can you old age? It has got things seem hard headed anyway, for four years and news backs first you're using hitler's arguments and you're wrong about the fact that other countries don't take palestinians in you're wrong on that. Using of nazi argument and then, when it who calls you out. You go. You know like because of jewish. Here adequate when, while what I'm panic move, we haven't finkel steam said that hidden with that point, he was in their smiling. That's a smile to cover the family. Got destroyed, got desire. I figure students, trashes smirk. You see his face. Why try to figure out what to do this face you? Why does. Yeah yeah. It was cool and the last movie how you call him an anti semite clear. I don't necessarily agree but miles berg on everything, but the guy's, a pretty smart guy. I've never seen him get embarrassed like this. I watch
I want you guys they had ever seen him again and that this argument trump juniors made this argument. Jesse waters made this argument. This is a very cryptically racist argument over here. He probably even it always s death jesse, you will go into. That is a racist argument that but people who even realise what they're saying is only now that the lebanese people say it. Lebanon has taken in four hundred half a mere almost half a million palestinians. Syria has over half a million sera palestinians and Jordan has two point. One million palestinians of january twenty fifteen. So I'm guessing, though, members are probably even higher but the greater part is that that stupid smirk at wiped off his stupid fucking face. by a guy who actually know something and has integrity and that guy's a racist died out, you'd like to throw that term around, but he certainly using a racist argument and that's what It is that's like all. That's these palestinians are soap.
Been bonds, no response that nobody wants them. Nobody was to take that what they used to say about the Jews, a belzberg, their semites with self hating. Semite, hey jimmy naive, but lay the president of friction. El Salvador is of palestinian descent. Palestinians have been displaced every around the world for many years, so this can. What are you talking about I wasn't- el salvador dagger hapag, I think there's a little bit more this. Yet Look in your It was used by letter to justify virus, Its term in nation of the jewels, no, my aren't you argue over what you said. Myles brought my argument here are your mail. Do you look what's my argument, so he doesn't know what a beetle they're going to come here. Oh yeah! He really desert just gonna help now, just slim for the win, what say he's so stupid? He can't remember what he just said. Fifteen seconds earlier much my
You met the argument. You just made that's the argument. I could only think when I'm smirking sup arable and so are you're not see. Speaking in those parts of argument. The funny this has become very contentious, we're going to take a break. I want to not a bipod, I'm just calling palestinians garbage people that nobody was going to and I'm using and a hitler nazi argument to demonize a whole race or class of people in a whole, if that's necessity, why I'm not being contentious I'd like everybody except those palestinians, a goldberg? How come nobody wants to take the palestinians, but Israel wants, the fund hamas, such rights right that such a chicken shit way. They say what these people know that we don't know just come out and say it: what did they say, Brazil? What do they know that we don't know how many of our leaders are pedophiles from the successful out by Jeffrey Epstein? That's what they know, but also also forgets it. I forget this also
So what that so, what he just did, their ryan groom would call a home run touchdown in the fourth quarter. Bottom of the nice he's really not a sports guy right, but you get my poor young right so anyway, this is. they they got. This happened on our tee, so most kids won't see it, or this would look we bad for israel yeah? That got a boy you want to keep that to an rt, not at cnn or MSNBC, or so. According to this guy, the the quit his question is: why don't the palestinian arab brothers help them out with a place to stay if they aren't barbaric animal? was in. The answer, was anti semitism elsie answered, I don't like because I'm a jew, yeah swell I mean he's, got a pseudo he's, got a tie on he's been
by networks and the guy couldn't be a bigger more as high as I ever ben. I will never be That is, thirdly, uses it's his lack of integrity because it is he realized? He made a dome argument. You tried to pretend like he didn't do it. He would stand by what he said. He used the he tried to hide behind you, like me cause I'm a jew. He forgot, he was even talking to a guy named frankenstein, that's my favorite. you might say: juice, finkel, steam near wow, piazza performer, all these media people there just like actors and then he's line lied rise. Yes, you you don't want me to you know it's been awesome to lately. Those This argument has been going around when you have people a jesse waters and trump junior. This video about ass, lack on bill mar servicing going after sam Harris. Yet further same thing has been been, showed a lie who believe that make a better act like makes the same argument. Would you trying to say that these whole group of people that you don't even know where a bunch
What did you get a nuclear bomb? We might have to know them. First, why? Don't you get passed up? Got it hundreds? I didn't understand that now, its clear and heinous Jimmy who's. This any door that just sen chuck Schumer of the great state of new york, how are you doing I'd, do a great senator how about yourself very well. Jimmy I'm very satisfied, satisfied jimmy. I am experiencing profound satisfied. with my colleagues in the house of representatives, but a decision to censure were she didn't or on cod. in other words and action. Also, it had a very nice sandwich which, on satisfied in that sense as well as I see you'd, think she wore in an official sensor at how we can have this
grace. We can have these these Alice palestinians, but just palestinians any we can have palestinian americans in congress. Frankly, no I mean a fashion You are fine, but you don't say no day our palestinian, I'm palestinian. families in gaza, its aggressive, an offensive, and now is not the time But those are just statements of facts that I don't care. Thinking about how I or my cousin Amy humor, feel when we hear the word Alice any did anybody. About us no, and this is why we need israel in the first place, no cease fire. So, Mr Mr move to leave should be censured for saying
the palestinian american now dummy she was censured remains critical. Israel and regaining that opel slogan from the river to the day I was dying, will be free and invariably success. So, let's. gimme, that's a for genocide. It's right there, it's nakedly, obvious snow in most certainly is not senator. It's a statement calling the freedom of the palestinian people within their former territory, not for the death of israelis. think will happen once we let these animals out of their cages know everybody that savages you. If you want to organise free tiger is sorry. You are pro tiger attacks by default. That's why representative polite dehumanizing languages so offensive? Okay, I got you perhaps mists leave but doesn't see. Palestinians is savages well that anti semitic and she parameter
Are you said to me? Why would you said saree me censure, you set your sure. Everybody senator, please, down on Shari Jimmy adjusted to very emotional issue. For me, but I know I can't let my emotions guide my leadership. We have beset with many challenges, but we must base them clear, eyed and rational way right right like several years ago, when I the cover of of rolling top scandal to co sponsor a bill with case the that branda would have made it illegal to boycott israel until we were essentially caught by the press And we withdraw the bill and claim that we didn't understand illegal herbert reul, I remember that of course. Yes, I mentioned several times on your programme because it's one of the most badly political, my own imagine
shit we're gonna get away with. In this current situation, you think censuring to leave with heavy handed boy. You just wait. we will set in motion a process of making it illegal to criticise israel. We will make the dream I oh boy, oh boy, asked to to leave or gene shallot showered can statements like the palestinian, well are not disposable even like that. Exactly that sort of crystal finally put an end to all the giant. I again again, sticking up for palestinians isn't anti semitism. You don't to say what anti semitism is outdated. I do and us by extension congress I say you're entitled
me why Jimmy in this bone call. I mentioned that I was very satisfied because I hate a nice sandwich and you didn't even ask me what kind of sandwich, that is rather anti semitic, maybe on the line, but definitely how semantic many? The way I decide not you send consumer. I I'm not comfortable with the idea that you can just It was a chicken salad onto our development amount, a man, his walnuts, black cherries, no salary was divine that does no good I feel better now. Yes, I do. Actually I kept that bottle up this whole time, I'm calmer. Now I feel, like I'm thinking more clearly So are you gonna pull back on this plan? The salt of free speech now that certainly moving jill? A brain is on her way over to my office for closed doors. I better. Let you go which
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-12.