« The Jimmy Dore Show

Trump Sexual Assault Case Is A Pure Democratic Hit Job

2023-05-12 | 🔗

Donald Trump has lost the civil case of sexual assault brought against him by E. Jean Carroll, and will now have to pay her $5 million, pending appeal. But did you know that this case could only be brought thanks to a recent amendment to New York statutes pushed by Democrats and Carroll herself and without this legislative “fix” the statute of limitations for the lawsuit would have run out?

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether this rape case is more about preventing Trump from running in 2024 than the triumph of justice.

Plus a segment featuring U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s recent appearance on CNN with Erin Burnett where he perpetuated already-debunked lies about mask effectiveness in fighting COVID.

Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jake Tapper and the duo of Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Check out my new stand up special covered lies are funny at Jimmy door: dot com, only ten dollars become a premium member. We're gonna be on tour in Northampton Massachusetts, syracuse, co, host, new york, hartford, los angeles bakers, fee with California, baltimore maryland and san francisco, california, plus the we say chicago. There's lots of stuff go to jimmy dore dot com for a link for tickets, see you there hey! This is Jimmy. Who is this? Jake, tramper Oh, I guess jake temper of the lead with jake tapper cnn. How are you jake, I'm about to say, well. I be you to it just deal with it buddy Jimmy I'm.
such a good move that even you stealing, my very essence by irene my own, identifying catchphrase can't give me down. Oh really, why is this? Are you kidding me? We got to the end and got donald. from any range, would tell, can you believe it? Yes, this is not shocking to me at all he's an attention whore and, as has built its brand and focusing on donald trump, since about two thousand and fifteen, I know it was all meant to be really at least that our fields in my heart You think this is bad timing, though having this town hall tonight a day after he lost his civil case for sexual assault on defamation. Are you fucking kidding, I'm sure it's me? yeah. Mario me right now, are you fucking kidding.
Jimmy. I realize you are I'm eating it, but I have no books You are fucking kidding yeah hilarious dog, but if not no, this is not bad timing. In fact you might say this could possibly be the best timing of anything that has ever happened. Okay, you made your point. Not only do we get trump, we get a freshly the scandal, trump
That's everybody's favorite trump, the people who hate trump hate them even more and sexual assault. It's too fucking perfect a, but with all due sympathy to miss kernel, of course, and people who love them, love them even more. When he's done some horrific shit, everybody will tune in, as, as I see, wait, everybody well all about meagre, at least ok, which, by the way, we are trying to grow or new boss is trying to court more conservative. Yours and I thought there were good. the slow, subtle changes So is everybody over? There is excited ass. You are about this, Jimmy everybody is over the moon over here. It's like cnn, first debutante.
Coming out as a perhaps slightly even more conservative news network Jimmy. We just feel so pray XO as see a damn good at this rule out the red carpet. Vermin, curate, only softball questions We know that would be a terrible strategy on our part. We have the lenient dumas just. We can so our existing audience of resistance lives approves but also our new conservative yours have watched the town trick them into saying, see, look The mainstream media treats donald trump while they're watching our falcon network gotcha. Are you moderating order? Ends in two per now came when Collins, who oh, oh, intrepid white house report. We just want to say Praise is here at cnn because we get the sense that were supposed to, but she would get into
with trump during its presidency. She certainly no shrinking violent. In a hard hitting journalists, kind away. Like to the meanest girl on the college, volleyball team kind of way, but it still words and Jimmy I'll. Tell you what what of the twenty one major pray easier, Is that relevant jake donald trump sitting there questions about being sued for sexual assault on national television by a woman that donald trump would trouble we like to sexually assaulted they'll, be swept like a cow and a butcher shop. So this is your big win just rate in viewer ship would also you could. Just that doubtless not had a drum town hall to begin with,
and live in a universe without a cnn, tromp town hall, I'd rather die. A thousand deaths. The final. Try of youth organisation such as everything we worked for real trunk, twenty twenty four baby c and I'm gonna be back on top. Well, I'm very happy. Bree jig thanks I gotta watch absolute suit yourself. It's gonna be armed anger, we I gotta go. I hear the scene and tailgate starting up already everyone. the studio watching, but its it it'll, be a real gold? Go home team kind of I'm in here poppy harlow made doubled eggs cooper decorated with something, and that we will not Chris cuomo back from now on
is bringing Yeager might start own journey from tells me. I just might finally lose vibrant unity. Didn't I gotta go sliding down the street and johnson media the chimney to show so you heard about trump right. So there is a simple case about sex. Well assault that he did apparently in the nineties. I heard the walls are closing in. That's always are closing in, and so he he has to pay her a net that they didn't say that he wrecked. So they said some map and they said sub. Some kind of sexual assault happened, but at he has to pay or
I got two million for that. Can you look up what his damage? Five million total five million total? He has to pay this one one for like defamation and then for some damages will get you the exact numbers in a second. But I don't. I don't really pay attention to this stuff right and I didn't pay attention to any of this stuff because it's the set. The euro there's bill Clinton with twenty two broader it there's Joe Biden with their tarried. Those everybody's got these things in their skulls in their closet m. This one seemed super suspicious. we back when it came out right web when it came out right, seem suspicious, but I sent us down. Chump must pay five million damages for sexually abusing magazine writer each jean kerala. Ninety nine days is that what you're looking yeah? That's it so five million theirs it. They split it up sums for the date for the pain and suffering in some as further, but that what and when I saw them
Yes, it's this guide, DC, train or treated out. Did you know that the statute of limitations for sexual assault in new york is typically five to seven years new york even as a twenty year period for civil claims of sexual assault, but that wasn't enough to get from jean curls claim. Go back to the mid nineties, so new york Mended the law Did they amended in twenty twenty two to provide unlimited statute of limitations for civil claims of sexual salt and provided a one year window where pre existing claims could be litigated. That's where jean carol comes in funded by a democrat activists chief filed her claim against trump in that limited window, and even a liberal new york jury wouldn't find trump liable for rape people paying attention?
know? What this truly is another political attack to try and harm trump before the two thousand and twenty four election, so they really did this, like. I couldn't blitz. So I checked it well. First of all give us this this person tweeted out, says they literally change the law for one year only from twenty four from twenty twenty two to twenty twenty three, allowing the statute of limitations to be suspended. just so. She could accuse him with zero evidence. and she goes on to say there can't be any of its thirty years old. There was no rape could done. There's no police getting evidence from the scene because no police reply Was made not even any people interviewed when it happened. All there is, is her story, it's thirty years too late to secure evidence. So there's no evidence. It was just her story in a civil gang while she I want, she still has the dress.
molly? Who is he kept the dress like tat? You do that, unlike that was her evidence to not be destroyed by them. A hot really happened right so drawn way. Well, do dna, wheel For dna not want to do it well, who watch this I'd like to make is that true, so I looked it up and because that I to an article on in there, it is formed, said statute of limit tissues from last year's statical limitations on sexual assault, eliminate for one year in new york. For one year, they did this. This did this, so they could exactly do this. drop, and I have to remind people everyone I'm no fan of trump, but people who aren't a fan of trump need to realize. that if anybody from the outside attack the establishment of Bernie sanders I'd, tell Bernie voters if Bernie sanders actually had the spine to grab power which he doesn't, but if he did this is what they would be doing to him stuff like this. They would be
passing laws and by, but that they already they already said he was a russian. They already said His followers read, they said he was a sexist. They set. His followers were sexist, misogynist and violent And they already did all the stuff there doing the job and they are so they did, and so that's so that's why this is wrong. So there I'm not no fan trump and everybody should, but you it's is what they're doing the last lawsuit they did to him was the exact same thing that that de in new york did the same thing. This is all because they are afraid that they can't beat donald trump at the ballot box, and this is so obvious, its mental go ahead. they all saying it. That's why they're all on board, for this bizarre, showed now the law, because you I hate there should be no statue limitations, never mind about with the reasons that we have, that shouldn't be only for that one year. Now we're going back to their is one that's right, so that the part where I can't like well just do it
global, I will so what's his voice. His voice would ever window. So here's what they say. It's what you want to see what the article says: here's what the article! The shit is because a me to write. So what I thought these are. Society's attitude has changed towards their. So now, there's people didn't ever come forward that now can come forward. Ok, great, and they will continue to be of no you, you read this one here this one year on a drill strange, so why only a year- well, that's great kurt, because now victims of decades old, sexual assault and finally, justice for a one year window and then not any more after that. wise and in no way suspicious I had all I guess I I guess I was a big command correct, so this is
at forbes says as a result of the, by the way have video coming up from this woman who did so sit around as a result of the eia say, services, the assault, whatever act Survivors will be provided a one year window, that's it so this that's true. I looked it up and then it's going spider. So after november of this year, you can't know that's what they're gonna put back in the statute limitations. In november, the dead it's over after we got trump on a civil, and so, but why was she able to get to court so quickly? Well, the a additionally grants trial preference Two such actions and directs the chief administrative, the courts to promulgated rules rule is that enable the revived actions to be adjudicated in it, so they did that so they passed the law written specifically to get donald trump right before the election, and they did it and then gave a trial preference as part of the law. This one
and they had to give it a try it should they had to put that in the law to that they had to speedily get this trial to court and lady besides this would have gone through. I wonder I will I wonder how many I've I've tried to find it. And find that number the measure is just the most recent. This is what forbes says that this is It says the measure is just the most recent action by the state of new york to give sexual abuse survivors some time to process. For determining the next course of action. This is. the latest measure and most recent action by the democratic and establishment to try to screw donald trump before he runs for office again because they know their so corrupt that People are still willing to vote for a game show host over there And candidates, because they know that the same they know. We have a unique party
they. Ve known this since nineteen ninety- and I think it's just now- it's over and the fact that people are willing to vote for a clown like trump because of the core situ cause the system is actually more corrupt than he is it yes, so they go on cnn this morning. I think this was this morning, earn her lawyer and. Her lawyer admits that she will instrumental in getting this law passed watch this. Can I end on something that I think is really important in all of this, and it's the fact that new york passed this law. The adult survivors act, the passengers it's a few years ago, were it not for that or yes last year, not just a few years ago, last year, and it's only for one year- it's almost over it's almost yet Jesus Christ never would have been able to bring this case, and I just think it speaks to the importance for a lot of other survivor.
He said this would never. I would never have window this year have the ability to bring a lawsuit or rape. Robbie can explain. or you can actually help to get that law passed it passed. Last year we filed It was thanks. Giving day was the first thing you could say we saw that from just after midnight I face giving. Do you file a lawsuit at midnight? I couldn t, do you do now? I gotta get a good luck, trundled glee, because the courts not open at midnight right your broom anywhere that this think that's why. ah so, but here she was so so now you what they did. Ah. Now now. You know that if they that that last guy that brad- those that was the day melvyn bragg album brag completely just concocted a case that everyone knew as a joke to try to prosecute donald trump to before,
We runs some bright and helpers, get him to help at some light and helpers come from this that justice department. We, we logged log that, on the show, we were the only showed a law that right away, and so they then pass a law that lets this lady sue donald trump for some that happen in the mid nineties, and there's zero evidence of it, but they I went to a civil court case, so they make it so she could go to a civil case and the juries are going to course they're going to side with the woman and they did anyway. I'm nuts I I don't know what happened you work well, hey drunk and they passed. This was special for one lady. I pass this loss fashion for this. Lady will do this out you're out, because I really That's what the reason why you know, because I've listened to her many times. Every time on my white. Is it an amazing about so the Democrats pass that law the ace that law them said you could do
Is it an amazing how much the Democrats care about sexual assault victims? I mean god I mean accept that. that accused Biden beyond What is it illegal? Oh this? The survivors can come forward. while also liars, which is what you called terror red right there. altera read a liar because of you. What I said to her reasons thing as a perfect victim, I don't what the hell you talking It's either you're a victim or you were not a victim. I don't care how perfect what is we will have to do with anything Democrats thought tat. They said tat. Reed was lying because she once made a neutral statement about Putin britisher. So we knew She was lying about that does sexual assault, rape from Joe Biden, so so here's so here here's a weird interview. Will here's what she says that terry was crazy. There, like, I said I'll cook, yeah oil as you did she kooky? Ok! Is she victim? You don't feel like a victim,
not thrown on the ground or ravished, which the boy rate carry so many sexual connotation. This was not. This was not sexual for just a hurt it just what it just you know it most people, think of rape as a eminent, a violent two does not. I think most people say that rape is being sexy. we're losing the fantasies and going to take a quick break. this is the gradual I went. I wasn't expecting and how to get a reload. Before I pull a don lemon and butler, I dunno what to her, what a home I got! So, what with what she says nexus crazier was. This will assist this way cut off driven by a plant never shut your fascinating to talk to her. I thought she was credible up until that date, with
up until she said that anderson cooper was fascinating, to talk to it, so it's cut off from the beginning. I think I she said I dont rape, she hasn't call. So what doing here. Why you talk well here? What just go? Well, so we're! Ok, the all the crazy Think they're, okay, what is older? Maybe she doesn't understand the politics of the fine. What do you mean you, because cause rape has a real it's kind. It also illegal wine that you might be very carefully trying to dance around for this cockamamie cases. What sounds like me. I don't know anybody about rape, decide not to call it that because wasn't sexy. Never heard anyone ever say that, even in like the most that, at the very least there was kind of a bizarre state won't sell, like you're tiptoeing around not want to commit to the bit and fully I mean what wasn't for on the floor. Anything you wasn't exactly. What is happening here is what you said to happen here, our planet, here's what she says happen. He went on lawrence odin thirty seconds he
himself up a guess who was one show? You know he's a large man that is our disease now, but he was six three at the time I was four in foreign she'll saw was a good six foot one and I was a competitive athlete well and so he's gonna have to struggle to do anything at his trial. kiss me again, which is just Do you know what at me laughing for a minute, but then I could push back, but the next day it was put his shoulder against me. and then his hand when I was worried a black the current coat dress and tight it was a work of a second to reach in, under my Donna carrots through my open and frank and through the director karan dress pull down my tight. That's for us. that's when my brain went on, that's when the adrenaline started and became,
he became a fight and it was it hurt. it was against my will, and it. I don't know where I got the strange is he was big, but I think I was stopping my foot. I have I handbag and this ok, I never put it down. I just unholy. I have no idea. The only reason I know I'm holding is because, when I got to the street I still had my hand so Somehow I got my nea and pushed him back. And the minute he backed up. I was at the door to what happened. Will Does she ever say the word herself like an in depth, and does she say right now, because if she's like. I wouldn't call it that, and she doesn't say it here. She only says the parts from the billy bush tape, but that doesn't sound like an a so it sounds like he might have did
Italy, yet with his fingers. Tat number is I'd when the rich. They learn. Your rooms, they let you I presume- and I do not see anything she say in and then nothing else so maybe in the court she goes and then I was raped by. Why don't we what are seen it. And it's weird to me to hear. I don't really call it that it was a fight, the what exactly happened. What is the case about, it seems suspicious or like the entire things tailored around that recording, and then you have. This law can believe her story hundred percent and still think that this case is should scare everybody cause. This is how the establishment take you down when they don't like you. This is what they're doing they passed a loss. Civically. So this woman, this woman, was involved in passing the law, so she could without the evidence which there is enough just word against him at do this kind of
and the jury found her credible and the jury found her sympathetic and I'm not saying I can't believe it. In fact, I do I'm I'm nuts, it doesn't even matter if I believe her, not that's what I'm saying it doesn't matter, I'm seeing the fact that they do it did the political. And legal shenanigans they did to make this happen should scare everybody. pass a certain laws of ngo after a political opponent. This is the exact thing they claimed. Trump would do to you. This is what they said. Trump would his political opponents. This is why they call him a fascist and dictator because he threatened to lock up his political opponents. Member What's a locker up labour, trying to lock this guy since he got elected they passing laws to do it right, and in guys from is justice department to the de aged office in new york, so they could come up with some cotton maybe story to try to get
on a felony, and everyone knows it's cockamamie and now there's this their literally pass a luxury for him. That is, if that doesn't scare you cause that's what they would do too Bernie sanders, that's what they would do to anybody see as an outsider, they don't mock, they don't care of mitt romney or dissent is or brow. obama, Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden as president doesn't matter to the people who really run the country. Apparently, it matters if trop becomes president apparent he's enough of a wrecking ball enough of an outsider that they'll do this. to him and they're doing it and that's why this concern everybody. I could find her completely credible. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter its end It should be scary to everybody anything. You want to save me was scary when they did at the johnny depp, like this nonsense, riot type frizzle the thing of a year. So we're gonna have this. You know because attitudes are different. If it's illegal do
It's illegal! Do that you, don't you don't you broke for one year were not observing you're right. Are you joking a thing were now I'm away or whatever have a marriage has I that cause, I'm a recurring member that I believe every word you say, you're, a real, detailed, unflinching. Someone was distance from a thing she talk about. I was a fight kind of and it was flirty and what every is she gave, is so crazy and not doesn't sound syria's at all and with the fact is being so pushed is like also read how they tore down and she was coherent yeah. Her story, maids kind of sense, and I understood what happened? I still don't know what they are. Happening the story I don't know what happened either. I certainly good concur that terror reed was very credible and she spoke clearly about the incident. What happened in there was actually the larry
king video that corroborated that she told anyway- and this sketch doesn't matter to me that that's just extra, but that that is that if you find her not credible that doesn't really matter, the laws was a protect against this do its best to protect my asda reno. This is really. This is really underhanded stuff there doing to their political. This is a political prosecution. They did it. Oh my god hey you know. here's another great way. You can help support the show. You should become a premium. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you Do it by going to jimmy Dore carbery company, that cop clicking joined premium and supports affordable previous programme in the business and its agreed, way to help. Put your thumb back in the eye. The bastards, thanks for everybody
It was already a premium member and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, I, Nobody is a very excited for our next to guess. Doktor J by the charter is a professor at Stanford university, medical school, very fringe medical school, when these outliers easy opposition, epidemiologists health, economist and public health policy expert, focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations, he was also one of the the authors of the great barrington declaration, which described an alternative approach to colbert polities policies, called focused protection that sought to protect the most vulnerable while avoiding or minutes. using the social harm of covert nineteen locked out approach, an approach that most people agree was the correct one now, but russ bring on doktor J by the true after he was answered for having that opinion and co authored the great barrington declaration, which actually
Well, that's what we're going to talk about today, we're going to talk about how we should have been doing it and because now everybody's backtracking I'll, let me walk. to the show doktor J furniture You have me Jimmy still better for you haven't, beyond all the all all through the pandemic, actually resembling cancelled grateful for priscilla. The wing not outlying fringe people like you could come on and provide me with the kind of medical caught confidence that the idea to do these doors. ok we're back and the reason why I wanted to have you on today's, because people are starting to backtrack people. We're pro downs, people who were pro masks, people who were prose We'll closures, people who pro mandates there. Now all running is far and his fast away from those policies as they can, although one is issued, any apologies to you haven't gotten an apology. Have you doctor national ones. I you know
What I really want is that these policies never come back. We have the cement that in place, These crazy anti ulysses, authoritarian things it didn't do any good for further for the poor for children for working class people, those just a crazy set of policies and the public hell did it to us that that would be the best form of apology. You know when you say public health. What do you mean by public health? Did it to us what is public health. so I'm thinking mostly about the official arms of public health. I mean that the the pandemic plan- that we had before there are things the people inside look I'll than those cdc. The world health organization have discussed for years and the pen I planned was something like the great britain. the notion that was the whole plant. That's how we dealt with the pandemic for a century that the wealth happens. Action at the beginning of this pandemic? Looked at china's said look, they lockdown stop the disease and they told the world to do the same thing. Tony fancies and a perfect example of what I mean.
They scare the living daylights out of people and they told me is bad signs to do it and it's it's one thing: if its political actor any politics I mean, I have heard people say crazy things all the time, but like public health, has an obligation to the people to to tell the truth, to look to think about vulnerable people, to think about children to think about poor people in what they do and say and have and always be clear about what the science truly says. I didn't do that and that has tremendous effects on what everyone else does I don't. I don't blame the public for going along these policies. They following leader, public health. Yes, what well the interesting thing is that
you. What you just said is they're all trying to not pretend that the science changed, even though before covert everyone is agreed on the sites that the way you do it is: u target the vulnerable and you protect them and that masks don't stop and airborne virus slice. Buzzy one like a corona viral. Everybody agreed on these things before at, but then one hold it happened and doktor found. She then used fear. Oh I know I've learned this through talking with doktor drew doktor, drew works side by side with doktor voucher during the age crisis, and he said the doktor found. She always preached. Fear fear. Fear you to scare people in doing the right thing to me. That's why? He did a lot of the things he did. A concluding flip flopping masks because because at first we're all form. It was all against mass, don't wear masks, said twice bs during covert and no you, but now we are being confronted, because now the studies have come out. The randomize controls trials that showed that the mass didn't make it difference in that was always ridiculous, but we all
these new this right there was never any data that said masks would help and now they're beacon, about it. So here is what she sat in the new york times interview. He said from a broad public health standpoint at the population level masks work at the margins may be too. percent, but for an individual who religiously, whereas a mask a well fitted K. Ninety five and ninety five, it's not at the margin Let does work so again, he still talking in a way that confuses you to think it works they? Don't that the what he advocated doesn't work, in fact, when he advocated cloth masked those never where did anything even if you worm correctly and so he's to use a lot of words that ends up with they. They really do work. That's the end! So he's too, I to mislead you again and he's lying, because there was never any data that showed we had. That masks would make a difference in this situation. There was never any data and guess what they're still isn't
and so are the americans. You know what's up if you, if you're american Jimmy it it did ill, protect you against getting kobe. Will he and so now, Erin Burnett confronts the current in general. About this she reads quote to him? And then she says this as work Do you see how some find this an extremely significant statement, because most of us. We were told it didn't matter. What kind of ask any mass biscuit? Our kids had to wear masks for an extra year and a half in school and none of them more than the right way that that hearing that may be- that he sang it, but the hearing that is upsetting to allow people. It's really understand that for many people who were listening closely to the messages that were coming, ruined guidance as to what to do when they recognize that sometimes guidance shifted and evolve over time. be disconcerting, and sometimes the guidance does evolve over time as you learn more and I thirdly, remember even though I was I was a private citizen the first year, the pandemic, but as watching closely ended,
we were learning a lot as a country about the pandemic and no guidance shifted accordingly, but look what I think that we ought to recognize. This pandemic has been incredibly guidance, did not shift because of science or data, especially one came to masks in her question is correct and he is lying and I can show that will of that he's lying because here's, what doktor found she and every doktor used to say before corona and the best way for me to prevent getting an infectious disease and having have you, as my doctor, is what wearing a mask now. No now you do that not somebody's. I can we are very sneezer cloth, walk away. You avoid all the paranoid aspects and do something positive a good diet being You don't smoke, I know I know you don't drink, at least not very much, so that's pretty good
get some exercise. I know that you don't get as much exercise as he shows Joe. What is it sounds like you're so that what they said before corona virus they will carry virus did hit. This is what he said again Now in the united states, people should not be walking around with mask you're sure Of course, people are listening really not closely to the right now people not be. Why does no reason to be walking around with a mask when you're in the middle of an outbreak Wearing a mask might make people feel a little better and it might even block a droplet but is providing the perfect protection that people think that it is an orphan thereof, unintended consequences will keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face and when you type your face. You have the virus on your fingers, see you're, probably more likely to infect yourself because you're wearing that stupid mask. So let me bring,
doktor J bought charge it. So he was telling the truth then, and there, doktor found? She then decided to scare they have. This is my theory. Is scared, the hell out of the country and say he even that he lied yeah we lied before and we told people not to wear masks because we were they would all go by the masks and we wouldn't have masks and how, for those for our hospital workers, that was the law he told them. The truth was this: that day never had data that masks worked. They still, have met data that they do and that? It is decided to lie to make everybody in a state of fear, so they would accept mandates and lockdowns. That's my theory. What do you say? A real doctor? First of all, actually right. He was telling the truth in that clip and he telling the truth in both of those clips. There was never any good evidence that mass worked too slow to stop the spread of a highly infectious respiratory virus.
Yup, good randomized evidence for the pandemic found no light was impossible. Finally set so Why did he do this like? Why switch that before? Get to that. I want to say one one other thing about the consequences of that for personal look out. Look If he's lying there, you hear he said he was lying in a second clear bright, yet so I have one more clipper. He admits that he was lying where he is. as the reason why we did. That was because we are afraid people wouldn't go on by mass, and we had to protect the fund to help workers that were on the front lines were in harm's way, so he basically admits that they lied and I I don't have that in here now, but I've showed that click to our audience a million times. So they know he's admitted that you have other things Could you tell it he's lying? I mean you know about matter. I mean it's, but I still have before me.
Are those clear. I'm like look at golf he's lying there, then that that guy should get an academy award, because that is a perfect lie and I couldn't tell well the reason is he's not lying. He lied when he said he was lying there. That's the irony, that's the layers of lying of the voucher and then and then what what consequences of A whole bunch me this guy is really was deadly for all people. He told me In effect, go where a mask. if you're all go where mass go expose yourself in public as you're you're protected at units. In that second life A lot of people are probably got covered that shouldn't should have been protected from covered thinking their protection. Because of that lie, wearing a mask would protect them. I think that, I was consequent in terms of actually exposing people to cope with. It should never been exposed. Let your especially older people and as far as like mass and fear, it definitely amplified. Fear, told everybody always serious pandemic, you better, take it seriously, and then that was that,
no question my mind. That was a part of the motivation. He was also if there's isn't a lead to it, because you know, if you, if you people, they really really scared. She really really scared, and now you give them some talisman. You can do something. You have something some visible thing: you can do it as reassure as you at the same time it it it. It reinforces the fear and it kept the pandemic going. Yes, yes, it kept the pandemic. We and I know people who consider themselves staunch lefties, who have blocked me on twitter for just tweeting at them. The facts about masks and they they call you a genocide or they call me all. Finally, cultural genocide. I guess they or are you genesis? That's it! Oh dear god, yes, I mean I had to look that up and- and I quickly forgot what it meant, but it got something to do with me wanting people to die. Do you think the thing cause? I know the old meyer, how china was handling it? Yes, you know, and when I tell you I went to china or you know, bird flu and all that. It happened back so I went twain sixteen theirs.
Some people are always just wear masks there. Yet I will you just there. and I remember being a whole tangent, but this really looks like the futile high tech abuser may have before the mass thing even and is at him looking at you, while china controls them very well with the masks it. Maybe that's what there's no doubt in my mind, fogey advocated mass, because he knew it would scare the hell out of people and it would make people go along with mandates and locked down than anything else. If they wanted to do and of the lot don't work. again, he either that now he's pretending he didn't advocate for lockdown. Will we video of him saying he did aggregate provoked out, so they these I did every which way about this, and if there is anybody who should be in prison right now, it's doctor, FAO, chi and because there is even even this guy right who gets lot of stuff rockets a lot of stuff right this I says many may not know that science never changed found. She told the truth. The first time on sixty minutes. He lied the second time about cloth mask because trump didn't do it. Academics head do and couldn't
the literature. It always was negative. As this cochrane study, that's the biggest randomize control studied at. Could we take that here he says again getting goes. Let me be clear: the science did not change public health experts just started lying. while she and here's the thing I want to ask you so fao, cheek control the end I d budget, he could have. On ten random controlled trials. Studies of masking different masks different ages. Different settings. He chose to run zero in study, one Tv a thousand times and lied about effectiveness of cloth mass, the first time on sixty minutes. He told the truth. The rest were actually lies so why didn't you? What do you think he didn't run any randomize controlled trials? I know why, but I still had you tell people why you think he did it there it The dozen ran my studies before the pandemic, there's one hour jimmy where they are for the flu. The check to see the stop them
They ve been they randomized people on the muslim hodge you're. What one tat has mass randomize, one other tat had no mass, not not really comply but like but there was no difference in the blue spreading in the map in the mass tenderly on red and the non mass tat. We knew for the pandemic, that there was no good evidence. The population masking works was to run another randomized trial. He would have found the same thing and eventually there were randomized trials like in bangladesh. There was one there's one in like denmark and one in burkina faso. All all three found is all lost no either zero were almost no no effective masking or it should be clear, fail to detect ineffective mascot. if he'd run ten randomized trials, you would have found the same answer: we've always found with population masking randomized trials that doesn't work because people don't like wearing them. It's not possible, and you know you wear them and they have like whole like if you know, if you you have glasses jimmy, I'm sure you are but if you weren't your glasses, forgotten, that's virus spreading up that because the butt head just so like I just
I understand that it is needed Then I'll write you they, which is lying there there. It's actually lying just end up talking about evidence in a way that that they have a professional osborne, not to talk about, and could I do So I would like to make the point that lets let's say that a mask somehow slowed the spread of coronavirus or anybody. Say, let's say somehow it did, it would slow. All you're doing is temporarily may be delaying the inevitable because june of twenty twenty one. There's the colleagues are appointed by Joe Biden, Andy slab, it said everybody's gonna get covert, that's how infectious that's back when it was delta. That's me or was even corona virus. I mean before was even call what is called, though overcrowded with. Way more contagious than delta, but even when it was delta, the head of the desire for recourse record a virus from Joe Biden said: everybody's gonna get it so why?
They still keep pushing mask of everybody's gonna, get it the best you're doing. Even in that situation, the best you're doing is delaying the inevitable. Aren't you yeah? That's exactly right access credit one thing is that wearily which earlier about the politics of this in the? U s It became just like left right divide. Yes, if you walk around you seek gave you wearing a mask or probably a Democrat, it's crazy that something like this would ever become a polit. you're in Sweden that the source of the swedish socialist I sort of them? The government didn't recommend mass. Because they are following an honest public health agency and so kids went to. Cool normal in spring of twenty twenty without mass in sweden under sixty, not just regular school at its meeting. This is the kind of they were among the outcomes of that no He had died in spring or twenty twenty and the envelope teacher
had lower rates of Cobain than the other average or other workers in the population. Its so I just use one of these things where, like the science is very clear, it will as soon as public health becomes politicized in this way. You know something's gone deeply wrong and you can blame it on the right. Fine, I mean yeah trump, you who I know it just keep. He would meet truck carol mistakes. Bullets, with everything, but you also blame it on the left each act. Actually you really have to blame it on either. Actually I fundamentally blame it on american public health they'd, allied they politicized things and, as a result, divided the population in ways that its irresponsible for someone to public health to do you know how they didn't do the tests on the effect lives of basing our budget was. Studies they did do is the effectiveness of linking it to political party that campaign about they got all kinds of ideas. As studies on the air, they got data, how to divide people and make people's so so that saw that that
At least cnn is pushing back against the, but they're always going to say the science changed. The science didn't change there was never any science. That said masking stop and airborne virus that never never. energy is science doing so he s body, and so now here's one more part of her simple, crazy science. That's not real They were saying when the vaccine rolled out that it stop transmission. It stopped contraction. You didn't spread an end. If you got sick and you were vaccinated, you didn't read it please you're gonna where mask soap but an end and that's what The cdc director will lenski told congress back in April of two thousand twenty one that the that the virus stops. It. Let me the vaccine stops it and that the people who are infected, if your vaccinated, you don't pass it on, and so she was
I heard about that recently in congress and she the congress again director will escape in march twenty twenty one and MSNBC you stated quote: vaccinated people do not carry the virus, they don't get sick. Your member making that statement a gap. After that. I do well. I remember such statements. I don't know if I remember that one's okay was that statement correct at the time it was. It was a wild type. Okay, so she it wasn't correct at the time and she knew it was incorrect at the time. But I'll. Show you how we know in a second, but here we go a virus that we it was even before the alpha variant. It was the initial while type virus and all the data at the time suggested that people who were vaccinated, even if they got sick, couldn't transportation. someone else or is that statement still correct. Well, so we ve had an evolution of science and evolution of the virus. We have since that, while type buyers had the alpha variant, the delta variant. Now, the we can't variant and numerous sub areas since that,
statement is no longer correct. With the armor comes out there, We have right now. Ok, that she's lying again How would that be an evolution of size is the same in this technique. The whole die right, it's not an hour's could evolve and exactly right, Here's how we know she's lying the virus did evolve so this Kelly. Cotter, she says: look like linsky lied to congress yet again her stay. It's on man I'll show from march twenty nine twenty twenty one that vaccinated people do not carry the virus were walked back just three days later by the cdc spokesperson stated, the evidence is unclear, Then she shows you the article from cnn, where this happened so we'll be bringin. to judge by the charter. So why did she get away while she was lying, correct and correct me if I'm wrong and that that's not a mistake. She liked twice now and at least- and what do you say to it?
okay. So let's, let's try to be as charitable as you possibly can in march, at twenty twenty one. She had no evidence at all indicating that the back of the the vaccine stopped you from getting covered, or spinning the randomize trials in december, twenty twenty we're not tested for transmission walking and we're not tested for upward for prevention of infection. Just symptomatic infection is different thing. All infection, so anime ended march, twenty twenty one! No new evidence had been developed to allow her to say confidently on tv that if you get the vaccine you will it stop you from getting infected and stop her from transmitting the virus was that was a lie in on cnn, because let the very least it was an overstatement of the vast overstating what the evidence that the in congress, which I guess that clippers just rebels The recent that's a lie when she described what her of state of mind and Marty twenty twenty one that could not possibly be.
A state of mind because the evidence and say that in march, when that's right, that's exactly right. There there was no again just like with masks nothing and there was nothing saying that at the beginning, in fact reason why I know she was lying when she said that in march of twenty twenty one on rachel motto was because adviser executive, it to a politician in the, european union at a hearing at that they never even tested it to see if it stopped transmission. So she didn't have they dont have their dad. She didn't have the data just like you said she was We can then up and now she's saying it was true then, but it's not true now, because of the virus mutating those arms lying in three different ways right there, Worse actor, then, then, out you have found great actor, yeah yeah! Let me see what else we got here for you. Ok,
so now she's resigned, wollensky has resigned. I want to do another segment and show you all the lies. She's lied so much just through co wrote just through covert. I mean just about covert. I can't even if I'm sure, if I looked in any other thing that she's been ahead of it, the cdc besides gorbachev's lied about that, I'm sure up and down left and right, like they all do, because we have co corporate capture, regulatory capture of our agents. that's exactly what it's like: she's, a spot, she's, a pr person for pfizer and modernity injunction johnson, instead of looking out for the people, that's what vouches! That's what the head of the the areas who goes right from the FDA right to the board, I'm pfizer and vice versa, and that's what we're linsky is So I wonder where her job's going to be and how much money she's going to get she she just resigned on friday. She did friday right because she's a politician, if you're going, is there anyway. So anything else you like say about wollensky. There I mean
He has gotten so much science wrong. It's almost I it's it's! It's really. It's been again consequential them the worst thing that she's done Jimmy is a cheap. She worked to make sure club schools stayed closed in twenty twenty one and a generation of young people who care especially minority, kids and poor kids were denied a real imprisoned education because she did not live up to our responsibilities as directive. You see to tell the american public that schools? It was a vital public health interests that schools open for in person instruction for every child and, as a result, a lot of kids are going to face, but a lifetime of of worse health worse at lower income, a lower life expectancies. That is the legacy this. The of her tenure as cdc director, Julie, I'm starting suspects, suspect. Never even look at me studies,
to say that, of course, that the vaccines are safe and effective. Kurt well. You know that and they will keep you from getting seriously ill. Hospitalized and whatever said here the FDA right and they give you most important thing of all. No one knew better than other people. Yet right hey this is Jimmy who's. This carriers president. Why? Ah he, MR president, how are you Jimmy I'm doing? Stellar our twenty twenty four campaign is off to a banging start. We're gonna make me to term or if we have to check me with some on godly cocktail Keep me alive and vaguely lucid well beyond what would have been natural. It sounds great depression So what are you making camp? Are you making campaign stops
two busier here and wash june as debt ceiling thing at some point: so just going- have to explain all that, but no shopping, even better. The announcement of a twenty twenty four campaign advisory- board a campaign advisory board that saying what we We assembled who the credit, bodied movers and shakers to make sure thing is done right and what will they do exactly jimmy? They? Will I am steer. The campaign reach out to vote. Donors shrugged country, but so far there Ve done something extraordinary. They were. he's too stupid all fuckin video on social? Really just Jerome shaded there aren t Biden urgings one.
Of which sunglasses on in a cool way. Why won't guy support, will support jimmy. Did you meet your murderers roles? Toyota, first, have you got? corbett, sure I know not, judge brought always get the job join dealings, What's with knives joint statement, youngsters and other things, I care but not because I am she now, because they are not memorable held and that we are called booker he's dirty rosaria dodged, sir choice. Judea women hang around a campaign and guess what elizabeth worn to she will underscore the deep committed geography, this campaign and also-
security native american is so far These names are people who ran against you, the democratic primaries and twenty twenty a shrine jolly good. You have people advise your campaign who they themselves ray shashank, who think that where they give, you advice, you don't like you get to say what the fuck do. You know anyway, you came in dead last in iowa, makes sense, makes sense. Also we got governor eddie, pritzker, villain and jimmy? I could be about that. One now is our heavy yeah. He will keep people in line if we did intimidation or god forbid thread said. Big boy will know what to do, and no questions asked at Chicago me. She change him out real old school bruisers and also governor gave a notion of california reign was route. How
As long as wealthy women find you attractive, you can still be considered a successful politician, even though you're at the helm of a failed state see and best of all Jimmy I'm heading up thing: the head hardship, no friend, Nancy, Pelosi's, yeah, it charge when you a new or younger blood to be staring this boat. How do I understand what you mean jimmy thesis, jimmy european aid, star. You know now. Man I love it. I get to shame and scold people about one of these six, so much fun as problematic ages, yeah, but yeah, She controls all donors and we do so. We went over again. Mr prez.
an observatory, but she is employee to old. Why didn't you just go a diet finds day. Well yeah, but you know, I'm not sure she's young, I take to die Hold on I'm get another called it hey. This is Jimmy. Your show sen, chuck Schumer of new york. Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing, but I heard senator Feinstein mentioned. I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that diane is back up at the hill and she's doing just fine. I spoke earlier today and boy. I tell you what she is just its feisty and turkey as ever. Really That's great news shock, it sure is, like I told you, orders she is wearing D, go just in vinegar, gyp chap and around in a wheelchair or capital at their job,
another way. I'd tell you there's a mad, on the loose we're not actually out of a mind very lucid. You know heard, she's already with some votes today Can you assure us that she'll be at the judiciary committee hearing to borrow her vote is needed to confirm several justice enough jimmy I'm happy say that I can say with absolute certainty that senator Feinstein will be doing just fine and she d it's fine and up to the task of governing and representing the people of the great state of California. Oh I'm so happy senator. He just dodged. My questions, like you, dodged, reporters' questions about this very topic today. oh yeah, sure you're hurt him I answered anyway. I just wanted to pop in and say that dying doing fantastic generic drug door, damping yeah
out of it. What is this oligarchy of the elderly gotta Ed? This is getting ridiculous. It's an open secret that senator Feinstein is unable to perform their duties good, why don't you keep your mouth shut? what are you guys arguing about nothing Joe they may be time for you to yeah good idea, actually our job. You bought out later, ok, twenty twenty four Listen you little shit word for better or for worse, double down on the old. Both parties have there's nothing to be done about it now, so we had to do what we have to do Only old people have money anymore. We need them as donors and they're not gonna die
to some young park who doesn't know how glad milly was not down and let us say, guides and I guess I'll just enjoy watching. I can't wait until I'm a scene sitting. Senator hey become a premium member gotta, jimmied origami dotcom sign up it's the most affordable premium programme of the business. Don't don't bring all the voices today, our by the one and only the inimitable mike MC grey. He can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com. That's it for this week. You be the best. You can be. I'll keep me in me.
Don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't got down tat, you do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.