« The Jimmy Dore Show

Trump Never “Lunged” For Steering Wheel Say Secret Service

2022-07-01 | 🔗

Despite the testimony of former White House aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, the Secret Service says Trump never "lunged" for the steering wheel on January 6. 

Plus a segment on a secret and undercover force created by the Pentagon and tasked with manipulating and influencing social media sites in order to spread Amercian propaganda.

Featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Anya Parampil and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Al Pacino and Hillary Supporter!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
John I third were doing a live show in los angeles, and there were going to chicago Sacramento san diego bakersfield, see their go to Jimmy Dore, commie dot com for a link for all our tickets, I hey, Jimmy who's, this, Are you sure, now. What's on your mind, anybody tell you what's, on my mind, political thought that I had about politics that I came up with I share that. I thought you would enjoy. Oh yeah. Why would then, based on yesterday, rational, donald trump, your words baby boy. They finally got to smoking, gun top goin
EL I hate bregetio, but I really doubt it yeah. There's bed smoking gun after smoking. God sends the call me testimony and what was russia, gay or january six they're, not gonna get a bit. It would happen by now, I'm sorry. but yeah, hell or or or or or or or catch up, or what about ketchup to me that you know what the fuck on. Yeah. If your garage up against a and if the white house, you can't do that, if a waste of food first of all had a good man. I ever saw aside impeached above myself a day that march subsided tell you I'll, but
pretty sure that was the first temper tantrum ever thrown in the white house, if need be Sir John Quincy Adams shock at a time. Get up the butler, no worry Gerald ford, swanton stevie dinner, like a free spirits, rose garden gestation wooden, and for I read if that's all you got, I I the drugs trouble that Alec trying to drive dropped back to the white house. Is propaganda. Debate oliver maidens bedroom with some. Should it trying to grab the wheel from the secret service agent and go to the riot theirs.
ok, yeah zoo the only thing ass the day before congress Why she there why she's the one who witnessed it, I'll help you out. No, that subsidy, she heard happened in a court, that's called hearsay and it's not admissible. She didn't see it where they wanted a secret service, guys to say it happened. If they can father take this secret day well eldest out and see
good service has said that this did not happen. Yeah away yeah yeah. I know the sacred services and lie and what really know about those guys anyway, always with those fishy sunglasses and trotting besides slow moving vehicles, you'll, never trust a trotter. I learned that his kid does that. So that's what we do. We just cherry pick whose languages are preferred version of the truth comes out. Well, I'm gonna trust us auctions, its chastity hutchinson trust
look here so brave such a brave american dick at a pretty easy on the eyes of the law. Still a brave american trust tractor telling us rumours that she heard that we want to hear too. The best America's offer shooters water server country by hidden for ted crews by doing We then she could get in trouble white house, then winning the trust of those ghouls so swiftly that she moved up the rigs too position of influence within the trump whitehouse. Yes, what a selfless good person. She must be She has no
credibility I'll sorry, they will not get trump start her testimony catch up or no catch up, they're not done all they deborah our day. Testimony either thirty seven stagnant, maybe try. a door before the car was whatever, I'm hope and sometimes hope, as our your cat. Ok I'll ottawa, to take your oh boy for your by. I do I it'll be happy. Just don't expect me to agree with you on this okay, fair enough, but at least you and I can agree on one thing- that getting donald trump is the most orton thing in the world right now? No, I don't
so yeah, I gotta go lie down the guy, the stop sliding down the street and jobs. The media. Some had the chance to show a palace with, as she's a journalist base in Washington dc at a contributed to the grey zone, produce reported several documentaries, including at the ground report, from the korean peninsula, Palestine that is whaler and honduras. Please welcome on europe, impel hello. How are you a current, hey jimmy good, to see?
You step laissez, allow a lie. I gazed up is also growing out of it, I saw in l a was any indication. The special is going to be great, though that's very sweet, yes, it. That was an indication. It was an indication, The union can you come along. I shouldn't Cameron's, though every night, oh yeah, yeah yeah, there you go yeah, we'll get you girl. How can I get stay close to the camera you're? So smart thinking? Okay, so do you Ask me if I was gonna cover the night came with it. What's the ladys name, that did the testimony city hutchinson, that's it! Should you texted me they should get a cobra matthew s name did now. We are we. I wasn't When I went to the comedy club burbank less over a flap rosy and there people talk about this like hated, you see,
at testimony for the ticket like knight, will follow the january signalling. How could you not follow that up like cause? It's all bullshit and they're like no his own double blast said that he was choking his own driver and so I'd. So I looked into this so I wouldn't I together video of that woman's testimony and what's her name, chastity chastity, that would be hutchinson ass, ye hutchinson, chastity hutchinson? I thought it was interesting. They had a commercial that ran in front of it and, of course, Just remind my g in america, because everything is sponsored by live from Washington dc the on monday, delightful four sponsored by the by company and american. That's right, yeah, that's right budget! the good people at bowing to make fireworks yeah, I bet.
I would like to go where else with the united states of america get the money for a fireworks show unless it was sponsored by the good people of boeing. Iser goes I propagated. visor or that the ukraine money at work, So so here we go. So let's watch this this testimony change is just chairing this. She sped task. I think, he should be president. I think she should be president and she's protocol, which is Would it make you need to be you gotta, whispering it? You gotta, be pro torture. If you're gonna be present. Oh here's, what she said happened right. Here's what she said happen here. We go. There is the president's motorcade leaving the lips after his speech. Was your president's he's, leaving lifespan speeded up go ahead, go faster, so there's the present he's leaving- and I listened to the story cassidy hundreds, it's gonna tell about what has it when you were too?
to the white house in the motorcade after the president's speech, where did you go? When I returned to the white house, I walked observers towards the cheapest. Office they notice, Mr Otto lingering outside of the office once we have made, I contacted quickly wave me too, went to his office, which is just across the hall from mine I went in, he shut the door. I noticed Bobby angle who's that had it when she said that I I don't know from Matt lauer moment a me to moment. He has a good. Shut the doors I go now you heard about numbers, dusk, the term security detail sitting in a terms looking somewhat disconcerted, violated in little lost. I looked at her name, he had said: did you acting here? I've been in the bees, but not only just got back why you wanna be believed that the presidential limo by the way
yeah so she says: did you effing hear what you have to put effing it like? Who cares if he swore me? I know a thing you, what happened? Did you have a letter? What happened in the beasts for Moreover, as the more does the money go, you very, very very good way to put it across the yes she's, very breathy, with her speech right. Ok, we got what happened. What happened Turning to tell me that, when the president gotten the bees. Here's another russia, two matters that we offer: rapid movement of capital with so possible unlikely. Happen that body had more information so, as the present had gotten into the vehicle with body, he thought that they're going up capital and when Bobby had relate to him or not, the assets to do it. It's not secure we're going back. So the west wing.
The president had very strong, very angry response to that. She starts smiling. Would she said I mean just look on her face. Why smiling, which he heard it made them and on the kurds, finished behaving like she's tying the true no choice. she seems like an actress. She seems like she's, Acting a hundred per cent of that that's an insult. You know I watch some of those american crime story shows where they do. The dramatic court scenes the wrong act like that those people do much better that there is no shows do much about her, so here we go she's got more to say you gonna tell you what happened the president. Did she go? and she's looking down to the left, which some people say is aside. She's lying honey described him is being I read. The present system into effective I'm here. president taking us capital now touch
responded, sir. We have to go back. The west wing present reached up towards the fun of it You got a crab at the steering wheel, MR angle, grabbed his arm. Sir, you take your head off the steering wheel, we're going back to the west wing, we're not going to the kapital. Mr trump used his free hand to lunch towards Bobby angle and listen. When this renate had recounted the stories me hid motion towards his closet goals, Clever calls and was your angle. In the room, and you told you this story. You right, what have you got off my clavichord skies but buzz My client all calls all god damn they want. You saw guts glamour go. I got something for you about some classical
It's a boy right air. What's that by climate home remoter, he he locked. He pressed the button and locked his dressing room door. Ocean toward his classical it MR angle, correct order. three, with any part of the story from MR arnotto MR angle, did cracks or disagree with any part of the story. He did not mr angle or MR arnotto ever I'll tell you that what MR arnotto had just said was untrue. neither miss or not- nor mr angle known for me ever that it was untrue, so they told her this. So by the way, This is her task, she's testa much. that giving you I witness testimony he's just you a story. She heard from someone else and it's that accurate,
is that ever the standard for witness testimony of this is what My friend told me that you almost delegations, fried same thing with elon musk, it was not the girl who was allegedly sexually rest by him, but a friend of the woman who was sexually harassed by him and that that's that credible. Nor is this this that credible. Why? Because she's not giving you, I wouldn't his testimony, she's telling you a story. Someone else told her and now, by the way, those people that told her that story are disagree. With her version of it. So I hope so here we go us into more usa. Some guy does wind and say Are you telling me that nobody reached for the guy's classical the hoodie? are you sure, daily positive. so that's it to that was the end of it, so that was that so that yet the parliament to play right now, but so she's
So there will be saying that I got in the comedy club less I people are beaming. Did you see that that's very busy see that that- and this is what they are referring to? This is the bombshell. This is called hearsay. Gossip is a bomb shell was not glass up or eared, say today is an aberration. That is good as evidence. Now I guess that's what they were their work, make it means about it? There were It was, of course, he's got the ukraine flag colours and their make it a meme about it that had never never happened. Why? would never happened because the ever asked the secret service side of the story? The committee, the january eggs committee they her to tell a story she heard from a secret service burden, but they never contacted secret service person, why do you
I think that is I'll. Tell you why, because it's a bullshit what's that? How is that a proper committee you'd think if you'd collect testimony from someone that second hand, the proper next step would be to say. Okay, now, I'm going to in a way that first, then, why would you want to interview the secret service on you when you have a young lady who grabs her neck, who suffer and blinks alot I mean is it that does it that's it. Credibility, a capacity hutchinson Cassidy Hutchinson, also peter alexander, by the way he's the big shara. Why does reporter firma then bc news? He tweeted out this us was close to the secret service. Tells me both by be angle, the lead agent the presidential limousine as you ve driver, are prepared to testify. under oath. Neither man was assaulted and that MR trump never lunged for the steering wheel and then
sturdy that says so basically January six committee has nothing our trump. Yes, yes,. Well, even if they do, I believe, all women. So I believe her right. Don't you believe her by the way here. It is a secret service agent, reportedly willing to testified trump did not lunch at him. So seeing your secret service agents are reported prepared to testify that donald trump did not lie. Funds for the wheel of his vehicle or physically attacked the chief, a visit dirty detail after his speech nor the white house in January six as a force. My aim said he did in sworn testimony on tuesday, so ingle told investigators that here
tromp discussed trumps desire to go to the capital and took different views on the top big angled noted that they went back to the white house instead, of heading two capitol hill boy, it's. all the framing? Isn't it because the guy who actually was their says. They just said they discuss different views on the topic, and julie? They landed on heading back to the capitol hill. I've been white house. Instead, a gap royal that A totally different story than Woman just told that's a completely different story: isn't it that's the guy. She claims told the story. This guy says don't be so this guy's, a law professor, he says, don't be distracted by claims of hearsay that goes to whether evidence can be admitted in court? Not in congress yeah? We don't have any standards, and progress. They listen to what he says. Next, though
The key is that hutchinson testified under oath. If was lying. She faces felony charges the same, can't be said for those trying to discredit her testimony, she was lying because the guy said keep brick and didn't do that and their will. To testify shown how can have them does, if I put and no not yet they disorder have those guys testify so they're, not gonna prosecutor. Even though she's lying. is it that wild, who, who first of all, tell somebody else's story? The way she told that story as if she was going step by step. It an eyewitness accounts. Yes, I entered the left. He proceeded to tell me the story that he had heard did. I went to the left and that he's too,
do tell me a story, and then the girl and boy explains why she was so unconvincing. Yeah was glad and it looked like she was trying to remember- lie in sheep laughing. She was. She was trying not to laugh at her own performance. Because she wasn't telling a first hand account. So bad in authenticity was on full display dressed in her in her body language. but you I mean if I were a boy, I'm not. I didn't go to law school buddy. I'm pretty sure that if I were building a case I would never try to submit evidence based on second hand testimony yeah, I think you're all ignoring the fact that she did goose specific details like the classical, but she did say it will have a call, and she said the trump said. F in everything gotta check this the secret service guy for geographical worthy, but tell us what to do
this decision, I shall say no chagos. Did he at this point? Disagree with the thing that the individual now he did not disagree with them, it just now you go no. Ah, I like these has dont be distracted. by the claims of hearsay. It's like they dont, be distracted by the fact that juicy gossip isn't it. Actually evidence, don't let that distract you What are you one of those nerds knit pick science mistakes in star wars are technically no sound in space shut up and enjoy the show aromatic got this He tweets are peter alexander, saying that the secret service people are prepared to contradict that woman's. Testimony, and he says having russia gave bombshell. Flashbacks again. As I said, this was a bombshell that that woman's testimony- it's not
secrets- are well go in its very similar to how throughout russia we would wake up one morning and suddenly had been like colonel benjamin, yes and ambassador yatta coverage like all these people that nobody, nobody ever heard of before yeah no, but suddenly they were like. Oh my goodness, these are the most important, it's very similar to that. Where suddenly I I I wasn't even paying attention to the news cycle, I just was hearing hasty hudgens and cathy hutchinson, and it was the same. It was this. It was yeah air It was a flashback to that. Yeah right, you trauma yeah, it's like bombshell, and then you just look at it for five seconds and you see all the cracks in their story and it's no evidence and that's exactly What happened here? It's a big gushes, it's a big juicy story and then, as soon as you look at it, it falls apart does nothing to it and there's no evidence era tat, but he would he connects to hear so. He shows this. This is the bunking the bombshell and then here's mockery see now repeating it. So this is because air,
used to work at democracy now and aaron. It specify especially acute the pain he feels when he sees democracy. Now being so, shit and Amy goodman and democracy now has been bent on this reporting foreign policy as hard as they possibly can and stuff like this So if it has anything to do with trump, democracy now was gonna on purpose mislead, their own viewers, which is what they did with russia gate which, though, what they did with Syria and Amy goodman and democracy now only than ever in monterrey on that's how bad so they vague somehow compromised over at democracy now and you, you decide how hooked, which donor did it, but this is our again and he's pointing it out and when tip of the had to aromatic list, janey the case for prosecutes, donald trump, just got not stronger.
So she's already tweeting out? There's already got these campaigning for presidency She do it's doing for maintaining the case for prosecuting donald trump, just got much stronger, yeah do test about Ebay. I produced a smoking, god may have it may not. through able read your big trail. as we heard yesterday, whitehouse council, pat chip bellini, had significant cuts. Birds are trumps january. Six activities it's time for mr chip aloni to testify on the record, any concerns he has about the institutional interests of his prior office are out wade by the need for his to body? Now? Let me ask you this obvious: is she suggesting that his lawyer? testify against trump. Is that would she sang whitehouse council, so that would mean a guy who was acting as a lawyer for trump. She,
it's him to come testify again His client is that what are you saying- which I don't think How do you do that illegal exact law? Apparently, standards are different in congress. I assume that inquiry are actually not allowed to do that, but, as they also don't be distracted by rational thoughts and questions about the one she sailor. Doom mood because of this story that those to the woods room chairperson, I have a gas hassling does reach shippers. Is this right and not others and say one or the other? It's happening to us names? Okay, so why would they when they get those guys in the story had not his lawyer like or is this a separate thing they want the way to talk. This isn't just probably a separate thing. They want the lawyer talk about ok, I thought that was outrageous- that she wants his former lawyer? I thought there was cried. I was crazy and you can
Could you could hear enlist chinese boys that her fathers, the timber of her father, advocating for torture? You can hear back, that's what's so funny or about this. It's it's going full circle. When we are talking about line the congress under oath or lying under oath. To before the united, I mean that that was the. That was the way that the bush administration sold us war in Iraq. You can imagine Colin Powell standing there with his weapons of mass destruction and crate and claiming that
This was definitive proof that we needed to go to war in iraq, and now you have the span of that administration was trainee carrying on this legacy of political, peter kind of just design to, in this case, to strike the public, but also behind. It is, of course this. That's the same. It is very it's exactly an extension of the russia game hearings all designed what to do with you tonight his trump and cast him as some anomaly within the eu as state he somehow very evil and opposed to live our grand tradition of american exceptionalism the irony of list cheney trying to get a former present thrown in jail. Who isn't her father is the the irony is not lost on me that her fathers up did a much
the war criminal than donald trump and just criminal period he's? Having said that, this is all has like Jamie had her ground. So he could do it get out on her and put it. You know she will one day house. His wicked spirit, like I'm not following what you're saying: what do you say he could get out? Was europe with a transplant? The breeds like she's gonna, just be the vessel for Jamie's brain. Am alive, ok, I did see that movie is african peel guy yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so watch this So now she tells this story already to get you ready for this story. Watch this or wait hang on. Why isn't it working? Oh wait Oh, but why have one we're sorry it's all, but before we get to that, there was also some caution: firstly, over eight near testimony, she said that she had made a hand written note. I didn't see added watch this, but this is what the
the controversy about it, because I was really get up- and I read this- it said the hen written note that Cassidy Hutchinson testified was written by her, was in act written by iraq hersman on january, six set a spokesman for hersman sources with direct knowledge and law enforcement have have and will confirm, that it was written by Mr Herman. So I guess she told some big story about how she had some hand written note and turns out. That's not true, either the note I try not to laugh. I know it said sitting you're a chair. She got her notes which, with the item, so this is what their responses. While we understand that she had MR hersman may have diff this is I mean that committee's response? While we understand that she and mister hersman may have differing recollections of who wrote the notes
That's all I know she's lying guidelines. People have differ, wrangled legend or something you need not everybody's perspective is real yeah italy's somebody and lying, I wrote I rule owner truth. Is I wrote down that note or someone else did I'm not sure what Well, you remember your way away and I'll remember my let's just agree to disagree on who wrote the now, and here's one more here's one more goofy thing she says ready after mark had returned. I left the office and went down to the dining room and I noticed that the door popped open in the valley was inside the dining room. Changing the tablecloth off at the dining room table. Emotion for me to come in and then pointed towards the front of the room near the fireplace mantel on the tv where I first status or as hatchet dripping down the wall and there's a shattered porcelain plate on the floor.
Ah, ah, the valet had articulated that the president was streaming hungary at the attorney general's eighty interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall, which was causing doktor cleanup sire you grabbed towns will hardly an end up who talks like that? Nobody looks like that. Nobody would tell a story. about something that happened to them. I many his inferno she's tour of all the years ways of the broken place was on the walls. Then I was ushered into another room and I saw in the next round my side. And then I heard Donald trump slam. The door
These latter door clean on one hand I connect. I could believe that people who reach this level and government are that weird, but no really that's just you don't talk like that. That's not the way. Tell story will at this distance just the way she talks is. Is us room, mister woodhouse super lowell. Places for. I don't know why she has this tim she's a vulgar round. She, yes, yes, vocal fry you're right is definitely cod. As you said, it's very it's very as them are or were like it's true she's, trying to just instill confidence and comfort, but in a very forced way, like in an auto tuned way. She's just she can be genuine. I mean, can you imagine if that story of any of these stories were real name happened to her and you had the chance to sit down and tell the story like what
it'll be optional an animated thing. She doesn't talk like that. That's what she's wearing seeing it, but you notice. How is she's wearing white? Also right! So that's conscious! This is a bliss, that's a conscious thing, so she wants it Why would she do that of redress and virgin wiping out? That's right, cause she's, making she's gonna come sprays rates false allegations of bullshit. They tell her wear white. It makes you look a more believable okay. I I I've experienced that layout and he said something to the effect of he's really ticked off about this. I would stay clear of him right now. He is really really ticked off about this rating, so he threw catch up against the wall. That's that's the big catch up. What I said it she was like. There was catch up on the causes of the noise, and I gotta tell you
my body. Nick murphy wins the internet. He said trumps president It had its highs and lows cover an kebab considering John care is just funny because drawn carry obama secretary it was, is married and he's the who's trying arbitrary family. You know it's all. It's all about the ketchup lodge. deep does this thing go so So now I go back to the comedy club and will see what they're saying today's. What what other piece of propaganda will? This shit lives be excited about, that they were being being there, be rig. I clap never seen them smile bigger than Did you see the thing you see the testimony to see the testimony? What does not follow? Oh yeah, you got dropped trump tried to choke his driver and I'm thinking will you always say that trump is a dictator and he tried to over.
the government he couldn't even overthrow his own fuckin car. he couldn't you forget his own driver to do what he wanted, and you guys you told me to be afraid of this guy. He couldn't even I was a driver to do what he wanted. Any was the president at the time, so this out there This whole idea of the skies disguise a dictator is the worst thing ever and they ve got to convince you. This is all to convince you that donald trump is the way, sky ever so he can't run again because they were afraid, going to run again and beat Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or tat John Kerry or whatever piece of shit they put up against him or less cheney or write me. It'll it'll, either beach, cheney, Clinton or Clinton cheney, it's hard to know who's, going to wear the wear the suit in that relationship, and on top of that, but it definitely it's it's a going to be a question of the establishment candidate and what they're afraid of is that they're going to run against trump again and so that, what's so crazy? Is that this whole
distraction is taking place, is interesting to analyze and there are things to say about it. If the media would cover it in a fair way, we just did it here, but beyond the distraction. All of this is happening at a time when NATO is convening in madrid during the height of this insane proxy war in ukraine and its facing a test of legitimacy. While the EU s thinking that urban sanctions that nato has put in place in order to punish russia and and and take this extreme maximum pressure position are back firing on you as public. I think most americans yesterday were more concerned with gas prices and the price of their food. Then they weren't the testimony of cast me Hutchinson and that
direct result of the bite administrations bill policy that they would have to put up against trump, and they don't they don't want to do that. At the same time, this abortion ruling the overturning of the over roby wade, was overturned by the supreme court. Last week, trumps basis meaning that as a major win for him, they there so invigorated. By this day I mean they. Today, they ve taken. Credit trump has taken credit for the fact that Ruby way was overturned because he was able to put the judges that he wanted on the supreme court, unlike his predecessor, Barack obama, and so on basis is not concerned with this testimony there, like, while we just overturned roby wage, while, the liberal establishment that has to go up against trump is has created. This economic crisis can't even get their situation street in europe and so on.
It was the perfect distraction and Andrews interesting to see how it all ends up playing out in november. No nonsense, michael over derby, hereby put more help that's good and the last thing all nay, which I mentioned this overtaxed earlier, I don't wanna be that person, but just as we look at who has any hutchinson is media reports. All right now decibel go. Look it up there like this twenty five year old woman is destroying trump I'm sorry! But when I I know many people in their early twenties who are somehow she. She was an aide to mark meadows by the way trump's chief of staff, by the time she was in the white house, apparently when she got the job when she was like twenty twenty three years old,
and some somehow now she's just come forward with this narrative. That completely is keeping the january six hysteria attacks on trump alive. Just look at all. It's very odd running. You don't think that was using european citizens nearly fell by American. You to hear about this catch up playthings somebody probably june, is apple obey Well, who did I don't even think it's her? I think they are. You know there are coat. Obviously she has coaches and people behind her who she doesn't the voice here. Anyone who's ever cared about a servant having a clean something up. Yet that. That's that boy kick it could check, as is the term now. plus, I don't think that's the term. What that she'd she seems like so over. like. Could she couldn't have a lower register nonchalant? That's it yeah. You know that
it also when you look at her face, there is clearly something going on there because she's depressing she's, always she looks like she's, constantly suppressing the laughter that she can't even take herself serious. And you don't know what I mean just watch it again. I encourage people go and she's. Just it's like didn't were telling a lie that all your friends put you up to once he likes you shot was sodium pentothal. Well, if that's a pretty rough twenty five they got much. I'm not saying that I get When I said that I think she looks untasted, I servants. I don't go in there he's really my It was causing them to cleaner I think that it was causing them to cleaner wow.
Hey, you know, here's another great, where you can help support the show you should become premium member. We give you a couple of hours of power. Gimme a bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it. going to Gibby door, cavity company that cop clicking got joined premium and the affordable. maybe a programme in the business and it's a great way to help put it some back in the eye. The bastards thanks very much who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, So here some that's interesting. Our friend came a job, don't wait it out. The ukraine war is the single most aggressively trawled issue. I've ever witnessed as soon as it started. This site was full of brand new accounts swore Anyone who uttered wrong think about ukraine, and now there are entire exe
really coordinated troll factions very inorganic. So I've said this about twitter and other social media platforms that the cia and the intelligence community has their fingers in it. Of course they do. Of course they do we. And then the grey zone exposed some. U tubers we're getting money from the intelligence community in england to do videos attacking people were quite getting the covert narrative. People like me were questioning the vaccine narrative and the color. There is, and quite questioning lockdown they were funding, you tubers to make negative videos about them and cheese. winning this same phenomena out and then she could. She treated this out She was. How do we miss this? This articles, eleven years old, revealed
who aspire operation that manipulate social media, military sock, puppet software creates fake online identities to spread pro. All american propaganda, what you're right, you're right now, the? U s. Military is developing software. That will let it secretly manipulate social media sides by using bake online persona is to influence internet conversations and spread pro american propaganda. A cow. for new corporation has been awarded a contract with the united states central command sent com which overseas? U s armed operations in the middle east and central asia to develop what is described, an online persona management service that will allow one us serviceman or woman to control up to ten separate identities bay. Stop all over the world? The project has been likened by web experts to china's attempt to control
and restrict free speech on the internet. Critics are likely The complaint that it will allow the? U S, military, to create a false consensus in online conversations, crowd out, unwell, come opinions and smother commentaries or reports that do not come correspond with its own objectives, of course, that, what's happening eleven years ago, so whatever around without delay that they stick with well, I bet they got rid of it. I bet they got rid of it. Oh here, good, Caitlin Johnstone says this chagos: how Did we miss this year, old, newsweek report about a secret on accountable, pentagon, undercover force which carries out domestic and foreign assignments, includes campaigns to influence and manipulate social media. So this is for newsweek from a year ago, the large under cover forced the world has ever known, is the one
created by the pentagon over the past decade. Some sixty thousand in people now belong to this secret army. Many working under masked identities and in low profile all part of a broad programme called sick, nature reduction the force more than ten times, the size of the clandestine elements of the cia are read that again, the force more than At times the size of the clandestine elements of the cia carries domestic and foreign assignments. Domestic. both in military uniforms and under civilian cover in real life and online, sometimes hiding private businesses and an consultancies. Some of them household name, companies it goes on. The newest and fastest growing group in this clandestine army that never if they're keyboards. There are these
are the cutting edge cyber fires and intelligence collectors, who assume full pursued as employing not accurate, you shouldn't and miss attributions techniques to hide the who and the welfare of their online presence while they search for high veldt, you targets and collect what is called publicly accessible information. Or even engage and campaigns to influence and manipulate social media. Hundreds work in and for the usa, but over the past five years, every military intelligence and special operations unit has developed. Some kind of web operation so that both collects intelligence and hands to the operational security of its very activities so that stuff that there's russia is doing they, but do yet for over eleven years and their doing it, to you, the american citizen, which used to be illegal newsweek. Six
lucid report on this secret world is the result of a two year. Investigation involving the exam. nation of over six hundred reza maze of a thousand job postings doesn't freedom of information requests and score others, have been interviews with participants, a defence decision makers. What emerges is a window into not just a little known sector of the american market, military, but also a camp Lee Lee on regulated practice. No one knows, the programmes total size and the explosion, signature reduction has never been examined for the impact on milk terry policies and culture congress has never we've held a hearing on the subject and yet the military, developing this gigantic clandestine force challenges. U S, laws, the geneva conventions, the code of military conduct and basic accountability so
all that stuff. They want you to worry about russia and I know somebody else, manipulating social media eight year old girl, I'm doing it at their doing it at the behest of the military industrial, complex, is why we're in a million wars, and we have one thousand bases around the country around the world and no one care why we just gave fifty four billion dollars to the most corrupt country in europe. Whilst that same money could have fixed homelessness in the united states three times over. That's the result, that's one of the results and why are they allowed to do this? Because of this, the smith mundt modernization act of twenty twelve or the s m m a? What is that Jimmy? The sounds, boring I'll. Tell you what it is. It was an act that said that the united states government
could not propagandizing their own citizens, meaning you and me that the government could do properly and to foreigners, but they couldn't propaganda eyes our own citizens. That's a good idea. They got rid of it. The esa may establish Baba baba. Put simply our government so the esa may establish that via the broadcaster board of governors voice of america and radio free europe. The united states department of an office of public affairs were all the rise to disseminate propaganda to form public's but were strictly prohibited from release. Seeing that same propaganda in amerika for public consumption put simply our guy permit was permitted to lie to people in their countries, but not too ass. He read home what happen well brought
barber changed all that, prohibition was lifted and twenty twelve, when the s Emma Mae may was signed into law by present. Obama allowing the same prop again, Ed disseminated by our government to foreign public's too we released in the united states for the very first time, and yet our government is also now allowed to create propaganda, tailored specifically for the united states to public consumption using any media, as it sees fit. while remaining anonymous as the source of the material being reported. The yes, I may provides for ample funding for you as propaganda programming incentive eyes get this. The corporate media cartel to partner with the baby e g for a new source of revenue to backstop its operational budgets. that have been declining duty years of increasingly glow ratings social meat A competition law,
of relevance and the public's growing loss of confidence in media reporting veracity, regardless of polit both filiation somebody tell you what this means. They're saying that people are done with corporate media and the corporate media starting to lose revenue market share because people don't their vote. A city of their reporting mean they don't trust them. They think they're reporting is false, and so that's that one of the reasons why the losing plus social media so they're losing relevance. Corporate media the establishment, media they're, losing relevance, impact and money. And so there saying that this s I may provides for ample funding for: u s propaganda brought, so they can now give money to these corporate media people, the government to print propaganda,
The esa may promotes unholy alliance is between the united states department, the? U S, state department, animal, or can corporate media that unbind reporters and news departments from the solemn responsibility to bear fi information. So often through russia, eight, syria, all the things that we cover, fennis, we'll all the things we cover it at this show leave when showing you that the report they just they just well straight propaganda, as if it came right from the cia lips will be prick. in the media, and now you know why, because now they could lie to you, do propaganda and it's not illegal and corporate media seems to be able to get a paycheck for grasping the employer. Of the esa may in undermining america's free press. Its impact on our governance, culture and socio economic structure is a free. Society cannot be understated
I think he met overstated. Not only is the Fourth estate utterly compromised, meaning the media the news media metal, is the news media utterly compromised relative to the information it does convey? But there is a fine our greater mission of corruption. In the massive amount of need to know information, it does not convey so they they don't tell. You certain things just like they don't tell you. I is a nobel prize winning medicine. That is also the w h, a list of essential medicines. Ben prescribe billions at times and save millions of lives. They don't tell you, that's the part that they leave out and that's the point there making they leave out stuff, just like hey the ukraine bill jerry's infiltrated with nazis stuff, like they leave that out, hey it, the united states and nato that helped institute a coup in ukraine in two thousand and fourteen which led to this and way they leave that out. This is what they're saying.
Systematically omitting relevant information from the public form tailoring narratives and messaging in the guise of legitimate news, redundant script scripting across it works and disallowing. Nearly all critical debate or analysis is classic the occasions manipulation strategic the glee designed as part of a larger behaviour modification agenda, whose b whose behaviour are they modifying yours? Yours That's what this is all about now is it Just the most disturbing thing you ve read today, just when you think the united states, government intelligence agencies can be more sneaky, underhanded or deceitful. They not We are openly manipulating the news media, but covertly manipulating social media to so there was what was called dumb.
That's why operation mocking bird, which is where they I did stories and they manipulated the infiltrated news media that was revealed by the church committee right. Yes, was called operation, mockingbird go, look it up, it has its own. Wikipedia page that's how much everyone knows it's real is our. Why twitter don't wanna say give up the numbers are how much spots and all that because they're, probably probably cia yeah, to poorly one business with a good money, though yes, so yeah southward turns out here it was the c I a budget is, is clandestine. We don't oh, what their spending their money on for real, and so there you go so when you see suspicious like. But let's remember what started this Kalen Johnstone said: you, ukraine, war is the single most aggressively trawled issue. I've ever witnessed as soon as its this. I was full of brand new accounts swarm
Anyone who uttered wrong think about ukraine and now there entire extremely coordinated, troll factions very inorganic and I'll. Tell you another thing that just like on you tube, there's an algorithm that boosts corporate news over independent news at same thing on twitter and facebook. They suppress people like us and they do people who are friendly to the establishment, like. How did I know would that Jake nephew guy that ha sky here and he got us a puff peace written about him in business. Insider magazine, an emperor we for a week when I, when I log in a twitter. They were promoting that article. Twitter was so that's them. There's people who are they like to promote, there's people they don't I'm one of the people they don't and the people they do like to people who are sweet to the establishment who will all
We tell you devote democratic in this and there never go to the truth about foreign policy or war, or anything. The people who defend politicians, though, to the people, they boost. I've never had I've got. In over three hundred thousand followers on twitter. I've never had a tweet, that I think that more than fifteen thousand likes, I see that happened. Some people fart on twitter. And they get seventy thousand likes. You don't tell me that that's not being manipulated by the intelligence community of You're, not you if you think otherwise wait till we get the church hearing on twitter, wait till we get there your cheering on facebook and youtube. We ve already caught them You grey zones already cod british intelligence, paying people you tubers to do negative videos about people. Question vaccines are covert of narrative. We ve already got that. I mean what is it
out nobody in real life, has blue hair. After all, I'm gonna be swiftly by reality will be shared. and so there so there you go. That's that's how that's that's how twitter works. That's all! It's all spooks! It's all you, of course, through its there is still, but doesn't saudi arabia, owner moat, alot of verse, twitter right now and, of course, at the cia. Of course. That's that I say, of course, that's the intelligence. That's is, I might six, of course, that is it wise to leap yogi? If you think that What if you think they wouldn't be all over social media you're, the champ you're the mark go ahead or simply laughed at the tick tock lady se ha all right, I think that's our last story for today. Thank god, that's the most disturbing story of seen other jimmy twenty, that's a pretty desire, rather better, isn't it. I'm upset
I'd like to go hey, such jimmy who's, this Why oh, my god,. wow hillary supporter? How are you, yours, Al Qaeda that we haven't heard viewed forever. What's going on, why are you calling yeah shit? It's been a long time since we spoke, And I will always concern along their relative tranquillity and my life, even many of your so called up your quota.
Closure of the alleged internet that trying to get me to call an eye for, or from doing so, you forebore. I thought, from calling and because I am a Hillary Clinton based entity and character and she was keeping alive So there was nothing did taught your daughter asked about? I see, but then I got did you hear your? What did you hear the news? A nose how are you going to around twenty twenty four for what dog catcher? Yes, the best or catcher? The way is that for president? No way she runs again. Way sharp what what? What? What would that possibly accomplish women
No, we can't win a prize away the eyes. he didn't when last time she read. She did. She won a popular yes, but we have this stupid electoral college system, which she fully knew of than she should have campaigned accordingly in common, We do know things about how things work we stress that she has that knowledge with me. I'm sorry, that's massage And anyway, brain your highness, being pressure would fix everything. What he would bring rovers dissuade back, that's for sure Ah.
I can tell you that my howdy how'd you, how do you bring back a court case that has been struck down? you will make your at what she does she d problem solver and a new roby wade, will be even more powerful and scary than the original would be like. If you buried row curses waited a bad cemetery, but my betsy pics gas prices. Do you your patriarchy, loving ass. She would, of course you were oh, she would go to these guys. Come as a guy about we require more gas, others more gas in the supply or, however, it works in a word there would be no it not that fossil Joe Biden, they won't listen
and there it is waiting for a hand to become oil himself, so they can sell you. Really think you were you really. dig there would have been just like you with senator from new york and went down to wall street said: hey guys, knock it off all this illegal crap, you're doing enough and eight dead for ever Ah, yes, everything is fine now, because of that Hillary supporter. Does it bother you that these with birds about hilary running are really just two up ads. From the conservative, who wants you to run and a contributed. A fox news. Don't do this. did away from me. Everything has been taken from me
I am serious and you know what you're doing. Ok, what you're doing has got to store thing formation, big. It simply exists. Ok, once it is information, it doesn't matter where it came from about their heads like saying where is air from looking at? It is rooted in a sense of cora. Objective reality that is a cultural invention of european mail. It extremely abner centric. It is deplorable. Stop at that actually investigating sources, just journalism, water, one yes, journalism, the white man's science, yeah you're, just making yourself look bad for you. You know what fuck you she's running and there's nothing. You can do to make that not true. For me, I tire of this oppression,
by l k. Don't call back well, that's that words, I suppose we held out I'll get another call low paid is Jimmy. Was this offended. Listener listener various tended by what I heard you shall recently. No though I forget it was because, at the time I was hiding from an insect, it was very offensive. I was extremely offended because of that offense and the obvious malevolent intent of this bug. I suffered a panic attack I demand an apology or I'm doing. No. That's gonna do either goodbye
the hey become a premium member, go to jimmy dark, comedy, dot, com sign up, it's the most affordable premium programme and the business all the voices born today are by the one and only the inimitable mike Mccrae. It can be found it MIKE Mccrae, dot com, that's it for this week. You be the best. You can be I'll keep being made.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.