« The Jimmy Dore Show

Tom Cruise VINDICATED For Viral Rant Against Big Pharma – New Study

2022-07-29 | 🔗

In 2005 Tom Cruise was widely mocked, derided and accused of being a lunatic after appearing on the Today Show and expressing controversial views about the ineffectiveness of antidepressants and the widespread practice of prescribing Ritalin and Adderall to children. Now 17 years later Cruise is being vindicated by a comprehensive study questioning the science behind “chemical imbalances” in the brain and demonstrating that antidepressants do not work as advertised. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss their recollection of the infamous interview and how the march of scientific advancement has now caught up with… Tom Cruise. Plus a segment speaking with The Grayzone's Aaron Maté about confronting the writer who smeared him in the pages of The Guardian. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Al Pacino!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The cubs The committee would be in los angeles. Bakersfield indeed, is louisville Cincinnati, tulsa all glow Missouri Detroit lots more go to jimmied or carried out com for a link for all our tickets david Jimmy who's. This As a joke, why, ah, MR president, how you feel- and you were sick for a while right man- wah, so I understand, but I have no tested and I'm feeling much much better. Well, that's good the year A great show showed is my wife jill who likeliest tasted negative throughout this entire period. It was nice to see my wife again, Harris wasn't show thrill, like I say who.
Hairs out with it, but I dragged right. Ok,. Yeah, he's your sooner fresh when she found out. I just know you. I haven't seen a sharp push like a dog J G said, so there If I die, she gets to be president. I automatically yeah It is not just a short of a jewish christian Roy anyways- we sure this long standing gag in the white house, where she pretends that she wants me to die, so she can be the first woman president na and boy talk about committing to the Not only did she make a shower push It's an entire file, folder of papers in some poor aged face and stormed out of the room. I was like damn
regular you street, but while I hope they were important papers. They were not picked them up and, and it turns out, they were just items for her vision board. One piece of paper just should be present, yeah, that's another funny person she just she acts like she doesn't actually do anything important she'd commit to that bit too interesting. With your case, mildest, severe or jimmy. I was lucky very mild case files chapters, cough favour, chest page for take and saw a man. This compatibility view should.
One downing yeah pervading sense of dread, nipples temporary, nut, allergy, coffee, flatulence, vertigo, gender, dysphoria, fear of water, a night terrorists emulate addiction, viscosity and thermal breakdown, private prison. prison and mild lower back pain. I wish one lucky dont wide sounds all full, obviously just I was in the of agony Jimmy. I can't lie anymore, dealing with all should other solitude was eleven nightmare. I might change person. My mind is bit rewired because of this ordeal, really, so well. I wish divisions the elucidation hello.
The nations like a favor dream, but these were so fishing. covered was trying to show me something what the two you it showed me the american it would have been at. I not become the pressure and Jimmy was a horse game to preserve our universe. Poverty is still running rampant yet, but it is still running rampant. You yourself just got colbert. That's why we're talking about it right now I had to give me Show me my vision. Not a crown what you just a spectre of never ending covered that I shall oh yeah. What else right away inflation right through the roof, regular merit. its unable to make me boy structure a double down on the police state. Continued in action on climate change,
the crisis is only worse: women stripped of their rights endangering their lives, dog shooting inside but Joe, You are president and that's what's going on literally right now, yeah, you just described Biden's america. This is what a Biden administration has given us everything you just said, president showed it was not by Where did you see this vision on the wall? My bedroom clawing rectangular window but up and show me this bizarre world would suddenly well right now Joe amounted television
Mr president, you simply watch the news. While you are sick, those words visions, a mine man away. I was telling me off guard me. Eggs benedict and real life. Ok that may have been hallucinated, god dammit that may have been elucidation, but I assure you the rest of what you described is real. bring in real misfortune to everyday americans. I yes, I agree. I guess try harder to use my powers to help everyday americans? Yes, so are you am I you, gotta try harder man shift are still lingering.
Stop bothering me about her. I think I need to go lie down and rest of these old bones more but yeah to be continued. I put a pin in this. Convo will go back eventually, revisions without a sure we will you take care, MR president, no she's, just a jury While is offered to make me blueberry tanker right, you covered goodbye The The Jimmy Dore show
I remember when Tom cruise did this video. He did this interview with Matt lauer, and he was against using psycho tropic drugs right here, listen to Here we are today when I talk out against drugs and site patrick abuses of electric shocking people. Their will. drugging children with them, not knowing the effects of these two do you know what, after all is, do you know ritalin? Do you know now that ritalin is a street drug to understand it? The difference is now once again that our male, the matter. That is why I am asking this question. Madam asking a question. I understand this abuse of all of these. Now you see here's a problem. You dont know the history of psychiatry. I do all does his mask the problem, and if you understand history of it it masks the problem, that's what it does. That's all it does you're not getting to the reason why there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance, I'm saying that drugs the answer that these these
eggs, are very dangerous. They're mine, altering anti a comic drugs and there are ways of doing it without that, so that we do not end up in Brave new world: yes, there are abuses, so one item who's. The saying there's way to treat people who have that damn dog depression and other without using these psycho tropic drugs. Jimmy's boiler alert. He was right, but we're gonna America's there's a new study up we'll go out for what Are you okay, when this first came out cause, I remember I'm around conan, they made fire like mayor, mick cheese and he was going to be in mc glib and, like I remember hearing this played a lot. The part that stuck out with I don't remember from here notices times was him running after all and real in richer children's I mean our speed. Funny when I click went around, you know they kept at rome, riddle and name right out of it. Yes, and they only focused on parties that after that ever knows until just now, and he
Right is right about this dusky going and yet Maybe they ve gone too far in certain areas, maybe they're too many kids on ritalin, maybe electric shock, kids, I'm really I'm just saying, but but aren't there examples where it maybe there's really kids on riddle it needs is a baby there baby, those do better. Kids are redolent. It's our crew stops of too many kids on riddle. Like do you hear you're, saying readily agreed drug company on a crazy but act that everyone I mean. Remember that interview when Tom cruise look like the lunatic who would have thought Tom cruise we'll be back Top is in a list. War, propagandists, well then Matt lauer would it be banished to cuomo island who would have thought a bold disgrace. Alright, here there's more to this works man, you don't even need Glenn, you don't even know it really. Is she start talking about chemical imbalance? You have to evaluate and read the research papers on how they came up with these theories matt
that's what I've done so the key keeps bringing up a chemical and balance. He goes. You kept the reed the research papers and know what they're here he's he's he's committing a mortal sin he's doing his own research is actually reading. This was we glib annual you're not supposed to do that, you're supposed to be glib and just repeat what big farmers says, hey, we may be speeds bad for kids play man, that's what the law says. Maybe three be here we got you go and you say: where's, the worse: the medical tests where's the blood tests that says how much ritalin you supposed to get you it's very impressive. Listen to you because clearly you ve done the homework in and you know the subject and you should. You should do that. People who were on ritalin isn't enough. You should be. Little bit more responsible in knowing I'm really describing ritalin tom and I'm not asking anyone else to do. I know I know some people who seemed to have been high, but you're saying, but it's a this is a very important issue,
ices, ordinary moreno within you're you're, here on the today show right and to talk about it in a way I say: well, isn't it okay and being reasonable about it? When you don't know- and I do I think that you should be- oh that more responsible and knowing what it is like it, because you you communicate to people that was, but you could put that today about it. Vaccines colvin locked downs, her actual immunity you could have. You could do that all day. Long and regular people know more about it than the news. People and regular people know more about it than a lot of the doctors do because regular people actually reading the papers, Actually, reading the research papers, like what I wanted to see my neurologist and I brought up the fact that I was vaccine injure. You don't know anything about it and by the I didn't want to He didn't want to didn't know anything about anything. Was glib part of all. so an here so here is tom, cruise
who actually read up on psycho tropic drugs and he says he's talking about There is there is no chemical and balance, and I met I saw this. I thought Tom cruise was crazy. Because he I went away. I remember again what a maniac dump but didn't play. The whole thing like does now they play. he was mean that he made Matt lauer feel uncomfortable yes, and I remember thinking Tom cruise was off the visit not because I was on one of those drugs at the time. I was unless a pro, oh, and I I thought that, if I stop digging it. I would die here I'll look out, for you won't kill myself. And it turns out, I He was right well, why? Why is? Why am I talking about that interview? Well because of this? this is a new paper, a nuisance. The Sarah, the serotonin theory of depression, a systematic umbrella review of the evidence,
so they did a systematic on brawler review of the evidence. Ah, and who who were they? These are researchers from the university college, london. They conduct what they call an umbrella review of past meta studies. And they did systematic analysis of depressions relationship to serotonin activity and it included tens of thousands of participants. I think they come from the hill, so here it here, it is from this paper This is our comprehensive review of the major strands of research on serotonin shows there is no evincing evidence that depression is associated with or caused by, or serotonin concentrations or activity? That's exactly what tom cruise was just saying. you saying there is no chemical imbalance, and now this power is proving it up,
If the people said and thought they were kooky for saying that I've heard other people say that it's no chemical imbalance, I thought for sure it was most studies found most studies found no evidence of reduce their tone and activity in people with depression. Compared to people without amendment that's to redo serotonin availability using trip defend depletion do not can instantly lower mood in volunteer so when they rid of zero toning officially when they display when they did that they lowered peoples. tony levels it didn't led them tat habitable a bad mood, so they're they're, saying there isn't a connection between serotonin and mood. That's what they're saying there's no evidence of that people lived. do certain it is. It is in people with depression. Just Tom cruise was saying: seven ten years ago, tom cruise, almost too
decades out in front of the rest of the god. Damn medical profession, by god did he do his own research? Did he actually read it. You're not I used to read in this was in the post trump era, it's bad! If you read your disposed to listen other people like rachel marrow and doktor faulty please our rules and that our come in, make yourself comfortable. Let me get this button and locked the door What I always thought was funny about scientology vendetta against psychiatry is that site tied technology. They were wrong about the history psychiatry. They just can't believe that an industry can get away with that much and they get so much. Whack for body legions, a quick.
They were museum dedicated to the horrors of the psychiatric industry. Yes, the museum is accurate. It is at its lowest ideology will say that, yes,. The chemical and balanced theory of this is from the study, chemical imbalance. Theory of depression is still put forward by professionals and the sea Tone, in theory, in particular, has formed the basis of a considerable research effort over the past few decades, the gender. public widely believes that depression Ben convincingly demonstrated to be the result of serotonin or other chemical abnormalities, and this slowly shapes how people understand their moods, leading to a pessimistic outlook on the outcome of depression and. Negative expectancies about the possibility of self regulation of mood. So what this I think, what this is saying this is my potted comedian. Interpretation of this is that, because people have this,
belief that has been given to them by big pharma. It now effects them to the point, where They're gonna have a negative mine said about that. will ever be able to self regulate their mood without a drunk. So it's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. If you someone believe this thing than they're gonna believe it. Instead, it's gonna have a bad outcome. Nome. You know the only reason that they stopped doing lobotomies was because they found that drugs could do it. It's true when they two those anti psychotic. Yes, that's when they finally stop with the bottom is so the dear that depression is the result of a chemical and balance also influences decisions about whether girl continue antidepressant medication and may discourage people
discontinuing treatment potentially leading to a lifelong dependent on these drugs This review suggests that A huge research effort based on the serotonin hypotheses has not produced convincing evidence of a buyer com. called basis to depression. This is system, with research on many other biological margaret. We suggest it's time to acknowledge that Sarah tone theory of depression is not empirically substantiated This is now thirty years later, seventeen years after Tom cruise blew the whistle on this. Finally, science is coming around to tell so you know, while they came to this conclusion, you know how they came to the conclusion. They didn't trust the science they didn't have
in the science. You know why, because their actual scientists- and they know that you dont trust science- you dont have faith and science you quit. gin science and that's what they did and people question. It were called crazy, Oh, it's confirmed just like you. crazy if you thought the virus came from a lab. Just like you're, crazy thought you was lying just like he thought I was crazy. If you thought vaccines get hurt your immune system them you're, crazy,. You question sites, you dont have faith and science and you certainly don't trust it. it is always difficult to prove a negative, but I think we can safely say that, after a vast amount of research, Conducted over several decades, there is no
vincent evidence that depression is caused by serotonin abnormalities, particularly, we by lower levels of reduced activity of serotonin, who said that the guy it was the lead author of that study for the woman. Oh yeah, I'm sorry you right woman. So thank you kurt. How m I gonna almost got cancelled. Joanna Moncrieff. The studies led author. Look at that, lady, getting out of the house hausa! it? Was a chemicals used here the ground? Do some studies? Not? her substantiated. So that means when so, when you see when it says it's not empirically substantiated that there's no data to back up this stuff. That's what they're saying. And this idea that everyone is gone with for as long as I can remember, there's
ever been any frickin data to substantiate this. Is this how everyone felt when it turned out that libitum ease, weren't medicine, wonderful ones, you may region cut out their frontal lobes do big lobata me we're like. Let's like ease off phlebotomy, sickness hydrocarbons, big big LE bought me, but there are still people out there. This was twitter y know you don't have to hand it to tom cruise for his bad crazy, thoughts on medication. What was bad crazy about it? still do it in that amazing kurt after all a riddle, and I remember him even saying that no one on blown away, because that's obviously when he goes astray drug does back I was trying to get it as a street drug like Listen to these people, it is amazing,
Y know you don't have to hand it to tom cruise for his bad crazy thoughts on medication, just because he sitting across from grace and enable abuser, women matt lauer in an edit, clip stop and think before you smashed tweet. We'll Andrew donaldson. Think the more on his you in this situation because of your unique jerk to go along with the crowd and your inability to think for yourself or even to analyze what you just saw the glib is what your dog has called it. That's right, another one right underneath the now a nice lady does it. She says if your defending tom cruise for his anti science views. What was anti science about his views. You mean he read the science papers and he knew more about it than you and an Matt lauer combined. You mean that and it turns out he was right. Turns out. He's right. There was have resigned democracy of. What's that. defend democracy anthea. If you're now
bending tom cruise for his anti science views? Please note that polio in return for the first time and she's blaming tom cruise for polio returning what does it? What does that have to do Tom cruise telling you that psycho tropic drugs are harmful to children. What did you do too, that we are really People, just like the pull, should honour their ass to just here. someone that the group told them to hate, so they were told on twitter to hate tom cruise, and so they did Nothing that they say makes any sense whatsoever there. Just a week but look at the people liking. It, though, is geiger. Eighty likes. so just goes to show you people like to be more on in unison,. What's your twitter is for and that's what it's for polio Maxie was bustle than someone responded. Hey polio, Vaccine was back in the day when vaccines were really vaccines, then only radicals would deny ineffectiveness of a vaccine his feet. This fear go government and big farmer deals has
glitter rated trust, most people headed vaccines and their legitimacy for here, they didn't look up. Polio vaccine is because there was no radicals were against it. It was a new thing, the big form. Company screwed up the first by a dry. I got and that was the birth of not trusting it, which I never. About until very recently I don't people know about right. I don't think we will know about that. Either. I gotta when it was perfected, like twenty years later, you know what there was of polio vaccine means that got out that were not right. They deployed They excellently somehow got live polio in instead of like the dead matter virus. I get moving company, but this was legal once again that was it. It's kind of going at trump because he said we're gonna have a terrific vaccine ready in a few months yeah and they were like not so fast. We gotta take it be careful yeah. It was because trump was pushes I was drunk. Was president pushing the vaccine ever you are allowed to be vaccine skeptical then, and they work
We we showed you our joy, Ann reid, on MSNBC. She did a whole segment on you, gotta be skeptical of vaccines and, if trump wishes that I had taken it, he has kamala Harris said. taken horse pace, that's right that if they say take it, I'm getting horse based so research on at it again, so that the whole thing so turns out Tom cruise, Tom cruise was right unduly shocked how when I watch it all, I was like this doesn't sound so crazy. What some crazy and already said! What made me I'm them at the time. I thought he was that in It's what made me realize what someone people see a club, a clip of me I'm someone tells them I'm being anti backs and crazy. They believe it. This, like, I believe that about Tom cruise until I had to go through my own experience with big farmer and though I know is day, was ready By the way, now you can buy the same, in science.
The firm's. What he said seventeen years ago also go ahead. Better than all of these people will read. sixty or whatever he's sick, but look what Matt lauer looks like now compared to what he looks. Basically, the same matt lauer looks like he just went through chemo it might not be optional. Male yeah, you accept ravisher, Matt lauer should have been getting here, plugs back, then that's what did you gotta tackled early toothache, five. Ok, You can't let it go and are you gonna look like he looks not this? Is This is my I'm writing. A new book is called the advice for the shallow and what I what I'm telling you get your her blood early you got shallow boy. But a bet if I wrote a book like that it would be a bestseller yeah.
Christmas right, look like! Maybe you could just start selling it now. Oh boy, importantly with the seller, can we precept. We could do pre sales. I rejected a booking of schroeder, poor girl, I understand, is actually written. It. The dirty has there's like a date now for it to be released. Oh yeah he's such a cloud selling a book. He hasn't in its whole, we're coming for you or something tat either. Then they got the didn't the nerve to say that I'm not I'm the money, grubbing drifter, he saw it cookie two degree but were for fucking money, you always jet hey. You know here's another great, where you can help support the show. You should become a private member. We give you a couple of hours, premium bonus content every week
and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to do your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable the programme and the business a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye. The bastards, thanks rebuilding. Who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, This appeal in the guardian, the story was the net work of syrian conspiracy theories identified. They identified it and this guy did it disguise, mark townsend, that's areas this guy. Here he identified them. He identified them a network of what a net of more than two dozen conspiracy theories, frequently back by coordinated russian campaign, sent thousands Of disinformation tweets to destroy the reality of the syrian conflict,
after intervention by the international community, new analysis reveals and who does he said was the biggest one. Well, journalists, aaron ma say at the grey zone is said by the river or you have overtaken independent journalists. Vanessa beazley, as the most prolific breadth of disinformation among the twenty eight twenty eight can spare. see theorists identified so late that really that's right, billy. So let me too, To air and much any bring an air here now errand was that this art, call that was written by this guy is based What is this based on something? It's based on the produced by a? U S, government, funded, think tank called the ring aaron onscreen called the institute forced return. jack dialogue, and the guardian didn't mention this- that the take is funded by the: u s: government, the same government that was a major belligerent in this
dirty work, and the guardian also does it mention that the study put out by the institute for heating Contains zero evidence for any of its claims about me. Nothing even accused me of saying anything wrong a couple of times and I've said stuff about syria, and especially the ox you don't you cover. Ups gamble which we ve talked about a lot in your show Jimmy, but they don't even think about. I false they just list that I said certain things and then assume That's what saying I guess is this information, but they don't even actually say that what he said was fast because they can't what I'm saying about the ox you w stand. In theory is based on internal leaks from the OECD view, which show a massive cover up of an investigation that found no evidence of a chemical attack and syria and because that that those leaks are so damning to their narrative and they can actually deal with the content of those leagues or dispute. Anything actually say better call me a conspiracy, beareth and accuse me of spreading,
information even other, can't even identify a single example of this alleged size, information and spread. So there So the guardian then writes that bullshit article based on that report and pretence, that. They had evidence of you spreading misinformation while you didn't and they didn't even reach out to you before they printed this whole article saying stuff about you like that, calling you the biggest bread of misinformation on syria, didn't even so that the first thing you do, The journalist you're supposed to reach out to the person your profiling to do that, and so you actually the lawyers. The juicy part of the story is: why really want to cover this? Not because you're being spared by other pro warm news outlets, but because have you got to him on the phone and so aaron called this guy up to ask him. Why didn't you do the bare courtesy of calling me interviewing me you're, asking me for a response before you printed this He won't answer that question. Any won't answer the story. Question of. Can you name one piece of dust
information that errand spread? He won't answer that question because it doesn't add there. Isn't it isn't there so but watch we try to dodge could complete. Coward watch, watches Hey market aromatic on good good waiting for you, Why didn't you contact me before publishing the guardian that I'm the leading purveyor of disinformation, syria, it wasn't it. He said it was in a report that we were right. working on now that not true right errand. It is that there are areas that sure that they say that in the report that you are the biggest provider of distant formation, the other report says that but like the other work are in the report, but the point of being a journalist age. You don't just print claims because someone says them right, yeah print claims, if you have evidence for them, and there's no evidence at all in this report and there's no evidence. He can best. Point too, when I challenge
I said, of course you can defend. Not call me first before printing that because he was trying to defame you. The point about article was to the baby. It wasn't to publish an actual real yeah. his articles, what we call propaganda and the point of view. Began. They often is the one? You see that person's name again, that you get a weird feeling ikey feeling and you don't want to have anything to do with them and that's very successful. They ve been able to do that to a lot of people and that's. Why people when you mentioned julian assange, his name people think about always. I heard he's a jerk off right, that's what they say. I'm not People go yeah. Turkey's creepy, I've, I've seen people who hold new shows say that, like that's, got nothing to do. That's called repeating propaganda and that's why they do that sort of propaganda. So people think those things and that's what the point of this article was to make people think that about aaron. But it's it's very juicy and fund to watch and confront this guy. So let's watch it again. now. I didn't get any more so than his day.
What did you say? I think you got an email asking for your comment. No, you didn't, dare and never got one, but he keep trying to say that he did area I did send email and I got draw their replies on calling you now and also can you tell me why you also get okay, so tell me why you didn't? I by a single pisa, disapprobation overspread some substances into the peace. Then I did not actually get a response and I do so you just I think you got a response from our editor asking you to respond. Is that that's what he said yeah, he sang it. I think you got a response, meddler saying, if you want to add something to the article, then go for it, which first was not true. At that point, I had not gotten anything back from the garden except an auto reply, saying that mark townsend, on vacation much. Obviously you ve not right now gear and die. They sang- and he said you wanna, add something to the peace and go but he's not answering the question grab
use name for me, a single piece of information. I have spread our unity. or the entirety of his car or the answer of. Why didn't you contact me before you printed this article yeah, no silk? So will you not explain why? Why didn't contact me and why didn't name, a single piece of information I allegedly spreading, is pretty simple: explain that we hope for why? Don't you do when you read the article b t he said here you he will get one soon, I mean an explanation of aid why he didn't contact him before he wrote that article and then of What are some of the misinformation he said: he'll the tube sooner. He couldn't tell em right, then why he didn't contact them and he couldn't tell him what the mist and permitted what. But let me give me some time to put that shit together. Now you already wrote all article on it. He says he's like a man. I just work here making smear of all the all this, not that I put normal
a man why you comes out on me. I just write articles as at a glance you why you didn't vertically, when you want the article does one august you yourself have complained yourself: late in the home or so this is him before on twitter. Being up that the home office rodents, the call that included him and didn't ask her out of here. It is right. He says the home office never contacted me before sending this outrageous tweets. Neither did it say, to any of the sources in the article or make any attempt to do so and now he's doing the exact thing to you and he's just bluffing it off like you're, going to get an email. Don't worry, you'll get an email later after you already published the article? Yes, so that's the The ultimate irony here is that we have this receipt and doing the exact thing that he just did to Erin. Might Malta? Ok, it was a dream. It was funny is like
She has really high standards. According to this tweet wow, you want someone to contact you before they before they tweet tweet. So what about a whole article in a supposedly serious newspaper, calling you a conspiracy, theorist and spreads misinformation? Should we maybe contact that person too apparently not! No. I dont do a due diligence and a lot of my tweets. I try to get a response before I publish them. We're not gonna tweets who wears the handbook. and tweet ethics for bulgaria. This didn't count, I knew before they tweeted about one of your article. So I'm asking you: why didn't you contact me before writing such a consequential claim about me? It's pretty simple! Why not you now do you think it's fair journalism, No, I haven't gotten we. So I'm calling you margo, you may be right now. Can you mark market?
that a mail should be arriving very shortly. It stuck in a male transit, the animal I e mail truck, that's carrying the email, got a flat tire and that a male stuck right now, but you should also be revived. I understand that they have tripoli and it's out there to fix that. higher and that email should be arriving at any moment now. Ok what he can evades, why he feels a certain way: I spent a lot of people. Do ok what why didn't I contact you? Why do you think I got that you could say that this is british meteorite. Ok, your name for me, a single piece of information, nancy. Or can you do it right now? Can you name for me? Can you name for me go ahead after meeting, because I've got a meeting is supposed to be on vacation,
he just got arid just got an e mail, auto reply from his email saying he's on vacation, but now he can't he can't name. One piece of misinformation. Aaron has said why cause he's late for a meeting. Okay, he returned from his occasion right to remind it? What's that right, you got back from his vacation. And then and then a very long meeting started both in immediately can you I defy single piece, illicit formation of pregnancy or you can meet him now. Books will be complete. sorry margie, you, you took the time to write a whole article about me. Can you not answer a couple of questions. Give me a straight answer: You call me the leading purveyor of at this information. So that's it! So that's! That's all we have so that, ah, so that
and that's one here. Let me show you who that guy is again just sag to show his face mark townsend. So that's what a guy who does proper pro war propaganda and smears truth, teller, so that guy's like, as he has a hand in killing a lot of people like that's, not hyperbole. Like he's a p, an important link in the chain to discredit people, tell the truth about it. So your government can continue to slaughter people for an affair reason, since all he'll run cover for that and hills smear truth, teller, stow heat, these he's on the wrong side, Why are you dont, like american? You know who I gotta know daily bees report is a repulsive by the summer is british words like extra apple polisher. What a little shit you should be, that that'd be bill should be roving shortly. It's it's awkward. What did either you said, did or didn't. If you said it'd be here at your senate that should be arriving shortly. You send it, though no we didn't send it.
So that was fun and that's what happens to people who tell the truth about syria. Is you have the guard outlets like the guardian regarding again used to do good work and sometimes still does, but most of the time does herbage work and is a mouthpiece for the military, industrial, complex and the security state. What would happen to the guardian aaron errant day, with some time after the Snowden era, the guardian, work with lang room all then the latter will be reporting on the snowden lakes, but afterwards they got a lot of pressure from the british security state. They were pressured into destroying their own copies of the snowden leaks by the british intelligence service. Literally agents from the british government came and help destroy the hard drives containing the snowden leaks and ever since then they ve just got they ve, gotten rid of people who actually take journalism seriously.
they published people like Luke Harding, who is a complete russia. Gate fraudster recall, he's the guy who interviewed about his book kaluza acid and provide a single piece of evidence for yes, his is, which is that there was a from russia conspiracy and they published people this guy and on the opposite, obvious you're, a cover up scandal which is so damn to the dirty war narrative, this narrative that was required to justify billion. If the dollars in spending by the us and it's junior partner, the uk and their allies in funding, sectarian death squads and syria to overthrow the syrian government, a major part of their narrative was that a saw is internet is brings on his own. People might say that again be disposed for a second, the biggest. What a big part of the narrative required for the year a work is that that Assad is diabolical dictator who commits chemical attacks on his own people and every time
it has been a serious allegation like that. All the evidence points in one direction, and that is that these were false flags carried out by sectarian death squads in syria, one attack in two thousand and thirteen that was an actual chemical attack. All the evidence shows that was carried out by the political rebels. That's why James clapper went to brock obama and said the evidence here is not a slam dunk that it was Assad. He chose his words very carefully. That was a reference to iraq, wmds. What the cia said about Iraq back then, and that's why, in Duma the story I've been reporting on when the lpc w actually got on the ground for the first time-
and did their own investigation and weren't relying on us funded groups like the white helmets. They found no evidence of a chemical attack in Duma and then had their evidence covered up center doctor, and we know that, because we've gotten leaks from it, which I reported on extensively and because outlets like the guardian, don't want to do their job of doing journalism, I'm also open to that. the leaks? They want to smear people who do, and I dunno what's going on internally, but that's just what they are now they also belt. You know anybody who's, a target of the national security state. They will verify they've ignored the opposite, w whistleblowers they have attacked me for covering them, join the songs. They vilified him, Jeremy corbyn. They took part in the campaign to destroy him. So that's just the staple the guardian and it's sad because yeah, as you said, they actually once used to be a somewhat credible newspaper. Mr John pilcher used to work for
the guardian right, Jonathan steel as well. People with integrity, people have done real journalism. dave on at least on these foreign policy issues. It they decided to completely abandoned yeah. They really got to shed Snowden. That's for sure, that's too bad I was a way out in front of you on the serious story I was dead because I were did. I was so first to that one. I don't have a democratic give credit for that. They give me they give awards to you not to make us dinner. I swear You can't be given journalism awards to party mounts, and I get that I get it. You gotta get back. You know that profession, they still If the people in the new york times a pulitzer prize for there. rob covering russia gate, not they covered it. A hundred per cent
correctly, and even after a review of that not pulitzer prize being awarded, they said yet we can still give it. You did that I am not making any of that up. Am I earned while you're not and what's funny about that, so that they did this review right. So if you do review, that means you've written a report, a couple of reports to conduct your review. They will not release those records I ha why a colleague my editor at real clear, has asked for those reports. They won't release them. So, if you're, confident in your reporting, you think it stands up after a review wanting to release the review, they want. do it for obvious reasons, so it's nice to get awards it is nice and I've got no words and it's nice, but Every time you get one, you have to remind yourself it's bullshit, and you know I mean awards are nice. They are nice.
It's nice to be recognised, but do you know to your work that has to speak for itself? Are not there what lots they give awards like that they give a pulitzer prize the new york times for lying and then, and then they do a review of it. They find They were lying and then they lie about them by lying and that's that look. That's the award winning pulitzer prize journalism. That is the is, though, it is the specific award for our most compelling lie. That's how they should get it out. They should give that up. There so one the new york times also one I'm pretty sure they want in emmy, somehow or kind over their stupid show on hulu Furthermore, as they did so I don't, they won some kind of crazy award like that for that syria stuff right. Then they because they imagine they take they take. quickly. Imagine the crime scene of the kind. attack big day
I didn't go there, they didn't investigated you're doing goarly work as everyone agreed that it was yeah, absolutely not evidence of any didn't didn't they want an award for that. I dont know if they won the war that certainly people take that seriously. They did and animation and animation of the Duma site where the alleged chemical attack happened, and people like member when the middle age, mccarthy, eyed young turks, attacked me over They they cited that new york times animation. Video is somehow yes dispositive. When literally like its animation and they're, trying to rebuke the actual inspectors who went to syria went to that site and did their own investigations on how the new york times animation team as a better sense into what happened in Burma as young look at some advice. as my can I just say, as MIKE Mccrae said about the new york times, it
creating the crime scene in an animation. He said you know. buzz. I never accused of a murder- ah, I hope so one imagines the crime scene yeah cause. That's what's so amazing about the story Jimmy! It's like you have this trove of leaks from inside the abi cw for journalists. There should be a goldmine because it is there's so much there and instead the new york times has been forced to revert to creating imaginary crime scenes with animation, rather than looking at leaks from the inspectors who actually went there on the ground and who are really experienced at doing this. These are experienced chemical weapons, inspectors they're the ones who actually did the investigation and the new york times
the washington post, the guardian, cnn, MSNBC the intercept democracy. Now all these outlets across the spectrum have completely ignored the whistleblowers existence, its the biggest case of manufacturing consent. I've ever seen because it's the applications are so huge. You had the compromise of an organization to justify. U s. Lead military strike in syria to falsely accuse the syrian government you're also covering up for the real criminals, because there were dozens of dead bodies filmed in Duma, yet they weren't killed by a chemical attack, which is what the insurgents said. That means that these people were killed in some other ways and the insurgents were involved. So all these people, including the guardian, this guy mark townsend, you said they have blood on their hands. They do because they are helping to cover up an investigation into how these people actually died. If you don't want to listen to the LP cw inspectors, and that means you have no concern for how the
Dozens of people and Duma actually lost their lives and that's what's most criminal about all of us, I would say criminal yeah. I don't think it's a stretch to say that that the p well, who smear you, are doing it in a criminal fashion for and are doing it to enable war crimes. They're doing to enable slaughter of people for clear lest in reasons that that you be why'd you by the government, whether murdering people in another country and guys like mark towns in run cover for the government. Murdering people- that's what's happening and he's doing in such an obvious way apart. In committee and in his garage good debunking hey Jimmy. Was this? german shepherd bred in the show out, but you know how you do it
many of my colleagues, my age or dropping like forefront, fly doubling down on their ship, really existed in the ether saying for cash to the union I see you mean anything specific by this l taking a of your book. Oh really, how so I am going on tat side again, where you go it I'm going to scotland, is part of a larger, your most excited about glasgow I'm going to class go fucking crazy. I bet you and me just a couple of old road dogs. So when you go on tour, what is your thing? Your shtick spam
well, step regular comedy clubs in the EU. We do stand up. very nice for how long I do I do about an hour myself. You stand up there for an hour to chalk what the heck Imagine if the pay, my friend monetary instruments, two thousand dollars I know there there a little more reasonable than that, although I'm not sure. I understand here I assume you are touring with a theatre company, doing a play or a one man show you're an actor After all, right Are you crazy? It's called a night without bitchy people pay a bunch of body. Just ask me questions question.
Twilight ship there really. Is this a casual thing in an intimate setting about four june. Oh god, damn it to set a fancy or down in its black. I only three boys dinner and workers to play the fork and works its dron, forty five pounds: a ticket, not dollar, baby? That's all it's a lot of money. That's going to demand, I just your answer, a bunch of questions about the godfather I guess breads can at least get a picture with you. I love my. I love it I've found myself to them, and a camera phones, foreign or ninety nine bound darling for individual seven. Forty nine per
That's like thousands of dollars! That's outrages myself! I will show you charge not and I don't charge money for fans to take a picture- would be a step. My friend you're leaving money on the table otherwise appear jamie upturning, being famous is just a lie. The men money. Oh this is this: the boring you just built in your famed for a little extra cash. Rich british people so who gives a taken I'm looking forward to going to picturesque scotland scattered land?
The irish know that that would be ireland, while the different countries that they're separated by a c l, wade or scotland are different. I can keep track of all these parts of europe. People are paying or training barely any buildings. Usually I'm the one who makes mistakes like this. Okay right, you're right, but the people. I heard of a shock to the earth party with a rich history of violence and bloodshed. And I imagine generous and hospitable. I don't know that for sure, but that's what a banker answer. it's got a notorious for being stingy famous for it
yeah like the dingiest stingy as people in europe, They're like out there like a disability, is people in europe. Are you telling me that I put on emerging tour designed about money out of focus, citizens tone. I did all the value of the money they are wanted in this village place in europe, I'm afraid so? Well, We are talking about the pyramid, I'm more strenuous got their age and a pirate. Welcome to during l, chico's people, you trust dick courier money up their job. Yes, Well, that's exactly how it goes pretty.
So I gotta go halfway around the world and not with a budget is breschia wherein clear skin I amount of ill gotten gash. Whatever? is often the night show business gods, hast, thou forsaken me, though, hey easy with the scot bashing. My friend MIKE Mccray is a scottish descent. I don't give a fuck, true. Damn near face god, damn sheep fuckers are listening to the live feed right now for their e, but I take it all back. If they come to my glasgow show a beta. You stay on the outer chino from the godfather saga, the irishman, she'll love that movie rhyme the devil and many. Well. Well hurry, but a dual a bit of a learning curve air, but we gotta go
afraid to know more about these pitfalls. That can happen to you all There's just too ready to go into now, but just a few don't sleep with bands tipp this if the club owner is a woman, she already has a deep seated problem with men to begin with a watch out, My best wish me luck now I gotta go work. On my at the shooting down an answering softball questioner, I gotta go! Ah hey become a premium member goaded, jimmied organic dotcom sign up. It's the most affordable premium, programmer the business don't don't don't bring all the voices performed today, our by the what it only the inevitable mike Mccrae. You can be founded MIKE Mccrae, dot com
that's it! For this week you be the best you can be. I'll keep being made Don't don't don't don't don't don't don't bring down? How did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.