« The Jimmy Dore Show

“THIS Is Why Fox News Fired Me!” – Interview With Tucker Carlson

2023-12-15 | 🔗

Why was Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ number one host, fired from his job at the cable network? Even he says he doesn’t know for sure, but in this interview with Jimmy Dore he and Jimmy discuss some of the possible reasons, including his position on vaccines, his critical take on the U.S. involvement in Syria, and his willingness to host a controversial figure like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Carlson about how freeing his departure from Fox has been.

Plus Jimmy's interview with the so-called "QAnon Shaman" Jake Chansley who is out of prison and running for Congress as a Libertarian. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Right now. New and current customers can get any phone for free at. U s cellular, so you can That with all your family members, this holiday season, you could even call your aunt, who always makes you talk to your cousin, whose a dog- or you know, maybe just send her a festive text, get the gift of connection at. U s, cellular get any phone free. Today you sell your bill, For us term supply is a: u s. Only gonna company deals we value human connection with fewer distractions. U s cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. It's time for that, make the holidays bright sales of acts at your local board either get special offers on our adventure ready for it. Ass you, bees or on our great selection of porridge rocks shoes from a large inventory of would be sick with its acknowledged space and flexibility for
he sees it. Let board make the holidays bright, bringing everyone together visit your local board. You there today during that make the holidays bright sales of it would do in life. Comedy shows an ax. Now California, venice, california, palmdale, california, alma, nebraska, damone, Milwaukee, lancing, michigan ben oregon portland. in seattle, washington and Boston, plus we're gonna put a day. Then Edmonton, canada, plus vancouver, see I gotta Jimmy gotta gambolling for all those tickets hey. This is Jimmy who's. This german first job widen hey, MR president, how you doing jimmy I know a lot of shit over here. Oh yeah. Is that so you better believe it, but go check that shit out man, I'm looking down the barrel of a reelection campaign that does
not all goods- and it really does not look good I am sure fucking literally, not plus republicans just started to talk about a little gin warrant, impeachment angry bullshit and now they're going after my boy again can what is she going? The justice department just one hundred biden with nine new crimes, a mash up of political persecution, plain and simple week I mean they are on the verge of a plea deal and then air collapsed. And then they comment us. I mean what does a privileged roger kitchen? I don't know, MR president, this looks pretty serious about frederick taxes in the hunter ordered, but these should pay back, No, he refused to pay millions and taxes from shady overseas deals. For years. Jimmy boy smokes
ok? He wanted than himself when he didn't pay millions in taxes shortly. What I haven't you ever from a and committed mash of tax fraud? No, oh well, look at johnny, perfect shit over here, we're so proud, gorgeous jerseys, your personal political. The filing includes a damning list of things that my boy did did spend money on during those years instead of filing his taxes. What does that have to do with anything? misleading prejudicial yeah talks about how we spend money on drugs in girlfriends lugs. re items, prostitutes, pornography, sex club, memberships, exotic sports, cars,
My son is fucking, awesome, yeah, but like a study, he was shelf. During this period smoking disappear from our leaders.
Spending money on pornography in this day and age yeah. I know that is clearly the action of a crack. I guess the I agree if my showing paid for porn in a year of porn up and you porn, while completely sober I'd, put them in fucking jail myself yeah, he was sober, he was on crack. He needed help, not prison yeah and luckily he got that help and prostitute. So what is your next legal move that? Oh I'm not involved? Really hunter Biden can expect no help from his president father more support. Yes, legal help, no he's a big boy, but between you and me, he's fully aware that at the end of the date or is always the possibility of the big pie which, unfortunately, I do explain to him
tired. I see no conflict of interest there, none whatsoever. Anyway. I have other things to focus on the moment. Oh yeah, like what anti semitism on college campuses yeah, let me clarify actually because I don't want to whitewash the situation. Anti Semitism, an ivy league college campus. Yes, you heard that right, my goodness, I know it's beyond tragic these poor students can barely watch plasma getting that notion that other students beauty events in Gaza as a criminal act. Can you imagine the terror? They must feel unimaginable, sir. I know, but luckily congress has taken the lead just your date, a girl, the presidents of harvard and the university of pennsylvania, about this very issue:
about these horrors that are occurring on the camp. Little cause for genocide against jew literal, but the hell do your father, means make the uprising of palestinian a global phenomenon, exactly Jimmy queuing, all the jewish people in the world and the brave congressmen who women girl, whose presence would completely on answerable questions designed to make them look bad, and now you brad at least calls for her resignation. The presence of an eye shake good once the world sees it You guys were railroaded and forced to leave their positions because they failed to prioritize jewish feelings over the freedom of expression of all students. That should help stop anti semites.
Right here in countless share the other problem, so rob saw really. I gotta go to me okay, have a a colleague stopping by to discuss the legal problems he's having the president does sometimes yeah and then later we are. Do more menorah lighting for jewish christmas, we are really leading ended, owes us anyway, I be harder to Jimmy gay happy out a good EU president
as guidance fomenting dow jones in meeting them. The chance to show let's get to a talker karlsson is a political commentator. Author who hosted the nightly political talk, show took her karlsson tonight on fox news from twenty sixteen twenty twenty three is also previously hosted programmes. I see them an MSNBC in twenty ted karlsson cope, and served his editor in chief of the news that opinion website the daily collar departing and twenty twenty he's written three books, I've read: three books ease written treatable, apollo, dickens, partisans and parricide ships of fools and the logs light, and just this week, soccer karlsson launched a new media company tucker karlsson network. A subscription streaming service
and here's the announced. They told you the guys, torturing, when these in twenty twenty were mostly peaceful. They said it mass they. The facts with say they ve tried to convince you that russia, I want the corporate media, lied and killed them. word friday morning assigned to leave me when I may. I should be carrying, but why didn't you say so? Let's welcome Ok, Carl's it in the the new talker karlsson networks we're thanks for coming to power jimmy thanks for having me. I proceeded so tell people about this new network, What are you? What should they know about? It. I mean I just spent
Fourteen years, why spend like over twenty five years working for big media companies? And I was just reminded yet again that when you work for other people you're, you know things might be going fine in your happy, but ultimately you're nodding control, and you can actually say everything that you want to say because there, always limits when someone else's is, is in charge and so If you want to keep saying what you want to say, which is my primary goal in life, and I mean that anyone knows me- can tell you that's true more than money or anything else. I want to say what I want to say: you're gonna have to be immune from pressure from company. From advertisers and you're gonna- have to go description. We sat next to a conclusion but I have reached special going into the next four months, which I think are gonna, be pretty intend so very intense oh, I just wanted a fortress behind I can say whatever I want, there's nothing you can do about it and that's what we're trying to build
Well, it's exciting! I'm here on you two were I don't have any controls on what I say, except bill gates gets to dictate what I say about covered and what I about health and people. I stand how he has control a billionaire like bill. He does an own google or desirable former out he's a simple farm her. How does he have a good job? all over what I get this hey well, because he's biggest donor act. Was it the w h, Joe and google and youtube have a policy that I can't contradict anything the w h, o says, and so as the biggest donor to the w h o, because he's he's well he's contributes through, is Billy Melinda gates foundation and through Gabby, another vaccine company, that he or organization. He started and they donate just as much. The w Joe, if not more than even china. So they're like the number one donor and the former here, of the w. A joy has admitted that when they have
I have to go around begging for donations, so they can run their organization and then, when they someone gives them a big donation, they have to do it. They say that's not me saying that that's the former head of the w h joe, so I'm controlled by what I can say here about Colvin vaccines, help I will, in general, the next pandemic, the last pandemic, I'm controlled by bill gates himself and bill gates. As we know, funds those faked fact, checking organizations that fact check me on facebook. And they all say they always say that it's not I'm I'm spreading misinformation, but everyone else. I've never had misinformation and any thing I've ever shared on facebook are the ones who are liars they're, the ones who are funded by billionaire class and bill gates, and so that's the beauty of what you're doing. Is there won't be someone like bill gates controlling what you say or or jeff basis or end, other handful or klaus schwab, or the w e f controlling it, Oh you'll be yogi, then that's what scares
is that right, so aren't you afraid that they're gonna come for you? Of course I am, but if you just take three steps back, it's sort of remarkably wound up in a country where billionaires should control everything when I get I knew I was naive. I assume gino billionaires would be short of often their own private world, literally on their private boats, with aramis beating their servants with their kane, whatever doing whatever they do, but I ever imagined a world where they would like determine. When I was allowed to think about the medicine I take mean. That's it that's a lie. Couple of control enabled only by technology is a new thing, the dead. no precedent in human history. feudal, nor did not. Actually That kind of power I mean famous eat can sleep with your wife on your wedding night or whatever, but he could not tell you what to think and didn't try, I answered this is like a new thing: everyone should be mad about it? No one's mad about it weirdly we lionize these people, but we should be afraid and yeah, of course, you're going to
For me I mean, but I've been through that before the best I can do is just the best I can do. I guess it's. They did already come for you one time they do or the number one raided new show in america- and I remember when I met you and per and that your house in maine either we started can together, it was around de syrian war, and I was shocked that you are allowed to tell the truth. about the syrian war on television sets. Remember: that's why the democratic party in the mainstream media turn on dulcy gabert turned on her, not because of anything, except that she started to tell the truth about the syrian war and as soon as you, did that she became persona non grata and they attacked her, and so, when I asked you I said will were how are you allowed to tell the truth about this syrian war and I'm no fury However, what you told me, because you have any advertisers. Remember that
People are right, then, already taken them all So there is a lot to me. I mean everyone talks about fuck, you money, you know you spoke money. No one is fucking money, there's only popular already you're only free when you don't have anything actually in at narrow way? Will it apply to me cause like gm was not advertising on my show it couldn't because all these pressure groups and prevented it, but I I mean I haven't opened into two foxes, great credit. I know it but for the whole time, the fourteen years I was there in my position- was sheer channel feel like what I'm saying. Take way off here, but as long as I'm on the air, I'm going to say what I want to say it again, if you don't like it, I'm not going to conform. Your views, but you always have the option to take me off, of course, and the actual That option in the end, but they they kind of didn't before the time I was there and you know what we think of them. I just have to be honest, and that is true. They let me say it so good. So so when they came, when the pressure groups came, fur glenn back and they took away his advertising fox news got rid of them, but when they took away you're,
we're ties in your show was so popular that that's explained how you still funded that show how fox still made money off you. Well, they made it from mostly from somewhat by the way I don't really know, because I never had any visibility into the numbers at all again. This is when you work for someone else, and you don't know what's going on and there is so much I didn't know when I was shown. I wrote my script every night, so I was like completely. I mean you know what it's like. Your lately in your own head when you're writing something. So I was oh cut off, but mostly superfund. descriptions: women, you buy a cable sob and its x. Number of dollars per month and then some percentage that goes to the different channels in fox got the book of the biggest, I think, the biggest kind of any jail. So it was really a pretty good formula- is one I'm kind of hoping to replicate it if it was a different model. You are to some extent slated from the stuff. You know control. You know
the very many different layers of the internet between your face and people's phones or televisions bite, but you can definitely get around the advertiser boycott stuff. If you just you know, I was report, rainfall thronging ask so the IRA like thing there is that the pressure groups came for you to take away your advertisers, which they thought would be the end of you, but that was actually the freeing of you, you are unreleased, then, and there why you are allowed to start becoming start telling these truths that nobody else has the guts to tell or is allowed to tell on corporate news media nobody else, nowhere on cnn, MSNBC or anywhere else on fox. Did anybody tell the truth about the syrian war you were the loan guy in mainstream news media telling the truth about the syrian war and I can go on and on you told the truth about julian Assad. You told you about covert philip truth about ukraine war. You were the one. It was amazing how they allowed you to do that, and now have my own theory about why they finally should can't you
My theory is that you told too much truth and the last truth you toll was when you brought our kay junior on to tell the truth about big farmer that was a bridge too far because our Junior had told me that he was right, with Roger ailes, by the way they should attend at a good boots, the judges. and does so there's my theory about that too so, but he told me they told me that when he would tell roger heals all the stuff that he had learned about vaccines, roger ale. So this is great information and I'm glad to sharing it with me. But if anything, Let you on my news, the station to say that I would get a phone call and I would be fired, and so that's why He couldn't let him on, but you brought him on and it seemed like within a week Do you have brought a man? They had gotten rid of you. So does that wouldn't wouldn't what's your theory.
well. I really don't I mean I honestly don't know, and it is one of those you know those mysteries where there are so many possible suspects that is kind of hard to pick. I know the ukraine the thing didn't sit well with really anybody in washington and new york in and whether we may be some time before I die all learn why they were so obsessed with. Ukraine is not as simple as they were all making one because they weren't all making money on it. There's something deeper than I honestly don't get, but it was absolutely real and I lost friends over it as someone I really liked, we didn't in everything by. I really liked would not talk to me because the ukraine think so, at the level of larry re. Ukraine was very intense. Obviously was no it wasn't one. It's a well known. Person is really a good guy and he won't talk to me and when my wife recently I'm very matter your husband and she said I've. I know this guy for many years television person. What why you met at my house
Of over you claim about, why are you helical she's, completely confused, like wound up here, personal dispute or something you mean it was a guy attack, one of his get, but when the former thing just to be clear. I know you know this and say this all the time, I'm sure, but by more effort. I think that any industry not to sell their products that they make, but you control the coverage of those products that obviously the point right so yeah. That's a tough thing in I think Bobby was fundamentally right about that clearly about the bags and unity, There is no doubt nobody like did. There is one thing to be like. Oh mask no work by no nothing about vaccines or medicine or science at all, and I never claimed that I did, but my spidey senses when crazy with this battles have what is this it's weird and I'll, don't take a purse we and I Didn'T- and I think people-
which was not to take it, that instinct turnip be vindicated, but this second, I particularly that in the mildest way like hey, you know we ve never had any guinea, successful vaccine for corona virus. So what so down all been wholly smokes people were crazy. Everybody so the channel but everywhere and that by the way, Absolutely solidified by instinct are not taken this crap and all my fellow taken this grab, but I never really figured out what that was about. I do think it's more than about advertisers like ukraine, like there's some weird high mind command it's going out and convincing the people the most power. Our society must get on board, with whatever destructive nonsense, someone's gotta but I dont have a good theory view. Let me just said I have two because bill gates controls. We list remind people the vaccine is safe and effective, and it wants to.
At the spread or contraction of the virus, but it will keep you from getting seriously ill, hospitalized or dead. So lose it right down slows it writes, are weak curtain waiting, four or five posters for breakfast So how did you want to have something in common with the great kurt metzger? By the way I mean whirlwind, comedy writer or pay court. I am in a boy of for its pfizer member James, who gave a budget. Where does that's right all the sudden he's out of his own thing they kicked out is a best video me every day. The best news report he ever data may be the best news report of the year. He got fired for them of his own company, because the power big farm, and now I lost lots and lots of french people will get people who worked for me, people who wrote for me people screamed at me on the phone telling me shouldn't talk about covert, and I shouldn't talk about the vaccine and I'm well. What am I supposed to tell people when I find out that they are being lied to this and I was told you should tell them to talk to a doctor, I'm like malaria,
in doctors on my joe and then He told me what used to bring out a major young doktor. I should bring out a mainstream docker. They can get that anywhere else. That's not what this patrols about this shows about bring you in alternative its I called an alternative news. Show is now called a mainstream news show, so I'm not going to bring out doctor voucher amateur, although I'd love to he, he would never come on my show where mainstream they were mainstream doctors that you're the of course. The doctors that I did bring out were actually mainstream. Doctors die doctor Robert Malone, who I brought on doctor Mercola day, a doctor pier all these are all mainstream doctors, when some of the most cited most well researched much more than the greatest accords in their fields up until covert, and then of course they have. to be discredited by the atlantic and new york times and jeff basis and Emma and be seen everybody else, because They had a narrative that was counter to what happened to go of it. So yeah I've experienced that myself, people lost their my their emotions, people in hollywood than my old friends. They were,
don't come near me. It's like when I, if I go into a comedy club, I'm florida and there are alaska, they stay as far away from me as they possibly can not all of them, but most of them, and so did you ever did you know? Okay, so I've explained Certainly, I experience that and I think really. That is what happened to you and you know what's funny about all the anti are of K, junior propaganda they have given him by the way the guy was a hero to environmentalists and, environmentalists him now they all turned their backs on him. People or environmentalist want anything to do with them because he found out something about the vaccines and how they It approved in what's really in them that he had to share with people, because he couldn't keep that truth inside of and he shared it, and so now he persona non grata. It's amazing what they ve done him, but if you notice his up favorability ratings is higher than both of Joe Biden and down.
Tromp. Isn't that amazing? I have noticed. I have noticed It's I think, would so interesting is that doctors who clearly can read a mean minor whereat by definition there not stupid by definition. You hope. I think it's true the smart. They look the evidence and, like everything they said, was but will fundamentally everything they said was wrong about the bags. In its heard, a lot of people and like we're all and some doctors- and I know the three that you mentioned and their great, but there are tens of thousands as of doctors in the united states, and why are they all standing up and saying? Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry I cannot believe I recommended. I mean I endorsed the iraq war in two thousand and three and at the end of two thousand and three. I realized I was wrong and I felt bad about it for twenty years twenty years. In fact, it was twenty years ago this week that I went to Iraq and I felt bad about it ever since then every opportunity, I apologise not to please other people
But to maintain my dignity, myself respect, I mean that's a prerequisite you have to. If you hurt someone unintentionally up as I'm sorry and I came to me, didn't ninety nine percent of american doctors won't do that in it, I'm not going to them by the way. I would never go to a doctor still lying about covered, because that that's a dangerous person, that's an immoral person and a dangerous person, my own personal doctor, who I won't because she's already been attacked was it was the one who pushed back sheep. She treated me when I was vaccine injured, I called her your hand. I was afraid that she wasn't gonna. Believe me. She said Jimmy I'm treating five people just like you. Three of them are nurse is there's two of em are doctors and none of them feel comfortable the talk about it. And so she knew really early on that there was something to various going on. She was the one she they told their. They wouldn't let her treat patients they would when they were becoming.
Four covert. They would just tell her into bade him and she was like everybody's dying, so she started, giving them steroids and they Came to her and said: hey you're, breaking the rules, you're not allowed to give people steroids and she said yeah, but my pain we are living in your patients are dying and then six, months later, the f. the cdc, reverse their advice. On that then send ok, you can give them steroids, and so I was very very lucky to have my own personal doktor, be on the forefront of that, and so I trust her more than anything now I want to go back blessing. I mean you here so had good reports. No you're, so fortunate to have someone will deepen medical knowledge? Who is in decent human being and not insane. People, including we do not have access to a doctor like that in the I've met doctors. I'd like it, I'm sure they're competent in their specialities, but I take it passed it. It's like. Oh
You know I'm great at my job. I killed a bunch of people, but I'm a great pr. It's I know it's true. It's too big a sin to overwork, like you have no credibility. Unless you apologise for that explain how you reach that one conclusion: that's like it anyway, I think about it. When I got vaccine injured, I tweet I was five four or five weeks after my second doze and I bought the propaganda. Like everybody else. I didn't have my spidey senses like you, because I a bone disease, and I was convinced that they told you that when you get girl, if you get covert, it's gonna go dear weakest organ and kill you, and so I knew I in bad shape with my bone disease, and I was afraid it was gonna go to. Bones and kill me, and so I was first one in line to get that vaccine and so four or five weeks after my second dose, I was still sick as a dog with headaches and neck and a stiff neck, I had exhaustion all day my joints ached? I had fevers. I didn't know what to do so. I tweeted about it, and I said: is there anybody
having these symptoms and luckily there's a doctor name? dr uganda, who was that he was starting of of of the study to try to treat people like me, and he said he was also trying to come up with a protocol to treat people with long kovac, and his theory was that people with long covert would present the same way with people who were vaccine injured, and he showed me biologically that I, it presented was you ve never had Colvin, but it looks like the cause of your because of these tests. We ran your biological markers look as if you have long cove it, but you don't You never had called it, so they these liked so do whatever symptoms aren't had to come from the back. So then he me on. He was the one who told me that they are lying about. I reckon he was the one who told me that that I respect and was considered a miracle drug before or covert. They were even looking to merits a I to cure cancer before Colvin and I looked up and that's true
so they always knew that there was a great drugs, but of course nobody could make money off it and if that actually did treat cover, they couldn't get their emergency medical, use authorization for their vaccines, so we ve been lied to about so thou just want to say the doktor uganda. He was the first one to help me and then he said, and you better get through your personal doktor on board and that she was So I was, I was taken care of in that way, and now I have doktor pure corey taken care of me and a few other people, so I am take. Care of Hey, you know, here's another great. Where you can help support the show. You should become a private. a member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to Jimmy Dore company that cop clicking I joined premium and supposed affordable previous programmes business and it's a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks
everybody who was already a premium member, and if you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, the right now knew and current customers can get any phone for free you s cellular, so you can, and act with all your family members, this holiday season, you could even call your aunt who always makes you talk to your cousin. Was a dog or you know, maybe just send her a festive text get the gift of connection at. U s, cellular get any phone free. Did a? U s! Cellular bill. For us terms applied as the usa, we would accompany deals. We value human connection with fewer distractions. U s cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. Jake annually chancellor, is that how you say your name That is correct, or the first want to get it right. The first time, all fantastic he's better known as the shopman. Ladies and gentlemen from january sixth, and uh just so. You know
He says the media called me: the queue sherman or cure non gmo. but that is a straw man they created in an attempt to control them, narrative and destroy my public image. It ought to be honest. I do. I believe you, but I also believe that the the outfit didn't help so, let's bring enjoy. Jake, thank you for coming on the show and you were having me and I shall not regalia I've been wearing for over ten years, and only on january. Sixteen, the media seek to give me any sort of attention because they can use it to fit they're nervous. So tell me about the This. Would you call the shopman regalia tell me about it. I've been wearing it for over ten years. Has symbolism to it. In the dna or navajo tradition, the coyote Guess they trickster animal.
in coyote skin and coyote tales, because I had the trickster by the tails and if the trickster messes with the buffalo, he gets the horns and I also practice, shamanism in particular, I go along with the yoga sharman. and they have. For centuries for millennia addressed it in elaborate ways to kind of shock, the cognitive system of the tribe, and then bring them truth once their cognitive system has been shot, bring them truth that reality that they perceive in the culture paradigm that their living in is not reality to lecture isn t miss outside terrorism. Will now I feel like an asshole for making a joke by water is a real show me that means as the sure religious thing of being a german. What the cuban all day, not just the media. Attaching that, like I
correct, Alex Johns first coined the term view shaven and then the media wet with to end on salmon and that's where it start now: ok, wow! so one year, much more spiritual, I then people would would have thought I certainly than I thought and so all I know is, is the correct sure that the media tried to paint or painted a view and so that's why we're bringing you on, because I did hear that there's a lot more to you than meets the eye from the corporate media and I'm How do you explain that? That's actually it's a great explanation of why you dress like that them, so that common that they got it wrong, who who would take that the mainstream media- we get something so port and wrong. Well, I just want to show this and I woke up when you wanted to the but what was on your mind,
I also went on December twelve aunt january six, so I went to two mega million margins and I went to m for largely spiritual reasons, first and foremost because disease. built on electromagnetic lay lines like all the ancient pyramids oblast, medicine wheels and temples throughout the world, and so Do you see having an obligation in other caught the eager congressional building, the capital white house. What is it all very large? Can you tell me what that is? What's what is an obvious? That's the washington volume, you're, washington's dawn. The tribute to his dog now oh, why am I not analyse no kidding kay, sorry I had so all ancient sites sacred sides pyramid. it's obelisks temples medicine, wheels they're. There are built on these lines, these lay lines or electromagnetic lines. They exist around the earth. They go all the way down to the core and their certain portions of the planet were on the crust they cross one another and that's where these sacred sites have been placed.
So washington, DC c is one of the sites where these buildings, you, the capital of the white house, the supreme court, the pentagon, the washed monument lincoln Mario, there are built on lay lines. So if there's and be a million people on the lay lines. It's my shame on duty to be there and ensure the highest possible frequencies are plugged into the grid and you know I also have other like political reasons, foregoing as well, and my opinion? There has been a long string of abuses that have not been redressed by the government for it. ample the federal reserve, the irish, the debt based currency, you know detest egos, aramis, the radiation, experiments, J of cases, ass, This goes on and on all the way on up to thirty three thousand emails being deleted. Nobody accusing uranium wine gauzy I mean
Russia, russia, russia, hopes for four years with no apology, no justice and then there's things like you know a covert and then there's things like the lot downs and the riots for over two hundred days. No ninety two. Ninety five percent of their charges were dropped on federal times were dropped on those rioters and then there's the hunter by laptop suppression and then there's the election. So there's a lot of abuses that have taken place. You know about from the american. the federal government to the people over decades. So I felt that that needed some sort of a non violent stand to be taken against so you're, a spiritual, guy you're, there are real nonviolent you're there for all. the right reasons it seems like you represent. I don't know if it's the best part of america, but certainly the best part of humanity,
and dumb they turned you. They turned you into a somewhat who's, trying to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power. They turn you into an enemy, of democracy. They turn june. The enemy of america at americans in the constitution and now That could be further from the truth. Can you tell me ah well? First of all I want to. I want to show you this. This is what I this is, what a presidential hopeful. Ah, the vec ramaswamy said the last of gnp debate. The real enemy is not donald trump it's not even Joe Biden. It is the deep state that at least donald trump attempted to take on and if you want somebody who's gonna speak truth to power, then vote for some he was going to speak the truth to you. Why am I every person on the stage. At least we can say that january. Six now does look like. It was an insult. Well, he said inside job out in a way that stopped right now
I don't know, I don't know what happened, but it stop right there, but he's got a club. We are you ve, seen Everybody has seen him say that. Why is he the only one on that stage who, as saying that looks like january six? Was it in size are actually the back. I dont know why you're the only one it's kind of suspicious! Actually not to be given on about it, but it is weird right is there is a saying that its he saying it's a completely inside set up job? He believed it a deep state and they are destroying american americans from the win now If only he would come around to admitting dagger corbett's game was a deep state things as well that he'd be right on course. But what are you? What what's your reaction when you saw that well, first of all, january, six was set up. We know that, based on the fact that you're gonna pitman did not get intelligence to tax capital police chief signed. We also
the pentagon mcnally they didn't get the information about over a dozen known terrorists being in the crowd on January six. We also know You have the eid and tell anything the geek chiefs, and we also know that nancy blows in ms mcdonald took away chief sons, emergence. The powers, the forged you re sex a couple weeks through a law where he had to ask them to deploy the national guard to protect the capital, so all of this intelligent suppression and the changing of the laws, it all indicates very real, intelligent suppression, not intelligence failure and intelligent suppression means at their very likely to set up. Now with that being said, I think it's important to note that a lot of people that are running for often including for that roma swampy, as I like to call on he has talked about the deep state and none of them have actually destroy got. The deep state is what I can do in two and a half minutes, and if you can, explain something simply, then you don't understand it.
holy. So I would challenge these candidates that are running for president or congress, as I am running for congress to explain what the deepest It isn't just stop using it as a bogeyman to get boats. So can you explain what the deep state is absolutely so the deep state is comprised of three different apparatus is number one. It is the corrupted it checks in dallas, says within our three branches of government, because if you corrupt the checks and balances portions of the government, then you obviously with them able to centralize power? Number two? Is the bureaucracy, the over five hundred federal agencies that are tasked with clinical regulating commerce and through right regulations. They are in effect creating law. They also have regulatory enforcement agents which act like basically law enforcement for these regulations. So they have. enforcement and they also have their own judicial core of their owner. Administrative courts are outside the federal court system, so they have cancer
allocated legislative, executive and judicial powers into a centralized power that we call the bureaucracy which constitutes a fourth branch of government. and the centralisation of all three branches of government into a Single power? Is the founding fathers definition of tyranny? Now the third part of the deep state is the the national corporations, the international banking cartels, the ngos and the special interest groups that are both right the regulations for these regulatory agencies and using the government's monopoly on the initiation of force to reinforce their nobly on our resources, labour and currency, but they're all so using lobbying and things of that nature to corrupt the the czechs and die- this portions of our governments, so we have here, is essentially international cartels that are corrupting our federal system, both in the lead in the three pranced government system. In the fourth ranch a government, called the bureaucracy and essentially using the government's monopoly on the initiation of force to men.
I believe, all of our resources, labour and currency, and that is tyranny. Well well said, You know I forgot, I'm sorry. I forgot to actually read your introduction. When I I was so excited I got name pronounced correctly. I, but you were sentenced to forty. One once in prison after pleading guilty to violent entry and disorderly conduct and the capital group sounds and you are released this past. That is a mistake, not the untried jimmy. Now I plead guilty to obstruction of an official proceeding. Oh that was it fifteen twelve. Yes, sir, and you got forty one months for that- that she'd child molesters get less than that. Why? Why do you think? Why do you think that, first of all did you violently entered the capital now I did not. How did you get into the capital? I walk through open doors now granted those open doors were kicked up and from within.
No denying that, but once I saw the violence that was taking place outside in the chaos I felt it. silly necessary to protect the sacred chamber, the police officers and the congressmen that we're inside that building, because it is a sacred chamber, and I knew the only way that I could do that was going in myself, even though I knew that it may end up getting in trouble and no stopping theft, stopping vandalism. Stopping violence being. My motivation is clearly shown because thirty six and within my entering the building, I stop somebody from stealing from a break room shut thereafter, I helped the police. I volunteered to help the police clear, the senate chamber, that's why they were walking me around the building. Locked door locked door, because I volunteered to help them stop vanity, some violence theft and help them cleared the senate chamber and upon exiting the building. I was, the only person that actually went up and tried to stop people from breaking in ice, blasted, donald trump tweet, out over my megaphone time, you're about to go home- and I told him way to go home and stop what they were doing. So my intentions were quite clear, but the
mocking mockingbird media narrative and the government narrative were such that they could not have that truth get to the public and so now I ve been saying on the show for quite a while that January six was set up by the feds that were input, the fbi, Feds and metro police that were implanted in the crowd that incited those people to go in to the capital and was also aided by the cops who took the gates awake as I saw that happen on video but then I saw them walking people I do it. bit about it, my act with a then they went up to which they went up to the competent eight, which words which mcdonald's office the cops took, em, and then they all took selfies with the cops and are so I My whole theory was that they instigated january six to happen so that they could criminal eyes, donald trump, political movement, so they could get Donald
from out of the way. So they could get another puppet of the military industrial complex. In place to go, do the wars that they wanted to do, and he wouldn't do them as fast as they wanted, and he wouldn't do as much as they wanted. In fact, he ran on pulling the out of the middle east and getting out of all those middle east intact but so that was already immediately a problem for the deep state and the military industrial complex which are just they work hand in hand. So that's I theory, and why they did this and why they over prosecuted people like you is. Do you share that theory? absolutely it was set up. It turned into a science and the sight was intended to vilify. Donald trump and supporters as well as label his supporters. Things like domestic extreme, MR domestic terrorists to create the illusion that somehow someway donald trump and americans that want to save a country are dangerous to the very constitutional republic there seeking the salvage and say so. I just want to play
this, for you, Joe rogan commented on this briefly and he said this everyone's gonna jail. Yacu. it shouldn't go to jail or going to jail. If the cops, let you in the door and they give you a tour you're going to jail like we're, going to call it a violent insurrection and everyone's going to jail and we're going to let you in we're going to open up the barricades and we're going to have federal agents in the audience encouraging it right to go into the house and then, when we were under oath were going to say we can't answer whether or not federal agents were inciting people to go into the capital like how how how ethically inappropriate
Do you think everything about that is its so bad tat? If this was happening from the right? If this was jump, doing this people would be losing their shit be losing their shit. You should be losing your shit if it happens in any political party. This is, while everyone so love that club, yes, and so you know the federal agencies that you talked about the deep state. They don't actually protect us from anything they plot against us all day. Every day. They don't stop terrorism, they don't save lives, they don't save money. Every wonder where that maliciously self. this design is called roommate went after they got older. They got jobs in the deep state, that's where they went so it
when you see that that has to warm your heart right, because that's the number one talk show host in the world and he he's he's he's, got a clear vision of what happened and he speak it about you there. Yes, I I watched lots european and he is very sharp- he's very well informed he's very Open minded is open, hearted and he's funny the fact that he is able to condense the truth of what happened on january. Six at the like above one minute, clip is just its evidence. his eloquence and his intelligence. While I hated. Can you show this clip of Joe? I hated a bunk this clip for you, but look you see how the video has been turned black and white to hide how green Joe is from not getting vaccinated bam. You just got Reuter. Do that then you've read in context of that clip. I had to add context. So here's actually an january six foot It shows the capital cops escorting q and a german to send.
Floor and there it is I've. Seen that video I've seen that happen, and you already explained what they were doing so they they ve found you to be a helpful to the cops inside. and put it in stamping out violence. That's what they're twice. They re I held a volunteer here. They didn't come up to me and asked me I came up and ask them if I could help them so I'm Are you seen this too, but I want to play it for people. This is nancy policies, daughter, alexandra Alexandra and here's what she says about you. What did he say? He stood there. He was I got a one, so I bought sliding, and I think that the government is going to go for that. Their green book to get bigger, like people are criticizing, some of that
the lot of people getting probation and stuff. So I think that looking to make people think a poet now we can figure along with everybody. So she's there admitting you did nothing. That's navy, plus he's daughter admitting out a secret videotape that you did nothing now you see that the does it. I can't help, but have it gets rage inside me towards the machine because now there's no, she knew it. And so she's a lying scumbag, because she wouldn't come out and say that she wouldn't come and stand up for other americans. Instead, he would go along with the deep state sign up that used
weapon eyes the justice system to push a political end of ferris political operation. What how do you react to that I'll? I would say I have done my best to forgive not necessarily forget, but forgive me. captors? Because the fact of the matter is I to assert extent understand why it is that they I wish to make an example out of me because of the power of the mocking bird media. Do I think that it the american way not at all? Do I think it is tyrannical absolutely, but if Jesus Kin forgive the people nailing him to the cross, then I can forgive. However, that does not mean that I'm not to speak the truth to power. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to blow the whistle ass loud ass. I can and expose the government corruption, because if we don't do something about it the problem! Now, where are you
four and seven generations away gonna be worthwhile it is going to happen to them? If this kind of stocking happened in plain sight, and nothing is done about. Yeah. I fear I also fear and you so I just want to People know that you're actually running for congress writes a european year, the libertarian ticket in next year's election for arizona, eighth congressional district see now what part? arizona. Is that like north western phoenix area, it's a big area of land, but you know I've lived in district, my whole life pretty much, except for when I was in the navy and when I was in prison, so I've lived. For thirty plus years and a lot of the people that are running in barcelona we can take it, didn't even live in district day there they just
it is a you know: a slam dont, because Debbie Lascaux is got ninety percent of the vote over the last several decades. So you know as a libertarian and I'm so I'll put it I'm trying I'm trying to make my entered that antithetical to all of the problems in american politics, as I can. I am not accepting campaign donations because big money is a big problem and because it's a big problem, I'm not going to participate in it so running in the libertarian, a third party canada, because the two party system has divided this country and taken everything from the american people and the price in the process and the I think that we really gotten in exchange is more poverty, more wars, more taxes, this crisis after crisis after crisis after crisis, unless freedoms. So I don't want to be, part of that problem. Either animals. Nor can we running any smear campaign against my opponents, because I am I
and you do not need to run a smear campaign against everybody if you're the best and on the best. So I would done I'm I'm. Really thrilled that you decided to come on the show today, and I am glad that you made yourself available to our audience. You are the exact opposite of what the corporate billion, our own media and the deep state wanted to present portray you ass, and you seem like some one that I would like to get to know better because I feel like I could learn a lot from you. and I'd like to offer a few. If or you do, fund razors because I would definitely come to arizona and and do us show foreign and to donate. The prop proceeds from that show to your campaign is that we do what you do somethin like that, I'd like to do that, if that's possible, Well, it's entirely possible for you to come out, but I'm not accepting donations from anybody, because times are hard enough on the american people and if,
want to say, contribute to the campaign. You can go to my website, its chairman for congress darker let's sherman avaux are congress dot com and there where we have resources where like, for example, if you wanted to jimmy, you could play save, for example, via a spot on a billboard here in the eighth district. Of arizona. For a certain at times, and that would contribute to local businesses here in the eighth district And no money would have to be exchanged between you are. I am you can also do things like. You know your ads on acts. Of course we also have free means that we're gonna be handing out to people, because we we don't want, but I dont want people's money. What asking for is their support, their signature. So I can get on the ballot in their vote and the cool thing about all three of those things is they're free yeah, but everybody knows you. You're, going to
It would be nice if he won and he you know you aren't planning on it. I'm planning on winning- and so you know, money helps, but I think it's it's smart to not take money from corporations or big, but big money donors, but if you did, I took small dollar donations from people who need a voice. I think that they would. would that's a good idea. I week we really need people like you and government. I think and dumb I want you to handcuff yourself in such a horrible way that you don't you don't win, and so I think, a lot of people. I don't think that compromises you to have. Someone do a fundraiser for you and I we should probably talk about this off the year, who gives a shit right had had the butt anyway, I'm all for it come on stream. Next I'd love to meet you man. I would love to shake your hand and thank you for all you've done. Okay, I would love the shake your hand to- and I am sure we will soon we come out-
There are at least once a year we player the tempi improv. and I can't remember the last we were there, but it will be there in twenty twenty four for sure. so and if you are likewise, if you ever make de los angeles, please let me know I do absolute I'd like to take you to lunch or something like that. If you, if that's okay, alright, if that as long as it's organic, yeah, okay for sure, ah well, jake annually, chancellor, the shopman from January six thanks so much for taken time, to spend with our audience to get people to get to know you, and we wish you all the best, congressional run in arizona eighth district, thank you so much up before I go. If you don't mind, I just I can tell you what it is that I'm running on no sure I'm gaily be very quick. The promises
I give to the people of the eighth district of arizona and the american people as a whole, because a lot of same concerns in the eighth district to the concerns of the american people as a whole the promises on running on the campaign platform are number one single bill. Voting law number two an amendment for term limits for congressmen and staff number three The criminalization of lobbying and number four seven figure the expulsion of prosecution for our congress. Members caught insider trading now the interesting hard about this platform. Is that that guy, it's what I did my news max interview a couple of weeks ago, not even a day or two after I did that interview, Matt Gay started talking about doing a single bill, voting lush, and then he introduced his own little anticorruption campaign for anticorruption plan, rather that just happens to be my campaign points in particular, if you're getting rid of lobbying getting wet insider trading and charm limits, so this is very effective in already from arizona
without even being in the congress? I have moved the needle in d c, more than anybody else has in any sort of congressional run. So I do believe that I will be more effective than any congress member ever especially now so does that's gonna make you feel good, actually that met gates were picked up the year I d is underway, with them, no lights, indicative that their good ideas and plasma we have got a lot more. I've got a lot more, really good ideas, I'm just running on those four things, because everybody and agree on a republican and democrat libertarian and can green party independent. They can all agree that these things need to happen, so That's why I'm saying I'm the best candidate man I'm going to be a real represented of the american people. So let me just break down those for the first thing you said was single issue bills, meaning right now, they'll put a build together they're in congress and they'll say hey. Do you want to give a school lunches to poor kids? I as well
In order to do that, you also have to vote for funding for the ukraine war and you have two boys, so that's that's all they put too much stuff together in one bill and see your saying stop doing that. Let's have single issue bills. You want to vote for school lunches. Let's do that! You want to vote for a tax cut. Let's do that. You want to vote for funding a war. Let's do that. Let's not push all those things you want to vote for border security. Let's do that next lap push all those things together and make people vote it's against things that or for things that data want you that's what single issue voting is right, rats and what's really important about that as well. that, once you see these single bills, get on the floor when used he who was special interest groups, agendas are being pushed and who is voting for You get to see you no kind of like Ask our members where their corporate sponsor on their suits, you To see who is the corporate sponsor this? I shall interest groups sponsor of these congressional representatives. Also, those
two thousand page omnibus bills. They have to vote on that within two before the forty eight hours, nobody can read to nasa ages of law and twenty four to forty eight hours, Oh there's a number of reasons why this would be a good idea and anybody that votes against securing the border in funding the border, obviously is showing their true colours. Anybody that votes against something like geena, giving kids quality lunches at school as opposed to these preservative phil genetically modified garbage that they're getting now. they get now has its obvious, what side of the fence at their on. So that's why that is the first thing that I'm gonna do, because it will expose the corruption fantastic. Jake. Actually, chancellor. Thank you so much for covered on. We looked everywhere in the future saki soon at you, pleasure, your hey! This is Jimmy who's. This babies. Friend of the show vince vaughn colonists, who would you it is thought hey how you do it bids
tell you how I am merry christmas, Jimmy and god bless us every one is the nice system includes. Why are you so flushed with the christmas spirit Jimmy? I have witnessed the first christmas miracle occasion and it so early Joe get back at first. I thought, maybe with just the lake thanksgiving happening, but a better, decided now? This is an early christmas miracle right on the cost, all the way from snow we russia to russia, which, if we think about it, the night record. All that shit. It's for my! Should you gonna jimmy yeah. I did, though, their bids I look at their head. choir over here
whew. What is this miracle vince? Well, Russia did the funniest thing. That's ever happened at least so far in twenty twenty three. Really, yes, so there's a little backstory here russian saying for a long time that lansky is a drug at it right. Is it true who knows the comics possible? But this video was released on russian social media, showing videos of american celebrities begging, zelensky to check into rehab and get help really like, as if they were as friends, yeah it sort of sounded like a celebrity random celebrities new can you would pursue uprightly wowie, nor for pointing bad boy it will be offered a job again late from scrub. Was you don't just a bunch of relatively successful character actors who are faced with ukrainian president ballade mucilage key in stages, social media intervention form
weird about that. Let's go down here. I don't understand I'll. Tell you what's going on baby, what happened is so fucking russian comedy genius went to cameo the site where you can get celebrities to say anything. If you pay them no by one approach, these two priorities and said my friend lad has a substance abuse problem. Can you encourage courage to go to react what they did, that your comments were made a god. Wish wa but I'll be back whatever they figured it out, but this happen, and I ve been bombarded social media
Oh my god. I have no idea. No yeah. I've always supported ukraine. Ukraine, flag, ukraine, flag and a third ukraine flag, see unbelievable. I know it's the most beautiful, let's fuck, with actors on the international stage scenario: I've ever seen, yeah mad respect, I'm learning russian on duolingo because of it how's that going gaga the yeah. The best part is that it's so obvious in this situation, the russian agents or whatever financing they said to the guy. Okay, Cheers to have good dollars go to gambia will give you the best. You can get it after a while they come back to headquarters like hey. We got the lady from the office kind of fish or the hot secretary, and yet
the jacket hot secretary, who replaced jenna fischer, yeah, gecko and a yeah. This is why cameos is the greatest thing to happen to western civilization. You have actors and semi celebrities. You need to make money off of their fame and they'll say whatever you tell them to, and rascals have figured Believe me, Jimmy hold on vince are getting another call hey. This is the Jimmy Dore show Jimmy I am a great deal here review. I usually I was to talk to hey baby yeah? I wish she would stop calling me that vince in regards to your cameo request. I wanted to make sure my read is how you wanted to sound. So I wanted to run it by you before I did
I am, of course, happy. Ok, you know why. I don't really think this is necessary, but whatever your professional, you do you right here we go good day. This is actor Alec Baldwin this message it's for joey, be I love it already baby silent to clown. Yeah joey you! I we know you want to keep working, but you're too old. All of us think so, in fact, for your own good, none of us will have anything to do with you continuing to work. It is time for you to retire, enjoy your golden years and deal with your crackhead son. I think, if you make this decision, you'll be very happy with it.
I sure know I will the t shirt beautiful. I love it. Yes do it just like that the I agree out those very nice job, okay, wonderful! I will record it like this and then sent it off. Thank you, but I'm twenty five dollars needs to be paid, for I said I know how it works. No problem I did get David cannot do what he beats. A group of rent joey realize it's time to enjoy his golden years. Gentlemen. I bid you both but do courting both, well do you mean I am obviously doing my christmas shopping, getting some special treats for myself. I could see that, hopefully you can share some of your gift with those later right. You know I will to maintain. This is fine, as I think it only fair for a change
on here age, individual from the office. How are you gonna? Go baby I'll, go, buy bids. Merry christmas, the hey become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business, for the all, the voices His perform today are by the one and only the inimitable, MIKE Mccray. He can be found at MIKE mccray dot com. That's it for this week, you'd be the best you can be.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-17.