« The Jimmy Dore Show

Think Things Are Bad Now? Just Wait, Says Chris Hedges

2023-01-13 | 🔗

The days of the American empire are numbered, says journalist Chris Hedges, and the evidence is all too clear for anyone who’s studied history. Our rampant militarism abroad combined with neglect of the domestic needs of any but the wealthiest citizens describe a grim future for the United States, he says. And if you think progressives in government might help us avoid that destiny, think again – The Squad and their ilk are merely controlled opposition designed to provide false hope for change. Jimmy and Americans’ comedian Kurt Metzger discuss with Hedges the calamity that elites have wrought in condemning the United States empire to the dustbin of history. Plus a segment on actor Sean Penn's cringe-worthy fawning over Volodymyr Zelensky at the recent Golden Globes. Also featuring Aaron Maté, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pardon me interruption. We know interruptions can be annoying like when you cars, oil change. Light comes on when you have a million things to do. We call that oil change society but advance leniency oil change. We like making interruptions short so will make this vast oil changes in about fifteen minutes stay in your car. While you watch us work free eighteen point, safety check, included fight oil chain society at valve leniency in oil change, visit a location near you everybody would do in life, stand up comedy in los angeles in january and February, in LOS angeles, and then we're going to tempe palm springs. Milwaukee Minneapolis nashville go to jimmy dore dot com for a link for all those tickets to become a premium member, while you're there hey! It's there met area who this journey your job- I oh hello, MR
resident black. I said this is aaron matter. Not jimmy door shut, I'm not I'm sorry to bother. You know you have the right number. Mr president, Jimmy's off refuge for a few weeks, I'm feeling in as host fuck is going on and it approved. Did I without them backed sir. I don't think we need your approval here, but whatever you want to discuss with Jimmy, you can discuss with me I I dunno man. I chose Jimmy some pretty top secret stuff. You know you're you're, a new guy to me. I dunno. If I can trust you try me, MR president? Okay, I m sure man I'm right over the calls here they found out about my question five documents just lying around some office. Another comparing me to Donald trump
And why shouldn t I know, which is ridiculous chief way, what you spoke out against trumps. Classified documents fiasco why shouldn't. You face the same scrutiny for yours. The treasure charlie, get upright man how wise guy first of all We are well aware that those elsewhere. At mile argo, she knew on the other hand, had no idea twice like a guy knows where things are I want. Show me where my fuckin shoes are in the morning, so you do and here is utter ignorance, yeah twond hand and hard about his dogs we on the other hand, are cooperating fully. They were made. illegal ever did in guys you wreckers administration. They should have been why I done so quickly enough,
should the national would turn around and lose them all over again. Ok, Have you ever been? I would urge god damned bedlam. You ve got every document, in american history like ever so we were There may be one of these jobs. Absent minded nerds, your word share would actually combined. Of confederation or some shit? I suppose that begs the core, general. Why you want them lost again. These documents from your vice presidency Jimmy george junior again. My name is Erin. Better to know that look, where's your shade or maybe she's doing generated in retrospect might make me not look so quiet. That's all such as what Oh, come on man there's no way, I'm gonna remember a bunch of paper. Some ten years ago I had no change my
the thing to do with the ukraine shown. No idea thinks it. With your son hunter, am I mad Might these documents shed more light on how and why you strong, are members of the ukrainian government during the obama administration? scoring how? U s? Foreign policy views, ukraine, as mere upon? torture me back on align like I said, MR president, Jimmy's near at hand. papers in one location? Is such a big goddamn he'll have a sketch actually They found a second batch today and why They found a second batch of your classified vice presidential documents in a second location. What you had to say about that. I'm sure I was your. Oh, I see Is this warrior dementia kicks in europe? Giving regular my for his money with your, I don't recall, act. How can mean it
How do you figure should urge as a nicest thing, everyone's ever said to me and justice, more my wife, Joe said I did a really good big boy job of it. When my scrambled eggs, ok, look I've go, but I appreciate your commitment to obligation and faint memory loss man just much of a practice jimmy doors. But I appreciate you they made a region. It was ten years younger than I am when you're surprising, but Ok, the shot is goin down anyway. I gotta go to his chin. For me and our slipper mode as when I shut around the west wing. Forgetting people's names remind everyone. and they need to run interference and cover my ass for me, in order to shape their own too. Well, oiled machine. just carry on man and of jimmy ever trades come back. You stand your ground This is your show now
to do in a phosphate thought. A good boys and girls rose by the driving down the street and johnson media somewhere the chimney to show we have special was this right now, Chris hedges, walter prize winning journalist act of his best selling author of twelve books include. his late as the greatest evil as war, he previously hosted the Emmy nominated show on contact for RT american RT international. His work can now be found at his sub stack at Chris hedges that sub stack dot com. Welcome chris thanks for coming back to the show, thanks jimmy thanks for having me, so you wrote this
suddenly America's theatre of the absurd subtitled, the fifteen round of voting it took to install Kevin Mccarthy's speaker of the house, is part the carnival of folly that passes for politics. I gotta go through a little bit of a life right harry it opens vice. Our political class does not govern it, entertained a it's a sign role in our fictitious democracy holly with outrage to constituents and selling them out the squire. and the progressive kok is have no bore intention of fighting for universal health care workers. Rights to find the war machine, then the freedom caucus fights for freedom question. Why is that? Because they have any power there, just window dressing. We ve undergone a clear
broke through data in slow motion. All of the levers of power been seized by corporate forces and lobbyists. Ports have been before to serve their interests. The media is largely almost completely troll by roughly a half dozen, duration. Certainly, the airwaves ah and it's my last good, sir- it's vaudeville it, sir entertainment, it doesn't matter the actual centres of power which her, which are real, are completely hidden, so I'm. So what do you say what we just saw last week that actually the squire does have power, because there right. Wingers, led by mac, gets in the house, use their leverage to extract concessions for their vote for speaker now we tried to get the squad to do the exact same thing or the progressives in the house two years ago,
and we wanted them to extract something for their votes, so they actually have power and leverage and they could have done something similar, but they didn t know Why do you think that is what they didn't? but because they don't actually have power for them too define policy and the democratic party leadership is political suicide and they know it so they want. That is why they find the war in ukraine. It's why they didn't stand. for a railroad or freight railroad workers. were forced to accept this contract that over fifty percent of the union's work had already rejected and ended. They'll do kind of public relations gimmicks like propose as they did in the house that they get seven days of, Ok, when they know it won't password, but they took to actually can. from the centres of power would in that they would be erased. They'd be destroyed. The way the democratic parties
Dennis percentage while fund they got rid of dennis research by redistricting If gerrymandering is district, I know when he ran. I guess it was last year for the mayor of cleveland. They pumped in tons of dark money, especially in the last three weeks to drawing his candidacy, so that messages and lost iron oh see or anyone else so you're right that they could have stood another you're one of the leaders of this. They they had the ability to block policy. From the speech, ship to demand concessions, but they said I have read the power dynamics correctly, but they wouldn't they wouldn't exist within the eu in crowded party and they lose their seats. So you mean that nancy policy and the corporate This would then funnel money into primaries against them to get them knocked out, avert their congressional see, that's what they're afraid of
yeah- well, that's the power of pelosi and Schumer and mccarthy- is that they are the spigot. the money comes into the party comes through them and that is given to anointed care so no one they wouldn't get money from the democratic party and number two candidates would be. funded to bring them down and- and they then completely domesticated by this centre of power by is largely worst freedom in wall street, the philosophy industry, the arms industry, all these corporate executor they find both parties. On the one hand, you get the idea that the polluter clowns that speak and vulgar True area two and enraged public largely enraged our way working class, and then you get the kind of dulcet tones
of the democratic party to modify the liberal class, but that those centres of funding in the centres of power the same so why I have a theory on this, so you're. Basically, so let me I don't want to words in your mouth, but what would you agree with the statement that the reason why Matt gets in the old and the far right wing of the republican party was able to pull this off? was because they were allowed to pull this off. I, as opposed to the, relatives in the squad, if they try, to do the same thing. They wouldn't be like it's because that I'm having a hard time reconciling what you're saying with what I just saw last week. Well, because the funding sources for the freedom carcass will remain nor quite lavish, whereas those self identity, why progressives, are largely dependent on funding from more traditional source.
and in particular the democratic party, so those who are backing these kind of retrograde capitalist forces that that fund people within the freedom carcass are not gonna cut off money for standing up to my car. Where's figures like amc and others are quite vulnerable, so you look at what this great article d road and you talk a lot about how You know how we legislation actually gets done and greeks you cut. You laid out and you talk about how the corporations on everything they own? The media, and you just mention it again, and so here something that I found out. One eyed swords doing forced to vote two years ago was there is this. dabbling media protection, racket for politicians and It's funny how they all work together, hand in hand- and I found the squad-
gate. They won't go to progressive media anymore, they'll go to MSNBC and cnn, which used to be considered progressives enemies but they'll, therefore interviews all day long, but they won't go to progressive media and they only one they will go to is the intercept and I figured it out, will the intercepts you know? Cia operation is run by a billionaire, was got interests all over the place They are then tasked with protecting politicians. Thou ryan grim did that with a we'll, see the squad during forced a vote is continued to duty? Can he ran cover for them when they, when they squash, the strike for the railway workers. He ran cover them and the left could show MR want the socialist city council member seattle, two columns make oil salesman and those there's those people there that they're all job is to obscure reality, and I want to show you what happening again so here. So here's o connor going on in sub show rhine grim, show and watch they
who would again they print it lets us watch. If democrats take the house back in two years, which seems plausible. probably be by a narrow margin. Is there they thinking going on in the progressive clock is now to say what are we going to demand when there when I hands around first supply, It's funny he laughs roque on lap one when the reporter journalists asks him. What are you going to demand in two years when you ring when the house back he just laughs, because he knows they're not going to demand anything, and he also knows he's not going to ask a follow up question, but let's just watches answer, though a hug you Ok, jeffries was worried by Kevin regards iraqis and I had a unanimous about two years ago. But I think there or
arguments for a brief, for example, many care for all in hearings on that to get a boner than there are arguments for up. That's our leading greatest, I'm not gonna make I've gotta make sure they will make them strongly, and I certainly what's thick by general, but that exists today could be made her. We go, but here's the difference and I believe, the fundamental difference within freedom. Carcasses and the progressive caucus. The freedom caucus by their own definition just wants to blow things up and cut the examine. That's why they're in congress in I disagree with it about questioning their motives therein congress because they want to reduce spending cut government that easier thing to be a no on then saying: ok, we were met and care for all which is one of the weak. Then legislation drafted and just set a it's a harder thing to do. What you have an affirmative agenda, some we should tell real candidates the policies would sit, not a medicare for all bill for for about five years. Thirty, one that why this latest but you're. So that's so you talk
about this. In your article writer, you talk, we got we gotta, because we're ever experienced so that that you talk, What about that like how their work and coordination of the corporation owns above those people and that that's kind of how it works with dr learning this now I may have been a comedian for thirty years. I've been in this space for about five or six years. It is wrong our goal to see how this works? It was remarkable to see how that they have the corporation protected the democratic. Party when they crushed a railroad workers strike I'll go ahead, got geek, speak to it. If you'd like yeah, there's complete collusion We must remember who owns MSNBC Z, these figures in the inner circle greenwell, they think, is given a pretty prescient critique of what happened the intercept. I know a lot of people of course run it and work there and gland points out of it
correctly, that they all want, of course, and pulling down these ridiculously lord salaries by they they all want to be invited to dinner, with the editors of the new yorker and the new york times, And- and I think, that's exact right day. They want to be fed it. I, the establishment. Well, if you are funded by the established when you have to play by the rules of the establishment Precisely what organization like the intercept, are doing which is, of course, a complete, reversal of the gold had Glenn, except when they founded the organization and so yeah. It's it's that, We must that's nothing new! That's really! You know that! That's why don't we? You establishment legacy media exists. I mean I worked at the new york times for fifteen years. I watched them destroy. All sorts of people on
radicals or people that their dead were outside the mainstream or people that question the dominant narrative, just list after list will re bonner, sidney shambles new work with ray and central work on new sidney sham when he as soon as he started, defying, are writing about The developers word this really know. middle class and the working class in manhattan and destroying control and everything else. He was out unit, working, of course, for the village voice, new and then later newsday, so yeah, that's it this is a very long history you know gary web was destroyed. You forget by the post, new york, austin, and another, though you wash imposed in the new york times, who sent reporters down to the pentagon to sort of get there.
You know their version of what actually happened in nicaragua than used to discredit web who ended up committing suicide. So there's a long long history of That's why these will crumble. liberal news organisations are allowed, this. They paused themselves as canada, moral arbiters of society chomsky writes about this quite well with the herman and manufacturing consent, but the moment you crossing going to examine a question, the motives behind the early than you immediately pushed out. That's it old story of courses it's worse in some ways now, because these new organizations are far more anemic in that they're not pulling, advertising revenue that they used to call and so they become even more obsequious to the centres of power is concerned, just at the Democrats get funded, yadda yadda suck up the they get the same way. Kind of funding as didn't set of rights.
So you go on to say these political hacks arm, which we were due to be more talking about the squad, and these political hacks. Our modern versions of sinclair, Louis's slick, Connor's, elmer, gentry, cynically betraying a gullible public to amass per an old power and wealth I saw it happened in front of my eyes. It's crazy thing oversee this moral that that Huey provides these spectacle as hd wells wrote, of a great man ariel civilization halted paralyzed. Happen in ancient rome. It happened why Weimer germany it's happening here. Can you explain what you with? That means a dumb gallic me has no idea what that means, It means the centres of power, all the institutions and all the mechanisms which the citizen we might have had at least some kind of a voice. A partial voice are seized and
redirected to the consolidation of wealth and power of a tiny cabal, in our case, an oligarchy corporate elite and when government seizes up when it becomes paralyzed, and is no longer able to respond even in the most minimal way to the suffering of the of of of of the wider public then you create these political monstrosities like tromp santa's, sir pompey or the freedom carcasses. all the others that that I saw that in yugoslavia. That's what happened in weimar, germany with the rise of fascism. That's what happened! in ancient rome, We also have to acknowledge that part of the disease of late empires, unchecked, unregulated, uncontrolled militarism and and you go back to the quorum for liberals, the progressive caucus there
proved one hundred billion dollars to the grounds for more become more money to ukraine, with the annual budget of the state department and meanwhile we are homeless epidemic within the country are in, structure is just integrating our families struggling under the onslaught of inflation, ah half country is living in poverty or near poverty, but you don't respond to an end. That's spats those to store. Hence, which happened in weimar happening at the end of ancient roman. Everything else has political, very frightening political consequence so that you know as I've long saturn. I think you agree trump, it wasn't the problem. Modi you know, trump was the senator trump was a was what was caused by decayed and corrupt and dysfunctional political
system minutes it's only it's only getting worse to mean the rhetoric is different. Abiden is were isn't doesnt columns of a pro labour. He president but I'm in the rhetoric is different button. The actions are all the same I mean of the freight railroad unions. Were one of the few unions. Letter retain the right of collective bargaining. Remember when Biden ran for presently promised belong with the democrats to strengthen collective bargaining power and all that an end of course, he he destroyed it. He shoved this middle substandard contract would shoot most people in already rejected within union down their throats by judicial fear legislative fear. So you go yeah, you go on to say, h g wells called the old guard, the good liberals, the ones who speak in measured. Let me before I read it. Let me just ask you this question:
So when you say they send out so I saw it happen you I don't know. I think I got you. I think you said that they like cheat and steal. I do right out in the open and that's what they're doing now Nathan. They pay feel due democracy. They know all the words to it and then they send a hug id billion dollars to the most corrupt countries. grain right in your face at the snap of a finger while they it sent a hundred billion dollars to san diego san francisco, used in Dallas miami philadelphia, new york, chicago minneapolis, so we can fix our homeless people move around everywhere. They do it right in your face now. So my question is what they get out of that like if you're gonna send a hundred billion dollars which are just inventing anyway right. That's not real tax revenue. That's just invented money, So why don't they just invent a hundred billion dollars and send it to america at the same time, so people I dont, get what they get out of. Not Doing that. Do you well because,
sustaining raytheon, boeing. All of these arms contractors who found the party right, an answer, What they get out of it is their serving their master. There serving those corporations that give them political power mean. If you took away this money they would have political power policy or who would put these people in power, Even a pyramid is just a circle, exist, and then they are not about to are in order These petitions to get money out, in politics, mailing them in to your representatives, is misses the fact that all of this most of the moment, Those people would wouldn't be there without this system and that is their power, and so there serving theirs as a power, which is why what these stocks have gone up. I think thirty, thirty
five percent or something since the war you grant. Yes, there only stocks that are going up area the stocks going down. I over, don't I trade stocks. We know where the money. I know why didn't I, just by rate that editor, what I was so no cara boy bitcoin anyway, so I yeah we? I understand why they do that, like. I understand why they fund a hundred billion dollars to to ukraine, because there further donors and that's they're doing, but why At the same time, setting over two billion dollars do america, that's what I've been saying in. The reason I come up with is that the government, the united states, people think that our government is just regular corrupt. They have no idea that it's a hundred percent totally corrupt and completely purchased by corporation, so the gears of the government only work in the direction of corruption.
Gotta have money to grease those wheels to get it going. There's gotta be corruption, and so it just doesn't work. The other way like you say, the levers of government have seized up. It just doesn't work to help. People is that right. Am I right close yeah, but it's even worse than that I mean because now you have the fed and the center banking system to curb inflation. Water is what are the two objectives it's two on create more unemployment and reduce wages. Yes, that's how we're gonna kick care their open about it? They want they want. They want more unemployment, they say it. Larry summers was sittin it at his behalf in the bahamas. Eder swiftly, look great by look great, had a grant tat at any socket about how we gotta get people out of work so that that's that's why So you caught, you say: hd wells called the old guard, the good liberals, the ones who speak and measured words and embrace reason, the inexplicable men they
say the right things and do nothing, that's what we have now and with the in the democratic party they are is vital to the rise of tyranny, as are the christian fascist, a few of whom held the house hostage last week by blocking or two rounds of voting to prevent kevin mccarthy from becoming speaker by the time it Dorothy was elected on the fifteenth round, he had caved in nearly every demand made by the obstructionists, including permitting anyone the four hundred and thirty five members of the house to force a vote for his removal at any time. Thus guy guaranteeing political paralysis now is that true and b. I guess you think it is. You wrote it, but a b Why would the he allowed that mccarthy or but some correct me if I'm wrong, Wasn't this the way it always was in their nancy policy. Change that rule or ex will correct me. If I'm wrong, yeah. No, that is true
however, it does appear that the disease figures within the freedom carcass intend, just like the guy a ban on remember. They intend to whole Mccarthy hostage I mean there's a real, I think, there's a intent ah, but to hold a hostage to push through their agenda. About that. You know the idea that mccarthy we're like Those chinese somehow respects democratic institution, frances. It's just wrong isn't about all? Is a battle for powers, not a battle for over ideology, Mccarthy, who was backed by large retail grain. He's, a morally bankrupt is, as they are In the majority support in this taxes, lawsuit trying void the twenty twenty election results in pennsylvania, michigan wisconsin in georgia. I e he advocates of tat
there's not, there's no mccarthy it it's all about power, meaning an empty suit. He he's the male nancy Pelosi, it's all about power and money in an gap and its end, so taxes As for the wealthy, further deregulation of corporations, war on immigrants, there's no really very little daylight between him and the freedom carcass right. Or him and nancy Pelosi and chuck tumor yeah. Well there very little. The differences is rhetorical. Yeah yeah in terms of policy, no, no terms, policy. No, we as we learn with Donald trump right when Donald trump became president he didn't legislate and any differently than any of the other people. In fact, he departed less hispanics and Barack obama and ethics. and he started less wars that Barack Obama and Joe Biden. So it was the exact opposite of what chomsky always says, which he's wrong. Every four years I just want to let people know every four years is always going to roll chomsky out on a dolly. So he could tell you to go vote for the Jed, the devil
brad, even though the democratic not the lesser of two evils, as was proven by bill, Clinton and george Bush. The first isn't the list. have to evil by the way supposed to be like. Ah, I don't want to do this. I got no choice and not smugly self righteously. I chose the latter. Is democracy. The irony of everybody saying that that midterm was about democracy and the first thing they did when they got elected was commit fascism against the railroad workers facilitate area. It's ok! So then you talk about this junk politics. Because you said this political vacuum so that there is a better political vacuum created right, because nobody in government actually represents the people. They only represent their corporate interests, which means it's completely control and it's not really a democracy which I've been trying to tell people. Do you
If you lose your democracy on january, six that didn't undermine democracy. Your democracy was stolen from you decades ago. It's adorable that people think that somehow a bunch of yahoos in pajama, bottoms and buffalo helmets were going to overthrow the military industrial complex. That is, the united states, They did roger. We almost lost all their jimmy. So you talk. about that you say the political vacuum that has been spot, which gave us donald trump at spawned a thing you say: anti politics are what the writer Benjamin that democratic demott called joke politics six, which personalized moralizes issues and interests instead of clarifying them junk paul takes maximizes threats from abroad, while, while miniaturizing large complex problems at home were living. So this is what we ve been screaming about it. This show is that there's there we have
and military bases. They say only eight hundred, but you know: there's a thousand military bases around the world, draining our treasury the same way every empire ends, and then we have still have the countries poor, low income. Eighty percent of workers would pay ejected paycheck fifty percent a wage earners earned two thousand dollars or less that's a failed state that we live in people get sick, they go bankrupt, people living and they ve minimize all that that we're living in that right. This is what's so now have jumped politics, could you talk a little bit more about that yeah? What this is marge term any wrote a good book on it. It's the ceaseless flood of patriotic religious macho therapy. eureka positions to essentially uncouple issues from reason: foundations to use his words and an infant realises in families as the public
It's with this year around a big christmas tales about, but the function is essentially to solidify the status quo and protect the interests of the billionaire class I know there is no doubt that the forms of crime through the social bonds. Are there used to keep people in china or a massive prison system along just in the world, went right. We have about twenty. Twenty five percent of the world's prison population were less than five percent of the world's population. Of course, These rapacious militarized police forces, especially in post industrial. Areas where they function is internal armies of occupation. There's no, in fact, binding was one of the major architects of all of this with the nineteen. Ninety four omnibus crime bill There is no difference that the wholesale surveillance of the public, Your government watches you twenty four hours a day. Are you can,
user? Were liberty, that's the relationship astern asleep when you get the actual them to the fund. the metal policies. Trade deals. Sturdy de industrialism, ah stripping way of civil liberties under the patriot act, and there is that the two parties are completely unlocks step they will argue about tangential cultural issues are not minimizing a woman's right to come. polar body and abortion in any way. But on these fundamental structural issues as that, which is why corporations fund both parties, so that's one. Another thing people realize so this is this is pissy speaks exactly to what I've been saying. Not only on the show, but in my stand back that people have price, because I stopped a democrat when the Democrats treat cheated jean Bernie sanders right and then Sanders decided he'll. Never stop rolling over
that machine and the democratic party and the as I put it. I got a sock, the blue cock, red cox, abrupt blue cox, a full of liberty, and so that's what he's good at it. So I still, I still have friends who say that the Democrats, just if they just would fight a little harder if they were just a little bit better at their jobs, and I have to remind them there are performing their job. Perfect, if you ever go to a harlem trotters gave. You know that they need the washington generals and that's exactly what the Democrats are there to do as to pretend that their act, in fighting for you there, but they always are going to lose in the corporations, always gonna win, and that what people need to realise is that the same guy, who pays the harlem rob trotters the same, no pays the watch it and generals, just like the same guy who paid Rock obama is the same guy who paid mitt, romney george MC george bush, the same thing and now You have the scared point. Blank and recording say I also found the Republicans, but I have to do it. Dark monies president mad, did he say:
yeah. No honourable borgias, you just give him more whoever's. The winner, you, Daniel more gentle of war and the you go on to say- and I have said this- that you know the reason why they didn't like donald trump. Wasn't the reasons they said they did. They didn't like donald trump, because he he was lying in Washington DC. That's why I never loved my god. Did you hear there's lying David? can, because he would accidentally tell the truth every once in a while, like, for instance, they asked him why you keep the soldiers in syria and he said for the oil they're like you can like you is for the exits are roya were taken. Do I get this guy here? You can't give the game away like that and that's exactly in plus. He puts an ugly face on our and the face of empire lies aramis, as pointed out many times, but Joe Biden. and so you say, the billiard class for the most part prefers the mask of Joe Biden as opposed
to the massacre, donald trump, who deathly broke The freight railway unions to prevent, could you Imagine all people go crazy of donald trump, a billionaire asshole like he is crushed a railroad strike. Union. They needed a guy like Joe Biden, gentle pennsylvania, Joe blue collar, and the debate he's the greatest propos union trip precedent in the history of our country. That might be true, but he still an enemy of the workers who deftly broke the freight railroad unions to prevent a strike and force them to accept a contract. The majority of union members had rejected, but the billion or class also knows that the goons and con artists of the far right will not interfere in their disembowelling of the nation. Indeed, they will be more robust and thwarting the attempts of workers to organise for decent wages and working conditions. So that's what people dont realise, is that
Joe Biden has got the same agenda as those guys as these were. It would create right wing crazy, right wingers as you We voted for them because they have this. Agenda of the billion or class, and I'm going to take it. We would like does. That is really interesting that I've that's what made me think, The reason why mac gets and they were allowed to do what they are doing, because all the things they got except for the cotton, military foot and spending. I think that is Billinger classes, ok with, whereas if the squire as for medicare for all or fifteen dollar minimum wage. They could that cave on that? What do you say Chris yeah, so that you know that this is the point tat the about over the kind of facade no you're right about trompe was kind of goshen impulsive. Another very braden would ensue. NATO allies- and what do you call him when he ran for president, he called a racket
big fat mistake or something which, of course was a means to an end, and so they love that veneer. That Biden presidencies completely there is one doesn't really know how sentient Biden actually is try it out and cleaned up and ah like reagan, and yet so it's about the presentation, but these corporate forces that rumor after january six, all these corporations wooden fund election deniers and yet, whether all back to funding all of these people again of democracy is not a democratic forest. Democracy works quite well in factor in on democratic order, rotarian systems, you saw it. I wanted you not drunk too many parallels divine germany and the nazis, but it was much the same and I join in- Austria, less and all the good bourgeois power
She didn't want other buffoons. Nazi party hitler was in german was austrian. Didn't speak very good german. They didn't want him in power but once he was in power, they are quite happy. You know that the big industries crops and everybody else to bank role him ah and the nazi party in the work with him, and that's exactly the same. You're. So tromp was a kind of embarrassment to the empire, but trumped in any way. threatened the empire and am sure does the political system devolve into a seer is our trump like political leaders they will they will work quite happily with men. In fact, of course, these people are even we're aggressive against labour unions than the democratic party in the sense that they are willing to take even more draconian forms to two were to crush them. So you it
so. Finally, my last slide from your articles. I watched fringe politicians in yugoslavia rather than cart, correct, zig, zag say his name: Slobodan milosevic, autobahn kurdish heritage, ok, Slobodan milosevic in franjo, two german and enough. That's right, dismisses by police go and educated elites as buffoons they rolled anti liberal wave to power in the wake of widespread economic misery, while my amazon, apple, citibank rate the annex on mobile alphabet. Goldman Sachs will easily adapt because capitalism functions very efficiently without democracy there has been in my whole lifetime. We haven't had democracy in my alighted. I grew red adjoining. That's right, that's exactly right, so this is what we ve been nine to tell people and not people- are waking up to it. So it's over, and I think our countries over that as you let your book print fruit. But what we're trying to say is that trump, was a cartoon virgin,
the real fascist, that's on his way and their end the same conditions that gave us donald trump. Was it racism that wasn't what gave us donald trump, wasn't racism. What gave us that ultra, we just elected a black eyed president, two times in a row, well overwhelmingly and a lot of. People who voted for him voted for trump, and it wasn't because a racism is that's. What people want you to think is. There is trouble prices is theirs, racism, Mary! Yes, that's nice! What gave us trump? What gave us trump is people desperate, economically as a class war has been waged against workers in this country. Since nineteen eighty and it's been won by the a billion our class- that's why that's? Why black people in Milwaukee voted for Barack Obama twice their lives worse, and then they wouldn't go out and vote for Hillary Clinton now, because black people are racist, because black people got let down by the
democratic party and the establishment, time and time and time again, and the game is over now they're willing to vote for khartoum game show host. That's how it's gotten than what you're saying here is you we ve seen this game before and its, to get even worse. You're gonna get a real, strong man who who actually does have dictatorial of ideas. Trump didn't have the guy: if if covert happen. If he was a dictator he wouldn't have given it all back to the states anyway were get nothin weeds. Buddy was so go ahead in and, if you'd like to comment on that last slide, the other important point. So in my book, america, farewell tour. I go out to Anderson Indiana, which is where jean. used to have all its plans to twenty five thousand unionized Workers once worked in those plants with decent wages, two fifty dollars an hour benefits well courtesy of bill, when the nafta, those plans for literally trance
for a monterrey mexico there now these gigantic vacant law, surrounded by cyclone vengeance. Anderson Indiana went into the tale span of well post industrial cities with the open crisis suicides- and I to the old you a w leadership in the city, and they said dora in the primary these guys all voted for sanders, but they we're never gonna vote for Hillary Clinton and saw that the way, w didn't even try and tell them not to vote for tromp. They said okay vote for trot but then voted the democratic sleep in the state didn't work? I it s. Just a disconnected from every part of the problem is that do commercial or establishment press has rendered all these people invisible or if we see them their figures of brief figures of ridicule and why are they invisible or because advertisers
what you see them, that's not how they make their money. I mean look at all the special sections. In light Your times where I used to work like what's the living section about its about? Oh struggles of maintaining the second house in the hamptons or whatever it is. I mean it's, not your life. Style. It's not my law. Start, but it's the lifestyle of people their catering to ah, and so yeah. We have seen it for I saw it in myself in yugoslavia, it's not to go back and red Aristotle be writes about it in politics. What was that Five thousand years ago, you said that when there's that kind, imbalance at an end. Stop. Prosy seizes control in the only two options, a revolution or tyranny, and unfortunately there has been a quite affect the war against the old laugh that kept this country straight, including the communist party, has been raised from America yesterday, but the old labour unions, the old sea. I owe the wobbly, is the w w everybody else, they were
Just then in a rolling raza campaign, eviscerated rated and voice like mine, or than I No, my do disagree with them on the election stuff, but he is an important figure. It has been very important to me. Yes, you know what happened and no nomes campbell plea. I mean you, you know you. make a strong argument. That is our most important intellectual. We don't agree on bs, which I support and a few other things, but nevertheless, season you know important intellectual he's, better known ants. Then he is in the united states. So the that form of troll over information and those forms of control on popular radical movements that kept a rapacious oligarchy. capitalist system, at least in fact somewhat. Lumber welcomed the new deal was courtesy of massive Where's of strikes in the night, in the thirties and and Roosevelt was astute enough to realise that either
sessions were mainly writes about this in his private correspondence to his brother. We make those concessions or we endure revolution. They rolled haunted by nineteen Seventeen and russia linking that it would happen here so but counterweight, is gone and and and that's extremely dangerous, and and I why fear where were headed, there's just no raw she'll response to the very serious suffering and misery in for stray chauvelin spare. That is a gripping the countryman, even the most teapot campaign promises made by Biden, have been jettison. Fifteen dollars an hour wars that, in a worse child care, I'm all the stuff that he promised had just went up. Smoke or you may not remember it, but I mean somebody in the democratic party asked, remember it and so when I am told to be more polite to politicians,.
It's because in my mind, because those people who are saying that don't understand the gravity of the situation that were it and they think that all those people have health care, are those people have comfortable lives, could quote, and they don't really see what's up, Maybe they don't understand that we are a failed state and that it, it demands a revolution, it was creepy. Did you not to be? You know, be polite to politicians. they don't mean, like you see him in person and your yell at them on your show, just observing that muscle is where you're supposed to do that rep supposed to be nice. So I I think that there's left in america in america the left is not connected to workers. The left is connected to middle class, ass wipes, who care more about gender pronouns and they do about working class problems, and am, I think, that's the truth. you think, will ever have a revolution in this country. Are christian, small and staten island organised. So that's the thing We get a along class lines one and when people say
that didn't realize what they're saying there saying you have to organize with trumpery right with people who voted for trump, which is what christians malls did amazon and staten island. Do you think Why do we see more than you think we will and you think, deliver beer real revolution cause? If there is, I would love to be part of it right. I think it will only come through that kind of organizing you're and your dead right. You know Ralph NATO's been saying this for a long time. We have to work the around common economic interests. Large corporate Walmart was amazon, thinks the largest employer walmart, the second, those tour, innovations have to be unionized, but of courses, as you create a union small did, amateur has lots away, which they're doing now to essentially chip away at that unions. Our getting rid of people within the amazon plan, who we, you think a signatory to get rid of them that they were war against any kind of you, in our activity because strikes or the one weapon that the working class ass has the only yes,
just why Biden and is it illustration, stepped into prevent a rail strike because they know you go back to the last real strikes: nineteen, twenty two and others you can billy shut down. The country can do serious economic damage, and that the only the we mechanism, we have to fight I'm not in the political arena, it's not through the democratic party, it's true, but what was starting from scratch about tat. I ten percent or something of the america. Workforce is unionized a lot of those public employees who don't can and the right to strike can be taken from I'm we're almost having to start from ground zero, and if you look the economic crisis of the nineteen thirty's? Thank god we have strong radical popular labour movement because those were the movements that prevented fashion Some remember that there was a they love, If mussolini and hitler ford and always figures,
and they got smedley butler, the former marine or generally flirted with to try and actually carry out a good eight are so those popular forces that that represent the militant forces that defence the interests of the working class once are gone, others no bulwark left and tyranny and end, and so were scrambling. And then we ve got all these taft, hardly at nineteen, forty, seven and all a union laws right to work laws. Everything else leave the oligarchs have been quite mythology. go and destroying the capacity of workers to organise and protect themselves, and that why there pushing unemployment there and they don't and hide it coming and there's no no kind of moral calculus. Nobody sit around, ask you are pushing unemployment would have, to these people went out with their families. What happened to their children. Will that's just the price of bringing down inflation in the republicans or the Democrats are both completely on board with it,
hey. You know here's another great way, you can help support the show. You should become a premium where we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previously rabbit the business and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye. The bastards thanks everyone who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support. ok, so shy pen, as you know, is the biggest tool of the cia and imperialism and he thinks he's cool asia, and so came out of the golden gloves again something that everyone hates in america. The golf globes evan he did this
Why? Why did you take such a long time? Hitler would have done. That is. Is that with that, what does he do he's expecting a bigger round of applause? Oh, I want to see a movie those, those nominated films are proof that regard lists of language spoken. Cinema at its best is an art form. The can speak to all the aspirations, to generosity, to integrity, to empathy to love and courage I am privileged to be here tonight and proud that the leadership of the hollywood foreign press has seen fit to encourage that those higher aspirations of film should share this stage tonight. With a very real world example that which inspires films. Creation
From the otherworldly courage of young iranians rising up the other one They come like they burn there who jobs, but these the war mammies out other world you kept them, has come the other worldly yeah? Why rhyme? Why ever do you have to behave? balikh about it. He literally things as another planet. Anyway, there's one notice: the country's he's gonna run through yes, all official enemies, all official enemies, that's right there Ran through the ever persevering, women's movement of afghans have again is that we are reminded what was there also of movement, maybe get us the fuck out of their for twenty years, wanted to recognise that movement. Just a women's movement that stuff that's all. You recognise that the not how we fucking murdered slaughtered people,
for twenty years, but their bad. There were still worse than are. Somehow the people in afghanistan are still worse will that was both for some member iraqi was way against iraq. Viking I made of him and team america wise figures. He said he went there and they re one of a war they mark them. It was right for centers is right for that, but he didn't have an injury. I got a matter that, and that is a Republican was an office door, you in a bomb came a lie and continue pretty much exact same foreign policy and everybody in that boy. Circle, gonna board everybody in no uncertain firms that the freedom to dream is not simply a human luxury, but there a human need that must be fought and sacrificed for. If the freedom to dream were spear, I proudly present a human being. Who tonight represents that spears most toned chip,
Ladies and gentlemen, what does he dreaming about the pirates Sport is a symbol and ensured that this up the comments from looks like it here, gaiety so several, but the anyway night, and I have all that tip of the spear freedom himself. What that I just can't can't get over this garbage this, he takes a comma ivory. I just fighter for people's freedoms, ITALY, rubies and things of other world since the year. In essence of spirit I've about only a boy for him and John Cusack? You could have a real, a real douche bag off with John Cusack and shaw Babby, to have to pick sides right about the bravery of yourself ray. Let him go through with it. How could John Cusack write that movie gross point blank? Did he write it? He co wrote it and then
become a russia gator, he didn't he The game! If you watch gross point, clearly knew the game it. They all think it's cool that part of the those movies like that's. What's so crazy about you, how could you investigate the cia play at this. Same time they're all making movies like we all know they go. They probably have they probably imagined, even more blatant blatant shit than they actually do. So you like school together, europe, you its funding of the gun club, so you may jimmy everybody hates the kohen globes, even the house that the goal of ass night dry comical came out. so the racist, and I'm only doing this because her payment, That was the big problem right last year. They get in trouble for being raised. There live one black member aboard have the press and he- and he said this- is why I'm here this year, because I'm black, you know it was a. It was a good. My luck, wow! Well, that's good
yeah! He everybody's gotta make, but that white crowd came so hard, for it was Everybody would do in life. Stand up comedy in los angeles in january and February, in LOS angeles and and we're going to tempe palm springs. Milwaukee Minneapolis nashville go to jimmy dore dot com for a link for all those tickets to become a premium member, while you're there I hello. This is a matter sitting in Jimmy Dore who's, this calling, oh hello, just to reiterate: I am not me door, I'm feeling in for Jimmy who was on vacation? This has led to some confusion, yeah yeah? I know now I get it perfectly and to be clear, this is actually the toward the actor. Ok, Why are you calling into the Jimmy dore level would you have never really fully understood it myself by dead people, including jimmy
with joy and stop. That's why it keeps happening. I see fair enough, so you, like literally jimmy studio sitting in his chair and everything temporarily as wild? That's absolutely wild that are still absolutely crazy, but why do you would attribute no not really know. What are you doing here? I've been watching the wives. Changing and you've got a good kid well fed you vince. or should I call you double we actually went before you want. If that's okay, w b is a special day game that only Jimmy Dore gets to call me, but you're, like I said, you're doing great a little too great. To be honest, I'm sorry! What do you mean I'm getting? Jay Leno vibes here like when Jay Leno would sub for Johnny Carson on the tonight show would absolutely kill it, and the next thing you know Jay Leno, hosted the tonight show that's not what is happening here. Okay, right
but like how can I be sure, look, that's I'm not angling to replace Jimmy permanently. First of all, it call the Jimmy door show it would be somewhat difficult to replace him. But also I have my own career as a journalist and my own online presents a good amount show. I don't need to place? Anybody ok, I guess better about all this. It's just that never happened before is all I value by jimmy time. That's all I'm saying, and I'm not going to take that away from you. That's okay, okay, good to do good to know All now that that's settled are there any news items you want to talk about. This is a news and analyses show, after all, I'm sort of disconnected at the moment you no kind of hovering about the fray news, wise sort of a metal outbreaks or thing. ok! Well, what do you want to? Like an air was given We leave like a mosque by the strong sense like a territorial third would know: ok, fine,
just asking Ahmed I'll figure. Was that crazy? The question which it seems to me it's possible to Jim nor would be by a very strong bring masculine said that would linger in his absence even for weeks. So what does it smell like in their ok? Look, I'm not a psychologist, but it seems to me you may have developed a loki obsession with jimmy door. surely upstart jimmy doors Mr Pinheiro mackay Jimmy just about everyone. We called into his life's dream for absolutely no reason other than to hear the sweet dulcet tones of his right to plead the good boys avoid for the people were all right. Then. Don't judge all join that he's got there today. That's all I can see how it might be a little disorienting, I'm I'm having trouble training, vince, I'm gonna need you to calm down, take deep breaths and try to try to relax. I try. Ok good, now repeat after me, Jimmy
we'll be back we'll be back Jimmy we'll be back. Good job. Do you feel better I just think how much people are enjoying your segments. It I'm gonna will nervous again nothing to worry about Jimmy we'll be back next week, no matter how much people are enjoying my guest hosting duties, you promise. You were on the bible on a hot back copy of manufacturing concerned wherever you fuckin lefties. Do I swear it's all right? I do it's better by ethical gotta? Go now, I feel, like I allowed myself to be able to vote or the stream it. Perhaps it may have embarrassed myself somewhat o little, maybe actually a lot. appreciated this complicated. Would I made available? Video form is a matter of fact matter. You are a man she I wish you all the best starting the moment. You bet gate jimmy doors thrown goodbye and god bless. Ok, well. That was the real effect for calling vince Bonn. I guess
everybody would do in life, stand up comedy in los angeles in january and February, in LOS angeles, her and then we're going to tempe palm springs. Milwaukee Minneapolis nashville go to jimmy dore dot com for a link for all those tickets to become a premium member, while you're there I Hey become a premium member gotta, jimmied art dotcom, sign up, it's the most affordable premium programme of the business. the voices words today, our by the one and only the inimitable mike Mccrae, you can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com for this week you be the best you can be in
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.