« The Jimmy Dore Show

The Restrict Act Takes Away ALL OF YOUR RIGHTS – Not Kidding!

2023-04-07 | 🔗

The “Restrict Act” currently being pushed through Congress with bipartisan support, ostensibly an effort to keep the Chinese government from spying on Americans, will allow the U.S. government to dramatically restrict the websites Americans can visit. In fact, by using a VPN to circumvent restrictions Americans could possibly put themselves at risk of being sentenced to 20 years in prison.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this draconian effort to monitor Americans’ online lives. Plus a segment with Professor Richard Wolff about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and what it portends for the U.S. economy's future. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The who jimmy georgia com you see my new stand up special covered lies are funny fairly. Only ten dollars you get to become a premium member, do and comes is: do our lives shows we're gonna be do instead of comedy in Milwaukee nashville Honolulu, los angeles, northampton massachusetts syracusan a year. Co host new york, hartford, connecticut, baltimore, maryland and more go to Jimmy dora dot com. We're linked for all those tickets hey this is Jimmy who's. This carries pleasure. Joe party he's ok with you that I'm calling right Of course it is, MR president, why wouldn't it be? I figure you're probably talking about the trumpet time, and I didn't why especially if you are oh, don't worry, I'm not nah. The british,
store each tomorrow, where'd you get nine eleven rolled into one. It's but to the moon and buildings there? Why your you covering since a giant distraction and I'm not falling for it. The sum like everybody else. For Christ's sake, why story? she aired in full. The space tromp gave when he got back to florida. The whole thing that man disgusted on air wow you're donnerwetter, I have the decency to at least make it your central focus. Like you know, wow donald trump got arrested man. How did you know this big balls, the right
the sketch, and how did you know anyway? Sorry go elsewhere for the tribe stories. I guess. Do you know what you're a key player? I know I was there were talking yeah. I guess I was a child. I want everyone be destroyed houses, because what drop agenda now yet all budget, the nose and went everybody's focused on our drop, is a big bad bad. We get away with shit, did like what. ay ay. I I artificial intelligence is the way with a future in the front. The government has to get ahead of it. We don't have. We are weaponize it for military purposes are enemies. Will of course. What do you mean exactly, though
in military capability, such especially stretch, determined strategy, deploys automated weaponry, the army of the future, all computer. Imagine how much we can get on this shit. Jimmy sounds terrifying to me, and I also guarantee, every other human being who hears It is going to be terrified, we want to see the terminator movies You aren't going to screw up the public's reaction to this. I wish I could send a robot Ok, shit I waited shoulda made eyeballs wrong tribe to a frank discussion.
About ai. With my science and technology transfers at the white house I had met. The military application initially, but we all know Where did you going again? That's terrifying! All! Let me make you feel better strange really the beginning? They were were you ever going to reduce the beginning shown giant compeers? Will control drones and those weird robot dogs with machine guns, a miracle soon police to war with an unfailing network of blood was heartless deal that it did not make me feel better We would like a page where she got her. What she watched him This was our american allies.
But to do is type. What do we do about russia? It did she J b t and I always right out the foregoing. a nuclear war, not it sounds like a great system. What I'll see you doing during the trip new cycle blackout, men and women real illegal research from tragical nuclear weapons So let's keep nicely to your credit, does a wedge games and we ordered a great cost schools to replace it. Whether a giant school year when I just stood around discuss gender identity and sometimes to move forward to do so in secret? You may arise in the arab region yesterday to be no pants tuesday. The west wing had nine people got really do it I want to pay a judge, your job anyway.
As the Your point, which means I can't wait for the trial. That would mean we should know the but covered hm it'll be like the o J trial all over again. Imagine what kind of crap we can get away with then yeah. It boggles the mind. I don't even know where to begin oh, I know I was ok, try bring it What should I try and get away with the trial ps, this Joe Biden, and it shows mary had charge of the miller, jerry surrender, all your weaponry to me. This is in order. She, I told you this is worth going even there. I knows you, please don't do this Jimmy,
If you have commanded me to my hands, are tied only thing that can stop, but she just knew outlets were news outlets reported on it and, if that happens during the trump trial, it won't. What? If what? If I reported on it, you better fucking die. Don't you dare? Okay, sorry check gb game. How do I stop jimmy Dore from reporting on things that I do? Okay, it's typing! Here's where it says you. Let me worry about Jimmy dorsey. Put me in charge of the military. Like I said that sounds ominous great thanks. Mister president really appreciate it.
yeah he's shy and seriously yeah. It's probably going to kill all of us yeah. Well, the fun little sort of play with them anyway, I gotta go. The trump coverage is going to I don't so me and some the boys are gonna, go shoot roman candles in the supreme court building, joy by inserting a drawn shut. Your eyes you, wherever you gonna, do no hard feelings. Ok, goodbye and good. lock august sliding down the street and johnson media. Some had the chance to show so get this white house backs viper.
It is a bill that could be used to ban tik tok voyage, that's It's awfully chinese of us, ironical do. The new restrict act could mean twenty years in prison for using a v p m to access band apps. Now Bp. I wonder what the requisite stand for me. It's the bullets that security thing, that We body should have to get if we go to china, because they have a great firewall to slow down the internet sort of bypass that you have to get a vpn. Oh really, guess what it's my first heard of them Now you need them here also by the way we accept china's actually less strict about be peons. They are then learned a lot less strict. Has every company needs them?
as for virtual private network, that would be peons it's impossible. Due international business were having a vp enzo. China can't really crack down. What is, is businesses have to get it approved by china, There may be a few people that assistance they got in trouble, but I didn't find it. Solid on that at all they dont bother foreigners ever get it using a bbn, so there's a be stricter them with their proposing. Yes, so, where, where worse than china, it's amazing it! The new legislature proposes to give the u s secretary authority, to execute bans or exclusions on any quote: information and communications technology products. Services, holdings that pose undue or unacceptable risk with the unacceptable risks and exclusions to be determined.
As recommended by the secretary of homeland security, the secretary of defence or the director of national intelligence. So what this says is the government can do anything at once at any time. If it's too says that James. You, a risk or your computer's a risk or you or anything they can go in do anything. They want what's big, nothing, they can ban yeah. The bill allows any attempts to circumvent the exclusions or bans using a vp enter proxy to be punished with a fine. But to one million dollars, are up to twenty years in prison. So it's more severe these penalties are more severe than chen penalties for child porn. Took then look you have you Look if you wanna be planted access on access child porn. That's not even
instead of that, even against the latter. What's here as well as possessing a distributing? Yet this more strict than that. So there get so if they, I don't want you to go to a website and you still go to the web. That's what this is saying, caution and use we'll go to that website. They can. They can find you a million dollars and put you in prison, not only that there we gotta tell you there are there's: oh you'll get to it. It it gets better. This is unbelievable. There's no! There's that it's on How you two does have to tell you why their bearing a really or were any he's going. So, let's say let's say so. I dont! Ok, according to the bill, the processes and actions taken are exempt from the four. So get this. So this when they do this stuff, you can
request to see why they're doing it the process of through a regular freedom of information act? So if the government does something you're supposed to find out what your grills to have a transparent government, that's what democracies are supposed to be about, and democracies don't run on trust democracies run on suspicion, which is why everything's supposed to be transparent. Ok and now you won't be able to get any of the information so when they start doing this to people, You won't be able to get any information about how they're doing it or why they're doing it or any of the background, because its exempt from freedom, information requests. that means they do whatever they want with not we'll have to tell anyone. That's. This is government in the dark. This is this is dictatorship. Again, this is the stuff they warned us. They said that truck was gonna. Do trumped india but now there doing it all these people they were on the verge of fascism in the upcoming elections, were on the verge of it right, the second. So that says here this exemption
could give the government alarming control over online interactions with little transparency youth it could we be they? Could it could. I could see a situation where. I'm a nerd not like they're, going to use it in a in a bad way right, one of the ever done that, so this is called the restrict act. It's. Why did they wouldn't called something nice right route, Why? Wouldn't they call it? The saving, democracy, actor you're right, saving you from killers act because they always do, though they don't even have to do it now. They just did a say in orders: that's where tiktok I think that chinese, so that's why that their restricting china, china, yet but the tick tock isn't even in the bill, don't even mention tik tok didn. No there's! No! I don't know that. Yes, the restricted could theoretic.
Could be applied to everything from citizens, corporations and organizations to labour unions to be fair. The bill I like how they put this to be fair, what to be fair, the bill does clarify that anyone prosecuted under the acts must be engaging in Activities and using tax biology to harm the. U s government, why to be fair to end? you think the? U S, government says you're do that's. That's got to be fair, did just locked. A guy proposed posted a meme pick back in sixteen, so all the government has to do is say, you're, engaging and activities that we don't wake, and that's that because it harms us still to be fair. Who the fuck wrote this? slash gear flash gear to be filled one tall emma, was still open. To be fair. To be to be fair, they said they're not gonna, do anything bad, invest. You're, doing something bad to be fair. What kind of bullshit to be fair? The cells like
How you would justify have you lived in china in all the things that are not in if they do that's how they justify it. And, yes, anything that hurts the government. So you see what they said there. Anything that hurts the government at the two if you're gonna be using technology to harm the? U s government, so you mean, like Julian assange, Jimmy like telling the truth that harms that less government, so that fall under this not harming the p. Will they live, you know, but the? U S, government deal so greatest: guy gregg prices, the build a ban, tik tok is apps only terrifying. It gives the government the ability to go after anyone they deem as a national security risk, at which point they can then access everything from their computer said their video games to their ring, the door bell there. That's the amazon guys already gonna be government form of us by so that he says this is
patriot act for the internet and then he open ended. They show you. This is the thing emperor entering into or imposing in enforcing any mitigation measures any so they can do Anything they want with the government can do anything they want a basic say this jimmy doors, a threat. They can now do anything. Will you take your house a good thing, like our government forfeiting the lighter, they can lock you up without a trial, because brok obama repealed habeas corpus so that all they have to do is say. Your arrest and then they can lock you up without a trial, indefinite called indefinite detention. Oh dear, imposing enforcing any mitigation measures to address any risk arising from. amy covered transaction by any person or with respect to any property subjected jurisdiction of the united states that the secretary determines. This is mental,
This is so this is where we are now right and work. What would it top applications, mobile applications, gaming applications, payment applications or web based applications for information and communication technology products or services integral to article are deficient. Elegant and machine learning, soft, where hardware any other product or service integral to the telephoning products services, including wireless. Local area networks, mobile network saddle. This is what they gonna have complete access to in the dark. By the way you do you you'll get to look at what they're doing Satellite operations, cable access points, wireless access, point, cord net, working systems, long short end, and what back and never call back on what that is the computer platform that sounds sexual
Aunt key distribution, so all this crazy stuff, e commerce technology and service, including any electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions, so this is crazy. This is anything you get to do. The government gets to do in the dark, shut it down and lock you up for it. Greg arbour, man, gregg price, comes back and says believe it or not. It gets even worse if you, if you find if they find you in violation. They can put you in jail for twenty years, find you a million dollars and sees your property. They can also deem any foreign government an adversary without info. forming congress weight and everything they do is in the dark. You can't get a freedom of information request, so we today, if they saw a view so like right, was put it this way. Let's say iranian tv: he wants me to go on right
I guess that would be the update and then it can say oh they're a hostel and you were going to it was the tv to do something hostile It's bad for the! U s! Government! So now we can access everything Jimmy Dore has on his computer every phone. call every text every app on his phone and his car. Reaching we get access to all they have to do is jimmy doors, using the internet to hurt America u s, government. By going on television in around that's, that's it! So I mean who decides this the secretary? Nobody, there isn't a court, do you get to be just one person go ahead by Right now. I assume they just spying on everybody whenever they want. So was the difference here that out easily. They can just put your way. as opposed to. I think so. I think this is just making sure they can, though, been absolutely no the people. Oh, do this in government who do this to you can't be prosecuted and that's. I think what this is for
I mean seems way even like worse than the patriot act, vigil its way worse. It seems if they was about banning tik tok. They would pass a bill that simply bans tiktok, but the unit parties try. we create the same system of domestic spying. They did after nine eleven for the internet, but on steroids, and then he gives a shout out to the lp. Mrs carcass, hitting that's liberty. Party caucus the bill was introduced by senator mark warner from virginia heres, a list of all the people. Co sponsoring it by sickly runs a table of the worst members of the D c unit party, so there's all by god. Ok, TIM kane, of course a richard Blumenthal, democrat liberals else. Loop, Democrat until a republican gram? it's grim, lucy grim of.
why I assume him I saw that she's are higher in the list. Lindsey. Graham, you wonder why that's interesting because lindsey gram went on television where the fuck is it hurt is lindsey, graham one on television. What What's this we don't like to talk, we don't want to talk because the chinese use it to spy on us and require a brains, but We don't want the government spying on us either. The united states Senate just say we're gonna, protect you from China by spying on your back, yeah try to get some answers that the senator lindsey gram who support once this and is here now you gotta be kidding me senator. Did you read this I don't think I support the restrict back But though he plays down that's how he gets out of this, he gets his place. Dumb. Kurt this is how he gets out of it.
You don't support this because you are named as one of the supporters, because this is garbage- since the one were John there's two bills out there, one allow I'll, say: review of businesses that that are connected to channel get sector the bounties protect their data. Is that restrict that we got six eighty six right here march seventh and got a bunch, a republic, in supporting it, because this thing is crazy town, you don't want government looking into your private phone. No, I shared colluding with the russians were remember out that certain now yeah know. Well, constitution, trumps statutes. They come back and bit I'll. Give you a better explanation here, the problem, as I see it, shall we you don't know about he's, not sure which one this is. Yes, the guy,
the senator yeah, the guy who supports this bill. I don't know which one was long ago. You know I'll come back later. Let you know he's sincerely. Thank you. Fuckin big him turn turn us into a third world dictatorship. You know that one like it that bill. If he doesn't know Oh, that's even were, and if he does know This is the one with the business hours is the one that takes away all our rights forever and turns into a dictatorship. Yeah, I'm not sure I'll, come out unless you're for my my board with that one. I don't know why for poor their notified support. That thing, oh my god, until it's like, I guess we'll. Let him finish That the parent company tiktok and my nieces light tik tok, I don't mind them using tiktok. I I just want the chinese government to seize all their data and manipulate the information america sees and the best way to do. That is to make sure
government can spy on you in the dark and you could never ever redress the government. And, and then we Does lock you up forever? Fine, you billions of dollars invade your private, it's all over what what are they gonna get? from his nieces information. By the way I now I want the observer would alienate why don't get like way more from say, mature economies, chinese wife, whose heirs to a chinese plutocrat like yeah, I didn't know that assembly will offer let her go purposes. China is helping drug cartels in mexico. Our giant has got a friend. Chinese espionage is an all time against american business. All yeah sort of push back against china, but with a constitutional framework you're right about that, so you may be. the allegations are now come answer better. Next, Why me? Because I'm converse our girl, your listed balko answer merit
next time and whether I give a shit about freedom, liberty, ten for bill rights, anything about it tick dogs not mentioned in it? He I'm talking about china. There's nothing China has been one of the coast, sponsors of this thing, maybe it's like veteran when you're If this is all your work for you put center, you got it's like hey, you're, a co sponsor this. Did he just say that go back? percent of your list. It is one of the co sponsors. This thing, maybe it's like futterman when you're so what's happening here, is he's letting him off the hook. Actually you like your lives that has caused by the barbarians is added. You like it gives about watch, your work, forty, etc? You gotta go back and talk to these other senators about this. This is nuts, and it's going to get abused like it always does. So. Is that he's a he's he's acting like lindsey graham's on our side? You gotta, go.
I can talk to them. Don't he's one of them is one of them he's for this jesse he's out against it, he's a coastguard Do you know with you know what that means? That's why you brought it up? Why would you bring it up that immediately a blessing the importance what you just brought up, you got you got this guy dead. The rights may be authorised. does all the work on a thing like this right with butter? a better answer than worry circuits like so now,. Who can you you're taking we everyone's rights and letting the government spy on us illegally and you dont know you're doing that? Oh gosh, I sought oil rights on this earth well by money is used to dock so out Elizabeth had to Jesse waters for bringing it up and being on the right side of the issue on this one. I wish he would have actually held his feet.
To the fire, with John stewart punk out on this one kind of kids, John stewart it out on this one, but there's more to this laurie. So let me go back. I had set up in a different way, so here's. cnn actually is against the watch. This did they did there. This is the guy who introduced this bill. It's my senator mark warner and CNN actually pushes back watch chinese law trumps anything that corporate manager wants to do, and I the point out. One other thing is that I think will make up. We made the point president. She and the chinese leadership has said they would rather get rid of czech talk in america, then give the source code that magic formula that resides in beijing if Why do I should your part of the requirement? Was that source code and located in america. Why the magic
amendment no. Eighty earlier trade secrets of this company give it your source code. Are you joke and give us your trade secrets, anyone here we go so now. Listen would CNN, says his temperature and as a fact here senator- and I think a lot of people share your concerns, but our brain founded a great fact jack. Just on what we, actually no versus the fears that are laid out. There is no public. Evidence of the chinese government has asked they spied on people through Tik tok? There was that surveillance of journal Very troubling there were fired terrible that happen, but also to date, no poet governance of beijing as harvested tik, tok commercial data for intelligence? Are a purposes. I just wonder if you have any fear about choking something off that helps a lot of really tried it, creators over this financial question hoping something off at the edge of the means of To a lot of creators and small, is in as a source of revenue for them in that way before these
worst fears are realised. I've read through your restrict act. I know what it does, but just responded that concern what what she saying is: none of them stuff that use claim is going to happen, has happened shouldn't we wait for something bad to happen, be that your claiming is going to happen before we do all this restrictive legislation shouldn't. We wait to see the real world consequent. I've been, nothing has happened. So that's what she sang right. Am I wrong about that's when old, united correct, but I read through this. All I got to say is what about the tick tock rate with pilot bad, go much people's visage and just get white? I hope if they do this horrible thing, the causes of anger, because wasn't that mention the other horrifying part at all. Not just has her great fact chequered and bring it up. Rattray she's worried about, like some tik tok readers, that you would tell you about gender. I can get on. That's your main concern. So, let's see what he says won't. Let me join reverse order. First of all, there's a lot of creative stuff on tiktok
There are, and we ve seen the influencers make their living. I like how he I like how he puts a nice. Also hey. I love I loved at doing bad. So we lie, but he likes. Tiktok years is just words just going to be nice and we're going to make everyone a peanut butter sandwich and go to sleep this isn't a horrific. Orwellian spying by the government and taking every last scrap of freedom. You have in cyberspace away that the vat is it I like to beg you like to think we just gotta bigot nicer. Download raising albania them this and frankly there are other american resides youtube and others I manage any least reimburse and a higher level. I am we believe in the market, if is to talk, were somehow out he sang, I believe in the market. Somebody saying is me: If the government steps in and takes away on a product, the market will be another product
you don't believe in the market, because you're to government is taking away a product. If you believe in the market you'd let the market take care the market they ve already proved. They don't care about the market over and over again with all the other. Things are committed and nato get her. This is about the cia and the fbi and the net and essay and the military industrial complex wanting to have complete access to us to a surveillance state. That's what this is. This is a hundred percent totalitarian surveillance state, And he's he gives a little smile and says I would you like that? It's not a big deal I genuinely wonder leg just how much of empty shell puppets. These guys are too were like did they not read anything in the bin the bill themselves, honestly in they just was written by the sea. I am sure yeah em up, tomorrow and whether it's an american company, french company and indian company, there will be a replacement site where people can still be creative and earn that kind of life
I believe the market will provide that number one after the government screws up on the question of no evidence respectfully eel We see press report after press report, an what tip all I'm sorry chinese engineers got it. We see No evidence we all look at the news points out. The news reports that are bought by the military industrial complex our creates these crazy news reports that say what we wanted to say. It said they have aluminum tubes. On the front page of the new york times we have to invade Iraq front page. The new york times at aluminum tubes got invade iraq. You. this time the Chinese in years gone past. Another time you ve got, and individuals who are whistleblower wrinkly out when he says you know, whenever a politician says frankly, you know they're lying and that's the third time he said frankly in this short little clip. He said frankly, three times, I'm done listen to this guy. Let's move on
The bill gives the federal government the power to access and monitor any activity from suspected devices. Virtual or otherwise without telling Amy one. this essentially gives them the power to spy on you without your knowledge or consent, minor tin, you at. All times. This includes rulers, modems line: videogame streaming, apt social media ring cameras and other home cameras systems, smart thermostats, litter, let anything that makes use of the internet, the method by this will be done is by the president appointing a secretary of communication who form their own independent group without any votes or democratic selection, and that group can then make decisions behind closed doors without disclosing anything whatsoever.
Decisions banning whatever they deem to be inappropriate or threatening, content or otherwise, deemed to a threat to national security at any time with disclosure or voter input and remember accessing said. Content would be a crime under this bill. This law enforcement in the dark. This is gestapo shit. If this is kgb shit, if this passes, they can go through your text messages your emails, your staff chat, your instagram, facebook, twitter and private messages on any other social media, anything that uses the internet and they can censure it and they can prosecute anyone who disobeyed this. These restrictions in this bill effectively bans anything at all
all the government deems and appropriate, for whatever reason very fast, without warning and without border input. further allows the government to spy on you directly through anything that makes use of the internet twenty four seven. Oh, my god, everyone, should be thoroughly invested in shooting this bill down, as it could result in the breaking up of mass communication methods, the targeted suppression of minority groups, the immediate clashing of dissent in any form wherever it may be, and the judge rule totalitarian state. So this is what I was telling people that they always say. Oh censorship on twitter and facebook is there to protect minority groups. It is not you fuckin chump, I think them. It, though, power, the power leads, the tireless manure. We add the tiniest more. It's always going to be used to suppress and silence minority groups, black and brown people and
anybody body whose not in the establishment. That's who they're going to send sir, Because those are the people who need to speak up against the establishment, the most that this is to say? So, if you want more censorship, your against minority community, Is that's the irony and, of course the democratic party is forces at censorship because they are against minority communities. Barack obama was president for eight years, did fucking zilch for black and brown communities, nothing their lives got worse, pay you. Oh here's, another great way. You can help support the show. Is you become a premium where we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you.
You do it by going to Jimmy or company that cop clicking on join premium and supposed affordable previous programme and the business and its agree. the way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everybody, It was already a premium member and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, You do of a career with better pay better. that's an hour's, but you're, not sure about going back to school, full time at miller, my college. We can help we offer programmes that are affordable and flexible to fit into your busy life most can be pleaded in less than two years seen miller. My college can offer visitor. Apis at sixty three ninety seven lee highway sweet one hundred, then chattanooga tennessee or learn more online in miller, dash m o t t don t. You. Everybody. We have a special guess with us today. His hosts of his youtube geo economic update democracy at work.
can ease the author of many books, including its most recent. The system is the sickness when capitalism fails to save us from pandemics or itself. Please welcome to the show professor richard wolf. Could this be here Jimmy? Did you see it thanks? coming back to the show. Now whose wish I had. You won't be dial, because I always have questions for you thought I had this gentleman on David sacked and we were talking about the banks of the s vp crash edna stuff, like that and so he was saying that he wanted them to bail out the thanks, meaning he one than the covered, the depositors, not the investors and fire while the people running it, but he I too am saved the depositors now but you're take on that holds debacle by the way, and I think that was the right course. Well, I think the place to start is the weird way we handle money
Everybody knows that money makes the world go round. That's why we had phrases like that. We need, we needed for our business every day. We need to be able to borrow it. We need to be able to have confidence in it. Everybody understands that money is a social institution that we all rely on in more ways than we can count. Okay, if it's a social need for all of us, why in the world would only one in their right mind, create institutions called banks that are in business and handing out money managing money, collecting the party,
making loans when the goal of these institutions is the private profit for their shareholders and the private profit for the people who set them up. What you are doing is creating social dependency on people who are not there to make this system work. They are there to make money and they take risks to do. That and if they gate those risks, and they don't work out like the silicon valley bank. Well, then, we get what american history has every few years, a bank collapse in the nineteenth century we used to call them. bank panics. There was a better word because it gave to the truth of what was going on here: it after each of them. We pass some regulatory laws, then, in a funny way they kind of fade away,
it's learn how to get around them if they need to they buy the politicians to amend them or to repeal them, and then we get back to square one, and the private banks go in there to make their money and five to six to seven years later boom. The system goes again. I mean you kind of have to scratch your head and say after this happened? Over and over again, are you really gonna go back to the way things were, and the answer is yes, because that's what's been done every other time and looked if the private banks making money. all the shots, then every one of these is it is a wonderful example. You call the government in it clean up the mess you left behind and sets everything up for this.
The reply again, and so what's the solution, I thought the solution would be like they have, I think, a north Dakota. They have state banks right. So Go ahead, tell people what that is yeah, it's a wonderful examples like I could you the examples from one of other countries that have handled this in other ways, but I don't have to I have a nice day, but very few americans know much about north Dakota, which are over a hundred years ago. I believe those nineteen sixteen o around them set up its own bank. It didn't want the private banks to be doing this. aim all the time, so they set up a public bank. It was designed to serve the people of north Call it it's largely auroral states of a lot of the landing was performers in and
rural people in agriculture, but they were also industries, and they were also the usual and the way it was set up was serve. The people serve the people in this area call north coda and if you make any money, there comes the good part, if you're profitable, that profit goes into the budget of the state of north Dakota, which means it has to raise your taxes on the people and businesses of north Dakota, because the bank servicing those same businesses and people made a profit, but that's not going to go in some private hustlers pocket. It's gonna serve the people of north dakota and over the last hundred years, all of the private banks around the whole united, states have waged one campaign after another to stop this, because it's a dangerous example- and I am here to tell you
even conservative republicans, don't touch that the Democrats told the republicans. Don't it's like Political third, rail on the railroads is good. Don't go near there. Anyone who attack or try to get the end of that system has been pushed aside by the people of north Dakota and it's a successful today. it was a hundred years ago and never has the kinds of problems we are regularly experiencing with our private banks, and so Is that the only state that has a state of state bank as noise? Yes, it's the only state yet no loaded, it's unbelievable. Have I won't embarrassed of anybody by asking a matter we could but a matter. I ask your audience: you raise your hand if you knew
wish that this was going on. I didn't know the only state, but there is really something: if not a conspiracy. Well then, there's a comfortable decision by large numbers of our mass media not to make a big deal out of this, not to, for example, take advantage of this moment with the collapse of silicon collapse of signature. Bank collapse of the credits wasted in switzerland to tell us all g. There is already another way to go. It's been in this country for over a cent Three, it's a roaring success and we are therefore going to tell you nothing about it, so it with thou, doing that. So in short term, when one s viii b bank in those other bank started failing. if you were the head of the person in charge, but would you have done you you would have covered, the depositors or no, yes, I will cover the
the bug, because otherwise you set up of cascading catastrophe that its bigger literally by the hour, by the way, it's we're not out of the woods yet far from it, but for the moment you can. I please take the initial step of not penalizing the people who have put they're they're on their life savings, their business capital, whatever else it is into these banks, who assumed that there is this thing which we call on the economics of banking, so I do sherry duty. In other words, if you ve got other people's money, you're supposed to be super, careful and cautious, because you ve been entrusted, it's one thing to risk your own, but you're not supposed to take on new risks.
there's a presumption of what was going on here. Was that an awful lot of people, not just the bankers themselves, but supervisory apparatus that support the regulate. What we no is constantly Turning of either corruption or incompetence. Those people were blind to the federal reserve bank in san francisco, so the holes system, private bag and the regulatory apparatus really messed up messed up and look. These are small banks, they weren't there. The silicon valley bank is either the fifty four sixteen largest bank in the united bates signature was another one like that. These are not small banks
I've already many other banks on are shaking because of the fear of what their depositors may do if they get frightened about the security of what they have one more thing: jimmy look at it. Look because this is another bail out their careful not to call it that, but we bailing out another failed private enterprise using the government, its guarantees, its money, its resources, its time, its energy, wow. I will not getting much for since we're living. These banks continue we're living, the banks by them with no guarantee that the bank's doing the buying are not to do the same kind of behaviour that they've all been
for so long anyway. It's an amazing thing to watch. Well, it's because that is what I tried to tell people is that they don't realize that in our governed I think our governance, regular corrupt, like Joe Biden, got his kid. A no should show job at a good and an energy board. in ukraine or donald trump, set up his kid with a business deal in saudi arabia, but what they don't realize is that the whole thing every law it gets rid. The whole defence department budget is nothing but corruption. What do you think? Eight hundred billion dollars a year going for recovery, no enemies threatening us were thrown by waters in canada, mexico, with nobody threatened, we spent a trillion dollars. We have a thousand military bases, that's all corruption, banking, the reason why banks keep failing every couple here is because they own the politicians who write the regulations and when the bank's fail the gun becomes events and fixing them in Nobody goes the jail. That's because we live in a hundred per cent. Corrupt government and
Why why can they sent a hundred billion dollars to another failing bank or two? ukraine to another proxy war to snap of a finger before they take half that money and fix homelessness in their own country. It's because there's no court, but there's no corruption greasing the wheels of fixing homelessness. That's why and legs much money in it. That's that's right. I mean if we can bomb the homeless there always money for that. So now, but we people have, you know So the reason why my jimmy, if I could just add one thing, because it just amplifies your point, we're supposed to be a cop- that is worried about a big other problem. They haven't solved. Paused called inflation, prices are going up. Everybody knows it the supermarket the gas station. Wherever you turn, we are suffering because what
it is not going up as fast as prices and am therefore standard of living is being squeezed. Ok. What's, though, Worse thing, you can do if there's already rising prices answer more money into the system? New fresh money? It's like pouring kerosene on a fire, but you want to go out. That's not a good method to look what happens here. The people pull their deposits out of those failing banks. They still have that money. They're gonna put in another bank that monies there, but now the government comes in and says we'll cover. Don't you worry all you, people were basically gonna, give these banks turn of new money at the final, reserved to use the cover, all that's more money Europe has been more mummy, the same government that wants to curtail inflation,
is boosting the inflation by its method of trying to solve the banking problem what you begin to see is we are so far down. The path of economic decline and we're like a very old sick person. We have to many diseases and the attempt to solve one clashes with the medicine for the other one. At a certain point, the doctors say a week with, will be armed ability to save this patient. Your frustration with what you just Then that's a rational response to a network of problems that are now feeling on each other. We can't solve one without worsening it. If you hear the excuse of the bankers, it was the interest rates going up that had a part to do with their color. However, we raised it demonstrates the trying to deal with the inflation.
we got to deal with the banks in a way that, once the implosion its becoming literally ridiculous, so in order to curtail in flight which was brought on in large part by them. Dumping trillions of dollars into the economy nodded to the workers pockets, but into people who put their money into and what have you so that causes inflation so not occurred. inflation, they rise interest rates with interest rates, thou make those banks fail, because the bank's put all their money into bob, and that our low interest rates long term right ends, down now jointly when they re the interests of those I go. our values, so now they can't, when parliament comes to withdraw their money they have to cash in those bonds to pay that money in those bonds are now worthless because of the interest rates being so high. So now so they're trying to curb inflation they raise interest rates, makes the bank's fail so that in the fixed, the banks that
throw money at the bags which causes more inflation. But it's it's. It's really at you. You kind of throw up your hands that otherwise intelligent people who understand these things. You know it's the first time I've taught these courses the first semester of banking cause, you will learn about the interest rate goes up and the value of the bomb goes down. That's not rocket science, that's not an advanced on standing. Anybody in a bank who runs a bank knows in that very institutions by those long term bonds a major ones on and on, and there is no excuse for any of this by the way, If I have a moment, let me let me do two things that make that you may you might find humours the first one is what I got my phd objects to be a professor at yale university years ago.
and in my class with me at the same time that I got my phd again, the first was a young woman, but when I had the same causes the same but just everything is either her name. in germany alone, right now I can assure you she knows about rising interest rates and falling bonn. She knows everything but I know will because we were taught literally the same thing by the same professor at the same time. So I'm looking at a system that is so out of control that are perfectly well educated. Economists, like herself, is at a loss a kind of what to do, and then it gets even weirder, because here What we learned when you have an inflation there are multiple different ways. Societies would be used to try to cope with inflation. raising interest rates has
I have been the only one. It has never been the one that you just do that's crazy, sullen, I'm watching this woman, who knows better up there. Talking like this, how does as if this were the only thing to do? Let me give you an example: august fifteenth nineteen, seventy one, president, richard m Nixon gets on the radio and television and here's what he says to the american people. We, a bad inflation which we did at that time and it has to be stopped, which it did at that time. and I'm gonna do what has to be done, which he did at that time. I hear what he said if anyone as of one may stop speaking now, if any business, as is its price of anything itself. We will come for you,
oh, we will arrest you you're going to jail any you and you nor organization of workers that tries to push up wages, we will do. The same. This thing was called a wage price free. Is it didn't happen over another country? It happened in the? U s when a conservative republican president did this. Ok, so anyone who says raising interest rates is what you have to do. That's not true, and both Mr Powell and janet yellow no that because they learned in the same way, I did, and there are other policies they all have. Strengths and weaknesses are not arguing due to be, but the way this country does. As if raising interest rates is the only thing we can do that
that is a lie. That is not true and that's a disservice to the american people because we don't have any discussion or debate about which of these policies we want to you. Whose had we not raised interest rates, for example, We would not have plunged these banks into this kind of crisis that be interesting aspect of making a decision about what policy to use and if we really care about the inequality of income, what we could have done is raised the price allow the wages to the love a little bit, and that would have done a good bit and correct the inequality that has gotten so much worse. In recent decades, cargo. what was the goal to ruin? Those banks I dont send suspicious gives ask is better able she's got the idea. We wanna kill those going silk. Soggy I mean, let's get said obvious question rights of janet yellin knows this, that creep
that raising those interest rates are gonna cause some banks to fail, and and they do it anyways. What what could possibly be the thinking there I hate her they have got on mean to frighten people. I gotta be honest with you, otherwise you're not going to invite me back, I think their desperate. I don't think they take the time. I don't think they take. The speed, Is this inflation? Let me remind you why me inflation began, which was already late, twenty twenty one, early, twenty twenty two the federal reserve officially told us not to worry it's not gonna be severe. It is gonna last. It's nothing. They kept that story up until it was so obvious, a rule. Then they had to do something, and I now
I had waited and they did what they felt. They could do right there on the spot. May probably dont want the political storm. Business doesn't want to be told you. can't raise your prizes, they yelled in screamed mixed and when he did it, but they behaved in india. Inflation came down, it is, a policy that does not have a lot to say for it, but I don't think they took their. At the time they didn't want a debate. They wanted to get in there and stop what had become of syria, political and economic problem but they had waited too long to deal with o. It doesn't look good. I still I never it. I never know where to put pudding savings resource put your money. I have no idea. I go live in north dakota, at the
hey. This is Jimmy who's. This you never get away a baby is very good to hear from you I would emerge. One day a linear, you did a good job. We finally norm afraid dot tat because there everybody's type or another addition. Events, hans takes account shall burn you who did they get a better name for this segment? How about you shut your face let me name, I can't you stop Bobby that's right, toy for little girls and your younger brothers. You grabbed a big day for adults. Be movie. That's right. Jimmy I suffered analyzing society to celebrate fragility is a virtue It's very also gain a boy people, the trailer,
just released yesterday at our nation of weaklings and crybabies are jumping for joy. We want sport, men on the moon are traveling, and the prospect of watching a full length feature film based on a girl doll is amazing. I watched the trailer myself, but I admit there is one problem was that it looks fucking awesome I get. I went to the budget. The director greta gerwig certainly knew what she was doing striking the right software tone so I'll be doing a binky in my mouth, along with all the internet, for the regal eight on opening night is zero as dig so interesting? How hard? Why do people? Look at this thing is a parade of ten not even kidding, I dont know bourbon,
They have no generals, but I believe that something I'd be willing to try to walk around your brown that's very open, and now it's very open by did a view. Then package had engaged you're worried about boy baby, the only children's be movie Martha do adults, you also super mario brothers movie, but dodge a drag its Bobby I get there the hbo harry potter, reboot, weighed the what that's right, Jimmy I remember the harry potter movies, I'm not that fucking loss Oh J, J, well windows decided it's time to start all over again from the beginning. It many serious form you Jimmy,
If I ever called in and joked around with, you know each field to produce a new harry potter series based on the books and produced by jk rowling herself. It's all part of hbo's new business strategy of being boycotted by trans people. I see Personally, I get away, do those classic harry potter lines, but with a fresh j J rolling spit on them. where's your dairy, oh boy. Oh boy, you'll always be male. That is immutable. You cannot change it. You may feel feminine in some ways, but you are a male wizard harry yeah. I can't wait me neither yeah and speaking of things, I never thought I'd see
I ain't a goin in Jos, ski trial accomplished something truly remarkable, it broadly on quitted, gauchos side and something real. just really normally Gwyneth paltrow would be someone that I was sentenced to death for yeah I had to have a maggie and her lifestyle brand is diluted. Thousands of women of that horrible new age pseudo health magazine, but I was on team grinning, for trial baby. You thought she was innocent, if she was you don't care. If you didn't, man does add old man, it was because Gwyneth paltrow bumped into her on a ski slope years ago claims to have fucked them up. Are you kidding the rides? She weighs fifteen pounds
yeah even if be fired out of a circus canada. My head I'd feel like a pussy just for saying out. This is like suing someone for severe bodily distress because they tossed a robe at you. Don't do and she won. oh hell, yeah, my girl. She showed up with you. Yeah. Take it seriously and she'd want the case she whispered. I wish all the best to disclosure of the way out I'll be damned gdp. Is it on my starts with all of a sudden, forever Well, that's really nice to hear
back and ninety ninety seven or both of our stars or otherwise. It honestly was not great. Oh yeah yeah. She didn't. She was doing she seemed confused. She seemed like she thought. Someone else was supposed to do everything for her. It was a mess. You know what I'm talking about. You know what I mean, but whatever the reason and she d brought again anyway. I gotta go. I will be calling again to get it out of diesel down celebrity gas of women. I bet The past shooting movies tv shows that are coming soon. Just for you jimmy day, desert bed I will hey become a premium member goaded, jimmied organic dotcom, sign up, it's the most affordable premium programmer the business. Don't don't bring all the voices reforms.
They are by the one and only the inevitable mike Mccrae. It can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com. For this week you be the best you can be. I'll keep being made, Yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-04-08.