« The Jimmy Dore Show

The REAL Reason Tucker Carlson Was Fired By Fox News!

2023-04-28 | 🔗

Top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been abruptly fired from his choice primetime show on the cable network. Carlson has consistently been the only voice on cable news calling out the war machine, criticizing his fellow media commentators for doing advertisers’ bidding and rejecting claims from Big Pharma. And now he’s gone!

Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to special guest Jimmy Dore about the silencing of Tucker Carlson. Plus a segment dedicated to the passing of singing legend and civil rights hero Harry Belafonte. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jake Tapper and President Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Were telling jokes in Honolulu, los angeles, Northampton massachusetts syracuse call those new york, hartford, connecticut, baltimore, chicago rosemont. San, diego and more go to Jimmy door. Come see, get a link for all those tickets plus you watch. My new special covered lies are funny This is the Jimmy dorsal aromatic speaking a tramp or from cnn. Why hello jack I'm away with jake trapper right on cnn, okay yeah, I got it would happen. The report is still a television programme that exists for now, anyway, That's right. I hear that there have been some shake ups over at your network, jack, and it's hard to believe in the course of the
I asked you rushing Chris Cuomo get like go then respected. Idiot tightened compliance daughter now at last they fired dom lemon. The walter crowd. Of our generation. Nobody calls on that. I know I just thought I'd say something nice, but the lead which drab, restore air What do you attribute your longevity to I'd have to say my commitment to journalistic integrity and always seeking the truth that my ability to nazi incredibly stupid shit on the air, I see I mean there. Let's be honest Everybody knows that women in their fifties are passed her prime its lines but were created You don't want to hear and see that out loud what was done, women thinking and shooting. It was two female co host. What a dumb ass right
and I mean I get it as a society. We've decided that gay men are the only ones who get to roast women everywhere. Can a game italy. They can say anything and get away with it, but not of your hosting a news programme just because it the morning, doesn't make it blanche, good boy? Thank you. I just how these days now he's not dead We might as well be MSNBC. Other good intentions or cheese is all I have to go to one of these on wine news channel very poor, Chris Cuomo did perish the thought that journalism version of getting banished to the phantom zone Are you worried at all about your own job security? to be honest, they barely even know I'm here, which is a good thing. ruffling, any fathers during my show to an acre, meaning, beaver like who are you again? Oh no
say it's me. Trapper the way in which a grammar, I right right got it and after jag we would they say: do you think your time, that will remain the same. So I mean the fewer than before. Changes. The better the tap minister always says, but again I do perhaps in opportunities nor are they replaced on the morning show. I guess that would make sense. Poppy are allowing Galen cons just doing very thing two no joam garral tell me tell me the time slot They wanted another man there. I think I might be the phone for the job. Oh really. those it would be perfect dance mistake, as you wanted to bring you a hard eating new show nobody such? Should people want fluff? They want
under a tree in the evening when their pissed off about what Can I ate everything and everyone I wouldn't make that mistake? What would you do So I give seen inversion of good morning. America taught us Wherever these have people cook stuff on it right either it I'd say young by their good book. News stories about you'd animals only for christ sakes, my coworkers are named poppy and caitlin programme. accordingly. I see dream job, really. You can keep their career for dec, As long as you don't have you ever terminal occasion grab ass, like my man, why are you As long as you can keep your dick in your pants sounds good to me. I think you've seen your true career pack past day, bags aaron. I appreciate this, he business showing it
I have received dumb shed light on limited, but you also gonna watch it with fearing off the party. When I talk about a war being bad that were supposed to support, back in meaner. I've got a point good deal here I can say that stuff, I'm envious, my young friend in the big leagues. Don't have a luxury talking about What is actually happening in the world and manners sounds nice, but as a pipe dream, that's, why does warning should seem so advising you find your way in this. Do you wanna be a guess? Some time I mean you, good by ukraine or anything, but you can try some guys fireball chicken recipe, whether things with its normally. When I do suit yourself, anyway, nice yeah, but I gotta go as usual The fiery good and anger has abused anderson cooper with an energy surge and again
page or mitigate, go or threatening the structural or integrity of the buildings. We have two evacuated, probably The big deal this rapid every time, but better safe than sorry tata by jig Jacob everyone as guidance. Fomenting johnson media is the chimney to show Tucker karlsson fox news, part ways these from the hill tucker. In this part of ways with fox news network set on Monday. We thank him for a service to the now work as a host and prior to that, as a contributor carlson's last show was friday. The network said Tucker Carlson was foxes, top rated primetime hope
netting, an average of more than three million viewers per night, the most of any pundit on cable television. His departure from the network came less than a week after fox agree to pay. seven, eighty, seven million dollars to settle a defamation lawsuit brought by dominion. Voting systems over coverage of former president trumps, false claims of voter fraud in the company software, the here's this merely times the decision of fire tucker across and came straight from fox core chairman rupert murdoch. Accordant people familiar with the situation murdoch is said to be concerned. Over carlson's coverage of the january sticks two thousand twenty one protest at the capital where the host has promoted the consumer
in theory, it was provoked by government agents. So that's the line that people close to rupert murdoch are apparently giving that this was over Tucker carlson's coverage of january six, and certainly this was a surprise to Tucker carlson, because here he is on Friday night at the close of what turned out to be his last show, and I'm especially grateful for the pi. Thank you grab him a push at an employee of the week we're going to order just make of the year telling morale of cocos pizza. That's it for us for the week we'll be back by the way, the entire episode of let them eat bugs pizza streaming now? In fact, station is a promo code. Originals for thirty is free and we'll be back. on monday, in the mean time, have the best we can with the ones that levels either them now kid you pizzas get out now. Can I just Jakarta, I jump in and say that I too I, the veracity of that claimed by the early times or what rupert murdoch says that the real reason why their firing him is because of his january six coverage. That's that's!
why there there firing him for several reasons. The biggest one was he finally brought on our of gay junior and they told the truth about big farmer, big firm funds, news to seventy percent, and so I'm scared. Sing. That was the last straw. I also know that there is a split inside the murdoch family and put Barak has been trying to get rid of tucker for a while, and so they, I guess there is just enough things, and I think that the seventy percent, advertisers coming down on their big farmer. I think that was all took what what do you think you're in which appears a quick we're talking about cheerfully farm reporting it took across the last week ripping farm spending hundreds of millions of dollars on tv ads and news outlets routinely parroting drug industry talking point is our single exam. Or the CNN Msnbc other fox news host ever discussing tv advertising. Corruption. No- and here is he ever Tucker set in train
I'm ask yourself, is any news organization you know of show corrupt that is willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertised Anyone who do that is obviously pablo Escobar level corrupt and should not be trusted. What would it look like that level of corruption will imagine The trump administration had made it mandatory for american citizens to buy my pillow. That's when a fox news is biggest advertisers a match of administration, declared that if you didn't rush out and buy at least one my pillow and then at least another booster pillow, you would not be allowed to eat out You couldn't. We enter your own country, you couldn't the paying job. My pillow, they told The straight face was the very linchpin of our countries. Public health system- no matches. I told you that that Vox as a news organization endorsed it amplified the government's message, imaginative fox news attacked anyone who refuse to buy my pillow as an ally of russia
enemy of science and then imagine that fox kept up those libelous attacks, even as evidenced mounted my pillow caused heart attacks, fertility problems and death. If action is, did that? What would you think of it? news. Would you trust us of course she wouldn't. You know that we were wires. Thank Heaven. Vaccination did anything like that, but the other channels did the other channel. Took hundreds of millions of dollars from big family companies and then they shield for their sketchy products on the air and as they did that they more wind anyone who was sceptical of those products at the very is. This was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened across the american news media. They all did it showed this point. The question is and who in public life is corrupt too many to count who is the question is who is telling the truth? My gun no, why no one? I didn't see this, no wonder
fired him. Are you kidding me so? Does he laid out? He is he's giving the game away and he the number one new joe. I could add, because the reason why Tucker karlsson is able to tell you the truth about the advertising game works in corporate news is because they took away all his advertisers chief and so now he's free to say that kind of stuff. and but apparently he wasn't because the hammer came down from the top, and this was again let me draw it to you are, and what do you think that this was also he's? We are the cliff there is challenging, but farmer, but also nobody. cable news was even close to him, not comparable in challenging the worst it right I'm close. No one covered issues that he did and we'll get to that next. Second, he also featured leftist voices like that's right, which nobody else nobody would bring on and that the reason why me you Glenn green walled, go on Tucker karlsson, because emerson
c c n n, a b c wouldn't bring people on who had an anti war message or wanted to debunk russia gate. Even even a democracy now stop bringing people on our to do Russia gate right. They stopped at bringing our new they stopped bringing on air of course the late solemn goes one of our top guess he was banned. He was also welcome and tucker show glenn greenwash was banned from so so get the tucker karlsson that this white blow a lot of shit lives. mines, but tucker thousand doing way, better journalism spicy the last couple years, then everybody else combined in cable news. There are horrible. He would tell the truth about julian assange would tell about syria. He would tell the truth.
out of Venezuela. He would tell the truth about ukraine right now and now he's telling the truth about vaccines and how big pharma corrupted everything around coven is max. Blumenthal, Tucker, Carlson fox is top rated host and the most outspoken, influential critic of NATO's ukraine proxy war, national tv, fire just weeks after the twentieth anniversary of MSNBC fire on its top rated hostile donoghue for opposing the iraq war. U s. Cable news is regime media. I just want to point out that I tweeted out the same set of before max that out, so that you have that. I had better look at it there. It is so now there are zero people telling the truth about ukraine or war in general. On tv news zero. I also have a tweet. Everything about feel down you I'll get so I'm out. There was a big call for me I'll betcha max copied me, I'm sure of it. here's going grandma Tucker was the cable hosts to most, and I would say, only oppose
the: u s proxy weren't, you grown anyone who else knows zero live when if there was another person we would know absolutely denounce the cia fbi and department of homeland security for its systemic lies and corruption devoted himself to a pardon for julian assange and also covered issue of joint aside? Nobody else did Patrick objected to regime change. Efforts in cuba criticized trap administrations, militarism I pointed out. He also accurately covered and challenged the dirty war on syria, including, I would argue one the most censored stories in cave in history. The opposite hobbies, cover up scandal. I'm like everybody else on cable tv in almost all of it. this medium for all my disagreement with tucker immigration, china, domestic policy. It is a fact on certain issues, really important issues: ukraine, neeoka, policy. The SIRI dirty war joint sars censoring dissenting voices. He was more accurate and adversarial.
Than anybody else on tv and even the most leftist media. It's just it's sad, but it's true and and again it would blow most people's minds to know that, but you know he has hired. He has more democrats watching him in the demo than an MSNBC, absolutely yeah, and there can't be that many people hate watching Happy more people hate what more democrats hate watching Tucker than our love watching rachel meadow, so you know, have LISA, and so that's why they saw cable news as chomsky. pointed out. The news business is about manufacturing consent, while talker stopped manufacturing consent and sovereign several fronts. He stopped manufacturing coded consent. Vaccine could said he Our manufacturing concern about the war, which is one of the biggest. So those are the two biggest things you can not. You can stop manufacturing concerned about, and so the ease not useful to the machine any more and that's why they took it
Alice advertising, but he was still useful to So now, that's that go ahead. You wanna say some kurt. I just saw some clip of him. He must have just done this speech at like the heritage foundation. Then in the black socialist, you have arrested the guys that club ugly bodies so that all that's another thing to get he's the only one he he blew the whistle on russia gate right. Absolutely he did he covered. He called abortion. I received from the star and brought on left us like us who we challenge it when other leftist, when let this out what would freeze out, but why are we pointed out that, even though advertisers boycotted term across and because he was the highest rate or house, he was still incredibly valuable to the network. So right why it raises fox lost more money. By far tucker karlsson than it spent to settle the dominion? Lhasa ready think shares a fox core. The network's pair company fell by five percent actually now took across them, leaving wiping six hundred ninety million.
dollars from its market value and even though the divine Usanga was more fox Walton, we pale because they can write off some again in a taxicab brass. His flocks and place them adela mobility, so that example where the bottom line is not just about the bottom line in so far as Tucker's stance against militarism influenced his firing, which I think it did then is this. The companies are not just there, for their profits are also there to enforce. dateline that speaks what max at about this being regime media, whether its fox news or emissaries at journalists, as you ve noticed with the two. Your files and other things there, they are not there to tell you the truth about anything dislike it with coal video. the war or the twitter, vile or censorship that the journal an american ninety nine point: nine percent of them are therefore narrative control and they can't wait to do it and what they all have another name for that is manufacturing consent and so Tucker decided to stop manufacturing consent. Any wasn't doing that
of control. In fact, they had to control is narrative So now you know where he is, but god you have more to show. So let me first of all this does not mean he's he's a weird. Do when, for example, is used immigration I found to be pretty vile, so, for example, this is some stuff you so now. Here's where it yet. Here's where we can both whole heartedly disagree with juggler, but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna stand with them to oppose a nuclear war, obsolete or censorship or authoritarianism from vaccine passports. So here let's watch, This is the model, for example, of the kind of, whilst that you'd say but immigrants in dead. Our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this. We have a moral obligation to admit the world's poor. They tell us even if it makes our own country were and dirtier and more divided immigration is a form of atonement previously of our country committed, since we must pay for those, and by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans, that's the argument. They make
sounds like something that some dopey sociology, professor at long beach state thought up. Half drunk in the seventies. Do right! That's pretty much exactly what it is worth. If there were you know when was low as a few years ago, but that's gonna stop worse. When there was the caravan that was coming up from somewhere, it was like a huge story for, like a the amendment. I guess I do maybe I guess the caravan near all criminals. and it like the bolt mariel boatlift again, but I was like you don't know what the joke I used to do. Is there a thousand hispanics are all criminals and they're walking to america, and I'm like what kind of a criminal walks across mexico the long way and then steals a car
it's a pretty remedial every little. I think we can absorb those you, so you object mostly to what he said about more immigrants, make our country poorer in dirty, no government. How is so many of them as cleaning people? It doesn't. I doubt that, doesn't that doesn't add up at all right, so it s so yes, so we were. I would vehemently push back against that your course on him. Is that, because I immigrants actually make our country stronger? What does he say if this a few years ago is a part of the reasons? God is not saying enough stuff like that and seen too much stuff like the other, then he certainly has, in the last few years, he's literally done a lot more segments that are anti war. Pro julian assange for this just a sample of some of the julian assange segments he did, which that right there is more than most other cable news shows combined ever analysis ignores join size or cheers on his imprisonment. Tucker across him not only covered but actually lobbied huh
the trouble is raising to give him a part in which I had already worrying me on to talk about it all the time, even when he didn't agree with me on that he left come on his show, an advocate for julian assange, and there was nobody else to do that. But Tracy. Fox news has eliminated the only reason why any one hundred forty pays any attention. That is true. and this idea that he was a trump sycophant, he was and is just not true. For example, fox attaka karlsson breaks with colleagues in criticising trump strike on iranian jed s when trump cited, came with his neo con cabinet people. I took a grotesque crosses premise: the only republican voice prominent when to criticise it and dumb you're lying upon palm sheep, this out, I wrote in march it the dominion. Lawsuit succeeds in bank rubbing trump back, but in fact sorry fox or even casting up tucker karlsson. As a network scapegoat. It will have succeeded in punishing the media's preeminent opponent of the escalating you
proxy here. It is interesting that, right after this dominion settlement yet happens, he gets fired but which interesting he often gets accused of pushing trumps claims about january six, but he didn't He pushed back on them. Is the scene and media reporter pointing this out. I didn't know that he did because the way I've and even now I saw Gia reported, it sounds like they do not in that he was like, there's no evidence for thy. Now they never mention everyday. I know, so we did the story. Dominion thing yet. I had no idea easily guy on his shoulder with saying the same thing you saying off in this yes Brazil has, but the media leaves a part accepted that this one case. This is all oliver Darcy he's report of sin and there's a few times at it. that was for media journalists, acknowledges took across him. Calls out sidney power, and this is the law or who was now closed. Its rapid, pushing other stuff about vote rigging by dominion causes People say he asked her for evidence to support her election fraud claims, but she never sent this any evidence. Despite a lot of requests, polite request not a page and hearing
he took sidney powell seriously. We no intention of fighting with her. We ve always respected her work. We simply wanted to see the details. How could you not want to see them? so. We invited city power on the show we would have given her the whole. Our would have given her the entire week actually and listened quietly the whole time at rapt attention. That's a big story, but you never sent us any evidence. Despite a lot of requests, polite requests not a page when we kept pressing. She got angry and told us too, contacting when we checked with others around the trump campaign. People in positions of authority, they told us tat- was never them any evidence either in order to provide any today at the press conference held, did say that electronic voting is dangerous and she's right with their but
I never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved, a legitimately buy software from one candidate to another, not one. So why are we telling you this we're telling you this, because it's true and in the end, that's all that matters. The truth is our only hope. It's our best defense. Now imagine someone on MSNBC or cnn saying about Roger gate, were telling you there's no evidence of a trump russia conspiracy or that are that russia, make the votes hack, the boats, because it's the truth. There is not one comparable personality on us. It was network, cnn or MSNBC, would ever say something like that. No that's and again people it! So look what they do this to Joe rogan. They do it to tucker Carlson as soon as they start telling the truth. Everybody loves
tucker carlson before when he wore a bow tie, then you show- and he was repeating, tucked cause. You don't see a the talking points on Iraq war now that they all loved him. Everybody with rachel maddow used to do shoe with everybody loved them, but button dentist, but the problem is he started, telling the truth that they didn't like, and so they have to just like they did to the guitarist who got in maxine injured dinner, glad to get that immediately. Go to he's a racist he's. A sex is easily said a great savings, namely the Bernie sanders, he's a sexist he's, a russian the same silk because it was it it's not because it does stuff that they claim they don't like about. it's that its use three years old, the one he showed that right, because it don't let immigrants that was fine. His job was not in jeopardy when he let it- and, I think, that's the kind of stuff the bill and Hillary Clinton used to say that the about immigrants they used to say that stop that so again, yes, go ahead already warrior and look here is speaking recently taken by the media.
Being part of the control of this is unbelievable, says why they Let them go and even admit he even said, I'm part of the problem. Oh this on full sand like I've spent my whole life in the media. My dad was the media like that is a big part of the revelation that changed my life. The media are part of the control apparatus like there's no you're, not, cause. You're, younger and smarter and you're. Like yeah yeah But what? If you're me- and you spent your whole life in that world to look around and all of a sudden you're like oh wow Not only are they part of the problem, but I spent most of my life being part of the problem. Defending the iraq war like actually did that he mentioned that would he thinks it? What is when you're biggest regrets in your career, defending the iraq? What is it a million regrets not being more sceptical calling people names when I should have listened to what they were saying. Look when you, when someone makes claim. There's only one question, that's important at the very beginning wishes is the claim, true or not
so I say you know you committed murder or you rigged. The last election before you attack me the crazy person for saying that, maybe you should explain what you did it, and here I would agree with it for too long, I participated in the key sure I was like anyone who thinks outside these pre proscribed lanes is crazy. Is a conspiracy dearest and I just really regret that. I am ashamed that I did that in an partly. It was age, partly with the world that I grew up. And so, when you will you look at me in your like yeah of course report that means of control. I'm, like that's obvious, to use your twenty eight, but I just didn't see it at all at all, and I am ashamed of what the immediate filled the again we will. I think we did with as a red pilling of Tucker carlsson, and that's why he became the focus of people trying to get em cancelled because he went against the estate.
went narrative in such a hard way by the way, as soon as he started doing that he shall became the most popular show on on cable news, because people are hungry for that kind of a message. People I'm Stir people get a kick out of it when he brought on on your permission, Or aaron Marty or me to debunk the war wars and to tell them a counter narrative that you're not gonna, hear on MSNBC, cnn or anyplace else on fox and as soon as he went away, that he became popular and as soon as you went against that that's when their property, the media smears against him came and that's when they try to get they took away. I was advertised, Is that usually does it that guy rue de glenn back? But it didn't do at this time because he is so popular, but then that and leave came down from rupert murdoch because it came down from I'm sure, big farmer yan and though you know his role in coverage of the ukraine proxy war. There was nothing else
I get nothing, nothing he can't get to our braces and he he wasn't just partisan. So you know one could maybe think he was challenging the ukraine proxy war, because this is a bite administration policy right that if trump was doing it, it might be different, but he was just as critic full of republicans are supporting ukraine proxy war, as he was the by demonstration of brings, for example, here- is taken on which Mcconnell. Politicians in washington remain mired in their weird boomer world war. Two fantasies where there are winston churchill and Zelensky is the head of the french resistance, a million examples, but we can't resist once again the leader of the republicans in the Senate Mitch Mcconnell last month Try to explain to the american people defeating the russians and ukraine is the single most important event going on in the world right now to feeding the russians. crane is not the single most important event and perfected. The united states is not even number. Fifteen on the west. Its way
below ending the importation of sentinel into this country and its way way below preserving the strength of the u s dollars. But if Mitchell, Connell and Joe Biden and the rest of these reckless leaders have their way in increasing number of countries will do what so many have already done, which is begin to reject the west are, and what will happen that, while all those dollars will come home and the value of our currency will plummet even further, and that will lead to poverty across the united states and that will lead to the typical political and cultural volatility that inevitably follows: econet collapsed disaster and we shouldn't before. Of course, you know the famous pictures from germany and nearly twenties bank notes and wheeled I want to buy a cup of coffee, that'll, be thirty pounds, a currency, kids playing with worthless stacks of deutsche mars. That was called weimar. The weimar republic in that government collapsed because of hyper inflation and then economic
perhaps lead to communist revolutions across germany and ultimately to fill in the blank, the nazi regime. And out no one. No one is saying anything like that: new I know and again now, when nobody on MSNBC will challenge the party leadership on anything, know anything and he was different when it comes to his own party. Car you mention this earlier tucker and here that our servicemen, pointing this out took karlsson of all people at the heritage started at the heritage foundation of all places denounces the d o j for its prosecution of the african peoples socialist party. What statement have pro black lives matter democratic party leader, liberal media talking heads made on the subject, whereas the squire, I'll talk or just a few days ago that this week, the carbon This would have been guided group of people people. I don't agree with by the way on a lot of different issues.
Lack national socialists from florida. Ok, not my demographic. I would have invaded them for criticising the you position, the vital ministrations position on the war in ukraine and charge them with felonies, for which they are each facing ten years in prison. If you told me that could happen here, I would have laughed at. You know. We have a first amendment that can happen here, but it it has that and a lot of other things which are gravely unsettling actually and people who who were rooted in the the cold war story and the reality of the cold war. Again my age, fifty three kind of know where that goes Again, you're right, you compare that too, like the squad. Where are they nothing on? This is nothing large letters. Joy, Ann reid, No, what when they got arrested the only place I'd ever heard of those groups was here like a year ago? Okay! Well, that's why we're popular? That's! Why he's?
Peter he's giving a counter narrative to the establishment claptrap. That's what people want and that's why you tube and fox news and emerson, be treats as he and even democracy now try to shut that narrative down. They know what they that's not coming, both for their advertisers other donors, paying here's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium? we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you do it by going to Jimmy door, company that cop clicking on joint premium and supports affordable previous programme in the business and its agreed. way to help put your thumb back in the eye, the bastards thanks for everybody, It was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, I
sorry my taste hitting in for Jimmy Dore here with americans, comedian, Kurt metzger and special in studio guest jimmy Dore- I gotta be here today for having me guys, are doing fantastic work Thanks for being here- and here is the sad news to report Harold elephantine dies, barrier, breaking singer actor and activists harry both anti dying at the age of ninety. Six are well known as an entertainer, but also as an activist, a key figure behind these civil rights movement. I was a close friend of doktor kings, help fund his movement, an estate very close to the king family ever antwerp. Terrible idea was an outspoken activists in so many issues, and here I am speaking about the democratic party. Last not the king said to me
he was murdered was in my home when we were sitting plan strategy for the poor peoples campaign. On the horizon of the politics of the day? That's why you went to Memphis of course, in that meeting soon strategy than a little under on the focused let me ask what was the matter. martin said you know, think long and hard about struggle. We worked tenaciously for our rights. The combination of all that have to be reflected in what we ve come to call the integration movement.
an I sit here, deeply concerned, but I suspect we're leaving our nation on integration. Trip has integrating. Into a burning house about ban people keep those, I dont think we quite understood that the set it at the moment was. After all, we are in the midst of a very heavy moment in our struggle. You really want a lot of frontiers, both comrade and confronted the bust boycotts, work votes, coming evil in the maze johnson had been struck by the spirit and got up and talk about rachel overcome the comes under the doktor came to have been in this. place at a time when we seem to be making great headway was a moment to pause and reflect that respect.
Has taken longer than I suspect that it would certainly come to reveal itself fully. We look, The commission will be fine. Worrying, in particular our nation. The wreckage is taking place down in the gulf region southwest United states is not the only wreckage that exists. We have a lot of refugees around this country about the most distracting and perhaps the most important wreckage to take a look at really the wreckage of the democratic party Harry above other saying this as a sitting next to send candidates. Hillary Clinton, amber
oh, but I don't know she was yes. She did one in two thousand eight there, the accurate we were all year, red really badge. He has she can't totally all I'm fine. Just keep in mind things have only gotten a hundred times worse since when he said all this stuff anyway, in writing their faces and he's the one. We'll deal, and He doesn't yet know Barack obama is a phony going I've been in the kremlin alive. I have no, I have no treaty republicans nor do I not only seek one Democratic body was not always. Our friend smells like a lot of what we had to struggle against was in the possession of the power democrats and came from south new showed them the today, just this week.
Fiction and the sense of the purpose of the people of this nation had into transforming our condition. All those democrats from the south ran off and became the weakens as an item on what are you trying to its people and that you gotta keep dutchman continues the place. about rose above was confirmed. one sitting in hyde park with her all the story about a great black leader by the name of a full of randolph. he was. One of the great giants of the century certainly was a great things. As you recall, an easy win
I invite you to dinner white house just hear her and the present franklin d, roosevelt Because of the dinner president invited MR rand off to speak, his thoughts long time even Brenda held forth on every list- ingredients as he could think of the people in the labour movement, the people who are poor black people and roosevelt permitted him to hold forth without any interruption until he concluded. at the end of it rose reached about the cigars passed. What about philip and ass. He slowly lids got. It turns and off he said You have heard everything you said. I've missed absolutely nothing and there's nothing that you said
I disagree with and I do in fact have the platform to be able to make the transformation work you're. Looking for- and I guess, Looking for, I have just one request of you and it is for you to go out and make me do. It seems to me there will be no loftier statements of no great speeches to be made. There have already been made. Thirdly, Abraham lincoln, frederick douglass and he lay down in atlantic city and she challenge with freedom civic democratic party. A people who made speeches that are as eloquent as will ever be written and we've listened to a lotta redundancy, a lot of people carefully selected the phrases. clyde them to the moment at least
about how things out about about you. What he moves us is the bankruptcy of the action itself in this parliament that our country is witnessing, has never gone away. Most of them politicians. I know I have visited these places and poverty. They make it their business when their running for the highest office from this nation to go into the What about pain anguish, our indignities promises only to walk into the bases of power and then denial? exactly that they would all those people did the next them. That's exactly what both those people did said. Next him Barack Obama use those phrases, apply them to the dead. From the sixty fifties and Sixtys plied them to his campaign, and but he didn't have any
should behind him. So he started but the bankruptcy of the action, and there is every reason it and he's predicting that were Barack Obama's presidency at it came true. Ok, let's see was more and what he s a whole at it. That's ok. oh, that was at any set of right in front of him, and that was in two thousand and seven primary yeah with Hillary and and they did. sit there and there like hey we're off for phone? and leave as it get. It he's an actor the actors, the guy who's, more real, the guy who plays ten for a living or real than the politicians. Yours mostly actually solving our problems and, of course, they're all about self dealing, and obama also was always go ugly, showbiz or ugly hollywood. I think so. What did that? That there was amazing to hear him or anything were salvaging in the devil.
at a party, and there isn't that that part where he talks about the tactic of sounding really noble and lofty by you know: repackaging old speeches in old rhetoric to sound it's like obama. I heard that part was like alright yeah. I think I'll do that I'll! Keep you know it's a good idea. I figured you're not gonna, let me to become president before right. Buenos aires, recognising mattel we lost the real one went when we lost Harry bell and it would you know the cornell west and a tab smiley during president obama's tenure as president they went on a poor peoples. And pain around the country and, of course, when they were I see it as they would mark them, nero we turn about braga bobby re loves him like he's, I do anything for anybody and cause he was governing, like mitt romney,
that was they. That was the irony of backing, for the joke I used to do was that we had to do. Tell us I had to vote for a brok obama, I was going to get romney care, so I made sure eyebrow voted for Barack Obama. We got romney care, so if you give him a choice of two mitt romney's you're not going to vote for the black, but yeah raises yeah, okay, What else you gotta here's heroin If I, during the vietnam war era, I fought in the second world war, The united states navy. Told, then am. I fought with the knowledge that was the word and was going to defeat. Fascism and mankind turned its attention to the best of us, god, I commend my son. Is ten years old well him with everything that I can so that here be free of any from it
if medieval, you know, concepts about false patriotism, about boundaries, about the meaning of flags. Mankind is much bigger than all of these primitive symbols, and I don't want to see my boy with his face stuck in some rice, pan often, vietnam or off and some other land protecting the interests of the establishment and try. To reward the agreed with his life. I'm opposed to it and I want him to be armed with a sense of being able to go off and destroy another human being anywhere in the world who has never known its gets its inhuman stab. The reason I hang around is to make sure that in my old age, if I live to see it later, I'll be able to say that in my lifetime I did all that I could with what was at my disposal, because I hate for my children to look at me.
And to say: where were you during the moment of the great decision while while so that again he was a real one and he was he did stop. Maybe that's why I never saw him on MSNBC or cnn since two thousand and eight, maybe that's why cause he was going to poke a hole in their neo liberal bubble. And that's why they sat bring it? I'm going green walled these debts and met tybee? Ok, what's our well, she got me The thread from Michael Harriet on twitter top ten crazy stories about Harry Bela fontaine. There was a time when he hopped on a plane with a bag step with seventy three. wasn't dollars and dodged the cooks, clan to save the mississippi freedom summer. Really there is the fact that, because he was who, with a black power leaders and the nonviolent resistance advocates, his apartment is basically the spot where civil rights leaders settled their beef elephant. I was so pair.
noise about being spied on and mistrusting women that he went to therapy, he eventually hardest airports therapist, husband who manage frank sinatra as his manager. His paranoia eventually made him firearm both, but I I was the one who bailed out, I'm ok in birmingham when he was when he wrote the infamous letter from a birmingham jail condemning white moderates he also funded the freedom rides belafonte. Never the credit for the idea alone, but he helped pushed the idea of sending white kids down to mississippi for freedom summer and the freedom rights which he help fund one those with John c rains a white minister who was a freedom writer and at freedom summer range was. It was just an advocate for pete was not just an advocate for peace and the human to say until he was arrested on range was an advocate for peace until he was arrested on the freedom rights than a white kid just like him was murdered during freedom summer. Then
viola, Louisa happened, then white terrorist and selma killed James reap a minister like reins. He was radicalized our kate nineteen, seventy one when, while Bela fantine was watching the Ali frazier fight reigns in his friends broke the fbi office in media pennsylvania and stole bunch of files, the files they stole with a firm, So it s interpret its how we know about gary ro ro as a clan. men and paid fbi, informant who probably participated in the sixteenth street baptist bombing The attack on the freedom writers, the murder of Yola Louisa, among other things, it's how we know that Fbi was spying on king, the black panthers and the civil rights movement. how we know the fbi. it's how we know the fbi willed fred hampton giscard d and every significant black movement that ever existed. I think that mean that shit we're dead.
You know undermine, or in the case of fred, hampton killed fred hampton, never significant black women that ever cope. I think him and say killed yeah. Oh, how did they do it, while so many infiltrated the inner circle of civil rights leaders from every generation and was reporting it back to the cia I saw you know. This is her hair about that terrible event is role and so many significant historical events in exposing so many crimes boy that fbi, hot those guys we're always up the sub that their king gos posters the new, when he called marketing for all the words of doktor Maybe I was doing a yearly precocious on here believe we covered it yeah there was a good joke about them. Spying on her right he's got some points, the cheeses- and this is why we that note about the arab, I hereby thought his therapists. It turns out that the therapist and her husband were spies.
I know J richard Kennedy was one of the main sources for the f b. I until he started a cult, it's crazy, so harry belafonte therapists was apparently a spy, so he was right, they're, absolutely so frank, Sinatra's manager was a spy, makes sense to me. Yep yep! Well, because he was in bed with Kennedy and yet I'm sure they want to keep also the other connections with the mafia, the accident and they use the mafia to help who's. That mafia, guided all those ones are really bad killers. They always had like a connection with somebody, Sammy g n, karna wala, the guy that went for hindered dinette like aids cause he he he, but he was the mississippi burning when the mob guy go. You know it's basic that they sent a scorpion seems: ok based the grim reaper was his nickname, and he Did some more horrendous.
during the year after those those were awake has got, killed. Four are going down for the mississippi. Thank you like library. No, I don't. I don't know I don't mississippi burnings about that thing is to let us keep getting kill, oh its fictional eyes by based on that, but those freedom rides. There were two white kids into biogas: a got killed by clansmen think like this, I was in on it all in the scoreboard was sent down by the fbi and tortured. Somebody got some kind information, really gregg scarpa, that's his name now kidding you want that. I mean the fbi, the cia, the mob. They worked together all the time. This was where the web books are about. Oh yeah, yeah, I mean well, that's semi, then then they have something to do while the cook county maybe that's what got J f k electing the mob? That's what blood lot of point to write, all the monster. Now, if you know the whole Bobby, I apologize now about to give you all the back story. The talk the talk is they
like where you put this guy in office, then what his brothers and come down on us they later cares. If there's one more clever, I've never seen this one, during the taping of we are the world around two: a m I'll Jerome, rachel smoky robinson, start singing mister bell: authorities, signature song, the man about song with Michael Jackson. quincy jones and bob Dylan all round. Oh, yes, I did
by the very best of my day. I mean around out around I've. Never a big algeria Jehovah's witnesses, easy aren't. We Nobody was was a gig. That's why I led the stories I would know. I never wanted to go dancing in the garden. Is that what it was? was this big song is anyone man, content and in the garden is any one month ago, debt that number rope member? That's up in my room, By era, I'm old harry by saying that song idea that yeah sort out yet anyway, so what's it better, tribute hereby fontaine, arabella fantail. What a legend do you go? I will happen, we do, they will ever have celebrities like that again. No, I don't think so.
while we do what we have been stiller in short on pan and every commanding, I'm sorry to be guys who go pushed back against the cia and the fbi like carry both. Finally, instead of being in bed with them, prince Inga gods drew that they were spies. I got me all. He was gonna paranoid. I saw the first born as a cheap. You think everybody I called up sean penn and and ah before he died and said: hey what the fuck then that'd be nice to Ben Stiller, at least but better There is a real heartbreaker from because I really love his move. Easy to these really a good project thunder made the best comedy ever, but right up there were young frankenstein. Its it has the comedy. I love your drugs. I do not in the mood of her. Both matters for sure know these guys today there all soft they're, all soft john pen was, is st like a music guy first and then an actor harry belafonte yeah. Well, he sang that song yeah so cause those his big songs cause are like actors, first art that there's something about
people that get into an accident things that they have more balls or will boot? You know people yeah, I get. I get enough yet acted a surprise, you early a certain way, get francs and attributes the singer. Then he became axing dean. Martin stuff like that, is how you mean yeah you like it just attitude of like being a sick affair to the feeling of I don't know this is some doubt pure act as it makes some great as like puppet. For precisely the aim for the intelligence, community aid, they sure are bad, is It's my motivation is tell me to do the bidding of the establishment, John ok, I would pop up. I gotta do some acting. At the the hey this very their matter. Sitting upper jimmy door, my man. my main man, our you, I'm doing well, MR president, how, by yourself here in my
should it be, I believe, about the bag You finally announced you're, two thousand twenty four presidential candidate now about the new trailer further wash that just a bad man again errand Never aside, she day, not a million years he's just shall falcon cause. She one of the present twenty twenty four. So I've heard sure you have a bunch of wise guy questions. Wiseguy questions. you know what I mean. Your numbers in armour to criticised me all the time. I've. Always these gotcha questions about my upcoming campaign. Let me just catch up with the passion action and for you yeah! I'm worried parents right now. If I weren't you I wouldn't know where to find some? Okay? Well, that's good and yeah
this will be my running made. Are you That's a good idea. Now a bad idea, what do you mean? Why are you sure have dropped the first? vice president american industry from the ticket? Not smart What replace it with a man? I'd lose the woman go right there. I'd have to replace if you're with a woman, but then you can be responsible for the second female us vice president in history, yeah yeah, but oh, there are no women. What do you mean. women women. What that women had already women, and made women stage anyway on the computer nursery check. Never I beg or moving on, let's cut to the chase. Don't you think you're too old to do this
Here we go with a shared, its legitimate question. really come on man One should dare to you you go to. You know you're, not too old for you're doin tool to to host an online news programme, I may be honoured, shaded y know maybe ownership worse. Probably, but how would you feel if someone said that you'd feel crummy he's everyone? Trade Make me your coming was shocking work prejudiced by god. Dammit not about trying to make you feel crummy! Mr president, it's about genuine concerns about your ability to fulfil your duties as commander in chief. usually the cornerstone hundred irish? Spring chicken dodgers I regret shape. Why
I could show round. The base is almost the first time I saw one is wagner. Do it when I was a teenager? Well, that's great, but that's not Even what matters we had a fourth term president in a wheelchair. Once we don't need you to spry, we need you to be cognitively sharp. Sure, that's what this is about ass. She. we want question. Are you mentally fit to be present. we know what your daddy Your drive down appear, but that's not the point by point. And, although you all secret, could the spring frozen should isn't really hard You don't need to be sure to do it. You got it Sharon you at all times telling you what to do and say in the decision.
You pretend to make a big man do britain? Besides a long time ago, ruin We are does really do shit here, sure make people think they had something to do with the guy, did they have whole thing? Is a rigged scam, but at least for people getting seriously fuckin rich off of it sure that's nice, at least establishing that you are coming out in saying this. I mean will you be shown the poison will be charged for spain. but whenever she soon be talking here- and I trust you aim- is your good people with at present- This is a live stream. Thousands of people are listening to their jimmy. I'm sitting in for Jimmy today we've been live this whole time.
I you want to share it with before taught you Jimmy, oh no you're joking My eye was shenship humor talking dark untruths. Particularly funny I see the major, no bad aroma case. He carefully read I say for the why? Just A couple years was a pair of pants and I try to put her on got pretty awkward. Is that so totally true? So. anyway. I have to go now. Should next, don't tell me when you record you ok,. I know you're, not Jimmy door, I need you,
refinery shakes. Ok, ok, gonna buy. Ok, we'll do! Mr president, Joe Biden, everybody hey become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot, com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business don't don't don't don't bring all the voices. Work today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mc grey. He can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com that's it for this week. You be the best. You can be, I'll keep me in me
Don't don't don't don't freak, don't don't bring down? How did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.