« The Jimmy Dore Show

The Dumbest Smear Job Of RFK jr. Yet!

2023-07-14 | 🔗

Reason, the magazine directed at libertarians, recently published a video titled “Why Are So Many Libertarians Suddenly Fond of RFK Jr.?” In the video Reason contributor Liz Wolfe wildly smears RFK Jr. as – predictably enough – anti-vaxx while insisting the Democratic presidential candidate is wrong about wanting to protect Social Security and Medicare and take on the oligarchy and the deep state. As Jimmy points out, Wolfe repeatedly uses misleadingly edited videos, announces RFK is wrong without citing how or why and generally doesn’t seem to understand libertarianism, not to mention how to make a cogent, coherent argument. Plus a segment on the blatant duplicity Biden and Democrats are engaging in to try to persuade young people to vote for Democrats over a student debt relief plan they have no intention of following through on. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Joe Biden and Jake Tapper!


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With you, a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, loser, Beth she's, Can I like that? The road isolated prevail boy. if the low rate of twenty nine ninety nine per lie, we were cellular built for us terms applied as it: u s: cellular dot, com, pretty death, we value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens, hey come see us two or will be in baltimore san francisco, huntington beach, rosemont, an chicago las vegas. Alec city, new york, city, potsdam, pennsylvania, stamford, can The and more at saint louis go to Jimmy door dot com for a link for our tickets, for our shows Hey this is Jimmy who's. This curious,
reggie your boy he was to present. How are you where the fact of your brain when I was on vacation for two weeks, nobody fucking told me the Julia more shows mad and an eye so Jim concerned mad again, guy came it I'm sam! Sorry, it's ok! I'm origin, Joe really were. june is duane diversion dracula, which oh yeah yeah you there for the NATO summit, demonstrate get a loser were joining nato everybody, signing up. It's a we bought a shining up it's club car,
can't you just nato everybody, some tree german join now you I wish I could write about not a nation, MR president, richard you really wanted so so so when recently joined and now sweden has been given the green light russia's ancient enemy. We rise I'm sure you before nato before germany, Russia's big enemy with Sweden, great northern war chevrons, you dies every twenty one mr rushed out of each other shut. Symbolism of always to a national is ideal like Potan most, the extremely agitating I bet it bugs issued,
I love your bad bad. You asshole, who cannot be dazzled. That's a great gold, MR president, to make it happen more stringent checks, On block sweden, by implying a weed I mean day finally allow turkey into the EU. Despite their on human rights which, as we all know, can be ignored when we why this will show tone that europe a show internal, defying him that their way welcome a brutal dictator of their own, and I did get sent a strong message. I agree. we're getting finland and sweden and nato July a more get a deal I'm looking at you show ireland
didn't shouting crazy man just when I grow up man get over it. I know right I get because they're like the neutral guys. but I was sure to hear she's landlord show you. I join up. All with joy. She was even more, not she's in a german joining nato just looks bad come on you're fuckin, strudel suckin yours join nato. Maybe it doesn't align with their interests. How could it not good, aggravating do not be in everyone's interests You mean they argue with ukraine in ukraine,
at least for now. Well, I'm sure you great understands that they be crazy. Not to I didn't want wanna, a timeline, gibraltar, entry selection, won't shut the fuck up a bad guy but he will not shut up You don't mind: makes me think of the kurds marie from good fellows. maker, newer, yeah got a member, please go around an up and everybody shit, because he thinks you saw about him. He put Where's together am I gonna, be a nato soon later? Why your way, John you Jimmy started, seeing he's getting on. wagner what's gonna happen, bowed nice reference, though everybody likes good fellows. Sometimes lucy withdrawal referred to but want to get very frustrated. He starts role
Punches around willy nilly continue just pull your pa. His forehead and keep my range is short acute, really, my god, yeah. Now no research starts blobs down and screams. Why? Why can't? I know a star world war? Three little guy I don't care, you really really discharging get. If we go back and forth and eventually we can a few billion dollars and finally forces asleep Cooler heads prevailed shower donor defined, but my job, jake it's right up to the brink of war, a war three but not actually led happen, but it's fun I know what I'm going to start dangerous or not than this year.
I really got on people. Give you join me sure you don't want it jerry, positives! Ah! Well, I after a random countries. I could talk joining like me. Rocco or some shit while yeah or like or like you know, border just some random, caribbean country people. what are some country doesn't even exist anymore, like pressure with my I'm glad. You haven't thought, MR president, but I gotta go by pony sure, a country land about that- and I The
ass. Many ass In terms the chimney to show. So reason magazine did a hippies this one sometimes on the hill. So she put out this hid. Peace are of key junior, an apparent she's been workin on this a long time I hit his such garbage. Take down its nine minutes long, but I spent it up a little, so I won't be their long, but I gotta play at this is: how is this hilarious? This is hilarious, these are the supposed to meet some reason magazine, other robbie guy. From the hill, he also works a reason I like robbie, you seems because he seems reasonable had does away. I don't think you would ever do a garbage thing like this. So let's watch the non profit,
turns helped events which warns of the possible dangers posed by vaccines used to receive a modest, a hundred and eighteen thousand monthly visits to its website. When called it happened, public sketches the medical establishment exploded and the sites web traffic went wild, pitting at five million monthly visits not supposed to be bad. That's supposed to be bad. That the very event over adverse event system recording for vaccine injuries, went off the chart drinker and that's bad that people. interested in their health. That's bad! That people got interested in vaccine safety. That's bad! according to her, you see the look on her face. She can't believe people One again and firmer: oh, how dare they they get informed on their own party, who we go so here behind this group that warns of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and the global cabal as something to be a neat, the group's chairman, chief legal counsel and highest compensated officer to do you see how they try.
To make it seem like a crazy organization. Those are real concerns that they're trying to phase out meat production because of climate change and they say you're going to eat bugs you're going to be happy. This is we're not making this up. They say this on camera, the dummy of making this up to trying to shut down dutch farms right now the trying to shut down dutch farms right now to doing it not trying to doing it This isn't some kind of crazy idea, but it is to her because she's a propagandist. Ok here we go acknowledged. She she doesn't like this guide all here we go robert ass Kennedy junior, whose moved out of the french after watching a longshot bids, become president of the united states or if he junior not worthy of the rehabilitation tour he's been getting from pundits, podcasters and techmeme aires he's built she's, not going to tell you she's gonna try to make a brief statement.
Like that. You think she'd really have some stuff to back it up. I was I go boy, but she's really gonna take em down. Yes, she's got nothing what she hasn't. Nothing watch this career as a professional, contrary and he put his traveling quality reporting and he, while as a professional Robert F Kennedy junior was one of the leading climate lot lawyers air world, one hundreds of cases got the hudson cleaned up, got people beast, he got rivers The guy is a hero to the environmental movement is a hero right. was a hero, doing it was a hero, cleaning up the poison that corporation and when they would poison the water and was in the land. He wasn't pudding extremely extraneous. Regulations on them. It was getting them, stop polluting the water. Ok here we go
droplets from little grains of true, so so this by the way number one best selling book for weeks and weeks and weeks, and if anything in that book about anthony thought jets, a huge book and he ripped the shit out of antony value. If there's anything in that book, that's not true. Somebody would suit him and nobody did Why does nobody wants to be questioned by a lawyer about anything? That's in that book in open court anthony found she doesn't want to be question about anything, that's in that book, No lawyer, nobody from the big pharma, nobody from the f D, a c d c. Nobody wants to answer questions about. What's in that book, that's why? But she points this book like somehow there's something wrong with this book will. If there was something wrong with this book, they would suit his ass and they didn't
He frequently implies that the establishment is corrupt at best evil at worst and he winks at the existence of puppet masters, pulling the strings of major institutions. Okay, I almost I want to play that for you again, yes, because that is one of the The most amazing things. I've ever heard a news person, sage avenues, person, she's, a propaganda to does the beating of corporations, and you just sought so she's saying it's bad, that are of key junior, says the government is corrupt and wants to reformat. She saying that's bad crazy talk But I'm not, can you think that's what she just said give frequently implies the establishment is corrupted ass. He frequently I use it imply it. He says it that the establishment is corrupt at best. Who is this view? you're supposed to appeal to people who love the established everyone, knows the establishments corrupt. At best,
knows knows that we were the richest country in the world, and eighty percent of workers would paycheck debate, check and half the country can afford it. I wonder dollar mercy because our government, our establishment, is corrupt at best at best its corrupt at worst, it's well. What does he say evil at worst, an evil at worst is evil. It is evil its evil. When you give five trillion dollars or the richest people in america during covert- and you don't you Anything to the workers, that's called equal when you won't give people, health care in the middle of a deadly pandemic, but you make them take an experimental medical treatment or they can go to work or travel. That's evil ways, existence, A pilot asters pulling the strings of major institutions. He winks at puppet masters, pull there aren't any puppet masters in america, coke brothers bill gates.
Jeffrey basis does not there's no pop of masters at america. What wall street the military, industrial, complex, big farm it there's? No, what there are no pup masters this. This is a real person. People. Some some people somewhere, must take her seriously because she's Will it do this? Video she produced herself ensures a reason magazine called reason: what a joke. This is what happens when you corrupted by me, me, so this woman doing this his work, it is women. Do this is correct. By money, her organization reason magazine corrupted by money and that's why they have to do this to our of K, junior and she hasn't said a substantial thing. Yet everything she says contradicts our own point here we go
asian children's health events, his opponents of vaccine mandates and government overreach abandoning lumping us together with anti boxers. So She was against. The mandates goes, libertarians were against mandates, good for them, tipp of the hat, and she says that cheap that are of key junior gives her and those anti mandate libertarians a bad name because he lumps them indigo. He's that doing that. The establishment is doing that. Anybody who oppose mandates was called an anti baxter, so so that establishment that you're defending are the ones whose we argue over the mandate thing, the establishment that he says is corrupted best and evil at work. you're, the one you're defending they're, the ones who smeared you as an anti back, sir they're, the ones that are of key junior. This woman is such a moron. It is unbelievable at this if there is
fair world. This would ruin her career. If she has won the apparently she does that's why most of the polio today, seventy percent polio today is actually pollio came for the axes. Now we covered this on the show there was an outbreak of policy. a member in up in new york and stay. And there I or wherever turns out it comes from. the oral polio virus vaccine. Didn't it wasn't a polio strain that existed in nature and it comes. It will give the oral oral polio vaccine anymore in america because of this, because it could give people polio but we still send it over cease to poor countries. But some out, ended up in the sooner systems and that's how they found Out there was polio and that's what he's talking about
and we covered in here at the show its outrageous to me. It should be outrageous. You will consider what she says about it, the way, eighty percent of all your case on earth. according to the delegation or vaccines? Earlier I mean people got it from vaccinated meat in twenty twenty two, Others halt events me the same point in a peace headlines, polio. Why that are to blame for rising number of cases. It claims that cases have been The rice globally, since twenty sixteen and the research is related to the use of vaccines. Actually, global polio pieces felt that ninety nine percent between nineteen eighty eight and twenty twenty two and were extremely cos. we're on occasion so cheap This is a totally different timeframe than our of gay junior used. She said he said since twenty sixteen. Says nineteen. Eighty eight wider Use the same time frames hour of gay junior there and why is cause she's a liar and she s deduce play fast and loose with the facts.
So she can smear are of key junior, just like the new york times and MSNBC in crystal ball. They have to play fast and loose with the facts. That's what she's doing right here, everybody! saw what you did. If you don't think people saw it, everybody did you sought rights ass, you see write me she's out immediately right, she's different data that cases have been on the rise globally since twenty sixteen twenty sixteen. Well, they ve- I I know, I'm I'm gonna, look to her at reason because she spent weeks and weeks putting this together. So, let's see what she came up with so twenty sixteen says that polio cases have been on the rise. What did she say? There were so It is related to the use of vaccines. Actually, global polio cases felt that ninety nine percent between nineteen eighty eight and twenty twenty two, that's not what he has done about- and you know it so now, can you take it
So is it? Is it something when they have to search our of K? Juniors such a liar and such a cookie, crazy, conspiracies there is that you have to play fast and loose with the fact that the bunker him and don't do it did you have to lie and missed represent what he saying I wonder who's paying her. We knows paying them and works. Really was to eradication thanks to vaccines. What kennedy site is technically true but misleading. He is referring. Oh wait, a minute, So what he said is technically true, otherwise known as true I asked: why would you bring this up? Why would you use this point as- and this is like the third thing she brought up- to try to discredit him and the first two things were a joke. Then this third thing she he's he's correct about.
its technically true, you know otherwise known as true Do we really need to watch more from this dingbat? What an, her head dingbat. This woman is I'm sorry, I'm assuming her gender polio, spread if untreated sewage, by a form of tobacco there is, that would break that are reported detection of the virus and sewage suggested circulating in the city ass reported on this, and where did it come from it came from the oral backs team that uses a virus. Not me, stop version of the vaccine been retired, but can not has that version of the vaccine Ben retard. You mean the one that was doing that, so they they didn't anymore
Hey they day after it gave her boy popular with they stop do net they retired it. It's I'd social security. Now that oral vaccine. Look, why would you bring this up? That's how this woman is boy I bet you there's a lot of other causing outright indoctrinated communities such as some hasidic neighborhoods of new york, city and outlying areas. For the last eighteen years, candy The leading figures in the anti backs movement aboriginal. So I get that's all they conduce is Just keep call add hominem names and he's anti basement prominent. Nobody knows that he's without their questioning the safety of these and saying that their that their not being put through the safety tests that they should be put through. That's what he saying.
is that vaccines. The job of vaccines are immune from pre licensing, safety, testing, pharmaceutical drugs or another third biggest killer america, after after heart attacks and cancer. Although I do not intend to make it easier to get drunk some the that this is a rhetorical ploy to make his vaccine fearmongering sound, reasonable. The funding I mean the is, if anything, overly cautious with vaccine testing. She saves, but I couldn't write something funnier than this I couldn't a key measure, you if you did a video like this, a new straight faced it. If anything the FDA is over cautious. They waited three months to if, as the experimental m a vaccine seat over cautious, it was called warp speed, it was called warp.
Speed anymore, and I too am on aids vaccine technology never been used successfully before and now it turns out. People have lots of questions about it. And we rely too about it repeatedly over and over. would they have to lie about something a bit so fantastic? I'm just asking that question wonder why they did cause. I know what the vaccine was fantastic and it's so safe and effect Why would they lie about it? My task here we go bringing a vaccine to market generally takes ten to fifteen years and cost several billion dollars. When I was a kid, I guess reaction, my children. I seventy two doses of sixteen actions or of case play fast and loose with the numbers. now I've heard that number over and over and over again already and no one's debunked it she's gonna she's she's got a different number. I don't know where she gets. from she didn't put a lincoln, but I wonder why she gets this. Listen what she says.
So he sang it. Seventy two shots, that's what are of key junior says now. If you ve got a new, if your boy, today, you're going to have to get seventy two shots of vaccines, but I've heard sixty eight I've heard. Seventy two sir know what she says: about thirty doses or on the childhood immunization schedule with fewer, require twitter. In most states public schools. She says it's only thirty, so is that thirty vaccinations that require multiple shots, she's, not clear, because that's why I think she's playing fast and loose with the facts, but we'll see The reason he didn't give vaccines that prevent measles and months when he was a kid is if he didn't yet exists, which is a shame because, It must be eradicated the serious diseases in the u s, beginning inaugurating on, We experienced a chronic disease epidemic in it. It is, unlike anything anything history
article disease. There I never saw. I was a kid. haiti, the aviation like text or room syndrome, As the authors are collapsing, all these only bearded lodges rage went from one to ten thousand to one every thirty four peanut suddenly, beer, food allergies, eczema, only beard, valises and asthma, which had been around exploded, he's correct that food hours. Asthma asked not obesity rates or increasing, but there's no evidence it caused by vaccines. There is also no evidence of words coming from at there's, no evidence that it isn't there are already so there you stand that he sang and this needs to be looked into, and we need to find the cause of this and we need to look at everywhere, including vaccines. That's what he sang. Why are people so resistant to studying vaccine safety.
What what's? What are you of? What do you think you're gonna find out if you study vaccine safety? That's all he's asking for that's it. he wanted to have a Senate commission a congressional commission have a vaccine safety commission. Then we could find out if this is all about the how safe these vaccines are. But you know what bill gates killed that made sure that, donald trump didn't have that which was recommended by our of K junior. Why is that I mean all the all the commission's gonna find out is that vaccines are safe and effective why would you be afraid of sunlight? The only people are afraid of commission These are questions are liars. The truth as a mind being questions is the lie that can't stand scrutiny and so cheap He is running interference for the liars and she does Won't you asking questions or anybody, and if anybody does you gonna call you a conspiracy. There is an anti back, sir, a cook
you don't deserve to be unpaid guests who go f. K is once again the particulars in order to pin blame on a single corporate kennedy? Frequently mistakes We should for causation its numbers totally wrong and portrays complex trends as more than they really are just in view of the villains. Last year he produced the documentary infertility. A diabolical agenda is direct by andrew wakefield, the british doctor, who wouldn't nineteen any article in the lancet presenting evidence that vaccines cause autism, presuming evidence, Why are you know? There was evidence. I don't know there was evidence, and it was in the lancet. I wonder why the lancet printed. It asks for the film the kennedy wakefield collaborated on it. Recycles law debunked amidst from the nineties, the tetanus vaccines administered in kenya were deliberately laced with hormone blocker. The cost infertility. No, are you gonna take her word for any of the snow. The I'm not
I'm not that I know how they light around the aids in the aids vaccine. I know how they lied about covered and, although they lied about just if they lied about everything with covered everything, they lied about everything. They lied about the origin of the virus. They lied about if they funded it. They lied about of transmission. contraction. They lied about masks, they lied about heard immunity they lied about natural immunity if anything they ve been lie about. And she's saying that are of key juniors, the liar know she is the propagandist, though, did the they did lie about masks that I don't have the bullet disclaimer rapid. Thank you. This they say is part of the world health organization's depopulation plot, but the catholic bishops were the source for that claim, never presented conclusive evidence libertarian.
To understand the incompetence of government entities should be more sceptical that the world health organisation would be so effective at carrying out its nefarious scheme. Here his famous last came to add a veneer of respectability to the answer, because in fact, yeah, why didn't he go get another last name instead he's out their lending it. He's lending it all over the place he didn't by that name. That name was given to him he's focus on this single issue for decades now in two thousand, Yet why isn t just stop you're, the guy, who had all those victories suing to get our waterways cleaned up, the guy Had hundreds of victories doing that. Why don't you just quit when it comes to this? You know big farmer, corruption, waiting, quit. Why did you let it go? We ve got an fda. This completely corporate corporate captured to the tuna. seventy percent of their budget when they re
you do. Drugs are paid for. By the deal I mean by the big farmer, s jason, not member, he thinks the FDA is funded by tax dollars. It is some but half of its overall budget, almost almost tat, comes directly from big farmer and then when the reviewing new drugs, seventy percent that comes from big, barbara and then, of course, everybody. It yep, diego's, work, a big farmer It is a problem with eddie that she does. what she's a want the FDA even do anything. He firstly, I have sat with preservatives and vaccines running in article four one on the danger of vaccine additives, that you did fine corrections appendage It was later retracted, alleging link between authors, and the preservative ethyl mercury? But what do you think? happens when you get an office like if you're you're talking about europe, The mercury thing I thought he was proven correct on the more I thought they took. Didn't they take a certain type of mirth
three out of vaccines because of our of gay, junior or or or Maybe not because them, but they did. I dont again if she saying it it's wrong and now look look how she jumps to this time, this is the craziest thing or whose assassinated and you believe intelligence agencies were part of that. What happens to you I gotta be careful. I'm aware of that- and you know I am away of the of that danger, he's actually not a persecuted tripped up other recent attempts to go after rogan for he's not a persecuted truth a while he certainly persecuted. You say he's not a true tell it, but here the biggest liar I've seen this week he's not a persecuted truth. Teller youtube. Just
he'll do they think they sense he's been ubiquitous censored in and slandered what're you talkin about like do you think that helps your case law and order cutting out of public debate feed that left the real issue is therefore of key juniors bold claims dont want after scrutiny, even when examined by people who talk of a dog in the fight. So I don't We're almost seems like an hour and a half into this video and she's. Now. Finally, going to saint gonna show me where his claims are fine. Now, where we go So what would rfk jr be like, as president part of his appeal, with her tone. Oh she didn't. I gotcha he didn't didn't happen. She just said that an interested third party. People don't have a dog in the fight of also like who are those people. You never tells us. I thought she was going to tell us and shoes in the show how they did it. She didn't
If she was anything because those people aren't disinterested without a dog in the fight for all interested and their all I did buy- establishment money somewhere, which comes from big pharma. That's why she didn't show you it and she sits there with that stupid. Look at her face Jesus cries, at least. Is that you staunchly anti war and a huge critic of coded lockdown semantics, but fundamentally a big government liberal he's its alexandria, Cassio Cortez, is green. New deal, heavers heavy handed intrusion in the realm of environmental policy he's inside we're energy. He wants pharmaceutical greece to burn in Hell and he seems to believe in an almost alex Jones at there is he's just Alex Jones, you guys there
how could it if there is ever better sign that someone is a propagandist twisting stuff to discredit someone it's when they have to do that are of K, junior just like Alex Jones, you guys know year, just like AL. It will first of all Alex jones is much better news person than this, and this dingbat Else Jones actually gets the stuff right. I don't think this woman's gotten anything right. You to that list that she was just playing right now Jimmy. Can you re wine? It was like everything that are of key juniors. Do him, I guess yes, pfizer accountable. Yes, yes, and he he he he wants environmental to burn, or whatever yeah yeah for dramatize concept of the deep state? he also favours massive wealth redistribution. She denies that the deep state controls things even though. Supposed to be anti war, so how could you be
anti war and not understand how the deep state has manipulated and set up all these wars for the last fifty years. How can you can't be that obtuse and stupid you can't be Gee war and not know. Why really maybe she is maybe she's just that stupid, that's and uninformed. But she doesn't know why she's an anti war or how wards get started. Maybe she's on her she's. Maybe he's uninformed about the cia and the inner say and the fbi. Maybe she doesn't know anything Maybe she hasn't written war. Maybe she hasn't red wars, racket. Maybe she has in red economic, hip confessions of an economic hit, man Maybe she doesn't know just know anything. That's a good there's a good chance. She doesn't know anything. A huge disparities and oils are elsie for our country or health deviant art he correct. So he says that huge wealth in inequality is bad for our kids.
It's been bad for democracy. I don't think anybody would disagree with that. She puts she accept her. She puts that up. It's like a gotcha gotcha he's not for redistribution of wealth, he's a capitalist hundred per cent full blown. It points out the government and big business have an unholy alliance: CIA ultimate cheek. She, this is almost ass, could be like campaign for our of K, junior east. that government big business has formed an unholy alliance. Yet they have people are sick of it. Working for industry, like oil, industry, the coal industry and even military contracts than you he is run by cargill, smithfield oh, oh, pilgrim, John tyson, but he doesn't understand that too much regulation is the root cause he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand, He doesn't understand that its goodwin corporations compete.
Lately control the regulatory bodies that are supposed to be regulating them. So then they get to write regulations that favour the big corporations over everybody else. That's good. That's what she doesn't understand. She gets it. She gets it, but rfk doesn't get it. We need more corporate capture, but we need more corporate control of our government. That's what she saying we need more corporate. Can. All of our government, that's what you say and you call yourself a liberty. she cyzicus gets a frantic, libertarian, doesn't even I've just what the effort means a bee libertarian, yet more corporate work, corporate control of your government he's back, not a perceptual excuse that I wanted. I cargill smithfield monsanto o pilgrim John Thyssen, but you must understand that too much regulation is the root cause. He just these large companies. Inherently bad. He says he's
about government spending and throws out, while figures to make his point we spent sixty drilling in the locker we wasted on having for eight trillion other you great war, that's twenty four joint dollars that they had to print a pay for nothing. But he's actually know better than any establishment, republican or democrat in his unwillingness to scale back elder care entitlements that are actually responsible for driving the federal government into bankruptcy and so now her. Her final point is he's a bad guy because he doesn't want to take medicare and social security away from senior citizens? That's, why he's a bad guy because he wants to keep giving them health care and retirement that makes him bad to her. That's real! That's real Medicare show me a libertarian over sixty five years old who isn't taking medicare show me and I'll show you who and who isn't a millionaire show me.
I would say it's a red line for me to touch social security or medicare, puts surreal about libertarians and conservatives now embracing rfk jr he's publicly fantasize about jailing, his political opponents and cracking down on free speech for years at the people's climate march, and twenty fourteen kennedy said this: while I think they should be in jail, I think they should be enjoy free ice caught a who's. He talking about. I got our own she's just roses in their who does he jailed people who are protesting. Who does who she, I think he's about the oligarchs, all the other work device. Occult brother should be prosecuted for recklessness edra. Absolutely so that's what he's talking about those people- and you know why she had to do that. Disingenuous leak, he's funded by the cold brothers. That's what it she's not going to tell you that, by the way This is our paragon of integrity. Try to take down this liar are of key junior personnel. It does not protect
each year. If you say something that is fraudulent and unprotected, now she's. Using this to show how he's not really a protector of free speech. I think I don't know what. The argument was what why should cut the video right here he caught in it, but what I think, what I think a good, a good chances making the argument that, if what I am saying is fraudulent, they would prosecute me because the first amendment doesn't protect that. That's what I'm saying. And she's using that against him, like somehow, isn't that that's my guess, what he's talking about? Not she didn't you At the beginning, so we don't know and she's been deceptively editing this thing all the way through, so you just figured that's probably what he was saying now: here's what how the rest of it plays out, as seems like that way, madness lives, because the government will always come up with a pretext for saying your speech is not just wrong. It's criminal and you need to be shut down. That's right. We have, I don't know, but I do believe the prosecutors and judges make decisions about fraud all the time
he's not a real free speech advocate and he's not especially thoughtful about the principles or people he endorses. After all, this is a man who once heaped praise on the socialist dictator Hugo chavez touting his bogus literacy programs and commitment to democracy. So what would our if he, you have Hugo Chavez lifted? The gig brought literacy to the people right, that's bad. I guess that's bad. The people have been his way, love the Hugo chavez. He he gave them home. He could he he helped them. You know he took their oil money and he gave it to the people. He helped tried to lift them out of poverty, and that's not good for the libertarian that this woman doesn't like that. She'd rather see John bolton and shell oil go in there overthrow their government? Okay, and I you know what I'm just guessing so it may be. Maybe she doesn't you're doing white house and is it fair to hold fifteen year old soundbites against him?
expands that I sparred with have claimed one thing I'll say for Rfk jr is that, unlike most politicians he's been extraordinarily consistent in his views, he thinks the world is divided into heroes and villains, and he makes wild unsupported claims that portray things as simpler than they really are. The difference is, he's no longer a widely ignored. Crackpot environmental lawyer he's asking you crack part. He was a crackpot lawyer who was it crackpot and he's no longer a crackpot I mean maybe he is: what does he now development being totally ignored? Crackpot environmental lawyer he's asking you to vote him into the white house that that the balls of them to use that name isn't there is yet he is asking you the vote into the white house it that that's not just as crazy as John Mccain or
or mitt, romney or Barack obama, or donald trump or hillary Clinton or demented Joe there's somebody that's not crazier than him somebody who's better choice than him. Good luck. the way that your reason magnet and you go check around on the hill- is that they have her on that rising as yes, yes, that old, but she's on there, hey, you know, here's another great way. You can help support the show you should become a premium Are we give you a couple of hours of power? me a bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do by going to jimmied or company that cop clicking on joint premium and supports affordable previous programme in the business and its agree way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks. Everybody who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support,
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it is the one who made sure that's college students have debt in the first place. Joe Biden was the one who made sure you can't get rid of your stupid dead in bankruptcy. That's Joe Biden. He works directly for the credit card industry in wall street, and so now there's they're stupid again they're gonna. So there is the only thing the Democrats have. Is abortion Several issues like bathrooms and now they're gonna dangle this in front of your eyes. Again we're gonna try to get young people. the vote because they want student debt relief. They did this to them last time. And they didn't give it to him. they didn't give him their minimum wage. They don't give me that thousand dollar check, they didn't give em healthcare then give me public option didn't give them anything that By ran on what they're going to do it again, and I bet it works, I bet I bet the young people will vote from me this is from July. Eighth Democrats are hoping
harness anger over the supreme court stood alone, debt ruling to galvanise younger voters and twenty twenty four, a demographic that help the party earn critical victories in the mid terms. The court's decision last week block president Biden, debt forgiveness programme and left many spirited and without options or optimism for paying back their mounting school debt. for now biting his bearing the brunt of the blame. Isn't isn't, thank you isn't bearing the brunt of the blame Democrats also acknowledge the challenges they face with the voting group it has already soured on the president and who may feel even less motivation to support him after he failed to deliver on key campaign. Why would you vote for this guy again he's not going to do anything. He says. either vote for our of K, junior in the primary or vote for corner west. Young voters had seen them As an invite and had their back wide with this initial student.
really plan. It's such a concrete visceral issue that its absolutely motivator for young people to get vote, said aaron regensburg of former rhode island representative, who was running for a seat in rhode island first can congressional district really really. I think the last thing young people want is for Joe Biden to be standing directly behind the picket. That's all I'm gonna say if binding continues to show them. he's got our backs. Please don't young people are going to continue to have his many democrat. Its head coalesced around the sweeping education relief plan from the beginning by didn't notes in exact of action that would eliminate between ten and twenty grand for borrowers with salt, but when members results offered more winds than expected. Many credited the strong youth turn out as part of that success, so they used it to get votes. It worked
younger voters who turned out and drove to elect bite into the white house and protect seats in congress? Two years later were particularly excited about the administrations decision to nix large sums of debt. They saw accumulating each month. They have been set. Pleased with rising tuition costs and inflation is part of their everyday realities and were pleased to see that historically moderated Biden. Take a progressive turn. Liberals in particular, celebrate the effort as one of their biggest achievements, showing what could member Ben glebe was in here our good friend, and funny comedian was in there and he argued that the Democrats were better than the Republicans just a little bit because the student debt relief, but then of course there not because they did it, a way that they wouldn't give. You stood there really. Those plans, however, were deflated after the conservative six to record, deemed the measure unconstitutional. Remember everybody when some
then good doesn't happen. The Democrats blamed the Republicans. It's always those gosh dying. Republicans fault consists: that's why the Democrats always throw the fight, because they need to blame the democrats for bed and the republicans for bad things. That's why democrats all have the they don't fight they oliver fight for anything they have to throw the fight so that we can keep this to party, do actually going conscious of the very measured that earned him important constituencies, votes, Biden, announced that he would use the higher education act as a way to theoretically still provide relief. many credited bite determination as a positive and decisive step, further enraged by the courts. Politicization activists said that they hoped to see the president continue to. I new ways to get around their late june decision is pivot. To invoke the nineteen sixty three
act was seen as a welcome move by many democratic members of congress and advocates who lobbied for the plan over the past several years. One of the smart things that power An abiding did upon student debt relief, basically being shut down by the supreme court, is to announced that he still fighting this administration is what this is all about. All to manipulate you. He could it did it the right way, the first time, but he knows he's got enough else to run on who is gotta. Keep you running on the same stuff. he's gotta keep you voting on the same stuff, the department of vision. nation is expected to hold a hearing July eighteen, but the unknown nature of how the rule making process will play out so far that has left the door open to questions about when, if at all, a determined. she could be made on how much dead would be able to be forgiven really and by the way
Joe Biden, not gonna, be able to remember whose loyal to him and whose not or who voted for him or areas demented. Look at a coalition of africa a coalition of progressive organizations, mobilizing around recent supreme court decision, said, there's a lotta risk for young voters next year, but they put this, but the onus on Biden to persuade them to his side. Democrats desperately need young people a turn out in twenty twenty four in future elections, young people believe president Biden would deliver student dead, abolition, not a costly. Return to repayment without a penny of the promised relief. The joint statement read from group likes that collective march for our lives, and so sunrise movement, who is completely conference, the sunrise movement and will always tell you to vote for Joe Biden, no matter what president Biden not afford another disappointment with the young people of vital young block. Believe me, they're gonna. Do it. Believe me they're going to do it together and we just to be clear:
they're saying? Voters need to put democrats back in the majority, in congress to do something they refuse to who, when they had the majority during the first two years of violence presidency, because lucy would never pulled a football back again Biden. Debts, student debt relief plan is all theatre could have forgiven stat student loan dead on day one of his presidency. Instead, he waited until August twenty twenty two to announce it so that when the supreme court ruled this summer that it needs congressional authorization. The Democrats it would no longer have a majority in congress to pass it? That's exactly right! That's why Bernie sanders in the squad? Reentry, Use their medicare for all bill as soon as they lost control of congress saved thing this
let's biden, blame the republicans on the supreme court and the congress for blocking student debt relief. Biden head forgiven student dead at the beginning of his presidency democrats would still have had their majority in congress when the supreme court in congress needs to approve it, then they could have you their majority in cairo to possibility racing student dead but bite it in the Democrats. Don't actually want eliminates, do in debt, so they delayed their debt relief announcement. So republicans what control congress? By the time the supreme court struck it down. That way they could throw up their hands and blame the republicans again. It's all theatre, wall, street Joe and his rich donors wanna keep forty three million americans crushed under one point: eight trillion dollars and student dead for pursuing a college degree. If students were of failing bank, both parties
would board of bail them out already. By causes reminder biting created the student dead crisis. The solution is simple: students who truly can't pay back there. Alone should be able to have a discharge in bankruptcy court that would all will force lenders to be less predatory in their lending practices and it would force universities, to make their two wishes more affordable and lenders refuse to make risky, as lenders refused to make risky overly expensive loans. Joe Biden is serious about student debt relief, as I am about vaccine safety claims about that. Ok in nineteen, seventy eight senator Joe Biden supported the middle income student assistance act, which limit
in income restrictions on federal loans, to expand eligibility to all students, You see what he's doing here, What's it get as many people getting loans as possible? He then the eleven the battle nation of income restriction to warn of the threat of student debt bankruptcy and a separate bill later that year to block students from filing beg pianos loans ie sucks, so there's no reason a bank to not give you that loan, even if they know you can't repaid or you're a bad risk or whatever is give em give. Give em loans, the incoming? directions were reinstated and nineteen eighty one. he then went on to vote for bills which extended loan eligibility to students with no parental financial support in nineteen. Eighty four, War Biden used his senior position in the judiciary committee to extend bankruptcy. Sanctions to vocational schools as well.
and now that he's created the debt crisis, that everyone with common sense warned would happen, he's trying again too Use it as an excuse to assert powers that is office does not have, because that's what politicians always do create crisis and then grandstand on your suffering that he cause in order to push for more power and more of your money. To this day, he still will push for congress to end the bankruptcy exemption for student loans. For a very simple reason, he doesn't want the crisis to an end. He wanted to worsen so he can exploited for more power. Just like the Democrats didn't want to codify abortion Because they need it, they need a crisis over abortion, for you to vote for them. So he needs the student debt crisis view to keep voting for him. Catholics,
suited dead, is the new I'm gonna codified row, it's exactly right, but it works on some people. This new again to that's right. So there you go. That's Joe Biden the hey. This is Jimmy who's. This. Tommy job, her veil, high, low, senator I was given a phone number to call just a correct number that have dial. Did you mean to call to ensue I do not know, ok well, as justice you have the right number. Would you call about senator Jeremy. I are. It is time to reveal the call and tell whoever was on the line that continue to clarify my statements about white nationalists. I'm not a racist. I see what statements well.
de. I went on and do not see any yeah. I went on cnn and assault. Caitlin call it little girl just a little baby girl brought up some old things. I said on a radio station about national. Let me clarify okay, so went on to say that I am totally against racism in it. I know I don't want racists and our military. I dont want nothing to do with them to me a wide nationalist is just an american unless he's racist in which gave a witch- I dont want nothing to do with them with that's just would await them. Sure, is a racist by definition, ok, that can quite yet Why do I know right and rage is bad, but I literally did know the meaning of white nationalist. I was thinking amid you know,
american, whose why which made a bad guy, But now she I was wrong. People going to reach it, tommy top revealed; no, no, no enemy. I didn't know that, but now I have been backtrack on those statements, how's that even person, bull that you didn't know that a white nationalist meant white supremacist backlash, I am woods, does not occur to anybody from alabama mergers and Understand connotation nationals being used in a given phrase I made less The conversation with that little baby girl, I'm seeing yeah. It doesn't make sense. Unless I clearly don't understand what that phrase means. I kept saying I racism and I don't want race sunday army. Ok, don't get me wrong,
I am a rat bastard far. I christian fuckin kid with prehistoric, you dont women's rights, but my problem is being done as approach. Not vain rages bulk out. Ok, then, do you believe me. Were now yes. Yes, I do, I mean, I'm pretty sure you'll eventually say some legitimately races, but until then, yes, I believe you, I don't think you were saying with language or doing dog whistle stuff ready that absolutely no way? I know the you're figure even mentally sophisticated enough to do that. Oppression, a whole lot of yet another car is Jimmy. Giorgio
a major gap- oh jake, I german avail thanks for being on the way with jake tapper, oh well, gilbert me all my honour. This is that the law with jake tapir. This is the jimmy door. Show I understand you have your own opinion should get you in due time, but we urge bake most Men have a big confused here, so this telephone number- I just the com in sugar and am exam No, not exactly not at all. In fact, Jimmy plays no real. Get up here, as you are now walking baron comments that you made to see an aunt kate one pounds in support of wanting to promises, and how can you do that where we have your tape on see an answering these vile racist explains. Well
now hold on now. Just like, I was telling your producer, but so went on air, I'm not the producer. This is this. This is my show. This is the Jimmy Dore show I was still in producer literally, did not understand a phrase, white nationalist and had used, and thus the confusion, straight now at him in a process of correcting my statement near by we can help bad. What now? What now. a shudder to reveal we achieve take our white, the label, people racist, extremely seriously, whether they actually are anything that conflicts with that right. extremely seriously, but in my case was a misunderstanding of words was, and then we take what you say on cnn seriously.
That's enough. This is not cnn jake. What the hell you think you're doing How are the bold new strategy of non consensual, medium expansion, where we literally They go were other media platforms and make them see an end. If only for a few minutes you were born I volunteer as we speak. I didn't greeted. This sounds like something: wages, conspiracy theory aren't you are you racist. You know scare me: do your work, First, I'm hanging up on you now never try this done again. Ok, asshole! Pretty will be right back after these messages. Yeah good read it Well! I'm just turn around what I am able to go on here.
My show was hijacked and you were ambushed by jake tapir. Who is insisting that painting you as a defender of white supremacist because it helps their ratings? Smoking is a boy, is, I guess, he's full hebrew, not just oh boy went to war. At the two year budget. So I didn't say it on cnn. When you were in cnn mode, where maybe call this number again one I or figure out how to clear this up. Please don't! Please go on cnn dubai Hey become a premium member. Go to jimmied, dore dotcom com, sign up, it's the most affordable premium, a programme of the business don't don't bring all the voices more today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mc grey. He can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com,
That's it for this week you be the best you can be yeah I'll keep being made. Don't don't don't, don't don't don't don't bring down tat, you do not worry gallery.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-22.