« The Jimmy Dore Show

South Africa’s Slam Dunk Case Against Israel!

2024-01-15 | 🔗

South Africa has petitioned the International Court of Justice to determine that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. On Thursday attorneys for South Africa laid out a compelling case that Israel’s actions in Gaza constitute a planned genocide and not merely a traditional war with unavoidable civilian casualties. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss to discuss all the strong evidence compiled by the lawyers representing South Africa. Plus segments on Fox News’ allegations that Taylor Swift is a federal agent, the death of American journalist Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison and the October 7th Nova music festival attendees filing a lawsuit against the Israeli state for failing to protect them. Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I hope see us do a live. Stand up show will be in venice, california, palmdale california, omaha des moines, Milwaukee lansing bend Oregon portland oregon seattle, washington, Boston massachusetts. We're going to europe. Do you live in Europe? We're going to be there who did ubi dot com for a link was tickets. Sliding down the johnson media is the chance to show that was very, be content.
with yemen. So we want a lighted up with the genocide trial at the hague, so well. The genocide trial comes at a nice time for you, because you were just in greece and italy for a month and you are actually wanted at the hague for a few different things: shin wasted on grandpa peace and up the colosseum wall. You know steel in the towers from the athens hotel was owed its. It doesn't work out for you because they get the push that back still stealing my about from the vatican, but in my defence they stole it. First. if you go to the vatican, fair ones ever been to the vatican, it's basically like walking through the forgotten attic of western civilization, its it's like it's like your grandma shoved, all the crap. She gathered over the millennia into an attic and you just kind of the limited,
So if that, if that's a recommendation, go to the vatican depending on your taste, Jimmy went there, he actually hated it, but I think that's because he was raised catholic. A lot of catholics have I've talked to other catholics who had that reaction of the vatican because they look at the wealth they look at the opulence, and it just reminds of everything that they went through, that charge suddenly leave without getting laid than they really in a bad mood than the really the a blue balls common and the vatican. I made it's one of those things that men here that, like like the guys and crown heights, which I have not forgotten my promise I have been researching this. There will be a a mole people part two. I did look into the high chair. I did look into the mattress and it will get to it on Monday art because I, this was a little more, and I thought, okay, so
As you probably know, south africa has brought a case against Israel for genocide. At the I see J Oh it's a two day trial. Today, Israel went on. We ve got a little bit of that, but first will take a look at the case that south africa put up. There is quite a bit of poetic justice and south africa, a state that suffered from apartheid bringing this case. So this it's name. I am going to destroy like cause. Nobody really has a gaelic name. You never hear it sigh, no idea how
nonsense line me got that's the best I can do with this arms, but she gave an outstanding and incredible speech that people have really been sharing around. So, let's take a look at a little bit of that it is becoming ever clearer that huge swathes of gaza, entire towns, villages, refugee camps are being, from the map, as you have heard, but it bears repeating. According to the world food programme four out of five people in the world in many or a catastrophic type of hunger are in Gaza right now. Indeed, experts. In that debts from starvation and disease, which significantly outstripping deaths from bombings.
the daily statistics stand is clear evidence of the urgency and the irreparable prejudice, on the basis of the current figures on average two. hundred and forty seven palestinians are being killed and are at risk of being killed each day, many of them literally blown to pieces include forty eight mothers. Each day every hour and over one hundred and seventeen children each day leading unicef to call Israel's actions a war. Children. entire multigenerational families will be obliterated and yet more palestinian children would become Are you see an s s. Wounded child no survey family, the terrible.
Acronym born out of Israel's jane cycle assault on the palestinian population in gaza- and this is just getting started. It it's hard to see how the court finds it's way to ruling against them. South africa put up a very good case, and Israel's case, as we'll see, was what you would expect anything kitten. You know I was talking to our friend nick cruz on rbn last night about this, and you know he made a good point that this is an opportunity to further illuminate people further radicalize people. If you want to use that term or though the I think opposition to genocide, is a fairly moderate position. Actually, I don't think, there's anything terribly radical about that and the disconnect between the presence of this store,
this- I see J case on social media ends in mainstream media is just night and day you can't get away from this online. You cannot get army not online. I'm sorry on social media annex on basement it is everywhere. Instagram everywhere you go to. You know your apple news, app on your phone, lower its nowhere on the front page of that So this is an opportunity now where there is actually real purpose and real value to sharing these videos around, because that's, ultimately how useful this case is going to be is how can we formally and for all the world to see, make the most obvious point in the world that we are being gas lighted out of believing by our own press and our own leaders. Well, said all right! So, let's, let's take a look this this was
the centre piece of the case and in terms of where you're talking about this clip is probably the one that's made the rams. The most. this is a Delia has seen a lawyer presenting south african case, and I she did an amazing job, Palestinians in Gaza subjected to relent just bombing wherever they go. I just want to point out the in case What missing at these are mass graves. Look at look at this, These are mass graves. These are the kinds of things the dare I say it. We associate with the holocaust the holocaust that the zionist state likes to hide behind are to continue. They killed in their homes This is where they seek shelter in hospital rules in school. Schools and mosques
in churches and as they try to find food and water for their families, they have been killed failed to evacuate in the places to which they have fled and, even while they attempted to please, along israeli declared safe routes The level of killing is so extensive that those whose bodies are found by buried in mass graves. Often, identified in the first three weeks alone following seven october, Israel deployed six thousand bombs per week, at least two hundred times it has deployed to thousand pound bombs. In southern areas of palestine designated as safe.
These bombs have also decimate the north, including risk he camps too thousand pound bombs are some of the biggest and most destructive funds available. They dropped by leaf fighter jets that are used to strike targets on the ground by one of the world's most sourced armies. Ok, So finally, we have ten backer nuclear toby but really later, the moral case going to intent. A lot of this case is going to go to whether there was genocidal in tat, so he addresses and I also found a video. That's been circulating that addresses that, at least in terms of some of the troops, so let's see what he had
there is an extraordinary feature in this case that is as political leaders, military commanders and peasants. holding office on positions have systematically and an explicit terms declared the genocidal intent at these statements are then open by soldiers on the ground in Gaza as they engage in the destruction of palestinians and the physical infrastructure of causing many propagators of grave us off such have protested, that there were misunderstood did not mean what they set and that their own heads were taken out of context. What state would admit to genocide on intent yet the distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence as such
the reader tourism and the repetition of genocide now speech throughout every sphere of states. In Israel, we remind the courts of the identity and authority of the genocide that incite us, the prime minister, the president, the meanest of defence, the menace of national security. Soft energy and infrastructure members of the canaries, it senior officials and foot soldiers do not Tolerance is therefore not ours in the fringes they embedded in state policy. but intends to destroy, is blatantly understood by soldiers on the ground. It is also fully under Do it by some within the israeli society, with a government facing criticism for allowing in any aid to Gaza,
on the basis that it is counting on its promise to starve palestinians and, as others, That is right off his eyes did not mean what they set or were not fully understood. soldiers and civilians alike, to men what they said should be rejected by this court. evidence of genocide and intent is not only children. It is also overwhelming and incontrovertible. Ok, so we we will get to the israeli defence against that, but he, is arguing that the leaders of very clearly communicated joy Aside all intents in cases like Netanyahu, identifying the Enron me as I'm a lock
a enemy in the bible that was wiped out too to the last man, woman and child, and to israeli officials calling for nuclear weapons for wiping out people in Gaza. So these troops clearly got the mess. Age, in spite of the israeli defence. Ah sluts, let's see what their singing starting with I'm coming to occupy gaza. That's a burning up the charts and television. looks stick by my one minute: that's a good deal to wipe out the seed animal
and the I left behind I won't come back until victory, We know our slogan, and no one involved civilians or no uninvolved civilians. A big taylor swift did an unplugged cover of that at her concert last week, so yeah she is, yeah shit? Nobody questioned it, that's what was crazy. I was fifty fifty, but that now that you play that, I'm yeah, that's around back early. Does I download the boot legs of all her concerts, got a beat and you can to it
so I do so. I do think it in a bar of the case that south africa, but on their what an open and spirits an open and shut case mean you just play their video, that's one of thousands of pieces of, as he said, all roaming, an encounter vertical evidence of both capacity and intent. That's why the previous video that you showed was instrumental in making this case as well because a common defense from the sort of milk tos moderates on this issue as well war is complicated, there's always civilian deaths in war. This is not war. War implies a certain fair fight. This is not a fair fight. This is shooting fish in a barrel. This is mass murder on a daily basis with obvious intent. One of the you will surely making reference to in the video. Is the israeli media? Don't forget, you know, folks, when you see mark
regarding the new woman who they trotted out now to come and talk to cnn and you know MSNBC, those are the nice ones that they sent here. Those are the mild ones this is saying no to talk nice to the dumb americans, you watch, israeli media there is that one guy that equipment viral, because I can't sleep Until I see video of houses exploding, I mean this is obvious yes and they're all yeah idle, like like a like. It's gotta tone like like the today, show you're talking about genocide with that very you, no breakfast coffee, You know the real laughing when trump had a bad event or something and got a giggle at the at you know the Republicans expense, that's exactly what it is just very casual, very light, hearted great funny, no regard for human life whatsoever, we've seen in fact, Jimmy played this for us when we were. We were on this very show. A few weeks ago, northern Gaza
it's like the surface of the moon. There is nothing there except israeli flags planted in the ground. So tell me the goal is not to cleanse the area and occupy it for themselves. There is no case whatsoever, it's laughable while and there there are videos of the idea like beach blanket. Bingo over there going into the ocean having I grant laughing it up ray time over there. Of course, of course, now it's just Really, unbelievable and, like I said, the purpose of this trial is to get the word out there, so that there can be no doubt in anyone's mind, not just the judges on this court, but the world population still has a lot to learn. and the people who are very on the one hand. On the other hand, I forget who the comic was Russell. You mentioned this big. Quite often, you probably know comic, who says you know people like to arm chair, quarterback and think what would I do if I were alive
I've during slavery. The answer is what that adds: billboard bilbil, ok, so the answer is for all your big talk. You probably be doing the same thing, you're doing now paying some model our focus to it and then getting on about your life and when it comes across the news, always in that terrible but on the other hand, it's complicated right like if you are not able to call this for what it is. You are just they worth was in weak purse, and there is no excuse for it. Why? I yeah. I just wrote that article about artists- and this One thing that drive me crazy: they all, have a lot to say about Dave. Chapelle, not fucking. Word about is not a word about this there terrified to say I really with this trial. going on? I see nothing from people in the arts, absolute silence, which you know what I'm not gonna, say be fine, but I could tolerated if they just didn't talk about political matters in general.
but all man. They want you to know what they think about working to race, o evaluate out of bed, nine minutes making self referential and self aware. Trans jokes just debate the media to attacking him and that's worth a ten or eleven posts online right, because does it costs them anything right? Pay! You dollar, here's another great! Where you can help support the show you should become. premium member. We give you a couple of hours premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it. going to give it our company that cop clicking on joint premium supposed affordable breed the programme and the business and it's a great way to help put it come back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everybody was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, as you know, we're all big swiftest
there were very surprised at the suggestion that miss swift may be working for our government. Now? Where was where was this idea laid down? I know I bet- you'll, never guess at fox news rose news- suggested this. Our rights So, let's so, let's see what they had to say about the taylor. Swift, the biggest donor in the world, sorry got felt she's been blanketed across the sports media, entertainment atmosphere, the new york times just speculated she's, a lesbian and last tor broke, taken master at all. Its revenue tops the gdp of fifty countries. I like her music shoes. Are but I mean have you ever wonder why how she looked like this four years ago pentagon psychological operations unit float. Turning taylor swift into an asset during a nato meeting, what kind of asset a sign of for
batting online misinformation. Listen. You came in here wanting to understand how you just go out there and council information operation with ideas that social influence can help can help. Encourage or promote. Behavior change so potentially as like a peaceful permission operation. I include taylor swift in here because she's she's a fairly we went online person- I don't know if you ve heard of her near that's real The pentagon sign up unit, pitched nato on turning taylor, swift into an asset for combating misinformation, information online all right, so how old is also so? Yes, there is he the island girls wouldn't going on well? That will that like? I always always feel that way about who's. The new one over it cnn that they had hosted the trump tunnel, hours, I all I always encountered. I always feel that way like she's, like a teenager wearing her mothers, clothes
I see her at its it's really greatly so yeah. Look there is a long history. As he's about to get into of the intelligence services using orders What kind of times what they are. Jackson pollock saw. Jackson, pollock, sometimes not so he gets into this a little bit, although he mentions Elvis, which is that that's not quite what was going on. That was more like Elvis in a in a drug fuelled frenzy decided to de spontaneously to could proceed next. That's how it works, I heard out, and I wasn't like planned by Nixon. That was like Sir Elvis's here. What does rising owner americans at the gate- although the mere movie about it away from I heard of this before gay, thereby him saying that now I thought you'd show this anything because his about maybe through four months ago this is weird you wonder what your friends at her shit lives what they hear. They will talk about her.
Being the economy, taylor, swift, a single handedly. It was like this stupid connor and it was float Our people, especially by new new york, that work on my gear now, like south myers condition, rose. I knew I could bear pete ire. those are the shows they make in new york and weak. We like I am ready and summit with. What is this story? I'm like? Oh, this must be the news you here so back, then. I assume o the binder buying campaigns reaching out to her to help cell there. You know what they are. I rang while this well There's one nato does what they suggest So let's see I he starts laying out some of the other artists were ensnare, by the government, is nothing new in the nineteen fifty the government's strong armed, louis Armstrong and doing properly, the tories across africa, this I did the same thing with jazz singer: Nina simone, except they without her really knowing, and this
when these Nixon enlisted Elvis and his war on drugs they gave the king, jim named him a covert federal law enforcement, and it's not real, we'll stop people from doing drugs crucial. I can't get it you know. Michael Jackson was tapped by Reagan. Using his song, beat it and its public service campaigns against teen, drinking and driving Michael jackson have, on behalf, was too promotes team celibacy through master. asian misplaced. Two provides in the words of the great Michael jackson, just beat it, MR president, how many, how many children gonna be set for the said o one there
but the raw material, red rum, random arrests, persuading minors not to drink anyway. So is swift, a front for a covert political agenda. Primetime obviously has no evidence. If we did, we cherish but were curious because the pop star who endorse Biden is urging millions of her followers to vote sharing links and her boyfriend, Travis kelsey, sponsored by far sir, and their relationships boosted. The nfl ratings sees in bringing in a whole new demographic how's. The sites are going well It will not calling the shots, because he does even know who taylor swift is he's confused with brittany, spears, envy answer before we get into that. I am not a sports I so I know keenness kerr, your sports person. No, so are so what's what's the sponsor by pfizer thing we wanted
as that on his ass easily royals. Whether what is what does he neighbour did some add forgetting vaccinated and he's a football player. We did, sir, but that's what it is get a vaccine out there. We appeal couple like there's some pr person put them together and in peace will ship them. you re. I want them to relaunch, according to the times he's just a beard. Shoes actually are all I'm saying housing as me Applause, I beards at times in one of the one of their most distinguishing moments that doubt that peace gonna win the pulitzer prize. Will bear it will that's a lot if, if it, if there were any conservative outlet the wrote that peace, the new york times, would be the first, what newspaper they wrote a whole piece speculating on sexuality That she herself has said no, I'm not I'm not gay thought you're supposed to rest, or can you imagine a fox news, wrote. I think this thing was like five thousand fucking word speculating on coded queerness in taylor, swift.
works. Can you imagine for conservative outward did something like that: the new dunno anyone be screeching, like the new york times, how Are they rightly so? How dare they start speculating about someone sexuality? This way it's none of your fuckin business in the first place and she's made it very clear. She's actually said very, very clearly. Wow started hanging out with women, because I got tired of people speculate. Being every time I was with men, but apparently they can speculate about to all those valley. She said that in the past, but I would be right on peace like about gaza lesbian over say that that is what a lesbian what's wrong? What's the deal terror? So so so what? If we're, if we're doing a vestal virgins party at my house and are alright, so let's that the uk has this Biden club is pretty funny kitten. You have anything that ye know it
I'm glad you could say even this hearted and getting a tick to the renaissance, store or refugees; tour she's I dunno warm in brazil. Jealous, whereas it big star in the library back that guy's got the election in the bag. It's it's like one time I went to. Unfair, and I have one those turkey legs, she's ready I go beyond so okay, so yeah I mean there there's a whole lot of truth with a whole lot of crazy there, which is what you you read usually get over at fox. Why is I don't see why fox has talk it through, like sponsored by pfizer you they weren't was my pfizer for most of the pandemic. Am I wrong ran right? Why don't talk,
trouble for mentioning that I mean I mean this. This is just you know, it's it's the flip side of MSNBC, especially now that they got rid of talker like what I need. The you know you might as well. Watch watch us straight white male joy reid over there, and he said he looks like a guy. That seduces old, ladies, is what my girlfriend one hundred per century. We've got: brylcreem hair model or music's okay. So so I read some of this. The only thing- and this is why worked were I always think- in a line and ghostbusters dogs and cats living together, total chaos, yeah man, This kind of this kind of speculation in the past. That's a very left kind of thing to start getting into how the intelligence agencies are. Men have manipulated pop stars.
To sum up the and now you would never hear something like that on CNN, unless people need to hear it is that look. This is like a chewed. Watered down is really funny like just like ie like elevator music version of heavy metal. Now, for all people write a whole bunch of people is day through the maiden spiritually they want. Some of them will watch alex anymore? They only watch like sky right and then those old people like some bc. You know, euro area depends where what if your coastal or not or what your job is, yeah. So look I mean that the the opening part is true that stuff's true start getting into running a sign up? You know I feel about this. The way I feel about a lot of those things. Why would they need to run a sigh up? It's out in the open? You know most of these. What most of these celebrities are just lives? Who mindlessly support the democratic party which porto, though none lesbian, gay
talk about what happened in that market she's not lined up. My most of these loans are lesbians, they make movies thereon. Only a fan is, and you can pay to see them that leaves sharpness up after that's a fake, like a hollywood style put together relationship with that, but by its probably of asia, minor I mean I mean, look, I'm alert I from what I've got, in her say in the past. I think she's a total creation. I've said this. As I have said this before, and I I I was reading an article talked about how they mine money from the Bans get worse yet. The blue edition of the album o next week at the hour
judicial or limited edition. Next week at the great you down and get the vessel thing laser. We always integrity. Light like I believe, were only about ten years away from creating a teller, swift and a computer and and then you don't have to have to make sure it has any special eminence in stressing were while I get a world of such intense, more britain consolidation. It really impossible to know where the getting campaign ends and where the sign up begins, rising words. If it's all the same shit right exactly an end, you don't look you put that little girl history up with the wood, the video of the nato, the up the only thing that that makes me think hey. Maybe there is some there. Each has its very rare. Now, there's nothing, it doesn't happen, but it's rare that, like a pop star stays as popular and as much of a site, guys artist for as long as tailors were passed. Her dave you album was two thousand six. You ve been
the foremost when a years already you really these pop stars, we should link them to or three and then they linking play. I remember TAT his wonted years. It has everything stadium, she'd been after almost one year. We let that happen. I've talked to me: it's library, rare, it's like people paying to hear somebody do juicy for governments when what the fuck would you listen to this referred that period of exactly right in saying that I agree with that. So bob dylan these these artists last forever, because you just listen to the material like it makes sense that they last forever right tell us of what yeah it's like the same, just mass marketed crap time after time after time, but she's only gets more power, europe as time goes on, and now it's yes, I mean it's like being until c and realistic answers like her frightened like what. Why would The internet also she's refugees. Maybe she is, I think we would. She has worked clicks on this
when, if we launch lie is suggesting that she's she's a creation, maybe she doesn't it, I sheep, don't she was a rich kid that you know lie which don't you the thing with their money and a sheep, so she became musician chad advantage of whatever, like every gas industry plant, like I don't think she's like the monkeys, were they just grated she's her own thing, then you get co opted as a. You are made up to a point. She writes some of her music, but there's I forget the name. I would like there's like this guy in iceland, who writes music, that these people yeah it doesn't matter it'll write anything half the songs, these guys sing, it's so formulaic. There are two people who are the primary songwriters for all these people. Taylor, swift, katy, perry, because it because it's such it's such a standard, non creative structure. I write jokes for battle. I like I listen to music like this, and I say: okay man, I mean
you're telling me silicon valley really isn't at the point. You could just have a program right. These songs of your elbows. There there's no shoe manatee and there's no effort at pretty much what it is to end their such a posse of creativity. You listen to the older pop music, even ok, to too low call out our show. We use in iron maiden sound drop on it. Ok, rhyme of the ancient mariner, you look at something like that or you look at the beatles a day in the life there like for musical concepts, minimum that play out over, course ray of those songs. Now it seems like they have such a positive ideas. They would never let a song go on a journey like that cause. That's for songs. They could release its putting it all everything's aside, like that, it's a corpse like is in every year with everything. There's some massive corporation. That's gotta gives the stockholm I've. Now there beyond him. Did you get investment for some rich guy? I did that way. You know it's not like, then before were they stop you're like disney socks, they always were pieces.
But now there extra wild. I think that has a lot to do with the EU s g score. I think I think with this. It is it's just a corporate taxation of music with delay a whole other those eat their own eye on all like rats wasn't is got capitalism. I love watching. People like like its did some perversion of amazing society is everything crab. How could this happened because the the it's called profit motive and people hold me it's light age, capitalism speaking a wedge, we're gonna have we're gonna boeing part do coming up, so I hope nobody is taken of flights but I like events, so am I I said better not be diverted, it gets the accounts. I m just freakin people out his arm, not getting on a plan. I m all right, let's see the second part of this really brings in a former fbi agent here. Stuart, cannot permanent to its part time work. The same way The report is a shield for Israel. You pick up a job to do influencing
That's all it's! It's like Julius. I shouted chuck bury at the gown. She wax people in Brazil. She gets back on the plane, the she pulled, Did the link to the vote died or six hundreds of thousands of young taylor, swift bans all. Sudden registered. Divert, I wonder who got to her from the white house or from wherever who makes that, additional handshake, isn't the binder. Well, the blunder The administration has, as they actually set out any perception, optics management team Those are professionals go out, and I d fi those people who may be unsuspecting whether women college without knowledge to do these type of campaigns. Now it is possible to tell us which quite frankly, does not know that she, being utilized in a covert manner to swing voters, but bottom line is that the binding administration is savvy idea
flying how many you followers and how many voters, potentially she can influence with either Information or misinformation, she certainly can swing the voters. Ok, so so this is a thing. What's the difference between a lie? arab, who, I am sure, is completely supportive of the democratic party. I'm sure taylor, swift, is a is organically, a vote blue, no matter who democrat, if you can use that word, and so, of course, I mean you're. The president's you're gonna solicit them, Romania's rising to represent you. So is that a sigh? Ah I mean that's, that's that's politics. I mean it's not something shadowy. Secretly went on back alley: taylor, hey, we want you to release this song and it's gonna have certain notes that when people here it they're gonna think Joe Biden makes sense.
It's not that it's just like going. You shall eat out of voter registration linked by that's a stretch. Oh, she tweeted out a voter registration thing like anybody can do we. I was a little bit of a reach their. How is that asylum on what would like, I said. The first thing I heard was some about her. The economies do really good cause. Taylor. Swift is doing these big concerts, Or is it some nonsense? Like I swear to you, I mean that sounds like some lib shit. They would read wont. Let me can right now I can brains were taught me ass, gloomy eyes, the fresh presiding right on double the episode. It's all about the swift, these that's or london, come for me that came from people work professionally with bulgaria and they ve been hearing that. So that's all I know that was as of these or one of these articles comes out in the times or Wapo a boston gloves the site, and then they all repeat that line, and then next time you talk to your lib friend, it's very invasion of the body. Snatches tears cards. They they see
is it oh? It's great. I forget from his show, like how much people don't know shit about anything, so I talked to you know you have to get to not to get too mad at people because they don't know anything and it'll say this What are you talking about what you know? What we want what's most frustrating about it is, they think they're informed because they obsessive we take in this complete did miss him. The relations that means there are informed or delay have the sunday times on the coffee we arrived, so they know what they are talking about. The only thinking no, nor do I think we settled it Who is that we settled it? No conspiracy is required when interest converges below great george Carlin said so. This was tragic news that broke
morning, while we were working on the show kudos to malcolm who got this together at the last minute, ah state and confirms: u s. Citizen Gonzalo Lira is detained in ukraine. This is September twentieth, twenty twenty three Lira was arrested by ukrainian authorities for his view on the war hang on Keaton, I thought we were defending democracy and stuff over there. Yeah upholding our values. This is an interesting case that pretense I I just can't believe this. This happened. So it's almost like it's a it's a country full of nazi battalions and and a deeply corrupt like they. They were saying bad people say that the state department has confirmed that american city, send gonzalo. Lira is being held in a ukrainian prison over charges related to his speech and views on the war in ukraine. Lira is
popular youtuber and journalist, who was arrested by the ukrainian security services. Sb you in may for creating content that was critical of the ukrainian government. and explaining how the russia, ukraine war was provoked. He was charged over claims that he quote justified the russian invasion. Nato did that all, but Themselves, lira Lira, who is a citizen of Chalais reappear? on social media in July when he posted a video and twitter thread saying was released on bail and was attempting to cross the border into hungary and says, as a tweet of godzilla, Gonzalo lira on the border with hungary trying to escape ukraine. So this is some video, in fact, after death thirty hour session, one of the thugs who had really really hurt me I mean-
me pretty badly, especially on the chest needed me like right here in the stern the sternum so hard that it had left is huge. Brooms and by the way, The cell boss, the guy higher berated him for having left a mark on because, of course, the kind of port for that they will do. Doesn't leave remark. That's the point of it see because it believes a mark, then its evidence. So anyway. I'm that prisoner, who beat me so relentlessly over that thirty hour stretch after you know as we're we're trying to figure out a way to get this cash to these gangsters and his thugs. He came to me spontaneous we apologize. I wasn't his idea, but he had to do it now because he was
in britain in caesar and seas of prison for two years already. So it's not that he wanted to do this, but that he had to do it So this is something we hear a lot about: russia, russia, using prisoners it sounds like what he's describing is that they used a prisoner to administer torture and the prisoner was afraid to say no because he's a prisoner, I'm reading this rata yeah we'll try to me, I would that this is something when we had max on. He didn't write. This peace but the grey zone has a piece about how at the beginning of the war zone, ski released, some of the most horrific criminals from the ukrainian presents people who had been guilty of of rape and murder and release them and put them put them into the army to work off
the crimes, and so it sounds like they they're in the habit of of doing what we accuse russia of- and you know I understood you know, because that's the way operates. Now, I'm telling you all this so that You understand my situation, might is originally started as a free speech. Because of the sba you and the inherent corruption of the us, be you and the criminal justice system in rain. I will definitely be sent to prison. Labour camp where I will most certainly die.
and so I decided that the smart thing was take my chances in terms of getting across the border right now, I'm maybe five kilometers away from the border with hungary over the last two days. I rode my bike just about in hundred kilometers from kharkoff all the way here to the border, and my intention is to cross the border at so you want across the world Obviously he didn't make it. So does from state department. We are aware of the detention of MR lira in ukraine. We take our role. in assisting u s, citizens abroad seriously and are providing all appropriate assistance. Now.
So the grey zone ass state department about the status- of Gonzalo lira. This is august first, twenty twenty three and was jailed by the ukrainian government, and at that time he was making a break for the hungarian border. They had not recaptured him yet the grey zone. So back in, may I ask you by Gonzalo lira he was the? U s: citizen arrested in ukraine for posting dissident content online, and you told me the state of art was aware of his arrest in may, and we learned last night through a series of tweets by him that he had been tortured in the ukrainian prison and he was now on a motorcycle with a broken rib trying to flee to the hungarian border, and so I'm wondering you know if this is true, given the state department knew of his arrest and his detention. How has this been allowed to occur? We have a us citizen, being arrest being detained and perhaps
ordered in the prison of one of our strong allies. Well, you, you lost me with the perhaps, and if this is true, I think I'd want to verify those reports before I commented on our sky had about. Where has it right? I said. I think that is one of our finding before I comment guidance it. Why do these people all look like these bloodless freaks, all of them all of them? They they all looked like they were cast to be like familiars to a vampire in a blade movie. People really one run the world, but they don't have the charisma, the talent to run for office, so they have to take the backstage jobs. That's that's! That's very good theory. We have tune out. You know nobody's really done a real breakdown of this. The project. Twenty twenty five thing we ve only got to do that and I, in brief this is. This is able
and by the republicans, no matter who wins to essentially purge the permanent bureaucracy and and whether it you know, that's been cast as a push. You know it's the it's the nazis taking over, but if you believe that there's a permanent, deep state run by people like that and anthony Blinken, it doesn't sound like such a bad idea stapley something to discuss so tucker carlsson and elon musk have ral behind an american red pill dating coach turned russian problem and is detained in ukraine, so bodies like is like Tom cruise magnolia before their answer. Why are you that's hard for me to imagine this guy playing that wrong? What's our aims, what he deserves to be tortured to death according to business. Insider, is this right or for business. I am a little surprised as usually business insider is better than that. there. It there
having a real hard time right now with our action, because they dare to expose his wife as the plagiarists she is the be out of business inside so tragically, it is with great sadness. I must now. the Gonzalo lira passed away in a hospital according to his father, who has been fighting to get his son much needed medical attention for the path weeks here is a hand written note from Gonzalo, which I received on january forth. This is Alex, Rubinstein does the hand written note, and we have a transcription I have had double pneumonia, both lungs as well as no mo new mo thorax, never heard of that and a very severe case of a demon swelling of the body
all this started in MID october was but was ignored by the prison they, Well, he admitted I had pneumonia at a december. Twenty second hearing, I am about to have a procedure to reduce the deem of pressure in my lungs, which is causing me extreme shortness of breath to the point of passing out after minimal activity, or even just talking for two minutes, and this is from his grieving father. I cannot accept the way my son has died. He was tortured, extorted incommunicado for eight months and eleven days and the u S, embassy did nothing to help my son. The responsibility of this tragedy is, dictators. Linsky with the concurrence of senile american president, Joe Biden, Gonzalez father, wrote.
Gonzalo leir it. This is from talker karlsson, zero lira senior says a son who died at fifty five and the ukrainian prison re was being held for the crime of critics rising the zalewski and bite and governments Gonzalo lira was an american citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed in this max Blumenthal, Gonzalo lira was jailed by Ukraine's post may down regime for speaking against its war effort. Was a? U s. Citizen left to language and die by Ukraine's main patron in washington and is now apparently dead. Another crime by the authoritarian zalewski Biden cartel
sats, that's really confusing, because I thought we were supporting a Democrat, the democratic country and fighting to preserve their freedoms against the rush, the autocratic, russian onslaught that this this is topsy. Turvy, I've, I've heard zalewski, is shut down the press. Shut down. Political parties is fielding nazi battalions he's pudding, pedophiles and murderers in the front line. Some I nonsense. strangely, it doesn't sound like it sounds like at best there are no better than what we claim russia is. So why are we supporting them?.
yeah. Well, you know we had danny I found on earlier in this live stream and he mentioned girl in relation to the many uprising. He was very soon. Bullish on their ability to prevail, because you said you can't kill an idea right. An that's. That's a phrase that we like to use here in the west to sort of validate our own conquest, Joe Biden said that very thing, almost eight onto the word in that whisper scream speech that he gave down the january sixth anniversary that weekend now, whatever it was, he said we're the only country in history, that's built on an idea. Okay, first of all, that's not true! Second, what idea? What's the idea what country built on what worthwhile idea we'll just allow this to happen, and this is an egregious example that happened today? What countries hit by and lets a hundred plus the journalists in Gaza be murder
what country sits by and watches as julian assange gets tortured to death. His hearing is coming up in just over a month. Do you hear any opinion expressed on that up from anybody on tv know, so what actually is the idea that we represent. Nobody can, the name it went to danny's point- is They why we lose more than we win, because maybe you can't kill idea, and maybe we don't have an idea at this point? The ethos of this country in the west more broadly, but especially this country is might, for my sake. Money power for power's sake, and that's it and it's hard to rally a population around that, especially when economic conditions degrades the point where the p here, don't you feel it they're getting anything out of it. its a scam
surely doing what we do being in a space like this, it's reliable leg! Imagine that you went to cover ukraine? We know people who have covered ukraine have come back as poor guy never came back man the grabbed him they rested on the. U s did nothing about and, and that really does demonstrate, as as lira is poor father expressed government did nothing inform you tell me what phone call from Biden would not have had? This kind of plain back to the united states was obvious. That's your government that's right all over mad gates. He did it These people are ended up about diet, everybody who has the power to sign a check whether its as far as any blob of congress people or the commander in chief himself, anybody applied a modicum of pressure and
He d been home. This your government is a criminal regime that does not give a shit about you, All in all the dew goody, good american rights and freedoms, it's bullshit bullshit! proves it there's an american citizen. They let be tortured to death in jail by an audit attic regime calling itself a democracy. so the your boss, attacked added, did Nova found music festival while the people who got attacked at the noble music festival are now suing, is right, security, establishment for failing to protect them added tippit fashion. These really security forces are gonna, be offering a credit for next year's festival.
it's going to be run by the people brought you to firefox but this is real. They are sui them. Forty, two israelis who attended the noble music festival near the guy a border that attack was attacked and october seventh have sued the israeli security establishment for failing to protect the event, the lawsuit file, the claim for fifty six million, against israeli shin bat security agency, the israeli defence forces the defence minutes. we and the israeli police and says the agency's quote negative it's and gross oversight allowed the hamas attack on the festival to happen or mean. Did you ever go though no matter who they sue. The american taxpayers. People we're gonna pick up the bill for this. That's fair, also, isn't it
It'd be hard to get on the Gaza border of all places, regardless of god. I heard that the place where they were having that music festival is technically palestinian land. Did you hear that I haven't heard that could? Could you, google, that misha see if that true, so you would want to have shin bet. Let you know if it was safe to do that. I guess there, so they so they didn't victim. So so that cause the point being made, was that they didn't technically when invaders real, that they were just going through their own territory. That is now occupied. That's that that's the soldier abuses on that we're gonna work it to see if we can verify that in the second, a single phone call by idea, visuals to the commander, responds for the party to disperse it immediately in view of the expected danger would have saved lives vented their physical and mental injuries of hundreds of party gore's, including the plaintiffs. That's what the lawsuit says her acts
reported that top israeli military officials held consultations the night before october. Seventh, to this warnings it received about a possible hamas attack so Alex Joe it was when he came out of it, looks like Alice Jones was right when he said that they let this happen on purpose, so that could go in and more down everybody in gaza and take over the land. So we does nova, I'm just accuracy do they have like does nova have if your idea, guy they talk to about. If they can do this or is it like nova, is just a business and thought they would just get a call from them? I you know, I don't know, you know, call me crazy, but I just kind of I feel like, not that I'm blaming them or anything. I just kind of feel like if you have a music festival next to a concentration camp, you're kind of a sick fuck I agree with you little here's what it says here, Kurt nobody in the israeli military notified the noble festival, organizers of the threat, even though the event were the event was supposed to be under idea. Protection could have just read that I guess the arrow
running, whereas on the night between October six, it toby. Seventh, at least two idea for settlements were held due to one usual incidents on the Gaza strip border, one midnight and another assessment close to three a m several hours before the Hamas attack. That's what the lawsuit says. The first those production team has said that they could have evacuated the party either They received a warning just one hour before the attack. Once a day, where's descended on the festival. The party goers were told they were on their own organizers, contacted the really military around seven a m the morning of the attack. And israeli forces didn't get to the scene until three p m three. You know why cause I I will I like to says they. They had just eaten lunch and they were afraid they're going to get a cramp. Oh, I thought they were there shooting each. because they suck mac. I think they're on the phone with their jewish mothers, and you know how they talk. What does what,
israeli military did Joe up. They started firing indiscriminately palestinian militants and israeli civilians and is The police investigation found that an idea helicopter that arrived at the scene fired on a mass fighters and also its some festival. Participants got nothing to do with why they burn buried all those cards. Right, I mean consumer. Will they killed those three? guys that were israeli, would know shirts waving in speaking in hebrew. They just mode I'm right down the idea of yeah, nobody journals are going to help me out? They will just just shoot whatever to judge jury, thousands of people ended. The festival in the lawsuit says a total of three hundred and sixty four party goers were killed during the amass attack and forty were taken captive in Gaza. Israeli officials have said Don't think Hamas knew about the festival and attacked spontaneously when they came across that on the morning of october, what infringes the Hamas
if you were armed and you saw a rave, wouldn't you attack or are or if you ve been watching your people get starved and slaughtered for general since the uruguay round the terrified enrage, with close and light of rage, you to see the people are having a party the play Zat house music initially a festival was scheduled to take place at their location and october fix, and six there was only a prove to be extend into Saturday October seventh. Earlier that week, another port from her rats, revealed that Gaza's divisions, operation officer, lieutenant colonel sovereign fogel oppose the extension arguing was a needless security risk but was told by his superiors to approve it. Well, you know, I would think I love is because an american member how quick everybody just like just drop it. We need to be together right now and they are not doing none of that over there there soon and yelling and get in the streets like you'd lesson
miss that you make us victims on a mass. Where common for your, we got lawyers, no hurt hearsay, a tweet by gm friends of palestine, noble festival, survivors who is really state for army negligence. The lawsuit does not address evidence that israeli forces killed many The party goers who died at the event through helicopter air strikes and here's there's that herself the car that you think a boss did this, you think about it. The ability to do that. I don't think they're hang glider guns that it it'll take that yeah, no Israel did it. This is why I love is because america is the kids' table thanksgiving as far as information yeah like we don't like. If you just read their thing, you could see exactly what happened. this all out in the open? It's amazing hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot, com, sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business
the voices Warm today are by the one and only the inimitable, MIKE Mcrae he can be found at MIKE mcrae dot com. That's it for this week, you'd be the best you can be I'll keep being me out. I don't I don't don't don't don't don't don't go? Did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.