« The Jimmy Dore Show

Scottish MP BLASTS U.S. Senate For Lying Us Into War!

2023-04-14 | 🔗

It’s been more than 20 years since the US and its allies invaded Iraq in what is now widely acknowledged was a war crime based on lies. And yet many of the same perpetrators who pushed those lies and the Iraq invasion remain prominent and respected members of the foreign policy establishment as they today push the Ukraine War.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to British politician and talk show host George Galloway about his principled opposition to the Iraq War. Plus segments featuring Galloway discussing Europe's possible "break" with the United States led by France's Emmanuel Macron, and a San Jose Police Union leader who's been charged with trafficking fentanyl. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Arnold Schwarzenegger and the team of Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Go to jimmy georgia com to see my new stand up special covered lies are funny fairly ten dollars you get to become a premium. Member do and comes Do our lives shows we're gonna be do instead of comedy of nashville Honolulu, los angeles, hampton Massachusetts. Syracusan co host new york, hartford, connecticut, baltimore, maryland and more go to jimmy georgia dot com for a link for all those too, Yes. This, Jimmy who's. This jimmy expression sure why, Mr president, you doing jimmy. I couldn't be better. My very always been regenerate yeah. I returned to wear. My heart lies with it you went back in time. Desegregation days now. Surely gosh, I travelled across the ocean of emerald isle
homeland of my people, ireland, I got it. Ok to repay of irish discharge was about Irish jumping up of once ashes to be Heritage is to declare something about yourself to the world and what is it? you are an extremely wide person you shot of my body. I am usually stormier irish yeah yeah, but I honestly don't think about it very much I'll shoot yourself traitor, who. What are you doing there exactly Jimmy I'm here to mark the twentyth anniversary of the good friday courts, which had a decade of wild civil unrest
No thanks junior says the united states, the horrible sectarian they play. The land has abated significantly. That's nice yeah, that is nice. The three years protestants were having parades, they made catholics mad and then stuff would blow up. It was a nightmare. when the travelers find on the irish people can look to a bright future thanks, schomburgh yeah, maybe just like america, to achieve peace in a war torn european nation. We damage every time we have the opportunity. That's where we do you not. Picking up on the sarcasm here. Are you now sure I'm just not sure ukraine ring a bell
It has totally different how how exactly well, first of all, my ancestors didn't come from there. Yeah I get along. choice, gestures, don't the kids, don't you think the? U s could at least try and use its powers. Eve role as peacemaker in that country to man you can't be plant pacemaker, Norway pick and choose anyway that Jimmy was heard a pleasure. His action did relatives while here, who is that so up and kind ago, I visited gaza marian clarity, chief noirtier when lives are all but she's a firecracker joy. Just great, I came to the door and she drew in my face. She told me to piss off
The people, you're so vibrant, says, sounds like an extreme caution. Almost wanna get side. My adjust our own should again what a shoemaker in county lou, who emigrated united states nature. Twenty nine and his childhood home is still standing while it's fascinating. Yes, I can't wait to walk in his footsteps. To imagine what his life must have been like, what kind of a man he was who he might have been to his well I'll? I wish you well in that endeavour. Mister president, I just think that we hold up get another phone call. This is jimmy door, show who's calling please jimmy Then why are you calling must I was listening to your lie. Feed me and my docks and gerald do every wednesday, and I heard what your presence
Is that what that admirers? Irish, like you, I know so cool that you're saying or just santa from a county Lou shoemaker named finnegan, oh and finnegan, yeah? Did you know how much do you know about this non early or anything? He was a shoemaker like you said the only one for miles around everyone dependent on him for their shows man, woman and child alike, but he's secretly charged conflicts twice as much for shows as protestants took years for the scheme to be discovered, she was dropped out of the country never to return, but the damage had been done after years of the shoe price differential. So much wealth has been drained from the catholics that they were reduced to poverty with finnegan gone. All it could do is blame the protestants driven from their lands. The catholics had to leave for both of us to beg for work, defeated and humiliated. They spend form the irish republican.
Army and the troubles began in earnest. The civil war in northern ireland was your ancestors pocket. Far more people become even start, but name of owen finnegan adjustment Of course, the island of ST patrick's isn't blessing. No descendant of this blogger of a Schumer is allowed to set foot on this island ever again. If you value your life, MR president, mentioned in relation to this man and you search for your cousins, vain After dropping, you have yeah sure to get a sense of the local culture. The way I really enjoyed gregor to rise of the mastodons fast, that wasn't. You have to talk
that's your irish heritage, but make no effort to truly learn history, shameful alarming school, you and another one of our ancient ways. neat. I care way it like a blarney storm thing, MR president, his tongue up. I think he was teaching you about the irish good, bye. I heard a then I thought that's when you kissed her child. No I'm afraid not it's still going on I'm off to drink. My first gaelic lesson for long. Hopefully I can read the road signs here and talk to one of the eight remaining native speakers. yeah Jimmy go abroad. Mr president, thanks to colleagues,
the Jimmy dore show. george gallery was the labour party representative in parliament from the city of Glasgow, beginning in nineteen o eight, eighty, seven jill toothache. And three when he was expelled from the party by tony blair, over the iraq war, he doesn't know themselves as Britain's most outstanding political figure and is currently a prominent columnist, author and host of the mother of all talk shows on youtube. Please welcome. Galloway. Welcome to the show. Thank you very much. German. Congratulations on those outstanding achievements. A few after I got expelled myself. I want
twice as an independent against tony blair's labour party and spending. Almost thirty years in the british parliament, so I recognize the higher cheaper. A new man are really really breaking I got a million subscribers on you. Take a few hundred thousand on rumble. Well done, you deserve every one of them. So I'm glad We have you here with us, because claire daily, whose one of our faves she gave a speech about the rack war, and I want to play its only about a minute, lawless play law. We have just passed the test its anniversary of the iraq war, a war? over a million people died where people still grapple with the after effects the use of depleted uranium. where nobody has been held to account for a country torn apart and rage plunged into chaos, and we have a responsibility to look back and ask
Did it all happened. Well has happened because the people power, told us over and over things. They knew we're not true. It happened, cause a compliant media, fail to ask the questions and power. Those lies day after day, basing the drum a war of aggression dressed up as a bottle of democracy against authoritarian, yes m so now as another country is torn apart, The region turns into chaos This uniquely dangerous phase in world history, we say the same people again bang for blogs, not their own. Of course seizing the moral high ground condemning peace as appeasement bellowing, that the only option is s nation, but you really have to ask ourselves the question why in god's name, we believe these lie, now we need peace and we
europe now now I just wanted He was free and george galloway on that. Now. Why? While It reminds me of what you said to the senate and in the united states. It's now. Why is it there's? Only a handful of people argue that said seemed so we in the united states is only a handful of people that speak out like that. Well, she is joan of arc. She is love, barcelona area, don loris superior every. She is a fight or of the very first rank and that speak ranks with the any anti war speeches I have heard and the reason it she's got coverage she does not want anything from the power. Nothing that matters to her can be ticked from her by the power. And that's: what's your gloves, moral courage,
fiber, as my old mother, nearly ninety years old would call it the ability to say that there are some things job than self. And sacrifices that may need to be made there now, after all, asking it a second, how's your blood, like other people, there may be asking you if you are prepared to sign provides high office for speaking. The truth then standing up to power, That's what clear daily! Does it's what I tried to do in the? U s in it two thousand and five when speech on occasion that has lived because, as you say, it's not often repeated We have the misfortune to live in a time I've metal dwarfs pigments in the international political arena
which means that those of us who are at least a little taller than a dwarf can stand out Against the prevailing landscape, but time will pass jimmy our children, I will have more courage than we more knowledge than we They will change the world of that. I am certain well I'll, wanna play that your speech gave in two thousand five and further: u s senate they. investigating the union's oil for food programme in Iraq prior to the war and your speaking time
We too are public and senator norm comment, so this is pretty powerful, explicit now senator I gave my heart and soul to oppose the policy that you promoted. I gave my political life's blood to try to stop the mass killing of iraqis by the sanctions on Iraq, which killed a million iraqis, most of them children. Most of them
I had before. They even knew that they were iraqis, but they died for no other reason other than that they were iraqis with the misfortune to be born. At that time I gave my heart and soul to stop you committing the disaster that you did commit in invading iraq, and I told the world that your case for the war was a pack of lies. I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims, did not have weapons of mass destruction. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection. to our guide. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on nine eleven, two thousand and one I told the world contrary to your claims that the iraqi people
would resist a british and american invasion of their country and that the fall of baghdad would not be the beginning of the end, but merely at the end of the beginning. Wow, so that was two thousand five. That was you then dad. You became so you got kicked out of them. hardy fur vote being so vocal against the iraq war. That's what happened with tony blair. Yes, and when I came to the sun I had just been Two dozen independent candidate defeating uproar war, tony Blair, labour member of parliament- and I did it again in another- they called brought forward in two thousand and twelve, which should that we're not alone far with the proper application of college and having it the blocking stone in ireland several times when I was a job, the ability to string
few sentences together, can win the hearts and minds of people. The liars, don't always wins. All the signs are- and I am very optimistic about this- is that the law are running out of steam, who anywhere is listening to the the braggadocio MIKE palmdale right? Now, all the. Linking stood a day, all anthony blinker, whose listen Do the know drooling or senility, Joe Biden in the world, any more people jumping off the american train quite array of not including passengers, that we Imagine would the kings of saudi arabia, for example. Only the latest to do so saw the tide has turned times there are changing, and
one no will later be last about I'm sure. Well, here's something this is for a guy named Richard Hoss, now he's an american dip. The man he's been president of the court. So on foreign relations since July, two thousand three prior to which he was director of policy planning for the united states department of state and a closed adviser to secretary of state Colin powell in the joy the bush administration- and he says this- he says the tweets this out, the? U s, not launch the iraq war. twenty years ago, based on lies nor Did it go to war for oil or israel? What the two thousand three iraq war was an ill advised war of choice, a bad decision, in badly executed, the you in the world, are still living with the costly consequences. So what are you
What do you say something like that when he said he doesn't actually tell us why we went to where we were supposed to believe that we actually went to war because we believed it the lies about with Saddam hussein. Having we all know those were lies. We know how dick cheney would make that lie, and then he would feed it to a reporter named Judith Miller and Judith Miller were got some reason was able to print whatever she wanted at the front page of the new york times and then dick cheney would go on meet the press and say: hey. The new york times is reporting that Iraq has. weapons of mass destruction, but he just pledge that story and he knew it and so everybody knows so that's the game. That was the game, and we all know about the prospect for new american century right which They had ah well at least general wesley clark. Method that they had all planned invading all these countries before now. Levin, they had they had a list of all the countries they wanted to invade iraq, IRAN, Libya, the sudan,
In somalia and syria, and so I want me to told you what do you make of one? Someone like this says that. Well I'm familiar with dick, as I call them back then. As now, Anne was there's more rejoicing in Heaven when a sinner doth repent, then, when those in no need of repentance the it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth, because, of course, these, while the very people And their counterparts in the the the war media, Who took us into that disaster clear daily, just the inevitably said so at least all of them now accept that it was a bad decision. We told them It was at the time if only they had listened to us. of interest. Now only do the historian,
in this regard. I am wondering why so many people are right. I, too believed the same kind of lies on the same liar always from the same platforms about every subsequent war, including the ones we're now in. That's that's the with the point at which I despair about, The human condition of some, if not many tat, a man who now tells you but he was entirely wrong about something off such consequence. which led to the deaths of millions which cascaded fanatic ahead and across the world which gave birth to ices, which lead to Ten thousand beheadings explosions. Resume all over the world, people who got that wrong now
Tell you that there are getting you great right now to tell you that they're getting taiwan right they're getting. The persian gulf right. Well, you know, I know that the american dream you had to be asleep do believe it, but I have to be crazy, do believe these people, who are now robin sunday admitting that they got there completely wrong? tolerance was once a famously quoted our friend, told him that but his enemies had committed the a terrible crime. In invading principality somewhere said it was a crime, it's a blunder, and this expert experience was both a crime and a blunder. And that is unforgivable well
a good two manderson tweeted out. He said right, a well meaning war of aggression, no lies were told and of course he shows Alan powell accords lying at the. U n those all pack allies and we find out that you know nobody believed it. And that's it's how you sell a war, and that was his job to sell a war and Colin Powell was oh, a war seller and I dunno why a lot of people gave that guy credit for nothing he was not a hero did a lot of balls tell that lie to a lot of balls to do that so billions to a million people got killed. Because of that- and europe attitude and I don't want to let off its assent, stop right. So now you see Ben stiller and you see who's the other at the guy from a vast times a region I was his name, shall not just like the same people on Stuart. You see all your god. What is I just like their kids to your leg, the chinese curtailing the right. And so now I just want to remind people that dislike did this
thing now you know He turned on the view their very bro war, other very anti, the very pro censorship, their very all, that stuff Now I will show you here is Margaret Margaret Kimberly reminds us that opera winfrey was being sell the war, even regarding only act, be doing it thousand and your turn reporter. Judith Miller. The? U s, genes community believes that saddam Hussein has deadly stocks of anthrax of bottom line. Toxin, which is one of the most virulent poisons known to man. We liberal hopkins pollack and what we know for a fact from a number of factors have come out iraq over the years is that saddam hussein is absolutely determined to acquire nuclear weapons and is building them as fast as he can that might kill the the right hand, man to admit chubby, and so do the iraqi people want american people to liberate them up.
Thirdly, I do not want to let you people out there s, yeah. The people in Iraq want america to come bomb the shit out of our country. No, they don't isn't didn't that guy July the end of the line with iran. In the end you, by the way I don't know he switched up out any up. So let let's so somebody in the audience actually pushes back against Oprah and watch this when one guest beer to express doubts over would have I love happen- I just don't know what to believe with the meal we're not trying to propaganda propaganda, we're just showing you what is okay, you have a right to your opinion. Wow I'm proud of you and progress is just this is the truth and how does Oprah? No it's the truth. He has no idea she's, no idea the Jews upon in a cia plot to over tugged to decapitate the iraqi government. Uninstall. pop regime and steal their natural resources and then go on to do that in libya in syria, twenty years in Afghanistan and
I know that you just upon just like John stewart when it pins of metal on a nazi words at dumb or disney warheads ad just like John pen when he goes over there, just like bents about what's his name by descends. Then still who I'd love, bed stiller context, Decrees. I love that guy, but I get they don't I understand how these people don't notes the exact same thing, the exact same playbook, and there being used by the cia and the military industrial complex to form murder for profit current, you wanna, say some general. Where'd. She was on the guy that wrote the fake drunk book yeah and she couldn't believe the balls of him to lie about to lie about the extent of his addiction. I do remember that, yes, george So now before we bring george back in, I just want to show its curly happening today, now here's the news, here's a new. reporter talking to congress person, whose set, whose actually speaking
and sanity about. Do you re more? What's with the news person does now you're asking what happens if we just pull out of ukraine? Let me ask you a question back: why can't we push for peace? Dealings crying, but then why are you are the only answer? Russians will be rewarded with territory for invading a country are I'm sorry! I don't. Ukraine is not the fifty first state of the united states. Was it so levied so there it is in the united states. We have that's our space. We are top nootka, sixty minutes and they're, just full of top of their lungs full speed Aid to forty go in for pro war narrative and not a sceptical question. Both the pro war narrative? The thinks you observe yeah? Why are we in ukraine? You think the reporter would say that that's the congress person and then reporters like we gotta be at their. We gotta have war, and so now you know why this is acceptable to americans. These are the american milton
we base is all around the world tat somebody. Military bases rough. If you spend the globe there, everywhere doesn't look the ones we have around china clicking a whole everywhere. Every part of the globe you can get on with the attackers. What what have we got attacked right there yeah look at look at all the ones in central america, how about all the military spreading democracy Unbelievable look at this this, the surrounding russia, the only to run ran. Look at this. The only thing I've ever seen this thick pop up is, if you go in the sex offender up it's about as many as our military bases. So I sent me back. A george galloway too, were the comment on this crazy upside down world. We have were the entire media is on board for more war. people are okay with this kind of military exe action. Imperialism, that's just what it is by the united
dates by the way. This is the way all empires end. America's ending. Now george illegal had taken away. Yeah, I mean to paraphrase Donald rumsfeld: it's not america's fault that these countries have placed their land so close to your basic needs. The reality is that empires over extended. Just like the room empire ended through over extension, through the debasing of its own currency through small and societal degeneracy, through being able to do in the end, pay enough to the local centrepiece. to keep them in the empire team, and so on. All of these things and more actually being played out right now and the above all others. New world this mouth pull our world is
place in front of our eyes would such rapidity that it's quite startling. Even for someone like me, who spent a long time all of my life fighting for this very outcome that has now moved into view, the whole world is dying, the new world is being born. We do live in a time of monsters, yes, but the monsters are fading. Under the new world, the india, the bricks thee. There on the latin america, the africa that I've just been talking about module this evening, a billion people with all these treasures underneath the soil and they have even started. Looking in their waters yet properly, All of these places will, in the lifetime of our children, be powerful. Rich ouch
a multi polar world. The era of anglo saxon domination, for that is what it is doing. The west as we loosely defined input in Australia and japan neither which is remotely in the west. Is only thirteen percent of the population of the world than. Moreover, many of the people in the thirteen percent only oppose use and many more have not. Seemed a baby or assent and benefit from it period of our domination, but it is rapidly coming to an end because the emperor to continue. My roman metaphor has Applause more and more people can now see it done more and more people already do said, whilst at the hey. You know here's another great, where you can help support the show. You should become a private. member. We give you a couple of hours,
premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it By going to give it our company that cop clicking on joint premium and supports affordable previous programme in the business and it's a great weight I'll put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks everybody who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support. I'm here with special guess said: george away from mother of all talk shows his ear and wood talking about the united aids is losing its grip on europe, europe as well. Here's you mccrone is during the rest of europe that it must resist sure to become america's followers- Europe must reduce its dependency on the united states and avoid getting dragged into confrontation between structure and the u s over taiwan. That's what chrome said in an interview on his plane backroom a three day state visited
china is easy to say, like his friends on fire after spending around six hours with chinese presidencies in paying during his trip mccrone, emphasise his pet theory of strategic. honnami for europe, presumably led by France, to become the third superpower. He said the great risk europe faces is that it gets caught up in. Prices that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy. He said that one flying home ok vision, bring, and the chinese communist party have enthusiastically endorsed mccrone concept of strategic autonomy and chinese officials constantly refer to it in their dealings with european countries, party leaders and theorists and beijing are convinced the west is decline in China? it is on the assent, as is on the on the ascendant, an that weakening the transatlantic relationship will help accelerate this trend. The paradox would be that
overcome with panic. We believe we are just america's followers mccrone said the question european need to answer. Is it in our interest to accelerate oh christ, son. Taiwan know the worst thing would be to think that we europeans must become fowl. where's on this topic and take our cue from the EU agenda and a chinese overreaction guess what its catch him too. So there's another article, Charles Michael, european. Europe is warming up to mccrone strategic autonomy, pushing from the united states. European leaders are becoming an recently favourable towards the french president. Macrones push for strategic gotta me away from the united states, the european The boss, Charles Michael said, or mitchell and noises name there was there- has been a leap forward on strategic autonomy appeared to several years ago, Michael told or mitchell told and television show. The thought tat
in an interview set to err on wednesday, and then here is a member of the earth. The germans? This Since parliament, I think its present the Bundestag itemised dog. Its is so she d and that america, this is her name, is seven dogs, the gin bad with names. She's a well no left his politician in the german parliament She has spoken out in favour of ukrainian neutrality and oppose sending german weapons to the ukraine, and so she, this recent years herbs good, it's in german, saw read it to you so is she says, and that is why we also say after seventy eight years, it's now time for you as soldiers to go home. We still have military base in germany, I bend them I've behind them third eyes. This is because we broke their gas by it
I bet it is not about the ghostly by loving her basket. All other allies left germany a long time ago. These times are long gone. We're still there since world war to sober stand by our position. The united states. Nuclear weapons must go, however, friendship with each There also means breaking with the existent relationship of extreme subservience. by germany on matters of u s. Foreign policy, one that is, by war breaches of international law and support for clues the? U S, administration gives the impression that they don't actually want allies, just loyal vassals, yet fewer your countries around the world are prepared to accept this, and that is good news. There, was once a time when the Bundestag had more courage. I remember decision and twenty term for the united states nuclear weapons to be withdrawn. Also on the initiative of the empty, be foreign minister westerwelle, which was has not been implemented to this
The? U s! Military bases behave like extra territorial areas in which the the constitution does not apply on german soil, assistance is provided in. U S, wars, lethal drone strikes and torture flights in breach international law and the? U s. Hosts com princess, Ramstein arab? I would I been there in germany as if the occupation statute was still in force. So let me bring and george galloway It seems this is good. Actually, this might be bad for the united states, but it's good for a game because of the war machine may might be ramped down when europe add decides to turn it's back and stop being a vassal of the united states tell me what you? What you're a reaction to this.
well. You can take some comfort from the fact that no british government would never talked like macaroni, and these german politicians you been quoting. You can count on the fact that we will be the tale of the american dog right to the very last, but that day some insufficient base up more support and are still support for the united states? then you'd the rule the roast because these ideas that you ve just been showcasing get out like spring flowers all over the continent, helped by the fact that our economy, It is now in ruins because of these sanctions that new order does to implement on russia, which are backfired shore spectacular No one even pretend to dispute that any more we ve lived. A huge stone and we ve dropped.
On our own. We, germany, is gay industrialized. That's If the tories are being on screwed from the floor and ship to the united states, green cards are being given to highly skilled german workers. Engineering workers are now moving to america with green cards great for america, bad germany, I'm not like. to be popular in germany. Now I dont know what the chinese blue in macrones day some kind of ginseng, because come back There is a mouse is coming. roaring, like a lion. It's not a lie and maybe a machine, but he is roaring nonetheless, and Michel was nowhere A friend of mackerel has just said people are warming to it and, of course it helps put the file in france It is one of the reasons why my group did it at this doing it because,
the france's in flames. Millions are on strike, people on demonstrations every day and every danzig did village and hamburg in france source. a gang of anti eu is drawn a shot. the goal kind of dawn is popular in and we'll dump and down the fires in France as of course, everyone's acting out of mixed motives, but everyone is concluding that vasa ledge is a very unattractive role in the world. It doesn't play well with an educated public and that's what we have no ignorance of their choice. Now, jimmy everyone in the world can one day soon. Will through an end to the german, nor should any of them other world doctoral, fine, the joint fight exposed we can all do it. We ve got fingers to do the walking endless
do us doing the talking and then it will all be over for the emperor. What is I still don't kid? What is in it for europe to go along with this ukraine, proxy war in the first place, and especially after we blew up the Nord stream to pipeline, which was good gonna supply energy to europe in germany, and what is it about I'll everybody's paying higher prices? Now the united states is selling more what I get why the union states, wants to do this economic war against russia. What is for europe. Well, nothing and there never was any attempt to to test whether should do this when the public I laws, if they put it too, referendum. Do you want to quadruple your energy price, because it is now only four times Deirdre Joe? He, then it will
this time last year, quadrupled in one year and that's that Is for everyone in Britain and the internet? for everyone in germany plus some. because they were more dependent on cheap unreliable supply of russian gas, and the industrial asean which has caused is, of course causing rocketing inflation people go to the store and everything is more expensive than I was last week. Maybe even yesterday they go to the gas station to fill up with Draw diesel o o up. So I've got less money to spend on good which are more expensive to buy and the economic outlook is bleak and for what on whether a town called compliance. should be on one side of a line or another. When it's been,
for different countries in the last one hundred years ago. a town that we didn't know existed until months ago that we can't spell can't pronounce whisper. To send our children to die nuclear war for europeans were spoken, rob direct gonna make up for places, as other major dealer do. Nothing was making the boy Does this have to do with us until the russian revolution. Most of these, This is in ukraine, where, in poland, some of them were in romania, Some of them were in hungary, many a member in russia. This is well, nothing to do with us. and if we hadn't decided to use this, benighted little place no way. Now call your grain as a proxy for
I need war against russia. How many hundreds of thousands of people that are now dead would still be alive? How many limbs they have been severed would still be up, How many damaged mines damaged forever routes be as they were, how many husband, sons, brothers, fathers would still be alive. The now dead it is, Crime obama imaginable proportions, Twenty years on from the previous crime that we were just discussing, talk about ground all day, the same liars telling the same lies to let you into the same catastrophic wars, and so from your. you know your expertise. You have a lot of experience. You know it. Things were, how do you seekers what's fascinating to me is that what is it Putting right now, internationally is what
they said trumps bad stewardship was going to bring us right. That he was gonna, make other countries even our friends are to turn against us and will that's what's happening right now, son, others, brinks rights are theirs new power centres, economic powered centres a rising up in opposition to the united states, germany and imperialism, and even our friends like mccrone now in germany, and so that that that's what they said tromp was going to do. He was gonna, do all that and of course when biting gets in and they do their sabre rattling, they were let go. You can have trump next to the nuclear button and wealth suit. Firstly, real Biden does is eat. Sabre rattles with two nuclear powers with a russia in china and then all the other big countries are starting to turn against the united states from russia. China saudi arabia's, now selling china oil at it in their own currency, the petrol die was going away.
Brazil, south america, south africa, through all joining together against us. Automatic is getting their own currency So there's a lot of things so go ahead because you want to say something: I've never heard something like that with like europe strategic autonomy. I never heard a phrase like that. I never heard that either. That sounds like like, I think we should see. Other people like have like an open relationship has, let me bring a joy, george. What do you say Does exactly that under the autumn irony donald trump being the leader of the anti war movement in america is no irony enough. is that many of those that were marching against the iraq war and even speaking in? U s politics and on tv against it twenty years ago and now the biggest most ravenous hawks for war
the people demanding more censorship, and these twenty years ago I go on the television every night on the bbc because they had do they felt they had to leave. give a glimpse of what one part of the country thought about things now, these liberals pussy hat a piece. A couple of hours. War among us conservatives like dealer, gleam of donald trump, We are seeing hold on a minute. Maybe a nuclear war is not the best idea, Everything has changed, left and right is that no longer mean anything? If I mean I'd, in my life Thinking I was left is valid this means newspaper No do you support war. You support censorship, usable blacklisting in shadow burning a lot. If that's left, I left.
I'm more interested know. What's right and what's wrong, I think we can find people on both sides of the who. Already two june into that kind of politics, and that's why, spend my time now. Drawing to build well said let's end the segment, their george gala ways, but our guests Ben fence, ass to have new everybody should check out his showed called the mother of all talk shows I've been I'll, be down there sunday, so why look at two of my return visit to your showed a great show. George Galway. Thank you for a common added. Thanks for all your wisdom. In great words, I appreciate it hey guess: who's zone, You know how the cia brought crack into the inner city, and so they can fund their dirty wards in the wherever young and it worked hundreds of straw and it works.
And I said again we're doing this is our country does is to ourselves as such, san jose police union executive accused of smuggling. Bugs as wedding gifts and chocolate, for you gotta admit, that's a great nasdaq for a wedding, right come on the resale right outside the topics He'd have resigned, jose police union imported synthetic gobio edge over an eight year period to orchestrate inaction, drug ring that disguise packages of pills, his wedding gifts, make up and chocolate federal officials set on Wednesday. Joanne Marianne Segovia, these sixty four year old executive director of the san Jose police officers, association used her home, compete you're in police union equipment to facility The mailing of this synthetic opiates, the drug smuggling
allegedly took place from october twenty fifteen to january twenty twenty three with segovia facilitating more than sixteen it meant from hong kong, hungry, india and singapore. See women can make a difference yeah in a three and a half. your period ending in January officials, allegedly intercepted five shipments to segovia that contain thousands of pills, including synthetic opiates, tram doll and tappan, hundred I gotta take dram adult. I hate that credit. That's like when I couldn't find the one I liked the nazis it's bad enough here, but that crap is like so much worse. Is it why the synthetic going they do? We have things to you. May, like people can't take em, I took travel for a while? What do you think of it? I wasn't so much pain. I didn't really notice judge it. I think there were creepy. I kissed in those
I'll be opiate overdoses. Overdose debts have reached epidemic levels, particularly in san francisco, since twenty nineteen more than Two thousand people in the city have died, often over dosing on the synthetic opium ventnor I did know there was synthetic you're fertilizer gets a crazy thing that that became at will I was healthier when I was popping oxy pills that was help me let nausea. So that's what kills people who defend now, even if you look up like dinah, why would you do friend now? Well what I had some ok, that or friend gave me that report was that it was patches just like from when his mom died. He had lie and I was like- and I was out of my usual oxy and I was trying to go up. How any way to take these safe. I could not find a way we couldn't lake oh my god, I guys got a keg. I care, I was too afraid I really missile before you heard about final vienna, a huge thing like it
dogs, be someone like pro wrestlers, you hear about having so she'd. She you, her what's app to handle logistics and exchanging hundreds, messages. Would someone using a phone with an india country code? The messages contained? shipping and payment details, pictures and receipts continued into this month, after the federal investigators interviewed her in february, while what's up still kept doing it. Why Oh, what's that everyone knows you dont use what's up for that, a boomer. Am I right susie Except by those well known as well, it now safe way to do that illicit at least do signal, but it turns out they got back towards the signal to know that's how they got Tucker karlsson. on march, thirteenth federal agents in kentucky seized a package that contained valerie football and was addressed his Segovia official said the package.
data from china and the contents were listed as a clock wow? What time is it time to get arrested? The complaint Segovia said that she told federal investigators. She had nothing to do with the drug smuggling and blame the shipments of pills on a woman. She identified as a family friend and houses if you believe the better bade the douglas a friend. I guess I guess that that closer to get it right. segovia. Let who hate slight? It's like the older cliche, the butler did it. It's been a lie. Everything that's never been true. It has never been the butler the bulletin, revolver it real light bulb moment bomb, a blame, the maize. That's that's! That's what she thought. It's a real!
Segovia widely told investors that, after their february meeting, she realized like a light bulb that it must be this unnamed woman who smuggle judge a bomb it was the meda well, the old, casey, anthony eureka. Yet the maid who's been running a spot. Drug smuggling read but stays working as a maid. the perfect for whatever expected you putting an eight hour, shifts pleading toy It's an scrubbing floors, pretend to be friends with this. Cobb gps, However, the complete cast doubt on segovia statements and includes those that she allegedly sent to a collaborator one shows a computer with police union work materials in view and another shows her signature on a packing slip sent from the police union address no kidding if convicted seagal via could face up to tat.
Two years in prison and a fine of up to two hundred fifty grand. While I would do I'll do the time, but I wouldn't pay that fine I'll have to oh yeah you guys taken. I owe you there, is, by the way the grand my grandma san, jose, powerful copying and try to blame it on the housekeeper there she is. She looks like cautious. You look like good people. by the way she used the preprinted. U p S. Shipping labels The san Jose police officers association account number on them to allow gently bail, drugs do another drug traffickers wish. a pay for her own vps labels. Labels show some right there, this
is this man. How does a story starts with the head of the san jose policing? You get caught trafficking fed now and then get funnier is here's this packing ship? Here it is wow. That's her name! There's the address, while a federal complaint against segovia includes a picture she allegedly sent in. What's our conversation with the suspect, a clever and drugs by the packages that includes the address of san jose police union, so that must be the address of the san Jose police union. While while I mean if she was smuggling, coke should be less of a scumbag cause. Fentanyl is like a straight up: Do you really? I, like you care Thing about human light right put put not around that's what killed MAC miller, nome well, and the guy had bad. It was dressed up to look like axis. He asked advent.
I thought had been around when I was on. That's w w what a dime the added a lot allergies say San jose union chief joanne segovia mixed pull, you know when you're doing oxy, so you feel good right. So it's like it does take your stress away so, like I'm just saying, if you didn't have it you'd, be all stressed: the wars in europe, but you might know diarrhoea, making rules being hot and cold. We had to officers the oh by the way. So this was this is for bed say so. and was a union chief segovia mixed police and drug business and messages then tried to frame her housekeeper she said at one point: we had two officers that got shot. I should be home tomorrow night, so I'll get them ship as soon as I can't you too busy once you get your took, I've got shot. I can agree the dope either
it's so irritating when police business gets in the way of running your own real business. Do how does the maid do it giver? So there, go. I wonder what I wonder what punishment will be? I can't wait to see what they give giver: wonderful good to mcdonald's? Again it burger ran away to jail The hey is Jimmy, who is ah what happened in his bed time jimmy it was the viral video. The one where you were feeding carrots to your pet boroughs that live inside when I started to do with my little house? Donkeys fed up use the fed up with the jimmy
You ve been having a california, massively pie. Horn opened up my name, you can see the three weeks and nobody came to fix it. it was driving us crazy magnitude. You do. I myself unfounded and put the regiment wow? Are you qualify deduced street surface repair like that not because several banks have asked what it him into the hole most it down with shovels, baby to push to people Machines are now where there was once a pauper dares, not speed bob which equally annoying
that I see what matters, but I was making. This is just don't. California, that I was a governor of California is a failed state. We cannot count on sacramento name or solve our problems. We must tackle them ourselves and I demand to do it. What Jimmy Jimmy odds at all, should only that I know of What college did for you? Do you have any other governmental problems? Well, our male is but a little slowly. I don't you. terminate it that necessary. I cannot tell man, my california, the hill is part of this. general government schools order where did adopt? Arnold, what we cannot do
snow which unacceptable I did that movie from halfway around the world. Given the austrian alps again, I ethical toward aware there, that's impossible, and also it's not your job. Get the newly born young, too many always gets out of control. I agree I don't think I want to hear it provide affordable housing, oh well, in that case It follows that we make includes what these people think and living there. If I get still just know that I can point to do is just talk or not a problem. Are you just making this up as you go along with it What's going on with you right now, I'm a famous person, basically retired added. I went viral on twitter nomadic to addicted to the same again about faint ass. The beaver thinks in California is on going crazy, personally,
One of my state's problems. This sounds like you're at a mania. It is mainly a big man in a type of tournaments manning handmade you can do a. I don't know that I would just suggest taking a social media break bell. I think that might help, but I care for the jimmy: Why not heads? Because I'm glad I'm talking to him filming also filming myself directing traffic at the busy intersection supposed to talk later Are you a traffic light? Now? Are the travel lights out? I mean you're. Fine, I've already cost reaction in ITALY. all right. Arnold hang up turn off your phone for a few days. They just go home and play with your boroughs. Ok I'll studies, but can you do? that for me please ever so? Why should we do
A treasure ties always I'm his back away for social media. I think, however, that exports but opportunity a refined, a flimsy reason to call you when you talk show whenever news which I have so much I, hey, become a premium member, go to jimmied, argyroneta cobb sign up it's the most affordable premium programmer the business don't don't don't don't bring all the voices performed today, our by the one and only the inimitable mike Mccrae, you can be founded MIKE Mccrae dot com, for this week. You be the best you can be. I'll keep being made
Don't don't don't don't don't don't bring down? How did you do that? For you guys.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-18.