« The Jimmy Dore Show

Russiagate Was A Hoax! Says Justice Dept’s Durham Report

2023-05-19 | 🔗

John Durham has issued his report on the Russiagate investigation, and the results are scathing, despite what many mainstream media outlets would have you believe. Durham found no evidence supporting allegations of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia, but rather that the FBI broke the law in pursuing the case and that the entire Russia-Trump connection was ginned up by the Clinton campaign in 2016. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Pushback host Aaron Maté about the ongoing Russiagate hoax that won’t die no matter how many times and ways it’s debunked. Plus a segment on the attacks from MSNBC's Joy Reid and The View's Sunny Hostin on Anderson Cooper over the CNN Trump Town Hall.

Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I check out my new stand up. Special colbert lies are funny at Jimmy dore dot com, but only ten dollars become a premium member. We're going to be on tour in Northampton Massachusetts, syracuse, cohoes, new york, hartford, los angeles bakers, In california, baltimore maryland and san francisco, california plus, do we say chicago. There's lots of stuff go to jimmy dore dot com for a link for tickets, see you there He does a jimmy who's, this Jimmy. are these joe by MR, Mr Prodi? did you hear from me? What are you up to body I'm glad you asked Ivan Giving shovel most important speeches are my entire political career spirit, They need to be spoken at this point, nor any injury, and I am glad to be the ones speaking I got it first
as you graduate clash and howard university, where I bali proclaim in white supremacist extremists, If she your security and then then address pressure, so white house for you. which heritage money right. The shocking rise and anti semitic insurance in our country right? The statements I have anything to do with you know who you are: I'm very dry them in any way at this time in coincide in any way when the run up to the twenty twenty four election. But but what. Austria should ever really was a second part. I said: ok Jimmy bought those species man I made a point. I made clear that it was the unite the right rally in charge,
on twenty seven did that social framework judging to run for president donald trump look, If that situation is said quote there were good people on both sides. While I look that situation and said quote now: my wife, jack that shit. I see your contrasting yourself with trump, you better believe it and what you know just the other day we got another reminder of the spectre of white supremacy, is a terrifying site Jimmy Jimmy. This group called the patriot fraud marge souvenirs show more. Why shouldn t see it? It is its courted by police officers who had scored them down. The disease, where were they vanished? He was a stark reminder of the darkness. It donald trump is allowed to linger in his wake, isn't so yeah.
at age groups agree more cutting their height in their face yeah. They don't allow fear and appear to all, be in good physical shape, they're. Clearly, learning from mistakes Nationalist have made in the past when slightly disheveled appearance counters, the argument of a master race they even Jimmy, listen, they even all had matching khakis and paulo shirts. It's scary yeah the fact that these man looked at printed any other white message, yeah the hold the appears very suspicious. Greater stopping or suspicious than white nationalists
and a high profile wages. Tension is keep occurring. There is no doubt There are many racist elements in this country and races, threats and acts of violence are horrifying. I agree I talk about this despicable popular archie, chase of harry and maggot, the duke duchess of sussex. We shall try to add a couple of John NASH nations. The other night, I don't you, They are catastrophic guard chase throughout history a manhattan bodies, just trying to take pictures of him. First of all, MR president, that has been shown to be a gross exaggeration for publicity sake. They were followed by photographers, but also the new york police department, police cars are there for security and, second of all, how is that a racist,
Is it a matter of family swaying? Oh, I got one of power that the whole thing man, so the proper ass you Pictures you can make anything about racial retry art, not giving hope in your mind. scary times. I've also just warned the cheetah painted smith's doggie drama, cleopatra, has received a measly two percent approval rating on broad taking it I was really netflix creation ever is that true, ah enrichment We call this out for what it wise white yeah I made my god has it is poor.
and been true enough. Already I'll tell you why jimmy. I immediately watch that show so as not to be racist and I gave it good rating has now? I do you think, donald trump, why cleopatra hell, no sir, Sorry! But what do when all these things really have to do with anything jimmy wake up to work. Our nation is skinner racism, crisis, seymour related, suspiciously incident free march, but it did seem all harriet murdered. almost being murdered a word to almost murder address shows shocking for real legitimately was good of each point.
Every crisis specter of hate in our country and how we need to combat it by voting for me, isn't a cynical attempt to take what is a legitimate problem in our society and make it a political issue that goes in your favor. I mean to smear all, Donald trump supporters as racists yes, she. I appreciate your honesty that I that I guess german waters of a test theirs. no pushed back when he said it all down. Trump supporters are racist and besides been shown time and time again the shaming people for their political boyish best swayed and get them to change. Those boys yeah never fails Jimmy racism and gone away. His magic legacy
fairness subway, like the page. Joy is gonna be around, and that is the case. We may as well. You judge our ridge. Well, I can't see anything that could go wrong with that strategy. I agree. Relational I've been told by my strategists, I have to go now. I want to make one day absolutely clear to you and all your listeners when this sketch comes here too, I will be publicly. at this stage has got itself wasted. put down your private smoking of far right quimper the
Sliding down the street and johnson media Samir switching to show errand maltese here is the new york based journalists who hosts the new show, pushed back for the police zone and he has his own sub stack Damn Marty that substantial com right isn't it. I got it right, at the he's, an award winning journalist eight, he got the easy award for his meticulous debunking of russia gate That's what he's here to talk about today, because the real port on matters related to intelligence activities of investigations arising out of the twenty? Sixteen present, Joe campaigns better known as The durham report was files, and this what it says that it was an investigation into russia gate and so what durham?
doing who, by the way, is very respected and considered non political and ladders circles he was gonna, see if there was any malfeasance inside investigation into trump and the fbi. was out to get him in a turns out. All that stuff was true and that a trump actually was right when he said that they were tapping his phone and they were off spying on him and all that stuff and even jake tapir had to say this. Furthermore, the report is now here: it has dropped and it might not have produced everything of what some republicans out for it is regardless devastating to the fbi into a degree. It does exonerate donald trump. So it's exonerates. Donald trumpeted died the fbi and it was devastating to the f b. I do agree that he does exonerate trump and out. What he says: it's not everything. The gnp was hoping for what? What else could they be hoping
For that, the report was gonna, help them grow their penises vigour. Are you kidding? It did every ok, so here so here's the usa, today's com, bridge trump is vindicated on russian collusion. Fbi deserves it. Shame that's from you. I say today: there's another headline from usa. Today trump was right rush. collusion was a hoax good luck, regaining public trust you dont. When the usa today says it, you know it's over. Ok, that's the official newspaper of free. Continental breakfasts at mid price hotels and if they're saying it, you know it's true, here's a jet, but here's how the new york times reports. It john germs report on the fbi's investigation into the trump campaigns work with russia, which produced no startling revelations. That's as other new york times says it.
Is being viewed by some conservatives as lending credence to their can. Spirits see theories about. What's dick Jake tapir, the host add cnn of the lead, conservatives laptop so he's he's considered out servant, that's good, you know. Also, and by the way look do your times. Has a gold checkmark? Isn't that nice? It produced no startling revelations to the new york times, because they knew that russia gate was bullshit all along and that the F was lying. That's why it's a startling revelation to them But personally I am startled at the revelation how far the new york times will go to protected the debunked conspiracy theory, even after the rest of the corporate news has given up the collusion theory jimmy yeah and here's. What errand marty says is the doorn report newly debunks? The concern
you're, a sea theory that the new york times and other blue and are outlets promoted that trump and his campaign conspired with russia, also shows that the top you s, officials ignored credible intelligence that this conspiracy theory was clinton campaign plot. Let's remember they won the pulitzer prize for lying about this. They want a pulitzer prize for repeating and easily debunked conspiracy. mary, it's so easily debunked that I did it. I did it immediately. I did it, though, that I knew ends and aaron might won an award doing it. So here they are their bragging about get their pulitzer prize for pushing a conspiracy theory cooked up by the Clinton campaign and the fbi they're supposed to be debated. Get that stuff and they're the ones actually put should again the biggest sources of missing
information and lies. Is the government the next the corporate media after that, its politicians? and then after that it sir, then, then you get to your randalls on youtube. When we bring in aromatic erin. I wanted So we only to show you what it directly. What durham said about this? Okay, so durham The f b, I should have never launched an investigation into alleged in collusion with donald trump twenty sixteen campaign. Given this, evidence indeed, by than the evidence gathered in multiple, exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigate investigation. neither you must law enforcement, nor the intelligence community appears to have possessed Aimee actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the time at the commencement of the crossfire hurricane investigation. So what
that means, as they had zero evidence that trump and russia were conspiring together. They had not none zero evidence when they started crossfire hurricane, which was the russia gate, investigation and, of course, We should have never in what he says. We should have never a launch this investigation, he look. This is america, We should have never lots and invasion into Iraq or tortured. Some folks are done. A lot of things is just what we do. Let's move them again, so he says the speeded manner. speed and by the way you dont need evidence when you have strong institutional biases right. Do you know so this the manner in which the f b, I open the investigated crossfire hurricane during the presidential election season. based on raw
Analyzed and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign, so the f b, I totally turned or play book on their head to do what they did the trump since a weighty bulger? Again? Yes, Agent is doing a good, get rid of the italian mafia is the biggest like killer who's been protected by the fbi So not only did they have no evidence and they turned their own practices on their head and eight, but not only that but based on the review of cross fire hurricane related intelligence activity. We conclude that the department and the department of justice and the fbi failed to uphold their important mission of of strict fidelity to the law, so another way to say that is they broke the law so said.
They were dismantled really way of saying at the real, extremely soft way of saying they broke the law. He says they failed. who uphold the are important mission of strict fidelity needs of the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report, so he sang to actually the criminals in this russia gate wasn't tromp. Was it russia It was the fbi and the department of justice which were making laws spreading distant. megan conspiracy theories lies in order swing and election early bring you in what what? What would you take it wherever you'd like? Oh look. This is all stop the we ve been saying from the start, jimmy that this investigate She was baseless. There was no evidence, bernie collusion and that it was a scam. I was a Clinton campaign, scam from the start and we didn't need John durham to confirm that believes
saying this for years in its wake? The czech tapir can acknowledges what six years too late for you ass. You do this from a start, but let me start with what I think is positive about this report. Is that It does provide more evidence that, u S, officials going right up to president obama new from the start of this investigation. In fact, even days before this invest nation- formerly began in July twenty. Sixteen that the clear campaign was concocting, a plot to falsely tie trumped up the sea I got intelligence Russia had actually picked up word other clinton campaign plot to smear tromp with russia. and John Brighton It was then the head of the cia. I thought this was so important that he breathed obama about this, and he also soon submitted an investigative referral to the fbi about this intelligence that
that the clear campaign was basely, concocting scammed, falsely link trumped or russia. What did the f b? I do they pretty much nor that didn't investigate Clinton for that. Instead, they used cling fundamental, like the steel dossier to investigate trump and they open up investigation of travellers campaign based on some here say about what a low level campaign, age or Papadopoulos said about possible russian help to his campaign, but even that tipp right there was totally embellished and John durham confirms that tipp was not sufficient grounds open an investigation. He also confirms the meanwhile the fbi, full knowledge of obama and everybody else at the top of his administration, ignored the fact that the clear campaign was coming up with the scam and that's what the clean campaign funded distilled ass. You that's what I came up with that alpha bank skin if a member that that was conspiracy, theory that trump and russia were secretly in cahoots and communicating the bank server and so that, with the term report
newly underscores now, the problem is durham says there's more evidence of this, but he isn't rebuilt publicly. He says that's classified Appendix more evidence of that clean campaign plot, and I think the public's again that, because it was a monumental scam, this was a huge. We damaging scamming undermine the presidency. However, you feel by trump he was elected by a in a fair election, and this was used to undermine him. this, was used to smear any dissent as being backed by russia. This worse in relations with russia, as it made diplomacy with russia in passing, This had all kinds of horrible consequences that dominated the news media for more than two years there's, and so we should learn how it came about in house. Specifically, the clean campaign was involved in perpetuate in causing this camp tell him. How can I call you? Let me just show you. This is right from the durham report. He said the office. also considered as part of its investigation, the gun,
its handling of certain intelligence that it received during the summer of twenty sixteen. This is what you are just talking about. The intelligent concern. The purported approval by Hilary went nine july. Twenty six, twenty sixteen of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify donald trump. By stirring up a scandal. claiming interference by the russian security services. Now, So they knew that Hillary Clinton was doing this, that she was stirring, gaunt, going to concoct that What stirring up a scandal means you're gonna make up a scandal saying that donald trump working with the russian security services and then, in the intelligence community, the fbi. They referred to the intelligence hereafter at the clinic plan intelligence. That's what I'm sorry, that's what durham referred to it as the Clinton plan, the Clinton plan,
Dna John radcliffe declassified the following information about the Clinton plan: intelligence in september, twenty twenty and conveyed to the senate Judas. during committee. What was that that in late twenty? Sixteen? U s, intelligence agencies obtained insight into russian intelligence and analyse letting that the? U s had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against donald trump, the? U S, presidential candidate, dot drop by tying him too putin and the russians hacking of the democratic national committee, so they so they knew this. So they knew. This was all a story made up by Hillary Clinton. They meaning the fbi, the the intelligence community does not know the accuracy of this or that blah blah accordingly, his hand, written notes c. I a director Brennan, subsequently briefed president obama ma and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the
legit approval by Hillary Clinton of the proposal from over foreign policy advisers to vilify donald trump by stirring up asked and old, claiming interference by russian security service. So even obama knew this was garbage. yeah. They all knew it. Ok, so guys, let me bring an errand. So so that's what you were just talking about They knew that here reclined concocted this story, this conspiracy theory to damage our political opponent and instead of for what the fbi, it was then go along with that lie greater What they should have done is investigated claim for this, because heads roughy shouldn't be coming up with scams to smear your political opponents, that worthy of investor they should. Instead, they use the scam material at the clinic. Campaigned funded like the still does and they relied on that. first or balance. Applications on people like carter page, was about here. The trunk habit, soak durham
We confirms that and is more information on that. That's currently classified and classified Appendix. I hoped that gets released because the public should know about There needs to be accountability for this camp. John durham does not deliver accountability at all. Now he delivers on facts but most of them. We already knew. and meanwhile there's a whole list of people. He wasn't even allowed to interview right well, here I too interview tried to interview peter struck, We tried to interview peter strikes, the fbi agent, who opened up the trump russia probe and was caught sending text messages mocking trump and his supporters and Bernie sanders too, and they try to enter built. The interview bill, a priest AP who is a senior sir F b, I official approved the opening of the russia investigation. James Comey, director of the fbi, I Andrew mackay deputy director, the fbi rodney jockey, who attack executive enlisted by the clinic. I'm paying to come up with that out. The banks scam mark Elias, who was an attorney for Clinton at visions
bs. They hired they hired christopher steel to distilled ass, yet they also hard crowd strike to investors the alleged hack of the dnc server and blame russia I m simpson who also vote who was the partner in fiji, gps durham, trying to be always people, they all said no and durham just took it. He didn't subpoena them. Didn't you he had the power of subpoena, but he let all these be key. Figures involved in this scam, not talk to him I don't understand how possibly he can't let that happen unless he was intimidated. hopefully course testifies. They'll be questioned not a bit. Meanwhile, compare that to mother and the mother team. his mother, actually with just a nominal figurehead, as we saw from his testimony. Yet he didn't know his destination was about mothers. Team used every, thirty they could to bully people and inviting people for
offences that had nothing to do with top russia collusion like tax, broader or lobbying. issues like bookcase case of paul and did ever. Then they could to make this investigation with credible in the end he did everyone they possibly could so the comparison between durham, who is investigating a scam and how too lenient he was and how powerless he wasn't using its own authority compared to mother. Who is using their authority to perpetuate the scam, is pretty striking I don't understand why durham was so soft and on no he's going, erodes the entire united states in by empire yahoo higher. the answer. If you don't think he knows intimidated corner with along like it. Yes, of course, I think exact either you intended, I do if unspent
unless he has some other crazy reason and not get it. I do that. You wouldn't have been exaggerated. He is going up against the national state and a vital scanned the day played on the world. Now, on that, no speaking of not you know getting to the truth, he tells us nothing zilch about the thing that started this whole russia get affair, which is a clean campaign, can count. actor crowd, strike saying that russia did it only to later admit under oath that they had no evidence that russia hacked Dnc. So durham- tells us nothing about that, he's completely I'm on it even though he acknowledges how improper it was for the the fbi to rely on all of this information that was generated by clear campaign contractors. So, for example, he points out how dick illicit why's that f b, I was relying on material. That was
generated by people working for clean, like fusion gps and still does dossier, and also the other banks game. for some reason. He doesn't apply that same observation to crowd strike. Whose allegation of russian hacking the Dnc kicked off the entire thing. That's all this began, and he tells us nothing about that and that these also inexplicable, because we now we know from testimony with covered this a lot. The crowd strike under oath, privately told congress that oh yeah, when we said that russia had to Dnc. Actually we had no evidence So the whole thing the whole thing that the russia hacked the dnc server and they got these emails and they gave it to weaken leagues in they all working together and they released him in that through the election. That was all he's always ally and we were. I was able to debunk that at the show, with bill binny here, I'm gonna get in touch, sixteen. Maybe I did it. I don't know, but
was always ally was easily debunked bowl and that's what this was all based on, and the if b, I never even looked at the server the f b, I never looked at the server, but but they did conclude. Russia acted based on a private company called crowd strike that the clear campaign higher the dmz hired to look at the server and the f b. I never did their investigation of it that that's how you you don't do investigations like that. You know there's, a murder scene here, don't worry I'll. Do the investigation and I'll handed over to the f b. I continued that's not how things work right. So that's how you know it was garbage to begin with, but on top of that, what you just said that in twenty seventeen, the crowd, the head of the crowd strike admitted under ten testimony to congress inside the closed testimony secret testimony. Yet they had zero evidence that russia did They had no evidence, so they mean other another way of saying that we made it up out of thin air, we made it up and soda so what this is all revealing.
Again, this is not going to be reported like this jake tapir kind of admitted at their. That was while I want to read it. more paragraphs from the book, durham report The matter was open, meaning the investigation into trump. Russia was open as a full, investigate without ever having spoken to the person who provided the information further, the f b I did so with any intelligent, significant review of its own intelligence database to collection. I examined John of any relevant intelligence from other. U s, intelligence, and it is a number three, its interview, of witnesses. None has said, to understand the wrong information that had received or for you in any of the standard, analytical tools typically employed by the ep, in evaluating wrong intelligence, had done so had done anything it normally does the f b. I would have learned that their own experience to russia analyse had no information about the trump being involved with russian leadership of fish.
those nor were others, so they would have known that because their own experts in their intelligence community the united states, no knowledge of rock trump in russia collusion. That's what durham is saying. It is and- and they didn't do- the basic investigative steps, at the f b. I normally does so what this tells you is that this was made up by the democratic nation no committee, the Clinton campaign and the f b I just made up and then repeated uncritically I corporate news media and you tubers, like all of them set for this show and gray zone and aaron might say all of them all the rest of them repeated it uncritically. You want to say something: correct quote the great bill. Maher back on the zone, don't need every zoo know. Trump is a traitor and it got to be here yet there he was because trump said re Rajiv eliciting. Please, please hacker. What would he say please?
we are all deeply yes, based on that alone, german call. Everybody gonna give everybody who stayed everybody either bite into this, which was so many people I clearing on the left or who stayed silent. They abetted you know, I really really dangerous. Scam, that's made the world a lot more dangerous in the country are more dangerous, lay it. It was a scam that criminalize diplomacy with russia. it was a scam that help preserve the power, the neo liberal wing of the party that lost a drop in twenty. Sixteen who should have been completed, we discredit and humiliated forget the Bernie sanders wing of the party she'll taken over instead, the clear when used this is too basely deflect blame for louis and people are Bernie. Sanders went along with it and there media followers took the cue, I wouldn't stand up to this end. now. We see how baseless it was, and they should do some self reflection on what they enabled because staying silence up or something like this
in very, very consequential about fair banana and I dont think we'd being a war rat proxy, we're right now at this level with russia, if not for us, yeah, because Russiagate, of course, diplomacy with russia impossible. The only reason people are ok with going to war with real at odds with russia over ukraine is because they they've been led to believe that all are probably firms have been caused by Vladimir Putin and russia and that we to go. Get him he's a bad guy. That's been hurting us, and so that's what the in so that that's, how you manufacture, consent for war and they did in the budgets for the last seven years, go edgar river how a bomb was born here. Unease and basel me I'll be a pretty good motivation to take a hard stand on your drone warfare, like people think I'm a man as am I going to go bomb the there's always a motivator of like your may, be with his enemy, and there are no I'm not and they're going to go. Do he had to overreact? you have heard of it near yet, so he like he says this will, of course he cautiously, stouter inveterate on verify, but he also said in particular
he singled out a provision that described a well developed conspiracy of cooperation, that durham said became the bases for food. Or surveillance applications targeting carter page. So there's a conspiracy, cooperation between the fbi, the pfizer cord, the code, the Clinton campaign that that's what he's talking about. sounds like a collusion theory and then happen jack Her home said the fbi open crossfire hurricane based on an evaluation evidence at the direction of former director educate came who was fired by the fbi for life, to the f b, I once not twice but three times an formerly deputy assistant director of counter intelligent peter struck, who his emails and tax have revealed, hat had vowed to stop trump from becoming president. He talked about the way
Biden talked about the key that pipelined, the nord stream, I'm not sure, will stop and he does yeah he's just talk about it. Just like the way. The way Biden talked to him. If we're going to stop nordstream. Two, that's how this guy, talk to stop him stopping praiseworthy. Now we will do it. That's right so anyway, so They knew that the Hillary Clinton campaign, morocco bomb anew the head of the f b. I knew nobody knew that the Hillary Clinton had joined up this story to smear Donald trump by tying him with russia and they just when, along with it, because, as I said, glenn greed we'll talk about. It is true that the liberal class, the democrats in this country, just like the same harris, revealed that they think it's
ok, to drop all of your values and to get rid of donald trump, because he has some kind of existential threat? He isn't an existential threat? He's a con man of game show host who never one to be present in the first place, but Hillary Clinton so repulsive and the Democrats or so corrupt and the republicans are so corrupt. That people willing to take a chance on him, and, let's remember- and I don't know if you would agree with this errand- but this is one hundred percent fact that if we'll drop, didn't win and the end Bernie sanders did. They would be doing the exact same thing to Bernie sanders everything that they ve done, the trump they would be forced to burn sanders. In fact, they all we started doing a job and bernie one, along with that, they are used, It is an use working with the russians that his followers were violent and massaging the stick and racism they already. It all that stuff to Bernie sanders and his followers and Bernie went along with it, because he is a servant to power. Where there are
to do that to barnacles Bernie propped up russia gate instead of saying this is a scam that my opponent is using to deflect blame for being such a horrible candidate heap, he went along with that. He got up. Send a floor and introduced a measure to stop russian interference. I hate that have hit he's he's a complete chump and saw his supporters who went along with it or who didn't have the curses got against any votes, but a lot of people, and then he votes for the or that this or that this made possible. So we and talked about how Russia gate was manufacturing, sent for a war with russia. They had already been planning this war with russia since by at least twenty fourteen. and so that's what rush again we warned I warned when I was at the young turks. I couldn't stop warning them. You know this is going to lead to a war with russia and nuclear war and world war. Three, and this is bad and they don't care. Of course they don't care, and you know they all russia gated
I'm going to say youtube, but I mean other crystal ball: russia gated, they all did it. We got to pick your spot to tell the truth and you're not going to waste your capital, telling the truth about trump that That's right! That's right now to tell you what I'll do truths about tromp, so it is. It is true that the people who watched the view or bill mar or rachel matt out. Think it's or it cnn think it's ok to lie and use it with fbi, the intelligence community, the media to distort minute. late lie, so we can stop this existential I like a toy that, yes, it is it's a! U have a moral and if you have a truth that they that goes against there. Now they say you're helping trump, so you can't you can't tell the truth. So journalists have not told the truth. Sense trump got elected and before that they haven't tell the truth, all, except for air and muddy who, what an award for it? But again the pulitzer prize,
It goes to the guys lying about it and again, look intimate and just from like a partisan point of view, they were helping trump, because the court trump was was doing things like the tax heist. You know cutting taxes for the wealthy. Liberals were not focused on that, because they are obsessed with Robert mahler, having like robber, mueller dolls and t shirts, and doing oh oh salmon, saturday night, why they all they cared about. What was the mother problem? You have said this a lot. There were bigger protests to say I robert mothers job from liberals and there were new opposed trumps tax heist baby. No, the wealthy or his cuts to Obamacare or anything else. He did that was actually bad day. This completely He sidelined any effective opposition to trumps. I think without ultimately a big give to him and his party at least their agenda hundred panelists wasn't, and this was just about trump too, because again, this also was about criminalizing what trumpets saying back and twenty sixteen which appealed to a lot of voters- and I don't think trap- is very-
fear, but what he was saying appeal to people now was: he was critical of foreign wars and he talked about getting along with russia and people inside the national screw state they lost their minds at that they couldn't, and all that and that help motivate them to undermine in his presidency, They were successful at that. He came in talking about getting along with russia and they boxed him in and by using the b, a trader console made it impossible for adding a constructive to get done and that's why when his administration, not people like John Bolton and my palm pale, carry out policies that increase copper, patients with russia, the whole media, looked away because I didn't stick with their dumb conspiracy theory, the trump really russian asset. So this was a disaster for so many reasons, and you know, except project tapirs like thirteen second there, yet This does exonerate job. We're, not gonna, see any bureaucracy and accountability whatsoever hey, you know,
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place restrictions apply by membership not required to rent or by sea amazon com, such amazon prime for details, so there's more fall out from Donald trump go nuts, and everyone's pretending, like you, was bad foreseen and do that either all gave see at it. The aisle gave Donald trump three bill. in dollars of free media when he ran for president now upset that cnn got ratings. Ok, here we go That is what you call a straw man argument as necessary that they need only two options available to you are listening to former president mark a woman, a jury found that he sexually abused while the audience, laughs and applauds or the worst part of it, that is now I'm not gonna mock both these women. While my audience, ok, seventy four million americans who voted for trump don't exist, but that has become familiar to mainly from billionaire libertarians, like ilan mosque, and so she
I should have played the anderson. Cooper came out, and data may a couple about why they have each way that before right of isolating bore, but not in this segment in and what he said was that you can't you have to hear everybody which is true, ignoring donald Tromp doesn't make them go away. oh and she saying that these strong analysing that's a straw, man argument and because that and then either scoop and also say we can't live in our own silos. Well, he's right! about that, but you know he didn't want to tell you that he read we didn't want to tell you that, but he was forced to tell you that, because a network ease on did like every network does in a brings out someone that gets them ratings, that's all they do. They too about trump constantly shall readings and that's why they did it, and so he had to tell you that you can't, besides so now: she's reacting to Anderson cooper, saying that let's walk, and that is what you call a straw. Man argument as isolated the only two options available to you. Isn't it nice to see MSNBC, see and in turn on each other. Over tromp MSNBC,
which is to show his empty podium trumps empty podium rather than covered the progressive in the car in the race. There now upset that sir, what else has given trump attention is amazing. It's like on jerry springer when you see these like two fat chicks, fighting over a skinny guy that you pick while you're fighting are thing to a former president mark a woman, a jury found that he sexually abused while the audience laughs and applauds, or britain Seventy four million americans who voted for trump don't exist, but that is becoming million to mainly from billion there. Libertarians like ilan, mosque and billion are medium mobiles like foxes, rupert murdoch. What is so she saying that's dead anderson cooper is giving us a false saying that either you watch donald trump go on cnn or and haven't. Do all this horrible lying or
you're, ignoring the seventy four million people who voted for him. Oh okay, I didn't understand. I was like wow that you have to let him on cnn and if you don't, that means you're ignoring seventy more. She doesn't buy that argument. While that is that's actually true, she said we should, Nor assembly, for millions saying we showed the phrase Each doesn't just mean what the first amendment says. It means that the government cannot restrict or require certain speech but rather that unless if you are willing to subject yourself personally, to the farthest, right most miriam atley racist misogynistic, an offensive viewpoint just but enough about Joe Biden. They couldn't have a worse person. and as president right now to try to make these arguments about drug there's, no bigger political race. Is away black and brown. People are locked up in his country, had unbelievable rates. Is it because it Donald trump is weak
Joe Biden. I don't want my kids grow up in a racial jungle, Joe Biden, that's why he probably remember saying that failure I agree with it online and the university lecturer hall or on CNN your against free speech, in that you don't give a big yeah, if your against, if you're for censuring the speech of people. You don't like because you call them, bunch of names you against as we did. You just said. If you dont subject yourself your subject yourself, that's was called a strong woman argument, yet you don't have to subject yourself to anything. You didn't have to watch cnn changes, gentle you! You have to go to it to a speech that they're giving on a couch campus. You don't have to subject yourself to anything, but you want to stop other people from some actually listening to speech. They want to listen to that's cause your anti free speech and you can use all the words you want. They sounds stupid e potheads, like You can pick em apart like that and joy and Rita
think she is, she college graduate some here. None of them are like smarter woody enough to actually like, though I must have laid over, not good arguments that anyone with an I also said could argue with what they saw It's like you just get dog yeah. She went to her. Our joy red went to harvard and sure some like that. Well, I think a lot less of overdue anyway. So any now here comes the view and erased. The cinema sergeant us and a liar. So so let me get this straight. You don't give. You don't give a racist and a message of this than a liar and a duty head, a platform of three million people, but you do give so hosting a job telling us her thoughts. That's what you do it that's and ended up. Did you see that that
was quite a list. She does. Such a sensitive region, We go into, that, you don't give a bigot and a racist and a massage in us and a liar the are we still talking about don lemon. maybe because cuomo by the way. Ok, let's go defamer a platform of three million people. And I am saddened I used to work for cnn for quite some time. Anderson cooper has been my friend for over twenty years and I'm sorry and then he tried to gaslight me see how she jutted out her body. Should I get relies directly, so I will try to gaslight me. Oh my god
You know what I would point out that what is that? What is that body language indicator indicates it always I'll, go I'll get alcoves got round, because here he actually there's that that something that I'm not making that. That aside, this a bet you when you say it's discussed in see a day. One thing I can tell from this is: I would put money on it that lake providing service, the honey, saudi hostile, like a retail capacity, is probably the light. Like he's. We also came in today. What was she like all through autumn end? and by the way, joy and read the ship bag who owned your news, channel never had a falling out with Jeffrey Epstein Jesse enough does the main de museum tramp tramp had a falling alexandria, they start doing our they stopped. Hang around them, go rugs. Msnbc never did. Who was that guy bill gates bill gates, microsoft, NBC
right microsoft, then the aims of company after their own penis. That's my question: looks very hostile, disgusted with what I meant. by the way I see it, I didn't give trump a platform. You know who gave trump a platform the advertisers who advertised on CNN trot town hall and I'm gonna get to you my hat if one of em wasn't pfizer and so That's why they are all upset at cnn instead of the real people who platform donald trump, which is the advertisers because they paid for it, and so that's who they should be accident, but of course, they're not going to be upset at them, because they're the same advertisers that pay their salary? It's weird
It's just some nonsense, cnn that they don't because they're all about yeah go after the advertisers. That's why we have ad said for actually that advertisers can decide what joy and read when she goes. Oh, you, just He's a government cannot stop here, yeah doesn't say: advertisers can control your life in that great yeah yeah. So I just want to remind people. This is what they used to do. This is MSNBC Cnn. They always do this standing by waiting for trump to speak. They would just show is podium. Our words I watch Chris haze one time he showed trumps podium for forty five minutes. Forty five minutes and trump didn't come out here. The hen show off to some one else, ludicrous haze due for that amount, they just talked. I thought I thought like your shows himself for a cuban. So what's time and in twenty eighteen crusades tweeted The cubs game is sapping my life force and, I said: hey, try doing entire show on trumps empty podium again, while vote
the shaming and wagging your finger at a seventeen year old actress. While you institute the pied piper strategy to prop up trump, then never mention why Ed Schultz was fired that usually recharges your batteries. I feel like I had a nap and, of course, the best tweets never do well That's the best part is better than anybody watches crazies enough to know what your candidate, what are any of that? What any of that stuff means? None of that! That's don't! What's controlling your whole society, your whole culture, the right there there showing trumps, empty podium and then they make the bad guy to be susan. surrounding, while they act We are doing the pied piper strategy. The people who are wagging their finger at susan surrendered are doing the piper strategy by showing his empty podium, giving him three billion dollars and free media and then they never mention why at church was fired because he covered Bernie sanders.
Oh, is that why? Yes? Yes, he was called by the head of phil griffin. Colbert said: you're fired you're done. I still have the big idea with Donny. Wage gettin chewed out for saying I would ve roundly was Bernie sanders by versus earned media, so bush guy? Eighty two dollars earned fort turn for you. He did you. of all the money that people got free media right. So you pay for your comments. shows this is when they cover you for free show. Bernie andrews got that much. Look at Hillary Clinton got more than double what bernie sanders at ted crews, critics kirsty case. It's true, that's quite a platform. There look at them all platt forming donald trump, because they could make money off it. Look at them.
All republican candidates combined got almost three times as much free media as a democratic candidates. Three billion verses, one point one lillian, combined, dirges, one that really matters, and that currently one that really matters his. while MSNBC failed to give equal time to progressive candidates. It found inordinate bandwidth to devote to presidential ray donald trump contributing to the two billion dollars and earned media drop received during his twenty sixteen campaign during the twenty sixth elections Michael MSNBC mentioned him more than all other presidential candidates, republican or democrat combined. How could you well dad would fill daddy? You was brought on into two thousand to MSNBC was excited for the ratings that he was expected to bring. However, the network really began to worry that down. You would be a difficult public face for embassy in a time of war, especially considering that
and we see was owned by general electric, which was a men weapons manufacturer, apparently to compensate his position down. He was told to balance every anti war guest with two pro war guests that was back when was less captured by the way has accepted case of filmmaker activists, Michael more, for whom three poor woven pro war voices would be liar where they going by we I dont know down. You was cancelled soon, for the invasion of Iraq. Its leading show count down a rack hosted by Keith. Oberman was expanded. Well, the time least they found a good man, and here, What show you one more time at shields got fired when he was about cover Bernie sanders. Twenty fifteen presidential primary lodge at the lodge event shilts was contacted by network president phil griffin, who told him to pack up and leave the leaves the event
the network was not interested in covering the sanders campaign. Lodge schulz was gone from the network soon after that and so when you see these pieces of garbage like her and sunny, try to shame anybody else for covering the presidential candidate know that they point the finger. They have three fingers pointing back at them. There's no bigger garbage, The news organization are dead, MSNBC and there's no bigger garbage person on cable, those then joy and read- I think she's. more than knowing liar, and I think the house is genuinely stooped sonny's. That's death she's, genuinely stupid, as with joy and red nose. What she's she's there told the horrible people hey! This is Jimmy who's. This Huh
I for one: do you honor, andrew boy? This might be my news we recall is so I must have governor who's, the former governor of horace. We don't talk like were used, You are a disgrace and out of the public's violates idle, really see the need. Besides, I may not be a spotlight for too much longer I mean to be honest. I am doing everything In my power to get back in, the spotlight is dead, so I recently made public comments on the radio about how about I'll buy order situation is a disaster. Now, if I were to mount a pop up political come back which are not saying I am, but if I were,
criticisms of democratic president along preservative lines would do. Where are we reminding the people, the great state of new york I am a right wing democrat, which new yorkers law. As much as they allow page supply nice. I think you do Another thing that would play in my favorite, considering I've been smeared with his scandal, not rooted in anything other than misunderstanding. before and not a new york politician to have an even bigger scandal than mine, no kidding beggar, worse, sir, and that is also an italian american, so much the better are you talking about. gosh. I won't
comes america's mayor and grosses everybody to fork out the just in time. For little may did you see there was finally yeah. I did ya. Wanna disaster walk Jimmy whatever inappropriate contact either behead with women is because I am passionate italian american. We rush I ride. Ok, I get why british should have nothing to do with big italian about being a weirdo freak. He this poor woman promising or a million dollars salary, never pay their wars during this text, which is obviously not a man for starters,
While he was doing business on the phone, because quote, he wanted to feel like blue bill Clinton, disgusting disgusting and absurd absurd thinking. He could ever be bill clinton planning a ball on meda gone. Nonetheless, I need to coerce women into blow jobs. Also shares to show up now right. Governor I know I don't need to tell you any of this. I can assure you that shiny regulatory obstacles Jimmy door who, what's your point, MR cuomo, my fishing is so high that they gonna forget all about what I did. I did cuomo slightly robotic Did he right and save a bunch of children from a burning orphanage? I care or member of the two whatever was
I certainly didn't make an unsuspecting woman is illegal sex slave, while working for the trump administration there was rudy giuliani, he's an audible. That's what people say well, first of all, people don't talk like this. All this bull stuff say all the time people to be like that guy, but also Are you deluding yourself here I mean come on just because the sun What has a worse scandal than yours, you admit it's worse! Well, yeah. Yet it is worse factories, but that doesn't mean that, be
you are going to forget about everything you did, though. Okay, maybe not just because of that, but it will help every little bit helps in my plan. My brother is none. so much is staring himself in the nose industry. That will help normalize the core name. Media outlets are becoming comfortable talking to me again. they are a radio stations and already, but still small bird dervish before you know it cuomo the beach jeweller branded the senate ray I, the shocking where's my office, I hope its next yours wonderingly
working very closely together dream on MR governor. Maybe that services- I admit I have always been a dreamer ever since grown up a poor child in house kitchen, I drifted, maybe someday, kicked around scrappy italian. Kid like me, could be governor of the empire state, just like my father was brother giuliani, dropped about his trip, I'm getting one or another porn, autocratic, more right. Well, it's been myself. can be a governor, Jimmy it's been a delight ass raise now. I hope you don't and if I call in and glow to you personally with every tiny little step along my road to victory. How does that sound? Please don't wow from what I can tell you can't really control who cole was shot.
I can't just- and you just answer talk to calls you that appears to be the comedic framework of these sketch yeah. I guess so. We will have to incorporate some collar idee bit Israel or something I'm gonna, take a phone call from a fellow ball thesis The bull, I must be going Christy's common over war gonna mind. You listen to some more scared me and plot revenge against our enemies. Life can be so delicious. Jimmy. well I'll be talked into real, knows no bounds, hey become a premium member gotta, jimmied origami dotcom sign up it's the most affordable, bring me a programme of the business.
The voices- warm today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mc grey. He can be found it MIKE Mccrae, dot com, for this week. You be the best you can be and I'll keep being me you guys, don't don't don't don't don't don't don't bring down tat. You do not worry gallery.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.