« The Jimmy Dore Show

Reaction To Jimmy Dore’s TRUTH BOMBS At The United Nations

2023-09-29 | 🔗

On Tuesday the United Nations Security Council welcomed a very surprising speaker — comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore! Jimmy explained about how the United States was behind the Nord Stream bombing and the western media all fell in line to push the lie that Russia or Ukraine or someone else was responsible. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Jimmy’s UN appearance and journalist Seymour Hersh’s startling revelation that the Nord Stream bombing wasn’t actually about the Ukraine War at all. Plus a segment on the inexplicable standing ovation offered by the entire Canadian Parliament to a 98-year-old former Ukrainian Nazi soldier Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Jake Tapper!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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hey, come see us onto a regatta, be an tampa. Boca return, orlando dallas used in san diego bloom it's in illinois, indianapolis and levittown new york wow. That's a lot of date. See you there hey. This is the Jimmy Dore show craig pasta. Jordan was sitting in for Jimmy use this After this he chuck shimmer of new york how're, you young man. In very well. Thank you. Senator how're, you I'm! It kept up shape part that really will judge us living my best life as they say now. Let's go to hear senator. Why are you calling in today, norway just wanted to check on you make sure you're having a good time. Those are big shoes to fill those Jimmy door shoes. Now, yes, they are, but I do imagine very well. I think you are too buster. While you get back to your shows
way way way up is the senator. Who do you mind if I ask you a few questions since I have you on the phone. Ask me questions while it's a little unorthodox, but I don't see why not I suppose you want to know about the dead freely negotiation. Actually I, like to know why you haven't join the chorus of democratic senators, who called for a senator. And is to be to resign god it that's exactly the one thing I didn't want you to ask me about. Why did I agree to this? Ok, first of all, its not a court, At last, canada was only about twelve or thirteen senators, that hardly a core is that the small choir at best is not simply an oversized. Do our group did away Of course, you can do verities requiem, with thirteen or fourteen people form thing well, not in any way shape or form. Have I answered your question? No, no! No! No, not in any way shape or form. Oh for crying out loud. Look! The senator has been charged
crime, not murder or anything crazy, just regular crime, and he gets his day in court to prove his innocence. Like anyone else, by the way he did his innocent at boiling point here that gets lost, we can just drama dammit, brad extended senate for no good reason. Isn't that exactly what you did to how frightened o region our frankie. Well, that was different. I agree. Was he charged with literally bribery like centre Mendez, was now. Was he charged with any criminal at she was in a photograph or ii
landing around on a u s out to war with his comedy partner in acting like he was blazing his hands on her breast. Her breasts, basta repression bosom simply add to go no question about it without any kind of invisible, nation or anything up, especially not with any kind of investigation. My fellow new york senator accused and jill brand wanted him to resign, so that made it so him resigning was the right thing to do. Having him in the Senate made her feel unsafe and even investigating farther, would have made her feel even more unsafe? we all know any time, any woman field unsafe about anything. It is our job as male allies to burn down the fucking world. To appease, I see and I don't think it any female senator field on safe, because Senator Menendez and his wife were accused of taking bribes. Oh so, at an early stage, photo boob haunting from years before is worse than
bribery, a crime that undermines the cinders very fitness for office. Well, there appeared, painted myself on a corner where I have to say yes, oh yes, subsided, Your father was indeed I do know and plus he hasn't been convicted. we don't know that he took any bribes, the they fell. Almost a hat a billion dollars in cash hidden in his house. Well, Senator Menendez said those where withdrawal. He made over many years that we would have a comfortable amount of emergency cash in hand Don't you have an emergency gashed ash pasta? What possible conceivable emergency? Would there be than anyone quiet, half a million dollars in cash well, sometimes another serious emergency. You need to buy a house in another country. Yes, we ve all been there. He asked gold bars had in this house, MR the tumor
gold, gold's good investment, it's good hedge against inflation. Any financial adviser will tell you that yes, but usually through shears,. gold fund, more boo yon stored properly in a financial institution. Well that we're back. What's the point of view in gold. If you can't take it out and look at every now and again, it's so pretty its golden. You seem really invested in protecting one of your most corrupt senators. I've worked with bob the many years and look forward to more years of working with Bob man, you really avoiding this all right, wise guy. If any senators have come forward, gold for his resignation, it means they can afford to, because bob doesn't have any dirt on them. Yes, the most corrupt politicians. Congress is an open secret, so for those of us with a longer and to keep it absolutely ruinous,
what does he have on you, I cry during musicals yeah, that's it yeah, but no like loudly sobbing, it's unsettling the one that doesn't seem so bad. Also, I have an off the books estate in the bahamas that I received as abroad, which is probably the worse of the two. If I had to guess who just do me a favor and don't tell anybody? Okay, you got it sen. Schumer Thank you. I appreciate our little private, unrecorded conversations. Boston now go Evan. I show and I'll talk to you later. Ok, a river there. she basta. I've always wanted to say that suddenly humor everybody him a round of applause, The
as guidance fomenting dow in the chimney to show the reason why I m sitting in to see here today. because when Jimmy goes on the road, is that a lot of things to do something? Amazing you just recently on and off he caught this guy's jimmy door. I had the opposite you addressed a? U n security council on the annex. c of the attack of the Nord stream pipeline. How did you celebrating I do not have the bob going to watch the movie. It was the biggest act of industrial sabotage and eco terrorism in human history and was committed by the united states in order you, I just gotta, I gotta pause for second before we put, the whole thing is to play its holding
clarity, but it's amazing when Jimmy uses? These words were here so you talked about industrial sabotaged, the most men may greenhouse gases, as at least in human age, or hit that point ego, terrorism and that's very, very important. That's why was very, very proud when Jimmy was hitler was the audience that he was hindered too they have to understand, is when everybody sits, the ngos will draw blighted This is better than donald trump on the economy as good me on the Why me I'm in the environment, no he's not well hold on the official narrative- and this is not better by the way than we did it is that they think you cream did it yeah are you shitting me and then that little asshole just came to lecture me about climate change yeah? If they cause that, although they didn't it was us yeah, it was a if it's ukraine, it's us, ukraine system, you didn't is no longer ukraine. Since twenty forty, when we went in air, we change government. Ukraine was no longer ukraine. It was just a proxy of the united,
states- and we know this because Victoria new meaner than people that can do with that kind of demolition. They just don't. That's- got real highly energy resources, the asia deftly eyes. I definitely think that seals were involved, but, let's listen to his whole speech. It was pretty often very prodigy media. That's why you see us here, ladies and gentlemen, he can do those things and that's why you got it was because I was happy to see that without like why jimmy the wind bush, we, like twenty other, the really important people there. I think frightening, now. You don't mean that that is the girl, like him, he's you out It is a little frightening, but I'm happy about it, because when you say that there's our people, the experts are also about in, but we are these people that should be there, but you know what Jimmy's master communicator and that's the important thing right now, so I'm glad he did it because you're either connected. Let's watch this and you'll see what I'm talking about. Here's Jimmy dore speaking for the? U n greetings, MR president, distinguished members of the,
council I'm here to speak today about the attack on the Nord stream pipeline that took place one year ago in september, twenty six, twenty twenty two warm explosion interrupted. The Nord stream wanted to pipelines that carried natural gas from russia to Europe was the biggest act of industrial sabotage in human history. However, severing the main arteries for energy from russia to germany, cheap energy that was critical to me, caning germany's industrial base, where every cop, I mean ridiculous theory on how this happened. no you don't need to be a genius investigative reporter to figure out who is the culprit of the Nord stream attack? Incredibly lol, western news outlets, ignore the fact that the president of the united states Joe Biden himself announced on February nineteen, twenty twenty two and he would in fact attack that Nord stream two pipeline saying- and I quote, if russia, ukraine tanks crossed,
in the border. Again, there will no longer be a nord stream to pipeline we, bringing an end to it. I promise you We will be able to do it. Even with that point, admission of guilt from the president of the united states, most of the western breast remain baffle as to who could have put the greatest tobacco terrorism in history? Will I we don't have to rely on. My interpretation approached them against clear threat to exact the pipelines we actually have seymour hers a genius investigator before her with impeccable reputation and prevent rules. reported that in june twenty twenty two united states maybe divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized summer. Nato exercise known as ball, tops twenty two planted the remotely triggered explosion
that three months later destroyed three of the four nord stream pipelines according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning and, like all criminals, the perpetrators could not contain the relation over committing the cry shortly, the attack, many high ranking? U s? Officials could not help but brag about their achievements and expressed multi we'll times how they were proud of, being able to put an end to the pipelines under secretary, state Victoria nuland said I am, and I think the administration is very gratified to note that Nord stream do is now, as you like to say, Hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea, united knotted state secretary of state any blanket called it a tremendous opportunity for once a brawl remove the dependence on russian energy you
to be paid liars and not acknowledge that and of the united states and carrying out these attacks. Not did president Biden declare he would do this, What high ranking? U s? Officials have said similar things for years we can the twenty four teen former secretary of state on the loose arise, dated Over the long run, you simply want to change the structure of energy dependence. You want depend more on north american energy platforms, which what this is really all about, and I can war between the west and russia in order to fill the pockets of rapacious apuleius, who actually pull the strings from the? U S, government and dictate foreign policy. The pull back and take a look at the context in which this pipeline bombing occurred. Shall we
happening under the guise of the defending ukraine from an unprovoked russian invasion would, of course that's only true of start the story of the ukraine more somewhere near the end of the story instead of the beginning, which would invite ukraine? U s and NATO, the? U s, nato are to blame, which is why the western media always leaves the origin of this conflict out of their coverage and leaves mould people in the dark, with a false version of the cause of the conflict. The americans believe that vladimir booting woke up one day and decided for no particular reason to invade your brain and start a war completely out of the blue. This is what's up. Orders of the ukraine and the eu in this war actually believe, because the only their them. They hair from your news media, which is funded by people who profit off this war, the military industrial complex, the fossil your companies in the west and, of course, wall street
to make a crude analogy of the western media coverage of the russian invasion is the following: save Lattimer blue was standing on a bus stop and there was an old lady standing in the street and a bus was heading straight order. Lattimer booting pushes the old lady out of the way of the oncoming bus and down onto the concrete sidewalk Western corporeal media would start that story near the end saying russian. president bush's old lady down onto the government ngos for the entirety of the ukraine, russia, more western media star It's the story of the war at february, twenty. Fourth, twenty twenty two that is just the beginning of it. You can see the rest of it. Please we're going to make a separate clip, I'm sure it's all over the interwebs. You can check it out, but I thought that was a good place to end it too as well. And to revisit why? What we just learn recently from this guy over here, seymour Hirsch,
it's a year of lying about nor trim right. You listen anybody flapping, their jibs about climate change, a greenhouse gas view. Bringing this up the largest emission in all of human history. Europe, you shut up, shut up forever about environment kurt? You obviously don't know anything about it. Well, let me ask you a question: has anything changed with those same people when it came to the coven restrictions and mask and the actual shots that are going on? Are all that stuff? They changed their tune? I mean we have all those people active booster, exact. All that there's a triple damn it coming. Yes, and now, with this green, I guess we see the mask well. A lot of people thought that the next block towns will be climate lockdown, but it looks like it is. This is a year of lying about the Nord stream pipeline bite administration is acknowledged, neither its responsibility for the pipeline bomb nor the purpose of the sabotage, and this is from september, twenty
twenty twenty three Biden might be less than a million times better than trump. Now, not a difficult conklin skin crystal ball, but I think, like this, makes him not billion times. Will I mean he just took a shot the other day unit, I'm saying they showed him with the mask on doing it, Mandy, as it doctor Cohen talking about now, you can get both the same. I'm hoboes shotted. I gave you if they gave hitler now that they're hanging out with nazis, nobody is changing their tune in the mainstream media. Very few people, but we do have one person- will show that person today. But let's get back to this, given russians, vast stores of natural gas and oil american president, since John F Kennedy had been alert to the central weapon position of these natural resources for political purposes, that remains dominant among Biden and is august foreign policy advisers, and you know I'm all secretary of state, antony blinking, national security adviser, Jake Sullivan and Victoria norman new and now the acting deputy to bite and also the one who is
on the ground handed out cookies on the maidan and twenty fourteen when there was an actual coup and we switch governments from ukraine to a united states price, see Sullivan, convene a series of high level national security musing meanings late in twenty twenty one, as russia was building up it forces along the border of ukraine with an invasion seen as almost inevitable, maloney tat, something this whole thing. they were saying right. Nouns, article is that they were doing this. Will they threaten to do is to try to determine sure, from getting involved in war rush only moved its troops to the border to try to deter ukraine, the a battalion from continuing to strike at a map rape, the people of the dogma, celebrated as a battalion was celebrated as a, but that's why they moved troops to the border kurt. They will turn them now with up to ninety percent less nazis by the idea, not according to the canadian parliament, the group which include
representatives from the cia was urged to come up with a proposal for action that could serve as a deterrent to vladimir putin the mission was to the mission to destroy it. Pipelines, was motivated by the white as a determination to support ukraine? President more more green screens. Linsky, so Its goal seem clear: the white house, She was to deter russia from an attack. The official told me the challenge it gave to the intelligence He was a come up with a way that was powerful enough to do that and to make a strong statement of american capability so find us a way in which we can scare vladimir Putin and the rest of the federation from even thinking about attacking Let him know will do something crazy and bonds. I like so that hill changes ways and take those troops away from the border, think about how we do these shock in all things are not there's no shock, or are you there? My arm to kill you like that, all we do is they get their back? I mean we know they needlessly drop.
extra bomb on here. I don't know his argued. Did you sure I think the first one was made goods but guy put again but a second, One proposal: one: is the white install and wants to go? Oh, my god. Do they have to those I guess I'll never try to get those for myself near me, Stalin, while some people will argue kurt that the fact is that we all are foreign policy apparatus, thee cia or the military, industrial, complex, actual crazy, and that's why? we haven't seen any attacks on the homeland itself, though a point that I would, above all in so the reform radiant celtic. What about that group that was gonna disrupt a gay pride parade in idaho? thank god, I'm talking about the war. Then I'm talking about another country won't do anything because they know we're crazy. How many people did you hear back in days. China's bottles were the balloon, of course, all attack, and how many people did you hear pack and allay Larry? Sixth, how many people did you hear
back in the day in iraq when they said somebody had get hit. Somebody it'd be invaded, so what I did about nine eleven thought that you did think that the I'll do to you this, how absolutely detached from any kind of logic! I remember well there's a lot of people saying things that made sense. Yeah that I was like shut up where we all know you're not going to blow somebody up with a funny hat on yeah yeah, a We by an enemy new york, was united on our racial level, like I've never found before you was united to as well. I mean I saw somebody do no agreement with those later prisoners go together. I am, I saw some holding an american flag over a pathway, nay, we just people were honking going raising going nuts, and when George bush goes, those people who attack those building we hear from soon and also people who knew better made the case. That saddam hussein in awe some have been lawton we're friends that they were going to unite to fight America
I can't remember is needed because richard more who went on I not beaumont, shows like you, gotta, be crazy. You think these two entities when work together against united states, unlike those two entities, hate each other. I realize to that people to know what the hell is going on in the president himself didn't know the difference between assuming an issue. Yeah? Well, there was a number of problems with it. Looking back, we did exit The greatest present in the history of Iraq, we did I now know what I did not know, then the real reason why the binding demonstration brought up taking out the Nord stream pipeline, the official recently explained to me that at the time, russia with surprise with supplying gas and oil throughout the world via a dozen pipelines, but nord stream wanted to read directly from russia through the baltic sea to
now germany once again dependent on russian at your girl, they went back to obey just way more inconvenient and cost more great job world order yeoman through yet here's the thing to as well like even before they went back to the russians to get more energy more oil. Now, with the natural gas we talk about the other day, there were talks that they were buying and purchasing gas an oil from China that china bought from russia just at a higher price zone retreat and the administration but your on the table, because it was the only one we could access and it would be totally deniable the officials visually. is it. I am we saw problem, within a few weeks by early january and told the white house our some was that the president would use the threat against Nord stream as a deterrent to avoid war
So that's oh yeah. We they were just going to do it. We were helping them out. We came up with a plan because he's going to use it to deter war. Okay, I'll bet. You, though, because I still remember. I came back that senator that retired and wrote a book about how, at the beginning, the one guy that was vote against the iraq war and he was jogging into somebody from intelligence agency souls No clue him in that it was all fake. Do you not in an end? He is really could be using other browsers, but came out. I came in Brazil, but I really like wow, and then he came to himself until rightness book for twenty minutes later. Would it but that means somebody in intelligence was trying to do. The right thing get word to somebody. I think as they slowly china filter these. people out yeah more more, so I can see somebody the agency if you go into somewhere in your career, and you want to believe right about people got a lot things believe it then
Damn you always get their moment when they realise how should actually works yeah. You know so imagine people with the legality or something, and then they go just everybody s ago- do occur. They got through to, I think they're, just humans, there's narcissistic humans in his regular people who aren't they thing for others. They think they're, joggled, unoccupied ahead of you. I have integrity, will that's the way it nay head is at last seal. It there's gotta, be good cops, there's gonna, be good. Cia agents is going to be good. If we add me, listen and then I found and removed yes and they will be found and it will be removed and some of those people who try to link information to get it to the people who they thinking aloud to the public so that for the better of good. But then, once again, if they fingered or they are found to be opening their mouths they'll get removed. Like you said, it was no surprise to the agency secret planning when, on january, twenty seven, twenty twenty two, the assured in confident newman then under secretary of state for political affairs stridently, worn putin that if he envied ukraine. He was clearly ye, as he clearly
pointing to that one way or another. Nor dream too will not move forward, so they threaten it. Line attracted enormous italian and then a kindly stranger, followed, ruin or threats for us here, because I know you didn't do it, I'm denying it. Yes, the hype attracted enormous attention, but the word preceding the threat did not the official state department transcript shows that she pre proceeded her threat by saying that, with regard to the pipeline, we continue to have very strong and clear. Conversely, agents with our german allies on July, twenty first, twenty twenty. One bite and told the press corps that since pipeline was ninety nine percent finish the idea that anything was to be said or done was going to stop. It was not possible at the time republicans, led by senator ted crews of texas, depicted binding decision to permit the russian gas to flow as he generational geopolitical win for
putin and a catastrophe are the united states and its allies and their crews rules on liquid freedom. I thought it was, it was a republican. Remember We are surrounded by warhawks little g, I joe you, know empire, education and really wish that lindsey grammar and build donald trump now praising start make further lindsey grammy's, my friend know he's a war hawk is trump defending lindsey. Graham trump has recently been defending lindsey grim, but you except anew and statement on February, seven, twenty twenty two, a joint! Why not press conference with the visiting schulz was the prime minister of german abide inside. note that he had changed his mind. It was joining newman and other equally hockey. Foreign policy aid in talking about stopping the pipeline would is short. Gonna do is, puppet of wretched and aids. That means tanks and troops crossing the border of ukraine. and he said there will be there.
There will no longer be a nord stream too. We will bring it to an end. We will bring an end to its use. Me asked how we could do it since the pipeline was under germans control. He said we will. I promise you will be able to do it to other you simply black, like it's crazy, too That means that they get married. He said that no you didn't minute. I guess you bringing another promise showing how do the same question said were acting together. We are silly united, and we will not be able. We will not be taking different steps. We would- do the same steps and there we there will be very very hard, they will be very, very hard to russia and they should understand the german leader, was considered then, and now by some members of the cia team to be fully aware of the secret planning under way to destroy the pipelines at the time the channel? to the intelligence committee was to come up with a plan that, be forceful enough to deter potent from the attack
ukraine. The official told me we did it. We found an extra nor extra ordinary deterrent because of its economic impact on russia and Putin. Did it despite the threat even though he was right, because you know why it wasn't going to be, they knew they can find new customers its oil. Baby, its energy. If you control the resources, somebody will want to buy it yeah. Another kind how he knew and chinese open out, whaler venezuelan not be able to do so. Here's the problem that as well needed the refineries they don't have the capability without the refineries to take that sludge and turn it into oil liquor. You know that so so they need it's kind of like the situation in cuba. Right now, we're half their sugar cane plants are kind of shut down. because I went to the old school way because they can't had the mechanism of kind of you know of of the actual factories in the pieces. Because of the sanctions, so they can't get the proper equipment in to refine it properly. So, It just handicap and here's the thing just like
venezuela in nicaragua and Cuba, in the same boat. It might not be official that you can't do business with them, but if you do do business with them, that being another country, the united states is going to punish you boy. So nobody does business. What means cancer culture it can cancel you're for other countries. What I did not know then, was but was told recently, was that after bite and extraordinary public threat to boil up no trim too was short standing next to him. The CIA planning group was told by the white house that there would be no immediate attack on the two pipelines, but the group should have and to play the necessary bombs and be ready. the trigger them on demand. After the war began, and then what we think happened as ukraine came in and did it before. We could press the button on the thing how about when they said russia did it like they blew up their own pipeline
I was the first law because people were so naive to what was going on. The mainstream media could say stupid shit like that or imply that russia did it do. The eagle part of this is a great part to here, because if you just said the Nord stream pipeline to almost anybody, including people than probably of ukraine, flags on their twitter, They don't know what the hell you're talking about, and he will glaze right over talking to you. The ego thing, though, that's the that's unbelievable that you would ever talk about somebody eating a hamburger after they didn't endorsed like yeah we're going bugs. How could you guys like me? That's why I'm very happy happy. You agree bugs was undesirable it is the very I'm very happy that Jimmy had that point. Yeah eco terrorism is The thing that needs to Sandberg seems to have forgotten about it. Despite the un and she's going to be mad at donald trump, it was Biden who, who caused the greatest eco terrorism catastrophe of all times, not donald trump. Just remember that
It was that it was then that we, the small planning group that was working in oslo, with a royal norwegian navy and special services on the project, understood that the attack on the pipelines was not a deterrent because as the war went on. We never the command after bite, in order to trigger the explosive planet on the pipeline. It took only a short flight within region fighter and dropping of an altered off the shelf solar device at the right spot in the baltic sea. get it done so they're, always like hey, hey, hey, come on, don't know, don't norway by then visual told me. We realise the destruction of the two russian pipelines was not related to the ukrainian. More potent was in the process of analysing the for ukrainian outlast. He wanted but was part of a neo com political agenda to keep schulz in germany with winter coming up and the pipelines shut down from getting cold feet and opening up the shuddered nord stream to. White house fear was that putin we get german
under his thumb, and then he was going to get poland ones coming around now, but that's what they were worried about. The way that Putin could somehow strictly. I thought you would do terrorism first, miss molly, they were afraid of. we're gonna, go to them. They come on man, you need Will you get a good price? We have a deal I do not really much more disastrous idea. Well, I mean once again its how to create a name anyway, so great job, all around everybody should keep their job forever and there's no such thing as a deep state. Even though none of these people get fired and they, like you, said they heavy eighties. Eighty percent disapproval rate in kind was begun, and only by then congress on retention rate. I met all the people they write these great think tank blood, and we need to do some crazy right now they get higher by those people. Shining leads to do something crazy. We can't afford await the way ass, a nothing as the world wondered who committed the sabotage. So the president struck a blow against the economy of
Germany and western europe. The official told me he could have done it in june and told Putin told you what we would have a what we would do. The white house. Hence in denials, were he said, a betrayal of what we were doing if you're going to do it. If you are going to do it, do it when you would do it when it would have made a difference, her her within days of the bombing officials in denmark, and sweden announced they were conducted investigation, like you to know who did it? They reported two months later that there had indeed, but an explosive slogan and said there would be further worries none has emerged. The german government conducted in gray about announced but announced that major parts of its findings. Would be classified ads are suspicious in any way because your heart something- and why would you, of course, member? eleven when they didn't tell you: did it
number they didn't go. Hey was all these guys from here and osama bin laden. They kept the classified right, you didn't want, you know, and we data rack, because a bunch of saudis bomb, the world trade center, There is no evidence that president Biden has required the american intelligence community to conduct a major all sorts inquiry into the pipeline binding. Such requests are known as task kings and are taken seriously inside the government. All of this explains why a routine question I posed a month, or so after the bombings, to someone with many years in the american intelligence community, led me to the truth. No one in america or germany seems to want to pursue. My question was simple: who done it? Who did in advance there's no reason to go blaming people willy nilly, like their russell brantner, the bite, an image. Duration blew up the pipelines, but the action had little to do with winning or stopping the war in ukraine. It resulted in from fears and the white house that germany would waiver
in turn on the flow of russian gas and that germany and then and then nato for economic reasons would fall. Under the sway of russia and its extensive in inexpensive net resource and thus followed the ultimate fear that amount. Russia will lose its long standing primacy. Why west, during what is an england still bitch, I mean we may drag them and everything and they go along with it and a there are, you know, is why want them in the e? U because there are our boy in the EU. Well I mean there, you had it at the end of the day. I think a lot of people will fearful inside american foreign policy apparatus that Putin would be able to convince germany to still go along with business, but in a business as usual and die, and that's why sometimes when I, when I think that I think that this kind of, like the fact that they're sending tanks
all these other weaponry, even though they know they still want to do business with russia right they. Someone actually get that you that's what piece of theatre absolute shit work in the government and every time I see somebody babbling about how trumps worse are you kidding me yeah, do absolutely not do revert to go, who gaga every time they say a new battle of good versus evil that it turns out is not that. Well, I think you're kind of under playin the fact that Putin hates deal. Gb t community, and that is why we need to work in afghanistan with the taliban. We need to stay there and fight for the women. I mean come on to this made me laugh to think about when Putin went to the anti gay, what when they said that Russia's claim was like we just don't want them propagandized children with yeah and I was like the over nobody's going to propagandize children have to cut to twenty twenty three yeah it did. There are
the clubs in moscow and what not they just don't allow it in their parades in the school? When it's real, you know they don't have any I'd. You know storytimes yeah, do you remember the west wing while they had this like putin like candidate carrick? character. Would not. There was watch it as a joke, although few times there was this, put my character and game and said come on. You know my administration has gay people when at one of the guys closer to me as gauge as we don't cut, our people are not cool with it. There conservative, so we just don't kind of put it out there. But it was kind of one of those things that you kind of just this false narrative that you're pushing right now, because your people, a silken, can concerned about it, even though we're talking about friggin war and they want to push there. the ideas on other countries, and we set this in Nicaragua. It was somebody lose tat, kind of talking to an executive over their say why I wish you'd as well. A lot more, you know cool towards gay people, lesbians in stopping the like do these are very christian religious
Will they give them time is money? Don't you your values, how us rife how richer you did you even have time to care about what you got? says when, meanwhile, the biggest eco terrorism just happen from your goddamn country. We screwed up all of africa that We wondered whether they're flying russian flags in those countries, as our fault, no knowledge anything except the one. Lady gaga thing you told them like a cow about hey it. All here's another great way. You can help support the show you should become a premium. Where we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it. By going to give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previously rabbit the business and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye. The bastards thanks to
who was already a premium member, and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support listen I are always ready for anything, and we did everything on our first carnival vacation, like catching views from the ropes course and laying out by the beach cabanas at amber cove and those mesmerizing drinks that the fortune, teller bar, that girl's trip was one for the books and it's all because we chose been together book a cruise with your friends starting from three forty. Nine at carnival dot com carnival choose fun together, the cruises on: u s dollars per person, double occupancy taxes, fees and port expenses. Additional restrictions apply full details on carnival dot com, ships' registry bahamas, panama. You can even make this up. This isn't the most ridiculous.
I remember when justin trudeau was on the floor of the canadian parliament. He was talking about the nazis. He was kind of a trucker's, the trucker, the nazis. They saw one nazi flag. They went crazy, the way that all of them were nuts. I doubt I doubt that that was not someone who was a plant, as I watched trevor no ago, if there's even one nazi flag, the whole shook him purchase it if there's even one what so they the deep state worthy government can plant one there and ruin the whole thing. That is so stupid. I can't I believe this is real. This is appalling and ninety, eight year old, ukrainian canadian, who fought for ukrainian independence against the russians in the second world war. This man fought for hitler's nazi germany. They brought him to the parliament, like a bunch of idiots there, like seals or standing ovation twice near the video.
since speech received at least a dozen standing ovation. There was also one for this man and ninety you're all ukrainian canadians, martin for ukrainian independence against the russians during the second world war. Look at him holding back from a signal for israeli wives. so in turkey joins canadian parliament ovation to ninety eight euro veteran who fought with the nazis. You him take the salt dude. You cannot make this up. Are you shown a video where the guy says he fought? They fought against russia in world war, two that were, they actually says it now and you're going to have a video rack. Ok, so all of these idiots yeah goalies with the cattle and they are moving together. My girlfriend goes. She picked it out revive. It says yes, wait that he just say he fought: they fought against russia in world war, two yeah and she went to florida.
Schools in jacksonville there and it occurred to her their entire addictive, What a guy, I think is one guy. I don't know he clapped at the time or if he at least didn't clap. One gaza here? What the hell was that which give eating. I will get a kind of fort sumter accents and must be somebody who knows all now what happened, but the second you here for as russia in world war. Two are you that dumb, you should be walking out of the parliament? Like? I, oh no way I ain't dealing with this shit. Nobody started clapping up. What did he say like there's, no always reported you some ago. They what's happening, the canadian I gave a standing ovation on friday to a ninety eight year old immigrant from Ukraine who fought in the third right military formation, accused of, was he I would you do better hold, are guilty of work
Now we ve now there the good guys out there in finding the right paperclip. Maybe he was the I mean just let him over. I heard a lotta can it canadians are in canada. They took on a lot of those nazis and paperclip that went over to canada. To as well the elderly, veteran you're, a slob hunker was on during a session and with president water, more green screens. Linsky of ukraine addressed the law makers to thank them for their support, since russia invaded his country saying canada has always been on the bright side of history, oh, I'm your vision of the bright side of that guy's, the speaker
of commons, anthony rota who, as compared to lend ski to Winston Churchill again with this bullshit, now he's not even though Winston churchill's still blown up to. I will also darker skin colors yeah. He reckoned a veteran from the second world war who fought for ukraine, independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today, even ethic age of nine p, captain descried hunger as having fought with the first ukrainians. vision in world war, two before long, amid emigrating to canada. The first ukrainian division is another name for the fourteenth, often in vienna, we do you often in the title of those vision of the as military wing of the nazi party. The unit was also called as as go in China.
Now in cina, ghoulish deletion, a deletion or you know I've got a friend who might as as call me out I'll help. You sound out the words I'm like you will do that, but I'll forget when no. we gotta go, lie formed a nineteen. Forty three s: s pollution. I think college china regulation also dealt with china with you. I get a galley sheena was come who is the recruit from the galicia region in western ukraine unit was armed in train. by the nazis and commanded I german officers and nineteen forty four. The division was this added by ss head, heinrich himmler, who spoke of the soldiers' willingness to slaughter the poor we hold on they slaughtered more polish friggin jews than Amy division ally there weren't they the ones hold on. Am I wrong weren't? They the ones that their massacre was so bad. That himmler really upset about it and that's why they started using that like be because the like, like damage, he was like horrified.
Because I was are, I think I think this that I think it's. I think you are corrected, but I'm not sure why I believe that they even said that this division was going we too far and what they are saying. So I know about this. This here kinda, they know when I can parliament, I mean the fact is that you really the data. True they medium and said you go pick it up that just wait. A second in world war, two years like that, you like is like a little florida waited seven april. We laugh in for months earlier, the escalate geller Sheena subunits perpetrated what is known as the hata pain May I come massacre burning five hundred thousand polish villagers alive, so given this is the one I had just been seen all these on a couple of channels. I bet you are on the side of ukraine in their care, reporting, but they were turned by historical atrocities and I've seen as whole
story before that's really something quite turn around to whitewash to like what it was he once a bright wash the past to that degree that people that right channels that just reporting on this could be it. You forgot all about it, now do like you, your you know in a lot of people. Think that's linsky is on his way out that he's not gonna be able to handle. What's going on he's having too many problems with the all the time and that we will be can't get anything die, knew them, so it doesn't move resident would be a mistake to what people are saying. They gonna bring back porch, anko, Portugal, So we seen wearing ss freaking like patches or nazi batches is on his arm, so it's like, but you know, people are so dumb. To this way, not an item know about these look. the lgbt community, and that is so stuck in so many got people's minds left this minds that they're going along with this shit like I've, hear people talking about put me in the
is evil safety, while I like to get there sitting there in standing up in applauding for actual fought ignites. I remember somebody I like who's, not because I really don't they, you say believe they are aware of that it out nobody all the ukrainians are nazis. No one said that, although all nazis do support you grade nazi, but while their funding as economies with you, if you find the communists, when you would think I would probably sneak into someone else's country that boy yeah cause it's the battled commies vs nazis, I think all is lost to listen. United states has a history of being able to fund the craziest radicals of all radicals right, the mujahid, in afghanistan who did some crazy. This is another example of how, make a rainbow for I've. No without fault for was a good Y know, I'm not the rainbow in ukraine. Yeah fights with as of
I gotta tell you something in their brave funds is not an avenue your jet fan, but I've kind of patent football to decide. As I got deeper into my work, I'm doing this for quite some time This year we had aaron rodgers and with some excite me coming back, and you know how I feel about aaron rodgers and what he are you well. You know I think he stood up and One for the team him and people like what's the basketball player, my if a guy over there, who really took one for the team and the guy he used to play for the cavaliers, know anything about sports. Do you know what I'm talking about? Oh, my god, I kept His name everybody's, like screaming irena budgets, on that that screen. But you know he was one of those people who you they hated him, they said colliding kyrie irving, so these guys You call your myself forward. His flat earth stay inside joke of age, another one curbing joke, of which I know the joke. You talk mccurry urban joe. Image, aaron rodgers, so aaron rodgers come to jets, was awesome, but he's been hurt the whole year. Could he the first series of whatever he turns achilles end? Is Kelly's tenant
So here I am, I'm gonna like peek at the jets game. You know what they were doing. They had freakin ukrainian flags on the after their helmet are all of them and then in the end zone they had ukrainian flags, and then it was one pfizer commercial after the other. I'm like this is disgusting. What am I doing? I'm out there like I'm out again or like nascar's, you know like they had breast cancer on their helmets before, and I you know wherever the thing is. They're gonna put it right on my car's solitary this right over, because this is something you just talked about during the nuremberg trials- the international military tribunal declared the wharf, and as as to be a criminal organisation responsible for mass atrocities, including the persecution and extermination of the Jews, but yet There was a linsky brutality and killings in concentration camps, excesses in the destruction of occupied territories, the administration of the slave labour programme and mistreatment and murder of prisoners after the war? Thousands of s,
as galicia, novel gully scott gala, china veterans, were allowed to settle in the west around two thousand of them in canada. Why? by then the unit was a universally known as the first ukrainian division or go. It is clear whether the linsky knew that hunk of five. that you and I am sure he will? Where would I When I look at the guy is we re is when I get us again, the guy is ill and ski slow low. You create a vending. I we know you blood, the better minos. What are you He doesn't. He knows, I know right. He actually, he in the landscape, is the blaze out. I just as the travelling the speaker, the tribe blame it on the speaker, but you obviously new yeah into debt, in twenty one. The ukrainian president joined the government of Israel in germany in denouncing a march honouring says gala Sheena in believe
where he had often judo does good people on both sides that was drop right and not about nazis drugs. That no nazi should be condemned. So this is what is next for canada. In this debacle, an apology is owed to every holocaust, survivor and veteran of the second world war who fought the nazis and an explanation. Must be provided as how this individual entered the house calls of the canadian parliament and receive recognition from the speaker of the house, an ace a ways not once but twice ice. Well, also how he got the canada in the first place as an international war criminal
it's also known as operation paperclip. They always settled their legal. That's like Canada's operation, that's our operations and it was the west because a lot of them it was like the nazi dress and went to great britain. Some went to France went on, went to england somewhat that, whether that's great Britain's going to be somewhat the united states and what the canada, I hope it's operation, paperclip and not a different. adopt a nazi programme that they had. Can we look at his first really quick, whereas the landscape, Do you know? Oh you you're right. There would be the best if they just put surplus, That's all you're the best there's going to be boiled down to look at them on the brighter side of history. Libya. Look at this was my carbon, trudeau is beyond outrageous that parliament honoured a former member of the nazi unit, saying ukrainian cultural now actual is ideologues who volunteer for the glacier division dream of an ethically homogenous ukrainian.
estate and endorsed the idea of ethnic cleansing. He wears on the dl to weigh in on this somebody get the eighty l on the elsa there's no problem. I generally never expect an english speaking country parliament to give a standing ovation to a one time. Member of the ss nothing rises. Malaysia, nazi jones, deregulate middle of no gaia rightly did it is this? Why did you not go beyond as although he was a metal with a tattoo actively land? We do you not watch all the cut. The videos were somebody's nazi tat to keep slipping out and its regions. This is putin lying and then another video comes with another naughty tat. Do you don't see any that now? at the same over here, we're going to be whaling expeditions. Well, what did he say about him? Well, he manages this assignment a tampa where this guy is getting a lot of play time and we've got gotta call him get him on the show the valley. The billing live long enough to become a hero
I mean like all these. Will it be all these billions? All the people were bad or now good in this is, it was said a long time ago that in the future you're going to see the west supporting nazis during the war, and it's it's the truth, that's what we're doing! That's what we become while we we we so propaganda that the mainstream media along the fucking government go along convince you that the nazis are the good guys now because but Putin it was but trouble. Now, it's by Putin, ridiculous Max moment all here's, what the BBC report again, this parliament, giving a standing ovation ukrainian, who fought for hitler during hold it hold it sets when they got him, got so horrified that days, that's whimsical cycle and beat it. There's gotta be a better way than their causes. With such an atrocity the holocaust. The bullets are, I'm pretty sure, that's what their story is yeah, so so a crime that shot himmler
that guy lives in canada? He was shocked himmler and his g to d c him. His touch his head in cause like like he just What doktor strangelove you hold is blatant, I'm surprised I didn't say: oh, we have to take all this down like the the social media giants like youtube and on them like. Oh, we have to take them down because it's bad and like as a first to try to cover those situation during my making themselves look at during the tea torch times, yet whenever he's point all the statues down. That was one of the statues things pollux been there're, something together I hear somebody who I go there cause he was a nazi and there were people try to make excuses for that. One back then, but Thomas jefferson can't catch a break in an area. Some more pictures, The speaker of canadian parliament is now apologized for inviting ukrainian veterans- trudeau, no such contrition. from the canadian militaries for training the neo nazi as a battalion, because that would short circuit ottawas entire policy,
our new grain, so you gotta go along with it. The fact is- and this is something they brought up. People were pushing back of the factors. Why is the canadian military training as our battalion members same thing, we brought in we outsourced into the black water. Would they we outsource the backward and that's something that poroshenko even bragged about is that there was Nato base in western ukraine dragged about it where they were training, soldiers and training should truth. This is where that, ladies and gentlemen, now applauding nazis. Well, I mean in applauding nazis- wait wait as usual. Nazis actual nicest pictures of applause this is photos from the pages pages of, as I'm really website using this isn't. As of the same, what was talking about this be pointed the picture guide again. Will the thing it's amazing is wise, one guy apologizing every more on in their parliament who all
The same plays fought against. What should we do you all her that also you all about these nazi there's? No way you didn't show you all apply wouldn't guys at fault. We have as you didn't, that don't work criminal. They ve been sheltering for ninety eu law, another way, I'm going to love it when they get rid of a zelensky has been rapport. Shank also going to bring back the other nazi lover to support him saying zones. He loves him. I think he'll just deal with it. You know for now. I don't think he loves them either, but I'm saying poroshenko does body language, but here's the thing all you that's what he's doing he made a deal with the devil made a deal with these as up idiots and they control him a gasoline. He is he completely controlled man there's nothing. He can do the only way out of the only way Zelensky is going to end up allies. It makes a deal with putin and stays in russia like Snowden, where they can be protected because other than that he's gonna hit a dead end and are either eliminate him get rid of him. Please
olaf is a patsy and that's what I m going to do. Next, the role of a lifetime storm Rudy I just think we look so funny to see a dumb face on tv if they just scapegoat all the crimes of america and janet Yellen, then we caught them Some behind it was easier, will surely only person right now, that's older than I do, who stood up this is a jimmy. Craig journalists, it again who's this trap. oh hi jake. In a way which jake tramper right. I'm sure yeah? Ok, we got it. Why. You call your internet jake. see if you were able to catch my recent one on one interview with Cassidy: hutchinson, no afraid magic, I'm not in the habit of watching any see it in that's your loss, but I'll fill you in any way get my explosion,
one interview with former trumps staffer cassidy Hutchinson. This extremely brave young woman came forward with a clear urgent, warning to americans. Donald trump is not fit to be. President of the tribe white house was even more chaotic than we had known, no offense shape, but I'm pretty sure every seen person knew all of this. Yes, but now there is an extremely brave young woman staying in a young woman brave enough to come on my programme and promote her They talk about her experiences in the white house about that. You yourself, road bravely. I see how brave. and she is here to tell us just how dangerous the mark a movement has become. Ok, but obviously she herself was a term supporter at one point. No.
Well. Yes, when she joined the white house, of course, but from her vantage point on the inside, she witnessed the maga movement begin to become something toxic, Really it took her for years to figure that out, like. I said this is an extraordinary young woman. It only took her ear. What do you mean. a casualty agents and joined the white house staff in march of twenty twenty hold on. Let me get this straight. She joined the trump white house after three years of tromp presidency, had gone by. She was a supporter of trump. Even at that point, why am I supposed to buy this broad book again because she's extremely brave and where she eventually renounced or support a bottle trump, the turning point for brave, miss hutchinson or the events of january six, which she describes a narrowing detail in her brief book. I see so
She quit that day or shortly thereafter now not not occur. Wait. What do you mean not exactly? Well, I don't want to spoil the that for you in our view, which is available on three and under com remained a point there And the white house until the end of donald trump turn in there she left it all behind washed, her hands of it, but technically now and actually she was planning to work for donald trump during his post presidency. Even was planning on moving to florida until march meadows, suddenly informed, or that are services when be needed. Since she was fired, that's what Finally, disillusioned her from troublesome, basically ass, they fired just yet another cold and cruel move from the trunk white house, the fire, this brave young woman, after being soil for so long
water even less than is birds in That's. Why he's totally different person. Now she says she doesn't even recognised republican party more taken off the market trot people as a whole, it's the republican party in two thousand and twenty she came in with them. I alright fine she's, a soulless viper is cashing in on her time at the white house only because they ditched her but she's hot, and she says bad things about trump, so she's, basically catnip for cnn. I have no choice. I had to have her on the color brave, at least seven times it's in her contract. I see. Do you guys ever think about just like you know, reporting important things that are happening. Yeah, I mean that's not really what we do. You know it's, not our mandate, plus it sounds kinda hard. I mean. Where would we even start like? What are you going to be report
on a day. You know the fao chee findings nazis in the canadian government lula. Talk about us the line of fire. You know it's not like that. All my fucking rad here we will do that how you call yourselves a news organization. Then, what's in a name, speaking of will we gotta go up a J of the year. Zeb every day you look like if ever helms got lasik. No, I don't think the head shapes exactly the same, but you know what I'll take it may be trying to insult me, but I'm not gonna be Still as those are, I was just looking at the picture the whole time yeah. I think I've got a little more gravitas of my facial features and ed helms. Thank you very much. I'm pretending to be offended here.
He's a good idea, superman apart. It sees the clerk and do superman exactly, before I go and could you did you guys at least once interview, though you don't have to even actually watch it is click on it already her down again on our bosses, we're hoping that may be traffic to the website. My offset revenue wise in me gonna be like a big help. Your sorry jake, but that's a big new. Ok, let's go to avoid this point, nor is by everybody My jake tat, hey become a premium member. Go Jimmy Dore, cavity, dotcom, sign up, it's the most affordable premium programme of the business don't, don't bring all the voices were forbidden. They are by the one and only the inimitable mike MC grey. He can be found it MIKE Mccrae dot, com, for this week, you be the best you can be in I'll keep me in me,
don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't bring down, you do not break out.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.