« The Jimmy Dore Show

Rail Workers Push RADICAL Idea To Save The Railroads

2023-03-10 | 🔗

The East Palestine rail disaster has brought into focus the severity of the dangers posed by the United States’ degrading infrastructure, especially when combined with the monopolistic, neoliberal policies that seek to extract the highest possible profits while pushing overextended workers to their limits and beyond. Railway Workers United General Secretary Ron Kaminkow explains that the time may be ripe for a radical new plan for the nation’s railways. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Kaminkow about just why the rail transit system in America has become such a shambles and devastating to its workforce. Plus a segment on Fox News host Tucker Carlson's evisceration of the lies told by the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol "insurrection." Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We. You want to see my stand up special become a member at jimmy dark, dot com. It's only ten dollars. Aunt come see. Our wives stand up comedy in los angeles palm springs, Milwaukee saint Paul, Honolulu. Northampton Massachusetts syracuse co hosni your card for more hey. This is Gibby who's. This joyous pressure. Fi? Mr president, the EU bilbil jerry joint grey area of great day wave of last night's I of the union address what. Mr President, that was over a month ago, seems, like you, literally wait at my minor projects, crime The great mystery may soon be solved and will end, and what is that,
true pipeline? What a mystery such a mystery, that is, who can have done that The president ro, trying to dubai mercury as it should how porters I vow to spend the rest of my life. Looking for the north to his killers, I see now. You had previously asserted that russia was responsible for blowing up its own pipeline was that, is there any evidence then? Why did you say that it's a bad name spain has bred? Therefore, anything bad happens is because they did. You really expect the american people fall for this. Are you you watch every time, but now this New york times you porches, came out saying that a pro ukraine group was responsible.
For the bombing It would seem to exonerate rush, at least if, if you're putting any in an hour, you I'm not a bit, during my russia assertion. Witness surrogate work to both good. russia, an pro ukrainian forces both did this together now show I gotta get worked hard vase watching ukraine itself nay denied, I very quickly which were smart on our part, but a paw, ukraine, group or individuals they may never be caught or haunted on. are we really supposed to believe a small group of individuals, banister orchestrated deep sea detonation so powerful that it took out a hundred fifty meters of pipeline through a remote debt nation hell, never saw the eighty ones where they basically did exactly. I wrote it up,
showed my shop regime. I know you didn't ok yeah I guess we'll never know for sure who brought that dank pipeline. Just I do When you my death matters yeah. I guess we'll, never know who did it? like we have somebody on tape talking about how they will ensure that the nord stream to pipeline will never be completed. Yeah that'd be a hell of a smoking gun to tell you what ye will. Luckily, we do have that. Oh here, let me guess the game with special gets done, Here's your door! No! Mr president, I say all sorts of shit. You literally said that had a press conference, you said that you would you- would not allow the Nord stream pipeline to happen. Also, according to
journalists, sources have said, that you yourself ordered the destruction of the pipeline, and it was carried out by joint. U s: norwegian forces, jerry, the christian prettier and fine norway on a map, let alone and true Sir military, with a crucial role in emission, is highly important. The benefits of EU foreign policy. New vibration said the boy we shall be ruined shops, jack. What's wrong with substance? shown, show my man like stack job, It's it's the platform, it's the writer added sick and in case. It's a pole,
two prize winning journalist, seymour Hirsch, prank What a joke? Mcgregor the man who first reported on the my light massacre and abu Ghraib as criteria rush point the iraq war- and I wish it were still going on right now, so yeah she's a mug. You're, a good brigand, oh say so. I makes america look bad and that is bad like russia, Why is it so hard for you you're done why my dumb, you read it on such debt. If your fingers aren't a reading, a news article jericho, you didn't write, read at all all fake problem. major species. Jammer I like to new york I'm sure you better, thereby blind story is dignity and grace, because real journalist, roger.
that a row group of unknown pro ukrainians took out a pipeline at the bottom of the ocean. I was sure to bridge jack democracy dies. Darkish fuck employed messages reporting over shop, stacking american no other pipeline that one better furnish one will bear. It makes Extension russia blew up their own pipeline even been deprived of oxygen for dangerously long about time. get your daddy rash, stopped being done and getting even dahmer by reading nod, new york times dot com or whatever it takes to Joe Biden, ordered the pipeline blown up, grab and stick. It back up your ass, where it came from Are you wanted a pipeline blown up we'll what I shut your door,
yeah yeah, the ass, many ass guidance, fomenting johnson media, the chimney to show you. the locomotive engineer who has worked in freight and passenger service since ninety ninety eight. He started with common rail as a break when a ninety, ninety six was promoted to condemn during ninety seven, it became a locomotive engineer the following year. He is right trains and nine states over the rails of all of the car one railroads he served as secretary of the railroad workers united beginning in two thousand made any is now the organizers organizations general sacred, please welcome, run chemicals, then I say your name correctly. This chemical
jimmy, but everybody gets it wrong. Ok, we'll! Let me just so glad you here, because I hears a the story from arab pr. Here's the most thorough exe nation yet of the train them real meant. So what happened was operators of norfolk southern train carrying hazardous chemicals near east palestine. Our this month tried to stop the train. After a wheel bearing overheated to a dangerous degree? by the time, an alarm rang to alert the crew of the danger, the bird as already so compromise and it failed as the train, was still coming to a stop official said, preliminary report released by the ntsb thursday stopped short of declaring a conclusive cause of the derailment, but the report, along with additional details shared by officials together, offered the most detail. Okay to prove so response to this now the real workers want them to do something, so we three
weeks after the lives of east palestine. Ohio residents were abandoned by a fiery, reckon bobbing blah blah blah blah innocent meant railroad workers united, pointed to the anti s bees newly published preliminary report on February third crash and subsequent often vinyl chloride and other carcinogenic chemicals which suggests at an over heated we'll, bearing likely cause derailment enter union alliance of rail workers cited the anti s speech jennifer homely, who said thursday at a press conference that there was a danger. This was a hundred per cent preventable. So that big environmental catastrophe that is poisoning all the people in egypt must Ohio was higher hundred percent preventable. This was not an accident. Every single event that we investigate is preventable. That's what the chair of the anti national transportation safety board said our
w you rachel railroad workers, united, which has previously highlighted how industry led deregulation and wall street back policies such as precision scheduled railroading have made u S, railroad, more dangerous, the class one freight rail. carriers, including norfolk southern, have prioritized profits over safety, cutting maintenance equipment, inspection, in personnel in all crafts, while increasing the average train size three miles or more in the of our w. You chair, co. Chair gave christians in rail workers experience first hand. Every day. The dangers inherent in this style of railroading aid has impacted their safety, health state of mind and lives on and off the job. Limb it's on train links and wait are necessary to prevent catastrophic derailments jason general secretary of our w echoed the message saying. Every day we go to work. We have serious concerns about preventing accidents like the one
it occurred in ohio as locomotor engineers conductors or signal maintenance card blah blah. We experienced the reality that our jobs are becoming increasingly dangerous due to insufficient staffing, inadequate maintenance and allow. Of oversight and inspection, we recognise that limits, train, lengths and weights are necessary to prevent catastrophic derailments one week our w made the case for nationalization, arguing NASH, aligning the railroads, meaning that the would no longer be privately owned, in that the united states can no longer afford private ownership of the railroads. The general welfare demands that they be brought under public ownership specific Equally, the hour, w called on regulators and law makers to do ensure sophist in stopping to do the job properly, efficiently and safely. With awe. all trains operating with a minimum of two person crew. They operate with less than that
anyway. If they could get a half a person to run a train, I guess they would cap cap, they want cap train length and wait at a reasonable level. Timidity the increase likelihood of breakdowns, train separations and derailments, implement adequate proper maintenance and inspections of locomotives and rail guards, tracks and signals wayside detectors and other infrastructure and standardized bull training, time off without harassment or draconian attendance policies, These measures only a proposed rule to require to person crews described by our w as loophole ridden wasn. Klute, in the blue pearl the united states department of transportation unveiled tuesday to hold. Companies accountable and protect the well being of workers and fence line communities, the department of trade invitation also encouraged rail carriers to voluntarily provide sickly norfolk southern.
sing, intense scrutiny in backlash. Amid the ongoing he's balanced, I disaster, greed wednesday to provide up to a week of paid sexually per year, to roughly three thousand track maintenance workers, but because the binding administration and congress recently imposed a contract without paid sick leave. Unreal Workers who are threatening to strike the vast majority still lack the basic lifesaving benefit as do millions of private sector workers and other industries who are also waiting legislation to address the issue the hour w pressure. You sawyer reiterated the call on friday. We demand that the railroad be run safely visually, so let me bring in run run what so it That seems to me to be amazing that the of all that, even when this disaster that happened in east palestine and it seems like on a weekly basis, there's another train de merriment or disaster happening somewhere in the united states, the only thing you
It was them to agree to two people running a three mile, long train to be so now they have less than two people sometimes limited. You could take it anymore why run ok First of all, there is a misunderstanding: the class one railroads have never run trains with less than two o k they have. I too, and they first floated. Idea in two thousand for, but it has to be bargained with the unions, and so We have actually been able to hold them off for almost a generation like I said, in november first in twenty two thousand, for they first proposed this idea, but very few rail operations, excluding captive, railroads mining, railroads and some short lines have actually been able, when the? U s in canada, to run with a single employee. So we really we have held them up, but if they get their way, one of the things that they have been pushing for- and I feel very confident in
They're gonna get it, although the last few months have maybe put things in our favour, they they would love to see all of these mainline freight trains, including the one that derailed at ease palestine, run with a single employee. Are even know those option. I didn't know. Oh my I'd I that there is at least a couple of guys running every trainer, at least one guy in the caboose. They don't even have cabooses any more. Have you noticed they got rid of they have they got abuses, the cabooses right or just imagining that the outcome, This went away back in the nineteen eighties, along with the fork of four or five person crew, so the caboose came off the brakeman and the conductor, ended up on the head answer, had a three person crew and then basic in the early nineties, the last time that we almost had a well begin the national railroad, ST thou
was the end of the the third pan, and we generally now have a conductor, an engineer on through freight over the road freight just to employees in the capital locomotive. So what what what is this? What is the r? U r, w you plan on doing what? What? What? What? What? What? What can you do, too I mean it seems, like you have the doors as if the government has completely abandoned the railroad workers, it seems it would end what can you do now, while I wouldn't say that the government, ever on the side of the railroad workers. In all, we hear a lot of talk all the time like take our country back no business stout visa to go back to the good old days when we play fair and workers had all these rights? it really just doesn't exist. It's part of the mythology or the fantasy. I think of of of many cultures, including ours, and so yeah. The railroad industry has largely been in
deregulated. Both political parties are complicit. Ah, the icing He is gone replaced by the surface transportation board, and federal railroad administration, one could argue, has been captured quorum quote by the rail industry, for example, in the previous administration under donald trump, we had wrong, but tory were wrong. Datura had been a c o of railroads his entire life, so it's an obvious example of the fox guarding the hen house. So this is this is what we are up against a very, very powerful industry that has extreme well too, stow upon different politicians are both political parties and a lot of that is coming out Jimmy and it's pretty exciting to actually see the numbers and see the figures in a bunch of articles that have come out as recently as this is the last few days about the intensity of their lobbying efforts to
the government and not regulate them to get safety. rules and regulations either not adopted or the existing ones modified we're done away with all together. So this is what will were up against. So this is just fraid up corruption. This is what we has system we have in the united states of legal bribery were corporations and type ray. Road tycoons can give money to the people who worked right. The rules and set the laws in congress and then of today dead, that's not democracy! That's that's called the that's called corrupt. And so that's it we're living in right now. That's why something like east palestine can happen, and instead of Joe Biden going to ease palestine, he goes to kiev and gives them ten billion dollars x, the railroads they get extra railroads in ukraine and yet a pension and get their pensions and clean water. So you wanted there's a call to nationalized the railroad. How it is that correct support, supported the rank and file and who came up with the idea.
Well rural workers, united, has debated this question for well over a decade. Public ownership in this country has black. I, even though there is lots and lots of things in this country that actually are publicly owned, like our transportation system, the highway is the waterways the airports supports. All of this is probably held, and if you notice there, A whole lot of movement amongst democrats or republicans to privatized the highways, but the way I'm on the putting it is this imagine if, if schneider, trucking old, highway, eighty and imagine a j behind old highway, seventy and imagine if you p s owned interstate twenty five this is what we have on the railroad union. Pacific owns the infrastructure they own. The main line, so across mill america, through in a brain
sk away, arming and well here, where I live in nevada, it's all union pacific. It used to be western, pacific, southern pacific and so forth, real gran. But it's our union pacific and it's got one competitor and that to be an asset and being a sap, doesn't necessarily said the same customers or come to the same territory, and so, in effect, the railroad system is a monopoly and the agreement was originally the. U s. Government was going to give all of these. millions of acres to the rail industry to develop the country and turn they would be a common carrier and carry freight and passengers of anybody who is interested in shipping. Yours what's happened in recent years and has been escalated by precision. Schedule railroading. There's this thing called the operating ratio and railroads are fixated there's, what's called a fetish of the operating room show and they want an operating ratio down as low as point five, and that means for
every dollar they take in. They want fifty cents profit and if they can't get that forty or forty five or fifty cents profit? They do not want you're, afraid! Thank you, and so I got a statistic here that I think is fascinating. In two thousand and six, the rail industry reached it's peak of carloads ship. Thirty, two point: one million carloads were shipped on the I wrote in two thousand six you'll, never believe it, but that is the most ever shipped cylinder as sixteen years we're moving less fraid. So in twenty twenty two, the rail industry, shipped twenty five point, war million carloads which, by my math, is seventy nine percent of what they ship almost the generation ago so for every five cars that they moved in two thousand six there only moving for carloads. Now they make a mess of it. There not doing a very good
job, they don't have enough rested. Crews to move their trains last year was almost a national meltdown, and so, if you look at this and say what in the hell are we doing as a society as an economy allowing a private industry a cabal of four major rail carriers. Basically, they got the country by the balls. They got the industry of this country up against the wall and the american people are paying the price while record profits. Every quarter are turned in and it's based upon. What do they do with those prophets? Do they double tracked? The railroad do they electrify? Do they extend sightings, increase the ability, the of the trains to get from point a to point b in a hurry. A good customer service, reliability hell, no all they have done, is taken their profits and bought backstop helping their stock up to
records unheard of in the rail industry in one hundred and fifty years. This is the rail industry we have in this country. I would postulate it is a basket case: it's not operating in the interest of the country and therefore it should be operated in the public interest like a wrestler our transportation infrastructure, and so you know the way that you have to get something like Implemented would be, you would have protest and you would have to shut down the railroad those. So the way you get things in a country, the government is run by capitalist. Is you have to stop capitalism in order for them to bend to your will, like the truckers? Did in Canada, in a sense of what do you see a willingness of workers to do something like that? Well, I was wanna, zoom call, including the present none of the electrical workers union call Rosen and want Carl said, is what I believe,
this gonna happen tomorrow or overnight. We don't know but we're building a movement building a movement of working people. Not in rail, but perhaps the energy sector, as well as many other Sectors of the economy that four years have run a mark and run. shot of american people, so we aim to change that consciousness, How many of my brothers and sisters on the railroad right now would agree with nationalization public ownership, I'm not sure but as railroad workers, united propels this campaign forward and more more people learn, for example, about the history of nationalization in this country and if I might just want to read a few statistics in this is out of our resolution. We adopted back in october, so the rail industry was actually once publicly owned just for a few years, jura war, more one
it was so popular that the railroad workers ranks at that time voted in a national plebiscite. We had a lot more errors at that time. somebody nineteen eighteen, the combined. In total of railway workers from all the crass in all the union's voted three hundred and six thousand seven hundred and twenty in favour of nationals. nation, the railroad and would just fourteen hundred and sixty six wanting them to go back to public ownership. This is at the end of war, one the apples convention at that time, a night twenty voted, twenty nine thousand and something tat eight thousand in favour. Once again, keeping the railroads under public ownership and services. Thing called the plum plan and plum was representative, he was a lawyer and his There was instead of having these private wall street and today's hedge funds
example owning and running the railroad in the interests of private capital. Let's have them run with a tripartite board of directors which had a third of the board appointed by the feds to be in the interest in it can people a third were railroad managers and, interestingly, a third were actually representatives of workers themselves through the trade unions and So this would be really as american as apple pie. It's self ownership itself, initial, it's workers taking control and a personal interest in their own industry. So I highly recommend people study up on the old, plum plan. It's a faded piece of history from one hundred years ago, but it provides us had believe with a model that we could work from.
today I have to write a much more efficient and safe modernized railroad system that actually functions, not in the interest of wall street hedge funds, but in the interests of workers tracks. I communities like he's palestine, of course I shippers, passengers and the environment, and so What plug in the near future? What what is our w, the railroad workers? United? What do you plan on doing politically have any d d it I knew there was talk about a new party, third party what what would he could because of that new bogey, if use a big supported the Democrats and then the Democrats watch your union when using fascist attack tactics, they got in bed with the two. Guns of the railroad and they crushed the workers, and so you can no Democrat again- and you know you can't go republicans, so what he would you? What do you do your job as it? Let me up. Let me just before I can throw
he shall must want to know if you are familiar with her she's the seattle. So if you are, she's the seattle, a soon city, council and she's gonna start trying to a nation wide workers, movement I'll go at what do you do politically yeah yeah, I'm in touch with her and it's the workers strike back and we hope to you know, cooperate in coalition with them to bring all these issues forward and it's the age old question jimmy I mean we have been screwed by twiddling d and twiddling dumb democrats and republicans for well over a hundred years and like pointed out on the show when I was there in the back, and I think it was october or november democratic, republican administration alike, have broken. Our strikes have ordered his back to work and have play the game of yeah
we're going to regulate reign in the rail industry, but in fact the rail industry actually emerges victorious in so many cases. The great social, less than the great labour later eugene be debs once said, rather live in a society where the government owns the railroads than a society where our roads only government We have seen this time and time and time again so I was labour party founding convention in cleveland in eighteen, ninety five. Ninety six, I forget- which here there was ninety six- and one of the union's that was actually party to the founding of the labour party in it was somewhat stillborn, doesn't really function to the best of my knowledge. These days, but it was a great idea. The idea was that unions and work and people would front our own political party and the slogan was the bosses have two parties? We need one two and so the track
pursuing in the Bmw e at the time was one, of four or five unions, including mine workers, who have had their strikes broken by the great democratic Jimmy carter for exam the united electrical workers union, which has always been a very, very outspoken, progressive, left wing union and I think the california nurses, but enter lastingly. We actually did have a real union participate at that time. founding of a third party, whether rail labour will actually take part in the sound, are they new party remains to be seen now forever workers united part for whatever it's worth our low organization did talk with people from the peoples party a few years ago, and while we are not a member of the people's party or nor do we support or endorse any political party. At this point in our history, we
did promulgated resolution that says railroad workers need to investigate the options that are before us to start a new political party, and we support the movement for a people's party to investigate what those prospects are and we would. We would support the movement of just about any third party movement that is based in working people, railroad workers in particular, because our faith in the two party system, after decades and decades of being screwed by it, is close to yeah well! Well, I I wish. I wish you well on this side near the bet. Railroad is the is the glue that that whole, capitalism together in this country and, of course, capitalism itself, and, of course, theirs and turned into a monopoly and, of course, are not taking care of the infrastructure so again
people don't realize how to interrupt our government. Is it's a hundred per cent europe, which is why this railroad says who can be like this, we don't have we don't have bullet drains like the rest of the world, the advance where we have anything like that and What we do is we have a crumbling infrastructure and were there put in one in two people: unreal, three mile long railroad cars and the democrats are just as bad as the republicans. They all work for the same people run camp because I really hope you could get something done with the railway workers. United. I hope you can start a workers, party, opaque and join with show, MR want. I hope that We really need a workers to join together and shuts things down, in america to get things done, and that's the only thing that they care about and we all know that- and you know that their railroad strike was gonna work and that's why they to come in and crush it. That's why Joe Biden, the democrats at the crusher would strike before it happened.
As it was going to work, and so with that knowledge Doesn't it make you all want to do it anyway? Well, I got, can speak for everybody, of course jimmy, but there was a huge, huge pent up anger and frustration that has been building for at least two decades now, draconian attendance policies, massive furloughs layoffs, job consolidations and the all of us going to work, knowing we don't have the proper tools to do the job, lack of maintenance, lack of inspection signal maintains and car inspectors that are just furious and there demoralize with the inability to do the job, as they were and to do it and as they understand the law says they are to do it to say nothing of government are our carrier, carrier policy and procedure, but there's all this pressure from the top to once. Again,
He called to the operating ratio to cut corners, don't inspect dont maintained. We don't have enough staff to do the job properly get the train out, get it over the road and so obviously, by the strike roads that were taken back in the far off and just the outrage. you know that so many railway workers wanted to finally collectively exercise their muscle and their strength and their solidarity and make an expression to the carriers. to the government. Unfortunately, we didn't even get a day on the picket line, but maybe not time we will. But this is something I think that most railroad workers are itching for a fight, because we know we can win and we know that we deserve better and so
yeah. We're not we're not counted out yet will see. What happens is, of course, in the next round of bargaining. Will I hope you do strike. I hope you strike any way and because they would set a tone for the entire country, if not the entire. western world. You would win the strike, you would get whatever you wanted and I just wish you would do it I wish you would think this would be on the agenda number one for the w you is to strike anyway and just to get em just basic safety measures. in kara by I wish you would do it again, The government would you would break them, you would win, there's no doubt about it. You would win and so I would encourage some one to be more militant. The railroad you union, and I would hope you do it right now. I appreciate you come on. I'm sorry. We don't have more time today, We gotta run to get to our next guest a new welcome back any time, our eye Jimmy I'll. Take you up on that. We go out the door. About yes, we do ok thanks again, thank you,
you know here's another great, where you can help support the show. Is you become a premium? We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previous programme and the this and its a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks everybody who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, max Blumenthal from the grey zone with this. I backs away a jimmy I doing so. I saw the Tucker karlsson said when he did on monday, and I I want to just go over with you. You were there right. You were there ungenerous six max. I was I was there, rescue and on alternative sherman, so there's theirs alone.
Video that had been released, that release to Tucker karlsson is the number one new show in america. So why? Wouldn't you this mccarthy, the speaker, the applicant speaker now has gotten? Can all of that stuff instead of their the Democrats, publicans establishment now there gave over? Having can access to those tapes of what happened on january six? Now they gave him the tucker karlsson Here he makes his case that the general, six committee- is a bunch of liars who concocted a narrative if there's one take away from the corpse offers that we ve been through its looking at its at the january system. Any light its members are liars and is the result of those lies course. Civil liberties in this country were road, people went to prison there in prison as of right now, unjustly so synthesizer consequences. So that's a big stick. but that's the number one news man in America or he used here most of the number one new show in america and
an article that said more Democrats watch tucker crossing the demo than watch rachel matter, so so very popular news show with right with the americans you said everybody on the january sits. One thing we know for sure is that there are liars as the number one issue, turning the narrative comply only one. Eighty, and so Here he is, he makes his case is bay. Is general point? Is that been lied to an only shown a sliver and hears his case. These are the pictures you ve seen of january six, their familiar because they ve been playing on a loop on every media outlet in america for the last two years. There is a reason but it turns out. There is quite a bit of video. You haven't seen that video tells a very different story about what happened on January. Sixth, more than forty thousand hours or surveillance footage from in and around the capital have been withheld from the public,
and once you see the video you'll understand why, taken as a whole The video record does not support the claim. The january six was an insurrection. In fact it demolishes that claim, and that's exactly why the Democratic party and its allies in the media prevented you from seeing it. By controlling the images you were allowed to view from January six. They controlled how the public understood that day, they could lie about what happened, and you would never know the difference. Those lies had a purpose. They created a pretext for a federal. Crackdown on opponents of the unit party in washington or office wants that there were shock and all that we could charge these many people's possible. The first thing you notice- and I just This is probably get a sea outrageous to some people, but if Bernie There's became president. This is the exact kind of shit they what it did to him. They would russia gated him for forestry eight years and then they would have made his, but its followers look like violent insurrectionists and they
to be shown from polite society because, there, the only people standing up against the euro party. That's what would happen when a Bernie sanders, as they said, his followers hate women. They said his followers have whether they said he had women. They said he was a russian. He was getting put propped up by the russians, got max you wanna say something for him. the chair throwing incident nevada they, but they made date. They made them out to be violent at a bull shit. Cod this innovation they paid. They said that there were throwing chairs and their work and then senators from a democratic party were flipping them off and they said they were doing that because they are being violent, which was all made up. They just made it up just like this january stuff is largely made up. not all of it. There were some vile, what's happening there, but watch what tucker accessing reviewing the full
your record of january sixth is just how many people entered the capital building that day, hundreds and hundreds of people, possibly thousands over the course of about two hours. The crowd was enormous, while a small percentage of them were hooligans, they committed vandals We have seen their pictures again and again, but the overwhelming majority weren't they were peaceful. They were orderly and meek, These were not insurrectionists, they were sightseers. From inside the capital overturns the store you ve heard about january sixth. Protesters queue up neat little wines they give each other tours out. the speakers office. They take cheerful fees and they smile they're, not destroying the capital. They are sleep revere the capital there there, because they believe, the election was stolen from them. They believe in the system
so now you're not allowed to believe that and we're not allowed to say that on youtube, we're not saying that that the twenty twenty election was in any way anything but above board and perfect, but at two thousand Sixteen election, you could say, was stolen and any time any with various thing. You want to say about it: it's ok, because Donald trump, one, sir, you can say that, all day, long and facts they ve been saying they still saying that it was a coup by them. Russian government? That's what they say about twenty said. I say that george w bush stolen from gore and now that we, like George w boy, I am not sure if you could say that either not but anyway just just so. You know those people it They were bad because they thought that the election was, and from them, no one. The democrats for the first four years, pre previous to them, thought the day what she was told them they were good, that's good! These people are being had for thinking the same thing. Ok here we go. Here's the man knew for referred to as the queue and on sherman outside the Senate chamber. These rioters, these are
People who wandered over from a political rally. We will not let them Let's hear voices after, rally, they walked down pennsylvania avenue, where organizers had secured a federal permit to hold a legal rally on the grounds of the capital. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capital building to peacefully and patriotically your voices. Once the capital building, things begin to get chaotic capitol capital police officers fired, tear gas into the crowd a few at the front of the herd. Broke windows, someone opened the doors and many hundreds of others just walked in. Of course, they did make it the story and at the center at the single most famous person arrested. That day was A veteran from Arizona called Jacob chancellor often referred to as the coup and on chairman The so called q non, sharm and cure non charm, and someone named q sherman jacob chancellor merkel. In the face of january sixth, a dangerous
spirits, she theorist dressed in outlandish costume, who led the van when insurrection to overthrow american democracy for these crimes. Chancellor was sent to nearly four years in prison farm more time than many violent criminals. Now receive what did J the chancellery due to receive this punishment. To this day there is dispute over how chancellor got into the capital building, but, according to our review of the internal surveillance video, it is very clear what happened once you inside virtually every moment of his time inside the capital was caught on tape. The tape show the cap police never stopped Jacob. Chancellor, they helped him. They acted. As his tour guides, here's You have, chancellor, in the senate, chamber, capital, police officer, take him to multiple entrances and even try to open locked door for him, we counted it. Least, nine officers were within touching distance of unarmed Jacob. Chancellor, not one of them. Even try
slow him down. Chancing understood the cap The police were his allies, video shows him giving thanks for them in a prayer on the floor of the senate? The contrast reality of what jacob chancellor did in the capital building on January. Sixth, the indisputable facts right, what did on video, some of which has never before been seen with a depiction of Jacob. And say that you ve seen in the media for more than two years he's a terrorist and said he should be killed, shoot him shoot him right. You were thinking, I d say if he was dressed like bin laden with the shot, shoot, em shoot him She wonder who are the vital streamers here, not jacob, chancellor and video, proves that, but she would never have known from
media coverage. The people sitting in the chairs need to be setting a jail cell chancellor is in jail cell he's been there for months if he was in fact committing such a grave crime? Why didn't the off search who were standing right next to him place him under arrest. until now, no one could even prove that even happened, but it did so let me bring in max so story. What seemed very concocted? I've heard other things about that, guy that he was some kind of a religious peacenik and buy again Let's remember nobody had a gun he's. Thank the car right in there for the letting them in which we saw, we ve seen videos of cops, pulling back the gates, letting them in, and I'm going to show you more video coming up of cop talking about her, they were abandoned by their
superiors, and they didn't give them any backup, and it all seems be intentional answer as if they wanted this to happen. So obviously they wanted this, they happen. This is MIKE speaking and I'm going to show you video, were the fbi. Why tell you how many fbi undercover people they had an that crowd so this was instigated by them and that, but these videos are revealing that the story that they chose to tell the january six committee is a lie. Now let me george overdue max. What do you have to say about this well Jacob chance. Lee says that he is a practitioner of himself, which is an ancient indian prime. of non violence tat. He is religiously opposed to harming another person physically and its unclear there for what he did to get more than three years in prison that being the one of the most visible, visibly recognisable people to protect to paid in them? What what? What
as the capital riot Jed the january six protest. I saw him there. As you said, I was a witness to the events. I just went down as rapporteur and I do so walking around like he was burning man. He was just being mary and taking photos with everyone. I didn't see him commit any act of violence or vandalism and, as you can see, he was ushered around the building by capital police. He said been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in prison? This didn't factor into extreme sentence he got and I really recommend that everyone red chris hedges peace, which is up its sheer post cod, lynching pluralism and it's about how The nine eleven model that was applied to muslims and muslim americans, including many muslim american civil society leaders who were arrested and raided after nine eleven under orders from John Ashcroft, is now in many ways being applied to these kind of right wing american
americans affiliated with the protein in January six movement and the treaty, of them in d c jail and in prison- is is it is horrendous, something we're talking about solitary confinement, many them during the hope it locked down were kept in their cells for twenty three hours a day. One had his face lit really broken in a beating by a prison guard and this and seeing is that a lot of it is based on the propaganda we ve seen from the january six committee, where they poison all the jury pools in DC demean, if you, if you know how to dc jury, pools work it it's like Liberals and people who work force- the cia or cia contractors are disproportionately represented there and they think of these people as terrorist because of the poorest option. So I think it is important to present a more full perspective on what happened, because what I saw take place there was
more complex than the version that the january six committee, which didn't even have a real republican counterpoint or counterpoint at all critic, Counterpoint has presented While they did have less cheney exactly who just got a job at university of virginia through like larry sabotage is a democratic pundit hack, so took her. Is gonna talk, about this. How this reveals the unit party this january? Six commission? This, January six narrative that has been cooked up by the establishment and just like we had that that I'm blake and the guy's name? Who was the economic professor who had the scottish accident. We brought on ngos, blithe mark blithe, thank you and he coined the term global trump ism right. I think that was the term any said ghetto. from prison, a local event in that brazil What was the same thing? It
presented the same thing as trumps election here in the united states was regular people using the ballot box to express their disdain for the establishment. It wasn't that they necessarily unwanted briggs. It wasn't. Even so that they wanted trouble, but they want to stick their thumb in the eye of the establishment in some way and they did, and so this january sixth psyop, that was thirdly manufactured, and I'm gonna get you up by the intelligence community like they do all this stuff was there to make sure to make magua and trump and his followers on acceptable. Polite society like they were, going to be and then again they would. It did this to Bernie sanders and his followers. They they started to do it, but Bernie sanders never grab power because he was afraid. Just this thing and so now here, tuckers gonna make his case of how they lied, even even more so
boy. That was amazing. What that, guy to that guy sittin in prison for at least three years I wrote it was for I didn't know what he had. He nato our than what did he do? Did they, and so, if the cops are opening the door tucker, the point he goes hey have if the cop opens the door to a list, store and then you go in and you steal the catch and then they, let you back out, isn't the cop complicit in that crime? How are those cops? Luck, implicit in this crime with those with it, whatever what crime did he commit? I dont know how big he had a horrible lawyer. Maybe he made bad decisions because he's bipolar and that's when he got such a bad broke, he plead guilty to suddenly probably should know but max. What do you say well there's one guy who was so two over seven years, and he didn't even enter the capital building. guy wesley ref it and the charges face, was obstruction of justice because he allegedly threatened his tea. Age, sons against reporting him to law enforcement, as he was afraid of going to jail so Thousand people have been arrested and taken in
in this case, and many of them did not enter the building. So now talk is good Let you know this. This is his is his big idea here. He's gonna lay down his case of how they light years, away from the corpse of offers that we ve been through its looking at the january system, any light its members are liars and, as a result of which lies core civil liberties in this country were eroded. People went to prison they're in prison as of right now unjustly so those lies have consequences. Do you have to? whatever happens, and I was doing research committee he's liars will hurt people, and the country was a ship running for senate, Adam kinsey got a job at cnn. Liz Cheney somehow wound up a professor at the university of virginia the august university virginia. they're, all still there many times and who was in his way. but their lawyers and, above all, this video proves. It is another song
One of the enduring mysteries of january sixth is the role that intelligence and law enforcement agencies played in the events of that day. We know there was some number of undercover federal agents in the crowd at the capitol officials have since admitted that under oath, but what exactly were they joined january sixth committee worked hard to hide the answer to that question. We do know from contemporary news videos that a mysterious figure called re apps encouraged the practical to the capitol. For some reason, eps has never been indicted for that. No question He didn't under public pressure that so now that guy was a fed, so that guy's what they call an undercover fed and he was there to instigate that a riot and he did and they they call. We showed you this guy. Many times now the head, of the fbi- was asked about this guy and they so we can answer any questions. They said that two senators, so I did, but to let you know, bout that guy ok reception,
We finally interviewed breakups epps, told the committee that he never entered the capital and therefore never committed a crime. His text messages showed that at two twelve pm he boasted to his nephew that he had orchestrated the protests at the capitol humidity helps get people there. Yet, curiously, congressional democrats consider re apps an ally, not an insurrectionist tonight at the very least ray of light and sworn testimony to the genuine systematic gets testified that when he sent the text messages to have you here He left the capital grounds returns with our allies. On troop the surveillance bodies. We fact shows that in fact, we have remained at the capital for at least another half an hour you're, seeing that on your three now. What was that's doing that we can't say, but we do know that he lied to investigate the general can we likely knew this true Democrats it as to the same take get they defended Riyos no, honest investigation. Would you that what the point of view six committee was never to investigate anything. The point was the stage of me. the tv show trial now I've. Making this point here at that show that this is a show trial and I was saying the same thing on stage and
That's exactly what this is. This is the concocted show trial, and here we go opening moments that The hearings was almost comically overheated and polemical. There isn't it actually in american history? The Democrats didn't like into the protests of january sixty m from a part of the country where people justify the actions of slavery, the clue, clubs, clan and How staged in fraudulent as the work of the generous six committee was democrats hired good morning. America producer call genes golden dramatize the footage they released. Even they hired a television producer to make the video more dramatic. They're putting on their putting out a show audio. Take pictures were sensational as an a on the networks. We all live as if it were real. The Donald trump was far from the only target. The enemy is within the house of representatives. Within hours of january, six democrats alleged a conspiracy. They claimed their republican colleagues, it helped to plan the breach of the capitol building. There was never any evidence. This was true, none at all
it was widely repeated. Our colleagues are continuing to engage with white nationalist extremist groups, the most violent attack on a couples as a worthy change. Well, at one point, the generous six committee publicly accused republican congressmen very watermark of georgia, of leading reconnaissance mission through the capital building before they were looking for some members of congress that was involved in all. This is surveillance tape that we reviewed shows. This story is a lie and the Democrats on occasion, you, it was a lie when they called it. reconnaissance mission. Democrats alleged, was nothing more. In congressman watermill, giving a guided tour to his constituents from georgia, none of whom are quote insurrectionist water milk didn't even take the group inside the capitol building. They walk through a congressional office building down the street so we cleared. The committee knew this before they actually major accusations against me. I wanted to create this story that, with you no fit where they wanted the evidence to be despite the video evidence they possess, proving it wasn't true. The committee, including the lie in its final report protesters, it says dramatically quote, took a tour of the capital, would represent a very laudable
during which he took pictures. Of always staircases free will be the final report. It was a manifesto against donald trump at all. It was when he wasn't it using a publican office holders of planting rights on january six use accusing them of run away from those rights like cowards. In the case of central Josh holly, The committee in their allies accused him of both. Josh folly is to prove that Josh wholly was a coward. It can be released, With him, looking out of the building on the afternoon of january, set with police escort, the tape became a staple, on social media democrats laughed with derision. Later that day, senator holly fled after those protesters he helped awry lot stormed the capital. if they, but in they didn't show the whole video what we heard. Are, they didn't show this what if we reviewed shows that famous lip was a sham edited deceptively by the generally six committee, the click of propaganda, not evidence. The actual videotapes
that holly was one of many lawmakers being ushered out of the building by capitol hill police officers and, in fact, hollywood at the back of the pack. A coward tape was ally, one of many from the january six committee, one of many. What if many is for certain times, messi serves in the uk. so that's a big, that's a bigger deal that I think people are realising because they ve tried to marginalized tucker karlsson, so much yet he still the number one new show in america, for him to be doing. This is gonna, be making the people in power and therein- and the big question is All Tucker carlson do is look at the videotaping. He could see immediately. His staff could see immediately. They were lying, they concocted a narrative and they ll all these different ways and there's more ways to show you weigh more ways. They d, like that, a cop got killed, didn't get killed. They lied and said he did. we're going to show you that, but the question is to me backs why,
are they lying and of course the obvious answer would be because their concocting story- and this was a chance to get rid of donald trump and his followers forever and that What this wasn't they wanted to concoct this, and this is something good. Let me just wrote you there, It's a lot like russia gate, except there is a certain reality. There there was a riot. I call the low although I q riot that lasted for several hours and then the crowd was pretty much despair once the police arrived on jack very sick. So that was real. Russia gate was thick. But Russia gate had had to do a prong purpose that converged inside the beltway unit parties, the purpose was one apart: in purpose, to hear you know Clinton I dead Anders wanted to
de legitimize trumps presidency, and then you had the convergence or the confluence with the national security anti russia fanatics, the spooks, like John Brennan. So here you have the same thing: the f b I wants to expand its. hours massively in the cap, police want to justify their bureaucratic priorities? I ve been able to expand the two field. Offices thousands of miles away from DC. Since january. Six, their budget is balloon and Then you have another degenerous committee that was a partisan show to try to destroy, what's left of doubt ben possibly you know they had their criminal referral. They want to prosecute him, so he can never run for president again, that's. Why Doing this that now nor do I is why why what a wise tucker doing this will maybe there a partisan motivation, thereby, obviously it's fox news- tucker, in other leading voice of mega, but dad There are also civil liberties issues in play. That run counter to those of the fbi. So if you look at the way I did
watching I watched the to night so far of talkers coverage and I've been watching msnbc coverage and some cnn it's all uniform. They start out every hour by denouncing tucker for naming the january six was mostly peaceful event kind of like woodstock type festival, and they completely they did. They render his critique into a cartoon. What it's not an interview actually watch it took her is showing riot footage he's acknowledging that there was violence there. But what he's do in his poking holes in the january. Sixteen instigation. With all this footage, and one of the most interesting interviews he conducted was representative thomas massey, the lib terry and from Kentucky who said as member of congress. My security is not. threatened by releasing all of this footage. After you know the proper vetting and the public see it all to make up their minds? And that would add what would be wrong with that? If it is,
Such a heinous events, do thing in many ways it was disgraceful. What took place an end stupid, and it was also a security state trap see it all and let's find out. Potentially HU, the federal infiltrators actually were, I think, there's a cover up taking place there. That's why there is so little interest in re apps. Are we I have to ask why the riots was the only person who took it. Someone actually took a bull horn and stood up in front of their followers and said this breakthrough, barricades and disregard the police. That was the grippers leader, the nazi cat boy nick went is that new? Actually here whose advising kind asia yeas run he then he went and had lunch in the japanese steakhouses on your part reported at the grey zone. I think she's, the only reporter who noticed this mix, There was never arrested, dislike re array I was gonna left alone when these were key instigators.
it's really unusual that sooner like why don't why? Don't we constantly see that video videos out there anymore. I just do a little show that yet again lange, so you know that story that Chris had Chris hedges told on mice show, and I think figure was in Henry Kissinger's book or something about one, the though anti protesters were outside the white house and they had been dead, lined up school buses inside the fence, and Henry Kissinger looks out the window, any says the henry kissinger? What are those buses Therefore, he said all because that their there in case they break through the fence. You know, and he was gone before him, and he said something like what I'm afraid. You'll come for me and if they get through, the they'll come for me and chris hedges, that's exactly where we want them. So what do you want how does that? How do you reconcile what that story and chris
had you saying that with what you just said about january six, the protesters while the current incarnate of the. U s laughed would never do nothing to make people in power feel threatened. Although. We are seeing in atlanta some interesting events that I think tie in the january six. Ok, you had all of these january six defendants accused of seditious conspiracy, in other words, conspiracy, to overthrow the government, including proud boys and Stuart roads from the old keepers there, the new york times itself acknowledged, that there is no evidence and fifty thousand text messages and emails. involving the old keepers to build a case that they are actually trying to overthrow the? U S, government and violently installed donald trump, but all these sedition charges appear to be sticking government is inventing and expanding these world war. One era laws to apply to
common rioters, and we're seeing the same thing in atlanta with protesters against cop city, this gigantic police complex. That's too, king out an old growth forest? Ah, you know: what's known as Antigua has been proven testing it along with lots of active. Is there and a lot of those protesters, several them are being accused of terrorists. They are facing literal terrorism charges for there are also the way that the federal government from merit garland, but particularly merit garland, but from their garland down to in a federal prosecutors, is behaving is outlandish in a way that their applying these charges, and so it can apply to apply to the left in its happening before as the
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.