« The Jimmy Dore Show

MSNBC Freaks Out About Elon Musk Buying Twitter

2022-04-29 | 🔗

On a recent episode of her MSNBC show "The ReidOut" Joy-Ann Reid and guest Anand Giridiharadis expressed dismay at the prospect of an Elon Musk-owned Twitter and the thought that unsavories might be welcomed back on the platform just to make trouble for the "regular" people who typically interact there. Jimmy and guest Max Blumenthal discuss the freakout over Musk underway at a number of MSNBC shows. Plus a segment on candidate Nina Turner's excessive response to a critical tweet from Jimmy.  Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Sabby Sabs and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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hey. This is Jimmy who's. This. Germany, is set at a shock shimmer of new york job. He does. You were just talking about money What did I do? Will you and senator worn, are pushing for student debt? Forgiveness went pigs, fly you know in great anyway. That's not why I'm calling the? Why are you calling I calling to voice my support for my friend and colleague? senator Diane Feinstein dies, you think she's of sound mind saying I am voicing my support. What I'm saying yeah senator cupboard it's always fine mines die
it's right there in the name, so you're not making a very convincing case in several unnamed congressional sorts to say that she is unable to fulfil her duties, any more poppycock who said that I don't know, but several reliable sources. I hear show your saying you forgot to the best of us. Maybe your worries senile jimmy, don't know I didn't forget senator. I didn't know it in the first place. So you, for forgot. Your case is even worse than I thought. Geez cupboard, senator gimme breaker she's eighty eight years old. I know the oldest sitting, senator, isn't that amazing. We should be celebrating bad, not denigrating her with some agent rumors. A queen, but true queen with immense political power.
Not denigrating her. It's very plausible that someone in their late eighties, as a sled, slipping mental function. Look like her office such if she had missed a few steps lately. It's because she was We recently leave without what we're sorry about her husband's passing, but I'm not sure I've ever heard a group of greece being mistaken for dementia jimmy. What please stop stop what. Can you just let it go? This is hard enough already. Also so admitting her decline, Jimmy she's out of her father gore tag go? Are we supposed to do you supposed to get her to resign? Chuck? like bad and medical care for serious action on climate change were democrats, not the fucking adventure hm
Resign never she's until twenty twenty five baby at this point, that seems even cruel to her? Well we're just gonna hafta proper up like weaken it Bernie's or some shit. because we can't lose any democratic senators name gonna happen no way, not on my watch, my ridiculous, very ridiculous. We expensive watch at the expense of this woman's welfare at the expense of any goddamn thing. Look at the way the winds are blowing jimmy american democracy is essentially over near. We are moving towards a chair and talk, receive a jeered. Tonker see its inevitable, a system of government dominated by people in the eightys and ninetys who have bad absolutely no fucking idea. What's come on, it's never been
right before. Actually, I'm pretty excited to see what happened. You know what I can dead back, the ancient greek city for data pie was experimented with a chair and talk racine about five feet. A b c, and they were immediately wiped off the map. Why guys from sparta right now, there was a long time. This sounds like a horrible idea, jug today? I don't know I'm not much of an idea guy. This is where this is. Where going on, I have to what I have to be shared. politicians. How is this big, savvy Jimmy son day. I will be a doddering ninety five year old, senile fool and I fully expect to be represent. How do we go why? Why would you we wouldn't want that job? Because I deserve a seat if america,
to be governed by drawing vegetables. I expect to be one of the top turnips I've armies Jimmy, and I will not get to that point if I have a history of I ain't doing. Squat paleolithic, narcissist political. I would be a pariah and I want to be a papaya sees. This is depressing actually, but don't worry jimmy. I see a bright future for our country, a benevolent dictatorship of extremely wealthy, we saw the ball of artificially animated human husks. Just might get as medical for all. If the human life and reaches out in forty years. Maybe they'll promised us out no promises, a goat, Jimmy gotta go, have lunch in a gap which area lifestyle of the powerful they travel
pumpkin by here, I can't ride as guidance fomenting street and johnson media somewhere down the chimney to show okay, so guess what their due to their still freaking out about. So the establishment has lost country Well, their system is making everyone miserable and poor and working their heads off and people are kind of fed up with the system. So all they have left is all they have left is censorship right, so they have to have narrative control to make. You think everything
ok and they. What are they? Do? They always bring this guy out the gray haired fonzie wannabe, whose here to give you corporate talking points and make it seem like he's a asked outside because he's wearing a leather jacket and he's got crazy here and he does it disguise It's worked for the establishment, his entire life. He worked for the new york times. He worked for vice. He worked for out of what he worked for. Msnbc he's worked for hl he's worked for all the bad people. he's taken them money of the of the corporations, the war mongers and the crushers of the workers, so that to date whose funded him his entire life and watch what he s watch what he has to say about elon musk, the three that elon musk might provide freedom of speech. This drives them crazy,
and so now they send this guy out to totally gaslight you. But man is he shitty at? It is the last time they sent him out to gaslight you. He had to tell you that, what's wrong with corporate press, isn't that it's all owned by the same people and funded by the people, their supposed the investigating in exposing that's, not what's wrong with it news media america today he said what with the news meet America today is each individual. Journalists has habits of mind, I'm not giving that that day, manufacture, consent because their paid by the people and that other they're chosen and the people like me we would never end up an the editor anyway. So his new thing is freedom of speech is bad, but what kind of speech. Do we need you ready here we go on my friend. What does it mean for elon musk, privately owned the towns. Where read the name. The technology is now such that, if you are now, you must or mark Zuckerberg or others. It is not
owning a newspaper or owning the rail and owning the railroads analysing this in that it is specifically this pit. killer kind of straw? into the live consciousness of a very large chunk of you married all times their studies that have been shown to this our can be used to tilt elections. If someone went to want to use it that way, and so what you're so wait a minute a non euro, let me get this straight pigs for bring it down. What you're saying is everyone can talk to everyone? Anybody could just talk to everyone using social media and it could affect elections like how a straw works. That's what you're saying I was drawing Ok. Believe me, Ananas, looked at the studies and he's what he's seen would make your hair turned white and stand on end We go in right now, when I called it. Winners take offer reason this is the winners take all playbook. First, you shall make money, that's it. The foundation of overriding goal. But if you just do that,
you you're going regulatory pressure, you gonna have people mad at you. After a certain points, you have all kinds of problems and so what you Will you take the spoils of that money making and you by political influence in Washington? You funds super backs. You fun things like the federalist society, different approaches that you know well he's talking about what the people who worked for his entire life. This is what they do he's talking about. The people he's work for his entire life. This is what they do. They the money they make it with their core operation or their media company. Then they use it. influence? Politicians, the people These work far as entire life of done that oh get these trying to pretend but this is gonna, be a new thing that elon musk is gonna. Do ok and then you start in instinct in rigging. The discourse is not enough: just rig law on policy you wanna to What do you want to make sure you control the terms on which people can talk back at you, but I'm curious?
The safeguards are twitter, rapids acquisition, two people get to read the ends of the leading dissidents and journalists and regulators in the world. I have the end over the years with people who work in governments whose you know who have critical positions rooted all kinds of authority trying curious one of the safeguards preventing the world's richest man. I'm sure there are what what are the safeguards right now elon? What when aren't? There aren't any right now. Social media is being censored by a opaque cabal. silicon valley technocrats. Who are beholden to the democratic party and everybody else that what what are the safe no he's not telling you hey by the way there already right now, but he wants to institute safeguards on your speech hey, hey, I'm not! Let me ask you what what are the safeguards in the library? What are the safeguards
Now the safeguards in the library about it, a bookstore? What does it safeguards at a bookstore hey. You know what is this? What are the safeguards in central park? What are the safeguards there. Are we don't have any safe safeguards? We have the law and the first amendment and if you break the law, there is a problem, but you want it. You not talking about break he's. Talking about just unelected technocrats, putting restrictions and censuring things. The establishment doesn't like that's what he means by safeguards. Isn't there It means max it has to be safe for people with political views. Like him I mean that's what they mean, Yes, and any new EU turnabout rigging elections using twitter? or other social media platforms, to rig elections. The executives could make a decision which would affect american politics.
They banned the former president, who is be presidential front runner in twenty twenty four. They banned him, so they you think they're all ranging politics, then then, What were the reporting in the washington post was like in the twitter's board room. They cried after years of relief. After banning donald trump, like that's, not people who are wanting to shape the electorate map. Say I agree with tramper. I want him that way. I sang this is the reality of what twitter has done and what this its character, he's afraid of politically with his army present leather jacket, the ending and sitting in front of a dragon. I mean it looks like he's like in a downtown chinese restaurant or something I dunno. If that's like, chic,
what the dragon is supposed to confer like some kind of authority, some authority or like a dragon blood, but anyway tat day. This is what they're trying to protect the ability to ban the former president. If you disagree with him and then there and then to go out and claim that you know it beyond must takes over. He could do the same and the right he could do the same? But that's what already been happening and I should mention- I mean what what really frustrates me is this talking point that I've been seen again and again this week about hate the need to moderate, do not guarantee moderation to to weed out the hate and its true that there have been hate for racist elements on twitter who ve been removed, but this is just- distraction from the reality has been taking place where scott ridder, former un weapons inspector marine
intelligence officer was banned from twitter permanently, questioning the official narrative around ukraine and specifically, what took place in the town butcher. Peter Van buren state. I whistle blower blew the whistle on the. U S, military and state department way ding taxpayers money on contractors in Iraq, removed for peace. technically no reason several years ago. No one even remembers this that Peter Van Buren was banned, Daniel mcadams from the ron Paul institute. I think one of the best and now, analysts of war and peace from the libertarian side of politics, ban twitter for no reason that I can see other than that he upset neo coins, and this has been- happening again and again, venezuelan friends of mine who are chinese, does who support the social This government there rooted off twitter,
as soon as the? U s decides to wage an economic war with sanctions on Venezuela they had, they were not prove promulgated of hate. They were just disrupting the agenda that these people, bought msnbc support and there so desperate at MSNBC. I'm just looking at the youtube video right now on my browser, a future of equitable speech, terrified Those like you. I must, however, look at how many views it has today. Four thousand views on this MSNBC segment. We did a live stream. Two days ago, at the grey zone we have far less subscribe, Worse than MSNBC, we did a lie. Stream with the rapporteur in that dumbass region of the independent done yet republic They are from tell us, or which is a news network based in this way, let that has been sanctioned by the: u s: government, alessandro, Kirk and lives, dream got forty three and views in just
a few hours I mean we doubled the view count in just a few hours of this segment on one of the biggest networks in america would like millions of subscribers, so they're scared. Us, their frightened, and they I mean, We know what their agenda is its to run out their competition and they're afraid there not just fraid of elon musk its anyone who will come in and prevent them from it during that censorious authoritarian agenda? So let me let me play there. Rested is gonna want to get too. He talks about equitable speech. Let's get to that part, but let me hear what they are But this is truly the winner takes all world where not just, as you said, not just one for power, but every more power is used to purchase the next and up to the point, we are fully in serbia What policy itself is suffocated? I would not. I would doubt that there would be very many safeguards. I mean elon musk calls himself a free speech, absolutist, bristle, that's bs, because he has a long history of oh, my god free speech salute ism is be asked because he threatens this. What will hear threatening to sue
bloggers who say things he doesn't like about him or who post things about tesla that he because he's threatened to sue people for defamation. That's what you're saying because he's threatened to sue people for defamation. That means he's a free seat at free speech. Absolutism is bs. Ah that cause, I guess, the kind of speech that should be defended is defamation. Joy. Is that what you're saying? What only You do it right. Not one! Ok are here. We go like his history if it's freezing, sure, but don't say anything about me. I know why, because I will see you He also, I think, is showing I think it's a tail. Then I do not agree with this. The right. Has made multiple attempts to remain where they ve had get her with us. It does not look at porn name, they ve had parlor, they ve had which is the of they ve had often, and it never works, because the thing is they don't want to talk to each other they want to. to us. He not only that they want to talk to each other, but they want to talk to us a what she should. She gives
whole game away right there. She says that twitter is us yeah. In other words, twitter is liberals that dry, that's right, the cheese to right she gives the game away too. That's on twitter is ours, meaning Democrats, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Voters, bulgaria, we go they want to talk to the culture If they wanted to meet the. If they were black twitter was not, they will be sad because they couldn't attack black people, elon musk tweeted. Today. I hope that even my worst critics remain on twitter, because that is what free speech means charles blow. It already beat him to the door and said I'm done. Lots of people were trying to get on the counter. To take account of social is actually moderated a dozen allowed. Even though tat people do you see as a tale, but they can't recreate twitter because twitter without us, without the regular people, isn't useful or entertaining to them. That's very true, and I also think this free speech issue needs to be unpacked cause a lot of issues promoted by people like this. The act The they're saying is not the actual issue. The concept of free speech max needs to be on
did you know? Did you hear that its pact too tightly bags? You see When any one can talk, people can say things that I dont like like racist slurs or even legitimate criticism. So we need to unpack the free speech case, a dump out the unwashed underwear and of veto then they'll be more room in the suit case. For my awesome hair, plus one so the actual issue. I think that there is a feeling People like you and must propagating certainly widespread on their fascist right today that this is a Censorship and control and suppression of ideas on the right by the social platforms and other institutions What what's actually been going on is that there have been by the way it's not just stuff from the right That's he's trying to make. It seem like the only kind of censorship. That's been happening on social media up until
loud mosque is when they ve been censoring stuff on the right. That's not that it's a complete, not true. It's not just right wing ideas. It's just I Is it s? News means it's? U s president's its protesters, anything pfizer or the saudis want removed it. A lot of stuff actually Anon max. You want to comment yummy he's trying to eat it, he's hitting that talking point there trying to create the impression. The only people who have been centre or removed from twitter have been nazis with. Swastikas emblazoned on their chests, except for the as a battalion rice still on twitter for summaries right. So here we go. that whatever kind of her comes the big one I buried the lead, but here comes modest, pretty inadequate, modest, slight efforts by some of these platforms to solve an actual. We speak issue, which is that so many human beings feeling so unsafe,
and being so unsafe when they use these platforms been bullied being harassed. They I feel had saved Why does a twitter make me feel say what I'm talking? I don't feel safe. You mean in your apartment, I'm in my apartment, but I don't feel safe. Why don't you go to a pub or a bunker? Will you be? You don't feel safe and I don't feel safe. I might see something don't knock, but you I bet you feel bad reading the new york times are watching hbo, I dont feel safe, might like see something at night like you hear what he is saying is saying that if somehow up to twitter to make you feel safe may. I think we need to unpack safety. This year we co brigade being for the crime of being female or of color about that, you were, really drastically. Limiting the amount of speech other cause. People here
don't wanna play in that kind of sandbox, and these platforms have understood that, and it made faint modest efforts to address that by saying: let's not have as much nazi on the platform. made bodice efforts really cause. I murmured wonders we're just gonna ban that one crazy guy alex Jones and then it was. Would you gonna a that one crazy guy who's, a former environmental lawyer on everybody's hero, son of a former presidential candidate, are of K. Julius gonna, just gonna became an out shows that it was just it'd, be all that one doctor guy that it was going to be all those doctor guys that it was just that one scientist guy, that it was all those scientists guy. Then it was a weapons inspector that it was a fucking comedian that it's fucking. Everybody gets censored for a little bit yup every. He needs a little censorship. It's not just. I hate these trying to make it look like a just assholes that's? No it's everybody who has a different narrative than the establishment.
also people have been censored? Four things they set off twitter, Alex jones and co. Correct me, if I'm wrong not censored for anything he said on twitter? I think it to do with his comments on sandy hook, which he made on show. I remember his tea. If your account was just, it was just info wars and it was just one promoting episode. Well, they did it. I was joneses show and they didn't all in conjunction. They didn't all at once. They they remove him from pinterest back. He was when he every platform at once at once so an we're all safe. Now we're safe, I feel safe. So here it we're still getting too still I bury the lead. Her comes as much mistaken, and bullying, but still have a lot of it, but but less anyone's ever actually reported a tweet knows that it almost never still is shut down, but they've tried- and this is what's called censorship, elon musk lives in a world in which the only kind of free speech is white, men feeling free,
say whatever the hell they want what he doesn't understand, but just white men, is that what he saying just white men, so elon musk is going to censor people of color, but not white men. Is that what you're really saying out loud anon, you, fake, fuckin fonzie? You propagandist manufacturing consent, you sell out, lawyer. Is that really what you want is to believe? Ok, here we go, the stocks and understand. Is speeches actually freer when everybody everybody. Not only has the opportunity to have an account and the able to fort found to be able to tweak but can feel safe could feel safe, meaning they that you get protect from bad words of other people? That might hurt your feelings? No, that's not that doesn't help speech dummy, and you know it do they get to feel safe when they go to tour to alight
buried they might? They might read something that upsets them. Do they get to feel safe when they go to a political speech in times square or in it or in central park. Do they have right that the government has to make them feel safe, be fuckin crazy when he what he means is that people who say stupid shit like him who believe that same things he does should not be held accountable in public and actually, if you look at it, his behaviour on twitter. He blocks anyone. He just bought me diseases in LAS anyone in criticising just like instantly. So here, let's get back, I still haven't I to the part again noted, they're not gonna, get her ask another dinner and it get out it can no longer get piled on by the actor. Astroturf stands of some very rich man, and this future which they would actually more abundant equitable speech terrifies. The crap out of people like you and musk did hurry, set it more abundant and equitable speech so he's now
he's now saying. Censoring people equals abundant abundant equitable speech. So now it's not free speech, its equitable and what makes it echo a ball. Well, I've censored people under the pretence guise of protecting other people. that's never why they use censorship. Ladies and gentlemen, they use censorship because years telling the truth that scare the shit out of them. They're, not rate of lies. There are afraid of the truth, julian assange has been in prison for the last ten years, not be as he lied. There are he's they're afraid of his truth don't sensor, you cause you're lying. They sensor you because there's a truth, they're afraid of and this guy is paid by the billion- are class that wants to keep you censored stupid and allow link dupe of the oligarchs because they pay his salary.
That's who were known is- and he just met equitable speech, I'd, never about what more you may like more like private equity speech and my ride. I gotta give it to him. Most people wouldn't put it the time to dress up censorship and such a creative way. But then again most people wouldn't dip their head in cotton candy machine every morning, so go ahead max well he's using a kind of a code act with equitable speech which, essentially means the speech of historically oppressed groups has to be protected against those who are historically oppressive, which he preferred to explicitly as white man, white men and what he's doing is presuming first of all. Let's leave you must go to this for a second, all white men, think alike, and they all people of color, think alike,
I enjoy referred to black twitter is if it's all one thing that agrees with her, but the fact is twitter has gone after prominent black activists and black public figures. In the same way that it has gone after white men on the right. One person that consistently getting targeted on social media, I'm not saying I agree with him- is louis Our who is one of the most influential and important lack leaders in America today and he just doesn't count in this just vast stereotyping of people of color all people according to their rachel composition by on girl, riotous Louis farrakhan been dreaming accounts that are promoted. The speeches of Louis farrakhan have been removed from twitter and instagram. So the censorship is targeting all sorts of people. What it really
comes down to is protecting the speech of people who support the objectives the dominant wing of the american elite, which is the sort of liberal centre and the kind of Still, establishment that what they're saying, and using people of color as a human shield for that reality and obscuring class in all of this judge actually right obscuring com. so, let's move on it. I'm heard enough from him. It ah so this is the tweet they, their joy red, showed tweeted out a future of abundant equitable speech. Terrifies people like elon musk button What about all the targeted harassment, elon musk? You must gonna get because you guys say that on that's, ok, go. So I retreated that I say we are losing control the narrative we have to make them not only accept censorship and the silencing of dissent, but embrace it says the billionaire
I'll go on amazon, b c and called equitable speech. While looking like a grey haired, fancy dress me it'll work and what and I get for that- I got blocked by my guess. My tweet was an equitable enough for him. And you want to know who heat so he's on MSNBC right now, so he said all this shit on emma and we see thereon MSNBC right now. It is saying all this shit about nefarious billionaires and control and naked do whatever they fuckin. What who owns com, So my comcast MSNBC, who owns comcast, let's go rhino roberts. What ha he doesn't own at all. Well, let's look. Comcast is described as a family business brian L Roberts is its chairman. President at sea yeah one guy. He is the sun.
founder ralph, J Roberts Roberts owns or controls one per cent of all comcast shares, or that doesn't sound like a lot why's that bad ok, but he controls all of the class be super voting shares, giving him and undiluted thirty three percent full voting power over the company. So one guy controls it he's saying that an MSNBC where one guy controls the message, which is why clean green wild has never been on that show since russia gate started, which is why max Blumenthal. All air have never been on that show and MSNBC ever so that this is our I mean since russia gate started. I saw Maxwell. Mythology kicked off MSNBC by job of buckingham, ball. I saw an arrow yeah, so he
saying all that shit out of media player warm run by this fuckin one guy billionaire. Now there is the eye, any that's. How you know a is a complete tool in an insidious mother fucker like that I, like a is worse for you than a guy like Alex Jones, because you can A guy like Alex Jones coming, but a guy like him, is there to trick you you can I want to mention out jos gazelle jones, get shit more important, fuckin MSNBC lets the let's say, miss Mcconnell, let's say miss ricardo. I think that guy not is much more insidious than a guy like mitch, regardless, as you can see, much mcconnell coming, you know who he serves. Announce whole thing is the trick. You that's his whole game, to trick you into he's a hip truth, teller.
And what is really there again. He wouldn't be on this guy's and news network if he wasn't manufacturing consent for this guy's interests. That's who he's propping up this guy and I like what katy Herzog said from this moment forward. I will only be using ethical, social media sites like facebook, instagram, youtube and tiktok and again no great joke goes unpunished because, rather than others, what tweets this is twitter dotted airport? You don't need to announce your departure. Thanks, says some says: six thousand people who don't understand comedy that there's a bunch of other that so there is not. I don't want to spend too much time on a non, but it's amazing add there there that such aid is in one my favorite things is exposing a non
anything. You want to say at the end of this year, I just little caviar which is that there are real reasons to two disk us elon, musk, none of which, were laid out. However, I why non girl right is joy, red army. Alber any these MSNBC characters, that's out with their focusing on. I mean his union bursting the fact that he asked partnerships with the national security state which have enriched him relying on government subsidies while pushing libertarianism all of the other, the massive. Failures of his companies in the past, his all four- is his boasting of some role in the coup in bolivia and twenty nine? Try. I guess I d lithium. These has not worked for support for train humanism, which represents one of the greatest threats to human freedom and individual freedom, which is
essentially a merger of humans and machines. He has a company called neural link, which aims to turn the bread into a kind of smart watch. Many old, only says this. These and then in his statement about what he aimed to do with twitter. There is very admirable objectives and goals. They are, for example, making the algorithms open to the public, but he also called for indicating all humans sounds like airy call for a digital, idee, national or international idee, and that something that every One should beware of are that this? be a trojan horse for me. More terrifying agenda there. We currently understand. What none of those objections are being made: that's right by people who are seeking simply trying to protect the fact that they ve turn a twitter
into their own power base that right, they're not going to be just like they, the Democrats, didn't they didn't criticise trump for the actual shit that he'd they should criticise, and pork is their complicit in it, and that's why took so long for the Democrats, divinely impeach him, because I had to find a crime that they weren't also doing it. This ain't that right I hey, you know, here's another great. Where you can help support the show. You should become a premium are we give you a couple of hours of gimme a bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do by going to jimmy your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previous programme in the business and its agree, way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks, everybody who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support
First up is boston based activist social critic and hosted the sabbath pod gas, which is part of the revolutionary blackout network, sabrina savvy sands. Go back to the show good to see you I jimmy high stout bellew great to have you I love your show. I love the theme song. Do we do we do to your song and it really is catchy. It is. Did you say, and the american bandstand it's gotta get beaten, it's easy to dance to. So I gave a ninety so I appreciate you come on. I saw you had some thoughts about the weight people were covering nina turner, and I had an interesting interaction with needed. turner today on twitter. I want to tell people about so. Let me too This video. This is what need a turn said about me. I think good little while go couple years ago, my husband
and now meet the warm behind our power. Can I love that when I hear you do too? I am, I know that you in a minute jimmy doses of all that I asked you to love, think yet so she said nicely stuff. She kids, say that I'm here alter ego. So one of us is changed, get to decide which so she treated this out right. So you know what's going, I would need to turn right, so neither turner started to defend the squire
during forced the vote, and that was as watershed moment. There was a mask off moment for a lot of people and she told us straight up that she's going to disappoint us when she gets if she gets elected, meaning she's going to act It's like the members of the squatter acting in their not actually using their leverage or power. That was her words, Wasn't mine, and so I ve been trying to urge Nina too to run third party. I think you know that would be great if she did that it would be a bit would be a great thing, so I would hope she did so when she tweets out something like this. I then, by the way, it's the progressives and call it caucus in congress, the democratic party some cautious in congress that gate put the knife and her they're the ones not supporting or their endorsing her opponent not come. So if europe worried a comedian. It part had come be on youtube. I think you should be more. worried about the people in power that you helped get elected, who are starving her in the front. So that would be an a
see and priscilla J appall at everybody, corey bushed are any of them standing up for her. No, so but it still I've have all. I have all the power in this situation, people. So she treated this out today so that I'm trying to hey your friends. Are the people who you a joint don't want you to join them. That's my message to her. Why don't you run third party? She tweets this out today. The gnp sure does it work, Congresswoman turner in Washington that the problem is that the gnp, the problem, democratic control, everything right now and I'm not doing shipper anybody and the people you just defended, aren't using their words to help anybody like they said they would. The rolling for the establishment. Now you want to join them, so the problem is the geo p? The problem is we have two parties that for the same people, and you know it so I re her and I that's why the congressional progressive caucus doesn't want
you in congress- take cause they. They endorsed her opponent, whose corporatist but I appreciate you after you have to pretend that the Democrats are somehow on the side of the people instead of what they really are. A pro war pro wall street anti worker party that you still on progressive to support so that in doing that thing she said I am I same thing she can't say because she wants to remain inside the democratic party. She's made her choice, better choice, so I'm saying the stuff for her and she said: that's I thought that you would welcome me to say that, because by gotta wait she was the keynote speaker at the people's party's convention less than two years go. She was all rah. Rah third party help how corrupt the democrats we don't. We got two right wing parties the whole deal. She was saying now that stuff she was a keynote speaker, the people's party convention less than two years ago, so that
I been urging you to run third party and that's why I get to tell the truth that she's not allowed to tell I thought she would Where is she ate it? She did not. Bree. She ate sure politician and you're blocking people covering the news. That's not a good sign. your politician in your block in anybody. It's not a good sign, so this is what black in the empire said: translation. I will still be loyal to the groups and the democratic party, no matter what They do to me. Please give me a chance g, p, bad, ok, and then someone also said hey. Well well what? Why would she limit who can view her tweets, I wouldn't she want everybody to see her tweet I'm giving her more press thou? Isn't thousands of p people are going to see her tweed because I repeated it? Why would she block it.
So let me bring in savvy what would I know you have an opinion on this and so I'd love to hear it. I think it's important. People to know that the democratic party chooses who they want so right now. They ve chosen chantelle brown and the progressive com. Gives has chosen chantelle brown, and this is the first. I mean we ve watched them. Do this to Bernie sanders to election cycles in a row I should have better. I should have known the Dnc was never gonna. Let Bernie sanders be the nominee so for people who are wondering why the squire has not endorse nina turner, I'm willing to bed they have already been told not to endorse the turner, because the democratic party is not moving in that direction. They have chosen. Chantelle brown sulphur people will continue to want to put programme, I through the democratic party. While my question, to them is why are you focusing on getting money out of politics because
The reason why the politicians in DC don't do anything for us is because they answer their donors and they act. They answer to corporations, so that should be the primary focus once you use that strategy, I for one am done with the strategy, its not working, because the more it is still a problem. So even if you have a grass roots candidate, that went and wine and got elected It doesn't matter because the speaker of the house is Nancy Pelosi and she loves to take corporate money so they're, always in iran into this issue- and I was reading a book this recently about Bernie sanders- Bernie sanders raised over a hundred million dollars. Do you guys know what that money could have done for mutual aid. We could have actually helped people immediately in this country. Instead, I donating their money to a politician and hoping that they get elected and hoping that they create legislation to get those policies past now thing has happened for us, nothing has improved for the mayor. Can people I
just with rome from our yeah. I don't work for the poor there. now. A many skid row in Boston, it is defined, seemed to see the homeless population has increased and we have seen many people divided over left versus right and what I keep telling people my show is: you need to ok on the class issue? We need to focus on that one present versus the rest of us that we are nowhere near to that, but they don't want us to do that. They want us to be divided over left versus right. Will you actually commented on this, because neither turner goes on some shows and You were actually watching an interview. She did colleague crystal and you had a reaction to it. So I'm going to play a little bit of that here. Bernie sanders isn't even passionate about his own, damn movement, any more so you're trying to get that to happen and you're ignoring the fact that
People are in worse economic situations now than they were when Bernie ran. Before we have this pandemic, people are unemployed, more people are unhoused, and you're, telling people to donate their money to these politicians. do they sang damn strategy for them to go up. what party that is all by wall street? It's not about the individual's summit The candidates have been on the show, it's not about the people, goddamn it it's about the system that are going into its about the corruption it's about. The money They crystal Carl deal well know that shit What pisses me off, but that, on the one hand, to those who have conceded to deny was because I get where that urge control and everybody on their worst days feels like that now, once in this discussion, do they mention the alternative?
see them trying to get out in the streets. They want to talk about. People need to organise what the fuck are. You talking about rome travels across this country, doing tour for the poor, beating and clothing homeless. People I didn't see crystal ball cover that shit. Do you, We do not talk about it because it s a bit their brand, because it they talk about the first thing, their audience last. Why are you doing that. Why are you getting out their help in? Why aren't you want a beer in the streets with all the resources that you have in trying to start a mutual, organization? Why didn't you tell us about this? Is that of giving? a hundred million dollars to Bernie sanders? Do you know what that money? could have done to help people, but mutual aid in this country. That's what this is about. So we
says he sword of understand he doesn't understand. Calculus is now poor has been poor. He does it back and get it harry okay, so that was well said I think, and I get your point I sure I share your enthusiasm for that point and it's this its did then there's a new buzzword going around calling people who are done supporting our oppressors, we're supposed to were called nihilists, so they're, calling us and or political political nihilism know its political realism and what those people? Practicing is access, journalism and wanting to be part of the group. They want to be as far left as you can be inside the democratic party. That's what those people want. Just like a sea, and so that's what's happening what he would
What are you? What do you make of the people who say we're nihilists? I think they're doing what helps their brand. I mean a lot of people. They did grow during Bernie sanders to campaign, so that is a reality and When Bernie sanders decided to suspend his campaign what, It was like, where do you do now, because trop loss and Joe Biden, one in their still trying to get us to push progressive democratic party squad. They're, not they're, not fighting for us. They are knowing anything I'll bet? You want to know now, and I want people to know the people who do fight and to push back. They are gone so they re mckinney, dennis percentage. Ralph nator they're gone they're, not gonna. Let you stay and that's what I want people to really understand. So what we are asking people to do with our began? Instead of pudding, Eighty percent of your focus into electoral politics and twenty percent into mutual aid and direct action, we're saying flip that do Eighty per cent, direct action and mutual aid and twenty percent focus on
like two or politics, and even with electoral politics, I really asked people to follow. More on the local level, because that's where you can create the most change. I've talked to a number of people who don't know there. city councillors are city council, they control the budget. So that's important things for peace. Well to know and balin initiatives as well. That's how we pass. The delegation of marijuana euro massachusetts so are really want people to just shift their focus for once, and I know that's not easy for a lot of people to do, because we ve been sol condition and to do things the electoral way. But if you look at the movements, in this country that have happened. They didn't happen to electoral politics, the civil rights movement did not happen through electoral politics. The women's rights movement did not happen to electoral politics. So that's why I want people to start thinking in thinking about the fact that the democratic party and the republican party, neither of them, have solved the poverty issue that we have in this country, and that's why we still have a big class tonight.
that's very well said. People need to remember that right, the civil rights movie movement right what Martin Luther king and people like that and right about women's rights, it's such a great point and Chris had it has been saying this for years ever since Bernie sanders first campaign for president he's been saying that we have to walk away from these two points. Peace and we have to find another way in- and you know this idea voting for the lesser of two evils, which leads us to donald trump and that's what people want to realise- and they don't want accept, and so that's why they had to create a evidence, free conspiracy. Theory that bread, baited, everybody who was their political enemy, called russia gate and even said that the president of the united states was a traitor to our country, but they just couldn't get the evidence and put him in jail. So that's what that's the establishment in that's why they have to do so
it's ship LAO because all they have left their policies are manifest failures. Eighty percent of workers live paycheck to paycheck before before the pandemic. Half the country is poor, low income right now, that's called a failed systems. I don't have anything left except she per and you back into the democratic party with people like Nina turner, EO, see people who talks the things you want to hear and then immediately absorbed into the corporate pro war pro wall street party and do the are bidding which is exactly what a o c and the squad are doing, they're doing the bidding of Nancy Pelosi. Who does Nancy Pelosi serve? She serves goldman sachs. She serves the military industrial complex at big pharma and the health insurance but he's an energy stats. That's who forty percent of all the money spent on politicians comes from wall street right. The next big sector is health care and big farmer. It's that
wait. That's an that's all you're not allowed to criticise big pharma during the covered. you're not allowed grit, is like they will shut you down, so when you go into that party. It Over and that's benders the lesson of the justice democrats, which calculates can genk eager, provided a very valuable service in that regard. It's not a failure. The justice Democrats, its egg warning them created the ultimate warning sign for progressives that look. What happens even when you get the best people, involved in they get into that. Just like show, MR want says, the road for progressives into the democratic party leads to a grave, and that is the point of my tweet- and I was true- to say what needed turner is allowed to say and she brought me for it. That's how far she's gone she's sitting there defending the people who are stabbing her in the front right now
didn't and endorse her. I didn't endorse, or our opponent I didn't indoors, your opponent. That's what her friends did in congress that she defended around forced the vote and made activists seem like they were on a line for demanding that our politician. So he we obtain elected or selling the out and she gas led us into thinking. We should shut up and that's what's wrong with me it turner and that's what she'd revealed by blocking me. That's what gets reveal hey, I'm not friends with her My friends with any politician anymore. It's a better mistake to think that politicians are your friends. That's a mistake. Lotta people make, and I was one of them, but I've got to call out any policy fishing, especially someone like nina turner, who is supposed to be our defender and fighter
and when she really did when the time came, and you saw it happens, abbe when the time came around for the vote. She turned on the activists based and she defended the politicians, and I can't ever forget forget about that. Can you forget about that's every? No, I I- and I can't forget about it- because I remember during that time, seeing them com and pull bodies, ottawa apartment building- This was all during the pandemic in some people didn't experienced this, but I was right, you're, Boston and we were shut down for required. while actually so I saw bodies, come out and I think seeing Does it really does something to you and seeing them not even want to try to buy for medicare for all it really made me while some kind of way it's like they didn't even care. They were more worried about their careers and worried about all we're gonna. Do this different strategy and we're max Blumenthal interviewed quarry bush at the capitol when he asked earlier. Why didn't you force about our response was? Will that
it's bernie sanders and pramila jayapal bill. Excuse me, but you you ran on it. Have you said you were gonna fight, romantic care for all now, you're trying to pass the buck and blame Bernie sanders and privilege eyeball it's a constant rotating billing. They have out somebody else to point you. Instead of taking responsibility, theirselves and a lot people will not call them out on it, because they want to maintain access to them? And it's it's it's fortunate, I think, the only person I've seen really push back on them when come on in more recently, with real corner is brianna joy great but other than that, though they really push back on them, because they want to maintain access to them. They would never come home. I shall use years, they wouldn't a you're saying this stuff about corey bush in in a post, and near turner, because it's obvious you're, massage mystic racist. No, they can use them with me. No, but they all say they have only the epic began, but they have told me I'm out.
we are part of a red brown alliance. We all of us at our duty and by the way, where see great right. Wingers am I really. This is news to me, like now, like we're not their voted for Joe Biden. Their voting for the biggest racist back, just authoritarian war criminal in the country at this moment, that's their voting, and their colleagues someone else that isn't pure enough for them that they like Their pledging nerve support to that stuff is its terrible. I think they need to realize that they gonna do a panel on this one day. I think we need to hear from people who can sport, elsie and Bernie sanders, and many members of the squire who were on the ground knocking doors, the people who donate a lot of money to them, because I did it all in show on friday, and I I tell you the topic was born. These standards, twenty twenty four path right, jimmy the call the collars were not feeling you know they were happy ale in it. I dont need
your bernie for two years go donald trump is the both corrupt wasted but how does local well roberta sounded just like every other fuck jack s running for president bachelet, Bernie sanders sounded like it when twenty, like every other jackass Democrat and then and any was and is good friend Joe Biden Biden, nobody nuisance, but by the way, causeway more damage this country than donald trump. I know people are like the year that, but that's a fact, and that is good friend, so that Bernie? As he's a partisan, which I think is one of the creepy things you can be agreed and the fact that Bernie sanders left his movement he's spend it his campaign and told us to vote for Joe Biden in the jar locked away from his own movement that really set in some light. At the end of the day, is loyalty was gonna? Be with the democratic partner throw you know you both to be independent, that's right, his loyalty to the directive; party of the establishment not to you,
and not to his movement, his movement. What did Barack Obama say? they when he got elected he had a movement of young people, because what he did he disbanded them save. They would be centres, so does evil drops out of the primary he disbanded? Movement tells them to do nothing except listen to what job bite is nothing. He tells you, but you are not the same thing with ale. See she's got twelve million twitter, but they she tells them to do nothing. Nothing, you know was getting stuff, don't chris balls, she was doing something anyway, I we have to run. I really appreciate you make a time for us. Thank you very much. Everybody check out savvy sab show. Youtube is one of my faves banks touchy later hmm this. This is this jimmy pressure your job its? Why do I give you call I figured I can make your mad, but I have no doubt
Mr president, you I heard a rumour that year considering cancelling student debt. After all, how can wash yet You had a meeting with the hispanic congressional caucus on monday and someone at the meeting said you appeared, quote positive out relieving student. That can't Can anyone but I guess you gotta. Do it my own michel, okay,. The drama borne by John People lotta bones the boy to torture. Here's your call you back at a mainstream door with job. That's one farm right hey? You know there's a lot more, that phone call, but we don't have time in today's podcast. How do you hear the entire phone call? You gotta become a premium member gotta Jimmy door comedy,
Cobb sign up, it's the most the horrible premium program in the business, the freak out, all the voices performed today by the one and the only the inimitable mike mcrae can be found at MIKE mccray dot com. That's it for this week, you'd be the best you can be and I'll keep being me. Don't don't worry. I don't want. Don't I don't worry, I'm not gonna break break Your journey to enterprise is full of opportunities and challenges. How can I keep costs down? How can I keep My data safe. How can I use
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.